about 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

150s Wow my voice just cracked super badly
154s hello how's it going everyone happy
156s Tuesday we're gonna play some hunt we're
161s gonna probably play with ice gee that's
165s not a roof but I hope everyone's like
167s well I hope you're all had a good
170s weekend I hope you enjoyed the
171s broadcaster trail event last week we'll
175s definitely do more of those in the
176s future but today we're gonna play some
177s hunt I'm gonna just quickly change that
183s up a little bit I'm gonna get it
184s concertina and a died in my bundle and
188s then we're gonna invite we're gonna
192s invite ice and I'm gonna be another
195s scored because I finally have the mic
197s set up here which is so much better
205s this is beauty going to throw explosives
207s again I hope you tell Simone that I saw
212s you do the exact same thing after you
214s laughed at me for doing it so about that
219s okay let me quickly get in the z-disc
227s ice I'll be in the moderator voice chat
230s we'll just use that
236s yes we are working on a new boss we are
240s we are we are we're still figuring out
242s what we're gonna do with the songs
243s because we still want to do definitely
246s something some songs are not done yet so
248s like well to have them in the trailer do
250s not a fool some yet oh hello how do one
262s I'm doing good
264s ready to slay some hunters the road map
268s is getting updated this week yeah so
270s we're so busy working on it but more
273s details this week and yeah yeah it's
277s only game play today yeah have like most
288s of my most of my like ranking like
293s divided by servers and it constantly
299s gets reset hey James if I pop a cocky
305s what's up we have about 80 people
309s working in the game
322s yeah I can't wait for you guys to see
324s the new boss I really curious what you
326s guys think
327s obviously we already played with it I
331s have cables running oh oh oh I feel I
337s did something now I don't hear some
339s probably there we go
344s yeah yeah I I tried to pull the cable
347s under the lake on there my microphone
350s away and then what is the boss style
352s boss style basta
354s what do you mean boss ow okay let's go
360s straight oh when did I take a hand
365s cannon oh well I am maximum shot gonna
368s quit that's for sure I hope you have
371s some ranged yeah and you got a silenced
376s pistol so I mean you're an arranged I'm
378s the I'm the the close-range
382s no you haven't change anything with the
384s knife
385s Oh God hello yeah Steve overlay what you
391s do I know we don't have a specific ring
401s but like the leveling is well as I'm
403s like ranked that you play against other
405s players or like how do you mean exactly
409s brenn mode I'm not gonna spoil the boss
414s I would probably prior to Faisal at the
416s boss don't you worry
423s do we have an axe
425s all right you going around I mean yeah
429s but what's the fun in that
440s I have no stamina yeah yeah yeah mm-hmm
447s was there maybe any you know healing
450s that's right now I really have to change
453s my okay I feel what I ate like I have
456s changed my settings so many times but
461s playing with so many different like
464s sensitivities because I never know what
466s my standard sensitivity is with like
468s other mice yeah I never do but it's also
477s the mice are like super different like I
479s still used two dozen twelve miles in
481s home like an MMO mice
483s let me just quickly go inside to see if
484s I can find healing and glue while we're
488s at it
490s yeah I know I was hoping that I was
492s getting some stamina but I was lucky
495s enough
497s I'll walk some bit slower if you see
500s healing let me know no no oh maybe in
515s here did we come here we came from here
518s right yeah no he came from here because
520s I can feel myself carrying the oh that
524s was fast
524s I can feel myself carrying the mouse up
527s and down
533s where did you go oh my I have completely
550s gone the opposite direction I just
552s realized the FPS trading program oh so
565s do you want to go oh yeah your are they
567s that's good actually yeah the FPS
572s training program yeah the ping is lucky
578s if you're in the office am I blind yes
587s yeah I feel like people in Europe in
591s general like don't have that hyping like
594s I see most people with playing her out
595s like 36 I think like Archie place with
598s that your ping is about 128 game plays
608s on laptop life you play with a high near
609s 20 thing then yeah I mean that not being
613s sorry FPS then of course
626s we probably won't have any like extreme
629s weather effects anytime soon it's
631s something like obviously we'd like to
633s and like we have experimented with but
