over 1 year ago - Secret Master - Direct link
laune573 said: It looks like Germany only had around 9 Heavy Tank Battalions

You're going to get that kind of thing when you are producing Tigers, Konigstigers, Panzer IVs, Panzer IIIs, StuGs, Jagdpanzers, Panthers, Jagdtigers, and 30 other kinds of tanks.

Streamlining might have yielded a few more heavy tank battalions. Also, having access to more chromium and other rarer metals for alloys might have helped.

(Incidentally, one of the first lessons many players learn in HOI4 is to just focus on one kind of tank. Germany could have benefitted from that lesson.)  
over 1 year ago - Secret Master - Direct link
GrandVezir said: Germany rage quit and uninstalled after the first playthrough.

"We should have uninstalled after the first war."
-Gerd von Rundstedt
(in a more interesting universe)