almost 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
13s [Music]
24s have you wasn't love home singers have
32s you washed in blood
35s temptation will lead you lead you astray
41s get your gun get your knife lace your
44s boots today's the day
48s Oh sinners have you started
54s Oh have you started
62s it's eternal damnation lest you wash get
70s your gun get your knife place your purse
73s the time has come
76s [Music]
85s [Music]
92s and a little ouch
96s his prisons on fire
99s and
103s we all wanna freedom nachos too
108s Breakstone get your gun get your knife
113s lace your boots
114s send
117s I'll be soon
120s all of my name's
122s [Music]
124s he'll be seen
128s my
130s oh Jesus he's left us alone
137s get your car get your night place your
141s place
144s [Music]
156s [Music]
158s keep that gun
166s Oh
172s get children get your night they show us
179s get your got it
184s [Music]
194s [Music]
202s [Music]
213s have you was
220s have you washed in blood
224s temptation will lead you lead you astray
231s get your gun get your knife place your
234s boobs
235s today's the day
237s Oh sinners have you started
243s Oh have you started
251s it's eternal damnation less you wash
258s get your gun get your knife lace your
261s boobs the time has come
265s [Music]
274s [Music]
281s and a little much his prisons on fire
292s we all wanna freedom I chose to break
297s stone get your gun get your knife lace
302s your boots
306s I'll be soon
309s Oh
313s how do you see
316s Oh
320s to Jesus he's lived a slow
327s get your gun into an eye place your boys
333s [Music]
345s [Music]
347s keep that gun
356s a loose
361s it should come get your knife they show
364s us a fight
368s yet you're gonna turn
372s we
373s [Music]
375s oh hello we are here for the surprise
383s stream who would have thought we're
386s gonna talk about but wait there's more
390s do cold today well I'm sort of like
393s hearing it that's a bit cozy cuz we had
396s lots of videos to show you and it's just
397s easier with the computer and like now we
399s can show you even more cool stuff that
401s we know how to use feel see properly
403s hahaha
404s but yeah we're gonna talk about some
406s other additional stuff that is not
409s talked about before and we got actually
412s quite some stuff still surprisingly you
414s know and we also got two gentlemen here
417s we get Sven and we got Dennis you guys
421s have curious treats yeah I think but
434s okay I guess we're just gonna dive into
436s the but wait there's more yeah Holly for
439s live stream for 1.0 and let's just go
443s into the content yeah so basically I
445s mean we've had a couple of streams this
446s is like stream of five now mistakin yeah
450s so we've covered koala things some some
453s of them being quite a surprise like last
455s week's teams of three announcement so we
459s have a couple more things and now we're
461s gonna have two to three yes yes yes we
465s do
466s so what we want to talk about today is
468s basically just a number of smaller
471s topics but also important topics that we
474s haven't really found like the room to
475s kind of like squeeze into the other
476s streams and like to not have like one
478s which lasts another 2.5 hours we kind of
481s separate them a little bit so today is
483s more about like the tertiary layer of
486s new features and it's it's quite a lot
489s of things that have come together so I
491s think the work improvers like change
493s lock that we've kind of comes out
494s compiling and putting together and this
495s has been like around 26 pages below 26
499s pages if you export it to Word document
500s just like unstructured obviously but
502s there's a lot of stuff what we have yeah
506s I mean obvious it's the biggest yep yep
510s so let's get started let's show a little
513s bit more what in store
515s yeah I mean go ahead the new tutorial
518s yeah so with 1.0 we are doing yet
523s another update on the tutorial as you
524s remember with 6.0 we already have
526s improved the tour quite a bit as well
527s already like the way people are being
530s eased into the game and in the
531s contextual hints making sure that it's
532s like new players just find finds like
535s their footing of it easier and just have
537s a step into the game without too much
539s trouble and we thought we can do even
541s better and we did hopefully so take it
544s away so yeah I mean what we I mean
546s obviously the onboarding was always a
548s problem in our environment right you
550s have to get familiar with the controls
552s there was we have different types of AI
555s different types of challenges then on
558s top the AI and I mean each AI type is
561s kind of tricky to handle and then the
562s other players on top right I mean even
565s the low skill player bracket there yeah
569s there is a chance of encountering other
570s players which makes the entire
572s onboarding experience really complicated
575s right and we streamline we streamlined
578s that and said okay let's do a trust
581s offline you're playing alone that's all
583s you can focus yourself on the on the on
586s boarding on learning or learning on
588s learning getting familiar with the
590s weapons controls the mission flow itself
592s right and yeah that was I think I mean
596s great achievement right getting that
598s nailed so the first step that we have to
599s know is that we actually have an offline
601s tutorial let's take away here I mean it
603s is actually funny cuz I do so quite a
605s lot of people that like we're playing
606s for a while and they were like I
607s prestige too and I didn't even know I
609s can do out dog aim down sight with this
611s button come happen alright so but let's
615s let's maybe break this onload they're
617s like what does a new tutorial actually
618s include maybe let's start with the first
620s step yeah I mean first step is I mean
622s that you you don't have to recruit a
625s hunter anymore right you pick out of one
628s out of four pre-defined classes right
632s the Vinny guide short-range guide and
635s the cross-hall class silencer guy the
639s silencer guy right and you already have
642s a pre equipped hunter right and you just
643s picked the class and you start
645s straightaway yeah what you can see
647s there's like there's like a knife
649s there's medkits make sure there's a
652s couple exactly there's a couple of
653s traits that usually are are traits that
655s help you survive is you can see I with
658s bleeding poison etcetera slowing this
660s exactly so we want to kind of kick start
663s to play a little bit into this by just
664s giving him something which is a bit
666s stronger than you're normally recruited
668s default under and obviously with the
670s tutorial and you have a chance to
671s explore this hunt and then post the
672s tutorial you also obviously have
674s training mode where the guy doesn't
675s instantly get killed if you lose around
677s two you up to a certain rank and
679s obviously these hundreds then give you a
681s much stronger fighting chance during
683s that time yeah so yeah as you start a
686s game basically for the first time this
687s is the screen you will see and it
689s requires you to choose your first hunter
691s that hunter is for free obviously and
692s from that point on you can complete the
696s tutorial or you can skip the tutorial so
703s the pawn point is we don't force anyone
704s to play tutorial but obviously tutorial
707s is very advantageous like we talked
709s about a little bit maybe what the
710s tutorial actually has different compared
712s to the regular play session so let's
714s assume we have started to play the
716s tutorial ok first of all you get a nice
719s loading screens right now we are
722s basically highlighting the important
724s they should be yes for starters right
726s that you know what you're you're hunting
729s right what you have to do within the
730s mission already while loading the map
732s that's I think the big change we moved
738s around ok so I mean obviously we are
743s start locating the target right killing
745s the target vanishing and extracting the
747s bounty token you can maybe there's a
748s vein beats get clean get clearly
750s communicated to to start just mean to
753s get to get their objective across right
755s where you have to do if you start a
757s measure then if you're in the mission oh
760s right so we basically thought well
764s let's focus on only on one part of the
767s map the problem is obviously on a 1k by
769s 1k map it's very complex right we have
772s complex structures like recur so and we
775s said let's restrict the area let's focus
779s on one area where we can streamline the
782s entire flow a little bit to learn well
786s it's easy to learn where you can easily
787s navigate right you have clear landmarks
790s and basically we spawn the players on it
796s still it's the random so it's not fully
799s scripted right there's still a system to
801s make this approach behind it it's the
803s mission as you know what base exactly so
805s even the spawn points are randomized the
807s extraction points are randomized but in
809s a controlled environment right we want
811s to we want to control the onboarding in
815s a way right so basically if I can I use
818s the cursor here which you will see so
819s whatever you see as a red zone this is
821s just not accessible so basically if you
824s if you would ever come to the corner
825s here to the border you would see what
827s you would see in quick play right it's
829s it's like the red the red the wall you
831s just can't go through this in this case
832s but without getting exactly it's just
834s it's just a border and make sure that
836s you kind of stay within the southwestern
838s half or like a quarter of the map and
840s gonna go systemically so from compound
843s to compound its own gray out based on
845s your taking your bounty and everything
847s else working it but there's more to the
850s map was like oh yeah I mean in addition
851s to that we thought I mean let's let's
855s rebalance it a little bit right yeah it
857s gets a bit easier right we removed
860s specific types of AI for example you
862s won't encounter a water devil right or a
865s high for Emily's challenge but yeah
872s basically we we rebalance the difficulty
875s for the fortitude
