18 days ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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630s hello Chad hey everyone uh we still have
633s a mysterious guest as you can see don't
635s read his name don't read his name so uh
638s first of all welcome back we haven't
639s seen you in a long time how is everyone
641s doing hey hey hey uh we of course have
644s Gustavo here in this hello Gustavo how
648s are you hello hello I'm pretty good what
651s about you I'm good but like uh enough
654s about us you know let's roll the drums
657s do the drum roll and it's Ari back hey
661s Ari hello budy it's been so
665s long yesd
668s back welcome back welcome back to the
670s team all right tell tell us what you are
672s doing right now at krych like we haven't
674s seen you in so long yeah it's been a
676s year since I was around and I am back as
679s a community manager for our team and
682s excited to be helping out um I've missed
684s so much 1896 release our biggest event
687s yet so far launching in December but
690s ready to to get going I bet you might
692s have seen me around just a little bit so
694s far but you'll see me more and more as I
697s get warmed
698s up let's go so chat you have to teach
702s Aran how to play this game and we'll try
704s our best too but he's back so we are
706s really happy you know the boys are back
709s uh we going to have some fun today uh
712s there's a lot of drops Gustavo what
714s drops are on and what can people earn oh
717s we have drops activated so
720s uh you can get today is the hunter day
723s so you can get one of our previous
726s twitch drop Hunters if you already have
728s them you can get uh one of the BB
732s Hunters uh we selected
734s a we we created a pool of baby hunters
737s for you and if you already have all of
740s the previous twitch drop Hunters you
742s will have a chance to get one of the
744s hunters that you don't own or you can
747s also have a chance to get your hands on
751s bad hand maybe or the union suit one of
754s the two versions of that him so stay
758s with us uh drops are activated and how
761s long do they
763s have how long do they have
766s [Music]
768s two40 minutes oh so they have to watch
771s for 240 minutes and I believe the drops
774s end tomorrow at 400 p.m. C which is uh
777s German time Central European Time time
780s or that's uh 300 p.m. UTC I believe uh
783s and then you can just calculate it in
785s your time zone but you still have
786s basically a day I have all
790s day there's still plenty of
792s time hell yeah uh
795s question are we going Europe or oh
799s that's a great question let's make the
800s team first and then I can add two
804s regions but you have thep okay then we
806s go Europe then we go Europe
810s just because of the VPN uh and we have
813s the drops but on top of that we are
815s going to be doing the usual giveaways
817s it's also the first gameplay stream of
819s this year so we'll make sure it's good
822s and Ari is back who used to be our
824s giveaway Master today is still gonna be
826s Gustavo handing them out but maybe in
828s the future AR will take back former
831s giveaway are AR
833s exactly I'll just be watching gustava I
835s got to make sure his amount of giveaways
837s per minute is very high cuz when I was
839s on here the keys were
843s flying 10 a.m. EST thank you that's a we
847s have today we have the new DLC today to
850s give away for you guys uh the last laugh
854s so stay with us hang out
858s and get a chance to put your hands in
861s one of the one of her give one of our
864s keys for the new DLC uh vvpn uh because
868s Gustavo lives in bra brail and I think
871s his ping is a bit better Europe yeah so
875s his ping is a bit better with VPN than
876s with the normal routing from Brazil I
879s think oh I couldn't invite you and the
882s team got this you left I didn't it got
885s broken because of Gustavo oh no what
888s yeah yeah yeah let's blame Gustavo yeah
890s you have to change the oh I have to
892s change the region
894s right do you all have some uh weekly
897s challenges we can work on during today's
899s stream I got to earn some event
902s points yes where are you at in the event
906s I am
907s not I am on the
910s charm I inan the L stre word p Gustavo
913s yeah it's always gustavo's
915s fault yes I'll take that no no no we we
920s love Gustavo uh look I'm
925s pmon oh you are I'm the ring Master hell
929s yeah
932s so Chad how far are you in the event so
934s far you still have how how long still
937s like we still have like two weeks two
940s weeks or so right I think it's February
942s 10 oh 11 days 11 days yes so I think
946s February 10 is the last day so you still
949s have plenty of time done with the event
951s good job good job good to see AR back
954s yes it's so good to see AR back he still
956s has the horns because you know he always
958s had this antler horse but now it's in a
960s different position bit and his camera
963s quality really improved in that uh
966s year I got to realign the the horns a
969s bit I didn't get them quite
971s right yeah you you need them properly
973s like a little devil uh Nia is done with
976s the event uh good job without my H
979s that's
979s sad no one wants to play with me
983s anymore you got the bonus charm
988s nice currently we have ping limits per
991s regions but no hard region
995s look what do we have to do for the
997s giveaways we will have some keywords uh
1000s during the stream probably after the
1001s first game to start with and uh when you
1004s type it in the twitch chat yeah if
1006s you're watching on YouTube Facebook or
1008s anywhere else there it may be on Steam
1010s for example then please come to Twitch
1012s first of all to get a drops because you
1014s can get the drops elsewhere and also the
1016s giveaways we can only do on Twitch so
1018s please come over but yeah you just write
1020s in the keyword then you're entered into
1021s it and then we will roll random
1024s winners Ari is here permanently or just
1027s visiting he's here
1030s forever they won't let me leave again we
1033s are not letting our
1035s leave is AR permanent AR is permanently
1038s a community manager and he just started
1040s last week I think um a little bit longer
1044s than that I think it's been just a
1046s little over 2 weeks yeah but still still
1049s getting everything set up still getting
1051s um all the permissions back I mean
1053s you'll see me a little bit on Reddit
1054s responding to comments you should see me
1056s a little bit on Discord already but um
1059s yeah I'm I'm already around and doing
1061s stuff but I'll be doing more and more
1063s what should I pair with this
1065s 1865 carbine you should pair it with the
1068s ready up
1070s button that's you know this is my
1073s favorite part is making you
1076s wait making me wait making chat wait for
1079s like 18 minutes now sorry uh by the way
1081s the great they are just laying in the
1084s background you guys can't see them oh
1086s you can actually see one very small
1088s there so they are great thank you you
1091s know Ari is legendary for not being
1093s ready even though we introduced the
1096s loadouts like few years ago we still
1098s have to wait for R every single time I
1100s think the loadout slowed me down
1103s early how you just have to make it and
1105s that you just equip it there's too many
1107s options
1111s I use a mirrorless uh camera I don't
1113s want to say
1114s Brands but it's it's good I also used I
1118s don't know how many mirrors it has but I
1120s don't think it has
1122s any AR will never Prestige you're right
1125s I'm it's too long we're it's almost
1128s seven years of not prestiging
1130s but while you were G gone we added new
1133s prestige rewards you can UNL look a
1134s bunch of Hunter skins with it did you
1137s know yeah I do love Hunter skins oh no
1142s exactly and you know that you can
1144s progress your Hunters
1146s now progress them how do you mean oh
1149s Gustavo can you
1151s explain yeah some of the hunters uh they
1154s have three different levels uh rookie
1158s veteran and what is the other one I
1161s don't know got TI here I can remember
1163s the other one tier wait wait I want that
1165s one I want that one please you can
1168s progress them by leveling them up yeah
1171s surviving and leveling up to level 50 so
1175s every time they reach level 50 they got
1178s one level so they turn to rookie to
1181s veteran and from veteran to got
1184s tier Super Saiyan yes super saian if you
1189s keep that Hunter for long enough does it
1190s turn into like Gustavo tier is that the
1193s highest they can go this is the lowest
1196s this is before
1197s rookie yeah thank you it's cuz rookie
1200s Survivor and Veteran yeah that sounds
1204s right I mean it's it's it sounds pretty
1207s good but I still might not
1211s Prestige all you have to pres oh and now
1215s we do have the krych charms too I don't
1218s think already them I don't have one yet
1220s a dare oh I do have one there Chad kill
1224s you can you can you can pick it
1226s up if I kill you can I pick it up
1229s you can you definitely can okay good no
1234s what are you
1235s saying well you
1239s can it's a valid question well can't Pi
1243s it up but everyone else can ouch Oh
1246s that's oh I I missed oh no you shot me
1251s already
1253s jeez no guys no no no stream sniping I
1257s was just saying in general if you kill
1259s us and you see that charm then you most
1261s likely kill the
1270s D no no stream sniping yeah no if you
1274s kill us and you pick up our death charms
1277s it will it will bring to you a hell of a
1280s bad luck and you will start lose all of
1284s your your matches I swear to God exactly
1289s the the KC charm comes with very bad
1291s luck I'm cursing this
1296s charm whoever picks it up will have
1300s seven years of bad luck seven years wow
1305s that's you know what it's turning seven
1307s oh speaking of seven years Chad but is
1310s turning seven years old this year can
1313s can you
1315s guess the correct answer is bensa
1320s wow he's a child wow seven he's
1325s seven actually I've been working on this
1328s game for almost seven years yeah I've
1331s been playing this game for seven
1334s years okay Chad okay can we do what you
1337s been doing for seven years AR wait wait
1339s Ari Ari Gustavo do you feel good about
1341s like one small giveaway just right now
1343s from the top of my head are you okay
1345s with that can I do that what is it going
1347s to be no no okay okay what it's going to
1349s be is okay chat listen whoever writes
1353s the first day of hunt the exact day and
1356s month uh get at the ah that's is he
1359s that's see I'm looking at it's
1362s 1895 but what day in 1895 did did all
1366s the business start oh no one said it yet
1370s wow you guys are slow no one said it
1372s they're Googling Googling they Googling
1374s Googl no that was a good guess okay
1377s there lone V
1380s can we please uh write it down quickly
1383s so we send them a DLC key after the
1386s stream yes it's February 22nd because
1388s early X started then and the August date
1391s is actually the full launch but we were
1394s looking at the early X's day
1398s yeah so congrat the other way around so
1401s that's why I was saying in a few days
1405s hun is turning 7 years old
1411s I it started before Alpha but we that's
1413s like pre-alpha and it was closed so we
1415s don't really count that yeah you can't
1417s talk that's a
1418s secret it was not a secret you could
1421s apply for
1422s it SPID guys we did have some before
1426s that that were secret name well sure
