over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
9s so excited yeah just to kick things off
12s most of this show is not scripted but
14s the beginning is so I'm gonna get
16s through this somewhat professionally if
18s we can do this but hello and welcome
19s everyone to the Hearthstone death knight
21s cosplay Crown Championship Hearthstone
23s recently released its newest expansion
25s March of the Lich King and in honor of
27s the new death knight class we're here to
28s bring these characters to life
29s submissions were received from all over
31s the world we had over 20 countries worth
33s of competitors enter we're very excited
35s to show you these incredible artists
37s from the Hearthstone and cosplay
40s communities before we begin uh let's
43s introduce ourselves so my name is talk
47s custom I am a oh wait I can do this
50s there we go uh I'm the host of the show
52s I'm a clothing designer and a sewing
55s instructor cosplayer and gamer uh and I
59s think our first judge that we're going
61s to be introducing is
63s the amazing kamui cosplay would you like
66s to introduce yourself yes hello
74s yes hello huge fan of all blizzard
76s franchises and yeah I'm uh I'm really
79s excited and it's a huge honor for me to
82s be here thank you very much thank you so
83s much next up we've got
86s the amazing Hoku props hi everybody I'm
89s chattahoochu props I I'm a visual
91s effects artist I live out near Hollywood
93s California I work industry I build
96s pricing and costumes and all sorts of
99s cool props and weapons and stuff for
101s video game companies and I'm also the
103s guy that made all the prizes for this
105s year's uh costume contest so I'm really
107s excited to be here I'm really excited
109s for everybody to see the costumes sweet
111s thank you very much and we're excited to
113s show off your prizing and last but not
115s least we've got the Hearthstone
117s Community manager and judge and fellow
120s friend cosplayer is alkali Lake hey
123s everybody Welcome Hearthstone Community
125s I am so excited to see familiar faces in
127s the chat I see you guys I know you're
129s here thank you so much as well as the
131s finalists that we see in the chat in the
133s contestants as well thank you for being
134s here super excited to bring death
136s Knights to life we are really excited to
139s launch March of the Lich King this year
141s and it was the perfect expansion to
143s Showcase death Knights and big armor
146s cosplays so we're really excited to have
147s everybody here today excellent and that
150s is our panel of uh lineup for this show
152s so one more quick thing that we have to
154s get through
155s um we could spend a lot of time telling
157s you all about the expansion of March of
158s the Lich King but we're going to show
159s you a little bit of a cinematic trailer
161s a lot of you Gamers have probably seen
163s this but we're gonna take a quick look
165s right here I don't even think all of our
166s judges have seen this
168s um I've seen this well I didn't should
170s have because you worked there uh anyway
173s where's the thing so here is our
176s cinematic
177s boom
180s you're right
181s I love the Cinematic it gives me the
183s chills every single time I see it oh my
186s God this looks amazing it really does
188s there he is
190s there's the man I don't really want to
192s build frostborn oh my God
195s I have to say when I saw lady liadrin in
199s this like updated kind of armor this
201s Hearthstone feel I just thought like how
204s do I not make this yeah she looks
207s amazing
208s well she has red hair I'm always a
210s sucker for the red hair cosplays fancy
212s and you connect
214s glowy wings
217s all right come on arthas it's pretty
218s good you got this buddy just gets a
220s fireball to the chest
222s actually always lose stuff against
225s everyone coming
228s oh the Adrian I love that it's a bit of
231s a Hearthstone Insignia if you look at
232s that moment carefully
234s all right yeah
237s Wild
239s all right then we got a little bit of
241s gameplay for those Die Hard fans
244s well a lot of people in the chat we have
246s a crossover chat today right we have a
248s lot of people from our cosplay Community
249s thanks for being here and then we have a
251s lot of people from our Hearthstone
252s community and then people who just enjoy
254s cosplay and gaming so thank you
255s everybody for watching but if you
257s haven't checked out Hearthstone yet this
259s is what the gameplay looks like from
260s March Lich King Super epic tons of fun
263s uh I've been really enjoying it there's
266s a ton of Cosplay ideas as well yeah oh
268s man too many Cosplay ideas
271s are an introduction to the expansion
274s that's the entire theme and reason we're
276s having this contest to begin with so big
278s thanks to the Blizzard Community or the
279s Hearthstone Community for putting this
281s show on I think we're ready to start
283s like the actual production of the show
285s uh so our our first top of show
289s appearance is actually going to be from
291s kamui here so here we go okay we wanted
295s to talk a little bit about the history
297s of Blizzard cosplay and who better than
299s kamui cosplay to talk about it yeah I
302s have to say that this was actually my
303s very first
305s BlizzCon back in 2009 back then I won
308s actually I think also the very first
310s digital custom competition from blizzard
312s and the first prize was actually a trip
315s to BlizzCon which was really amazing and
317s it was the very first time I flew to the
319s states it was an absolutely incredible
322s experience for me and since then I
324s actually participated in several
326s blizzard custom competitions I also won
328s once at Gamescom and I won the grand
331s prize at BlizzCon in 2013 with my like
336s original design character the produce
338s Wizard and yeah I'm actually visiting
340s BlizzCon now forever and I'm really
343s really excited for this year that it's
345s finally coming back excellent yeah so
348s um I and actually I've been playing
349s Blizzard game since 94. uh I think we
353s got some old school blizzard Gamers here
355s which developed into our cosplay and
357s artistic careers oh yes yes yeah totally
359s World of Warcraft got me into wow and I
362s couldn't stop actually I think I
363s cosplayed like 20 key of fruity blizzard
366s characters
370s wow
371s that was this was actually just one of
373s my druid costumes through a tears from
376s World of Warcraft I think I did like six
378s Druid costumes alone
380s yeah all right well
383s that's kind of has evolved we're going
385s to talk a little bit about this show in
387s our competition here so in this
389s particular event we've got four
391s categories in fact hold on I want to
392s make sure that this okay we've got our
394s armor category needlework our death
397s knight category which is very specific
399s to this event and our Goblin craft which
401s is a really fun kind of cardboard and
402s duct tape category that was actually
405s alkali's idea so thank you for that
407s um and we're going to talk a little bit
409s about our prizing
412s um so
413s our three main categories are armor
416s needlework death knight are going to win
418s 1500 US Dollars and one of Hoku props
422s shadow box medallions that you'll see
425s later in the show uh but those are the
427s the renderings of them and they look I'm
429s so excited for people to see them but
431s yeah for any any of the gamers watching
433s this there's this huge underground
435s culture of cosplayers and competitors
438s like it's it's really thick and you're
441s seeing a big dose of it right here so
443s hopefully you enjoy this show anyway
445s that is our prizing and then Goblin
447s craft will take home 500 and one of the
450s medallions oh yeah and then our Best in
452s Show forgive me will win 5 000 US
456s dollars plus oh my God that's the
458s championship Crown money
462s some really cool stuff that uh Hoku
465s hadn't made uh there's a crown right
467s here
469s if if someone wins one category right so
472s if someone wins uh let's say someone in
474s needlework wins right they win fifteen
476s hundred dollars and they winvest their
477s show that's actually six thousand five
479s hundred dollars
481s yes I didn't know them so it's the
484s winner is the winner actually becoming
485s the new Lich Kingdom
487s no oh wow I'm gonna have to ask the big
490s guys at work I haven't cleared that Mr
493s strong
494s I think he's going oh wait that's that's
497s that's my job
502s but Sylvanas broke it sadly oh no I was
506s in San Francisco with you when that
508s actually broke anyway that was the first
509s time okay costume malfunctions guys uh
513s our first oh no I'm sorry we've got our
516s community Spotlight on the cosplay these
519s are crazy oh my god let's talk about
521s this we had some custom reference sheets
524s uh created for this show and this if you
528s guys remember this actually was
529s something that we started with Heroes of
531s the Storm we started creating these
532s cosplay reference sheets and that's one
534s of the reasons I really got into cosplay
536s was the art of World of Warcraft and
539s blizzard and they carry that over and
541s Heroes of the Storm with the cosplay
542s reference sheets and we hadn't really
544s seen them since so it's something that
545s our Cosmetics team helped us with on
547s this and we put these together for the
549s show we were hoping to see more of them
551s but um we it was a tight deadline we
554s understand but we did have a few people
556s do some of these and we wanted to
558s highlight one and I think it's coming up
560s here in just a moment we're super
561s excited
563s um to see these come to life dude that
565s Van Cleef is rad I know I was really
568s hoping to see an Edwin but maybe someday
569s so Redeemer to Ronde and I believe we're
571s gonna pause here available they look
573s absolutely amazing yeah
575s where can we find them so these were on
578s our blog posts that originally
580s introduced the cosplay contest that you
582s guys are watching today uh and they are
584s at the bottom of the blog post linked
585s and you can zoom in on these and do this
588s um so thank you and hybrid cosplay we
590s just wanted to focus on this because you
592s we from the blizzard team
594s um and I showed this with our Cosmetics
596s team really thought you did a great
598s rendition of this so thank you very much
599s for doing uh for Breen Redeemer taranda
602s to life it looks amazing
604s that is awesome so that wow hopefully is
608s a trend that continues if other events
611s like this happen in the future and big
613s love to the the artists that shared
615s these renderings to help the cosplayers
617s to create what they did
618s so now without making any mistakes we
621s are going to hopefully get to our actual
624s first category which is armor and I
627s think I've asked kamui to explain and
629s introduce what is the armor category in
631s this competition oh I'm more
634s everything it includes props it includes
637s you know like obviously big shoulders
639s big wow shoulders all that we're
642s searching for all kind of different
644s materials sometimes our people are
646s actually turning EVA foam in into metal
650s we're searching for letter work
651s researching for a lot of larger in life
654s actually and just a ton of different
656s techniques combined plenty of people
659s they are actually also like using fancy
662s LEDs really cool props and uh yeah we
665s just we just searching for some really
668s cool and also quite often very big
670s costumes I'm really excited to see all
672s of the contestants very cool uh so for
675s this one uh the winner of this category
677s is going to get one of Hoku props shadow
680s box Medallion medals which is awesome
682s and 1500 US Dollars and obviously the
685s glory of being the best armor in this
687s competition so uh with that I believe we
691s can begin showing our armor finalists uh
695s starting
698s with chainsaw she looks amazing
703s about chainsaw here uh yeah sure I mean
707s it's um I think that's an original
709s design and also um based on an existing
712s design it was like kind of a mashup and
715s the characters actually Tora Gosa from
717s World of Warcraft uh she's like one of
719s the the big fancy dragons and I
721s absolutely love how she brought like
723s taragoza to life like with all the LEDs
726s like those this headpiece looks
728s absolutely gorgeous and like the whole
731s silhouette of the costume is like so
733s pretty and especially like all the
736s cosplayers actually
738s um um they actually made some build
739s books where you can see like how they
741s made the costumes which materials they
743s use like which techniques they
745s implemented into their project and it
749s was just a huge joy to see the whole
751s costume bring it to life oh and every
753s finalist gets two full minutes so after
756s one judge finished feel free to just
759s jump in and start
761s freaking out I want to take over then so
763s so something that really stuck out to me
765s on this costume and it's also something
767s that I really like on the design is the
769s way that there's the actual like gold
771s cap elements on the tips of the horns uh
774s the way that people do those different
776s uh kind of segments on the horns as well
778s and get them to overlap it really gives
781s you a lot of dimensionality on it and I
783s think that they executed incredibly well
785s this costume is just quite striking I
788s love that this cosplayer thought of the
790s look from head to toe it's something we
791s talk about a lot like sometimes you know
794s it's just easy to focus on the big armor
796s and World of Warcraft and Hearthstone
798s there's always big armor big soldiers
