10 months
ago -
Blizzard Entertainment
Direct link
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
Quick Navigation:
- Varian is now classified as a Tank.
Same Hero Mode
- Artanis has been added.
- Hogger has been added.
- Leoric has been added. (Leoric is still disabled for Normal Mode).
- Whitemane has been added.
- Zarya has been added.
- Nova has been removed.
- Probius has been removed.
Balance Updates
- Health Regeneration increased from 5.957 to 6.208.
- Maximum Health increased from 2860 to 2980.
Death Coil [Q]
- Healing increased from 262 to 285.
Frozen Tempest [E]
- Mana cost per second reduced from 13 to 11.
Level 13
Biting Cold [E]
- Damage increase is now additive.
Biting Cold [E]
Level 16
Embrace Death [Q]
- Now grants an additive bonus to Death Coil's damage.
Embrace Death [Q]
- Rage decay rate increased from 10 per second to 13 per second.
Level 1
On the Prowl [Active]
- Activating On the Prowl now prevents Rage decay instantly.
- Cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 45 seconds.
- Healing per second reduced from 8 to 7.
On the Prowl [Active]
Level 4
Brute Force [Q]
- Damage bonus when enemy Heroes hit terrain reduced from 8 to 6.
Brute Force [Q]
Level 13
Dust Devil [E]
- Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Sub-50 rage Armor increased from 20 to 25.
Pummel [E]
- Spellpower reduction reduced from 50% to 30%.
Dust Devil [E]
Steel Trap [E]
- Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.
Level 1
Extra-Wound Timers [Q]
- Damage bonus reduced from 120% to 100%.
Extra-Wound Timers [Q]
Level 7
Dirty Trickster [D]
- Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds.
Dirty Trickster [D]
Basic Attack
- Damage reduced from 115 to 110.
- Ghost Wolf Basic Attack bonus decreased from 75% to 60%.
Lightning Shield [W]
- Mana restored per enemy hit reduced from 2 to 1.
Level 1
Stormcaller [W]
- Maximum stacks reduced from 300 to 200.
Stormcaller [W]
Level 7
Blood and Thunder [D]
- Mana restoration reduced from 5% of max mana to 4% of max mana.
Grounded Totem [E]
- Attack speed slow reduced from 25% to 15%.
Blood and Thunder [D]
Level 16
Earthgrasp Totem [E]
- Damage reduced from 115 to 90.
Earthgrasp Totem [E]
Level 1
Maraad's Insight [Passive]
- Healing increased from 140 to 160.
Maraad's Insight [Passive]
Level 4
Aegis of Light [E]
- Armor bonus increased from 30 to 40.
- Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
Aegis of Light [E]
Level 10
Sacred Ground [R2]
- Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Mana cost removed.
Sacred Ground [R2]
Level 16
Templar's Verdict [W]
- Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15.
- Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%.
Templar's Verdict [W]
Hero Updates
Level 1
Ruthless Momentum [Passive]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
Ruthless Momentum [Passive]
Level 10
Deadly Charge [R1]
- Added cast and channel bars.
Counter-Strike [R2]
- Added cast and channel bars.
Deadly Charge [R1]
Quickcast Settings
- Rapid Reload shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart.
- Removed Cancel Eye of Horus.
Level 1
Lightwell [Active]
- Added a button indicator for remaining activations.
Lightwell [Active]
Level 16
Renew [Q]
- Added a duration indicator.
Renew [Q]
Level 4
Shield Surge [D]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
- Trait is now highlighted when below 25%.
Shield Surge [D]
Level 7
Final Cut [Passive]
- Conditional part of the ability has been added to the Buff Bar.
Final Cut [Passive]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Sacrifice Ghoul.
Level 4
Icy Talons [E]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Icy Talons [E]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed self-cast Resurrect.
Quickcast Settings
- Added the Bunker's abilities.
Level 1
Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
Adrenaline Stimpack [Active]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Slowing Sands.
