over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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926s thank you
935s it's a tie at least Leroy got Divine
939s Shield I think Sleepy's got this that's
941s it he's barely wins nice one from sleepy
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963s that's going to be enough a lot of high
966s tier minions that's gonna do it 21
969s damage
970s be honest they win Lobby Legends murloc
974s guys
980s hello everybody and welcome to another
984s edition of hearthstone Battlegrounds
986s Lobby Legends my name is TJ I'm joined
988s by the one the only wearing his cable
992s knit sweater here on the broadcast it's
995s subtle how you doing subtle hey TJ sorry
998s Flamingo Friday is exclusively the realm
1001s of constructed events and must must stay
1003s there forever Flamingo Friday must be
1005s protected I take it very seriously
1007s unfortunately it is a not for The Whimsy
1011s of Battlegrounds but I am very much
1013s looking forward to The Whimsy of
1015s Battlegrounds it's been a while since
1017s I've actually been in front of the
1018s camera doing one of these events
1020s normally I am behind the scenes pushing
1022s some buttons controlling what you people
1024s are looking at and talking about but
1026s this time I get to talk some nonsense of
1027s my own and I'm very excited about it oh
1030s I love talking some nonsense that's
1033s actually one of my favorite things to do
1035s but this is Hearthstone Battlegrounds
1036s Lobby Legends hollow's end
1039s also referred to as Lobby Legends number
1042s eight we're nearing the end of the year
1044s in terms of the lobby Legends circuit uh
1047s but we'll give you a little bit of an
1049s overview of what we're going to be
1051s experiencing nothing's really changed uh
1053s we have a top 16 or 16 of the top Global
1057s Battlegrounds players they're going to
1059s split into two eight players lobbies
1061s today while they'll play three games
1063s each the top four from each of those
1065s lobbies will advance to the final
1067s tomorrow that final Lobby will con
1069s assist or will feature the check format
1073s which means that the first player to win
1076s a lobby while holding 20 or more points
1079s becomes the champion I I've grown to
1082s enjoy this uh this format because it
1085s gives us subtle two days of very
1088s different styles of of Battlegrounds
1091s play yeah it really splits day one from
1094s day two for sure and then it also kind
1096s of forces drama into day two right
1099s there's the suspense of not quite
1101s knowing when the tournament is going to
1102s end you know once you're through once
1104s you're three four five games in to the
1106s final Lobby the the tournament could be
1107s ending at any moment and then personally
1109s just my biggest my favorite thing about
1111s it is when you are doing this kind of
1113s points-based system as you have to do in
1114s an auto battle in Battlegrounds it makes
1117s sure that the player who wins the
1118s tournament wins the tournament on a
1121s victory right the moment is climactic
1123s and they actually have to get a win
1124s under their belt there's none of that oh
1126s I got seventh and I fell over the line
1128s to win the tournament you know which I
1130s think is slightly less impactful overall
1132s so check format is something that I have
1134s become a pretty big fan of as well and
1137s hopefully we are going to get another
1138s pretty hyped day too as we have been for
1140s the last uh several events in a row
1143s yeah I've grown to appreciate the drama
1145s uh once we start to get into like game
1148s six game seven game eight
1151s um uh on the final day once we get into
1153s that check format uh I I've still yet to
1156s see uh in one of the lobby legends that
1159s I've worked on like a six plus
1162s Bobby like six plus players having the
1164s lobby in check
1166s um I've each one I've done has been
1168s around the four or five Mark so I'm I
1171s want all eight that's what I want I want
1174s all eight all eight players that have
1177s the lobby in check so we just we know
1179s that it's gonna be the final game the
1181s drama that that would uh that would
1183s entail would be quite cool
1186s um but uh from the last Lobby Legends uh
1188s we do have some uh changes that have
1191s come into the fold subtle
1193s um some some minor some larger the
1195s addition of some new uh quests and Quest
1197s rewards a couple new minions added
1199s couple minions removed
1201s um and as of three or five hours ago
1205s evil twin but we'll get into that uh uh
1208s in a bit because right now we want to
1210s talk about the tavern buddy extension
1213s that's right we have an extension uh
1217s exclusive to uh Hearthstone uh
1220s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends these first
1222s one let me let me take a step back these
1226s are little games that you can play in
1227s the extension where you can earn points
1229s and move your way up the leaderboard
1231s throughout the broadcast uh over the
1233s next couple days these four little boxes
1235s that you see on your screen these are
1236s each individual game that you can play
1239s Within the extension Sato and I will be
1241s playing along throughout the weekend
1242s we're also going to be keeping track of
1244s our scores uh so you can match
1246s yourselves up against sodomy as well to
1248s see how you fared against the casters
1251s but why don't you uh at least do the
1253s first two then I'll do the last two
1255s because the last two are my favorites
1256s okay show we're starting things off with
1258s fantasy team three players per group
1261s that you are building a squad to amass
1263s points on you based on how they finish
1265s in that individual groups three players
1267s from Lobby a three players from Lobby b
1269s as TJ mentioned TJ myself will be doing
1272s the same thing and you get to see
1273s whether you can stack up your predictive
1276s skills your player knowledge uh against
1279s two people who are supposed to do this
1281s for a living so I think that is probably
1283s the most straightforward if you're
1284s familiar with any kind of fantasy draft
1286s in anything that you do in Esports or
1290s even in analog Sports then you will be
1292s pretty familiar with what that means
1294s puzzle box a little bit more unique to
1297s what we are doing predict the events of
1299s today's matches is what it says what
1301s does that mean essentially is a series
1303s of yes or no questions that are part
1307s flipping coins part Battlegrounds meta
1310s knowledge you know things like for
1312s example to spoil one of the questions
1314s that we'll get into in a little bit will
1316s a player in a game without a full board
1319s now there's a very particular reason why
1320s we put that in as a question that again
1322s we'll get on to later it's the kind of
1324s thing where if you know the game you
1326s might be able to reverse engineer some
1328s of that knowledge into getting more
1329s consistent answers from the puzzle box
1330s or you can just guess and see what
1333s happens in that situation either
1335s strategy is valid
1338s um I'm a big fan of some of the
1340s questions today in particular one of
1342s them which leads us to our next
1345s uh Tavern buddy little mini game
1349s bandwagon bandwagon you have to guess
1351s the winner of an individual game based
1354s on the first four turns this is going to
1357s be open during the first four turns of
1359s every game that happens over the next
1360s two days
1361s uh the catch here is that the earlier
1365s you guess your winner you input your
1367s winner uh you have a potential to gain
1371s more points so you know let's say solid
1373s and I both guess uh the same player on
1376s our bandwagon pick for an individual
1377s game but I guess mine on turn one and
1380s subtle guest is on turn two then I would
1383s get more points than subtle even though
1384s we both got it correct so high risk High
1387s reward uh play going on with bandwagon
1389s which if you're really confident that
1391s someone's gonna win
1393s you pick them early you get all those
1395s points and of course the final 10 party
1396s game is going to be barob's blessing we
1400s didn't mention it but our shot caller
1403s spectator whatever you want to call them
1405s uh for this weekend is going to be none
1408s other than Neil Lorinda Bond Neil will
1412s choose uh one uh combat basically one by
1417s phase uh two players pitted up against
1419s each other you're gonna see them both
1420s appear on the screen at the same time
1422s it's going to say broth's blessing at
1424s the bottom you have to choose just by
1427s looking at their boards in the bi phase
1430s who's going to win that very next round
1432s of combat if you guess correctly you get
1435s points if you guess incorrectly you
1437s don't get any points if they tie
1439s everybody gets points
1441s amazing I love when they tie
1443s I was doing hand motions and I was going
1445s to try and be more composed when it came
1448s back to camera because I don't I don't
1450s want people to see just how excited I
1452s get for to everybody uh but you call a
1454s little Glimpse I'm
1457s this big excited yes indeed and in
1460s general terms you should see that
1462s overlay on the on oh you should see that
1464s extension on your twitch overlay right
1466s now several of those things will be open
1468s uh the stuff or the staff tournament
1471s ones fantasy team and uh puzzle box
1473s should be available right now uh in-game
1476s ones will happen as they happen but you
1478s can go and take a look at that now and
1479s start to get a head start on some of
1481s those twitch extensions and again scores
1483s will be kept leaderboards will be
1485s maintained and the Caster scores will be
1487s shown at the end of the days as well so
1489s you can stack yourselves up if you've
1491s ever wanted an opportunity to prove that
1493s I don't know what I'm talking about and
1496s you in chat know more well this is it
1499s this is it I wish I was in chat
1504s okay well moving along uh here's the
1508s points distribution distribution uh
1512s pretty standard right for first you get
1514s 7.7 to get one hit to get zero even
1517s splits across the board of course uh if
1519s we do have ties it just splits the
1522s difference it takes the uh average of uh
1525s the the players that finish but for
1527s example if two players tie for third
1529s they both get 4.5 if there's a three-way
1532s tie for fourth they get three points
1535s because fifth would be the middle ground
1537s there so
1539s we will show you a graphic at the end of
1542s each round that shows how many points
1544s players have earned in that Lobby so
1547s don't worry if you can't keep up we'll
1548s keep up for you
1551s you can see the prize pool is being
1553s played for 50 000 in total ten thousand
1558s dollars going to the player who finishes
1560s in first and you see that is a steep
1562s jump from second to first which
1565s massively incentivizes kind of the high
1567s risk play that we are looking for uh
1570s check format we talked about how that
1571s incentivizes and in fact mandates you
1573s going for wins in individual games
1577s um but I think the the prizable
1578s distribution here does a pretty good job
1580s as well of just making sure that people
1582s are playing for that win but more so
1584s than that prize pool I think being able
1586s to call yourself a Lobby Legends winner
1588s over the course of this uh debut year
1591s for Battlegrounds Esports uh means a lot
1594s more than any amount of money can
1596s possibly do well that's not true if
1597s you're gonna win a billion dollars
1599s that's probably more important but
1601s somewhere along that scale there is a
1603s cut-off point my my number would be a
1606s lot lower than them yeah than a billion
1609s if you told me that atj I will give you
1614s a hundred and fifty thousand dollars if
1617s you agree that you'll never be able to
1619s to be a champion of anything in
1622s Hearthstone or all eternity would you
1625s take it I would
1630s listen
1632s low I think my number is significantly
1634s higher than it's somewhere between 150
1637s 000. odds of actually becoming the
1640s champion of anything in Hearthstone is
1641s much higher than mine that's true yeah
1643s no that is so I figure you know the odds
1646s are low right I plan to you know be be
1650s doing Hearthstone stuff for as long as I
1653s can but the likelihood that I become
1654s champion of anything
1657s is pretty low though we have had some
1660s Caster competitions in the past some of
1663s which I have been the champion of so it
1668s would feel bad to give up those because
1671s that's
1672s encapsulated in that Clause so 150 000
1676s from make up for that but here are the
1679s puzzle box questions for the day so I
1680s don't know what we were going to retort
1682s well I was just gonna say if you really
1683s think about it when I move from Pro
1685s Player to Costa that is essentially what
1688s I ended up doing right like I took an
1689s amount of money guarantees to guarantee
1692s that I would never actually be a
1693s champion in Hearthstone and I can
1695s confirm it was one billion dollars so
1698s that's where it works out
1700s you can't confirm
1703s oh okay uh solo mentioned earlier the
1706s puzzle box questions are open here if
1709s you want a little bit of guidance I'd
1711s you know recommend that you go with the
1712s left column uh of the answers uh you
1716s cannot go wrong with TJ's puzzle box
1718s answers we've learned this uh will a
1721s player wins the Jailer both saddle and I
1723s said no uh well all six winners use a
1725s different hero we've different here uh
1727s this one's a toss-up for me I just kind
1729s of is yeah uh well a player won a game
1732s without reaching Tavern tier six
1736s yes
1738s yes happens all the time
1741s um and it only has to happen once right
1743s will a player win a game right it only
1745s has to happen once so we'll saddle
1747s correctly pick a bandwagon winner on
1750s turn one
1751s absolutely not
1755s oh I even picking purely at random we're
1759s gonna play six games today and I would
1761s have a one in eight chance of doing it
1762s purely by chance so I have six shots at
1765s a one and eight which means
1766s mathematically I should get it right at
1768s least once on average and I think my
1770s picks will be better than average so yes
1773s the real protest here is that
1775s essentially I'm being nerfed by putting
1777s this into the puzzle box questions I'm
1778s now being forced to make my uh my
1781s bandwagon picks on turn one every game
1783s because you know they they fear my
1785s analytical knowledge if I got to
1787s evaluate the board state for more than
1789s one turn I don't think it's as simple as
1792s um a one in eight uh times six because
1795s you have to factor in uh your
1799s physical I can't it's gonna be me I was
1801s gonna say your lack of Battlegrounds
1802s knowledge
1804s I feel like uh it's it's even less than
1807s one and eight because you're more likely
1810s to pick the wrong one because you know
1812s anything
1814s is a not accurate B not even how
1818s statistics work but yes moving on will a
1820s player win without a full board in their
1822s final turn uh no I'm pretty sure we both
1824s had yes for this question up until
1826s specifically last night uh when a
1830s particularly uh impactful patch hit the
1833s game a hotfix was snuck in changing a
1836s khadgar evil twin scenario which I think
1839s would have almost guaranteed that we saw
1841s a winner without a full board and also
1843s was a big influence about winning games
1845s without going to turn six honestly
1847s because that caggar strategy is
1848s something you can do without going to
1850s turn six but with that being hot fixed
1852s out last minute the players have a very
1855s very rapid adjustment to be able to make
1857s as to what the metagame now looks like
1860s with that adjustment and we have had a
1862s minor adjustment to make on what our
1863s puzzle box picks are as well yeah a
1866s minor adjustment we did the exact
1869s opposite uh let's see that's a little
1871s bit more severe than a minor adjustment
1874s and then the final question will a
1876s player win a game with wisdom ball you
1878s gotta have faith in the last Lobby
1881s Legends it literally happened in the
1883s first game
1885s of the entire weekend Lobby won game one
1889s it happened
1891s um so I'm going with Yes again uh love
1894s wisdom ball and uh yeah I have faith I
1898s have faith uh there's uh you know so
1901s some high priority quests have have been
1904s added so maybe the pick rate of wisdom
1906s ball will change
1908s but I still feel like it's it's good
1909s we're gonna see players pick it and then
1911s it's just one and eight times however
1913s many Maybe
1916s yep and here is the eight that will be
1918s looking to be the one that picks up each
1921s individual Victory group a remember of
1924s course this is the pool of players that
1925s you are picking your fantasy team from
1928s for group a uh particular standout for
1931s me just looking at this group of players
1933s is say say he has been an absolute
1937s monster throughout the program this
1939s entire year is holding down a phenomenal
1943s top four win rate in the tournament as a
1946s whole up until this point has been a
1949s recurring performer has a first and a
1951s second overall under his belt as well as
1954s an additional top 16 and remember
1956s anytime these players appear on stream
1958s they've already gone through the ladder
1960s qualifying phase and an off-stream
1962s tournament to make it to this point so
1964s say say even showing up multiple times
1966s is impressive let alone picking up the
1968s results he needs so a player to keep
1970s your eye on for sure one of the real
1972s breakout stars of Lobby Legends this
1975s year
1976s well
1977s my breakout star for group a is Kurt
1980s that's right it's Kurt
1986s what
1990s smile TJ different
1994s Kurt
1995s previous graphic oh
1999s yeah same Curt different different photo
2002s um EJ's just such Aficionado he just
2005s noticed a disturbance in the Curt for
2007s another picture she noticed a
2009s disturbance in the Curt yeah
2011s um Kurt uh had a good start to the Gear
2016s um got into the top eight in the very
2019s first uh Lobby legends that we had raid
2022s leaders I think it was
2024s um since then hasn't actually made it to
2025s a broadcast phase of Lobby Legends but
2029s Lobby latency is the time to turn it
2032s around to Gap off the year and then cap
2035s it off again in lobby Legends nine
2038s uh with some dubs so uh we both have
2041s senior health uh senior health uh been
2044s um pretty consistent at least in sort of
2046s the the second half of the year with a
2050s broadcast appearance at least in the
2052s last Lobby Legends so
2054s uh should be fun should be fun both our
2056s fantasy teams are pretty solid but I
2060s have the current advantage
2062s you have the the not picking say say
2065s Nerf in fact on that side and there we
2067s go straight in with a bullet to Lobby a
2072s game number one we are looking at say
2075s say of course previous winner of Lobby
2077s Legend six runner-up in lobby Legends
2080s five and someone that I am picking to do
2082s very well yet again interesting choices
2085s here new when would be the one I would
2088s gravitate towards say say does seem to
2090s agree uh zarella I think historically
2093s has been an extremely high tier hero but
2095s I think personally is struggling a
2097s little bit in the current meta game uh
2100s ways to abuse gold right now I think are
2103s a little bit less important uh ways to
2106s abuse Tempo is generally what the meta
2108s is right now
2110s um and you know the the ability to buy
2111s an extra minion for two gold not quite
2113s as impactful as it has been in some
2114s previous meta games so we are gonna get
2117s some Panda action instead and this is
2120s going to be a Elise hey watch out L hear
2125s about
2126s yep yeah like it don't really don't
2128s really have uh to worry about the
2129s downside as much
2132s um because
2133s Master win
2134s and has a nice little uh shop with the
2137s Sun Bank and relax and be able to do it
2139s look at all those block chips oh gosh a
2143s double
2144s a little bit scary faulty Health hero
2146s being able to kind of take a ramp start
2148s in this situation like settlemental star
2150s or a sunbaking star start with your week
2153s in the initial fight because starting to
2155s take damage early at 40 Health uh when
2157s you're then going to get a very slow
2159s quest to complete which will probably
2160s bleed you some health as well always a
2163s little bit scary but uh don't think
2164s anything else was luckily worthwhile
2167s it's turn two oh no
2171s saddle did not get his bandwagon pick in
2175s on turn one so that's
2177s one out of six down for me in terms of
2182s uh puzzle box questions so if you
2184s haven't put in your post box which I
2186s don't know if it's closed yet but uh
2188s I don't even pick a bandwagon pick for
2190s turn one in game one so I was just
2192s waiting I put I literally put mine in
2194s instantly
2195s [Laughter]
2197s so
2198s I've never done this before TJ I'm too
2200s used to be switching perspectives I'm
2202s out of practice all right I'm sorry I'm
2204s sorry any any believers in chat I'm
2207s sorry I've let you down I will refocus
2209s trust me next game we're gonna nail it
2211s first try okay and it will be first try
2213s because I didn't even try this game
2216s I picked Kurt before Kurt even picked a
2219s hero
2220s no Kurt
2224s I'm a little bit regretful but still
2227s gotta have uh faith in in the Curt
2231s um c'thun's at least to me is not really
2233s like a a winning hero agrees yeah up for
2237s uh type of hero which makes sense
2239s actually for this group stage because uh
2242s like we both mentioned it's top four or
2245s bus right it's all you need to do is
2247s secure enough points to be in that top
2249s four because points are reset going into
2250s the finals tomorrow it doesn't matter if
2252s you finish in first or fourth uh it's
2254s the same outcome uh for you no seating
2256s no nothing so
2260s um did we see what uh I I was probably
2263s putting my bandwagon Pig what Olex uh
2266s initial Quest was I don't believe
2270s we started off on Master no end to see
2273s what that initial hero power was since
2274s we started there anyway so I don't think
2276s we got to see the dinastrius there we go
2278s six minions for shifter zarai which is
2282s not a bad first Quest not particularly
2284s difficult to complete and does give you
2286s some initial uh Tempo early on which is
2290s something you're generally looking for
2291s from that first and atheros Quest
2293s especially now taking an early hit again
2295s 40 Health Heroes taking damage early on
2298s is always a little bit worrying
2300s yeah but and I feel like that's a good
2304s question earlier because it increases
2306s the likelihood that you get a high roll
2308s series yes and uh can just run away with
2312s the game
2315s I've really been liking uh kidnap sack
2319s it's so good it's so good cooked book is
2323s also good but Place six Battle Cry
2325s minions is
2328s um pretty like anti-tempo
2332s yes normally unless the shop is
2335s incredibly kind to you it's a kind of
2338s cookbook that you're gonna start scaling
2340s like turn eight turn nine and even then
2343s that would probably involve like staying
2345s down levels yeah and if you're stuck if
2347s on turn nine the first thing your quest
2350s has done is given plus one plus one to
2352s the next minion that you buy you are
2354s probably bleeding to death at that point
2356s so probably a little bit too slow for my
2358s liking
2360s someone gonna die you think
2363s I think based on the fact that the
2366s lowest Health player is say say who's at
2369s 34 and the Damage cap is still on seems
2373s kind of unlikely yeah oh look at this
2376s star and I like this
2380s double patient scale and decent Tempo
2383s from the robors as well this is uh
2386s pretty good those the robors I think are
2388s going to allow uh
2390s uh basically
2395s stay ahead or even uh in most fights
2398s because they're they're big enough to
2399s where they're snowballing and getting a
2400s Bloodshed in every turn so you make them
2401s bigger which makes it more likely to
2402s keep getting blood gems and then you can
2404s cash in
2405s uh you know three four turns from now
2407s and get something big so I like this
2411s oh that is a nasty value trade and the
2416s end though is going to take the damage
2417s from a two drop here either way but yeah
2419s it's a decent board you have a nice kind
2420s of 50 50 split right a couple of greedy
2422s minions with the patient Scout so you
2423s can milk for Value but at the same time
2425s the road balls are fighting for Tempo a
2428s little bit to defend some health and
2429s ideally I thinking would be looking to
2432s get through those early fights without
2433s taking a significant amount of damage uh
2435s so an unfortunate loss there to the
2437s jandus in the end who was fairly strong
2439s for that turn yeah
2441s yeah at our first uh triple presented to
2446s us here
2447s uh oh wow actually no it's not it's the
2450s second triple because already has the uh
2453s the tabby cat uh tripled on board
2457s um so
2460s Ken
2464s what was it Pirates and quilbore powers
2466s and demons I believe Iris and demons
2469s okay
2470s well
2472s that's gonna be a ways away I feel
2477s I had a patient Scout whoa okay
2482s does that Banner board I guess to help
2484s with Tempo slightly but it's going to be
2487s a pretty weak board especially if Billy
2489s decides to Tavern up again next turn to
2492s try and find something big from that
2493s Alley Cat triple yeah and I I do think
2496s again it's always hard to it's always
2498s hard to predict how The Meta is going to
2502s function uh I know competitive
2505s environment compared to ladder but right
2507s now on ladder at high MMR The Meta is
2509s quite Tempo focused these kind of greedy
2512s scaling quests are often fully doubt
2514s there's like one player that hits in
2516s super high rolls and they beat everyone
2519s eventually but the tempo players bully
2521s everyone out of the lobby that's
2523s essentially how things go
2525s um so you can kind of see that right
2527s with cooking here with a massive board
2529s already has refused even to hold on to
2532s those patient Scouts for maximum value
2534s cash them out has taken a huge board
2536s state in general and you can compare
2538s that to what oleek is doing on the other
2540s side right like imagine these two boards
2542s fighting each other right now there
2545s would not be a happy outcome for olliek
2548s although those shift azerus are starting
2551s to pay out a little bit here yeah
2556s with a Peggy uh that could be
2560s quite interesting but looks like I hate
2563s leg day okay it looks like
2567s I'm gonna hold for a second but it's
2569s gonna take the triple for a five
2572s uh this is
2574s we could be looking at Pirates oh okay
2576s Vanessa Van Cleef that's not
2578s the pirate I was thinking of but uh
2581s still some good scaling going on
2586s it's also I mean agamis bait almost
2589s exclusively a hundred percent of the
2591s time uh don't argue with me TJ I know
2594s you're dying to right now
2596s oh but yeah no here's the thing
2599s on board exactly yeah bannable and the
2603s xerus into the pig probably makes it
2605s appealing here and this is kind of what
2606s I'm talking about this is almost again
2609s just the highest Tempo thing that oliet
2611s can do this turn and I think his
2612s understanding that he needs to go Tempo
2614s here especially going up against a
2615s kertras on the other side as I mentioned
2617s at the start of the turn he hadn't have
2619s done this this turn he was going to get
2621s brutally murdered by his opponent
2623s probably taking a full 15. it's still
2626s not pretty but he might be able to not
2629s get damage capped here with the uh the
2631s extra aggression he's gone for on the
2632s board
2633s yeah no this is a much closer
2637s in fact well I can't see okay
2641s I was thinking they might have been able
2643s to isolate one minute if had uh better
2645s trades but uh seven not too bad uh
2648s considering uh what oleak went into that
2651s turn uh with on his board
2654s yeah we gotta kidnap sack complete we
2656s got some murlocs going on
2660s foreign
2665s back to the hand
2670s decent board uh probably also is again