800s stick without Big Horns right like but
803s she really took the time to focus on the
804s cosplay as a whole top to bottom this is
807s just a nice really cohesive cosplay even
809s the makeup it just looks great and I
811s love the paint job and um I love the I
815s don't even know what that's called it's
816s like this something you see on Mages a
819s lot what is that kamui the purple and
821s gold rooms on the horns is beautiful
824s the horns from turagosa
828s We're Pros yeah I mean the runic
832s bindings I don't know
836s she made like a human version of the
839s character like turagosa is actually a
840s dragon and when it comes to original
842s design it's actually a really really
844s difficult to make something your own
846s which is still recognizable but when you
849s see the costume from keychain cosplay
851s you you see instantly that this is
854s taragoza and like creating something
856s like that is actually really challenging
858s okay we're going to move on uh and by
861s the way chainsaw thank you for being
862s first without your consent uh but we had
865s to start somewhere and you set the bar
867s very high pressure yeah this competition
870s so we're gonna move on to our second
872s armor finalist who is Danny McFly from
874s Austria as turilion and this is terrific
877s Hoku would you like to introduce Danny
880s McFly's to really on please oh tryallian
884s is such a cool character uh I I've I've
887s got a big fondness for paladins I've
890s cosplayed Uther and teralian was uh one
893s of the costumes that when I saw him and
895s it was Legion I just absolutely wanted
897s to make him but I never had the chance
899s and so now that I've seen how Danny's
902s done his I feel like I should never do
905s it again because I just this is
907s tyrellion to me Danny you are Toralei
909s and I'm sorry but you have to now hold
911s that uh that Throne right uh this
914s costume is incredible it's got
917s incredible painting the undersuit really
920s helps keep Mobility you can also see as
923s he's walking when you've got these big
924s armor costumes Mobility is one of the
926s biggest issues you run into and this is
929s something that he has executed just
931s really really well he's also made his
933s own gloves like there's just so much to
934s talk about on this costume I also really
937s love his wig work you know we're talking
938s about armor but his wig work is just
940s absolutely Exquisite so full Prosthetics
943s wig work lots of sewing tons of elements
946s Alkali go for it yeah I mean I just love
949s this from top to bottom I mean we have
951s weapons we have under body suits smoke
953s effects wig work there's scar work on
956s his face or at least I hope that is I
958s mean you know actually I know it is
962s uh this is just a beautiful cosplay from
965s start to finish it's balanced well it's
967s proportioned right which is difficult to
969s do with the the heaviness of World of
972s Warcraft armor
973s um and actually same Hoku this is one of
975s my favorite characters I really love his
976s story
978s um it's very well done done the light
979s work looks great here and even the
981s balance of the weapons too just holding
983s that weapon with the cosplay looks great
985s uh this cosplayer did an amazing job as
987s well I don't remember if this is the
989s last picture so we're gonna find out no
991s there it is okay but Danny excellent
993s work thank you so much for entering into
995s this competition and we are going to
997s move on to sayashi cat I hope I
999s pronounced that correctly in her tier 21
1001s Mythic Paladin armor suit and alkali
1006s it's my turn to call upon you first to
1009s chat about sayashikab all right so one
1012s of the things I love about this cosplay
1014s is something that people who've done
1015s cosplay a long time know is difficult
1017s which is gold work uh something that I
1019s hope you brought up earlier and and the
1021s gold on the armor the gold on the cape
1024s just looks beautiful she's done a great
1026s job with the paintwork and balancing and
1028s these shoulder pauldrons look great
1030s again a lot of thought from top to
1032s bottom here we from the shoe armor if
1034s you look closely all the way down all
1036s the way to the top with the headdress
1037s and a weapon so a lot of consideration
1040s with this uh we also have fabric pieces
1043s um and then wig work and ear work with
1045s Creed in the ears she did all of this
1047s herself and it's just stunning
1049s this this just feels very blizzard when
1052s you look at it like it just has that
1054s personality which which is great very
1056s very Warcraft
1058s um I also really love that like this is
1060s actually again like more or less an
1061s adjusted design like it's based on an
1063s existing tier set and wow
1065s um but it totally shows that like
1066s cosplay is all about creativity you know
1068s you don't need to to stick to the
1071s reference 100 but like you actually you
1073s have to make the costume for yourself
1075s like the way you actually feel more
1076s comfortable about it and uh she actually
1079s adjusted the the look of the costume a
1081s little bit and I really really love the
1084s additional creativity that went into
1086s designing this costume at the end
1088s I really liked the cloak on this costume
1090s actually it was just something that tied
1092s the whole design together the fabric
1095s elements on it actually also really
1096s really complemented the paint colors and
1099s then the final thing that stands out to
1101s me is like ashbringer is such a cool
1103s weapon yeah and this version of it it's
1106s just once again it complements the whole
1108s thing sometimes uh prop weapons and
1110s whatnot can actually kind of like throw
1112s off a costume and this one's just
1114s perfectly scaled to her proportions and
1117s the color combination is just fine all
1119s right it's so yummy it's amazing yeah I
1122s love it one other note I want to make
1124s because I rendered and edited all this
1126s stuff whoever was filming your stuff
1128s stands at a weird angle so tell them to
1131s hold the camera more straight because I
1133s had to correct all of that in pose but
1136s beyond that this is absolutely
1138s incredible entry
1139s um okay moving on we've got oh sanguine
1143s from France who I hope I'm pronouncing
1145s that correctly as Alex Raza and I think
1148s think it is kamui's turn
1151s yes first trip but um what I really
1154s really loved about this costume is
1156s especially the speed it was created with
1157s because like I think the model of the
1160s new model of alexstrasza was just
1162s released very recently and I mean like
1164s you have you have to you know like you
1166s have to finish the costume then in time
1168s for the custom competition and like
1170s sometimes people actually pulling out
1171s those costumes in like just weeks or
1174s something like that sometimes like just
1175s days and this costume looks absolutely
1177s incredible I love the back piece like
1179s all those details also Alex
1182s Russia's design it's just really really
1184s pretty and it's so nice to see this
1187s coming to life and she she just looks
1190s exactly how that like like that she just
1194s jumped out of the game and yeah it's it
1196s was just
1197s um absolute pleasure to see this costume
1199s up close like
1200s it's amazing I love it
1202s I really like the movement on this
1205s costume uh as the uh as as you look in
1209s the video of the the actual pan shot so
1211s you can see like the chain has some just
1212s subtle motion and movement and then also
1215s like the spinal extension the segmented
1217s one it's got It's got overlapping pieces
1220s that are all bound and that allows you
1222s to have motion as well so when when
1224s she's walking there would just be this
1227s really once again this really cool
1229s motion I don't know I keep talking about
1230s motion but it's just it's always it
1232s looks just really cool yeah somebody
1233s walks in the room you see their
1235s silhouette and they're just they've got
1236s this sway in their tail and like you
1239s really have to appreciate that that she
1241s put like so much effort additional
1242s effort into the back of the costume
1244s which barely anyone sees but like also
1247s the back of the wig looks absolutely
1249s amazing so clean too yeah it's amazing
1252s it's amazing this is a great example of
1256s Cosplay matches reference photo yeah
1258s like right so cool um if you you check
1261s out her Twitter she has side by sides at
1264s the back and the horns and the hair she
1266s got the hair right so
1268s um this is uh Alex draza from dragonfly
1270s and really check it out if you have some
1272s extra time look at her side by side
1274s photos on Twitter really cool really
1275s great job and just to Echo kamui done in
1278s a super fast amount of time yeah yeah so
1282s impressive big shout out to all the
1283s people who crunched like because we
1286s didn't give you guys a lot of time from
1287s announcement to submission so well done
1290s to everyone for getting their
1292s submissions in and last in our armor
1294s category we've got wood water from the
1297s US as Darien mograin and actually this
1300s is perfect that itoku's turn to talk
1302s about this next final is because of all
1305s the 3D modeling and printing going on
1306s yeah so this entire costume all of the
1309s armor elements are 3D modeled and 3D
1312s printed there's some really really
1314s really big struggles that 3D printed
1317s armor kind of brings to the table uh the
1320s biggest one is just the fact that unlike
1322s in WoW with your giant shoulders you
1324s actually have Collision in real life and
1326s so this this video really made me laugh
1329s because Woodward did such a good job of
1332s showcasing not only the armor but how he
1335s could actually cosplay in the armor and
1337s how I actually felt like we were just
1339s you know standing standing outside a
1341s Stormwind and he's just jumping around
1343s dancing and shaking his hips and it's
1345s just funny this this whole this whole
1347s costume is also just incredibly
1349s beautiful yeah also also like the time
1352s he must have spent just to sculpt all
1355s those rubber pieces this like I mean
1357s like 3D sculpting requires a ton of
1361s skill and patience and I absolutely love
1363s all the details like also the shapes and
1365s especially he got like those massive wow
1367s shoulders right you know what Alex was
1369s so intimidating to do and he's just
1371s dancing with them this is so funny we
1374s didn't have a category for dance moves
1376s but you know we should really consider
1378s adding that next year we need a dance
1380s competition as well
1386s oh no man I This was oh God one of the
1389s most fun submissions to actually go
1391s through I think for all of us
1393s um yeah and it helps that the arm
1394s results
1396s I think if this says anything to Future
1399s contestants too even for any competition
1401s don't feel afraid to bring your attitude
1404s and energy to your presentation it
1406s really helps sell it like oh yeah I've
1408s left that this is wonderful yeah yeah
1410s for future costume contests guys if it's
1413s an online video contest stuff like this
1415s is ad thing at least not for a joke like
1418s me yeah not at all he's a very happy
1420s death knight right
1422s Chad said oh my God he can actually sit
1425s down too which right whatever you can't
1427s do
1428s um yes yes okay I I believe that's our
1431s last still of wood water so those were
1434s our armor finalists so a plaza plaza
1437s Plus thank you guys all so much for
1439s submitting and uh I think we don't
1443s really waste a lot of time we're gonna
1444s jump right into our armor category
1447s winner
1448s um let's go do you guys want to like you
1451s know suspense it up a little or should
1453s we just go for it
1461s judge because like especially in the
1463s armor category like people have so many
1465s difficult and challenging techniques and
1468s like people are coming like Larger than
1470s Life costumes and everything is like
1472s it's a really really difficult category
1475s to judge and like all the entries were
1477s just absolutely incredible great here
1479s completely agreed
1486s uh all right so our armor category
1489s winner
1491s is
1494s Danny McFly
1497s congratulations oh yeah this is
1499s definitely a time we're celebrating
1501s right here so congratulations
1503s uh Danny's an amazing artist and person
1506s and I've gotten to hang out with him in
1508s lots of different countries now but
1511s um yeah what a remarkable determined
1515s cosplayer and artist and he's very
1517s committed to the cosplay Community which
1520s is just terrific
1521s yeah it was it was also I have to add
1524s that like it was such a joy to uh to see
1527s his buildbook because you saw her like
1529s he everything made completely from
1531s scratch and really tried to also get the
1533s proportions right because when it comes
1535s to World of Warcraft characters like
1537s their proportions are absolutely insane
1539s and it's actually really really
1540s difficult to bring those characters
1542s properly to life and he actually made a
1545s complete bodysuit with like
1547s um carved on foam and everything so he
1549s actually got the muscles Australia and
1552s like like the the bulkiness like the
1554s shoulder wide and everything it was
1556s absolutely incredible because already
1557s making just the base of the costume was
1560s already a ton of work and then he
1562s actually used the 3D model in game and
1566s like put it like basically digital unto
1568s himself to create like all the patterns
1570s exactly in the right proportion and just