1431s they grw up fast
1434s yeah uh the winner was lone Vengeance uh
1438s through the name name into our chat
1439s whenever you get a
1442s [Music]
1449s second no I just
1453s yeah oh AR is breaking up is it just
1457s me I I was I'm having trouble hearing
1461s Gustavo I hear everyone oh but Gustav
1465s was lagging a bit or something okay
1468s spider ignoring
1471s me you're not tasty enough clearly I'm
1477s not ow ow I like spider IGN she just
1482s went directly after me what yeah she
1484s doesn't care about me
1486s bro I knew I shouldn't have bathed in
1488s the barbecue
1490s sauce I'm to there's no giveway for that
1493s we will have the first one after this
1494s game this is a warm up
1497s game it's so nice to see see all of our
1499s moderators in chat
1502s too Miss every I
1507s know get get down really ignoring me
1512s jez fine actually
1515s just oh yep gavo we're just getting uh
1518s getting your audio
1520s back we red
1523s yeah no we're
1525s white oh no we were red for a second so
1528s they are on the uh east side because I
1531s went uh the other way and then it turned
1538s white or I mean they may be B further I
1541s don't know I'm
1543s scared still white so they're right on
1545s the edge of the compound gustavo's
1547s having some technical
1550s difficulties I haven't played hunt it is
1553s already can you guys hear me yes yes we
1555s can now we hear you loud and
1557s clear okay okay I heard a ground from
1560s this
1564s way it's
1566s still maybe you can still you can keep
1569s killing the the
1571s thing I I'll work on I'll do I'll do
1575s that dang it you work on a spider I'll
1578s work on a
1579s spider Gustavo you're good at shooting
1581s people then
1584s yeah I I I have almost 200 ping so I'll
1588s leave that to
1589s you yeah I could have three ping and
1593s I'm there's Necromancer here did you
1597s guys see I'm going to pick it
1603s up oh no the spider wants me again
1605s that's
1607s [Applause]
1609s sad give me
1616s him okay I don't know what's going on
1618s it's white again where are
1621s they
1627s passion was that our
1630s shot is that our melee what are you guys
1632s do uh yeah yeah that will be
1637s me okay still wait what's coming after
1639s murder circus uh well of course we
1641s always have events plan and new things
1643s coming but we will also Focus lot on
1647s improving the game and the fundamental
1651s we talked about a bit uh talked about
1653s this a bit in a blog that you can find
1655s on Reddit or uh our repite as well uh
1659s but we will try to work on fixing a lot
1661s of things we're red we're red oh it's
1664s red it's
1670s red I believe there's a segment about
1673s viip as well in the blog that I just
1676s mentioned so please please
1679s you can find out more
1684s info oh I he he them Northwest we are
1689s yeah Northwest
1691s yeah I'm
1698s scared on the
1700s roof o are you
1704s silencer
1707s true I think ped oh no traps right okay
1711s that's the Ping to the
1714s Southwest yeah two
1723s 240 oh a shotgun directly on my body
1727s um oh okay yeah 3 me from
1732s me that's okay I can watch chat
1736s now how do you get CCH tra yep just like
1739s spooky said you just gota work for krych
1741s that you know so easy or you got to kill
1743s a krych man oh yeah or woman krych Dove
1747s let's say everyone should if they want
1750s more krych charms they should be
1751s ecstatic that I'm back because I die a
1756s lot it's not even true are you are
1758s better than me
1761s mm maybe once
1764s every like 200 games I can have like oh
1767s you know one good game but past
1770s that where oh you're not burning anymore
1774s where you
1775s are yeah I'm you know it's a little
1777s toasty it's a little
1780s toasty
1783s well okay uh have fun
1786s Gustavo yeah uh if you guys apply to
1788s krych by the way you can always check
1790s the job openings on the krych website at
1792s carriers if if you want and you know if
1795s you get through that you can get the
1796s charm although it's a bit twisted way of
1798s getting the
1800s charm getting a job at
1804s charm Ari Ari doesn't have the charm
1809s yet but he has the charm in real life so
1812s why
1816s would I think I had a a command set up
1819s for us but it might be only for
1822s moderators let me see um I'm I'm like
1827s dead but but that's okay cuz there's a
1830s bounty
1832s around
1839s o b can't spectate you what's going on B
1843s is napping right now yeah what's going
1846s on but I'm trying I'm using the buttons
1847s though I can't Spate you it's so weird
1850s yeah I don't know what happened
1852s there he's a charmer I
1855s agree C is being way too nice to me
1860s I'm not used to
1862s it get
1866s up what was I going to do a lot of PVE
1881s here oh Jesus every air loves you
1891s okay
1893s chat need Focus
1898s oh Chad CL good oh my
1903s God uh nice
1905s try gg gg GG's
1921s I think we can come up with a our first
1924s keyword yes okay I know I know our first
1927s key think yeah our first keyword should
1930s be Ari is back in one
1934s word okay Ari is back
1939s yes okay one
1942s second Ari is back Ari is back
1948s let's
1950s cool Ari is back okay go nuts guys back
1957s is our first keyword all the eyes next
1959s to each other do not look
1963s right this is for our new DLC the last
1969s laugh which by the way is the one that
1971s Ari and B was using this match yeah it
1975s did very well for us as you could tell
1977s so you can guys should probably get it
1979s too cuz then you'll be winners like
1982s us we are great
1985s yeah oh no I forgot how many Hunters I
1988s have it's a
1991s lot Ari does have a collection of all
1993s kind of funny named Hunters yeah I
1995s currently have 77 out of 75
2001s Hunters so some of them are going to
2004s have to perish
2008s uh someone asked if you can show the
2009s charm so here you can see it no no no
2012s don't I'll be so
2016s jealous creators
2019s Sig I think this charm was a much better
2022s solution for a while I was asking uh for
2025s devs to get full gold skins like uh the
2028s golden desert eagle from Call of Duty
2030s many years ago but this is this is a
2033s much more refined and uh hunt Showdown
2036s way of having something special for the
2038s Dead in game and also players can
2040s collect it true uh if anyone wers what
2044s the description for the charm is because
2046s of course you guys don't have it let me
2048s read it so GI gifted exclusively to
2050s Hunters who have seen behind a curtain
2052s of corruption and glimps the hidden
2054s fruit of the world this charm is a sign
2056s of secret knowledge and perhaps dark
2060s power very cool extra
2064s spooky Gustavo what primary weapon
2066s should I use give me give me me a
2068s recommendation a primary weapon
2072s so a carbine a carbine okay Officer
2076s carbine officer carbine yes sir yes sir
2080s okay
2081s secondary secondary
2084s uh
2086s rival do you have qu Master yeah yeah
2089s yeah you don't have to redeem the
2092s actually I'm I'm going to I'm going to
2095s run carbine as well just gave me hell of
2098s an
2100s idea yeah they're not going to be ready
2102s for this yeah uh so the the code or the
2107s keyword in chat you don't have to redeem
2108s it in in game or anything it's just uh
2111s it's just for a giveaway so if you type
2113s it in the twitch chat you enter the
2114s giveaway and we will be rolling some
2116s winners uh maybe after this game yeah
2120s how do okay boom
2123s ready but wasn't even the last one but
2125s we do have a redeem code for those that
2127s may out on event points for uh I think a
2131s week or two uh and that can be found on
2133s our socials and you can redeem that in
2135s game for 2,400 event points I think I
2139s will see if I can get a link uh yeah I
2142s was it not around
2144s 2500 maybe 2500 I thought it 2400 but
2148s something like that oh and chat there's
2150s actually a survey that just went out
2153s today uh regarding this event so if you
2156s could uh fill out that survey for us
2159s that would be super helpful again the
2161s links can be found on every social uh
2164s maybe even in the in-game news so just
2166s check that out please if you have five
2168s minutes to fill it out it really helps
2170s us to know what you think and what you
2172s want change you took part in the survey
2175s already thank you so much that is really
2179s helpful we'll do after this stream thank
2182s you everyone I think it will be open for
2184s a few days so it will be again really
2186s really helpful because we take those Sur
2189s very seriously and it's very important
2191s for us to see your
2193s feedback or that Redemption for the
2196s event points uh that code should be live
2198s until February 10th towards the end of
2200s the event but don't forget to redeem it
2202s so get some bonus
2205s rewards unless you've already finished
2208s yeah unless you've already finished the
2209s event but for me I was taking all the
2211s extra points I could get
2222s can't we do the survey in France I think
2224s you should be able
2226s to
2227s oh don't ask about that if if you cannot
2232s then uh if other can confirm you can't
2235s uh people look into
2238s that because you should be able to do it
2240s from anywhere
2249s there is a new survey it came out today
2252s a few hours ago like two hours
2257s ago the new uh fire rate on the throwing
2261s knives is
2263s clean oh yeah uh there should be uh one
2268s week going on right now and then one
2269s week after this so if you've already
2272s finished it I think the the weekly
2273s challenges just rolled over recently um
2276s but then one fresh week that we do not
2278s know about quite yet uh and uh if you
2283s haven't put the survey on Discord yet
2284s you sure can do that uh we should
2288s totally do that so we'll try after
2290s this yeah after this match we can do
2300s that uh this giveaway will probably end
2303s after this game but we will have more
2304s giveaways so if you stick around the
2306s stream the more chance is you will have
2308s to event the brand new lost love
2313s DLC I should bring that new Centennial
2316s that came with the last laugh DLC I
2318s haven't used that in a in a bit last
2321s week a challenger start tomorrow oh I
2322s was one week behind nice oh actually are
2325s do you want to go have you been at the
2327s tent yet at the
2329s circus um I oh let's go there yeah not
2333s not on live yet but
2338s is it the is it dead there there's some
2340s funny funny CRS I have seen a couple of
2344s them and uh sometimes they laugh and
2346s they scare me they do laugh I think it's
2349s they are very creepy laughter yeah I
2351s don't like
2354s it Brucey that's my chair thank
2360s you go Pat the bear for me uh it sounds
2363s like a very friendly bear let's go for
2366s it I heard some uh shots around here or
2369s like fire things set up so be
2379s careful even even on another browser it
2381s doesn't show up I I wonder why that
2383s would
2385s be dang the tent looks so
2389s cool plus I look would you like to kill
2392s the uh you know I'll give it my best
2396s attempt if I actually get there we'll
2400s see okay which one are you
2403s are uh I'm post I'll cover you oh you're
2406s po I'll cover you hoger yeah I'm the
2409s cameraman okayi I see your
2414s encounter uh I can't hear you yeah I'm
2417s kind of moving away from it no go back
2420s all right you know I need a tactical
2423s angle
2435s ow yeah I'm just the cameraman AR I
2437s won't say
2441s anything uh my
2444s home oh no thank
2448s you you made her angry
