2 days
ago -
PDX Chakerathe
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Hello everyone!
As we mentioned not too long ago[forum.paradoxplaza.com], we’ll be bringing you several patches over the coming weeks and months. Here is our first batch of patch notes.
Operation HEAD, 1.16.1, Checksum 48b7
As we mentioned not too long ago[forum.paradoxplaza.com], we’ll be bringing you several patches over the coming weeks and months. Here is our first batch of patch notes.
Operation HEAD, 1.16.1, Checksum 48b7
- Increased the artillery required for elephantry
-reduced its base soft attack by 20%
-reduced breakthrough by 20%
-reduced manpower requirement by 10%
-increased supply consumption by 25%
- India
-Train Robberies now reduce railway/hub/infra by 2% (was 3%) for each railway focus completed
-Train Robberies now reduce weekly stability by 0.1% (was 0.3%)- Iran: The Immortal Legion now has a much larger starting template
- India: The national spirit “Anti-Imperialist Zeal” now gives 8% defense bonus against the USA (up from 0.8%)
Gameplay- Added an event chain for Syria and Lebanon that allows them to side with Vichy/Free France or declare independence when Paris falls
- Added additional animation variants for elephantry
- Generic elephantry now uses the generic infantry model
- Iraq: More models can be selected for artillery and anti-tank battalions in the division designer
- India: Added better tooltip to train robberies
- India: Famine now only requires you to lose a starting Indian State (excluding Aden) with 30 days to retake it
- India: Improved Famine description
- India: The focus “Threaten the Princes” now gives 10% communist support
Modding- Added "count" functionality for all any_object triggers. It will evaluate true if at least "count" items fulfill the child triggers. The count field will support scoped variables
Bugfixes- India: The Mughal Influence state modifier will now be removed if no longer owned by the Mughal Empire or India
- India: The Mughal Uprising now changes the name of political parties rather than keeping the Indian ones
- India: The British Raj no longer loses certain spirits after separating from the East India Company or Princely Breakaway States
- India: "Parkash Singh"s trait "Brave" is no longer missing a title and description
- India: The "Conquer Afghanistan" focus no longer attempts to give a special forces doctrine discount when you do not have AAT
- India: The "Frontier Corps" focus no longer gives a special forces doctrine reward if you are missing AAT
- India: The "Nothing Personal" focus will now bypass if unavailable
- India: Forward Bloc now removes the occupation law No Garrison until independence is achieved through the focus Give Me Blood And I Will Grant You Freedom
- India: The game rule to make India go down the historical path will no longer block achievements
- India: Independence unrest events no longer continue to appear after declaring independence in India's fascist path
- India: East India Railways will no longer bypass automatically when GoE is missing
- India: The Ahadi Division template given by The Mughal Uprising can now be edited
- India: Famine should now longer trigger if a country spawns in the affected area
- India: The ruling party of the Mughal Empire and British Raj are no longer flipped (Mughals getting GB and RAJ getting Mughal Court) after starting the civil war
- India: Aden no longer gets returned to the Raj after the Mughal Uprising if it was previously handed over to the United Kingdom
- India: Fixed a bug where a blank EIC focus was appearing in the focus tree upon formation
- India: Numerous national focuses have been updated with filter tags
- India: The focus Royal Indian Navy Mutiny no longer requires independence
- India: Fixed a broken bypass condition for the focus Pledge for the Allies
- Iraq: Nuri As Said no longer has a placeholder portrait when missing GOE
- Iraq: The event from Propose Syrian Unification no longer gives the wrong war goal
- Iraq: Restoration of Hejaz focus now grants cores on the targeted states, instead of claims
- Iran/Soviet Union: Fixed a bug in which the Soviets could not puppet Iran if they chose to justify without the focus
- Iran: Join allies focuses can now be appropriately bypassed
- Iran: Changed the Memphis Initiative to include any state in the Middle East
- Iran: Fixed a bug where Iran started with Treaty of Saadabad in 1939, where it should not have
- Iran: Fixed a bug where Opposition to the Shah decisions still appeared after a peaceful takeover
- Iran: Allowed Organize Protests or Establish Local Opposition Groups to be bypassed if any of the focuses starting a civil war are taken
- Iran: Jafar Kavian and Ghulam Yahya Daneshian are now gated behind the Communist focus branch
- Iran: Fixed a bug where the Islamic Revolution leader would not become country leader if a civil war was started in the "Strengthen Iranian Parliament" focus
- Iran: Fixed issue with two national spirits disappearing when communist civil war starts
- Afghanistan: The "Graveyard of Empires" focus now works correctly if you have the Quami national spirit
- United Kingdom: Puppets breaking away from the UK when it goes fascist/communist should now function correctly
- Arabia: Can no longer be formed by Kurdistan
- Arabia: Now correctly gains cores on new states
Localization Bugfixes- Issues with technical text being displayed in Russian localization should now be resolved
- The East India Company Investment Schemes window is now functional when playing with Russian localization
- Typo: Masshad -> Mashhad
- India: Fixed a typo in the description of the Risk of Famine national spirit, where "loses" is misspelled as "looses"
- India: The Sideline the Conflict focus tooltip no longer displays a bugged name
- India: Several technology bonuses now have a name
Art Bugfixes- Fixed minor issue with Elephant animations
- Various 2D Icons updated
- Missing elephantry icons added
- Changed animation_blend_time to zero between the animation stages for Elephantry
Technical Bugfixes- Fixed a bug where production was not recalculated when taking decisions. This fixes instances of bugs such as MEFO bills failing to update when they should
- Fixed a OOS due to portrait generation when host and client have different DLC configurations
- Fix a Windows CTD on startup when some specific utf-8 characters are in the installation path
- Fixed buffer overflow when rendering 2D elements
And lastly, here’s an updated roadmap - Iran: The Immortal Legion now has a much larger starting template