over 1 year ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

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0s and we have a lot of flag progression
3s related changes in this update like a
5s huge huge huge huge list
7s uh but we are just take an overview of
10s them and since it's so much you will
12s definitely have to read the
13s passionatives to fight everything out
14s but maybe Dennis can highlight a few
16s here and there so uh let's talk about
18s some price changes
21s all right so yeah price changes
23s basically across the board this is
24s something we've also been kind of like
25s discussing for time now and and discuss
28s okay how how do we want to reflect uh
30s that the Trends on The Meta side like
32s how are people using certain items
34s either the frequency or just how
35s effective they are in general how we
36s feel the the relevant relevant value to
39s them so this primarily is about weapons
40s and custom ammo
42s um and we've kind of upgraded or made
45s some bit more a bit more expensive made
47s some a bit more a bit more cheaper
49s um the the gist of it is basically again
52s that we wanted to have a number of
54s weapons that are kind of a bit a bit
56s used to it too much go up in price as an
59s example and again there's more on the
60s list so please again later on refer to
62s the full patch notes as we release more
65s information about it because we get
66s closer test server but one of them is uh
69s the label Marksman and the mozin sniper
72s rifle so both of those just get a bit of
74s a price bump just bring them closer I
77s think like if I'm recording correctly
79s like the mozin sniper is now going to
80s 730 ready so that's quite a big jump up
83s something we feel is is appropriate of
87s course we want it to be not like as
88s common as it might be at the moment
91s um or it doesn't mean like the entire
93s like more than again or the entire level
95s family goes up so specifically those two
97s variants we're talking about that's just
98s one example we also have things going in
101s a different direction
103s for example we have the
106s um was it the uh Terminus actually going
110s down in price quite a bit
112s um again refer to the patch notes for
114s all the details but I think it drops by
115s at least 100 competitive orders at the
117s moment and that makes the whole thing
119s maybe a bit more attractive other
120s weapons will go up a little bit
122s um call the conversion the base version
124s still is going to be a cheap weapon but
127s it goes like from like 20 something to
129s 50 something so it's just minor stuff
131s here and there and also we're bringing
132s down and bringing up some of the custom
135s ammo prices as well depending again on
138s usage Effectiveness so just expect like
139s a bigger change a bigger sweep across
141s the Arsenal some things become cheaper
143s some things become more expensive and
145s it's mostly around how people are using
147s certain equipment and how we would like
149s to maybe promote some of the
150s Alternatives more
151s uh sounds great and can't wait to try
154s them as well and see how people maybe
156s take different loadouts now but there's
159s also some other price related changes
162s yes so this is this is also a bit of a
164s quality of life changes something we
166s couldn't really do before but we're
167s gonna as we did these these stick like
169s price changes we kind of like worked a
171s little bit on that part as well so if a
173s weapon has two ammo slots
175s um that means like the total pool of
177s ammunition is divided between between
179s these two slots but so far we have been
182s kind of charging to play the full price
183s so like if you were for example to take
185s a bird tier and wanted to use it only
187s with Spitzer ammunition you had to buy
189s two packs of bits ammunition which would
191s top up the weapon to almost the same for
192s even more than the price of the base
193s weapon would be which is kind of huge so
196s at this in this case we take into
197s account that you only get half the
199s ammunition anyway so it's also only half
201s the price so that makes some of the
202s weapons like the Romero for example or
204s Martini Henry other weapons a bit more
205s interesting when it comes to picking
207s secondary ammo types and gonna split up
209s between maybe regular ammunition and
210s bringing one one set of smaller like
212s like I know explosive in case of Martini
214s Henry is a good one or with the Romero
216s maybe slacks
218s um but if you want to basically upgrade
219s the whole thing you will still be in the
221s same price ranges if you were to change
222s a mini on any other weapon that has a
224s single slot
226s awesome and again please refer to the
228s passengers to read the whole list
229s because it's a long list of price
232s changes but it's actually not just the
234s price changes that change both trade
237s changes in terms of upgrade points
240s so for the trades again we also kind of
243s looked a little bit about like which
244s trades are being used a lot you saw that
246s a little bit when I just talked about
247s the gameplay changes we also applied to
248s some of them but in general many of the
251s trades went either up by one point or