877s so rather we have more less AI oh yeah
883s and we basically controlling the types
886s of Mia it's also like the whole mission
888s as we mention before is an offline
889s mission and so so which means basically
891s you'll be definitely alone on that
893s mission
893s you won't be able to find out a place
894s what we'll be doing
895s past since we couldn't really do offline
897s play is that we we have to basically
900s give you a server and then whoever else
902s was also trying to go through a tutorial
904s it could end up in your same session but
906s only like those people so obviously
908s everybody would be very fresh at the
910s game but that doesn't stop them from
911s each killing like killing each other's
912s dough and possibly having a negative
914s impact on the tutorial now this has
915s changed so now you're completely offline
917s off - and you are in control of the
920s pacing you can you can basically explore
922s you can try to follow the mission
923s mission beads understand this and
924s therefore maybe have a better reliable
927s way of understanding what the mission
930s does from first to last step yeah
932s there's there's more to it though also
934s because misny we do we don't have to
936s wait for other players so we can take
937s control for example of the time it takes
939s to banish just shorten this for the
941s purpose of the tutorial because
942s obviously there's no one coming to
943s attack you so just to get the point
945s across and make sure that that you
948s cannot get easier through this
950s experience and learn yeah basically that
953s the ropes yeah and we control the
955s backtracking a little bit right by
957s putting the extraction points and
959s specific areas you have this pawn points
961s just to have a nice journey so if you
964s stop playing the game exactly so when
966s you come out of this tutorial though you
967s might ask yourself like okay well if
969s it's offline I mean can I somehow or
971s like founders can exploit this can I
973s like make all the money before ever play
975s like a regular mission no you can't so
979s basically what has happened how this
980s works is that we want to give you a
981s chance to also replay the tutorial we
983s want you to to kind of like decide when
985s you feel you're ready like before it was
987s kind of like this 1 2 3 rank 8 the type
989s of thing and we committed remove that so
992s you will not progress during the
993s tutorial you will not rank up to the
995s tutorial in a bigger way what we do
997s however is that the mission when you end
1000s it still gives you a score so it's gonna
1002s be some XP that's gonna be some stuff
1004s like it doesn't count against like the
1005s change and what's important here is that
1009s if you're not happy with the outcome of
1011s the tutorial like let's assume for
1012s example you still died maybe I got a
1015s lucky it on you good care could happen
1017s that's not the first time happens to the
1020s best of us then you can also just be
1023s playing it tutorial you can replay it
1024s over and over and over again however
1026s only
1027s the round you've played last so let's
1029s assume you've played a tune or five
1030s times only that last session is when you
1032s say okay confirm I want to continue now
1035s is what you get
1036s score wise like nothing before will be
1038s like capital or discarded so you can
1041s kind of kind of use the tutorial to play
1043s like for as long as you want until you
1045s feel confident that you want to move on
1047s because the moment you move on you
1049s instantly get your ego ranking which
1051s means you will match make with other
1052s players you instantly can play all the
1054s contracts quick play bounty hunt
1056s everything is available to you at Rank 1
1058s and you're now in the wild and obviously
1063s you're still obviously inside the
1065s training mode and the training mode is
1066s also receiving a bit of a change with
1068s this because before what we have to
1071s basically was that you would need to
1073s rely on the training mode to actually do
1076s the real understanding of the game now
1078s for that reason we kind of stretch it
1080s out to I think it was like ranked 15 so
1082s that the moment you reached rank 16 you
1083s would be out of that safe zone this has
1085s been adjust a little bit now so that we
1087s now have this is completely independent
1088s tutorial you can replay we said that the
1091s training mode is Turner gets reduced to
1094s the first ten rings so at rank 11 it's
1096s when basically you start losing your
1098s hunters and have all the regular rules
1100s apply to you but it still gives you this
1101s extended safety period one I'm curious
1105s kekeke start your money or XP by doing a
1107s tutorial um
1108s you certainly can you laughing but it
1113s will just be from that one session right
1115s yeah it's one bounty token you can
1116s extract and there's a bit of AI you
1118s confirm for XP obviously if you want but
1121s it's it's more meaningful to actually
1123s learn the mechanics rather than to like
1125s get the kick started into like your best
1127s money situation at the moment not
1131s something we actually want to consider
1133s moving forward post 1.0 that we might
1136s allow you to kind of like take advantage
1138s of this offline play for different
1140s things like maybe replaying the tutorial
1142s etc maybe testing your current hunter a
1144s little bit but it's all something we
1145s still need to formulate and see in what
1147s capacity does make sense at the moment
1148s the moment you skip the tutorial you
1150s finish the tutorial and say okay that's
1152s it that you can't go back basically it's
1154s a one time one boarding experience okay
1156s alright
1158s so tutorial backslide yeah
1168s so the problem spawning is the problem
1172s one of the biggest issues we have at the
1175s moment is that by definition people are
1178s entering the bu from the border from the
1181s edge and that means with like the amount
1184s of place we have in a game which
1186s recently got updated to two more we do
1190s have the issues of sometimes neighboring
1192s kana encountering each other rather
1194s early in the game yeah I think the I
1196s mean we have a system in place which is
1199s basically full randomization right
1201s everything is random the player spawns
1203s are random the extraction points are
1205s random to target locations are random to
1207s resupply stations random and sometimes
1209s we have weird setups right like I mean I
1212s mean having or a lot of teams in one
1214s corner right next to the target location
1217s which is not ideally I think everybody
1219s understands exactly so and if we thought
1225s we have to improve that right we still
1227s want to keep that unknown thing right
1230s that there are still the low chance of
1232s having the target nearby right now or
1235s having or having a neighbor or having a
1237s neighbor right but all I think is I mean
1239s it's quite obvious right here to improve
1241s the rules of propagating the players on
1243s the map right yes and what we did is I
1245s mean as we have basically two rules so
1249s one of the words is I mean evenly
1251s distributing the players that's for
1252s example you have first row tell the
1254s citizen no distributes the player across
1257s the maps that's one of the worst case
1258s scenarios already ten civil players
1260s right so the green rings was basically
1262s where people would spawn exactly so and
1265s the system tries to keep a neighbor free
1267s so obviously it still doesn't it doesn't
1271s always work right
1273s it's not as being set right there should
1276s be a random chance of having a neighbor
1278s right we don't want to ensure that that
1281s you and that you can rely on the having
1283s something you buy but there at least for
1287s ten players there's a high chance that
1289s you get into the first count on without
1290s encountering or what it could we just
1294s found this what we want it's just we
1295s wanted me to show that so it doesn't
1297s happen as a default yeah exactly
1299s so that's one system right distributing
1302s the players across the map having some
1307s space in between the other rule is
1309s trying to have no player spawns next to
1314s the target right which is the target the
1316s target area is highlighted there and it
1318s tries to keep the player spawns right
1320s next to the players to the target spawn
1323s free yeah right which means for ten
1325s players it already tries to squeeze all
1327s the other player spawns because we have
1329s 20 spawns on the map a bit closer
1332s together obviously then we have more
1334s problem of neighbors being occupied by a
1337s team right exactly that gets even more
1340s obvious with twelve players now if worst
1343s case if we have twelve solo players on
1346s the map right then obviously a lot of
1349s slots would be occupied but as a being
1351s set so around the target there won't be
1354s any any team yes so and that would
1358s obviously work for to target mission as
1360s well
1361s again that's one of those edge cases
1362s where could happen that it here the team
1366s is nearby that's exactly what we want to
1368s have right that unknown behavior of is
1371s could still happen right yeah I mean all
1373s of these examples obviously we kind of
1375s like took into account like the worst
1377s case scenario which is like lots of
1379s teams in the same session I mean for the
1381s most part where he will see is obviously
1383s teams are like doors or with a new
1385s update trios so that kind of means you
1387s have even more space that you can use
1389s for for buffering in between right so
1392s the examples here they are like almost
1393s the worst case scenarios like if there's
1395s lots of teams but on average usual
1397s typical sessions you have a few amount
1399s of teams because they have their
1400s partners with a me cetera and that gives
1402s the system autumn to breathe
1404s but I mean one thing which should be
1407s mentioned right we still keep the old
1409s system yes that's a new system and a new
1412s system runs in parallel and we gonna mix
1415s the old system to the new system right
1417s that that we basically get all the nice
