over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

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946s absolutely disgusting if he even needed
949s it the last card was forged in flame as
952s well which is like the next best card if
954s you didn't literally have like 15 over
956s lethal
959s thank you
964s I'm gonna call it too soon but yeah
966s there we go that's the big moment there
968s for Abu gabu he can't believe you're
970s still counting comes back takes the
974s Victory and Habu gabu is your summer
977s champion
989s foreign
990s to the Hearthstone fall Championship one
994s of two seasonal championships this year
996s to find out who will be going through to
999s the world championship and boy oh boy
1002s Lorinda I know worlds is looking stacked
1005s already something very much to look
1007s forward to but based on this tournament
1009s alone it's gonna get even more stacked
1011s because the caliber of player that we
1014s have qualified through from the master
1015s tour system to this full championships
1018s is uh something the likes of which
1020s Hearthstone is not seen for quite a long
1022s time yeah and it's a product of the
1024s system right the system says hey if you
1026s win things we'll give you more things to
1028s win so it's it spirals into this um
1030s situation where we get better and better
1032s players filtering out the the mediocre
1034s players as we go um obviously filter out
1036s some good players along the way as well
1038s as is the nature of hearthstone uh but
1040s yeah we have got the situation now where
1041s we could have a player win both
1043s championships and the world championship
1045s is a possibility uh we can also have a
1047s situation where players who we didn't
1049s see much of but who did he come
1050s consistently well get to Worlds and
1053s either way I think that's a win for all
1054s of us here is as you see on the screen
1056s though how we're going to do it four
1058s groups of four great players 16 players
1060s knock them down to eight knock them down
1062s to four those four go to the World
1063s Championships that's right yeah starting
1065s with 16 ending with four going to Worlds
1068s and we will of course still Crown a
1070s Masters Tour oh sorry a masters full
1072s champion at the end of it all uh in
1074s order to have uh a Victor for the
1078s previous uh seasonal championship in the
1082s summer Championship Was Won of course by
1084s Abu gabu got himself a huge amount of
1086s Fame and recognition because you know up
1088s until this year he was a very well-known
1090s well-respected Community as a streamer
1093s and a deck builder but as a competitive
1095s player not quite so much but after this
1097s year winning that summer championships
1099s he is very much regarded as one of the
1101s best players in the world and with a
1103s potential to get another win at this
1105s seasonal Championship with happy gabu
1107s having qualified again uh it's going to
1109s be very very cool to see how we can form
1111s or whether one of our other competitors
1112s can take this down and get themselves a
1115s little bit more respect as well as that
1117s spot at the World Championships but I
1120s mean we'll get into it a little bit
1121s later on but for Abu gabu he may have a
1123s bit of a hard time because he has a
1124s little bit of a wacky lineup even by his
1127s standards and he is of course gonna have
1129s to win with every single one of his
1130s decks because we are playing Conquest
1131s Lorinda where you bring four decks and
1135s you ban each one deck from your opponent
1137s and then you have to win one match with
1139s all of your three remaining picks pretty
1142s much the Evergreen format now even we
1144s move away from it we tend to come back
1146s to it last year we're standing gets a
1147s look in but as I think TJ usually says
1150s if you've watched any Hearthstone at all
1151s in the last three or four years you have
1153s seen Conquest played and it's the it's
1156s the format that makes the most logical
1157s sense you bring sort of three decks and
1160s you have to win with them all it kind of
1161s works really I know you bring foreign
1164s so you can't bring anything bad which
1166s does allow Force strategies where
1169s um people will Target one of your debts
1171s if they can guess what you're going to
1172s bring and I've been lucky enough to hang
1175s out in one of the play test groups this
1176s time around as is always the case
1178s because everybody loves casters so much
1181s um and this time around in particular
1184s the talk was lineup lineup lineup even
1187s more than usual it wasn't play test
1188s learn the matchups because people kind
1190s of know the matchups the the matchups
1192s haven't changed that much there's some
1193s new tech there's some bits and Bobs
1195s there's one or two new decks it was
1196s lineup lineup lineup and can we get the
1199s lineup absolutely right because it's
1201s going to make a huge difference even
1203s more than usual the players believe in
1204s this tournament
1207s taking a look at the prize pool
1209s breakdown though we can see that
1210s everyone just for having qualified
1212s through to the full Championship is
1213s going to walk away with two thousand
1215s dollars not bad even if you do bottom
1217s out O2 out of your respective group uh
1221s but where things really start rising up
1223s is of course those top four spots with a
1225s handy Mana Crystal beside it to
1227s demonstrate uh that all these players
1229s will be going through to the world
1230s championship and will therefore
1231s substantially boost the amount of prize
1233s money that they are getting their hands
1236s on and again as I said that first place
1238s spot really does just get you so much
1240s Fame and recognition which for some of
1243s our players is you know really cementing
1245s themselves as a
1248s a player who still got what it takes to
1250s win a tournament I suppose because
1252s there's a couple of players in here who
1253s I have a huge amount of respect for but
1255s haven't necessarily been taking down
1257s tournaments as of late whereas on the
1259s other hand there's some players who are
1261s you know really trying to make a name
1262s for themselves now they do not have a
1264s huge amount of tournament experience
1265s tournament wins uh any of that good
1267s stuff whereas a win here could put any
1270s qualms any questions that we may have
1272s about their Hearthstone capabilities to
1274s rest if it hasn't been done so already
1276s just by qualifying it yeah it is nice to
1279s have more tournaments for players to win
1282s in strong Fields other than the six
1284s Masters touring worlds
1286s um back when we were sort of doing the
1288s tour or even before that when there were
1289s invitationals lots of third-party
1291s invitationals you could say oh the
1293s so-and-so has won three tournaments this
1294s year this player has won three
1296s tournaments in a row or whatever and
1298s with six Masters tours of 400 players
1299s that's not quite been possible but we
1302s are getting these repeat winners of
1304s Masters tours and they're sprinkle it in
1306s with some wins in these 16 play a
1309s championship event and we are going to
1310s kick off with group number a as usual
1314s and look at this group damn it what an
1316s absolutely stacked lineup to start off
1318s the tournament yeah it's a real
1321s um a barn burner of a group a as one
1324s might say with Fury hunter in a Habu
1326s Gabba I think standing out for me as two
1328s of the most dominant players we've seen
1330s over the Master's tour system and of
1331s course the seasonal championships as
1333s well this whole year plastic is very
1336s much the player that comes in as an
1338s unknown entity very little social media
1340s presence not much uh experience at the
1344s top level of play and even though he's
1346s just tweeted out I think I saw he's
1348s coming in feeling not too favored I'm
1350s assuming he's basing that on lineup
1352s rather than uh play necessarily but you
1355s know those questions have to be asked as
1356s well he is up against Abu gabu he has an
1359s incredibly High bar to pass in terms of
1362s his play capability if he wants to win
1364s we'll see if he can get it done but for
1366s that first match again shall buy up
1368s against Fury Hunter a player who has had
1371s a decent qualification period you know
1374s he went Ito in the last Masters Tour
1376s very impressive indeed but his other
1378s results this year and leading up to the
1380s have been an I will say nothing stand
1383s out so far from xiaobai as he firmly
1386s fits into that camper player who we know
1388s he's got what it takes he is a Masters
1390s Tour winner but it's been quite a while
1392s back now we need to see if he's got what
1393s it takes in the current meta game as
1395s well uh to reaffirm himself as a top
1397s tier Hardware yeah and Theory Hunter is
1400s the player to beat at the moment for me
1402s if you are going to do that if you're
1403s going to get your name out there because
1405s really Fury Hunter is absolutely on fire
1409s right now he's got confidence which he
1411s didn't usually have much of and one of
1413s the very best players and confident
1415s that's going to be scary moving on to
1416s Group B which we'll see later in the day
1419s standout players all around once again
1421s Glory obviously former world champion
1423s tan Soco recent Masters Tour winner
1426s pocket train at recent months to win a
1428s gaboon absolutely solid solid
1430s performances all the way through the
1433s last several events not just the last
1434s three I believe another tough group I'm
1437s looking forward to seeing how pocket
1439s train does in this one because he's
1441s British
1443s he is I'm not sure if you're implying
1445s that means you want him to do well or
1447s it's a massive handicap in terms of his
1448s play good point yeah both can be true
1450s you know it doesn't have to be mutually
1452s exclusive uh but I agree obviously I'm
1454s rooting for pocket train as well he is
1456s uh our fellow Countryman and has just
1458s been playing some fantastic Hearthstone
1461s as well like he he's getting the
1463s recognition I think he deserves but you
1466s know to an extent he is still falling uh
1469s behind the extreme
1472s um
1472s prowess that we've seen from Fury Hunter
1474s and habugabu being a long-term practice
1476s partner of both having won a Masters
1478s Tour put some of that to rest and I do
1480s like that he's getting the praise he
1481s gets especially on the boar priest which
1483s we know him for as a signature deck I
1485s believe he's bringing it to this Masters
1486s uh sorry to this seasonal Championship
1487s as well which will be fantastic to see
1490s as always but for me the main one is
1492s just that Glory tansoku rematch the
1494s finals of a master's tour and it's the
1496s first game uh that they are playing both
1499s of them in this seasonal Championship
1500s which is super cool to see but then
1503s moving on over to group C right up there
1505s at the top bunny hopper in uh in my
1508s opinion some of the best form of his
1510s Hearthstone career at the moment how is
1513s he not qualified for the World
1515s Championships why is this man not there
1518s um again it's hard when we watch these
1521s players week after week not to be
1523s slightly biased after a while but if
1525s Bernie Hopper doesn't make it to World
1526s Championships this year it's going to be
1528s sad for everybody concerned apart from
1530s maybe his opponents because he is
1533s somebody that has
1535s just done so well not just in the master
1538s stores that we've seen but in the
1539s Chinese tournaments as well
1541s and yeah it would be a travesty if he
1544s doesn't get to another world
1544s championships but it's going to be
1546s another tough group maybe not quite the
1548s big names we saw in the first two groups
1550s but love storm has done incredibly well
1553s in Masters tours and apparently he made
1555s a bit of a cheeky comment about us as
1556s well Derek not about me and you but
1558s about the the tournaments the Master's
1560s tours really
1567s his form in China wasn't so good as his
1570s form over here right
1572s um he was asked why that was and he said
1575s well doesn't have to play against
1575s Chinese players when he plays in Masters
1577s tours
1578s and not quite so many of them at least
1580s and uh I mean you can see what he he's
1583s talking about they've been on an
1584s incredible form recently dominating top
1586s 16s of Masters tours and then losing
1589s every single game in the top 16 uh
1592s leading up to another Fury Hunter win uh
1594s but Group D to close us out definitely I
1596s think the group that has the least
1600s household names at least in the the
1602s Western uh Hearthstone scene as I'm sure
1604s uh spring and xmg are in their own right
1608s very well known in the Chinese
1609s Hearthstone scene but a little bit less
1611s so uh here on the English broadcast and
1614s gregoriusil and ustia CMD two names that
1617s we're gonna have to quickly come up with
1618s some uh shortened versions for I don't
1622s know what we'll do with Greg oreosil
1624s yeah yeah I can't call him Oreo all day
1627s that's just gonna get so weird
1630s uh but yeah it was just a player who
1632s we've given uh we've had a couple of
1634s pointers as to who he is as a
1636s Hearthstone player uh definitely behind
1638s the scenes of the uh
1642s um from the Eastern European practice
1643s groups that we've seen but uh yet to
1646s come into the Forefront of his own
1649s ornament prowess it's fair to say uh but
1652s we'll see what he's got probably for me
1655s the least known player and with the most
1657s to prove coming into this tournament
1658s yeah absolutely or you could say they've
1661s got nothing to prove because just by
1662s getting here they proved they're in the
1664s top 16 of the last three Masters tours
1666s which is a pretty good result that's I
1669s haven't checked the numbers this morning
1670s I'm sorry because it's stupid o'clock in
1671s the morning but either 17 or 18 wins
1673s required over the tournament over three
1675s tournaments to get in here uh so you're
1677s averaging basically six wins per Masters
1679s Tour for three so just by getting here
1680s you have done well but yep let's get
1683s into some action it's going to be shall
1684s buy versus Fury Hunter kicking it off
1686s how we mean to go on with top level
1689s players and I don't know it's a great
1692s one but Fury Hunter
1695s also somehow not qualified yet
1698s yeah I mean that was the real story for
1700s me of the last summer Championship is
1702s even though we were very happy for all
1704s the players who did qualify through uh
1707s uh in the previous
1709s um summer Championship you know dead
1710s draw Abu Gabba all these really really
1712s great wins they played really well to
1714s get Levick as well being the surprise
1716s the fact that uh Fury did not qualify
1718s coming one match away from doing so was
1721s the real upset because everyone expected
1724s him to do so
1725s but unable to do so in the end we'll see
1727s if he can right that wrong here up
1729s against xiaobai who as I said you know
1732s had a pretty good year last year all
1734s things considered with getting a win at
1736s ironforge top eight in the world
1738s championship as well a very impressive
1740s resume but again this year I just want
1742s to see him continue build on that
1745s success and a top four here getting
1748s through to Worlds would more than
1749s silence any qualms I may have yeah and
1752s 58 is a fantastic win rate but when you
1755s look through how this is going to look
1757s compared to some of the other players in
1759s this tournament it's going to suddenly
1760s look like a small number it is not 58
1762s against the top 300 top 400 is really
1765s really good but as you'll see later
1768s maybe he's still got Derek's doubts in
1771s mind a little bit
1773s um because he's gonna have to boost
1774s numbers if he's going to keep up with
1776s the other players around starting off
1778s with the Naga priest uh a very popular
1781s bring in fact all of his lineup is a
1783s very popular bring to this tournament it
1785s turns out that
1786s when you go through the matchups things
1788s like Druid kind of drop out unless
1790s you're willing to bring a full Paladin
1792s Druid oof of a lineup
1795s yeah Druid is in a very very interesting
1797s spot right now because before the last
1799s Masters Tour I was very much saying that
1801s it feels like the deck right now it's
1803s still even with the Guff Nerf I felt uh
1806s doing very consistent Mana ramp The
1808s Comeback mechanisms felt more than
1809s strong enough quite clearly that's
1811s proven to uh not be the case what do you
1814s know my opinion being wrong as per usual
1816s as a lot of these Decks that fight for
1818s the early game board are just a little
1819s bit too explosive now as we're seeing
1822s the rise of coin Rogue so what we're
1825s gonna call it which one the miracle kind
1828s of version of the deck well there's the
1830s mailbox dancer Vogue and then there's
1832s shark Rogue I'm going to use those names
1834s to split because fair enough that's true
1836s okay we'll go with mailbox dancer Rogue
1838s that day can just get on the board way
1839s too quickly uh for Drew to have any
1842s chance of answering whatsoever and even
1844s if you're going for the uh
1848s uh the Maestra version as well sorry
1850s that uh shall Buy has gone for still a
1853s lot of explosive potential which I'm
1855s sure we shall see in the end uh but here
1859s for Fury Hunter you know he has been
1861s undeniably the player of the year so far
1864s maybe habu-gabu can hold a candle to
1867s that but with his second win in a
1869s Masters Tour just this year as well I
1871s think Fury is undeniably the best player
1873s in the world right now yep and he was
1876s one of those players I was talking about
1877s sort of really struggling to get a
1878s lineup together for this tournament just
1880s changed his mind over and over again but
1882s did settle on this Demon Hunter in the
1884s end
1885s um it was a very late decision I believe
1887s to play this but it's just a good deck
1891s it's one of those Decks that the top
1892s players hate to play because you either
1896s draw the stuff or you don't uh there is
1898s obviously a lot of skill involved as
1900s with any deck but really it's about
1902s those Relic cards and the um the
1904s location and if it's got the word Relic
1906s on it you want it early in your hand if
1908s it hasn't you don't and that is what the
1909s stats say and it's it is that
1911s straightforward
1912s yeah I don't know I don't know if this
1915s is a fair criticism but to me it kind of
1917s feels like a hearthstone deck that wants
1918s one more expansion uh in order to really
1921s work because there's a few cards in here
1923s that I'm like
1924s venomous scorpid school teacher like I
1927s get that they're good with brown and you
1929s can discount them with the relic of
1930s Dimensions but are these
1932s rods we want to be playing
1934s Our Deck I agree no again the relics
1937s work very well with school teacher
1938s because you can get the the extinction
1940s and phantasms off of the uh the Battle
1942s Cry effect but I just feel like there's
1945s a chance to purify this deck a little
1947s bit more get down to what in its Essence
1949s it does best which is huge amounts of
1952s burst damage with all the Fel spells
1953s plus Jace and popping off with these
1957s Relic combos as well yeah it's a massive
1959s board to be made and I mean you
1961s highlighted the card that
1963s um I I listened to a conversation where
1965s somebody said so we want a second
1967s scorpid then and I'm like oh my what is
1969s this that was the moment of Revelation
1971s that this this is it this is we're
1973s putting more scorpions in because the
1975s other cards are worse okay
1980s all right out the gate for Shelby on the
1984s uh the Naga priest handmaiden a pretty
1986s obvious keep in any deck that runs it uh
1989s as pretty much every version of priest
1991s right now be it ball buff uh or Boone
1995s priest I guess as you would call it or
1996s the Naga version as the three premiere
1998s Decks that run handmaiden uh in terms of
2001s priest they all just want to
2003s Corral a lot of cards in hand at once
2005s then go for one big pop-off turn I think
2008s that's been the real big Revelation for
2010s me when playing this deck a little bit
2011s more is that while Naga priest
2015s to be very much a curved deck it does
2018s feel like with the most recent list it's
2019s transitioned over to more of a combo
2021s based deck
2023s yeah it's it's very interesting to me
2025s because it's a deck I've struggled with
2027s mightily even though everybody around me
2029s says how easy it is to play
2031s um but planning the pop-off is is
2034s something that's kind of awkward and
2036s with that in mind Fury Hunter there had
2038s a long dwell up on keeping this relic of
2040s fantastic or not because it is the one
2043s that it barely makes an impact other
2045s than buffing your other relics early on
2047s summoning two three threes or four or
2050s two twos and a one one so four between
2053s them yeah isn't going to make that much
2055s difference but if you don't start
2056s playing your relics early then you're
2058s not going to get your other relics doing
2059s things and get your board clears so he
2061s had a long thing about keeping this it
2063s is the the worst one early on
2066s I think that's fair yeah but it does
2068s lead up into the potential still for him
2071s to go activate your location and relic
2074s of dimensions on turn five he needs to
2076s draw it first of all of course uh but
2079s he's got that mechanism set up to
2081s Discount by three and then four if he
2083s should draw it and he's got a couple of
2085s turns to do so as well with a potential
2087s sigil plus second relic of phantasms
2090s next turn uh it's a lot of pressure the
2093s kind of board that really does demand a
2096s samurai honestly for xiaobai to be able
2098s to answer
2100s yeah but you don't obviously don't
2102s understand about this board because what
2103s if the next board comes along so first
2105s of all just making a thing
2107s and the problem is also if you do answer
2109s the second relic of phantasms course
2111s they're so small
2113s this Tech doesn't have much else until
2114s tonight
2116s it has a lot of clear a lot of ways I'm
2118s not dying but the phantasms are kind of
2120s your win condition to some degree
2123s yeah an interesting decision there
2125s actually for xiaobai I think he made the
2127s right call of going for the shadow of
2130s devour before he played the uh amalgam
2134s but it does mean that whatever Naga he
2136s discovers won't have uh its spell uh
2140s being played while in hand but of course
2143s it means he has no two Health Minions on
2144s the board which is probably worth it
2146s forcing your opponent to play the hero
2148s power as well in order to kill anything
2149s off but uh as you uh
2153s emoted to the that is a fantastic draw
2157s for Fury Hunter
2158s right this is where the deck isn't
2161s completely straightforward he has
2162s choices here for the school teacher
2164s predation into Dimensions into phantasms
2167s or he can just go phantasms Dimensions
2169s uh which doesn't feel to me to
2172s necessarily get there but Fury disagrees
2174s he wants that huge relic of Dimensions
2176s next turn with the location I understand
2178s this makes sense yeah I fully agree with
2182s this play like school teacher plus
2184s predation kills off the same amount of
2186s stuff as this play because you can't fit
2188s in the hero power with that line and the
2190s two attack minion wouldn't have killed
2192s off anything by itself so with this way
2194s it's the same amount of power off the
2195s board more or less and you get an
2197s upgraded the maximum possible relic of
2200s Dimensions next turn and that is the
2202s winning play this is where this deck
2204s truly comes into its own and we will
2206s start to see what makes it such a meta
2208s breaker right now yep the only thing
2212s um against that play would have been the
2214s possibility of now your your phantasms
2216s aren't there so you have got to draw
2217s another way to win the game but like you
2219s say you're going to draw so many cards
2221s here they're going to be so cheap you
2223s should get there very easily let's have
2225s a look
2226s it's cool PID much bad much more lined
2229s by the casters already
2232s okay well all playable not necessarily
2235s the amount of discount you would be like
2237s there we go like haven't got a zymox
2239s down to three or four Mana would be a
2242s little bit better but we'll take this
2244s it's not bad
2246s yeah he's gonna have to
2248s survive for a couple of turns that's
2250s kind of where all the other cards in
2252s your deck do that don't have the word
2253s Relic on them it's just stop you from
2255s dying that's where the Scorpion ends up
2256s in here right it's just a way to kill
2258s something and keep a bit of cards going
2260s on like yeah
2262s does what it says on the tin
2274s hey
2280s yeah unfortunately The Spectator seems
2282s to be not quite working right now as to
2284s see the Discover option but after that
2285s should be pretty simple turn yeah I'm
2287s just staring at it thinking what's
2288s happening why why isn't he doing the
2290s things yeah I forgot that there's a
2291s discovery in progress okay that explains
2293s a lot
2295s all right Keen reflex I believe that
2298s says uh what you deal one damage yeah
2300s deal one damage for minions honorable
2302s kill game plus one attack this turn so
2305s you know there's some potential there
2307s that he could get a little bit of an
2308s attack buff but for the most part that
2310s is uh pretty big whiff on the old spell
2313s front
2315s okay bye now the one having to plan
2316s ahead he knows that he doesn't have much
2318s time obviously with dearly like to hang
2320s on to this for a bit longer draw some
2322s more cards because there's not much else
2323s going on in this hand but he knows now
2324s that Fury Hunters next play which won't
2327s cost him much Mana is going to be pretty
2330s devastating as it happens it might not
2333s be but he doesn't know that
2337s oh it's just such it's so difficult to
2340s deal with this scorpion like having to
2342s go for this line where you just play an
2344s essentially useless shadow of devour
2347s really does hurt because that can be one
2348s of your major health buffing mechanisms
2351s as opposed to a removal spelling this
2353s matchup where your opponent goes wide
2355s with a bunch of the relic of phantasms
2357s or you know school teacher brand
2359s whatever all that nonsense and you can
2362s just suck up all the health player Bliss
2363s and get a surprise lethal it's looking
2366s like less and less of a possibility now
2368s as all Fury Hunter needs to do is lock
2371s down this board one final time and I
2374s think this game will just be slipping
2375s away from Shelby yeah with relic of
2378s extension in hand it's already been
2379s buffed three times four times yep
2383s five times with yeah with location in
2386s hand just in case that isn't enough so
2388s it can clear a board at will
2390s obviously discovering right now but also
2393s deciding whether this is the board he
2394s needs to clear
2396s another predation in the Noggin okay
2400s right and that means he doesn't have to
2402s use his Extinction which he would love
2404s to you know if an accident happens
2405s because next turn he hasn't got much to
2407s do he can just clear basically anything
2409s next to her and then go into the
2411s artifice to turn on turn eight and he
2412s should be in a good spot
2414s I guess the one thing to say for Fury
2415s Hunter for the next few turns is
2418s he has all the pieces but not
2420s necessarily the fuel to make them work
2423s right now because he has a xymox in hand
2426s but it's not infused he has a Jace in
2428s hand but not that many fell spells
2430s played he has very little card draw and
2433s you know you don't want to play Finley
2435s to get rid of zymox and Chase because
2437s those are your game-winning cards you're
2439s gonna want to play those sometime in the
2441s future uh
2442s so arguably as a way back in for xiaobai
2445s into this game Fury Hunter does have a
2447s couple of pretty weak turns in terms of
2449s proactive development which maybe gives
2452s him that window to draw into the
2456s um the radiant Elemental the the serpent
2459s wigs the tools he needs to pop off in a
2461s major way yeah yeah this sort of goes
2463s back to what I was trying to say about
2464s the early play of the relic of phantasms
2467s it definitely was okay but that's why if
2469s you're going to spent so long on a
2471s keeping it and B playing it early
2472s because now the phantasms is kind of
2474s your win condition or your earlier win
2477s condition not your only win condition
2478s the only way you just go to five fives
2481s good luck
2483s um so yeah he's gonna have to stall it
2485s out a little bit now
2486s is the the consequence of those actions
2490s which you can do for some time
2500s yeah it's really just a
2502s a matter of trying to stall out this
2504s relic of extinctions as long as possible
2506s and you know even though I said you
2508s don't want to play Finley you can still
2511s play it you don't have to hold on to
2513s this hand because you could very well
2514s win without the uh the zymox and the
2517s Jace like just locking down this board
2519s getting brand plus scorpid plus school
2522s teacher that's kind of a win condition
2524s on its own when you're there when it's
2526s looking this good in the match up but I
2528s do still think even though this ends up
2530s an incredibly high amount of Mana
2532s floated on this turn it's still just
2535s about worth it for Fury Hunter to hold
2536s on to this hand because the power spike
2538s in you know two three turns time is so
2542s high yeah interesting they're like less
2545s Immortal would launch the barrage in
2547s case you want to Jace next turn but Fury
2548s is very low on removal so he's kept as
2551s much on the board as possible he's kept
2552s the fell barrage in hand as much damage
2555s and for one last push in his hand as as
2557s possible so he doesn't have to use that
2559s as a zymox if he can get away with it
2563s oh man but for sure but it's just a
2565s disaster of a hand right still no
2567s Radiance still no serpent wig none of
2570s these pop-off mechanisms that you need
2571s he's just playing Arena right now with
2574s no spells to go alongside it it's just a
2576s you know an 11 win Arena deck
2580s 11 win I mean I love that he's like yep
2583s you're not getting 12 with this son just
2585s 11.
2588s but not quite good enough yeah yeah I
2591s mean he's only got 10 cards left and
2594s hasn't drawn any of the stuff you're
2595s talking about it's quite bizarre yikes
2600s also um Advantage is always a filling Us
2603s in on the players shall I has been known
2605s to sort of struggle with tilt
2607s occasionally if things go wrong and this
2609s is game one of the day where things
2612s aren't going his way so he's gonna have
2613s to control that if he doesn't end up
2615s getting the win in this one because of
2616s his bad draw as well
2618s this is a matchup he would expect early
2620s on
2621s okay well well you could definitely look
2624s at the uninfused zymox on this turn
2628s Loki I'm kind of looking at just like
2631s Bell barrage yeah scary Fury maybe even
2634s a keen reflex tossed in there just for
2636s plus one damage like you just kill them
2639s next turn with the JS the difference is
2641s he's probably gonna do that but he's
2642s going to count it first to make sure
2644s it's lethal where it's me and you're
2646s just like that looks like a lot of
2647s damage just play it
2650s okay he doesn't on the zymox fair enough
2653s it did look like a lot of damage I was I
2655s was absolutely on board with you there
2659s you know it was a lot of damage there's
2660s an eight eight
2661s is and a whole bunch of stuff oh that's
2667s the juice that is the juice right there
2669s zero manners see like
2671s obviously no board space right now
2674s I'm limited I will say you could still
2676s play it technically but
2682s ah
2684s now there's a tape that needs dealing
2686s with otherwise the game will end in the
2688s in the Jace fashion to which we were
2690s talking about with
2693s yeah four few of these and a barrage in
2696s the same turn
2698s yeah you should have traded to the one
2699s one in which is why he's yeah it's just
2701s irritated
2706s good I like it it's very appropriate for
2708s Fury Hunter playing from within an
2710s elevator you know and they're like
2712s having an impression of someone squeezed
2714s in uh into an elevator only being able
2716s to fit in two tentacles
2719s that's because there's this stupid
2722s person who should have got off at the
2723s previous floor
2728s all the buttons
2730s somebody's child yeah exactly
2734s is lethal next turn for Fury in the
2737s situation where there's no heel here for
2738s sure by though with the um Fury Fury
2740s Jason's a lot of damage
2743s there's a fair bow eyes in that Jace as
2745s well yeah I think there's a chaos strike
2746s too right maybe it's yeah for very early
2748s on yeah yeah
2750s which is just you know straight up 12
2753s damage guarantee and if anything goes
2756s based on the fell barrage lethal yep
2760s uh but Shelby obviously finding the
2762s clear with the bless as well should give
2764s him full
2765s lyrics very easily doesn't even have to
2767s tank the zombies
2770s uh uh however I think that just gives
2775s you guaranteed lethal because you go
2776s very Fury Jace and then the fell barrage
2779s will hit the 3-2 and then
2782s in the face oh it depends on the order
2785s maybe oh no yeah because you'd have to
2787s say the chaos strike as well so I think
2788s it's 14 anyway
2791s all right well let's see Fury Hunters
2793s figured out
2798s oh there you go okay okay well yeah I
2800s think it was just lethal anyway he's
2801s figured it out of course uh right from
2803s the congratulations to Fury Hunter on
2806s that well deserved win a very you know
2808s cleanly played I think his early turns
2809s were thought through
2811s um very well it was pretty simple he got
2813s dealt a very very good hand but he again
2815s doubled down on what this deck does best
2817s which in this instance was The Relic
2819s half of it uh whereas for Xiao by very
2822s little he could have done he just missed
2824s out on all the good cards both of the
2827s good cards that's usually my joke but in
2828s this deck it is just the two cards that
2831s you really need to make it work just
2832s weren't there so given that the rest of
2835s stuff is just stuff to use those cards
2837s on
2838s um he'll have to cue that again doesn't
2840s have a cue it immediately of course uh
2842s but Fury Hunter now down to two very
2845s powerful decks if you thought Demon
2847s Hunter was good uh the Warlock is so
2849s solid right now it's so hard to really
2852s destroy that Warlock deck with anything
2853s and the mailbox Rogue which personally
2857s had some disaster with it but
2859s um a lot of good players are saying very
2861s good things about this deck and you can
2862s see why it can just pop off in the most
2864s spectacular fashion
2866s yeah it just doubles down on what we saw
2868s in some way had to be broken as soon as
2871s the most recent expansion came out right
2873s in that you have since Stone graveyard
2874s you have necro Lord draca these are both
2877s objectively busted cards you just have
2880s to build the right framework to allow
2882s them to reach their true potential and
2884s this is taking that to an almost absurd
2886s degree with the amount of cards you can
2888s play in a single turn with the frost
2890s wall Master the stenographer as well
2892s which is just such a gorgeous addition
2894s to this deck I find so much Synergy with
2897s the shadow step in this deck whether you
2899s play it on the mailbox dancer for huge
2901s amounts of extra cards played the
2903s stenographer for incredible amounts of
2905s board clear as well it's a deck that I
2907s think has lots and lots of potential
2910s however
2912s Lorinda when I am playing this 30 card
2914s Mage which I have been jamming quite a
2916s bit on ladder ever since Fury Hunters
2918s dominance with this deck at the previous
2920s Masters Tour not bring it this time
2922s though instead by his opponent uh
2924s whenever I'm queue this on ladder I'm
2925s very happy to see this particular build
2927s of Rogue on the other side because I
2930s think it just plays into exactly what
2932s this Mage is Tech to deal with freezing
2935s as an archetype generally is good
2937s against few very big creatures rather
2940s than lots of small creatures and the
2943s Rogue on the other side specializes in
2946s exactly that with just these huge
2947s minions coming down off of the locations
2950s you have ways to freeze the face to
2952s prepare uh to counteract the uh the
2955s weapon that can come from draca as well
2957s you have solid Alibi so many annoying
2960s tools the the frost mechanics in general
2962s in my opinion just kind of hard
2964s countering this rope deck yeah and it's
2967s Sneaky fast as well isn't it when you
2968s look at the list of this mage deck it's
2969s like it's got some eight drops and stuff
2971s and it's going to take a while to kill
2972s you but it can just kill you pretty
2974s quickly while it's well if you're not
2976s responding to it while it's freezing
2978s your boards it will just get you killed
2980s so let's see if you feel you can find a
2982s way to
2983s work around it this is definitely the
2986s bad matchup for the deck I agree
2987s entirely with you here
2989s I don't like this I've agreed with you
2991s way too much today
2992s haha
2994s trout I do agree being kept uh as the
2997s soul keep in this deck while prep is
2999s nice of course is one of the most
3002s classic combo activators or pop-off turn
3004s activators in Rogue you need more
3007s specific tools with this deck you want
3009s to be finding the location obviously
3011s draca mailbox dancer as well climbs very
3014s high up for priority list too
3016s yeah uh the the interesting with the
3018s mailbox dancers of course when to use it
3021s um giving your opponent a coin is is
3023s pretty catastrophic at times especially
3025s against the deck again that can counter
3026s everything you do
3029s um
3030s so far he's just building towards a
3032s Sprint because nothing else is going
3033s well here at all for Fury and it's very
3035s slow I gotta say as well I did not think
3038s I'd live to see the day where Chef scabs
3041s would be outclassed in the kitchen but
3043s Reno currently the
3046s the top dog in the kitchen look at that
3048s skin
3049s he's really nice does he like the fire
3052s by just like breathing on it with his
3054s dragon breath or oh yeah yeah
3060s but overall she's sweet just a really
3063s nice start for xiaobai right with
3065s spending his manner every single turn so
3067s far no sign of that slowing down at all
3069s whatsoever and holding on to that zero
3072s amount of ping like it's gold dust which
3074s in this matchup it basically is in order
3076s to stop a swing from the Draco weapon
3080s all right time start counting graveyard
3083s potential
3084s prep potential
3089s I mean like the pick is obviously
3091s graveyard
3092s but I'm getting in there's no way to
3096s start this combo right now there right
3098s you need a shadow step to go with this
3100s mailbox dancer it's close like as I said
3103s one Shadow step you can pick graveyard
3105s and top deck Shadow step you're just
3107s gonna explode on the next turn but
3110s that's too much of a risk and therefore
3111s I fully understand him going for the
3113s prep here because that widens up his
3115s draw potential so heavily to just get
3118s that pop off next turn
3119s yeah and he's gonna have to because this
3121s is the the sneaky cheeky damage I was
3124s talking about starting to accumulate on
3125s the other side it is now time you don't
3127s have that much removal in this Rogue it
3129s is time to just go
3131s one more turn you can push it one more
3133s turn
3135s but then what are you doing what are you
3137s doing yeah lay Edwin you need to play
3140s another card lest you overdraw it could
3142s be a prep door obviously the best card
3145s off of that being Shadow step but I
3148s don't know gone fishing could work as
3150s well I think it's worth it to go on this
3152s turn
3156s foreign
3158s [Music]
3160s yeah it feels like you're reaching the
3163s uh the necessary amount of cards being
3165s played here
3167s and the dropper as well there we go
3173s yeah not ideal but it's okay
3176s from the spot he was in
3178s and that means the race begins in
3180s Earnest now Fury Hunter making his first
3182s real play of the game and he has the
3185s damage he needs to close this out you
3187s know 27 from the weapon alone is usually
3189s more than enough against the 30 Health
3192s opponent but here come in these Trixie
3195s plays that we were talking about all
3196s these Frost spells uh with the solid
3199s Alibi being so big the foreheld from the
3201s Cold Case huge this freeze to face on
3204s the Ping is enormous as well uh all
3207s xiaobai needs to do is make sure that
3209s while he's delaying he's also getting
3211s that damage face in order to get some
3213s counter lethal at the same time yeah
3215s because he is going to run out of stuff
3217s eventually it doesn't feel like it when
3219s you're playing against it sometime but
3220s he is eventually going to run out of the
3222s stuff so
3224s like you say just need to make sure he
3226s finds a way to keep some tempo of his
3227s own on the board the Rogue will keep
3229s coming at you you've seen Fury Hunter
3232s have a bit of a weird turn right you're
3234s not quite sure what this means it's it's
3236s a obviously a very strong term but it's
3238s not it's not got a location it's the
3240s main thing going on here
3243s and I mean I think you have a pretty
3245s obvious play as what would be my first
3248s thinking which is just Apprentice you
3250s get yourself a coin and then you go coin
3252s coin location freeze both the minions
3255s and then ping face skeleton face start
3258s killing them yeah
3265s wow farden on this turn really
3270s that is not what I expected
3276s there's the full freeze
3280s Alibi coming up soon as well
3288s so Fury's plan
3290s the obvious looking plan is to to
3293s immediately Sprint yeah
3296s and just set up for an Edward next turn
3297s now get some nice easy clear here as
3300s well and I don't know it just means that
3302s by comparison sharbie has
3304s four less power on the board this turn
3306s with two less skeletons uh surviving the
3308s turn or having been created at all and
3312s this is just the problem because you you
3313s put it perfectly you can't go forever
3315s with this plan of stalling out it's a
3318s store it's not a solution that's what
3320s these Mage spells do which generally in
3322s this matchup as I said is good enough
3324s because you get the damage phase as you
3325s go but he needs to make sure that damage
3328s is actually going face along the way
3331s and look how much damage is presented
3333s here 19 Fury has available obviously
3336s that can be dealt with but the more cars
3339s you deal with and again you've got to
3341s get rid of that got to get rid of them
3342s at some point as well there's more
3343s coming that Edwin is ready to go the
3345s Sprint's ready to go at some point if he
3346s wants to set it up for one more turn and
3348s with a lack of pressure being presented
3350s by Xiao by Fury might just go to Sprint
3352s again next turn wow he plays the AI wow
3357s this is greedy he's saying you can't
3360s kill me I don't care about your Sprints
3361s and edwins and your 19 damage on the
3364s board you you can't kill me let alone me
3366s not killing you I'll kill you over time
3368s is his strategy his what he's saying
3371s yeah and I I get what he's going for now
3374s with the top deck of dawn grass the game
3376s plan does have to be re-evaluated pretty
3378s heavily of course and so playing The
3381s Alibi on this turn makes sense you've
3383s then played two Frost spells I Believe
3385s In Cold Case and solid Alibi uh and then
3388s on the following turn with Dawn grasp
3389s you have a 50 50 to either play Alibi or
3392s the cold case and if you miss on that
3394s alibi you can go coin coin Alibi
3396s afterwards but then Xiao by disciplines
3398s with that once again with coin coin
3401s Apprentice after the Wildfire is top
3403s deck
3408s yeah absolutely
3411s and again for the third time today we're
3413s ready I'm on team direct for this one
3415s but here we go for Fury
3417s what is this chain this Edwin's popping
3419s off you can just play it again
3425s backstab bone Spike perfect keep the
3428s draw train going
3429s down to 85 cars left in deck though
3433s that's true
3436s oh the dancer too oh my goodness you can
3439s go dancer draw another card coin
3442s graveyard
3444s yeah I think he needs to do that right
3446s because the problem
3447s the problem isn't making the big minion
3450s to win the game with it's making you
3451s enough things that you can actually get
3452s one of them through
3454s again the graveyard down does make sense
3468s job done
3470s [Applause]
3473s so now for shall buy Dawn grasp is just
3476s not an option on this turn without solid
3479s Alibi having been played even with the
3481s cold case that comes alongside it you
3483s cannot tank this Knight in damage and
3484s expect to win the game I don't
3487s think okay no sorry I'll take that back
3489s as long as you survive the term because
3490s you have solid Alibi you can consider it
3492s but I feel like it's way too risky of an
3495s approach
3497s I mean you know what damage maximum
3498s there is available so
3501s you can work it out
3503s yeah I think you're supposed to go Alibi
3505s to get it in the pool for Dawn grasp
3509s and
3510s then you play Dawn grass next turn and I
3512s hope to get another solid alibi
3516s but the problem of course is you're not
3518s doing anything
3520s you're still not killing them you know
3522s you don't have more dress in hand you
3524s don't have Frozen touches in hand your
3526s hero power is going to be dealing
3528s five a turn after that point which is
3530s good you know but it's not killing them
3532s in one burst turn there's an intellect
3535s in the pool right
3536s there is yeah yeah I mean great who
3539s cares but yeah it's helpful
3546s okay
3549s yeah just hoping to get some chip damage
3551s please yes surprising amount of damage
3553s like we was talking about earlier
3555s coming through here
3566s and at the end of it all Fury just left
3568s without a way to answer this really big
3570s problem
3577s yeah and that's it for the deck as I
3579s don't know what the last card is if I'm
3580s honest but
3584s it's it's not a huge one I don't think
3586s there aren't any huge ones huge all in
3588s play
3590s it wasn't actually currently have any
3592s way to
3593s answer this Edwin it's only a 50 50 for
3596s solid alibi
3598s OT yeah
3602s that is so big this coming down to a 50
3605s 50 in the end for
3607s kind of the game actually right yeah the
3610s nine three but the weapon and the Edwin
3611s would have just closed this one out so
3614s things yeah yeah really getting away
3617s with something here
3629s uh and that will just be game with uh
3632s five damage ping Frozen touch plus the
3634s one from
3635s uh fatigue
3639s what a game shall I navigate to get with
3643s confidence to be fair
3645s um worth pointing out as well that the
3647s players didn't have much time to
3649s practice normally you know your lineups
3650s and your opponents early in the week
3652s they knew the opponents this time around
3654s but the the decks were not announced
3656s until half an hour before uh call time
3658s so they had like an hour hour and a half
3660s look at the the lineup so you can't just
3663s sort of practice this magical week and
3665s go hey yeah I know everything about Mage
3667s versus the the mailbox Rogue he did have
3670s to to some degree have put in the prep
3671s before this happened not an impossible
3674s prediction to know hey this deck's
3676s coming out he'll have tried his own
3677s mailbox Rogue of course yeah and known
3679s that how Mage beats it but even so nice
3681s to see how he navigated that did come
3684s down to that 50 50 but he did have a
3685s plan for the matchup and gets the win
3687s because of it it does yeah I I will say
3691s my Spidey senses are very much tingling
3693s in the fact that I don't think that had
3695s to come down to a 50 50. I think there
3696s were some pretty strong ways that
3697s xiaobai could have lowered that chance
3699s earlier on in the game like his use of
3702s coins was very liberal in those turns
3704s leading up to it and he uh like I said
3707s the Turnberry played farden earlier on
3709s could have just been a clear on most of
3711s the board freeze the rest of it get some
3713s damage get some chip damage and then at
3715s that point you're really cooking if
3717s you're using solid Alibi while your
3718s minions are going face that's when
3720s you're locking out the game 100
3722s but you know his line of play still gave
3725s him a chance and uh that chance got the
3728s win for him yeah I guess you're right
3730s like a massively favored matchup coming
3732s down to a 50 50s kind of scary so yeah
3735s agreed
3736s um but it is out of the way Sophia is
3739s still with those two powerful decks we
3740s talked about shall buy with I guess two
3742s powerful decks of his own because the
3744s priest the Warlock also very strong we
3747s are going to see a lot of priests
3748s Warlock and Rogue I've only checked
3749s today's groups but I assume that is
3752s repeated in group C and D as well
3756s uh yes yeah I think warlock we're seeing
3758s a tremendous amount with pretty much
3761s everyone just going with the curse in
3762s hybrid
3764s as it's just proven to be the best
3766s version without really much of a shadow
3767s of a doubt but this does come down to I
3769s think four shall buy I I criticized him
3771s on his play but I think overall the main
3773s thing is that I really like his choice
3775s to bring Mage overall I think it's a
3777s fantastic deck given the way that this
3780s tournament has shaped up in my opinion
3782s the deck it was the dexit has really
3784s struggled against on ladder is Paladin
3787s number one is a disastrous matchup for
3790s the Mage which there's very little of in
3792s the tournament
3793s do warlock being ubiquitous we can argue
3796s as a as a reason to not bring the Mage
3798s as the the curses just work so horribly
3800s against the mage deck but I don't think
3803s the matchup is that bad it's very
3805s winnable from the Mage both as an aggro
3807s and control standpoint you can take and
3809s so four shall Buy
3811s that instant win he gets on the Mage
3813s even with some play that I think could
3815s be shaped up slightly is going to be a
3817s recurring theme in my opinion as the
3818s tournament progresses uh given just how
3821s uh well I believe it to be suited in
3823s this meta game
3824s yeah and we're going to see a lot of
3826s Rogue but the reason we didn't put that
3827s in there necessarily that discussion is
3829s we there's so many different Rogues you
3831s can bring right now and my argument for
3833s this particular deck not being the one
3835s to bring on a personal level is I think
3837s there's better Rogue decks out there I
3838s think the other the the shark Rogue and
3840s just Straight Up Tempo Road both sort of
3842s do the job but better I'm not saying
3844s this is a bad deck I just think
3846s it's limited in its options
3849s and talk you've limited is options any
3851s rogue deck would be limited by this
3852s starting play from Shabbat he's in a
3854s great spot on turn one just go directly
3858s to jail Shelby this is the most illegal
3861s hand I have ever seen Fandango priest
3864s and by the looks of it it's pretty much
3866s the most illegal hand that Fury Hunter
3868s has seen it as well you you could not
3870s construct a better starting hand than
3873s this one if you could pick the pieces
3874s yourself wait till you see the next turn
3876s fury
3878s it's it's not a stopping
3883s just dying he needs like mailbox dancing
3885s next card for there to be any chance of
3888s him taking this game down I think yeah
3890s and even then like with the double
3891s taunts that will be in play by then yeah
3894s like the rest of the deck might just get
3896s there even the taunts are irritating for
3898s this deck so
3905s we're trying to concoct some sort of
3908s plan
3910s ah playing the location here okay this
3914s is very very spicy in the world where he
3918s gets the stenographer to do something
3920s next turn he's got five damage because
3922s of it right
3926s and he's got like trade plus bone Spike
3928s this does open up a lot of clear
3930s potentials doesn't it
3933s unfortunately a lot of yeah a lot of at
3935s least killing something yeah full clear
3937s not so much but yeah killing some stuff
3939s exactly it potentially activates the the
3942s bone Spike which is the main thing that
3944s was not happening with this line that
3946s keeps that possibility alive as there is
3949s now
3951s backstab trade bone Spike
3956s Frost wolf
3959s air box up
3961s what should possible Shadow step Frost
3963s wolf yeah exactly that's kind of where
3966s you're at you get to the stenographer in
3967s the end yeah yeah it wasn't quite
3970s working was it you need to save the
3971s pop-up turn for the next turn and so
3973s even though using bone Spike here sucks
3975s big time because that is one of your big
3977s combo tools I agree it's worth it to get
3980s the Edwin down as uh Fury Hunter is just
3982s purely on damage control right now
3985s and he's doing an admittedly good job of
3987s that given how terrible the situation is
3996s my blood boils for war yeah he's
4000s miscountered now I think I think he
4001s thought he should get the sonographer
4002s down
4004s perhaps yeah basically plays the first
4006s wolf and Shadow steps out and said the
4007s edge when he gets it down but then he
4009s then he doesn't have a play which is
4010s what you pointed out that he doesn't
4011s have an Edwin anymore so oh and Edwin
4014s turn
4016s s yeah I mean it it could not matter
4019s less yeah you're right he just got
4022s connected yeah numbers go up I'm gonna
4025s I'm Gonna Save the criticism if there
4027s was any to be made until it matters
4029s because yeah this one is just over Xiao
4032s by showing us how you play priest not
4034s unlike that first game of the series
4036s where he was you know drawing the uh the
4039s wig and the radiant at the bottom of the
4040s deck he's just uh flipped it upside down
4043s put them on the top instead and uh
4046s because of it he's drawn the 20 cars for
4049s the first game just left them on the
4051s side left
4052s on the table just used for his deck in
4055s the next game that's almost exactly
4058s what's going on there so 2-1 and down to
4062s his own warlock which we haven't seen
4065s played yet right that's right yeah
4068s very powerful deck um it started off as
4072s not particularly powerful I think
4073s because of how the metal was when it was
4074s first made it was a bit of an ambitious
4077s deck but the way the meta has since gone
4079s the fact you can play so many different
4081s ways with this deck it's so versatile
4083s now has led it to be possibly the best
4086s deck of your whole meta now
4088s yeah I do agree that this is the
4089s meta-defining deck at the moment uh I I
4094s think at the start yes the meta was less
4098s conducive to this deck but I think you
4100s know I wasn't alone in misunderstanding
4102s what this deck is supposed to do because
4104s as I've said my journey with this deck
4106s going from hating it to begrudgingly
4108s accepting it was seeing it as a zoo Deck
4111s with curses to a curse Deck with Zoo
4114s elements like right at the heart of this
4116s deck is you get off to a decent start
4119s you deal like
4121s you know ideally 10 chip damage
4124s somewhere in that range a little bit
4125s more a little bit less uh depending on
4127s how well and poorly the game goes you
4129s draw a million cards within pen and
4131s catastrophe and then you do what the
4133s deck really does which is just curse
4134s curse curse curse curse and it's
4136s brutally powerful this lady dark vein
4139s combo with Abyssal wave dark vein kill
4141s off one of the the Shadows uh or the
4144s shades sorry that are created by it
4145s there are very very few decks in the
4148s metagame that can stand up to all that
4150s damage uh which is why again as I said I
4152s I do believe this to just be the
4154s meta-defining deck right now yeah the
4156s thing I missed when I I had the same
4157s definition as you is that if you don't
4160s get that early chip damage start your
4162s imps sort of double up as a bad card
4165s draw engine like if you enjoy it all in
4167s the wrong order and everything's gone
4169s horribly just not where you want to be
4170s attorney 11 Circle catastrophe it's sure
4175s it's not perfect but hey pull my hand
4176s back up and just get more curses to do
4179s the 10 damage I missed early is a way
4181s you can still make it works so
4184s um these mismatch decks tend not to work
4186s but the fact that your early damage does
4188s double up as doing something when it
4190s misses is is key to this step being
4192s strong I think
4194s however if we want to look at its
4195s defensive capabilities in terms of taunt
4199s uh more crucially but also life gain
4202s it's pretty limited actually against the
4205s likes of Rogue which I believe is what
4208s he's going to be facing Fury Hunter
4209s trying this mailbox dancer Rogue for the
4212s third time in a row because you know yes
4215s there is touch of the math reason but
4217s there's not necessarily too many ways
4219s you can activate a consistent
4220s consistently yes there's a cool to heal
4223s up but are you going to be spending five
4226s mana on a card that heals you for like
4227s two or three that's really not uh not
4230s enough to be able to stand up against
4231s all the damage from a huge dracker
4234s weapon and then once the huge minions
4236s come down off of the location there's no
4239s way for this deck to deal with a 99 in
4241s stealth whatsoever so I do think for
4243s shall Buy we're gonna need to see an
4246s incredibly aggressive start definitely
4247s leaning into the zoo portion of this
4249s deck because I just don't think that's
4251s really the time mostly uh to be able to
4254s get these big curse combos online around
4256s turns six or seven if agree entirely of
4259s course you can just do that I mean
4261s circling your opening hand can do a lot
4263s of damage especially if your opponent
4266s um something that Rogue always struggles
4268s with and this version of Rogue struggles
4269s with even more if you've got six
4271s millions on the board it's picking them
4273s off one at a time and either becomes a
4275s race does their 14-14 beat your six two
4278s twos or the Rogue ends up flailing
4281s around if you've got the location of the
4282s road has to trade their big thing into
4284s your one big imp and then slows them
4286s down but let's see how it pans out
4288s flaming obviously a crucial part of the
4291s opener for xiaobai but the circle's a
4293s bit I'm looking for
4294s yeah I think just any way to proactively
4297s spend your manner in the first few turns
4299s we will happily gobble up uh as shall by
4301s uh but for Fury again the Mulligan with
4304s this deck is something I'm still very
4305s much unsure on because I know the key
4308s Power Cards you're looking for like
4310s Cutlass you're keeping to reduce the
4311s cost of your spells obviously shroud
4313s obviously location all these big ones
4315s but all these
4317s combo enablers like
4320s mailbox dancer plus Shadow step is kind
4323s of the biggest combo enabler you have
4326s that gives you so many extra cards
4328s played for draca plus the location
4331s but with neither drakka the northern
4332s location in hand are you allowed to keep
4335s it or do you just have to full toss
4337s everything by the Cutlass to try and
4339s find uh as I said the actual combo cards
4343s themselves Fury Hunters taking the risk
4345s on holding the dancer plus the shadow
4347s step and he could get quite the Boogie
4351s going on here but he needs to find those
4353s combo cards to go with it yeah the look
4356s on his face says it all it's like this
4357s either wins really easily or dies in
4360s horrible flames and you hear what Derek
4362s thinks of that draw
4364s uh such a sick draw I mean I I was
4366s anticipating that he'd trade the weapon
4367s and play the Shroud on two because
4369s that's what my uh my rogue brain has
4371s been conditioned into doing as the uh
4374s the nuts play uh but he takes an
4376s objective look at it and I think very
4377s correctly comes away with a plan of
4379s going for killing the Imp as now despite
4383s having played this weapon on two
4387s it can get rid of it with a Tracker
4390s weapon here right how big would it be
4392s right one it'd be huge it would be
4395s enormous it's ten
4403s he's double checking that's one two
4406s three four coins you can play it I don't
4408s think he can shroud as well though
4410s that's what he's checking right I think
4411s no no you definitely can't shout as well
4413s no no
4414s and he's not far off when you say
4416s definitely I think he is only like one
4418s coin off incredibly
4421s okay holding off one extra turn I
4423s respect this because if you can find the
4425s stenographer the the frost wolf as well
4427s then you can really start popping off in
4429s a major way
4435s oh
4437s can you do it on this turn oh my God you
4440s can wow yep it's so much matter this is
4445s pressing buttons there's things flying
4447s around everywhere
4452s everyone's had plenty of practice of
4453s course loads of coins and edwins because
4456s um yeah shark exists as well oh look at
4460s it and The Spectator is so far behind
4463s where Fury is actually finished this
4464s down about five minutes ago
4471s that is a warlock killer right there bam
4475s do you hear that sizzle
4479s as he hits him for ten
4481s ah because the vote
4483s yeah I don't think he's hearing anything
4486s I think shop I heard this is oh my
4488s goodness straight to the face that'll
4490s definitely make your brain sizzle
4493s uh that's yeah that's just lethal man
4495s this last couple of games it's just both
4497s players drawing the nuts back to back
4499s like this it's fun to watch of course
4501s but it's not really much you can say on
4502s either side like
4504s we can talk about Fury Hunters Mulligan
4506s and the fact that it was a very very
4508s risky Gamble and it paid off you know
4511s drastically in this instance uh but for
4514s xiaobai on the other side
4516s you can't say anything at all he just
4517s got rogued he's just looking at this I
4520s think um quite probably just working out
4522s what he's gonna do next game getting
4523s himself in the right favorite mind for
4525s it so
4528s it's always uh it's always a trade-off
4531s for me larinda because the one half of
4532s my brain is thinking oh this is quite
4534s difficult to cast and make this seem
4535s like there were interesting decisions
4536s for both players the other half of my
4538s brain is saying oh this is going to be a
4540s nice easy top five just juicy plays
4543s active activate don't have to think
4545s about a thing they just show this match
4547s and that is it that's your top five
4548s plays yeah look at this
4553s TT
4555s yeah but that'll do it
4557s absolutely nothing a shower bite to be
4559s doing in that one as we move to game
4561s five once again the loser of this match
4564s will not be knocked out of the
4565s tournament these are double elimination
4567s groups of four that we are playing so
4570s the loser will be going on to face the
4573s loser of habug versus plastic as the
4575s other two players in the group uh but
4578s honestly you know if you're losing this
4580s match and say by you know an opposite
4582s you face Habu gabu in the losers bracket
4584s match I've kind of seen that as a death
4586s sentence anyway in terms of your
4587s tournament likelihood of winning
4590s yeah absolutely
4591s um curse versus curse warlock coming in
4593s uh we're probably going to see quite a
4595s lot of this and this is quite a delicate
4598s matchup right you quite often have to
4599s make sure your counting is absolutely on
4602s point I know that counting shouldn't be
4603s difficult for grown adults who are
4606s playing a card game but you've got a
4609s definitely at all times be aware of
4610s which curses have been and haven't been
4612s removed from your opponent's hand and
4613s that sort of thing because he can just
4614s come down to knowing exactly how much
4617s damage you can do with your cursors and
4618s exactly how much they're taking
4620s that is true yeah absolutely if it does
4622s come down to the the cursed portion of
4624s the deck
4625s as is always the case you know you are
4628s trying to go for draw the Imp portion
4630s first then the curse portion afterwards
4632s uh of the deck but I do think in this
4634s particular deck it's much more important
4635s to get that early chip damage with the
4637s imps if you can pull ahead at the start
4639s and your opponent just whiffs on any of
4640s these early drawers yeah getting in that
4642s 10 ship damage at the start is just
4644s makes such a difference because again
4646s that's what you need to constantly
4650s reorganize in your mind like uh
4653s review how you look at the deck is it's
4656s not the importion or the curse portion
4659s in a game it's kind of both or neither
4662s you usually end up saying because if you
4663s hit the powerful imp star and playing
4665s pending catastrophe that doesn't weaken
4667s the curse portion of your deck because
4669s you've drawn all the impart it bolsters
4671s it because you've drawn so many cards
4673s off the impending catastrophe that you
4674s end up with more curse cards afterwards
4676s whereas if you miss on the portion of
4678s the deck uh you know you have less curse
4680s cards overall so again it's a cop-out
4683s answer because it's the same in most
4684s matchups but hitting that early start is
4687s so so important in this deck because
4689s while there are catch-up mechanisms in
4691s the form of Abyssal wave and tamzin turn
4693s six is pretty late in this yeah I was
4696s gonna say sometimes um the chip thing
4698s isn't 10 it's 30 as well but you
4700s sometimes in the mirror you play a flame
4703s imp and they remove it with a touch and
4705s then you play a location your opponent
4708s draws a card and then you just go circle
4709s make a five five imp and they don't do
4712s much and then eventually they kill it
4714s and you play three mischievous they just
4715s never catch up you just keep hitting
4716s them a wave after wave of minions uh
4719s doesn't happen very often but it happens
4720s often enough to be we're going to see
4723s somebody do it this weekend for sure
4726s well you just cannot get ahead in the
4728s mirror
4730s or cannot catch up in the mirror
4731s sometimes yeah I don't
4734s even quite see any differences in the
4736s lists either like it is a pretty
4738s solidified 30 cards at this point but
4742s it's trying to catch any tech cards you
4744s know we have seen some tech cards making
4746s their way back into the meta game uh a
4749s sparse amount of rust brought Viper kind
4751s of creeping its way back in mainly in
4753s the Mages in order to fight back against
4755s the Rogues and the paladins but
4758s it's just interesting to see because it
4760s feels like for a while now tech cards
4762s have just been kind of non-existent uh
4764s in Hearthstone like roster or Viper's
4766s not there with the Nerf to starfish
4768s that's Fallen by the wayside spammy
4770s Arcanist uh losing popularity as well
4773s but it's starting to come back in a
4775s small way I'm laughing because both
4777s players got the same look on their face
4778s of oh this is kind of good but what do I
4781s keep yeah yeah because they've both got
4782s hands with decisions to make it's like
4785s am I going for it this way really
4788s yeah I think the only card I would
4789s consider for Fury is the vile library
4791s and even then that one's
4794s well probably correct a tough one
4796s because you're going first you really
4799s really want that one drop and uh
4801s thankfully for him he does find it yeah
4803s bye took a little bit of a chance there
4805s keeping the farm if he draws any sort of
4807s imp to back this imp up he is absolutely
4809s flying later on
4812s yeah that's what Fury did not want to
4814s see however because with the Nerf to
4816s vile Library it only gives plus one plus
4818s one for imps you have on the board
4820s uh so you cannot just give plus one plus
4824s ones take a value trade here however as
4826s disastrous as this star is in terms of
4828s the VT the flame imp is getting the
4830s backup is very strong for Fury yeah
4833s during that sir that's what I was
4834s laughing because halfway through you
4836s were talking about how his hand isn't
4837s going anywhere blah blah blah quite
4838s correctly as well and then the fiendish
4839s circle just appears to make everything
4841s you said still makes sense but like
4844s suddenly there's just this five five and
4845s a bunch of one ones coming next turn
4849s by Will fear the circle thinking you may
4852s be in hand already
4853s um a few of his hand if he can fill out
4856s turn four could be absolutely
4858s Crazy by the way
4861s that were Farm ready to go
4866s and with the reform on the other side we
4868s do kind of need to think how it
4870s looks in the context of this game the
4873s shall buy do we start tapping to try and
4875s find specifically fiendish Circle as Far
4877s and Away the best card to play on turn
4879s three
4880s or do you just keep playing for Tempo
4882s try and just drip feed your way through
4885s the game until you can get a big lady
4887s dark vein perhaps
4889s yes
4891s at the moment I think he has to tap but
4894s Fury is keeping enough pressure on that
4896s he's stopping shadowby can be able to
4897s tap this is kind of
4899s trying to generate the situation I was
4901s talking about in the intro where Fury
4903s there had a chance to play the cultist
4905s which would have allowed for much better
4906s imps into dark vein into the farm
4909s but it would have allowed Xiao by the
4911s time to do the tapping which you were
4913s talking about there whereas doing it
4915s this way around now shall I sort of if
4917s you trade into the five five loses board
4919s and Taps he could be in a world of
4921s trouble next turn facing a mystery
4923s mischievous or something
4927s yeah I guess trade touch tap is
4931s cleanest way you have with the Flaming
4933s plus the touch taking out the five five
4938s well the other alternative we can look
4940s at is even though it's terribly
4941s inefficient uh dragged below just
4943s because it sets up for coin dark Vein on
4945s the following turn which while I know
4947s it's not as strong as
4951s the Abyssal wave with lady from dark
4953s vein it's still potentially a lot of
4955s curses and actually quite a lot of board
4956s clear because even though drag below
4958s doesn't necessarily Target opponents
4960s minions uh if there are a lot more of
4964s their minions than yours then it could
4965s still get the job done with Lady Gaga
4968s yeah it's like that
4976s I had rough turns for both players hey
4978s yeah this this turn four they've both
4981s got very very similar hands obviously
4983s let's turn four
4985s it was going to be an issue for both for
4986s some turn off and now
4989s I think Theory's plan was just to play
4990s the cultist this turn
4997s but then he's stuck into playing a dark
4998s vein early which you don't really want
5000s to do on five in fact you just don't
5003s want to do on five
5008s you don't yeah and I think few times
5010s would do most anything except playing
5011s Dark Vein on turn five especially when
5014s you're having Abyssal wave in the hand
5015s uh impking reform will be infused anyway
5018s I think just with the number of imps
5020s that have died
5021s after he trades them away yeah by the
5023s time he gets there for sure yeah
5027s but a very very interesting topic there
5030s for sure bye
5033s okay
5037s and even holding back on the coin
5039s location it looks like both players it
5040s is all in on an imp King reform game
5042s plan
5043s yeah and in which case it's who does it
5045s first there's the one that's going to be
5047s um happiest
5051s as with most things in Hearthstone I
5052s guess right so currently one minion has
5056s died for
5058s thou Buy
5060s just the flame imprite just the flame
5062s him
5064s yes in which case if he trades away here
5066s that's two
5067s and well basically what I'm getting at
5070s is as long as Fury doesn't play any
5071s minions or remove anything from the
5073s board the opposing impking reform will
5077s not be used I I don't know how much of a
5080s read you can make on that necessarily uh
5082s but it's definitely something to bear in
5085s mind
5086s yeah he's got the wave as backup I guess
5089s for most of the farm situations here
5091s anyway
5093s does put you a long way behind Tempo
5095s wise but oh man
5097s you have to play that right you can't
5099s not play it
5101s yeah he started talking with the dark
5103s man I'm like wait what oh no stuff to
5106s play it but yeah yeah like even if you
5108s knew your opponent's hand was a farm
5110s you'd still very possibly make this play
5121s and this is where the game I mean you
5122s can see already that there's quite a lot
5124s of intricate play here this has been
5125s quite straightforward you can see what's
5126s coming is going to be pretty tasty
5129s no I mean I yeah like I said even if you
5132s could see you'd still make this play and
5133s I think that does hold true because Fury
5134s hunter say we get the obvious play of
5137s all the one one imps trade into each
5139s other on this turn and it's coin reform
5141s you get most likely a bunch of three
5143s threes on the other side
5145s Yuri does not have to play as him king
5147s or a farm he could just go Abyssal wave
5149s and then he's got dark vein the turn
5150s after with the Abyssal wave with some
5152s chip damage as well I think Fury Hunter
5155s just has the initiative a little bit too
5158s heavily uh in this game that one turn
5160s where he hit the location and then the
5162s fiendish circle gave him just that
5165s little bit tick too much Tempo I mean I
5167s agree with you for the next two or three
5169s turns and I think that's probably gonna
5170s be enough I think there's six goes to
5172s face at some point here for Fury Hunter
5173s which is exactly
5176s um but after the wave the reload for
5178s shabbai is there with the mischief and
5180s the library I feel he's gonna have to
5182s deal with that I think he can just play
5184s his own farm and not die but he's gonna
5185s have to just make sure do some counting
5187s um
5189s but I imagine if you had to get there
5196s foreign
5200s yeah I agree seven goes face you give
5203s him curse number two uh with a Bissell
5206s wave
5207s ATV doesn't get rid of it whatever he
5210s does you're on 23
5212s and then you've got your own reform they
5214s have to clear up
5216s yeah Fury should be okay you could
5218s definitely go wrong he could definitely
5219s lose this game like this is not a
5221s foregone conclusion but he is in a very
5223s strong situation here
5225s foreign
5232s needs some way to actually kill off the
5235s lady dark vein Shades however if you
5237s want for the clear on the same turn
5239s which is a very big difference because
5241s if xiaobai was to load up the board
5243s again with Say mischievous him or dark
5246s vein or whatever uh Fury Hunter would
5248s ideally like to get a clear on the same
5250s turn
5251s so this was um
5253s quite brave from fury because there's a
5256s lot of ways for shabbai to do two damage
5258s in this deck to the not a lot of ways
5259s but enough ways with all the card draw
5261s to do two damage and keep his owner Farm
5262s up so there's a key one about counting
5265s which sounds really basic but if you're
5267s under making sure he gets there here
5268s because he's going to take six extra
5269s damage
5270s doing it this way
5272s and he's just relying that Shelby can't
5274s afford not to trade into it if he has no
5277s way to remove it
5281s so he got the six damage there nicely
5292s okay still no answer to actually kill
5295s off this lady dark vein which means that
5297s if he wants to just go in king or a farm
5300s he's gonna tank 12 at minimum on the
5303s other side
5307s I think he probably allowed for this in
5309s his calculations last time he's given me
5310s more than 12 because there's the
5312s location as well ready to obviously
5313s buffed sorry yeah it's closed
5316s yeah exactly okay
5319s which means that there are outs for his
5321s opponent I think but they're pretty
5323s Limited
5325s yes it's one of those that's really hard
5327s to cast sometimes because it's obvious
5328s you jamming a farm here but that's
5330s because we can see both hands
5332s he hasn't got that Advantage he has to
5334s work out how he can go wrong well having
5336s said that oh they're actually out like
5339s uh can you get Darth Vader curse to
5342s death for 11.