2451s down oh my gosh oh my
2454s gosh oh God oh God no
2458s caught on camera caught him for it's the
2460s spider all over
2464s again AR is officially back now with
2467s death yeah why is it so fast it's a bear
2471s oh God it's a bear yeah are bears fast
2476s oh I'm going to yeah the Bears are
2477s really fast actually I'm faster than you
2480s look I'm so tactical oh no I thought I I
2483s thought I was smart and it's SM don't
2485s put distance between the bear and you
2488s don't put distance between me and the oh
2491s no kill it ar oh I'm working on it I'm
2494s working I'm very low health so I need to
2497s find some
2498s healing okay okay back to
2503s bear oh it's a cool bear it's not
2505s chasing me anymore I don't have any
2506s problem it's chasing me that's why okay
2509s are we going to watch it from the
2511s audience I got it I got it it's it's
2513s going down in the tent
2518s come on already dance for us is it dead
2520s can I go can you see that on the
2524s wall o yes I is it safe can I go in it's
2527s safe it's safe it's safe B can you buy
2530s this for
2532s me I can't can I too expensive
2537s yeah just give me a small
2541s loan it's so cool I only have one so I
2544s can set
2547s here you can heal rest
2549s your okay but uh we have to go to the
2552s vanish actually kind
2554s of oh necro again for one pledge
2558s mark That's
2561s first make that deal oh yeah cuz we
2563s don't have we lost necro cuz we
2567s died oh we could have necro last game I
2570s think we completely
2571s forgot I could have just necro you
2576s actually um can I pick up uh an event
2579s trade from
2581s here uh boxes yeah yeah yeah yeah oh
2590s yes that's how we be coming back I think
2593s there will
2594s be there will be 10 teams waiting for us
2597s but we canot give you an exact Rel thing
2600s just yet
2614s do you know that you have
2616s problem shot moment the bullet goes left
2619s or right instantly or
2623s [Music]
2624s later uh that sounds like
2628s uh the hand moving like it's never
2632s stable yeah so if you have a clip of
2636s that with a a descript
2638s feel free to shoot it to me on on uh on
2641s our official Discord you'll see me ASI
2643s towards the top um but yeah if it seems
2646s like a bug happy to look into
2650s it he can I just say what happens to the
2653s bear after the event oh I'm getting was
2656s that you oh from the no no no no I'm I'm
2658s about to die from behind us from the oh
2660s my God you are so far away tagged I got
2664s to heal I got Jesus I'm coming back
2667s where is he's so fast he's not even on
2671s the I was going for the Bounty um that's
2675s your first
2680s mistake if I had long ammo now if for
2683s the gr where where are they oh okay in
2687s the compound
2699s where are the shots coming from now I'm
2701s not sure I'm so
2702s confused it's not I see
2706s see I see oh not Dad I killed him I
2709s killed him wait wait uh okay someone was
2712s directly on
2716s me oh my
2718s God okay well you have necro don't
2721s forget remember we just bought it all
2724s right I already forgot I could have got
2725s a you bad B
2730s I tried to throw in a dynamite but they
2731s instantly head shot me oh fortune teller
2735s would have been a great way to spend my
2736s pledge Mark
2737s too Gustavo can you save
2740s us uh there's C no for cross between PC
2744s and consoles
2746s now uh there was one person with an
2748s uppercut Precision in that area of the
2751s cemetery that I was at yeah right yeah
2753s he killed me he opened the door and me
2760s yeah all the times of Dave will come
2762s back eventually but everything is under
2763s Reverb
2774s currently oh there's another
2778s team that was a lot yeah uh we did
2783s publish a Blog about the current
2785s penetration system and there was a bug
2787s for for a long time but it has been
2788s fixed actually uh and the blog is really
2791s detailed so you can just read it and
2793s then you can see the exact details how
2794s penetration
2797s Works giveaway is yeah we can uh give it
2800s for conso we will message you uh the
2804s winning that you won and then uh just
2806s let us know that you're on
2809s Console if you do ever win a giveaway
2811s we'll never ask for any sort of login
2813s information or anything like that we
2814s just need to know which platform you
2816s play on and then we'll send you a code
2817s that you can redeem on that platform so
2820s anyone else send you a private message
2822s please uh be careful actually the guy
2825s that killed me is the same guy that I
2827s killed
2829s oh oh do you guys want to try uh not
2834s bounty hunt
2835s but we can try bounty hunt Bounty Clash
2839s yes all right oh my goodness yeah I I
2842s haven't tried any Bounty Clash yet I've
2845s played during weekends that it's been
2847s live but I've been too scared well let's
2850s try it let's try
2852s it uh and we can pull the first winers
2855s of the first giveaway I think uh very
2858s can last reminder if you guys have not
2861s yet and you want a chance to win the
2862s last laugh DLC be sure to type Ari is
2865s back in our twitch chat if you happen to
2868s be watching on any other platform head
2870s over to twitch.tv/ krych that's where we
2872s hold the giveaways
2878s we're getting a few last minute
2880s submissions
2886s yeah oh you changed to Bounty Clash okay
2890s let's do
2891s this so while we wait for Ben and
2895s AR let's pick up some
2898s winners okay where is nightbot nightbot
2901s nightbot what what's the best melee for
2903s enemy Hunters is it just a knife to the
2906s Head
2908s oh maybe a spear last M the DLC uh you
2912s get a different code per platform so you
2914s have to let us know if it's not PC yeah
2917s you receive a message from our uh twitch
2921s Channel asking which platform you play
2924s hunt on and you receive a
2927s code ready
2930s so we are looking for our first winner
2933s which is
2938s Amari congrats Amar you're the first
2941s winner
2943s congrats we didn't say something in the
2945s chat come
2947s here you do have to be in chat to redeem
2950s your
2951s prize wait why I
2956s can't hey Chad this is
2962s Bruce okay you stay here
2964s boy Amari
2967s just say
2969s something don't let don't make me
2972s roll uh and we'll pull more than one
2975s winner so if you don't happen to be that
2978s username stick around so we're pulling
2980s more for this giveaway and then we'll do
2982s some more throughout the stream as
2985s well 5 seconds for
2991s amarasi
2994s wow oh my God the first one
2998s spinner we're rolling in
3001s three clutch that's a clutch that was
3005s close oh my God okay GG's
3009s congratulations next winner we're
3011s looking for
3014s Yas
3023s congratulations tarter sauce not quite
3025s tartter sauce looking for there congrats
3030s one
3031s more
3033s merel
3035s congratulations we should add a dog vle
3037s to the game I don't think dog vle really
3039s calms dogs
3041s down I think it's a training tool as far
3044s as I know for actual like IRL use but if
3047s a dog doesn't know what to do when they
3049s hear it I don't think it actually does
3051s much hurts their ear actually right
3053s so how do you I think we're still
3057s looking for
3059s mle um to enter the giveaway you need to
3062s be watching the stream and then type a
3064s keyword into our twitch chat and then
3066s hang out until we pull winners right now
3069s the keyword is Ari is back um all one
3073s word like you'll see other people type
3075s in chat we're still pulling at least one
3078s more winner if this one does not claim
3081s theirs if you're looking fors merel five
3086s four
3087s three uhoh
3090s two
3092s one
3094s one roll okay we
3097s rolling official
3100s hito congratulations official hito they
3103s got to be around they
3105s official they are official yeah and they
3108s are there so we can pull more they there
3114s congratulations one more
3117s yeah devour of monsters I like this of
3123s monsters I feel like that
3126s for do more quick because they are there
3130s to one more yeah all right one more one
3133s more one more winner Hony
3136s Kowski
3138s congratulations
3140s congrats come on let's hope let's
3143s hope come on come on come on yay they're
3147s there congrats congrats to all winners
3150s we'll have more giveaways by the way so
3152s this is not the end but after this very
3156s quick Bounty Clash game we will look for
3159s a new
3160s keyword this going to be real quick yeah
3164s it's going to be about 20 seconds long
3166s so don't worry guys uh no no no it's
3168s going to be so long and prosperous I'm
3171s really good at shooting people
3183s this is the one well let's
3186s see gosh oh yeah I got to take my shots
3190s the the actual problem here is that
3192s Gustav is so good compared to us that he
3194s P puts us in the like hardest lobes and
3197s then we just AR and I just die and then
3198s it's gav against three so but Gustavo is
3202s good enough he can take on three yeah I
3205s believe in Gustavo but
3208s yeah it's hard to play with gottier
3211s people like
3213s [Music]
3214s Gustav okay Bruce left chat so now now
3218s we can focus on the
3222s game their plans to change Revival I
3225s don't believe we've announced any plans
3226s right now uh but we are collecting
3229s Community senent around revive B so if
3232s there's any changes we'll be sure to let
3234s you guys know
3240s oh I'm very anxious aren't there
3241s supposed to be are we not on bonty
3245s Clash wait we are B on for some reason
3250s isn't the map yeah the map we been
3251s sneaking around like crazy yeah we are B
3255s how did that
3257s happen uh I mean I was like wait the map
3260s looks way too big for I thought I switch
3262s look I you're the leader I thought I
3266s switched what what did I do okay well I
3269s have terrible weapons I I took all my
3273s shots
3274s already same actually okay
3280s hello we just imagine that it's uh bount
3283s Clash okay so we play play for the
3285s players we never leave this compound we
3288s never leave this
3293s compound it took us a little bit too
3295s long to realize
3297s oh so I said it too quickly because
3299s someone was not in the lobby yet I think
3304s that it took me a while because I was
3306s like wait this compound is too big and I
3307s don't remember playing on this
3309s one on py
3313s Clash AR's back is not valid anymore no
3317s so please stop well I mean it is valid
3320s because R is back but at the same time
3323s the code is not working right now we
3325s will give you guys a new key keyword for
3327s the next giveaway there are going to be
3329s more giveaways for this stream but at
3331s least it lasted longer
3338s than you're coming out and it sounds
3341s really funny not
3345s goinge what what were you
3350s saying
3354s does I'm only getting don't know
3357s couple
3363s words like your internet is a bit laggy
3365s or
3367s something uh mods can we get that
3369s message unpinned for the moment until we
3371s give a new hear me please yeah yeah we
3374s can hear you people
3377s here oh my
3380s God I think Gustav is like really
3382s lagging because he just pinged like 18
3384s times in one second
3387s oh I see them
3395s there yes I am
3398s lagging
3401s yeah the comound where are they oh I saw
3410s them oh no
3413s that's that's that's
3417s Harry I need you P what happened it was
3421s not me there's just people here and I'm
3423s very
3426s scared next time we're playing sa
3434s na Gustavo how'd you die I don't like
3437s this got shot in the face got shot in
3439s the
3441s face here he on the water he's on the