635s it's very hard to especially Lakeridge
636s brain like the sound because sound is so
638s important in our game oh the boss is
649s coming don't you worry okay so lots of
653s fighting going on already note I have no
658s range at all yeah hmm don't want to go
671s through the water that's good
686s that's pretty good you're too big not to
694s being live guys I appreciate the to ping
700s my character is so tired of life all
704s this haunting so far nobody has picked
731s it up yet which is kind of suspicious
733s oh I mean they're fighting
738s Oh gross
745s I mean no tell this you re
767s so the guy was here going just pee no
773s there he is
781s hmm well I have scared me tell me if you
787s do those crazy things oh that wasn't you
793s that they should you see them that's not
810s nearly enough I mean actually I should
826s have done the other accident but they
828s might come under Brown don't you think
829s oh yeah definitely
833s cuz they're like here I know what I want
843s to do blast him in the face photo shop
849s I don't hear anything Oh are your steps
852s I think the other side though stepped no
872s I that is a sound book that I have to
874s like I keep forgetting about to say can
877s somebody hear footsteps am I going crazy
896s oh yeah definitely her footsteps I just
908s can't determine where yeah that's what I
914s thought too oh well no okay okay we're
926s going Knowles oh wow how did I I should
933s have checked oh oh wait there's fighting
944s out of people that's good
945s Oh God
954s I'm gonna throw it dynamite its I have
957s to get close to that it's kind of shitty
962s no throwing dynamite watch out it's at
968s the for some reason I only thought one
975s of them extract it I was like we're good
979s that's you right
981s are you coming what are you doing oh
992s yeah it doesn't seem like you're having
994s a good time they're ice I feeling
996s disconnected from the internet because
997s he's also not replying on this Court
1004s yeah I hear people
1025s now
1035s or was it ice I can tell they just
1043s walked around yeah I think he
1055s disconnected yeah cuz I also don't hear
1057s him on the discord anymore
1058s oh my god hi so you still like
1076s well I killed a hunter wait did I kill
1083s them both after all no okay wanna say
1087s let me see I'm I'm Yuta really oh oh
1095s what's I muted the whole time oh I was
1101s like okay that does help if I was a
1106s mutant I think I had to keep buying and
1109s I accidentally like explains it
1113s I don't know what happened there but I
1118s was like oh he's like crash or something
1121s cuz like I didn't hear you anymore and
1123s like I mean I fought someone then he
1129s died let's see
1137s I doing it on the older one yeah I'm
1166s just getting some trades in this under
1168s uh I'm just gonna go take the knuckles
1173s dusters for if we encounter the okay
1182s there we go I was like where is mine
1190s I take a look late well no we're gonna
1193s go crazy
1194s we're gonna take a stinky I wanted a
1197s different gun I want to take the four
1199s time
1205s well I think with if I have someone
1209s riding from there for me
1211s I personally don't aim down sight with a
1215s shotgun cuz he was literally in front of
1219s me right so that it's fine I mean with
1223s range weapons I pretty much always mean
1225s aim down sight but yeah I just really
1240s like the spectre I don't know why but I
1242s just really like the spectre because of
1244s the yeah I just really like the spectre
1251s banette it's because we added to that
1253s like I'm like the kind of person and I
1255s have this with like mm a lot of things
1258s like food if I find something that I
1260s really like you'll see me ordering the
1261s same thing Pizza wine for me every week
1264s because it's nice and I'm like I like
1267s this so I stick with it and I do the
1269s same thing with weapons it was a great
1270s idea our Smiths I saw you guys joining
1273s earlier that with I'll say hey yeah
1278s what's up that when they we added the
1283s specter bayonet I was like oh my god
1286s fresh meat what is fresh meat like
1289s they'll be badass hunters okay they'll
1292s be they'll be cool
1299s the dog is asleep when you please send
1301s help okay you get the dog to us and I
1303s will pet the dog and it will be fine
1310s exactly that's you I think it is a very
1312s sexy weapon mm-hmm the spectre bayonet
1315s is a sexy weapon oh look at that my
1325s favorite time of day
1326s date lights hmm I mean now they light up
1330s :
1332s because this to me is daylight it looks
1334s like a nice day
1335s golden always are like daytime date
1338s always reminds me of like bad weather
1341s and when I don't want to go outside okay
