about 23 hours
ago -
PDX Chakerathe
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Only 48 hours remain for the campaign of Hearts of Iron: The Board Game, so now is the time to back it if you want a copy of your own.
Click the image above or here to check it out[pdxint.at]
The awesome people over at Steam Forged Games have been hard at work making the Board Game a fun experience for you and your friends, and to keep it as true to Hearts of Iron as a whole.
Missed the Devs' thoughts on it? Check out the video below!
Only 48 hours remain for the campaign of Hearts of Iron: The Board Game, so now is the time to back it if you want a copy of your own.
Click the image above or here to check it out[pdxint.at]
The awesome people over at Steam Forged Games have been hard at work making the Board Game a fun experience for you and your friends, and to keep it as true to Hearts of Iron as a whole.
Missed the Devs' thoughts on it? Check out the video below!