4 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

14s Hello.
14s I'm Dennis Schwartz, Design Director for Hunt: Showdown 1896.
17s Today I'm excited to share more info about our next update.
20s Post Malone's Murder Circus
21s the latest in-game event coming to Hunt on December 12th, 2024.
25s This is our biggest event ever and we are so excited to show you
28s what's in store.
33s First off,
33s we are thrilled to be collaborating with artist and Hunt superfan Post Malone.
37s As a core Hunt player himself, Post Malone brought and inspired
40s tons of ideas and feedback on unique themes and equipment.
43s Players will see him featured as the Deposed King and Ringmaster of the Murder Circus,
47s a deadly carnival that once operated under his control
50s but now runs rampant under
52s the influence of a corrupted artifact called the Helios Stone.
55s This event brings in a new circus themed compound,
58s stunning new weapons, traits, other gameplay activities, and more.
61s We also welcome Ursa Mortis,
63s a massive, bloodthirsty bear who defends the carnival from intruders.
71s The new Murder Circus compounds
72s will be present across various locations on our maps in Bounty Hunt.
76s Hunters can explore the circus ring, surrounding booths,
79s and spend their Pledge Marks on exclusive sealed rewards and equipment.
82s A unique addition is the mysterious fortune teller machine.
85s Here, you can use Pledge Marks to let fate decide on random traits
88s or other rare rewards you'll receive.
89s These fortune teller machines will appear in the Murder Circus compounds,
92s as well as randomly at supply points.
94s Many grunts that roam the world during the event will be members of the circus
98s running around with a murderous laughs and freaky costumes.
101s Hunting them down will yield extra event points.
106s To make the circus even more exciting.
108s We have a new monster coming!
109s Say hello to Ursa mortis, a two headed bear who can smell nearby
113s bleeding hunters in the charge of them in a frenzy or attack with a lethal roar.
117s Slay the monster for a good chance of getting a free trait.
123s You'll be
123s able to borrow your hunters allegiance to one of three factions known as "Troupes".
127s The pledge boxes are found at the circus compound, or supply points.
130s When you pledge to a Troupe, your Hunter will be rewarded with a first trait
134s to be granted your Troupe. Second trait.
135s You can further deepen your vow by pledging again for a few Pledge Marks.
139s To earn Pledge Marks, players collect event points
142s to receive one Pledge Mark for every 25 points collected.
145s Hunters can also now hold up to nine Pledge Marks, with some sealed rewards costs
149s having been adjusted around this.
150s Furthermore, as a twist,
152s it is now possible to loot Pledge Marks from enemy Hunters.
155s Don't hold onto them for too long.
156s The Trickshooter Troupe, is
157s focus on the mastery of weapons and tools and features two traits. Blademancer,
161s which allows you to retrieve nearby launched blades via Dark Sight,
164s and Crack Shot, which slightly reduces your weapons spread and recoil.
168s The Mystic Troupe channels Dark Sight to misdirect
170s and confuse their enemies, and track them with every noise they make.
173s The traits you gain by pledging to this Troupe are Poltergeist,
176s which allows you to manipulate nearby doors, windows, and other interactions,
180s and Blast Sense, which allows you to see gunshots and explosions in Dark Sight.
184s The Ringmaster Troupe is centered around the circus's Ringmaster,
187s putting on a show with spectacle and mind tricks.
190s The traits you'll gain by pledging to this Troupe are Shadow Crush,
192s which allows you to wound and kill monsters via Dark Sight, and Corpse Seer,
196s which grants you a second of Dark Sight Boost for every looted hunter.
199s Speaking of which,
200s while it is now possible for hunters to obtain Dark Sight Boost
203s even without carrying a bounty token, the location
205s where the Dark Sight Boost was gained will be shown on a map with a scorch mark.
209s Every time a Hunter receives it.
211s Another quality of life change with this update
213s is that players can now choose when to activate their Dark Sight Boost.
216s This allows players to conserve this precious resource much more easily.
220s A legacy option where it starts to burn the moment you enter Dark Sight
223s will still remain for those who prefer it.
228s One of the coolest
229s elements of Post Malone's Murder Cricus is the new weapon, the Shredder.
233s It's a fast firing, powerful, sawblade launcher which can only be obtained
236s from the circus tent by spending Pledge Marks. It fires
239s both saw blades and frag-blades
242s Only one Shredder appears in the circus tent
243s per mission so keep an eye out for your opportunity to grab one.
247s The saw blades are able to bounce off hard surfaces and around corners,
250s and are etched with runes
251s to give the potential to ricochet in the direction of nearby enemies.
255s Frag-blades burst into lethal sharpnel, in a few seconds after launch and cannot
258s be retrieved.
259s The Shredder will only be available during Post Malone's Murder Circus
262s and will disappear once the event has ended.
266s Of course, no event is complete without new rewards,
269s and with Post Malone's Murder Circus, we are bringing in some awesome
271s circus themed prizes designed to surprise and delight any Hunter out there.
275s We've also got some awesome Hunters up for grabs this event,
277s including the ringmaster himself, Post Malone,
280s as well as other themed Hunters like Chum and Winky.
283s Here's a little sneak peek of some of the weapon skins you can expect.
286s First, we have the Marble Saw, a terminal shotgun.
289s Next, we have the Lap of Luxury, an 1865 carbine.
293s And lastly, we have Fate's Friend a Centennial Pointman,
297s as well as all new weapons and equipment you can first try out during the event.
301s Cho Ko Nu
304s Krag silencer.
306s Subsonic bullets.
308s Sparks Pistol Silencer.
311s Recovery Shot
313s 1865 Carbine Aperture
315s Maynard Sniper Silencer
318s New Trait:
319s Fast Fingers.
323s That's all for now,
324s Hunters, we are so excited to bring such a unique event to you, and we look forward
328s to seeing you in the death tent of Post Malone's Murder Circus.