2673s going to get murdered by the incredible
2675s High Tempo kerchrist on the other side
2676s from kunking which seems to be the theme
2678s of these early fights
2684s king of pirates huh okay
2688s there's a Peggy
2697s what was the quest
2700s look
2702s uh five Battlegrounds for yeah plus
2705s three plus three only henchmen any
2708s henchmen now
2711s I was thinking about the swabby who I
2714s really need these battle cries
2716s I mean it's not ridiculous right if you
2718s don't think you're going to play Peggy
2719s long term uh swabby does theoretically
2723s give you some curved stuff to do next
2724s turn as well and activate the quest but
2727s I think it's a difference between you
2728s know tiny henchman yeah it's a nice
2730s quest to have but it's not one of those
2731s quests you're like okay I'm gonna
2733s revolve my whole game plan around
2735s completing this Quest and then it's
2736s gonna win me the game you know right
2737s which I think is a different situation
2739s where you might pick swabby there but
2740s instead uh just leaning into the parrot
2743s trickster combo just trying to dump a
2745s bunch of Health around on his board help
2747s fight for 10 per bit in the early game
2748s and I think so far you are seeing very
2751s very Tempo focused play from most of our
2754s players up until this point right you
2756s don't see people with four or five
2758s Minions on their board right now
2759s greeding to Triple into a six right
2761s which is something that you might have
2763s been used to seeing historically in high
2764s level lobbies that's not really
2766s happening at the moment unless Lorinda
2769s can show us otherwise but at players
2771s just playing their stuff completing
2772s their quests defending their health and
2774s just trying to play for Tempo is around
2776s as possible
2783s I'll do that now Victory but a victory
2787s nonetheless
2789s and uh I mean tiny hancherman could be
2791s good with the the trickster like you
2794s know you said not revolving the game
2795s plan around it but double my call with
2799s an already large trickster that tiny
2801s hamster can be completed soon
2803s uh could be looking at you know pretty
2806s cool board state with uh like Baron
2809s later on but
2810s we'll see that's still a few turns away
2812s because of five BattleCraft meetings I
2813s don't think this is had any progress on
2815s so it's gonna be a a little bit of time
2818s before we see anything happen Okay got a
2820s six here uh I get yeah Goldring
2826s quite good
2830s yeah all right keep on tripping
2839s uh those are not really it probably just
2844s gonna end up being a manted yep seems
2846s good to me
2847s uh senior health has repeated discover
2850s another hidden body the condition being
2851s friendly minions attack eight times so
2853s if he's playing death rally beasts he's
2856s basically just going to discover a free
2858s minion at the start of every turn is the
2860s way this is gonna work in practice from
2862s here yep
2866s oh
2867s pretty good start I mean I say start but
2870s it's turned heat so
2873s we're we're not like super far into this
2875s game we're gonna start seeing our first
2876s first deaths here soon it looks like
2879s it's going to be uh tattoo
2884s yeah I'm not sure if we've sent you to
2886s at all up until this point
2889s you two tattoo one of those yeah nope I
2892s haven't seen I like turtle there's two
2895s T's yeah Fair uh first appearance in
2899s population to any stage so pregnancy not
2903s having the best start here but uh I
2906s don't think we've seen Ted is bored at
2907s all so
2908s I could have some scaling going on but
2911s needs to do it fast uh because we're
2914s start where damage cap is uh not
2917s relevant uh below 15 so oh my gosh this
2922s hyena is going so hard right now
2926s okay it's a good trade that guarantees
2928s at least a tie no it doesn't the value
2931s trade on the final imp going to the left
2933s means that senior held is going to take
2934s some damage okay tattoo here is the
2937s wisdom ball player by the way this is oh
2939s yeah or puzzle box choices and does find
2943s himself on brand murlocs we didn't
2945s actually
2946s too much into the makeup of the lobby
2949s um it's weird the term murloc Lobby has
2952s kind of changed meaning a little bit
2954s over time normally you would just say
2955s that as Facebook this is a murloc Lobby
2957s I.E a Lobby that murlocs are in but I
2960s think specifically murloc Lobby has now
2963s come to mean Lobby that murlocs are in
2965s the beasts and mechs are not because
2967s those are the lobbies that murlocs kind
2968s of win for free uh be some mechs having
2971s the best chance to stand up against
2973s murlocs oh my gosh
2975s I was laughing at the uh the four I mean
2980s where's the bomb board yes what was that
2983s that specific puzzle box role by the way
2986s what it does is it rolls three minions
2988s and then I believe Phil's the last two
2990s spots with minions from the dominant
2993s minion type that you have on board so
2994s the fact that they were Primal fence is
2996s actually still absurdly lucky even
2999s without the uh even with factoring in
3002s that it's wisdom ball being giving
3003s beneficial roles
3008s yeah honchos here makes sense toxins are
3012s the premium you do not what okay I was
3015s gonna say you do not want that yeah I
3018s was going to pick a swarf in there just
3019s to have a strong report next turn is
3021s that 12 Health yes agreed but Google's a
3024s massive hit there though really
3026s surprised that the third toxin was taken
3028s though because it does mean that you
3029s only get
3030s one toxin Battle Cry in that situation
3033s which is a little bit strange uh did
3036s allow him to Triple into the burger
3037s which was of course a massive amount of
3039s stats overall
3043s yeah and because the less poison these
3046s traits aren't the best they are not no
3050s I think and let's get really dirty still
3053s should be fine here at least not uh yeah
3056s it's gonna be a tie yeah
3058s um but I I liked just picking up a swole
3061s fin at some point and that was offered
3062s it twice just to get a little bit more
3064s stats on the board wow and that's like a
3067s basically like a full murloc shop as
3068s well uh on the re-roll so
3074s I've been around all over the place here
3075s Kurt has the dream
3079s materializing ever so slowly is down at
3082s 12 health and this is not a great board
3085s for this stage of the game that mantid
3087s could do some work for sure uh but that
3090s is a little bit uh underwhelming in
3092s terms of total stats but still oh still
3096s needs one picky though
3098s the only scaling is coming from uh the
3101s the salty looters okay Eliza okay
3106s oh my God that's so much gold there's so
3108s much gold
3110s it really is yeah and the thing is like
3112s you say he needs a Peggy but when you
3114s hit four Hoggers it doesn't necessarily
3117s matter what you then do with the rest of
3120s your board right like people think you
3122s have to go Peggy salty looter Pirates
3124s whatever when you have infinite ogre you
3126s can buy any comp you want you just have
3128s infinite gold it's harder to build
3130s something else instead of just buying
3132s Pirates naturally which is what's going
3133s to ramp your gold anyway but the main
3136s part is just get four Hoggers and then
3138s you win you know you can do anything you
3140s want from that position
3144s oh my goodness the shops have been
3148s terrible okay it gets a poison
3151s it's pretty good
3157s well there's a Peggy in the shop
3163s it's just gonna get the buff out of the
3164s way now just to make sure that he
3166s actually gets it
3168s in some ways
3170s all conditioning on the scally as well
3172s because scally is the biggest dumper
3175s stats with the Eliza does end on hero
3177s power as well just to dump that extra
3178s few stats on board uh probably gonna
3181s work out if he does end up going
3182s infinitely he's going to have the spare
3184s Health uh spare gold at the end of the
3186s turn anyway to always do that so it
3188s makes sense overall that's a really good
3190s trade for Kurt by the way the the
3192s largest minion on the left-hand side not
3194s picking up a value trade in that spot
3196s it's huge
3203s a little tie yeah that is a tie yep okay
3206s that's a good thing I feel that's poor
3210s Kurt because now is going to be be
3213s scaling uh quite well in trickster oh no
3216s my fantasy team
3220s trickster
3223s I did also have senior held in my
3225s fantasy team though so we can call that
3227s one a wash at the very least
3233s yeah and that a new uh
3239s hitting nothing yeah but you can almost
3242s afford to hit nothing with jandus kidnap
3245s sack on brand murlocs because you
3247s already have a bunch of Primal fins that
3250s you can play just with that one Primal
3252s fin that you have on board
3259s yeah I'm gonna talk to in the Primal fan
3261s because you're gonna be keeping it here
3262s anyway it makes sense
3266s foreign
3290s it's really close the natural Divine
3293s shield on tattoo side but then having
3295s the selfless Heroes it really depends on
3297s whether zenu decides to put this
3298s selfless hero in which he does end up
3301s doing
3303s uh
3307s just like that did I do it right
3310s yeah
3317s I it it's like wait wait they weren't
3321s able to sing each other
3332s all right how does this work do we all
3335s get points yeah what happens now I mean
3338s broadcast I picked Tatu so
3342s pretty sure that means I get points uh
3345s well I picked I picked your new who also
3348s won so I'm pretty sure I get points as
3349s well so yeah everyone gets points
3351s everyone gets points yeah
3354s laughs
3358s that's that's the most Lorinda moment
3361s I've ever experienced in my entire
3363s existence yeah yeah I mean what could
3365s possibly go wrong right giving a 75 year
3367s old man a production console right
3369s [Laughter]
3373s give him a stream deck and say you
3376s figure it out
3380s oh
3383s ah meanwhile
3387s how to is now very much stabilized has
3391s picked up those uh Divine shield murlocs
3393s from the puzzle uh from the wisdom ball
3396s which is huge uh speaking of uh
3399s extension hopefully the uh for those of
3402s you who have bet yes on the wisdom ball
3404s winning again uh tattoo will continue to
3406s march on here
3414s delno fourth hogger for Kurt come on
3422s it's going on out here
3426s it's just marching on through this turn
3431s that's kind of what I mean right like
3432s big minion big minion and then poison
3435s scam everywhere else right he's not
3437s leaning too hard into the Pirates the
3439s Peggy is not even making the board State
3441s here he understands that particularly
3443s without going infinite in this spot he
3445s is better off just leaning a little bit
3446s harder into the poison scam as well
3448s which makes sense to me overall yeah
3454s and uh is going to be going up against
3456s tattoo so
3458s we saw tedu have a really good uh shop
3461s when we left the board and already had
3464s strong murlocs uh with Divine Shields so
3469s okay
3470s mannequin lives which is big
3475s [Music]
3479s we now have four attacks passes five
3481s attacks poison is left on everything
3483s which means this is a guaranteed victory
3486s on the other side but we're just the
3488s rockpool living Kurt is going to survive
3491s live to fight another day cooking's
3494s still just winning fights on this
3496s extremely Tempe Tempo heavy cartridge
3498s game up until this point have not seen
3500s him for a while and now there we are
3502s seeing these leaning a little more
3504s heavily into the Bell bat angle
3507s olig meanwhile has continued to live the
3510s dream with the uh the agam that I called
3512s bait early on
3520s and just about gets there gets that huge
3524s kill as well on say say knocking him out
3527s nice and early say say a player from my
3530s fantasy team player that I'm picking
3532s overall to do very well in this
3533s tournament going out in sixth place
3534s olliek now has picked up a big victory
3538s see what he is doing with this
3541s spellcraft Quest you would imagine has
3544s just been juicing the agum
3547s oh yeah
3549s I mean it depends right you can kind of
3552s wait and see how many blood gems you
3553s pick up on any individual term because
3555s it might even still just be better to
3556s kidnap sack the trickster in some
3558s situations right just to get the the
3560s golden Health buff flying around problem
3563s is you would imagine olliek has been
3566s dodging all the murloc players up until
3568s this point with this board because this
3571s board does absolutely nothing against
3573s poison murlocs it's just stats yep uh
3577s which I can appreciate I I love me some
3580s agam stats but uh with gem splitter
3584s being gone I feel like agum has
3587s uh I guess a ball of minions it's still
3590s fine in you know some lobbies I was I
3595s was talking as if this was golden Hammer
3596s it's no it's kidnap sack I'm being
3598s stupid my apologies
3600s they have the same oh no no they don't
3603s they're both spell crap but they're not
3605s on the same Market it's literally a sack
3607s saddle yeah yeah exactly it's a picture
3609s of a
3611s service looks like it could be used for
3612s kidnapping what an idiotic boob I am
3616s okay
3617s it's probably like for years yep no damn
3621s straight you know lorindo is a good
3622s friend of mine I just thought I'd do
3623s something dumb to get the heat of
3625s Lorinda ah yes
3627s little kind yep
3633s oh no
3636s [Music]
3638s 50 50 to survive at the end if the agam
3641s had gone left into the brand found the
3642s value trade and then would have traded
3644s one for one on the other side don't know
3645s what the odds were on the fight overall
3647s but certainly at the very end there
3648s there was a 50 50 to be found
3650s are two rolling down super hard now hits
3653s the tech cardboard which now includes a
3656s couple of new cards uh from the the new
3659s set that has come out but still the
3662s cards that you might just be looking for
3664s here uh tunnel Blaster is a thought
3667s obviously you do have a couple of divine
3668s Shields of your own oh oh running it
3670s back
3672s take two
3673s why'd this one be wrong okay this one's
3676s right I know this one's right
3682s um
3687s so I guess we're still calling this one
3689s right in terms of our data entry
3692s still only one selfless on on Kurt's
3696s side
3697s there's two million types for the minute
3700s Queen
3701s and kunking has the Leroy plus a
3705s selfless of his own plus a Divine Shield
3707s plus two poisons two working on my
3710s thought process here
3713s two mounteds on two minion types as well
3717s yeah
3718s in terms of the stats of the Minions
3720s that matter this 140 140 covers
3722s everything though so I do actually think
3724s this is a pretty good choice I think
3726s this is a very close fight good job
3728s Lorinda assuming they are actually
3730s fighting each other yeah assuming
3732s they're playing against each other
3736s the white man attacked on and right at
3738s the end but smack dab in the middle and
3741s it's a minion already with time so
3745s that's good though Divine Shield proc
3748s that was the one you wanted Leroy takes
3750s down a poison those trade one for one
3752s this Divine Shield is now going to
3753s guarantee do nothing unless it goes
3755s right no that's a big deal
3758s and that is going to spell disaster for
3761s our hero and Kung King is picking up the
3764s victory on this one eliminating Kurt in
3767s fourth place a valiant effort from uh
3770s TJ's favorite player in the tournament
3773s we still got Turtle left in near wisdom
3775s ball we could see it on the first game
3777s again sorrow
3785s you always have faith you always believe
3788s in the wisdom ball always believe in the
3790s wisdom ball
3792s oh a baron
3794s one step closer and with wisdom ball oh
3798s you get a baron every time
3804s he didn't even need to discover
3817s the walking Fort Valley oh
3823s wait what
3826s you tread on sacred ground oh just
3830s making board space I guess and doesn't
3831s want to sell the mannequin okay
3839s uh is it three more three murloc players
3842s uh yeah in the top three
3846s nope I forgot about no uh it's the I
3851s don't even know what you'd call this
3853s it's Menagerie I mean it yeah it's you
3856s can call it Menagerie it's still
3858s essentially poison scam right like three
3860s Minions on the border Leroy and poisons
3862s and then you can call the hundred
3863s hundred a functional poison you can call
3865s the Fel bat a functional poison if you
3867s want to look at it that way it's very
3868s similar to the board that Kurt built
3870s right where he had the massive hogger
3872s the massive salty looter and then just
3874s made everything else in else poison to
3876s fill in the gaps it's a very common way
3878s of playing the end game where you're
3880s gonna scale throughout the mid game and
3882s then you abandon all but your biggest
3884s two or three scaled minions to replace
3886s them very quickly with poisonous yeah
3894s decent Shields it means the baron has no
3896s chance of being able to Prock it there
3899s but I believe one of these tokens is
3901s gonna have to take that Divine Shield
3903s exactly okay that is a big deal
3905s the one of the poison goes down which
3907s means this is now going to be a dub if
3910s this goes right and it does as a win for
3913s kunking dealing 12 damage here to Janu
3917s but no deaths in this instance unless
3919s matu is going to shamefully die to
3923s Kurt's ghost which I don't think is
3924s going to happen no no chance
3927s zero chance oh my goodness
3933s I had you're just amassing tech cards
3937s here right there's not really too many
3939s ways to kind of improve this board
3941s considering you don't really want to
3942s sell off any of these minions
3945s yes you essentially you're pretty much
3947s done with your com if you roll another
3951s Divine Shield board from wisdom bull
3953s when you hit a murloc then you might
3955s pick up another Divine Shield pick up
3956s another toxfin replace one of these
3958s minions with existing Divine Shield but
3960s at that point you've kind of already hit
3962s diminishing returns on Divine Shields
3964s right too naturally on the board and
3965s then you're you have golden Baron golden
3967s selfless like that's already more Divine
3969s Shields than you possibly need so I do
3972s think tech cards are more the order of
3975s the day reacting to what your opponents
3977s are doing maybe looking for tunnel
3979s blasters in certain instances but
3981s because what we have is a full Divine
3984s Shield poison battle down at the end if
3986s you want to include kunking in that
3988s which I would uh I think tattoo is just
3991s in the best position I think tutu is the
3994s player everyone else has to Tech card
3996s around in this situation right because
3998s today is just done this is the board
4000s this is what you want
4004s tattoo is just has just one Hearthstone
4007s Battlegrounds
4008s play it at me
4015s oh these attacks are so good as well oh
4018s whenever you're selfless hero
4020s clears a Divine shield in a late game
4022s Divine Shield poison battle best feeling
4025s in the world
4026s oh yeah look at that
4034s lives lives okay everyone hanging on in
4038s there
4040s at last Church goes hello come on Cut We
4045s Believe
4046s oh
4054s okay
4058s we're like you to find the difference
4060s between these two pictures
4065s they are the same picture
4068s Golden Bear versus non-golden Baron
4071s which is the only difference and the
4073s natural Divine Shields as well from the
4075s wisdom ball rolls so
4078s um
4079s doesn't matter how many stats you have
4081s look at the day so sorry can we can we
4085s go back to genuine again please
4089s because that yeah okay that tunnel
4091s Blaster that John used roll past I think
4092s is a lot more interesting than the
4094s tunnel blaster on the other side for
4095s tattoo
4096s um because his tunnel Blaster could
4098s theoretically remove some of those
4099s Divine Shields I don't know how much of
4101s tattoos board Janu has seen because
4103s obviously those natural Divine Shield
4105s poison murlocs can take you by surprise
4108s if you don't know they're there
4110s um but Junior has to find a plan here
4112s because he's losing the Divine Shield
4113s battle so he has lots of options in his
4115s hand of Leroy even the gas coilers right
4119s can be useful in terms of being Divine
4121s chill poppers in certain situations can
4122s also drop additional leroys but he is
4125s certainly the one who has to play from
4126s behind here and Tech a little bit he's
4129s gonna go with the void Lord as his
4130s weapon of choice just for trying to bust
4132s some Divine Shields actually replaces
4134s the baron with it overall deciding that
4137s this void Lord is more valuable for
4139s divine Shield busting uh
4142s you're sacrificing two additional Divine
4146s shields in order to have at maximum the
4148s chance to get rid of or Divine Shields
4152s which never happens right usually it's
4154s like how many boardwalkers you're gonna
4156s get is if you get one Divine shield with
4158s the initial hit and then I I guess three
4161s but
4162s but I think what this was about right I
4164s think he had seen the board State
4165s significantly and he knew the size of
4167s the selfless so by putting the void Lord
4170s in the selfless actually hasn't propped
4172s yet but unfortunately the baron value
4175s traded
4177s he's actually got there that is such a
4180s sick play from John Yu with the the void
4183s Lord in the end just delaying the Divine
4185s Shield value to the point where he
4187s actually picks up a victory but guess
4188s what TJ it's only eight damage
4192s Kurt's ghost no
4198s laughs
4202s if only the uh the the like the AI I
4207s guess the ghost
4208s just at least press the hero power each
4211s turn you know
4213s yeah
4214s probably pretty big probably wouldn't
4217s make a difference though because at this
4218s point in the game stats don't really
4220s matter but
4221s just uh riding down Junior game one void
4225s Lord in my notes Lobby Legends graded
4227s coming to you very shortly
4229s yeah it's almost gonna do it in the
4232s break yep
4242s so we added another poison and we took
4245s away the selfless
4248s that was in but has another selfless I
4251s like this oh yeah talk about Divine
4255s Shield poppers
4257s Divine shield on the bowl of minions as
4260s well throw this away and got another
4262s Leroy the selfless hero I think is
4264s fairly irrelevant unless you get golden
4265s selfless I don't think it's worth a
4267s space on your board I think this is
4269s correctly played here from kunking just
4272s evaluating trying to get one big trade
4274s with the giant minion up first and then
4277s use the tokens that drop to pop some
4279s Divine Shields I think this is good
4280s ordering overall
4283s Yep this is the good order for him as
4286s well now the shields will go off the
4288s Leroy will kill the giant minion and now
4290s he gets some tokens to try and attack
4291s into Divine Shields
4293s Leroy's attacking into Divine Shields
4295s are also absolutely fine there you go
4300s and that's a DOT yeah easy win a lot of
4305s drama in the last one but this one
4308s didn't even need the reborn gas boiler
4310s which is uh interesting that was just a
4313s very solid uh Victory and now it's down
4316s oh how do you and Kun King
4319s tattoo has gone to six though which is
4321s important because that is another of the
4323s puzzle box questions tattoo was low
4324s level for most of this game which kind
4326s of goes hand in hand with the wisdom
4327s ball strategy uh but has gone to six now
4330s at this point which means both of our
4331s players left surviving are on Tavern six
4333s so can still get a yes on the puzzle box
4336s for winning with wisdom Ball but there
4338s will not be a yes in game one for
4340s winning without going to tan six
4348s literally the board has oh
4352s remember before when I said you'd hit
4355s diminishing returns on Divine Shields
4362s you have the burger here anyway so I
4364s don't think it's ever parrot right I
4366s don't think it's ever a power angle no I
4368s told his board literally hasn't changed
4370s no it's turned 16. yep these tech cards
4375s in hand have they've just been steadily
4377s growing none of them have been used it's
4379s just that situation like yeah maybe I'll
4381s need that I guess and yeah deciding that
4383s this is now the moment
4384s you're going to try and manipulate some
4386s of the combat RNG with a few taunts
4394s taunted Leroy I think always a nice
4396s Gambit to go for
4398s in top two catch your opponent by
4400s surprise with that taunted Leroy I think
4402s in this instance if your opponent's
4405s paying attention he knows you have
4406s taunted Divine Shield poison anyway
4408s which means they're unlikely to put a
4410s massive minion up front yeah it's gone
4411s for divine Shield theoretically up front
4414s I say theoretically that has not worked
4416s out at all
4420s like this the golden the or Not Gold the
4424s Green Point Gas Square could be easier
4425s because todo's stats aren't that high
4428s that's a really bad Leroy attack though
4432s Leroy taking out the minion that had no
4435s Health essentially if the Leroy had hit
4437s one of the 40 Health minions may have
4439s been okay selfless hero okay who takes
4443s out the big poison
4446s The Crawling juice
4459s out of nowhere we talked about gas
4462s coiler scams and we're normally thinking
4464s in terms of Leroy Jenkins specifically
4466s but it turned out with the Croc Rat Pack
4469s drop coming off the gas coiler actually
4472s just enough recurring stats to get there
4476s in the end and kunking shattering the
4479s dreams of not only tattoo but of all the
4483s wisdom ball Believers in game one
4485s because that was a devastating last
4489s minute reversal what an ending DJ
4493s foreign
4494s I mean how unlikely would it be for us
4497s to in for the second Lobby Legends in a
4500s row have will a player win with wisdom
4502s ball
4504s and then have it happen in the very
4507s first game both times with me picking
4511s yes both times
4513s so I'll take it I still have faith it's
4515s gonna happen
4516s uh just that house that the best chance
4520s we're ever gonna get it was the ball
4523s Believers it was so close but I mean
4525s shafts to cooking overall who uh by the
4529s way is in my fantasy team for group ah
4532s this board did not look like the winning
4534s board right when you looked at perfect
4536s golden selfless golden Baron full Divine
4538s Shield murlocs sorry full poison murlocs
4541s two of which having Divine Shield
4542s already then you look at cooking's board
4544s which has like a Nightshade matron on it
4546s you know right it didn't feel like it
4548s was the board that was going to get
4549s there but specifically picking the right
4552s options for the right fight uh in
4554s particular that void Lord pick up oh no
4557s that was your new sorry but the the
4559s reborn gas coiler picking up those extra
4561s that little bit of extra juice for
4563s dealing with Divine Shields I think
4565s that's something that good players
4566s demonstrate quite well in these late
4568s game poison battles yes poison battles
4571s can seem a little bit futile at times
4573s but the really good players
4575s can understand when a card like gas
4577s coiler void Lord all of these things are
4580s useful not only when to buy them but
4582s where to position them in your lineup as
4585s well to make sure that your small
4586s minions have the maximum chance of
4588s hitting Divine shields on the other side
4589s which is something that I think that
4591s cooking and genu did incredibly well uh
4594s in that late game battle which did go on
4596s for an extremely long time by the way
4598s yeah was that was that turn 20 or 219
4600s something like that you know yeah very
4603s long uh first game whatever it was
4607s um but that you know that's the nature
4608s of this those uh uh murloc top fours
4611s because you're dealing such little
4613s damage uh even when you do win because
4615s it's usually only one or two minions and
4617s they're usually low Tavern tier still
4619s but uh very exciting uh first game for
4623s for this uh this Lobby a Lobby one uh
4626s Lobby one a
4629s um but we still have a lot more action
4630s to come we have two more games for this
4632s Lobby plus the entire uh second Lobby so
4635s five more left on the day plenty more
4637s chances for a player to pick wisdom ball