5344s well there's only one curse that's been
5345s played so far of a shall buy so two
5347s curses are gonna deal two and then three
5348s he needs to go 11 extra damage I
5351s don't actually think there are outs uh
5354s the question for Fury Hunter is less
5356s like how do you not die this turn it's
5358s how do we kill them next turn which
5361s obviously at first glance appears to be
5363s reformed but we need to start thinking
5365s whether it was some kind of card draw
5366s play was the correct way to go about it
5369s because you could have got an impending
5370s catastrophe and basically tried to draw
5373s through to either touch of the naturism
5375s or ideally drag below in order to kill
5378s off this uh lady dark vein shade yeah
5381s there's also um do I play my flame imp
5384s or not but I think the worlds where
5387s it goes wrong with the world's where he
5389s gets it waved anyway so you don't play
5391s The Flame imp
5393s but he's just making sure that if you
5395s play the flame it wasn't going to cost
5397s him a lethal opportunity
5400s is a fantastic top deck as well being
5403s able to do it one of the three threes
5405s into a farm you Abyssal wave everything
5407s else goes face
5413s to kill off the dog vein really does
5418s that's not it
5420s you can tap for touch with an aphrosium
5422s and still hit lethal you can imp
5424s catastrophe if he wants to that won't be
5426s lethal that would just keep him alive
5427s but give him a lot of cards but he
5430s wouldn't actually be lethal even then
5433s there will be three and then four I
5434s think for Fury Hunter uh yeah I think
5437s he's looking to not die here and win the
5438s turn after honestly right
5441s or he can just go brand Dart vein now
5443s and close his eyes
5448s that would be very very bold
5452s which means we now
5453s do have an out
5455s or shall buy if he can find a way to
5457s kill off his lady dark Vein on this turn
5459s he could win the game he was just a face
5461s attack a dark vein and then kill off one
5463s of the shades for three and then four
5464s but it's not there both players have
5467s this ultimate combo with Brand Plus lady
5469s dogs mate but no one has a way to kill
5472s off the shades this is so tense it's
5475s absolutely ridiculous and yeah shabby
5477s does have the luxury being in so much
5479s trouble that he might as well brand up
5481s Ryan here
5483s solution of men's
5486s can't believe it
5488s oh my goodness this was unbelievably
5491s close oh no wait but oh you trade and
5493s then oh this is such a sick play I
5496s missed it yeah on Fury dies first just
5498s oh what a sick spot from Shelby
5502s yeah I'd miss that that's another one
5504s for your plays though that was a
5506s fantastic play
5507s that is so clever
5512s oh what a heartbreak of fury like who
5514s knew that the line for xiaobai was to
5516s accept the curses but obviously to do it
5518s on his turn so that it waits until the
5520s start of his next turn in order for the
5522s uh the curse to actually activate it's
5524s just one of those things you don't often
5525s see because curses are you know usually
5527s added during your opponent's turn uh to
5530s your hand rather than your own turn uh
5532s but such a clever line by Shall buy to
5535s find the lethal out there yeah
5536s absolutely and we've covered every other
5538s option but that one was um slipped
5540s through and ciao by didn't slip through
5542s showing something you said at the very
5544s very start of the show he's gonna have
5545s to show us sort of that he's here get
5547s his name out there and show us that he's
5549s still got what it takes
5550s um despite having an 8-0 in the previous
5552s Masters Tour so we've been a little bit
5553s harsh there but yeah showing absolutely
5555s with the way he wrapped this up how to
5558s get through their Fury seemed to think
5560s he'd win there for a moment as well and
5563s yeah bye
5565s working it out getting it done and going
5567s through to the upper bracket final one
5569s win away from going to those
5570s quarterfinals yeah and when I say chubby
5573s still has something to prove I am
5574s judging him on the the level of full
5576s Championship yeah yeah one of the the
5578s toughest tournaments in Hearthstone
5579s history not on the level
5582s he's obviously cleared that bar
5585s um but I agree I think after that
5587s potential shaky game we saw at the start
5590s on the Mage which I did disagree with uh
5592s moving on from that I think he's just
5594s been playing some very very strong
5595s Hearts though like you know those couple
5596s in the Middle with the priest on one
5598s side the Rogue on the other both players
5600s just got dumpstered one way and then the
5602s other very little decision making there
5603s but that uh was just a nice way to close
5606s out the series for xiaobai who does now
5609s go up to the winners match of group a
5613s Fades uh waiting to face either Habib or
5616s plastic which
5618s you know if we want to look at it in
5620s terms of notoriety in terms of the skill
5623s we know these players have is one of the
5625s most one-sided match-ups in the
5626s tournament uh but plastic again I I
5630s would have said that Fury Hunter was the
5631s favorite going into that match and Xiao
5633s by taking the win so who knows plastic
5635s could be going up to the winners bracket
5637s match and then in the first elimination
5640s match of the tournament we could have
5642s Fury vs Habu gabu which just seems
5644s absurd right out the gate yeah that
5647s would be yeah it's just a way to start
5649s the tournament just kick out one of the
5651s players we've been talking about all
5652s year but there's a long way to go before
5655s that happened so let's get those players
5657s set up back to you in about three
5659s minutes with more action you know from
5661s the four championships
5671s thank you
5680s [Music]
5683s [Applause]
5685s [Music]
5694s foreign
5696s [Music]
5713s [Music]
5724s foreign
5730s [Music]
5756s foreign
5759s [Music]
5782s [Music]
5797s [Music]
5812s all right
5817s foreign
5818s [Music]
5822s foreign
5824s [Music]
5849s foreign
5856s foreign
5859s and welcome back to the fall
5861s Championship I'm Raven and joining me is
5863s subtle and we'll be bringing you the
5864s next match from group a and what a what
5866s a way we've just seen kicking off the uh
5868s the whole tournaments are very close
5870s series pretty much coming down to the
5871s wire and honestly a really good display
5874s of what the meta looks in like Prime
5877s condition right some of those decks were
5879s really popping off in that previous
5881s Series so definitely uh probably a look
5883s at what's to come this weekend yes the
5887s meta game that we have is incredibly
5889s explosive I referred to in the previous
5892s metador as a pressure meta game which
5894s for me is the best way to describe it
5896s you do have you know decks with slow
5898s scaling win conditions you do have combo
5900s decks you do have some ball based aggro
5902s decks but they're all trying to pressure
5903s the opponent in one way or the other
5905s right either it's board and Tempo and
5908s constant pressure in the way that's more
5909s conventional people will understand or
5911s there's the pressure of that ticking
5913s clock that your deck has right whether
5915s that is a skeleton Mage or whatever else
5917s where damage adds up over time time hero
5919s powers that up over time or whether
5921s that's a deck like ball priest with a
5923s true conventional combo Wing condition
5924s there is a ridiculous amount of pressure
5927s both on the board and on the players
5930s individually because of what's at stake
5932s here and I I really liked the way that
5934s Derek ended that off as saying
5937s we have to hold these players to high
5939s standards now because it's important to
5941s look at and it's sometimes difficult to
5943s get the point across when we're doing
5945s these events you know we're all sat here
5947s in our offices in our bedrooms the
5948s players are playing from home it's
5950s sometimes hard to communicate the scale
5952s the the increasing intensity that these
5955s tournaments are having throughout the
5956s year the standard of player that we now
5959s have here and the stakes that are
5961s involved in this tournament are enormous
5963s so what we're seeing is a very tricky
5966s very explosive meta game trying to be
5968s handled by some of the very very best
5970s players in the world and we are staring
5973s at one of those people right now looking
5976s into those beautiful eyes Raven Habu
5979s gabu has been perhaps the player of
5982s 2022. yeah I agree and just one of the
5985s best just players of hearthstone in
5987s every form right and well in
5989s Battlegrounds to very one mercenaries
5990s and is not only good at playing the game
5994s but also the creative side of habu-gabu
5997s really kicks in I mean see that in this
5999s lineup as you can see aggro Demon Hunter
6002s enrage Warrior and then of course Tempo
6004s Rogue and Naga priest definitely Dex we
6006s are a little bit more familiar with but
6008s having not afraid to do his own thing
6010s and honestly right now Sol as you can
6013s see and if anyone should be confident uh
6016s I think Abu gabu is one of those people
6018s right in terms of just going with what
6020s they think is good Erica almost
6022s regardless of what the general meta says
6024s but talked about this in Rage Warrior
6026s not a deck yeah we've seen too often in
6029s competitive play or even high on ladder
6031s for that matter well as always Raven is
6034s you know going on what seven years of
6036s experience will give you at this point
6038s the question is perfectly synergistic
6040s because what you were talking about
6041s before
6042s Hobby's Off the Wall deck building his
6044s Innovation and how he should feel
6046s confident ties exactly in from his
6049s perspective at the very least to this
6051s deck because he tweeted this morning
6053s saying yup nailed it I predicted what my
6056s group was going to do and my lineup is
6058s great and looking at the way the lineups
6061s are panned out you know I think there
6062s are a couple of decks in particular but
6065s that ubiquitous curse in warlock that
6067s Derek and Lorinda were talking about in
6069s the previous series I think is one of
6071s those Decks that is causing Habu to want
6073s to go with this Warrior it does have a
6076s reasonable matchup against it on ladder
6078s one of the the few Decks that really you
6080s know stands toe-to-toe with with cursimp
6083s and I do think harbugabe's lineup in
6085s general this is something that he does
6087s not to the degree that let's say like a
6089s super fake or fled was doing in Grand
6090s Masters where it was hard counters every
6093s week but Habu always looks for that
6096s little Edge in deck building and that
6098s has been the Cornerstone of his success
6101s throughout this year which has been
6102s incredible for him but on the other side
6104s we do have the person that we have to
6106s fairly describe as the underdog in this
6109s matchup and perhaps one of The Underdogs
6110s and Dark Horses of the tournament the
6112s plastic has had a fantastic record
6114s himself this year in particular that
6117s last start at the bottom is the one that
6119s we really need to focus in on here
6120s eighteen and six record in Master's
6124s tours throughout the year which got him
6125s here that is a five three a six two and
6128s a seven one in the last three months
6130s tours to get to this point so that shows
6133s that he is a player that is comfortable
6135s in the I say this meta because they can
6138s all roughly be grounded in this meta
6141s that we have now those last three
6142s Masters tours have been played to some
6145s degree with existing Decks that we are
6147s still seeing in the current meta games
6148s the plastic is showing that he is very
6151s very comfortable at the moment on top of
6153s his game as far as Hearthstone is uh as
6155s far as Hearthstone is concerned and
6157s peaking at the right time right if you
6159s want to get into form this is the time
6161s you want to do it 100 and regardless of
6163s where you think Plastics the underdog in
6165s the tournament I would say he is pretty
6167s uh rightly the underdog in this group at
6169s least but we've seen Fury Hunter fall
6171s already in this in his initial match uh
6174s take a look at this matchup though it's
6175s going to be the warrior versus the
6176s jackpot Rogue and actually been sat Jam
6178s in Jackpot Rogue since the early hours
6181s of this morning because I got up extra
6183s early like an idiot
6185s um but it the deck's kind of interesting
6187s right because it has two halves to it
6189s there's of course all the generation
6191s that you use uh you know how well
6194s jackpot can you know give you some
6195s answers to the puzzles the game gives
6198s you but also the the secret package
6200s actually I feel is much more of course
6203s reliable and not powerful because of
6206s course you can high roll the jackpot but
6208s just like consistent parts of the deck
6210s right the secrets draw you cards
6212s generate secrets and the cards you use
6214s to activate those secrets are pretty
6216s solid as well so uh from what I've had
6218s from uh you know putting some games in
6220s on this list it's definitely tricky you
6222s are relying on having a way to actually
6224s end the game which I think is the
6226s hardest bit but I do think it's one of
6228s the Decks that plastic has that does
6230s have game versus the likes of this
6232s Warrior and the aggro Demon Hunter and
6235s such that Abu gabou has because it has
6237s it's pretty solid early game tools
6239s actually you can actually be quite
6240s defensive if you need to
6242s yeah that's absolutely true I did
6245s personally expect to see more of the
6247s miracle style Rogues if you want to
6249s describe them that way you know the the
6251s Draco location lots of coins whatever
6253s method you're going with to make that
6254s happen I expected that to be a more
6257s popular strategy overall but I would
6258s also have expected to see at least a
6260s couple of jackpot roads jackpot roads uh
6263s jackpot Rogues in the tournament overall
6266s and that's kind of exactly where we
6267s panned out and obviously that speaks to
6270s different strategies in your lineup as a
6272s whole and what you're going to end up
6273s being targeting but jackpot Rogue in
6276s general is you know some people would
6279s say inconsistent some people would say
6281s flexible right you do
6283s expense if you're winning or not exactly
6285s yeah you do open a lot of boxes uh via
6289s the deck which can you know to some
6291s people reduce the feeling of agency make
6293s it a frustrating experience a lot of
6295s people want to play more uh
6297s straightforward consistent decks where
6298s you control everything which is
6299s generally what like combo style decks
6301s like the other form of rogue right it's
6303s very few RNG effects in the deck overall
6306s it's very straightforward you can argue
6308s draw energy or whatever else but to some
6311s people they find a lot of skill
6313s expression they find a lot of edge in
6315s the ability to open those boxes and then
6317s adapt to the game plan that's being
6319s presented to them and that is really the
6322s difference between someone who's playing
6323s jackpot Rogue for fun on ladder and
6326s someone who is bringing it to a high
6327s level right like this well let's get
6330s into it game one it's the second match
6332s of the day still an initial match from
6334s group a of course it's going to be this
6335s in range worry from Abu gabu on the top
6337s going up against plastic on this jackpot
6340s Rogue and again just already and this is
6343s one of the phase as well that you have
6345s when playing uh jackpot Rogue is your
6347s opening hand really dictates the pace of
6351s the game because right now looking
6352s extremely slow here for plastic which is
6355s normally okay in a lot of matchups but
6359s not necessarily against us in Rage
6360s Warrior because outside of the bone
6362s Spike
6363s there's not a lot of answers available
6366s in the deck or at least consistent ones
6368s and you really do need those secrets to
6370s start drawing through the deck and
6371s giving you other secrets to actually
6373s sort of fight back versus aggro
6376s yes indeed Cutlass found Cutlass traded
6380s uh obviously in some situations we saw
6382s it in the previous series actually in
6385s agro-based matchups you will just go
6387s ahead and use that Cutlass to be able to
6388s attack the board State directly plastic
6391s doing no such rubbish here trading it
6393s away and actually choosing to hold on to
6395s the Bone Spike you always have the
6397s option right that the weapon was never
6399s going to be equipped because you had the
6401s almost guaranteed situation of being
6403s able to Discount the bone Spike with the
6405s trade anyway and then be able to deal
6407s with the trog if you really want to but
6408s plastic just says no not interested at
6410s all just gonna leave it hanging around
6414s yeah this um
6416s the ghastly Gravedigger that's in hand
6418s now for plastic is one of the more
6420s powerful cards in the deck and again
6421s part of that reliable package I was
6424s talking about uh three Mana four three
6426s that basically just puts a card from
6427s your phone's hand back in the deck if
6429s you have a secret active of course it's
6432s super powerful because it just removes a
6434s card there's no trade-off like field
6436s tile where you swap cards or anything
6437s like that right you do just reduce your
6440s opponent's hand size down by one which
6441s is pretty powerful and unfortunately
6443s though for plastic As I said without
6445s those early game secret proc effects and
6448s not really a great plan for it but my
6450s question is so is this just a drop the
6452s Grave Digger anyway kind of play because
6454s it does challenge the one for and it
6456s that is actually a very uh powerful card
6458s in gabu's deck arguably one of the most
6462s powerful cards in this in regulatory
6463s yeah sometimes it is as simple as just
6466s play your Arena numbers right like get
6468s the serrated bone spike out there deal
6469s with the minion but four three against
6471s one four yeah you will absolutely take
6473s that every day of the week but this
6476s curve from habugabu is very aggressive
6479s early on had location had early curve
6481s and you see just again it seems like a
6483s while since we've seen rakara doing
6485s rakara things in Hearthstone but there
6487s you have it you know that is a very mid
6490s rakara in general right like one minion
6493s on the board and the rakara trades
6494s itself off immediately but it's just
6496s such a massive Tempo swing immediately
6498s solves the problem of the bad Arena
6500s trade on the other side and then just
6502s gets to consolidate the animal extract a
6504s really really smooth opening so far for
6507s Harbor and like I said I am sure plastic
6509s is worried now because not only was his
6511s uh an extra Contraband stash and
6513s obviously not good right now because his
6516s whole hand achieves nothing but like I
6518s said the one card you don't want to just
6521s sit around on your own side of the board
6523s is that um animal extractor because it
6526s it's just gonna get value all of the
6528s time the locations there for Habu as
6530s well he can um build the board up now
6532s again habu's hand looks relatively weak
6535s but with thinly and playable cards I
6538s think the big question now it solves
6540s yeah Habu has cards and his opponent
6542s does not is that just enough yeah you've
6545s spotted it right but playable cards yeah
6547s I've heard that's pretty good can I
6550s interest you in playing some cards this
6552s time and habu's one like live tap away
6556s from a good time right now
6560s it's a bingo
6562s oh tooth is have to do work but you
6566s can't actually get anything low enough
6567s right
6572s yeah break points just they really are
6575s not there in another Arena card sold by
6577s the name of Queen ashara
6580s well see you know it's been a while
6582s since I played a lot of Arena but you
6585s know four three into one four oh yeah
6587s that tickles my fancy five five into a
6590s six six
6591s significantly less good I think what's
6593s even worse is five five and two just
6595s ignore the five five yes and just killed
6598s them seems reasonable too you're
6600s absolutely right
6601s um going back to Hobby Lobby's previous
6604s turn though he was quite deliberate in
6606s the order of which he damaged his
6608s minions and played his cards which uh
6610s could have ended up playing into that uh
6612s tooth of nefarian breakpoint that we
6614s were talking about following so you know
6616s even though he is Miles Ahead in this
6618s situation is just making sure he's
6620s taking care of the little things where
6621s appropriate
6622s and those little things are adding up
6624s very quickly into one huge early win as
6628s it is looking right now and I'm staring
6631s at plastic's hand trying to make
6632s something happen it does not look
6635s particularly likely yeah and it is a
6637s drawback of this deck right you are
6639s running so many cards that rely on other
6642s good things happening first that you can
6645s get stuck whereas like I said as you've
6648s seen like none of this is the early you
6650s know the secret package part of the deck
6652s which is the part of the deck I enjoy
6655s um so yeah plastic's just been sat
6657s around not really had the best options
6658s given to him here does have tiny toys
6661s with this Trickster
6663s I'm trying to think if there's anything
6665s like truly mind-blowing that can come
6666s out of this
6667s it's the only out for sure out of those
6670s options the other option was just to
6673s take alter a fire and just burn some
6675s cards to make yourself feel better and
6676s then concede but this is the one that
6678s theoretically could have had at least a
6681s small chance of it out in this situation
6683s but thanks to that Hunter hero power or
6685s with the location waking up anyway Abu
6688s gabu there is that smile like it's
6692s always in Rage Warrior you idiots what
6695s are you doing why do you not have enrage
6698s warrior in your lineup
6699s yeah imagine not bringing a deck that
6702s you see maybe once every two weeks on
6704s ladder
6705s it's just habugabu 101 is the he has
6709s this ability to show so you compare him
6713s to like John Bray right I think it's a
6715s fairly obvious comparison for people who
6716s are familiar with Jamboree where it
6719s seems for a while with both of them that
6723s they're the only one capable of playing
6725s their own decks right like when Naga
6727s Mage first appears no one else was
6729s winning with Naga Mage except Abu garbu
6732s right the difference and this is you
6734s know not trying to be cruel to jamb Ray
6735s jombre has created some meta decks but
6739s with habugabu everyone else then catches
6742s up and goes oh Habu was actually bright
6743s now that I've learned to play this deck
6745s to the level that Abu gabu has this is
6747s actually the best deck in the game but
6750s hobby just seems to consistently be that
6752s one or two steps ahead of everyone else
6753s with deck building in in this year in
6756s particular he just has seemed to be able
6759s to see the Matrix when it comes to both
6761s ladder decks and tournament decks in
6763s this instance obviously very small
6766s sample size at this point and he doesn't
6768s always get it right abugabu brought
6770s pirate Warrior a few tournaments ago
6772s that would like I know I'm still not on
6775s board with that one by any regards but
6777s generally a lot more hits than misses in
6779s Abu dhabi's case yeah next up we are
6781s going to have this aggro Demon Hunter
6782s again
6783s uh you generally see The Relic version
6785s we saw in the previous series a lot more
6788s often in The Meta in general but the
6791s taco demon again it's not like a
6792s completely random deck right I would
6795s argue it's more common than uh you see
6797s something along these lines and you'd
6798s see in Rage Warrior and it just still
6801s has the good tools right it still has
6803s those good early game cards with the
6805s addition of some of the newer ones to
6806s help out with just going even more
6808s aggressive not really going for that uh
6811s it's an aggro deck but here's my late
6813s game stuff as well it's just nope I just
6816s kill them quick and again looking at the
6818s lineup the Warlock can fall to that the
6821s um the Rogue as we've seen can easily
6823s fall to that kind of aggression and
6825s honestly because it's so many early game
6827s minions and so much pressure the wallet
6829s can trip over too so it's gonna be the
6831s wallet matchup we see subtle but where
6834s would you put this at least for plastic
6835s in terms of is it a good is it not good
6838s but better match up for the against the
6841s Demon Hunter or is it one of his lesser
6843s matchups that he's got it's not great I
6845s would say overall I think in general
6847s like as I said habugabe's strategy uh
6850s was just yeah you're all being really
6852s obvious you're gonna bring curse Warlock
6854s and I'm gonna beat curse warlock a bunch
6857s um and actually you know I was talking
6858s about how the warrior has a decent
6861s matchup against the Warlock and kind of
6862s highlighting that a because it's the
6863s deck we're dealing with and B because
6865s it's the weirdest deck in the lineup to
6867s talk about uh this one I think even has
6869s a stronger matchup against the the
6872s Warlock overall than the warrior does so
6874s I do think the Warlock is going to be a
6877s problem for plastic I think the in
6878s warlock is going to be a problem for
6880s most of babugabu's opponents throughout
6883s this tournament which you know overall
6885s puts Habu in a pretty good position when
6888s you look at the amount of warlock that
6890s we are seeing from his potential
6892s opponents yeah and it is interesting
6894s just looking at a lot of these decks
6895s where um at least the aggro Decks that
6897s Harbor chosen bring that there's none of
6901s that like so many decks right now is
6903s saying oh I'll play aggro but I'll Chuck
6905s like dinathrius and a couple of late
6907s game cards in the deck right just to try
6909s and play out that kind of scenario yeah
6911s but with haboo he's like nope kurtius is
6914s as high as I'm gonna go here because
6915s Curtis is there is damn it in
6917s agriculture anyway so and that's it so
6920s even this full Mulligan he's had to
6921s commit to the likelihood of him getting
6924s just a decent curve is so high with this
6926s deck I think even the full Mulligan he
6929s was like yeah it's probably going to be
6930s okay and as we can see it's looking okay
6932s oh vanquished
6937s that dispose by the way
6940s monstrous yeah or off the top uh he had
6944s both of the killer two drops in hand you
6947s generally when playing aggro Demon
6948s Hunter really really really want to hit
6951s one of those two drops uh either as the
6954s play we saw from Harvard or the
6955s bibliomite Habu had both but because
6958s again I feel like we've been talking
6959s about Arena trades a lot already because
6962s there was three two against one three on
6964s board you didn't want to pass your term
6965s without playing a spell because it gave
6967s your opponent too much Tempo in terms of
6968s Trades going back the other way so yeah
6970s zero Mana three attack off the top for a
6972s card away that works out pretty
6975s perfectly from Harvey's perspective on
6977s that turn and plastic plastic with the
6980s coin and fiendish circle gonna have to
6983s hold off because he can just see his
6985s whole the whole all the imps would just
6986s get farmed anyway normally a very strong
6988s option for this Warlock deck to be able
6990s to coin out those imps and take control
6992s it's just going downhill now he does
6995s have fiendish Circle and grimoire but
6997s that still puts him you know no I
7000s wouldn't say behind but doesn't put him
7002s ahead
7003s I think behind is a very fair assessment
7006s of the situation he finds himself in uh
7008s on the board at least obviously these
7011s drawers are gonna have to hit here for
7012s hobbykaru that's fine that's absolutely
7016s fine clears the board pushes another
7018s seven to face limiting the live Taps
7020s from the opponent making life just a
7022s little bit difficult but he is going to
7024s need some gas off the top over the next
7026s couple of turns or just even the armor
7029s from dreadlich tamzin might be able to
7031s uh drag plastic back into the equation
7032s at this point yeah let's see what Habu
7035s draws but I do think this is suddenly a
7037s race uh you know to kill him in turn
7039s five oh
7042s goodness there's plastic with the thumbs
7044s up while playing what a draw
7050s absolutely revolting in the prediction
7053s as well
7055s pushing extra damage with that Naga even
7057s if it's just one but now we're looking
7059s at chaos strike fell barrage and like I
7061s said plastic has to get to turn six
7064s safely and they simply cannot and in the
7066s blink of an eye and a double thumbs up
7068s from haboo that's gonna be two games to
7071s zero Soul oh is haboo just a genius
7075s sometimes you just you roll out of bed
7078s in the morning you play some Hearthstone
7080s and you're just harbugabu and in habu's
7082s perspective you don't even have far to
7084s go look out like he barely has to travel
7086s after rolling out of bed
7088s and then playing some Hearthstone
7091s absolutely ridiculous I said he was
7095s gonna need some heat off the top there
7097s aren't so much dead drawers in a
7101s outright aggro deck like this it's kind
7102s of finely tuned for most cards that you
7104s draw to be useful because that's how
7106s Acro decks work you're sometimes quite
7108s limited on card draw as you see you
7110s spend your hand you have mechanics that
7112s reduce the size of your hand overall so
7114s you do tune your deck and its way where
7115s most drawers off the top are useful but
7118s there are a lot of cards in the deck
7119s that weren't useful in that specific
7121s situation any minion that's just stats
7123s on the board I think would start to get
7126s over contested and dealt with by plastic
7127s he needed to draw damage specifically or
7131s just an enormous amount of resources in
7133s one term which then gives him all the
7135s damage that he needed which is exactly
7136s what happened in that situation this
7139s could not be going better for harbugabu
7143s at this point this is the absolute dream
7145s start so far for the player of course in
7148s this tournament who is already qualified
7150s for the world championship this isn't
7153s even necessary Harper's just flexing on
7156s fools at this point
7157s yeah and that does add to the confidence
7160s we were talking about earlier Habu would
7163s have probably done something like this
7164s anyway even if he was fighting for a
7166s world spot but the fact that he's
7168s already got it locked up like this is
7170s just a joy for him he is now going to be
7172s going on a you know Tempo slash Draco
7174s Rogue uh this isn't the one with like
7176s all the crazy coins and everything this
7179s is uh close enough to like the previous
7182s metas one like pre uh mini set right uh
7185s the one that we a lot of players were
7186s jumping into just right at the end there
7188s and he just said you know what this is
7190s good enough and he's going to be lining
7192s up against this uh Rogue from plastic
7194s which once again is of course that
7196s jackpot and again so I just asked the
7198s question yeah yes the secrets are good
7200s and plastic actually has null and
7203s secrets available or at least a secret
7204s available for now but
7207s if happy just makes a board or you know
7209s the the big push in one way or another
7212s it's not that great ways to answer it
7214s honestly so plastic has to just find
7218s something that will actually uh stop
7220s haboo getting away with this
7222s okay plastic has picked up visually a
7226s little bit here but I I feel like
7228s plastic has gone through like the last
7230s four years of my life just in terms in a
7234s few camera Cuts back and forth to us and
7236s back to here he started off he was
7238s youthful he was optimistic he was
7240s excited about the future and then fast
7242s forward four years your jaded miserable
7245s which is honestly it's been a tough few
7250s minutes really because that's all we can
7252s describe the period of time that's
7254s passed as for plastic at this point but
7256s yeah he is still capable of winning this
7259s series and even if this series was
7261s continue to will continue to be
7263s completely cursed for him he can still
7266s get a spot out worlds due to the format
7268s of the tournament this will not be over
7270s here by any regard no matter what the
7273s outcome yeah the winner does go on to
7275s play xiaobai and the loser goes on to
7277s play fury hunter in the elimination
7279s match so uh we're gonna be going through
7281s all the group a and Group B today so
7282s make sure to stay tuned throughout the
7284s day to see all the results but for now
7286s really is on plastic to try and fight
7288s back get something done one of the your
7292s very powerful things that you can get is
7295s actually when you get to discover and
7297s activate a secret from a different class
7298s like objection for me seems to be by far
7301s the most powerful one to get because you
7304s just say no to a minion
7306s um or set that up on the turn you're
7308s playing on actually going wide on board
7310s anyway so
7312s I saw the reaction from Habu and I knew
7316s it had to be good I was assuming zero
7318s Mana spell I just guessed the wrong one
7320s preparation ending up being the draw
7322s that comes out here for Habu this is
7326s again a revolting looking hand
7330s and this is
7332s pretty filthy like Abu can do whatever
7335s he wants he's going to pop the library
7336s early of course so he can bone Spike and
7340s gets to play Air
7342s pretty much all the cards in his hand
7346s can I interest you Raven in playable
7348s cards you know what so you can always
7351s interest me in playable cards they're my
7352s favorite kind of cards and even though
7355s it's only a essay only a seven damage
7358s Weapon It's the pressure on board there
7361s is the snake there for plastic and I
7363s believe that is their Oasis right Oasis
7365s so
7369s something he does get to kill off the
7371s Draco with the snake
7373s but
7374s cool that's about it yeah that's what I
7378s mean I mean honestly real talk is just
7382s start with jackpot and see what you're
7383s offered because I feel like that's what
7384s plastic will need yeah I mean
7387s attacking that from the other side is
7390s where's your manner going otherwise if
7393s you don't end up doing that this turn uh
7396s you may just feel pressured into using
7397s the null here instead which is a think
7399s what's going to happen so you can drop
7401s the dagger and take care of a little bit
7402s more of the board
7403s fully respect this as well and Habu now
7407s really in a very similar position to
7409s where we saw him in the previous game
7411s he's miles ahead but he just needs a
7414s little bit of gas to get himself over
7416s the line here
7418s oh no he's got a choice of three
7429s kind of interesting right like I'm not
7431s sure what his numbers are on shroud to
7433s get Van Cleef
7435s stenographers one no and the Edwin I
7438s think are remains yeah okay
7443s the Forgotten minion always yeah the
7446s minion that's you know no one really
7447s wants there but you have to invite them
7450s sounds like you are speaking from
7452s experience for Evan
7453s yep
7456s oh that's so disarming you should have
7459s tried that years ago like sounding
7461s genuinely upset about things that I say
7463s to you
7464s I didn't think it would last long though
7466s that's the problem it won't no I'll feel
7468s sorry for you one turn one haboo gabu
7471s game of hearthstone later yeah
7476s [Music]
7481s you can't always trust
7485s here is this to be just looking at prep
7488s Polly here if something big comes out as
7490s a potential answer and still having
7491s Sprint available if plastic needs it
7493s next to it
7497s could end up just being for the Sprint
7500s itself as well right just recognizing
7502s that he needs to draw options and draw
7504s them cheaply so that him still has Mana
7506s to spend but yeah I think the fear of
7508s the board is coming down on the other
7510s side will dictate that uh a polymorph
7513s will be required here but it's still
7514s just not necessarily going to be good
7516s enough right chunk of damage left on the
7519s board yeah that's the problem right prep
7521s Mass polymorph
7523s killed two of them there's still two
7526s very dangerous looking sheep on that
7528s board and uh plastic cannot ignore it at
7531s all but this is the problem right what's
7533s the draw even looking for at this point
7535s there is now stranger so we could
7537s actually get hold of an ice barrier
7539s which would help out a lot
7546s where you followed
7549s it's the shadow step if he oh okay gets
7551s the barrier
7553s it actually shadow step and still go for
7555s a paladin Secret
7557s oh
7561s I mean it's defensive yes it can prevent
7564s some damage it might stop lethal this
7566s term but it's not addressing the board
7568s state is it that's the real problem
7571s I think for this turn there's nothing
7573s else left to do right the other options
7575s to use with this hand don't really exist
7577s then Revenge not really the one you were
7580s looking for but okay
7585s I would imagine now habu's got a
7587s reasonable or at least a rough idea of
7589s what these secrets are
7592s oh plastic I'm so sorry this is not how
7597s anyone wanted it to go I'm sure least of
7600s all you but that is gonna be a
7603s disgusting a rapid a blink and you will
7608s miss it three zero and my heart goes out
7612s honestly like I was already a habugabu
7615s fan going into this but I think it's
7617s impossible after seeing that from
7618s plastic like basically a zero agency
7621s loss in that situation right like very
7624s little that you can do about that I now
7626s find myself being a plastic fan as well
7629s like every man city fan in the country I
7631s am now a plastic fan
7633s um so I really really hope and look
7637s forward to seeing the Redemption Arc
7640s begin now for plastic As We progress
7641s through this tournament yeah and I think
7643s the big deal here at least for
7645s specifically plastic from maybe even a a
7648s mental point but uh he must really hope
7650s habit wins his next match right because
7653s he does win right you just would not
7656s want to play that match again uh really
7659s impressive performance from haboo and of
7662s course you know his decks did him some
7664s favors in that series but also
7667s he was looking good regardless right
7669s like that as you said the lineup did its
7672s job
7673s um to an extreme level of course but yes
7676s you can see why Habu brought what he
7677s brought even without the I guess sort of
7680s you know
7681s fortunate draws at certain points in the
7684s game well that that's what the deck does
7686s like we talk about the Demon Hunter is
7687s well yeah he drew probably the best card
7690s he could have drawn but any of the draws
7692s in his deck would have progressed his
7694s plan right would have dealt damage in
7696s that matchup would have pressured and
7697s then guess what his next draw would have
7699s probably dealt damage and put some
7700s pressure on so a really heads up play
7702s there from Abu gabu again unfortunate
7704s for plastic but what a series song
7706s blinkable yeah and I do think that is an
7709s important point to look at because when
7710s you said he'll be hoping he doesn't have
7713s to play Habu gabu again I thought like
7715s personal mentality I would almost quite
7717s like to play Habu again because I feel
7719s like if you got that Revenge got over
7721s that hump and then progressed through
7722s the tournament mentally that sets you up
7725s the best right to have slain that demon
7727s immediately the problem is yes that is
7730s you know a top one percent outcome for
7733s habugabu overall but just lineup wise in
7736s a vacuum I don't think you want to face
7739s that match up again if you're if you're
7741s plastic in general
7743s um so yes that was bad luck but you do
7745s also have to focus on the deck building
7747s from Harbor you do literally have to
7749s it's impossible to ignore he'll tell you
7752s about it if nothing else you know like
7753s he'll he'll get you there
7755s um so I think you know fantastic
7757s performance from Pablo but once again
7758s commiserations that's not how anyone
7760s wants to see this tournament go for one
7762s of the players that very much deserves
7763s to be here so being fingers crossed for
7765s plastic going forward yeah of course
7767s plastic not out he'll face Fury hunter
7770s in the lower bracket match but we're
7772s gonna go to a quick break just like that
7773s was a whole series and you might have
7775s missed it uh but we are gonna go to a
7777s break while we set up the next match
7779s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
7792s thank you
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8397s hello everybody and welcome back to the
8400s fall Championship my name is TJ I'm
8402s joined by Neil AKA Lorinda AKA Bond and
8405s we have the pleasure of bringing you the
8407s winners match for group a which is going
8409s to be a shout by versus Habu gabu who um
8414s if you want like 20 minutes Neil yeah
8417s absolutely ridiculous I I have um both
8419s sort of the match in progress and the
8421s the feed the slightly delayed feed on
8423s the delay feed was still going when Abu
8425s government won this so
8427s um yeah spoilers to those of you who are
8429s in the future of to what would happen in
8431s the past or something yeah absolutely
8433s flew through with that Warrior deck
8436s um once again Habu just being tempted to
8440s bring the the deck that nobody else
8442s would bring and this time so far going
8444s really well with it
8445s yeah
8447s um it's uh uh pretty impressive and
8451s um the one thing that I want I do want
8453s to know I don't want to note this
8454s because
8456s like I was
8458s I was going to talk about like habugabu
8460s and how he's had a heck of a year but he
8464s just won
8465s like the intro to the previous match
8467s where saddle and Raven talked about this
8469s was like literally 25 minutes ago and
8471s then no one listens to them so do it
8474s again
8474s I don't want to though it was too recent
8477s just know this he's had a heck of a
8480s Hearthstone he has had a year put it
8482s that way
8483s an absolute Hearthstone yeah whereas
8487s xiaobai coming off uh a barn burner
8490s against Fury Hunter to start things off
8494s um and was barely able to take the win
8497s uh in that warlock matchup so we're
8499s gonna see if he's going to be able to
8500s stand up to what's a little bit more of
8502s an aggressive lineup from habugabu and
8505s xiaobai going to be opening with the
8508s temple Rogue yep shot by um we are yeah
8511s we understand he's a confidence player
8513s plays a lot better when things are going
8515s his way and the spotting that lethal in
8518s the first match will definitely have
8519s done a lot for his confidence and of
8522s course playing the whole group in the
8523s day will also help that if you're in a
8525s good mood you're playing a whole group
8526s in the day I think last time around we
8528s had a cut off sort of halfway through
8529s the day and they played it again one of
8530s the groups two days later or something
8532s and today you just get it all done nice
8534s and clean and shall bye he's going to
8538s stand up to it is my point whether his
8540s lineup can stand up to it I think Habu
8541s is very happy with the lineup he has
8543s brought different matter but shabbai is
8545s definitely showing that he personally is
8548s going to stand up very well today
8550s yeah and you start the bands on your
8552s screen are pretty expected right uh the
8555s pre-spanned away from habukabu and the
8557s Mage being away from ciao by the Mage
8561s does seem like the deck that it's just
8563s the hardest to kill with anything that
8566s relies on board right yeah or even you
8570s know just combo-centric stuff because
8572s they have so many ways to disrupt to
8575s free sports to gain life so makes sense
8578s to get that out of the way so we're
8579s gonna see the Rogue first the aggro
8581s Demon Hunter yeah start things off
8583s bibliomite MVP I'm ashamed that it's not
8588s in the key cards
8589s I mean it should have been but there was
8592s there were things happening
8594s cards up here these are some pretty good
8597s key cards
8598s um especially the sightless magistry uh
8602s it you know it's a it's a medical card
8604s right
8605s um if you're playing against these uh
8607s kind of slow more control oriented decks
8611s that this magistrate is just absolutely
8613s nuts it's a good body for uh for a a
8616s great effect against other Decks that
8619s tend to hold cards in their hand and
8622s also has Synergy with bibliomite as you
8624s can see there in those key cards because
8627s again dispose of evidence that you get
8630s rid of yeah so you know we were close I
8632s don't know whether to go with Miss click
8633s tired or stupid as my excuse but it's
8635s one of those three things as to why
8637s these key cards just make no sense I
8639s mean metamorphin is pretty important
8642s right
8645s um because sometimes it's only a want to
8647s sometimes it's three four so I feel like
8649s that's a big deal something that we
8651s can't ignore mine uh
8654s you've always had my back I appreciate
8656s it yeah that you're you're welcome all
8658s right Shabbat does have the Shroud in
8660s the opening hand good Trader bones bike
8662s also good null probably good also uh
8665s maybe a tradable to look for just to
8668s have a turn one play but other than that
8671s I'm happy uh against the tempo deck
8673s especially serrated bone Spike shroud is
8675s almost always a keep null depending on
8678s whether you keep shot or not but it
8680s would guarantee that with the Shroud you
8683s could play the Knoll for Tempo looks
8684s like a three keep from my perspective
8686s yeah the nose gonna be annoying into the
8689s biblio mighty did that come up because
8690s obviously it doesn't really do anything
8693s um which goes back to a point I made it
8696s earlier in the day about the submission
8698s for these this tournament normally these
8700s 16 player tournaments they have a day or
8702s two to look over their opponents oh here
8704s he comes all the time it's unkillable
8707s know that
8709s um but today Shelby may not even had a
8712s chance to ever test this matchup like
8714s they learned their matchups 30 minutes
8716s or an hour before the tournament started
8718s and I mean lots of people have tested
8721s against Relic Demon Hunter I don't know
8722s how many would have tested it's pure
8723s aggro though what do you think well
8725s purely for making out of the group
8727s standpoint they call that Abu garbage it
8729s was actually incredible right knowing
8731s that you know dexa mission is so close
8733s to actual play time knowing that your
8734s opponents can't really test against what
8736s you're going to bring bring something
8738s that you know you're you're specifically
8740s targeting uh a certain kind of lineup
8743s that's also goes against the grain a
8745s little bit right it's a good call you
8748s know once we move into Sunday if Abu
8750s gabu does make it out of this group it's
8752s going to be a little bit of a different
8753s story because uh players will have a
8754s chance to uh test against the lineup and
8757s and see it in action uh but for now
8762s yeah feels five
8764s just just trusting himself which is the
8767s thing if you have a gabby it's a bit
8769s easier to do but it's the thing that he
8771s does best I think is just go okay well I
8773s think this is the answer therefore this
8775s is the answer therefore I'm just going
8776s to do it and he's done that time and
8778s time again
8780s oh my gosh
8784s do I need this multi-strike for anything
8786s or can I just wedge it into the face
8788s that's like multi-strike in uh in Glebe
8791s I guess you've got multi-sec strike
8795s it's just wait yeah there we go
8798s this is the no I don't know I want to
8801s say it's the right way to do it right
8802s because you sacrificed one damage to
8804s base to hold on to an extra charger
8805s versus labor it's not that big of a deal
8807s because you're gonna get that one deal
8808s shall I already down to 15. he's role
8812s play when he takes damage in the game
8814s he's taking the damage in real life like
8816s he's he's feasibly moving backwards
8819s every time he gets hit for these fives
8821s literally can't kill the biblio Knight
8823s it's dealt 10 points of damage it's
8827s going to deal 15.
