7 months ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
You'll be able to backdate the game, and the save will be available. However, we're awaiting a rollback version - PDX and Steam are working on it! We appreciate your patience!
7 months ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
Originally posted by AlbertCole:
Originally posted by PDXKatten: You'll be able to backdate the game, and the save will be available. However, we're awaiting a rollback version - PDX and Steam are working on it! We appreciate your patience!
Thanks for the update. Is it a matter of hours or something that will take some time to fix? I was looking forward to play this evening, but I can adapt my schedule.
Unfortunately It could take a few hours.
7 months ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
Originally posted by Vaeringjar: Might make sense to upload the rollback before releasing the main update itself next time
We encountered an issue, apologies.
7 months ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
Originally posted by Hussar: How do you rollback to the earlier version? I was playing with the Total War mod, and it just went bonkers on me and can't play/see anything.

Thanks in advance!
Check this out: https://steamcommunity.com/app/394360/discussions/0/3874842509596527043/