4639s and win and plenty more Champion or
4642s plenty more games
4644s uh for uh saddle to forget to put in his
4647s bandwagon on turn one so it's gonna
4650s happen at least one more time you're
4651s gonna do the subtle thing where you're
4652s like I'm so smug I'm gonna I have this
4655s really good point I need to say and
4656s they're gonna completely skip turn one I
4658s I wish I could argue with that but that
4660s is exactly what happened in game one yes
4662s yeah I know I've absolutely nailed me
4664s indeed I know I know but uh before we
4667s jump into that second game we are gonna
4668s have to go to a quick break but don't go
4670s anywhere more Lobby Legends action right
4672s after this
4673s [Music]
4675s foreign
4697s [Music]
4703s [Music]
4707s foreign
4711s [Music]
4738s [Music]
4746s oh
4751s [Music]
4766s [Music]
4778s [Music]
4786s [Music]
4797s foreign
4804s [Music]
4812s [Music]
4822s [Music]
4830s thank you
4836s [Music]
4848s foreign
4852s [Music]
4857s [Applause]
4860s [Music]
4873s welcome back to Hearthstone
4874s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends Hallows end
4878s we call it hollow's end because uh
4880s Halloween ended two weeks ago
4882s uh that's why it's called that I'm TJ
4885s joined by saddle once again and we're
4887s about to jump into game number two of
4889s floppy is it Lobby a is it a or is it
4892s one a it's a okay game two of Lobby a
4896s thank you very much soddle and uh
4899s fantasy team picks uh yeah no surprise
4901s that say say is up at the top given uh
4905s Stacy Says recent performances not even
4907s just recent performances but
4908s performances throughout uh the entire uh
4912s you're winning in lobby Legend six and
4915s um two other appearances on broadcast
4916s besides this uh honestly like you can
4919s tell the Battlegrounds audience is very
4921s different from the constructed audience
4923s right because the constructed audience
4925s would know that I am a prediction God so
4928s as soon as they saw Kung king's name on
4930s the screen under my picks they would
4932s have flocked the bandwagon on my choice
4935s overall uh but not good enough in that
4939s instance he was the lowest picked player
4941s so unfortunately 4chan
4943s picked up the victory in game number one
4949s well subtle you do not have
4952s two prediction trophies
4955s yes I do in your view of sight do you
4957s yes I do
4959s I have three in fact you got trophies
4962s too I thought I stole all of them no you
4964s big if you remember you only have them
4966s because they there was like a
4968s two-for-one deal on everything oh yeah
4970s no no it wasn't it wasn't the extra one
4972s you've never won any I've won the
4974s legitimate ones you've kept the copy of
4976s them all I remember actually one yes my
4979s memory said that I just stole all of
4981s them yes uh and kept them uh because I
4985s won once and we didn't have a trophy the
4986s time that I won
4989s um so that was unfortunate so to to
4992s avenge the fact that I did not have a
4995s trophy the time that I won I stole all
4997s of the trophies but yes you're right
5000s um when you buy trophies it's the same
5001s price to buy two
5004s and we figured that we might as well
5006s have a backup in case the first one gets
5008s lost broken stolen
5012s um
5013s and so I just took them so now I have
5015s two and I think I have a half prediction
5018s trophy as well somewhere
5020s broke on
5023s on something all right here we go get
5025s into the game
5031s uh this is a very
5036s I would say unique game in terms of hero
5040s choices
5041s a lot of mid-tier are mid to high tier
5044s armor Heroes yeah we also have a cookie
5047s and a garden at the bottom so
5053s yeah zairella a hero I kind of threw
5056s some Shader in the first game of this
5059s Lobby uh just something that my results
5061s have kind of gone fallen off a cliff
5063s with zirella was one of my best
5065s performing Heroes probably top 10
5067s performing Heroes previously
5070s um and then in this meta game has just
5071s kind of fallen off a cliff again I feel
5073s like the ability to leverage gold and
5076s find weird curves because once I really
5078s did really well was level sneak in
5080s buying a minion while you're leveling
5082s for a little bit of extra value and then
5084s greed a triple into a five or a six very
5086s very quickly that kind of thing and it's
5088s the kind of gameplay that just doesn't
5089s really work super well at the moment you
5092s do tend to be more successful fighting
5094s for Tempo completing your quest staying
5096s down just a little bit just an extra
5098s turn on four or multiple turns on five
5100s that kind of thing
5102s um zarella for me just doesn't
5103s necessarily fit into that strategy so
5105s interested to see how senior health gets
5107s on with this one
5109s yeah
5111s I don't think we've seen too many like
5114s fantastic zarella performances in recent
5116s history of Battlegrounds Lobby Legends
5117s but
5118s uh definitely a hero that can get top
5121s four quite often
5123s we already had an interesting decision
5124s for cooking here uh taking the sunbaking
5127s relaxer that was buffed uh from the the
5129s Daryl buff instead of the picky eater
5133s um I mean sure it's sort of the same
5135s amount of tempo but some big and relaxer
5137s obviously uh has that incentive to be
5140s sold at some point
5143s um but I guess at the same time the
5144s picky eater is also going to get sold at
5146s some point uh so if you think of it that
5148s way you might as well think the two
5149s bullet jumps more stats over time
5151s precisely yeah it's a little bit weaker
5153s it's one one weaker in terms of tempo
5155s immediately but a full five or a five
5157s six neither of those cards is hanging
5159s around on your board long term so who
5161s cares right just take the one that gives
5162s you the extra bit of value in the long
5164s term
5165s oh
5167s murlocs are open and I see a Snicker
5170s snacks
5173s thicker snacks stickers snacks 14 cards
5178s to hand not that difficult especially
5180s when senior health has held on to a
5183s blood gem generator here firstly quills
5184s are in so that makes cards to hand a lot
5188s easier to begin with secondly does have
5190s the ability to add it straight away
5193s however knapsack four murlocs or beasts
5196s let's see one beast in the shop but uh
5200s none of the hand that were held on to
5202s I don't know I'm I in in a murloc Lobby
5205s I'm just kind of oh no next force gamer
5208s if there's murloc and like there was the
5210s hidden The Crafty hidden murloc there
5212s behind that if there's a Merlot kind of
5213s beast in that show up yeah you take you
5215s take kidnap it's like kidnap sack next
5217s turn a lot of the time right like this
5219s is it has to be the choice I fully agree
5221s with this
5222s yeah yeah well
5224s I disagree that's fine
5228s you're entitled to your incorrect
5229s opinions TJ that's fine uh they're not
5232s incorrect it's subjective it's fun
5234s it's fun your objective is winning my
5238s objective is
5242s winning the fun battle
5245s how's that going for you
5248s going great okay
5251s and speaking of going great genu has
5253s found the overseer on the three on three
5256s curve which is the absolute dream uh
5260s which way around exactly this happened
5262s which came from the cookie hero Pearl
5263s which came from the shop we'll never
5265s know unless Lorinda tells us uh but
5267s either way it's a they're married and
5270s then we'll never know because who trusts
5273s Lorinda Lorinda has confirmed we'll
5276s never know okay
5279s um
5280s but either way this is an incredibly
5282s High Tempo star a little unfortunate I
5284s would say to be fighting a Sneed at that
5286s point in time because one of the few
5289s s that would be able to combat with that
5292s and that is an insane pickup now
5294s Virginia as well munching on quill balls
5296s what is Hello what is happening
5302s that's the juice right what are these
5304s shops that's what we call it in the biz
5311s it's beasts or demons for snicker snacks
5314s okay fine
5316s oh
5319s icker snacks Snicker snacks
5324s I don't think we have a wizard ball in
5326s this game what is that teacher why do
5327s you keep doing is that some sort of
5329s advertising jingle what's happening
5332s um and advertising jingle for snicker
5335s snacks maybe wait a Snicker snacks a
5338s thing
5339s yeah it's a
5341s Quest reward in Hearthstone oh okay no I
5346s thought I thought when you answered that
5347s you were like yes it's from the
5349s television advert for snicker snacks
5352s I I mean
5354s it sounds like a thing America would do
5357s right is take Snickers and then find
5358s some way to like add 99 more processed
5362s sugar into it and then call them Snicker
5363s snacks and then sell them to children
5365s that I mean that sounds like a real
5366s thing that America would do I don't know
5371s speaking of America
5377s you're not saying it right
5380s I can't sorry I have to pronounce vowels
5383s I've apologize
5391s you really Gotta Get Down Low with the
5393s the r right like Kurt
5400s can you say the sentence Kurt sees an
5403s orange squirrel please
5405s Kurt she's an orange girl
5409s down deep with the RS thank you
5413s appreciate it
5414s yeah no problem
5418s all right look at that I hate sleep
5422s wow tell us how you really feel
5426s uh it just never ends
5429s it's true yeah
5431s I don't know how but it just never does
5437s like I get to a late game before against
5439s this need and I'm like all right I got
5441s him and then something pops out and then
5444s another thing pops out yeah big drops
5447s just dropping Leroy's all of a sudden
5449s yeah I was just about to point this out
5451s has a pretty dreamy quest for Snead as
5453s well 25 friendly minions die uh for
5456s start turn two round of murlocs is
5458s pretty huge for Snead that's very very
5460s quickly going to be completed likely
5462s we'll be getting two random murlocs at
5464s the start of turn next turn I believe
5466s was that 17 out of 25 we were looking oh
5468s yeah unless uh uh cooking is like really
5472s weak but this board actually isn't
5474s particularly strong surprise really
5476s hasn't taken any damage uh so far this
5478s game but I guess did have a good Temple
5480s start and then from there has been like
5482s taverning up
5484s um using a lot of the hero Powers here
5487s so thank you Lorinda who is letting us
5489s know that the cookie is holding on to
5492s that uh triple that we saw in shop a
5495s couple of turns ago so it looks like as
5497s I was saying not the most common thing
5499s in the world players to freeze triples
5501s and greet them for multiple turns in
5502s this meta game in my experience
5504s absolutely zero Armor Hero yeah but it
5508s looks like that is going to be the case
5509s with John you but it does kind of make
5511s sense because as we said the position
5512s that he is in he's monstrously strong
5515s with that double overseer and the blood
5516s gems that he's been getting every single
5518s turn as well so if anyone is in a
5520s position to be able to do that John you
5522s might be it
5523s yeah well
5527s uh continuing is Daryl with tiny
5530s henchmen so
5534s that could be a very interesting board
5536s in the in the next coming turns oh
5540s none of those are named Feldman
5545s oh there is
5546s pretty good
5548s out is good yeah but I not necessarily
5550s sure that quilboar is ever really a
5553s world that you want to be in but fight
5555s he does have the the duo already which I
5558s think is
5559s the highest Tempo option when you get
5562s dark days right Geo is the one that just
5563s grows ridiculously quickly
5568s really want a giant self of zero yes
5571s absolutely
5576s I don't wanna actually change my mind
5582s you sell one more right I think I think
5584s he's so won by the selfless roll one by
5586s one yeah looks good to me
5589s I liked uh nothing scares me uh cell two
5593s no cell three by the selfless and Tavern
5596s up
5599s I don't
5603s just start selling yourself you just
5605s have a giant selfless hero and then a
5608s minion that already has Divine Shield
5609s yep sounds good
5612s that's it that's the board and you're at
5615s Tavern tier three cool
5618s I like this Choice by the way small
5620s details but kunking deciding he well
5622s essentially not deciding what he wants
5625s to taunt right now you can taunt your
5627s selfless you can taunt a Divine Shield
5628s you can taunt something else these all
5630s have their relative merits based on late
5632s game decisions like everywhere
5634s everything else wants to go furthermore
5636s he guarantees the uh tiny henchman Quest
5639s on the Minions that are actually going
5640s to be super relevant so just all the
5642s small things being done right here from
5644s cook king so far and certainly does not
5646s need that extra minion on board because
5648s we are at the stage in the game where
5650s Daryl is just monstrously powerful just
5653s an order of magnitude stronger than
5655s everyone else in the game right now yeah
5657s especially with Daddy actually I could
5660s just
5663s um just stats stats on stats just
5665s pumping
5666s yep oh say say turns seven cookbook
5670s online
5671s okay
5673s do we have any Buffs yet
5677s we will find out very soon uh I mean I'd
5681s imagine there's one on the pup bot
5685s a bot is a 3-2
5688s I don't know for sure I'm just what was
5690s the quiet the quest was friendly minions
5692s attack 16 times yeah so it would seem
5695s that any minion in his hand oh okay
5697s we're three plus yeah okay fine
5700s what plus five plus five already nice
5702s and plus five plus five on The Menagerie
5704s Mark sure
5708s pretty good going how's the brand as
5710s well which is massive right in terms of
5711s being able to generate some potential
5713s economy down the line
5718s although looking uh dragons are out so
5722s no murazoned potential
5729s and still find murlocs for economy
5732s though
5736s there you go
5738s I would like that exact shop please down
5742s a million and up a goal
5747s I'm just gonna freeze and just buy one
5749s and then
5750s Bell three by tads L3 okay no it gives a
5756s freeze okay
5757s could argue double cell Tad sell
5760s something else buy the deflecto
5762s especially since you have the rendel on
5764s board right now which yeah might do that
5766s which is not ideal because that doesn't
5768s get the cookbook buff and I think yeah I
5770s think States they say kind of wrinkling
5771s his brow there did not necessarily
5773s consider this eventuality uh the Rendell
5777s here kind of being as much of a
5778s detriment as it is a help at this point
5780s I kind of want to argue for the cell
5783s three by deflecto plan honestly
5788s still in a very strong position with the
5792s early cookbook already a lot of Buffs
5794s and what okay tattoos dead I don't even
5797s look at the health total
5804s Barden crashing and burning I think
5807s Varden one of the biggest feast or
5810s famine heroes in the game they can
5813s absolutely pop off if you are able to
5815s get some strong pairs or triples early
5817s and then do just gets stuck getting some
5821s fairly kind roles in the late game but
5822s when you miss as Varden you miss so
5825s incredibly hard like you have very high
5827s potential for your hero power to just do
5829s absolutely nothing over the course of
5831s the game and then you die which having
5833s not seen tattoo up until this point I
5835s would imagine is what's happened
5839s oh yeah
5841s Trickster
5843s on my fantasy team
5845s the red hand plus rag
5850s you know how much I love stats saddle
5855s it had a mackerel too yeah
5859s both of those things so
5862s I'm sure it'll be good to keep an eye on
5863s as this game goes on but it's also
5866s murloc lobby but macros are can be
5868s pretty good especially if you can get
5869s the macros to a pretty decent size
5870s whether it be
5872s rag or Greek spot later on
5880s yeah even ball of minions these days
5882s right as well is a massively impactful
5884s change that's hit the game recently
5886s essentially replacing amalcum with ball
5888s of minions which has become yes it's
5890s Tavern four so it's rarer it comes later
5893s in the game there's less of them that
5894s you find I think when you find ball of
5897s minions though in a shop it's good so
5900s much more often than a late game amalgam
5902s was in a lot of positions like amalgam
5904s was only ever really bought in the late
5905s game to put Divine shield and poison on
5907s a bowl of minions like if it's a pirate
5910s sick you buy it you know if you're
5911s playing infinite hogger it's insane if
5913s you're playing no me and you roll into
5914s it sick it's insane if you're playing a
5916s little Rag and you roll into it and say
5917s it's just a it's just a good card yeah
5927s again Sneed fights an absolute nightmare
5931s to predict I'm realizing now I should
5933s not have said that out loud because I'll
5935s give Lorinda uh ideas any any moment now
5939s uh we've got to see how many layers of
5941s death rattle that we do have in here
5943s there's none not enough yeah they went
5946s down early as I was beginning that
5948s sentence yeah then oh yeah needs to
5951s start finding some big stuff uh it does
5955s have the two random murlocs at the
5956s beginning of the turn so it can uh kind
5958s of beat these stats a little bit if you
5959s start getting that poisonous
5962s and so senior held on the on the zirella
5967s has actually uh started rolling with the
5969s leapfroggers okay
5972s and that is going to be a Barren
5974s surviving win as well so big damage
5977s coming through to genuine
5983s I'm actually really curious to see what
5984s uh
5985s um King's been up to uh because we
5988s haven't seen kunking since
5990s like turn five or turn six oh yeah okay
5995s that's the stuff
5997s pretty good
6000s all right you can leave now
6002s yeah floating the one there's nothing
6005s that you can do in that situation I
6006s don't think to spend that one gold
6008s efficiently obviously didn't see what
6009s got him into that position but no way to
6012s sell enough stuff you want to sell way
6014s more stuff than just two minions before
6015s buying that deflector so you're just
6017s gonna have to sit there and hold the one
6019s burned gold
6021s okay
6025s children the only thing that really
6027s factors yeah necrolyte just buffing
6030s minions along the way this is important
6032s this is good play from senior Hill just
6034s adding stats where possible to his
6036s minions uh reason being he if opponent
6039s plays tunnel Blaster against you uh you
6042s lose a massive amount of your board if
6044s you don't buff the minions you can lose
6045s all of your rats so rat packs and sewer
6047s rats and then if you don't have any
6049s death rattles left on your board the
6051s frogs don't have enough time to
6053s duplicate even if you have golden Baron
6055s and whatever else a lot of people still
6057s think that zap is the best counter to
6058s LeapFrogs it's not it is tunnel blaster
6060s in most scenarios and that's what senior
6062s held is currently in the process of
6064s playing around by just adding that
6065s little bit of stats here and there to
6067s his board yeah and to be honest there's
6069s not like that much to spend your gold on
6072s let's leap rockers anyway so you might
6076s as well be looking for those things
6077s early on in the game because you often
6079s find these times where you're literally
6081s just rolling for like one or two
6083s specific things
6085s uh in the later stages because once you
6087s reach a certain point it just gets
6089s difficult to improve your board you're
6090s just looking to hold on to text and
6092s increase your stats where you can
6094s now where these initial frogs land is
6097s going to be important so far so good
6101s yeah I mean decent outcomes so far
6104s four Curts basically you want as many of
6106s the frogs to go right as possible
6108s because it means that less duplicate
6109s over the course of the fight
6112s but I still think unless this Baron
6115s attack goes through immediately which is
6117s not going to because the sewer rap now
6120s gets to attack into the Divine Shield
6121s poison and summon the taunts
6123s it looks to me like the xirella is okay
6126s from here yep
6128s oh actually actually there's a void Lord
6133s 's a big deal because that means the rat
6135s does not now duplicate but it also means
6137s this Baron doesn't duplicate
6140s where does this attack go yeah it's not
6141s gonna be good enough
6143s a lot of damage though I think in the
6144s end with the not rat not splitting I
6147s think that rap would have split open if
6148s it wasn't for the void Lord in the end
6150s so just taking the three damage from the
6151s rat as opposed to the full board
6155s oh okay
6157s and you went in on the quote Wars
6161s uh held on to the darkley's Elder that
6163s he hit very early on
6165s uh with the uh the held triple dark
6168s glaze Elder
6170s duck got sticker snacks on the brain I
6172s know you taking the donuts now and like
6175s oh I could use a little bit of a sticker
6178s snack donut right now a little bit a
6180s little bit dark glaze on the top
6189s does have the luxury of fighting the
6191s ghost here as well so it can pretty much
6193s just set this up for the following turns
6196s all right
6198s is your red hand rag you were so excited
6200s about a couple of turns ago how are you
6202s feeling
6202s I'm feeling good got a ball of minions
6205s in hand with red hand
6210s that's the stuff right there
6213s also the stuff what I mean this board
6216s state is quite impressive what's more
6217s impressive is that trickster has a
6219s stable internet connection from the
6221s desert temple that he's currently
6222s streaming from which
6230s looks pretty cool it does
6238s Earth mystery
6240s house don't dig too far down or you'll
6242s find the TNT and that won't end well for
6244s anyone
6246s I
6248s how long has this ball of minions been
6249s in hand
6252s great question that is a fantastic
6254s question Brenda
6257s subtle would know if he was spectating
6261s Lorinda said great question
6264s oh the Leroy up first that's that's the
6268s kind of situation where if that happens
6270s to you as a streamer you go on a 45
6273s minute rant about how you're being
6274s stream sniped right when you have met
6276s you have Metro on the far right and your
6279s opponent just has any form of brain yeah
6281s can't can't accept that absolutely has
6283s to be being streamed
6284s [Applause]
6288s this is so much damage coming through
6291s that deflecto's gonna have to do so much
6293s work
6295s okay the one one didn't bump The Shield
6296s that means there's a good chance here
6298s for this to clean up some of the damage
6299s does take the sixth drop and the five
6301s drop down with it in the end big big
6304s deal for trickster in terms of reducing
6306s damage at the end though yeah that was
6309s uh fortunate to say the least given how
6313s that looked right at the beginning
6315s maybe we'll get a look at ball minions
6317s but
6318s 17-17 okay whatever that was first turn
6321s whatever uh but does get talk spin
6326s so setting that up
6328s um buff could go on the talkspin though
6330s which is a little bit awkward for the
6332s red hand if you want to keep with the
6333s ball of Maintenance going I guess you
6335s could just put it on the board now if
6336s you find like an oil module but yeah
6338s because this road board is not doing
6340s much more so you have two easy cells and
6343s this is one of my biggest problems with
6345s red hand as a quest reward is there's a
6348s lot of Lobby like this Lobby setup is
6350s one of the biggest ones for it because
6351s it's Max and murlocs in a Mech plus
6354s murloc Lobby you buy most toxins and
6357s annoya modules that you see at any point
6359s right and then you just hold you just
6361s hold on to them until you're able to get
6363s those Divine Shield poisons down later
6364s but you know yes the annoyer module sure
6367s you can argue holding that in hand for a
6368s few turns is fine but in spots like this
6370s it can be a little bit awkward overall
6372s force you to use cards immediately or
6375s get weird Buffs senior Herald now
6377s speaking of weird Buffs does have the
6379s golden Baron rolling with this
6381s leapfrogger comp so he is looking like
6383s the player to beat in this one
6386s um but I wouldn't mind doesn't have to
6388s be right now but taking a look at say
6389s say again in the near future because we
6392s probably missed four or five turns of
6394s cookbook scaling now at this point so
6396s interesting to see where say has got to
6398s that's pretty good
6405s I was expecting bigger okay that's on
6409s the right track there we go that's a
6410s little bigger
6413s yeah that's fine
6417s they're just a poison Tad okay fine sure
6422s 27 and 28.
6427s in this thing
6430s this is as I knew on the
6434s what was originally Quail ball scaling
6436s that is no longer coil ball scaling
6444s but these poisons have gone down too
6447s early and the Battle Master will be able
6449s to solo from here
6450s so big damage for say
6454s yeah
6456s three uh interesting point shouldn't you
6459s it's just roast out at least for the
6461s time being it won't hold up but it does
6464s have tunnel Blaster so I feel like he's
6467s fine against everything else but here we
6469s go the golden Baron
6471s and leap Frogger yeah that one's already
6474s over yeah
6479s polyak being taken down as well
6486s gosh yeah no way back from here there
6489s was already no way back before we cut
6491s away for the death
6494s big damage as well from a leapfrog
6497s aboard normally finally Froggers at this
6499s point in the game is fine you lose
6502s because you haven't had time to set up
6503s your your counter Tech but you tend not
6505s to lose by much that was a monstrous
6508s beating in terms of how much damage
6510s Elite Frogger board does to you
6513s I'll do what I can all right good old
6516s Kurt
6518s hey watch out
6527s they were in a white man in hand
6534s are we gonna transfer the stats over to
6537s the Hydra I'd imagine with the Necro
6539s Light yeah so I suspect that the Hydra
6544s white Mane is the uh the plan for
6548s dealing with the leapfroggers yeah
6558s in that case do you even need to
6560s transfer the stats yet I guess you still
6563s do because the baron is quite large
6567s I don't even think I think it's even got
6570s 20 Health at the moment
6574s and it's just better to have the stats
6576s since the bald minions already has
6578s Devonshire poses anyway so
6581s it's quite it's a useful phrase on the
6584s other side there as well because it
6585s allows him to get out of white Main and
6588s then pick up a spare white Mane again
6590s for the future if he needs it again for
6591s another leap progress fight yeah
6594s and could pick up Leroy as well
6597s just to have a second one in case you go
6599s up against like Devonshire murlocs all
6601s right here we go oh put the weight main
6603s second from the left wants to go the
6606s opportunity does go second okay big hit
6610s big big hit and that from here could be
6615s 24. like this could be dead from this
6617s position oh yeah
6620s especially uh another white man should
6622s die well
6626s well
6628s you say that oh
6630s okay nope
6633s three three okay oh okay how much damage
6637s is left now Kurt is on six that's six
6641s twelve Seventeen twenty one twenty three
6642s still lethal it's still lethal that's
6644s gonna be enough wow the white man
6647s attacking putting it second from the
6648s left do you know how to even move the
6650s baron over to try and give protection
6652s against it but a nice little spot by
6655s Kurt and I mean senior held was really
6659s strong like really strong uh oh
6662s oh oh 18.
6666s [Music]
6668s oh the gas coiler always a scary moment
6672s when it comes down to those situations
6673s that was a lot of damage from the gas
6675s coiler but not enough
6678s if you want a golden deflecto
6684s yeah I don't think so from that position
6688s oh okay we're into a barrel of his
6690s Blessing they love to see it
6700s very very close one tons of stats Divine
6704s shield and poison on both sides
6706s I do think that cleave taunted Leroy
6709s interaction is something that we might
6711s need to look out for though
6725s I'm waiting I'm waiting to the last
6727s second to see where Kurt ends up putting
6729s this Hydra if he keeps it first
6735s double Leroy in hand as well which could
6738s be committed here I think because Kurt
6740s is at 17.