8830s points of damage
8832s ah
8835s yeah
8837s I can't I can't even count that high
8839s that's how much damage this is shaking
8841s it's a lot of numbers TJ I don't know
8842s how many numbers there are between 1 and
8844s 15 but there are a lot of them at this
8846s point like okay finds the backstab
8850s so that's good however a lot of
8853s resources expended that's going to be
8855s resources that could have been a Draka
8856s and Rogue someone really have a way to
8858s defend themselves their way to defend
8859s themselves is to be more aggressive
8861s right is to outrace their opponents to
8863s get those big weapons those big ghosts
8865s and the burn
8867s throw it at the face faster than their
8869s opponent can throw stuff at their face
8871s yeah it's a little bit scary yeah
8874s stuff's just getting thrown right at the
8876s face here from all directions by Hobby
8879s yeah not the best curve for this
8881s particular turn of Hearthstone
8885s dude I just like in this face I
8887s don't think there's any reason to kill
8888s off Astra got magnifying glaive plus
8891s dispose of evidence and hand for a nice
8893s little chunky six uh going through the
8896s next turn seems pretty good why does
8898s this game look so stupidly easy wait
8902s we got a step step Knoll that's going to
8905s be pushing three Sinister strike's gonna
8906s be another three Draco rep weapon as
8908s well
8909s will xiaobai win the race
8912s I mean he's in the race now that there
8914s is a race
8916s yep that's another five so we got 14 17
8920s on board slash hand
8923s what
8928s has that even happened
8931s this is lethal represented for xiaobai
8935s oh my what a turnaround you said that's
8938s how they defend themselves
8941s oh hero powered oh no hero power
8945s Powers you can predation though
8947s oh yep predation that'll be 11 14 points
8951s of damage
8954s I mean xiaobai needs three ah from the
8958s board you gotta kill something yep
8959s there's gonna be the predation
8961s whether or not shot by can find two
8964s points of damage two damage any damage
8967s and how about he's actually annoyed at
8969s himself for making that decision not
8970s annoyed but he's like yeah I had to do
8972s it just in case he doesn't really think
8974s his opponent's got this into strike
8976s um he was like shaking his head because
8977s he wanted to put shadowby down to one
8979s just to be sure but yeah this is fine
8983s yeah
8984s EG I'll buy it's gonna say
8988s this is what I got
8993s it and that'll do it
8994s [Music]
8996s knows that just the weapon is enough and
8998s uh that was actually surprisingly uh
9001s Surprise close at least on how that
9003s early game went Biblia might dealt 15
9006s damage and uh that was a turned out to
9010s be a pretty big deal
9012s yeah I mean when a minion just comes
9014s down and just starts smacking you for
9016s five and you can't deal with it I'll say
9017s it's a big deal
9018s let's see what the power of your
9019s opponent's damage that's a really big
9022s deal TJ that's pretty big actually this
9024s is correct it's a pretty big deal
9026s because this is day one very early in
9028s the day and if you set the bar too high
9030s and then a bigger deal comes along we
9033s will run out of ways to describe the
9034s deal so yeah it's a pretty big deal yeah
9037s it's a pretty big yeah this has happened
9038s on Sunday yeah
9039s but the deal yeah we want a temper
9042s expectations here right because we know
9045s that there's huge deals in the works for
9048s these players so this is just game one
9050s also even just in this series there's
9053s more deals to be had so
9055s uh abugabu picks up a woman with the
9057s aggro Demon Hunter
9058s who's going to be next it could be the
9060s enraged Warrior
9062s on Deck it's kind of difficult to play
9064s honestly
9065s um
9066s I mean draw the cards that say damage on
9070s them
9071s and and hope that's most of them in the
9073s right order it's most of the cards in
9075s the deck to be honest it is actually
9076s yeah it's just play card draw card and
9079s when a good player does that and when
9080s you get the right draw it looks really
9081s easy just like hit you play a card draw
9083s a card hit you when it goes the other
9085s way though I don't know if it even has a
9087s plan B I think that might be why it's
9088s hard to play I think sometimes it just
9090s doesn't do the thing
9093s and it feels like it's hard to play but
9095s actually it isn't hard to play it's just
9097s not playable
9101s first he's going with the Rogue a more
9104s normal looking rogue deck you could not
9106s hope to see
9110s 18 I have 30 cards in the deck
9113s rival God will have the word damage on
9115s them in the original Warrior it's over
9116s half the deck literally say damage on
9119s the card that's just filtered by damage
9122s okay accounted you counted it of course
9125s you did that's why you were quiet for 30
9127s seconds just let me waffle away while
9129s you're doing the hard yards behind the
9131s behind the scenes I counted them but
9133s we're not going to see it yet hang on
9135s you said you could encounter 15 minute
9137s ago now you're counting to 18. what's
9138s going on yeah so that should uh tell you
9140s that you shouldn't trust my math
9142s I definitely shouldn't trust something
9144s all right we've got the graveyard we've
9147s got the Drucker
9149s here we go
9153s probably not the Scribbler sharks
9157s that's what I'm surprised by so far at
9158s least in the groups I've looked at I
9160s haven't seen a Sharky Rogue
9162s um this has been well it's been played
9165s on a Europe server
9167s yes
9168s Lindsay does make a difference when
9170s you're playing shark world if you're
9171s playing on a server that's not your Home
9172s Server that makes sense for the players
9174s that aren't playing on Europe okay
9175s that's fair you got to make actions
9180s yeah a lot of actions
9182s foreign
9186s shroud uses the coin for this so we're
9188s gonna uh but this matchup's like about
9190s going faster it's about getting one step
9192s ahead
9193s of your opponent
9195s you want to get the damage in before
9196s they get the damage in you want to force
9198s them to react to you in certain
9200s circumstances right sometimes you
9202s forcing your opponent to react to you
9204s gives them targets for like
9207s um spells that they otherwise wouldn't
9208s be able to use that beef up their
9210s graveyards in their they're Draka no
9213s it's a fine line you know
9215s on a very very small deal fine line a
9218s small deal we're going to be measuring
9220s the deals as we go
9223s nobody's got the best deals anywhere yet
9225s though that's what I want to see
9231s oh another
9232s so much stuff
9239s time to fight back Harrow which is of
9242s course what Rogue does
9244s uh but it's like
9248s a great of a fight back you know
9252s a small fight back for now he's setting
9255s up the big Shadow step fight back yeah
9258s but
9260s tooth has to get something like good and
9262s cheap oh snap freeze
9266s oh immortalizing Stone nah it's too too
9268s expensive is it very very cool card
9270s though because it does well against what
9273s Rogue wants to do himself
9276s right because it yeah it has large
9279s singular sources of damage
9282s a bunch of medium-sized deals going on
9285s medium-sized deals all right I haven't
9288s been ready to go next turn with the um
9289s Edwin Shadow step potential bye
9294s I feel like is it gone fishing away from
9297s having a good turn this turn
9303s let's have a gone fishing that's what I
9305s mean yeah that's a good gun fishing away
9307s if he gets a good gun fishing
9310s this is a turn but he might just choose
9312s to wait
9316s I'll tell you
9319s yeah the waiting turns aren't great here
9322s right
9323s like play your teardrop Player gone
9325s fishing see what happens
9330s kind of feel you want to draw that card
9331s that extra card right now though one way
9333s or another just to
9335s find your second thing to do alongside
9337s your tracker because a whole bunch of
9339s preps and back stabs just to make one
9340s big truck who isn't getting there yeah
9343s ship it yeah graveyard nope
9347s yep no
9351s yeah but it's probably still step
9357s oh Dominion yeah this is the term I had
9359s in mind I didn't trust myself but this
9362s is the time I had in mind
9365s oh
9367s okay and then you hold the Knoll
9375s oof
9380s wow
9381s how are you going to set up here
9385s and chill now depending on what this
9388s Edwin draws
9391s bless you
9395s I know all the steps all right he's good
9398s to go next turn most likely
9404s to just block damage
9407s yeah right that everyone's got to be big
9409s though but a lot of like the expensive
9411s cards have already been drawn like all
9413s the the one cost perhaps
9416s I didn't want that please get anywhere
9419s I'm sorry get this out of here but this
9422s is straight up damage right this is
9423s gonna be the whole hand expended yeah uh
9426s what 10 damage pushed with an old this
9428s turn plus however much the weapon is was
9430s gonna be five and uh
9433s yes
9439s oh yeah because he's yeah
9442s I don't even know where the seventh one
9444s came from but whatever got three damage
9446s though that had been stopped last time
9447s with the threes could come in handy here
9449s oh yeah the weapons on seven he's gonna
9452s have a turn
9455s it's unlikely to matter these minions
9458s can do it from hand actually
9461s ah you're making this end one as big as
9464s possible
9465s yep
9468s um sonographer would not be cheap enough
9471s right
9473s that's uh one two three null would be
9477s four I think so I'm very bad at counting
9481s up to five but I think you're right oh
9483s prep
9484s okay keep going
9486s keep going fishing
9488s unless you want to stab
9493s yeah just keep him going gotta win next
9496s turn if there is a next turn and time's
9499s a ticking
9500s oh yeah there's the sonographer and then
9503s boom giant minion all right ciao by
9505s needs to draw damage when this game is
9506s over yep and it's down to that freeze
9509s that haboo made
9510s the random looking I may have saved that
9513s to keep the one drop in my hands
9516s oh God the suspense
9518s it's not yet so again God the suspense
9521s oh no it's a shadow step oh disaster
9526s that's two games in a row
9530s oh
9531s [Music]
9534s that was nutty
9537s I'm not surprised what was that game
9539s [Music]
9542s I mean that was like the difference in
9543s both players hands right like xiaobai
9546s had
9547s the I go all in madraka hand and
9549s habogabo had the weight and make a giant
9551s Edwin hand
9553s um
9554s that's a bummer for Shout by but still a
9558s chance in this series maybe I'm
9560s incorrected in my evaluation here but I
9562s do feel like the enraged Warrior is
9564s probably the easiest deck to sweep in
9566s the lineup I agree yeah it doesn't have
9569s quite as as a high of a Hyrule potential
9572s as the Demon Hunter or the Rogue
9575s um and there's a little bit more room
9577s for air
9579s but yeah there's a reason it's not in
9581s every lineup right
9583s yeah
9585s so we'll probably see that at some point
9588s but he's only gonna get that one win
9590s with it and what happens like subtle
9592s talks about you know your habogaboo you
9593s wake out of bed and sometimes you roll
9595s out of bed you play some Hearthstone
9597s that's what he's doing what happens when
9599s you've Abu Gabby with everybody in an
9601s hour and you've got a whole day to fill
9603s do you watch the rest of the Hearthstone
9604s do you roll back into bed what do you do
9606s watch the rest of the Hearthstone then
9608s you roll back into bed maybe you queue
9610s up a couple other games you know play
9611s something that's not in your lineup just
9613s to keep your mind refreshed
9615s foreign
9618s because his lineup is not normal decks
9621s he could just queue up you know some
9623s good old-fashioned curse wall up play
9625s that for seven or eight hours yeah you
9628s just walk around and just
9630s down the street
9632s yeah sign a few autographs
9634s yep
9636s because he's a he's a medium he's a he's
9638s a pretty big deal in his street
9640s maybe get a sandwich
9643s [Music]
9644s sort of sandwiches what would you eat if
9646s you were happy
9648s I don't know probably a hoagie
9650s [Music]
9652s it's another name for a sandwich okay
9654s they went back Googling americanism
9658s not that I don't know them all of course
9659s myself being obviously a fellow American
9661s wants a sandwich that's made with like a
9663s raw
9665s oh like a batch
9667s [Music]
9672s the exact definition of the whole years
9674s a bread roll sandwich
9676s bread roll sandwich okay piled high with
9679s deli meats cheese fixing oh yeah okay
9683s that's not a batch that's uh usually at
9686s least six inches long usually not always
9689s you could have a mini hoagie
9692s mm-hmm
9694s they're delicious
9695s as are most sandwiches
9699s nrhage Warrior TJ
9701s car derailing our cast as always I don't
9704s know I can't bring him anywhere
9707s never mind all right here's to derail
9709s the cast to be honest
9711s all three of those cards in the key card
9714s have the word damage in them somewhere
9716s as do yeah 15 other counts or Sohan boys
9720s single dabs cool Taskmaster craze wrench
9722s anime extractor crooked cook injured
9725s tolbeer
9726s imbued ax
9729s all have the word damage to them uh old
9732s girl has damage in it rolling combatant
9734s has the word damage in it in
9737s inevitability
9740s and most of these like own goals do you
9742s see all these cards have the word damage
9744s written on them
9748s up shall buys cards had it
9751s yeah
9753s that's that's not how it works
9757s the Synergy of all the damagings that
9759s makes it worth it
9761s this car doesn't have the word damage on
9764s it and he throws it out there on turn
9765s one so that's my entire
9768s um plan for this cast out of the window
9770s ruined
9773s don't know where to go now
9777s oh yeah
9781s yeah cool Taskmaster in 2022
9784s actually that's the thing about this one
9786s though
9790s yeah I think it's still cruelty oh wow
9794s just to have a more resilient minion on
9798s the board
9800s um
9801s honestly if shabby doesn't have just a
9805s straight up minion
9807s imp
9809s yeah the uh trogs could still be more
9813s difficult to clear right right because
9816s the a lot of the amps are some from
9817s spells whether it's Phoenix Circle
9818s Wicked shipment
9820s also these live their next turn that's
9823s just card tools begin
9828s and how about we made that wreath
9830s because flame imp theoretically could
9833s have been a better play on turn one to
9835s just play into that trog they need to
9838s come off the top because librarian
9839s obviously would have been uh traded over
9841s with uh one of the other Minions on
9843s board ruined
9844s but now xiaobai is just going in
9848s it's like what I'm the one drop deck how
9850s can you have all this stuff
9853s yeah this is gonna be awkward
9855s not impossible but definitely awkward
9861s but the pew pew some things from around
9863s here
9870s oh yeah draw a card okay
9879s I love how Smoky he looks every time he
9881s does anything it's like yeah I drew a
9883s card
9884s you didn't know that car did that
9886s all right looking for a whirling
9888s combatant here would be ideal uh for Abu
9892s gabu
9893s that's assuming that shot by value
9895s trades but he's gonna think about this
9896s because Willy combatin would be a pretty
9898s big
9900s uh swing here
9902s um
9904s if it did come out because then uh the
9907s Battle Cry would take out the two
9909s minions and then you wouldn't have a
9912s good way to get rid of like the frenzy
9913s and your other two minions would be in
9914s one Health as well
9916s so because of that it's
9920s oh 30 card deck oh man
9923s yeah people can actually draw the cards
9925s they want but they don't have any health
9926s it's weird so weird they introduced this
9929s mechanic where you only have 30 cards
9931s and 30 houses such a interesting change
9933s in recent times
9936s the game's so much faster than those the
9939s original 40 card version of the game
9941s yeah yeah
9944s so much faster
9950s risky risky let's see
9954s no that's not it
9959s so it's got to be just like what weapons
9961s Expert Plus
9963s side kick I guess yeah
9968s all right like normally I'll be saying
9970s that's the problem with this sort of
9971s deck that's when it doesn't work it
9972s doesn't work or this specific deck but
9975s there's not a whole lot going on the
9976s other side of the board at the moment so
9977s he's okay for a bit
9979s oh no
9983s slow turn here yeah
9989s but a lot of damage being pushed and
9992s double Abyssal wave in hand so the
9993s curses have a chance to kind of ramp up
9995s here
9998s but this will be an opportunity for Abu
9999s Gaba to dig back the board which is uh
10001s the bigger of deals yeah I mean he
10004s doesn't know how good an opportunity it
10006s is but obviously he's going to populate
10008s the board as big as he can anyway so it
10010s doesn't matter that he doesn't know
10020s these are the sort of turns where I
10022s struggle with this deck you're saying
10023s it's a hard deck playing I'll sort of
10024s jokingly saying no it's not but yeah
10025s these terms are tough
10027s it's probably just a
10030s um uh craze wretch location is that
10034s trade in budax
10038s the hard part is knowing which words to
10040s ignore
10041s that makes any sense like do I want to
10043s give my minions my hand plus one Health
10045s yes but do I have the time not so sure
10047s and so on and you have to ignore the
10049s text of one of your cards to play
10051s optimally with this day which is kind of
10052s weird
10057s oh actually it's just going for great at
10061s Palance board yeah see I would have
10063s messed that turned up however this is
10065s scary because a fiendish circle kills
10067s you
10068s yeah
10070s but you lose that anyway
10073s but yeah you're right obviously it's
10074s terrifying
10076s yeah but I mean this is still gonna be
10078s very difficult for Harbor Goblin to uh
10082s uh to come out on top of this is curse
10085s and then we have a three three and a
10088s four in hand for the Abyssal wave so
10092s yeah you can't really get weave in
10094s either
10095s no ah he can weave foreign
10099s double trade into this librarian arm
10102s armor up and then uh viewed
10106s oh okay
10110s he's leaving
10114s playing around the Abyssal wave because
10115s of the Taps no that makes sense
10120s Auto would have put it on the Abyssal
10121s wave anyway because it would have gotten
10123s the ambutax on the uh
10125s crazy Rich so
10132s this is weird because your Abyss away
10133s feels like it does precisely nothing
10135s here because of the armor but yeah
10136s you've got to Chip Away somehow
10138s kill one minion off yeah he's taking his
10141s time to see if there's anything better
10143s and you damage the crazed wretch are you
10146s worried about it too much because it's
10147s gonna be three so I hope it has to get
10149s rid of the curse and has to hero power
10150s every turn yeah it's a lot of matter and
10153s you have the cool so all right well
10156s that's a good pickup because now you can
10158s damage with the location swing with
10160s index get the curse out and armor up
10162s with an in but ax
10164s in hand a lot of damage
10167s it is
10170s it is
10173s oh are we really gonna be my one again
10175s that's four damage
10178s oh we're really in this spot again oh my
10180s gosh
10181s is this just a series with one Health
10184s would have made all the difference in
10185s every game oh my goodness
10189s Subway's like really
10191s you're kidding me
10194s oh this is a four damage curse so could
10196s go for this is a cool nope can't
10199s and you can't see that to exactly 12
10201s which is obviously also a Bissell wave
10204s and hope there's no damage basically
10206s yeah I think you're right
10208s uh I can't believe look at these cheeky
10210s little face
10212s so excited he knows he's doing silly
10216s things out there the grease wrench off
10218s the top was just literally the perfect
10220s draw if that book I was like wait what
10223s he just won I won every game I want a
10227s house mum every game by one hell that's
10230s amazing that's amazing
10233s what what is that yeah
10236s is going to be going over that series
10238s like where could I have maximize like
10240s one damage ah I just don't think there
10243s was a there was a spot that's crazy
10245s uh an insane series another like Abu
10249s gabou just won two series of hearthstone
10251s in an hour with a 10 minute break
10254s like that that's what just happened
10257s 303060 to make it out of the group and
10260s move into the corner finals uh on Sunday
10262s very impressive performance a lineup
10265s that probably a lot of players didn't
10267s really expect but it's working I mean
10269s it's barely working but it's working
10272s it's a bit greedy don't you think he's
10274s already qualified for worlds he's just
10275s out of here just destroying people with
10278s his silliness
10279s I mean that makes our Sunday more
10282s interesting if we definitely they're the
10283s 30 qualified for worlds because we could
10286s have a spot for worlds being decided
10287s like
10289s in this yeah right so uh yeah I'll get
10293s into that later because there's I'm not
10295s 100 sure what the ruling is there we'll
10296s check that one out
10300s yeah
10302s wins good
10304s which
10305s is about an hour ago less than that I
10308s think
10309s is what it's nice easy day uh a smooth
10313s day at the office
10315s and uh xiaobai not eliminated
10318s um did win that first series against
10319s Fury Hunters we'll move down to the
10320s cider match to base off against either
10322s fear hunter or plastic whoever comes out
10325s on top
10326s and uh you know it was a close Series
10328s against Fury Anderson I know shop by
10330s wants to go through that again uh maybe
10332s wants a new opponent in plastic
10334s uh it's uh but we'll we'll we'll see
10337s we'll cross that bridge
10339s uh when we get to it somebody needs to
10342s do the death knocking on the door mean
10343s with just habu's face paste on it like
10346s just going through these lineups just
10347s his smug smile right like
10352s what else that's all I need
10355s all right
10357s um but we've already have a winner for
10358s group a uh two and a half hours into the
10360s broadcast uh easy peasy so
10363s um we do have two more matches left for
10364s group a and then we're gonna move into
10366s Group B before the day is done and play
10368s through that so even though these
10370s matches happen quick we still got a lot
10372s more Hearthstone uh to get through today
10374s so it should be a fun one uh before we
10376s jump into that uh lower the elimination
10379s match we're gonna have to go to a quick
10380s break but don't go anywhere more action
10382s here from the fall Championship right
10383s after this
10386s foreign
10407s [Music]
10412s [Music]
10420s [Music]
10421s foreign
10448s [Music]
10456s foreign
10461s [Music]
10475s [Music]
10487s [Music]
10507s foreign
10514s [Music]
10522s [Music]
10531s [Music]
10538s [Music]
10543s thank you
10546s [Music]
10558s all right
10562s [Music]
10567s [Applause]
10569s thank you
10580s welcome back everyone to the Hearthstone
10581s Fall Championships I had to eat a much
10584s speedier breakfast than I first
10586s anticipated there in the other two
10588s series that I had off with Abu gabu beam
10592s rolling all the competition through to a
10594s 6-0 victory one I did not think you
10596s would get for most of those last few
10598s games there uh but just uh
10601s I'm saying making it look easy because
10603s it was for him like I mean I said it in
10605s the Discord I kind of don't even think
10606s he's good at Hearthstone anymore like he
10609s didn't have to do anything like what was
10612s that
10613s I have no idea I think like the best way
10617s to approach it is just to kind of bask
10619s in the glory of what happened but yeah
10621s yeah if you were trying to break it down
10623s and make any sense of it like
10625s yes this is again I said this before
10627s this is a one percent outlier of the
10629s instance that we're seeing but it is the
10631s benefit you get from being willing to
10634s take risks with lineups right is
10635s sometimes you just get a lot of free
10637s matchups you get a lot of really good
10639s matchups if you get that read right Habu
10642s is definitely benefiting from that but
10644s it would be ridiculous not to suggest
10646s that you know he also just drew the
10648s absolute nuts for six games in a row but
10651s we now of course have the not
10654s insignificant matter of dealing with
10656s Fury Hunter versus plastic plastic of
10659s course given the I would say slightly
10662s more intense of the two beatdowns by uh
10664s Abu garbu in those last two series Fury
10666s Hunter having a much closer series
10667s against Xiao Bai earlier on but we are
10670s now in win or go home territory and
10673s these are two players that are hunting
10675s for a world championship spot and it is
10677s now the Last Chance Saloon for both of
10680s these players as they find themselves in
10682s the elimination bracket that's exactly
10684s right three series is in a row needing
10687s to be won to get to the World
10688s Championships which as difficult as that
10691s is against this caliber of player that
10692s they are up against is the best shot
10694s that a lot of these players are going to
10696s get for probably a good long while maybe
10699s not Fury I'm sure he'll be back uh the
10701s next seasonal champ so as if there was
10703s no difference uh whatsoever but to get
10705s things going here we have the bands of
10708s Rogue from plastic uh having been gotten
10710s rid of and fury Hunter's priest has been
10713s banned away uh which is a little
10715s interesting for me because again plastic
10718s does have Mage on his side which is a
10721s pretty big warping in your band strategy
10724s and priest being a deck that I thought
10726s Mage would be pretty good against pretty
10729s happy to face I would have expected
10730s maybe a warlock or even a Demon Hunter
10732s band potentially
10735s yeah very possible indeed are looking at
10738s Plastics lineup like there's not the the
10741s lean that hobby gobby's lineup has for
10743s example where cursing warlock just isn't
10746s really a problem so you could certainly
10747s see that being a valid ban overall
10750s um I think the biggest tilting matchup
10752s well the biggest tilting matchups was
10754s the three that you had to play in his
10755s previous series against fear Hunter but
10757s the the match-up that he has or the deck
10759s that he has that warps his matchups the
10761s most is probably the fact that he's
10762s playing jackpot Rogue over some of the
10764s the faster more combo based variants of
10766s road that we've seen I think that
10767s probably has the biggest effect on his
10770s overall Target and band strategy
10771s compared to what we're seeing from the
10772s other players in the group uh but he is
10774s going to kick things off with that curse
10776s warlock which has already kind of become
10778s the talking point of the day both from
10781s the initial matchup where we had that
10783s incredibly impactful ending of the the
10786s symmetrical curses from uh Fury and
10789s gerbai in the opening and then of course
10791s habu's lineup in general just being
10792s heavily tuned to deal with the pretty
10794s much this deck in particular I do think
10797s this deck is going to continue to be a
10798s big talking point throughout this
10800s tournament quite fittingly because it's
10802s been a big talking point since its
10804s Inception really oh yeah it's had to
10806s prove itself to a few people my
10809s co-caster included along the way now
10812s widely accepted as one of the strongest
10813s decks in the game a lot of you know
10816s high-level players really putting a lot
10817s of stock in it and that is no different
10820s in this tournament where it is very very
10822s well represented indeed
10824s I'm doubling back down I'm regressing
10827s this deck sucks again I'm forgetting
10829s everything I've learned the hard way
10838s Fury we saw that early on in his
10841s previous matchup as well it's not the
10844s immediate game winner uh it can be later
10846s on if you really juice those relics up
10848s heavily but still just relics to beget
10851s more relics is generally the uh the in
10853s the order of business that you're in for
10854s as well as that location that you're
10856s looking for of course but on the other
10858s side for plastique that is looking
10860s pretty promising you would say
10863s yeah it's a weird spot that this Demon
10866s Hunter ends up in now because when I was
10868s reviewing the relics the the biggest
10870s problem I had at the time was that Demon
10872s Hunter had basically no
10875s catch-up mechanisms if they fell behind
10877s or very very weak ones like the days of
10879s moag plus fell scream blast and you know
10882s uh immolation or whatever it is all
10883s these very very powerful removal tools
10885s were long gone and so if you didn't get
10887s a head on board and stay ahead on board
10888s you weren't necessarily going to catch
10890s up uh players tried to solve that by
10894s putting in the uh
10896s uh what's the dredge uh Popple removal
10900s spell topple the idle yes sorry in order
10902s to clear off the board which made sense
10904s at first I'm also in a 40 card deck uh
10907s but now Fury Hunter kind of in a weird
10908s spot where if your opponent's deck is
10910s slower than yours you do incredibly
10913s powerful stuff and you just stay ahead
10915s on board but you really don't have much
10916s time at all you have to stay ahead
10919s against the likes of this imp warlock
10922s yeah and while Derek was doing his 2022
10925s routine of forgetting card names uh Fury
10928s had a theory had a really interesting
10932s decision on the other side uh off the
10934s sigil he drew discounted scorpid and
10937s Relic Vault and I think you saw his
10939s reaction on the camera of just you know
10942s that was a tricky decision because
10943s slamming vol 1 2 is usually very
10947s beneficial for you obviously he has
10948s phantasms in hand so he can pay that off
10950s immediately but just the threat of the
10953s minion on the other side I think just
10955s LED Fury to go for this scorpid instead
10958s and actually look to to reduce some of
10960s that damage just recognizing we saw what
10962s a five attack minion that gets to attack
10964s several times over the course of the
10966s game can do to a person in the previous
10968s series Fury Hunter doesn't want to deal
10970s with any of that nonsense here but it
10971s does slow down some of his uh
10974s explosivity over the coming terms
10978s obviously if Fury hunter or Habu gabu
10981s here he would instantly play The Relic
10983s before he takes the trade on the uh the
10986s librarian but in this instance I do
10988s think it would be prudent to trade away
10990s the Scorpion first to guarantee yourself
10992s a full clear in the end though he's
10994s saying right let's just uh hope for the
10996s best here
11001s almost
11006s I do think this was the good order
11007s though right because you see this which
11010s is a fairly median outcome I would say
11012s right and you actually give yourself
11014s really good value trade possibilities
11016s that's fair give yourself a lot of
11018s options so I I do think overall this
11019s what probably was the smart way of going
11021s about it Fury sees the second fiendish
11024s Circle has a bad time did have the
11026s opportunity to of course take the two
11027s health value trade there instead chose
11029s to take the one Health and kind of gets
11031s punished for it there with the second
11032s Phoenix Circle which remember was a the
11034s third kept card in the opening hand for
11036s the opponent
11038s yeah I'm not terribly unlikely there at
11041s all as oh insta Snipes with the lady
11044s stina as well let's take down the
11046s librarian keeping the board at parity
11048s here which uh you know as I was talking
11050s about for Fury Hunter is
11051s really all he needs to do for these
11054s early turns because uh activate the
11057s location plus relic of phantasms next
11059s turn into curtress is way more powerful
11062s than anything plastic can be doing in
11064s terms of board control so it's really
11066s just about trying to transition as
11068s heavily as possible over to the curse
11072s portion of the game
11073s which
11075s you know you could take a Gamble and say
11077s your opponent's hand is bad and just
11079s keep going with a kind of
11080s middle of the road sort of game plan
11083s where you go I don't know tams in double
11085s grimoire to clear the board or just play
11087s the Syracuse or you could try and tap
11090s for specifically impending catastrophe
11092s as your last real turn to get a lot of
11094s card draw
11100s s go for the tap doesn't hit it it's
11102s just gonna drop Library here instead and
11106s I think you know almost no matter what
11108s like even if you were to tap into uh
11110s catastrophe there could you really leave
11112s the steno up on the other side of the
11114s board in terms of just the amount of
11116s tempo and damage that were pushed on the
11118s other side I feel like that was a
11120s problem that was gonna need to be dealt
11121s with regardless maybe uh I mean again
11125s you do still have the convert tams in
11127s double
11128s yeah true Renoir if you just have a one
11130s drop to go alongside it that is a four
11132s damage AOE even if it's pretty
11133s inefficient turn and I mean hey that
11136s might be what he has to end up going for
11137s on this turn anyway with uh no real
11139s alternatives
11142s yeah I think plastic is fine so far and
11145s how this matchup has gone like you said
11147s he's behind on board he doesn't want to
11149s be in that position for sure uh but
11151s those couple of five damage attacks that
11153s he got through from the one drop are a
11155s big deal because it does at least give
11157s him that out in the long term I'm sure
11159s plastic will feel like okay well I can
11160s clear up most of this board State here
11162s and then if my opponent does not have a
11164s huge refill then I'm probably going to
11166s be able to reset from this point
11168s unfortunately there is a pretty huge
11171s refill on the other side of the board in
11172s the form of demon render kertras
11177s that is assuming of course that the
11179s clear is going to be the play here from
11181s plastic and there is an amount of
11182s hesitation that's making me doubted
11186s you just have to right you're not
11188s tanking uh or even is that like 14 on
11192s that turn
11195s by their hand is trash that's how you
11196s win this game it's not demon ridiculous
11204s and hey even then you know he could
11206s still top deck uh
11209s the Abyssal wave
11211s in order to clear off the board yet
11213s again even Tamsin is not terrible to
11215s just buy him a little bit of extra time
11217s and start hitting those curses
11222s are actually represent yeah I was going
11225s to say the school teacher drawer
11226s actually creates some interesting
11227s possibility to he is just gonna go for
11230s it
11234s and now with Fury production in hand
11237s dispose of evidence is somewhat tempting
11240s at the very least
11244s foreign
11248s if you ever take the card draw but I
11251s don't think it's likely your opponent
11253s plays big enough minions for the fell
11254s bats to trade into uh even though car
11258s draw is definitely a premium here for
11260s for Fury in order to find Jace
11277s thank you
11278s sequencing riot here choosing to attack
11281s first to juice the bats was not required
11285s as you can see they are now five fours
11288s instead of four fours but just valuing
11290s the uh two extra attack on the board
11291s over one extra attack going face this
11293s time
11295s and he is well rewarded because there is
11298s no wave no tams in no nothing to clear
11301s off these bats the best being
11303s imp plus sacrifice to just develop a
11306s three three ugh
11315s and again as is often the case with hero
11318s cards it's that five armor as well
11320s that's coming on the other side because
11322s without that suddenly just a little bit
11324s of survival you know don't die for one
11326s or two turns find some curse cards you
11328s might be able to make something happen
11329s to cut through 16 Health 21 seems like a
11333s much more difficult proposition in that
11335s spot
11336s and this is just Mega lethal Now with an
11339s additional nine in hand yeah yeah it is
11342s indeed
11344s again you predicted that sort of the the
11346s Warlock really looking like a struggle
11348s point for these players
11350s um admittedly we haven't seen like any
11352s impending catastrophes I think come down
11354s uh at all the transition from early game
11357s to late game has been really The Missing
11359s Link I think here because we've seen
11362s many times fast starts with this warlock
11365s they're hitting the One Drops hitting
11366s the circle in order to pull ahead in the
11369s early game it's just closing it out
11371s which is the problem and it's playing
11373s more like the traditional version of imp
11376s warlock which was looking very weak up
11378s until now that didn't have strong
11379s finishes but it's even worse than that
11381s because you sometimes draw like you know
11382s doubles a grimoire sacrifices we saw
11384s there that doesn't do anything to
11386s proliferate your own game plan and so
11388s it's really just been the worst of Both
11390s Worlds uh for Warlock and plastic in
11392s general so far yeah and this was always
11395s the fear with the deck right and you'll
11397s be able to speak to this more than most
11399s is that you know if this was a pure
11402s aggro deck you'd cut out all of this
11403s curse nonsense you've had more
11405s consistent uh you know aggro curves or
11407s you're playing minions every turn you're
11409s filling out the board you're being
11410s aggressive with imps if it was a combo
11412s deck that tried to ramp up curses and
11414s kill people with curses then suddenly
11416s there'd be more removal more healing
11418s more stability more card draw whatever
11420s it is that you need to fill that out
11422s because it is this hybrid style of deck
11425s there is sometimes that danger of the
11426s transition not quite happening but I
11429s still do still stand by the idea that
11431s this deck over time has proven that on
11434s average that is more of a the
11437s flexibility of those options is more of
11439s a benefit than the inconsistency is a
11441s detriment and so it's not a criticism of
11444s the deck whatsoever but you know
11446s sometimes you just have to say what you
11447s see and that has certainly in the small
11450s sample size of games that we've seen so
11451s far uh been a recurring theme for the
11453s deck but we now see if Fury Hunter Falls
11456s victim to the same curse well one of
11459s them's gonna have to walk away with a
11460s win on the deck because it is the the
11462s full-on mirror that we have here the
11463s matchup that was the the undoing for
11465s Fury hunter in his first series of the
11467s day up against xiaobai falling in game
11469s five to that very very cool combo with
11472s the dark vein into dark vein into
11474s blowing up the entire board 50 times in
11476s a little interaction I hadn't seen
11478s before but I do still stand by the fact
11481s that you want all these uh early game
11485s board tools not removal but just
11488s developing your own board as much as
11489s possible probably in the form of keeping
11491s the VAR Library it's really only the Imp
11493s that I would consider maybe keeping or
11496s not for plastic
11498s wow but not even the location
11511s [Music]
11516s laughs
11521s oh heading up getting it back anyway as
11524s we enter an interesting little board
11527s state where both players have powerful
11529s hands in their own right
11531s but with very different timings on the
11534s power spikes they have access to
11543s yeah and the flustered librarian off the
11546s top for Fury has certainly curved this
11548s out beautifully any kind of token star
11551s into mischievous imp uh usually in the
11554s most simple form of just fiendish circle
11555s is the number one way to do it here but
11557s Fury you know piecing together cards to
11558s do it instead but without that draw he's
11562s still going to be a little bit light on
11563s pressure he'd be floating some Mana
11565s things would just be a little bit
11566s imperfect for him now he has multitudes
11570s of options next turn to be able to
11572s actually fill out this curve with
11574s drawers off the top or just tap plus one
11576s drop if things can happen there as well
11579s or I look at this hand for plastic or
11581s I'm leaning towards tapping as horrible
11584s as it looks uh when compared to the vial
11586s Library
11587s I was not considering coin Sarah Cass I
11590s have to be honest uh just because I my
11593s main thought process was this hand kind
11594s of needs fiendish Circle in order to
11596s really do anything and I know that's a
11598s lot better if you've played the vile
11600s library but I just want to maximize my
11602s chances of finding it to activate this
11603s for a farm and give myself a turn five
11605s turn six back to back swing
11610s yeah and I think the fear is the
11612s flustered Librarian On The Other Side
11615s um but there's always this pug of War
11617s when playing this matchup and I think
11618s it's at its most interesting in the
11621s mirror as well where you want to kill
11623s your opponent's minions because you
11625s don't want them to continuously hit you
11627s over and over again and get you in range
11628s of lethal and at the same time you don't
11631s want your opponent's minions to die
11633s because that allows them to make more
11635s powerful plays with the Infuse cards
11636s they have you might have noticed Eric
11638s that's the same thing I've just said it
11640s in two different ways so somewhere you
11643s have to find a balancing act of how many
11645s minions you actually kill or enable your
11647s opponent to kill by playing Minions on
11648s the board you saw their plastic
11650s throughout a 3-4 to contest the 3-3 on
11652s the other side and fury went thanks that
11655s plays perfectly into my game plan thank
11657s you very much I'll trade this stuff off
11658s don't buy mischievous in Pawn board and
11661s this worked out just horrendously for
11663s plastic because this deck is chock full
11665s of power plays on turn six very few on
11668s turn five especially when you're behind
11670s on board and with the coin already
11672s haven't been used Abyssal wave out the
11673s equation reform out of the equation for
11676s now these one ones can be cleared off
11678s before the catastrophe can come down and
11681s you know we can talk back and forth
11682s about whether or not it's the right play
11684s to go with the cultist but for right now
11686s he just has nothing he can do
11689s oh I'm just
11691s looking into plastic's eyes and he's
11694s putting a brave face on it but you can
11696s see how much this day is hurting right
11698s now he uh obviously made a great run
11701s through the Masters tours I was checking
11702s out some of his recent tweets as well
11703s very very excited to have this
11705s opportunity to make it to the world
11706s championship and you know you don't
11709s necessarily expect everything to go your
11711s way do you expect to draw some playable
11713s Hearthstone cards over the course of
11715s what five games of hearthstone now this
11718s is uh so so ugly for plastic so far
11725s I think that means he's just dead I mean
11727s he probably knows it of course but
11730s Abyssal wave and then the curse damage
11733s two turns in a row plus the new one that
11734s Fury will give him
11738s oh no sorry not quite guaranteed yet
11740s because lady dark vein doesn't have a
11742s shadow spell in it
11746s so a little bit of time to make miracles
11748s happen
11750s but that is the category that we are in
11753s right now right
11760s the obvious play for Fury is wave dark
11764s vein plus Grim I think always gives you
11766s lethal in two turns time
11769s the question is just if you can ever die
11771s or if they can ever heal out of range of
11773s that damage that you are putting in
11775s their hand they go down to three on this
11776s turn and then take at least a guaranteed
11778s seven the turn after
11781s if they go tams in
11785s they die because the curse damage
11787s remaining
11790s yeah I don't think there's any way out
11792s of this I think this is just a locked
11794s win for Fury yeah of course the call is
11796s the the one card that was gonna need to
11798s be present in almost any circumstance to
11801s give plastic a way out of this but of
11804s course that means that the uh the minion
11806s on the other side of the board is not
11807s being dealt with so the damage kind of
11809s pays for itself almost immediately in
11811s that kind of situation
11814s okay now he has found a way to survive
11817s this is only
11821s damage you can do if you've played the
11823s Imp as well for plus one
11827s on the librarian but it's it's as near
11829s as makes no difference
11831s yeah it's to throw away the curse as
11833s well from hand has enough floating
11834s manner to be able to do that
11838s plays the board resets and is asking his
11841s opponent to deal 12 here
11853s obviously I was trying not to call this
11855s one too early having seen how bugabi's
11857s last series where he survived on one I
11859s think every single game of the series
11861s more or less but in this instance yeah I
11864s do not see it I wonder
11872s and it really just for me this game
11874s comes down to as it often does with the
11878s Warlock hero power
11880s what risk do you want to take because
11883s tapping and not tapping are both risks
11885s in their own way like you could say Okay
11888s location on Two And I have to get
11890s fiendish circle on the next turn or I
11892s lose the game you're losing the game
11894s anyway so is it worth it to take a big
11896s risk like that or do you want to take a
11898s higher chance at a slightly less
11900s powerful play by tapping and then just
11902s going fiendish Circle and turn three yes
11904s in the end plastic went for kind of the
11907s safest route possible with coins
11910s Syracuse cultist in order to just get
11912s something on the board instead of taking
11914s damage gambling on the fact that your
11916s opponent has a weak hand in this
11918s instance it turned out to not be a
11919s winning play at all I don't know if the
11922s other lines were winning at all but it
11924s felt like maybe going location into the
11926s top deck fiendish Circle which I know is
11929s incredibly unlucky unlikely was a more
11932s likely way to win the game because as
11933s soon as he coined out that cultist you
11935s just had nothing to do yeah like
11937s furthermore I think decision is even
11939s more interesting than that because you
11941s know you're kind of looking at it almost
11942s from the Solitaire perspective of like
11944s what's the best play for me right am I
11947s better having a three four on board or
11948s am I better tapping to find better
11949s options specifically finished Circle or
11951s whatever else you end up looking for but
11953s as I was mentioning at the time that
11956s balance between playing minions to fight
11959s for board and not allowing your opponent
11961s to infuse their minions by killing their
11963s own stuff if need be it's quite
11964s difficult to manage as well because if
11967s plastic had made that play against a
11968s hand from Fury hunter that wasn't imps
11971s and reform for example like infused cars
11973s that would pay that off but was instead
11975s very curse heavy that damage that he
11977s saves from playing the 3-4 might
11979s actually end up being crucial because
11980s the curse based hand from Fury then
11983s doesn't necessarily have the damage to
11984s get there while he wins board as it
11987s happens through it out got hit with the
11989s infused curve straight away and that
11991s mischievous imp just bodied him
11993s essentially just too much damage too
11995s quickly even though he got so far ahead
11998s of the curve on the The Curse ramping
12000s early on in that one so I think that
12003s mirror is very very difficult to play
12005s it's a match up that I am not super
12008s comfortable in myself at this point it's
12010s not something that I ever feel like I'm
12012s 100 sure what the lines are in certain
12015s spots just because the matchups can go
12016s in so many different directions but
12018s certainly debates to be had uh on that
12022s game that we just witnessed but now
12024s plastic has to avert disaster you do not
12030s want to be remembered or perhaps not
12032s remembered as the player who's six
12035s zeroed out in less than an hour at this
12038s point it would have to be if these if
12040s this game goes down very quickly to a
12042s good Rogue hand from Fury Hunter but
12045s also that is the point right sometimes
12048s when things are going against you this
12050s way you queue into a deck like Rogue you
12053s know full well there are hands that
12056s Rogue draws that you have no chance
12059s against it can just happen you just lose
12062s plastic knows that because it happened
12064s to him about 45 minutes so if he sees
12068s another one of those nightmare scenarios
12070s this could spell disaster for our hero
12073s it could but finally here we have a very
12077s aggressive hand perfect man utilization
12079s for the first four turns at least
12081s possibly uh an infused mischievous him
12085s but even if it's not just six attack for
12087s four Mana is more than threatening
12089s enough burst the likes of this road and
12092s on the other side unless we see
12094s something turn around very quickly Fury
12096s Hunter a shadow step I don't know maybe
12099s a next turn you have time for a shroud
12102s something very quickly he's just getting
12104s steamrolled
12106s currently that is the case yes but it is
12108s the hand if it finds the right pieces
12110s can turn the corner fairly quickly that
12113s is not one of the pieces that is needed
12115s however uh with your Melbourne dancer
12118s draca and stenographer in hand already
12120s if you do start finding preps and
12124s various other tools backstab already in
12126s hand Shadow step as you mentioned you
12128s can create a very nice swing turn out of
12131s this hand but you do need a little bit
12133s of favor from your deck and fury did not
12136s really get it there it's the kind of
12139s draw now that makes Fury have to plan
12140s for kind of a piecemeal kind of tempo
12144s plan over the next two or three turns
12146s here
12147s um but it's not looking like it's going
12148s to be particularly effective against the
12151s power curve that plastic has on the
12152s other hand
12153s oh wow dancer okay I was gonna say I
12156s thought it would be location plus
12157s Abyssal curse because then you can
12161s um set up for a shadow step top deck
12163s next turn to bounce this mailbox dancer
12165s a couple times I think that would allow
12167s him to play his full hand but most
12169s importantly it means that you're not
12170s killing any Minions on the board because
12172s if he didn't play this mailbox dancer I
12174s think it was a very high chance he
12175s doesn't kill anything because this is
12177s the third minion that's died this was
12178s the activator for mischievous imp
12181s turns out there's something even
12182s stronger than that with just a while
12184s Library punched them for a million uh
12186s but uh not the way I necessarily would
12189s have anticipated it being played maybe
12191s it gives Fury Hunter a couple of other
12192s outs he can draw to to get a big bunch
12194s of first
12201s oh it's the step oh no way
12205s oh sorry and he is willing that mailbox
12209s dancer back into his hand but it is long
12212s deceased at this point and I think Fury
12215s now sees the last real chance of
12218s actually finding his way out of this
12220s matchup just creeping away from him
12226s oh God shall I stepping the ghost oh
12230s it's quite a lot worse than Shadow
12232s stepping a mailbox dancer I don't know
12234s if you're trying to
12237s cross my mind
12243s [Music]
12244s it has to go no real Choice here Fury
12247s plays the hand
12250s seven attack weapon but this is not it's
12253s it's a small difference you know we saw
12254s this happening on turn three turn four
12256s earlier now it's happening on turn five
12258s but in this kind of match up precisely
12260s that one or two turn difference is just
12263s night and day and now plastic will
12266s surely feel like he has plenty of time
12268s to still get this one over the line
12270s okay this is a little uh interesting
12273s though I because the first instinct is
12275s in mischievous in all face uh but they
12279s do have 16 damage which means a top deck
12281s of oh are they playing Wicked stab oh no
12285s wicked stuff for Fury okay that's in
12287s Happy's list uh so I guess you did
12290s technically have the ability to just go
12292s mischievous in full face and I don't
12294s think you ever died from there
12298s maybe with some Edwin you know prep
12300s tooth prep tooth but realistically
12302s you're always going to survive there
12303s right
12305s uh but he does take the tap which does
12307s mean he is forced to trade if he wants
12310s to make sure there are no outs to his
12311s opponent within reason
12332s well
12340s oh yeah that's the only play you can
12343s make to survive
12352s oh but it's yeah it doesn't even survive
12354s location waking up it's just lethal on
12356s board anyway nothing really the fury
12358s could do about that in the end and boy
12361s oh boy these are some games today Derek
12363s absolute you juggernauts of decks going
12366s up against each other these it's
12368s Unstoppable just running through walls
12371s talking in disgraceful accents you know
12374s everything that we know and love about
12376s juggernauts yeah I I feel like I might
12379s have used this analogy before but it
12381s really does feel like you know what they
12384s talk about boxing was like before
12385s someone thought hey you can actually
12387s Dodge punches like Victorian boxing
12390s where you just stand there and punch the
12391s other person until someone just Falls
12393s over uh because that's really it's about
12396s the movie version of boxing exactly yeah
12399s whale on each other 10 straight minutes
12403s uh
12405s [Music]
12406s all right but the relics even under here
12408s for plastic they're pretty much standard
12411s list that we are seeing for the most
12412s part here Queen azshara sorted in which
12415s is I think a difference uh from
12418s uh Fury's list uh we have seen for
12421s plastic so far today uh Queen nashara
12424s has not been looking the spiciest uh
12426s more specifically in the Rogue I think
12427s than in the Demon Hunter but it can get
12431s the job done of course with plenty of
12432s cheap spells alongside the predation as
12434s well I I like the thought of putting it
12436s in the deck
12437s foreign
12446s once today Theory keeping Shadow step
12449s mailbox dancer I'd be curious to know
12451s how much that is a desperation keep
12454s against a unfavorable matchup where your
12457s opponent is playing Super aggressive and
12459s how much he sees it as just kind of the
12461s cards you're looking for uh with this
12463s deck overall and I think I'm starting to
12465s get a pretty good answer with that
12466s Mulligan yet again
12471s yeah it does seem that way more and more
12474s for Fury Hunter and I do think mailbox
12476s dancer is the key to a lot of pieces
12479s mailbox dancer on its own I think is
12481s kind of a mid-tier mulligan in terms of
12483s my recollection of the stats fairly
12485s middle of the road but this is something
12488s that you pick up more over time and
12490s through experience and just through
12491s being a high-level Hearthstone player is
12493s combinations of cards that inflate
12496s Mulligan win rates right it's when you
12498s see Mulligan guides written by top
12500s players who put care and attention into
12503s making their guides good and useful when
12506s you see the Mulligan guide for it it
12507s will be keep X if Y A lot of the time
12510s right like keep keep this card if you
12513s have this other card to go with it keep
12515s this if you have this already keep this
12517s for Synergy if you already have this the
12519s best card in the deck you can start to
12520s keep some tier two cards in the in the
12522s Mulligan as well all those kinds of
12523s things and I do think the combination
12525s specifically of mailbox dancer and
12528s Shadow step is a devastating one
12530s but subtle the stats don't lie
12536s I don't
12538s you know there's data and then there's
12539s data analysis you know those are two
12541s different things and you need both of
12542s them
12544s I grow impatient well plastic can be
12547s feeling pretty sad here they decided to
12549s just shoot his opponent in the face
12550s before last turn instead of playing The
12553s Relic Vault because now
12555s you know
12556s playing The Relic of phantasms is
12558s obviously pretty Dreadful Here Without
12560s The Relic to go alongside it very very
12562s low pressure indeed but I can fully
12564s understand why he sees it as being
12566s necessary just the most Mana efficient
12568s play
12569s and over off oh
12575s yep Fury gonna chill for one turn and
12578s then next turn is utterly revolting uh
12583s just about everything he wants to do is
12585s possible on the following TurnKey get
12587s location down mailbox dancer down three
12588s coins then available stenographer as
12590s well will be playable for free because
12592s of all the cards being played yeah back
12594s at the end of all of that as well
12596s and there are even drawers off the top
12598s that could potentially make things even
12600s more disgusting
12603s okay however if from plastic we see
12606s meltronics it could delay the pain for a
12610s single turn
12612s uh he's holding back on it I think
12613s because this sets up
12615s azshara whereas maltronics would not
12617s have done uh but
12620s well I can understand what he's going
12622s for it's just not even going to be close
12624s to enough now
12626s I suppose you have to ask right mailbox
12628s dancer played mailbox dancer stepped
12630s shroud shroud played you have a lot of
12634s information about at least the
12636s percentage chance that your opponent has
12638s the hand that basically kills you this
12641s turn in hand so whether or not the
12644s disruption was more valuable there than
12647s the alternative I think is certainly a
12648s debate worth having but regardless it's
12650s the world we live in now plastic has
12652s gone for more setting up his own game
12654s plan as opposed to disrupting his
12655s opponents and oh my goodness this deck
12659s just makes you sick sometimes Derek look
12662s at that turn yeah he is just dead
12667s simply defeated
12671s and it's a rough road through the full
12673s championships for plastic you know he
12675s came in here as the underdog as we've
12678s said him and uh usja in particular the
12680s two players that we are by far the least
12682s familiar with had a lot to prove but you
12685s said it he had a great run through the
12686s Masters tours just getting here is a
12688s testament to his capabilities in its own
12691s right
12692s and you know it it it's hard to say that
12696s that was a bad performance from him at
12698s all because that first series against
12699s Abu gabu just did not really count he
12701s didn't get to do anything at all that
12703s one against Fury was a little bit closer
12705s there are definitely some plays that we
12707s can talk about there that could have
12708s been debatable but for the most part he
12711s just got hit with the two top players in
12713s the world back to back yeah and again
12716s you know I have a lot of sympathy for
12718s plastic in this position I do think this
12720s is important people who have been
12722s watching a lot of our tournaments
12724s throughout the year will probably be
12725s sick to death at this tirade from me but
12727s I do just want to to remind everyone for
12730s plastic to get here you have to be a
12733s legend Hearthstone player which is
12734s already a small percentage of the
12736s population you then have to finish in
12737s the top of ladder uh or get through
12740s qualifiers to find your way into a
12742s Masters Tour which is then a fraction of
12743s that fraction of top percent of players
12745s you then have to perform well in those
12747s Masters tours again Masters Tour four
12750s seven and one record Masters Tour five
12751s six and two record Master tour six five
12754s and three record to then be one of the
12757s top performing players in the second
12759s half of the Masters Tour Circuit of the
12761s entire year so of that fraction of a
12763s percent that makes it to Masters tours
12765s you then have to be the fraction of a
12766s percent again to even get to this
12769s position to then show up and get
12772s absolutely rolled by two of the best
12774s players in the world it's a miserable
12776s ending but try not to focus on that last
12779s bit anyone can get rolled by two of the
12781s best players in the world plastic made
12783s it here and that is something that he
12785s deserves enormous Commendation for here
12787s here and I wish him the best of luck in
12790s his Endeavors uh next year if he
12793s continues to try four worlds again I
12795s think he's got a very good shot of doing
12797s so but for the next series it is going
12799s to be Fury Hunter still in with a Chance
12802s of making it through to Worlds after the
12804s Heartbreak of Summer Champs all will be
12806s forgotten if he can just get himself two
12808s more wins first against xiaobai and then
12810s against whoever he sees in the quarter
12812s fight final so we're going to go to a
12814s break before the final match of group a
12817s [Music]
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12837s [Applause]
12839s [Music]
12857s thank you
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12871s thank you
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12981s foreign
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13018s foreign
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13050s foreign
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13085s foreign
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13130s foreign
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13163s foreign
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13202s foreign
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13230s [Music]
13243s foreign
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13252s [Applause]
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13284s foreign
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13318s foreign
13321s [Music]
13327s [Music]
13357s foreign
13358s [Music]
13397s thank you
13399s [Music]
13422s foreign
13424s [Music]
13433s and welcome back to the fall
13435s Championship I'm Raven joined by TJ this
13438s time as we bring you the final match
13440s from group a it's going to be Fury
13441s Hunter versus xiaobai and it's going to
13444s be effectively a rematch TJ
13446s yep rematch from the first series of the
13449s day where xiaobai was able to take that
13451s series uh three to two very close to
13453s thinnest of margins uh that you could
13457s possibly imagine so hoping that we're
13459s gonna get the same because other than
13461s that this group has just been three O's
13462s like just just straight through
13465s um so we need a little bit of uh of
13467s tension in order to you know Defuse The
13470s Situation a little bit
13472s um Fury Hunter coming off a big win and
13474s xiaobai coming off a very devastating
13477s loss so momentum's gotta be in Fury's
13479s favor even though he lost their first
13481s matchup yeah and just checking out this
13484s now the um both players have actually
13486s banned the same classes once again so no
13488s crazy strategy you know backflips or
13490s anything going on uh both players happy
13493s with their overall game plans because
13494s like you said right it was an extremely
13496s close series uh it could have you know
13498s swapped to one very very easily indeed
13500s but just look at this overall our first
13503s matchup TJ is going to be that warlock
13505s versus Demon Hunter and again just
13507s before we get into it final reminder the
13509s loser of this is just done and dusted
13511s for the fall championship and does not
13513s have a shot at going to the World
13515s Championship a little bit later on
13517s yeah pretty big deal pretty big deal
13519s shop by going to be opening with the
13520s curse Warlock
13522s and pretty standard stuff nothing really
13526s interesting going on here
13528s um and we saw the basically the final
13531s game right it was the final game came
13532s down to the Warlock mirror previously so
13535s yeah it's something we've seen a lot
13537s recently as well like before the Nerfs
13540s um when Hunter was dominant in the
13541s previous Masters Tour we saw a lot of
13543s matchups going down to can you know
13545s witch hunter wins basically because
13547s that's what happens where even though
13549s there's a dominant deck in the scene
13550s like on ladder for example yes the
13552s deck's very strong like that's not an
13554s argument but when people are you know so
13556s heavily expecting it it is easier to
13559s then say well my lineup doesn't have to
13561s be good on ladder my lineup has to beat
13563s certain decks or stop my opponent
13565s winning with certain decks so we'll have
13567s to see how this one plays out and maybe
13568s just how warlock actually does over the
13571s course of the whole weekend but the
13572s Warlock is going to be going up against
13574s this Relic Demon Hunter TJ and what do
13576s you think of this matchup because to me
13578s Demon Hunter at least this version
13580s definitely feels like it it never looks
13582s like it's doing a lot until it wins
13585s until it does yeah yeah it's very odd
13588s deck to actually watch because they kind
13590s of meander around but do you think
13591s versus curse warlock specifically it's
13593s got game or do you think it's maybe just
13595s a little bit too slot I think it has
13597s game you do have some removal and as
13600s long as you can hit one point in the
13602s game where you're sort of
13604s um you know getting ahead right where
13606s you're swinging the tempo the late game
13608s of this deck is just so incredibly
13610s powerful there are some awkward
13612s situations where you're like barely
13613s trying to stabilize and
13616s [Applause]
13618s the infused minions just keep coming out
13621s right mischievous right into M King
13622s reform and then you can't keep up with
13624s the tempo because you know usually
13626s you're you're clearing on a relic ball
13629s relic of Extinction turn or you're
13631s clearing on a lady's steno turn but you
13633s can't do those things twice in a row so
13635s uh you usually have sort of like a big
13637s turn than a ramp turn then a big turn
13639s then a ramp turn so
13641s um well we shall
13644s I could have sworn we had key cards for
13646s this earlier yeah I was something I
13647s started at this like where did the cards
13649s go uh but yes uh I agree what do you
13653s think uh or at least I think the
13654s Mulligan from Fury Hunter is gonna
13656s really set the path for this game right
13658s because this Demon Hunter has the
13661s ability to have a very trash Mulligan if
13664s you hit some of those High acoustic
13665s cards specifically in this matchup if
13667s xiaobai gets that sort of early imp push
13669s so let's see how it goes quick full
13671s Mulligan there from xiaobai fiori
13674s that considering do you think he's just
13676s looking at the sigil for a keeper or do
13678s you think it's uh Throwing It All Away
13680s and it looked for look to sigil for a
13684s keep I mean you're you're otherwise only
13687s here apparent on turn one so right you
13689s never keep in Dimensions right
13692s not in this matchup yeah yeah yeah maybe
13695s if you had
13697s if you were like on the coin and had
13700s vaults plus okay whatever we're doing it
13704s well this was sort of where I was
13707s leading to with the question was it's
13709s the most powerful single card in the
13712s deck right
13713s but it does require at least a a nudge
13717s of setup to be truly you know god-like
13719s power so we'll have to see how this pays
13721s off but I I kind of respect Fury for
13724s this because it is the best card in the
13725s day why we just got a forecast one even
13727s better and if something's gonna snap him
13730s into the game like even if he's falling
13732s behind a little bit at the start like a
13735s huge Relic could just completely flip
13737s the game
13738s sure I I don't know I'd much rather try
13740s and look for like the tempo relics
13745s um or even like Relic Vault some early
13750s game removal like chaos strike fell
13751s barrage right
13753s uh
13756s we'll see we'll see it I mean it's like
13758s a middling Mulligan win rate no matter
13760s how you look at it it's like always like
13761s six fifth six or seven right across
13764s almost every matchup
13766s um and obviously did have the sigil
13770s uh in the opening hand uh which is
13772s always just generally good I think
13773s especially on the play but um
13776s yeah it is a risk but it's gonna be able
13778s to
13779s clear up a little bit of stuff here
13781s we'll see what shot by decides to go
13784s um okay
13785s it's either damage or Draw in this
13787s instance so is gonna go and cash in on
13790s damage uh first does that mischievous
13792s into Falling Up The Board gets cleaned
13794s up so I like this you can draw cards
13796s later yeah save the drawers for later
13798s you need to punch opponent in the face
13800s first yes there's more pressing tasks at
13803s hand
13804s well Fury does have now another cheap
13807s Relic to play out it's not going to be
13809s Mega impactful but it will help the
13812s overall game plan
13814s it's just not a terrible drawer either
13818s yeah I kind of just like the school
13820s teacher can test the 4-4 that's on board
13822s on a non-library turn you might be able
13825s to find something that can help you
13826s clean up next turn
13828s um relic of Dimensions is
13832s pretty good for a setup turn I guess
13835s because it's already cast the extinction
13837s so it's a you know slightly improved oh
13840s oh
13842s that is solid uh do you think he has she
13845s waits
13846s and tries to go like Relic Relic Relic
13849s plus you know whatever next turn so
13851s right now it's at three so one shot
13856s won't kill the 4-4 right so I think you
13859s can wait to next turn and go Phantasm
13861s then Extinction depending on like what's
13863s on the board
13864s and like go super wide on the board
13866s because those phantasms are already
13867s starting to get pretty big right
13870s um still has the fiori as well if he
13872s needs to you know kill off something
13874s else yeah like average outcome there is
13876s you take off two power right like right
13878s it's gonna split the the three the four
13880s four or you know something like that so
13883s I think waiting oh my goodness oh my
13886s goodness all right so now just a relic
13889s of Extinction first so you can go relic
13891s of Extinction Relic vault
13894s Phantasm Relic Vault Phantasm and have a
13897s giant board
13899s does it clear enough doing it that way
13902s though
13903s uh
13905s like to die
13908s I mean because you'd have scary you'd
13911s have in that instance you'd have two
13913s four fours two five fives two six sixes
13919s and he'd clear off
13921s on average what like four power if you
13924s think it's gonna hit one like one three
13925s three one one one the extinction
13933s okay yeah I just that's why I was
13935s thinking like with this hand is it's
13937s just relentful Extinction just so much
13940s stronger ah you please have so much more
13943s power
13945s 28 power on board
13948s if you did the other way
13950s as opposed to what is this 18 man
13956s you say 28. yeah you'd have 28 because
13959s he would have kept he would have cast
13960s the extinction then he would have uh
13962s Relic vaulted the
13964s nope even more it'd be 8 plus 10 18 plus
13968s 12 would be thirty be thirty well if you
13971s were just dead wait he was just dead
13973s though right
13974s it depends on what you hit with the
13976s initial Extinction I guess but those the
13978s location pops this turn so there's so
13980s many cards that he would have just been
13981s dead to
13983s yeah fine yeah I think this this was the
13987s play that just kept Fury in it more
13989s times than setting up the the lethal
13992s laws
13994s you gotta risk it for the biscuit I I
13997s genuinely agree with you actually TJ you
13999s might have just been dead on board and
14001s then no there's no risk involved it's
14003s strictly yeah I think the fair was that
14007s the location was still there right
14009s so there are actually just so many cards
14011s that prove a big problem
14016s 25 damage
14025s in Lee doesn't
14028s really help him out we're looking for a
14030s field of strife I-beam
14034s oh I've been very good actually yeah
14036s that doesn't look half bad does it
14039s I imagine that was an I-beam pick yep
14043s a little bit annoying he just doesn't
14045s quite have that one damage right yeah
14048s everything's just after he will have to
14050s try to stick six into the big imp but I
14053s can't get a value trade on the librarian
14055s which is nice with the uh hero power
14057s onto one of these one ones
14059s and then push the six I wonder if he's
14061s gonna think about actually trading off
14063s the ones yeah and just in case the
14064s second location is in hand yeah um you
14067s don't want to take that little bit extra
14068s damage but now this lines up perfectly
14069s in the shop buys M King reform however
14073s fear is at 11. nah I was gonna say you
14076s get a missile wave and clear up a lot of
14077s stuff and roll into the cool but the
14079s curse aren't big enough I mean there's
14081s still a big draw right
14084s what does she like there oh yeah oh this
14088s is the juice oh yeah buy seven it's all
14092s free now
14096s okay
14098s oh my gosh
14101s is that lethal I three plus Fury will
14105s know an extra seven
14107s that'll be 14.
