about 5 years ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
6s by early 1942 the British Empire had
10s entered its fourth year of the war the
13s Civil War had drawn away American
15s assistance and political turmoil had cut
18s written off from the vital Mexican oil
20s fields the governments of Europe were
23s exiled in London of all British allies
26s only the Free French and Dutch remained
29s weakened by years of defeats and facing
32s a surging Japanese threat to the Far
34s East the year began with an act of
36s desperation the federation proclamation
39s unifying the empire under one government
42s the japanese declaration of war followed
45s days later on February 27 they combined
49s allied Far Eastern fleet centered around
52s the new Dutch battle cruisers sortie to
55s meet the Japanese invasion force the
57s Battle of the Java Sea that followed
59s would mark the turning point of the
61s fortunes of the Imperial Federation
64s you
75s you