1419s variations it also gives us a better
1422s data to understand like we hear it's a
1424s new system working as intended how does
1425s it measure etc and then we can weaken
1427s with overtime also decide to what
1429s reissue we're gonna shift us yeah
1430s exactly
1431s yeah that's a good stuff yeah next topic
1437s yeah yeah another thing that we've
1439s talked about I think in a couple of
1440s streams already mentioned that also when
1444s we had our Xbox reveal on yeah well
1450s sorry definitely people especially
1452s people that have like you know issues
1456s with their hands it's it's it's great
1459s for accessibility so basically what it
1463s means was like we we kind of in
1464s supported this indirectly already so
1466s people could kind of use like like some
1468s third-party tools we refer to remap the
1470s buttons somehow it would work it would
1471s work natively because of the engine
1473s supporting it but now we've done it
1474s properly and this obviously its
1476s development that has has come over from
1478s from working on the console version of
1480s the game and we've done like a lot of
1483s like testing with the game preview and
1486s got feedback etcetera so what we see
1488s here already is the next iteration of
1489s our controller support and it obviously
1492s will carry over into console with 1.0
1495s and what we very likely beyond game
1496s preview like developed earlier to that
1498s as well now what does it mean it does
1501s not mean for example that there will be
1503s a massive stone PC right we don't have
1505s any of these mechanics that obviously
1507s are needed for for a console experience
1508s to kind of like create unfair situations
1511s or just like make things feel weird for
1513s for your mouse keyboard user base which
1517s is the majority of how you guys will
1518s play yeah but there is now the support
1520s with a bit more control about
1523s customization etcetera for the
1525s controller so I think this will be
1526s appreciated by lots of people who we
1528s like enjoying like playing with a
1529s controller or just have to do it because
1531s they just can't handle mouse keyboard
1532s and also maybe will be interesting or is
1535s a sneak peek for all the console people
1536s they're watching today
1537s of how does we move forward onto the
1539s Xbox and the console branches because
1542s for them it's been a pretty big topic
1544s obviously the controller and how we're
1547s using the aim-assist and stuff like that
1549s so it is oh yeah let's let's look at
1554s this pretty material yeah so I'm gonna
1558s talk a little bit over this video yeah
1560s okay so so basically what we've been
1563s doing with the controller supporter so
1564s we've talked and looked into
1565s specifically like how the controller
1568s acceleration is working how the aim
1570s assist is working with lots more
1572s additional options to this one I think
1574s we kind of process after was playable
1575s through once and then we go through step
1577s by step so what you can do now is you
1579s can have a lot more granular control
1580s about how you can kind of like have
1583s different axes separated you have more
1585s control about or the acceleration is
1587s ramping up so that you can really tailor
1589s the the controller input to what you
1593s prefer as a player and you can customize
1595s it personalize it and just have the
1597s whole thing a bit more granular what you
1599s also see is like you can actually have
1600s like like a more granular sliders where
1603s you have a chance to really fine-tune
1605s this rather than steps of like not dot 1
1608s 2 etc you can actually go even more
1610s granular and yeah gives you a lot more
1613s more options in order to to make this
1616s feel very nice and smooth and it also
1618s includes outside of the PC realm
1620s obviously customization options for for
1622s a missus so you can disable aim-assist
1624s you can have a bit more bit more control
1626s like if you really wanted to true import
1627s you can do that and aim assist is
1629s interfering with you aiming on PC
1631s obviously that option doesn't exist
1633s because there's no missus pollinates box
1635s there is will be yeah the option so yep
1640s so we come here oh you want to go to new
1643s yeah we can go to the next mode when
1644s it's fine
1644s so then also what we have is actually a
1648s active in yet another video which is the
1652s people playing on console they probably
1655s recognize the scissors though as the
1657s item wheel and there's a there there is
1660s a feature that exists which is
1661s programmable hot slots basic quick slots
1664s so what you can do with that is you can
1667s take deeper left d-pad right and you can
1669s see like it's the first on the left
1672s on the left side the first tools
1674s category slot this one here or the first
1676s consumable category slot in this case
1679s here they have like a d-pad hotkey
1681s button so what you can do is you can
1682s quickly go to example to your knife or
1684s your Medicaid or whatever you want just
1685s for the press of a button without having
1687s to navigate the menu which obviously is
1689s very convenient if you want to quickly
1690s go to enough to take out the grant that
1691s you start out there now on the Xbox game
1696s preview at the moment these buttons are
1697s fixed like so there's always the first
1699s of each of the categories and that's
1701s something which were not really happy
1702s with so with the next iteration and it's
1705s coming first obviously with this now
1707s roll out of the controller PC support
1710s but will also come to a tool to Xboxes
1712s next step is that you can reprogram this
1714s so let's just watch this video here as
1716s you can see these hots the quick select
1719s buttons basically being remapped
1721s specific slots there just by like
1722s selecting an item holding the button
1724s down for for like a second
1725s it kind of like quickly readjust them to
1728s different slots so it's we don't so what
1729s you want to do before you could only
1731s ever have a tool and it won't consumable
1733s now you can have it on both tools or
1735s both consumables really up to you yeah
1738s so it just makes the whole thing about
1740s more and more like usable and
1742s user-friendly as a quality of life
1744s improvement yeah it's really nice
1746s especially I mean I already see some but
1752s yeah no I think it's great that we do
1754s stuff like because like I see a lot of
1755s people like why would you play on the
1757s trawler but there are people that there
1758s with disabilities and with this day you
1761s might be able to play the game which
1762s would you know okay and making this game
1765s also on console kinda gives us these
1766s features for PC for free so anyways
1771s that's a bit of extra ya know we don't
1779s have only controller input today we all
1782s plug the aircon actually yeah maybe
1786s maybe it was the correct luck let's say
1788s this maybe also we did something else
1790s wrong now so we see the consequences in
1792s half an hour let's see if we are don't
1794s go
1795s oh no my camera doing this now if we all
1797s die say that say see probably because oh
1801s I'm feeling I'm scared this is gonna be
1804s the end of this isn't it are we there
1809s are we there because you mentioned it
1815s right it's that sort of I just I saw
1818s myself and then I was like oh no there
1828s we her maybe her yes okay I don't know
1830s why Oh
1832s thundering the last time we had it on
1838s the couch the camera right there what's
1839s the problem yeah just reset the camera
1841s there you see it's not and it's the mic
1847s muted know what someone is saying the
1850s mic has made it it's because they're
1851s joking dammit I want you do this to us
1855s no you can actually hear us it's just a
1859s movement that's a little bit janky
1860s sometimes yeah yeah you can't beat me
1865s like this few years mic is not muted we
1870s can hear you loud and clear
1871s exactly anyways let's continue with the
1875s video I know the webcam is weird and I
1877s think that's that's we can we can go to
1879s the next one and so there's there's more
1881s with controls and for it yeah for
1885s controls not controllers so what we do
1889s have as well is actually additional
1890s button mapping granularity this is
1892s actually something we talked about for
1894s for some time
1895s yeah and so with 1.0 what we're gonna do
1899s is we have the jump involved for example
1901s also available as separate key binds so
1903s that you can actually just like map them
1906s on different buttons if you prefer if
1907s you're feeling confused by it being on
1909s the same button by default and the same
1911s is true yeah same is true if you go
1915s further down and then just run the video
1916s here if you scroll further down
1920s no he's goes further down you can do the
1922s same with interacting benarjee and stop
1923s burning so like that the use button and
1925s actually stopping for example like
1927s bleeding mg cetera
1928s can report on different buttons that's a
1930s small quality of life improvement but at
1932s something which kinda helps a lot for
1934s people who really like to prefer to have
1935s them on separate buttons something we I
1937s think we promised is for the better part
1939s of a year now sometime I know a lot of
1941s people so so we know we know that in uh
1944s and yeah yeah I mean again this is this
1946s this dream with all this more the
1947s tertiary things so we're kind of happy
1949s that we can roll out liek these small
1950s things as well along with a 1.0 update I
1955s think lots of people would actually
1956s appreciate like changes like that just
1958s because it just gives them that
1959s granularity for customizing their
1960s controls which it does really don't have
1972s is it affecting the video in the
1974s background as well yeah video is fine
1978s alright then we think we can go back to
1981s the slides actually and further on it
1985s yes we can so that was controls we have
1990s more multiple region support now what
1994s does this mean multiple region support
1996s basically is a useful addition for mesh
2000s making because it allows you guys to
2002s actually set up more than one region in