14109s it's one off
14115s is that seven there's 14 on board four
14118s no sleep though right Fury Fury can't
14121s strike
14123s oh yeah no you're right you're right he
14125s recast wait
14127s that's fine
14129s that's 14 there's 14 on board it's 28.
14134s I'm being dumb okay thank you
14137s you made me second guess myself I did
14138s that math perfectly
14142s he's got to make all of the trades I
14145s mean this is still solid though because
14147s look at his hands going forward right
14155s so he's
14157s dead to two curses but yeah not to one
14159s curse
14162s and that's not one curse oh there's one
14164s manner off being able to zackle and bran
14166s oh jeez
14170s e
14170s you still just you push five you you
14175s trade wave push five
14179s or no you push eight then grimoire then
14181s wave
14184s yes I like that a lot because then
14186s you're down to one and then you have
14187s that cool next turn yeah with bran right
14189s yeah or you draw oh
14194s oh uh um
14199s library was uh lethal a library plus an
14203s Impulse lethal right B plus three plus
14206s three one or three damage
14208s yes but I thought the setup you talked
14210s about was way better in general right
14212s you clear the whole board you push um
14215s some damage with the first curse and
14216s then you have bran zaku
14223s I mean this still does the job to
14225s sometimes it as well with these touches
14226s to heal up a tiny bit
14228s yeah preserves the board still pushes
14231s the eight
14232s it's a grimoire in hand
14235s still not bad
14236s [Music]
14237s okay what are those
14240s uh
14242s hives are they fives
14246s are they five I thought
14253s hmm there might be some reason for some
14255s reason I think that's smaller but I
14256s might be wrong it's attacked at least
14258s three times
14260s TJ you're on fire today friend you know
14263s your numbers
14266s big fan of numbers
14267s love numbers
14270s was this just locking in hero powers
14274s I think right just do the double trade
14276s with the hero Powers maximize that
14277s damage there's still double fell barrage
14280s still G lag in hand as well
14284s there's no relics left in the deck at
14286s all right
14288s um you know what I can check
14290s yeah no there's artificer one school
14293s teacher one brand one sefno two
14296s predations and an al-tracky War blades
14298s TJ
14300s we'd be playing a different game if
14302s there are Jackie wall blades have been
14303s drawn yeah a very very different game
14307s all right so last Shadow spell cast was
14310s the touch
14318s so the options here uh for xiaobai to
14320s just wave this
14322s I think I just like wave I'm just yeah
14325s wave to set up for uh Dart vein next
14327s turn actually or brands are cool but the
14329s problem is with brands are cool he won't
14331s heal for as much as this bat is hitting
14334s him for
14335s so I think that's just not Secrets
14338s brands are cool is uh three four right
14341s it's one damage off oh he's on three
14343s four oh sorry sorry I thought it was
14345s lower
14346s uh maybe you're right on this one
14349s you know you've got to be right you know
14352s your numbers today TJ I've already told
14353s you
14355s nope oh it's one two okay I thought it
14357s was one two I was thinking what curses
14359s have been played this game
14363s yeah it does clear off the brand to
14365s actually kill the five one so that
14367s cleans up I realized that uh I think we
14369s both use the same dashboard number so I
14371s got booted out
14372s oh sorry
14375s the answer is here I don't know where I
14378s came up with that yeah he hasn't had
14380s time to play curses at all it's because
14382s every single turn since turn six I've
14384s considered Abyssal wave as an option and
14387s so when I consider it as an option it
14389s just means that it's been cast already
14393s and fury dude something here with Finley
14399s yeah because like I said he has our
14402s draki he has two predations
14409s and Steno as well yeah
14412s so if you get something out yeah there's
14414s there it is guaranteed because yeah yeah
14415s yeah because you swallowed seven cards
14417s seven cards
14422s that's what sex and predation these are
14425s cool that's the tunnel cleans that up
14428s that's the wall blades yep
14433s I mean it is wall blades heel I think
14435s you really want heal okay good
14437s the rope's burning TJ and players are
14440s looking slow-ish and it scares me
14445s got the damage in
14449s hugely important TJ the wave was not
14452s played on one of the 20 turns you
14454s suggested it be played which means again
14456s lady dark vein is not really active
14459s right
14460s it is active but for touch yeah not in
14464s the way you want it to be basically yeah
14466s so you can lady dark vein
14469s he's just dead
14470s yeah I was gonna say touch and then it
14473s touches the other one that one touches
14477s but flame imp is just the exact same
14479s amount of healing damage and healing so
14483s foreign
14487s for the top
14489s and that is not it nope not enough
14494s it's gonna go for it
14496s something even though I'm oh no it's
14498s grimoire okay I was wrong oh is it
14500s Graham okay oh yeah because he Grim the
14502s brand after this are cool
14509s okay school teacher
14516s oh
14520s Big Win there for game one for fiori
14523s Hunter the last time these two played a
14524s little bit early today to kick off the
14526s show it was a very close series but
14528s xiaobai was the winner Fury Hunter
14530s getting off to a good start but that
14532s again TJ an incredibly close game and
14535s it's one of those games that no doubt
14537s you could rewind and just say well what
14540s if this happened right because we talked
14542s about the waves so often it meant the
14544s dark vein wasn't stuck in the curses you
14547s do understand it to an extent because as
14548s we saw without the wave he played zero
14551s curses all game so it's not like three
14553s waves would have done a million damage
14555s right it would have done a good chunk
14557s but not tons but really difficult match
14559s up there to air navigate but Fury gets
14562s it done with their the relic of
14564s Dimensions keep even though it didn't
14565s really come into play TJ oh I mean it
14569s did like he was able to draw a lot of
14570s cards
14572s the four Mana one was a little bit more
14574s useful than the five yeah yeah
14577s but you know it's the uh the butterfly
14580s effect if you hadn't kept the radical
14581s Dimensions the other relative dimensions
14583s would have been one card closer to the
14585s top so it wouldn't have actually right
14587s uh yep by the sigil so then it would
14589s have been full cost
14592s and then exactly how it works yep yep so
14595s we got the Warlock and the Rogue left
14598s for Fury Hunter
14600s um
14602s The Relic Demon Hunter ah I don't know
14605s it's hard for me to evaluate like which
14606s is the toughest deck
14608s to get across in this situation right
14612s um like my Common Sense would tell me
14615s the Rogue
14617s just because you can't High Roll every
14619s game right like
14621s yeah right but he's only had a sample
14625s size of two with the deck so you know
14627s maybe the next four games he plays with
14629s it he's just gonna have dead draws but
14631s TJ 100 is 100 no matter which way you
14633s slice it
14635s um next match up though it's gonna be
14637s fioriana jumping over to his Warlock and
14639s xiaoba is going to be on this priest in
14641s there again a very tricky matchup I feel
14644s like a lot of these matchups versus
14646s Warlock the opponent unless you're
14648s playing like a hard counter the opponent
14651s does have to just be you know not make a
14653s misstep right because I've played this
14655s matchup a lot as the priest and although
14657s you can just demolish the Warlock if you
14659s pop off early you'll create a big enough
14661s minion that can't be dealt with but the
14663s games where you just don't get that
14665s handed to you you can get pushed really
14667s hard early on and a lot of the time even
14670s though Shadowood devour is one of the
14672s best cards you can get early a lot of
14674s the time it's not enough because it
14675s doesn't actually kill a lot of the
14677s target she needed to kill yeah yeah
14682s I had cards earlier too
14685s yeah well don't look at me TJ and and it
14689s actually has the archetype listed that's
14690s weird yeah the technology is not there
14695s yet names but yeah really cool matchup
14699s that I play a decent chunk of Naga
14701s priests so I definitely like to see
14703s players who are much better than me
14704s pilot it says instead because you've got
14707s so many options on how to approach
14708s certain matchups it's a super fun to
14711s watch and look cards TJ we have them in
14713s this video that's what we're like one
14716s deck does one day it doesn't I don't
14718s know I play I play every deck Raven and
14721s by I play every deck I mean I only play
14723s seafrogue
14724s and by proxy I play every deck so
14728s you play every Deck with secrets
14731s yeah
14732s every secret class and then every class
14734s that has a spell that costs five or more
14736s and then I Shadow set my theater twice
14738s so I steal three of your cards in your
14739s one condition
14741s it's not the only it's not about how you
14742s win I don't play Rogue I play everything
14744s easy
14747s what do you think what do you think
14748s about this matchup is it like how
14750s favored do you think it is to the
14752s Warlock oh the priests
14754s I uh think this one hinges entirely upon
14757s like the first four turns right
14762s it's hard to go over the top with curses
14764s unless you stick a considerable amount
14766s of early game damage against knock
14767s Caprice because if you let them have a
14769s turn of a big minion that minion is
14770s going to kill you
14772s um so I think that
14775s it's an it's entirely dependent on who
14777s can get that
14779s that early lead right if you can have a
14781s big swing turn earlier on the game with
14783s the Naga priest with like a shadow or
14784s devour or something along those lines
14786s it's really easy to just keep the board
14788s paired down from there and uh you like I
14792s said the curse thread is a little bit
14794s more limited in this matchup because
14796s right if you start falling behind on
14798s board it's going to ramp up super fast
14801s yeah I think a lot of the time here you
14803s as the Warlock you really do just want
14804s to have the full minion opening and
14806s almost just not draw the curse cards at
14809s all unless you can count you know Siri
14811s cast is fine as an uncurved play if
14813s that's something fiorianto wants to
14815s consider yeah outside of that you don't
14818s want any of the fancy stuff you really
14819s want to just build the board with uh
14822s imps get the library down so you can
14824s make them or at least make a one or two
14826s of them not die to a single Devourer and
14828s then and then go on from there because
14831s then Shelby will be forced into playing
14833s that sort of uh Naga priest game where
14835s you have to hold back for a while uh to
14837s be able to pull off something big but
14839s Fury unset
14841s are we not literally with this my next
14844s point was going to be
14846s even with the curse package the the
14849s Warlock does early game stuff way more
14852s consistently uh than the Naga priests or
14855s as early as you need it right right and
14858s so you know I think that the Warlock is
14860s a favorite in in the in the
14864s uh not a favorite no no I'm gonna go
14867s back to my original point
14870s I feel like you're taking on the role of
14871s the Warlock TJ and actually cursing Fury
14874s Hunter here because this Mulligan is not
14877s great fiendish circle the second is the
14879s shadow word Devourer here I I don't want
14882s to call it early but this is hard to
14885s recover from this is exactly what you
14888s want to uh position to be in as the
14891s priest here for xiaobai because you
14892s landed a minion early the Warlock did
14894s not you bought the minion the Walla
14897s continued to not do stuff then beams
14899s come out and you eat them all up with
14901s Shadowood devour and it all goes wrong
14903s the anchor player Boone and yeah Fury
14906s under is laughing because he's like well
14908s I couldn't lose this game harder yeah
14911s basically if you go into turn four and
14912s the Naga priest has the board you lose
14914s like that
14916s it's that almost that cut and dry
14920s there's very little comeback mechanics
14922s that'll be able to hit the the health
14924s total that Naga priests have has if they
14927s have the board they win and you know the
14929s inauga priests sometimes they can whiff
14931s they don't have wig or they don't have
14932s an early game Minion
14934s um all it takes is the one one swing
14937s turn and there you go I think it's okay
14940s it's okay if fiori Hunter
14944s can put each minion into the taunts and
14947s then somehow manage to Abyss a wave dark
14949s vein pop the dark vein a bit of waves
14952s clear the board TJ that's if he had a
14955s magical stopwatch that stopped time
14957s yeah I think he might be dead before
14959s that I mean the the standard M4 lock
14963s without the cursed package is like
14964s slightly more favored in the match-up
14967s but still not still you know 60 40 right
14970s here for obnox but
14972s it's it all comes down to those first
14975s four turns and with Shadow devour being
14978s a card
14979s uh it can be sometimes difficult for you
14982s to actually get a foothold in the game
14983s before they run out of control I think
14985s as well a lot of that was that was the
14988s opening you want as the priest from
14989s xiaobai and that was the opening you
14992s don't want on the Mulligan you don't
14993s want as fiery Hunter right you got all
14995s the worst cards like all the cards we
14997s talked about not even wanting to see all
15000s game never mind in your opening hand and
15003s uh xiaobai like I said just played the
15005s curve out and got ahead on board and as
15006s you said by turn four especially if you
15008s have Boone locked and loaded ready to go
15009s it's gonna be very very difficult to
15011s come back so just like that in the blink
15013s of an eye Fury orienta's lead goes away
15015s and it is now evened up at one and one
15018s it looks like fiori is going to be
15020s playing the Warlock once again and then
15022s I'm waiting to see what xiaoba is gonna
15024s look in
15025s got a couple of uh uh better matchups
15029s lined up uh with their just a straight
15031s up mirror match
15033s um and then against the Mage I think you
15035s know looking at the spreads across
15036s pretty much every player in this group
15038s warlock on paper should be the deck that
15041s struggles right yeah um so it just
15045s seemed like a lot of players shot away
15047s from the Decks that imperf warlock does
15049s does well against you know some of the
15051s slower decks
15053s um I'm gonna say Obviously but maybe it
15057s wasn't so obvious given
15060s you know the style of tournament that
15063s says right and how important it is
15065s there's a lack of Druid which is where
15068s curse warlock finds a lot of its power
15070s as well
15072s yeah it's like a mage in this group
15073s which is interesting yes I mean speaking
15076s about that that's why I did want to
15077s bring up xiaobai is going to be playing
15079s the Warlock so it's going to be a mirror
15080s for the next match but I think xiaobai's
15083s in that same spot where if he gets
15085s warlock across the line his Mage going
15087s up against Rogue or warlock I think
15089s that's absolutely fine you know I think
15091s that's a great position for xiaobai to
15093s be in because I do think uh Mage
15095s generally does okay enough to get a win
15098s through there somehow so yeah okay
15100s enough yeah yeah no I'm not saying it's
15103s an easy easy win but I think when you've
15106s got Rogue let's say Java wins this right
15108s if you've got Rogue and warlock to play
15111s Mage against like I think you're feeling
15113s pretty okay I don't think it's in you
15115s know a steamroll but I think it's okay
15119s um here though TJ I think this might
15121s become a theme throughout the weekend
15122s and let's have a guy who's playing but
15125s we're going over wall-up mirror and I
15126s think this wallet mirror might decide a
15128s lot of this series
15132s well it would be playing out exactly how
15133s the uh previous Series played out uh
15136s just in sort of different matchups that
15138s I each deck was breaking but it gave it
15141s was game five the first time that these
15142s two players met in the initial match of
15144s the day
15144s uh they had the Warlock mirror and job I
15147s took it and took the series
15149s but it was like back and forth wins with
15151s with uh uh
15154s Demon Hunter than Mage then priest and
15156s Rogue yeah and we kind of had the same
15159s like
15160s the Mage beat the Rogue right so it's
15163s like yeah I mean the big problem it's
15165s gonna be similar
15166s yeah Fury took three goals to win it
15169s with the Rogue right like that was the
15170s big problem uh with the Mage and priest
15172s beating the Rogan series one but let's
15175s see how this one plays out Fury did hold
15177s on to the grimoire to be able to have
15179s some level of potential counter to his
15180s opponent like dropping flame him so I'll
15182s just imps in general at the library
15184s after the one ones coming down first
15188s this looks like two different decks
15192s it's the same deck
15197s honestly I think it's just a tap
15201s they Define more options stuff to do
15204s yeah Fury does have a potentially strong
15207s turn next turn
15209s right because he has tamzing coin touch
15213s which is quite powerful and we can see
15216s there's double flaming if xiaobai wants
15218s it but with double flame imp without
15221s having Library active he does have to be
15223s a little bit worried about Grandma
15225s yeah especially with how this early game
15227s has gone
15228s yeah fiori one kept and hasn't played
15231s anything yet like it played the card
15233s that he kept
15246s there are limits as to what cards he was
15248s actually Gonna Keep
15249s yeah
15252s uh to be quite honest this might just be
15254s Tams and coin grimoire
15258s oh you think
15260s uh
15262s Thompson his time's in touch touched a
15264s bit of a risk
15266s you just leave the Imp up on the other
15268s side right
15271s that's true but you have dry fiber
15276s and also xiaobai would need like an imp
15279s to follow up right to actually kill the
15281s Tamsin true and if the tamzin lives well
15285s then you're just having a great day
15290s I don't have another
15292s you don't have an extra grimoire Target
15294s in hand currently
15297s friend easy
15299s yeah we should just Temple brain yeah
15302s Temple brand
15303s I think this plus touch is better
15307s because I don't think one imp on the
15309s board is going to be the difference next
15311s turn between we're not losing the game
15312s but the second there isn't enough of
15314s above for this uh imp to kill the tamzin
15317s if the tamzin lives like that is a huge
15319s turnaround because uh Fury has dragged
15321s Below in hand yeah you can see of course
15323s that there's nobody's track below there
15326s is another M and so on so
15331s I think Japan does have to drag below
15333s this right
15336s I mean it's plus two plus two on the amp
15338s so you could trade over and just play a
15340s cultist
15344s but if you play Jack blow it goes into
15347s the lady dark vein you could just play
15348s it on curve yeah
15351s I kind of like it
15355s maybe that's giving up Bob potentially
15357s giving a board too early
15364s foreign
15376s yeah none of these seem good hmm
15380s play a Mischief an uninfused mischievous
15383s simp I don't know just doesn't line up
15384s well enough on the board yeah
15386s I think Drive below and then leave the
15388s two Health in case that fiori could
15391s actually use the square mile at some
15393s point yeah oh was that cool on curve oh
15397s it's so good
15399s normally this feels way more powerful
15401s when you do it with bran but if you're a
15403s head on board and you just drop this on
15404s curve against nothing it's a six five
15407s like it hits pretty hard if it's not
15410s killed and currently fiori has no way to
15414s kill this he has his own Circle to like
15416s try and heal
15424s Ed this feels terrible
15426s yeah this is just pain isn't it maybe
15429s Fiori's just thinking oh I just need to
15432s get to turn a to like brands that call
15434s or something he needs exactly wave he
15437s needs exactly wave this turn right yeah
15440s yeah and even even then yeah I was gonna
15443s say
15444s quick shot bite just drag below your own
15446s Minion yeah okay it's it's lethal
15448s guaranteed for for job by next turn
15451s because it goes lady darkbean drags
15453s below the minion
15465s oh there's a card he would have liked
15467s about 10 years ago
15469s wow that's just gonna be game number
15471s three just like that TJ going to show by
15474s and it just shows like the polar
15477s opposite sides of the deck right xiaobai
15480s got the earlier it's got the curve out
15481s and uh Fury just could not even really
15484s fight for the board yes he didn't just
15486s pass every turn but it was never a fight
15489s it was okay oh okay I have to spend this
15491s one car to deal with this there you go
15493s no problem so tough one and uh fioriant
15496s is now only one game away from being
15498s eliminated which uh at least for me TJ
15500s would be an absolutely huge upset
15502s because I think the general Hearthstone
15504s Community uh is in agreement that Fury
15507s Hunter is the if not one of the best
15510s players in the world right now so it
15512s would be uh such a shame to see him go
15514s out so early but losing to xiaobai twice
15517s in a row well twice in the same group I
15519s guess uh is a tough one
15522s yeah has to try to Target this age now
15524s right last deck remaining for xiaobai
15526s two
15528s one reasonable matchup and then one
15532s I have no faith in Rogue hey Matt job
15535s yeah yeah I mean this is the one this is
15538s like the middle ground right uh the
15540s mailbox dancer version is like the
15545s um
15545s [Music]
15547s slightly extra pop-off version right but
15552s it also relies more on Minion damage
15555s because it doesn't run like Wicked stab
15558s right uh so you
15561s can get frozen out of the game a lot
15564s easier
15565s with this deck obviously you can make
15567s like bigger things earlier because the
15570s mail like mailbox answer Shadow step you
15572s get extra access to the coin uh it's
15575s just another Target in the deck
15578s yeah but you uh like a flurry hurts more
15582s because you don't have the reach that
15584s you would with Wicked stab in the deck
15586s yeah I mean we're gonna see the Mage Cup
15589s against the wall lock first but I do
15591s think in the Mage Rogue matchup that we
15593s might see next game
15594s um
15595s Fury would basically have to go all in
15598s on the dagger right I think that's the
15601s by far the best way to deal with Mage
15603s but first things first we've got Mage
15605s versus Warlock and much more more
15608s reasonable matchup for Fury air if not a
15611s good matchup actually uh the ability for
15613s the curses to just
15614s not care about a lot of what the Mage is
15617s doing
15619s um also conveniently Dodges solid Alibi
15621s which is a huge strength of the deck and
15624s also just the healing Factor that's
15625s available is actually super frustrating
15627s combined with the recent-ish made Nerfs
15631s yeah
15634s it's um
15637s it's got everything you want right it's
15638s got the pressure early before the major
15640s is really able to get online with some
15642s of the more powerful cards
15644s and like you said the over the top that
15646s bypass is solid Alibi because it's on
15648s their turn and not your turn
15650s um
15652s ah this opening from xiaobai is not the
15655s greatest actually Thruway nightclub
15657s sanctum but
15659s uh does find like a cold case which is
15661s just so General to get a card
15664s um
15665s but that Health total is gonna go away
15667s uh
15670s pretty quickly once again though not
15672s much in the ways of
15677s pressure pressure yeah there's the
15679s mischievous in but it won't be infused
15681s and shall buy wisely it's just going to
15683s take out this imp yeah and I think I
15686s like the nightclub sanctum throw which
15688s sounds ridiculous but against this if
15691s they go wide with imps okay you can
15693s freeze like the four four five five or
15695s six six but all the others still hit you
15697s right and then you do nothing to turn
15700s after and you've spent three Mana to
15702s just freeze and make a tutu and often
15704s that's not enough if the uh if the
15706s Warlock actually pressures I do like the
15708s Brandon curve though from fiori this is
15710s just good
15711s yep they should be sip it's gonna spawn
15714s the uh the extra imp so
15719s I'm gonna be able to
15721s buff up this brand
15724s not a lot a lot but it'll put it at a
15727s range this kind of stuff what are you
15730s thinking about if it's worth it it's not
15733s worth it you got to get brand value
15734s right well I'm actually thinking does he
15737s play mischievous imp and not play the
15739s nightclub
15741s okay oh he's gonna do this I was
15743s thinking uh I'm saying nightclub now
15745s because we've talked about the Mage one
15746s sorry vial Library I was wondering
15748s whether he trades with the brand
15751s uh well plays the trades with the brown
15753s obstacles face and then saves the
15755s location for next turn when you can do a
15757s circle but decided to go this way around
15760s all those imps are gonna go bye-bye but
15762s it is going to infuse the imprint yeah
15765s and there's a chance that there's nope
15770s but like you said still infuses so
15773s oh okay
15775s I'm seeing pretty good pickup definitely
15776s a matchup where you can happily just
15778s tams in on six and not worry if you you
15781s know you maybe kill your own import too
15787s the savara in hand when the Cold Case
15790s was played
15792s I don't know maybe not super relevant
15794s all right so shabbai has a decision to
15796s make here uh libraries uh coming next
15799s turn so
15801s could just be a Varden burn
15804s um who do you think that's outside of
15806s that it can be greedy I think it's just
15808s talking intellect
15811s yeah I guess you can hit like flurry
15813s test I'm Wildfire right so pink would
15817s have killed it
15829s bye so far doing a really good job of
15831s just keeping control of the board still
15834s on 27 so plenty of Health still has the
15837s bar than in hand now has a flurry in
15839s that savara which is very important
15842s exit air once it's active makes it
15845s survival much more of like a Tempo play
15847s as opposed to a value play right because
15849s in the early game you do just want to
15851s just freeze as much as possible
15853s yeah
15856s okay
15857s it's tough one I think this could be a
15860s tampon turn though
15861s um
15865s all right I was I was with you I thought
15868s this was uh sort of you know cut your
15870s losses say you know what I lose two imps
15873s by clear the board
15874s play times in and then just start work
15877s next to it
15878s yeah I don't think he wants to let
15880s xiaobai have a proactive turn I think
15882s that's the biggest thing right because
15884s if he tamps in there and let's say you
15885s don't get an imp
15888s Dubai literally just gets to do whatever
15891s he wants I guess so but now you're kind
15894s of back in the same spot right no it
15896s looks like about it doesn't have any
15897s proactive turns and only had reactive
15899s turns then right now I was mainly
15903s thinking like tams in into the turn they
15905s want to Dawn grass like
15908s the dawn grass Plaza what 50 50 of Cold
15911s Case and freeze chlorine so like is that
15915s that bad right
15917s okay
15919s yeah uh Fury Hunter though
15923s you know tossed a little bit of a bolt
15926s there because uh mortis is going to come
15927s out and clean this board up anyway
15929s and savara now has uh Arcane elect
15932s flurry and
15936s gotta be cold case right on a wildfire
15939s yeah Wildfire right because they played
15941s it last turn yeah
15944s oh wait oh yeah because he didn't they
15946s didn't play The Curse right okay yeah
15950s yeah what if this is just a hold mode
15952s rash
15956s that Madness it might be Madness because
15958s that means you don't have an AA on board
15963s is big
15965s just think like what if you just play
15967s savara Flory
15969s either ping face or Cold Case doesn't
15971s matter to me
15973s and then just have the board wipe next
15975s turn
15982s and just let Fury commit more into the
15984s board
15985s yeah because I I think even though it's
15988s good and you could argue though Motors
15989s just wins anyway I think wait oh it
15992s doesn't have a flurry it wasn't flurry
15995s well this is so I'll change my opinion
15997s of the turn never mind yeah it's still
15999s draw flurry here
16004s wasn't entered oh okay
16011s well now we've simply got the game of
16013s Hearthstone
16014s yeah to the face wave
16017s face-to-face wave touch yep
16020s and then next turn you have what lady
16023s dark vein plus grimoire
16026s and then it's a cool plus Sarah cash
16029s and that pretty
16032s oh wait no it's not going to be wave is
16033s it
16037s I was gonna just leave the three up okay
16038s yeah because he wants the wave to be in
16040s the lady dark vein this makes a lot of
16041s sense yeah yeah and the tapestry I
16043s didn't even see what was burned almost
16044s burned
16053s well now it might have to be mode
16054s addressed just for the um
16058s the race right yeah
16063s oh is this faster gonna finish on mode
16065s Rush okay
16068s this also might be a lethal setup it's
16070s not gonna wait I'm gonna multicaster and
16072s not pink I'm just gonna fill this hand
16074s up
16075s that's what he's gonna do oh does that
16077s does that Max him
16078s yeah oh okay okay
16084s big brain please
16093s let's have a think here fiori Hunter
16095s could still play zakul right because he
16097s would still get the heel off the curse
16099s it's actually still in hand
16104s this is not enough or like it's what
16106s it's a two
16110s so
16116s could this ever be like what
16120s touch then wave
16125s unless you're you think that you
16127s absolutely need the healing
16129s I think the problem here is though how
16131s does Fury Holden has set up a board
16133s because let's be honest xiaobai is very
16136s likely to be able to just ping every
16138s turn and keep his hand full
16140s yeah this is a tough situation to
16142s maneuver okay so he's gonna go for lady
16145s darkbean
16147s um this is like maximum healing it still
16149s ramps the curses yeah is the big thing
16153s they did not go to the hand right yeah
16155s so so if xiaobai plays cards that one
16158s has a more space in his hand uh fiorenta
16161s now has the ability to go zakul saracas
16163s and the only deal a chunk of damage but
16165s also heal a lot as well
16176s there's no way to either for a shot by
16178s to go for like a guaranteed two-turn
16180s lethal setup could be because just a
16182s ping plus a more dress would be
16187s that's 13 and then the next one would be
16189s an extra three so it would be a little
16191s bit of dim but wait no Frozen touch
16193s maybe wait what about
16195s ping Cold Case Cold Case
16200s with flurry and then
16205s next turn there's more Trish King he
16207s doesn't want to he wants to keep his
16208s hand empty I mean I I guess but that's
16212s just not possible Right
16214s [Music]
16218s below that doesn't drag below any
16221s numbers of curses right
16225s but he needs to heal surely surely he
16227s thinks he's dead next turn
16230s yeah but he can't heal and remove
16234s small
16237s the curse is healing for more than eight
16244s I I mean I must do I might just shall I
16247s just win from this situation right
16248s because you just keep your hand full and
16250s you just ping every turn
16255s I think yeah yeah yeah he only gets one
16257s curse through right
16259s yeah and it's this this turn
16262s and it's it's not enough
16283s really really tricky game yeah really
16286s rough game there for Fury Hunter well
16288s played from both players I think they
16289s did go for the right approach but
16291s xiaobai knowing exactly what they needed
16294s to do to Stave off those curses
16297s congratulations to xiaobai as he does
16299s move on uh out of group a uh
16302s commiserations to Fury Hunter so close
16305s like I said still no questions one of
16308s the best players in the world but it
16311s just wasn't meant to be this time TJ
16312s really rough series uh but I do think uh
16315s Zhao blah etch and xiaobly and Zhao
16317s blinds I might just make up names now
16319s and xiaobai played that especially at
16321s the end very very well making sure that
16323s there was no way he was going to give
16325s Fury onto any kind of curse out and then
16328s obviously the minions themselves well
16330s that's the easy bit for mage to control
16332s yeah that was just a really well played
16334s game I think from from xiaobai just
16336s limiting the amount of curses
16337s understanding that that was the only way
16339s that Fury could find a win condition
16341s because if Yuri decides to go for like a
16343s board game plan got my head every which
16346s way to answer it right Alibis freeze
16349s whatever you want yeah holding on to the
16351s more dress until it was basically the uh
16353s the Checkmate turn right right
16356s um was uh you know just the the biggest
16359s of deals
16362s um the only turn that you could go back
16363s to I think would maybe be like the the
16367s Thompson on turn six instead of it being
16370s on turn seven right
16373s uh he was just hoping that xiaobai
16375s wouldn't have a way to react uh to a
16379s massive board that he was building
16382s um but he he did right and it was a lot
16385s of ways that it it could have been
16386s reacted to right even just a solid Alibi
16388s would have been a lot and uh he would
16390s have had to play dreadless Champion
16391s anyway so I thought getting it out of
16393s the way earlier might have been uh
16395s slightly better but honestly the way he
16398s went about it putting on the pressure
16399s again like I said forcing xiaobai to not
16402s be able to be proactive turns out he was
16404s just able to do both right he was able
16406s to be proactive yeah yeah because of the
16408s way his hand was
16409s and and honestly it's looking
16411s interesting for these warlocks because
16412s so far today we walk that's five matches
16415s in as we see Habu gabu and gel by the uh
16417s winners out of group a to get through uh
16420s to later on in the tournament uh I think
16423s one player a little bit more of a winner
16424s than the other because uh Abu gabu had
16426s his day's work done in about a total of
16428s 10 minutes so very impressive overall
16430s from there but I just want to highlight
16431s uh if my notes are correct warlock has
16435s only won a single game that was not a
16439s mirror and that was against Rogue I
16441s believe that was a plastic against Fury
16443s Hunter with warlock beating Rogue that's
16446s it all the rest at warlocks either lost
16448s or it's won a mirror which well yeah
16451s warlock has to win a wallet mirror so
16452s what looks looking spicy and honestly TJ
16455s for one of the players who doesn't need
16457s to qualify for worlds because they
16459s already are Abu gabu's read seems to be
16461s looking very very good so far quite good
16464s I would say quite good and we'll see how
16467s the rest of the groups play out but uh
16470s this little uh nugget of a group was uh
16472s pretty cool to see uh unfold uh just
16476s because of you know how out of left
16478s field Abu gabu's lineup was and just
16481s much different from what I expected
16482s coming in so
16485s um yeah big congratulations to Abu gabu
16487s and xiaobai we'll be seeing them on
16489s Sunday yeah yep that's group a done for
16491s the day but we've got one more group
16492s left it's gonna be Group B and I believe
16494s the first match is gonna be pocket train
16496s versus gabumi and that's coming up right
16498s after the break don't go anywhere
16506s thank you
16508s [Music]
16516s [Music]
16522s [Music]
16533s foreign
16538s [Music]
16576s thank you
16580s [Music]
16600s foreign
16603s [Music]
16627s foreign
16629s [Music]
16653s foreign
16660s [Music]
16661s thank you
16663s [Music]
16693s foreign
16697s which means we are halfway through
16699s today's action but still plenty more as
16701s we move on to group number B and we need
16704s to help take that apart is going to be
16706s Simon sottle Welch how's it going Simon
16710s it is going great all the better to be
16713s casting with you Lorinda you lip
16716s smacking Little Flower Pot you and I am
16718s looking forward to getting in to one of
16721s my favorite times of the day and that is
16723s the time of the day where you get to
16725s kick back and watch pocket Train play
16727s some pocket train decks because that is
16729s very often a sight to behold in and of
16732s itself uh pocket train here will be
16734s taking on gabum who is you know kind of
16737s in the position that we perhaps saw
16739s plastic in in the previous group where
16742s he's a player with perhaps the lack of
16745s reputation outside of the French scene
16747s where he is very well known but in the
16749s wider Hearthstone Universe I think
16751s pocket train because of that ball priest
16753s expertise that he's known for as well as
16755s the Masters Tour result so probably the
16757s bigger of these two names right now
16758s right but what you've said has led to an
16761s interesting situation here because
16762s everybody knows a Pockets vein plays
16765s boar priest and gaboom is a player with
16767s nothing to lose so what better thing to
16770s do when you've got nothing to lose and
16772s you know you're playing pocket train
16773s then bring a lineup that really really
16776s hurts balls
16778s yeah and some debate to be had on that
16780s front there was a little exchange that I
16783s caught on Twitter earlier where
16785s pockettrain tweeted his lineup and said
16787s literally Go On Target this if you
16789s really want to try and then someone
16791s responded and were with a meme of
16793s essentially well you know gaboom's got
16794s you covered and pocket train in the
16797s quintessential combo player fashion
16799s replies with he's not even favored which
16802s is you know that is just so combo player
16805s energy where it doesn't matter that most
16808s of most sane people would agree 99 of
16811s the community think that X matchup is
16813s favored against your combo deck the
16815s combo deck player will always say nah
16817s I'm good fam and pocket train in
16820s particular with boar priest in
16821s particular is one of those people that's
16823s been screaming for the rooftops for
16825s quite some time that war priest does not
16827s have bad matchups yeah and I mean I've
16830s said this at every tournament he's
16831s played in but it Bears saying again for
16833s those who haven't heard me say it people
16835s in Pocket Change testing group no longer
16837s taking his numbers for combo debt for
16840s that they have to do their own numbers
16841s because he'll just say you know 70 in
16844s this 50 50 in this 60 matchup like you
16848s just can't trust him in terms of how you
16850s would play it but those are his numbers
16852s that is how good he is at this deck that
16853s he has played bajillions of times
16856s yes indeed and you start to see some of
16860s this unconventional lineup that gaboom
16862s has going for himself the big spell Mage
16864s is being highlighted here there is also
16866s a slow curse warlock there's The Relic
16868s Demon Hunter and there is a alignment
16871s ramp Druid thrown into that as well
16875s um so yes like quite clearly I think and
16878s I have not spoken to Kaboom to get this
16880s information first hand but it seems
16882s quite clear that you see a certain
16884s player in your group and you go well
16886s okay fair enough I know how I'm going to
16888s attack this and the go for the bore
16890s priest angle whether or not boar priest
16892s can find its way out well there is not a
16895s player who has a better chance of doing
16898s so than this person you are looking at
16900s right here uh Master tour Victory under
16904s the belt of course in vashir great
16906s overall record in Masters tours but yes
16908s Lorinda as you have highlighted at the
16910s bottom we've mentioned it several times
16912s already we will mention it as many more
16915s times as it takes probably depending on
16917s how this first matchup goes as to
16919s whether the bore priest gets out
16920s immediately this is going to be the Crux
16923s of the series the best ball priest
16925s player in the world has been a try to be
16929s counted by a player who's bought a
16930s lineup to specifically be boar priest
16933s yeah and we're going to see how that
16935s goes there is a problem here in the
16939s mathematics in that outside of alignment
16941s games ball piece just does its thing on
16944s turn seven or turn eight so it's never
16946s that terrible a matchup like 30 40 that
16951s sort of thing it's always going to have
16952s a base decent chance of getting out of
16955s there and if it rolls one of those good
16957s games if it rolls out of there you've
16959s got a lineup full of garbage Decks that
16960s don't just have to beat this disc but
16962s you've got to be another player to get
16964s through and sure if it's a buy into the
16967s final you take it and you play your your
16969s less strong decks but it's not a buy
16971s into the final so for me this is an
16974s interesting strategy but like I said in
16976s the intro Kaboom one of the players with
16978s a little bit less to lose than some of
16980s these absolutely massive names in this
16982s tournament so I don't blame him with the
16983s slightest for trying it on no and of
16985s course if you if you do want to dig as
16987s far into that debate as possible right
16989s it's not we've seen the strategy from
16991s like frozen right like that's the queen
16993s to say essential example of the
16995s ridiculous Hard Target strategy where it
16997s was an anti-control Warrior strategy
16998s where legitimately the decks had about a
17000s 10 win rate against every other deck in
17002s Hearthstone and if you didn't get
17003s control worry you didn't Hard Target
17005s control Warrior you weren't going to win
17007s the series yes what gaboom is playing
17009s isn't necessarily the optimal highest
17012s win rate Decks that a lot of the other
17013s players are going for but they're not
17015s going to have much worse than 45 40
17017s matchups against everything else so if
17019s you can go favored against the ball
17021s priest if you can go two and one against
17023s bore priest you're still then probably
17025s mathematically favored against the rest
17027s of the field but we will see how it pans
17029s out in a macro sense get a little bit
17031s more into the minutia of this game and
17034s immediately that Amplified snow flurry
17036s in hand is an interesting talking point
17038s for Kaboom uh two game plans really here
17042s for the Mage number one do big stuff
17045s soon and just try it try and get there
17048s with a board that the the priest can't
17050s remove on the other side do so as
17051s quickly as possible but then plan B is
17054s disruption and disruption is far
17056s reaching in this deck right watch post
17058s is disruption but also weirdly Amplified
17061s snow flurry is disruption because the
17063s way that card works the ability to hold
17065s a hero power for extended number of
17067s turns you can actually buy yourself a
17070s turn in the late game with the applied
17073s snow flurry by getting that clutch
17075s freeze on the target which can just
17077s allow you that one extra turn that you
17079s might need to go counter lethal which
17081s you know it's something that we're
17082s seeing very very early on in the opening
17083s hand for Kaboom so it might not pan out
17085s that way but I do think it's an
17086s interesting point about the match-up
17088s first illuminated to me by bunny Hopper
17091s I believe who did it during Grand
17092s Masters at some point and found a win
17094s with Mage in a position that was looking
17096s very challenging using that strategy
17098s yeah it makes a lot of sense actually
17100s when you put it that way we're talking
17101s in terms of turn seven turn eight B when
17103s the priest does its thing yeah I've got
17105s my eyes on this
17107s um turn 1780s piece does its thing if
17109s you can just give them one plus one on
17111s all those numbers that's a huge amount
17113s of time as is 15 seconds disconnect Yeah
17116s because crucially sometimes when you get
17117s down to that point right you you have
17119s your term where you do your amulets and
17121s you get the weapon and we sometimes you
17124s know describe that turn as lethal right
17126s because you you generally stop your
17127s opponent from doing anything for the
17128s rest of the game but if you leave a
17130s couple of minions up on your opponent's
17131s board and they have a zero Mana hero
17133s power that can stop you from attacking
17135s for one turn those couple of Minions
17137s that they might have not been able to
17138s clear on that while pyromancer turn or
17140s whatever else it was might just end up
17142s being that the the turn that they need
17145s to get that lethal damage going back the
17146s other way I do hope that this clears up
17149s sooner rather than later for both
17151s players involved and of course our dear
17153s viewers at home we are of course as you
17155s can see having some momentary connection
17157s issues hopefully things will clear up
17160s and we can get into this game
17162s yeah and it's gonna be um a tough one
17165s already for pocket train nothing you can
17167s really do about this watch post so
17170s um it'll be eager to get on with it as
17172s much as anybody if you especially don't
17174s want to sit there staring at a hand that
17175s can't do anything for a while he has got
17176s ways out obviously with the privates so
17183s Barbara pocket train is throwing out the
17186s round of applause already
17189s hits the one out of spell as well hits
17191s the gift as well which was probably the
17194s worst outcome pocket Train's hand is
17196s doing nothing right now but before that
17199s specific spell switch happened he was
17202s still a cleric away from a good time
17203s right because he had pyro he had cleric
17206s all the playable amounts of mana and he
17207s had the gift for one in hand now that
17210s gift costs ten he's probably two or
17213s three Runner drawers off the top away
17216s from actually being able to do anything
17217s super relevant in this situation yeah
17219s talk of doing something super relevant
17221s this is really awkward I'm gonna talk
17224s for a moment while we wait for this to
17225s clear up about pocket train actually he
17228s has followed the line of people like
17231s frozen Muzzy
17234s um one other there's one other but I
17235s can't hear it is I'm gonna carry on
17236s before him which is really really
17238s powerful ladder player but could only
17240s play one deck at a time
17243s um into kind of okay in his first few
17246s tournaments into suddenly top eight
17248s first first first first like he had the
17250s first time he really saw him do anything
17252s was it dreamhack Beyond like a year ago
17255s yep and since then he's just looked not
17258s Unstoppable there's people like Fury
17260s Hunter and Bunny Hopper and haboo gabou
17262s out there but
17263s he's up there with those those muzzies
17265s and foes of the world who's just
17267s following that exact same trajectory so
17269s if he doesn't win the World Championship
17270s this year next year could be an amazing
17273s year for pocket train I think
17279s gaboon gets back for long enough to dump
17282s these dragons on the board especially
17284s frustrating I'm sure for pocket trainers
17286s he 100 knew what the term was going to
17288s be this turn it was going to be big
17289s dragons coming down because he has a 10
17291s cost spell in his hand and that's what
17292s that means
17294s he was just kind of waiting for those
17295s disconnect issues to uh to pass by so he
17298s could get the inevitable conclusion but
17301s uh yeah 12 Health eight health huge
17303s amounts of attack on the other side of
17304s the board not currently enough even
17307s injured damage to be able to get up to
17309s the level of clear you would need for a
17311s zirella uh pocket train has got an
17314s enormous amount of work to do here yeah
17316s if there's any if there's anybody else
17318s if there's anybody else but me casting
17320s I'd be saying hey this game's over but I
17322s know my record with four pieces are a
17324s little bit sketchy so put my eyes on it
17326s but how long ago was it because I still
17329s hear you saying like oh my mmr's still
17331s in trouble from that ball priest
17333s incident I'm pretty sure
17335s six months possibly but it's at least
17337s four months I like I'm still facing
17340s people playing Reno Paladin and things
17342s on ladder to this day because of it
17345s ah
17348s if you're the person I play playing Vino
17350s palette the other day good for you I
17352s hope you enjoyed yourself
17355s I did
17356s I'm pretty sure they did they won that's
17358s a good time in my book
17361s all right now she's putting the damage
17363s because there's so much of it
17366s turns out quite a lot if only the watch
17369s posts could get involved in the party as
17372s well the game would be over by the
17375s shouting or including the shouting
17377s actually I suppose how that idiom works
17379s but now the Wildfire he could have
17381s buffed he killed his own skeleton and
17383s then played the starfish
17384s huh that's what you're saying sure yeah
17387s it makes sense
17390s your pocket train gives the nod he went
17392s for the out with the wild pyromancer
17393s with the devour but the skeleton uh got
17395s the work done that was needed very very
17398s quick no enormous conclusions to be
17402s drawn from that opening game I would say
17403s uh yeah Mage beat ball priest uh Mage is
17407s argued by most people again we we have
17410s to put so many Clauses and caveats in
17412s this when the pocket train is involved
17414s but conventionally known as a good
17416s matchup and whether you agree with that
17418s or not at ball priest being played at
17420s the highest level like let's say if are
17422s you favored versus pocket train ball
17424s priest if you have a good match up
17425s against a deck and then that deck draws