1573s seeing all the process on onto the final
1575s costume was just incredibly inspiring
1578s and motivating it's just really really
1580s interesting this was such a pleasure to
1583s judge yeah what a great build Book what
1586s a great example of showcasing your
1588s talent from start to finish this is just
1590s a beautiful cosplay congratulations
1592s Danny yeah congratulations this this
1595s costume is really more than just armor
1598s it's it's armor it's sewing it's got
1600s special effects it's it's got everything
1602s and that's something that as alkaline
1605s was saying it was such a pleasure to to
1606s judge this costume because we were
1608s trying to find problems and we couldn't
1610s really find any and that's something
1612s that's always just like check bark check
1613s check okay this thing's awesome it's
1616s just awesome plus it lights up yeah
1620s and also I think you barely did you
1624s didn't saw it really but like he also
1626s made like his own scars and everything
1628s made like his own way completely from
1630s scratch like before really I would say
1632s like they looked at like it's like yeah
1636s like this costume has just absolutely
1637s everything and yeah yeah check out Danny
1640s McFly on Instagram as well well yes
1642s plenty of amazing costumes which are
1645s just as well check out all of these
1646s people yes yeah please check them out on
1648s Instagram and especially you can also
1650s see like all their build books like you
1652s consider making of process like
1654s sometimes they also make tutorials and
1656s like the cosplay community in general is
1658s very supportive I like very inspiring
1660s and try to help each other really check
1662s out those people on Instagram and like
1664s all their other social media Pages
1665s they're amazing I want to point out you
1668s might be noticing all the judges are
1669s getting very excited right now none of
1671s that is scripted they're that excited
1673s we're all we're just really excited to
1675s be here
1676s um
1683s enthusiasm here
1685s but anyway congratulations to Danny
1687s we're gonna move on to our next little
1688s segment here and thank you judges for
1690s all of your feedback and I think that
1694s was
1694s a pretty fun selection there uh so I
1698s believe
1699s uh something that I like to do as the
1703s showrunner for any ultimate cosplay show
1705s is I really like to highlight and
1707s celebrate all of the artists that
1709s entered into our show so we're gonna
1710s take a few different segments to show
1712s some of our uh other folks that
1715s submitted to this show that we are not
1717s specifically showcasing as finalists and
1719s we got to do that here and now
1722s um so without further Ado here's our
1725s first group of bonus cosplay entries
1728s from a lot of different countries oh
1730s enjoy tier six love it yep Oh that was
1733s one of your first costumes too yes major
1736s Studios is a great guy
1738s wow it just looks amazing oh my God we
1741s had a lot we had so many great entries
1743s it was really you know fun to choose he
1746s was good was gonna you know make the
1747s finalists also this contest is like so
1751s International it looks like the whole
1752s world actually is amazing
1755s um yeah over 20 countries right wow yeah
1758s I think uh the final count of people
1760s that made it eligible in the show was I
1764s think 26 countries
1767s um in some of these countries I I hadn't
1770s seen represented before so that's really
1772s amazing to see them oh my God there's a
1776s lot of different characters too yeah
1778s sometimes we tend to see a lot of the
1780s same ones but we we really had quite the
1782s variation this time
1789s I was gonna say I always love when we
1791s see a Lich King costume and it's
1793s beautiful Skies out yes yes and like
1796s making this costume is actually so
1797s difficult because of the crazy
1799s proportions right yeah and those are a
1801s lot and the organic look to it too right
1803s yeah
1805s there's a lot of like organic field yeah
1807s masking armor yeah yeah I I I'm lucky I
1810s got to build a Lich King costume for the
1812s Make-A-Wish Foundation last year and
1814s that thing was just a wild wild costume
1818s with uh it was it was yeah it was tough
1820s it was tough yeah oh my God it looked
1822s amazing what I really love about like
1824s such costumes because like the Lich King
1826s is so popular but then there are people
1828s making a whole Lich King set out of like
1830s you know like 3D printing other people
1832s are making it out of foam they're surely
1834s also Lich Kings made out of paper mache
1836s and stuff I like the cosplay Community
1838s it's just so creative that like even if
1841s you don't have a lot of budget to create
1843s that stuff like we have later also the
1845s goblin category and like people are just
1848s getting really really creative like find
1851s ways to to bring their ideas into like
1855s real looking characters and you don't
1857s see at all that this is just like simple
1859s formats
1861s costumes yeah
1863s all right well thank you for helping me
1864s celebrate some of our other people that
1866s we didn't get to feature because these
1868s people put in a ton of work so they they
1870s deserve a lot of credit
1871s um and now we don't really waste a lot
1874s of time here we're jumping right into
1875s our needlework category
1876s um and I have asked Hoku props to
1880s introduce the needlework category for us
1882s all right so in the needlework category
1885s you're going to see things like sewing
1887s you're gonna see things like beading
1889s embroidery a lot of leather work you
1892s know these costumes needlework really
1894s combines a plethora of different like
1896s disciplines and trying to get them to
1898s all work kind of together and
1899s harmoniously and it's it's a tall task
1902s it's a tall order so I'm really excited
1905s for you guys to be able to see all of
1906s the different needlework costumes that
1909s we get as our finalists all right
1910s excellent well done and uh just like the
1913s other category they are the winner of
1915s this category will also win fifteen
1918s hundred dollars along with one of the
1921s ceremonial death knight cosplay Chrome
1923s own Metals in a shadow box which we'll
1926s get to show later um anyway so without
1930s waiting any longer we are going to get
1932s into our needlework finalists and oh I
1935s remember who's first we've got black
1937s apple creative as Wintergreen from
1941s Australia and Alkali how would you like
1943s to start with this entry here
1946s okay so I have to say
1948s also was yet another wonderful build
1951s book that we got to go through this
1953s cosplayer really pulled out all the
1954s stops I mean yes they are in the
1957s needlework category but take a look at
1958s this they did special effects work they
1961s did some armor they they sculpted those
1964s horns uh those Leaf Prosthetics on the
1966s face this is amazing they really took a
1969s lot of time to put special craft work
1971s into this
1973s um wake work and not just needlework and
1975s sewing and and she did such a great job
1978s again another head to toe finished look
1980s and and her sewing skills were just so
1983s beautiful on all of those hand-painted
1987s um petal Leaf pieces on on the skirt
1989s just a really great job and I love I I
1993s love the headdress uh what I really love
1995s like um it's like cosplay you really see
1997s that like your favorite characters
1999s brought to life like I I said like so
2001s many times during shadowlands and
2003s actually crying in front of the Winter
2006s Queen and it's like so amazing to to see
2009s her actually now in real life and like
2011s see people you know who love to Winter
2013s quit just as much as as me you know and
2017s yeah I still love the whole built book
2019s like costume also like so many different
2022s techniques and materials combined in the
2024s really beautiful piece of art love it
2027s the back of this cosplay too it's so
2030s beautiful I forgot to mention that
2032s I think I really might have a shot uh
2034s yeah here's the back
2036s basically like fabric wings that go all
2039s the way down and then we've got the
2040s whole head piece up top which kind of
2042s Blends into the background but it looks
2043s so good with those
2045s kind of wooden antlers
2047s um trying to get antlers that big on
2050s your head and actually be able to move
2051s around and it just not completely
2053s unbalance you is really really difficult
2055s and she's done such a great job the
2058s proportions on it really do fit with the
2061s entire aesthetic of this costume it's
2063s amazing yep she did a great job of
2065s staying in character throughout her
2067s whole presentation too she's just got
2069s that winter cream
2071s smolder going on okay
2074s and I I was told by our core assistant
2077s known as Tiffany Gordon cosplay that
2080s we're going too fast with this show I
2082s feel like we're we're at a good Pace but
2085s maybe uh I trust her you know she is who
2089s she is for a reason so if we need to
2091s slow it down we'll we'll try but I'm
2093s having a lot of fun right now uh anyway
2095s coming up next
2097s who is next oh we've got Kristen's
2099s creatures from Canada in our jaina
2102s proudmoore and I love that it's in the
2104s snow too so I believe it would be a
2106s kamui's turn
2108s to start this off oh I love jaina jaina
2111s is such an amazing character and also
2113s seeing her coming to life as well it's
2115s absolutely amazing
2117s um also um
2118s participant actually did an absolutely
2120s amazing uh job on a built book
2123s um I think the buildbook was actually
2125s only optional right but it was really
2127s interesting to see like all the
2129s techniques and like all the effort that
2131s went into the costume and you know like
2134s in this way you can actually also see
2135s like all the tiny details that you might
2138s not notice while just looking at the
2140s customer itself but like I mean just
2142s just the weak styling it was so much
2145s effort to actually exactly make the wig
2148s like jaina in the game and um yeah she
2151s she absolutely looks amazing I love the
2153s costume and also like very very in
2155s character very incorrect presentation of
2158s the character getting that Gauntlet
2160s right is oh yeah to doing a proper jaina
2163s as well if you don't get the gauntlet
2165s ride that and the staff yeah they're
2167s both
2167s had more than that though it's like yeah
2169s the the foam work on the armor was so
2172s incredibly good and then oh yes work I I
2175s really really like when people take the
2177s time to actually airbrush their fabric
2179s depending on the costume and this is a
2182s costume that really really pops because
2184s the extra contrast added by just
2186s airbrushing uh like I said the different
2187s fabric elements so really props to you
2190s for just yeah for just doing such an
2192s incredible job yeah
2194s I love battle for Azeroth jaina when
2196s this character came out I got chills
2199s because the previous jaina was just I I
2203s don't know how to compare them but
2204s battle for azerote and it just it's
2206s different right yeah it's got got these
2208s amazing boots and the corset so much
2210s more fabric work so much to work with as
2212s a cosplayer that when you see something
2213s like this come out you're just like you
2215s you want the character to have this
2217s right so so thank you blizzard gods for
2220s uh creating battle for Azeroth data and
2224s thank you to the cosplayers who created
2226s her this is gorgeous
2229s as a uterus Factor actually going out in
2232s the snow in the costume uh because it's
2235s also actually right now right now quite
2238s cold in Germany and we are also like
2240s minus 10 degrees or something like that
2241s it would be a little bit cold for me so
2244s a huge respect for actually doing the
2247s shoot in the snow in costume and it
2250s doesn't look like a very warm costume as
2252s well she's very much in character
2259s I know it's not part of
2261s um needlework but they're very difficult
2263s to do and I've seen a lot of jaina wigs
2265s and this one was just so perfectly
2268s proportioned and then
2270s um jaina has like this kind of yellow
2272s streak that comes through the top but
2274s she made it look like it would look if
2276s you were a human character it probably
2277s wouldn't be yellow it has this nice
2279s color and do it just special
2280s consideration to how things would look
2282s in real life and then even on the armor
2285s um you don't see seams on the shoulder
2288s uh cauldrons normally is two pieces and
2291s you can see that seam in the middle
2292s sometimes and everything was just well
2294s worked out well put together again the
2296s shading on the cape and the boots uh on
2299s jaina the um
2301s oh I I'm forgetting because I am not a
2304s needlework person but the the pieces
2306s where you lace up the boots are so close
2309s together but it's difficult to do that
2311s and not get it Punchy and she pulled it
2312s off right very nice work yeah structure
2316s all right you guys got anything else we
2318s we just gave like nine hold no I'm
2321s kidding um and by the way someone
2323s someone said in Canada -10 is nothing
2326s which is very sorry I maybe I maybe want
2330s to uh want to mention that like
2332s meterwork needlework is a little bit
2334s difficult with blizzard characters
2335s though because like when when people
2337s actually had to pick the categories they
2339s want to participate in you know like you
2341s actually have to search for one that
2342s fits you the most but like all the
