about 5 years ago - loic - Direct link
Version: v0.623
SteambuildID: 3772744
Client patch size: ~300 MB


We have rolled out a new version of Update 6.0 with an integrated light profiling tool. It will print to the Game.log file more information in case some functions are taking a longer time than expected (which would typically result in stutter or stalls).

In case you have experienced performance issues with Update 6.0 we would be very grateful if you would take some time to play on the Test Server. In case you experience stutter or stalls, save your Game.log (can be found at the root of the Hunt: Showdown Steam installation folder) and send it to your favorite Community Manager, Customer Support or Discord Moderator.

Please be aware that the version on Test Server may have lower performance overall or increase the stalls length. The lightweight profiling tool would be disabled/removed before we push the Update 6.0 to the Live servers.

~The Hunt Team