17427s badly right you are going to win and
17430s that's kind of what we saw in that
17431s situation where pocket just did not get
17433s a good draw still no cleric in the hand
17435s come I believe turns seven at the end
17437s there uh which means yeah you're gonna
17439s have a bad time and Kaboom with an
17441s incredibly straightforward game number
17443s one
17444s um I would suggest you know pocket train
17446s a little bit better than I do before we
17449s reveal this next graphic is he a
17452s jamboard priest three times gamer do you
17454s think
17456s if you don't start before the much
17457s started I've said no and I haven't
17459s looked at what's coming next I'm going
17460s to say he's going to jam it three times
17461s because why not save energy
17464s like if your opponent's targeting your
17466s board priest and it's probably going to
17468s beat it three times why not just play
17470s your ball please lose three times then
17472s get on prepare for your next match
17475s but if you get your ball piece out of
17477s there and then you go into the
17478s Hearthstone fight that ensues afterwards
17480s then it's worth spending that energy
17483s but why why spend the energy on the
17486s Hearthstone fight when you've got to do
17487s the poor priest afterwards if yeah find
17490s out what your ball fish is going to do I
17492s think it's cool
17493s and you're right congratulations you win
17497s a cuddly toy yay awesome Hamlet kept in
17501s the opening hand Mulligans into double
17504s Shard which is not looking like the
17506s winning hand right now again a pretty uh
17509s subpar opener for pocket train uh I
17511s believe that was desperate prayer coming
17513s into the hand as well okay in massively
17515s improved immediately by the pickup of
17517s Switcheroo uh but with the lack of
17519s quality in the rest of the hand he's
17522s probably gonna need that Switcheroo to
17524s hit a cleric immediately and then
17526s perhaps use the tradables on the shards
17528s who find his way to a big card draw town
17532s why weren't cuddly toys giving out its
17534s prizes so regularly
17538s no you have no idea what we're talking
17540s about you actually win cuddly toys on
17542s game shows yeah if you're not enjoying
17544s this generation game reference based
17546s commentary then I'm not sure what's
17547s wrong with you yeah except we're having
17550s a good time
17552s okay well on with the game
17556s yeah so this is a particularly weird
17559s warlock that we didn't talk about much
17561s uh it's not that weird it's just curse
17563s lock but it's very labored and long
17566s version of curse lock it's not the curse
17568s lock we've now grown to to know and love
17570s yeah a little bit slower uh there's a
17574s few weird tech cards thrown in there as
17575s well there's a demonic assault there is
17577s an altar of fire what are those cards in
17579s there for well let's puzzle this out
17581s what have we said about
17583s kaboom's lineup well he is just trying
17586s to lean everything very very hard
17588s towards ball pre so yeah vulture of Fire
17590s Hits a key piece of win condition then
17591s you can just win the game on the spot
17593s demonic assault substitute basically
17596s everything that I said previously about
17598s uh Amplified snow flurry and reduce the
17601s severity by a good 40 because I think
17603s demonic assault is a lot more countable
17605s but just having that ability to find
17607s small taunts can buy you time against
17610s that massive damage weapon that can come
17611s down in the late game
17613s um so you know gaboon is is very all in
17615s on this strategy again not to that
17617s Frozen 90 against warrior 10 against
17620s everything else level that we've seen in
17621s the past but he is he's going hard on
17624s the ball pre strategy yeah don't blame
17627s him to be fair like he's it's the
17629s correct call it worked out well
17631s um Ulta fire has I assume a great
17635s unusual chance of hitting against poor
17637s pieces it would against any other
17638s similar combo deck just because you're
17640s constantly putting the amulets back in
17642s the deck well so here's the thing are
17645s you because here's one of the things
17648s that great ball priest players can
17650s exploit whether you have the ability to
17652s steal a card from their hand or from
17654s their deck whether it be theater whether
17656s it be ultra fire whatever other method
17658s you have from from stealing cards
17659s because it's a tradable you have nearly
17663s full control of where it is at any given
17666s point right if you draw it you can
17667s choose to put it back you can choose to
17669s hold it in your hand so you can choose
17670s to play around whatever win condition
17671s you want
17673s if you choose to hard commit to keeping
17676s the card in your hand to not having it
17677s blown up by Ultra fire there are ways
17679s that you can do that by having full
17681s pop-off turns you know as early as eight
17683s or nine Mana abusing illuminates to you
17687s know shuffle the car back in your deck
17688s illuminate put it back out ping it back
17690s put it out again get it for zero and
17692s then cheat mana on those terms by
17694s immediately turning your three Mana
17695s spell into a zero Mana spell drawing it
17697s again and getting everything done in one
17699s turn you can absolutely do that they say
17702s you pocket train can absolutely do that
17705s most people cannot so there are options
17708s but I think even higher level than that
17711s and something the pocket train is
17712s phenomenal at with this deck something
17714s that Fury Hunter is phenomenal at with
17716s this deck sometimes you just shut your
17718s eyes and say they don't have it and
17720s that's the correct way to define it and
17722s pocket trains analysis of those
17724s situations and how often he's right in
17726s those situations is freakish
17729s yeah absolutely
17731s um here man for you they actually
17732s discussed that sort of thing like when
17734s is it right to to do this when is it
17736s wrong to do this yeah um it's not just
17738s like some sort of gut instinct there's a
17740s lot of gut instinct and playing a lot of
17742s hearthstone involved but also there's
17743s quite a lot of method in their Madness
17744s as well
17746s um very interesting how these top
17748s players prepare because
17752s if you play a hundred games more than
17753s another top player you probably won't
17755s learn that much but these guys play
17757s thousands of games more than other top
17760s players it turns out that every 0.1 you
17763s gain soon adds up into multiple seasonal
17765s championships who would have thought it
17769s I can switch a roux very very useful
17772s draw here of course finding those balls
17775s and getting them secured in hand before
17777s any potential altar of fire can come
17778s down is very very relevant as well of
17780s course worth mentioning the simple fact
17782s that this is a 40 card deck on the other
17786s side and that the ultrafire is a one-off
17788s so that factor of shut your eyes say
17790s they don't have it it becomes more
17793s relevant in that situation but still
17795s that that ever creeping fear of having
17798s to play around that disruption card is
17800s something that will nag in the back of
17801s your mind
17802s especially if it's you because they'll
17805s always have it
17807s oh if you want to increase your
17810s likelihood of drawing good Cards Against
17811s Me take one copy out of your deck that's
17813s just that's just how it works just just
17816s for the uninitiated which will be
17817s everybody even regular viewers subtle is
17820s still bitter about a Hearthstone match
17822s from 2015 where somebody played one
17823s zombie against him yep they put one
17826s Zombie Chow in a deck that was
17828s ludicrously greedy and said oh it's
17830s antiaggro now it has one Zombie Chow in
17832s it and then proceeded to draw that one
17833s zombie shell every single game I'm still
17836s mad and it's funny because it is
17838s genuinely all true yeah he was mad
17841s before he when he saw it he knew it was
17843s going to happen and then it did it was
17844s the best thing ever I was obviously
17846s amused by it to this day to say whether
17848s he's still like hated by it this day
17851s all right pocket Train's still trying to
17853s do something about this board and
17858s getting somewhere but not fast enough it
17861s feels it does I mean that is something
17863s being done about that board but there is
17865s still the uh
17867s significant matter of the seven attack
17869s minion on the other board on which is a
17872s real real nightmare to be dealing with
17874s he's also got nine cards in hand which
17876s isn't fun because if he gets given a
17878s curse now he just gets to burn a card
17880s true yeah
17884s which given Kaboom has turned up with
17886s alter fire in his deck I don't think I
17888s missed a chance to burn an opponent's
17890s card
17898s yep there we go
17907s okay
17908s [Music]
17916s deliberately buffing up the opposing
17918s minion making the the trade happen
17921s and yes the burn relatively
17923s insignificant in that point
17925s yeah I mean it's insignificant the fact
17927s that he didn't lose the game on the spot
17928s right it's still something you want but
17930s yeah not losing the game on the spot you
17932s take it right now
17935s yeah appreciate your turns right yeah
17937s and crucially the board is empty which
17939s gives pocket trains some Freedom here is
17941s to largely do whatever he wants
17951s has got those amulet trades going I
17953s think will feel very secure at this
17955s point that he's not about to be ultra
17957s fired so I don't think playing around
17958s alter will be a primary concern for him
17960s right now I think he is just kind of
17962s setting up the more Solitaire on
17964s interactable win condition as he can hmm
17968s yeah that's the decision he's just
17971s making sure he's got it right right now
17972s with my opponent have done it last turn
17973s yes I think they would
17979s we've got everything intact in hand
17983s this time you keep the curse in your
17985s hand you don't play it out so that way
17986s you've got protection against your
17987s opponent filling your hand with curses
17989s because that gets discarded first and
17990s you actually draw your card
17992s yeah especially since you can spend that
17994s manner on weaving the heel in any way
17996s which largely mitigates what the curse
17998s damage does anyway
18005s and kaboom
18007s not a lot going on this turn
18021s wow
18032s okay
18035s doing it a lot
18037s he's not going to get to denethius land
18039s is he he's dead before that ever happens
18043s you'd have to believe so um yeah or he's
18045s won sorry that being the other option
18053s you see the uh or at least my presumed
18055s reason as to why this dread Steed ended
18057s up on the other side of the board is
18058s that he wanted to ensure potential
18060s targets for uh curses if at all possible
18063s also board space being a concern on the
18066s other side if you can start to get
18067s multiple dread speeds going on on the
18068s other side then that can potentially
18070s disrupt the uh the combo at the end
18072s and if I'm doing it and I'm not pocket
18074s training it also disrupts how long you
18076s have
18079s because it's a really slow animation
18089s it is actually becoming really awkward
18094s you see now the dreadsy coming back from
18096s the amulet Kaboom will be delighted to
18099s see
18101s yeah
18104s you would ideally want to find some way
18106s here of uh like using Shadowood devour
18109s even on the dread seeds themselves you
18111s can kill as many balls as possible
18112s without killing the dread seeds
18115s okay
18118s but without that being available it
18120s looks like all this additional
18121s disruption from gaboom is going to have
18124s got there because pocket train is in
18127s trouble currently
18129s yeah he's trying to work out anyway this
18131s can work now next turn or this turn
18133s would normally be the term that he just
18134s got it done but he's got to find a way
18137s through all this and I'm not quite sure
18138s how you do that with the Fairly limited
18140s resources you're given
18142s also a reminder we said this a lot
18144s earlier and it is Group B so it's
18146s slightly less important now but the
18147s players didn't know the lineups until
18149s half an hour or so before the start of
18152s play today
18153s and so when your opponent just decides
18155s to turn your things into dread stage you
18157s haven't got a whole lot of practice
18158s against that over the course of the week
18162s you've got to work it out on the you
18164s know you'll know roughly how to deal
18165s with it you'll face it eight before at
18166s some point but you've got to work out
18168s how to deal with it optimally quickly
18170s you don't get to play test it all day
18179s laughs
18183s trading it back reason being like
18186s normally pocket train would be at the
18187s point in the matchup where he has enough
18189s juice in the trades like two on one
18191s three on the other is the the magic
18192s setup that you want along with the two
18194s natural boars but because of the
18196s position he's in with the dread speeds
18198s being gifted to him I say gifted uh I
18200s suppose these are the real curses in
18202s this matchup right the uh The Dread
18203s seeds being cursed to him by gaboon on
18206s the other side he wants to juice this
18208s amulet as much as humanly possible to
18211s make sure that he is getting full value
18213s from his pigs maximizing those odds and
18215s potentially making it certainty if he
18217s can find the board space but it's just
18219s not looking like it's going to happen
18221s yeah those things are going to be
18222s re-gifted tomorrow they're going to be
18224s out on sale somewhere
18225s discount in the back of somebody's car
18227s boot didn't want him anyway
18230s and I believe Saya dinathrius will now
18234s come down near juicy 15 damage and so
18237s you start to see it we ended up focusing
18239s on the wrong Tech card uh Ultra fire is
18242s the one that we gave a lot of attention
18243s to but in the end you can see how
18245s disruptive those dread speeds end up
18247s being being gifted to the opponent
18249s initially limiting board space then
18252s ruining the pool of the Amulet of
18254s undying this is the recurring theme
18257s running throughout it's good matchups
18260s against bore priest teched in the way
18262s that is as disruptive as possible so we
18265s can see that as well in the remaining
18267s decks like it's not just Druid for
18269s example that's being played it's not
18270s just Ram Druid which you know again
18271s arguably debasively depending on builds
18274s depending on player depending on pilot
18276s depending on pocket train might maybe
18279s sometimes have a good match up against
18281s four priest was that that wishy-washy
18282s enough do you think I'll get away with
18283s that one yeah yeah you you got that
18285s you've got some clarifications in there
18287s however if you also like have the a
18290s potential pop-off turns that come from
18292s Celestial alignment early then it can
18294s just become way too disgusting way too
18296s quickly obviously the opposing
18299s disruption that did almost immediately
18301s win the game with uh Celestial alignment
18303s is not necessarily the factor anymore
18304s there can still be a huge advantage in
18307s terms of just disgusting things you can
18309s do incredibly early with your own hand
18311s yeah and
18313s um obviously pocket trains also got
18315s alignment in his Druid so in the world
18317s where you don't get your bore priest
18318s targeted because that's all we have
18319s talked about because it is the Crux of
18321s this particular match
18322s what are the advantages disadvantages of
18324s having an alignment in your Druid decks
18326s it's based it's functionally the same
18328s deck give or take three or four cards
18330s and personally it's not something that I
18332s have a satisfying answer to myself as to
18335s what the real upsides of celestial
18336s alignment are I haven't played an awful
18339s lot of Druid recently since the Nerf
18341s Hammer came down I haven't really spent
18343s too much time with like Jailer builds of
18345s Druid in general
18347s um so the advantage of celestial
18349s alignment when it is you know
18351s non-symmetrical now it is something that
18353s I do struggle with personally so it's
18356s something I'm a little bit I I'm less
18358s surprised to see it perhaps from Kaboom
18360s side from pocket train side but it
18361s wasn't something that I was expecting to
18362s see a great deal of coming into this
18364s tournament yeah my understanding is that
18366s it's better against sort of the slower
18367s decks and in this lineup that pocket
18369s trains brought is
18372s um pretty weak against aggro anyway so
18374s why not just go all in and just have
18376s have the thing that's better against the
18378s control decks anyway because you're the
18379s one who can abuse the let's say the
18381s asymmetrical side of it with the Druid
18383s but against the aggro decks you haven't
18385s got the time to be messing around with
18386s alignments and stuff course you're just
18388s gonna die so this is his meta to read I
18391s believe I don't know if it's a ladder
18393s playable deck particularly I I guess
18396s that's also depends what you think of
18398s the metal on the ladder but yeah that's
18400s my understanding whether my
18401s understanding is correct or not I
18402s wouldn't like to completely get behind
18404s but I think I think that's roughly where
18405s we're at with this
18406s well roughly where we are at with this
18408s series is that pocket train is up
18411s against the wall here and we have
18412s confirmed that pocket train is a jam
18414s ball priest three times gamer as if
18416s there was ever going to be any doubt he
18419s must win this individual game of ball
18422s priests and just looking down the
18425s lineups looking at what gabboom has on
18428s the other side I would fancy that this
18431s is the match-up maybe that you have the
18434s most wiggle room in
18436s um having now give the Warlock even more
18438s credit because obviously I mean as you
18439s all heard until we saw it playing out in
18441s that matchup I had not even considered
18443s the Dred Steed interaction until it was
18445s plain plain as they in front of me so
18447s with that now factored in as well into
18448s the Warlock build I think that can be an
18451s incredibly disruptive matchup so this
18453s one on the other hand yes there's a few
18455s disruption cards yes you have the
18457s powerful to just do absolutely stinky
18459s things straight away but I don't think
18462s the absolute disruption is as powerful
18465s as it is in some of the other decks how
18466s however what you can do is just curve
18470s out which is what Kaboom is doing
18472s incredibly well up until this point
18474s location on two Relic on three school
18477s teacher on 4 for the dormant turn on the
18479s location and then the perfect curve into
18483s relic of Dimensions to follow that all
18485s up and yeah pocket train having a
18487s chuckle this has been the day so far
18490s larinda like for everybody yeah not just
18493s pocket trains just been
18494s my deck kills you your deck kills me
18497s repeat yeah kills the other one the most
18500s it has been one of the most lineup
18503s warping tournaments so far the day ones
18505s of a tournament whatever you want to
18507s call it that I can remember seeing in
18509s quite a long time like people are just
18511s turning up with the bad match up and the
18513s good matchups are winning easily that is
18515s what we are seeing so far throughout
18517s this tournament I did feel that this
18519s time around I did say this at the start
18520s of the day so I'm not just saying hey
18521s look what's happening it may still be
18522s wrong it's only Group B game one but the
18526s the players there was this air amongst
18527s the players of really got to get this
18529s lineup right like more than usually
18531s always like obviously it's a game where
18533s you build decks and play them against
18535s people as sort of mooing about their
18537s hands choosing to not look it's
18540s terrified
18544s um and this time around I think the
18546s players were far more worried about
18548s getting the right line up than even than
18549s usual just because they there was this
18552s sort of sense that this might happen I
18553s think
18555s get it wrong you lose and try to
18558s continue to pay attention to the small
18559s details of pocket train on the other
18560s hand he's obviously frustrated but I do
18562s still think he's playing to his outs as
18563s best he can it's one of those turns with
18566s bore priest you have to recognize your
18568s hand is not doing anything you must draw
18570s cards this turn right like you
18572s absolutely have to do it the Expendable
18574s card in your hand is that cleric uh gift
18577s for example as well although that would
18579s potentially draw a card as well if you
18581s could set it up in certain situations
18582s perhaps not this one gift is essential
18585s for that pyromancer combo if the
18587s pyromancer combo is going to appear but
18588s with a second cleric in hand cleric is
18591s the card that can be thrown away from
18592s the draw however none of those cards in
18595s the middle of the hand are now playable
18597s so uh good luck have fun my friends
18600s pyromancer still gets him out doesn't it
18603s how could she just play it from the
18606s right and you play everything from the
18608s left in order I think you might still
18609s get there
18612s maybe you're one man of short to kill
18614s the six sixes you might be right
18616s actually yeah I mean you don't have to
18618s clear the ball if you can get a pyro
18620s turn that draws you five six cards
18622s you'll take that you know like that that
18624s will absolutely tick the boxes yeah for
18627s a pocket train at this point he doesn't
18628s absolutely have to clear the board
18633s so you know that was the end of that
18635s discussion
18640s okay nope
18650s there it is
18651s [Laughter]
18655s well what's your other choice if you
18657s don't take this
18660s I mean they're they're both non-choices
18662s right because they're not keeping you
18664s alive
18667s yes that's correct
18671s [Music]
18672s unless how many spells have actually
18674s been cast
18676s just been tradables primarily right
18678s apart from YouTube one one or two okay
18684s the Everlasting Theory there's always
18686s one more than you think it is when
18687s you're casting
18691s he's trying
18695s with anybody else's too like we keep
18696s saying it's not gonna get that I think
18698s you can't play these cards I complete
18700s these cards
18704s he's back to 30s alive on board somehow
18713s wow Bill how much damage is this coming
18715s back yeah all of it it's all of the
18717s damage yeah predation weapon swing
18720s everything that you possibly need and
18723s that is gonna be yet again another 3-0 I
18727s was looking forward to this tournament
18728s Lorinda and I feel like I've barely got
18730s to do anything so far and this is my
18733s third series
18735s absolutely outrageous the first series
18738s of the day was actually a really good
18740s series especially the ending um the
18742s final the final play of the finals of
18744s the first series if you weren't around
18745s for that one that was actually a really
18746s good game this one's a bit different
18748s because gaboom set out to do this
18750s everyone sets out to three other
18752s opponents but he set out specifically
18754s for this to happen in this way so this
18757s one's a little bit different to some of
18758s the others I feel where yeah he just got
18760s the lineup not only right but put the
18762s tech cards in it's gonna be interesting
18763s to see how he gets on when he has to
18765s play against other people that haven't
18767s got four priests that's that's going to
18769s be the big test for gaboon but obviously
18770s starting off basically for free on the
18772s final by the look of things yeah pretty
18774s good spot to be in
18776s lastly now of course we have pocket
18779s train to look forward to playing against
18781s other people's lineups that aren't
18782s gaboon but the way this could pan out is
18785s this could now be double jeopardy and we
18787s could end up seeing this match up again
18788s and that's you know we talked a lot
18791s about you know the mathematics involved
18793s in this kind of hard target strategy
18794s what then happens if you have to beat
18796s another player you don't always have to
18799s be another player it is very very
18801s possible that you can just get out by
18804s beating pocket train twice so if that's
18806s the way that Kaboom has to go about it
18808s I'm sure he'll be delighted if that's
18809s the way it happens to pocket train I'm
18810s sure he'll be absolutely fuming
18813s um but it is another 3-0 it is another
18815s fast series and it's going to be glory
18818s versus tansoku now to take down the
18820s remainder of this group
18822s yeah and which one of these counts as
18824s the OG like yeah you know katsoka was
18828s there before Glory but Glory's the world
18830s champion of two years ago
18832s yeah I mean I would probably give it to
18834s tansoku in terms of you know if you want
18836s to say which one is the the OG in the
18839s scene but certainly it has been eclipsed
18842s in recent memory by the likes of
18846s um of Glory of possessive ala temu right
18849s this new wave of players that have
18851s really taken APAC and Japan in
18854s particular to new heights in Hearthstone
18856s so this is a stacked group honestly you
18859s know particularly now gaboom is showing
18861s what he's throwing into the mix and
18863s really playing his part in this
18865s particular group and expertly doing so
18867s it must be said so I think this one
18869s could be a very very spicy watch for the
18872s rest of the day absolutely well enough
18874s of me and subtle at least for now we'll
18876s have some more later I'm sure let's take
18878s that break let's get them set up and
18880s let's get on with the second match of
18881s Group B right after this
18884s foreign
18891s [Music]
18899s [Music]
18905s [Music]
18917s foreign
18921s [Music]
18965s thank you
18973s [Music]
18997s foreign
18998s [Music]
19052s thank you
19060s [Music]
19079s hello everybody and welcome back to the
19081s fall Championship my name is TJ I'm
19083s joined by Derek Brown the one and only
19085s Derek Brown Derek Brown himself Derek in
19091s the flesh
19092s Brown It's Flamingo Friday here Friday
19095s championship
19096s and uh we're rocking it how you doing
19098s Derek
19099s Feeling Good Feeling pink healthy and
19103s hail ready to uh to cause some hot stone
19107s um ah what is it that flamingos eat it's
19109s not Krill that's whales
19111s prawns okay
19113s prawns is it prawns did you say prawns
19115s is that what you said yeah isn't it
19117s prawns
19121s it's a great question it's one that
19123s we'll have to put on pause right now
19124s because we got some players to introduce
19126s we got Glory verse tonsoku
19128s two of the greatest players
19131s ever come out of Japan one of them my
19133s second favorite Hearthstone player of
19136s all time the other
19138s in the top 15.
19142s definitely takes the cake for my
19144s favorite uh picture that he submitted
19146s because his head just looks like
19147s someone's Photoshopped it to move it
19149s like half a centimeter to the left just
19151s offset from his body ever so slightly so
19154s it's very disconcerting
19156s yeah Angeles tonsoku in general is just
19160s he's just fun to watch and not in the
19162s fun to watch like you know Gabby or
19165s bly's kind of way but fun to watch in
19167s the oh
19169s you know the oh it's tonsoku
19173s that that kind of fun to watch so um yes
19177s uh I'm definitely looking forward to
19180s seeing what he's got in store for us but
19183s first we're going to talk about Glory a
19186s brave brave soul bringing ramp Druid to
19190s the fall Championship if you had asked
19192s me that a day ago I'd be I'd be like
19194s yeah why wouldn't you
19196s um you know it's a good competitive deck
19199s you have open decklist so you know what
19201s to play around uh you have uh some some
19204s a lot of options and how you can build
19206s the deck and Tech it you asked me today
19208s I'm like nope get me out
19210s yeah I mean there's a couple things to
19212s say like the Guff nerve has been much
19214s more substantial than I at first
19216s anticipated it's so much harder to fit
19219s in that hero power when it actually uses
19221s up a full two Mana uh rather than just
19223s kind of the one manner you usually ended
19225s up using up
19227s um and also like even though the power
19228s level I think is still there for Druid
19230s it's place in the metagame is just so
19233s precarious right now like every deck
19235s feels like it has a strong
19237s match up against Druid when played well
19239s like the Demon Hunter you're just
19241s putting too many stats online you have
19243s so much burst damage these Rogues put so
19245s many stats online way more than the
19247s Druid can answer most of the time even
19249s the Mages I would argue when played
19251s correctly have a very very good shot
19253s against Druid with all the burst damage
19255s they have you can very often even
19257s counteract double Earth and scales on
19259s like a massive dinathrius or whatever it
19261s is later on
19262s um so I do agree that glory is going to
19264s be in a bit of a tough position because
19265s of that uh and we'll have to see whether
19269s he can take a win maybe against the
19271s likes of this Demon Hunter is one of the
19272s better decks to do so because it can be
19274s a little slow getting off the starting
19276s line if it doesn't hit an early relic of
19278s phantasms
19280s yeah but we've seen that that just
19282s hasn't been the case
19286s uh that's just the way hearthstone's
19288s been playing out today you know uh it's
19290s just everybody has all the things that
19292s are good
19293s um uh which is sometimes exciting but
19297s right now you know we're kind of at the
19298s height of a metagame right things are
19300s not solved but uh definitely in a place
19303s where
19304s um decks are refined because they've
19307s been around for uh quite some time so if
19310s you have a high power level deck that
19311s hits its curve you have games like we've
19313s seen today
19316s hey
19320s uh yeah uh they've been some interesting
19323s ones like obviously the players at the
19325s getting the business end of the stick uh
19327s in plastic in particular I've been
19330s having a bit of a rough time of it uh
19331s but hopefully we'll see some more
19333s interactive games in glory vs tan soccer
19335s this is of course a repeat of Masters
19338s Tour Castle mathria or or murderer
19341s Castle nathria
19343s um with those two being locked in in the
19345s finals we were guaranteed our first APAC
19347s winner of a Masters Tour but tansoka was
19350s able to take it down and be crowned with
19353s that especially impressive achievement
19355s one that G and I were very very happy to
19358s see
19359s and it would be obviously a huge boost
19362s to his career to be getting a win here
19364s or a top forward going through to the
19366s world championship as you know like uh
19368s subtle and Lorinda was saying he's been
19370s here right from the start of competitive
19372s Hearthstone still plugging away which is
19374s something very impressive to see
19376s however I gotta say that for Glory the
19378s back to back to back World Championships
19381s would be an unbelievable performance it
19384s would it would
19386s um
19387s uh it's been quite the rare sight in
19390s competitive Hearthstone and we got some
19392s history behind us now uh the Naga priest
19395s Naga priest versus Relic
19398s Demon Hunter remember when rally Demon
19402s Hunter was a meme
19403s shall bring victory
19406s not anymore
19410s well said
19414s that's the statement
19417s I don't want to gross them up too
19418s heavily but backstage Soul has been
19421s talking some serious smack talk about uh
19424s handmaiden being kept in the Mulligan
19426s saying it's the literal worst card to
19428s keep literally 100 of the time and uh be
19433s interested to see here where the tansoku
19435s agrees with him
19438s okay
19441s oh he's a learned man he knows it that's
19443s do we have the Scribe too
19446s um which is uh
19449s I guess a a little more interesting in
19452s terms of
19454s Mulligan decisions than the handmaiden
19457s yeah on agreement that handmade is just
19459s the absolute worst card to keep all the
19462s time even on the coin even with the
19464s perfect hand yeah when I draw it I can
19467s see it out of principle yeah just to
19470s lower its win rate it's drawn win rate
19474s oh
19475s this is just a massive conspiracy
19478s all right nice little opening from Glory
19481s gets the discounted scorpid which is
19483s just good to have on board to contest
19484s tonsoku it's going to put him you know
19487s behind just a tiny bit in terms of
19488s trying to ramp things up this isn't the
19491s mo this isn't like a terrible hand for
19493s tonsoku has some spells to be able to
19496s use the handmade has blademaster Samurai
19497s to be able to deal with the phantasms uh
19500s if it were to come out early right to
19502s deal with that burst push
19504s I must consider
19511s who knows what Secrets but what about
19515s the tempo brand oh this is what I like
19519s to see from Glory the one thing I was
19520s kind of wondering if I agree on or not
19522s was like the Abyssal depths or the the
19525s I-beam both had uh their Merit but this
19527s just getting stuff on board I fully
19530s agree with the priest has
19531s almost no answer to this on the other
19534s side
19536s um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
19537s wait never mind
19540s radiant uh-huh Shadow word devour uh-huh
19546s nope
19548s trying to make Samurai work
19551s you can't you can't
19553s um he has three Mana he has three Mana
19555s yeah handmaiden boom
19559s radiant Shadow or devour
19562s bless coin
19564s Priestess handmaiden shadowboard devour
19567s again
19569s concede
19571s there it is I found the line he's got it
19575s oh
19578s this is so good Lori on the other side
19581s hitting the absolute juice another
19582s choice between I-beam or Abyssal depth
19585s wait again it's actually kind of a close
19587s Choice what about sigil
19590s uh I don't
19593s think he's going that wide on board
19595s right
19596s the Sigil of Silence
19598s oh silence oh sorry I thought that was
19600s the uh now the central location sorry
19603s okay lock up the board right before a
19606s pop-off turn yeah yeah place down on
19608s Central silence I mean it doesn't really
19610s do much against Boone but it blocks the
19612s taunt right it'll get rid of the taunt
19614s limits time so because options I don't
19616s know just a thought
19617s it's fair I think it's reasonable for
19619s him to expect this board to stick though
19621s and so I think I'd rather choose one
19622s that has a little bit more Synergy with
19624s bran uh like it's a very limited hand
19628s and hit in order to be able to clear
19631s this board yeah
19634s the woman is again why I was looking at
19636s a business Abyssal depth honestly to
19638s just draw your hand yeah your deck even
19641s quicker yeah yeah well that makes sense
19645s that's a major pop-up turn here
19648s uh comparative to how weak the hand was
19650s looking
19659s oh yeah and it's a really really big
19663s deal that this brand dies as well
19666s I think this is what this is exactly the
19668s play that I said last time yeah exactly
19671s just uh possible
19677s okay so we got I-beam and what is that
19679s multi-strike
19682s and to be fair to you TJ that's digital
19684s silence would be looking real juicy
19686s right now
19688s that's what I'm saying right you get you
19691s get two of them you get a second
19692s noggling
19693s obviously it doesn't the Battle Cry
19695s doesn't do anything right but your
19697s Brand's probably not sticking maybe it
19698s sticks I think it was probably sticking
19700s though
19702s why this was a very specific hand to be
19704s able to clear off the the brand sure
19706s yeah I used every card but one literally
19711s apart from the unplayable card in his
19713s hand yeah the one that's you know 26
19716s Mulligan win rate
19719s rounding up yeah
19736s this whole premise it there's the fix
19742s well it does set up for the clear next
19743s turn
19744s just about yeah you just take a smooth
19748s 14 you know
19750s nice and clean yeah
19767s I'd much rather get the hair power in
19769s the trade here obviously Gloria was
19771s setting up for something yeah
19775s if this sticks you have a
19779s decent shot of just winning the game
19780s next turn so
19782s that is the juice right there
19788s you've got chaos strike take down the
19791s okay that opens up in some more that's
19793s just a clear now if you want it with
19795s chaos strike Relic uh Extinction I
19797s believe because extinction's up to six
19799s damage it will deal yep
19802s oh sorry not care strike fell barrage oh
19804s barrage yeah yeah plus The Relic it's
19806s nice and clean you can just fit into
19808s hero power afterwards and yeah yeah push
19811s the two damage to base I was obviously
19813s love to be able to uh use the vault
19816s with a relic but now has a bunch of
19819s great top decks with the other relics
19822s which are going to be good at any given
19823s point yeah that's right relic of uh
19827s phantasms if he gets it next turn that's
19829s pretty close to a guaranteed win uh in
19832s all honesty just because with Samurai
19834s already having been played there's very
19836s little chance that tansoku can develop a
19839s big enough board yeah
19841s here
19846s yeah nothing else to do with the man I
19848s guess you could trade away The Shard and
19850s just see what happens but
19852s just putting a couple four sixes on the
19854s board especially with the handmade in
19856s hand trying to Juice It Up exactly yeah
19858s that's what you're trying to move
19859s towards here get the handmaiden played
19861s draw
19862s be
19864s remaining radiant in your deck draw a
19866s school teacher draw a
19869s amalgam as well and just start popping
19871s off with these wigs as much as possible
19872s yep
19878s foreign
19881s LY mean that one million sticks on the
19883s board here for Tan soku which is scary
19886s even with the oh hellatrix there and
19890s that's quite a draw
19892s yeah yeah
19895s would have to
19896s dump the serpent week though right
19899s because it's unactivated right now or
19901s obviously yeah play the handmaiden first
19903s but I think I would let the serpent wig
19905s go here
19912s yeah I think you gotta just keep the
19914s pressure upright get the car draw out of
19916s the way
19917s it's just the follow-up's probably not
19919s going to be good because you're only
19920s going to be able to play uh
19922s I guess you could trade away The Shard
19926s play the slitherspier trade The Shard
19928s Thrive for no I wouldn't separate with
19931s one plus three Mana you'd have to play
19933s the shot I'm closer to playing the
19935s shortage oh yeah playing the shards get
19937s out yeah
19939s I wonder yeah play The Shard then Thrive
19942s for the serpent wig exactly vicious so
19945s there's beer and serpent week yeah
19946s that's that I think that was that's the
19948s line
19950s oh because now we're oh wait let's have
19955s a blessed we'd much rather have played
19957s that I think and done an additional five
19959s yeah
19962s uh but then you know I was talking about
19964s how Glory could lock down the board if
19965s he got a relic of phantasms last turn uh
19968s he hasn't found it and with now the best
19970s being an unenfused zymox and no way to
19974s infuse it because even if it's at four
19977s he can't trade in the meltronics and so
19980s if he takes extinctions he can clear off
19985s but hopefully the two smaller minions
19989s or I guess hopefully the big minion
19991s because it's a four but that's a little
19993s unlikely
19996s okay
19998s that's from where he's at a potentially
20000s good outcome but from where we're sat we
20002s can see lethal in game one
20006s and uh pretty
20008s in game
20009s this is one win it's like oh
20013s this is my heart
20017s oh yeah you gotta love the tonsoku pop
20019s off just for a game one win uh so stoic
20022s the the uh the rest of the game though
20025s um but a nice little uh win in the books
20028s good swing turn uh with the blade Master
20031s camera and that's just what let it
20032s happen obviously Glory didn't have the
20035s the greatest of hands right that had
20038s reactive tools to be able to deal with
20040s some of the boards but
20041s you know with how Relic uh Demon Hunter
20043s works you know you have to put on
20045s pressure at some point and it was just a
20047s little bit too late in the game needed
20050s that A phantasma Relic Dimensions early
20052s to go along with that Relic ball in
20053s order to make it happen
20055s yeah he did lose out on card draw at the
20058s end of the game I will say he was
20059s offered twice um both off the Scorpion
20063s and off the school teacher Abyssal depth
20065s which would have drawn him the two
20066s lowest cost uh minions in his deck which
20069s were what is that in Demon Hunter
20072s uh
20074s not many at the bottom end like what
20075s lady said you know bran yeah like these
20078s are decent cars almost already played so
20080s it would have been like yeah yeah and
20082s and you know in scorpion yeah that's
20083s good that's good value that's good ways
20085s to lock down the board as well and I
20087s totally get what he was going for in
20089s choosing the uh I-beam on both occasions
20093s when it was off a term because it gave
20094s him a little bit more clear potential
20095s but I do think he was maybe relying a
20097s little bit too much on the top deck
20099s potential of his deck which is a little
20101s bit dubious with this deck if you miss
20103s the relic of Dimensions it's really uh
20107s not not very heavy on the card draw
20109s dubious bro yeah
20112s I knew it as soon as I said it was like
20120s ah Kirsten poor locked
20125s you dubious deck
20127s dubious deck to ever do it
20131s you'd be his deck David Dooby Dooby Doo
20137s I still don't know what that voice is
20138s like is this
20141s I don't know it's it's my colleague
20143s what's an American Voice
20148s that's what it is up my DP dudes
20159s unbelievable
20164s that I could ever be an American
20166s Yes actually
20172s well how are we looking about this one
20174s it's a very very cursed half of the deck
20176s for tansoku uh so yeah I appreciate the
20180s full model and instead finding all of
20183s this goodness that's the juice
20188s and Gloria
20191s [Music]
20193s not the best early game but
20195s has I mean I guess just rolling of
20199s Extinction is decent it'll deal with
20201s this flame up unless Tom soku decides to
20203s coin another one but it's not going to
20206s yeah I fully agree with it it's a
20208s mulligan for Glory just uh yeah a
20211s guaranteed player against either flaming
20213s pool Wicked shipment and then juice up
20216s his
20216s Extinction uh his phantasms and of
20219s course the relic of Dimensions which
20222s he's picked up now which if he can find
20224s himself the location before then he's
20226s looking absolutely fantastic of course
20228s uh but even without that this is a slow
20231s hand for sure uh but the kind of hand
20234s that can do very very well as long as
20236s tan soku doesn't get off to two of an
20238s explosive uh too explosive of a couple
20241s turns here
20242s yeah but tansoku has
20245s quite the good curve oh yeah
20248s and go cultist next turn I played the
20251s circle instead of the cult to this turn
20252s obviously because one is just more power
20254s present on board two it's a higher
20256s upside if you do draw a library off the
20258s top
20259s um you know order of play it helps
20262s Infuse the mischievous M2 so
20264s everything working out but now Gloria is
20266s going to start to hit uh his curves it's
20269s just you know is it too late at this
20271s point is the only
20273s only question
20277s blade Master Samurai is certainly
20281s tempting here because if you're
20283s expecting mischievous imp as the the big
20285s play it does activate it
20288s but they'd have to trade everything in
20290s uh in order to be able to play it
20292s assuming you choose Minion or I mean you
20294s could choose whatever they'll have to
20295s trade in anyway if they want to play the
20298s Imp and that saves you a lot of Health
20300s in the meantime and maybe gives you that
20302s time to find the location to go with
20305s this Extinction now for a full board
20306s clip or at least closer to a football
20308s player yeah
20314s foreign
20326s just basically a six health field there
20328s knowing that it can die on board but
20331s setting up
20335s oh my goodness this is an expensive hand
20337s for Glory
20342s okay okay
20345s it's not bad
20348s it's just a question of whether or not
20350s it will stabilize uh because now it's so
20354s cool as well is not only getting the
20356s minion chip damage but the curse damage
20358s as well which where things get so scary
20360s for Glory yeah
20365s and are these four fours from kertress
20371s three attacks three threes right
20374s oh from Katra sorry I thought you meant
20376s from the on the relics oh no from Curtis
20381s I don't know if the relics are good
20384s enough I'm just wondering if with the
20387s Fel barrage
20389s uh not quite
20392s awkward numbers yeah very awkward
20396s that are up to hey you can only get them
20398s up to four he just needs the location
20401s here to be able to go double relic of
20402s Extinction and then maybe we could talk
20417s I will teach her into another relic of
20420s Extinction
20421s should I get it done either
20426s all right
20432s one damage off from tonsoka's
20434s perspective
20436s again
20440s but I mean yeah yeah it's I think you
20443s still do it the only play you can make
20446s here yep
20448s forces glory to have to play The Curse
20450s from hand as well
20452s uh
20454s two of his Mana the following turn
20457s I guess with curtress not so much
20459s exactly what happens if they play
20461s kartra's next turn is the question
20462s because you get them down to one up to
20465s six they take three more from the curse
20468s so unless you hit another curse on the
20469s following turn you're not actually
20470s killing them and you would then not be
20473s killing the fell bats uh with the tams
20475s in afterwards as opposed to the Abyssal
20477s wave okay
20480s so I can actually respect this line
20483s all right
20486s a little bit more conservative
20490s because this means if kurtius comes down
20492s here you know if they don't have coaches
20494s you win the game anyway because you just
20495s cursed them again next turn if they do
20497s have purchase you have an actual clear
20498s to all of these Minions on the other
20500s side yep big difference
20511s oh
20515s very very close
20523s you're thinking about whether or not to
20524s bank the heel from the touch
20527s I wonder I don't
20531s think you would do that it removes lady
20533s dark vein as an owl which is a pretty
20535s big deal but
20538s I guess maybe I'm thinking a little bit
20539s too niche
20548s oh yo yo the damage really starting to
20551s ramp up now uh for Glory
20562s we have a fury fell barrage
20574s eye marks then
20576s I think you've got to play the Abyssal
20578s uh the curse here right
20581s you can't put yourself in that lethal
20583s range anybody
20587s okay chaos leech is nice for some heal
20593s uh but it's a little awkward in terms of
20595s the numbers because you really want to
20597s play curse plus fell barrage
20601s uh in order to get the fell barrage in
20603s the pool for Jace on the following term
20604s yeah
20606s give them hell though he's not taking
20609s the heel on this turn which means
20611s there's a coupler out here dragged below
20614s being one of them soaking as the
20616s Townsend plus drags is exactly enough to
20619s close out the game all right we're still
20620s Hop Off
20623s there it is oh there's a mini one but it
20626s was there
20631s I mean how many Hearthstone players you
20633s know that do a jig when they win the
20634s game that's truly special yeah when they
20637s win a game not even yeah it's just a
20639s straight up game
20640s Firestone and then straight back to
20644s imposed
20645s composed on Sogo
20649s um
20649s yeah okay just even harder left for
20651s tonsoku it is the aggressive uh Demon
20655s Hunter not The Relic variation so right
20659s um a little bit of bibliomite action
20663s oh it's just impossible to kill
20667s it actually is it literally Never Dies
20671s pushes 15 every game
20675s honestly succubus wishes
20678s or whatever succubus is now didn't they
20680s change it into like a weird dog thing
20687s yes the fell fell Hound
20692s bless sound
20694s the
20698s Bell Beast
20702s and I do think that this deck being the
20705s remaining one for tanzok who works very
20707s nicely for him as glory is going to be
20708s lining up his own Demon Hunter for the
20710s third game in a row
20712s this is the problem with this version of
20715s Demon Hunter The Relic one sorry is it
20718s does not have that comeback mechanism
20719s that I was talking about as the original
20721s weakness with
20723s relics is you spend the whole game
20725s slowly juicing them up getting more and
20727s more powerful setting up for a big zymox
20729s or a big relic of Dimensions to draw all
20731s your deck and get huge discounts but
20734s then how are you winning the board back
20736s it's relative extinctions pretty much
20738s exclusively that you have now that
20740s topple the idol has been cut from the
20742s list and therefore when you're up
20744s against decks like Naga priest imp
20746s warlock aggro Demon Hunter oh hey the
20749s three car the three decks in tanzok is
20751s lineup you're gonna struggle because you
20753s just can't pull back the board once
20755s they've won it uh turns one through four
20762s ladies Dental can sometimes be comeback
20764s mechanism but sure yeah oh geez it's a
20768s bibliomite oh no I want bubbly in my ear
20771s it's unkillable
20775s it does actually just live forever
20777s doesn't it do you coin it out I guess
20779s you did it's just the most amount of
20781s damage isn't it oh no okay double
20782s slitherspoon yes a little bit of Spears
20785s on board and then
20788s then you hit him with the uh the biblio
20791s the biblioteca
20793s take them to the tecca
20799s oh okay that's
20803s not a guaranteed full clear it's a 50
20806s 50.