253s went down by one point so expect some of
256s your favorites maybe to become a bit
258s more expensive and some of those you
259s think are kind of like overpriced to now
261s finally maybe becoming a bit cheaper but
263s overall we don't really move more than
265s one point either up or down there's one
267s exception that's bullet rubber that can
269s call out maybe on that one that goes
271s down by two points from six to four just
274s to make it a bit more attractive
275s especially since we added a couple
276s patches back we added like the option to
278s kind of interrupt your reload by keeping
279s the fire button press pressing reload
281s time it well and you can kind of like
283s very smoothly reload without having to
285s waste the bullet so with that feature in
288s place like bulk rubber has seen a little
289s bit of a decline as people have learned
292s it just to use that technique without it
294s so the change kind of reflects that
298s cool uh political is one of my favorite
300s traits it's definitely the coolest trade
302s so that sounds great uh and uh what
306s other progression changes do we have
307s done this which is also kind of a big
309s one yeah so we we kind of moved around
311s the unlock order of a couple of things
313s and uh so this is mostly about like
315s trades and and weapons and equipment
318s obviously
319s um the the idea here has been again with
322s onboarding in mind so that's like how
324s can we ensure that like a new players
326s have more valuable more meaningful
328s options earlier on don't have to wait
331s for doctor for too long for example
333s um and also that equipment wise we have
335s a couple of weapons being available a
337s little bit earlier compared to what they
338s are at the moment so one example is that
340s determiners and the martini Henry both
342s are moving uh to a very early unlock
345s rank
346s um so definitely within training mode
349s um just to make sure there's a there's
350s both a second shotgun and also a long
352s ammo option available much earlier
354s consequently maybe some of the weapons
356s that originally were around that area
357s like the Weatherly might have perspect
359s just slightly so really things have been
361s reorganized a little bit quartermaster
363s is a bit like earlier now doctor as I
365s mentioned a bit earlier and a couple
366s others as well so overall the whole
368s thing feels a bit nicely a bit more
370s nicely spaced out and I think especially
373s also maybe prestiging players would kind
375s of like that a little bit seeing some of
376s these options a bit earlier mixing
378s things up
379s definitely and once again just to
382s mention it please uh refer to the patch
384s notes or you know when you're trying it
386s out on the test servers later on to see
388s these changes because there's quite a
390s few of them for real so uh it was
393s actually such a long list that it made
394s absolutely no sense to put it in here no
396s no yeah again like the patch notes will
400s will give you full details also they
402s will have death notes as usual in there
404s for some of the bigger features so we
405s talk about the stalker Beetle Etc so
408s that you guys have a chance to
409s understand the reasoning about some of
410s the decisions Etc and yeah again
413s feedback on test server then very much
415s needed very much appreciated and also
417s obviously we kind of like want to lure
419s you a little bit on test server because
420s we want that coverage there so that's
422s why we don't give away too much because
423s we want you guys to really find out by
425s yourself untainted get it all there and
428s give us and share with you share with us
430s your first hand experiences
432s yes definitely but we still have some
435s other changes to mention as a highlight
437s for this update uh so what is this
441s so yeah um
443s so far it Bounty Hunts uh we did not
446s have any option to really give you any
449s new consumables except for when they
452s were randomly given to you as part of
454s the loot interactions like your own
455s hunter or with the with the item boxes
458s um what we've been adding now is that
460s there are specific locations in the map
462s where there's a chance now for some of
464s the things you normally can't get from a
466s toolbox to also spawn in the world this
468s is rare this is not guaranteed but we
471s want to encourage you for example to try
472s and check out the the big towers a
474s little bit more of not small Towers even
476s there's also a chance to find that a
477s little bit somewhere else we are there
479s like like we do with the weapons just
480s occasionally but for the most part like
483s check and keep an eye closer eye out for
486s the towers and you might discover one or
489s two things around there
491s yes thank you for the little teaser for
493s that too and uh yeah uh again the
496s passions will actually be extremely long
498s when they come out uh around the test
500s server so uh in this case I would really
502s highly recommend for you guys to read it
504s because there's a lot of other details
506s and other important information for you
508s you to know and then please also jump on
510s the test servers for us uh and test this
512s update out