over 3 years ago - Addaway - Direct link

As release is almost upon us tomorrow, I want to say that I hope you will enjoy Battle for the Bosporus! Today I will be showing the changelog, mention some cool stuff we are giving out for free and also talk about an onboarding experiment we will be running soon… so lets jump in!

Click here to view the full changelog for the 1.10 Update[forum.paradoxplaza.com]

Heavy Cruiser Pack now free for all!

When we stopped selling the Colonel Edition and moved most of the cosmetics there to new armor packs instead we had nowhere to put our Heavy Cruiser pack and we figured it would just be a nice thing to give it away to everyone for this update - so thats what we did! It will now be baked in. The pack contains the following ships 3d models :

France - Algérie
USA - Baltimore
UK - Exeter
Soviet - Kirov
Japan - Mogami
German - Prinz Eugen
Italy - Trieste Class

Onboarding Experiments
Hearts of Iron is not a game known for how easy it is for new players to get into it... and that is probably not going to change ;D But we do feel like we could do a lot better job at helping new players out here. We have a lot of ideas around improving the pretty basic tutorial, more context help and helping you see changes in patches and such that we dream of doing, but much of this is still in some far away potential future. Right now though we have gotten help from our awesome experiment group at Paradox Arctic in testing some stuff on you all. Well some of you at least...

See we are doing this as a test to compare how the changes affect new players so the system will automatically enable it only for certain people next week, so do not worry if you see stuff your friends aren't or the other way around.

So what have we actually done? We have integrated little short video clips tied to alerts and such to help illustrate how to deal with them. These are also accessible from the main menu for browsing. Do note that this is not some full coverage of features yet, but we hope it will be enough to see if there is any impact on new player behaviors and if it works out there is a good chance we will record and add more in the future if we roll it out for everyone.

Here are some pictures of how it looks:

So see you all tomorrow for the release and for some followup diary the week after :) Oh and because you will ask. The release is aimed to go out in the afternoon tomorrow, but hey its 2020 so I don't dare give you any exact times ;D


Our release stream will be beginning at 1300 CEST, here's all the details!

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/394360/announcements/detail/2903092217422207550]here[/url].