about 5 years ago - Blizzard Entertainment - Direct link

Arch-Villain Rafaam and his band of misguided miscreants have navigated the capital city of Dalaran across the world and have arrived in the land of magical mummies, treacherous tombs, and sand-swept horizons – Uldum! While their ultimate goals are still shrouded in mystery, their disastrous doings in the dunes have unleashed devastating plagues on the land. Now it’s up to the League of Explorers (and you!) to stop the League of E.V.I.L. from reaching their nefarious goals.

Read on for details on everything that’s new in the tavern, and what’s included in the Saviors of Uldum expansion!

Saviors of Uldum – Launching August 6

The League of Explorers Has Arrived

Reno!Brann!Sir Finley?Elise!

Have no fear - [[Reno the Relicologist]], [[Dinotamer Brann]], [[Sir Finley of the Sands]], and [[Elise the Enlightened]] are here! If your deck has no duplicate cards you’ll be rewarded with incredible effects when you play these new League of Explorers cards!

New Keyword: Reborn

Just when you think you’ve got one of the mummies of Uldum under wraps, they’re back in action and ready to fight! Minions with the Reborn Keyword will return to life the first time they’re destroyed, but with 1 remaining Health.


Plagues are spells of ancient power wielded by the 5 League of E.V.I.L. classes (Priest, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock, and Rogue.) Affecting both friend and foe alike, plagues have a devastating impact when played, so time them wisely!


Every adventurer worth their sand needs a Quest! In Saviors of Uldum, all 9 classes will have new Legendary Quests that grant game-changing Hero Powers once completed. As with existing Quest cards, these Legendary 1-Mana cards start in your hand and, once played, their progress will track above your Hero portrait.

Legendary Login Bonuses


Start your adventure with a bang - Log into Hearthstone any time within the first 90 days of the launch of Saviors of Uldum to receive a random Legendary Quest Card and set off on a quest to earn Saviors of Uldum card packs!

Pre-Purchase Saviors of Uldum

Pre-purchase one or both Saviors of Uldum Bundles before the expansion launches on August 6 to unlock bonuses of heroic proportions!

Mega Bundle!

Saviors of Uldum Mega Bundle:

  • This bundle includes 80 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker Druid Hero, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!


Saviors of Uldum Bundle:

  • This bundle includes 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!

Pre-purchase Now!

Upcoming Events

The dunes may be mostly devoid of life, but the taverns of Uldum are lively this time of year!

  • Onward to Uldum! – Leading up to the launch of the Saviors of Uldum solo adventure, join Elise Starseeker as she reunites the League of Explorers in a set of action-packed of Tavern Brawls. You’ll also earn incredible rewards along the way!

Tombs of Terror! – It’s time to put a stop to the League of E.V.I.L.’s pernicious plague-riddled plans. Hearthstone’s newest solo adventure is launching this September!

Card Changes
New Crystal Core Implementation

We have updated the functionality of the Rogue quest reward [[Crystal Core]] in order to address some inconsistencies. This new functionality also applies to Dark Pharaoh Tekahn’s Battlecry effect.

  • After [[Crystal Core]] is played, the base copies of your minions will now have 4/4 stats. The stat numbers will appear as white, instead of the green text indicating a buff. This means that if your opponent steals or silences your minion, it will remain as a 4/4.
    • Additionally, minions currently in play will receive a onetime effect that sets their stats to 4/4, overriding current enchantments and clearing damage.
  • Some interactions will change under this new functionality. Cards that create a copy of a minion with specifically stated stats ([[Sonya Shadowdancer]], [[Prince Taldaram]], [[Barnes]], etc) will now work as written on the card text. For example, the minion summoned by [[Barnes]] will be a 1/1, instead of a 4/4.

Arena Rotation Basic and Classic setsLeague of ExplorersJourney to Un'GoroKobolds & CatacombsRastakhan's RumbleSaviors of Uldaman

With the launch of Saviors of Uldum on August 6, the active Arena sets will be updated to the following:

  • Basic
  • Classic
  • Saviors of Uldum
  • Rastakhan's Rumble
  • Journey to Un'Goro
  • Kobolds & Catacombs
  • League of Explorers

Card Backs

The following Card Backs have been added to the game:

  • Year of the Raven: Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode during the August 2019 season.
  • League of Explorers: Acquired by pre-purchasing an upcoming Saviors of Uldum solo adventure bundle.
  • Sea of Dunes: Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode during the September 2019 season.
Year of the Raven – Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode during the August 2019 season.
Year of the Raven
League of Explorers - Acquired by pre-purchasing an upcoming Saviors of Uldum solo adventure bundle.
League of Explorers
Sea of Dunes - Acquired by winning 5 games in ranked mode during the September 2019 season.
Sea of Dunes

Game Improvements and Bug Fixes
  • Streaming Improvements:
    • In order to improve the experience for players who are playing Hearthstone while streaming additional data, spell sounds have been moved into the initial download.
  • The border for Quest icons above your Hero portrait has been updated to better match the quest’s Legendary rarity.
  • The appearance of low-resolution art has been improved. This should be most noticeable on mobile clients.
  • [[Onyx Bishop]] will now summon Minions directly to the right of the card, instead of the far right of the board.
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause freezes and disconnects after [[Psychic Scream]] was played.
  • Fixed an issue with weapon destruction animations when a card’s power creates a new weapon on top of an existing weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the animation for [[Plot Twist]] would show the front of a card if it was revealed, such as [[Aranasi Broodmother]].
  • Fixed an issue causing [[Aranasi Broodmother]] to reveal itself after it was transformed into another card.
  • Fixed an issue causing [[Brann Bronzebeard]] to float off the board if [[Queen Carnassa]] was quickly played after Brann.
  • Twinspell cards should now be more responsive when playing multiple cards from hand quickly. Also fixed a number of issues where Twinspell visual effects would remain on screen.
  • [[Flobbidinous Floop]]'s mana cost is now properly effected by [[Aviana]]'s cost reduction effect.
  • [[Unexpected Results]] should no longer display an incorrect bonus from [[Prophet Velen]].
  • Fixed a rare issue causing some desktop clients to crash when playing in the Chinese locale.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause the client to freeze if you completed a friendly challenge, deleted your friend, re-added them, then challenged them again.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the new Seamless Reconnect feature.
  • Fixed a visual issue where the no results popup would show at the same time as Card Backs if you searched for missing on the Card Back screen.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Legendary Quests from the Knights of the Frozen Throne from being rerolled.
  • Fixed some visual issues in the Fireside Gathering menu.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies when selecting and moving missing cards from a decklist.
  • Fixed bug where smoke and spark effects were slightly misaligned when deleting a deck list.
  • Fixed issue where [[Zayle, Shadow Cloak]] and [[Whizbang the Wonderful]] would not properly update the player's deck header when being added to a deck.
  • [Mobile] Fixed issue that could cause the scrollbar to get stuck on some tablet devices.
  • [Mobile] Fixed issue where setting a Card Back as your favorite would fail to display it as a favorite on mobile devices.