3443s water
3448s oh my go maybe you can you have necro
3452s taged him but no necro no necro oh
3454s you're on
3458s open okay I killed one nice you killed
3465s him yeah you can rest him I
3470s think did Ben kill someone yeah Ben
3473s killed why is it so surprising yeah he
3475s killed the one that Sur very
3478s surprising you can me can
3484s me I'm going I'm going for the Gustavo
3487s has to save us he's in the
3494s jungle you
3496s can't get ready get
3502s ready he's hiding in the foliage behind
3512s while I'm back to the toilet you guys
3513s deal with this they're going to shoot B
3515s I'm going to burn their teammate how
3517s about that how about that I'm just
3520s expecting
3529s my we need the where the third
3535s one I'm going to change my
3538s uhps
3541s whoa I didn't even hear that Mosen 30
3553s m oh stream getting to see Brucey or
3556s Smokey I'm so
3561s jealous okay someone was behind me oh
3564s there's one behind you oh God
3569s well try it be careful because he was
3572s literally behind
3574s meav will
3576s get he's
3581s strong okay let's it and then I change
3583s settings to L it a bit
3615s come on
3616s [Music]
3621s Gustavo the way he approaches the fight
3623s so tactically I just need to watch this
3625s and learn
3634s ex Gustav never fails of course not he's
3637s a presti 100
3642s boy why did he kill with uh I died to
3647s shotgun yeah it was a oh it was a
3653s Meo I thought it was a shotgun for some
3655s reason but it was just a
3657s Mo did you say mo mo mo
3661s mo oh my god oh Jesus that scared me
3666s I've heard
3668s him oh my God I heard
3673s him uh the hunter you're refiling to uh
3676s will be coming shortly so keep an eye
3679s out on announcements about that
3683s yeah if you do have krych charm
3687s the does
3688s have uh B can you I sent you a quick
3692s message in our group chat check oh no
3697s yeah great try gavo we can have a new
3701s keyword
3708s now uh yes sorry I can do that thank I
3712s just had my phone uh in DND
3717s [Music]
3719s MH um yeah we're going to look to get
3722s that survey shared on Discord if it has
3724s not been shared quite yet um just give
3726s us a chance probably after the stream so
3729s we can look at it a little bit
3733s further thank you B no problem Ari oh my
3737s God that guy was a
3739s scholar oh my so he just sneaked up on
3741s us basically and killed uh killed us
3749s oh I may have broken my loading screen
3751s by without taing let me just
3755s restart we have to redo the
3768s party best game of the planet can't you
3770s thank you so
3771s much uh yeah we will add the survey
3773s through the Discord I think AR said that
3777s yep there's a load out exchange for
3782s me there someone redeemed the
3785s code I I missed that if they
3788s did this
3792s someone oh God okay explosive crossbow
3795s plus new
3796s Army does someone redeemed the load out
3799s for me thank
3800s [Music]
3804s you Tiana all right Tiana I I'll do
3811s it explosive crossbow it's it's a good
3814s load out for Bounty bash Bounty Clash
3818s Bounty Clash we still have
3820s these we have the Redemption that is
3823s choose AR's load out choose B's load out
3826s and choose Rick's load out I think that
3827s was probably from one of my the last
3829s live streams that was on before I uh
3832s headed out that's sad but now you're
3835s back
3836s but now I'm back and two out of the
3838s three are still applicable
3843s so and I'm going to roll with posty
3846s then um are we going bouncy bash Clash
3852s yes why am I I don't trust it anymore B
3855s sry
3857s don't um no ETA on one Rick may be
3864s returning what was the explosive
3866s crossbow and what was
3868s the my memory is really not the greatest
3871s oh I look what I have
3875s here new Army okay thank you all right I
3879s did I think I adjusted the Redemption to
3882s say Gustavo now so you can choose any of
3885s our three loadouts if you have 5,000
3891s points um can I get an invite to the
3893s party please I'm waiting for Gustavo to
3895s accept yeah oh
3899s oh
3904s yeah thank you sir thank you for joining
3908s my
3915s party all right I think our next keyword
3918s should be Bounty Clash so that bensa
3921s cannot forget Clash to put us into the
3925s right game mod
3926s Clash that's what you said last time I
3929s was sure that I did it I don't know what
3931s could have
3934s happened uh give a a quick second before
3937s you type that keyword in so Gustavo can
3939s set it up on his side but then once he
3941s says it's good to go someone redeemed
3944s the load out for uh
3947s Gustavo what is the loadout really
3951s yeah I like they redeemed it but I don't
3954s see the message and some someone said
3956s that we still all one for Violet I was
3958s bringing a shredder so how about you
3960s just give the load out to Ari instead of
3964s violet oh here I need to
3966s adjust so that they can send text with
3969s the
3971s Redemption okay so it should be a little
3973s bit easier we're looking for Nick wi
3976s Blick for gustavo's load
3980s out Shredder and hand crossbow
3987s okay the keyword is
3990s Bounty oh Gustavo hasn't even set up the
3993s keyword yet so you will have to retype
3994s it once more when he does yeah Bounty
3998s Clash go
4003s it uh sorry what what is the load
4006s out uh it was Shredder and hand
4010s crossbow oh okay how do they know I have
4014s a shredder on my pock apparent
4016s apparently they
4018s knew I'm glad they didn't redeem that
4020s for me uh cuz I could complete it I'm
4023s sorry Shredder and
4026s what oh my goodness can I bring a
4029s Revival boat [ __ ] Revival
4033s boat yeah oh Bol that yes that is up to
4037s the Redeemer I guess or how you
4039s interpret I mean they just said hand
4041s crossbow so I think it counts
4046s they didn't specify the type of ammo you
4048s have to bring
4053s so chat knows everything oh some them
4056s choose AR's load out rival penny shot
4058s with pack dum dum R penny Okay okay
4062s let's go let's go thank you
4066s spooky okay the real question which
4069s rival but is a dumb Dum how can he use
4072s it in the P hey hey hey hey
4074s hey I've been back for seconds and I'm
4077s getting I'm getting
4080s [Music]
4081s abused um hey hey spooky can I take the
4084s can I take the true shot packs Fuki can
4087s I take the true shot packs please do it
4090s for me please okay I'm ready to go we
4093s all have the same hair some
4097s Gamers what what did you say someone
4100s said we all have the same hair and I'm
4102s upset of how true it is what do you mean
4106s mean the
4108s same it's not the same it's not the same
4112s oh it's pretty similar actually now that
4113s I it's a little close mine black mine is
4117s black
4118s okay wait we all have the same hair AR
4121s and I have cats Gustav you need a cat I
4123s don't have cats that's an issue if
4125s you're glasses right now too like CH can
4129s we appreciate we dress together just for
4130s you just for stream we actually just
4134s clones of each other region like we
4137s should have one Community manager that's
4138s cloned into every region
4141s yeah wait you guys even have a similar
4144s facial hair not wait now I canot see you
4146s guys looking like very similar what is
4149s this oh my
4151s God cat's name please my cats are Smokey
4154s and Bruce and uh what is your cat's name
4157s Ari my cat's name is Lily uh and she is
4161s still going so strong uh if you ever
4164s apply for CM for hunt you must look
4166s something like this I mean no cuz we had
4169s Rick and violet who both looked quite
4171s different uh and we also have lots of
4173s other development positions maybe you
4175s know all the game designers look the
4179s same
4181s wait wa we are not in Bounty clut wait I
4184s swear I swap my mind I'm losing my
4189s mind what other trait should I take I I
4192s grabb not me someone SED for me I swear
4195s resilience I need some resilience for
4198s PVP what's another good PVP trait give
4201s me I have five
4205s points PVP traits I know watch our load
4210s out but did I maybe it's a shotgun
4216s pistol
4217s uh
4220s witness see
4222s o it's always is far chat it's never
4225s mind mine
4227s okay it's because you take 20 minutes
4229s you load out it breaks the lobby all
4231s right
4235s position
4237s necro
4239s physician uh it's well it's B Clash so
4242s you can bring some soft skin and
4248s ah
4253s Vigor I'm ready to go
4256s downless that's a good one I know only
4259s cost I never changed my traits guys now
4262s we waited like 10 minutes to get into a
4265s bounty Clash Lobby and we will actually
4267s die in literally 15
4270s seconds I actually I don't know how to
4273s play with the explosive
4274s crossbow this is the way I mean I have a
4276s penny shot shotgun so I'll be running
4279s towards
4280s them K skin K skin it's
4284s really I let's who here who in the chat
4289s had the opportunity and already used
4292s actually used
4297s doubtless any shots to the secret meta
4299s okay spooky I'm I'm trying to key in I'm
4302s trying to many times multiple
4306s times use what
4308s doubtless maybe I pressed X in the lobby
4311s yeah that could be you used multiple
4314s times
4316s I'm was spamming X for some
4319s reason no no not not to cancel chokes to
4322s actually use it to save your life no
4326s chance I've tried probably two dozen
4329s times and I think two dozen times I have
4333s exploded I actually never exactly I
4335s always forgot to use it but you can set
4338s turn on the setting which uses like
4340s actions automatically right like uh if
4343s you're holding down the button but you
4344s have to find I think that's my problem
4348s is I know it's to think fast and
4351s remember oh I have downless there is a
4354s grenade coming off me wait B we're back
4357s at the same compound you didn't load the
4359s right mode all P the right
4363s mode stop stop gas lighting
4367s me I got to take I got to take the
4369s stamina shot I got to go I got to get so
4371s close so loud with the shredder oh my
4374s God yeah I am
4376s oh there's people right right in front
4378s of us yeah get him
4383s Gustavo H there's people further away
4388s too at this
4390s hole I missed wait it doesn't go as far
4393s as I thought it could
4396s ouch aim B oh
4402s Jesus through this hole
4409s people behind
4417s still I hit him I hit him with the dumb
4420s dump I shot into the water are you
4423s kidding
4427s me oh my God I'm horrible it's
4432s explosive okay guys there's one gu like
4435s down here I saw with dum dum um you guys
4438s are far away I need I need you to be
4443s closer like down here oh they got
4449s silenced no thank
4455s you Gustavo do
4458s something
4460s please I'm
4463s trying go go out my my
4466s son save us
4468s from we're getting
4471s flanked one from
4474s where oh let's just
4476s leave just leave I barely have ammo left
4478s so yeah let's leave let's leave let just
4482s extract TR again
4485s tomorrow turn off the stream look I I
4488s shot two explosive crossbow balls into
4490s the water so uh yeah I
4496s know how does anyone play this game mode
4500s go one shot at one shot
4503s silence
4506s please I'm scared we
4509s on they can't see me they can't see me I
4512s am a I am a
4515s bush oh I hit him that's
4519s cool I can't hit anything with
4522s this I'm so bad
4533s come on are you J
4535s shot where they at where they at I hit
4538s someone so I did my part it's up to you
4540s guys white shirt with silencer here no
4544s they two ta me so
4546s quick I'm like a decent res I'm like
4549s mostly in Bush