1347s let's go straight hey I have one matches
1356s okay don't don't be mean
1363s oh my god biter goes the head sorry dog
1373s oh my god do you see the maggots you
1378s actually never saw that part
1380s oh wow I did not see those crews soon
1388s huh I was like reading jet-like Mary man
1391s I know right it's like close to summer
1394s evening you know where you know the
1395s day's gonna end and it's nice and warm
1398s outside oh my god another eye well that
1403s was unnecessary that okay oh I heard I
1411s ignite or something exploding yeah oh
1419s nice
1420s and that was it because I don't see the
1423s glue growing anymore where did you kill
1429s the guy
1430s oh great the same bees
1443s oh my god you're so like Dorothy now I
1448s am they got nice nice pickup there bud
1456s okay what's ago Wes you're somebody I
1463s guess the reason that chalk guns are
1485s buffed is also to make them more
1487s realistic cuz shotguns actually like
1489s have about like
1490s I think it's 45 meter range still to be
1494s very effective making I get Dennis to
1504s explain again why for the people they're
1507s not otherwise I would recommend you
1508s watch the developer last ring that we
1512s did for 5.0 in a grunt apocalypse or a
1519s good wetter to kill other hunters you
1522s know gonna after this we just crack open
1525s a cold one with the voice
1529s and have a relaxed time I mean I'm all
1535s up for it you sure about that that
1541s doesn't make you feel like a nice nice
1543s cold beer afterwards after hard work no
1554s no I was just replying to someone on
1557s YouTube I we have like multiple jets so
1559s I'm replied to whatever I see when I
1561s look at it oh my god yeah we're working
1581s on the roadmap update right now
1596s with a nice line oh yeah oh yeah yeah
1605s yeah you can take the next one right I'm
1618s all about the cherry scary you know Oh
1622s shots sir I would like to report a
1632s cheering that's on fire yeah I'm
1639s surprised I've seen any emulators yet
1641s now I think I mean I would like to see
1660s an emulator though it's in the late 1800
1666s cm
1669s indeed indeed hey Mikey oh yeah see I
1687s asked and true slowly receive I got
1689s blood damage it's fine
1696s Emily oh he's coming don't you wait to
1718s pounce way too fast
1719s oh my god I was not ready for this
1727s I was all ready for this
1733s I don't know where they're coming from
1737s I'm just throwing things through and
1743s free oh god no dogs
1747s maybe if I brown around like oh my god
1753s they're shots of every side can you like
1755s not be dead they're all I what was like
1766s to fight it
1767s Emily where did they go did you think
1777s I'm still alive I mean it they have to
1779s know right don't die don't die dog die
1794s dog die okay you're fine I just have no
1800s idea where they went and I think there
1802s was shots from behind us whoa do they
1806s heard like it okay but why didn't they
1813s come and finish me off I don't get it
1817s well now they do see me at least they're
1820s trying to oh my god that was not okay
1831s they just like one shot me in the head
1843s just act like you're not there and it
1844s just might think there's one person only
1846s and then you revive me in like 20
1848s minutes
1856s panics
1861s how how they're not chasing us kind of
1864s strange I do a follow-up
1880s no no the bush isn't a huge disaffection
1886s does chocolate matter no matter of
1887s headshot that or not oh oh no it's the
1893s dots yeah I don't know I mean I assume
1896s so yeah yeah where's me oh my god that
1912s crack the nut crack okay please please
1924s please please
1924s oh my god what's the one that killed you
1929s the same as me it was he like a tent and
1932s mystique oh we know I want it then it
1937s has to be the other there were more
1939s hunters then the I was a position
1950s I was interesting there were more than
1957s two no I didn't get killed by moose and
1960s I got killed by precision my god yeah
1966s mine too
1967s oh yeah but that was interesting I feel
1975s like the item b3 or he'd like just took
1977s the free hunter then I guess
1983s I mean I can go for that let me see I
1991s kind of kind of kind of kind of cut that
1992s want to switch it up and take weapons
1995s and I don't normally take Navy
2021s seen this guys I kind of wish I had too
2023s huh
2024s but I correctly got killed you remember
2026s fire are you we're still reviving so
2028s yeah yeah we're worried that they fit
2037s and video highlights it's not working
2038s we're working on fixing it
2046s to change your steam name to Crytek ttv
2051s so people see where I'm streaming at no
2053s I'm not like that
2054s I end up that life I ain't not about
2058s that life
