almost 5 years ago - Huginncord - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for your reports! We are currently looking in to this issue. I’d like to encourage any new reports of this issue to post in this thread so we can investigate each report of this issue, all in one easy-to-find place.

almost 5 years ago - Huginncord - Direct link

Hey everyone!

First, I want to thank everyone for their patience while we investigated this issue. We have identified a potential cause for this and are looking to implement a fix with the new season and ranked updates.

We believe this issue resulted in affected players’ MMR and Season Ranks greatly diverging, which was causing the match maker to have trouble finding games for those players. While this was most often seen in players who were leaving large amount of games, it was also possible to affect players who were playing the game normally. With the ranked changes that will better map MMR to Season Rank, this issue should be resolved.

After the new Ranked Season begins, if you are still seeing this problem, please let me know so we can investigate further!

Thank you for all the information and reports!