20808s because the first two have to hit
20809s different minions
20810s I'm taking it
20820s okay pretty big outcome for tansoku
20824s all the magistrate that's so sick
20828s well hey
20832s maybe it'll be
20836s still because the military will come out
20838s before the magistrate I don't know
20840s uh you're gonna play fury next turn I'd
20842s be surprised okay yeah
20848s all of a sudden looking white winnable
20850s actually for for Glory
20853s with a couple of good top decks a bit of
20855s card drawn like a a relic of dimensions
20857s on turn five and he is laughing
20865s oh
20874s biblio mic can't turn left
20887s okay gotta respect the uh
20891s there's a full clear
20897s as TJ teaches his sons every day you
20900s gotta respect the bib
20901s I am not blind
20908s that's so good it's actually not
20911s terrible for Glory either yeah that's a
20913s huge turnaround for Glory now right yeah
20919s he's got miltronics Relic uh which is
20923s probably the most disruptive play he can
20925s make and it does of course lead uh Leaf
20929s setheno Plus
20932s the predation in hand which means
20934s there's still some pretty strong clear
20935s potential it's not like he places one
20937s good removal option
20941s but he Gloria is still very much relying
20943s on some good top decks here this hand
20945s keeps him alive at the moment but it
20947s certain does not win in the game yeah
20949s yeah
20952s [Music]
20956s foreign
20959s [Music]
20971s could have been used if meltronics had
20973s come down to like get rid of the Jace
20974s from the hand and then unlock the uh the
20977s rest of it there
20982s theoretically
20984s right now all about Theory
20987s foreign
20989s no relic of Dimensions unlucky
20995s uh
21000s this nothing feels great
21004s yeah you can't afford really to go
21006s meltronics plus fell barrage because I
21009s mean pulling off one ones
21011s the bran hero power fell barrage to
21014s clear the board is that where we're at
21021s I know it's literally just stats but
21022s bran isn't doing anything with this hand
21024s anyway so I'd rather use it to soak up
21026s some damage
21027s [Music]
21031s yep
21034s uh just Holding On by the skin of his
21037s teeth like a single good top deck for
21039s glorion this all turns around
21045s but damage is gonna start piling in
21046s katsuki does have to finish her with
21048s this load it up and ready to go I feel
21051s like it's got to be this turned for for
21054s I guess phantasms would work too just
21056s because it's a lot of stats on the board
21058s but
21060s oh wait
21063s okay yeah never mind I thought he had
21065s one Mana left I was like oh that's a
21067s juicy three four I don't know
21070s get rid of that Jace I'll see you later
21072s buddy
21073s oh man it's close isn't it it gets the
21076s clear I guess you can get chased down
21079s next turn
21080s I could really see it going either way
21082s still
21088s probably creeping in the favor of Glory
21090s now I think his own Chase next turn gets
21093s him very close to lethal actually yeah
21097s oh
21107s this is like
21111s well players just have a Jason hand and
21113s nothing to do while they wait
21131s price to hair power the location like
21134s maybe no one's tried this before
21138s hold on
21141s I'll be the first
21150s really so Chase okay not Juiced up
21153s enough I guess or with no board to clear
21156s I guess it would be a little dangerous
21157s to start flinging around predations with
21160s uh no real Target yeah
21175s but even so it doesn't clear the board
21182s okay yeah I was like Phil brush it was
21184s like the obvious voice but like what if
21187s your wings of Heap just to put more
21188s stuff on the board
21192s I guess Jace wouldn't matter there's
21193s enough stuff on board already to
21195s so
21197s I mean was there even a foul barrage
21204s all right play it and pray yeah
21208s pretty sure it doesn't do enough but
21210s you never know
21219s hmm
21231s I mean it does more than
21233s metamorphin plus Vanguard
21237s yeah unless he's thinking he's out is to
21239s survive the turn because your opponent
21241s doesn't have base in hand or anything
21243s really and then you top deck fury on the
21246s next turn which would bolster your
21248s damage quite heavily like again I'll be
21250s honest I'm not entirely sure of the
21251s exact amount of damage that tan circle
21253s is going to deal here but I'm sure he's
21254s been keeping closer track and will have
21258s come to the conclusion that this gives
21259s him one extra out
21261s I'm assuming yeah
21268s right now
21273s foreign
21284s this does admittedly feel like it's not
21286s guaranteed lethal uh with the way the
21289s order could work out like if you get
21291s fellow barrage first
21294s and then you know your predation doesn't
21296s hit face then yeah things could go wrong
21303s this is good enough though assuming that
21306s yeah it would just be wouldn't would
21309s Fury be enough nope it's a chaos strike
21314s yeah I'm gonna go ahead and guess this
21316s Chase is not Juiced up enough to to do
21319s it yeah yeah I don't think it's nearly
21321s Juiced up enough it was a lot of just
21322s minion curve early on in the game didn't
21324s did play like one fear earlier but gory
21326s is going to get a win on the board
21329s uh so we're not gonna have another
21330s blowout series
21332s uh like we uh have seen for much of the
21335s day today it's literally just Fury
21337s Hunter and xiaobai they're two matches
21340s uh that haven't been three O's today the
21343s only two players have actually seen more
21346s than three games in a series though
21349s at least we have that to be thankful for
21351s but the rolling theme across the board
21353s is actually a pretty big deal still
21355s incredibly worried about the druid
21358s uh-huh
21360s um but
21363s one Bridge has been crossed
21367s indeed and
21370s I will say this is not an overly greedy
21372s build of Druid from Glory here there's
21375s double spammy Arc and it's a fantastic
21378s card against aggro Demon Hunter
21379s especially with the battleborn Vanguard
21381s playing such a key part in those early
21383s turns there's sir Finley for if you need
21386s a little bit of you know just a redo on
21388s your hand if you've drawn the bad half
21390s of your deck double Druid of the reef uh
21393s there's the Eternia Moore as well which
21395s can be useful just as an early Play Even
21398s though there's not many good silence
21399s targets basically just it's a dreadless
21402s that can beat the Demon Hunter I believe
21404s uh with some of these tech cards in
21406s addition to just the traditional ramp up
21409s play a huge minion hit it with Earth and
21411s scales GG
21413s yeah
21417s oh well here we go see him if how much
21421s of a beating this could uh potentially
21423s be
21424s but two eyes are full it isn't over
21427s between us brother oh my God biblio my
21430s how does this deck even deal with
21431s bibliomite
21432s it does not
21436s uh
21440s Planet evidence into natural causes
21443s Planet evidence into natural causes boom
21447s and plus that simple as that
21453s I think Gloria's got the right idea of
21454s it though instead of trying to answer
21455s this board you just go as uh
21458s aggressively as you can on the ramp and
21461s he has got himself admittedly a really
21462s nice little hand uh for this matchup
21465s with plenty of ramp and as I said that
21467s spammy Arc and this which can be such a
21469s crucial card
21477s he's one of the
21480s metamorphins and then go Vanguard
21483s multi-strike metamorphin on turn three
21486s yeah I think that makes sense
21490s allows you to fill out your curb to
21491s clean it
21495s yep
21499s so double metamorphin at any point could
21503s be really good but it there's no it's
21506s not happening for at least a few turns
21507s yeah
21512s oh each star before it's getting real
21515s scary for Glory
21517s yeah
21519s uh but again he's ramping up into the
21521s cards that deal with it with spammys
21524s like the the stabilization later on in
21526s the game can be really good especially
21528s with that ramp like it just takes a you
21531s know a single turn with a giant Earthen
21533s scales or you know a swing turn
21535s you're gonna be right back in it
21538s however uh yeah this is a lot
21543s yeah I do really like to play uh tansoka
21546s even though it was tempting to get the
21547s fossil fnatic down on this term for some
21549s media card draw uh the fact that a
21551s minion has been played Jump at that
21554s opportunity because if they don't have
21555s specifically spammy organist here they
21558s are Omega dead
21563s I make this look easy
21567s and even if they do it's still far from
21570s guaranteed the glory will be able to
21572s stabilize
21578s what a find and really intact
21581s as tansoka is almost getting himself to
21584s the point where he's lower on health and
21586s Glory just by bashing his head into
21588s every minion that comes down
21593s all right
21601s stabilization we shall find kind of sick
21604s like he's rewarded for putting two of
21607s them in the deck it's very very often a
21609s one-off uh as a tech card but I really
21611s like the list that does run double
21613s spammy Alchemist if you're gonna bring
21615s Druid I think there are a few decks
21617s right now that are
21619s very weak uh to the spammy yeah
21623s I grew I think I'm louder like one
21626s spammy it is probably enough but in an
21630s internment play Maybe
21632s it's uh
21634s you just want the consistent drop that's
21635s the The Meta read that you're going with
21639s boys just sending it face as well my man
21643s I mean what else are you gonna do right
21646s yeah yeah I mean
21649s trade is not doing much but now the
21651s stabilization coming in for Glory these
21654s turns back to back to back spammy spammy
21656s ivis Miracle grows to follow after as
21659s well it's a disaster for tansoku and now
21662s he gets the glaive after both of the uh
21666s the multi-strikes have already been
21667s played
21668s why was I even worried about this druid
21671s Bible it might just stood no chance
21674s whatsoever There You Go Thomas was going
21676s to concede we're going to game five
21677s uh and it is going to come down to
21682s um the Demon Hunter once again for
21683s tonsoku that has struggled a little bit
21686s and the Warlock from Glory which uh
21690s not much faith in warlock after the
21693s beating we've seen it take thus far
21695s today I think Raven said it's only taken
21697s one win that wasn't against another
21699s warlock oh really um well two wins now
21703s because tonsoku won with uh the Warlock
21706s at the beginning of this series but
21707s across the whole day with a lot of
21709s warlock games played I think you're
21711s right
21712s um well I'm not right Ravens right 102
21715s sorry this that's the this will be the
21716s third one if Gloria is to if Gloria is
21719s the fourth one it would be the fourth
21720s one of course but very few considering
21723s played there have been
21727s two previous wins for warlock against
21729s non-wall components but yeah so this
21731s would be number three
21734s if Glory wins
21736s oh because tanzok has already won with
21738s his warlock against the opposing yeah I
21739s know that was number two that was number
21741s five I wasn't I wasn't counting uh
21743s gaboom's warlock oh okay why because
21747s it's different oh okay okay fair enough
21752s slightly different okay it's different
21753s enough I guess
21755s [Music]
21760s uh uh well do you have little faith in
21763s this import look against the aggro DH
21765s however TJ
21768s yeah you can just get blasted
21772s kind of true do you see a dread Persian
21775s glaive and you're you're done
21780s bibliomite how do you ever kill it
21783s right below four health
21787s [Music]
21788s comes out before drag below
21793s I know and I
21795s well they saved the coin but yes I see
21797s your point I see your point and I do
21799s agree with you mostly is that this is a
21800s a rough matchup for the Warlock you have
21802s to get ahead and stay ahead because
21805s those turn six board clears in tams in
21807s an Abyssal wave are just way too slow
21809s against this dick yeah
21812s oh just gonna start okay yeah this it'll
21815s this saves the coin that makes sense
21817s awesome just gonna start honorable
21819s killing
21821s uh but with the Vanguard and wanting to
21824s save the coin for you know potentially
21826s like just an extra damage with Lady
21827s Steno
21829s does make sense
21830s instead of just using the hero power
21832s spin the Mana now oh and uh what is this
21834s you know what I said about winning the
21836s board yeah that's over that is not
21839s happening anymore
21842s right now the double touch however
21849s oh okay that's a good draw it's a good
21852s draw with times in
21857s go tap touch I guess just to use it to
21860s gain a bit of Health yeah
21863s actually I think there's argument both
21866s ways but I would probably end up on
21867s using the top
21871s before
21873s not tapping at all oh tap wow I was just
21877s saying this is good enough yeah I can
21880s stop here
21881s well but I mean it kind of is though
21882s right you guys see where it's coming
21884s whatever next turn and then you just a
21886s cool on five and tampson on six and you
21889s know your plays are spoken for
21893s um demons demons
21898s I'll take it Tiff's gonna draw your
21900s cards anyway the other Thompson the
21902s other other tamson
21904s the Forgotten times in
21909s I think the quest reward is the
21911s Forgotten Tamsin now that's true that
21912s was tams in number one for the longest
21915s time oh yeah well
21918s except when you consider when there was
21920s only one tamson
21923s yo G Tamsin yeah
21926s [Music]
21929s what's the most forgotten of the
21931s mercenaries in any form
21935s of Minion hero or Quest
21939s uh
21943s not recara
21945s not tamson
21947s Quest goth that's a very rarely spotted
21950s one
21951s ah yeah it was played for a little bit
21953s but oh actually Quest carry all It's
21955s gotta be right that's that's not oh yeah
21958s quest carial for sure who even is she
21961s I I don't even know just something with
21964s the hero power but I don't even know
21966s exactly what it is yeah me neither it
21968s Buffs them in some way yeah exactly does
21970s it make two of them or give them stuff
21974s both probably who knows it doesn't
21977s matter yeah
21980s but the other carrier the other other
21983s character cereal and the other carrier
21985s are very good they're definitely in in
21988s like you know top three
21991s agreed
21993s oh yeah gets another touch and another
21995s grimoire this is a good good cleanup
21998s Glory honestly
21999s this might even be better than the
22002s alternative of actually having a board
22006s kazoku's just has this dread Persian
22008s Glade in this multi-strike like please
22009s play minions yeah it's just not doing
22011s anything is it
22013s yeah
22016s coin fell barrage magistrate ugh
22021s was Steno gone
22024s um this is okay a four manify for draw
22027s twos
22028s yeah I mean that's a lot of damage
22030s especially if Glory gives something to
22032s kill with multi-strike this is a lot if
22034s he throws the thano this is
22036s oh sorry sorry my bad yeah
22041s even without snow it's still
22044s really good but feel good Corey's at
22047s just a
22048s a nice smooth 29.
22051s I think straight up control warlock here
22061s I guess you could play slitherspoon and
22063s then just pass once again you yeah it's
22066s got to be it you really want them to
22069s play a minion so you can smack into it
22071s with the the multi-strike yeah if they
22074s place the cool or reform or anything
22077s with like five six Health that's just
22080s straight up extra damage that you've
22082s gained equal to the amount of Health
22084s though if you're Glory here
22088s just drag below file Library tap call it
22092s a day
22096s yikes
22100s got brands of cool next turn
22107s I agree Brown's all cool
22109s yeah
22117s don't miss yourself
22121s oh my goodness
22124s um
22127s this is
22129s fine and all and with dispose evidence
22132s and get rid of the curse
22136s I don't know
22137s I really don't know you know there's a
22140s grimoire of sacrificing hands so you
22142s don't really want to go wide on the
22143s board that's the issue right yeah yeah
22145s but do you just pass again like your
22147s opponent is gonna smell that something
22148s is up with this weapon because like half
22150s the combo is staring them in the face
22152s The Dread prison glaive is already
22153s equipped and if they just don't play
22155s anything you're just gonna take six a
22157s turn until you die yeah I grow impatient
22160s gonna send something's up hmm I wonder
22163s what this deck that only plays damage
22165s holding on the cards for
22169s that's okay like I'll never tell
22175s I think he might be trying to pull off
22176s some type of combo
22198s second multi-strike really I guess the
22201s second multi-strike let him push the
22202s five to face that's what that was for
22205s like it might have had more potential
22207s though
22211s oh really for fun I thought that would
22213s be brands are cool as well
22215s it's big it's not that big actually it's
22219s pretty big with the locations here yeah
22230s one of the scary things here for tonsoku
22233s is uh
22234s I don't know how well he's gonna fare
22236s against pocket trains lineup
22240s oh really you're not liking it
22244s uh
22246s I guess it's fine
22249s I know that Fury Hunter won uh sorry
22251s lost literally zero games with his boar
22254s priest during his entire last Mt run I
22256s still just kind of don't believe in the
22257s deck like after seeing pocket train get
22259s dumpstered on it felt like he was
22262s running into like not hard counters but
22264s nearly right yeah semi-hard counters
22267s that were teched
22269s I agree that is like
22278s so all in all we have 13 damage that we
22281s can Levy face on this turn but if you do
22283s that
22283s he's just dead
22286s so we need to send everything face and
22287s pray for Jace off the top
22290s uh but I think as we can see that's not
22293s going to be a possibility because
22295s there's just straight up 15 plus a
22297s couple of curses available with brands
22299s of cool
22300s and then Glory's taking it in a reverse
22302s sweep against the Demon Hunter Demon
22304s Hunter lost every game this series oh
22307s geez apart from the mirror in which it
22311s also still lost
22314s foreign
22315s that's a lot of losses
22318s adding up for Demon Hunter almost
22320s surpassing warlock but not quite
22324s in terms of uh the award for worst deck
22327s so far in day one of the Fall
22328s Championship but
22330s Gloria is Gonna Take It
22332s [Music]
22334s no more pop-offs for tonsoku
22337s at least for now
22339s but now still not out of the tournament
22340s as this was only the the second initial
22343s match for Group B we still have uh both
22347s the the Witness match and then the
22348s elimination plus decider left to go uh
22352s so plenty more Hearthstone yet to be
22354s coming but for Glory he's not a little
22355s bit closer to his third back to back
22358s world after reaching first place second
22360s place I mean hopefully it's not a
22362s continuing Trend and he just ends up in
22364s fourth but you know it's not a bad Trend
22366s to have I'd take that
22368s yeah
22371s and actually uh tonsoko on second
22373s thought
22375s pocket trains lineup is actually very
22376s similar to worries it's just the uh
22379s War priests thrown in there but cursive
22382s lock Relic Demon Hunter Druid the
22383s druid's just different it's Celestial
22385s it's alignment Druid
22388s um
22389s just more combo stuff right but the
22391s Relic Demon Hunter at least is exactly
22393s the same and that was a big struggle
22395s point
22396s uh for Glory in this matchup so could be
22400s for pocket train
22401s later on too we shall see I imagine the
22404s board priest is probably even just going
22406s to get banned so we're going to be
22407s looking at almost the exact same series
22409s the lower bracket just with a slightly
22411s different variation of Druid I say
22413s slightly different but I guess Celestial
22415s alignment has
22417s uh at least in the later stage of the
22420s game pretty differing play pattern than
22421s just the ram chair itself but there you
22424s have it Gloria's going to be facing
22425s gaboom
22426s in the winners match which will be
22428s coming up next and then uh later on
22431s we're going to have pocket train facing
22432s off tensoku for elimination and then the
22436s decider match and then we're gonna be
22437s done with day one I feel like uh I was
22440s expecting this weekend to come in and
22442s have like you know 14-hour days 10 best
22445s of fives of hearthstone I thought we're
22447s going to see a lot more slower decks
22448s yeah fear Hunter even scared us and said
22451s that Quest priest was going to be in his
22452s lineup I expected more of along the
22455s lines of that but it ended up going the
22457s other way with uh many players bringing
22460s faster aggressive lineups a lot more
22463s Tempo Rogue than I expected a lot more
22464s aggro Demon Hunter than I expected so
22467s there you have it we're uh we're moving
22469s along quite quickly but uh we still have
22472s uh three more matches left on the day
22475s here for day number one we're gonna wrap
22476s up Group B before we head into Group C
22477s and D tomorrow we're gonna have to go to
22479s a quick break before we jump into
22480s winners match of Group B so don't go
22482s anywhere more fall Championship action
22486s right after this
22509s thank you
22514s [Music]
22522s [Music]
22531s foreign
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22616s foreign
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22645s thank you
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22722s thank you
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22779s foreign
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22811s foreign
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22849s foreign
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22905s thank you
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22973s [Applause]
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23045s thank you
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23083s thank you
23087s [Music]
23102s hello everyone and welcome back to the
23104s fall Championship I'm Raven and joining
23106s me this time is Lorinda and we've been
23108s another match for you it's going to be
23109s the upper match from Group B it's going
23111s to be Kaboom versus glory and it's going
23114s to be a spicy one because we slowly
23116s getting to that point Lorinda where
23117s we're starting to see okay who's making
23119s it through to Sunday as the winner of
23122s this match we'll also join the winners
23125s of group a to get through those being of
23127s course xiaobai and Habu gabu yeah can
23131s you imagine if Glory makes it to the
23133s World Championships again again this was
23137s just book him a regular seat yeah that'd
23139s be absolutely nutty if she gets the
23141s final again little long way to go first
23143s but we are going to get to look now at
23145s gabooms decks operating in the wild as
23149s opposed to just directly targeting his
23151s opponent and it's going to be
23154s interesting to see how they get on
23155s because they were built with a specific
23156s job in mind which is to beat pocket
23158s train they've done that specific job and
23161s now we're gonna get to see how this
23163s lineup does against a normal functioning
23166s lineup as opposed to a ball priest one
23167s yeah I mean I can see the big spell Mage
23170s first I think generally most players
23173s have moved over to like the pink Mage we
23175s saw a little bit early on in the day and
23177s but nothing wrong with this deck it
23179s still does its job all right does have
23181s the benefit as you can see here of
23183s running those smothering starfish which
23185s what was once a very very common Tech
23188s card in the meta has gone out since the
23190s Nerf and I guess science is just not as
23192s powerful as it used to be but yeah
23194s running a double figure boom here so
23196s again very interesting how this lineup
23198s does as you said once it starts to get
23200s to the point where where you aren't
23201s facing an expected opponent you're
23204s actually facing more of the wider field
23206s in this tournament so far a good thing
23208s though for Kaboom is because this is a
23210s winners match the loser does not get
23212s knocked out they just drop down to face
23213s the winner of the lower match so still
23215s plenty of time left for gaboon but of
23218s course his opponent a player that is
23219s there well known and one of the top
23221s stars of APAC which is of course Glory
23224s been around for a long time now and as
23226s you mentioned has been doing very very
23228s well for a long time but there is a
23231s title he has not got yet and uh
23232s definitely once
23234s uh what's that like you've got all the
23236s titles Raven he hasn't got the title of
23238s champion of
23240s 2022. yeah more titles okay
23244s he's got the world
23246s yeah but you could get back to back
23248s that's what I was a loser
23250s that isn't that the ultimate because
23253s whenever we've spoke to world champions
23255s Lorinda it's always what now and then
23259s it's it's there the easy follow-up is
23261s win it again because no one's there
23265s that is very fair just just an amusing
23268s way of putting it I mean I know Pavel in
23270s particular the year he won because of
23271s babbling brook and all that it was like
23273s well what are you gonna do now so I'm
23275s going to win everything and he basically
23277s did just to prove that it wasn't you
23279s know particularly just a piece of luck
23281s that won him it I mean as we take a look
23283s at this Jackpot Road from Gloria I just
23284s want to sort of carry on the
23285s conversation but it's generally the case
23287s right where a lot of the times uh you
23290s look at all winners of Worlds throughout
23293s the years it's it's like even more
23295s pressure it's stacked on after they win
23298s right because it's like well what do
23300s they do now if they lose are they just
23303s rubbish you know what I mean it's like a
23305s lot of the pressure is stacked on
23306s afterwards so I do think that's
23309s something that a lot of people chase
23310s because one you can't really argue with
23312s any of the world champions we've had in
23314s Hearthstone that them being at least in
23316s their Prime at that time of winning but
23319s if you go twice right no one can ever
23323s even suggest a discussion at that point
23326s right it is just the final nail you need
23328s and then there may be one day Lorinda
23330s fast forward a few years we'll be
23331s talking about someone being up for it
23332s three times who knows it could possibly
23335s happen but let's get back to the actual
23337s matchup here between these two players
23339s of course Glory going to bring it well I
23341s know we could talk forever about stuff
23342s like this but Glory going up against who
23345s do you think's got the better end of the
23347s state because both decks are very sort
23349s of um box heavy I'll say uh is do you
23353s think anyone particularly has an
23354s advantage over the other or is it just
23356s going to be who can get hold of the
23358s better resources quicker yeah I mean it
23360s is difficult to say because of this
23362s gaboom lineup not being necessarily I
23364s mean it is a very coherent lineup it did
23366s its job incredibly well but it is an
23370s assortment of decks which means some
23371s good matchups and some bad matchups
23375s um as opposed to
23376s necessarily having big weak spots or or
23379s big targets that it's doing itself
23381s um glory on the other hand has just
23383s brought a largely come controlling light
23386s up so it has more of a place it'll
23389s actually control it actually I'm looking
23390s through it's not that controlly
23394s so I'm just going to change my mind mid
23396s that's okay pretty aggressive line it
23399s with Druid in it he just bought the good
23401s stuff so
23403s yeah you'll have to wait and see how
23404s that turns out
23409s yeah looking at this Mulligan so far
23413s boom deep in thought
23416s what's going to go on here like it does
23418s have nightclub sanctum but again versus
23419s this deck is that like
23421s duper important right like it's not like
23425s you're expecting tons of tempo coming
23427s out from this Rogue it's designed to
23429s keep it and so probably going to the
23431s point of like yes these are the good
23433s cards right just to keep hold of just
23435s the the regular go-to's as opposed to
23437s anything overly fancy so just click keep
23440s the sanctum is still sitting on that
23442s coin in hand and does have the barbaric
23444s sorcerer so a lot could go very very
23446s right here for Kaboom as we get into
23448s this game yeah I think it's just a
23450s decent card it's going to play nicely on
23452s curve either at the start of your curve
23454s or at the end of your curve depending
23455s what the other cards you draw are so I
23458s think it's just going to do a three drop
23460s fits nicely into this that you run a
23462s danger of just doing very little if
23464s you're not careful for the first million
23466s turns so just keeping something that is
23468s relatively cheap I think in Europa makes
23470s a lot of sense without it totally
23472s disrupting your hand
23477s oh
23482s imagine a rogue with this many cards
23485s early
23489s one of the the small things with the
23491s jackpot vote for me is
23493s when you don't do a jackpot and you just
23495s draw a bunch of stuff but if you're
23497s gonna get all these cards early on then
23498s you should get there pretty okay
23504s stack and it did just have all of the
23508s jackpot effects or payoff cards without
23511s having jackpot and then none of the
23513s actual secrets and again a lot of the
23515s time the secret package in and of itself
23517s get you to that mid to late game where
23520s you start to get hold of all these big
23521s payoff cards and you know some of these
23524s secrets are enough obviously Glory will
23526s want to draw more and more cards which
23527s he will be able to and we can see here
23529s just look at that from the Sprint he's
23531s actually got a very solid curve coming
23533s up with krabatoa you know even though
23535s Tempo Rogue isn't super super common
23538s krabatoa will never not be a good road
23540s card
23541s yeah and when you're playing 40 cards
23544s you just want to you've got the Liberty
23546s to just put in anything that you start
23549s your deck here is a good card here is
23550s not a good card you put all the things
23552s that are here is a good card they just
23553s go in because that's your 10 extra cards
23556s and then you can look at what deck
23557s you're going to build and you end up
23558s with this
23559s um so why would you not play krabatora
23562s especially you can say it's bad now if
23563s you want subtle's not listening but even
23565s so yeah it is just one of the best cards
23567s in Hearthstone
23569s oh this is nice found the uh Fang bound
23572s I was looking at the Rush Minion but of
23573s course the Fang bound is going to help
23575s reduce down krabato if it's killed and
23578s even though that krabatoa could be
23579s played next turn from Glory anyway where
23582s you'd rather play it for cheaper right
23583s especially when there's that serrated
23584s bone spike in hand so
23586s we'll see if Gloria can make this work
23588s but Glory now he knows what's coming and
23591s there is I mean there's nothing bad it's
23594s either two or zero yes zero though he's
23597s so nutty right now it's almost time
23599s ending oh hang on he's gone for the
23601s Belinda
23603s okay never mind I thought he was gonna
23605s go for the Sorceress that turn yeah yeah
23606s it's gonna go for blender instead and
23608s gets the Rune and the um the Drake fire
23610s amulet so still I blame Glory
23614s uh I mean you understand right why right
23616s you see it you see coin on turn five
23618s against this mate oh no especially like
23621s I said because they um with just the
23623s shadow step and this bone Spike that
23625s could have gone very very wrong indeed
23627s and it still could he needs to work out
23629s now does he think that the other one's
23631s there for the follow-up or or what is is
23634s this just coin Belinda because
23636s like does he jump is he going to dump
23639s the shadow step he's going to dump the
23640s the two Mana cards some of those will
23642s dump themselves which is nice jackpot
23644s will kind of dump itself but yeah
23647s a lot to do here for Glory
23651s today by the way as well
23654s yeah looking focused I mean Focus from
23656s both players there's a lot to play for
23657s right you know what I mean sometimes
23659s Glory seems to have uh days where he
23661s just turns up and sort of he just he
23662s just glories about winds anyway today
23664s he's looking absolutely up for it today
23666s yeah I think we're at the stage where if
23668s it's a spot of the world championship
23669s you uh you take it you're probably a
23672s full Focus yeah I don't even mean it in
23674s a a controllable way so I don't think
23676s it's like deliberate he just seems to
23678s have good days and bad days
23680s but he seems to have the good days at
23682s the right time so you're probably right
23683s there Raven
23686s I did go for freezing trap because of
23689s course the Belinda is on board and
23691s there's not a lot you can really do
23692s about this
23696s wow really good theater swap flipper
23700s Flint just always makes me laugh it's
23702s just such a there's something about it
23704s that makes me think it's just such a
23705s stupid card I don't mean it's bad or
23707s good it's just it's just silly what's
23709s the name of that color in The Flipper
23711s friends okay
23713s I I heard like I said well it
23716s noises is probably the the great
23719s question to that question yeah
23721s um I thought you had like some uh sort
23723s of a pet name for it but nope it's uh I
23726s mustn't have been listening Lauren it
23727s was my fault yeah because I speak
23729s perfect English at all times it's
23731s definitely I'm definitely not my fault
23733s so even though it was a good swap there
23736s from
23737s leotard there's still a good follow-up
23739s here from kaboom
23744s does he attack
23746s now is its own to secret and let's be
23748s honest
23749s there's only really one I think any Mage
23752s secret beats any other Hunter Secret in
23755s this situation that isn't exactly a
23757s freezing track
23762s right
23764s time to slow all this down somehow
23771s always having the time of his life
23773s this is why I played this deck so I can
23776s play even sillier cards so let's see
23778s what's gonna happen oh
23780s let's see what's gonna happen
23782s best sort of Hearthstone
23787s I don't want to control what happens to
23789s me I just want to see what happens to me
23796s okay he can tooth
23802s get rid of the raid boss
23805s he really wanted to do he could actually
23807s like
23808s tooth null into the blender to clear the
23813s raid boss as well
23818s foreign
23826s it's just gonna set it up yeah
23829s and this is where the Rogue is so strong
23831s right because the simple version is it
23834s can do two things a turn and the Mage
23836s can do one thing to turn
23837s yeah well the problem now is that just
23839s the fact that roon of the archmage is in
23841s the Contraband stash right like yeah
23843s he's got a lot Glory's basically doing
23845s what gaboon wants to do with this deck
23847s except Glory can do other stuff as well
23850s yeah exactly what I mean yeah yeah he's
23852s doing two things but one of the things
23853s is the same as his opponent is what
23855s you're adding to it yeah and something
23857s else on top
23859s nutty it's gonna have to be pretty nutty
23861s though because look at the state of this
23862s board now
23865s it's there if the Rogue misses a beat
23867s it's gonna take a lot of damage
23871s yeah suddenly the freezing trap isn't
23873s looking quite as strong
23876s not really
23877s tons of great AOE could go for the um
23881s uh flipper friends there we go thanks to
23884s say that appreciate it no no it was more
23886s so you can't reverse and laugh at me for
23888s how I said it so I had to put full focus
23890s into that one uh he could do that and
23892s Rush with the Otters and then
23895s out the AOE from the Belinda oh he's
23898s just gonna never we're just gonna open
23900s more boxes never mind how dare I suggest
23903s anything else
23905s oh my
23906s god well there we go
23908s who Mana krabatoa seems uh reasonable
23911s yeah there's a card I play
23913s gotta admit
23915s board gone
23918s and Rogue doing the Rogue thing except
23921s we made cards where it clears your board
23923s and then makes tempo of its own
23928s okay
23930s oh
23932s I'm gonna throw away the pirate so
23934s there's no recast of uh Drake fire
23936s amulet I was interested to see actually
23938s whether this was going to be a theater
23939s because I felt that there were enough
23942s cards in hand be okay passing something
23945s over
23949s I think the whole right side of Glory's
23951s hand was okay to swap
23953s even the pirate blast honestly
23956s yeah the piroblast is unlikely to be
23959s particularly relevant in this game right
23960s right the person who wins is going to be
23962s the one who has an overwhelming board
23963s Advantage for one or two turns where
23965s they just get to do a huge amount of
23966s damage sure the 10 might matter at some
23969s point but it doesn't feel like that's
23970s the way the games
23971s going to pan out
23976s I'm saying nope
23978s I need a new hand
23980s definitely to help with that
23984s yeah okay there it is there's Dawn grasp
23988s and slower nowadays than they used to be
23990s but still
23992s absolutely needed
23996s Strong Grass but just just like us
23998s Lorinda getting older in slightly slower
24000s at things yeah hey you speak for
24002s yourself I'm not getting older
24004s just me then that's fine this is the
24006s great thing about starting off old is
24008s I'm still old so I'm engaged in age
24010s that's how that works yeah you just
24012s don't progress past the stage of old
24014s yeah exactly that guy's old yeah and
24017s then five years later that guy's old
24018s yeah okay same age escorted all right
24022s here comes the two Mana krabatoa
24027s planned it all along
24031s well I must call it krabatua
24034s uh-huh that works
24037s just but I'll give you I'll take it I'll
24040s take just
24042s second test wait what am I doing
24046s yeah yeah this is Toyota right so he's
24049s gonna swap away like I said that the
24051s pyroblast at this stage in the game just
24054s Kaboom plays pyroblast
24056s not really going to make a big
24058s difference Glory's sitting on 37 feeling
24059s pretty good about things taking the dawn
24062s grass though like I said I think like
24065s just slowly removing a wind conditions
24069s Kaboom now has his own theater though so
24071s he will be able to potentially steal
24073s that Dawn grass back
24075s um and he does have a lot of rubbish to
24077s give it to give Glory right if it's any
24079s of the starfish that's fine yeah any any
24082s of those cards at all basically yeah and
24084s it's going to go brand yeah he really
24086s needs this Dawn grass bag
24088s bad gardeners yeah
24091s won't be impressed to see the test but
24093s what can he do
24094s when you're playing in the back seat of
24095s a taxi that's all you can you know get
24098s on with
24101s I've seen this way a taxi I thought he's
24103s paying for me it was one of those boat
24106s houses
24108s now he's just being driven around in a
24110s limo like while he plays okay
24113s and it's stuck at the lights because
24114s it's in Paris where the traffic's really
24116s slow
24120s and well there's the freezing trap
24121s finally going off after
24123s yes at this point I've been active
24129s 10 16 first really chunky hit
24135s no lethal available
24139s I have to say reasonable just like
24142s I decides whether whether Glory wants to
24145s Silverleaf
24146s end swing or swing hero power Silverleaf
24150s for extra draws and imagine with a
24152s flipper friends I think imagine if he
24154s hadn't given away his pyroblast
24158s simply lethal
24161s uh I'll say you were funny
24171s I decide now of course it's going to be
24173s tempting to actually swing into this
24175s brand
24176s really want to leave that sitting on
24178s board
24179s yeah it's got to decide about the Silver
24182s Leaf
24186s okay
24193s then get the main decision with the
24195s brand was whether to use the starfish
24197s now or save it for something even more
24198s important because there isn't much
24200s that's more important than starfish but
24202s it might be used to unfree something or
24204s something later right
24206s this board gets blizzard Frozen for
24207s instance
24211s um multiple random boxes
24214s Okay so
24218s 19 20 damage with the dagger swing
24221s oh kaboom's quite dead gotta make a
24225s decision now whether he thinks go on
24227s grasp
24228s plus dragons that can maybe taunt or do
24231s something is enough
24234s or whether he has to uh
24236s don't grasp yeah
24240s throw them dices
24242s the problem as well is he's been given a
24245s starfish but he obviously doesn't know
24248s that exactly the second one's in hand so
24250s obviously the four men are dong has to
24252s freeze the board wouldn't actually
24253s achieve anything right just be straight
24255s left
24256s has it on and that goes back to Gloria's
24258s previous turn where he chose to take
24260s tank the four not not starfish the brand
24262s which made sense anyway but it was
24263s damaged that he could have put face if
24265s he wanted to yeah I think that is
24268s especially with the avenge
24270s simply lethal although of course the
24272s Avengers will get silenced right it's
24275s still enough six it's 12 18 19 18. yeah
24280s 18 I think plenty points yeah Glory
24283s takes game number one and a I think like
24286s a really good game to win just for the
24288s mindset because again as we've seen with
24290s Glory as the Rogue playing multiple
24293s copies of gabooms Rune of the archmage
24298s um that that match up specifically can
24300s get a little bit wild with the amount of
24302s crazy things that can happen so winning
24304s it is a great start not only putting you
24306s know one score on the board so to speak
24308s but also just saying like Okay here was
24310s a matchup that let's be honest
24313s field play comes into it but things can
24315s just happen if you open enough boxes
24317s regardless and there yeah Glory taking
24320s game number one looking pretty good
24321s there's the Rogue done and yeah just did
24324s yep boxes are opened and shut case here
24327s and gonna move on to the next deck which
24331s is oh no why did I start that sentence
24334s knowing that I couldn't be finished
24335s human Hunter for Kaboom it's gonna
24337s switch off the Mage I'll save you a
24338s little bit Redbox history on our screen
24341s yeah
24343s yeah well Gloria either has his own
24345s Demon Hunter or his Druid to uh to play
24348s out with as he has had his Warlock band
24350s away the Druid is the oh yeah it's not
24353s him playing astral alignment right okay
24355s we'll get to that in a minute Kaboom is
24357s on the Demon Hunter anyway which is The
24359s Relic build very little in the way of
24361s tech in there just to prosecute so I
24363s guess but that's in a lot of the builds
24365s so and it is going to be the Druid for
24368s Glory
24370s okay so it's a good first guest for me
24372s but yeah this um this Relic Demon Hunter
24374s again it's a it's a really interesting
24377s list because I said this to TJ but it
24379s kind of floats for the first few turns
24381s and then if it gets relative dimensions
24383s uh at least for me the best card in the
24386s deck by yeah
24387s um then things can get very very silly
24389s indeed they can draw so many cards with
24392s such a huge Banner reduction that they
24394s can really do um powerful things in any
24396s given turn but yeah it's going to be
24397s interesting to see whether
24399s that power level of potentially using
24402s the location with the minion Relic to
24405s actually summon huge boards it's
24406s actually going to be faster than this
24409s Druid Deck which is of course the ramp
24410s Joy does have the Jailer and the top end
24413s there but most importantly just has ramp
24416s and the good stuff right like the usual
24418s things Druid runs Topia to keep all
24420s control raid Bossa next year the
24423s devourers as well if anything gets too
24425s spicy if the Demon Hunter builds those
24427s huge boards with the relics and the
24430s devour is active well it just Chomps
24431s them all anyway so it doesn't really
24433s matter so looks to me Lorinda like it
24436s could be a bit of a tricky one for The
24437s Old Demon Hunter yeah yeah the Demon
24439s Hunter is very hard to assess because
24441s you look at the Mulligan win rates and
24444s it's literally just if it says Relic on
24445s it you keep it if it doesn't you don't
24447s basically with the exception of if it's
24450s got draw cardboard on it I think you
24451s keep it as well right and that means you
24453s get quite a lot of polarized things
24455s happening
24456s um you draw two or three Reddit cards
24458s you just beat anything you don't get any
24460s you sort of lose to anything
24462s and it reminds me a little bit of when
24463s we first have cars like York Savon or
24465s whatever it takes a long time to
24467s evaluate is this good like because when
24470s it wins it just looks unbeatable when it
24472s loses it looks garbage right and I don't
24474s think we've yet reached the stage where
24476s it's that easy to decide how good this
24479s deck is other than it's quite often
24481s quite good yeah I think at surface level
24484s it you could say both decks ramp right
24487s yeah yeah they need to ramp up the
24489s relics and then play Dimensions which
24492s then acts as ramp because it's
24493s effectively creating Mana for you and I
24498s don't I would not agree with the point
24500s of this Demon Hunter ramps better than
24504s ramp Druid you know what I mean sure and
24507s I think the payoff for the Druid has
24509s been really narrowed down to just the
24512s best cards at this point and maybe we
24514s can argue that the Jailer whether the
24516s jail is the best card to fit in that
24518s deck or not uh because it's still you
24520s know fairly fresh but when you look at
24522s the General top end dinathrius Ray
24524s bottinexia devourers the miracle growth
24527s of course scale of inyxia zentopia like
24530s I don't see much end game looking better
24533s than that right better than those
24535s options especially when The Druids
24537s generally get in there faster than most
24539s other decks yeah um I think I agree with
24542s that to be fair
24544s um we will see of course the one of the
24546s relics in hand for gaboon
24548s and for potential four
24551s yeah and I advocated for a relic keep
24553s when Fury hunt was playing earlier on
24555s against the Warlock so if I advocated
24558s for that playing it against a sort of
24560s you know the curse
24561s then I definitely advocate for it now if
24564s you're gonna keep it against anything
24566s you keep that card against ramp druid
24569s yeah I mean your your whole aim is get
24571s the location which he has failed to do
24573s get three or four activations draw some
24575s cards play them all in one turn and hope
24577s they don't have blasters and you're good
24578s to go but unfortunately do it like you
24581s have already described several times
24582s does have blasters and usually
24585s it doesn't matter your cards cost not
24588s because The Druids might as well
24590s yeah and I think the big thing with the
24592s Mulligan for this Demon Hunter it's not
24594s like some other slower demon Hunters
24596s where you can actually Mulligan for the
24597s aggro portion of your deck against Druid
24600s because this deck doesn't really have an
24603s aggro section right like the early game
24605s cards like fell barrage it's like well
24607s that's gonna do nothing against the 40
24609s Ultra Druid and then the first uh let me
24611s check yeah the first actual minion is
24613s bran and lady sofano so it's like well
24617s Yep they're not going to do anything
24618s either so yeah got to keep all those
24620s relics yeah if you don't draw location
24622s of relics then
24625s just get out so much work to do yeah
24629s what's this gonna do it's there no yes
24631s might do eight damage next turn if it's
24632s not dealt with but oh no who cares
24636s yeah I mean Glory just has Topia next
24639s turn yeah
24641s which is why he's putting in the one
24642s damage there as well putting it in a
24644s Topia range basically and by that I
24647s don't mean the actual card I mean all
24649s the three threes it can sum up instead
24652s you will be able to do
24657s I think
24659s yeah I got planted evidence there
24666s it's been a really fast game turn five
24668s already and like nobody's really stuck
24671s for Thought until this moment hmm
24677s I actually quite like the Devourer here
24679s like as an insurance policy like I'm
24682s going to win in my hand and if I don't
24683s devour them make sure that I do
24686s Cristiana I obviously don't mind the
24688s other Aquatic because well he knows two
24690s of the three cards he'll be offered when
24691s he uses that one and he can use it to do
24693s davara next turn but my point is well
24696s he's going to play Topia this turn
24698s that summons minions for the rest of the
24700s game get that Devourer active and then
24702s even the big Relic pop-offs aren't that
24705s much of a problem because you just
24706s played devour and eat them and you only
24708s have to worry about two Relic pop-offs
24710s or sorry three Relic pop-offs and
24713s one or two other cars and you're pretty
24714s much done so yeah being able to eat them
24717s all a big board once is absolutely
24719s plenty
24728s sure the look of the city We Roll
24732s I think city was the best as well oh and
24734s Chaos okay
24736s I guess killing a five five is Handy
24743s yeah it's fine
24745s try to fight for this board oh my
24747s goodness
24750s yeah I'm gonna get it down absolutely
24754s as you thought they can just put to the
24756s bottom knowing it's there Jayla as well
24757s oh my
24763s it's looking start getting out of
24766s control yeah
24769s because even at this point you have to
24770s ask the question
24772s does kaboom
24774s even beat Jayla into dinathrius
24780s I'm honestly struggling to know what he
24782s beats at this point like yeah but I just
24784s mean just those two cards right like
24787s right does Kaboom beat those two cards
24791s I don't think so and I think you've
24793s mentioned a couple of times but mainly
24795s because there's just no location right
24797s yeah
24798s no Relic fault means that there's just
24801s this relative dimensions is just can't
24804s do enough work to recover from this and
24807s this was kind of my point going into the
24808s match where of the game where well look
24811s Glory's got about to have 10 Mana
24815s kaboom's on six and Glory basically has
24819s like upwards of three win conditions in
24821s his hand and can play them next turn so
24824s I'll start to play them next turn
24826s yeah yeah I think you're right um would
24830s have liked to see The Relic Vault played
24832s on turn two and then see how that
24834s changed things would be a lot more
24836s pressure coming from the other side if
24837s it was but it wasn't that's why we play
24839s the game
24840s there is the option to theater here and
24842s take away one of those wind conditions
24843s but does it just do anything but delay
24845s the inevitable
24846s yeah and the big problem is oh great you
24849s steal one of the big cars you can't play
24852s for the foreseeable yeah and then your
24855s opponent just plays a different one and
24857s then you cry
24859s yeah yeah Kaboom doing what he can are
24861s you interested to see what Glory goes
24863s for I would yes okay he's with me I
24866s would just absolutely slam the Jailer
24868s right there and say you know what let's
24869s go because like I said as soon as this
24872s dinathurist hits the board it's it's all
24874s over
24877s it's not exactly as stacked dinathrius
24880s but it just has the lifesteal right
24884s I don't know if it can be outpaced okay
24888s let's see 36 is a lot there
24893s 35.