- Removed Detonate Time Trap.
Level 14
Quantum Overdrive [Active]
- Added a duration indicator.
Quantum Overdrive [Active]
Level 20
Blessing of the Bronze [Passive]
- Added a duration indicator.
Blessing of the Bronze [Passive]
Level 4
Heat Wave [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Heat Wave [W]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Stay Awhile and Listen.
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Burrow.
Quickcast Settings
- D.Va Mech's Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings.
- Removed Cancel Defense Matrix.
- Retarget Defense Matrix now inherits Quickcast settings from Defense Matrix.
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Rockstar.
Guitar Solo [E]
- Added a duration indicator.
Level 7
Ogre Rampage [D]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Ogre Rampage [D]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Double Up.
- Removed Seasoned Soldier.
Quickcast Settings
- Removed duplicate Life Tap and Cancel Drain Life.
Level 13
Fleet of Foot [Q]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Fleet of Foot [Q]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel abilities.
Level 13
Holy Fury [Passive]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Holy Fury [Passive]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Detonate Mine.
- Removed RIP-Tire abilities.
Frag Launcher [Q]
- Added a pulsing red/blue indicator to grenades empowered by Extra-Wound Timers.
Level 10
RIP-Tire [R1]
- Added a range indicator for full damage.
RIP-Tire [R1]
Level 10
Disintegrate [R1]
- Can now be cancelled by pressing Stop or Hold Fire.
Disintegrate [R1]
Quickcast Settings
- Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings.
Level 1
Hippity Hop [Z]
- Will now show on the Buff Bar while active.
Hippity Hop [Z]
Level 7
Splintered Spear [Q]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Wild Vigor [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Splintered Spear [Q]
Level 13
Endless Spores [W]
- Now causes the Crippling Spores button to pulse when activating it would grant reduced cooldown.
Endless Spores [W]
Level 16
Accelerated Contamination [Q]
- Now causes the Noxious Blossom button to glow when the cooldown is recharging faster.
Invigorating Spores [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Star Wood Spear [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Accelerated Contamination [Q]
Level 20
Seeker Swarm [R1]
- Added a range indicator.
Seeker Swarm [R1]
Level 16
Ysera's Gift [Q]
- Added a health indicator.
Ysera's Gift [Q]
Level 20
Lunar Shower [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Lunar Shower [W]
Portal [E]
- Added remaining duration to button.
Level 1
Third Wind [D]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
Third Wind [D]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs.
Level 1
Fish Eye [D]
- Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed.
Fish Eye [D]
Level 16
Lurking Terror [Active]
- Added an activation timer.
Lurking Terror [Active]
- Talents are now sorted in tier order in the Buff Bar.
Blood Rage [W]
- Added UI indicator for Blood Rage's heal value.
Level 13
Chainsaw [Q]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
The Hunted [Passive]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Chainsaw [Q]
Quickcast Settings
- Molten Core's Sulfuras Smash now shares Quickcast settings with Ragnaros' Sulfuras Smash.
Level 20
Submerge [Active]
- Added a healing preview.
Submerge [Active]
- Added a sound indicator to Dance of Death.
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Bladestorm.
- Removed duplicate Critical Strike.
Image Transmission [Trait]
- Disabled while there are no Mirror Images active.
- Now removes targeting when there is only one active Mirror Image.
Mirror Image [Q]
- Added guide indicators to their targeting.
Wind Walk [E]
- Added Healing over Time preview.
Level 4
Deflection [D]
- Updated to display its remaining duration while active.
Deflection [D]
Level 16
Press the Attack [D]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Press the Attack [D]
Shambling Horror [Trait]
- Added a duration indicator.
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Lurking Arm.
Level 1
Reactive Ballistospores [W]
- Added a health indicator.
Reactive Ballistospores [W]
The Butcher
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Fresh Meat.
Butcher's Brand [W]
- Added a duration indicator to the button.