2345s characters they have like all wig
2346s styling they have like often all like
2348s some armor some LEDs and stuff so
2351s probably the contestant just searched
2353s for the piece that was like the most
2355s needle break and just just so so you
2358s guys know how um how we actually made
2361s the
2362s um categories I think because I think
2364s like blizzard stuff is a little bit
2366s difficult yeah yeah you know there's so
2368s much overlap because yeah right has such
2371s a good special effects in New York and
2373s then needlework also has parts of armor
2375s you know your Mage is
2377s it's just like there's so much still
2379s going on and so it's like it's more like
2381s it's more flavored of this but pretty
2383s much it's just blizzard costumes yeah
2385s right yeah I will say that from the
2387s blizzard end of things we did consider
2389s that because we do know that usually
2391s there's a lot of armor and blizzard
2393s cosplays so Mages and warlocks tend to
2396s have the most needlework opportunities
2398s and there's a lot of fabric but I still
2400s have armor yeah they do so we made sure
2403s if you take a look at uh khadgar which
2406s is one of the cosplay references uh that
2408s one is a lot of needleworks so we we
2410s really did try to find some reference
2412s material to put it out there for the
2413s cosplay community so that's really cool
2415s that we took the extra consideration for
2417s the categories yeah yeah I didn't do a
2420s great job of actually breaking down how
2422s judging works and what's eligible and
2424s people pick their own categories but you
2426s know what we got some great artists and
2428s you guys big thanks to the judges for
2431s breaking this down for anyone who's not
2434s you know a regular cosplayer player
2437s anyway we're gonna move on to Kelly's uh
2440s because this is a fantastic artist from
2443s France that entered a varied Bright Wing
2447s cosplay and oh man go ahead yeah go for
2452s it I can tell you so exciting yeah yeah
2454s yeah I'm I'm ready to go this costume
2456s has so many different elements uh a part
2459s of it this this really for me is is
2462s described when we were describing
2463s needlework earlier it's got leather work
2465s it's got beadwork It's got fabric work
2467s it's got embroidery you've got applique
2470s the wings on this costume are stunning
2472s the headdress is stunning the segmented
2474s leather armor there is so much going on
2478s if you look really closely there is a
2480s tremendous amount of tooling that's the
2482s stamping that occurs to create contrast
2485s and surface texture and I I was blown
2488s away by this costume I I absolutely love
2490s this costume yeah it's absolutely
2492s fascinating like I think what's what's
2494s like the most impressive about this
2496s costume and like also cosplay in general
2498s like you see all those amazing costumes
2500s and movies and stuff you know like you
2503s see the making off of those costumes
2505s like uh you know like in some
2507s documentaries and stuff and you see like
2508s all those teams like this massive amount
2510s of people actually working on those
2513s movie costumes and then cosplayers come
2515s over and just say I can do the same in
2518s my basement in one week and it's like
2522s it's like sometimes I think like
2523s cosplayers are so crazy but like their
2526s passion and love for like for like all
2528s those blizzard characters I have to say
2530s like blizzard games are just so amazing
2534s for inspiration for motivation and like
2536s this costume is also specifically uh
2538s it's right wing from World of Warcraft
2540s but like she took the whole character
2542s one step further and actually create her
2544s very own version and put such an
2547s incredibly amount of work into the
2550s castle things like you're insane you're
2553s absolutely insane but holy crap this is
2555s awesome the result was like oh my God
2558s like you you had also to see the
2559s buildbook please please check out the
2562s making of like the the social media of
2565s those participants like it's absolutely
2567s mind-blowing how much work in the effort
2569s they actually put into the costumes yeah
2571s I have to say from a Hearthstone
2572s perspective right wing is a Hearthstone
2575s card
2576s um so it's also part of hearthstone and
2578s it is a beloved card because some cards
2581s are beloved because of the artwork
2584s um and blink Fox is an example of a
2586s heart SIM card uh So Bright Wing is
2588s another example of this card is just
2590s stunning and beautiful
2591s um it's an older card and it still gets
2593s shared on social media today a lot I
2595s often see streamers print it out and put
2597s it in their background and I have to say
2599s Achilles killy's cosplay please don't
2601s get upset at me I'm gonna say it this
2603s kind of looks like
2606s um who's the pirate from Pirates of the
2608s Caribbean what's his name Jack Sparrow
2610s home
2617s this leather work was stunning so yes it
2621s for me it's the Jack Sparrow Bray wing
2624s of the Hearthstone world and it is
2626s something to hold yeah and like I I
2629s think like this costume I have no idea
2631s how much it was but this costume looks
2633s looks like at least 500 hours of work
2635s maybe one thousand yeah there's no way
2638s the prize money for winning this even
2640s touches what she spent on materials
2645s it doesn't matter but just so just so
2648s everyone at home knows like how much of
2650s an investment time Equity as well yeah
2652s well I'm sorry to interrupt but we've
2653s got two I think two more needlework
2655s finalists so we're gonna move on to
2657s another tier six Druid uh this is from
2660s Germany too which is which is great
2662s um yeah actually kamui sorry to skip you
2664s Alkali but this movie's got some oh I
2667s loved this one yes I have this one as
2670s well
2670s um I think this was all leather work
2673s actually right like
2674s um um this this contestant actually
2676s wanted to stay true to the reference and
2678s like the Drury tier 6 set from World of
2681s Warcraft is actually just all made out
2683s of leather and this contestant also
2685s wanted to use mostly leather to bring
2688s the costume actually to life and I
2690s really love like when people try try to
2692s stay even with the
2694s um like with the materials accurate to
2696s the reference and yeah like I made a
2699s costume as well it like I have a lot of
2702s memories with it and so it was like very
2704s special for me to see another three tier
2706s 6 cosplay and I also like loved all the
2709s light installation and yeah it's a
2711s gorgeous costume as well
2717s yeah they're so incredible so the
2721s shoulders are wood hand carved
2724s um and so that's it's also mixed media
2727s uh in terms of armor I have never in my
2731s time as a cosplayer seen hand carved
2733s wood shoulder pauldrons this was a new
2736s one for me uh and then yeah the leather
2738s working as kumui mentioned is just
2740s stunning on the headpiece
2742s um and then uh yeah the there's shading
2744s on the cape um extra attention to
2747s shading on the feathers and the Hand
2748s stitching just really fun uh Great
2751s Character to do yeah I feel like Nils
2754s really just wanted to actually become a
2757s druid and pretty much has completely
2760s accomplished that task I really like the
2763s lighting effects as well proper
2764s diffusion on lighting is really really
2766s hard and making sure that you don't have
2768s like LED hot spots for for what if you
2770s guys don't know what I'm talking about
2771s sometimes there is a very very central
2774s point of light and you need to be able
2776s to get it to kind of cast and and
2778s disperse and Nils has done a very good
2781s job of doing that here it looks very
2783s good yeah plus the shoulder yeah and
2785s their buildbook they showed this great
2786s like wet forming leather of the the
2789s eagle heads and then they're hand
2791s stitched it's real like the the detailed
2793s pictures were incredible to look at yeah
2795s um yeah also letter is such a
2797s challenging material to work with I'm
2800s just using foam for everything because
2803s it's so easy to to shave and like and
2805s cut and everything but like glitter is
2807s so much more difficult it's expensive
2810s and it's very unforgiving if you make a
2812s mistake with leather you're stuck with
2814s that mistake yeah it's going to be
2817s pricey yep a lot of our contestants use
2820s vegan leather too
2822s um which is I feel I've only worked with
2824s it once even more difficult to work with
2826s it has its own quirks so Props to props
2828s to them for trying that yeah with
2830s something like that yeah it's not as
2832s stretchy yep I never worked with that I
2835s I keep forgetting what our last still is
2837s but we've got another jaina here and
2839s this is zappy cosplay from Australia and
2843s this was the specific battle for Azeroth
2846s variation of jaina which I I'm a huge
2850s fan of because I get flashbacks of her
2853s freezing a giant wooden ship during that
2856s last raid oh yeah yeah I forgot the name
2859s of that raid but what a hell of a fight
2861s anyway uh Alkali since we skipped you
2863s would you like to to start by talking
2865s about this one I'm just gonna talk about
2867s my love for Battle of Azeroth jaina
2869s again uh I mean it's so wonderful that
2871s we get to have two of them in the show
2873s uh she's done a masterful job here with
2876s the needlework uh working on this type
2878s of filigree filigree and the gold work
2880s on the back of the cape and all of the
2882s hip pieces and the needlework is typical
2885s um she's done a great job with the
2886s bodice as well there's a lot of elements
2888s of needlework here right we have a
2889s bodice which is always difficult to work
2891s with uh belts
2893s um those uh shoe covers as I mentioned
2896s earlier on on the other Dana cosplay
2898s very very difficult needlework pieces
2900s this is this is high skill cap level
2902s level to be able to make things like
2904s this
2905s I absolutely agree the uh the staff that
2909s she did she actually did the 3D model
2910s for it and it is finished so impeccably
2914s well uh a lot of the time when you see
2916s 3D printed objects you can see that
2918s stepping uh along the uh the kind of
2921s height of it and getting that
2923s eliminating that is is really it takes a
2925s lot of work and so there's just a lot of
2927s subtle nuances on his costume that
2929s really shine through especially like the
2930s embroidery work as well I really loved
2933s the embroidery detail and like the
2934s little touches plus she made her bags
2936s that's awesome
2938s also the stuff by the way it lights up
2941s which you burn you can see in the videos
2943s and photos and she installed the motor
2945s so like the crystal actually rotates it
2947s which is really cool and um like often
2950s people actually
2951s um like when when other people say
2953s cosplayers they always think okay like
2955s are they like Engineers are there like
2957s tailors or like any professionals or
2959s anything in any way but like uh like I
2962s have to mention like all those
2963s cosplayers actually learning this these
2965s skills just for a single cosplays I'm
2967s pretty sure that like um she maybe just
2969s got into Electronics like actually
2971s adding more tourists like programming
2973s all this stuff specifically just for the
2976s staff which you don't see spinning right
2978s now but it's just just for yourself just
2980s to stay true to the reference because
2983s she loves the character so much it's
2985s just it's just absolutely insane how
2986s much freaking effort cosplay has put
2988s into tiny little details maybe nobody
2991s noticed but you know it's there yeah you
2993s know it's there and setting two this is
2995s something that we talk about with photos
2997s um it's not like a huge huge
2999s contribution to how we look at like
3000s scores but it's it's important like this
3002s is jaina in her element this is where I
3005s would expect to see jaina the wind
3007s blowing in her hair by the ocean perfect
3009s setting for putting this cosplay
3011s together the overall effect is just
3013s beautiful yeah that emotional engagement
3015s hits really yeah it does yeah really
3017s well yeah
3018s um yeah and actually a good point uh we
3021s did do the way we split judging is 40 40
3024s 20. so it's 40 appearance 40 execution
3028s 20 presentation and sometimes just
3033s getting that perfect presentation can
3035s tip you over the edge and get you in as
3037s a finalist so that's that's a big deal
3039s right there yeah
3040s for everyone oh good yeah
3043s um I believe that was our last oh wait
3045s we got maybe another picture or two but
3048s this was our last needlework finalist in
3051s this category
3053s um and then we're gonna talk a little
3054s bit about the prizing of who might end
3057s up winning the new oh yeah so big big
3059s thank you to all of our needlework
3061s finalists thank you guys so much for
3063s entering and being part of this show
3066s um and I believe we're going to show our
3069s winner does it I'm watching chat for the
3071s guesses I'm trying to see if they're
3072s gonna pick it I want to see chat pick
3074s their winner real quick can we do this
3075s after each one oh we should have done
3077s like straw polls or something like that
3079s yeah no it's okay yeah this person is
3081s competing for fifteen hundred dollars
3083s and one of the custom medallions made by
3085s Hoku prop so our winner in needlework is
3088s Kelly's cosplay from free
3091s congratulations oh my God
3093s oh my God
3095s this made me doubt my existence doesn't