2005s order to tell the system where you
2007s prefer playing and what does this means
2009s in average is asically that you will
2011s encounter like sessions which have more
2013s players and there's a good thing so we
2015s can maybe sure I think it was the next
2016s image here yeah so this is how this
2018s would look like actually it's like when
2019s you you start the game obviously for the
2021s first time in you to select your region
2022s what you can do now is like you can
2024s select a primary region and you can
2026s select a secondary region the primary
2028s region is as before this is where you
2029s want to spend most of the time this is
2031s why you would like to play but you can
2033s also choose any of the other regions as
2035s a complementary secondary region and the
2038s system will basically then also allow
2039s you to be match make two sessions of
2041s their particular region now obviously
2043s like Europe and Oceania or Asia might
2046s not be the best companions right I mean
2047s that's maybe not the best choice but
2049s there is a couple of like neighboring
2051s regions that we have for example US
2052s ECU's West so it makes sense for people
2055s to consider if they want to maybe play
2058s on US East primarily but also still have
2061s the matchmaking system
2062s uswest and that means for the most of
2064s the time they will actually play on us
2066s east but if the system is requesting
2068s players in confident enough players in
2070s that other region to fill up a server it
2073s might actually then request your client
2075s to be sent to the other reason to fill
2077s out there so overall it's an improvement
2078s of quality for everybody because the
2080s sessions should just have more players
2081s in them and you can always take a nun
2083s take these rigid as you want so for
2085s example for Europe and Russia it's
2087s actually a very nice companion the same
2089s is true probably for Oceania and Asia a
2091s u.s. East US where it comes down to that
2093s where you are combining like South
2095s America us East and just like kind of
2098s optimizing a little bit of that
2100s obviously it means sometimes you end up
2102s on one area sometimes on the other that
2104s will have an M paper on the pings
2105s naturally so it's up to you to choose
2107s whether it is a good idea for your
2108s location where you were at or not but
2111s you can always customize this and just
2113s it gives you a lot more options and /
2116s improves the quality of the experience
2117s for everybody
2120s all right there's always to be said
2123s about this right then we have a couple
2128s of minor improvements actually one thing
2131s that we've edit is a warning for burned
2134s burning teammate so like if a teammate
2136s got downed we actually show a little I
2138s can now next to the little skull I can
2140s when they're down right that they're
2142s burning so if someone enemy a set them
2144s on fire it gives you a clearer
2146s understanding if this has happened and
2147s do something about it obviously it's all
2148s your choice whether you want to risk it
2150s etc if you just run in there quickie
2152s touch it maybe hide behind a bush again
2153s just as long as the fire is out all the
2155s mechanics that we've added recently but
2157s the biggest advantage here is that
2159s specifically people who are maybe not
2161s aware of what has happened because maybe
2162s your team has split up a little bit one
2164s is on the other ones out of ability and
2165s the other side and you Nestle don't hear
2167s the burning to start like five Bombyx
2170s dodging lantern whatever you can still
2172s react to it you still get that
2173s notification and maybe has a time to
2175s actually do something to save your
2176s teammate
2178s then we also actually this was a rather
2180s big one hey you want to talk about it
2182s once when we reduce the dark side boost
2185s right and yeah so it's five seconds now
2189s you have to hurry up
2191s yeah so this is actually actually
2193s interesting because um
2194s it brings us a little bit back to our
2196s roots to the time when we were
2199s experimenting with darkside originally
2200s and even the time before that where we
2203s had a very different experience because
2205s like it was everything was a bit more
2206s unknown etc and granted the darkside
2208s post was a necessity you had to put in
2210s because of the problem of people being
2213s more likely to actually camp and
2214s therefore the bounty carriers that then
2218s successfully managed to kill the boss
2219s banished etc get out the moment they
2222s open the door they they got killed or
2223s like it was very hard to break through
2225s his initial initial stalemate of a camp
2228s compound that was the initial yes while
2230s you explore different ways and say yes
2234s and then we went for dr. 10 seconds of
2237s course it was giving us like the best of
2239s experience it made sure that newer
2240s players have a chance to actually like
2242s use it because they know table mode that
2245s not yet be that efficient and using just
2247s quickly tepid like being very very
2248s clever with how we use it so they have a
2251s chance though but we now figured out
2253s that especially also with the teams of
2254s three like that five seconds is actually
2257s a much much nicer time because it brings
2259s back some of that mystery as well it
2261s helps you to break out initially yeah
2263s but it doesn t not rely on the traversal
2269s you can't use it to hunt other players
2272s down for like like basic across the map
2274s so like very often a situation was that
2276s like you saw you saw vanish happen and
2278s like somewhere in northern half of the
2279s map and other people saying like well
2287s folks I'm tired that's awesome I guess
2290s we're on the right track there
2294s so the good thing is that with the five
2296s seconds we'll give the situation it like
2298s spinning happening when a to target map
2300s like vanishing happening and in the top
2302s the moment you now start killing the
2304s second boss and start your own batch
2305s process this other team might eventually
2307s come down and what you can now rely on
2310s more is that they will actually still
2313s have to support you because they will
2315s not have that big over reserve very
2317s likely in order to do that can I like
2319s camp your your own banishing and with
2320s their own dogs I think technically it's
2322s way more yeah question is it possible
2326s that we can change the dark side if
2329s they're in addy marina so no so what is
2332s something we actually made made pretty
2334s clear during testing as well like we we
2336s don't want the amount of dark side to
2338s scale with the team size because that
2340s way it becomes a predictable element if
2343s we say that the moment you pick up token
2345s it's the five seconds you can count them
2348s the moment you see the name banner like
2349s mm let's picked up the bounty you know
2351s what you're getting into because
2352s normally you might not understand this
2353s is a solo as a duo as it's a trio and if
2356s then you have different times it just
2357s makes the whole thing very obfuscated
2359s very very hard to read so by just saying
2361s it's a fixed amount or token for pickup
2363s and but now having a reduced amount so
2366s there's more coordination needed it
2368s actually feels more reliable as a
2370s mechanic to you can use but also you can
2372s counter but but but here's out on this
2381s one because this is actually helping the
2383s solar players so when we when we have
2385s been testing the the teams of three
2387s specifically obviously the teams of
2388s three is in the constellation where you
2390s can also play as a solo against them and
2392s what we found out is at the moment we
2394s pulled this down from 10 seconds to 5
2396s seconds it was very very likely or very
2399s easy or at least much easier let's play
2402s like that for a solo to kind of harass
2404s teams of three from unknown positions
2406s because they didn't have that huge
2408s reservoir of darkseid boost in order to
2411s to always pinpoint auto piercing okay
2413s everybody rush this one guy take them
2415s out now you can actually operate much
2417s more from the peripheral from the
2419s shadows use maybe a sniper rifle or just
2421s do it like an ambush with a shotgun
2422s alacrity and a junction just because
2424s there is a large
2426s amount of form it happens more often
2427s that you will encounter teams that have
2429s already spent their five seconds or just
2432s take half that will last second day one
2433s is maybe safe quickly before the exit
2435s vehicle just to be exactly sure but the
2438s gameplay is a lot more intense but a lot
2440s so a lot fairer for the solos because of
2442s that and you have to keep in mind that
2443s only due to bounty Korea can yes use the
2447s dark side right yeah so it's not the
2448s three guys because there's no free
2449s tokens yes so as a solo actually this is
2453s a good mechanic because most of the time
2455s you will not come up against other solos
2456s but other teams and for that training
2458s those teams faster off that oxide boost
2460s gives you more room to maneuver room to
2463s be tactical and yeah check the mountain
2465s clever ways I mean there's one thing
2467s that people don't understand you say
2468s teams of three should have less but
2470s there's only two bounty so there will
2471s not be three bounty exactly exactly
2474s because I do think that's something
2475s people are saying is like oh my god my
2477s teams were you get less because their
2479s team of three but they already have
2480s exactly the same in the door because
2482s it's token based and with two tokens two
2485s or three can pick up a token but they
2486s have the same amount as a tool so that's
2489s basically from balancing point of view
2491s where the whole thing becomes a lot
2493s fairer yeah so yeah that's the second
2495s puzzle and again you guys and that's why
2499s we obviously first have a death server
2502s before we do one we know and then we can
2504s still all the stuff eventually will be
2506s will be approachable
2507s absolutely so alright but there's more