Level 16
Enraged [Passive]
- Added a health indicator.
Enraged [Passive]
The Lost Vikings
Slowing Charge [Olaf]
- Cooldown now displays a circular indicator around his shield in The Lost Viking's Hero status.
Quickcast Settings
- Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast setting.
- Removed Locked and Loaded.
Quickcast Settings
- Run and Gun while Overkill is active shares Quickcast settings with Run and Gun.
Level 16
Darnassian Archery [Passive]
- Added a duration indicator.
Darnassian Archery [Passive]
Level 4
Holy Fire [Passive]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Holy Fire [Passive]
Level 16
Beacon of Light [Q]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
Beacon of Light [Q]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Vanish.
Level 10
Smoke Bomb [R1]
- Button now has a duration indicator.
Smoke Bomb [R1]
Level 7
Second Wind [Passive]
- Added a health threshold indicator.
Second Wind [Passive]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Cancel Inquisition.
Zeal [Trait]
- Now has a duration indicator while active.
Level 13
Rapid Harvest [W]
- Added to the Buff Bar.
Rapid Harvest [W]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed Seeker in the Dark.
Level 4
Psionic Strength [Passive]
- Added the stack count to the Buff Bar.
Psionic Strength [Passive]
Quickcast Settings
- Removed duplicate Cancel Berserker.
- Removed duplicate Regeneration.
Level 1
Recklessness [Passive]
- Added health threshold indicators.
Recklessness [Passive]
Bug Fixes
- Added XP Value to Death Recap.
- Fixed an issue that caused location targeted abilities to be cancelled by conveyor belts.
- Fixed an issue that caused talent text to be truncated on hero select screens.
- Talents Quests updated to display quest progress at the caster if the triggering enemy is out of vision.
- Updated Homescreen and Startup Music.
- Updated Time Stop to display above all other effects in the health plate.
- Updated Shop Bundles and Items.
- Fixed display issues with some Block talents.
- Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non standard height to cause target-facing effects to face the incorrect location.
Blackheart's Bay
- Updated coin warning indicator to be consistently colored.
Cursed Hollow
- Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hallow Call for Help ability warning to display incorrectly.
Warhead Junction
- Sewers are now clickable while they are in the fog of war.
- Warheads now interact with physics objects.
Level 10
Ultimate Evolution [R1]
- No longer plays quest progress visual effects.
Ultimate Evolution [R1]
Level 16
Volatile Mutation [R]
- No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.
Volatile Mutation [R]
Level 10
Telekinesis [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Telekinesis to not interact with map objects.
Telekinesis [W]
Level 10
Cleansing Flame [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to cast at the incorrect location.
Cleansing Flame [R2]
Level 10
- Can once again hold his sword high and proud.
- Fixed an issue where the AI was not using Locust Swarm.
- Fixed an issue that caused Anub'arak's abilities to not interact with map objects.
Burrow Charge [E]
- Impoved the visibility of the erupt location indicator.
Level 10
Cocoon [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused Cocoon to not properly hide things attached to the target.
Cocoon [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused some of Artanis' abilities to not interact with map objects.
- Fixed an issue that caused Arthas' abilities to not interact with map objects.
Phase Prism [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Phase Prism to not properly detect structures after the target becomes Time Stopped.
Detainment Strike [E]
- Terrain impact will now always display as a crit.
Level 7
Empathic Link [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves.
Empathic Link [D]
Level 13
Piercing Lash [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Lash to not hit multiple Heroes with Detainment Strike.
Piercing Lash [E]
Detainment Strike [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects.
Summon Demon Warrior [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the moment they spawn.
Level 1
Wrath [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Wrath to increase damage of Wrath's marker.
Wrath [Q]
Level 7
Bombardment [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Bombardment to increase damage of Wrath's marker.
Bombardment [Q]
Level 4
Unstable Anomaly [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Unstable Anomaly to leave behind a permanent visual.