6742s will probably feel like he doesn't
6744s necessarily have to go all in this turn
6746s might just be sitting here no okay it's
6748s gonna go a little bit further dropper
6749s Leroy that's a big deal
6753s you go taunted Leroy here as well which
6755s I think is a big deal for the way this
6758s fight could pan out on the other side
6759s now
6764s oh we went for a different bearov's
6766s blessing choices I I I had to say typed
6769s in and changed it to Kerr on the taunted
6771s Leroy
6773s foreign
6779s the taunted leroys did not work out and
6783s that means that say say is gonna take
6785s this one down from here good job TJ
6788s uh it's not gonna be a huge amount of
6791s damage though
6793s gonna be a w though that means they say
6795s keeps on marching every extra turn you
6797s live with cookbook feels like a new
6799s lease on life
6802s oh
6804s and kinking one for that uh had the big
6808s Tempo start uh with Daryl tiny henchman
6811s but uh the scaling just wasn't there uh
6814s so uh he's gonna fall and was that 39
6817s Health what two three turns ago yeah
6820s welcome tomorrow at all
6822s yep straight to the bottom so
6827s um and interestingly enough we we do
6829s have a murloc lobby but there's not
6833s really many pure
6835s uh murloc players that are in the top
6837s and in fact there's not that many poison
6840s murlocs in general we may start moving
6842s in that direction but in terms of a top
6845s four with murlocs this is less than we
6847s normally see yes and if you turn back
6850s time TJ if he could find a way uh
6854s thank you thank you TJ uh Raven never
6859s gets my Boomer power ballad references
6861s um
6862s I mentioned this in game one right it's
6864s like what is a Divine what is a murloc
6867s Lobby about and I think in this instance
6869s this is the Max Plus beasts murloc Lobby
6872s which is about as weak as murlocs can be
6875s in a murloc Lobby because traditionally
6877s massive deflectos like cooked book
6880s deflectos that can beat murlocs
6883s um and leapfroggers with Baron tends to
6885s beat murlocs as well uh depending on the
6888s tech cards that are available on the
6889s other side so I think a lot of people
6890s are kind of on uh scissors here which is
6893s the things that beat murloc and very few
6895s people are on paper which is the murlocs
6898s themselves
6900s what's Rock
6903s yeah it's not really rock paper scissors
6905s yeah it's it's scissors paper but then
6908s scissors and paper both be everything
6910s else that's available in the lobby so
6912s I'm not quite sure what that analogy
6914s would end up being sore rock yeah
6923s so darok instead of a rock right just
6927s loses to everything yeah yeah
6935s oh okay actually sold off the minion to
6939s make sure or ended with six to make sure
6943s that they would attack first to get the
6946s tunnel Blaster off and then attack yeah
6949s it was really cool actually kills wood
6950s would reset yeah tunnel Blaster Tech to
6954s so he gets to DaVinci back on his macro
6957s because it's a macro and then he had the
6959s guaranteed minion to die as TJ was
6960s saying I think that's a very very nice
6961s setup indeed still is going to take a
6964s small loss here though I think depending
6967s on how these trades go well it's a loss
6970s amount of work because that has uh
6972s microbots yeah but there was a way no
6975s something had to hit the Divine Shield
6976s right yeah so it was always going to be
6978s a loss that's right
6983s okay ah Kurt fell
6987s Kurt's down no there goes my uh down we
6992s never leave a cart behind
6995s I'm gonna just go and uh occurred every
6998s time for
6999s in wagon
7002s I'm realizing that Lorinda actually has
7004s a massive degree of control over my
7006s bandwagon picks because I'm kind of
7008s mandated to bandwagon on turn one
7010s because of one of the the puzzle box
7011s questions so basically whoever Lorinda
7013s shows us first if they have a decent
7015s start I'm picking them right like that's
7017s basically how this is gonna work I mean
7019s you picked CC say both times and I
7021s picked Kurt both times yeah but safe to
7023s say was our first POV both times is the
7025s thing I'm not necessarily just picking
7027s so say because I like say say even
7029s though we're the same
7032s same
7034s guide me
7037s everyone just hanging around with a with
7040s a white Mane in hand here and there
7042s making sure even with the LeapFrog is
7044s dead with senior health just getting
7045s absolutely smacked by the white man
7048s cleave earlier in the game
7054s very very useful card of course for
7056s dealing with deflectos as well which is
7059s largely what this Lobby has devolved
7060s into uh White Mains going up first to be
7063s able to deal with that deflecto problem
7066s yep
7073s I believe this means that SSA is
7077s fighting the ghost this turn so decent
7079s chance that cssa ends up in our top two
7082s who again is my bandwagon pick for this
7085s game
7091s double time
7102s oh it's um
7105s uh maybe no actually yeah what if oh no
7110s oh well you know no
7117s the real question here is Live question
7121s mark
7122s yeah Battle Masters still has a lot of
7125s work to do trickster is only on five it
7129s would be Metro Plus something else that
7131s would have to survive
7133s depending on now how this poison attack
7135s goes okay could be a tie don't hit the
7139s boys
7140s still alive though still alive yeah
7147s is bad news for our hero since you say
7150s not advancing up the rankings based on
7152s this ghost fight and it will now be
7154s trickster who is rewarded
7158s ah yeah magnetic
7163s Ally is just
7165s transitioned like six times because of
7167s cooking books every time we look at CCC
7170s it's just
7172s a different board
7174s will uncover
7176s [Music]
7179s I mean these stats are just
7183s monsters
7189s just has a taunted 90 80 golden Leroy my
7193s favorite part of this comp
7199s debate on the end of this turn as to how
7200s to play it so you could just play your
7203s module on the macro and then double sell
7206s the minions you have to prop cookbook
7208s once more you could just taunt the macro
7211s so there's this play which is taunt the
7212s metro and dropped the additional reset
7215s on the board and then there was also
7216s this play without playing the module on
7218s the macro and just playing the
7220s additional reset on the board all of
7222s which had has Merit uh giving the
7224s mackerel taunt isn't necessarily an
7228s upside in high level games like the
7231s infinite Divine Shield train scams a lot
7233s of people in lower MMR lobbies but
7236s higher MMR lobbies are so Leroy
7238s dominated when we get to this point in
7239s the game that's sometimes taunting your
7241s macro just means you lose your mackerel
7243s to the Leroy that your opponent has at
7244s the start yeah
7245s that's what that's where the 9181
7248s taunted Leroy comes in yes
7254s fixed minion white Mane yet again which
7256s means double taunts on the deflectos
7261s still gets very very good trades with
7264s the deflectos though even with the
7265s Divine Shields and that is going to be
7267s an absolute spanking on the other side
7270s well
7273s um no actually
7276s Leroy is still alive even if this hat
7279s even if this gas cooler had reborn and
7282s summoned four leroys would still be a
7285s loss
7287s can you just hit just hit the Leroy it
7290s just
7291s okay thank you no it's alive oh my God
7297s all right
7299s oh no oh no oh no no I mean yes yes no
7305s exactly like this oh say say bandwagon
7309s pick turn one Believers in chat you are
7313s welcome it took me exactly one attempt
7317s because I didn't even try first game I
7321s literally forgot to do it one attempt
7323s one TJ
7327s this analytical mind of the century
7330s right here look at me bask in my glory
7334s this severely hurts my chances of
7336s getting that puzzle box question right
7343s I need uh I need a wisdom ball game to
7348s uh bring me back in the points
7352s uh what a guy
7355s what a guy
7359s yep
7361s that makes me even more mad that taru
7365s didn't win the first Lobby because at
7367s least we would have been tied on puzzle
7370s box points I'm getting crushed you are
7373s yeah
7374s um
7375s well my fantasy team did okay because I
7377s have trickster and Kurt and they both
7379s finished in the top four
7381s yeah you don't that's you don't have say
7383s say and you don't have Kung King and
7386s they're the two that have won the two
7387s lobbies and I have both of them
7390s that's a fair point
7393s I think we should just skip the whole
7395s thing at the end of the casters points
7398s [Music]
7401s really worried that TJ who you know
7403s doesn't play that much Battlegrounds and
7405s me that plays more Battlegrounds and
7407s constructed these days and TJ was just
7409s going to High Roll everything and
7410s absolutely stomp me in points which
7411s could still happen by the way there's
7413s still a long way to go but more
7415s importantly spell this myth okay okay
7417s fine I play a ton of Battlegrounds okay
7420s sorry let me rephrase TJ who's not
7421s terrible at Battleground
7425s um meanwhile getting away from us and
7427s focusing back on the far more important
7428s thing which is the players that we have
7429s in front of as you can see now that top
7431s three uh junior kunking and say in the
7435s top three Kurt now hanging on to that
7437s crucial fourth place which we'll be
7438s making TJ very happy right now one more
7441s one more game to play in lobby a to
7444s decide well that top four cutoff is
7447s going to be uh senior held in both of
7450s our fantasy teams I believe not looking
7452s too shiny right now
7454s yeah it was a good pick though senior
7457s health has some good results recently
7459s um but not doing uh so well today I
7462s actually really liked his position
7464s though in that previous game but just
7466s got white Mane Cleaves sniped
7469s um but outside of that could have had if
7472s it wasn't specifically Kurt with
7473s specifically that snipe right only one
7475s that had cleave in in the entire Lobby
7478s that could have changed if senior health
7480s was was still in there right especially
7482s with States they say with that giant
7483s cookbook I could have just picked one up
7485s along the way yeah um that could have
7488s easily gotten the top three I think if
7490s it wasn't just that scenario that
7491s happened to him and that's the big
7493s advantage of having the cleave alongside
7495s it right is you don't have to hit the
7498s baron with the white Mane if you have a
7500s cleave you're massively favored to put
7502s the bar put the baron in danger because
7505s they're not going to put it first
7506s they're not gonna put it second they're
7507s not going to put it third you're kind of
7508s mandated to have frog bird Etc like
7511s going along that first queue so it's
7513s basically fifth sixth seventh that they
7514s have to decide between most of the time
7516s and you can cover basically all of that
7518s with a clear Eve and a white Mane in
7520s sixth position as we saw there so yep
7522s rough one in the end for senior held but
7524s we do have one more game left again yep
7527s that is right
7528s um before we jump into that third and
7530s final game for this Lobby we're gonna
7532s have to go to a quick break but don't go
7534s anywhere four players uh that would be
7537s moving on to our final day on Sunday
7538s will be determined right after this
7543s [Music]
7552s [Music]
7560s foreign
7563s [Music]
7564s [Applause]
7566s [Music]
7595s foreign
7599s [Music]
7636s thank you
7639s [Music]
7663s [Music]
7673s thank you
7678s [Music]
7697s foreign
7698s [Music]
7729s foreign
7730s [Music]
7745s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends Hallows and
7747s my name is CJ I'm joined by saddle once
7750s again and it's time to jump into our
7752s third game of Lobby a and uh saddle I'm
7757s doing pretty well today I'm proud of you
7759s thanks buddy appreciate it I mean my my
7762s entire career has just been searching
7764s for for validation from you specifically
7767s TJ so hearing you say that makes it feel
7769s like it's all been worth it
7775s that's all I'm gonna say
7778s I had to do that through gritted teeth
7782s TJ's actually shot down you you guys
7785s have no idea Loki how competitive TJ
7788s gets specifically
7790s as well so this is going very very
7792s painful for TJ at the moment I think for
7795s the sake of the broadcast you should all
7797s root for TJ's picks for the rest of the
7799s game because if he doesn't start
7801s climbing back into this I think we're
7803s going to have a very very hard very
7804s awkward time for the rest of this
7806s broadcast
7808s yeah I'm not competitive at all I'm just
7811s here for fun
7814s at least that's what I tell myself yeah
7816s your actions seem to portray something
7818s different though TJ however we are
7821s dealing with eight players who are
7823s phenomenally competitive Kurt here good
7826s player to look at first because Kurt is
7829s currently sat in fourth position so if
7831s Kirk can pick up another middling result
7833s it probably means he banks that four
7836s third kind of position overall in the
7838s game and I think that is why we see him
7840s moving towards that c'thune once again
7843s trying to shoot for that middle of the
7845s pack finish
7846s yep and uh I think I'm going to deviate
7850s from my instacurt uh bandwagon
7853s with the c'thun pick TJ I don't even
7857s have to pick turn one anymore I can wait
7860s did my job's done
7862s yeah well I'm still gonna pick turn one
7863s I've rewarded the Believers
7873s yeah I picked turn one I picked senior
7876s held okay I'm down
7880s just because senior holds in a position
7882s where it's first or eighth right
7886s has to go big because it's currently
7887s lost in points and uh needs
7891s at least six even to just overtake the
7894s current Force
7896s um though needs a win to even have a
7899s chance how dare you you're just gonna do
7902s this every time
7907s this is called defending a lead TJ
7916s wait what's happened here
7922s wait senior health may have an issue
7923s because sunyhound is still on one
7930s which senior held should not be
7935s oh well jokes on you saddle
7938s well we can still change we can change
7940s as often as we like
7942s uh yeah it looks like senior health had
7944s some DC issues may have missed term one
7946s which is a significant problem for the
7948s Lich curve in general that is a huge
7950s huge problem
7956s you still believe TJ
7958s yep still believe okay
7964s I believe in life after love
7967s we know what olliex first starting Quest
7971s is
7974s no
7975s I was too busy seeding at the fact that
7977s you're just going to pick the same
7978s bandwagon as me from here on out
7986s all right good uh tap into shop to hit
7989s didn't get an economy minion on turn one
7993s which means hitting Tad there is pretty
7996s ideal in terms of maximizing board power
7998s on turn three
7999s yep
8000s not too bad
8004s um obviously the whelp is not going to
8006s be doing much but
8009s at least it's the third minion right so
8011s mm-hmm
8013s um looking at the rest uh say with the
8016s Gale Wing but did not go three on three
8025s unless it just hasn't updated yet
8027s so you like it now must have been
8030s offered a very appealing looking Tab and
8032s two shop which can happen
8034s yeah Asian Scout looks like
8037s yep okay
8040s we're just gonna get the two so not as
8042s big of a spike but uh obviously that
8045s just can be made up for with the Scout
8046s so
8048s uh not really that big of a of a
8050s detriment and now it gets just the the
8052s clean
8054s has a board plus can double buy and get
8056s the Discover
8057s uh just on a two instead
8061s what would selfless
8063s okay
8069s all battle cries for hidden body murlocs
8072s in
8073s has to be a consideration
8077s yeah coming 10 minion in hand had in
8080s shop for Smoking Gun
8082s uh beasts max out however which makes
8086s Smoking Gun far less attractive this is
8089s the murloc lobby by the way on that note
8101s I'm not sure
8106s there's another antibodies obviously the
8107s most powerful but played for battlecrime
8109s minions unless you specifically go
8112s murlocs
8114s it's not going to do anything and
8116s forcing like that can be difficult
8120s um
8121s there's also just tournament State
8123s considerations right where similar to
8126s Kurt say say is currently in third place
8129s overall with nine points uh closest
8132s competitor from outside of the top four
8133s is trickster and tutu on six see if you
8136s can just pick up a fourth to fifth kind
8138s of position you probably fancy your
8140s chances of getting top four from here uh
8142s which maybe leads you towards even like
8144s tiny henchmen for example over going for
8146s another hidden body sure yeah
8156s patience girl you'd love to see it okay
8158s still worked out picks up the whim
8161s foreign
8184s a little bit awkward here you would like
8187s to buy the Tad but it doesn't really fit
8188s a the curve or B the hero power
8192s activation
8193s it is probably just War leader and level
8196s unless your quest is saying something
8199s different
8200s yeah
8203s trickster has spent 25 gold
8209s which Ted does offer zerus okay but
8218s spending four more here for 13 so you
8220s then have 12 remaining
8224s if you spend five more here instead then
8227s you have 11 remaining which is then much
8230s more completable next turn 10 remaining
8232s in fact right so you have 10 gold to
8235s spend sorry 10 gold to complete with
8237s eight gold to spend which is very
8239s achievable next turn so yeah actually
8240s like this staying down one turn actually
8242s makes this very completable next turn I
8244s think this is well calculated from
8246s trickster oh geez senior hold oh no yeah
8251s that's brutal it is
8255s Sledge if you're taking this much damage
8257s this early
8259s there's not much way to come back
8262s unfortunate
8263s for senior senior health who had the DC
8266s issues on term one with a very early
8268s game uh focused I mean at this point in
8273s competition like if you miss a turn or
8276s even a partial turn early on in the game
8278s oh you're done yeah you're done yeah
8282s we both continue to believe I don't know
8285s it felt kind of shady to change the pick
8286s at that point after the DC even though
8288s we could have done so we both stuck it
8289s out with senior held but yeah
8292s ah
8294s awesome did you change
8297s I did in private
8302s you sucker
8306s all right all right now it's too late I
8309s see I see how it's gonna be who did you
8310s pick
8312s uh let me just look
8314s say say turn two okay
8319s well I swapped instantaneously all right
8323s all right I see how it's gonna be you
8325s want to play it like this that's fine I
8327s do I do want to play like that so
8329s whatever you see in the in the group
8330s chat of me picking my bandwagon pick you
8333s don't even know for sure if that's what
8334s I'm picking yeah that's fine that's fine
8336s what it's fine yeah it's okay
8341s I'm not triggered
8349s what is going on here
8353s Smoking Gun teal Tire Sapphire yeah
8356s Smoking Gun Sapphire is a little bit of
8358s a strange combination uh doesn't have
8361s any kind of ghastly mask set up which is
8364s normally what you have when you see this
8365s kind of dragon board coming together
8368s [Music]
8370s but for now at least is just kind of
8372s getting carried by the power of Smoking
8374s Gun will be winning fights for the next
8376s couple of turns basically purely off the
8379s back of that Quest yeah I mean just pick
8382s two that are easy to complete right that
8384s offer some form of tempo
8388s oh senior held one
8391s imagine completed the victim specter
8395s scaling up imagine if I still lose
8399s somehow miraculously comes back and wins
8403s this game
8404s imagine
8408s egg on my face
8413s in a way I want that to happen
8420s looks like oleak is gonna hold here
8423s gonna grow Greed for a six uh looking at
8426s all the exposition he is currently in
8428s seventh on Four Points only a senior
8430s held below him so this makes sense right
8432s I talked earlier with the first couple
8434s of games of the lobby are going to be
8436s the more normal looking games when I
8437s said like players don't tend to do this
8439s too much in the current meta game greed
8441s freeze greed freeze level to four level
8443s to five take a six doesn't tend to
8445s happen that often uh however when
8448s there's only one game left in the lobby
8450s and you're on four points and you have
8453s to overtake a player who bare minimum
8456s has eight right now it's the kind of
8458s thing you're gonna have to do
8459s look at this subtle
8462s all right looking pretty good got a
8463s Peggy ball of minions and a brute yeah
8466s it'd be pretty good honestly if they say
8469s won this Lobby considering he's in my
8471s fantasy team and not in yours that'd be
8473s fine I'm okay with that yeah
8478s a very dumb choice for your
8481s like I mean like Ben you only get one
8484s choice uh-huh and it was that's one
8488s thing that I've done for as long as I
8490s can remember is
8491s when I'm in doubt I just copy you
8494s [Laughter]
8500s blame me for that
8502s no you're right I can't
8504s valid strategy
8508s and Senior hold is gone unfortunate
8512s ending
8513s that means that he is going to finish on
8516s uh 2.5 points overall here
8519s yeah pretty rough pretty rough
8523s commiserations of course not the way
8524s anyone wants to see anyone's tournament
8526s ending with that uh disconnect on turn
8528s one but
8530s unfortunate circumstances and we must
8533s continue the show must go on and we move
8535s on to olick who is back on this slightly
8539s strange combination of quests with the
8541s sapphire and The Smoking Gun and now is
8543s gonna find a way to make this six drop
8546s happen I presume favor
8550s by cell Gambler you have the strong arm
8554s in hand
8556s no reason not to
8559s um
8564s this is a very interesting choice
8566s especially given
8568s Olex current board
8571s none of these have any particular
8572s Synergy with what he's got going on
8575s but to be honest I don't even know what
8577s six drop would with this
8581s well he has a scally
8584s okay which does make the Eliza at least
8587s somewhat tempting yeah but I would
8590s imagine nadina would have been the the
8592s go-to there immediately just for the
8594s straight up if you get nadina you can
8596s just go to six next turn right and then
8598s the world is your oyster you can figure
8599s out what you're doing on Six from that
8601s point yeah it's so powerful with the
8602s Medina
8613s a good selfless
8617s [Applause]
8618s is what it is
8623s huge value trade on the Elisa uh Lisa
8626s Eliza from the ball of minions and then
8628s Divine Shield basically taking down the
8630s second biggest minions is not looking
8632s great although that has cleaned things
8634s up nicely
8636s and now if this can go right it does
8639s Soviet picks up a trade snatching a tie
8642s out of the jaws of defeat at the end
8644s there very nice good amount of protected
8646s health
8649s into a gambler nice
8663s this is quite a cool board actually got
8666s the double Peggy going on now the ball
8668s of minions in there
8672s I think would love a Peggy triple at
8676s this point sometimes Peggy triples are a
8679s downside because you don't then have a
8681s third pirate like sometimes you just
8682s have two peggies that are buffing each
8684s other but finding golden Peggy here
8686s would mean that every single buff is
8688s then guaranteed to go on the ball of
8689s minions which you can then cash out into
8692s selling onto something else later in the
8693s game
8698s foreign
8704s 's turn I would imagine next turn to go
8706s looking for that nadina triple or triple
8709s into an Adena I should say yep
8713s does already have the one permanent
8716s Divine shield on this golden tarragosa
8718s as it will be next turn
8724s but Nadine are still offering an
8726s enormous amount of Instant Power
8733s is just big
8736s real big
8740s it does have some uh decent scaling
8744s potential
8745s terracotta proto-drake but
8748s uh it is like capped
8761s a little chunk but that's the first
8763s damage then he's taken uh
8766s this game so
8768s should be still fine
8770s Kurt is hanging off by a thread oh there
8773s we go Odin hammer on Hulker as well
8777s meaning that Kurt only needs two Hawkers
8781s to go infinite total here which is
8784s massive
8787s thank you Lorinda for letting us know
8788s the uh tarot triple did not find the
8790s nadina
8792s but let's absolutely stay focused here
8794s for at least this turn see if Kirk can
8796s find this fourth hogger I believe it was
8798s Kurt in game one right who was looking
8799s for Hogan number four and never quite
8801s found it was just a little bit shy of
8802s being infinite the entire time and I
8804s believe that was also on c'thun if my
8807s memory serves me correctly it was yeah
8812s foreign
8813s pirate gamer nope
8819s yeah you know you just pick c'thune go
8821s pirates like c'thun Pirates is sick it's
8824s just one of those nonsensical things
8825s there was a thing that Lorinda used to
8826s say was it like zirella no zirella
8830s Pirates right is that what laurindi he
8832s can confirm is that the things like
8834s lorinda's uh zarella is good with
8837s pirates I never really understood what
8838s the point was yeah they're confirming
8840s that that is indeed the thing I still
8841s don't understand why
8844s oh you know who's good with pirates
8847s cut
8848s patches ah yeah no good one good point
8852s yeah
8853s that high level Battlegrounds knowledge
8855s coming through again TJ
8856s okay I was about to ask I was about to
8859s say Lorinda if you could be so kind
8861s considering this is the murloc lobby
8864s does anyone actually have the murlocs
8867s and uh as if they are living deep inside
8870s my brain we go to tattoo immediately who
8874s is setting up the kind of board that you
8876s want to be playing
8877s yep
8879s let's have an ice block up
8882s got a splitting image here is that a
8884s brand
8885s Brian
8887s rip
8889s glass
8891s and so it's gonna be a matter of how
8894s many of these poisons can survive
8897s be able to deal okay that's not great
8902s they're gonna be a loss here regardless
8904s gonna be an ice block going down here
8905s regardless
8909s and tattoo has to have a favorable
8912s matchup here I would say because he's
8914s still a turn or two away from having a
8917s fully fleshed out robust kind of setup
8920s I'll cut again just one hogarsh short of
8924s the pirate dream as bit the dust once
8928s more
8931s that's huge last time with c'thun as
8934s well where uh hit it just slightly
8937s started hitting
8939s what
8941s okay real quick the Curt death is
8944s for the rest of the lobby because Kurt
8946s was the player on the bubble Kurt was in
8947s fourth which is the cutoff for going
8949s through to the finals Lobby tomorrow uh
8951s so Kurt now finishes on nine points
8954s total which is now a stationary Target
8956s for everyone else to try and shoot for
8958s obviously that's not necessarily a
8959s guarantee because multiple players could
8961s overtake that but you at least have some
8963s idea of what you're doing uh secondly
8965s where I have no idea what you're doing
8967s is uh golden tortolan blue shell not a
8971s situation I found myself in I've
8973s literally never seen it
8975s I'm guessing it's 10 gold it is 10 gold
8978s yeah okay
8981s uh
8982s patches is good parts
8985s [Laughter]
8988s we're going over to special analysis
8991s from TJ's patches is good with pirates
8994s thanks TJ
8997s golden turtle and blue shell is 10 gold
9011s I like where trickster's head is at here
9013s looks to be starting to pick up some
9015s minions to transition into right
9019s eventually you're gonna want something
9020s you're going to want a majority of
9023s cleaves and divine Shield Minions on
9025s your board so you can potentially dump
9026s this uh ball of Minion stats somewhere
9028s meaningful does currently have the uh
9031s the Divine Shield Dragon putting the
9033s Divine shield on the fall of minions
9035s which makes it somewhat relevant right
9036s now
9042s this is a small possibility for oh no it
9045s wasn't it would have needed one more
9046s revenge for the double double golden
9047s Eliza
9050s um but to get one from the Tony so who
9053s wouldn't touch you did not find the
9055s match up needed as I said you can still
9058s see that board just a turn or two away
9061s from being a full poison murloc set up
9063s get to the point where you're then just
9065s buying Divine Shields when you have
9066s poison and everything and you are mostly
9068s set in most scenarios cartoon just could
9071s not find the leeway needed to get there
9076s and now I'm taking a look at cooking um
9080s this is one
9082s stop no look I can't pick Barrel's
9086s blessing in this situation because I'm
9087s too busy looking at Golden turtle at
9089s every single role like what am I
9091s supposed to do
9093s stop rolling golden blue shell I need to
9096s think
9104s going to see if a khadgar is hit oh a
9107s cat guard's in the hand okay yeah
9109s there's a cat guy in the hand it doesn't
9111s necessarily make the board State here
9113s though
9115s uh because you're not done with the Tony
9118s just yet right like ideally you would
9120s want that second Eliza
9125s there's also the Temptation at some
9127s point for olliek to just throw some
9128s fights so we can actually get 10 gold
9130s back from this turtle and these blue
9132s shells that he has in hand which is a
9134s little bit worrying when you're making
9135s this pick like that's a real thing I'm
9138s just saying that's a thing that you
9139s might consider doing
9150s okay I'm in
9156s yeah we both went with oliac
9159s seems like enough raw stats
9162s yeah the problem is the lack of taunts
9164s which makes it a little bit sketchy
9166s overall
9167s oh okay fine
9171s fine okay
9173s actually I was worried that the Divine
9177s shoe was actually gonna go on the scalpy
9178s back and then people get resets
9181s oh DaVinci absolutely disgusting
9187s yeah it looks like we're gonna be
9189s correct as uh only actually have a nice
9192s smooth Victory here now big chunk of
9195s damage one shouldn't use way so nicely
9199s done and uh these blue shells aren't
9204s are going to be active the rest of the
9206s game
9208s so now you have the bullet space right
9210s because you don't need this Tony anymore
9211s so now you have to start thinking about
9213s whether this cat girl comes into play
9214s but still because he's on Golden
9216s selfless this is kind of a variation of
9219s this build that is a little bit less
9221s common uh because you have a board space
9224s allocated to the golden selfless uh
9226s because you have double golden Eliza big
9227s stats Divine Shield Baron Etc anyway
9230s like this is now the pivot point right
9232s do you want second scally plus khadgar
9234s plus everything else or do you want to
9236s stick with the selfless build having
9238s less Minions on board you do still have
9239s the dragon that you can throw away
9242s as a board space which gives you a
9244s little bit more freedom like just
9246s straight up replacing the dragon with
9247s the second scally is more stats on its
9249s own right if that's the only change that
9251s you make to this board
9254s yeah Trickster
9257s woman Peggy available but
9260s it seems like trickster has been
9264s on the same board state for quite a long
9266s time but it is very strong there's a lot
9268s of stats as Divine Shields
9270s honoredly right now selfless
9273s we'll have that golden piggy next turn
9276s still no poisonous but the stats are big
9278s enough right now to wear
9280s it's not like a super rush
9283s but we'll probably look to that as the
9285s game progressives and then kinking is
9288s what is this is nothing like what is
9291s what is happening it is very much a
9294s Daryl board
9295s [Music]
9297s and to be fair kunking has 10 points
9302s um so having made it to fifth has
9304s already improved that to 13 right which
9306s is going to be a very hard total to not
9309s make it so yeah picking picking Daryl
9312s put making a bunch of 2020s and getting
9314s fifth uh seems like a pretty solid plan
9316s from kunking's perspective really
9322s it actually wasn't like that bad of a
9325s loss
9326s like a couple better hits and that could
9328s have been a tie you know
9330s I mean he's dead that's that's all that
9332s really matters uh yeah but I would say
9334s that was like you know 80 percent
9337s by 80 lethal how's it going out there
9340s well I mean it was almost always lethal
9342s if was it was it too low okay yeah he
9345s was he was at three okay oh it is always
9348s lethal it's always late to die
9351s um all right so let's just say has been
9354s taking some damage over the past couple
9356s turns this Porter sounds
9358s yeah there's a lot of just kind of hot
9362s podgepodge together boards here although
9364s now Zhang Yu has found the goods it
9367s feels like a couple of players have
9368s teased us with us but this is now truly
9371s infinite not on this turn though just
9374s straight up like ran out of gold yep
9377s absolutely gross
9381s you have to selfless Baron this right at
9384s least I suppose actually Justin Adina
9386s yeah because you have the poisonous on
9387s the ball of minions like nothing you
9390s should sell basically everything you can
9392s this turn to survive this fight because
9394s again you have infinite gold next turn
9397s theoretically right so it doesn't matter
9399s what you get rid of this turn you should
9400s be able to replace it with things of
9402s equal or greater value next turn so
9404s don't worry too much about the Peggy
9405s that you had just get it out there to
9407s try and survive the fight I think all of
9408s these decisions from Janu have been
9410s excellent at the end of this turn apart
9412s from the decision he made to not roll
9414s Pirates which seems pretty amateurish to
9416s be honest yeah
9419s come on
9424s but to say it wasn't like overwhelmingly
9427s strong but still uh quite powerful I
9431s believe there was a taunted Leroy
9434s um oh sorry no it was not taunted
9438s Alexis
9444s okay Divine Shields everywhere this
9447s Leroy is a big deal though okay poison
9450s hearing a Divine Shield though is very
9452s relevant
9454s however this 8080 is going to have to do
9456s an enormous amount of work and doesn't
9460s what Tavernier is that that's 12 damage
9463s total so Janu does survive and that's
9466s really all that matters here
9468s trickster going down in fourth let's
9471s hang out with Jean Yu for a turn here
9473s though and see what he can make of our
9475s first theoretical infinite gold
9477s situation there you go okay there's the
9480s shot
9486s what's going on out here
9491s oh scaling right now is the problem what
9494s what how was that an orgazord not a
9497s manted
9499s yes
9500s hello it's an extra gold potentially an
9503s extra two gold you have infinite gold
9505s what you don't have is poisonous minions
9508s to win new fights all right it's that
9510s infinite gold it's a lot of gold
9513s not infinite
9515s uh-huh
9517s you are technically correct which is as
9520s we know the best kind of correct oh yeah
9528s um is on the technicality
9533s seems to be unless the animations are
9535s significantly ahead of what we are
9536s looking at which I think they actually
9538s might be he seemed to commit with the
9540s strong arms ridiculously early from my
9542s perspective uh but yeah we haven't
9545s actually seen that happen yet so I think
9547s his animations are just significantly
9548s decent from what we're looking at which
9550s is fine tends to happen
9552s I I'd rather be in a position where I
9555s get the strong arms out of my hand
9557s rather than in the turn with them still
9559s in my hand so
9561s finds the brand grab that whole girl
9564s grab that Uther
9566s grab that man today please thank you
9569s thank you
9571s he didn't even use the orgasaurus fell
9573s craft i'm livid
9577s I'm so angry
9582s all right here we go this is the goods
9584s right here
9593s this is Exodia and a half
9597s somebody just missing the Golden's on
9599s the uh
9602s Chad
9606s oh that's a horrible trade and I think
9609s that is gonna be over
9612s oh wow two big minions left over I
9615s wonder if like an extra poisonous Divine
9617s Shield minion could have been relevant
9618s on this fight
9620s maybe an orgazoa
9625s so we are down to top two say versus
9629s oliac oleek on the Exodia pirate scam
9632s scally build
9633s and say say on whatever on Earth you
9637s want to call this
9642s I mean nadina comp essentially is what
9645s this is
9646s um
9647s so some texts here for say to be able to
9650s beat this does have the white mean
9653s yep just big deal
9655s however peace out max out which means no
9658s white main cleave potential
9662s yeah but you have like two chances right
9665s like kedgar and baron have both have to
9668s be I guess they don't have to be
9669s anywhere specific nope they really don't
9672s uh in Pirates the pirate Exodia so
9676s um it can be
9680s yeah exactly
9683s especially with this uh selfless taunt
9686s and the scallywag having taunt as well
9688s on the side of oleak this is a very
9690s difficult
9691s uh turn to navigate in uh yeah where
9695s these techs go theoretically if you did
9698s have a selfless taunted and your two
9699s scallies taunted well actually no the
9702s selfless is a problem if you just have
9703s two taunted scalies you could try and
9706s put Baron second and get away with it
9708s right
9709s but because of the selfless if the
9711s selfless gets attacked and then the
9713s scallys get Divine Shield you could then
9715s have your Baron attacking before the
9717s scallys actually end up getting
9718s developed so the one eight taunt is
9721s interesting hoping that maybe the oh
9724s [Laughter]
9731s my gosh that's like the worst possible
9736s outcome to just kick things off I would
9739s say it's attack though right so now
9741s oleek is going yeah okay with the Eliza
9744s that gets poisoned
9746s but I believe that is still going to be
9749s Infinity damage coming through oleek is
9752s on six so all he needs is Eliza plus
9753s Baron to survive and we are way way past
9756s that which means olliek is going to be
9758s taking this one down risky pick with the