4556s gavo
4559s please B are you dead no oh just
4564s me now I'm
4566s dead I hit three people you know
4575s like oh my God good
4578s try
4581s wow vber
4585s we were destroyed that was
4589s rough oh my god look I hit people I
4592s don't know
4594s like I couldn't hit anything with that
4597s thing I did so much you know three hits
4600s actually three okay I got two hits they
4603s didn't result into anything
4606s but I'm just saying if I had the gun
4609s that I knew how to
4610s use can we play this mot
4613s again sure again okay okay but we have
4617s to pull some winners now I think and we
4620s do this mode
4622s again
4625s yep we didn't even get 50 m that's so
4628s true like we just died in the first
4631s fight I mean they you guys they don't
4634s have to mention it it's so
4637s mean okay look we oh
4641s oops we tried okay we tried
4645s we tried our
4649s best maybe not our best but we tried no
4653s no was just a warm-up game still that
4656s was my
4657s best it does not get better than
4662s that uh as a
4665s reminder
4668s oh uh don't forget if you're watching
4670s and you haven't yet connect your account
4672s for twitch drops we have multiple Loop
4675s boxes you can get today as well as the
4677s random Hunter going on for the next day
4680s or so of twitch
4683s drops um why can I not buy a new Hunter
4686s I have a
4688s slot please I'm going to play some H
4691s Showdown I'm going to go pack I think
4695s 1.0 th shot is sh a dual building like a
4703s Kimbo oh I think there are better
4707s options F I was just thinking the normal
4711s packs you you you were
4715s thinking people say it's good it's
4718s better better
4721s than but TR is more expensive it's more
4725s expensive yeah okay I'll just go with
4727s two packs because Gustavo sat and he's
4729s you pay for Quality he's like presti 100
4732s and stuff so I believe him but yeah he's
4735s he's pretty
4738s great okay let's do some winners shall
4741s we we
4743s shall
4745s okay uh first winner of this second
4748s round we are looking for Mr or
4752s Mrs the real B
4756s Mike
4759s congratulations
4760s congrats can
4766s look money is low these days you know
4769s Mike just say something in the
4778s chat is it bed Clash again yeah oh gets
4783s Bounty Clash
4784s again then wait then don't don't don't
4787s don't oh okay you don't have to worry
4789s anymore cuz I canot Sol the
4793s Readiness I thought we would play bounty
4796s hunt so I
4800s was different load
4802s out
4804s yeah oh I don't need
4807s this no no no explosive crossbow we had
4811s X explosives for
4813s today but it was a good load out
4816s selection for me thank you I got to
4817s experience
4818s it I know n who loves the explosive
4822s crossbow
4823s actually he's pretty good with it
4826s I think it's a Vibe you know you just
4828s have the explosive crossbow Vibes
4830s definitely a Vibe explosive crossbow is
4833s a good one I'll go with
4836s that I am rocking uh the Redemption load
4839s out one more time I feel like I didn't
4841s get to make full use out of
4848s it but you had shotguns and you just
4852s died yeah I had shotguns and I just died
4854s and it's kind of my I think it's a
4856s shotgun
4857s game yeah but they gave me penny shot
4861s actually I think Bounty Clash is pretty
4862s good for sure
4865s guys ni mastered the crossbow and quad
4868s bornheim yeah n is he invented the quad
4871s Bor home some might
4873s say okay the Rio B mik is not here uh so
4877s I am rrolling and our next winner
4883s is is
4886s is that
4889s correct it's more like
4891s [Music]
4894s is congratulations
4899s zile just say something they are there
4902s is is here
4907s congratulations uh next
4911s winner Varity stream
4920s congratulations Fair T
4925s stream the plays ask about C4 at the
4929s moment we haven't shared any recent news
4931s around that topic um today's stream is
4934s mostly just going to be focusing around
4935s hunt and the event twit drops and new
4939s DLC so if we have any more news to share
4942s on the krych side um we'll be sure to
4944s post it probably on on the uh crisis
4946s specific channels uh homicide Hunter
4949s you're referring to will be coming
4951s shortly so please keep an eye on our
4957s socials what is it you win you need the
4959s last love the LC which is the newest DLC
4962s check it
4964s out next winner Janessa haa
4968s congratulations Raa Janessa Raa Janessa
4972s Raa
4975s are you say it with such
4977s a sexy accent
4982s janess you you have this Brazilian Riz
4985s you know
4987s Latino Baris
4991s blood Janessa is
4995s here Janessa is here V will be sending a
4999s message from twitch after the stream uh
5002s make sure that it's from the krych
5003s channel and we are not asking for any
5005s password or anything like that don't
5007s fall for a scam we will just be asking
5009s for your platform and send you a code
5011s you don't have to give us any other
5015s information okay team let's win let's go
5018s let's go Squad Out roll out give me a
5021s sec while I take six
5024s shots yeah of mystery
5027s liquid oh my
5030s good okay okay okay
5033s okay looking in
5037s him where do we go where do we go two
5039s fights going on already y okay can you
5042s go that way we go okay I want full coms
5046s let's
5053s go you got you got a rout for us
5056s chat chat send us your skills oh I'm
5059s getting shot up I'm getting shot up get
5061s the silencer
5065s how how oh it's they're
5067s far I don't think it was silencer I
5069s think they were shooting from across
5071s the oh oh there's one on the roof I know
5075s but there were players
5077s here there were players are they dead
5080s bodies like yeah like near the
5084s extraction I mean I heard I heard it too
5088s maybe they just they had the right idea
5097s I I saw someone
5100s there okay we have to go let's go for
5103s the compound
5104s then I I want your skills please do send
5107s it send it to all of us especially to AR
5110s and
5110s myself Gustavo is good as he is
5121s but oh my gosh Nice Shot nice shot
5125s people people
5127s people did you throw the
5130s choke no
5134s uhoh
5138s North think we have the they have the
5141s higher ground they're right on the other
5144s side of this this wall no no no no
5147s no Mama
5152s Mia is that off to yeah that's Auto I
5155s attacked him with the
5159s crack
5165s look oh my
5167s gosh how did they hit me
5171s perfectly careful there are traps all
5174s over their place I got unlucky against
5180s R2 you how about a
5183s pull wake up
5185s oh thank you careful because there's an
5187s auto right around the corner no no no no
5189s no you're too strong you're neing me I'm
5193s NE run run run run run okay I'm good I'm
5197s good I wanted to put up a PO but no no
5201s PO just going to
5207s wait I only lost a small chunks so nice
5212s oh from that way I don't know I'm
5215s getting hit chck yeah from long yeah far
5220s Southeast I'm so
5223s scared
5226s okay we have to play seriously
5230s here on the roof I
5237s think I want to kill that auto
5240s guy I do want it too we have to take
5243s revenge
5244s same
5246s same I think I heard him run into the
5249s compound I don't hear him running
5252s no tag one tag
5255s one blue
5257s shirt there's a guy here oh my God so
5259s many
5263s things there's one guy up there
5280s yeah there's one down here near the
5282s river but in the compound oh the auto is
5285s yeah far
5287s away up on the
5294s hill moving over
5303s here one down the hill from
5307s us I can't see
5312s anyone that you no that's the the person
5316s who's throwing stuff just below us she
5319s inside the house she's inside the house
5321s or just right of it down here through
5324s all that she did that I didn't do that
5334s but maybe she's going to flank us from
5336s behind
5339s then oh I I traded yeah no no there's
5343s there's two of them I killed one and the
5345s other one killed
5348s me oh
5350s no help Gustavo I don't know if I killed
5353s him or not I don't think so no you
5355s didn't how close was he to gustavo's
5357s body very close he's very close to
5362s us oh you found the AO
5369s well we did pretty
5373s okay is every cam the same person but
5377s different
5380s O Okay uh can some AR are you logged
5384s into twitch uh AR is logged into twitch
5387s can we make a poll someone asked if you
5389s can make a poll if people play
5391s Gunslinger or
5393s Hunter o that's a good idea so I can do
5396s that I can do that I I know how to use
5400s twitch
5402s question that I like that idea so let's
5405s do
5418s that true nxa
5422s true and uh I do we still have the
5424s giveaway going on
5426s Gustavo yeah we have can let's pull some
5429s more and we can restart in yeah the last
5432s winner was Janessa Rea we can pull up
5436s couple more janess Janessa was in chat
5440s was yeah uh and then we can select a new
5445s keyword let's pick a couple more uh El
5452s Texas congratulations
5457s the pole is live if you want to throw in
5460s which uh configuration you use for
5465s hunt and rated Texas is
5468s here and last winner
5472s is nafara
5481s congratulations are we thinking a
5484s another Bounty yeah let's play one more
5487s Bounty
5489s flush then we can play more bounty on we
5492s still have
5495s a nafara 5
5500s Seconds oh can you toip my
5505s hunter so this is Bounty Clash right it
5507s is Bounty Clash I'm taking a
5510s Vinnie because you want us to Winnie
5517s we need the
5527s match okay let's bring some big guns big
5531s guns boys because uh until now the small
5534s guns didn't work so let's bring the big
5536s ones big guns it
5540s is chat you know we are here to enter
5542s train not for the skills today but we
5545s are very funny guys right right
5548s right are
5556s we um here
5561s some and by the way twitch drops are on
5564s as well so make sure you claim them and
5565s if you don't know how to you have to
5567s link your Twitch account uh on our
5570s website to your Steam account or console
5573s and then you can claim the them in game
5574s and then you get them in game and you
5576s can get a cool hunters from today on uh
5579s some random hunters or Hunters that you
5581s missed previously including Lulu and all
5584s the other T Hunter so make sure that you
5587s do
5588s that let's pick up the last
5592s winner as Ry
5600s GG whatever have sleep as night come on
5605s all right let us know which which of the
5608s hunters do you guys want to get from the
5611s twitch drops and a ginger won the p with
5613s 77%
5616s wow do you guys have all of them all the
5619s twi drops
5621s ones I'm just missing one of the union
5624s suits uh I'm missing Su I was 100% uh up
5629s until bad hand but I have missed the
5632s last few so I think
5635s not
5637s among the hunters that you can get
5640s FY uh I just want to say that democracy
5643s is wrong and Hunter is clearly better
5646s than Gunslinger I'm sorry
5648s CH Hunter is better Hunter is better and
5651s lowed Crosshair is oh we need a new pole
5654s if it's centered or lowered Crosshair
5656s that should be the next one make it
5658s happen
5660s yeah a hunter with lover Crosshair is
5663s the real way uh you heard it here
5668s exactly Hunter and lower
5672s Crosser you finally got Lulu let's go
5677s Lulu in C I'm going to plug in my mouse
5681s and not play wirelessly how about that
5682s maybe that will make me a better player
5685s new pole is
5686s up come on where where are my central
5689s Crosshair
5691s homies L Crosshair let's go why you guys
5694s think we in let's rush
5697s in let's rush in we rushing in and I