Unstable Anomaly [W]
Level 10
Emerald Wind [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused Emerald Wind to not interact with map objects.
Emerald Wind [R2]
Level 20
Invisible Friends [R1]
- No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.
Invisible Friends [R1]
Level 4
Level 7
Surge of Light [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to not destroy map objects.
Surge of Light [D]
Level 13
War Traveler [D]
- Instant mount is now more responsive.
War Traveler [D]
Level 7
Level 10
Wandering Keg [R1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to cease targeting the mouse cursor if another Chen's Wandering Keg expires.
- Will now actively target the mouse cursor instead of targeting the mouse cursor only when its position has changed.
Storm, Earth, Fire [R2]
- Earth's damage is now Physical.
Wandering Keg [R1]
Level 10
- Fixed Gall's damage not gaining all benefits from Cho's buffs.
Level 4
Rising Dread [W]
- No longer causes the third bounce of Dread Orb display as a crit.
Rising Dread [W]
Level 7
Double Trouble [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Double Trouble's quest completion to not stack with Twilight Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused Gall to lose the benefits of Double Trouble's completion after Twilight Frenzy expires.
Double Trouble [Q]
Level 7
Bronze Talons [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Bronze Talons visuals to persist after Chromie's death.
Bronze Talons [Q]
Level 11
Here and There [Active]
- No longer dismounts or decloaks when used.
Here and There [Active]
Level 16
Quantum Overdrive [Active]
- Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Overdrive visuals to persist after death.
Quantum Overdrive [Active]
Level 7
- Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to be a valid ping target in the party frame while Dragonflight is active.
- Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to enter an invalid state if the target of his landing becomes invalid.
Level 7
Death Drop [Z]
- Fixed an issue that caused Death Drop to not reduce all forms of Spell Armor.
Death Drop [Z]
- Fixed an issue that allowed Deckard to dance without incurring movement restriction.
Level 13
Ancient Blessings [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings to not heal the attacker when dealing damage to enemy Heroes that are immune to friendly abilities.
Ancient Blessings [D]
Level 20
Morenados! [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown reduction to be prevented when Lorenado hits a non-Hero.
Morenados! [R2]
Shadow Charge [Q]
- Terrain impact will now always display as a crit.
Fire Stomp [W]
- Now combines damage text.
Shadow Charge [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused some of D.Va's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects.
Self-Destruct [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused D.Va's Mech to continue moving if it was Rooted when Self-Destruct was cast.
- Fixed an issue that caused Self-Destruct to not feature a pulse animation when fully charged.
- Starts decaying in damage after 4 range.
Big Shot [R]
- Fixed an issue that caused Big Shot to hit Invulnerable enemies.
Level 20
Ablative Armor [D]
- Now includes damage dealt to D.Va's Shields.
Ablative Armor [D]
Level 13
Dampening Field [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Dampening Field to not grant Spell Armor against all sources.
Dampening Field [D]
Level 13
Into the Fray [1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Into the Fray to display as Lok-tar Ogar! in Quickcast menu.
Level 7
Lok-tar Ogar! [1]
- Now display as an active upgrade instead of a passive.
Lok-tar Ogar! [1]
Into the Fray [1]
Swift Strike [E]
- Adjusted color display for Swift Strike refund timer on the button.
- Fixed an issue that caused Swift Strike's mana refund to be displayed for the killed enemy player.
Level 4
Strike At The Heart [E]
- Fixed an issue with Genji's Strike At The Heart text.
Strike At The Heart [E]
Level 13
Way of The Shimada [E]
- Now only causes Genji's attacks to display as a crit at 10+ stacks.
Way of The Shimada [E]
Level 16
Final Cut [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Final Cut's damage to not be modified by any damage modifiers.
Final Cut [E]
Swift Strike [E]
Level 1
Chaotic Energy [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Energy to not increase the healing of Regeneration Globes by the correct value in ARAM.
