over 4 years ago - Heroes of the Storm - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s In my homeland,
3s there is a saying,
5s "No crystal stays alight forever."
8s What is bright one day,
11s lies in shadow the next.
13s Iresia, my home,
16s was the envy of all realms.
18s The mother crystal’s light let us do wondrous things.
23s But our great ambitions,
24s led to greater divisions.
27s In our strife,
29s we destroyed our world.
32s Yet...
34s I survived.
36s And I carry that sin with me.
39s I hunt, capture, kill.
44s Whatever is required of me.
48s On this day,
50s justice didn't come for you.
52s I did.
56s All of you, and only one of me.
74s I can still reach you, you know.
82s If this is the price I must pay.
84s So be it.
93s I am not getting paid enough for this.
102s You have just made this personal.
111s Meet your end with dignity!
116s Not even a challenge.
119s Mother crystal, guide my blade!
124s Take your time,
126s these are your last moments after all.
130s This is my domain!
134s Hmm, even now,
136s the crystal's radiance still shines.