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Just wanted to share some love for this game. Me and my mate are in our 30s. When we were kids we used to play counter-strike literally everyday. We weren’t necessarily “gamers”- like we only played that game and maybe a few other adjacent shooters, but we played that literally everyday for most of our youth.

Fast forward into our 20s, we take different careers. Both meet our long term girlfriends. Move hours away. Live completely different lives. Hang outs become just weekend get togethers. Get togethers become texts. Then eventually months and years go by between catching up. We just drifted apart. 10 years goes by. Pandemic hits, somehow our parents had run into each other and asked “why don’t our kids talk anymore?” They somehow get us to text each other. We bond over some phone calls talking about how old we are, eventually ask if the other person played anything lately. Neither of us do, but I mention “I saw this game Hell Let Loose on YouTube, looked fun. We should play it sometime if you got time.” Both of us get it, instantly find it intense and fun, start playing together for hours after work and on the weekends. We catch up and find out about each other’s lives. Somehow transported back into my happiest nostalgic times/memories. Happy to be buds again. We just both laugh hard again and feels so natural to play games with my best friend after all these years. Haven’t been this happy in awhile. So thank you Hell Let Loose.

Brought two best friends back together with your fun ass game!

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Vanguard_Jonno - Direct link

Originally posted by here_to_stay669

It felt kinda corny typing it out, but as a dude who also works on shit that people watch. Sometimes it’s nice reading these kind of things

It really is, thank you.

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