over 3 years ago - Eric Elliott - Direct link

Grandmasters 2020 Season 2 has concluded, and three more players have secured their spot in the Hearthstone 2020 World Championship! Congratulations to Pramet β€œBankyugi” Putchakan, Jaromir β€œJarla” Vyskočil, and Jerome β€œMonsanto” Faucher on your Season 2 victories.

In Americas, Jerome β€œMonsanto” Faucher’s path through the playoffs was full of challenges. The number 1 seed in Group B secured difficult victories against Mihai β€œLnguagehackr” DragalinΒ and Luke β€œNoHandsGamer” Kooken to make it to the Top 4. On day 2, Monsanto once again faced close matches as David β€œkillinallday” Acosta forced him to a 3-2 final, before facing off against ETC in an intense back and forth final before securing the 3-2 score to advance to the 2020 World Championship.

In Asia-Pacific, Pramet β€œBankyugi” Putchakan went into Playoffs in second place for Group A and initially fell to first place Jung-Soo β€œSurrender” Kim. He battled his way back to the Top 4 after defeating Sato β€œglory” Kenta, the Season 1 champion. Bankyugi secured his spot at the World Championship after taking down 2018 World Champion Wei-Lin β€œTom60229” Chen 3-2.

In Europe, Jaromir β€œJarla” Vyskočil entered Playoffs as the top seed in Group B, and quickly asserted his dominance after a stunning 3-0 victory over Theo β€œFelkeine” Dumont and 3-2 over Zakarya β€œxBlyzes” Hail. The Top 4 proved no different, as he made short-order of Linh β€œSeiko” Nguyen in another 3-0 sweep before defeating Thijs β€œThijs” Molendijk 3-1 to secure the final European spot at the 2020 World Championship.

Sadly, this weekend also saw the last relegation spots for Season 2 filled. Enzo β€œWarma” Flock, Hyun-Soo β€œFlurry” Cho, and David β€œjustsaiyan” Shan all fell today in the final relegation matches for each region. They are not completely out of it yet, as each has a chance to regain their spot in Grandmasters if they have earned enough from this year’s six Master Tours, following Masters Tour Online: Madrid later this month.

Congratulations to Bankyugi, Jarla, and Monsanto! They will join Brian "bloodyface" Eason, Sato β€œglory” Kenta, Vladislav β€œSilverName” Sinotov, and Fan β€œiG.Syf” Yilun at the 2020 World Championship December 12-13. The final Chinese competitor will be decided on November 15, but before then there is a ton of incredible Hearthstone Esports action to catch: the first EMEA Battlegrounds cup is up next, taking place this weekend October 16-18, followed by Masters Tour Online: Madrid from October 23-25 only on YouTube. We’ll see you in the Tavern!

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