about 1 year
ago -
Direct link
Hey Zephlar,
We're sorry to hear you're having this issue, we've moved your thread to report a problem so we can help further.
This is something the team is currently investigating, we've passed on your report to the team.
In the meantime, the following has helped some other players with the same or similar issues.
Please make sure that your settings file is not set to read-only.
You can find it in :
Left-click to highlight, then Right-click the gameusersettings file - properties - make sure read-only is not ticked.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime.
Team17 Support
We're sorry to hear you're having this issue, we've moved your thread to report a problem so we can help further.
This is something the team is currently investigating, we've passed on your report to the team.
In the meantime, the following has helped some other players with the same or similar issues.
Please make sure that your settings file is not set to read-only.
You can find it in :
Left-click to highlight, then Right-click the gameusersettings file - properties - make sure read-only is not ticked.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime.
Team17 Support