3098s come yeah like I feel actually pretty
3101s decent at what I do and then I see this
3103s and I know nothing
3105s yeah like it's like when you see
3108s something like that you always think
3109s like okay I'm I have to get better I
3111s have to learn all my skills like why is
3114s my stuff so crappy crap
3116s like literally I'm like when I see stuff
3119s like this like I instantly want to get
3121s in the letter work as well I want to I
3123s want to add all the Beats to my next
3125s costumes and like just do all the makeup
3128s and everything and add wings as well I
3130s think like like seeing winners like this
3132s is like always so inspirational and like
3134s motivational and like just inspiring and
3136s like you you instantly get like new
3138s ideas and like this this costume was
3140s actually just mind-blowing just the pure
3143s effort into that went into into creating
3145s the course it was amazing I have to say
3148s like I don't think we could have
3150s commissioned an artist to draw a human
3153s version of right wing better than this
3155s person yeah envisioned it like there's
3158s no way we could have I don't think we
3160s could have done it better this is just
3162s stunning uh it's really a great
3164s representation if we're talking about
3165s the character itself too this to me is
3168s right wing personified yeah absolutely
3172s agreed the uh the way that the colors
3174s pop on this costume too you know when
3176s you have a I think it's called
3178s anthropomorphicized right when you have
3180s somebody take a costume that's a
3182s creature and then they're doing a
3184s humanoid version of it and trying to
3186s kind of bridge that and maintain that
3188s identity this costume did such a good
3190s job of doing that that it just really
3192s really really it was striking absolutely
3195s striking yeah and when I look closely at
3198s every bead every hand Stitch every hand
3201s Stitch pulling Mark which is crazy for
3204s when people do that you know I love
3206s needlework and I just see hours and
3208s hours and hours and days and weeks going
3210s into this and that's just absolute
3212s determination right there oh yes yeah
3214s yeah um so anyway congratulations and
3218s enjoy your prizing uh offered by both
3221s blizzard and Hoku props but
3222s congratulations to Achilles cosplay as
3225s our second International uh winner in
3228s this competition which is fantastic and
3231s we've got another I think we're doing
3233s good on our time here right we can
3236s stretch it a bit we can do this okay so
3238s here's some more bonus entries that we
3240s didn't get to Showcase but um
3242s this is a pause moment
3245s um so I'm gonna try to interject for the
3247s community when I can
3249s um so I try to really scrounge through
3252s the entrance and see if I can find and
3254s identify members of our Hearthstone
3255s community that we we regularly interact
3257s with on Twitter and our streamers so
3259s send me your arms as a newer Hearthstone
3261s streamer she's been streaming our
3263s content a lot lately so I really was
3266s hoping I crossed my fingers I would see
3268s some of you streamers enter and I didn't
3269s see very many so next time if we get to
3272s do this I would really love to see
3274s members of the Hearthstone Community
3276s actually do this we created a category
3278s for you if you don't know how to cosplay
3280s coming up we'll talk about that later
3281s but so extra shout out to some of your
3284s arms who is one of our uh members of our
3287s Hearthstone Community thank you this was
3289s her first cosplay ever too is that
3291s correct wow oh my God that's amazing yes
3295s and this is a different version of jaina
3297s that non-harstone people may not be
3299s familiar with this is frost which jaina
3302s which is a section a part of hearthstone
3306s where we did uh beloved characters as
3308s death knight characters so this is if
3310s jaina were a death knight uh so so
3313s pretty cool to see
3314s both
3323s oh this one was awesome
3326s that's incredible yeah oh my god wow
3333s oh gunsey had such an incredible entry
3335s uh this was one of the ones I was like
3337s wow this is gone because this is a
3341s fantastic costume right here wow
3347s um we get to see a lot of Zach Fisher
3350s art in these as well seeing a lot of of
3352s um cosplays that are designed by him
3354s yeah the death knight category
3357s officially yet
3359s um so that's where you're gonna see um
3363s very nice
3364s oh that turned out so good
3366s um
3368s oh this was one of my favorite videos
3370s ever that I think I've ever had in a
3373s competition pillows from Mexico did this
3375s incredible troll I love I wish there was
3379s more footage
3386s Switzerland you know that's so cool
3389s wow wow it's awesome and very cold as
3392s well oh yeah Vanessa was
3396s this player this is great their
3397s photographer did some amazing Composites
3399s too yeah wow that's wild so that is our
3404s second round of other submissions thank
3406s you seriously we love looking at this
3410s stuff
3411s um we could sit here all day and look at
3412s cosplay
3415s ton of submissions so thank you again
3417s yeah everyone it was over 50 and it
3420s boiled down to like I think 45 that went
3424s to the scorecards and it was it just
3426s went on and on for like all through
3428s Christmas and New Year's
3430s um so here we are uh finally showcasing
3432s everything our last main craftsmanship
3436s category is the death knight category in
3438s honor of the march of the Lich King
3441s expansion and this category we're
3443s looking oh wait I'm sorry Alkali would
3445s you please explain this because I forgot
3447s you're supposed to that's fine yeah so
3449s for Death Knight we had to really
3451s determine what what's different from
3453s Death Knight than armor and there's not
3454s always a lot of things that make it
3456s stand out but we chose to have a
3458s separate death knight category and it
3460s pretty much is armor but that's okay but
3462s that's because we really wanted to bring
3464s March of the team to life like uh
3467s working for Hearthstone I've had the
3469s pleasure of going through many
3470s expansions now let's see a fractured and
3473s actual outtrack Valley uh Voyage to the
3475s sunken city uh murder at Castle natria
3478s and now on to march of the Lich King and
3480s I was a little nervous that when I
3481s decided to pitch this cosplay contest
3483s that people might say like oh the
3485s cosplay girl of course she wants to do a
3487s cosplay contest right but um really
3490s there's a lot more to unpack here which
3492s is if there was ever going to be a
3494s Hearthstone specific cosplay contest
3496s when is the right moment and there was
3498s never going to be a right moment I think
3500s other than death Knights because they're
3502s so large they're so over the top they
3505s really are exciting uh characters and to
3509s finally have a death knight class it's
3511s our 11th class in Hearthstone it's a big
3514s moment we don't get new classes very
3515s often the last one
3518s um was a couple years ago so death
3520s knight is in Hearthstone and we're so
3522s excited to have them so we had to create
3524s a category for it so contestants could
3526s choose whether or not they wanted to
3528s enter in as a death knight or enter in
3530s as armor so even though they might be
3532s armor or even needlework contestants
3535s they chose death knight so
3537s um we're excited to have them in this uh
3539s this category and also I wanted to point
3541s out because it's a bit different
3543s those of you who are World of Warcraft
3544s fans and maybe don't play Hearthstone
3546s yet yet but we'll get you
3549s um uh some characters are death knights
3552s in Hearthstone but art in World of
3555s Warcraft they have a little bit more
3556s Liberty here and we we have uh
3559s especially with our cosplay references
3561s made some beloved characters into death
3563s Knights as you saw earlier like khadgar
3565s why not make khadgar nothing why not
3569s um and Edwin sure we can have a pirate
3571s that night who doesn't want to fire a
3572s death knight so that's kind of the whole
3574s one I'm all about Pirates today
3577s um so you know that's what this category
3579s is all about you know bringing
3581s characters into uh a death knight if
3585s they aren't already
3586s um or taking characters who've already
3588s been envisioned as of that night okay
3591s it's actually a great idea because as
3593s are the armor category is actually
3594s always so filled with amazing cosplayers
3597s and it's like you always feel like that
3600s there you you would like to give more
3602s prices out so the more categories the
3604s more prizes so it's actually a great
3606s idea yeah I love it I love it yeah
3609s all right well uh and same deal
3612s um going for The Medallion and fifteen
3615s hundred dollars and someone asked
3616s earlier why 1500 we did 1500 for three
3619s plus 500 for Goblin and grand prize Best
3622s in Show is 5 000 so it's a ten thousand
3625s dollar prize pool which is how these
3627s numbers came together
3629s um so with that we are going to review
3631s our death knight finalists and we are
3634s going to be starting with oh in kamui
3636s can you please pronounce this because
3638s she told me
3639s because she's in Germany she said sailor
3642s run cosplay I think I think you decided
3646s to actually correct okay you said it
3648s anyway this is the death knight yusera
3651s and uh
3653s Alkali would you like to discuss this
3655s one please
3657s start um I
3664s I um this is another Zac Fisher design I
3667s believe
3668s um and it's you Sarah uh imagined as a
3670s death knight and I this is a small thing
3673s to point out but it's important to me
3674s someone who really likes to play with
3676s color uh in Cosplay that that
3678s identifying dark green and black
3681s especially in super darks and making the
3683s green look green it can be very
3684s difficult if you look at this this image
3686s here of uh the inspiration piece you can
3690s see that the greens and the blacks play
3691s well together and she did a great job
3694s just in color alone but when we move
3695s outside of that and we go into build
3697s work I mentioned this earlier but like
3699s organic armor building is something
3702s special
3703s um because we've had amazing cosplayers
3705s like kamui bring us cosplay patterns
3708s through her YouTube and other cosplayers
3710s who've done this as well who've who've
3711s made patterning and cosplay easier for
3713s those of us I know I learned from kamui
3716s so and we often learn on these kind of
3717s basic patterns but to go into organic
3720s patterns like the bark work on the
3722s pauldrons is much more difficult and it
3725s takes a creative eye so I always
3726s appreciate a cosplayer who can do those
3728s things and do them beautifully so
3730s examples of organic work are in the
3732s pauldrons and in the bone-like wing
3735s structures that are covering those hip
3736s cauldrons so very beautiful job very
3739s clean work clean work on seams putting
3742s things together very well I don't see
3744s any seams at all even the burning
3746s sometimes when in using a burn tool you
3748s get those stop marks that aren't always
3750s part of how it should look and I thought
3753s that her burning tool techniques were
3755s very clean beautiful cosplay yeah yeah I
3758s also really appreciate like all the
3760s extra for us like this costume already
3761s looks absolutely amazing during the day
3763s but she also put a lot of effort into
3765s like adding lights and like even those
3768s lights were not just like stuff is like
3770s just illuminated but she actually added
3772s a gradient it looks like it's a light up
3775s a little bit there but like less light
3776s up there so and in addition to that she
3779s actually also like you saw it quickly in
3781s the video also like a smoke machine and
3784s um adding this stuff is actually not
3786s easy like again you have to learn new
3788s skills you have to learn new techniques
3790s got uh additional equipment and
3792s everything and just for a tiny little
3794s detail maybe nobody will actually ever
3795s notice and I always really appreciate
3798s like this this going one step further to
3801s really bring the the character to life
3803s and um yeah as as already said like the
3806s the costumes like really really clean I
3808s also love the very in character
3810s presentation and yeah it's just a
3812s gorgeous costume as well and I love the
3814s design too
3815s I really love how she did the shoulder
3819s lighting uh getting once again the
3821s diffusion of that lighting she used kind
3822s of a bounce uh effect and you have this
3825s graduated illumination that occurs up
3828s the length of it uh and and that's just
3831s something that's really hard to do this
3833s costume it was just the perfect
3834s silhouette it was the perfect con you
3837s know just form the contrast on it is
3839s spot on and it has incredibly good
3841s motion I also really liked it yeah yeah
3844s oh this was her last picture I was being
3847s careful but
3848s yeah there was I remember during
3850s deliberation this one came up a lot so
3853s thank you for an excellent submission
3854s and great feedback
3856s uh up next is uh velocity velasedra I
3861s believe it's pronounced as verisa of the
3863s Ebon blade
3865s um and this was our first entry from
3866s Ecuador which was really cool to see
3869s that that's amazing and actually Hoku do
3872s you want to start off with this one
3873s please because there's some 3D printy
3875s elements going on here
3877s actually the uh the shoulders originally