24895s I guess yeah
24898s hey
24900s that will delay things because Glory
24902s will certainly want to not have to play
24906s cards on the left
24910s okay
24913s you gotta be Scrappy with scratch
24917s who knows wow okay
24922s this seems good nice little combo there
24926s I love Glory's confidence as well
24927s because whenever I play Jailer in a
24929s situation like this I stare at my hand
24931s stare at the board spaces then stare at
24935s my hand again and I'm like don't you do
24937s it again because I always run out of
24939s board space backs and right I just sat
24941s there with a denaturis in my hand like
24942s an absolute idiot
24945s blurry of course a slightly better
24947s Hearthstone player than me I mean you'll
24949s be more confident you've been with him
24951s every step of the way to be fair where
24953s glory is gone you've been there Raven I
24955s think you know so you're
24957s not the same the same career path
24963s oh
24966s it needs to be lethal right now
24971s narrator it's not
24976s play
24977s the hair right so you can gain armor
24983s which
24984s Legend you may not keep him alive but he
24986s might do a better job of keeping him
24987s alive than being literally dead on board
24991s yes is he running out tracky in this
24994s lesson
24995s oh yeah he has he has two in this list
24999s who hasn't gotten hold of any of them
25001s which is a shame for for gaboom since he
25003s does have that fiori does have chaos
25005s strike you know he would have had enough
25007s to actually make it worthwhile well
25009s there's cards have been played in all
25011s sorts of positions here yeah there's the
25013s see what happened there's the our dry
25014s key but it's just too little too late
25016s because that's just leaf on board right
25018s yep I think yeah yeah 17 without the
25022s hero power yeah rough one I think he was
25024s really just going for the uh our Dracula
25026s War player too
25028s so much just
25030s it's just not fair yeah really rough
25034s game there rough game for Kaboom but
25036s again I think that matchup's just hard
25039s because unless you really go off early
25041s as a Demon Hunter the Druid just does
25044s your your deck but better right like
25047s yeah ramp up get to the big end game
25049s conditions because as we sell even if
25051s the hotel came down and stole Jayla
25054s let's say dinathrius that wasn't even
25056s played like does it matter because then
25058s the jury just plays the other big thing
25060s they have and you still in a tough spot
25062s of course Jayla being the best one to be
25065s able to actually play from Glory because
25066s it's Unstoppable at that point right but
25069s there yeah good effort from gaboon but
25070s not enough and suddenly Lorinda glory is
25072s just very swiftly to zero up is it
25075s another 3-0 on the menu today I mean in
25079s theory right he's down to his own Demon
25081s Hunter so it shouldn't be having seen
25083s what's happening going back the other
25084s way but it's got that smell of a 3-0
25086s about it hasn't it it's it's just got
25089s this now that this demon Hunter's going
25090s to draw it makes no a logical sense but
25093s it's just got that feeling he's going to
25094s draw a relic Vault he's going to play
25095s Infinite relics in the first five turns
25097s the game's just going to end it's not
25099s how it should be necessarily this
25100s warlock is obviously just a really good
25102s deck but I don't know I think he's going
25103s to end I think gory's going to beat him
25104s this this game how do you feel like this
25107s deck's actually going to cope against
25108s Demon Hunter for example or anything
25111s else because it is so heavily teched in
25114s a certain way right from gaboon we see
25116s altar of fire in there and we see the
25118s double dreaded mount in there uh even
25121s the void Walkers like not all lists are
25123s running void workers for example right
25125s as well as that um uh demonic assault
25129s that's the the words I was looking for
25130s in there so it's not the uh sort of
25133s streamlined version of curse lock that
25136s we've been used to to the extent where
25138s we almost don't talk about the list when
25139s it's on screen because it's 30 you know
25141s the card for card list everyone runs but
25144s Kaboom definitely doing something
25145s different so do you think this is going
25147s to be a hindrance in the rest of his run
25148s I mean obviously it's not ideal to have
25152s all those tech cards in but I've always
25153s felt that if you want to put a bunch of
25155s junkie tech cards in a deck or in a
25158s class put it in warlock uh as you do
25160s often sit there with sort of spare cards
25162s in hand that you don't get to cast
25163s anyway
25165s um but clearly yeah if you're not
25166s running the optimal cards you're running
25168s it's it's going to hurt you but yeah
25170s with it being warlock with some of those
25173s cards still fitting the curve with them
25175s sort of making sense
25177s uh
25179s I think we still won't take off as many
25182s percentage points as maybe you'd expect
25183s just because yeah what what's too bad
25186s about playing a turn one one three that
25188s isn't normally in the deck Etc I think I
25190s think you'll be okay but I don't know
25192s this this game just has the air of Glory
25194s stops it whatever you do about it so far
25196s well as usual a lot of this uh in this
25199s better at least for the a lot of the
25201s decks the players are choosing to bring
25203s then Mulligan seems to be king here
25205s right uh we can judge the games based on
25208s the Mulligan at least in some part and
25211s Glory once again seems to be an ongoing
25213s theme for demon Hunters this air today
25215s relic of dimensions in the opening hand
25218s key card whereas for government
25220s gabumon I'm just named I I'm literally
25224s naming Digimon at this point because I
25226s just like I read gabu and gabo and then
25229s just made up the rest of the name gaboon
25231s sorry
25232s um it has a much more varied hand that
25235s you may want to toss
25237s Gabby man that was last year all right
25240s uh yeah he has actually tossed the oil
25243s what if he'd keep the shipment but did
25244s not and Glory has also missed and we've
25248s talked about it already a lot if Demon
25250s Hunter misses early on he's missed on
25253s his top deck on turn one as well you saw
25254s there it doesn't do anything and you
25257s lose quite quickly so my my Into The
25260s Ether gut instinct oddly enough turned
25263s out not to be correct
25265s there's still time for The Relic
25268s now I'm done mate
25270s okay well unfortunate here for Glory
25274s still though he does have the
25275s ever-present Demon Hunter hero power and
25278s this will at least be juicing the
25280s curtress right like if we're going if
25282s we're looking for a silver lining
25286s I am
25288s uh
25292s yeah he's gonna have an option next to
25294s him just playing the brand because
25295s that's all he can do
25298s that's not ideal
25308s yeah and then when you don't get the
25310s start with a Demon Hunter basically any
25312s Curve will do
25325s yeah it's not looking too good it might
25327s be the old Brandon curve here for Glory
25329s and hope they just a couple of Trades
25333s okay so if he is going to win this he
25336s draws the location off the top plays a
25339s relative extension to
25341s kind of clear
25343s I'm not all there is anything to clear
25344s now
25348s not happening
25352s fell beverage Maybe
25357s digital to try and hit location that's
25359s the other choice yeah at this point just
25362s wanting to just hit the one one yeah
25364s kills the empath
25367s and Glory definitely just trying to hold
25371s on
25372s but this is where the tech cards are
25374s gonna so yes Kaboom some points here
25377s because this is a quite a weak to and
25379s fall compared to what it could have been
25381s right in in other lists so relic of
25384s Dimensions pretty weak only reducing by
25386s two not the best no not at all this is a
25390s term where he'd love to just be able to
25391s take away the 3-3 while waiting and
25394s the top show now the bartender is going
25397s to shadily just do so much damage
25402s and I think Chloe can't come back from
25404s this oh hang on
25406s yeah the amount of recount where he's
25409s never gonna financially recover from
25411s this there's the concede and it's not
25414s going to be a 3-0 sweep Glory gets run
25417s over by the Warlock from gaboon and
25419s again understandable we've spoke about
25421s it a lot today I am sure this
25423s conversation will continue into the
25424s weekend but the Demon Hunter can be
25427s extremely powerful but if you miss that
25430s early game and it's what I was talking
25431s about even way back this morning yeah
25434s this morning when um when we were
25436s talking about Abu gabu's lineup right
25438s when he's bringing the Demon Hunter he's
25439s bringing the warrior the good thing is
25441s when you're against decks like warlock
25443s well even if your Mulligan's not perfect
25446s it's almost never going to be a disaster
25448s because your whole decks curve is low
25451s right you're not going to sit with a
25452s Jace in your hand or you know uh you
25455s know Jace and artificer in your hand
25456s like you can see here for Glory you know
25458s you're gonna hit like something
25460s proactive to do almost all of the time
25462s so definitely a benefit that kind of
25464s lineup has but of course when we can see
25466s Glory still have his demon to the left
25468s he's still got Mage and the mirror match
25470s to play so he's still got plenty of game
25471s and again surely he'll get hold of Relic
25474s vault in the early game in one of these
25476s matchups we've got coming up here you
25479s would think so but obviously as always
25480s As Time ticks down you start becoming
25482s more and more concerned about it um
25486s but he doesn't have a favorable plus a
25489s 50 50 to come so obviously in a
25492s fantastic situation you know maths wise
25494s I guess uh firewatch post a nice start
25497s here for gaboom I guess yeah
25502s yeah in most matchups right if you're
25504s playing Far watch post you may as well
25506s keep it in the Mulligan especially in
25508s this Demon Hunter because you you just
25510s want to slow them down even more than
25512s they already are is again gaboom is not
25516s running the pink Mage she's running the
25518s big spell Mage so not exactly a rapid
25520s fire deck of itself and it's happening
25523s here Raven I think chaos is right to
25525s draw cards if he doesn't hit the
25526s location next turn already played a
25528s relic
25530s it's it's on the way
25533s okay
25540s another watch post where that one came
25542s from and there's chaos strike here in
25543s power where that came from as well when
25545s you see that Relic played in that kind
25548s of scenario you sit back and think wow
25550s that card's actually pretty good right
25552s you know in that just I must kill minion
25554s scenario it's just you never see it in
25557s that snow like because that's kind of
25558s weirdly clearing your opponent's board
25560s with a really powerful card isn't the
25562s point of that in this deck yes yeah
25566s you're gonna be calling narrow power oh
25571s no yeah I thought it's gonna hear a
25573s podcast strike that's that was the
25575s instinctive play right and I looked at
25576s that and thought that's what he was
25577s going to do too but he wanted to avoid
25579s getting the extra card with the being
25583s more expensive so he can kill this with
25584s a Naga now and then draw the card of the
25586s castle and then the first card he draws
25587s gets buff gets more expensive got
25591s anywhere yeah I mean this just got a 4-4
25594s on board right which is fine uh if it
25596s was gonna draw a card to increase its
25598s cost by one that happens regardless
25600s whereas this gets a four four and lets
25602s him beat the chaos strike so it's fine
25604s uh we didn't know what was going to come
25605s out from the Naga link of course as well
25607s so that could have dramatically changed
25609s uh what Gloria's plan was going to be
25611s but now he really needs that Relic Vault
25614s because you don't really want to play
25615s relative dimensions without it being
25617s doubled because that's kind of the point
25620s you might have closer too
25624s and
25627s I think he could take a turn off
25629s his tail strikes he weighs out yeah
25632s because again I don't know if it's
25636s I'm not sure how fast Glory actually
25639s needs to go here but obviously he
25641s doesn't want to go too slow
25643s because then Kaboom will just build up a
25645s huge board and even with a big Relic
25647s Vault he won't be able to clear it
25649s yeah on the other side of that it's like
25651s well let's oh does he have to play both
25653s the zeros now to get them out of his
25654s hand he does right otherwise he just
25656s loses to all sorts of stuff yeah
25659s and why not right fell barrage isn't
25662s getting any better targets you may as
25664s well make the four fours just to put
25665s pressure on and this Dodges as you said
25668s the potential worst case scenario
25670s we're gonna see gaboon once again
25673s if I say on curve I think the other game
25676s he coined it but still close enough
25678s that's that's about as I'm curve as you
25679s can get right the barbarican hand that
25682s again classes on curve because you you
25684s played two sixes on turns five and six
25686s oh my who needs Relic Vault well you can
25688s just draw all your relics and get really
25690s annoyed
25693s Glory that's who
25697s the trouble is he wants to play Curtis
25699s next turn so not playing the relative
25701s dimensions now
25703s would lead to him not really clearing
25704s much no very much he has to play it
25706s right he can't just sit there and do
25709s nothing with this Belinda
25712s where is it seemingly what he's going to
25714s do because this turn is surmounted to a
25717s total sum of nothing in my opinion yeah
25720s just nothing absolute straight nothing
25723s happened I'm just gonna get hit
25727s foreign
25734s look at this lot hitting him
25737s oh interesting
25743s [Music]
25744s what numbers I want all the numbers now
25746s this is tough out yeah okay fair enough
25753s I mean it's the same amount of numbers
25757s I mean there's two numbers on each yeah
25761s once he made 16 and 16. is that what
25765s you're talking about yeah
25767s because there's also the same amount of
25769s numbers means there's just two numbers
25770s right
25772s how many numbers there are yeah
25773s everything's right nothing wow I'm
25775s getting facetious at this time
25779s that's just some sort of clear please
25780s okay then next turn play your fail
25783s spells and they turn out to play with
25784s Jason hope you kill your opponent except
25786s if you're a good player you calculated
25787s or not yeah and to be fair this is only
25791s six damage seven with a ping from gaboom
25793s now for Glory so roughly the amount of
25796s armor he just gained he's gonna take
25797s this turn as a minimum but it's not too
25799s bad yeah but look at these yeah it's
25801s getting worse though it is getting worse
25806s I'm gonna get dragon
25811s let's use both existing machines right
25814s so
25815s now
25817s he's in trouble he'll be going to a game
25819s five even though it hasn't even go for
25821s like 15 minutes yeah he's just done done
25824s and dusted suddenly for the 2-2 scores
25826s we get ready to go into game five uh
25829s gaboon brought it back and when the
25831s scenario once again and it's very easy
25833s for me to say at this point but I have
25836s been genuinely surprised when I saw the
25837s deck list actually come out this morning
25838s that so many players brought this Relic
25841s Demon Hunter because we've seen it do
25843s very powerful things do not get me wrong
25845s right like we've seen it pop off and do
25847s all the great things with the Relic uh
25849s The Relic Vault sorry but um but for a
25852s deck that feels like it relies so
25854s heavily on the drawing exactly one
25856s certain card uh it doesn't feel like a
25860s deck that should make it into your you
25862s know your four decks for the format but
25864s again these players much better than me
25866s of course it is just one of those decks
25869s where I understand warlock struggling
25870s because warlock's very strong you feel
25873s that you should take it and yes it can
25875s be targeted or at least ignore knowledge
25877s when players are building their lineups
25879s but Relic Demon Hunter I I don't know I
25882s feel like it's
25883s balances on such a knife's edge that it
25886s either dominates or gets crushed is that
25889s really how people are sort of you know
25891s gambling their world championship spot
25893s on it's just where the Demon Hunter can
25895s grab a win or not I don't know
25897s you've got to evaluate that in terms of
25898s is it better than your fourth best deck
25900s not is it better than the best deck oh
25903s and when you get to that exact
25905s discussion you just oh my goodness well
25907s Gloria's in a good spot here when you
25909s get to that exact discussion you just
25910s had of hang on if this is my worst deck
25913s and it's let's say it's 50 50 against
25915s everything just just to simplify the
25917s numbers it's not there's good and bad
25918s matchups but basically you either draw
25920s The Relic Vault or you don't right
25922s really being reductive here just to make
25924s the point well if it's 50 50 roughly
25927s speaking
25928s then that's better than your worst deck
25929s right because your worst deck probably
25931s your worst deck it's probably not going
25932s to have a 50 win rate what if your worst
25935s deck is in Rage Warrior though
25937s oh that's I mean that's definitely you
25939s just get out of the fridge you do what
25941s you like
25942s you qualify for worlds twice in the same
25944s year you know
25946s yeah
25947s but here more seriously not only does
25951s glory have the Relic vault already
25953s but he's also got the good setup right
25956s like he's got close to everything he
25958s needs apart from the dimensions which is
25961s what he's after very very uh soon but
25963s with sigil as well gonna help him out
25965s with even more card draw it's not
25967s looking quite good
25969s yeah he'll be able to take his time a
25973s little bit he doesn't know exactly
25974s what's going to happen on the other side
25975s except there's no there's no Vault so he
25976s knows he's ahead
25978s um but he will be able to take the time
25979s maybe to even draw some more cars to
25980s even get to that Dimensions or he can
25982s just start you know
25984s making Relic go big
25991s I like the idea of just playing school
25992s teacher oh and now I don't know like the
25994s idea of killing that
25996s like the idea of making my opponent not
25999s have that minion
26000s yeah and he's just doing the job right
26003s yeah you've got to start stacking these
26005s relics
26008s Jackie these relics sounds like a really
26010s boring archaeologist's job you've gone
26013s to the Dig and you just found a whole
26015s bunch of old copper coins you've seen a
26017s million times before and yeah yeah
26019s they're training I can't stack those
26021s relics of the window I'm like oh come on
26022s where is something Relic stacker sounds
26025s like an early 90s video game Relic
26028s stacker yeah it's in a library
26032s in the library yeah slash museum museum
26036s I like Museum better yeah
26039s yeah one of those handheld ones with the
26041s two buttons one on the other side the
26042s relics are falling out the sky and you
26044s have to catch them in the crate
26045s and it's just a ripoff of uh Donkey Kong
26049s yeah
26051s relics falling from the sky
26053s yeah
26055s now relic's falling from the sky sounds
26056s like an 80s song
26060s and there are relics falling from the
26063s sky in this game as Glory
26065s not only keeping control of the game but
26067s also is a long way ahead in The Relic
26070s count
26071s but missing Dimensions though he is and
26074s Kaboom does have kind of all the wing
26076s conditions apart from The Relic vault in
26077s hand
26080s we better keep an eye on it I guess
26083s yeah that's our job
26085s where he really needs to get the tape
26087s measure out
26090s what's he measuring
26092s he needs the dimensions I see I should
26095s have worked that out I thought I thought
26097s that was a good one for you Lorinda but
26099s clearly not
26101s disappointed myself I'm lost you
26103s disappointed Yourself by overestimating
26105s me yeah yeah still pointing to myself I
26109s shouldn't have overestimated you like
26110s that thanks Global Vault now of course
26113s uh Kaboom already used their uh
26115s Dimensions to get to that point but
26117s double Vault one costing zero in hand
26119s for Kaboom now like things could turn
26122s around yeah and he has the good cards in
26125s hand as well they're expensive to play
26128s like the 678 is pretty tasty yep
26132s foreign
26136s rips the dimensions like immediately but
26138s yeah it's about to hit the point where
26140s gaboon
26142s might be in an okay spot he's gotta deal
26143s with this which he should be able to do
26145s no he shouldn't because he hasn't got
26146s Extinction
26148s okay yeah I wonder if this is actually
26150s just um
26155s what if he just plays the hero because
26158s even if he goes six seven he doesn't he
26160s doesn't have to play uh she lag of
26162s course but even if he does he does that
26165s zero cost Relic Vault so even if he
26166s doesn't get double Relic Vault and then
26168s something off right he still has the
26170s zero cost one to sort of whip into a
26172s turn and then decide later if he needs
26174s it the courtress looks good enough
26178s well I'll be honest I'm not 100 sure
26180s what the uh opinions attack is at right
26183s now and also we're biased we can see
26185s that Glory's hand is running out of gas
26187s like gaboon has a lot more concerns than
26190s that when he's looking at this massive
26191s board plus unknown cards in his
26193s opponent's hand but yeah he is going to
26194s go for it
26198s that like
26200s value trade the threes
26203s [Music]
26211s okay
26213s that's scary
26220s I don't know a lot of Health on both
26222s sides
26222s [Music]
26225s pick me pick me perfect looking really
26228s nice here from the nagaling glory does
26230s get to follow up with the sigil as well
26231s let's keep that card draw going because
26233s he is falling behind in overall value
26235s that we can see obviously uh he won't be
26237s fully aware of that but I mean we're
26240s just staring at the two Relic vaults
26241s that can really go crazy
26244s they need to
26246s Glory now just about at the Finishing
26248s Line he's currently got lethal next turn
26250s but it's obviously it will never happen
26252s but
26254s he has it there ready to go so something
26257s has to be done which will sloga boom
26259s down
26264s there's always two damage in hand he
26266s can't he can't just take it right
26267s there's always something
26269s there's enough direct damage I'm trying
26271s wary
26273s goals with this turn because he could
26275s just okay yep do this
26279s and then go wall blades right heels for
26282s full okay that doesn't mean he's Out Of
26284s Reach right
26287s yeah draw the damage yeah you get those
26290s two drawers as well
26292s with the sigil
26294s yeah so he of course he doesn't know
26296s there's one in a hand but Fury has a
26300s massive chance to just win this now
26302s 13 on board that we can see another
26305s three in hand that we can see hero
26307s Powers one at 17 he needs just another
26310s few he just needs three more
26313s and there it is if he orders it right
26315s right
26318s no not quite I think so uh yes it is
26321s because you're Extinction in the middle
26322s of it somewhere as well uh what's in the
26325s now going
26327s oh it's got multi-strike
26330s matter though uh I think so because you
26333s can just kill him yeah but the barrage
26336s gets there anyway that's what I was
26337s thinking Extinction oh I see yeah either
26340s way doesn't matter Glory takes the
26343s victory it looks spicy for a minute as
26346s Glory went from being 2-0 up to Kaboom
26350s bringing this series all the way to 2-2
26352s into that final game but it's glory that
26354s wins the Demon Hunter mirror after three
26356s goals on Demon Hunter he gets there and
26359s he's extremely happy with that victory
26362s of course because it does mean that
26364s glory is going to be moving on to Sunday
26366s Lorinda like I said it could happen we
26369s could be having Glory at Worlds yet
26371s again one match away when he got there
26375s last year we're saying how amazing it
26376s was that the same player had got to the
26378s World Championships two years running
26381s one match from doing it three years
26383s running in a slightly harder system for
26386s him this time around as well because it
26388s is basically over I know he had the you
26390s know the the Grand Master season one
26391s attempt but it is basically a tougher
26393s season for him this time around than it
26395s was last year so yeah three in a row
26397s would be absolutely nutty
26399s and there's one match from doing it yeah
26402s it would be brilliant absolutely huge
26404s there I know there's a lot of Glory fans
26407s out there watching so congratulations to
26409s him but of course Kaboom is not knocked
26412s out yet still has a chance to make it
26413s through group b along with Glory but he
26416s will sit and wait now in that decider
26418s match to face the winner of pocket train
26421s versus tonsoku that's coming up next so
26423s a big match coming up next Lorinda and
26426s not only just in general of course
26428s because it's for the players lives in
26430s the tournament but also just for the two
26432s players we have tonsoku a player who's
26434s been around a long long time I think one
26437s of the first uh names I saw often from
26441s the Apex scene way back when uh doing
26444s well and then pocket train of course a
26446s bit of a home crowd favorite for us so
26450s yeah any uh quick predictions as to
26451s who's going to win the next match before
26452s we go no prediction but I am looking
26454s forward to see
26455s um how pocket trains lineup works when
26458s it's not just being hard targeted so
26460s yeah let's see how that gets on okay
26462s looking forward to that one and you guys
26463s will not have to wait too long we're
26465s gonna go to a quick break while we set
26466s that one up don't go anywhere and we'll
26468s be right back
26490s [Music]
26497s foreign
26504s [Music]
26526s foreign
26531s [Music]
26544s [Music]
26558s foreign
26560s [Music]
26571s [Music]
26586s [Music]
26597s [Music]
26601s foreign
26605s [Music]
26615s [Music]
26621s [Music]
26629s [Music]
26645s [Music]
26657s thank you
26663s welcome back everyone to the Hearthstone
26665s Fall Championships we've sent another
26668s player through to the quarterfinals with
26670s glory having taken a very narrow win
26673s over gaboon but now unfortunately we
26676s have the uh less uplifting job I suppose
26679s you could say if sending one of the
26680s players home in group b but also of
26684s course sending one of the players that
26685s little bit closer through in the decider
26688s match so very very much on the line for
26690s all of our competitors and what do we
26692s got here subtle with pocket train and
26695s and soku well we've got take two of what
26698s I attempted as take one a little bit
26699s earlier which was getting everyone super
26701s hyped up to see pocket train playing
26703s pocket train decks and I guess we did do
26706s that earlier pocket train did play three
26707s games of ball priest but describing them
26710s as games would I think be quite generous
26712s to what the actual reality was so you
26714s would hope for pocket Train's sake and
26717s of course for the UK's sake as well as
26719s we are 100 biased I am sure that pocket
26723s train is a able to get back into things
26724s although having said that Derek he's
26726s going up against an APAC player here
26728s we're all big fans of tan Circle where
26730s exactly does Your Allegiance lie on this
26732s particular day because we never really
26733s know do we we'll have to see depends
26736s who's winning most of the time
26738s um but yeah I I will just say I think
26740s the UK could could use a dub at this
26742s point so I'm rooting for uh for pocket
26745s trade uh to at least get a little bit
26747s more of a series on the table here
26749s because as you said that was just
26750s nothing I'm rooting for pocket train to
26752s be the new prime minister of the Country
26756s Born priest for everyone for the length
26760s of that series he just had earlier
26764s uh we are going to kick things off we
26766s only saw the ball priest as mentioned
26768s previously we only saw ball priest from
26770s pocket train that time around he's going
26771s to mix things up a little bit here
26772s primarily because the priest is actually
26775s banned in this series this time around
26778s which you know I'd imagine a part of
26780s that is respect man of course we have
26782s seen this historically a little bit
26783s between with actual real deck
26785s Specialists of sometimes they would get
26787s that deck banned in situations where
26788s it's not particularly optimal but also
26790s just going through tansoku's lineup I
26792s think pocket trains lineup is very
26794s unconventional he was sort of alluding
26795s to this himself when he made his like
26797s Target this tweet when he posted his
26799s lineup and then gaboom kind of did do
26801s that so not the greatest look uh things
26805s that have aged poorly very rapidly but
26807s my point being tansoku probably looks at
26810s this lineup from a pocket train like I
26812s didn't really plan for this you know
26814s this doesn't really fit into my normal
26816s match-up Matrix of what I'm supposed to
26818s be banning or targeting here so just
26820s getting rid of the bore priest in
26821s general I think is a fairly logical
26823s decision
26824s and I do think at the end of it all
26826s tansoka ends up with regards to his
26828s pre-specifically a pretty good set of
26830s matchups against the Demon Hunter the
26832s Warlock and the Druid I think I would
26833s favor the priest against pretty much all
26835s of those especially for this particular
26837s game given that uh I believe the Demon
26841s Hunter has gone six losses in a row if
26844s we exclude mirrors uh without picking up
26846s a single win it's just looks absolutely
26848s atrocious in the previous two series and
26852s I don't especially see that slowing down
26855s now
26856s uh given that I would favor the priest
26858s in this matchup but
26859s a pretty good draw for pocket train with
26862s plenty of ways to proactively spend his
26863s Manner and tansoku lacking the the usual
26868s tools you would need wig I am alluding
26870s to there to make this handle work yeah
26873s but I do want to just pick up on
26875s something that did happen in the
26876s Mulligan it's something that I think was
26878s it me you and Lorinda were discussing a
26880s little bit
26881s um in the the virtual Green Room between
26882s games uh tansoku uh hand made an opening
26885s hand threw it away in the opener as well
26887s which is something that I was advocating
26889s for
26890s um I do think handmaiden is overrated in
26893s general terms of Mulligan keeps with
26895s this deck
26896s um wig in particular radiant Elemental I
26898s often Thrive a lot of the time as well
26900s as a much more important car to have in
26902s the early game so tan soku does go for
26903s the aggressive Mulligan throwing the
26905s handmaiden away and I think he's
26906s rewarded with a slightly improved hand
26908s having the radiant Elemental already
26911s foreign
26914s being able to proactively spend his man
26916s on two which is often a dead turn for
26919s the Relic Demon Hunter in order to get
26921s the the score pit down can just trade
26923s beautifully here against this uh this
26926s three six
26929s in fact the trade is done for him in the
26932s end with tansoku just happy to make the
26934s trade happen get the card draw and
26936s pocket train is just going to march on
26937s with the relics here and yeah I mean
26941s very interested to see how this deck is
26943s going to perform long term again we're
26945s on day one we have a very small sample
26947s size but it does see apart from that you
26949s know perfect draw uh well you know not
26952s perfect but very strong draw and a very
26954s reasonable matchup that we've seen early
26956s on from the deck it has seemed to
26958s struggle overall and be the problem in
26961s general for the players that have had it
26964s man no one does gentle disgust quite
26967s like the British hey that face from
26970s pocket train saying it all
26973s right we have a lot of practice of
26974s things to be disgusted about yeah that's
26977s true
26979s mostly things put on toast indeed yes
26985s or uh things that particular members of
26988s the casting team think is an eligible
26990s sandwich
26994s uh I mean I'm only one generation
26997s removed I can't judge my mum would run
27000s home from school for a sugar sandwich
27001s [Laughter]
27008s all right Cathedral number two coming
27011s down tansoka actually committing with
27014s the raiding Elemental on this term which
27015s does give him a very very strong initial
27018s pop-off turn
27020s and finds the village as well I was
27023s gonna say not the full dump your entire
27025s hand pop off because he's going to be a
27027s little bit of short to get out to the
27029s real Power Cards in his hand but now
27030s with that recess release available the
27033s world is his oyster yeah we'd have to
27036s dismantle the serpent wig like use it
27038s before he plays Felicia if he wanted to
27039s get the Boon down on this turn uh which
27042s is why I fully agree with this line
27044s where he doesn't get maybe quite so many
27048s stats online immediately but honestly
27050s it's not actually far off and it's a I
27053s would say very unlikely that this board
27055s ends up dying
27057s uh even though we could have fit in a
27060s bless as well if he wanted to on that
27062s turn which is yes debatable if you would
27065s want to yeah I mean not necessarily an
27067s improvement on the turn right on Minions
27069s that are not immediately attacking there
27071s is definitely value to holding on to
27072s that until you actually have a minion
27074s with with functional charge I suppose if
27076s you want to look at it that way
27082s pocket train wondering if next game
27084s he'll be allowed to play some
27086s Hearthstone
27089s I know this is such a horrible
27091s mischaracterization but whenever I see
27092s pocket train playing a different deck
27094s like he's going through picking up all
27095s of his individual cards it's also like
27097s which one of these where's my pyro
27098s where's my North chickler I don't
27101s understand what's happening why don't
27102s any of these cards do anything I have to
27105s clear the board and then draw cards
27109s [Music]
27115s uh so out that we could
27118s theoretically think of like there's no
27121s real big board please you can generate
27123s on school teacher very limited
27125s generation of the rest of the deck so
27127s maybe location off the top with the
27130s Relic
27131s and then you get
27133s distinction Extinction something like
27136s that yeah
27139s we are definitely in the world of you
27142s know compounding small percentage
27144s outcomes one after the other at this
27146s point from pocket train agreed
27158s a little bit of a tough turn though for
27159s Tan soku it is actually
27166s hmm I think the big split in the turn is
27170s school teacher or boot like which one of
27172s those two you want to generally end up
27174s with
27175s obviously everything else is cheap
27176s enough to be thrown in
27179s ending up on the Boon here
27182s yeah but if you've gone the other way
27184s for example you could have gone you know
27185s school teacher with Naga wig Etc and not
27188s had the other additional big minion but
27190s had a bigger one million and a five four
27193s instead of this 14-16 which you know
27195s arguably comparable but I think uh just
27198s the nature of the deck that you're
27200s playing up against having the huge torn
27202s which limits so many options in terms of
27204s their face attacks being able to go
27205s through big advantage and this just
27207s being straight up more stats on board I
27209s think this makes the most sense
27211s yeah another schedule of Reckoning off
27214s it and another one passed away as pocket
27217s train goes down oh one the Demon Hunter
27218s again looking to struggle but
27221s Ray of uh Sunshine through these stormy
27225s clouds of pocket train that was the
27227s priest that got the win which as I laid
27228s out the Stars pretty obviously the best
27230s deck for tansoku uh going into the rest
27233s of the series ticked off already
27236s it's indeed so then we get into the rest
27238s of the series here which is the more
27240s conventional imp curse warlock from
27243s tansoku as opposed to that mess that we
27245s saw on the other side from gaboon the
27248s perfect eaten mess however to be able to
27250s pick apart our pocket trains boar priest
27252s in that particular game but I think
27254s pocket train will be a little more at
27257s home if uh not necessarily comfortable
27260s with playing against imperf Warlock and
27263s uh then from there it's wait sorry was
27265s it Demon Hunter on the Rogue the band
27266s I've literally written it down and then
27268s lost where I've written it down on uh
27270s rogue rogue okay so there is still that
27273s Demon Hunter to come on the other side
27275s um more aggressive versions just
27277s straight up fell Demon Hunter on the
27278s other side for tansoku so I agree with
27280s you I do think the priest was generally
27283s going to be getting a win at it seems
27285s weird because I think we've gone through
27286s long periods of time arguing over how
27289s consistent how high a win rate whether
27291s these kind of Naga priests builds
27293s blessed priest builds have been the
27295s bring to tour tournament but coming into
27297s this when I look at these decks in
27299s people's lineups they generally feel
27301s like one of the Decks that I'm most
27303s secure are going to do okay for them
27305s throughout the tournament and that was
27307s also kind of borne out I believe in the
27308s previous Masters Tour as well in terms
27310s of the overall win rate of these priest
27312s decks so uh continuing to form there for
27315s tansoku and it's actually going to be
27316s pocket train switching over to the uh
27318s the implok as well
27321s yeah going against the preferred
27323s strategy today of just a very salterly
27326s queuing up the deck you just lost with
27328s over and over again until something
27329s different happens uh which I can respect
27332s does mean that we're ending up on the
27334s the mirror between the two warlocks I
27336s believe no differences in the list as
27338s I've said a couple times already it's
27340s just a very cemented 30 cards that we
27343s have in the Imp curse version of the
27346s deck
27347s um
27348s I mean any specific uh strategies you've
27351s seen that have looked spicy any Mulligan
27353s keeps that you have hot takes about in
27355s this matchup that could upset the uh
27357s traditional cards we're expecting to see
27359s kept yeah I was talking about it
27362s um with Raven a little bit in the
27364s previous cast like I think this
27366s particular mirror like curse and warlock
27368s is a deck I feel fine on the mirror I
27371s feel is one of my weakest matchups in
27373s the game and I don't know whether that's
27375s just because I'm doing things wrong or
27376s whether the matchup is particularly hard
27378s but there's so many little points of
27380s stress in the matchup just in terms of
27383s decisions you make from a solitaire
27384s perspective like you know Tempo or value
27386s Tempo resources like am I just supposed
27388s to play my minions should I tap to look
27390s for the power cards that kind of thing
27392s which is kind of level one then also the
27394s way you interact with your opponent is
27396s super interesting because committing to
27399s board then allows your opponent to trade
27400s minions for example and if they're
27402s trading minions they might get to be
27403s infusing Power Cards in their own hand
27405s that they wouldn't have been able to do
27406s if you didn't necessarily commit to the
27408s ball board that's sort of the base level
27410s of the interaction to the two decks all
27412s the way up to the top level of
27413s interaction between the two decks which
27415s is the ending that you saw in your
27417s opening Series
27419s um from from the uh the fury Hunter
27421s Series where you know just having this
27422s board State suddenly allowed for your
27425s opponent to generate curses on you that
27427s they wouldn't have been able to
27428s otherwise so there's so much like
27430s crunchy minutia in the the matchup in
27433s general that I feel like is something
27434s that I I still personally have a lot to
27436s learn about
27440s very interesting starting hand though
27442s for both players here where obviously
27444s looks like the better hand is pocket
27446s trains right now uh but you know I will
27450s say that tansuku has some of the tools
27451s to pick that apart with a pretty nice
27454s grimoire against a fiendish circle
27457s um and being able to go in pending
27458s catastrophe plus the grimoire next turn
27460s depending on how pocket trades this
27462s could end up pretty well this is already
27465s well into the realm of that initial
27467s debate I brought up of you know Tempo
27469s versus value is tansoko choosing to
27471s throw out a flame imp fluid Flute one
27473s Mana as opposed to just going for the
27475s live tap uh you actually saw if you were
27477s paying attention to pocket Train's
27478s camera he mailed the words come on
27481s please tap during tantoku's turn but
27484s then when the flame imp came down he
27486s almost feels like he preferred that
27488s outcome to the tap I don't think you
27490s know Tempo flame imp was the play that
27491s he didn't want to see on that turn yeah
27494s he was begging for the live chat from
27495s the opponent but I think also than
27497s anything else for pocket train if he's
27499s pleading for anything it's just to play
27501s a game of hearthstone today up until
27504s this point it's really not been going
27506s for him oh and that again is such a
27510s spicy draw because this turn was pretty
27512s obviously just going to be catastrophe
27514s plus Grimmer I think to take your two
27516s cards while you can
27518s uh and you know deny it from your
27519s opponent as well but now being able to
27522s draw four cards now maybe three cards in
27525s a turn or two
27526s this gets Tighter and Tighter
27531s [Music]
27535s huh
27537s and tansoku fully committing to Tempo
27540s which I do think is one of the biggest
27541s lessons to take again I think the worst
27543s thing you can do with all of those
27545s debates that I was talking about earlier
27546s is get caught halfway in between them
27549s you need to pick a direction and commit
27550s to it as hard as you can for as long as
27552s you can so I like that tansoko after
27554s committing to Tempo early continued to
27557s do that you know using the AOE is
27559s opposed to the impending catastrophe
27560s yeah throwing less cards than he could
27562s have done but significantly increasing
27565s the amount of damage he's uh he's
27567s pushing and sorry let me fix my face
27569s drawing just as many cards as he could
27571s have done on this turn by hitting the
27573s second catastrophe oh my God and look at
27576s this it's just curse curse curse curse
27578s curse curse and then your opponent dies
27582s yeah big ball twink for pocket train
27584s though he is the first person to land
27586s one of the big avenge cards in this
27588s matchup which normally consolidates some
27592s kind of tempo for you these boards don't
27594s necessarily win the game straight away
27596s because of the the presence of Abyssal
27598s wave and so on but it's rare that if you
27600s play one of the big avenge bombs that
27603s your opponent can deal with that and
27605s come out ahead on the following turn a
27606s lot of the time especially without
27608s location already being active but as you
27611s said early damage massively in favor of
27614s tansoku and now with that backed up by
27616s all of these curses he can just almost
27618s play removal now at this point and that
27620s removal will double up as those extra
27622s few points of damage you'll need to go
27624s over the line
27630s yeah I really only need to consider how
27632s can this go disastrously wrong which is
27635s why I do think your post play defensive
27637s as possible this still gets curses in
27640s his opponent's hand uh does I will say
27644s use up a cheap dark vein activator which
27647s is potentially a big deal stops him from
27649s going Abyssal wave dark vein plus the uh
27653s touch of the naturalism to get the
27654s Abyssal wave online but I still fully
27656s endorse this play just because he is so
27658s far in the lead now just needs to stop
27660s his opponent from killing him with some
27661s crazy push of board control
27664s foreign
27671s is helping his opponent all along with
27674s the Flaming plate as well
27678s if you just touch your flame him now
27681s that's just net positive you know
27687s perpetual motion machine right there
27688s that's it
27698s what do you even do
27700s even say at this point pocket train
27703s plastic before him as well a couple of
27706s players today who've just you know
27707s rolled up with hopes and dreams of World
27709s Championships and have just not had the
27713s run of the cards at all still a long way
27716s to go in this series of course for
27717s pocket train but it does look like
27718s there's a long way to go to get back
27720s into this game individually let alone
27723s this series and this tournament as a
27725s whole
27731s so many possibilities
27735s I mean they still have a curse in hand
27737s right like you just got a Bissell wave
27739s here and then they take so much more
27740s damage
27742s I think so
27747s I don't know if he's afraid of like in
27749s feeding
27751s the reform that could theoretically be
27754s in hand
27755s yeah true this does the same thing as
27757s well I mean to be honest dog vein kind
27760s of stacks more curses anyway perhaps
27763s over two turns because pocket train
27765s probably can't make any attempt at
27769s winning this game without playing
27770s Minions on board from this point bro
27771s those are always going to be available
27773s so over the course of two turns this
27775s probably does push more damage with the
27777s kerstacks
27779s can make the pretty cool play Here by
27781s pocket train to clear the board though
27782s right and then no curses are added to
27784s hand which I think tansoku just realized
27788s um which is a pretty big blunder
27796s train just shaking the head tansoku
27799s doing the same yes with it specifically
27802s uh being dragged below you do need that
27805s Target to be able to hear and tansoku
27807s has ended up missing out on a ton of
27809s damage in that situation
27816s and this is what you play for as pocket
27819s train right like you've been getting
27820s rolled all day but eventually you hope
27822s that you can outplay your opponent in
27825s some regard and it looks like he's been
27826s given the first glimmer of maybe being
27828s able to do so
27831s Yeah by no means out of the woods yet
27833s though oh no
27838s I would say pretty far behind
27847s again stuck in that very awkward
27849s position if he wants to commit to
27850s clearing this board he's gonna have to
27852s hold that curse for another turn one
27854s Mana short of the break point of being
27855s able to for example Abyssal wave and
27857s dump the curse which means he's gonna be
27859s creeping ever closer into that lethal
27862s range
27863s ruined
27865s [Music]
27875s okay the next turn they're going to be
27877s taking the
27880s ooh is that from the curse in hand plus
27882s the three you could give them with wave
27883s plus play your own curse bring them down
27886s to five
27888s um but should they play the one in the
27889s hand they're still not actually dead on
27891s the following turn is the problem once
27892s again so the numbers all just not quite
27895s working cleanly yet for tansoku
27899s yeah right now you kind of have to hope
27901s for two more turns past this point so
27903s that you can play all of the curse cards
27905s you currently have in hand which you do
27907s need to get the lethal from this point
27910s um unless you were to for example draw
27911s bran off the top on the following turn
27913s but I don't see any other real way to
27916s effectively be spending Mana here but
27917s tansoka you can see on his face this
27920s game should be over by now under most
27923s rightful circumstances and based on that
27926s reaction from pocket train that is one
27930s of the drawers the other would be the
27932s cool in order to get that little burst
27934s of Health that pocket train might need
27936s to stabilize here
27941s but either hey
27957s gotta be the curse right surely yeah
27961s with no other healing so ambitious
27966s oh my Lord he's playing risky
27974s oh okay I'll take it back
27978s what a genius
27984s oh actually survives the Abyssal wave
27987s now as well
27995s you're looking to fill up his hand on
27997s the next turn as well
28004s Maybe
28005s kind of doable you might have to leave a
28007s curse and there's one of them
28014s uh but yeah I mean it's worth saying
28016s that poker train can win board and keep
28019s his hand full and that's a very
28021s realistic way of getting the win which
28023s may have been what led him to tap on the
28025s previous turn just to set up for that
28026s even if it's in two turns time yeah it's
28029s a great point
28035s patsoku now needs to beware of decision
28038s paralysis they are I totally appreciate
28040s what he's doing here does not want to
28042s make any decision quickly particularly
28044s when we're uh you know he's he's under
28047s the impression that he made a pretty
28048s catastrophic mistake on the earlier
28050s turns it just wants to make sure he is
28052s doing things the right way
28058s oh really
28060s it's enough
28061s four five six you say if it's four five
28063s six that's 21.
28067s four five six boom Oh twenty one exactly
28071s coming out from pocket train and that
28074s Derek is what we have been wanting to
28077s see all day wouldn't have mattered if it
28079s was plastic if it were if it was pocket
28081s train you know one of these players that
28083s has been getting rolled the entire day
28085s doing as Competitive Gaming is intended
28088s and capitalizing on a mistake from the
28090s opponent to actually find their way back
28092s into the series and that single moment
28095s could be pivotal not only in this series
28097s but in this tournament and have lasting
28100s effects going forward to the world
28102s championship as well that's the fine
28104s details that you have to have and I
28106s think you mentioned it very early on and
28108s I picked up on it I believe in the first
28109s couple of series of the day that we have
28113s to expect the highest possible standards
28115s now the level of where we are in the
28118s progression of the circuit this year you
28121s have to be absolutely on top of your
28122s game
28123s that's right and this is what pocket
28126s Train's been waiting for if you play
28127s perfectly you definitely don't win every
28129s game of hearthstone you play but
28131s eventually your opponent will mess up as
28132s we saw Tanto could do here with a pretty
28134s big punt and pocket train more than
28137s happy to pick up the ball and run with
28139s it if that made sense I don't watch
28142s American football at all
28144s um but it does mean that with the
28146s Warlock out of the way that's a pretty
28147s big hindrance for a lot of players as it
28149s has been the Warlock ticked off the uh
28152s the list really just need to see I want
28155s to save the Demon Hunter take the win
28156s now the Druid I have actually a pretty
28158s reasonable amount of faith in to be able
28160s to win one of these two games it's the
28162s Demon Hunter that's really been
28163s struggling for our players today
28166s how how do you feel about Druid in
28167s general in position obviously you just
28169s said you feel okay with it to get a
28170s series but it's not a deck that I've put
28172s a lot of time in to personally since you
28174s know Nerfs on Nerfs on Nerfs first
28176s alignment then Guff and then blah blah
28178s going down the line
28179s um does it still work as a as a ladder
28181s deck is it a deck that you were
28182s expecting to see as a bring to the
28184s tournament from from more people than we
28185s have done I was yeah I mean I definitely
28188s overestimate Druid because it's in
28190s pretty much every meta game the deck I
28192s do best with
28193s um when I'm playing on ladder but I do
28195s think personally that the
28198s if you think the meta is right then the
28200s Giants version can do well but for me
28201s this super heavy nature spell version uh
28205s with the planted evidence obviously in
28208s the early game the natural causes as
28210s well living Roots as well as a card that
28212s I can be fond of as well just gives you
28214s so much survivability against these
28215s early decks and then still even with the
28218s Nerf to Gulf like you are doing more
28220s powerful late game stuff than the vast
28222s majority of decks right now so I do
28225s think it can be strong but having said
28228s that with specifically this tournament
28230s the prevalence of warlocks the
28231s prevalence of coin Rogues as well Druid
28234s can suffer against the uh the high burst
28236s of stats on one turn
28238s yeah I think that's my fear and when I
28241s was doing you know Shadow prep for this
28243s tournament or whatever you want to call
28245s it I looked at Druid I was like I'll put
28247s some time into Druid and then when
28249s looking at the lineups I was devising
28250s like every lineup I was devising had
28252s some combination of warlock Rogue priest
28255s you know all of these decks here I'm
28256s like how do you make a Druid Deck that
28258s competes with all these Decks that are
28260s just pumping out ten tens on turn three
28262s and turn four you know like it just
28264s seems so difficult to do and really put
28265s me off the idea but here we are enough
28268s Druid talk because we have a warlock and
28270s a Demon Hunter this time around and tan
28272s soku this time has picked up the early
28274s location that was missing in the
28276s previous game pockets trains hand
28278s looking a little slow overall uh the
28282s left-hand side of the hand the kept
28283s cards in the Mulligan fairly reasonable
28286s I would say but the hand does not really
28288s improve significantly since then
28290s although the the pickup of the kerchrist
28292s does at least have a long-term plan to
28295s move towards
28296s yeah I mean the only real decision here
28297s for me is whether or not you play Fel
28299s barrage for it to go face because this
28302s hand could do some major tomahi with the
28305s safino predation plus fury on the
28307s following turn coin out the curtress as
28309s well or maybe the zillag like this
28312s really does start to get there
28317s preemptive buff from tansoku which I
28320s think is wise we that has implications
28322s against prediction it has implications
28324s against Fury potentially with the hero
28327s power as well as well as the fell
28329s barrage that Derek was just talking
28330s about as it happens Steno Fury I mean
28333s that's a standard protection sorry
28335s coming down here being able to do the
28336s perfect five but that's a two card combo
28338s that you're then asking for from your
28339s opponent as opposed to just the
28341s predation being able to deal with it
28343s otherwise
28344s yeah kind of awkward no matter how you
28347s slice the final card or cards play on
28350s the final turn because relative
28351s Extinction you don't want to play that
28353s with the location hand coin fell barrage
28355s you don't want to do well you have
28356s curtress in hand and the fury obviously
28358s un-upgraded means you
28361s I have to sync a little bit more into
28362s the minion but uh with all that said and
28365s done the headline still is safino
28367s sticking on the board which was a pretty
28370s big deal doesn't often happen
28372s and leading up into some just really
28375s really powerful plays for pocket train
28377s yeah and suddenly this little piecemeal
28380s packet of spells that pocket train had
28382s from the period after the Mulligan is
28385s going to be incredibly effective here
28387s with the fell barrage of the coin sigila
28389s valak team being picked up here as well
28390s very nice indeed
28394s foreign
28400s dealing one less damage face with this
28403s line as he could have hero powered the
28404s minion and taking a three extra and I
28407s think he knows yeah it would have been
28408s slightly more Optical let's do it the
28409s other way around he does feel like the
28411s aggressor right now
28413s agreed yes
28416s but it's just surviving again
28420s just out here living Derek
28425s foreign
28428s off the pole from the Battle Cry
28432s you think it's a discounted brand from
28435s the city of alacrity but I think he is
28438s very much in the business of just
28440s dumping stats on this board and being as
28442s aggressive as possible and I fully
28444s support it yeah I've forced them to have
28447s one of these answers they probably
28450s don't have a Bissell wave or they would
28452s have played it last turn
28454s uh but it is available now I
28456s I think I'm still looking at the
28458s grimoire on this turn will leave the
28460s zillag in place for the moment
28463s but yeah Big drawers big drawers for
28465s tansoku nonetheless as picking up more
28467s and more of these curses is definitely
28469s where his head will be at right now
28474s oh
28478s blame impair feels like you're spending
28480s one too many man on minions for my
28483s liking
28487s thank you for your service
28490s now I would rather draw a million Fatima
28497s yeah drawing four instead of five
28498s deliberately here for overdrawal
28501s purposes
28507s oh hello hello beautiful
28514s oh it's Gotta Be Right a two Mana brand
28516s left over to fill out the remaining two
28518s Mana there's so many cards that can
28519s synergize with really curtress
28524s well I mean the ultimate argument is
28527s that's not going anywhere right you're
28529s under no pressure to use your Relic
28532s charge this turn
28533s so making the aggressive push between uh
28536s to clearing up you know the nine seven
28537s that's on the board which is a pretty
28539s significant problem I think pocket train
28541s is just feeling he'll be in a more
28543s secure position for the pop-up turn next
28545s turn okay fair enough
28551s oh there we go
28554s expenses
28560s never get a body trade right now
28574s so in terms of curses available next
28576s term we can be fairly efficient with
28578s bran Syracuse Syracuse for four curses
28582s so we could just go for the Abyssal wave
28585s on this turn and then and so could fill
28589s out the rest with like I don't know just
28591s flame him just tap maybe you accept the
28593s overdraw at that point for the chance at
28596s an imp
28600s yeah I think from tansoku's position
28603s he'll be feeling like he has a great
28605s chance of beating everything that isn't
28607s relative dimensions right from this
28608s point
28610s um so just resisting damage for as long
28612s as possible like you know you probably
28614s don't beat relative dimensions you're
28615s like okay let's make sure I'm able to be
28617s a Jace for example let's make sure I
28619s just beat a handful of damage so I think
28621s clearing of the board up as efficiently
28622s as possible getting the healing in here
28624s as well does make some sense
28629s they're in a counter swing with the
28631s curses instead of clearing up the three
28633s three
28639s foreign
28642s Big Boy plays coming through for pocket
28644s train how do you saying now come on give
28646s me the juice let's make something work
28649s no back in the deck
28651s wrong juice
28654s okay this is pretty good
28661s oh okay oh yeah now we're talking now we
28665s are indeed talking
28668s oh so close
28673s what was the discount on the second one
28675s six
28678s I think so yeah
28691s yeah
28694s and if nothing else just getting a bunch
28696s and fell spells play for Chase
28699s spell
28701s shocking anybody Relic
28706s deportation maybe didn't even really get
28707s to see what those ones were they picked
28709s at lightning speed
28716s actually I'm going to grade the
28719s handspace as well it looks like
28721s and cards right yeah
28723s no curses can be added but he won't
28725s overdraw either because those two curses
28727s will disappear next turn
28729s super clean
28732s very very clean he's basically in
28734s control of his own destiny here in terms
28735s of how much damage he's taking because
28736s of the curses that are in hand can't
28738s have any more more impactful ones added
28741s which really gives tansoku nothing to do
28745s this turn and it's kind of doubly so
28747s that he'd made a board that was super
28748s juicy for a Bissell wave right and then
28750s forcing that Abyssal wave out from the
28752s opponent and denying the curse value
28755s very very cleanly done in the end of
28757s pocket train a lot of things to keep
28759s track of honestly like with Relic into
28761s Relic being cast and then having brand
28765s double generator to go along with that
28766s at the end like to get all that planned
28768s out and executed and get the break
28770s points right on the trades on the other
28771s side and end on perfectly 10 cards
28773s without overthrowing any of your value
28775s very nicely oh look at that as well the
28778s self-predation to activate zymox that's
28780s just sick
28784s eight eights eight Eights
28793s logo
28796s oh
28803s all right that's a kill next turn
28808s and I don't see a way for tanzuka to get
28811s the counter kill preemptively
28815s [Music]
28818s foreign
28836s which I believe does still buff up the
28839s curse number even if it didn't go into
28841s your opponent's hand
28843s yeah and crucially like that's the go-to
28845s draw in terms of the AOE as well and
28848s right just being able to clear with the
28849s board first and foremost
28851s is the drawer in the deck for sure on
28854s this turn
28857s one off
28859s clearing right
28861s before and four and two it's exactly 10
28863s AOE thank you for yourself oh man
28873s there's nothing else to tap into did you
28877s get touched the nathrazim to survive
28880s on board for sure yeah
28883s yeah you're flaming impending for two
28886s shots of it yeah okay we're back in the
28889s perpetual motion machine Derek
28894s oh yeah not gonna be happening it's
28896s pocket trade sneaking another win which
28898s if I had to imagine in uh tansoku's head
28902s he has to be thinking this one is
28903s basically just a director so the first
28905s one uh that he wasn't able to get over
28907s the Finish Line then with his previous
28909s uh warlock game just uh one that's
28912s seemingly minor mistake can have massive
28915s consequences over the course the entire
28917s series as pocket train is up in the
28919s series when it was looking like he was
28921s going to get clean swept at the start
28923s yeah and I do think a very nicely played
28926s game overall both in terms of you know
28929s decision making and actual mechanics
28930s that we saw you know that brand term
28932s with double relative dimensions was
28934s fantastic but also I think the delay on
28936s that relic of Dimensions pop off using
28938s that kertras for the one turn as well
28940s just you know it hard to reconcile
28944s exactly how much damage that saves on an
28946s average outcome because obviously you
28948s could rip relative dimensions twice that
28950s turn and hit the perfect stuff that
28952s clears the board anyway right like of
28953s course that can happen but on average
28955s you probably leave some amount of damage
28957s on board with that play that you don't
28958s by going with kertras and you know 18
28961s Health at the end with then the dark
28963s vein double Abyssal wave play coming out
28965s at the end you know there might have
28966s been fine margins in terms of there
28968s being a lethal out for tansoku on the
28970s other side so I do really like the way
28971s that pocket Train played it uh but to me
28974s you know I've been kind of building up
28975s to it Druid is not a deck that I have a
28977s massive amount of faith in in this
28979s tournament yeah specifically because of
28982s the kind of decks that other people
28983s people are bringing up against it so for
28987s me this is a big question Celestial
28989s alignment of course thrown in there as
28991s well which continues to persevere it is
28994s the card that just will not die no one
28997s likes you alignment go home please you
29000s had your time but still popping out here
29002s in at least a couple of players lineups
29004s in this tournament
29006s oh my goodness for tatsoku just look at
29009s this hand like the mischievous if even
29011s though it's very very unlikely to be
29013s infused on turn three who cares just six
29015s damage for four Mana more stats you're
29018s just throwing onto them
29020s and they're a farm too oh this is your
29023s money dude Eric all aboard the infused
29027s train
29031s not a uh not a terrible hand though
29033s however for pocket trains scale of
29035s annexia is the comeback mechanism that
29038s you have
29039s yeah I've only cast with Raven for the
29042s entire time that scale of a next year
29043s has been in the game I haven't heard
29045s enough about how good that card is and
29046s how it beats everything and it's an
29048s unbeatable Hearthstone card and you
29049s might as well concede as soon as your
29051s opponent plays it
29053s all right sorry I said anything
29055s [Laughter]
29059s so much seething resentment of Raven
29061s though you actually you actually just
29063s get second hand shade for you nothing to
29065s do with the situation
29074s even greeting the uh the activation on
29078s the location
29080s uh for a turn which obviously makes
29081s sense he wouldn't be attacking with
29083s anything and he can bolster it up to the
29085s full
29087s plus six plus six on this done and smack
29090s face with it as well
29091s we're even just go double library for
29093s plus ten plus ten my God
29097s yup
29101s that looks like the play to me
29103s like number one concern this turn just
29105s don't do something dumb that gets you
29107s spammied off the face of the planet
29109s right which is honestly pretty hard to
29111s do in this position
29113s um so yeah one massive minion rest of
29115s the board very small and wide is
29117s probably the way
29129s giving us the uh four-year-old taken to
29132s see a mall Santa for the first time