2510s even more but wait there's so maybe you
2514s want to talk about that once man maybe
2516s the loot changes yeah basically
2524s no I'm Oh many more right that was the
2525s bigger thing where we basically only
2527s have half the restocking
2530s of the consumables and the tools yeah
2531s and the money before I was the random
2534s chance right we are talking to mo
2535s restocking the tools or exactly eggs and
2539s that mean basically the mo was always
2541s bit of a relic because it was there was
2543s like something that we put in back then
2544s when we didn't have weapon routing yet
2546s so like since we put in a weapon looting
2548s it kinda became a bit obsolete because
2552s you could always just pick up the weapon
2553s and have something to shoot with so now
2556s focusing more on the
2558s side we actually thought about maybe
2560s introducing like a couple additional
2561s ones so you have a bit more options what
2564s you could buy with a low chance
2565s obviously like also find on the hunters
2567s yeah so that it's the moment it's like a
2570s 75 option addition to the fifty then we
2573s have 150 and we have a very very rare
2575s option to find like a thousand it's not
2578s just 500 as current maximum you can also
2581s find a thousand obviously when you do
2582s that you where we pretty strongly think
2584s about what you want to do if you want to
2585s continue with the mission or maybe leg
2587s it to the next exit to safe this thing
2589s and bring it home then again it may be
2591s might also be a very nice challenge to
2592s sleep press on anyways knowing that you
2594s get like 2,000 extra because you still
2599s get your @u of still chance it at your
2601s items back yes yes though so that's
2603s basically I think it's a 50-50 split
2605s between it so either you get money again
2607s it can be between 50 and thousands with
2610s a like fifty seventy five hundred fifty
2612s five hundred one hundred two hundred
2614s five hundred and a thousand so what we
2616s have at the moment plus the three
2617s additional ones here or it restocks a
2620s random tool or random consumables as
2622s before but you won't get any ammo
2624s anymore I think because I mean you find
2628s that I mean sometimes on average is
2633s really not an issue like so for me
2635s personally at least whenever I have a
2636s chance to do the hunter and I get the
2638s ammo it feels like ya know because I
2641s mean I could have just gotten an ammo
2643s from his weapon or from this box next to
2645s it but you have to special ammo pack for
2648s that you can always find special ammo
2650s from from the pick up in the world so
2653s that's perfectly fine them you still get
2658s bomb blends ammo but you just need to
2660s find the little purple boxes so yeah
2666s small changes here so again its minor
2668s improvement it's like more like a doctor
2670s ring within the tools and then obviously
2672s you also have the ammo box though right
2674s yeah but that's like a choice that's a
2677s choice that's a choice and exactly like
2679s so do I run with a very very powerful
2681s set and rely on systemic ammunition oh I
2684s mean you also can't count on killing
2685s players and getting ammunition from
2687s those or
2689s bringing the ammo box I see them which
2694s by the way actually the ammo box has
2695s been dropping in the price quite
2697s drastically I think it went down through
2698s I think it's 60 or 65 miles I know all
2709s right
2710s but there's more I guess or is there
2713s yeah this Wow we you guys you guys given
2718s us feedback and we've listened
2719s it isn't that great so we we looked at
2723s the technical thing one more time and
2725s specifically the feedback that you guys
2727s have given us regarding the arts I do
2729s you think that most of the people
2730s actually appreciate at the future it
2731s just felt it was a bit too a sci-fi from
2733s the look a bit like to play extremely
2735s drawn lines that's right so basically we
2738s just redraw the lines and give it like a
2741s little more of a quick style update so
2743s it's a bit closer to the other like art
2745s solid we have in a game and I was
2746s actually pretty good feedback and I
2747s think that it feels a lot more
2749s integrated into what right now and I do
2751s think we have a video for that yeah yeah
2761s so as you can see now the ping marker
2764s has been updated slightly it's still the
2766s same animation style yeah but it's more
2769s like broad strokes
2770s yeah bit more a bit more rough like
2771s drawn as with the other elements in the
2773s hut and just play this one more time as
2779s you can see here this is the regular one
2780s we have which is just a waypoint marker
2782s do you want explain what that means yes
2784s I was about to do it actually which is a
2788s very good point because we kind of kept
2790s that a bit of a hidden thingy
2791s when we first revealed this this feature
2793s because we didn't really talk about
2794s teams of three at that point now what
2797s that dot is is basically the the number
2800s assigned to the respective person in the
2802s team so what you can find in these
2803s markers is like one two or three dots
2805s and that references a specific player in
2808s the team so that if you see like two
2811s dots in there you know that your
2812s teammates were the two which could be if
2815s you have for example of one or the two
2817s or the three could be any of them right
2818s it's assigned as a permanent number
2821s on the foundation of the team you can
2823s kind of reference that so you don't need
2824s to look okay who did place the marker
2826s like what is this all about you can
2827s actually make made the connection
2828s yourself on this thing oh this was like
2830s it was like like a swim tracing this one
2833s or what's number number three or Jannik
2835s replace this one so it gives us a chance
2837s to have a bit better coordination about
2840s who's owning what marker and then
2842s besides the regular mark obviously
2844s they're still the alert marker which we
2845s see in a second if you just double click
2848s the middle mouse button and it forces a
2850s new style and just gives you a chance to
2852s very quickly show that there is like a
2855s thread at the window or is a bear trap
2857s on the ground or whatever like usually
2859s use that second one whenever you you
2862s want to make sure that you don't opt
2864s whisk it and cover the target afterwards
2865s like so it doesn't make any sense to
2867s have to regular weight point marker on a
2868s window if you didn't can't see what's
2869s actually how do we know because this
2871s market doesn't go away with the alert
2873s one it just flashes quickly it's gone
2875s you can now actually take out the guy
2876s behind it so yeah that's a small thing
2880s but so there's very good feedback thank
2882s you guys for that and hopefully you
2884s liked the new style exactly what just
2897s using my current I'm that I'm like
2899s audibly saying I just want to play again
2900s I'm like I can't talk right now or a
2902s busy environment and our I don't have
2904s personally someone pinging then a loud
2906s mic and like screaming children in the
2908s back not that I don't like children but
2910s like screaming children
2914s exactly yeah right
2925s good even more so we talked about this a
2928s little bit in one of the previous
2929s streams actually about the new accolades
2931s but we didn't have in the cards yet to
2933s show them so this is basically just a
2935s collection of the additional an accolade
2936s so there's a credit cards or the cards
2938s that you see at this mission summary at
2939s the end of the round
2940s they kind of show you and highlight like
2941s the big important things that kind of
2943s happened and reward you for that also
2944s keep in mind that with the new backbones
2946s premium currency you have the chance to
2948s kind of like get additional black bones
2950s from these cards so like if they're
2952s bronze silver or a golden trim they
2955s gives you like one to three blood bonds
2956s respectively which kind of hurts you to
2958s also accumulate more of the currency
2961s just by playing in order to maybe unlock
2962s that call like weapon or hunter or
2966s whatever legendary skin that you would
2967s like to have so let's start on the top
2969s left so alright so basically the top
2983s left ones are related to library unlocks
2986s so the first one is basically that it's
2988s a notification that you've unlocked a
2990s new entry and the book of weapon so it
2992s means for example you've completed like
2994s a challenge to unlock a variation of a
2996s weapon let's say the Romero hand can for
2998s example and you would get a notification
3000s here which is a good indicator for you
3001s to say oh I want to check out quickly
3003s the store and the library and see what I
3004s got there and how I can use this new
3006s equipment because keep in mind we
3008s mention it in the previous stream no
3010s longer is everything unlocked from Rank
3012s 1 to win rank 100 in a linear fashion is
3015s actually so that only the main weapons
3016s or the Romero the rival the wind field
3020s they are all they're sitting at the rank
3022s level still but their respective
3024s variations or the marksmen version of
3025s the wind field or the silence of version
3027s etc they are being unlocked now through
3029s a player driven progression that means
3031s basically you are in control what
3033s weapons you kind of want to unlock the
3035s variations with a priority so if you
3037s don't really care about your Romero you
3038s don't need to work with it just focus on
3040s a weapon you really want to get like the
3042s a specific unlocks well so if you're if
3043s you're an uppercut fan what a surprise
3046s you can just like try to focus on the
3048s conversion pistol or get a chain they
3054s are weird like border case weapon like
3056s name is using it ever right so you are
3060s in control basically and therefore it's
3062s very important with these highlights to
3063s the player that like additional weapons
3065s are available and then the second one is
3067s the mastery levels is you know already
3068s might know from the book of monsters you