2058s Wow or it's hard how do I speak them I
2062s ain't about that life life life life
2077s yeah a diversion so everybody's is also
2079s something we're working on I know we
2081s have done the stuff for the South
2083s American servers but we're also working
2087s as we've gathered feedback from that and
2089s we've seen that most of the people had
2092s not increased or like technically the
2095s first fps
2098s no not FPS Bing Wow words English and
2106s that's why we're probably gonna revert
2111s it so South Americans say it's the same
2113s as it was before we don't have any plans
2117s for ray tracing for hunt mojo so rude
2124s why you have to be mad it's on the game
2128s I'm the community manager yeah
2139s I think you lijo know we don't have a
2156s specific release date but we're coming
2158s in spring so just how long spring can be
2162s we'll see but no exact release date yet
2172s spring has sprung okay I'm taking the
2176s Brahe a mess mace or breast mace what
2181s other word is hard to pronounce I just
2182s realized that a brass mace and the
2189s hatchet I never really used to hatch it
2192s at all but Anna pets and you got a nice
2202s red scarf around your that's
2207s it's cold Oh see see I knew I knew this
2216s I took this one for a reason I'm gonna
2218s kill this guy
2219s oh my god that's running to you was it
2226s diversion I knees down bird man is dead
2234s okay when it's ready we're working on
2245s the row memory now so you can see that
2251s but the third boss is coming and when
2254s the season comes us when it's ready
2275s the disconnect problem should now be
2277s fixed with these updates so if you still
2280s have to disconnect problem please kind
2283s of contact with the people in their
2284s discord I'm not sure why I'm not going
2286s for the coil and I'm just running around
2287s I don't know where that came from but if
2291s you still have it let us know on the
2293s discord and we can you know gather your
2295s logs to help us with it because it
2299s should be fixed with the update that we
2300s did today yesterday I lost a concept of
2306s time ok there we go
2319s Oh God
2323s mommy I don't want to sacrifice yourself
2329s do it for the greater good that feels so
2338s much more painful to me doing that to a
2340s horse with the mace rather than yeah the
2346s clogging is siliceous it just feels more
2348s cruel than just like stabbing it it's
2352s like it's a single clean snap but like
2354s clubbing it's death it's just something
2356s wrong about that I feel like a monster
2359s oh yeah the eyebrows but that in sync
2375s Alma's
2383s okay let's see
2389s well we would like stormy weather we
2391s don't have any plans for it right now
2393s because it's like it would be very hard
2396s to implement and to make it like
2397s especially because story weather has
2399s like a lot of noise and because sound is
2402s super important in our game it would be
2404s it would be problematic for like
2406s listening to things that'll be a
2409s challenge yeah I feel bad about the
2413s horses to be like clubbing them is even
2415s worse than just like stabbing them it's
2417s just oh there was something got
2420s wrenching about that
2441s yeah we have we have changed the South
2445s America started to have both Miami and
2447s Brazil now but we gather feedback and it
2451s seems that it hasn't like helped people
2453s because leg the weight voice is like a
2455s lot of ice bees or like some ISPs
2457s reroute through Miami so that should
2460s help them but so far we've gotten a lot
2463s of feedback that people did not seem to
2465s have any improvements from that so we're
2467s gonna work on that right now to see what
2470s the best course is and Ida refer it back
2473s to south african american before all you
2477s mean south america african servers
2479s because we don't have any plans for
2482s those right now oh my god yeah i'm
2507s scared
2514s that doesn't make noise at all clang
2517s clang clang clang a lower come in okay
2532s that's one
2545s mommy oh my god that's are you right
2559s the door
2585s I don't know it sure if I can walk
2594s through there I see him running there
2616s yeah oh god no yeah I mean come on after
2627s my why would anyone use that weapons I
2630s mean yeah I mean there's definitely
2638s extremists so we went invite more like
2640s we had literally just event was like
2643s we're gonna try this event right now and
2645s there's still so many concentrators we
2647s want to invite for it for sure like next
2651s time we'll definitely do that with the
2653s after my yeah there was
2664s yeah the thing is I was thinking of
2666s throwing the what was sarcasm I was
2674s thinking about throwing the concertina