9761s dinathrius Bold decision to go for
9764s scally build the Exodia Pirates but he
9767s does end up picking down the picking up
9769s the win and that means olliek with a
9771s full seven points on top of the four he
9774s started this game with will now go to
9775s 11. not sure what the final standings
9778s will look like overall but he certainly
9780s moved past the uh stationary post that I
9783s was talking about which is Kurt who went
9785s out on nine
9786s yeah
9787s uh which is unfortunate uh for for Kurt
9791s uh and for me but
9795s um and Stacy say didn't win so even with
9797s my Shady tactics I still wasn't able to
9799s get a bandwagon Bitcoin yeah so just to
9801s be clear on on bandwagon picks if you
9804s pick someone and they do really well
9806s they get into top two but then they get
9808s second which is obviously one place away
9809s from getting first uh how relevant is
9812s that to bandwagon picks again TJ
9815s uh
9816s uh it's completely relevant oh is it
9819s okay
9821s because you get to feel a little bit
9823s better
9825s that close to earning points okay fair
9828s enough
9829s but in terms of gaining points no not
9831s relevant at all
9833s right good to know
9838s it's a rough day uh
9841s for those three TJ fans out there
9843s we're like I really want TJ to win
9848s shout out to the three of you it might
9850s be only three people that want TJ to win
9853s there's a whole Army of people that want
9855s subtle to lose so they are still on your
9857s side by default you know that's true
9859s that's true
9861s all right there you have it uh George oh
9865s trickster the oliac win that top two the
9870s oliac victory picking up that one
9872s additional Point uh could have made the
9874s difference although if olly egg had got
9876s second he still would have been ahead on
9878s tie Breakers due to a six-point uh best
9882s individual result being the number one
9884s tiebreakers olliex still would have got
9885s there with the second place in the end
9887s uh but tricks are coming very very close
9889s both of those players trickster and
9891s oleic overtaking Kurt who is in fourth
9894s place going into Lobby three but there
9896s you see your top four going through uh
9899s two tomorrow to our final Lobby Janu say
9902s kunking and oleek
9906s taking first place in the group was not
9909s what I expected kind of quietly uh
9912s earning points uh I thought it was going
9914s to be safe to say just because maybe
9915s recency biased the last two games they
9917s seem to be dominating
9919s with a half a point up just with a five
9922s 5.55 just a really consistent
9924s performance uh to take first place but
9926s as we say at the beginning of the
9928s broadcast in that subtle just kind of
9929s said now but not quite as obvious as I'm
9932s about to it doesn't matter if you get
9935s first or fourth as long as you make it
9937s into that top four you go to Sunday and
9939s everything's reset and everything starts
9941s over uh tomorrow once we get into that
9943s final Lobby so uh congratulations to the
9946s players that made it and thought all
9948s none of my fantasy picks made it into
9951s day two oh that's weird I got two I got
9955s two of my fantasy team in in the top
9956s four that's that's quite a lot more than
9958s zero actually oh think about it isn't it
9960s big old goose egg yeah well not if you
9963s multiply it if you multiply zero and two
9965s you get zero so
9968s cool that's the rules yep yeah that's
9971s what that's what we agree too I'm
9974s bringing the ship down with me
9976s I'm gonna take this whole broadcast down
9980s I'll make my own Lobby Legends you might
9982s you've been trying to bring the
9983s broadcast down for about six seasons of
9985s America's Grand Masters and you haven't
9987s succeeded yet so I have a little faith
9988s that you'll manage it this time in a way
9990s I succeeded true actually like good
9994s point is there gonna be an America's
9996s Grand matters anymore you know what TJ I
9998s concede my point you are absolutely
10000s correct yeah and how many players from
10004s North America are competing in the world
10005s championship for constructed
10007s see if you think about it like that I I
10009s did kind of take it down all from the
10011s inside
10012s all right uh well that concludes Lobby a
10015s which means we're at our halfway point
10017s for the day everybody knows how much I
10018s love halfway points
10020s um we are gonna have to go to a little
10021s bit of a break but in that break we're
10024s gonna get uh Lobby B set up and we still
10026s have three more games uh with eight
10028s fresh new players to determine uh who's
10031s going to join the top four from this
10033s Lobby uh in our final day tomorrow so uh
10036s we'll be right back don't go anywhere
10037s more Lobby Legends right after this
10040s [Music]
10041s foreign
10050s [Music]
10058s [Music]
10064s [Music]
10072s foreign
10076s [Music]
10120s thank you
10132s [Music]
10135s foreign
10141s [Music]
10153s thank you
10154s [Music]
10186s thank you
10199s foreign
10202s [Music]
10204s foreign
10206s [Music]
10239s foreign
10249s [Music]
10288s [Music]
10293s thank you
10295s [Music]
10306s foreign
10310s [Music]
10321s thank you
10323s [Music]
10349s foreign
10350s [Music]
10383s foreign
10385s [Music]
10420s foreign
10432s [Music]
10459s foreign
10463s [Music]
10497s thank you
10502s [Music]
10520s foreign
10525s [Music]
10530s [Music]
10538s [Music]
10556s foreign
10566s [Music]
10579s [Music]
10593s foreign
10595s [Music]
10605s [Music]
10613s [Music]
10632s foreign
10640s [Music]
10650s [Music]
10660s welcome back to hearthstone's
10662s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends I'm TJ
10664s joined by saddle
10666s the master of points and predictions and
10669s tap
10677s this makes hang on should we try that
10679s again there we go hey
10681s I I literally cannot let you win this
10684s one hey okay
10686s this is Dashi he likes being carried
10689s like a baby and he would not shut up
10691s during the break unless I cuddled him so
10693s here we are okay my cats are like 50
10696s feet away
10698s battling with my competitiveness with
10700s soddle to have a cuter cat versus my
10703s professionalism on the broadcast to not
10705s have to leave for a good 20 seconds to
10707s get a cat
10710s all right I will repeat indeed I will
10713s handle Group B uh we have a couple of
10716s returning players who we might know
10718s fairly well pompata is a player that
10720s functioned very early on also a big
10723s performer in community tournaments that
10725s we have seen prior and during the lobby
10727s Legends as well uh is a very very good
10730s player indeed kid a player with a very
10732s different story a kid a player who I
10735s believe has tanked out once in
10737s qualifiers in lobby Legends 3 and also
10740s finished outright eighth after making it
10743s through to the broadcast in lobby
10744s Legends 2 I believe it was to the point
10747s uh where another player named themselves
10750s uh kid five which is essentially like
10752s saying like F's in chat for kid
10754s essentially as far as we understand it
10757s um so it's now having a moment of
10759s redemption hey let's see if we can hello
10761s I don't know if they understand monitors
10763s and cameras hello
10766s now you're a friend what's going on
10770s uh so using the twitch extension please
10773s vote for which cat you think is cuter
10775s and the winner will receive 1 000 points
10781s that's perfect very loudly I don't know
10783s if you can hear yeah mine is too
10786s mind's praying louder
10792s uh well I mean Hearthstone Esports has
10795s peaked really hasn't it
10797s oh it doesn't go up from here
10802s all right
10807s talk is through your fantasy picks TJ
10811s kid kraneko and gongi
10814s there you go
10815s I'm just got a Hearthstone pill current
10817s Echo picked him last time didn't do well
10820s so just statistics say that he should do
10824s well this time isn't that how it works
10826s cool yeah if that's what you want to
10828s believe we can go with it yep
10831s and then kid because I just copied your
10832s first pick
10833s nice
10836s a good reputation overall within the
10839s Chinese scene from what I am aware
10841s although he has been made fun of a
10842s little bit because of the
10843s underperformances in lobby Legends which
10845s is kind of a theme with my picks overall
10848s or something that pompata and kid both
10850s share I think they're both very very
10852s good very well respected players within
10853s their individual scenes but very similar
10856s records within Lobby Legends uh pompata
10860s with three appearances overall uh two
10862s tanking out in qualifiers and one eighth
10865s place uh no sorry pompata has an eighth
10867s place made it through to final day and
10869s then got eight in the final Lobby where
10871s his kid has two total appearances uh one
10874s uh tanking out in eighth and one tank
10877s out in sixth I believe overall so both
10879s underperforming in general when they
10882s make it uh to the broadcast and both you
10885s know not being the ever presence that
10887s like I say say are for example but I
10889s remember Watching pomparta Fairly
10891s closely he was a player I featured in a
10893s graded video as well and was fairly
10895s impressed with the way he played despite
10897s hitting eighth in that final Lobby on
10899s the last day so I'm expecting some big
10901s things from pompata and if nothing else
10903s he's from Japan which is a cheat code
10906s these days when it comes to being good
10908s at Hearthstone in various different
10909s disciplines yeah in every discipline it
10914s seems uh
10917s maybe with the exception of Arena
10920s uh who knows
10922s I feel like the uh the the old us of a
10926s has been pretty dominant in Arena
10929s outside of standard dachi for quite some
10931s time
10933s it's not outdated information stated
10936s still is usually Atop The leaderboards
10940s that used to be the thing that we used
10942s to say when stanudachi would make it to
10944s like a constructed event like five years
10946s ago ah it's great in Arena too
10949s still True to this day just waiting for
10951s sanyodachi to make an appearance in
10952s battleground's lobby Legends to get the
10954s hat trick
10955s I mean has done very well in community
10957s Battlegrounds tournaments as well you've
10959s given me an opportunity to talk about
10961s how great standard Archie is at
10962s everything which I will now take
10964s liberally but no not in this tournament
10965s so we probably shouldn't focus on him
10967s too much
10968s um absolutely just brought our cats for
10971s like five minutes
10973s yeah but our cats are here like they're
10974s they're part of the broadcast you know
10976s like that's very different well little
10978s do you know Stan
10981s yeah it's a cradling in my arms right
10984s now
10985s oh he's purring
10989s foreign
11001s um
11003s where were we
11005s oh yeah Japan
11008s um yeah that's also one of the reasons
11010s why I picked current Echo Korean echo in
11012s the I think it was the previous Lobby
11014s Legends yes it was I did make it into
11016s the final day uh but like super tanked
11020s on the final day like just absolutely
11023s had nothing going a very senior held
11026s from last Lobby Vibes uh in terms of uh
11030s uh like what he was trying to do just
11033s nothing was working and it's pretty
11035s reflective in like if you compare like
11038s current echo's win rate
11040s um to other players with similar amount
11042s of appearance appearances uh in lobby
11045s Legends to him where it's pretty low
11047s it's only slightly above uh 50 uh and
11052s very little wins
11054s um but that's that you know what that's
11055s supposed to mean that suppose Dark Horse
11058s I mean in general this is kind of a dark
11061s horse group if you look at just the
11063s total number of appearances between
11065s group a and Group B group a has 25 total
11068s appearances in lobby Legends you know
11070s say has six out of seven Kur five out of
11073s seven olliex six out of seven there's
11075s only 11 total in group b so between
11079s oleek and say say they have more Lobby
11082s Legends qualifications than the entirety
11084s of Group B put together so you have to
11087s look at that and say that this is like
11088s the dark horse group the less
11089s experienced group overall so I think
11092s it's a harder one to predict uh although
11095s 50 of your casting crew apparently found
11097s group a quite hard to predict as well
11100s um but I do think this is much more of a
11102s wild card when it comes to fantasy teams
11103s and of course for these players and and
11105s who's going to make it through to join
11107s the four players that we got out of
11108s group a
11109s yeah it's uh it's gonna be interesting
11112s to see how it plays out but I I know
11114s that I'm gonna struggle for sure with my
11116s uh my bandwagon picks
11120s um but honestly I would say that no
11121s matter what the a players were so
11125s I just tend to struggle period
11130s yeah indeed
11132s um overall uh I do think that kid is a
11135s player to keep an eye on overall though
11137s I do think that that need for vengeance
11140s from the slightly poor performances that
11142s he's had so far and a little bit of uh
11144s poking a fun that kid five then had who
11147s then went on to win the tournament with
11149s the name that was making fun of kid to
11151s begin with I think that's something that
11154s you probably would are going to want to
11156s uh put to bed sooner rather than later
11157s so hopefully that will be the case
11160s [Music]
11162s seems like right now we're just uh
11163s waiting for the lobby to get set up
11165s um
11166s uh of course we're moving to a new group
11168s so we got to get eight players organized
11171s in a test game in the lobby and then
11173s start an actual game so that's why Sato
11175s and I seemed to be
11177s uh just filling time right now because
11180s we are and uh
11183s uh let me prepare some topics for us to
11185s talk about what's your favorite hero
11187s soddle currently current metagame uh
11190s Milhouse always any matter basically it
11194s just is it's just the most boring answer
11197s how is Milhouse boring Milhouse is the
11200s opposite of boring at all times Milhouse
11203s is boring
11205s it's the same play patterns over and
11208s over and over again this is the
11210s beginning of time that's literally not
11213s true like the idea of Milhouse is that
11214s you can't just keep rolling for the same
11216s thing that you want to play every time
11218s you have to exactly same play pattern
11221s see what you're given
11224s ah
11228s all right next topic TJ we got
11231s you didn't even ask me my favorite I
11233s don't care that's why next topic come on
11235s I care okay what's your favorite hero to
11238s play in this current meta game teaching
11240s I don't have one
11241s oh I love them all equally
11246s but like your children and pets apart
11250s from the one who's just vomiting no
11251s which I won't confirm whether it's a
11254s child or pet my my kids yes I love them
11257s both equally but my animals no there is
11261s a definite ranking
11263s uh and uh I I mean I have literally one
11267s two three four five
11272s six animals within 10 feet of me right
11274s now
11276s but they don't understand English so
11278s that's true yeah I can rank them as as
11281s much as I want you can tell them
11282s whatever you want yeah but I do think in
11286s general just meta concerns
11289s a lot of my favorite heroes are less
11292s playable than they ever have been
11294s because I like greedy economy Heroes and
11297s the metagame right now doesn't really
11299s play Super well with greedy economy
11301s Heroes
11302s um togwaggle is uh a little bit of a
11306s struggle
11308s um power of is a little bit of a
11310s struggle these days like you can still
11311s high roll they still have the
11312s opportunity to be that one person in the
11314s lobby that High Rolls super hard and
11315s just goes off
11316s um but as we saw mostly from game one
11319s and game two in lobby a that we just saw
11321s like those kind of like culturous boards
11324s that we saw on like term five turn six
11325s turn seven right if you're too busy
11328s ramping economy you're just gonna get
11329s murdered you're gonna get 15 into 15 and
11332s then you know when you hit your six you
11334s suddenly just queue into someone that's
11336s completed stolen gold and you just die
11337s right like The Meta is very very Tempo
11341s focused these days
11343s um and it's kind of consistent scaling
11345s of stats just be big early and then
11347s continue to get bigger transition into
11349s some sort of poison plan later on in the
11351s game
11352s um which to me is a little bit
11354s frustrating because you know I like
11355s going crazy with the economy builds and
11357s doing things with lots of actions and
11359s APM Pirates and going through insane
11361s Elemental turns and all those kind of
11363s things which tend to be harder to
11366s achieve these days as opposed to just
11368s playing for pure Tempo and poison and
11370s early murlocs and picking up toxins and
11372s divine Shields and everything wherever
11373s you can so a lot of these like bid tier
11377s Quest Heroes like all the heroes would
11378s like four to five armor which tend to be
11381s very popularly picked overall are the
11383s ones that I also tend to find at least
11385s interesting a lot of the time but if
11387s you're trying to win they're the ones
11389s that you have to pick so I think that's
11390s kind of the the hard thing to defeat for
11392s a lot of players right now who are used
11394s to playing these super greedy economy
11396s Heroes
11397s yeah it seems like finding a mix between
11399s like your hero power level but also your
11403s uh your quality of quest rewards versus
11408s uh you know request requirement right uh
11411s seems to be the The Sweet Spot like
11413s picking a hero that's middling power uh
11417s but is like a higher armor tier so that
11419s way you know you get those uh easier to
11421s complete quests higher Tempo
11424s Etc I realized now thinking about it
11426s more about my favorite hero I just like
11429s the dopamine Rush of discovering Tavern
11431s tier three minions so AFK and Gail wing
11436s okay yeah sure
11438s our uh are two of my favorites I know
11440s AFK is not really a
11443s I actually think AFK is pretty popular
11445s but she's not good
11448s like a high a high pick rate when
11450s offered but
11452s um not a high win rate uh for AFK
11456s um I don't know why that is I don't know
11458s why maybe there it is the dopamine Rush
11460s of discovering Tavern tier 3 minions but
11466s um I also like c'thune and fluracle
11469s I think AFK got a little bit better as
11471s well with uh faceless disciple being
11473s thrown in the pool as well because you
11475s can end up like not only is it just a
11477s 6'4 which is one of the biggest things
11479s that you can discover on its own but you
11481s can then end up with uh four drop and
11482s three drop on the early turn as well
11484s like really high roll in certain
11485s situations in overseer two is a big one
11488s yep uh that uh lets you kind of make up
11492s the
11492s detriment of
11494s being AFK
11496s for your first two turns and then of
11498s course
11499s subtly fell into the ultimate trap
11502s Master win is everybody's favorite
11504s because it's all of them in one
11507s I I do like demand I do like no MTV
11509s fails is I for the same reason as I like
11512s the quest that allows you to pick a
11514s quest at the start of every time like I
11516s like Heroes where you start a turn and
11518s you feel like you have seven decisions
11520s to make immediately you know like those
11521s are the heroes I like to play
11523s um and generally economy heroes are that
11526s because the more money you have to spend
11528s the more you can buy sell things with
11530s Milhouse for example the more that
11531s translates directly into decisions but
11533s yeah if you have to pick a new hero
11535s power or pick a new Quest reward or
11536s whatever at the start of every turn as
11537s well uh then yeah I'm very much on board
11540s for that at the same time
11544s you ever play the you ever do the Reno
11546s challenge
11547s what's the arena challenge
11549s uh where if you play Reno and you gold
11552s in the first minion you buy
11556s no no I haven't
11559s oh yeah well that makes sense because I
11560s just made that challenge up right now I
11562s was gonna say I mean I made it up with
11565s two weeks ago right
11569s people do that with what with
11570s wrathweaver
11572s oh yeah but I'm talking to I'm talking
11574s about like you have to oh yeah yeah fine
11578s foreign
11582s Battlegrounds has broken out uh
11585s apologies for the delay I think players
11587s are a little bit slow in conceding the
11589s test game then we had a real Lobby and
11591s it disconnected and so we had to start
11593s all over again but now here we are we
11595s have a real live game of hearthstone in
11598s front of us uh sliders on Daryl is going
11600s to be going with the lady Vash and
11603s starting on the scally here
11607s I like it
11609s I like it I do
11616s yeah we got another c'thun it seems to
11619s be pretty high pick rate in the group
11623s uh stage just because you can
11626s pretty regularly hit top four or maybe
11629s not top four but you know like at the
11633s very least top six
11635s uh just because of you know raw stats
11642s but sometimes top six can be the
11644s difference between making it into that
11646s top four and not making it to the top
11647s four one that groups your tally
11650s yeah I think since the fairly recent
11653s change to c'thun to the hero power
11656s so that you don't actually have to use
11658s it on every turn to get the scaling
11660s going it has become a fairly reasonable
11663s daryl-esque pick right just a kind of
11665s mid-tier hero that can get some stats on
11667s the board early does have some upsides
11669s does have some Quest synergies that can
11670s really make things happen as well uh
11672s very again similar to Daryl although
11675s different since uh anima bribe has
11677s departed but still I think for
11679s tournament purposes and specifically for
11682s qualifying tournament purposes the idea
11685s of getting a hero that can get you
11686s thirds and fourths is really not too bad
11688s to go for
11692s there it is
11703s okay
11704s [Music]
11709s I'm like the greatest shop but I guess
11714s banking some money is not the worst
11716s thing in the world
11717s uh
11720s I'm always curious when players pick a
11722s tune how they're going to play the early
11724s game like how many hero Powers they
11725s actually weave in in the early game
11729s and it doesn't look like
11732s uh Seoul is going to be doing
11734s much of that based on the
11736s way this this start has gone
11742s oh okay
11747s this is a solid map start here
11750s already a triple lined up for
11753s I I didn't see which turn that was
11755s actually hero power but it looks like
11757s three turns from now
11759s and then also the second myrmidon Frozen
11762s in the shop are not frozen that one that
11764s one's also hero powered so just needs to
11766s find one more of those and they can
11768s start leveling oh geez okay okay
11771s interesting so you do now yeah I have
11774s the possibility well no you don't
11777s actually
11779s because you don't have the token on your
11782s board right now
11783s you can't get the third Alley Cat to
11786s generate a regular token while also
11788s tripling it
11790s oh yeah
11794s here's an issue
11796s all being pointed out to us by the way
11798s you did actually get a significant
11799s amount of points for the second place
11801s bandwagging pick it does actually go on
11802s a sliding scale so if you get uh if you
11805s pick a second place player you do
11806s actually get points for it
11810s which is a big deal considering I'm
11812s going to ask that question in the first
11814s week in uh got a different answer but
11817s maybe I'm just completely incorrect but
11819s cool considering I picked a player who
11821s finished eighth of that game that's
11823s quite a big deal for you
11824s yeah it's still nowhere close though
11827s so in this situation guy could I mean
11831s you could just like
11833s uh
11834s I can't
11841s I was gonna say hero power The Alley Cat
11844s and then you get the two triples
11852s but this is still fine you can still
11854s just keep Tabby tearing up eventually
11856s get the triple and probably find triples
11858s for the others as well so wow oh okay
11862s current Echo is just cashed out on a
11865s random
11866s I mean I like it uh I feel like we saw
11869s players punish so many times uh for
11873s being too greedy with the galicron hero
11875s power
11876s about previously I feel like especially
11878s in the current minute there's a lot of
11879s sixes that take too long to pay off yeah
11883s um if you need to like Tavern tear up to
11887s hit other strong Minions that synergize
11889s with the tavern tier six so I feel like
11892s there's less that are just catch-all uh
11895s good uh nowadays so I like the rental
11897s it's just good
11898s economy I guess to kind of move on up
11906s foreign
11909s oh wow okay decisions to be made here
11911s for sure as to whether this is a hero
11913s power or a freeze buy for gongi
11917s yeah looks like it is going to be the
11919s freeze buy option
11925s my intake was to hear a part of the
11927s selfless there but uh just because it's
11930s like always generally good
11935s um
11935s in a a
11939s lobby with nagas
11942s you know you can get that triple and hit
11943s like uh
11946s coil Fang
11948s oh it's called
11951s no
11953s yeah the spell crap spell craft is
11956s permanent like gives a permanent uh buff
11958s oh Creator Anglo Critter Wrangler yeah
11961s sorry
11961s I don't know why I thought coil thing
11966s that could be a good a good Boon to move
11971s forward okay victim Specter is actually
11972s complete so this is going to be just a
11974s lot of extra minions yeah I don't know
11977s for current Echo I don't love kernaku's
11980s positioning based on that as well
11982s because
11984s by having his imprisoner far right he
11986s now has the imprisoner token far right
11989s which you absolutely don't want to be
11991s the last thing that dies right under any
11993s circumstance it's not going to be but
11994s okay gets away with it gets a swabby
11997s that's pretty good
11999s foreign
12020s get in the first triple here
12024s um of a few
12028s and gonna go for a second as well
12031s yeah
12032s yeah it does have uh increased stats on
12036s the Quest for kidnap sack
12039s so getting these extra spell crafts
12041s immediately uh glow scale obviously not
12042s one of them but otherwise just having
12044s the three tridents to use this turns
12048s see how close he is to that Quest
12051s starts dumping these spellcraft
12056s so six seven eight and then nine from
12058s the mummy means that he completes next
12060s turn and gets the sack
12065s uh
12067s uh well close to it next turn right
12070s well you would presume he would need he
12073s will need to increase stats by one other
12075s method next turn right yeah they'll
12077s actually go to turn with the mummy
12079s but also he's gonna get the buffed
12082s Minion from the hero power added to his
12083s hand which is okay this one yeah yeah
12087s because that imprisoner was uh
12089s hero-powered
12091s uh and we'll come in the hand next turn
12099s okay
12104s this is quite the board it's just the
12107s snipe board it is yeah with full
12110s temperature
12113s this kind of similar to your Milhouse
12114s complaints though is kind of the deal
12117s with uh I was TalkBack or whack toggle
12120s one of them this this particular hero
12125s um I said talk about earlier whenever
12127s shut up I'm realizing now I said talk
12129s waggle earlier when I met gallyworks as
12131s well which probably didn't make any
12132s sense at the time and that just popped
12134s into my head but much like Milhouse he
12136s kind of stuck in that position where
12137s with your first and second hero Powers
12139s you're kind of stuck just taking what
12141s you're offered and trying to build
12142s something out of it so uh with the bombs
12144s and the jugglers this is just kind of
12146s what razamore has received so far up
12148s until this point
12151s now gets to Triple into a five to try
12153s and hopefully find some sort of
12155s Direction Mama Bear is
12159s dumb form of Direction it's a little bit
12162s counter synergistic with what he has
12163s going on right now but it's something
12166s that he can choose to play towards
12169s but on Blue Shell's Direction
12173s yeah especially if you save him up and
12175s hit that triple oh yeah
12179s which is just less gold than if you had
12182s got them all individually and sold them
12184s after a loss
12189s if that's your objective is gold
12194s sliders here on Vash beasts sure uh does
12199s have the quest by nine minions star of
12201s your turn get two random beasts so the
12203s mama bear will start cooking fairly
12205s quickly
12206s for an Echo looking for direction picks
12208s up a theater
12211s those currently have Divine Shields
12213s going does have the ability to uh hear a
12216s power into more of those in the future
12218s as well of course being on Tavern five
12219s already
12221s I do like this idea with galacrons right
12223s pick a six drop that gets better if you
12225s find more copies of it and theater
12227s definitely fits that bill because you
12228s can go fishing for six stars basically
12230s every single turn does have victim
12232s Spectra as well which can also help to
12234s duplicate those win conditions so I like
12236s this idea
12239s yeah a lot of potential being built up
12242s for Karen Echo just needs to
12245s start hitting
12248s mechano tank though is uh
12251s could make things a little bit awkward
12253s with the victim Specter but yeah it's
12255s shooting the theater next yep there you
12257s go so they're talking about the dust and
12260s it's gonna be a pop-up now not the ideal
12263s outcome has to be said for current Echo
12265s but still a good amount of gold to work
12267s with for the following turn
12272s lots of Mama Bear players that we are
12274s seeing so far too and potentially three
12277s I'm not sure if we saw if the third
12279s player actually ended up with the mama
12280s bear but I'm presuming they did
12286s yup confirmed that they did from Lorinda
12288s thank you very much
12302s oh
12309s it's not really a new it's not really a
12311s lead Frogger type board
12313s Mama Bear all right pumpada
12317s I put in the quest it is gonna be
12319s wisterball
12324s well hold on to your butts we've got a
12326s wisdom ball game on our hands
12329s we have mentioned it for a while this is
12330s one of our puzzle box questions again if
12332s you are just joining us if you haven't
12334s seen any of the last couple of Lobby
12335s Legends up until this point and if you
12337s are watching on Twitch you might just
12339s notice a little extension overlay
12341s hanging around in your video player with
12343s which you can play a variety of mini
12345s games uh one of which being puzzle box
12347s where you can answer a few little trivia
12349s questions basically yes or no uh
12352s questions based on anything you think
12354s will happen during the day and one of
12356s those is will a player win with wisdom
12359s ball which so far has not happened in
12361s our first three games of the day it was
12363s only picked once
12365s and taru
12368s and you got second
12370s it was close
12373s [Applause]
12376s uh Lorinda is now pointing out that
12378s gongi now also has a mumbbell on the
12381s board which means four of our players
12383s currently have a mama bear on their
12385s board
12387s I Kingdom for a test in this game
12389s honestly
12396s this is gonna be quite though ah
12400s actually
12402s not as Hefty of the loss as I thought
12404s but it's still a hefty loss
12407s not quite okay yeah yeah make a
12411s difference got capped either way
12413s yep running out of Health I was a kid
12416s all the way down to 12 L2 on the zarella
12422s yeah again zarella just a hero that has
12424s completely fallen off a cliff for me but
12426s it has been picked almost every game in
12429s this tournament so maybe my results are
12432s just an outlier and I'm overreacting to
12433s it hard to know but so far kid not
12436s really performing
12438s mirrored board
12441s ugh
12443s none of those
12446s what are those
12453s did you just take
12455s Oni and then find a Hoggard somehow you
12458s do have wisdom balls so hogar kind of
12461s immediately wins the game if you can
12462s stabilize but I think that's probably
12463s way too ambitious at 17 health
12468s well partner needs to find direction
12469s very quickly
12472s and we see here geobugi
12475s Oh Hang on we're back in five drops
12478s again
12479s a lot of garbage
12483s at least Baron is something like iron is
12487s something gives you a leapfrog a line to
12489s play towards yeah gives you some form of
12491s Direction
12492s and one more try
12499s the glow scores okay fine my Champion
12502s jinx
12504s is over
12509s that's the seven patient Scout board
12513s well kid who is in the danger zone right
12516s now looks to be living this one as far
12520s as I can see unless I am underestimating
12522s the power of Croc which you know can
12525s happen underestimate the Croc at your
12527s peril it is a monster of a card
12532s like it from here
12536s nope
12538s oh geez
12543s oh the sequencing as well with the
12546s second here okay taking out the four cap
12548s in the end is a very big deal but still
12550s gonna be damage capped regardless I
12551s believe yep
12553s 15 either way which means pompata is now
12556s the player in immense danger finding
12559s himself down at 2hp absolutely needs to
12562s find something to happen with that
12563s wisdom ball on this turn uh Lorinda if
12566s you please go back to pompata and see if
12568s you can find some way to rescue this on
12570s the last turn with that wisdom ball
12573s okay good start tripling again
12577s hey mama bear that's what everyone else
12580s is doing oh you can't beat him join them
12586s yeah sticks out on the board before
12588s rolling number one most important thing
12589s to remember when you are dealing with
12591s wisdom balls see that dupe roll is the
12593s one that you want it is the best one in
12596s almost every circumstance so make sure
12598s you curate your board into what you
12600s would like to see if you do hit that
12601s mirror roll
12604s foreign
12606s ER just hates all of these fives this
12609s game yeah
12611s yeah how many fives has he looked at
12614s like 11 or 12 five drops in total and
12617s just like the mama bear was the only one
12619s that's really done anything
12621s yeah and even then mama bear has buffed
12624s a single cave Hydra I mean it's gonna be
12627s big because of the Crocs
12629s I suppose that's unfair actually the
12631s double Croc uh is doing a lot of work
12633s it's just in comparison to like the full
12635s Mama Bear boards that everyone else has
12637s it's just not really getting there at
12639s the moment yeah it's really not
12642s um we've seen a couple other players
12643s start to take a considerable amount of
12645s damage current sliders both fallen down
12647s the standings quite substantially
12649s we got a quick look at uh Geo Boogie
12654s um and looked like was going for some
12656s form of of uh leapers
12659s but it also had a trickster mixed in
12664s there with the baron so uh ended the
12667s turn we saw with a giant like 130 130
12671s Cape Hydra which was
12674s uh quite large quite substantial
12680s substantially beefed
12682s in these Divine shields resets on the
12685s deflectos are looking kinda Savage in
12688s this spot I do like the little Gambit
12690s that pompata has gone for with the Crocs
12693s up front and then the Divine Shield
12695s cleave in the back probably does give
12697s him the best chance of being able to
12698s take this one down but as far as I can
12700s see it that is an impossible position
12702s from pampata to now come back from and
12705s that means he is going down in eighth
12707s place in our first game unless there is
12710s a tie there is a tie okay 7.5 in the end
12714s for pompata as a spoilers kid is going
12717s to bite the dust here as well yep
12721s there you go Geo booty Spore that I was
12723s just talking about once again
12725s ah cave Hydra doesn't even well I came
12727s into play earlier on uh just about the
12729s damage on it but uh the golden Baron
12735s because that's not from any uh Quest
12737s reward because the question was red hand
12739s so that's just a natural golden Baron
12747s okay well
12752s this is a mama bear board
12757s technically yes
12771s gliders of course with the lady Vash is
12772s trying to lean into a theater a little
12774s bit but I think yeah has decided that
12776s that dream is probably dead here and
12778s he's gonna get out of them sharpish uh
12781s you can just use that hero power to go
12782s fishing for the glow scale spellcraft to
12785s try and get some permanent Divine
12786s Shields across your board if you can
12788s actually find a Natural Glow scale
12790s that's kind of the dream and just keep
12792s it on your board for a turn or two and
12793s have it dumping those Divine Shields
12795s into your hand yeah
12800s and I mean it's a lot of stats
12803s on the board that Mama Bear especially
12805s with Divine shield and reborn should be
12807s able to do some work with all these uh B
12810s summons plus the Croc activations The
12812s Avenge Activation so
12815s the sneaky amount of stats
12825s but gonna be going up against gongi who
12827s had a really powerful
12830s uh opening uh well quote unquote opening
12834s my ab opening
12837s which is all right I got a good opening
12838s but now I have to wait for him to come
12840s and wish it
12843s double Mama reborn Crush against
12848s Bingo Mama on the other side and the
12850s board space not really working out there
12853s in the end
12854s a little bit ugly on the trade with the
12856s crush but it is now going to come back
12857s with reborn and get to attack again
12866s foreign
12878s yeah especially with that attack
12888s oh oh the 15 the 15.
