7 months ago - Secret Master - Direct link
KnyazSuvorov said: 3) For tank design purposes: honestly not impactful. You can get some nice bonuses, but only by mid-war (1941), and you have to decide whether they or production bonuses are more important.

To me, that kind of choice is worthwhile to have in the game. Giving the player interesting choices is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

marcelo r. r. said: theyre designed to not be a "rush" thing, but long term snowballing:

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I want to add something here:

Not all countries have MIOs for all types of tanks and planes. And some countries have MIOs that can be used for many different kinds of equipment. A strategic choice in the game is whether you focus on just a few MIOs or try to diversify equipment.The Soviet MIO that affects trains and tanks is a great example of a MIO where there are implications wider than just tanks for making use of that MIO.

Gran Strategist said: After getting the medals are free mod and actually experimenting with them there are huge diminishing returns after the first medal (which the UI doesn't tell you) while the cost increases.
And now you know why I don't usually bother with medals. When they first came out, I tried to make a super division by giving it multiple medals for ORG. The UI wasn't clear on diminishing returns, and I was disappointed to learn that I was paying PP to give a tiny buff that didn't stack the way I wanted.

This is what I mean about weird MIOs and choices:


That's a MIO with bonuses to support equipment, tanks, trains, and railway guns.