2676s but I thought maybe I'll wait maybe I
2681s should have waited
2691s I personally am NOT a fan of the Ottoman
2696s I personally wish that people played
2698s something that did one show people it
2701s like I mean it's my personal preference
2704s I never play every with nassima I know
2708s why I just never do it it's not my type
2713s weapon it's not my jam if you know what
2716s I'm talking about
2717s it's just not my job never been offended
2744s I mean some people like playing with it
2748s right so it's like it's very subjective
2750s it's like whatever
2751s everyone for friends like their weapons
2753s that I flew it a lot of people wouldn't
2755s enjoy as much as I do for example I'm
2758s the comedian manager
2777s okay let's do this
2792s Oh awesome said
2796s how do you like the emulator I mean it's
2811s still a lot of money I mean I definitely
2812s think that's fine I it's like I mean I
2815s like I personally just I don't know I
2817s never see the appeal for myself to take
2820s an after mile because it's like I don't
2824s know I just like weapons that are like
2828s not like that help it sleep always very
2832s particularly like which weapons I want
2834s to use it's like always the same I try
2836s to stick with like very similar weapons
2840s but yeah
2856s hey so what's up yeah it does as well
2861s it does blowed I'm a waiter night recon
2865s streams in German because we don't
2868s always speak German I mean if I can
2870s claim you should German but we have a
2872s lot of people that are not German
2874s working here so very we're an
2876s international company in like that's why
2878s we have the movies in English ah awesome
2884s yeah yeah if you you could do that Drake
2886s that's perfect
2887s if you have to play it already today let
2889s me know after the date Elise for a
2895s disconnect
2904s yes a death-row is always funny cuz like
2906s we always hear things that are everyone
2909s finds different weapons annoying or like
2912s hard to play against like I know people
2915s that don't like playing against the
2917s debris like that don't like playing us
2922s the aftermath people have issues with
2924s shotguns P provision saying that the
2926s wind field is like too spammy or etc
2929s cetera so it is very oh I don't have any
2934s now it's your turn you take him now I
2950s couldn't help myself I was like I had to
2956s stabby stabby okay let's do this oh I
2962s keep forgetting that I should not walk
2964s through a thread wire and I learn all
2968s the yeah okay let me quickly change one
2977s thing I think it's a VZ
2999s oh my god why am I not oh I almost
3015s wanted to shoot you nothing personal but
3019s I always wanted to should you yes
3040s definitely definitely
3043s I might lay some traps oh my god my
3047s tummy is growling why am I always hungry
3049s whenever did this stream is up it's like
3054s if it's for me then or like the gameplay
3057s light streams or like any of the streams
3058s I'm always like I'm so hungry oh my god
3060s hi my ammo that wasn't steak
3079s yeah we're working on the roadmap right
3081s now I you'll get an update this week are
3090s we just gonna go for it it's here right
3092s oh no it's not do we just go for like
3098s the the spider then or wait wait wait uh
3106s looks almost like somebody threw
3108s something at me oh that was squash cuz I
3118s had nowhere
3135s if you have a bug please report it
3137s through our CS portals like you can do
3141s that on channel coyopa to come and then
3143s we can take a look at it
3179s okay I mean we could go for the spider
3183s first if you want
3192s yeah okay that's true
3200s I'm confused now someone is like there's
3208s a book with the entrance of the board
3209s and I'm I don't know what you mean like
3211s if you can make a clip of it alcohol
3215s I'll see oh sure sure I am so sorry at
3218s that mess up hmm oh yes sick you need
3232s healing
3238s do you think you'll go for the butcher
3240s store
3241s oh god this am you later as well
3245s yeah not here I'm not here I'm not here
3247s I'm not here I'm not here mother I do
3252s not exist
3262s just keep running even um are you okay
3271s oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah I
3294s might just heal myself manually wait
3297s hurry close now
3309s but it's actually hoping to get like do
3312s we go for butch or do we go for Spyder
3315s oh let's go now cuz it seems that they
3320s go for butcher as well let's just go
3322s over two tracks hello hi dad what's up
3340s you know me get triggered brave it so
3344s the butcher oh whoops I was thinking
3350s that it was reversed for sir oh no I was
3365s convinced that we're going to the one
3368s that we didn't have yet and apparently
3373s we words