12892s oh how dare you take these
12895s oh those last few trades everything from
12898s attacking into the high main instead of
12900s every other Target onwards was the exact
12903s worst attack possible to end up taking
12905s 15 damage in that spot really really bad
12908s luck
12909s yeah raise them all falls as well
12912s the hands of geobugi so
12915s uh starting to get to the bottom of this
12917s Lobby
12918s or this game already
12922s this is a very powerful porn oh my
12924s goodness
12929s oh geez
12932s bear off's blessing
12936s okay this is good yeah this is a pretty
12939s good one this is like nearly impossible
12941s to evaluate yeah deflecto up first into
12945s taunted Leroy which is a 50 50 a huge 50
12948s 50 as to whether this wins or loses and
12950s then Divine Shields against re-summons
12953s from mechs and death rattles and Crush
12956s really close
12958s I would not be surprised if this is like
12960s 41 to 59 largely defined on where that
12964s first deflector attack goes into the
12965s Leroy or not
12972s um
12977s uh what are we on
12979s E4 okay oh yeah
12988s oh we picked different all right I'm
12992s pretty sure we are just flipping a coin
12993s on this Leroy Leroy attacks
12995s [Music]
12998s disaster
13005s a lot of attacks to chew through the
13007s Divine shields on the right hand side
13008s though
13012s tack lines up quite nicely though yes
13014s that one does not light up very nice
13016s nicely but we'll get the extra Divine
13019s Shield I don't know I think uh solo
13020s still might have it
13022s yes still perhaps no no additional reset
13026s although this brings back a deflecto now
13028s armor bear goes down
13031s so unless this Crush goes absolutely ham
13034s from here which it might well still do
13038s yup that's gonna be a win the 18th yep
13041s yep so very close in the end oh oh I I
13046s feel like I picked the favored player
13048s which is all I can do in that position
13050s but all right well played
13053s I need all the points I can get Sato I
13056s think we both know that yep
13060s so if uh if gongy had gone first then
13063s obviously the Leroy does not hit the
13065s deflecto ever it just goes into one of
13067s the taunts on the right hand side which
13068s may have still been good it was still a
13069s good outcome killing a Divine short but
13071s I think the deflector was probably
13072s better and then even uh with solar going
13075s first the deflecto could have gone into
13078s the other torn instead so I feel like
13080s that was a favored fight for the mechs
13082s but no way of knowing for sure yeah
13087s foreign
13093s space to really cash this out it's
13096s double Mama getting buffed so
13099s I feel like making a board space to make
13101s this happen
13103s yeah ball the minions out
13105s yeah yeah I'm I'm fine with this
13108s that ball minions has not been scaling
13110s at all I mean it could be better later
13112s for uh
13117s what it's just absolute garbage six
13119s drops just since the introduction of
13121s walking four into the game I feel like
13123s those six drop discovers that are just
13125s nothing like literally nothing just come
13128s up way too often
13131s not to say walking Fork can't be played
13132s in some situations but it's something
13134s that you have to be built into already
13136s right like it's rare that you triple
13138s into a six and go oh a fort perfect I
13141s mean Apparition duplicates out of Fort
13143s for like four Turks yeah true
13147s yeah I think they added Uther and then
13149s the the number of outright whiffs on
13152s tripling into a six went down because
13154s you know if you didn't hit the
13156s synergistic minion you wanted you maybe
13158s probably hit a mantid or an Uther and
13160s both of those can be useful in in
13162s various situations and then they added
13164s in fought and now it's suddenly just
13165s like okay now now we're just getting
13167s like zap fought over and over again on
13169s every triple inter so it's yeah
13174s laughs
13176s this does not look like enough numbers
13184s I mean even if the the leaps had stopped
13186s there it would still be like
13191s just barely enough numbers
13195s even if the baron just like died right
13197s now just died yeah it still wouldn't be
13200s enough
13201s just stack Overflow deletes itself from
13204s the board carry on
13206s wait
13208s come on I was gonna say doubly right but
13210s then I forgot that there's gonna be the
13212s uh
13213s the hyena spawning from the high main as
13215s well oh my goodness yep still The Rat
13217s Pack death row that can go off as well
13219s with uh Baron being shielded not
13221s unlikely to occur and
13224s this is just a ridiculous amount of
13226s stats not gonna be 25 though
13230s got the Divine shoot off the baron
13232s though that's a wind
13234s it's in the most minor way possible yes
13237s still a win nonetheless
13240s crisp
13242s 18.
13244s and uh
13247s yes not fall to the ghost I remember
13250s last time we looked at this and it was
13252s like ah one theater with the potential
13254s to get more from victim Specter and from
13256s galicron to hero power uh he now has
13258s four of them perfect
13260s perfect
13264s it's good enough
13265s just a handful of neutral minions yeah
13268s well not full but there's enough
13275s parts of this victim Specter cards go
13278s yeah just keeping the taunts in the same
13280s place okay
13281s there's always a debate I don't think
13283s it's much of a debate but it's a debate
13284s that some people might have with you
13286s where if you keep hitting those uh
13288s taught minions because they're neutrals
13289s you buy them all anyway you can spread
13291s the taunts around because then if you
13293s find strong shell scavenger you're you
13295s that's adding a lot more stats to the
13297s board if you have multiple taunts
13298s everywhere but I think the downside of
13300s not being able to control attacks from
13302s Leroy's poison minions and particularly
13304s Cleaves in this Lobby right with uh
13307s beasts and mechs both available if you
13309s torn everything you are just asking to
13312s play against the person with a 200 200
13314s cleave on the other side of the board
13315s and then you just lose right
13317s a limiting number of taunts is a good
13320s way to go about it
13328s and so the end game begins all of these
13331s Mama Bear Gamers that we have seen
13333s throughout the mid game are slowly
13336s transitioning out of a lot of this uh
13339s scaling or not scaling but all of this
13341s Tempo stuff that they've had up until
13343s this point starting to transition into
13344s Leroy's and poisonous minions but you
13347s can see with the way that panned out
13349s once the leroys and poisons all
13351s interacted with each other there is a
13353s very clear winner with the rest of this
13354s unless unless exactly that happens at
13359s least one more time
13363s okay well they're they're hitting all
13365s the other stuff first so yeah it's gonna
13367s need to be double Leroy to survive it's
13370s not the believer
13373s see there though look at that yeah
13374s pretty good yeah not bad but don't you
13379s will fall
13380s third place though very respectable
13383s and uh current Echo continues to scale
13386s up I don't remember what the oh is a pup
13387s bot right
13388s uh from the victim Specter I believe
13390s that died
13392s uh last see
13395s yep
13399s just a little pop
13403s all right so we have Jubilee who's
13406s playing the uh golden Baron leap
13409s Froggers versus current Neko
13413s um with just raw stats but I don't know
13416s if it's enough stats needs to I guess
13419s has to wipe me
13420s there it is
13422s double light a double white Mane now
13425s rolled the fours looking for the five
13428s specifically does find the second white
13430s man the problem with this is
13432s uh is that you you guarantee or where
13436s you you increase your chances of
13438s actually giving the baron torn but you
13440s guarantee that the baron is not the only
13442s thing you're giving taunt to right so
13444s you can still have this scenario where
13446s your first attack just goes into nothing
13449s just something random that you've
13451s taunted and then your second attack goes
13452s into the Rat Pack that they've taunted
13454s and then your third attack goes into the
13456s torn that comes out of the Rat Pack and
13458s then by that point you've lost anyway
13459s right because there's just too many
13461s death rails duplicating all over the
13463s place so this is far from a guaranteed
13466s win
13470s it looks like he might be slimming down
13472s the board space uh this way if you play
13476s one less minion than your opponents for
13478s example you'll actually end up taunting
13479s four things with the white man I like
13483s this small torn up front as well to
13485s delay yeah this is really really clever
13487s small taunt up front to delay the leaps
13490s from activating because I believe this
13492s is a ritual dagger leapfroggers on the
13494s other side right so the minions are huge
13496s Baron is massive did that annoyer module
13500s is going to delay the time it takes them
13502s to go off and allow enough time for
13505s these attacks to perhaps go into that
13506s Baron and deny it I think is the best
13508s chance that uh kuraneku has yeah
13512s we'll see how it plays out
13522s third
13527s wait so how do these attacks now work
13530s out there's reborn on the Frog so now
13532s this attacks in and dies the Frog
13534s attacks and then this attacks into
13536s something that spreads frogs already
13539s yes Yep this is not looking pretty
13543s nope
13547s Yep this attack spreads more frogs the
13549s baron has Divine Shields so it attacks
13550s and survives and now the next attack is
13553s just going to be spreading more frogs as
13555s well
13556s yeah really interesting battle there in
13558s the late game
13559s uh also relevant for puzzle box by the
13561s way because this uh White main strategy
13563s where you go minion down to increase the
13565s number of taunts is another common way
13567s that a player can win without having a
13569s full board which is one of the puzzle
13570s box questions
13572s but not looking like it's going to work
13573s out super relevant here
13577s nope
13579s nope does the Barons survive though but
13581s yeah that's Aaron needs to survive for
13584s this to be lethal
13587s fact I think
13589s depending on how big these now get okay
13592s they are big enough to cover so this
13594s will be exactly if the baron doesn't die
13596s and the baron doesn't die five plus five
13599s plus one plus one is going to be the 12
13602s needed
13604s and that's gonna be game one
13606s yeah very nicely done by June Boogie
13609s there it's
13611s oh you always think when you're in that
13613s scenario like oh my goodness I can't put
13615s my bearing up fast because if I don't
13616s get the spreads quick enough and it
13618s attacks then I'm just not gonna have the
13621s stats but it had Divine Shield that was
13623s the big Difference Maker right afford
13625s him the opportunity to be able to put it
13628s really far up in the attack sequence
13630s and uh still not risk uh it going down
13634s understanding what the the loss
13636s conditions were
13637s not for himself in that scenario so very
13639s nice uh little game there and uh it's
13643s refreshing to not see uh murlocs once
13645s again
13646s yeah for sure uh very very interesting
13649s final fight indeed I think specifically
13651s multiple white Mains was something that
13653s would have been considered there with
13655s that positioning as you correctly point
13656s out that Divine Shield gave so much
13658s luxury but just deliberately throwing
13662s all of the the death rattle the
13664s re-summons at the end so they would all
13667s end up getting taunted it guaranteed
13669s that even after the baron Divine shield
13671s attack happened that then the baron was
13675s then safe because all of the taunts that
13677s your opponent has made on the right hand
13679s side are the Minions that you want to
13681s die because they're the ones with the
13682s re-summons that will then duplicate all
13684s the frogs so the earliest possible point
13687s they could have got through to your
13688s Baron is already after you know eight
13691s nine ten individual instances of the
13693s Frog death rattle have gone off and then
13694s obviously that's multiplicatively
13696s applied to Absolute nonsense with golden
13698s Baron down the line so a good attempt
13701s from the gallacron but not good enough
13703s in the end you see what our game one
13705s table looks like and for those of you
13707s keeping track at home my fantasy team
13710s for this group is kid pompatter and
13712s Sliders
13713s it's not gone well
13717s um
13719s was it slows
13723s yes I believe so
13727s yeah you're right sorry I thought it was
13728s reasonable for some reason oh no reason
13730s why was your bandwagon pick
13731s that's right in this game okay
13736s well I'm not gonna mention my fantasy
13739s team because I don't want to jinx it
13742s The Comeback might be on though TJ this
13744s is a great start for Lobby B for you it
13746s is it is got to keep it up though I I
13750s mean it's not a great start I'm a kid at
13752s my fantasy team
13753s it didn't do so well so I'm struggling
13756s I'm really struggling
13757s what do you have to say
13759s and trying not to my fingers are crossed
13762s underneath
13762s [Music]
13764s trying to make sure that uh
13766s I keep this uh this streak going
13769s um but we're cruising along four out of
13771s six games done on the day and uh which
13775s means we got two more left if you're as
13778s good at mathematics as I am but before
13781s we jump into the second game of Lobby B
13783s we are gonna have to go to a quick break
13784s but don't go anywhere more Lobby Legends
13786s action right after this
13789s foreign
13798s [Music]
13806s [Music]
13810s [Applause]
13812s [Music]
13820s foreign
13823s [Music]
13840s [Music]
13870s two three
13874s [Music]
13884s foreign
13888s foreign
13890s [Music]
13905s [Music]
13924s [Music]
13944s foreign
13949s [Music]
13975s foreign
13976s [Music]
13989s welcome back to Hearthstone
13990s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends I'm TJ
13993s joined by saddle and uh we got another
13996s game on our hands in just a few moments
13998s so I'll game two Lobby B
14000s and I'm excited for this one I feel like
14003s we've had some uh some good games today
14006s um I don't think we've seen anything too
14008s crazy but we've seen a lot of solid
14010s technical play uh in the later turns oh
14014s what
14015s Rebecca was so far down last week really
14019s not last week last tournament yeah last
14021s tournament but I guess because this is
14024s the dark horse group
14026s and then recency bias being a player
14028s that they recognized from the last
14029s tournament yeah that makes sense yeah it
14032s does make sense yeah
14034s um so ah cool that's nice though I'd
14037s like to see it curl knuckle fans rising
14040s up and uh you know what the
14043s winner of the first game of this Lobby
14046s all the way down at the bottom of
14049s fantasy team pick percentage
14052s and it's a player with a very
14055s interesting story
14057s um
14058s qualified I believe or at least hit a
14062s qualified percentage on a free-to-play
14063s account like without the season pass
14064s meaning two Heroes as far as I
14067s understand it
14068s um and I believe even the name uh our
14070s pronunciation of it is horrible by the
14073s way but uh actually pronounced properly
14075s in Korean I think it just means turtle
14076s or tortoise and it's just one of the
14079s auto-generated names that you can get on
14080s a blizzard account
14082s so like this is this is a free-to-play
14085s warrior that we are dealing with right
14086s now who's absolutely stampeding all the
14089s way through to this point and has uh now
14091s picked up a Lobby win on the big stage
14093s as well so hats off yeah and look like a
14096s fantastic game specifically on those uh
14099s last couple turns uh from
14102s probably butchering the name completely
14106s now that you told me it's an actual word
14108s I I think I think Boogie is correct but
14111s I think the first setup was like yo or
14112s something as opposed to Geo but I'm not
14114s I'm not gonna try like my my career in
14116s pronunciation is not there you are
14118s welcome to try and look it up and get
14120s the confirmation if you want I can see
14122s it already I know the TJ starts where
14124s he's Googling things and that's exactly
14126s what we're looking at right now yeah I'm
14128s Googling it but I'm not even gonna begin
14130s to try nope I just like to call them Geo
14134s Boogie because it makes me think of like
14138s yeah it's what it's what geologists do
14141s at the party after they after they've
14143s finished a long hard day of looking at
14145s rocks and they just want to unwind you
14147s know kick off their shoes let down their
14148s hair they just do the Geo books yeah
14151s exactly yeah
14153s [Music]
14155s that's how they uh that's how they when
14157s they're studying volcanoes that's how
14159s they teach them to uh jump from
14162s Bolton Rock to molten rock
14165s they do the Geo Boogie
14167s [Music]
14172s well I'm gonna say I'm done so oh okay
14174s sorry I thought I thought it was gonna
14175s be a follow-up to that but yes hey
14177s follow it that's it a very good start
14179s and a very good name for geo Boogie
14181s indeed but certainly the likes of Caden
14184s pompata who died in a tie for seventh
14187s and eighth uh we talked a little bit
14190s about how generally the theme of this
14192s group is players that we haven't seen or
14194s players that we have seen briefly
14197s because they haven't had great
14198s performances when they've shown up and
14200s kid and pompata kind of fall into that
14203s latter group
14205s um and that's the kind of thing that can
14206s get overwhelming fairly quickly I would
14209s say if you start to get bad performances
14210s all over again
14212s uh so here we are looking at our
14215s geologist slash dancer slash turtle
14218s going with the tickets choice this time
14221s around which is fascinating to me
14225s because I would ascribe tickets to be a
14229s feast or famine type hero like a first
14231s or last type hero in very simple terms
14233s and that's not really what jeer Boogie
14237s needs right now right
14239s uh I guess what like ozomat would
14242s probably be the safe choice in that
14244s selection
14245s oh look at some stats real quick
14248s is what it is I like the ticket is
14251s all right we're going to start off with
14252s sliders here who's on the sir Finley
14255s ooh interesting probably brucan out of
14259s these three
14262s well that would be my pick yep
14267s oh yeah
14270s oh yeah
14272s I mean it's a shame that
14274s it it can't get much
14277s can't get attacked much on these early
14280s terms turns
14282s oh my gosh 6 a.m is hitting me hard
14289s oh look it's gonna get two
14295s nope only one
14300s looking at the rest
14302s are going for cookie we have a master
14304s win from Kid
14309s another Sneed raise them all picking
14311s yawg Jag Saron
14315s razor Mall had a
14318s not that great of a finish I believe it
14320s was what like a tie for sixth
14324s in the previous game
14327s which means should be shooting for a
14330s pretty high finish yeah not necessarily
14333s known for those crazy high finishes but
14335s does have a lot of potential for early
14336s tempo
14337s could smooth out the leveling curve
14339s quite a bit
14343s I was having just checked it out
14345s uh my representation of tickets does not
14348s appear to be accurate it is a fairly
14351s flat curve overall in terms of average
14355s Place well 4.6 placement on average but
14357s there's no like huge spike in first
14359s second seventh and eighth as I was
14361s describing it does seem to be a fairly
14363s flat curve hero in terms of getting
14364s third fourth fifth sixth uh so sure I
14367s take it all back this seems fine
14371s that was an emotional rollercoaster
14373s subtle it was
14387s oh TJ's favorite thing in the entire
14390s world
14392s foreign
14393s Sensei every time
14397s you're just playing a 2-2 this time I
14399s mean what you're gonna play a three
14401s three or a three one yeah true I mean
14404s probably the answer is you're not
14405s playing any of them this time because
14406s there's not really any point and you
14408s just hold it for next turn for the quest
14410s yeah because regardless you're not
14412s you're not winning the fight no matter
14413s what you do here funnily enough
14415s geomancer actually has ticks the most
14417s like Quest boxes yeah that is true
14420s Battle Cry and quilbore
14422s um but raw power it's the brute uh so
14429s this goes with raw power
14431s kind of have to honestly if you go three
14433s on three especially with the Zero armor
14436s Arrow you have to find some power
14440s somewhere
14449s uh secret stone is interesting with
14452s cookie but ten dragons or demons is just
14457s brutal
14459s absolutely not
14461s are you joking
14464s it's got to be Smoking Gun the other two
14466s are just almost impossible to complete
14468s yeah
14471s you roll sell this okay uh bronze Warden
14474s is a decent pickup here
14477s probably still even though it's a Divine
14479s Shield minion you're probably not uh
14481s using the other blood gem save that for
14483s next turn in case the uh likelihood that
14485s you don't find another Blood gem for the
14487s following turn comes up
14488s ah God such a shame too because secret
14490s Sandstone is just
14494s so good
14497s with any hero that has a hero power that
14501s discovers obviously cookie is not as
14503s good as
14505s um
14506s Elise scabs queen of sharks scabs yeah
14512s but you know once every three turrets
14515s you get two copies of something
14517s okay took a three on three curve from
14519s jabugi
14523s who has the initial prize in hands and
14526s Neil said it earlier don't blame it on
14528s the Geo boogie
14530s that's quite good
14533s big fan of that
14537s four three two one
14541s and um
14543s no it's not not until the end of combat
14547s so uh TJ did not get a bandwagon pick
14550s for this good to know
14554s no it's not till the end of combat it
14556s ends
14558s unbelievable
14564s scammed
14566s utterly scam it's not like I would pick
14568s it correct anyway yeah true
14572s I'm starting to get slightly concerned
14574s about how good your game one of this
14575s Lobby was though
14577s yeah you better be concerned I am I just
14580s said I am yeah you better be I mean I am
14583s though
14584s I know and you better be okay well then
14587s we agree
14589s all right we have just a two
14592s the double trickster board
14602s whiplash
14610s now that's a shop that is a shop
14614s now I want to get rid of this sunbaking
14616s relaxer I think
14617s actually you know what
14619s let me get rid of this is actually one
14621s of the better ones because of the curve
14622s next turn you buy buy sell and have six
14625s gold left
14626s what if you just get rid of the deflect
14628s I bought because it's got a menace death
14630s rattle on it and you lean full body into
14633s trickster parrot
14637s eh oh
14641s you just uh hero power the deflector bot
14644s and just nail it
14647s yeah
14649s it sounds like the best play to me
14655s oh really re-freezes The Alley Cat at
14658s the end of that time interesting yeah
14661s well like I said the uneven amount of
14662s gold right eight gold what do you want
14664s to have
14665s sure yeah okay I see it fine
14679s foreign
14684s Lorinda pedantically pointing out that
14686s eight is quite literally an even amount
14688s of gold and not an uneven amount of gold
14690s but we all knew what you meant even I
14692s was not going to pull you up on that one
14694s take a Neil but yeah so what this means
14697s now is I imagine this is by alicat
14700s freeze and level no he is actually going
14703s to go for it right now I imagine the
14704s damage being taken probably turned him
14706s off but yeah the Alley Cat freeze
14708s allowed options right because what you
14710s could have done is bought the Alley Cat
14712s leveled and Frozen again and then had
14714s two gold with the Alley Cat that you
14716s could sell for the next turn for
14717s additional flexibility which did make a
14720s lot of sense but uh is just deciding
14724s that uh nope he needs to start going for
14726s something
14729s foreign
14733s oh
14738s okay fine
14744s got a bird buddy
14750s huh
14753s there's another interesting board
14756s yeah baby Crush doing a lot of heavy
14759s lifting here for the sport you would
14761s think oh yeah still turns six that's a
14765s very early
14767s baby crush and that tends to absolutely
14770s destroy these types of early early mid
14772s boards so yep
14774s and uh looking at this one oh yeah
14779s sliders here on trigger six death
14781s rattles for sack
14786s which I would imagine is getting done
14789s if not hey uh it has not been done
14791s already it's already done oh he's
14794s already done now I was too busy looking
14796s at the spreadsheet indeed's been done
14802s yeah
14803s it's going to take a colossal beating
14806s here from this baby Crush board that we
14808s were just looking at on the other side
14810s okay how Master goes down
14812s is a positive might just prevent himself
14815s from getting damage captain
14820s just about
14823s saved one Health
14825s okay
14839s uh Jubilee also holding on to the uh
14842s free refreshes
14846s right until it gets a little hard time
14848s nope just kidding
14851s generally want to save it oh hello uh
14854s for a point that's relevant like you
14855s don't want to be rolling on Tavern two
14858s or three really that much I mean three
14860s with specific strategies but generally
14862s the higher you can get up into heaven
14864s before spending that the more impactful
14865s those roles are going to be so it does
14867s make sense
14872s this is four demons or dragons for
14876s another good body
14878s okay
14884s wall of minions is both a demon and a
14887s dragon
14889s but only counts for one yep
14892s also a saddle
14895s ah I'm nobody's minion TJ
14900s yes but if you were a minion you would
14902s have a minion type that's true
14909s it's like three Soul jugglers
14914s foreign
14920s oh nice okay
14923s how's the evil twin bristleback Brew
14925s inverted commas combo very common little
14928s thing that you'll see people going for
14929s in the mid game because uh versus
14932s BlackBerry does tend to lead you into
14933s positions where it's significantly
14935s bigger than every other minion on your
14936s board
14939s yeah we could be looking at another
14940s puzzle box question here
14942s um
14943s player win a game
14945s uh with not a full board and evil twin
14948s does count that's indeed
14952s so that's if raised mall is able to find
14955s a victory in this one we would
14957s almost automatically get it
14960s there's a possibility that he could just
14961s say forget the evil twin I need this
14963s specific Tech card right on
14965s yeah could but very unlikely yeah seems
14969s incredibly niche yeah I I don't think
14972s I've ever seen that happen
14984s looks like holding out here still on
14987s faulty health is gonna take on the house
14989s and greed it looks like he's gonna go up
14991s and look for the fell back next turn
14994s even after the lobby win in game one uh
14998s gilberg is still just deciding hey we're
15000s going for it two wins and I can put my
15003s feet up for game number three and just
15004s know him show up I can I can go I can go
15006s do the Geo Boogie with all my geologists
15008s they're playing game three
15012s it also has the Synergy with another
15014s hidden body
15016s holding on to the ball of minions too
15019s I can actually get two discoverers true
15022s yeah very very true
15026s foreign
15045s yeah I think so
15048s oh okay it's double bird buddy which is
15051s starting to uh
15053s out of style here real quick yeah you
15056s never underestimate the Croc you've
15058s definitely never underestimate the bird
15060s person
15062s that is a lot of Revenge not sure I love
15067s this ghast coiler positioning but
15070s there's no other real beasts like I'd
15072s like to have the gas coiler further up
15074s so that all the Death rattles from the
15075s gas coil reduce the avenge
15077s but if you're doing that which beasts
15080s are then getting buffed right there's
15081s nothing really left at that point
15083s because you want the baby Crush to
15084s attack early before it gets sniped a
15087s little bit awkward overall
15092s really good attack order though baby
15094s crush doesn't really end up doing that
15096s much but just the fact that gosh this
15098s board is weak yeah the Divine Shield
15100s gets sniped and then the undivine
15104s shielded minion based on the attack
15106s order just went straight in to the giant
15108s torn on the other side was uh was really
15110s bad news