5699s would have brought a shotgun if we're
5702s rushing in I would have made plans
5703s because we're not going to be in this
5705s match for very long let's rush
5709s in
5714s okay I'm going to M Only Fools Rush In
5719s though which who said
5721s that it was a song right
5726s I think it's like
5729s Elvis all I'm going in I'm going
5738s in okay cafo please I we need we need a
5746s carry wait my mouse got stuck I didn't
5749s even press it what okay now I got
5752s scammed
5756s CH
5757s I
5759s I sh I'm getting you I'm getting you
5761s don't tell him don't tell
5765s him I got to get Gustavo too heal up
5767s heal up I think this is Gustavo on the
5770s stairs get ready G yeah that's me I
5773s killed one I killed one two our left oh
5777s I'm going to die again no no no they
5778s won't know so going to die again no no
5781s no no no they don't know
5784s to our right to our
5787s right oh it would help if I hit
5791s something I got him up I got I did my
5794s job I did my
5803s job V help
5809s me
5812s um be B isn't even close B is
5816s gone was leaving yeah B is B was about
5819s to extract I'm
5821s dead why cover him cover him B down lad
5825s down lad dude now it's
5828s now get him get him no down oh come on
5832s get the two-piece another killed
5834s me if you guys don't distract me I would
5837s have had that point of me if we didn't
5839s distract you you'd be on the other side
5840s of the comp I didn't go far guys I was
5842s just like I know like know like there so
5845s much pressure on me like this it's one
5848s compound how where are you flanking from
5851s I was just going out because I didn't
5852s like fighting down there
5856s okay
5857s was I was cooking but they didn't
5859s believe and that made me die okay he's k
5863s i
5869s was Emanuel I can't say I've heard of
5871s that specific bug but if you have a
5874s video if you want to report it probably
5875s in our Discord is a great place to put
5877s it because we won't really have a chance
5880s to come back to they really didn't
5881s respect
5883s it get out of here
5886s bone oh yeah that that Leever K the
5890s other
5893s guy and if I had a bit more
5898s time I'm
5900s dead I killed a guy exactly
5905s thank you
5910s [Applause]
5913s spooky get the Bounty and
5929s leave oh okay C
5944s there's a heal on your
5947s right I don't have pledge marks it's a
5950s pledge yeah yeah oh my goodness be the
5956s be be they were protecting the meds oh
5960s my God
5964s okay go get go get the medicine
5966s now
5968s oh no no the bees are cool the bees are
5978s cool you got that got a good oh my gosh
5982s oh my
5986s gosh I in
5990s heels oh right there oh here he said it
5993s and they
5995s appeared yeah close is that is is that
5999s the six star
6011s difference he's starting to believe chat
6014s he's starting to believe
6030s youav what if you just leave and go for
6032s the r they'll never see it
6041s coming I can't maybe they did maybe they
6045s would have seen it coming
6057s oh my God what do I
6059s do Al
6062s four
6064s the leave let Gustavo cook he he wiins
6068s these okay what if you take this back
6070s door on your right and you just like run
6072s off the
6075s hill no
6080s there already has the greatest ideas
6084s you die if you need ideas of how to die
6087s and Hunt Showdown I'm your
6095s guy I see your question about the cross
6097s console lag but I'm not really familiar
6099s with it so we I cannot really answer it
6101s now but we look into
6104s it so you can stop spamming
6107s it uh D return is planned for this
6112s year but no no uh concrete
6115s date already dies first and oh I have
6118s this great idea Gustav no no whoa whoa
6120s whoa let want want them to start
6123s fighting each other cuz there are two
6125s teams you guys both died I resed both of
6128s you and then I took a small nap because
6130s I was so tired faia exactly get it
6140s right could pull some dynamite and run
6143s it oh
6150s gosh I just uh didn't want to G give an
6153s exact date for desile but of course it's
6155s it's going to come not too far in not
6158s not towards the end of the year but
6160s earlier okay they are fighting each
6166s other can now you can actually sneak out
6168s and res us you got two shots left in
6171s your Mosen
6174s okay actually just do whatever you think
6175s is best you are just like some lowly
6177s four
6179s stars dude I'm
6183s three on the inside I'm
6186s two in the inside I'm one
6190s star that's
6196s true thir random person through existing
6198s party yeah this is something we are uh
6201s looking into
6205s but I cannot give any exact on it as of
6208s this
6212s moment there's some goop on my
6218s body wow he caught him while he was
6221s throwing remember burning there no was
6224s he throwing I thought he was
6227s burning I don't
6231s know oh crossplay between PC and the
6235s consoles is not
6243s planned please
6245s go let him cook let him cook there
6249s some uh I'll be back on streams there's
6252s going to be some bad
6257s quotes let the record show I didn't put
6259s the goop there it's somebody else's goop
6262s oh my God you're making it verse I'm
6264s just
6270s saying does it make it better I don't
6289s know oh
6299s oh really you can't sneak up on Gustavo
6302s he's too good he's too good oh you
6304s should loot get a pled Mark and heal us
6306s up
6308s uh you're
6312s right he can't be
6314s stopped that other team might come
6316s though if if he waits too long to get
6318s not too long he can just like get the
6320s thing right here
6330s wait doesn't heal the whole team I
6332s thought it
6335s does wow too many
6338s people that's okay me and B we're going
6341s we'll do so much when we get resed well
6344s done I plan but like look look at this
6347s but he's losing Health anyway so it's
6351s good can heal himself oh no he you're
6355s going to have to go down to 50 to get
6356s both them but he can
6361s [Applause]
6362s he you can hit with the
6367s clks all you have to cover I'm trying
6370s I'm trying I'm going to go back inside
6373s I'm going to go back inside I like going
6375s inside too let's all go inside I'm going
6378s let's all go inside and maybe never
6379s leave
6384s [Applause]
6386s oh oh I'm dead I'm dead no guys they
6390s they were on all three
6393s sides I was going to try to get our
6396s health chunk
6400s back
6402s well uh yeah the for murder circus The
6407s Pledge Mark yeah it's just only single
6410s yeah look it was worth the wa
6415s just watching you did really good
6417s Gustavo not gonna lie good job good job
6419s clap watching him take them out was well
6422s worth it can let's start the last
6424s giveaway now and then uh with a new key
6427s and then uh we can play a bounty hunt I
6432s think what should the what should the
6434s final keyword
6436s be oh yeah the final
6441s keyword let's see
6447s let me equip my hunter
6452s first you see how many people were still
6456s alive a
6459s lot what I need to play my favorite load
6462s out now
6478s what's your favorite load up
6481s Ben uh is this bounty Clash or bounty
6487s hunt I
6489s think I change it because it over
6493s change sorry say that again so yeah it
6497s will be bounty hunt but I will have to
6498s set it at the end because it keeps
6500s changing okay bounty hunt
6504s so I'll
6506s play Sparks uppercut oh yeah cuz this is
6511s the best load
6512s out AR is the best we already had that
6515s but it's still true yeah they weren't
6518s saying that for the giveaway that was
6520s just a general statement yeah and the
6522s giveway was I think Ari is back
6526s right oh yeah it was oh there should be
6529s the new
6530s giveaway no no no whatever could D no D
6535s please let me just run my uh the next
6539s giveaway
6542s is
6543s drops drops drop this is the last day
6547s I'm running out of here
6550s drops don't forget to get your Hunter
6553s there's actual load out exchange okay
6555s what was
6557s it you guys are so mean I can't play my
6559s load out uh was it actually called
6561s dualies
6567s um let me see I might be able to see
6569s redemptions on the of my
6574s preference
6576s uh all right all right let's really
6579s think about this so we need something
6581s that packs a punch and it's not accurate
6583s it's like a RNG so we have to go to
6587s Sparks pistols first of all you know for
6590s the
6591s damage and
6594s on the other one we need something that
6596s has a lot of bullets and can be
6597s spammed so
6601s uh no chain pistol that's too
6606s crazy maybe a
6615s px good
6617s Logics I hope so okay uh yeah but then
6622s it would be nice to get some
6631s traits uh if you want a chance to win
6635s the DLC last laugh and you are watching
6637s on anywhere but twitch be sure to head
6640s over to twitch.tv/ cry give us a follow
6643s and type drops in chat for your chance
6645s to win you do have to be hanging out
6647s with us when we pull winners so do not
6649s leave because we will have to roll that
6660s winner some UNR
6664s the is that a
6667s worded
6672s that um spooky totally never heard of
6675s that before so uh definitely can't help
6687s uh as a reference for the giveaway once
6689s you've typed drops in once you do not
6691s need to type it in again typing it in
6693s once it gets you locked in for the
6694s giveaway you are good to go until we
6697s actually start pulling winners um or if
6700s we had changed the keyword but this will
6701s be our last one for
6703s today uh nuclear the hunter you're
6708s talking about will be we'll have more
6710s information to share soon uh so keep an
6712s eye out on our socials about
6715s that thank you she is
6718s coming just wait a little bit
6723s longer all right are you ready Bena what
6728s is your load out for dwes because it was
6732s redeemed yeah but you didn't have to
6734s pick those ones well I took to two
6737s Sparks so I have something that packs a
6739s punch and then I took uh a couple of
6742s packs so I have something to spam oh can
6745s you use the new trait when you have
6746s double Sparks
6749s pistol uh I don't think so I don't think
6753s you can I mean that makes sense but it's
6763s [Music]
6765s funny it's I'm going to blow my arms off
6768s I
6769s mean you know what it's just a day in
6772s Hunt
6773s [Music]
6777s if you uh have trouble with cheaters
6779s just make sure to report them when you
6781s see them that's the best
6784s way and uh the cheats you referring to
6788s are usually banned already for a very
6791s long time or if they are new then they
6794s get detected extremely
6797s quickly if you haven't yet be sure to
6800s connect your hunt account with your
6802s Twitch account so you can start earning
6803s twitch drops they're going on for one
6805s more day but you can still earn yourself
6807s a random Hunter if you start the twitch
6810s drops watching the end of the stream uh
6812s we can always send you to a another
6815s twitch stream with hunt Showdown and you
6816s can keep working on the same progression
6819s so you don't have to get them all in one
6821s stream but you do have to get them in
6823s the next day or so as that's all the
6825s time left for the drops
6839s hurry up and lose so I can get my code I
6841s mean we're I'm we're pretty good at that
6844s so we we'll try our best just for you as
6847s this is the last one I think we can
6850s maybe win this one what you think we can
6853s try but I mean I have four dualities so
6855s don't expect too
6857s much uh did Nix redeem that for you or
6860s do not I I don't know who it but I'm so
6864s thankful that I couldn't play with my
