6 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s Blizzard Entertainment presents in the
3s beginning I was all
6s alone trying my best to do some good out
10s there but it didn't take long to realize
13s that with the right
16s friends everything would change Reno's
20s punched in a bar step aside power bursts
23s from Elisa's staff a frog Splats on a
25s guy's face come you don't know who
27s you're messing with Sheriff barl brim
30s enters G Sprout from his
32s hat they knew the towns folk were up to
35s something
37s sinister let's move right behind you and
41s it was like a powder Ki waiting to
44s explode a fuse sparks
49s then we did it rr's Dragon form no oh
56s nuts as it turned out I had the right
60s back back up waiting for me just when I
63s need it a Time piece ticks Reno's dual
65s opponent is alast you got it partner as
68s they Clash their Hearthstone cards
70s appear and the view becomes gameplay
72s with a card zelder in the loss I didn't
73s intentionally pursue
75s leadership going to punch you cards
79s appear and our lost in Furious
81s gameplay candle mud
87s slider sleeping like a rock let's sow
91s these fine folks on bad land Hospitality
95s well looking for a standof careful it's
98s against me cards swirl in the vortex
101s into the ornate game box with snapshot
103s Hearthstone showdown in the Badlands
105s pre-release The Showdown begins November
107s 14 hearthstone.com gameplay continues
110s within the title
114s screen the screen dissolves to another
116s with Reno and Elise pre- purchase now
118s hearthstone.com