15112s and that's it not even going to get
15114s through the main body of the gas coiler
15116s yeah this is Smoking Gun oh that is
15119s Smoking Gun okay hang on hang on uh hang
15123s on
15123s hang on pause pause pause
15126s never mind no oh that's it that's enough
15129s that's a win no it's not oh it's so
15131s close oh it was so close oh void Lord
15135s just the nine Health on the void Lord
15137s getting the double attack to go through
15139s the rat that was so very very close in
15142s the end yeah unfortunate for kuraneko
15145s after such a good start very very close
15148s though
15149s Smoking Gun coming in clutch
15153s um but that's definitely seemed like a
15154s situation where if current Echo had
15156s maybe a slightly better Quest could have
15159s transitioned into something but that
15160s board was just so weak
15162s uh it didn't really have like a super a
15166s reasonable direction to go uh it was
15168s just like uh
15170s a a giant Divine Shield taunt plus two
15175s Banner boards and that was it that was
15177s the whole thing got the ground Shaker in
15179s on the previous turn but it was only the
15181s banner boards that were buffing it so it
15183s didn't update attack by much
15185s that is not a bat
15188s it is a mounted Queen however though
15190s which as I was mentioning what last game
15192s is kind of the go-to consolation prize
15194s when you miss on the thing that you want
15196s that however as you may have noticed is
15198s a bat
15202s and despite these razor ghouls I think
15204s razigal was the reward Minion from the
15207s ghastly mask but the chalga and the Fel
15211s bat are going to be doing significantly
15212s more work here you would imagine oh my
15215s gosh oh this is oh this what a rush
15221s what a rush did you ever play siren meta
15225s TJ when when nagas had spiteful siren uh
15228s no okay if you want to see
15231s um I see numbers get bigger at end of a
15233s turn that is absolutely nothing to what
15236s siren did basically every game
15244s is it even enough
15248s it really isn't
15250s it's losing to a ghost quite badly here
15254s like really badly should really really
15257s badly okay
15259s if he'd have just like windmilled into
15262s the rat at some point that could have
15264s been an utter disaster oh yeah uh but
15268s dodged it and now the scaling uh you
15271s just AFK from here
15274s he's so far behind
15280s presumably he's just gonna roll down
15283s these elises
15285s there we go
15288s laughs
15294s gotta be amounted surely
15297s yeah you cannot lean into any more
15299s scaling than this at this point kid
15301s surely that calagos does not exist okay
15305s thank you
15311s walking four more end of turn let's get
15314s some taunts going oh I'm I'm taking the
15317s fort and I'm just holding it trying to
15320s find some sparring partners
15321s and everything else does kind of suck
15323s the the other option is just gas coiler
15326s for Tempo minion
15327s yeah
15329s going up against uh Gangi here so
15336s he I think it might just die
15342s I remember what gongi's board state is
15352s um wait do you say red hands I'm looking
15354s at ritual dagger yeah it's ritual dagger
15358s oh whoops I don't think I refresh my
15361s yeah virtual dagger with pretty big
15363s stuff
15365s yeah there's there's no way kids kids
15368s dead kid is just dead I mean it it was a
15372s rush it was a rush
15375s a lot of stats but
15377s even with like the banded Queen pick up
15380s not gonna be enough it didn't seem it
15383s was by 12 minions for a Razor Gore
15386s ghastly mask which in the circumstance
15391s this got better I mean double-mounted
15393s certainly helps a lot yes it is a decent
15396s Menagerie as well which means that the
15398s mantids are likely to get Juiced but
15401s this is double deflecto multi-reset on
15404s the other side and the deflectos are big
15406s enough to be relevant to basically every
15409s minion on the other side of the board so
15411s I'm not seeing it okay
15416s so the Bots are actually not terrible if
15419s they were like later in the sequence
15421s because they could be off to my Shields
15423s but
15424s yeah it kind of resigned back probably
15427s sees the zero percenter pop up
15432s okay zero hits into Divine Shields if
15435s there is a percentage chance this is
15436s what we're going to be looking at
15443s hello what's going on okay water last
15446s I'm confused Neil saw the future so
15448s Neil's like you guys haven't figured it
15450s out yet
15451s how did I get here where am I who's the
15454s president what day of the week
15460s all right kid does go down
15463s foreign
15470s I see the ghost has won two fights in a
15474s row is what Lorinda was showing to us I
15476s see oh there was methods to their
15478s members Ah that's such a bummer Karen
15482s Echo was on the cusp
15487s ense but a lot of times you know not
15489s indicative of the player's strengths
15490s because people see that they're fighting
15492s a ghost that died three turns ago and
15493s are and we'll make their board weaker
15495s and get a little greedy so yeah and you
15497s can kind of see what's happened here
15499s right is that your Boogie has looked at
15503s the ghost fight and gone okay well I
15504s have an option to get into some super
15506s greedy theater scaling in that case
15508s right and should still be fine to beat
15509s The Ghost and the ghost was actually a
15511s little bit bigger than anyone has been
15513s expected but this theater scaling on
15515s double ball have been of minions
15517s um kind of removes one of the downsides
15520s of Theater which is kind of feel like
15523s you have to go off on the first three
15524s minions you find dryer ends up being
15526s super duper slow but now you can just
15529s Cash Out These baller minions onto
15530s something else at any point throughout
15532s the course of the game but because of
15534s the nadina that your Boogie has as well
15537s there's a good chance that he just stays
15539s on these ball of minions for a very very
15540s long time from this point yeah
15544s oh wow a Golden Bird buddy yeah from
15548s pilford lamps
15551s had the two copies completed the quest
15554s and pompata is Off to the Races 38
15557s health
15559s hello
15560s 38 Health pilford Labs
15563s this is terrifying it is yeah
15567s yeah
15569s let's do a tiger sometimes you could
15571s just accidentally get a bunch of triples
15573s with Pilgrim clamps
15575s oops I slipped and hit my air power oh
15577s cool three triples
15581s uh zap not really going to achieve
15583s anything here
15586s most of this board stay been picked
15588s apart already just the remaining Divine
15590s Shield minions to go really looks like
15592s pompata has more than enough to have
15595s this covered
15597s so pompata is at 38 Health with laps
15601s active and is a head-on Tempo from other
15604s players in the lobby is killing people
15608s yeah
15610s oh dear indeed
15615s I do still think that gonky's in a
15617s pretty good spot
15619s I think it was gonky with the mechs yep
15622s yes and uh slider's gonna fall as well
15629s down to the top four now
15642s we take a look at solar actually I don't
15644s mind I don't remember seeing solar at
15646s all this game oh that's why
15649s oh no that was razor Mall
15651s oh okay yeah SOLO is the player that
15653s found the four I remember yeah
15659s we fought gaming now we are where are we
15663s dropping boys
15665s [Laughter]
15672s does look significantly weaker than some
15675s of the other boards that we have been
15677s looking at though nah Solo's cranking
15680s 90s
15681s laughs
15683s oh have you seen his 90s cracked out of
15687s his mind dude
15693s how do you do fellow kids
15695s [Laughter]
15698s oh it looks like for us both like
15701s mid-30s
15703s genuinely play tons of fortnite when the
15705s game was that I know I played with you
15707s that's true yeah you did I forgot about
15710s that it was like one Championship where
15712s we'd all go cast
15714s and then we'd go back and play fortnite
15716s we'd go back into separate hotel rooms
15719s and then connect via the Wi-Fi to then
15722s Squad up and play fortnite yeah
15732s I I don't know how gongi
15738s can really get like too much bigger here
15744s yeah passive scaling from the ritual
15746s dagger is doing bits you know like yeah
15749s plus four plus four return to a
15750s deflector bot is massive right if you
15753s wanna
15754s there's I'm sure there's an equation for
15756s how to compare that to vanilla stats
15758s somewhere right but if you look at this
15759s other side of the ball that 25 25
15762s imprisoner the other 2923 demon like you
15765s could add 12 12 to one of those and it's
15768s still probably stronger just to add 4 4
15770s to a deflective bar right because of the
15771s Divide Shield because of the resets and
15773s everything else that you have going on
15775s um but the problem is the deflectos are
15777s also the least likely minions to die
15779s because of the way that this pans out as
15781s you're now starting to see in the
15783s situation so it is a little bit of an
15785s awkward spot for uh gongi to be in that
15788s tunnel Blaster is a disaster as well for
15792s solar oh no another one okay does get a
15796s Divine shield on a relevantly sized
15798s Minion from there but yeah not gonna be
15800s good enough unless some real magic is
15803s gonna happen with this last remaining
15805s Sneed minion
15807s Leroy's no leroys
15814s and that is six plus three guaranteed
15816s yep
15819s oh raise them all also falling so
15824s it's a clean sweep down to the top two
15826s players dropping
15828s consistently for the past three turns so
15831s down to pompada versus Gangi
15834s it is going to be pompado
15839s pretty powerful
15840s bird buddy board with double reborn I
15844s was about to say we haven't had a bronze
15846s blessing this might be the last chance
15849s funnily enough it's actually a pretty
15851s good one
15852s yeah
15854s close-ish
15857s that's really close actually
15862s this Baron is a little bit strange as it
15865s stands at the moment there's not really
15868s any board space to take advantage of it
15870s so yep just get it directly into the sea
15873s immediately see Bill from lips whoops
15875s triple the baron
15880s hey what's weird about that is like
15881s you're you're suddenly just one uh
15884s leapfrogger away from having a better
15886s comp than what you have from the rest of
15888s the entire game right or the golden frog
15890s but
15891s using to Discount the dream
15895s uh did pompata buy that white Mane I
15896s looked away for a second yeah yeah okay
15898s very relevant information as to whether
15900s how this fight is going to go I'm
15901s imagining
15902s is going left
15908s yeah I am currently there with you but I
15910s am waiting for this uh this final 20
15912s seconds or so just in case uh pompasa
15914s decides to have some sort of absolute
15916s pilfered lamps disaster triple something
15918s take it off his board just play with
15920s three minions
15923s [Music]
15925s no white man okay
15928s I want the Leroy instead kind of serves
15930s a similar purpose in terms of getting
15932s rid of the getting rid of the deflectos
15939s yeah SOLO torn which means guaranteed
15942s that is going in takes it down
15944s immediately
15947s now it's pretty much just going to be a
15949s battle of stats the Imp bummer doesn't
15951s really get any kind of significant value
15953s however
15957s foreign
15959s HP
15962s on a 38 attack minion there's massive
15966s reborn gas coil oh wow okay well that's
15969s problematic
15975s oh
15976s [Music]
15979s my this is just as much nonsense I'm
15984s nervous TJ I'm nervous
15986s wasn't even that
15989s okay
15991s okay go left did not go loud the
15994s deflector attacks before it got reached
15996s that's true yeah that's a really really
15998s big deal
16000s problem is this gas coiler does not get
16003s outside 38 right actually it does
16005s because no no the bird body goes in
16007s which means this is going to trade one
16008s for one but yeah
16010s it's an entire Golden Girls entire gas
16013s coiler death rattle plus the Beast that
16015s come from it ah yeah kill him never
16019s worried
16023s all right we both collected some points
16025s wait that's 20. that is 20. no way
16031s okay cool six drop from the gas coiler
16035s stealing it down we were worried about
16037s pompata losing for our precious barov's
16040s blessing points but in the end massive
16043s scam it has to be said what was it six
16045s drop five drop Six drop and then a small
16047s minion coming off a a reborn gas coiler
16050s in that situation which is yeah pretty
16052s disgusting in terms of total damage in
16054s the end in a position where honestly it
16056s didn't even look like he was necessarily
16059s super favored to win the fight I think
16062s still favored to win the fight at the
16064s beginning but then he kind of resolved
16066s into a position where he didn't really
16067s look that favored anymore but then
16069s really really strong uh drops from the
16072s gas coiler not only to win the fight
16074s which probably would have done when we
16076s got down to that last point with the gas
16077s coiler but the crucial thing being six
16079s drops and five drops coming out to
16081s actually get the kill at the last moment
16083s absolutely disgusting yeah from this
16086s like Middle Point
16087s of of uh this round I I literally had no
16091s idea yeah look at this board and
16095s I don't think anybody could tell me
16097s confident I was that attack there like
16099s that deflector going into the 14 attack
16101s Rat Pack meant that the deflecto
16103s couldn't possibly attack again without
16105s dying and everything like there was
16107s there was one attack and two attack and
16109s three attack tokens all over the board
16111s and the deflecto went into a 14 attack
16113s Rat Pack and cost itself basically all
16115s of its Health to lose the uh the Divine
16118s Shield because otherwise we could have
16119s been dealing with a pretty different
16121s scenario overall yeah
16125s um but nicely done from pompada and uh
16128s 38 health and in the game at which is
16131s pretty insane
16134s um given that it's not really even a
16137s high Tempo hero and certainly not a high
16140s Tempo Quest
16142s uh just a solid game all throughout and
16146s uh there's our current standing so
16147s papada very poor start but with that win
16150s it's gonna sneak into the current top
16153s four standings
16156s um with gongi Geo Boogie Sola and papada
16159s at the top but razor mall and current
16161s Echo not far behind kid however
16164s incredibly far behind and we've also
16167s reached a point now where kid is almost
16171s mathematically eliminated uh very early
16174s it has to be Razer mall and pump pumpada
16179s actually basically the top four half or
16182s the bottom four in the next uh game has
16185s to be what sliders current Echo razor
16187s ball and pumpata like in descending
16189s order and kid has to win in order to
16191s have a shot
16193s and then yeah kid would be Pompa pompata
16196s would have a zero a 0.5 and a seven
16200s right yeah
16202s yeah I suppose it can still be done but
16206s it's looking absolutely dire for kid uh
16208s bring back kid five is uh what I say
16211s clearly kid five had it right all along
16213s up until this point just rocks up with a
16215s name making fun of kid and wins the
16217s whole tournament and then kid has the
16219s chance to run it back and it's looking
16220s like kind of a repeat of what we saw
16223s last time uh with kid plummeting out
16225s early so uh bad news for kid bad news
16228s for me since I had kid in my fantasy
16231s team as well my fantasy team not doing
16233s great in this group so far although I
16234s did have pompata who picked up a win in
16237s that one but still one more game to go
16239s left in the day
16240s that's right which means we're going to
16242s have to go to our last break of the day
16245s but when we come back we are going to
16247s have uh the conclusion to Lobby be here
16250s the final game and then we're going to
16252s end the day by revealing the top eight
16254s right who we're going to be seeing in
16256s that final Lobby tomorrow for that check
16258s format so don't go anywhere more Lobby
16260s Legends
16261s right after this
16262s [Music]
16274s [Music]
16282s [Music]
16286s [Applause]
16288s [Music]
16290s thank you
16294s [Music]
16315s [Music]
16322s thank you
16323s [Music]
16338s foreign
16341s foreign
16344s [Music]
16385s [Music]
16386s thank you
16388s [Music]
16399s [Music]
16419s foreign
16420s [Music]
16451s foreign
16451s [Music]
16465s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends Hallows and
16468s we've approached the end
16471s of our day number one here of our group
16473s stage one more game left to go to decide
16476s who's gonna be playing in that top eight
16478s uh in that check format tomorrow Tuesday
16481s joined by saddle Simon bottle
16484s Welch
16486s Twitter handle at Seawall underscore
16489s dotle
16491s okay my follow
16493s great guy
16495s verified on Twitter in six different
16498s ways these days
16502s I'm verified in zero ways
16506s it's fine you can just pay for it now TJ
16508s don't worry the thing is
16511s like if anybody wants to try and
16514s impersonate me like jokes on them
16518s actually great great idea hold on
16520s changing myself to TJ Sanders I'm on
16522s this immediately
16524s yeah well the uh you can't change your
16526s name anymore
16527s oh yeah true so
16531s um stuck you're stuck as uh Simon soddle
16534s Welch at skew well underscore saddle
16538s for all of eternity
16540s um but here we go jump into the game
16542s right off the bat
16543s um
16545s I see nine armor and I just I just see
16549s the big number I'm like well I'm taking
16550s that one yeah six armor Finley though
16553s yeah sign me up Finley Finley is a
16556s literal cheat code in some instances you
16558s can you can get the broken hero Powers
16561s while having the armor total and the
16563s ease of quest completion of A6 Armor
16566s Hero which is very unfair in some
16568s scenarios of course you are at the mercy
16570s of what that discovered hero power is
16572s going to be but I think six armor Finley
16574s is very very hard to turn down
16576s yep
16577s hey we got a gallywix
16582s and a rat king
16584s cool
16588s oh this is I I this is a lot of cool
16591s heroes oh okay oh what's in what's out
16596s I see Elementals are in we got no
16599s murlocs no cool borers
16604s ah George's
16609s I think it's Lich King right right yeah
16612s yeah I like Lich King
16620s yeah I think if we had the exact
16622s opposite Lobby of this that would be a
16625s snap George yeah like literally reverse
16628s the tribes right murloc's ear and Max
16630s and beasts out that's insta George at
16632s that point
16634s um but with Beast Mex in Lich King
16636s plenty of Premium targets to reborn in
16638s that scenario of course usually uh Leroy
16641s is the premium Target to reborn uh We're
16644s not gonna see one of the best scams in
16646s the game by the way we mentioned it at
16648s the start
16649s um but just if people haven't been
16650s following recently if you've been
16651s following Battlegrounds enough to know
16653s the evil twin khadgar is a huge Scourge
16656s on The Meta game right now but not
16658s following enough to know that it was hot
16660s fixed last night in my time if you're
16663s right in that specific little niche of
16665s how much attention you play to
16666s Battlegrounds uh there you go kadgar
16668s evil twin interaction was uh hot fixed
16671s out last night uh Lich King with the
16674s reborn leroys is one of the best ways to
16678s scam of that with that outside of of
16680s mackerel if you can get a few stats onto
16682s your Leroy and then give it reborn and
16683s then evil twins spread it everywhere
16685s with khadgar it's beautiful
16690s doesn't work anymore
16695s better yet
16699s pick wisdom ball
16703s and win because I need a Winston ball
16707s you better have your eyes peeled for a
16710s wisdom ball it's the last game of the
16712s day can we have we got a brand with uh
16715s the juice
16717s if this really is the juice yeah
16721s what's the counter on I would imagine
16723s this is the fourth being bought
16727s if you were to buy the triple right now
16728s which is not ideal because you want to
16732s play the golden Naga with the brand
16735s right you don't want to play it
16736s beforehand
16738s you might just have to go for buy hold
16740s yeah which is fine you also get to see
16743s the quest
16744s yeah went for a freeze there yeah I do I
16746s do not like the freeze I I like buy hold
16749s significantly more than freeze in this
16751s spot so I do think this last minute
16752s diversion is a good choice just make the
16754s damage
16755s oh this is oh yeah this is good stuff
16758s right here and all you have to do is buy
16760s one Battle Cry next turn get the brand
16762s or imagine a Battle Cry Quest
16765s requirement too
16767s or even like add cards to hand
16771s you also well Elementals are Naga
16775s zerus oh okay but you get that right now
16780s there's a freaking Elemental there's a
16782s settlemental a uh anomaly which
16785s completes the brand and then the naga in
16788s your hand
16790s oh my goodness
16793s oh my goodness that's perfect that is
16796s literally perfect
16805s I'm gonna Tavern up two to get a three
16808s from this triple or are you still gonna
16810s hold
16814s I think I'm playing it
16816s you have to play it right because it's
16818s part of the quest completion oh yeah
16820s yeah to get those heiress yeah
16823s oh my gosh it's four coins
16825s [Laughter]
16831s um
16835s bird buddy let's take a bird person yeah
16838s yeah a little bit of tempo why not
16841s I think it's fine
16844s you also take show commander and that
16846s allows you to hold the water droplet in
16848s hand so you're just playing show
16849s Commander as your fourth minion there's
16851s a Naga instead of an elemental
16854s because otherwise you're otherwise
16855s you're golden efficient right oh you
16857s have two spaces on board my back I
16859s thought you only had one space unfort it
16860s doesn't actually matter that much
16862s but pixel Commander anyway uh even given
16866s that information so
16875s and the zeros train is a coming
16883s well we're doing the same one
16888s and
16891s oh that mean all right fine
16896s I I think turn five was on my screen
16900s before that came on but fine no not mine
16903s I'm lagging Florida internet
16906s I'm actually stalling turn three oh
16908s really how is it back there
16911s simpler times right turn three those
16913s were the days yep
16918s okay well we got a triple lined up with
16921s uh well double triple
16925s foreign
16931s next turn does have the Gambler to be
16933s able to make it happen as well presuming
16935s that was swapped into on one of the
16937s turns uh you have very little gold to
16940s actually be allocated to anything except
16942s buying back your alley cat so very
16944s likely that was just flipped into on one
16946s of the previous turns with the hero
16947s power
16956s oh honestly
16958s EJ's extremely late bandwagon pick has
16962s just been officially approved into the
16963s system cannot believe it getting away
16966s with murder here
16967s check mark emoji on Discord officially
16971s approved into this into the system look
16975s okay the people who are who are running
16978s all of this for us can tell you some
16980s wonderful stories about what it's
16981s possible to do by just typing things in
16983s Discord when technology fails you okay
16986s do not discount
16993s but just
16996s watched your Boogie just crash and burn
16998s from this point yeah yeah that looks
17000s just got super hyped I um if I had seen
17004s razamore's board I would have been
17006s tempted to diver away from the gear
17009s Boogie because that is a settlemental
17012s triple on a gallywix which is one of the
17015s best positions you can possibly be in in
17017s the entire game uh seller mental
17020s probably the best early triple in the
17022s game and then even more so on uh on
17025s galleywix because of the way the hero
17026s power works so very very strong position
17028s for Razer Mall overall
17031s ooh
17034s what was the quest
17037s cooked book
17040s Elementals are pirates though
17043s eight eight Elementals are pirates oh my
17045s goodness that's a again one out one out
17049s of eight currently if I saw that
17050s correctly which means uh yeah we're on
17053s turn six kids still has to play seven
17056s more Elementals or Pirates to get plus
17060s one plus one on the first minion that he
17062s buys cooked book is so incredibly slow
17066s yes it is massive when you can get it
17069s rolling but my goodness kid is so far
17072s away from making it happen here
17075s I respect it though in kids specific
17077s position
17078s it makes sense right Pirates are in go
17081s for cookbook hit hogar win game
17085s makes sense you can argue you don't need
17087s cookbook if you hit
17089s okay you can argue you don't need the
17092s cookbook part of that sentence if you
17094s hit hogar if you go infinite with hogar
17096s you're winning the game anyway because
17097s you're infinite that's a valid argument
17098s but kid has a fraction of a fraction of
17102s a fraction percent chance to qualify
17104s from this position and it all starts
17107s with him winning the game
17109s did you Boogie just zerus into an Eliza
17113s uh
17114s uh he's on four so he kind of faceless
17116s into it so I would presume so yes
17121s unless he tripled into a five and then
17123s faceless that into an Elisa which seems
17125s like a very unlikely play to make I
17127s would imagine that's what happened to us
17129s okay
17130s well that's pretty good
17134s that'll at least buy him some time to
17136s get rolling
17137s doesn't have to like get hard to build
17140s around it unless you go like Exodia but
17143s yeah meanwhile Tony
17147s I'm just gonna say where is Razer Mall
17149s in the standings right now raise them
17151s all is on Seven Points uh 0.5 off the
17155s cutoff which is currently pompata on 7.5
17158s so tripling into a five here and taking
17160s a light Fang is just kind of an
17161s interesting decision that I'm trying to
17163s dig into the motivation for
17166s um and furthermore then trying to
17168s process what you do with 13 gold on this
17171s turn because instant Temptation when you
17174s have 13 gold is to press that level
17175s button you have a little bit of stats
17177s coming out with the light fan can pick
17179s up the high main to fill out the Beast
17181s slot in your comp as well but how
17183s interested are you in really going for
17185s the Gusto here and how much do you just
17188s want to sit and play like economy
17191s gallywix on Tavern 4. right just buy
17194s just buy sell Buffs the only thing that
17197s came into my mind when I raise them
17200s all's board is Snicker snacks Snicker
17204s snacks
17211s we go over to expert analyst TJ Sanders
17215s patches is good with pirates
17223s okay actually using the War gear is a
17226s magnetic oh watch watch watch watch
17228s watch
17230s I'm watching
17233s well you're gonna have to watch for a
17235s little bit but
17236s there you go oh oh yeah look at all
17240s those stats
17242s wasn't even that it really wasn't though
17244s yeah
17246s it's enough though looks big enough for
17248s this fight
17249s yeah
17261s big enough for this fight by some
17263s distance this is an absolute murder
17266s oh yeah damage cap one off
17277s um hello
17278s are you okay
17282s I mean
17283s That's Tony yeah okay I'm looking I'm
17286s looking at some of these other boards
17287s and I'm like okay this looks miserable
17289s but yeah it's turn eight I suppose this
17291s is a sign currently with the evil twin
17294s like Donald blaster's clearing up but
17297s like a lot of these players boards
17300s kid is at four it is at four yes
17304s glad you noticed
17312s ah okay
17317s cookbook is rolling book is rolling
17320s indeed yes
17324s wait what is the I'm very confused by
17327s that jandus hero power he he jandus hero
17330s powered a minion into the shop that
17332s doesn't really benefit from getting but
17334s okay he has a little rag okay I didn't
17336s notice the little rag that makes more
17337s sense because normally with jandy's
17339s cookbook you want to like throw a Divine
17341s Shield back into the shop and then buy
17342s it again for example
17345s um but in this situation with the little
17346s rag sure that kind of makes some sense
17349s yep
17351s but isn't enough stats to beat the
17353s double massive the evil twin salty
17357s looter it was a blaster on the other
17359s side as well
17360s how big was the salty it was it was
17362s about the same size as this little rag
17364s right roughly the same thing it was 22
17366s but it's also c'thun hero power plus
17367s there was a couple pirates in shop it
17369s was a gambler in shop as well right yeah
17372s so it's gonna be what probably 25.