6866s favorite load out today the only one I
6869s can Lear
6871s shot um oh I did not quite connect to
6875s the server are you guys in oh I didn't I
6880s I didn't I'm back to the lobby okay sure
6884s wait I click trying to reconnect so I
6888s should oh okay I couldn't reconnect
6890s actually so I'm back in a Lobby was the
6893s redeem game with the dualist now I can
6895s switch I'm just joking
6900s uh Coco asks if we'd ever raid a smaller
6903s streamer um so normally I think we try
6905s to raid some of the Knight of the hunter
6907s Partners um which can range in size
6910s up
6912s uh I am ready am I you are you are it's
6916s always
6918s AR um what are you guys playing on on
6923s planet Earth
6925s servers we could still be on we are
6928s still on
6931s EU hi can you ban cheaters we we do a
6937s lot antiche bans a lot of cheaters and
6941s then any individual reports go to our
6943s customer service team how do you know
6945s you're entered in the giveaway if you're
6947s in chat and you typed the drops keyword
6950s and you're followed on the channel I
6951s think th those are all all the steps you
6953s got to
6957s do uh maybe we can raid sir thoron I
6959s think we will give it a quick look um we
6962s also try to spread out the raids among
6964s um lots of our hunt Partners so I'm not
6967s sure when sir Thorston has maybe gotten
6969s his last raid so I can't commit to
6971s anything like
6974s that um planning new limited time event
6978s weapons I don't think we've released any
6979s information quite yet about what is
6981s going to come in future
6983s events games of death is always a Great
6986s Raid too uh got to spend some time with
6989s him at uh twitchcon in
6993s 2023 and uh love love lurking in his
6996s hunt streams Gustav has a hun Showdown
7000s tattoo he does right he does on his arm
7005s B why don't you have a hunt show Down
7007s tattoo I should you really should but I
7010s would prefer people having a tattoo of
7012s me
7016s e uh no update with C4 right now uh any
7021s update around crisis will probably be
7023s posted on those specific
7025s channels new devb stream soon nothing
7028s we've announced but um we normally try
7030s to give heads up before any big streams
7032s on our social
7035s media who are you CC charm you tattoo me
7038s on yourself I mean oh my gosh uh who's
7042s the strongest and weakest player in the
7044s dev team we have some very strong
7046s players in QA um we have Delaney who is
7049s part of our team we have fabb who has
7052s been on a few Dev streams they're both
7054s extremely good players um Gustavo in
7057s general is very strong and normally on
7059s the higher end of the skill-based
7061s matchmaking and then on the low end it's
7063s just me um no one else is even close to
7067s how bad I am at Hunt and I I wear that
7069s title with pride
7076s is that
7077s you that is me if you hear
7084s lot I have
7085s to yeah they're
7088s not he's got to
7091s landine
7095s okay come here where are you where are
7098s you me where are you Ben where which
7102s which one is you B is the one one pink
7106s oh gosh is the
7108s one come
7110s here is that is this come here come here
7113s come here I'm this is I'm no this is
7117s me I'm coming this you oh no just no
7121s come no no no oh see see watch it see
7127s what's going on I scared I scared no I
7131s scared the X see
7133s I want you to repeat after me every time
7136s you scare the ducks or you spot us on
7139s the map I want to say
7142s them repeat after me them say it say
7158s whato say
7160s itoo pero
7163s yeah that's right I want you to say that
7167s every time you spot us or you scare or
7170s anything
7171s okay it means we lost we're doomed okay
7175s okay
7178s okay let's go
7180s um I got it I got
7184s it you got
7187s it yeah is this the secret to
7190s six it means VR are done okay
7196s okay uh someone said these are the
7198s trolls who make the game luckily we're
7201s just the trolls who work with the
7203s community of the
7217s gameo high alerted Paro
7228s oh my
7230s God Gustavo is just creating a new meme
7232s in the community I feel like this you
7235s can't wait to open redit and see post
7236s about
7246s pmo look at this park though
7265s yeah PlayStation furball got it pretty
7267s right was should just say
7276s PR oh hello good
7280s cat okay actually why am I in the front
7282s L someone else you're the
7288s tank don't put our DPS up front B oh he
7291s already found
7292s players can that appear our next keyword
7295s we'll try to remember it for next stream
7297s uh drops I think we'll do the last one
7299s we'll be doing
7301s today yeah B is the
7303s tank I'm the Healer and Gustavo is our
7306s DPS okay so can I hit this Parks dually
7310s shut from here yeah
7317s they're hitting me
7319s instead that's not what's supposed to
7322s happen where they
7327s at
7332s say where in the compound are
7335s they oh someone died it's two teams it's
7338s two teams someone died to a shotgun
7345s okay go in team V you are a tank oh no
7350s tank you're the tank here the
7352s tank I just bring the comedy you you
7356s bring the
7357s tank
7360s oh that's what you wanted for me oh nice
7364s oh my gosh wait he's
7366s amazing see the Sparks duel is working
7370s where did you kill him where did you
7370s kill he was jumping
7372s [Music]
7374s jumping where okay thank you fell down
7376s someone throw something
7380s there I forgot to bring any of my sweet
7382s Beetle buddies where where I see I see I
7392s see oh my God the reload on this
7397s is ow her she's one Health
7406s dad amazing I'm
7413s healing on the
7416s mle I don't see anyone I killed two guys
7420s there's one more yeah they're running on
7423s there
7427s tagged running to the right
7432s the other team is getting close come
7434s we're
7438s busy hey this dualities are actually
7440s cooking not going to
7447s lie oh someone has killed them they
7450s killed the last one yeah they killed the
7452s last one oh I'm getting shot at oh oh oh
7455s oh I'm getting shot yeah yeah where are
7457s we getting shot from where are we
7458s getting shot
7459s from here
7465s he's inside
7468s now inside the
7470s circus the circus I thought I inside
7473s this compound here yeah no no the the
7476s silenced guy is inside the circus oh
7486s scary that's my name yeah uh I could use
7490s a rest there
7507s whoa got B can you get my CH
7511s back Gustavo help
7516s Gustavo if there should be a dead body
7518s on me yeah there's the green shirt yeah
7520s there's another guy inside there's
7522s another guy inside is he
7525s cool I don't think so oh okay Tagg
7532s see nice killed him definitely not
7537s cool beautiful work team is that
7543s it maybe there's just two though two
7547s from the secondary team three oh the bow
7551s he has is so
7555s cool I'm going to burn this d p is
7559s pretty good he's inside yeah there's a
7562s silen he's inside right there be
7575s careful how close was he to you he he
7578s was right to the left there be
7581s careful he was in the door way that your
7584s yeah right there but he
7587s probably he's here in the ramp on the
7591s ramp oh gosh W
7598s up is he inside or
7601s outside
7605s inside
7608s where I heard a Reload Southeast corner
7613s think is I got to get one
7619s t oh there's another guy behind
7637s me yeah start burning start burning
7645s he's on the
7653s Underground don't you want to give me
7654s your regen shot I mean restoration
7659s shot oh I have a yeah yeah yeah I'm
7662s missing two small chunks so I don't know
7664s if it's worth
7667s it it is good thank you
7677s yeah still V but at least this I'm not
7679s losing a guess who's through who
7687s through he's
7694s here he's playing without anymore oh he
7698s was almost there just holding a door
7701s with the Spectre
7703s Now
7706s shotgun look at where my feet
7713s are
7718s back he's healing
7734s side
7736s wait what's this K that killed you it's
7740s not the same guy I died to the rock this
7742s SK oh the green shirt got oh yeah yeah
7745s it's the same guy it's the same
7748s guy out yeah yeah get him nice I think
7752s that might have been it nice yeah oh my
7756s no we killed both of them before someone
7758s must have resed them the rockar skin if
7761s there was one no no it was the raka that
7763s killed me yeah so we hav haven't killed
7765s the guy yeah cuz we killed raka and the
7768s green Shir already once
7775s before Oh my God what's going
7779s on a chance they were both solos maybe
7782s no are they
7788s self yeah we need to burn uh uh I have a
7792s I mean there's yeah we were
7794s [Music]
7797s already throwing your
7805s chaos I need amm really bad let's get
7809s your
7815s health but if there's a rockas skin I
7817s haven't seen that one
7819s Dad yeah that was the one that was Royal
7822s Phantom you killed that one oh that was
7826s oh yeah you did
7828s that I just didn't realize it was uh the
7831s Royal phantom for some how are we
7832s supposed to play with B when his eyes
7834s are
7835s closed okay I still got a lot of kills
7838s actually I know that's what makes it
7840s worse I
7842s think I'm going to the circle but if it
7845s was really that then I think it this ggs
7847s maybe I we still think both I don't know
7851s uh
7852s well never know it's it's h show down
7855s everything can happen whoever suggested
7857s this load out this slps not going to lie
7859s thank you I have nine pledge marks oh do
7862s I Shredder I do have nine too yeah take
7864s it take it no no no but I need
7867s health I need health chunks oh well I
7871s think the this I think this one no this
7874s no we can kill we can kill the
7876s boss true I'm taking a b did you spend
7881s your health
7884s okay okay I'm I'm going to shred I'm
7885s going to shred does someone want uh my
7887s crack silenced Noy here
7890s here take take the remedy and you can
7893s get your health back we no one around no
7895s one
7900s around which tra should I get a TR oh
7902s but I but I have to spend all my points
7904s on
7905s the on the shredder if I want it no you
7908s don't you no no just get the shredder
7912s and we can get uh more points so you can
7915s get your health bar back okay okay
7919s okay okay let's go to the speed out
7923s silence crack right here if anyone wants
7925s it no I'm sticking to this load out
7928s right now oh you have
7931s to here are the
7937s balloons blade Master doesn't work with
7939s the shredder right
7946s I could take the ammo from the crack
7948s that's
7949s for but I'm too
7954s lazy
7956s guys whatever
7959s happens this is my best game so far
7962s whatever happens we're in this together
7965s yeah I don't see anyone on dark
7968s side oh yeah it doesn't work for the
7970s shutter told
7972s you I told you we will win it we will
7975s win this don't yeah don't say don't jinx
7980s it don't jinx
7987s it oh I want to I want to try out some
7989s BL you got the burn bite congrats Nick
7992s GG's congrats yeah check if you've been
7995s watching long enough see what random
7997s Hunter you got I mostly play t
8000s servers I was was on vacation uh back in
8003s Hungary in Budapest so I didn't have
8005s that much time to play the
8009s event hey I
8017s missed still no one
8028s around if we think it's a I might I
8030s might just let loose on the spider with
8032s the
8033s shredder oh yeah you can kill
8036s her very fast oh I went to the wrong
8039s compound actually I thought it was in
8042s the
8049s what hey guys wish me luck is it safe to
8053s say I wouldn't say it's safe to say but
8055s maybe I'm going to
