7 days
ago -
PDX Chakerathe
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Dear fans,
Today's Patch for Operation Knee marks the second release in a series of updates that we are doing to improve the game. Next week we aim to release the War Effort patch, which as Arheo said previously will be more substantial than usual.
I also want to take this opportunity to circle back to a few topics that Arheo brought up last week, as well as start providing a few glimpses into the short- and long-term future.
Conclusion of the Expansion Pass Next up in this pass is the Prototype Vehicles Unit Pack which adds vehicles that are more experimental in nature. Some will be available right away while others you will need to unlock through special projects. The unit pack continues to expand on the cool, detailed art we have in the game already, however it will not feature new in-game functionality.
Dev Corners Return One important take-away from the development of all the content in this Expansion Pass is the need to better and earlier involve you, our community. Our Dev Diaries have regrettably been getting published closer and closer to our release date which makes it challenging to act on your feedback. To rectify that and better involve you in our plans at an earlier stage, moving forward we’ll bring back Dev Corners. For those of you who are new to the concept, Dev Corners is a space where we discuss our ongoing development, and highlight upcoming features and balance, to ensure early community feedback and discussions.
June is our target month to start the Dev Corners. That is still a few months away, so in the meantime we’ll provide insight into the internal workings of PDS Gold, which I’ve understood is of interest. Are there any areas you are interested in learning more about? Let us know and we’ll try our best to take them on. For example: How does a DLC get designed? How does the team decide what to work on? What kind of tools do our programmers use? What's the process of creating icons? Etc.. Let us know!
Our Recent Updates
And lastly, here’s our updated roadmap, below it you will also see the Patch notes.

Operation KNEE Patch Notes 1.16.2
Checksum 225a
Today's Patch for Operation Knee marks the second release in a series of updates that we are doing to improve the game. Next week we aim to release the War Effort patch, which as Arheo said previously will be more substantial than usual.
I also want to take this opportunity to circle back to a few topics that Arheo brought up last week, as well as start providing a few glimpses into the short- and long-term future.
Conclusion of the Expansion Pass Next up in this pass is the Prototype Vehicles Unit Pack which adds vehicles that are more experimental in nature. Some will be available right away while others you will need to unlock through special projects. The unit pack continues to expand on the cool, detailed art we have in the game already, however it will not feature new in-game functionality.
Dev Corners Return One important take-away from the development of all the content in this Expansion Pass is the need to better and earlier involve you, our community. Our Dev Diaries have regrettably been getting published closer and closer to our release date which makes it challenging to act on your feedback. To rectify that and better involve you in our plans at an earlier stage, moving forward we’ll bring back Dev Corners. For those of you who are new to the concept, Dev Corners is a space where we discuss our ongoing development, and highlight upcoming features and balance, to ensure early community feedback and discussions.
June is our target month to start the Dev Corners. That is still a few months away, so in the meantime we’ll provide insight into the internal workings of PDS Gold, which I’ve understood is of interest. Are there any areas you are interested in learning more about? Let us know and we’ll try our best to take them on. For example: How does a DLC get designed? How does the team decide what to work on? What kind of tools do our programmers use? What's the process of creating icons? Etc.. Let us know!
Our Recent Updates
- March 6 - Graveyard of Empires Follow up[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
- March 10 - Update from the Developers[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
- March 12 - Patch Notes | Operation HEAD (1.16.1)[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
- March 20 - Patch Notes | Operation KNEE (1.16.2)[forum.paradoxplaza.com]
And lastly, here’s our updated roadmap, below it you will also see the Patch notes.