3392s nobody will see ipoed do you know what
3395s you just think you should just think
3398s you're better than now my body is
3399s burning you should just think I'm better
3401s than them I don't care if they want to
3403s be you know the weak ones let's take the
3406s aftermath to win you don't comply with
3409s that and you just killed them no matter
3411s what
3414s nice I'm dying no but it's fine
3421s he died too it's okay I know I was
3429s actually still with two bars that was
3430s pretty good
3444s just get-get exactly
3446s hey Matt waffles okay I got it
3456s gotta step my game up I mean that's
3465s technically almost my loadout uh I'm
3469s also see
3485s autistics bounciness Dale
3504s okay
3514s and Donny Oh Anatoly well why did I
3519s Scientology
3527s well you can report it if you go to
3530s hunter under koco.com
3542s bam bam bam I wish I could message
3546s someone to bring me some food I just got
3550s an invitation for endgame
3565s oh wait I'm not ready to yeah that Thank
3576s You chickie hmm this boy that's so it
3595s breaks me food right now here's like a
3597s snack or something but then I would have
3600s to take my braces out and I would seem
3601s very nice for you guys on the stream so
3605s I'm not going to yeah why where's your
3613s avatar on Steam actually yeah mmm he
3631s just doesn't want one yeah
3636s starvin Marvin I know I always get so
3638s hungry I have hope apples in upstairs
3645s yeah
3660s it's actually curious cuz like I'm
3664s actually interested in the fact like
3666s what if you fight like a real war or
3668s you're like going out in real life
3670s oh my god he's having a seizure
3674s what about you know when you would
3677s encounter someone who would fight with
3679s different weapons like in real life
3680s weapons would not be balanced I to rate
3682s like completely balanced obviously for
3684s the sake of a game we have to balance
3685s stuff but we do still want to create a
3688s more like realistic approach that's why
3692s the recent shotguns got ballot or like
3694s buffed was because shotguns in real life
3699s are just really out people on our left
3702s really really really strong and they
3705s don't follow up damage that much that
3710s was to her left or was at Aris yeah but
3714s it was not us right okay oh my god Matt
3721s saw me
3732s there we go
3741s there's definitely gotta people you
3743s people around somewhere yeah I think I
3754s know where they are why do i jinxed my
3759s life it's just every time like this oh
3762s yeah I seem right why am I always like
3770s this
3775s come on show them who's boss oh my god
3778s you mean shot from both sides no every
3792s time why I need to stop chasing lifes
3798s gosh darn it I knew it I knew would I do
3803s it I do you're supposed to look while
3809s you're hiding I mean I can't see you
3811s from finding right oh my god I hope you
3829s guys don't hear my stomach it's awkward
3832s it is kinda awkward okay let me just try
3841s I'm just gonna go in with this Wonder
3843s I'm just gonna give him a knife just
3845s gonna go something completely else and
3850s also some house obviously I haven't
3852s played with a
3855s these weapons a lot might be an idea you
3860s know something new huh yeah exactly
3868s I'm so hungry
3872s the straight goose reason not dropping
3875s any frames right now so it could be
3877s Aaron
3888s no it would not be renting a private
3891s server and I highly doubt that I highly
3899s done it I mean like I don't know exactly
3901s but like I doubt that I'll de 5.0 cos
3916s like we have optimized warrant in 5.0
3918s and in 4.5 4.2 but that's why I'm very
3930s curious if they can report if they
3931s actually have optimization problems cos
3935s so far we haven't seen any any issues
3939s reacting or like replying to that
3968s we have no details about console yet you
3980s still get two oh are you one of the
3981s people that I've been getting started
3982s for a while because there's I know
3983s there's one starter that was so
3985s investigating that for some reason only
3988s happens to like a very very very rare
3990s amount of people and it's it's a very
3993s hard to find like Sodor I don't know why
3996s but we've been looking into it for a
3998s while now when I don't know yet but it
4009s is something that we want to have for
4010s sure when will the game compensate for
4015s my terrible age when it compensates her
4018s mind yeah Denise II should be resolved
4025s with this updated we did yesterday the
4027s patch so definitely try it and let us
4030s know if you DC
4035s I don't know I mean I personally I
4046s definitely don't think like I mean I
4048s personally if I talked about God's and
4051s lobbies what I would like to see I would