8059s Shredder Shredder
8085s reloading no no no be nice
8105s now safe to say not to say not safe to
8108s say
8110s yeah you never know but I I can use up
8114s my I still don't see anyone
8117s around oh I've been pounced
8122s has beam power guys help
8125s help
8127s Squad thank
8133s you can I normally pick up my Shredder
8138s blades or are they used
8142s up they used
8145s up good to know good to
8149s know is it safe the say that we want but
8153s no no no no no but you can collect but
8154s like do you have the normal Shredder or
8156s do you have like a custom
8159s ammo um cuz there's like you can
8163s switch Yeah you can switch it com just
8165s press X I was using the regular but you
8168s can pick up the regular but not I think
8170s not
8170s [Music]
8171s the I probably I don't know where I went
8174s lost it that's I thought you could pick
8176s up the regular one yeah yeah the regular
8178s you can but it's very hard to find them
8179s I think because it bounces all around
8182s oh maybe that's what it is but like if
8184s you shot them on the spider there you
8185s can probably find some that's what I
8187s yeah I went to where they should be
8191s but because let's search for it together
8194s Kamar we have some time now I shot her a
8197s bunch right here yeah so it was bouncing
8199s around probably on these walls
8204s so I mean you look for it you see it
8206s better I'm looking I'm looking and maybe
8209s like in her body there's a few
8212s I I that's where I thought I would find
8214s them
8216s but oh I just found Special ammo that
8220s works no that's
8222s work oh baby
8227s money yeah blades here is good for this
8231s situation yeah oh I
8240s already um for the giveaway it's not
8243s exclamation point drops it's just the
8245s word
8247s drops um if you want information about
8250s the twitch drops going on we have a few
8252s posts on our social media about it you
8253s can head to the drops inventory on
8256s Twitch um that kind of stuff I don't
8259s think we have a command setup though
8261s that talks about
8263s that oh yeah Master you can put them all
8266s back
8268s well but I don't think don't think
8271s no it doesn't work with blade maner are
8273s you sure yeah I thought it does
8278s mm I do have blade mancer cuz I was
8281s rotating between throwing knives yeah
8285s I'll test it for you here I'll shoot one
8287s in the corner hopefully it won't hit me
8289s it doesn't work for the saws
8292s I
8294s yeah but now you can pick it back from
8296s the floor
8297s right I don't know where it went I shot
8300s it in this corner oh my God now you have
8302s to M it out how it bounce in the
8315s world but sh I think maybe it's safe to
8319s say that this is Dum stop stop why are
8322s you saying it's is it safe I think it is
8325s safe you guys are are
8329s wild and it's celebrate our Victory
8332s we'll do some like a lot of giveaways at
8334s the
8336s end okay let's head down
8342s south yeah go to Geometry speed and
8344s curve
8347s exactly
8348s [Music]
8358s exactly is there a chance for rot be on
8361s this
8362s map uh not C there is but not with the
8367s uh this time of day
8369s no we got to get a spooky
8372s time that that's a good question I don't
8375s remember I think it's only like dark or
8377s like low
8379s visibility didn't we change that I I
8382s don't remember I don't
8388s know yeah not with the middle bounty
8392s do you want a golden cash
8396s register is there one did you just pump
8398s one in yeah okay let's
8403s see let's
8405s see thank
8409s you this was actually a normal one
8411s that's close enough close
8414s enough and there's bloodline XP
8424s only low Vis and without the surface
8427s B yeah that's what I
8430s thought but Gustav was something better
8432s than I am
8433s so I I'm not so
8440s certain see I inspir people to try the
8443s double Sparks
8447s exactly yeah exactly you are an
8449s influencer you a hunt influencer I
8453s actually hit so many shots with it it
8454s was kind of
8456s crazy which is really surprising uh but
8459s like spark pistol is me is like tied my
8462s favorite pistol with the uppercut and
8464s maybe now I prefer it uh and then of
8466s course Sparks I think my reload at is
8468s Sparks as Sparks pistol but like the
8470s problem with that is that it's not many
8473s shots yeah you got to hit that's what
8476s you're bringing that's why I usually do
8478s like uh Sparks uppercut because that's a
8480s bit like saer
8484s [Music]
8488s m w are W did I hait you almost dang
8497s it
8504s Harry I need to practice I have to feel
8507s the
8508s velocity you know
8511s are you mething
8513s calculating
8515s ow wow that was close I did
8520s it look I don't miss
8526s the ooh so many shots landed
8531s there oh gosh
8538s [Music]
8544s GG's oh I looked straight into
8549s that good game we won we just needed the
8553s two hours of warm up
8560s games GG's GG's and guys because we won
8564s we going to do giveaways just because we
8565s won because otherwise we wouldn't have
8567s done any giveaways
8573s oh drops was the last keyword
8576s right drops was the last keyword you're
8579s correct okay while Gustavo will be doing
8582s the giveaway already you can look for a
8584s partner to
8585s raid okay do we have
8588s a a document for all the last
8591s ones it's a Gustav no we don't actually
8594s I do have one that we didn't read for a
8599s while okay
8602s uh I was thinking we could raid whiskey
8606s fre what do you think got let me just
8609s double check she's going she is she's
8612s playing with
8614s death what a
8616s combo
8619s yep well so last round of giveaways
8623s Shall We
8624s Begin hell
8626s yeah let's go let's go so we are looking
8629s for our first
8631s winner which is should is a winner of
8635s course Mr nightbot
8638s please uh B Bay
8642s congratulations ba ba is actually a
8645s nickname for my name
8647s ba is it yeah ba is like a like yeah a
8652s very rare version of my name that you
8654s could
8655s say or B yeah how cute yeah B
8662s B is here congratulations
8665s B next
8668s one black mosart congratulations
8672s congrats and while we rating why am I
8673s playing two big chunks and two smalls I
8675s just uh like that fun because like I can
8678s be down two times and I'm still kind of
8680s fine after and then I can tank a bit
8682s more damage B really likes to prep about
8686s how many times he's going to get down in
8687s a match exactly that's planing and black
8690s MO
8691s is
8692s there I think black Mozart it's
8696s there next
8698s winner
8700s Elario
8704s congratulations sorry AR uh I was going
8707s to say if anyone's interested in jobs at
8709s krych I'm not sure how many open
8710s positions we have at the moment but if
8712s you head to kry.com Career that's where
8715s we post all of our stuff and there
8717s should be a link in the twitch chat too
8723s Elario is
8725s here
8728s congratulations next
8730s one young
8733s Michael
8748s congrats young Michael is here
8755s congratulations
8757s unas oh Elario again no who
8762s what that's your lucky day
8765s man Ken is Bruce guys he's very Kenya
8772s Magi congratulations
8789s can of
8792s M I tried
8799s sorry alario has all the luck
8806s today 5 seconds for Kenya Kenna
8818s no Cana R rolling three two
8825s one oh my god
8829s shik oh okay I see what you did
8833s there oh yeah
8836s booty that's a good name
8844s congratulations okay last winner
8848s then last winner of
8851s our gameplay live stream is going to
8856s be oh that's
8859s that's what is wrong with this
8864s bot oh my God wrong with this bot oh my
8868s God
8870s rrolling rrolling Come on
8875s B hacker
8884s HD they're here HD is here
8889s congratulations as we get towards the
8891s end of the stream some little reminders
8893s postmill murder circus you have until
8896s February 10th to participate in the
8898s event get everything in the battle pass
8900s get some awesome legendaries twitch
8902s drops one more day earn that big last
8905s random Hunter good luck hopefully you
8907s guys get something that you want uh new
8910s DLC the last laugh just came out uh you
8913s can pick it up on all platforms comes
8915s with new legendary Hunter a centennial a
8918s couple couple of other things he looks
8920s pretty great I think that's all the big
8922s stuff we have to announce right now do
8924s you guys have anything else to talk
8926s about Gustavo
8927s orena no that should be I think uh yeah
8931s thank you very much for are we gonna do
8932s one more put one more come on one more
8935s okay yeah one more oh my
8939s God CS
8943s 1988
8945s [Music]
8946s congratulations unas TOS say
8951s something can we hint at when the S
8953s might return we don't have any date cuz
8956s our team is still working on it once we
8958s have more information to share we will
8960s for sure
8964s TOS are you there come on TOS I did it
8967s for you there you go there you gos is
8970s there I know you
8972s would congrat someone was asking if we
8975s will share the outcome of the survey
8978s that was posted today I don't believe we
8980s normally share the outcomes but we do
8982s look at them and uh use all that
8984s information internally and they can
8986s dictate some choices we make um so we
8988s are definitely listening to all that
8992s information that you share in there okay
8994s okay Gustavo since there still people
8996s that didn't leave and they stick around
8998s and we want the last game let's do one
8999s more oh my gosh one more
9003s unas okay unas that's all I can do for
9006s you guys that's the last one okay
9010s Uno just for you just because we I don't
9012s know if you guys know what uno mas means
9014s one more cuz you keep doing I know but
9016s you keep doing it over and over
9019s again oh yeah yeah you're right there's
9021s always room for one more you know it's
9024s like theer okay so our last
9029s winner
9031s is
9034s oh
9036s ell is that a previous one wait is that
9039s a previous congratulations no it's not
9042s it's not a previous
9045s one a show is here congrats why are you
9049s smiling so much good stuff
9052s congratulations wow he's just happy to
9055s be on
9057s stream stream yeah very similar looking
9061s guys yeah true the clones from the world
9066s all right Chad uh sorry that was the
9069s actual last one but uh you know we will
9071s come back with more streams in the
9073s future as usual uh you can expect a lot
9075s more this year with a lot of giveaways
9077s so make sure to subscribe on our YouTube
9080s follow us on Twitch uh Facebook and all
9083s the good stuff you know we also post
9084s some good things on social media so make
9086s sure to follow us everywhere thank you
9088s again GG's for the games we did win the
9090s last game so it was great Ari welcome
9093s back it was so fun having you back right
9095s Chad it was so fun uh thank you guys for
9098s the warm welcome back to the gameplay
9100s live
9101s streams uh yeah and uh prepare the raid
9104s quickly please before we leave raid is
9107s ready to go uh we just need to start it
9110s once uh once we've wrapped up yeah you
9113s can start it and then yeah bye but it
9117s won't happen you know that it it it take
9119s some time yeah uh and of course Gustavo
9123s thank you as well uh for carrying us
9126s pleasure yeah I did what I could you
9130s have your expectation is too high but
9134s thank you and uh yeah with that I think
9137s we can send the raid please uh give the
9139s love to our Partners this time whiskey
9141s Friz uh see you there bye-bye and see
9145s you next time take care byebye bye