Operation KNEE Patch Notes 1.16.2
Checksum 225a
- Added a port to Rangoon, Aqaba and Latakia
- Added infrastructure and two civilian factories to states in Burma
- Added infrastructure to some states in Afghanistan
- India: "Urge Violence against the British"-decisions now cost 13pp (down from 20pp), reduces compliance by -10%, and increases resistance by 50% (from 35%)
- India: You now only need >25% more pressure than Pakistan/Bangladesh to win a princely state
- Iran: The focuses "People's Revolutionary Airforce" and "People's Revolutionary Navy" are no longer mutually exclusive
- Tweaked Musamdam's population and lowered it to a more realistic figure
- Updated how air volunteers work. They now will always add the bonus from the modifier, making the intended behaviour of "Legion Condor" work as expected
- Country leaders for new subject nations added in Graveyard of Empires, such as Palestine, Kuwait, Jordan, etc., now display their unique portraits even if Graveyard of Empires is disabled
- India: Gaining a princely state now gives a core on that state
- India: Princely states can now be cored in the communist path
- India: The focus "Royal Indian Navy Mutiny" now requires >50% communist support, rather than full independence
- India: The focus "Threaten the Princes" now gives 10% communist support
- India: the AI will now take the decision to become independent when it is available, if it is going down the communist path
- Added bypass_effect block to national focuses that runs when a focus is manually or automatically bypassed
- States added in Graveyard of Empires now get included in the formation of the appropriate German Reichskommissariats
- Added a bypass for the focus "Annex Goa"
- Added a bypass for the focus "Crush The Anathema"
- Decisions to claim Pakistan as Akhand Bharat can no longer be used to claim Bangladesh during the famine
- Divisions located in Burma will no longer be permanently exiled after the white peace triggers for the Mughal Uprising
- Fixed a bug causing some nuclear raids to not delete military factories correcty with "Bathe in Hellfire" completed
- Fixed a bug where the national spirit "Neutral Foreign Policy" was not properly removed from Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Fixed an exploit where the East India Company could buy the world without paying
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip in the partition mission
- Fixed an instance where a fascist UK would automatically flip India to fascist
- Fixed an instance where Freeman Freeman-Thomas would not lose his negative trait when Britain left India
- Fixed an instance where the civil war started by the focus "Give Me Blood And I Will Grant You Freedom" would not end correctly
- Fixed an issue where a princely state could be automatically annexed while at war with it
- Fixed grammar issues and a typo in the tooltip and description of the focus "Funnel investments into Princely States"
- Fixed missing and incorrect focus filters
- Fixed some instances where focuses would allow joining factions while being a subject
- Fixed the "Agrarian Society" national spirit sometimes not having an effect for India when the Princely Breakaway State or East India Company was created
- Negative versions of the "Marginalized Muslim Community" national spirit is no longer retained by India after the split with Pakistan
- Removed cores from certain states when Graveyard of Empires is disabled
- The achievement "That's Sikh!" is now obtainable
- The correct country name will now be used if "India Fragmentation Status" is set to "British Raj Fragmented" in game settings
- The focus "Expand the Silk Road" no longer builds a railway through the Soviet Union
- The focus "Gurkhas" no longer rewards an unusable Special Forces branch specialism when AAT is disabled
- The focus "Headhunt Army Personnel" now properly allows sending volunteers
- The focus "Institutional Money Laundering" no longer grants a research bonus with no name
- The focus "Jaguar" no longer allows two experimental facilities to exist in the same state
- The focus "Join the Shadow Scheme" can no longer build factories in core states not owned by India
- The focus "Punjab Autonomy" no longer breaks when puppets control the states
- The focus "Special Operations Executive" no longer rewards an unusable cost reduction for paratroopers doctrine when AAT is disabled
- The national spirit "Aggression towards Princely States" now grants -100% generate wargoal tension limit
- The national spirit "War Taxes" can no longer be lowered when not at war, now resets after a war ends, and can no longer be exploited to go above the limit
- The tooltips for the event options in the events "Widespread protests" and "Religious Violence" now display the correct compliance values
- Added several missing focus filters
- Added missing states to the decision system "Recreate the Persian Empire"
- Completing the focuses "The Memphis Initiative" and "Glory of Cyrus the Great" will now allow Iran to get cores on all of the Middle East, Egypt and Afghanistan
- Fixed a bug that could give Iran decisions to core Turkey twice
- Fixed a bug where avoiding the civil war in the democratic path could result in being stuck with no elections
- Fixed an exploit where the Immortal Legion template could be used to generate free equipment
- Fixed an instance where the "Election Season"-event would sometimes list a leader as retiring before being made leader again
- Fixed some instances where focuses would allow joining or creating factions while being a subject
- The decisions from "War Profiteering" are no longer displayed after your oil has been sold
- The event chain from the focus "A Foothold in the Indus" now grants a war goal instead of automatically declaring war if India rejects the demands
- The focus "Request Trains from Germany" now correctly adds German trains to stockpile
- The focuses "Establish the Airforce" and "Construct Air Bases" no longer grant building slots along with air bases
- Added several missing focus filters
- Fixed a typo in the description of the focus "Increase Anglo-Iraqi Economic Ties"
- The focus "Project Babylon" no longer allows two experimental facilities to exist in the same state
- The focus "Regional Military Integration" no longer tries to build factories meant for Jordan in Iraq
- The focuses "Form OPEC" and "Join the Axis" can no longer be taken if Iraq is a subject
- The national spirit "Anglo-Iraqi Mutual Defense Agreement" is now removed if you go to war with Britain
- The focus "Unite the Azeri Diaspora" now correctly rewards a core on East Azerbaijan
- Fixed a bug that would cause the first variant of equipment to always be called "Mk0" regardless of country-specific naming scheme
- Fixed an issue where buying dreadnaughts from Germany would not spawn them correctly