3879s when I saw them I thought they were
3881s going to be 3D printed because they're
3882s so perfect but they're actually carved
3884s and that to me was just it's incredible
3887s they're so perfect and being able to get
3891s all of the different detailing in there
3893s it it really sets it up I feel like
3895s shoulders are so iconic for for Warcraft
3897s aesthetic and like costume design and
3900s being able to have something like this
3902s like these look just like they're
3904s actually magical right so I I can't say
3907s enough about this costume I I love it I
3910s love it I also love to light
3911s installation like the idea how to
3913s install the lights into those like those
3915s spiky things it looks so cool I mean
3918s like I'm I'm a huge fan of Lights anyway
3920s and those are just always those extra
3922s that make the costume really pop and
3925s yeah it was again like really cool to
3926s see all the making of photos and the
3929s other shoulders are actually amazing I
3931s love it this was barisa right if I if I
3934s remember that right how we never see
3936s barista one of the windrunner sisters if
3939s you're not familiar with lore so I mean
3942s we hear a lot about Sylvanas but you
3945s know we got a barista so how cool is
3947s that and uh these shoulder cauldrons
3949s we're probably going to talk about them
3950s a lot but really those those are hand
3952s carved as as Todd said is so cool I mean
3955s I really just want them
3957s incredible I I assumed they were like 3D
3960s printed but that is I think parts of
3962s them are
3963s um the the base but not the the blue
3966s parts right okay gotcha
3968s um yeah actually I want to make sure
3971s was that our last still but yeah thank
3974s you so much for uh another fantastic
3977s um I I get so excited about these
3980s International cosplayers yeah yeah oh
3982s the bow I forgot about the bow looks
3985s amazing
3986s so Waits
3990s yeah what I also love about the cosplay
3992s Community like um I travel a lot to
3994s conventions like no matter where you go
3996s like when you actually meet a cosplay
3998s you know it's like you it doesn't really
4000s matter what what age you are like which
4002s cultural background you have like which
4004s even which language to speak or like you
4007s know like which religion you have like
4008s what's actually media cosplayer this
4010s person instantly can become your very
4012s best friend and yet start talking about
4014s like techniques and materials like it's
4016s so amazing that like cosplay connects
4018s people like all over the world you feel
4021s like you're a part of a huge Community
4023s like just a huge family especially
4025s within blizzard and gaming and cosplay
4027s like blizzard is so wide and we're
4030s seeing that with the entries from around
4031s the world and that's such a great thing
4033s for all of us to have in common and you
4035s know when I go to BlizzCon I meet people
4037s from people all over the world to be
4040s there and we're excited about BlizzCon
4045s um oh man so let's move on to our next
4047s finalist uh
4050s uh oh wait we had a couple more Stills I
4051s forgot these were some really cool night
4053s shots
4054s striking I like the back fill light on
4056s that yeah
4058s um and Risa is kind of like cool of a
4061s character like she's not warm you know
4064s like she's just so like these kind of
4066s cool shots are kind of nice as well see
4069s I feel like I get Barista out of here
4071s yeah very in character
4073s all right so
4076s it's ocean from Canada in her serenade
4079s death knight cosplay and this was
4082s heavy prop work uh kamui would you like
4085s to discuss what you see here please I
4088s guess this is actually an actual set
4090s from World of Warcraft again it get
4093s brought to life like just taking
4097s the game uh with the weapon I think it's
4100s Armageddon if I remember correctly and
4103s yeah it was just again like really
4104s really cool a lot of stuff different
4106s techniques went into creating this
4109s costume and what I really love is like
4111s again like this uh taking taking the
4113s whole costume at one step further not
4115s just taking the reference but actually
4117s transform it into a reality that the
4120s costume actually works because um I
4123s would say like the the reference in wow
4125s it's like often a little bit bulky like
4127s they're like those massive Racers and
4129s everything and she actually adjusted the
4131s design a little bit
4133s um that it actually suits her
4135s um better and I just absolutely love the
4138s overall look of the costume and in
4140s Canada this could be like minus 50
4142s degrees probably right now
4146s I love this sword so much yeah he did
4149s such a good job on the the overall
4152s aesthetic and yeah being able to just
4156s take this costume and as you were saying
4159s being able to get it to fit and and just
4162s present and being able to go full 360
4165s they did an absolutely incredible job
4168s yep
4170s go ahead please oh it's fine actually is
4174s no stranger to the cosplay world and
4176s completed in her fair share of blizzcons
4178s uh she's really well known for her orbla
4182s work uh so I have to say this armor is
4185s made I think a hundred percent out of
4187s foreplay which is
4189s um a hard plastic so it in in a world
4192s where working with foam has become
4194s easier I know I also prefer to work with
4196s foam because movie brought this up
4197s earlier it's it's kind of the easy way
4199s out and it's I don't want to say that
4201s because it is still difficult but like I
4202s use foam for a lot of small details
4204s because for me it's just easier so all
4206s of these tiny little pieces that you see
4208s she cuts them out in warbliss so these
4211s are very thin wore bliss strips so the
4213s amount of skill required to make this
4216s level of detail in a warbler cosplay is
4218s high uh and she's meticulous I wouldn't
4221s be surprised if we took two different
4223s sides of the armor and put them right
4225s next to each other and they weren't
4227s perfect matches like she is really I
4230s would say master class in working with
4232s war block so very very uh great job as
4237s far as the seams and putting this
4238s cosplay together it's very very clean
4241s ocean is one of those absolute Precision
4244s cosplayers where her her world looks so
4247s good it looks easy to make which is it
4250s looks good when it's not paint Ed right
4252s like her her free paint photos on her
4254s Instagram like I love seeing her
4257s wearable work unpainted right
4260s all right cool so and because
4264s poker didn't get to talk a lot during
4266s oshley's he can start during
4268s emerils yeah uh entry from Italy as
4273s Frost worm arthas please go for it Hoku
4277s props so frostworm arthas is a Heroes of
4280s the Storm uh skin and just like all
4284s other Heroes of the Storm aesthetic it
4287s is absolutely even more oversized than
4290s normal and they have done a perfect job
4293s of reproducing the scaling on that while
4295s still trying to maintain Mobility still
4298s trying to be able to wear it and
4299s function you can see that in the
4301s mobility of the costume how they're
4303s moving around the sword really really
4305s ties things together for me because it
4309s gives them the ability to actually
4310s showcase like the costume as a whole
4313s You've Got just every aspect the
4316s paintwork is also honestly some of the
4319s best paintwork I've ever seen it's so
4321s impeccably clean I I can't say enough
4324s good things about this costume
4326s I also think that like just picking this
4329s costume must be so scary because the
4331s original reference yeah it's like the
4333s original reference is actually from from
4335s Heroes of the Storm and you know like um
4338s the reference from what Warcraft is
4340s already I would say like quite bulky but
4342s like in Heroes of the Storm it's
4344s everything just just crazy massive even
4346s bigger and everything
4348s um but the the fact that like they said
4351s like okay this is the right character I
4354s want to make like I have a lot of
4356s respect for that because like this is
4358s just like larger than larger than size
4361s this is like oh my God like this is just
4363s just being able to bring the costume
4365s accurately with all the like the
4368s proportions to life it it must recover
4371s require like so much skills like it was
4374s so challenging it was incredibly
4376s impressive I I love it
4379s I'm going to take this small moment too
4381s since we're talking about some um other
4383s franchises to to clear up a few cosplay
4385s Contest rules actually because this is a
4387s good moment to do that with this cosplay
4389s so as long as the character was from
4391s Hearthstone or World of Warcraft because
4394s uh Hearthstone characters come from that
4397s world although we have a few of our own
4398s now
4399s um as long as they were uh one of those
4402s characters they could be in here
4404s regardless of if they had a Heroes of
4406s the skin uh Heroes of the Storm skin
4408s however because we did have a few
4410s entrants that that couldn't apply
4411s because it couldn't be for example like
4414s Lilith or Sonia from it couldn't or um
4417s even would think like
4419s um a character from OverWatch like it
4421s couldn't be Diva as a death knight so as
4423s long as the character originated in
4425s Hearthstone or World of Warcraft the
4427s skin could be pretty much what it needed
4429s to be so Heroes of the Storm Skins are
4431s okay uh and arthas a very well-known
4434s character in World of Warcraft
4436s well said and yeah this was a very
4439s unique competition I don't think we've
4442s ever had such a specific IP towards a
4445s competition but surprisingly we got a
4448s ton of submissions which made it really
4449s easy for us
4451s um uh anyway finishing up with Emeril
4454s cosplay uh thank you very much for your
4457s submission I think we have one more
4458s death knight that we are going to review
4461s who is
4465s Pasha Vixen has the elite Arturo's death
4468s guard
4470s um and kamui would you like to approach
4473s this please
4474s oh yes I absolutely loved it oh my God
4477s like this costume had such a great look
4480s also
4481s um like just just the location where the
4483s costume was shot I think it again looks
4486s some very deep in Canada and I really
4489s really love the like the overall look of
4492s the character and um yeah it's like the
4495s shoulders I got like the right
4497s proportion I love the makeup the weapon
4500s looked amazing like everything just
4502s looks so so well nice put together and
4505s yeah she actually looks like exactly
4508s from the game and um yeah it totally
4511s loved all the effort that went into
4512s making the costume
4514s I don't think this was filmed in Canada
4515s I think this was filmed in Northern
4526s this is exact design I believe uh yeah
4529s and this entire costume is just perfect
4534s for this scene perfect for this
4536s environment and she's done such a good
4539s job of just becoming a death knight I
4542s really I really love this design yeah
4545s let's talk about attaching armor for a
4547s minute we haven't really talked about
4548s that and it's something interesting to
4552s bring up especially if if anyone is new
4554s to cosplay watching this wearing
4557s shoulder pauldrons that are that massive
4559s and us not being able to see how they're
4562s attached to them is is amazing right
4566s like I know how they're attached I know
4568s cabuy does because we both worn things
4569s similar to this but you have to attach
4572s them to undergarments often and then
4574s hide them under the cape um and it is a
4576s lot of complexity that we don't talk
4578s about enough is how to attach armor
4581s properly how to not show it often when
4584s we see
4584s um uh the the hip armor pieces that
4588s connect to the centerpiece sometimes we
4590s can see the little connector there but
4591s we don't she's done a really great job
4593s of hiding how this all works the armor
4596s just almost seems to float there much
4598s like it does in game so very cool to see
4602s uh wow physics yeah I also think like
4605s every one of us already have been in a
4607s costume at the convention praying that
4609s the costume won't fall apart having the
4612s hot glue and like duct tape ready and
4614s everything I like praying to all the
4616s safety pens I was there as well and um
4620s so I always say like one year when
4622s you're actually finishing an armor
4623s costume do like a few like test test
4626s walks around and everything just hope
4628s everything works out but yeah attachment
4630s is actually something really really
4631s difficult something you mostly don't see
4634s you shouldn't see and something which is
4638s well when it is well done it's very
4640s rewarding and if it's not well done
4643s um the convention might become
4646s complicated complicated yes it's always
4649s funny you see your shoulder pads that
4651s are in the right position and power one
4652s of the con and by hour three you're just
4655s like yeah three inches further down and
4657s as you've been walking around so I I
4659s make my harnesses out of leather and I
4660s used to use Chicago Screws a lot you'd
4662s be walking around you just get this
4663s Little Tink Tink Tink those are the
4665s Chicago Screws slowly working loose and
4667s falling it's just yeah it's it's a riot
4669s it's nuts
4672s at least she has a weapon she can clear
4674s her way through the crowd yes all right
4677s our death knight finalists
4680s um God these judges are making it really
4682s easy on me as the host like I don't have
4684s to do anything you guys are just running