Chaotic Energy [W]
Level 13
Healthstone [Active]
- No longer dismounts or decloaks Gul'dan.
Healthstone [Active]
Level 16
Ruinous Affliction [E]
- Third strike damage now displays as a crit.
Ruinous Affliction [E]
Level 1
- Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities.
Scatter Arrow [W]
- Now combines damage text.
Level 16
Giant Slayer [Passive]
- Bonus damage from Scatter Arrow will now combine damage text.
Giant Slayer [Passive]
- Rage has been added to the Hero page.
Staggering Blows [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Staggering Blows to not interact with map objects.
Ez-Thro Dynamite [W]
- Will always display as a crit on direct hit damage.
Level 4
Brute Force [Q]
- No longer causes Loot Hoard to display as a crit.
Brute Force [Q]
Level 10
Angelic Armaments [R1]
- Will combine damage text with Heavenly Host.
Angelic Armaments [R1]
Level 10
Level 10
RIP-Tire [R1]
- Starts decaying in damage after 1.5 range.
RIP-Tire [R1]
Level 10
Level 7
Willing Vessel [W]
- Now displays as a crit.
Willing Vessel [W]
Level 7
Li Li
Fast Feet [Trait]
- Adjusted color display for duration indicator.
Level 10
Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups' cooldown to be increased while in Stasis.
Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1]
Level 13
Gale Force [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not properly increase Blinding Wind's duration.
Gale Force [E]
Fast Feet [Trait]
Lt. Morales
Level 13
Bedside Manner [E]
- Proc bonus now displays as a crit.
Bedside Manner [E]
Level 13
Nature's Toxin [Trait]
- Now acts similarly to other heals.
Level 13
Abolish Magic [Active]
- Fixed an issue that caused Abolish Magic to not reduce the duration of Silences, Fears, and Taunts.
Abolish Magic [Active]
Nature's Toxin [Trait]
Level 1
Bonds of Justice [W]
- No longer causes attacks to display as crits when using Umbral Bind.
Bonds of Justice [W]
Level 4
Blade Dance [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Blade Dance to not grant stacks of Vengeful Knives.
Blade Dance [Q]
Level 10
Containment Disc [R1]
- Removed Silence display while Time Stopped.
Containment Disc [R1]
Level 1
Level 13
Blood Rush [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Blood Rush to activate from Healing Fountains and Regeneration Globes.
Blood Rush [D]
Level 13
Level 13
Shroud of Wisdom [Active]
- Fixed an issue that caused Shroud of Wisdom to not grant Spell Armor against all sources.
Shroud of Wisdom [Active]
Level 20
Angel of Death [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused Angel of Death to be affected by Spellpower modifiers.
Angel of Death [R2]
Level 13
Level 20
Cascade [R1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Cascade's Snow Blinds to Blind for less duration than untalented Snow Blinds.
Cascade [R1]
Level 20
Zombie Wall [W]
- Updated zombies to face inside the Zombie Wall when created.
Level 20
Annihilating Spirits [R2]
- Fixed an issue that caused Annihilating Spirits healing reduction to display floating text multiple times.
Annihilating Spirits [R2]
Zombie Wall [W]
Holo Decoys [E]
- Will now move towards uncollected Experience Globes if they are idle.
Holo Decoys [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities.
Level 4
Chaotic Assault [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos.
Chaotic Assault [Trait]
Level 13
Invasive Miasma [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Invasive Miasma to hit dead Heroes.
Invasive Miasma [Trait]
Level 20
Eldritch Conduit [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Eldritch Conduit's visuals to persist after death.
Eldritch Conduit [Trait]
Disruption Pulse [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses.
Level 4
Photon Barrier [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead.
Photon Barrier [D]
Level 10
Pylon Overcharge [R1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability.
Pylon Overcharge [R1]
Disruption Pulse [Q]
Grappling Hook [Trait]
- Adjusted Grappling Hook guide and terrain indicator to match its cast range.
