over 1 year
ago -
Secret Master
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Synicus said: 1) Is air defense important for fighters? or would it be catastrophic to use drop tanks instead of self-sealing fuel tanks resulting 1.0 air defense 800 range?
I did a run on a live stream a few weeks ago where I had a ton of planes with non-standard materials usage. I wasn't running IW planes, but I had plenty of CAS with air defense of 1. It was part of a larger experiment with trying to save aluminum by having fighters with top tier stats and CAS with poor air to air stats to lower their cost (since I wanted to see if I could lower costs of planes lost to AA).
The end result was that CAS losses to enemy fighters skyrocketed even though I had plenty of fighters in the air regions covering the CAS.
The lesson was simple: air defense is a vital stat for any plane that gets into combat with other planes, fighter or bomber. As you discovered.
Synicus said: Good to know. I guess that's why the 36' design did so well, having a higher defense than the interwar fighters attack despite the still limited range.
The problem you are facing though is that air defense is a vital stat, but mission efficiency is also a big nerf to aircraft capabilities. Because better airframes have better default range, I think the correct answer is this: build IW planes with range in mind, but later air frames shouldn't trade range for horrendously low air defense.
But get those better airframes into use ASAP.