4685s away with the show that's nice to hear
4687s that's because we're huge fans
4690s a lot of these cosplayers that submitted
4692s such great polished
4695s content that was really fun and easy to
4698s work with and that was a great example
4700s of really an excellent presentations
4703s also I think participating in costume
4705s competitions is actually scary like you
4708s need to overcome some fears like it
4710s might be actually intimidating like to
4712s show your stuff to such a huge audience
4715s and especially at live costume
4717s competitions where you have to go on
4719s stage sometimes in front of thousands of
4721s people and I think I don't know how many
4723s people are watching right now but I
4726s think it's also quite scary for the
4728s participants as well even though it's
4730s only online right
4733s uh go ahead Chad I'm sorry I was gonna
4736s say you know something that always stuck
4738s out to me about blizzard cosplayers
4740s though is like just the extreme love of
4744s that character of that game it it really
4747s I've noticed just this Charisma that
4749s exudes uh when you're walking around
4751s BlizzCon I've been at BlizzCon since
4753s year one guys and seeing the cosplay has
4756s it has it has evolved has just been
4758s remarkable and so that's something that
4761s I really just want to highlight is my
4762s some of my absolute favorite cosplay it
4766s is all from the warcraft universe so the
4768s Diablo Universe all of these different
4770s blizzard IPS they do yeah yeah you also
4772s have to add like you could you could
4774s actually spend hours days months playing
4777s your favorite game or you are so
4779s obsessed with a certain character that
4782s that you actually spent like all those
4784s types of creating the costume and like
4786s as as gaming cosplay you always struggle
4789s like with okay I really want to make
4791s cosplay but I also really want to play
4792s game like at the end you'd somehow like
4795s wait for your rate wait like for the
4798s next like the next session starting and
4800s like uh like hand stitching something in
4803s front of the computer so yeah like in
4805s between braids in between wipes but yeah
4807s like if you're actually creating gaming
4809s cosplay is like really difficult I think
4811s you're saying is super valid but there's
4813s people out there wanting to know who won
4816s this game yeah
4823s who won this right yeah okay so
4828s because you were on a great Rampage
4830s anyway we're going to announce our
4832s winner for best death knight right now
4836s and it is in real cosplay yes
4839s congratulations
4841s congratulations congratulations
4846s such a well-made costume yeah oh my god
4850s um
4851s nuts I want to make a Hots costume now
4853s yeah yeah just do it I won I made one
4857s ready it's like a great great reference
4860s designs as well and like but hide Stone
4863s has so much stuff as well oh my God I
4866s love this bone yeah
4868s it's so good yeah yeah yeah I didn't
4871s comment much on his when we were uh on
4873s theirs when we were going through this
4875s and it is so stunning the the work on
4878s the bones in particular and the color
4880s that they did is so that is so cool yeah
4884s the videography is so good yeah and like
4886s also like this this combination between
4889s like a metal look finish and like all
4891s those bones like which are like very
4893s organic and stuff like putting it
4895s together into an actually working
4897s costume
4899s um yeah it's it's amazing like I'm still
4901s absolutely absolutely Blown Away by like
4905s the proportions like just like those
4907s absolutely insane proportions and that
4910s the shoulder pads don't cut his cut
4911s their head off yeah
4914s seeing it articulate the way that it
4917s does being so bulky and moving so
4919s naturally is really pleasing to see that
4923s yeah uh actually I should admit when I
4926s was rendering out this footage here I
4928s was getting chills because I was like
4930s man what an iconic shot oh yes this
4935s victory for this particular category so
4937s this is like the Frozen Throne cover
4940s yeah easily yeah
4944s making or just costume as well when you
4946s see that I would say from a Hearthstone
4948s perspective wanting to see like who
4950s could win the death knight section of
4953s this I'm happy to see that it is arthas
4955s yes
4956s um and that they did such a good job and
4959s this really is a great representation of
4961s what we would have expected to see for
4963s the death knight category amazing all
4965s right and with that we are going to move
4967s on to what I believe is congratulations
4970s Emeril one more time uh and that is
4972s going all the way to Italy uh and we've
4974s got one more collection of bonus cosplay
4977s entries to share with you guys and
4981s which means we're getting to the end of
4983s our show
4984s um entry from Taiwan which is super cool
4986s to see the wow the tier two warlock I
4990s believe yes tiered to a tier one is so
4993s good we've got Quincy cosplay this is
4997s cosplay
5000s right here
5002s um
5038s like texted me like oh my god did you
5041s see this thing yet and I was like not
5042s yet but that is incredible you were so
5045s excited someone entered a plushie sure
5048s why not and cosplay is a cosplay it is
5052s it didn't happen thank you community for
5054s being so great I want to see Corgi
5057s cosplays yes Courtney cosplays next time
5062s um
5068s how much he had done is terrific
5071s um this is our first Bulgarian cosplayer
5075s color on this so shiny
5079s um that is a beautiful paint yeah wow
5084s um the one
5086s on
5088s it's heartbreaking to see that some of
5090s these folks didn't make it
5092s um yeah
5095s wow video submission ever was yes a
5099s Demon Hunter beating the hell out of the
5100s cameraman sure why not I always love a
5104s good Demon Hunter yeah and I actually
5106s think this was from our cosplay
5107s reference sheets as well if I remember
5109s right ah oh yes I love warheart this
5112s guy's awesome oh my God I love the
5115s texture it looks amazing it's really
5117s good yeah makeup's great too oh the
5119s weapon oh my God the paint shop looks
5122s amazing as well and that is our final
5124s that Center core is also really cool
5126s yeah it's just bursting through that
5128s Center Point yeah that's cool all right
5131s and that's just amazing that we get to
5133s Showcase these thank you again to our
5135s host talk actually I should thank you
5137s the blizzard team for allowing us to
5140s Showcase all of these people because
5142s it's kind of part of our deal we have a
5143s huge heart for cosplayers around the
5145s world it means everything to us to me
5148s this is a celebration to everyone else
5149s this is a competition in Chad's case
5152s it's a party what do you call it a party
5155s or a an award ceremony or something oh
5158s yeah it's an awards to everybody yeah um
5160s okay so uh actually Alkali would you
5162s like to set up
5164s one of our main core categories
5168s please someone is excited please go I'm
5171s so excited okay okay okay okay okay okay
5172s here's why I'm excited let me tell you
5175s background story there has been a bit of
5178s talk in the cosplay World about Cosplay
5181s getting so expensive the skill level of
5183s people
5184s okay maybe this is your fault for
5185s teaching everybody so well sorry I'm
5187s blaming all right
5190s um everybody's getting good really
5192s really good
5195s and the level of skill and cosplayers
5197s and the cost of production sometimes in
5200s some categories even armor we're
5201s starting to see it almost become a
5202s special effects category
5204s um and so one thing and hearing a lot of
5208s this chatter in the cosplay Community
5209s about needing budget categories I
5211s actually firmly believe this I I hope
5214s I'm getting you know a little step
5215s soapbox here but I hope some cosplay
5218s competitions will consider adding a
5219s budget category and also we wanted to
5222s consider that maybe not all of our
5225s Hearthstone players had some creative
5227s skill I don't know maybe you guys do
5229s maybe you know but we just wanted to say
5231s we wanted to have a category that
5233s everybody felt like they could enter
5235s regardless of skill so this is the
5237s goblin craft category you had to use
5239s duct tape or tape
5242s um cardboard and or paper uh paints and
5245s you could use glue so in the rules those
5247s were the four things
5248s um so most of our contestants use just
5250s cardboard and I'm so excited to show you
5255s the uh finalists in The Goblin crafts
5258s category enjoyed oh nice yes and so uh
5261s we picked our three favorite because
5263s this wasn't one of our core competitions
5265s uh and here they are as our finalists um
5269s so we are starting
5271s with I believe it's pronounced Alon
5274s there's another entry from Taiwan which
5277s is super cool as Goblin lady tinker and
5280s actually Hoku would you please do the
5282s honors of talking about this I love this
5285s costume so much
5287s so so one of the things that I'm just
5290s gonna start one of the things I
5291s absolutely love is the special effects
5294s the very ingenious simple special
5296s effects uh building things out of
5298s cardboard with motion and just being
5300s able to rig it so she could wear it and
5303s just it's just such a fun costume this
5306s this I think to me is a perfect
5308s representation of people having fun with
5310s a costume Oh yes totally yeah this is
5314s actually a larger than life costume
5316s because like usually those costumes and
5318s I wanted to say like I love this
5320s category because like people think of
5322s like with costumes like that we need to
5323s get like all the fancy tools like all
5325s the fancy equipment it gets like really
5326s expensive and like she just just used
5328s like cardboard and tapes and paint and
5331s like it's like even even moving it's
5333s functional you know know and this this
5335s costume is mind blown oh my God like
5338s especially like that like you need so
5340s much creativity to actually like working
5341s with the
5343s um like the most simplified tools and
5345s material is to create something like
5346s that like you need to keep your eyes
5348s open for like some some older things to
5351s actually bring together it's like a very
5354s creative costume I love it like the idea
5356s it's really cool as well I love that she
5358s left one of the cardboard seems raw like
5361s yeah you can see that the corrugation in
5363s the cardboard I've also made a mech suit
5366s so I have extra appreciation for seeing
5369s Goblin craft might be some of the
5372s history behind how we came up with the
5374s name as well yeah so uh very excited to
5376s see that someone actually made a mechsu
5378s out of yeah cardboard on this remind I I
5382s competed against Alkali one year and you
5384s were Dr boom which reminded me of of
5387s this particular costume I did I I made a
5390s doctor boom mad genius cosplay you guys
5394s if you haven't seen Alkali in that
5395s please look it up on her Instagram
5397s because it's worth it's worth seeing um
5400s okay we're gonna move on to our second
5402s oh wait I wasn't sure what happened okay
5405s we've got more of this one's great yeah
5407s more of this okay here's our second uh
5409s Goblin craft and this is samazon cosplay
5412s from the US in their duct tape Valera
5423s in the mercenaries commercial I don't
5426s know if you saw that I made Valeria a
5427s ton so I am very connected to this
5429s character uh mad props this is done head
5433s to toe in duct tape and as someone who's
5436s made this body piece in I made it velvet
5439s and it was so difficult I cannot believe
5442s someone pulled this off to this level of
5445s perfection with duct tape uh same with
5447s the the boots um even the laces are made
5450s with duct tape and they actually corset
5452s kind of lace up the back uh and then the
5455s attention to detail in the sword which
5457s is the exact uh way that that sword is
5460s laid out it's got that cool kind of cut
5462s out out of it I'm really impressed with
5464s how this was pulled off those shoulders
5466s are nuts
5468s um and the fact that they're done in
5470s cardboard and duct tape is just so
5471s wicked cool
5473s it was ribbon tied together to hold the
5476s braces bracers together that makes me
5478s really happy did she actually even use
5480s some paint or the artists like I also I
5482s think she is yeah I think
5484s I think yeah
5488s exactly I want to use duct tape and
5490s carpet only duct tape yeah
5492s and oh my God and red duct tape
5496s we're gonna just start seeing duct tape
5498s used as interface
5502s I love I love the tattering on the uh
5506s the the tabard or whatever element it is
5509s down there where it looks like yeah
5511s exactly it looks like it's just got a
5513s bunch of uh weathering and it's just
5516s yeah it's perfect this is crazy oh my
5518s God someone in chat said it looks so
5520s cheap that's the point is that is the
5523s point yeah it's just tape uh okay I want
5526s to say actually it looks cheap though
5528s wow okay here's our last uh Goblin craft
5531s finalist who is uh take flight cosplay
5534s from the UK in the tier 2 Paladin
5536s judgment armor set this this is one of
5539s my favorite entries period and who
5542s actually kamui was this one that you
5545s wanted to talk about
5547s um yes I loved it as well because like
5549s first this is like obviously one of the
5552s most amazing armor sets in World of
5553s Warcraft uh I made it as well and I
5557s think like this contestant actually like
5559s really really take take the whole um
