over 1 year ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [ITALY INVADE ETHIOPIA] The world remains at war.
6s Despite my efforts, Italy's conquest continues.
10s [NEW ITALIAN FOCUS TREE] The troops are engaging
12s [NEW ITALIAN FOCUS TREE] the Allied forces on multiple fronts,
14s whilst the engineers work tirelessly to design new warplanes,
19s [NEW PLANE DESIGNER] machines capable of
21s [NEW PLANE DESIGNER] total aerial domination...
23s [NEW PLANE DESIGNER] ...to aid them
24s [ETHIOPIA INVADED – ITALIANS IN AFRICA] in their conquest of Ethiopia.
27s The Ethiopian military
28s [NEW ETHIOPIAN FOCUS TREE] continues to hold the invasion at bay.
31s [NEW ETHIOPIAN FOCUS TREE] But for how long, I do not know.
34s Whilst our ground forces are locked in combat,
37s rumors of a ceasefire spread
39s as diplomatic talks are held in Switzerland.
43s But if the bloodshed continues,
45s [NEW SWISS FOCUS TREE] can we truly stand by and watch...
48s [NEW SWISS FOCUS TREE] ...or could our influence
49s [WILL SWITZERLAND ENGAGE?] change the course of history?
53s The decisions made here in the days to come
56s will decide the fate of our three great nations,
59s and many, many more.
62s BUY NOW! www.heartsofiron4.com