3070s can also unlock additional challenges
3072s with these weapons in order to unlock
3073s additional law pieces so like story
3075s pocket snippets etc learn a little bit
3077s more about the backstory of the game
3078s through the book of monsters on one hand
3080s but in this case also the book of
3081s weapons and the mastery levels for that
3083s so here come an expert in the packs as
3086s dyspeptic like depicted here on the
3088s image and again notification for you to
3091s understand Oh a new entry has been
3093s unlocked too quickly want to go there
3094s and actually read it all and compile it
3097s and like just tell everybody about it
3100s then the next one is actually the
3105s friendly fire one so this is something
3107s we updated so whenever you get like one
3110s for the team kill then this is what you
3113s will see in actually this is a negative
3114s one so it can take something away and
3116s the next one is a kill assist so this is
3119s a new feature we're gonna talk about in
3120s a second that you also be rewarded for
3122s that and then we will be able to deck
3128s just explain a little bit more detail
3130s but first let's go for the other cards
3132s so what we will do next is done was it
3137s is a question yep okay so basically the
3146s next one is as for a new feature the
3148s trio's can be lost my trainer thought
3150s being bumped up from the side like this
3153s is a good question
3156s train of thought focus Dennis now what
3160s we have next is the trio this is a
3162s reward for if you have wiped the teams
3164s of like a team of three completely you
3166s will get that as an acolyte basically
3167s it's like a special recognition for
3169s going up against the trio and bringing
3171s one down so as a card for you to earn
3173s and then the complete bottom line is
3175s another thing we talked about in the
3177s stream before is where we going to
3178s replace the tier based expiry words for
3183s kills with an e low-ranking reference so
3186s if a player is better or roughly the
3188s similar skill level then you are they
3191s will basically yield more or less XP now
3194s the accolade cards they also support it
3196s now so you can see little arrows over
3198s there
3199s and then can indicating whether this was
3200s a play that was way higher or way below
3202s or maybe on a similar level as you are
3204s and therefore gives you a different
3206s amount of thing if he is very very low
3208s it's like 50 if he is lower than that
3210s it's just a little bit low it's a
3211s hundred it's not the best it's based on
3215s that on the elo ranking so it's just
3217s skill based basically we don't show you
3219s exactly low ranking
3220s this is the system henna shows that so
3223s yes again a couple of additional things
3225s that you can you can like use in order
3229s to to like maybe focus on the guys that
3231s are worth more which are bit more badass
3233s so if they play what very likely if you
3235s overcome them you also get a bigger
3236s reward then if you if you kill someone
3238s who was staring at a wall for two
3239s minutes okay then I just mentioned kill
3243s assists what is this all about kill
3246s assist is basically very straightforward
3248s mechanic like we wanted to give the
3250s players a chance that if in the team
3252s like both are shooting at the same guy
3253s obviously one guy gets the kill
3255s attribute but we want to make sure that
3257s if you also contribute it if you also
3259s hit or damage the same guy within a
3262s short amount of time to the actual kill
3263s you at least get a recognition for a
3265s kill assist doesn't actually in a team
3267s of three exactly like this you cannot
3268s compete for the kills like it was my guy
3270s at least now you also get some
3272s acknowledgment I mean in the end it
3274s doesn't make it matter from the
3275s experiment of you because everybody gets
3276s the kill XP attributed right there's no
3278s race there but at least you get a badge
3280s saying like okay well I killed three
3282s guys but I also had to kill assists for
3283s like another three so at least I don't
3285s feel completely know so there's actually
3287s a special request from myself because I
3288s always feel so no whenever things like
3289s it was an arching all these guys cuz
3291s once no while I get my own kill and so
3293s finally I can at least contribute
3295s Nicholas's nice joking obviously um so
3299s yeah Colossus the thing and there's more
3309s [Laughter]
3316s Accio cam but we don't have the kill cam
3319s you have something else no kill kill
3321s kill cam but we are clever with the
3323s features we have on the resources we
3325s have an abilities of what we can produce
3327s and we put something in which I think
3329s you guys will appreciate quite a bit so
3332s but should we just maybe short and then
3334s we explain it yeah in a second
3342s all right so you just move around the
3345s car what was that
3346s headshot okay where was he oh he was up
3350s there so what we have now is a curvy
3353s option which is not available if you get
3354s down but it's available when you get
3356s killed get killed so this is only on
3358s deaf deaf deaf deaf deaf this is very
3360s important to understand you will not be
3362s able to pinpoint your partner to the
3364s position you will be able however that
3367s when you're completely killed to at
3368s least understand and then also learn
3370s from what happened there so seeing the
3373s stream explode I think so
3380s just on the deaf screen it will be
3381s available to click on when you're dead
3383s there that you can talk with the
3385s killer's camera perspective and the
3387s other one keep in mind is it's not a
3388s snap shot is this this is not a
3390s recording this is actually so the live
3392s view so you might actually see people
3393s running around that it might even see
3395s your killer moving around it but we
3397s place a beacon marker at your position
3399s where you died and that the markers like
3401s a positive position of the shooter and
3403s you can kind of use it as a reference
3404s point to understand what happened so
3407s that maybe next time you go down into
3409s the basement you actually should left
3411s and not right all right so let's just
3414s look at it one more time because I am
3415s telling people I like really exciting
3419s isn't a monolayer ring roads
3422s Oh
3424s and again Killa cam and you see the two
3427s positions just talking in between them
3429s you can freely rotate around while
3430s you're at the position obviously
3431s sometimes you might be facing a wall
3433s sometimes you might be facing like an
3435s earth dark out so for example we're like
3437s with grenades stuffy cetera like can I
3438s go with an arc you won't be maybe always
3440s able to fully understand what has
3442s happened yeah but for the most part you
3444s at least get a good understanding and
3446s hopefully can I kind of reveal the
3448s mystery a little bit afterwards and
3449s gives you it gives you understanding
3450s that maybe there was actually perfectly
3452s fine shot and he wasn't shooting from
3454s halfway across the map but actually
3455s there was a super legit and maybe
3457s everything is good and you should just
3459s play better and it is indeed when you're
3462s dead dead so not when you can still get
3464s revived
3465s yes this is not for downed players you
3468s will only be able to do this when you're
3469s dead they're dead yes that no matter how
3474s you die yes something which is actually
3485s closely linked to this I don't know why
3489s damage history I mean what happened
3494s there a second ago so now you have the
3495s option to actually press damage history
3497s and it will show you the additional hits
3500s that you have reached directly before
3502s your death so I think it's the last 30
3504s seconds every record so I'm going to
3506s show this one more time so you would
3508s just want to Walt over there yeah
3513s exactly
3513s although usually I prefer higher roofs
3515s Mike and and what you can what you can
3520s see now is you can actually like
3523s understand you know what you didn't die
3524s from falling the guy was actually
3526s hitting you just right before you walled
3529s it over there goes the spark shot you
3531s fell down and by looking at the damage
3533s history you see the death blow was
3535s falling but there was a status box never
3537s short right before that and you can have
3539s a couple of shots you always see like
3540s what amount of damage is that you
3541s receive with these shots before and the
3543s time stems like how many seconds before
3545s they have happened so again same with a
3548s kill of you it gives you a chance to
3550s kind of like unravel what has happens
3552s how you how you died basically and like
3556s maybe it solve some of the mystery
3557s were you so sure that you had hundred
3559s fifty hit points and in no way could
3562s that sparks have killed you with one
3563s shot because it wasn't a headshot now
3565s you might understand that actually maybe
3566s you got hit right before by another
3568s weapon and they kind of like just almost
3570s we're the same time for you from a
3571s perception point of view about the stab
3572s to show you clearly it's two shots and
3575s that's why you're dead alright okay
3579s murder mystery indeed we have some
3585s animal tricks yes animal tricks so
3588s animal tricks
3589s what does it mean we've basically looked
3592s at the specifically the the Ravens and
3596s the ducks and the horses the ones that
3598s you find kind of like scattered around
3599s the world not the ones in the cages and
3601s in the in the dance and one thing that
3606s we've noticed with all of the tuning and
3607s it's races we've done so far and I'm
3609s kind of like move them closer and closer
3610s to to a bit more readable state is that
3613s there's always a situation that can
3615s happen that if you you and your partner
3616s move from very closely that you think
3619s you should not have triggered those
3621s birds there but for some reason they
3623s still trigger the reason for that is
3625s shared escalation so what can happen is
3628s that your partner moves past the birds
3630s it doesn't trigger them but the birds
