about 1 year
ago -
Secret Master
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Vigor said: 1. i don't have AT research done.
2. i don't have air superiority.
3. I don't have enough tanks in the modern division to stack up much breakthrough
4. I have too many mechanized infantry (though in this situation, where I'm not really attacking to deal damage that should be a benefit)
5. The tanks are stock, no version upgrades
6. The tanks have foreign equipment (i'm not sure that is a bad thing considering the ones i produce are stock)
7. These divisions have 3 spart each (but in this situation that could be a benefit as well since divisions tend to not bleed spart much. I suppose that is because they fire from far away.)
8. These divisions have no aa (so they are pretty defenseless vs CAS/Tac)
Others have indicated a bunch of problems, but I will parse these particular issues.
Fighting under red air is generally bad, but to do so with no AA is setting yourself up for failure. Enemy air superiority robs you of the breakthrough and defense stats. That doesn't even factor in actual damage from bombing. AA guns mitigate both the damage and air superiority penalty.
Using 3 SPART is a bad idea. I won't get into exhaustive details, but in terms of supply draw and width, SPART is a loser in many cases. It's tempting to stack soft attack using SPART and its bonuses, but the better option is to mount howitzer guns on regular tanks. If you need piercing, add a battalion of TDs with heavy cannons on them.
Regarding "too many MECH", I can't believe I'm the one who will say this, but MECH is sometimes underrated. At Tier 3 MECH, it's an absolute beast. If you were in good supply and not getting bombed all the time, I'm guessing your MECH might actually be doing just fine even if you had sub-optimal numbers of tanks.
Here's a single battalion of Tier 3 MECH.
While most of my games never reach the point where modern tanks and Tier 3 MECH are in play, these stats underscore how potent MECH can be at the end game. And I'm talking about Tier 3 MECH because you mentioned modern tanks. So, I figure you are in the zone for both techs.
If you had too many MECH of this kind, I wouldn't think the AI could stand against you regardless.
But how would I change your set up?
Here's a starter template for using modern tanks and MECH. No MIOs were used to create these tanks or templates.
These are very bare bones tanks that are not meant to be super optimized. I figure you are fighting the AI, so an armor of 90 is more than enough. This division has LOG to decrease fuel and supply use, armored RECON to speed it up in open terrain for overruns, ENG to bypass bad terrain, support AA to mitigate enemy bombing, and a support ART because that's awesome.
It's 36 width, which is good enough for our purposes today.
The basic modern tanks have Heavy Howitzers for tons of soft attack. The modern TDs have Tier 3 heavy cannons for piercing. (The division can pierce itself.) I have tank designs if you want to look at them: (No MIOs applied to the moderns so that you can just see the raw stats)
Again, I'm not trying to give you perfect tanks. These will just get you started.
Stats do include MW tree. If you are using another land doctrine, you can expect different stats.
Note that none of the divisions or tanks I have shown you require the AT tech. Thanks to the AA tech branch, we can get the biggest heavy cannon without investing in any part of the AT tree and have plenty of piercing.