over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - PDXMidgeman - Direct link

Hello, and welcome back to another Dev Diary for Hearts of Iron 4. As we close in on wrapping up this major operation, code-named Barbarossa, before winter falls (the first snow fell in Stockholm this weekend, I am sure it’ll be fine), today we will talk about the new achievements that will be added with the release of No Step Back.

As far as the process is concerned, we usually have an open list of achievement suggestions during the whole DLC development cycle. Near the end of the cycle, we take a vote on what achievements we want to see in the game (after eliminating any that would be technically impossible) and start the process of implementing them and ordering art.

For No Step Back, we started with a list of 49 suggestions, and whittled it down to 20 Achievements:

At least they run on time!: As fascist Italy, have max level railways in all your core states

Not much fun in Stalingrad: As Germany, capitulate the Soviet Union without taking Stalingrad

No more Partitions: As Poland, be independent and ensure that both Germany and the USSR are either in your faction or don’t exist

Habsburgs. Habsburgs everywhere: As Poland, install a Habsburg monarch and be in a faction with another Habsburg monarch.

The Pope? How many Divisions does he have?: As the USSR, take Rome.

This is going to be LIT: As Lithuania, hold the capitals of all of your neighbours

It has my name on it: As any Baltic State, conquer the entire shoreline of the Baltic Sea

This Achievement is Cheesy: As Latvia, form Ostland and occupy Vasterbotten. (n.b.: Vasterbotten is located in Lappland State)

Esti is Scandi: As Estonia, secure Scandinavia (n.b.: Every state in Scandinavia needs to be controlled by Estonia or a Subject of Estonia)

Not a step back!: As the Soviet Union never lose 1 core territory to anyone before 1945

One Step Forward: As the Soviet Union, declare war on Poland and Germany before Germany attacks Poland.

The Soviet Onion: As the Soviet Union, have only puppets as neighbors

Crusader Kings III: As Poland, crown a Monarch and capture Jerusalem

The Romanovs laugh last: Restore the Romanovs to the throne and conquer Germany, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia,Turkey, and Bulgaria.

We don’t really like statistics: As the Soviet Union under Stalin, conquer Germany while suffering less than 1 million casualties total

Race for Germany: As the Soviet Union, capitulate Germany after the Fall of France but before the Allies control one German core state

Siberian Tiger: As Tannu Tuva, form Siberia

Just proper gander: As the Soviet Union, activate 30 propaganda campaigns before 1945.

Around Eurasia in 80 days: Have a railroad from Gibraltar to Singapore

Poland Peasant Revolution: As Poland, have the Peasant’s Strike overthrow the government.

That's all from us today! Next week, you will get the Patchnotes for 1.11 Barbarossa (unless we are thrown out of position by a sudden enemy counter-attack).
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