5562s like the whole idea very serious because
5565s um look like those those pieces in the
5567s front they're actually I think like
5568s craft shop recipes
5574s and like everything is all just duct
5577s tape like I think left over
5579s um crafting material like fabric like
5581s really old Fabric and stuff it's like
5582s and just I think um the the shoulder
5584s pieces are just cardboard as well great
5586s like creating something like that just
5589s with cardboard this is actually not easy
5592s really not easy the fact that they put
5595s them yeah
5598s this is one of my favorite screenshots
5600s oh my God so cool yeah oh wow wow so
5605s there's just a bunch of random stuff
5607s from around the house
5609s um yeah yeah but so you see cosplay
5612s doesn't need to be expensive no yeah
5614s well any and they prove it and you know
5617s if you want to ask them how much it
5619s costs
5623s you don't even need a sewing machine
5625s just tape it together tape it together
5627s I love the little like looped chain
5630s paper things
5634s where you count down the days
5637s yeah yeah oh my legitimate costume that
5640s looks this good I will say the
5642s silhouette is so good though yes it's
5645s perfect yeah oh okay so I believe those
5649s were our three Goblin craft finalists
5651s and without further delay because we're
5654s actually getting close to our time here
5656s we're gonna jump right into our winner
5658s if you don't mind who is
5660s samazon creations
5664s congratulations
5669s I I will say
5670s uh Amazon really took the rules to
5674s Hearts this is a hundred percent duct
5678s tape and cardboard just head to toe
5681s boots I I wow amazing are the soles of
5685s the shoes cardboard I'm gonna have to
5688s ask them later yeah
5690s fabulous for our first ever ever Goblin
5693s craft I couldn't please post your entire
5695s build book so everyone can learn your
5697s way oh yes please
5700s I so hope that this happens again and I
5703s so am looking for it if it does to
5705s seeing how good the cardboard duct tape
5707s paint category oh yeah I would love to
5711s see the category in other contest such a
5713s high bar yeah yeah the high bar is set
5716s for sure good luck anyone else who
5718s enters a duct tape category people to
5721s make this event happen again in the
5722s future yes please whatever you whatever
5725s we need to do just make it happen but
5727s um congratulations to Amazon cosplay
5730s what an incredible Goblin craft entry
5733s and congratulations on your 500 prize
5735s along with one of the medallions made by
5738s hokey crops congratulations
5740s speaking of medallions made by Hoku
5742s props I believe our next segment on the
5744s show is called Hoku props and wow
5752s oh yeah here's where the armor Medallion
5755s yeah so so these are all in a shadow box
5757s something that I've really liked and
5760s Bullpen uh actually set me on this is
5762s being able to display your metal is
5766s something that it's not really easy when
5768s all you have is the metal so you know
5770s taking his lead I figured let's get him
5772s mounted in shadow boxes that way they
5774s can be presented you can enjoy this
5776s totem of your win in success forever or
5779s as long as they hold up because they
5781s should last quite a while and yeah I
5783s just I absolutely love it I sculpted all
5785s of these in zbrush and just taking the
5788s time to really create something that was
5790s going to resonate with each category I
5793s put a lot of love into these and I'm so
5795s happy with the results and I'm hopeful
5797s that everybody else is happy with them
5798s too they look amazing
5801s yeah yeah you're not officially off the
5804s hook yet because you got one more thing
5805s you have to talk about yeah so one other
5808s thing is the helmet we wanted to go
5811s ahead and take insta inspiration from
5814s all of the elements of death knight and
5817s really create just this item that just
5820s completely personifies those elements
5822s and so this is a crown that I went and
5825s designed with a whole lot of inspiration
5826s from Death Knight and other elements
5828s from arthas and yeah it's it speaks for
5832s itself this is all uh printed this is a
5835s 3D printed this is the master there is
5837s uh only one and technically a second
5839s backup down here in case I need it and
5842s it's just I had so much fun I I'm a huge
5846s huge huge blizzard fan as you guys I
5848s think can totally tell and so having
5850s this opportunity to take my passion the
5853s same way that all the other cosplayers
5854s in this contest have really taken their
5856s passion and putting it all into these
5858s different Awards it's I'm so proud of
5861s everyone and I'm so excited for
5862s everybody to receive their their prizes
5864s I really am on behalf of the Hearthstone
5866s team thank you again because all we told
5869s Hoku props was take the Lich King's Helm
5873s of domination but turn it into a crown
5875s that's all we said
5877s um and and seeing his renderings and and
5880s seeing the process was uh very amazing
5882s for us to watch thank you again on
5884s behalf of the Hearthstone Community team
5885s poker crops for for putting that
5887s together it's exactly what weed
5888s envisions and actually I think when you
5890s guys were pitching it to us
5892s um hokus was like I will only do that
5896s event if I get to make the prizing
5906s which we've got four category winners
5909s enjoy your prizes
5911s um and talking about category winners
5915s I think we are supposed to see who our
5919s category winners are so these are our
5921s core category winners of our
5922s craftsmanship competition categories uh
5925s we've got Danny McFly in armor Achilles
5928s cosplay with needlework and in real
5930s cosplay as the death knight winner
5936s are slotted to compete against each
5939s other amongst the judges which has
5941s already happened and one of these three
5943s people has to be selected as the best in
5945s show which will win the crown five
5949s thousand dollars
5952s and all the glory that goes along with
5955s this event which I think there's a lot
5957s of prestige here so
5958s before we announce is there anything
5960s that anyone has to say about anything
5964s yeah I I just wanted to say that like
5967s all of the participants were absolutely
5969s amazing and like it was such a joy to
5972s see all all the the costumes up close
5974s like to see all the buildbox books and
5977s like basically for me for me personally
5979s everyone is a winner and um it was it
5982s was
5984s um amazing to judge everyone and I
5985s really hope that blizzard is doing more
5987s such costume competitions because it's
5990s really really motivating for the cosplay
5992s community and um I think also BlizzCon
5995s will be really huge this year uh I can
5999s not agree more that's yeah totally I'm
6002s so excited to see all of the love and
6004s passion that's been put into costumes
6006s we've seen a small teaser of this
6008s BlizzCon I'm assuming this year is going
6010s to be wild wild with the cosplay so if
6014s if you guys are not a part of the
6015s contest or the costume Community please
6018s get excited you've got a bit of time
6020s yeah because join us I'm gonna totally
6022s be there yes I want to see everything
6024s yeah yeah I remember what I called kamui
6027s to invite her to be part of this event
6030s you just started clapping on the phone
6032s you were like oh my God blizzard
6034s cosplayers are so thirsty for news yes
6037s cosplay yeah yes please thank you so
6039s much for joining along with us yeah
6041s thank you for this amazing cosplay
6043s competitions I I saw like so many people
6045s got really really excited about it and
6047s now being a part of it it's a huge honor
6050s for me and I yeah and just just as that
6052s I hope to see more all right alkaline do
6054s you have any final thoughts I just want
6056s to see the winner all right I want to
6057s see Chad see the winner we're getting
6059s into it so we're gonna just cut to the
6062s full screen here
6063s we're gonna hit play and see what
6064s happens so
6066s good luck everyone and
6068s here we go good luck everyone
6072s all right there's one more slide
6076s it sucks it's the winner
6080s Danny McFly Danny McFly congratulations
6083s congratulations congratulations oh my
6087s God oh my God congratulations
6090s yeah epic yeah my goodness I just have
6095s to tell Chad judging this I've said it
6097s once I'm going to say it again it was a
6099s huge honor
6101s um I think it's gonna pop up later
6102s you'll see it but there's a side-by-side
6104s comparison of this armor and then the
6108s in-game character next to each other and
6111s they are exact it is just that is so
6115s rare So uncanny yeah to get those
6117s proportions
6118s um because we usually have to modify
6120s them for blizzard armor because it's
6121s like impossible if you move your
6123s shoulders you're gonna pop your head off
6124s so
6126s um this was just masterfully done uh
6129s beautiful words
6132s I'm so glad you guys get to see this
6135s yeah wow because I wanted people to know
6138s that there's an undersuit all the sewing
6140s the patterning the armor yeah
6145s he even got his he designed his his
6148s chainmail pattern he got it printed uh
6151s he did the sewing it's just it's
6152s incredible yes this side by side right
6155s here this is what chat really needs to
6157s see and you guys are getting to see what
6160s we saw what we judged off of and when
6162s you see an image like this it's hard not
6165s to understand why why Danny is the
6168s winner it is phenomenal yeah there was
6170s so much accurate representation of
6173s scaling I've ever seen in a costume ever
6176s yeah then he is Terraria so like this
6179s this is like so perfect so well executed
6183s Danny can I just refer to you Australian
6185s from now on yeah yeah
6189s back out
6192s I would love to see
6194s to sitcom because I didn't I never saw
6195s this costume like in real life and I
6197s think like seeing this at BlizzCon would
6200s be amazing however I can imagine the
6201s transportation
6203s could be a little bit difficult yeah and
6206s Danny ladies too yeah putting on his
6210s Prosthetics too because there's so much
6211s that goes into this it's not just
6212s putting on Armor like look at what he's
6214s he's going just the makeup must take so
6216s long
6217s yeah oh yeah
6221s I love my world just quiet because we're
6223s just like oh yeah totally engaged just
6225s like wow yeah he's a young person
6228s a young person that you know puts on all
6230s the scarring does perfect age work uh
6233s yeah this is just very very well done
6236s um I don't you know some makeup artists
6238s might not have even done this job as
6240s well as he did I want to go work on
6243s costumes right and here is your final
6246s Best in Show uh congratulations
6249s congratulations congratulations such a
6252s good costume yeah all of it huge thank
6255s you to everyone who entered all the
6256s other winners everyone that that was
6258s part of this show all the all the people
6260s but Danny you absolutely killed it we've
6263s gotten to talk about Danny three
6265s different times now so I
6267s think we've exhausted all of our love
6269s for for Danny McFly right now maybe not
6272s I'm not sure but you guys know I love
6275s you Danny McFly you're amazing yes yeah
6276s please check out his Instagram so you
6279s can see more amazing costumes of himself
6281s I'd like to follow all of the
6282s contestants everyone yeah please please
6284s do it um they will appreciate it
6286s actually so somehow we've eaten up the
6289s entire two-hour block here and very
6291s quickly I set this screen aside in case
6295s there's anything that Alkali as the
6297s community manager needs to announce on
6298s behalf of blizzard and Hearthstone right
6300s now
6301s uh yes thank you for showing up thank
6304s you to all the amazing contestants uh
6306s the people who submitted their cosplays
6307s for bringing March of the Lich King to
6309s life that was the goal there was never
6311s going to be a more perfect opportunity
6312s to to take a Hearthstone moment put it
6315s on a center stage and take our
6316s characters and and bring them to life
6318s for you so thank you to the community
6319s for doing that and I hope you guys have
6320s enjoyed the show this has been a lot of
6323s fun and thank you for letting me be
6325s another host of of another one of these
6327s events
6328s um
6329s I really enjoy doing these and
6332s I think I did just a little special
6333s thanks thing here to Showcase how much I
6337s love all of these different people and
6338s Brands but
6340s special thanks to our amazing judges
6341s Hoku props kamui cosplay and Alkali Lake
6344s and then our administrative staff
6346s Tiffany Gordon cosplay we could not have
6348s done this without you blizzard obviously
6350s without which we wouldn't have
6352s characters to compete with ultimate
6355s cosplay is
6356s us really uh the Hearthstone community
6359s and talk custom is me so I did all the
6362s editing and whatever so there you have
6364s it but
6366s um
6367s oh and do we have time for Corgi cam is
6371s it time for several
6378s Edition
6379s yeah are you guys well let's say our
6382s final farewells because we gotta wrap
6384s this up in 90 seconds or I'm gonna get
6386s fired or something like that I don't
6387s know what happened
6389s but yeah Big Love uh this was a ton of
6393s fun uh I'm very happy that this went so
6396s smoothly yeah yeah thanks for having us
6398s guys thank you thank you for such a
6400s great everyone see all that Blue's gone
6401s hopefully thank you all right see you
6404s guys thank you bye-bye
6409s foreign