3631s are kind of uneasy away the escalation
3633s is already gone half way through now you
3634s follow him and you just walk through if
3636s he managed to go through there I should
3637s as well and all of a sudden the birds go
3639s up you didn't sprint or do anything
3641s other than your teammate it still kind
3643s of escalated that's because you never
3644s really understood this escalation bar so
3647s a change for the animals we've done is
3649s that we put them on an individual
3651s escalation level so kasich lee every
3652s player counts on their own against this
3655s max level and the animals can react to
3657s like the the most severe or the
3659s strongest escalation so if if you and
3662s your partner move around there and you
3663s are sprinting you're sprinting I'd
3665s actually trigger them but it's not
3666s because of what your partner done just
3667s solely because you have already asked
3669s elated them and this gives us now the
3671s chance to do a couple of things that we
3673s could not really do before which is like
3674s moving in a line basically move follow
3677s me a partner and getting around
3678s environment without these nasty
3680s surprises so here you see some birds on
3682s the left side
3683s can I get uneasy already your partner
3685s just moves across you just follow in his
3687s footsteps basically just move in his
3688s tracks and you start sprinting when you
3690s started
3691s printing and everything is fine no birds
3692s have escalated so rather straightforward
3695s I'm just take another example we can
3697s show which is again like birds up on the
3701s on the on the on the fence here so you
3703s move on left of the track normally on
3705s life right now you would have triggered
3707s a birds but as you can see birds are
3709s happy you just follow your partner and
3712s actually move around so what we hope to
3714s do with this is that escalation happens
3716s because of human error
3718s not because of unclear mechanics so
3720s obviously they're still birds in many
3723s places for you to encounter and very
3726s likely you will still find birds that
3727s you didn't see and then you activate a
3729s me cetera but at least it shouldn't
3730s happen from a situation like this where
3732s you're doing nothing wrong or perceived
3734s nothing wrong you're just doing what
3735s your partner's doing observe the birds
3737s still escalated this is gone now you can
3739s more reliably follow in a trail one more
3745s with a horsie so it's the same thing
3748s basically as you can see it as a horse
3749s getting uneasy and normally again it
3752s would have probably triggered by the
3754s second player being in range but you can
3756s just move around it and no explanation
3758s happens watch we're partners print off
3760s at all school you start sprinting as
3761s well everything is safe and you're good
3764s to go
3767s so yeah ash bomb changes Oh a big one
3775s yeah so we've already mentioned this I
3778s think in last rooms that we kind of like
3779s pull down the time a little bit and we
3781s went even further with some of the
3782s changes so the flash bomb now went down
3785s I think too it's five seconds I think of
3787s full flash time so it's like another I
3789s think one or two seconds or maybe even
3791s three seconds taken down from what
3793s already reduced version had however
3796s we've also added a bit of a ringing like
3798s sound as well so you're actually recover
3801s from the from the blinding a little bit
3803s earlier like so five seconds so I mean
3805s someone played throwing the bomb close
3807s by they also have to drop on you but
3808s then again if they would have cooked the
3809s dynamite bomb you probably would also be
3811s dead however
3813s as an offset you now have a few more
3816s seconds where you might not be fully
3818s hearing everything around you is he
3819s still recovering but you can still react
3821s to the guy coming around the corner and
3823s well therefore be able to respond to
3825s this a little bit better so it's just a
3827s balancing adjustments and I want to see
3829s obviously how this goes once you guys
3831s have a chance to play with us hopefully
3836s try it
3838s what is that swell yeah you haven't done
3840s anything on the sandbox if so and yeah I
3844s mean system design came up with a great
3845s idea of I mean adding a new type of
3847s burrow you already know that we have to
3850s serve up a barrel the oil barrel right
3852s you can set it on fire you can set some
3856s something in flames or the explosive
3858s power we have in know a new type which
3861s triggers basically this form the green
3864s barrel and now we can finally show it in
3871s motion we can only see what it actually
3872s means so shall we exactly alright so you
3879s can see the barrel in the center of the
3880s screen here on the left side now parked
3882s next to the tree you see some flies
3883s above it Hunter is coming you use your
3887s throwing man for anything which has
3888s physical damage to finish read it it
3891s reveals you two things a poison swarm
3893s like a cloud and actually a hive swarm
3896s chasing exactly it's it's like it's like
3900s the movie puppet fighter and you can use
3902s it obviously for distraction so I'm
3904s gonna play it one more time
3905s it's basically an additional option
3908s we're just shooting at this and again
3910s you can even use a decoy thing to break
3912s it's like it's very fragile like just
3915s need some physical force like a crossbow
3917s bolt etcetera so you can actually it
3918s helps with a with a silenced weapons a
3920s little bit and then obviously like the
3923s guy as you can see that you can you can
3925s do something against the swarm not with
3926s melee attacks
3927s kind of like make it disappear faster we
3928s talked about this before and use it as a
3931s distraction in order to already
3937s mentioning stuff into discord I mean
3940s a jet yeah that's really weird
3948s yeah that's it's go through the rest
3949s because I think whatever that other
3952s distraction might actually be about it's
3954s not gonna be as awesome as we're gonna
3956s talk about right now
3956s exactly so procedural words you guys
3961s have mentioned before was that you guys
3963s wanted more than just you know a level
3966s 15 a level hundred because weekly know
3970s what prestige level are you again I
3975s don't care about prestige I don't need
3978s no skills not about that you know all
3982s those appearance things I just like it I
3985s think all right fine
3987s yeah we have been working on more
3989s procedure yes so we we have we have
3991s three additional prestige rewards that
3994s we're adding so when we say prestige
3995s rewards these are basically legendary
3998s content that it will be exclusive to
4001s prestiging so far we had a prestige
4004s reward was exclusive for prestige level
4006s 15 and for the new prestige level 100 so
4010s it's two things but obviously getting to
4011s 50 can take quite some time you can talk
4013s to failed spawn about how long this
4014s takes he can probably tell you a little
4016s bit about this and but we thought we
4019s want to give you a little bit earlier so
4021s let's just show them I would say so we
4026s have to Louisiana lustrum which is the
4028s prestige 5 reward so for the first 5
4031s procedures you have this thing to work
4033s towards this will be the guaranteed
4035s exclusive thing you will get on prestige
4038s level 5 obviously everybody who has
4040s prestiged
4041s already at least a 5 will get that by
4044s default once we roll out the the
4046s prestige rewards for everybody else as
4050s we go on life eventually now we have
4053s another shot of the same weapon as you
4056s can see like with a lustrum like as a
4058s nice reference to obviously the number 5
4060s in there
4060s 5 strokes on it is done a lot of really
4062s awesome work on this particular one here
4065s and yeah so this is exclusive so you can
4067s really show off that I've done it I've
4069s prestige 5 times and this is what I have
4071s to show for and it's not a t-shirt
4074s alright so the next thing is prestige 10
4077s and that is the golden ticket so
4081s basically it's a golden lion weapon
4083s where if you prestiged
4085s ten times you get a nice little born ham
4088s number three we showed you both sides on
4091s here because it's we really quote
4092s located from both um from from both
4094s angles which is the exclusive reward if
4097s you if you've received at ten times
4098s which is already quite a big achievement
4100s and then we have one more which is the
4105s court derringer this silver quarter I
4108s think I hope I do love the little
4112s engravings as well and logo is here even
4116s so so for for prestige twenty five you
4120s get a silver quarter and that one is
4123s actually a pretty awesome or like if you
4125s manage to get a kill with that on a guy
4126s I mean you definitely left a mark there
4134s you know what is it well because like
4137s what the wordplay and the color scheme
4149s is like a quarter so so yeah three
4160s additional prestige rewards that you can
4163s be obtained a little bit earlier than
4164s the 50 and 100 once we've shown you guys
4166s earlier like the previous trim already
4168s so again I request from you guys after
4172s the stream so so not only do we have
4173s like five streams to go through all of
4175s the features we even use the later
4177s streams to actually show you what we do
4178s on top because you already give us
4180s feedback and audio streams I mean it's
4181s like and as we have already yeah exactly
4184s because like when we did the stream was
4186s like a few weeks ago and then we just
4188s yep so should we do some some questions
4192s of them yeah so I have a few questions
4194s already
4194s lined
4196s we're just gonna go through a few that I
4198s have written down maybe 1 or 2 still
4200s from the jet because obviously there
4202s might be something waiting afterwards so
4205s afraid to Tory I had two really good
4207s questions we'll have we thought about
4208s weapon effectiveness for example the axe
4210s being strong against a butcher a fire
4212s being made against a fire against the
4214s spider ah yes actually this is something