4053s have the option to you know like have it
4056s so you can like play with either melee
4058s only or like some weapons but I highly
4060s doubt it's gonna be maybe in the far far
4063s future but that you can tweak weapon
4064s damage like that would be so detailed
4068s and then that would take a lot of time
4069s to you know implement and do and I don't
4071s think we want that I don't like give
4075s that much freedom but it would be cool
4077s if you can like say like spawn you know
4080s or have more certain AI or but that's
4083s also already like pretty advanced like
4089s but yeah I don't I honestly don't know
4093s yet oh this is so weird
4096s playing with a Winfield
4120s and somebody stop my body to crowd and
4132s great I am embracing it
4134s it does feel weird though because I
4136s haven't played it in forever it is it's
4142s really strange
4156s yeah ml on ya weary the burn in the bees
4186s I mean I get their point as well like I
4192s get I get that you're upset about some
4195s things but like maybe this dream is not
4197s the best way to discuss it like you were
4199s free to like come discuss it to us in a
4201s discord for example I can imagine that
4203s people that are watching a stream like
4205s don't like hearing negative constant
4208s comments all the time as much as it's
4210s like an opinion obviously
4217s excu who's on me I need the rain tried
4231s to stamina yeah my summon far away as
4249s well
4273s oh that's not you right finding the
4277s armor I was like did the phone just go
4282s off am I going crazy oh my god yeah I
4305s thought I thought I heard someone kill
4307s the kill yeah yeah I don't know that was
4331s really
4335s get out of the way yeah it was I'm just
4341s confused was like I swear to God I
4342s thought I heard someone kill an armored
4344s like above where we killed where we got
4347s the second blue and oh I don't have any
4351s ones it's it's all you buddy
4364s poor guy
4367s bye please let's stop the discussion
4376s again let's just talk about something
4378s else I'll be nice thank you
4402s my heart pineapple pizza is great I eat
4429s it all the time
4434s beats ROI is beautiful and everyone
4439s should love it you should message the
4446s one who banned you because that's
4448s outside of my if you've been banned for
4450s a reason then it's best to reach out to
4452s that moderator that oh my god
4456s oh my god oh yeah
4475s that seems like a pretty fair ban after
4478s you already had a warning so yeah but
4480s that's not the place to discuss it here
4482s so as of that please contact I thought
4493s you were an emulator for a second
4510s what is that got a I was like trying to
4514s see like okay there there get him in
4516s right position diam a diam that was down
4522s yeah I um I've been hacked up so many
4529s times a day
4545s yeah I know I was tricked
4549s I'm so bad like seeing I'm just blind
4555s this is why me running up to people's
4558s much better okay we'll do one more and
4560s then we've suffered enough shall we go
4566s with this random guy we're just gonna go
4570s random random random room
4571s I do want help if I can even use it I
4574s know get a headshot before that happens
4578s to me
4605s there are less contacts on servers that
4607s are less populated so it's for very
4609s server region
4625s what is our with the partner Serge
4638s yeah but that's free lower and lower
4640s service half that it's not on all
4642s service where you have all the surveys
4659s ha look it's not a Decker what do you
4662s want about enjoy yesterday Oh have a
4666s good one
4686s I have to check can you please sign it
4689s to mute discord if that's a book that we
4693s know I'm not I haven't heard it before
4697s also key guys soft talk about food now I
4700s really want a pizza or anything actually
4702s a steak can I get a steak I'm all for
4705s steak or hamburger I started a fight I
4716s am really gonna I'm definitely gonna
4719s order we get so I get out I feel so bad
4721s if ordered so many pizzas lately it's
4724s like I literally live on pizza it's
4727s actually pretty bad
4729s I'm like kinda ashamed of myself just
4733s kinda know cuz I do taste really good
4736s I also get shot it's really good there
4741s I'm glad I'm really glad Oh
4745s oh this but wait there's more
4751s I need I need help it we're like two in
4758s a row two twin brothers Oh God are you
4765s watching my four-year-old videos that's
4768s kind of creepy what are we doing okay
4793s okay let's go have it get one hot dogger
4800s and seal it up oh oh yeah shall I try to
4807s hit them never gonna work its way to
4812s fire just have a headache
4815s looking at him so far I mean do we want
4824s to just go and chase for a lull for now
