about 3 years ago - -Gothic- - Direct link
Patch 17 Progress Update
With all hands on deck the team are steaming towards the completion of Patch 17. Once completed, the team will then be shifting focus on to the next leg of HLLs journey - Update 12. We look forward to sharing more on that front in the coming weeks as we wrap up Patch 17.

Some of the newer members to the HLL community may want an insight into what P17 is and what it means moving forward. So we will do our best to describe it here.

After releasing a major game update the team takes time to continue internal testing and QA on it. We also read a lot of community feedback to look for areas of potential improvement. Some of the areas of improvement that we focus on are: Fixing Bugs, Optimisation, Gameplay Improvements, UI improvements, NetCode, Animations, Sound FX and Lighting just to name a few. After the release of update 11 we have been undertaking these tasks and are now in the final stages of testing a viable client for Patch 17. We are looking forward to showcasing what items have been improved upon and what bugs and optimisation we have been able to fix and apply.

Some of the things in particular we have been working on for Patch 17 include:

Mass Disconnect (MDC) during map change
For those who are unaware, the MDC issue is where on some occasions during a map change a percentage of players are disconnected from the server they were playing on, while the remaining players are forced to reselect their team.

This specific issue has been on our radar for quite some time, during which we’ve dedicated many hours into debugging it’s cause. With Patch 17 we’re excited to say that we’ll be testing a speculative fix for the issue in a high-capacity environment during the next PTE.

Loadout Bug
We’ve also enabled some additional logging targeted at identifying the cause of the infamous Loadout Bug. This bug in particular has been an extreme gripe for the team due to the difficulties in identifying reliable steps in reproducing the issue. With the help of this additional logging we hope to get a clearer picture as to what's occurring on a deeper level when a player experiences this issue.

In order for us to narrow down the amount of data the team will be required to manually process, we’ll be providing a new form to submit in the upcoming PTE for any players that happen to experience the Loadout Bug during gameplay.

Grenade Bug
Speaking of gripes, the team are currently underway with investigating the well-known Grenade Bug which occurs when a player attempts to throw a grenade during moments of unstable network connections with the server. We hope to make good headway in securing a definitive fix for the issue but would like to underline that the current state of this issue is a work-in-progress.

QOL Improvements
Along with a lengthy list of bug fixes, Patch 17 will also include a number of QOL improvements to the game including improvements to how the Tactical Map handles zooming and the removal of weapon sway from all binoculars to allow for markers to be placed accurately without the sway movement altering its final placement.

We hope you liked this update of some of the current P17 goodies that we are working on. Rest assured this is just a sample and more items will be apparent once P17 is released and the patch notes are published.

Community Content
We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL. (That means you aswell!)

Armour Roaming the Countryside - EduNotFound

AT In The Cornfields - Fritz

Keeping An Eye Out For The Enemy - Fritz

Artillery in the fields - by Chrysallia Van Cheems

NrD F A T S A C K S - Guns at the Ready

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos
Time for some more community highlights from the below creators. We highly recommend giving them a watch.
If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - Battle of the SMGs! - Monoespacial

Hell Let Loose - Infantry movements have NEVER paid off as much as in this Game - Alpine Sniper

Communication Tips - Hell Let Loose - Gebatron Gaming

Hell Let Loose Has A BIG 2022 Ahead - TheTacticalBrit

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter https://twitter.com/hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to wrap up today's Dev Brief. We are aiming to do some testing for P17 in a PTE with you all next week. Stay tuned and see you all on the frontline!
about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.