over 6 years ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s waking the tiger is the new expansion
7s for hearts alarm for for this expansion
9s we wanted to focus on the lesser-known
11s half of World War two which is the Asian
15s Theatre and the primary focus here is
18s China to do this we have made focus
20s trees and fleshed out the whole area for
23s all the Chinese nations as well as Japan
25s the Chinese focus tree we tried to
28s really give a proper representation of
32s the Chinese Civil War which raged
34s between 1911 and 1949 as the
39s Nationalists you have many enemies and
42s many problems the Japanese are just
46s outside your borders ready to attack you
48s in your moment of weakness
50s the Communists have set up a base in the
53s heart of your country and warlords have
55s carved out their own realms at the
58s periphery and you are tasked with
60s building a modern nation out of nothing
63s you will have to find foreign allies to
66s help you rebuild your nation build up
68s your industry and support you in the
70s battles come if you play as much you go
72s you may be an emperor but you are not
74s free the Japanese control your country
77s they run everything but you have ways to
79s throw off the rule and become what you
83s were born to be Emperor of all China and
86s claim the Mandate of Heaven as the
89s Communists you have just completed the
91s long march the only chance is to wage
93s guerrilla warfare and when the time is
96s right trigger an uprising that will
98s crush the Nationalists to help bring the
101s Chinese struggle to life we've added two
104s new features and one of them is the
107s political power struggle which is all
110s the nations in China can invest in
114s States and gain support from warlords
116s and this will sort of decide who becomes
119s the leader of China in the end there's
121s also a more aggressive path called
124s border conflicts where warlords and
127s other nations can can start not full-out
130s Wars but conflicts on borders which will
132s move territory and develop
134s mr. Nations
135s [Music]
140s you