4831s yeah let's just get let's get the flu
4839s and huh nicely we can grab the next clue
4849s and then twice
4870s DC oh that's probably why I hear the
4878s boys right there do it oh yeah yeah that
4895s was much I can do I think I hit him once
4897s and then I just like you know
4903s ah on the right of you kinda left of you
4918s yeah yeah yeah
4922s daddy killer come on man you're better
4925s than this I would like to publicly show
4928s you the tele killer isn't after that
4930s player and they're not support that
4933s choice you've all said it could have
4943s been someone's pony or a pony my little
4946s pony okay what I'll do is I'll try one
4950s quick play map yeah I think that may be
4956s a fitting end to today ah I just gonna
4962s go random I select the route of my
4965s thought nope hmm I like him
4976s go
4983s it's his first time to reach level 100
4989s there right although I do really like
4997s daytime less than I like golden golden
5000s to me it's just a nice sweater a daytime
5002s it's like it reminds me too much of the
5004s winter I have in the Netherlands it's
5006s like it can bring any moment it's sort
5009s of grayish blue it's blue but there's a
5011s lot of clouds it's like that though
5014s that's sweet Dutch summer this week will
5017s get every right updating a road map
5036s Falls map with charlie is my bread and
5039s butter
5049s bam bam
5073s the all-weather gun ah thank you a game
5087s five nights maps in a row exactly at
5092s right you understand me
5094s it is definitely that wetter it's like
5095s you think it's summer but it's not
5097s really summer it's like the fake summer
5099s this summer that they tell you it's like
5102s what people think me well how does
5105s sameen go but people think I am people
5107s when I'm really am it's like well people
5109s thinking I'm nice wetter than it's
5110s really I'm it's like just right
5113s essentially in rain okay we got again
5124s and we're gonna go close rifts and
5126s hopefully win but
5136s oh my god why are people looking for
5138s that dad make it go away I make it stop
5143s I mean I hope that in like four years I
5145s just know grow up the stuff but why are
5152s people doing that
5161s I was closest right yeah yeah new boss
5176s is coming you're working on a new boss
5180s I'm very curious what you guys think
5183s about it
5194s poverty so much noise
5205s Shh
5206s gee horsey horsey
5216s oh my god that feeling when I already
5253s don't like the fact that there's
5254s definitely gonna be people aren't I'm
5255s definitely gonna die
5262s oh god oh god I got it leave me alone oh
5269s my god I stopped no I know I've been
5275s surrounded by the fat worms them thick
5281s worms I don't want to be here I'm gonna
5284s be here I am honestly surprised that
5290s nobody ever came for me yeah it's not a
5307s werewolf
5321s my phone is going off I am so done to
5325s defeat citizen hey I did it
5327s okay someone tell me that I should not
5332s it's up there oh I'm just saying are
5345s they just didn't pick it up
5371s there's definitely someone left of me
5386s just have more dogs look very nice
5398s that's pretty good freakin who needs
5403s stop now when you can blow things up all
5405s right put it on fire
5413s I was so focused I got a good working
5439s height that I got why does this always
5446s happen to me I just like I'm gonna take
5453s my time I'm quiet I'm not making any
5456s noise and then I'm just gonna aim for
5460s the head and then someone else I've been
5463s head shoulder today like at least four
5465s times never so I know I was like I was
5474s like nobody it's not making sound but
5479s I'm sorry I'll agree go fail yeah it is
5486s a performance happy for sure it's racing
5488s but
5493s he tries to make me feel worse
5495s clever I see hi see you climber moto but
5501s that means I'm gonna call it for its day
5504s stream I want to thank you guys so much
5506s for hanging out with us and watching me
5510s die repeatedly this person's just
5513s standing on top of my body
5514s he's killing everyone everyone I am I'm
5522s just excited to go get some food I'm
5524s really hungry really eating my three
5532s dinos boom oh I'm like dynamite I'm of
5537s the ground staring at the sky no as a
5544s boy water I'll buy my own pizza so fine
5548s but thank you guys so much
5550s I'll be back I don't know when I'm not
5554s sure if we have a storm on Thursday but
5556s the Crytek or the road map will be
5558s updated this week I will have more
5561s details about that soon and yeah I hope
5566s you have a wonderful rest of your
5567s evening
5568s thank you guys so much for watching and
5569s we'll see you instead have a good day
5580s oh my god I am so hungry oh that's the
5586s wrong mute