over 4 years ago - Huginncord - Direct link

Hey there Hunterxlr,

For clarity, was the Hero you were hovering banned or picked by someone else? If so, this is the intended functionality.

However, if the Hero you had hovered was available (aka not picked or banned) then this would be something Iā€™d want to look into as that is not intended.


over 4 years ago - Huginncord - Direct link

Yeah, this is a new change introduced with Storm League this season. However, I do not think it was included in the patch notes. This is why I wanted to respond here and get some official confirmation that this is the intended functionality out into the world :smiley: .

Random Heroes are not ideal for a competitive mode as it can put your team at a disadvantage if you get a Hero that is sub-optimal for the map or current team compositions. This change was made to address feedback that this can be a bad experience.