29134s expression it's all just a bit
29135s overwhelmed
29146s right a lot of odd numbers here which
29149s scale of anixia does not like at all
29153s foreign
29159s two three four five six all but one can
29162s be cleared off which means uh assuming
29165s there's no M king or a farm pocket
29168s Train's looking fine
29175s yeah yeah you see the prayer hands
29178s coming out Derek is spot on that is
29180s exactly what this is about
29183s pocket train Moment by moment seeing
29186s where this card is coming from he knows
29187s that if that called isra Farm it is
29190s infused that's what that reaction is
29192s about and there it is hits the board
29195s damage also hits the board and that
29198s means 13 more going face with a
29201s unassailable board State on the other
29204s side
29207s pretty sure there are absolutely no
29209s Druid discovers that can say this one
29211s not even the legendary scale of annexia
29213s is digging him out here oh Raven would
29216s love it if it was legendary because then
29217s you could only play one in the deck he
29218s wouldn't have to deal with it
29222s foreign
29234s [Applause]
29235s and that means we are all square in the
29240s series both of these players fighting
29242s for their lives as is their one again if
29244s you're just joining us both these
29245s players lost their opening round matches
29247s find themselves down in the lower
29249s bracket there are spots at the world
29251s championship on the line directly
29253s through making top four in this
29255s tournament so both of these players are
29256s now on their last lives for the year to
29260s be making it to the World Championship
29263s he's trying to make a serious point that
29266s was not the moment for that edit okay
29268s come on please work with me here I'm
29270s sorry it wasn't you I mean yeah I'm
29273s shouting the editor Morse I couldn't
29274s help it yeah no I mean it's just
29276s objectively funny can't really play me
29278s uh yeah you see as they got to the end
29281s of this like I don't think a druid in
29284s the history of hearthstone has beaten
29286s double location fiendish Circle win this
29288s matchup you know I just don't think it's
29289s a thing that ever really happens with
29291s that huge minion coming down early on
29294s having said that you know having joked
29296s about scale of inyxia it is such a
29299s powerful card that it did almost
29301s single-handedly get pocket trained back
29302s into that game but the inkingra farm in
29304s the end the uh the one two three punch
29307s of tokens into Infuse into Infuse is
29310s enough to get tansoku back up Square in
29314s this series and it is going to come down
29316s to Demon Hunter versus Druid for all of
29318s the marbles
29320s that is right he is uh he has had a bit
29323s of a rough ride though I will say with
29325s the Demon Hunter losing three times in a
29326s row with it but uh Glory sorry earlier
29329s on in the day where it was just unable
29332s to capitalize on its very dominant early
29335s starts uh because the the top decking
29338s potential was just atrocious as you
29340s would expect with this deck that
29342s discards half the cards in its hand
29343s anyway uh you have to hit some very very
29346s specific top decks if you want any kind
29349s of gas past turn four or five however
29352s even against the 40 Health opponent I
29355s want to say that this caliber of a
29357s starting hand can put in more than
29359s enough starting damage first druid
29362s double planted evidence does offer some
29365s flexibility for removal in the early
29367s game pocket train sees no reason to play
29369s it on one and I agree but my reaction to
29371s the Mulligans and pocket trains reaction
29374s as well is that bibliomite that is the
29378s card I would say against Druid
29381s imprisoned felmore who like this is ju
29384s it's just there we don't have to wait
29386s for a 5'4 to wake up God the idiots were
29390s playing in their deck for way too long
29392s it's just Master five four it's already
29395s there hitting people
29396s I'm picking up so much second-hand anger
29399s in this series I can't take it anymore
29401s man please see a therapist
29405s oh what are you my wife jeez
29408s not her as well I'm sorry
29413s well I mean you talk about removal
29415s options these are some fantastic options
29417s off the planted evidence so much so the
29420s natural causes isn't even the best card
29422s which is like the best anti-aggro card
29424s that Druid can get off of it as he gets
29427s ramped off the nourish which if he can
29430s get another one off the top that's raid
29432s boss and nixier in just a couple turns
29434s time it is indeed yeah and I do think
29437s it's good recognition from pocket train
29439s just to play to the strengths of a his
29441s deck and B his hand you know a lot of
29443s people in that situation would be
29444s tempted to just try and piece by piece
29447s pick apart the board fight reduce damage
29449s early this is the luxury of A40 Health
29452s Renault deck right as you can afford to
29454s be greedy in situations like this that
29455s you couldn't otherwise and if you can
29457s get to that position where it is raid
29459s box uh raid box raid boss anixia or and
29462s then infusing that uh Devourer after the
29465s factors as well
29467s then that means you'll be able to make
29469s massive swings on the boards of the
29471s aggregation enough to deal with
29473s that does open up some big time draws
29476s off the top for pocket train uh Miracle
29478s growth just playable nourish obviously
29481s still a fantastic card to get down this
29483s raid boss inyxia and just any of those
29485s cheap nature spells that you could find
29486s uh for a bit more flexibility on your
29489s play
29490s does of course beg the question for
29492s tansoku now as to whether you clear it
29495s or not it's a clean kill if you want it
29498s with just chaos strike Fury but that's
29500s so much damage to sink into a minion
29502s that kind of isn't doing much to your
29505s board
29507s that's the question though how much is
29510s it doing to your board because the draw
29513s of just the three seven off the top that
29515s pocket train was able to slam and the
29517s fact that tansoku has no more real
29519s minion development in hand means that
29522s pocket train is just kind of winning the
29525s board as it stands so unless tansoku
29527s thinks he can't just ship absolutely
29529s everything phase for the rest of the
29531s game and get there which is incredibly
29533s dangerous against the big torn Earth and
29536s scales deck then I think you might just
29538s have to fight for The Horde it looked
29541s like just from the direction of that
29542s arrow that tansoku might disagree no
29544s that was just the Minion Attack and the
29546s face is gonna take care of the anacondra
29548s I really thought he would end up going
29550s face there because
29554s like oh my god
29556s um
29557s even if the anacondra survives say it
29558s trades into the the Slither speed it's
29560s then not killing off the bibliomite
29562s which means that can go face the turn
29563s after as well you know if they use the
29565s two minions to kill off the biblomite
29567s the Slither spear can survive as well
29569s like it
29571s felt to me like that was maybe your best
29573s chance of getting the win just pray your
29574s opponent has a really bad hand and get
29577s all the damaged face you possibly can
29581s yeah yeah I mean I do think you have to
29583s factor in that your opponent also gets
29585s to play cards along with the trade that
29586s they get to make right and I think even
29589s having the three seven on board makes
29590s for perfect spammy Arcanist clears as
29592s well so like tansoka I think was just
29594s fighting for his five four as incred as
29596s hard as he possibly could I don't hate
29598s it I think it's one of those situations
29599s where if you make that play and you win
29601s you're gonna talk about being a genius
29602s and if you make that play and you lose
29604s your practice group is going to rinse
29606s you for the next six months about that
29607s seven damage that you missed in that
29609s situation you know so it's a tough one
29612s oh and this is now so so close
29615s golfing uh offered here off of the
29620s the moonlit guidance I do think probably
29623s has to beat the play over the goldshire
29625s Knoll but you're kind of ending up on
29626s the same amount of Health
29631s oh
29636s yup that's it that is it oh
29640s count it as many times as you want maybe
29643s as sure as you need to be in this
29645s situation
29647s laughs
29653s can't fault it five plus three plus five
29656s Chuck that curtress back in the deck we
29658s don't need that where we're going and
29661s where we're going is the decider match
29662s in this group and unfortunately for
29665s pocket trainers he gives the very
29667s sporting wave goodbye that does mean
29670s that is the end of his world
29671s championship hopes tansoku stuttered
29675s blundered early on but recovered very
29677s nicely to be able to scramble over the
29679s line in the end in the series it was
29680s beginning to look quite straightforward
29682s he did make the incline a little steeper
29686s than perhaps it needed to be for himself
29687s the guy's mental game back on track I
29690s think should be commended for that in
29692s the end and tansoku is going to advance
29694s pocket train is going to be eliminated
29696s the Druid just not getting there in the
29699s end
29700s yeah absolutely right and I want to
29702s commend pocket train because I really
29705s can't think of any
29706s obvious mistakes he made uh over the
29709s course of that uh game like uh what he
29712s missed one damage where he could have
29713s hero powered a minion and got safino to
29715s go base for one extras like the either
29717s that is like questionable
29719s yeah yeah right exactly it was just
29722s probably not the uh the optimal play uh
29725s so even though he does go down O2 out of
29727s groups of course I have to give big
29729s props to my boy because uh he has been
29731s preparing like an absolute madman for
29734s this tournament we both know how much it
29736s meant to him and while it's a
29738s heartbreaker that he does end up going
29740s down in the uh the elimination match it
29743s does make way for tansoku who is as TJ
29747s talked about such an infectiously joyous
29749s play watch play Hearthstone it's just so
29751s heartwarming to see how much it means to
29753s him in as I said such a joyous Manner
29755s and after his win in the Masters Tour
29757s the first APAC player to do so really
29760s putting himself back on the map in terms
29762s of competitive Hearthstone play I uh I
29765s can't help but root for him I would love
29767s to see him get through to Worlds if you
29769s can just win two more series of
29771s hearthstone yeah yeah absolutely I think
29772s another thing that has to put a little
29774s bit of a smile on your face at the very
29775s least is that we get into this group now
29778s with two high-profile APAC
29780s representatives and they are both doing
29781s extremely well both have now the
29783s opportunity to take down the two spaces
29785s coming out of the group
29787s um yeah I think we might have questions
29788s of the overall strength of the APAC
29790s region in comparison to Europe and China
29792s which I think are unequivocally one and
29794s two you can argue about the order but I
29796s think if you have arguments about those
29797s being the top two you're just wrong but
29800s the very best APAC players I think are
29803s now showing that they are up there with
29805s the very best players in the world we're
29806s seeing that in the recent World
29808s Championship results we're seeing that
29810s in the uh ending of the Season as we're
29813s seeing a lot of those high profile
29815s players the performances of the likes of
29816s Alo temu and the rest of the Japanese
29818s contingent in Grand Masters as well if
29820s only we'd see it just a little bit more
29822s often in Masters tours Derek
29824s if only they give us just the amount we
29827s need though the little bit of spice to
29829s keep us coming back uh as that is uh I
29833s believe subtle night all done for the
29834s day one more match yet to come today to
29836s close out Group B to get our one final
29838s spot in the quarter finals we're gonna
29841s have gaboon vs tansoku for the final
29844s match of the day after this
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30387s foreign
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30416s foreign
30425s [Music]
30430s thank you
30435s [Music]
30460s thank you
30463s welcome back everyone we've got our last
30465s match of the day and he's going to be
30467s deciding who joins glory to make it out
30469s of group b and make it to Sunday
30472s EJ
30473s it's Kaboom versus tonsoku and I know
30476s you're rocking around in your chair but
30478s just look at the Players just look at
30479s the lineups who do you think's got the
30481s advantage
30483s casted some gabumi with pagulli oh God
30487s last match of the day with TJ when he's
30489s been awake all night oh I love it oh you
30492s hate it yeah
30496s um honestly it's hard to evaluate
30498s because Kaboom has uh some interesting
30502s uh attacks sprinkled throughout his
30505s decks I do think that the Druid could
30508s struggle right tansoku bring in a pretty
30510s aggressive lineup Druid is you know I'm
30515s a little on the fence about it I thought
30516s we were going to see more of it but then
30518s I also thought we were going to see just
30520s less aggro overall
30522s this is the deck that sort of has that
30524s the the weird Tech I guess
30529s just makes sense against a certain
30531s opponent in this group right extends
30533s against a certain opponent in this group
30535s sure but against every other opponent
30537s I'm not so sure the altar fire and
30539s dreaded Mount probably not going to be
30542s uh quite as good though the rest of the
30544s core package of the deck is still there
30547s and having 40 health
30548s uh to work with this being a
30551s cursive warlock with redithal
30554s changes things a little bit so
30557s it I think that on paper if you took
30561s like the normal lineups
30563s the boom would be in a fine position but
30566s just like the little bit of extra
30568s nonsense in the Warlock just makes me
30572s maybe put a slight Edge towards tonsoku
30575s yeah I think tonesoka's lineup is
30577s actually super interesting isn't it
30578s because we go take a look at the Rogue
30580s which is what we're going to start with
30582s actually I've been playing a little bit
30583s of this list I do quite like it actually
30586s it feels really bad against certain
30588s matchups when we talk about the likes of
30590s like Mage for example that can just
30592s freeze stuff out but um
30594s you don't run into a couple of those
30596s awkward ones it feels very solid and it
30598s actually feels less I'll use the term
30601s High rolly then it looks right it looks
30604s like oh you're just going to get all
30606s this stuff and then pop off and hope it
30607s works but you're in a lot of card draw
30610s you run a lot of cards that give you
30612s more cards that then help with these big
30615s turns and you you can really make two
30617s big pushes uh very roughly per game
30619s you've just got to make them work but
30621s across this lineup overall he is
30623s bringing the um the implicus Warlock
30626s himself but then the Naga priest the
30629s sort of aggro Demon Hunter and this
30631s Rogue like not quite going as far as
30634s habugabu for example but the idea is
30636s there and I actually think I really like
30638s it from tansoku so we'll see how this
30641s one goes though it's gonna be the
30642s Warlock versus the Rogue of course
30643s starting off and I do think warlock um
30646s as long as the Warlock doesn't just
30650s yeah all the imps early and all the
30651s Buffs the location and everything I
30653s think the Rogue has a pretty solid
30655s chance
30656s yeah I would say so the this deck um
30659s uh feels sort of like a mixture a
30663s halfway point between like the shark
30664s Rogue and the old Tempo rope right
30668s um where you're you're Focus focusing
30671s more on your pop-off turns
30673s but you're sacrificing a little bit of
30675s tempo to do that but you're not all in
30677s right
30679s step you don't play Maestro so
30682s um you end up with dead hands I think
30685s like dead dead hands like far less
30688s you're always going to be able to do
30689s something it's just will that be the
30691s most powerful thing right yeah um so
30694s like are you just gonna spam the board
30696s with four fours and three threes or are
30698s you actually gonna get a draca down you
30700s know like that those different that that
30702s that difference that's the fun part TJ
30704s both
30706s um the yeah I think for me I was very
30708s question questionable about the uh wall
30711s Masters in the list I was like this card
30713s just doesn't seem good but really it's
30716s just a card that's cost zero right like
30719s that's kind of the point of it yeah a
30721s three three is something on board but
30724s it's definitely just that extra card to
30726s help proc with your combos whether
30727s that's a necro Lord or um all the
30730s locations of course but already Kaboom
30732s is actually gone off to a pretty quick
30735s start right flame imp into uh the circle
30738s is very very strong indeed
30741s yeah
30743s and this is where Rogue constructed a
30745s little bit because they can kill one or
30747s two minions pretty easily but what is
30749s that six plus it's uh pretty scary this
30753s demonic assault that one of those tech
30755s cards we were talking about uh mate
30756s actually be a little bit frustrating for
30758s tanzoka as well yeah you have no way to
30760s like just straight up defend yourself
30763s um which is the big the the biggest deal
30766s but uh tansoku does have the opportunity
30768s for a counter push here
30771s um
30773s uh you go mailbox dancer or you can
30776s start out with prepped uh prep tooth
30778s and then you can go mailbox dancer coin
30781s coin bone Spike
30783s Rocca yeah oh but I mean bone Spike
30786s altering as long as you kill something
30787s doesn't overly matter sure do it last
30790s right so yeah I'm gonna go prep bone
30792s Spike then tooth but it works out the
30794s same yeah
30797s uh
30803s yeah I was looking at troll I was
30805s looking at rats just as an extra thing I
30809s don't know it's kind of tricky
30813s go for Rich for those who doesn't have a
30815s silence if something gets buffed from
30816s the location
30822s dancer
30831s I'll Griffin and then stop right
30835s I was just gonna okay yeah just lock in
30837s the coin for the uh location I guess
30840s okay okay fine I didn't know whether we
30843s wanted to hold the coin purely because
30844s he has a Van Cleef in hand yeah he might
30846s just help out with a draw but some
30848s soccer deciding that no killing every
30850s possible MP can is uh certainly
30853s important and I wouldn't argue with that
30854s I think that's a fair play by all means
30857s yeah that was a a little bit of a
30860s deviation from what I thought was going
30862s to happen at the beginning of the term
30863s but it makes sense to go for more board
30864s presents uh right obviously could have
30867s had to drop it down with quite a big
30868s weapon but that would have meant two
30871s less minions killed right if I'm not
30874s mistaken because I don't think the
30875s stenographer at that point would have
30876s cost zero actually no it might have
30878s caused zero
30879s um but the dagger hit on one of the one
30881s ones would not have happened
30883s so you're getting an eight eight so
30885s you're still pressuring and fighting for
30886s board but not quite as much as you like
30889s recurring damage as you would have gone
30891s for Draka but tansoku just trying to
30892s limiting just trying to limit the amount
30896s of power on the board because every
30897s Health Point is gonna matter yeah down
30899s to 13 like if he was maybe late teens of
30904s Health like get in that angry phase
30908s um I uh I think he would have gone for
30910s the Draka and because then you've got
30912s the time to work the daggers in but I do
30914s think both presence is a must and you
30915s can see now foul Library coming down yes
30918s it's only a plus two plus two but it's a
30920s huge chunk of tansanku's uh tonsoku
30923s sorry is actually remaining Health right
30925s even just that extra two damage could be
30927s the difference
30929s yeah and uh now things are starting to
30932s get awkward basically the the most
30934s expensive cards in the deck you know
30935s outside of like the stenographer that's
30937s undiscounted don't don't catch me there
30940s on a technicality
30942s um
30944s it's and nothing really Tempo oriented
30948s to go for you could Edwin and pray
30950s that's an option
30953s what about just Sprint try not to die
30956s and then do something next to him I know
30958s it's a long shot but is it the only way
30960s tonsoku actually wins the game yeah you
30962s just gotta hope that what the Warlock
30965s just has kind of a dead hand it's more
30966s likely that it happens with gabooms uh a
30970s deck right because he does have some
30972s cards that just aren't really relevant
30973s in the matchup
30975s um
30976s so maybe you do just Sprint and then
30978s hope that you yeah well he hasn't really
30980s backstops yet there we go so we can
30982s backstab dagger the one three and trade
30984s into the three three now right okay but
30987s I like this because he had both back
30988s subs left in the deck draws a lot of
30990s cards like I think it's just his best
30992s out right yeah
30996s boom
30998s okay it's gonna have to slow down
31002s I think whichever way you look at it
31004s unless he goes for a tap
31006s is effectively going to be you know a
31008s bit of a past turn right like not tons
31010s of pressure being put down so yeah kind
31012s of the dreadlich times in just so you
31014s know what I'll take the turn off lower
31015s the health on this uh shadow on the
31018s other side and draw some cards I and I
31021s like it it's not what Kaboom would want
31022s to do you probably want to start
31023s throwing out curses if he could but
31025s we've done in hand not what he can do
31027s about it
31029s still kind of a rift or an imp and it's
31033s 30 cars left in the deck yeah that's
31035s insane not too bad and I imagine we're
31038s gonna see a coin librarian come out here
31041s I don't think it's worth it for the
31043s altar because there's nothing really
31045s you're specifically looking to get rid
31046s of
31047s it's just so there's more than one
31049s Target on the board right is the key
31051s thing here so tonsoku has to react
31053s because he basically can't take any more
31056s damage for the rest of the game uh
31058s otherwise they're like a couple of
31060s curses will actually finish him off so
31061s tonsoku once again forced to react here
31065s but because of that spring we've got
31067s backstab a bone Spike the um uh War
31070s master in hand draca you know I think
31074s this was the exact turn tansoku needed
31076s right just get that Sprint off have a
31078s rough turn luckily got away with it
31079s because Kaboom didn't have anything
31080s proactive to do and maybe oh
31084s the high beam as well
31090s look at that seaweed strike there but
31092s that's not good
31095s even the name doesn't sound like it's
31097s that good does it
31099s strike you with some seaweed
31101s at least it's not a sword you hold the
31104s things in the Hearthstone universe
31109s and warmaster coming down you could
31112s argue in the wrong order but of course
31113s it wouldn't have cut it would have cost
31115s one
31116s your post but uh still bold presence is
31119s King here for tonsoku yeah
31127s looking
31128s spicy because kaboons is really good
31131s adorable
31133s um drag below to Clay Lucas yeah there
31137s is that I-beam it's gonna negate at
31140s least the damage that those two curses
31142s initially do
31145s [Music]
31149s the problem is though there's just no
31150s damage left is there I kind of forgot
31152s that tonsoku's weapon was only four I
31155s expected at least six yeah no it's
31158s pretty small and now not much health to
31160s work with kind of needs to get rid of
31162s these curses at the same time
31167s a lot going wrong here for tonsoku
31170s and there's no shortage of power for
31172s Kaboom with him King reform
31176s and Lady dark Fame because that does
31177s have a drag Below in it the ordering
31180s last turn
31181s with the touch
31184s yeah and the problem for tonsoku is his
31188s deck like does not consist of that much
31192s honestly yeah nothing that's going to
31195s make huge impacts right if you look
31197s Sprint well his name in the deck and
31199s doesn't have five Mana to spare he's
31201s obviously missed out on Shadow steps
31202s this game but there they are
31210s big problem for me though TJ's just not
31214s getting to this I-beam because those
31215s curses
31222s okay
31225s neat oh he needs to draw like um I don't
31228s know a stenographer or something let's
31230s try and just get rid of these shadow
31231s steps yeah
31238s I guess you could just keep edwining
31240s over and over again just to draw a card
31242s I mean it's just
31245s over
31248s wait
31250s and brand dark vein and then touch right
31255s that is feels like it's enough a lot of
31258s the time so it'll be three and four the
31260s curses well even Marx is already cursing
31262s hand
31266s is the odds on them hitting a 2-1 is
31268s doubled because
31269s all two ones right with this play yeah
31275s good to me
31278s and even if it doesn't work is tonsoku
31281s going to deal 29 teams right and if it
31284s doesn't work like I don't know there's
31286s no there's no direct damage in the deck
31288s barely yeah I mean maybe there could be
31291s direct damage from the tooth but not
31292s nearly enough to get it done oh there we
31295s go one Curtis
31296s and there it is
31299s and that's gonna be enough I believe he
31301s just dies to the curses now as that'll
31303s be one three four yep there we go Kaboom
31306s takes game number one with the Warlock
31308s and again uh I'm not saying Kabooms
31310s build a warlock is bad but it was very
31312s tech for pocket train in the group and I
31316s do think him getting that that warlock
31318s over the line instantly there's gotta be
31320s at least an element of relief right
31322s because he didn't draw like the dreads
31324s Deeds for example which would do nothing
31328s really against the Rogue except be a
31330s little bit annoying but very expensive
31332s to play so he again I'm trying to be
31335s negative about the list but I feel like
31337s he really got away with it this game
31339s right he got the imps out early
31341s fantastic didn't really draw any of the
31343s tech apart from you know the altar of
31344s fire that's one of the bad tech cards I
31346s guess and and managed to just paddling
31349s the pressure and tonsoku fair play
31351s there's a good effort to try and come
31352s back but it just wasn't quite good
31353s enough
31355s yeah I mean you can see sort of the
31358s uh the wheels uh turn in there for
31362s kansoku of trying to like solve the
31365s puzzle on board but
31367s when the M4 lock gets off to like that
31369s quick of a start and you're on the back
31371s foot the whole game that goes directly
31373s against what Rogue wants to do usually
31376s you need to look for one
31379s a distinct swing turn and then try and
31382s use that but uh just wasn't able to find
31385s it
31386s yeah next up though we do have Kaboom on
31389s the Druid which is the alignment Druid
31391s and it's going to be a very interesting
31393s matchup as well because uh unlike the
31395s Warlock matcher we just saw I feel like
31397s tonsoku has a much greater chance to get
31400s this Rogue over the line against this
31401s Druid because there are some early game
31403s pop-ups you can do with a good chunk of
31405s minions and Kaboom might be limited in
31408s response right because it's the
31410s alignment version there's just not quite
31413s as strong and anti-aggro or at least
31416s anti-aggro options available in the
31417s early game as some other versions of
31419s like ramp style Druids actually run so
31422s this is one that's looking a little bit
31424s better for tonsoku going into this
31425s especially when he has a shroud of
31427s concealment already locked in
31430s yep pretty much in any Tempo Road deck
31433s the shot of concealment is uh
31437s one of the best if not the best
31440s card to have in the Mulligan
31443s oh early Sandstone as well okay that's
31446s the potential style of sandstone on to
31448s concealment on three and then maybe go
31451s big on 405
31454s we'll just be hoping that there's no
31455s like Mass ramp coming out from gaboon
31463s a couple of preps would go down pretty
31465s well I think for tatsoku in the near
31467s future with those double Sprint in hand
31469s yeah
31471s especially because bone spikes a lot
31473s harder to get off versus the uh and most
31475s of the classes
31481s oh this is just like oh my gosh
31484s the entire deck is in the hand I'm just
31487s gonna take a lot of manage I just don't
31489s see it yet to find it yeah you just
31491s don't see it yet it's actually so fast
31494s you cannot comprehend it
31497s yeah
31498s nice little wild growth there I saw
31500s topior I wanted to pick tobior but well
31503s girl just would make more sense with
31505s this type of hand
31506s yeah as salt and Derek were talking
31508s about if gaboon gets to that scale of an
31510s X here it's all over
31511s Game ending card yep
31518s [Music]
31520s okay decent bone Spike Target
31526s not
31528s is there enough do you
31530s use turn TJ if you're the Rogue
31534s because you've just seen a lot of ramp
31535s from Europe Odin so I'd be like oh no
31539s you just say I have to go now
31542s ah no you're you're not getting the
31545s stenographer down I think you you wait
31548s one more turn
31562s right to tonsoku
31565s wait can you go this then shroud like
31568s just no Draka no Sprint wow okay
31576s I guess this is
31581s kind of okay
31583s oh well actually oh he gets that right
31586s everything being able to be yeah yeah
31589s exactly yeah except tracker which is
31592s like the big one
31593s but it's still solid still solid yeah
31597s you gonna prep
31599s I'm gonna call it a day okay
31602s yeah it's still a big board right
31606s oh oh goof
31621s I mean honestly the scale of the next
31623s year just
31624s it's the Devourer active pretty soon
31626s right
31627s so scale down this turn maybe null or
31631s something to turn after and then have
31632s Devourer available the other way is to
31634s actually go golf take the damage scale
31636s next turn and then I think you could do
31640s the ramp to get a Devourer plus
31644s um kind of like
31647s um
31648s Guff this turn and go for draw
31652s the next turn the null cost two so you
31656s can scale and null
31659s okay
31662s how many worry is do you
31664s necessarily need to do that because it's
31667s not like Rogue plays a ton of minions
31669s right you only need to kill like four
31671s minions
31674s I think get into a potential Devourer
31677s and Earthen scales will be good enough
31680s like a boom here
31682s yeah sure
31686s if you can get into Devourer with two
31688s Earthen scales well that's just twice as
31691s good
31693s how the maths work
31699s okay so dancer Shadow step dancer coin
31702s coin Draka is an option you're playing
31705s it off the graveyard turn but that's
31709s right feel the groove the Van Cleef for
31712s next turn right for the graveyard to
31713s potentially yeah
31715s I mean I think when you've seen your
31717s opponent ramp this hard you almost fully
31720s commit every turn you can right
31721s especially with the weapon
31723s [Music]
31728s what is that and is that going to be a
31730s nine in death
31734s was close
31739s [Applause]
31750s 29
31752s on soku showing
31757s plenty yeah
31760s he put devour innervate fails nah I
31766s think this is still fine right okay
31767s scale this turn
31770s because again uh I'm just gonna triple
31773s check so I'm not being completely stupid
31775s but tonsoku doesn't actually run damage
31778s from hand outside of tooth right so as
31780s long as Kaboom make sure he's not dead
31782s to
31784s who saw two teeth I guess
31786s as well as the whatever's on board he
31789s knows he can't die yeah if he just does
31792s this and then next turn he has Devourer
31795s also as well if this goes into a
31797s potentially large Van Cleef like Kaboom
31798s should be absolutely fine here
31805s if anything in it and not that it
31807s matters but in a weird way tonsoku needs
31809s to like
31811s have a big turn
31812s or end the turn with only the AAA
31815s stealth on board
31817s so it can't be devoured
31825s and happen right if he like trades or
31829s Go's face and then uses bone Spike on
31833s his three three
31834s yeah
31836s like gun fishing still door of Shadows
31838s bone Spike
31840s backstab as well now
31843s but the problem is we're talk well I'm
31845s talking about this with the full noise
31846s that devour is in hand tansoku doesn't
31848s know this so it's not like if he doesn't
31851s play around that it's a terrible line
31853s it's just he's got to do what he's got
31854s to do but from our view that we know
31856s what's going to happen he really needs
31859s that stealth minion to to not be
31861s killable
31862s and that means making sure there's no
31865s target thanks to it
31869s debit oh yeah you could step now that
31871s he's drawn you
31877s want a play from tonsoku I know what a
31880s play because honestly
31882s I like I was saying then I wouldn't have
31884s blamed him in the slightest
31887s if he you know just played stuff on
31890s board that turn but purposely playing
31892s around exactly Devourer knowing that it
31895s would be an absolute disaster if
31897s Devourer jumped got big and then got
31898s Earth and scaled like really really good
31902s play there honestly
31904s I mean there's a potential pop-up here
31907s uh we'll survive on board just with the
31909s Earth and scales but not by much
31912s but this might be all
31916s in order to get there
31919s was like stop but nope let's go oh yeah
31924s and the problem now is is that one tooth
31929s left in the deck yeah there's one tooth
31932s that's the only damage
31934s that's like from hand in the whole deck
31936s now a single tooth
31943s well Sprint is very likely right because
31946s a tooth is all that's needed three
31947s damage off lethal currently right
31950s I mean he has to go for it right you
31954s could cut this first okay
31958s just gets it
31961s water play that was so sick from tonsoku
31964s yeah yeah that was so like playing
31966s around the Devourer was clutch and if he
31970s did anything else that turn he would
31973s lose because as you can see that was all
31976s the damage he had for the game and it
31978s was exactly though fair play what a game
31981s yeah could have made like a giant Edwin
31984s maybe but it would have just gotten
31986s eaten by the Devourer there was no more
31988s stealth and then a million armor to hide
31990s yeah yeah so it's uh yeah it was
31995s masterful play
31997s from tonsoku as we've come to expect
32002s and uh you know there's not when you get
32005s to those late game situations against
32008s the Druid there's really only a couple
32010s removal options that you consider
32012s outside of like really crazy stuff with
32014s uh like lady antacontra all right being
32017s able to just cheat a whole bunch of Mana
32020s like Planet evidence and things like
32021s that so uh just making sure that he
32025s always had the Devourer on his mind
32028s knew that he didn't need that 3-3 just
32031s calculated the damage
32033s was able to get it done and gabooms I
32035s mean there was two cards left in deck so
32037s you know yeah it was very likely had
32039s other options as well uh could have like
32041s hit a one in a a 50 50 with one of the
32046s cutlasses and then it would be a 50 50
32048s to hit the tooth if it was in the bottom
32050s two and those three spells that had
32053s costs in hand I think or two spells that
32055s cost enhanced and then it would have
32056s been like a 50 50 or one and three yeah
32058s that's actually hit the discount because
32060s he would have only one Mana left but
32062s I think there was even a shot at Van
32064s Cleef because I think like three of the
32065s spells in the deck or three of the cards
32067s in the deck cost zero so like there was
32069s even a shot to go that way around to get
32071s the tooth but regardless tansoku took
32073s the win and now we are jumping in to
32075s game number three and it's gonna be the
32076s Demon Hunter from gaboom going up
32079s against the wall lock and again we've
32081s seen this this feels like the um a
32083s matchup we've seen quite a lot over the
32085s course of uh the day so far or at least
32088s yeah maybe I have but um
32090s but it seems like such a strange matchup
32092s doesn't it it seems like whoever wins
32094s feels like they win by a large margin
32097s because they've just got to do their
32099s thing first and I do think that
32101s generally leans into the favor of the uh
32103s the Warlock at least from what I've seen
32105s yeah I'll go ahead and agree with you on
32107s that one
32109s um a lot of times The Relic uh Demon
32111s Hunter doesn't really do anything until
32113s I like to remember three or four
32116s um obviously they can have little like
32118s piecemeal removal with bell barrage with
32121s relic of Extinction uh predation
32124s sometimes with like lady steno but
32127s usually you're waiting for you know that
32130s turn five to get the the big Power plays
32132s like the uh Shield my people
32135s the draw Relic I mentions Dimensions I
32139s was thinking directions in my head I was
32141s like I mean directions Mayo tomato right
32144s same thing yeah
32146s phantasms Dimensions extinctions
32150s yep a lot of Inns going yeah and nothing
32153s with ends
32155s Well for now we're on the Mulligans
32158s yeah
32160s all right tonsoka is going to keep the
32162s ink
32163s rafan and I think this sums up the way
32166s the two decks interact very very well is
32169s at surface level
32171s but Kaboom you could think well my
32173s Approach playing warlock plays out a lot
32175s of small minions early
32176s he just threw away two fell barrage in
32179s his hand right because he knows that
32182s doesn't actually win him the game
32184s killing a few imps in the first two
32185s turns of the game doesn't make him win
32188s so yeah really good air heads up play
32189s there from the Mulligan and ends up with
32191s two of the phantasms you know and so
32193s again not the best to just play out on
32196s curve but definitely solid for stacking
32199s up those Relic procs especially if you
32201s can get the location soon
32203s yeah
32206s I'm not the best hand though like in
32208s King reform plus all of the like curse
32212s asses yeah what you want to see oh geez
32214s not even getting any better wait kill
32217s the circus
32218s yeah that's stuck in there they're
32221s infused yeah but was hoping to be able
32223s to go into turn five with the ability to
32225s coin and Infused in king or bomb but
32227s that's not going to be the case and wow
32229s okay now this is starting to be a pretty
32231s good hand for the boom just needs the
32233s relic of directions
32236s uh to give him some directions
32239s the relic of ask for directions because
32241s you lost him
32244s all right below just gonna have to be
32246s thrown out tonsoku's gonna work with
32248s what he's got here let's try and reduce
32249s some of this pressure
32251s yeah I mean that's both relic of uh
32254s phantasms gone so you don't have to
32256s worry about like that big board refill
32257s later on with the exception of
32260s uh artificial zymox potentially
32264s but oh wow okay the boom picks up that
32267s cartridge so this is a uh aggro demon
32270s set this is a go sign right now yeah
32277s and how many attractive warblades is
32279s actually quite good with how tonsoku's
32281s game has been playing out
32285s yeah basically nullifying the curse is
32287s right or the damage from the curses
32289s should I say yeah finally some imps for
32292s tonsoku but simply has to use them to
32294s draw cards with impending catastrophe
32297s ill
32299s oh cool and coin it out that was
32301s actually huge
32303s something that can actually
32306s you don't want to get reform infused
32310s yeah I'm doing the thing where I look at
32312s both players hands and I think of them
32314s given what Kaboom has and
32316s uh because cartridge is going to be
32318s played here
32319s um oh maybe not but yeah maybe probably
32321s gonna be played I think this is still
32323s good that's most likely going to be the
32325s play next turn I mean that's still okay
32327s right because that still kills your imps
32329s regardless of let's say gaboon for some
32331s reason ignored you're in so you still
32332s just wave away put an extra curse in and
32335s have a farm available so I think I still
32336s think it's fine
32339s again you don't ever want to put
32341s pressure on too slowly but Abyss away of
32344s this turn into reform the turn after
32346s with the librarian
32348s seems okay
32352s I'm so good thinking about it now though
32354s actually because he does have still have
32355s two imps on board
32358s the weighing up the option to whether he
32360s just plays or a farm now so many uh you
32363s play reform and you trade over the two
32367s four two imps yeah
32370s um
32372s I don't hate it
32374s it's a more proactive turn than just
32376s playing wave and passing sure
32380s slightly frustrating because there'll be
32382s one minion that can attack which means
32384s Kaboom gets to at least hero power twice
32387s that's six damage plus the three from
32389s the minion
32390s that's a potentially nine damage just
32392s like for free for gaboon going face next
32395s turn but
32398s maybe the wave is just too small
32402s [Music]
32410s oh
32414s has to be Dimensions right it's got
32417s directions sorry directions yeah the
32419s relic of directions
32422s uh reduced by four right yep reduced by
32425s four could be some big hits got a brand
32432s I mean the free brand could be good
32435s later but as for right now if there is a
32437s later I think it's the key question
32438s right
32439s a lot of damage
32442s yeah he's just saying you know what I
32444s can't trade go face
32446s curses are only at three
32450s so we're still looking at a few turns I
32454s have 18 though right quite healthy look
32456s at 210 South yeah
32462s you can still just uh drag below this so
32464s we can push alt Max damage oh
32469s I'm gone
32471s Real Talk TJ
32473s is this so cool now to just really hope
32477s you don't die or do you push face drag
32480s below the three two and then brand
32481s zackle next turn boom hasn't showed any
32484s ability to answer this board right it
32487s would have to be like Relic ball into
32488s Extinction and that doesn't even clear
32490s the entire board
32491s but I think you just take the health
32493s while you can
32499s because you're setting up a teacher
32500s unusual regardless yeah it's a six five
32502s on board as well right
32504s I assume a trade happens then right
32506s because he's not just taking three no we
32509s nobody will be on nine now you think you
32511s can use a grimoire here it's perfectly
32512s reasonable okay
32516s I'll allow it
32518s yeah you push three more damage you have
32520s another grimoire in hand
32524s basically turning this Square more into
32526s a three damage spell old holy Smite plus
32529s one oh is he just swapping spell damage
32533s it is on the library
32541s all right
32546s well
32551s hang on
32553s wait
32555s what that's not good enough right
32560s close
32561s seven damage
32570s oh he's gonna draw
32575s and look for an outs because these are
32577s uh five discount
32585s seven discounts
32588s so uh Jace still isn't playable
32596s oh imagine if you got Relic earlier uh
32598s the The Relic fall in the first roll no
32601s that's not going to be enough it was a
32603s good effort from gaboom I respect it but
32605s tonsoku super happy with that win he
32608s knows that one was close because that
32611s was not an easy start for him at all he
32612s had to basically they almost swapped
32614s roles right where tonsoku almost did
32616s nothing for the first like you know half
32618s of the game arguably and had to react
32620s and uh gaboon was actually on the
32623s offensive so it was kind of weird that
32624s they swap roles in that one but tonsoku
32627s doing just enough and uh I really like
32630s the reform play and just you know just
32631s get it out there don't wave and pile on
32634s the board pressure because Demon Hunter
32635s does actually have very few two a few
32638s tools to kill wide boards right nowadays
32641s it's much like I can kill a couple of
32643s things
32644s yeah it's um
32647s relic of Extinction is basically it yeah
32650s and you know the tiny bits of removal
32653s you have along the way lady Steno plus a
32655s bunch of cheap spells is really the only
32656s way you have to clear like a super wide
32658s board so
32660s um but yeah that was incredibly close I
32663s thought at the end there oh what if Jace
32664s comes out but the discounts were seven
32668s though even if Jace was drawn it still
32670s would have been playable because Kaboom
32672s only had didn't have any Mana left
32673s trying to be a bunch of free nonsense in
32677s order to get the the job done but now
32679s tansaku is going to move over to the
32681s aggro Demon Hunter
32683s a little bit of bibliomite going on here
32687s yeah I like it honestly um and do you
32690s think this is fast enough to just get
32692s under the demon uh the Demon Hunter from
32694s Kaboom because he's going to be queuing
32695s that once again so he's on the Relic uh
32697s because again we've talked about it
32700s there is certain levels of removal
32702s available when you look at the fell
32703s barrage the predations obviously the
32705s extensions as well but that's like
32708s resource after resource after resource
32710s to just kill like an average card in
32713s tonsoku's aggro deck now right because
32715s it's not like I only have these amount
32716s of threats like nearly every card in the
32718s deck is a threat so it'll be very
32720s interesting to see if uh uh gaboon can
32723s actually fight back so I'll be honest TJ
32725s I don't know about you but I've not seen
32726s this matchup play out too many times
32730s no me neither uh I've seen a lot of
32732s relative in her anger team and Hunter
32733s not so much
32736s um tansoku went for a full Mulligan but
32738s didn't really hit much of anything in
32740s terms of dirty game Power oh never mind
32742s we're okay back in the game yes kidding
32746s uh Kaboom actually you can deal with
32748s this
32749s um yeah interestingly enough with uh the
32751s fury plus relic of Extinction
32754s um
32756s only problem is that's like all their
32758s all fell barrage oh it's so clean
32766s not even close not even close baby
32773s a leather jacket just really uh
32775s puts an emphasis on
32777s every emotion
32782s are you gonna say on how cool he looks
32788s again if he's uh wiping sweat off his
32790s brow maybe take the leather jacket off
32792s yeah it's not open if you're sweating is
32794s it not the most breathable
32802s pretty much been pushed back early on
32804s gaboon does have
32806s the school teacher as well which is so
32809s great to play in this kind of situation
32811s you push an aggro deck off board to an
32813s extent and you just have a four four for
32815s four that gives you a very flexible card
32818s going forward
32821s anybody
32826s oh I-beam oh fell barrage yeah felbridge
32830s is looking good too but wait field of
32832s strife whoa
32835s okay return soccer's got curtress which
32839s is the when games aren't going great
32841s this is what you want
32844s yep
32847s however
32850s whatever Raven
32855s there's never Theodore come on come on
32859s PJ playing his little game where he
32862s knows both hands
32864s yeah
32866s oh went Relic okay
32869s are gonna be tutus trying to fight back
32872s a little bit here
32874s biblio is this biblio throw the zero
32878s cost and Vanguard right
32882s you can think or you could Vanguard
32884s throw the
32885s biblio
32889s hmm really what you want to do
32892s probably not but okay I'm glad we talked
32895s about it but okay I mean you have more
32897s Mana to play the cards that you drew
32901s foreign
32905s rather have three damage now or five
32908s damage later
32909s five damage layer because it's a bigger
32912s number
32914s is it though
32917s I don't know they teach you over in the
32919s uh the old States TJ but wow okay just
32922s gets rid of curtress why not both
32925s it's three damage for no downside I'll
32928s be honest TJ this was the last thing I
32930s expected to happen yeah it really needs
32934s an upside that's an extra card draw
32938s that's one more card that's really it
32941s look at this damage damage damage
32947s this is the fell Branch count in this
32949s scenario Maybe
32953s I mean
32956s I'll just trust tansoku's process here
32959s it is a lot of damage and I respect face
32961s damage above all else but that was
32964s courtress on curve and he tonsarko's
32967s attacked a fair few times this game so
32970s the minions themselves weren't uh
32971s insignificant
32973s smells blood
32976s imagine spending all of your money
32978s around one card in this aggro deck oh my
32981s gosh this is so much healing too
32988s just full clear and just Jam a million
32990s damage to face with lifesteal
32992s not full clear but
32996s how you dare you disrespect to one one
32998s demon
33007s tonsoku which is the head coaches for
33010s next turn now
33010s [Music]
33015s damage
33018s the game is like now I'm the aggro deck
33020s whoa
33024s how about that okay that's right
33029s oh
33031s hey that's kinda like killing two things
33034s ghoul teacher and a bit of your
33036s opponent's face
33042s account damage you want to take four
33044s damage
33048s well you're gonna take it anyway
33051s either you're gonna take it how are you
33054s gonna take it yeah
33056s so is it just red prison
33062s I don't even know if I want a fell
33063s barrage
33065s hi
33068s it feels icky the minions aren't going
33071s anywhere you can't put the hero below
33073s one hell to make failbranch Target it
33076s because you'll have already won
33080s it's got to be
33083s all right how much damage we got next
33084s year we have six seven eight
33087s at least AJ
33091s all right can we multi-strike
33096s only strike would actually be insane
33098s lethal right because okay so it would be
33101s uh six plus
33106s nine seven
33108s eight nine ten because you can hear them
33110s sorry yeah yeah
33113s X plus 10 to be 16. it would be
33115s multi-strike would be lethal
33118s yeah because uh Kaboom can't hear hero
33120s power so he can't heal for more than two
33122s yeah oh
33125s however he wants to swing and honestly
33127s I'd understand if he didn't he has Fury
33129s and yeah or chaos strike into
33132s multi-strike
33135s call this TG
33138s yeah Shrek in the multi-strike the break
33140s points still work
33144s I don't think that works though
33156s I'm missing some
33158s no he's dead
33162s demons
33164s demons at the outs all the lines
33169s in a draw but there's just nothing
33181s hmm
33184s time grows short tournament life on the
33187s line though so gonna make sure he thinks
33189s oh yeah
33191s I'm just trying to think if like again
33193s with perfect knowledge
33196s didn't spend the Fury's last turn
33198s because of the attack right to go into
33200s the school teacher if he was taking the
33202s damage anyway
33204s again in a perfect world I'm not saying
33206s tonsoku you know messed up rather than
33208s but should he have just used the furies
33210s and just gone face for Max damage if he
33212s was planning on saying well I need to
33214s two turn them anyway uh very interesting
33217s turn there but yeah not quite going to
33219s be good enough there for tonsoku and
33221s some more surprising plays because he
33223s decided to throw away the curtress but
33224s the plan became clear didn't it
33228s yeah kill his opponent yeah that's the
33231s plan I'm thinking like that right the
33234s next question if he push the double
33236s fiori and just went face
33239s and there was like a slim chance right
33243s I think it was just as much chance of
33246s drawing a single multi-strike also you
33248s know so
33250s because he didn't have the knowledge
33251s that he would pick up prison oh of
33253s course yeah yeah of course but it all
33256s comes down to this
33259s yeah and a much better match up for
33262s tonsoku again talked about it before
33265s where kaboom's Druid doesn't quite have
33268s the early game resistance that some
33270s other ramp dudes have had in the past
33272s but
33273s I'm just gonna try and ramp up and uh
33275s out armor the damage but tonsoku as we
33278s have seen TJ
33280s plays fast and loose with this deck and
33282s will sacrifice all plans for more damage
33285s to the face
33292s as that pesky characterist tonsoku is
33294s already trying to find a card that can
33297s throw that coaches away he wants the
33298s biblio mate on turn two
33302s biblio
33311s close
33314s hey
33316s for a second I was like oh we can't play
33318s the Vanguard because hero power kills it
33320s and I was like oh wait no it doesn't
33322s that got buffed again it's a tutu never
33325s mind
33331s okay if you aquatic form and don't hit a
33335s playable card
33336s your nose are further away
33340s you just gotta hear a par
33344s where
33347s anywhere just roll your mouse in a
33349s circle and then wherever it lands
33351s my face imagine if you could uh they put
33354s it in the game where you could actually
33355s accidentally Target yourself with your
33356s own hero power like this like an attack
33359s hero power
33360s I would do that all the time
33362s circle around the board let go it's like
33364s oh
33366s like what would it The Druids would bite
33368s themselves I don't know
33371s taking the one sign up for the scale
33375s over next year
33379s gonna do it again this courtes is gone
33382s yeah tanzoku is playing this dispose of
33385s evidence he can wait till next turn and
33388s then just get rid of whatever is drawn
33390s right
33391s I'm already just he wants to keep the
33393s creatures there's no reason to play it
33394s right now there's no reason to keep the
33396s curtress TJ not important you know
33400s you're right sometimes he's right yep
33410s baits and growths
33413s the problem with this is what if he does
33415s he run double dispose
33417s yeah what if he draws the other dispose
33422s then you just get rid of the others
33429s just play one
33431s of the dispose magistrate I think you
33433s get rid of the curtress and the
33434s magistrate and just play double dispose
33436s Max to face
33440s yeah you can get rid of fossil fnatic
33443s now he's getting rid of that Beatrice
33448s there's no way
33450s every day of the week I told you I told
33453s you
33454s oh my gosh who needs it
33458s didn't even mean to submit it that's why
33461s he doesn't play with it he's like
33462s actually oh I didn't put that cards
33466s oh I hope I I hope
33468s just draws it again and just gets to
33471s just say nope I'm just gonna play
33472s dispose everything the rest of the
33475s tournament oh this is the best deck ever
33479s curtress is just a target for these
33481s discard effects on shuffle effects
33484s unless he picks up kertress on curve
33487s it's back in the deck like yeah trash
33490s card
33494s why don't these minions have charge
33497s lady anacondra
33499s I also have scale available as early as
33501s next turn right
33504s I mean almost certainly saving coin for
33506s that right
33510s not really calling out anything else
33512s except for wild growth oh I guess which
33514s will be fine if he plays no coin growth
33525s um ooh
33530s wanted evidence just to try and get a uh
33535s try and get scales
33536s unless you want to
33539s pick nourish go scale next turn
33543s that's gotta be yeah going wild growth
33547s and get that ramp
33551s yep
33552s four five six seven eight damage on
33556s board
33558s but a lot more potentially
33563s oh yeah
33566s appointment of this turn you can just
33569s hire hand and soku didn't draw the uh
33573s Curtis to them biblio my it back
33577s um demons
33579s demons
33590s and to work out here whether he wants
33592s fossil fam
33594s uh or the biblio markdown maybe there's
33598s more power
33600s starts later
33602s yeah but
33605s I mean true but he could just draw more
33607s cards now and try and just stack more
33610s damage right for like a final swing he's
33611s doing a lot of damage at the moment
33613s already
33616s fine what a fine and very intact
33623s I guess going into the turn second
33624s potential as well
33627s oh
33638s what's that is that 10 from hand without
33640s the minions
33641s and from here yeah I told you TJ the
33644s attack on the uh setting up the scales
33649s boom plays that heads up
33654s would have left a 1-1 on board otherwise
33658s wait
33661s one
33663s four five six seven eight nine ten
33666s eleven twelve wait
33668s 12. oh no it's one man off needs seven
33671s Mana to do all that demons
33675s demons
33677s yeah because you need the dread person
33678s oh it's 11 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
33683s come on
33685s are you just dread prison glaive and
33688s hero power
33691s maybe throw in one multi-strike so you
33694s have Mana to play something next turn if
33696s you just play everything it's a
33698s dominance
33700s I set my opponent to one yeah now they
33704s have to hear him narrow on the dead yeah
33706s well now what your hero literally has a
33709s deal one hero power what how how much
33711s more simple could it be
33714s yeah I think just you unload one
33716s multi-strike and a hero power that way
33719s next turn you can use multi-strike to
33723s kill a minion if necessary
33727s and you keep all the weapon Buffs in
33729s hand so you can maybe maneuver around
33731s different sized minions
33734s the only problem with this is it's very
33736s suspicious isn't it what four cards this
33739s whole deck is suspicious it's all
33741s damaged what four cards would tonsoku
33743s not play this too Derek say the same
33745s thing he's like yeah but hold on to a
33747s bunch of cards I mean you're letting
33749s your opponent know what you're gonna do
33749s there's only one thing that you're doing
33752s hmm
33754s the deck all it does is deal damage
33758s the old four cards in his hand I wonder
33760s what they could do hmm bibliomite
33763s doesn't deal damage
33765s Elijah may as well oh right very loose
33768s terms you use here TJ yeah we have two
33772s five six seven eight nine ten damage so
33776s Guff would be
33779s thriving
33782s what are we looking for here
33788s oh just more damage it's fine
33792s and he's gonna draw 100 of the time
33794s because apparently every single card in
33795s the deck
33802s that sounds so cool I was blown off his
33804s chair by that reaction oh geez
33810s hey he's gonna bibliomite it away I hope
33814s so oh you know what I will fight for
33817s tonsoku to get a world spot
33820s regardless of whether he wins or loses
33822s if he bibliomites discourages this turn
33831s with that biblio mate again I dare you
33838s demons
33840s he's doing the maths
33844s I appreciate the Esther TJ
33847s oh yeah
33850s better than scales
33854s oh a lot you can do about this because
33857s this ash Falls floor at ashfallen's
33859s flurry uh Fury hero power is actually
33862s gonna make a huge difference in how easy
33864s it is to push this damage I actually
33866s know the name
33869s imagine
33875s no malagos it has to be the innovate
33878s first right
33881s and actually innovate I know I think you
33884s huh
33886s isn't it innovate living roots
33889s I don't think he won a living roots why
33892s the uh Anna
33895s a what though
33899s landed evidence
33902s I'm just thinking he's looking purely
33903s further than scales
33905s yeah but he could he could earn skills
33907s for one additional armor on the null if
33910s he holds if he holds the living room
33911s because it will cost one
33914s but he draws one last card oh they are
33918s so less likely to hit the scales
33922s how about we draw just with the here
33924s what about that oh okay and he's dead
33927s yeah
33931s this possibly work what about if he just
33934s loses the game
33936s let's triple check this
33939s one damage three times I checked it okay
33942s lethal it's been job done just don't
33946s play the dispose first
33948s and you're good play the biblio mic for
33952s Good Times try and discard curtress
33954s again and regardless though
33956s that looks like enough damage to me and
33959s tonsoku yeah
33961s and moves on to Sunday what a huge win
33965s uh commiserations of course for gaboon I
33968s think he brought a pretty cool lineup
33969s especially to deal with pockets
33973s yes he was just rubbing his belly
33979s [Music]
33981s don't let me finish the show before I
33983s break
33983s um
33986s DJ is trying to break me anyway uh yeah
33989s a shame for Kaboom I think he did play
33990s well and brought a cool line up but I
33992s think tonsoku really showed that he
33995s knows his decks very well with this
33997s aggro lineup I remember way back when
33999s when we first started seeing tonsoku
34001s Play he was starting to be known for his
34003s just aggro overall I grow style and
34005s that's continued to this day and I think
34007s we've seen not only with this deck with
34009s the Rogue with all this whole line that
34011s we've seen so far that is that execution
34013s has been very very good indeed
34016s yeah and uh you know funnily enough
34019s moving out of this group uh both the
34021s players from Japan yeah right Japan
34023s continuing uh dominance
34025s in uh in competitive Hearthstone you
34028s know carrying the APAC region in many
34030s different ways if you look at like the
34032s top players for me packing Master
34034s towards wins and historical results
34036s within Hearthstone Grand Masters
34038s historical results within World
34040s Championships yep it's all coming up
34042s Japan and uh Gloria has a chance to make
34045s his third in a row tonsoku has a chance
34046s to be the next Japanese player in line
34049s to win the World Championship right yeah
34052s they just I guess they just queue up now
34054s and that's how it works yeah very
34056s politely Japanese play it yeah get in
34058s the queue you'll win a world it's like
34060s no problem just just wait but yeah I
34062s think it was impressive as well is that
34064s these two players we've seen a lot of
34066s new Bloods like new faces over the last
34069s couple of years you look at Players like
34071s lies for example Gabby uh come up and
34074s sort of rock the scene and be super
34076s impressive but when you look at Players
34078s like Glory like tonsoku who have been
34081s around
34082s and so I started casting I think which
34084s was many years ago now and they just
34087s keep working keep improving and like you
34089s said just Japan as a region have been
34092s dominating not only just the APAC say
34094s Grandmaster Seasons but also just the
34096s world so yeah super impressive really
34098s glad to see these two players make it
34100s out especially because they're bringing
34101s two they're pretty different lineups as
34103s well
34104s yeah it's uh I feel like we're headed
34106s straight for the uh the Unstoppable
34109s force with the immovable object the
34111s Unstoppable Force being kabu gobble
34113s gobble
34117s hey it's almost Thanksgiving here yeah
34123s just Japanese Hearthstone players like
34126s they're they're gonna meet head to head
34128s at some point and uh
34131s I don't know who's going to come out on
34132s top nobody is uh they're just going to
34134s keep tying over and over again and we're
34136s just gonna have to keep you know what
34137s remaking the game we'll come out on top
34139s TJ because we'll get to custom great
34141s Halls down so that's all that matters
34143s yeah well I will say like uh and I I can
34146s be honest here because it's the last
34147s match of the day right uh
34150s a lot of today's Hearthstone not in
34153s terms of play but in terms of like
34154s one-sided matches left a lot to be
34156s desired uh to be quite honest
34159s um we got two fresh groups coming up
34161s tomorrow with Group C and group d uh I'm
34164s wondering if warlock's gonna continue to
34166s struggle as much as it did I'm wondering
34168s if we're gonna get to see some uh
34171s um
34172s uh some interesting lineups Prevail more
34174s aggro perhaps we do have
34177s I mean we're literally tomorrow we're
34179s kicking off with probably like the
34181s Highlight match of the group stage
34183s yeah it's pretty sure it's Bunny Hop
34185s reverse lovestorm tomorrow yeah right
34186s off the bat right that's like that's
34189s like Peak Hearthstone that's like Peak
34191s entertainment because they are Polar
34193s Opposites yeah money Hopper is like you
34195s know buy the books uh you know deep in
34198s the tank that you know takes his time
34200s even though he told me he's trying not
34202s to rope as much
34203s um he's been working on it and then love
34205s Storm's like play as fast as I can like
34208s brute DH no matter what
34210s whatever I'm gonna pick a random combo
34213s deck put it in my lineup and win anyway
34216s that's that's love storm in a nutshell
34218s so yeah and even in a smaller nutshell
34221s love storm is just a love storm that's
34222s all you really need to know the name
34224s says it all uh whereas bunny up you know
34226s considered player as you said so yeah
34228s TJ's just uh giving you guys what the
34230s first match of the day is going to be
34231s tomorrow uh if you've just you know been
34233s watching the back end of today or
34234s whatever tomorrow's basically going to
34236s be the same as the format as we had
34238s today but it's going to be Group C and D
34240s so make sure you tune in to watch those
34242s play out and see who joins the players
34244s we qualified through to Sunday today
34246s gonna be tomorrow so looking forward to
34248s that but TJ thanks for wrapping up the
34250s day with me I appreciate appreciate you
34252s guys for watching hope you had a great
34253s time and we'll see you tomorrow
34256s foreign
34271s [Music]
34277s [Music]
34284s wow
34291s [Music]
34297s [Music]
34298s foreign
34307s [Music]
34323s [Music]
34336s foreign
34343s [Music]
34354s [Music]
34361s [Music]
34370s [Music]
34374s foreign
34386s [Music]
34392s [Music]
34403s [Music]
34409s [Music]
34414s foreign
34416s [Music]
34426s [Applause]
34429s [Music]
34440s over lethal
34444s [Music]
34449s I'm gonna call it too soon but yeah
34451s there we go that's the big moment there
34453s for Abu gabu he can't believe you're
34455s still counting comes back takes the
34459s Victory and Habu gabu is your summer
34462s champion
34475s [Music]
34482s [Music]
34489s [Music]
34496s foreign
34500s [Music]