11 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s welcome back you know in my past I've
3s summoned demons started Wars raised
5s Millions to dust but nothing ever made
7s me feel more accomplished than I do when
10s I get the Hellfire
12s just right that's progress huh
17s there we go oh yeah
20s some happy little flames you know gnomes
23s are beautiful creatures
25s they make my heart just melt
28s just as I've made theirs
33s and we're just about
36s finished ah
39s another painting another great day of
42s personal growth now let's get one for
45s the gram
50s oh
52s seems that amanthul invited the entire
54s Pantheon to The Tavern
56s except for me
58s who