17375s 29. okay
17378s Philadelphia I think in the end for this
17381s to be a big win for kid
17383s [Applause]
17386s that's gone the wrong way though that's
17389s fine still win still a win so and
17392s cookbook's starting to starting to roll
17394s pretty nicely so
17396s kid might be able to claw his way out of
17399s this uh
17401s this uh eighth place spot but as we said
17404s still needs a lot to go right
17406s yes uh in this game in order to actually
17409s make it into the top four because it's
17410s coming into this with only 1.5 points
17412s absolutely needs a win
17414s and then also has to have some other
17416s players in the lobby
17417s uh oh my gosh
17421s crazy malls just destroying everybody
17423s how much was that three six ten
17428s nine okay well it wasn't quite lethal
17430s without damage cap but that was a ton of
17433s damage in that position
17436s and this is actually a big Tempo board
17438s that got murdered by the galleywix on
17441s the other side there now that you look
17442s at it
17443s oh a Croc
17446s third-person golden tank and Croc yeah
17448s this is so Tempo heavy like this is such
17452s an unfortunate fight for kid to be
17453s running into at this exact moment
17461s I think it's done so
17464s I mean there's a whole extra turn of
17466s cookbook oh you're not accounting for
17468s her
17469s whoa
17476s we got there's a lot of cool stuff going
17479s on here there is let's get the kid
17481s revealed though yeah this is what we're
17482s looking for Leroy
17485s Divine Shield back on the little rag no
17489s real significant upgrades in terms of
17491s like premium Minions that you found with
17494s cooked book though no additional Divine
17496s Shield or Eve or anything like that the
17498s Leroy's not even running into anything
17500s particularly good either uh there was
17503s like a taunted sorrowless and a taunted
17505s High main uh and that was it
17509s um like pretty small potatoes All Things
17512s Considered oh my gosh we got one
17515s and there's no bear in here though so
17518s it's just the khadgar oh no and it's
17522s tunnel Blaster Baron
17524s oh the stats shoot he's good yeah all
17527s right oh no he's talking about so far
17528s Road I didn't even see the baron yeah
17530s right yeah that Baron is disgusting
17532s that's gonna probably be lethal now from
17535s okay that's the attack that's the one
17537s you absolutely needed no not anymore
17541s too much
17542s close
17544s uh needed to uh kill the
17549s Wave Rider yeah so if you if the left
17553s salty looter had not attacked him to the
17555s one remaining big minion okay whoa kid
17559s gets there kid lives to fight another
17561s day and kid actually leveled to five on
17563s that previous turn that was the biggest
17564s problem that kid had is that he wasn't
17567s able to get to five really but three
17569s people have died and I don't believe
17574s that they are the three that kid needs
17577s them to be no but Potter was one of them
17579s yeah but
17581s sliders is still alive
17584s uh but sliders was lower
17586s true I just would have to go out in
17588s fifth right
17589s okay let me look let me look let me look
17592s all right
17593s meanwhile I thought it was at Five
17595s Points so Slaughter goes out in fifth
17597s that's three points kid would pass okay
17599s all right the dream lives the dream
17601s lives and uh Sola would yeah and
17610s no soul is safe now
17612s but the but also the problem is that was
17615s a three-way tie for seventh right so
17617s pompata actually got one whole point
17619s which goes to 8.5
17622s oh my gosh it go to double tie Breakers
17625s if that's the case it would be kid and
17627s pompada both with a Seventh Place finish
17629s or not or kid pump parts would have the
17632s exact same record right zero points 0.5
17635s points one point seven point
17637s oh my gosh I don't even know what
17639s breaker there all right this is
17641s officially the point we stopped trying
17643s to work this out because we're not gonna
17644s get anywhere back to what's actually
17646s happening it would still it would still
17648s have to be sliders going out in in uh in
17651s fifth to even matter right
17657s foreign
17661s so our our top uh four is actually set
17665s sorry to ruin the drama
17673s it's bored TJ what is happening
17677s oh my goodness
17679s it's just double Blaster Baron of the
17682s two big minions like nothing else is
17684s relevant at all blasters died too slowly
17687s it did yeah
17691s and now he's gonna get solar cooked here
17693s I believe
17695s yep yeah far too much damage on the
17698s other side
17700s did kids survive kid did survive kids
17703s doing everything he needs to even though
17705s TJ is saying it's seemingly irrelevant
17708s here you can always Bank on TJ Sanders
17711s being wrong yeah because kid now
17713s finishes 8.5 points uh if the win that's
17717s the maximum oh I can't talk anymore
17718s because I got to do the barrels Plus
17723s okay cooked book is at
17728s plus a lot and there's a Hydra as well a
17732s Hydra that can be bought multiple times
17735s here it also dumped some stats from the
17739s ball or now just pick up the magnetic
17742s this is a huge turn for kids
17750s tell the other pirate flip the Hydra
17754s sell whatever you flip into
17757s and then buy the Hydra and the Magnetic
17762s it's gone a little bit different here
17764s looks like he's not picking up
17767s the module okay there's not enough gold
17771s well he could have done if he did like
17772s he he bought
17774s the what did he buy he bought the the
17777s three-star pirate instead of the module
17784s there's a lure on the other side but
17786s currently it's not next to a taunt
17787s it is not no
17793s unless he moves it I'm probably going
17795s with kid
17797s I am absolutely waiting until the last
17799s second to see where that Leroy goes
17801s yeah
17803s okay
17810s try a kid tries to put the Leroy up
17812s front to expose the uh the meaty
17815s backline here
17817s that's the bet of
17822s I think so okay attacking into the
17825s cleave is relevant but the cleave gets
17827s to go multiple times again here
17831s all by one Health we worried about
17835s I was worried what are you worried about
17838s I was worried
17840s that was like the worst possible pad out
17842s I think and he still gets there
17844s kill him you know I do know
17852s that's first stats
17856s now this is how Battlegrounds is meant
17859s to be played
17861s just big meaty minions slapping meat
17870s there's a lot of goldens
17874s unless I had a Tony I did have a Tony
17876s for a few turns
17882s Cali please oh no what happened we don't
17886s want second scally I'm confused
17889s thanks for gold instead
17894s what's the final minion in that case
17901s tunnel blaster
17903s possibly yeah
17906s you can see that
17916s oh
17924s this time surely yeah okay fine
17928s okay
17936s it'd be like back Exodia versus Barney
17941s yeah they're both
17944s way away from yeah the actual perfect
17946s Exodia builds if you want to look at it
17948s that way but
17950s it is a timeline that exists
17960s foreign
17963s [Applause]
17968s never mind poisonous minion does the
17971s work for him
17980s distance
17981s oh yeah oh stop actually stop that's a
17986s big old GG
17993s all right you killed one the moral
17996s victory
17999s it'll still be the end of the road
18003s yeah brazemore goes down in fourth at a
18007s minimum
18008s that makes things a little bit more
18010s complicated I do think kid is uh uh
18013s mathematically eliminated now but
18015s there's some there's a room for sliders
18018s to actually move up in the standings I
18020s believe and maybe sneak into top four
18024s there's always room for sliders TJ
18028s he's gonna slide right up
18035s the power of Kamar taught me anything
18037s it's there's always room for sliders I
18039s need that we literally just had to go
18041s yeah we did it
18044s I mean that was six hours ago at this
18045s point but it was it happened today yep
18054s so I was like I'm done yep that's my
18058s board
18061s they're a presumed flurry of action over
18064s on uh kid's side instead yes indeed
18067s there is
18074s get the golden hugger after all uh
18077s finally Tony coming through
18081s that is now a 16160
18089s what have I become
18096s that is big and you taught the Leroy
18098s right
18100s you're well it depends so if I see my
18103s opponent showing Max here I would taunt
18105s the Leroy to play around deflecto first
18107s but I don't know if sliders sorry if kid
18110s has seen sliders board recently and
18112s knows that there aren't deflectos up fun
18115s I would assume based on this play that
18116s he does
18118s that is a weird taunt otherwise you're
18121s expecting to see deflectos up from
18123s it's like the second weakest minion
18126s there's a rhythm to this
18132s that cleave did nothing
18135s literally
18137s absolutely nothing
18139s that Leroy did nothing with my Divine
18142s Shields
18144s okay that's a good attack now go into
18146s the Expo nope okay the ping pong begins
18148s okay that's good still plenty of Health
18150s remaining it's a tie it is a tie
18165s your Boogie cool just casually escaping
18170s the ghost this is like perfect Vanessa
18173s territory just a bunch of max players
18174s Vanessa just attacking 50 million times
18183s so he comes up here with
18186s or the sliders fight wow two Hoggers in
18190s a row just blown straight past
18194s way too late for that stuff right now
18196s yep
18199s oh okay kid has found Hawker number four
18203s which means kid is now infinite
18207s I just need to find some good minions to
18209s end on uh with the cookbook yup you want
18214s to find good minions to end on and you
18215s want to hit as many balls of minions as
18218s you possibly can in this situation
18220s there's some stuff
18221s I like but hello what it was like an
18226s infinitely sized Hydra no okay fine
18234s it doesn't have time for this subtle all
18236s right
18240s got Pirates to buy
18243s apparently he doesn't
18250s yeah I mean with the Rope burning
18252s there's an argument you're supposed to
18254s just flip a pirate back into the shop
18256s and then buy it back or they're actually
18257s the only pirate you can flip is the
18259s spare hogger which would mean if you're
18260s only then getting back uh too gold from
18262s buying it again you're not actually
18263s making a profit but theoretically if you
18266s have more time back there you could just
18267s flip a pirate back into the shop buy it
18268s again to make money and then have one
18270s more roll to then hit more Pirates and
18272s continue going but with the Rope Burning
18273s uh I think the play that
18276s uh kid made made the most sense
18284s okay well that tunnel Blaster actually
18286s did something yes it is
18289s oh that's the attack that is the attack
18298s foreign
18308s side but I think still plenty to have
18311s this covered
18313s that's definitely the attack for sure
18315s and just enough Health on the golden
18317s Eliza to win the fight but not nearly
18320s enough damage
18321s uh to kill sliders so this one will
18323s march on oh my gosh
18328s the biggest Hydra a gift for ashara
18333s where you sell every other minion and
18335s just have that Hydra
18339s that's the one you've won a Triple
18342s myrmodynamic
18347s it's a 750 750 okay
18356s oh yeah 50 before the ball of minions
18358s has even been sold that's true yeah
18368s what about a massive white man oh it's
18370s another one
18372s so many
18375s come on land on the Cleaves
18379s come on there we go
18381s [Music]
18385s it's another one to complete the set
18387s still has a ton of gold left
18392s we haven't mentioned I believe in this
18394s tournament is the um the server is
18396s chosen by essentially like the time zone
18398s of the events this is a designated
18400s Europe event I believe which means it
18402s will be being played on Europe uh so if
18404s this looks slow to you that's why a kid
18407s is some on some serious cross server
18410s action right now so even doing what he's
18412s being able to do right now with the
18414s infinite Hawker stuff is pretty
18415s impressive oh my goodness
18419s is so big
18421s oh my goodness
18425s it's one of those games where you just
18426s look up to the heaven and say bless you
18429s Bob for Banning murlocs this game
18431s because this is what you want to do
18432s let's be honest no one wants to play
18434s Poison murlocs this is what we want to
18436s do
18440s a crisp 32
18443s and had about two thousand two thousand
18446s leftover stats on the board still to
18448s play with at the end of it
18452s yeah all the way down to four health and
18455s kid has clawed this one back and I don't
18457s think sliders is anywhere near big
18459s enough
18461s especially with the Cleaves if this was
18463s just big stats with no Cleaves then
18464s maybe like the mackerel ping pong could
18467s just go on forever
18469s so that'd be the chance replicating
18472s Menace
18477s okay by this point we're not trying to
18479s win the lobby we're trying to make the
18480s biggest Cleaves possible that's what
18482s about a cyclone no okay no no no that
18486s doesn't make cleave bigger TJ were you
18488s not listening yeah but it it oh magnetic
18491s no by the magnetic
18499s what is happening
18501s Neil got too excited he pressed the
18503s button yeah yeah it was lorinda's nap
18505s time he just fell asleep on the stream
18507s deck on another ball as well
18511s thank you
18514s triple still a minute left by the way
18516s yep
18518s oh yeah that's the laugh
18520s 300 300 Hydra now oh another magnetic
18525s by the last one though I don't think
18527s okay does buy this one
18538s oh don't give it torn now it's just
18541s gonna get anticlimactically leroid at
18543s the start of the fight come on we've
18545s played this game before
18547s he doesn't care oh I know
18551s cyclone
18557s stupid
18562s you're gonna make it even bigger
18568s oh this is what we ended to see this is
18573s Battlegrounds right here
18575s no Leroy the board's still exactly the
18578s same except there's no windshield on the
18581s macaw
18582s I mean honestly see this sell all your
18585s minions apart from the two Cleaves kind
18587s of angle if you really wanted to go out
18588s in style here
18591s don't clean embarrassing
18598s you're gonna kill one thing
18604s the corrupted memorandum that's a
18606s tripled 250 250 is almost no longer his
18609s biggest minion by the way with how
18611s insane that term I wonder if he just
18613s sold everything except for the murmurdon
18615s if he would still win
18618s probably not but there you have it kid
18620s claws away all the way back from a near
18623s defeat an eighth all the way to a first
18626s place finish from four health
18629s unfortunately I don't think it's going
18630s to be enough but at least kid went out
18632s in style and showed what he's capable of
18634s uh after a pretty rough first couple
18636s games in that Lobby
18638s um but yeah that's the happiest I've
18641s been to not have a uh a murloc uh game
18646s in uh in this Lobby because
18650s we would have never gotten that much
18651s excitement
18653s to be fair like if my looks are in you
18655s do you can still get in that same
18657s position but you play it very
18658s differently right like that's when
18659s you're then picking up the Cyclones and
18662s the deflectos and you're playing for
18663s divine Shields and resets and that kind
18665s of thing instead and sure you can have
18667s your giant Divine Shield cleave faux
18669s Reaper as well in that mix but kid just
18672s knew full well that poison wasn't really
18675s what he had to worry about at all so
18677s Divine shields were just not super
18678s relevant like honestly as soon as the
18680s stats got as big as they got the minions
18683s individually didn't really matter that
18686s much I mean just in the end just chose
18688s to lean super hard into the Cleaves
18690s because of uh Cleaves being pretty
18693s effective against Max overall against
18694s most kinds of Baron uh comp
18697s picking up Cleaves is going to get a lot
18699s of work done for you so yeah very nicely
18701s played for kid I'm glad that he had the
18703s opportunity to show us what he can do
18704s given the opportunity as I said it was
18707s an incredibly greedy cooked book to take
18710s even in the scenario he was in but the
18713s scenario he was in
18715s made it necessary right he had to get
18717s the win he had to have the near perfect
18719s pan out of everyone else getting the
18721s results he needed as well I don't think
18724s that is the reality and yeah in the end
18726s you see it is still some distance away
18728s but that at the end of it all is a very
18732s tightly contested group overall yeah so
18735s top four is going to be Geo Boogie gonky
18737s Sola and Sliders who barely just outrage
18740s them all uh on a tiebreaker uh which is
18743s the highest finish sliders with that
18745s second place
18747s uh in that last game uh secures it so a
18751s heartbreaker for razor Mall being that
18753s close having the points but not having
18756s the high enough finish
18757s but top four is settled so uh actually
18761s top two of this group was the two South
18763s Korean players which is uh
18765s uh pretty cool because a lot of times we
18767s see
18768s especially in previous Lobby Legends uh
18771s Japan doing quite well uh China
18773s oftentimes having at least one or two
18775s players in top four in each group and so
18778s uh South Korea is showing up and and
18779s doing some work and the dark horse group
18782s of uh Group B uh
18786s pretty cool neat to see
18788s yeah very very hard group to predict I
18790s think uh going into this one
18793s um as I think evidenced by neither of us
18796s doing super well with our fantasy teams
18799s I hope people in chat have done a little
18801s bit better with this one uh overall but
18803s I think I had well I had kid and pompata
18805s who had sixth and seventh I didn't have
18807s sliders who finished fourth uh TJ who
18810s did you who are your picks for this I
18811s don't uh gonky kid and kerneko so we're
18814s about even I think it's probably okay
18815s the points from our fantasy teams were
18817s pretty even because gongy was slightly
18819s ahead of Sliders but pompado was
18820s slightly ahead of current Echo we both
18821s had kid so I think you edged me out by
18823s half a point in terms of fantasy
18826s um but you edged me out by a million
18830s points in terms of literally everything
18831s else
18832s though
18833s we'll see how things uh shake out in
18836s terms of points but I think you're going
18837s to have a pretty substantial lead in The
18838s Tavern buddy Department there's the
18840s final Lobby
18841s uh a lot of excitement going into
18843s tomorrow
18845s um again outside of that last game with
18847s kid we didn't really see too many crazy
18849s things happen today
18852s um not a lot of the uh you know APM
18856s Pirates uh not a lot of super high
18859s European builds that had longevity
18861s and uh in terms of but in terms of
18865s mechanical play I felt like it was
18867s pretty solid all day long uh very good
18869s decisions from the the top players from
18872s each individual game in the later stages
18876s let's go baby the Clean Sweep
18881s actual Battlegrounds genius the only
18884s ones I got right were the ones that I
18886s agreed with you I mean that's how it
18888s works when I get them all right yes
18891s ah unbelievable
18894s unbelievable
18898s wow all six winners use a different hero
18901s yep uh because we had that one last time
18903s and it was no
18906s um so I just went with uh historical
18908s evidence
18909s so the reason I went yes on this
18911s occasion like I agree with you that one
18912s is kind of coin flippy but because the
18914s meta right now is so Tempo focused it's
18917s not like oh you know you get gallywix
18919s you win the game you get Milhouse you
18920s win the game so everyone's picking
18922s Milhouse everyone's picking galleywix
18923s you kind of just pick a Tempo hero of
18926s which there are like 60 in the game and
18928s then you play for Tempo so I felt like
18930s the chances of it being spread across
18932s six Heroes was pretty more likely than
18934s not and I feel like I should at least
18936s get partial credit for wisdom ball
18938s because there was a second please finish
18940s oh it's that's actually I liked I know
18943s that's actually uh really close I made
18945s up a lot in the barabs blessing picks
18947s because I won two two of them uh two
18950s additional ones than you I believe
18951s because I think there are 25 points a
18953s piece just a flat 25 points yep
18956s um I think I swept berov's blessing I
18958s got them all right
18960s um which carried me
18963s and it was just my group a that that
18966s beat me on the fantasy team and puzzle
18969s box and jokes on you puzzle box the only
18971s word temp what's a question
18973s that is uncomfortably close I do not
18976s like it
18981s all right
18982s I'm coming in hot tomorrow for some
18984s points Oh you mean I actually have to
18986s try again tomorrow
18988s yeah uh I'm curious to see how um uh the
18993s the chat did
18997s uh we are a little bit behind so they
18998s don't have full tallies
19000s um because of the delay
19003s but
19004s I'm going to take a look real quick
19007s how we fare against everybody else
19009s if you also got six out of six puzzle
19012s box questions correct then you may join
19014s me as a verified member of the
19016s Battlegrounds genius Club
19017s congratulations okay there was a there's
19019s a couple people that already have higher
19021s scores than you and the final tallies
19022s haven't even marked
19023s so
19026s um and me I'd be like top 25 that's not
19029s bad if I was on the leaderboard I do too
19032s terrible I'm doing the unfinished
19034s leaderboard that hasn't already had all
19035s the points assigned to it yeah but the
19037s last points assigned aren't enough to
19039s because the barrel yeah I guess it's
19041s just I guess it's a Barrel's blessing a
19044s little left to go but whatever
19046s we should both give ourselves a nice
19048s little pat on the back so I think we
19049s both did a fantastic job today in our
19051s predictions
19053s and uh only uh look for looking forward
19056s to tomorrow to see if I can make up
19058s that's a I'm a single bearov's blessing
19061s correct Choice away from passing you in
19063s points not great is it yeah I really
19066s felt like I was going to be further
19067s ahead than that but yeah a couple of
19069s barrels blessings let me down in the end
19070s but more importantly I'm more excited to
19073s see how our final Lobby is gonna pan out
19075s because I think we have a very
19077s interesting mix of players and it was
19079s kind of always going to be that way
19081s right because we have the players that
19083s we recognize who've kind of built their
19084s stories throughout the year from Lobby a
19087s that are coming through and then you
19088s know we called Lobby B the dark horse
19090s group which it kind of was because there
19092s weren't really any players who had
19093s massive success in lobby Legends in
19095s there
19096s um and they're kind of throwing up the
19097s wild cards for us to deal with so I
19099s think it gives us a very interesting
19100s Dynamic uh going into what Derek was
19103s referring to as Mega Lobby on uh on
19106s Sunday
19107s yeah
19109s um which should be fun yeah if you look
19111s at the historicals of the players from
19113s Group B that actually made it in
19115s all the players with significant
19117s experience in Hobby Legends were
19119s eliminated from that group
19122s so uh it's it's going to be cool to see
19124s how they go up against maybe some
19126s players with more experience at least
19127s playing in this uh the the final stage
19130s of a of a Lobby Legends weekend so uh
19134s but with that we've come to the
19136s conclusion of our day number one it was
19138s a fun day we had actually went pretty
19140s long we had a lot of long games a lot of
19142s late turns especially in that first
19143s group but we did get to see a lot of
19146s awesome Battlegrounds action of course
19148s we'll return tomorrow uh which will be
19150s same time same place for that final
19152s check format Lobby to determine our
19157s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends seven winner
19159s so with that for myself from saddle from
19163s Lorinda our spectator from the broadcast
19164s crew here thanks for watching and we'll
19167s see you tomorrow for more Lobby Legends
19169s action
19181s thank you
19199s thank you
19202s foreign
19228s [Applause]
19240s foreign
19247s [Music]
19277s thank you
19280s foreign
19314s foreign
19320s [Music]
19325s Shield I think Sleepy's got this that's
19328s it he barely wins nice one from sleepy
19334s [Music]
19340s [Music]
19346s yep be honestly realizing
19351s that's gonna be enough
19353s a lot of high tier minions that's gonna
19355s do it 21 damage to be honest they win
19358s Lobby Legends murloc guys