Level 13
The Hunted [Passive]
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hunted to lose stacks when hitting a non-Hero.
The Hunted [Passive]
Grappling Hook [Trait]
Level 20
Sergeant Pepper [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Sergeant Pepper to not properly apply if selected while at 0 stacks of Give Em' Some Pepper.
Sergeant Pepper [Trait]
Level 20
- Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap.
Level 13
Wellspring [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Wellspring's beam to not appear when the heal occurs.
Wellspring [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Rexxar and Misha to not share their Healing Fountain healing with each other.
Level 4
One With The Wind [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused One With The Wind to display a duration while Wind Walk is active.
One With The Wind [E]
Level 7
Crushing Blows [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to be located in the wrong location in the Buff Bar.
Crushing Blows [W]
Level 4
Sgt. Hammer
Level 16
Giant Killer [Passive]
- Fixed an issue that caused Giant Killer to damage Invulnerable targets.
Giant Killer [Passive]
Level 16
Fury [Trait]
- Adjusted the color display for remaining duration on the button.
Fury [Trait]
Level 16
Digestive Juices [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Digestive Juices to not display a damage preview.
Digestive Juices [E]
Level 16
Level 1
Fetid Touch [W]
- Fetid Touch's ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.
Fetid Touch [W]
Level 1
Level 7
Psionic Echo [W]
- Adjusted color display for Psionic Echo indicator on Shock Ray button.
Psionic Echo [W]
Level 7
The Butcher
- Fixed an issue that caused Butcher's charge to be cancelled prematurely.
Level 13
Cleaver [Passive]
- Can now trigger while Blinded.
- Now heals if the cleaved-to-target has The Butcher's Brand.
Cleaver [Passive]
Level 20
Fires of Hell [R1]
- No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.
Fires of Hell [R1]
Feral Spirit [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Feral Spirit to hit Invulnerable non-Heroes.
Level 13
Frostwolf's Grace [D]
- No longer dismounts Thrall.
Frostwolf's Grace [D]
Feral Spirit [E]
Level 20
Composition B [R]
- Fixed an issue that caused Composition B's outer radius to not gain the benefit of Quantum Spike.
Composition B [R]
Level 20
Sentinel [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly.
Sentinel [E]
Holy Radiance [W]
- Displays as a crit when Uther has Spellpower bonuses.
Level 16
Beacon of Light [Q]
- Only causes Holy Light to display as a crit when under 50% health.
Beacon of Light [Q]
Holy Radiance [W]
- Deep Shadows duration indicator will now fill, rather than empty.
Level 4
Wound Poison [Active]
- Fixed an issue that caused Wound Poison to display floating text multiple times.
Wound Poison [Active]
Multishot [W]
- Fixed an issue that caused Multishot to not apply all hit effects when hitting enemies inside Valla's space.
Level 13
Gloom [Active]
- No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap.
Gloom [Active]
Multishot [W]
Level 13
Mortal Strike [D]
- Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Strike to display floating text multiple times.
Mortal Strike [D]
Level 13
Zeal [Trait]
- Fixed an issue that caused Zeal's active visuals to persist after death.
Searing Lash [E]
- The second strike always displays as a crit.
Zeal [Trait]
Level 20
Mortal Wounds [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Wounds to display floating text multiple times.
Mortal Wounds [Q]
Level 20
- Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies.
Avenging Wrath [E]
- Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath's VFX to display incorrectly.
Level 10
Ardent Defender [R1]
- Increases Yrel's Self Healing when it prevents damage to her.
Ardent Defender [R1]
- Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to not damage enemies in the cleave area if the primary target dies to the attack.
Level 7
Deep Burn [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused Deep Burn to display the incorrect floating text value.
Deep Burn [Q]
- Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap.
Level 1
Recklessness [Passive]
- Adjusted position in the Buff Bar.
Recklessness [Passive]
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