4216s which we're teaching already and we've
4218s done some some more balancing with one
4219s point out that if you select your
4221s contract you see what the target is of
4222s the contract and you see like the
4224s strengths and weaknesses of this target
4226s and what you have to consider
4227s specifically with a new frenzied mode
4229s we've added to all of them so that they
4231s kind of play bit differently and yes you
4233s definitely see with the target there
4235s what is the preferred strategy what you
4237s should maybe use like for example poison
4238s kinda is a nice thing against the
4239s assassin fire is a good thing against
4241s the spider that type of stuff so yes
4244s that is that is information which is in
4245s the game already right now and we've
4247s kind of taken the next step up with
4249s improved you on will do be more
4252s streamline deserves as well as such as
4254s showing the buttons and giving general
4256s tips we actually do that this is
4259s something we already do with 6.0 exactly
4264s so if you already have like prestiged
4267s etcetera then you don't see that but
4269s there's a new player with 6.0 you
4271s already had contextual hints that can I
4273s show you
4273s oh you're closer your first clue this is
4275s what you need to take care of right now
4276s this is what you pro Qing the the the
4279s butcher's lair this is what you have to
4280s keep in mind now what we've been doing
4282s for 6.0 is that we've improved in that
4284s system a lot more that we've had
4285s additional contextual hints in there we
4287s kind of rephrase them a little bit
4288s specifically with the new offline
4290s tutorial we talked about earlier so
4291s everything has been streamlined and the
4294s contextual hints are a very important
4296s part of the tutorial in order to guide
4298s the player for the next steps and
4300s understand like what they should do what
4302s they should look for controls as well as
4305s like what happens around them like if
4306s someone else picks up the bounty cetera
4308s so yeah oh
4312s why would looting a hunter give you
4315s doubled money then actually looting
4317s impossible because it's risky of course
4320s you need to kill them and obviously it's
4322s also chance based I mean there's a very
4323s very very low chance for you to get the
4326s found
4326s I can't tell you that but but those who
4332s have had a chance to maybe once in a
4334s while even five already or 500 they know
4337s it's gonna be very very rare and
4341s obviously a thousand is following the
4343s same logic that you won't find a
4345s thousand around every corner and
4346s actually that's maybe a little bonus
4348s information the same is true for cash
4350s registers you can also if you find the
4353s cash register now have a very very low
4356s chance to find that again the chance is
4359s to find that is very low for the most
4360s part you will just get like your 50
4362s right like yes like 99% of the time but
4366s then once in a while you can get these
4368s additional steps and even have the
4369s chance to win the lottery basically by
4371s having a thousands and then the real
4374s dilemma is like will you continue with
4376s the mission away just try to bring this
4377s one home
4378s exactly I see so quick questions yes we
4381s will get a special skin for people that
4383s play during early access yes yes we we
4387s have a champion so called the benefactor
4388s which is exclusive for everybody exactly
4391s and even if we have certain are like
4394s even if we don't have skins for certain
4395s weapons right now obviously they can
4401s only make so many so fast and we have
4403s already done an amazing job to make a
4405s few more new siege weapons oh yeah and
4407s the thing is like you can you can just
4409s play to unlock them right I mean it's
4410s also they are bound to the new currency
4412s the black bones we have and y-you can
4414s also obviously purchase them in packs
4415s later on they will be also rewards for
4420s playing like either competing like with
4422s each other or cetera and they were
4424s actually a couple of fears about like
4426s about if there is not like pay to win
4429s when it comes to the convenience
4430s features and very clearly what we for V
4433s stated is that there's nothing you can
4435s use that currency for which gives you an
4437s advantage in the Indian mission
4438s everything is about convenience like for
4440s example reshuffling hunters etc so
4441s there's a higher chance maybe to get the
4443s hunter with a specific weapon or a
4444s specific trade you are looking for but
4446s this is nothing you cannot just like
4448s through playing also unlocks so in this
4450s regard it's just convenience and the
4452s visuals so that should be perfectly fine
4455s well
4457s if I die completely oh so yeah so with
4459s the kill information yes if we if I were
4463s to play with a partner and I completely
4464s die can already see that information no
4466s your teammate has to have died as well
4468s so so it has to be a team wipe before
4471s that great box then becomes a clickable
4473s pop yeah because someone said oh what if
4475s I can give my information to move on the
4479s idea of this feature is to give you
4480s information after basically the match is
4482s concluded for you just to reveal the
4484s mystery to kind of unlock a little bit
4486s what has happened but not to give you an
4488s eating game advantages exactly and it's
4490s all a missus option will come to Xbox
4492s that is correct yeah magically you will
4501s have taken that in to hell with you with
4504s your body because it forces a mechanic
4507s as usual right like so the money that
4508s you kind of the money that you can are
4511s kind of kind of fines from corpses if
4513s you do that the players or from the cash
4515s registers its living on you temporarily
4517s if you manage to get out alive you keep
4518s that on top of whatever you've earned in
4520s the mission if you die well
4522s it's lost in the swamps and but maybe
4524s someone looting you might be lucky to
4526s also find money but it's it's always a
4528s completely new reroll like it's not like
4530s that just because you found something
4531s earlier they they know take it from you
4533s because anyways you wouldn't know any
4534s like like anyway so whether it's the
4536s case so it doesn't really matter exactly
4538s and they see some people yes if you get
4540s a skin or unlocking skin you get one
4542s free version for that weapon so to say
4545s just like you have when you know you
4546s unlock a weapon in the bloodline you get
4549s one free version and then afterwards you
4551s just buy a weapon like you buy in the
4552s store you know you buy the base weapon
4555s technically but then it will look like
4556s the legendary the legendary version
4560s mm-hmm
4561s let's do one more question and then go
4563s to the next
4566s [Music]
4572s [Music]
4574s well I mean we can maybe ask this
4577s question will 1.0 reach stats before
4579s launch I think it makes sense for us to
4582s do that so I'm we really really need a
4584s test server period because that gives us
4586s the chance to get feedback and 26 pages
4589s of change lock which I've heard Matt
4592s basically be available right now might
4595s require some might have some rumors
4597s might actually require quite some
4599s in-depth testing so what's important is
4601s that for for the test server period is
4604s that this is gonna be different than
4606s what we had before like so we've kept
4608s we've done a lot of updates in the past
4610s and we've had our tester but we're now
4612s moving to one point now where we are
4614s basically about leave or any access
4616s period it's a big milestone it's a big
4618s milestone for this game and as such 1.0
4621s is beast of an update there's so much in
4624s there completely new features changes
4627s commune's features bug fixes everything
4628s and we need you guys we need your time a
4632s lot of your time in order to go and play
4634s the crap out of this we need you to go
4637s on a test servers be able to play this
4639s we would like to get progression testing
4641s so that we see like you guys coming back
4642s to the test server continuously also
4644s because that way we can see how quickly
4646s are you leveling up like is there
4648s probably with the money is the money
4649s unlocks yes basically so we're relying
4653s on you our community or awesome awesome
4656s awesome community to help us with this
4657s process because the test server needs to
4660s be populated and we talked a little bit
4662s about much more in the future how we go
4664s about doing some of that stuff but for
4666s starters because I think technically
4669s they can do this right now because we're
4672s right now live for the death server
4673s exactly go there download play play play
4676s play play play and then post a feedback
4679s give us feedback tell us what you think
4680s tell us what you don't like tell us
4682s everything because we need to know also
4687s in general like everything is on a desk
4689s server except for illusionary content
4691s that's the only thing that we still like
4693s the legendary contact even is also on
4695s the test server but that's that's that's
4697s a caveat here so we do not have the pre
4700s alert the bloody light the black ones is
4704s basically not
4706s thing you can yet like purchase together
4707s but what we do for the purpose of the
4709s test server we give everybody a bit of
4711s blood bonds like a certain amount so
4713s that you guys can start experimenting
4714s with this obviously this will carry over
4715s into inter life and finally release
4717s etcetera this is in the test server
4719s lives in the test server what happens on
4721s the test server stays on the test server
4723s and for that purpose you can experiment
4726s with this already this is also very
4727s important for us because there were we
4728s can get feedback we understand like what
4730s are the legendary unlocks you will for
4732s example like prefer what are what are
4734s certain mechanics you would really like
4735s to have more of and it's just very
4737s important for you to just explore and
4740s understand what 1.0 actually means all
4743s 26 pages of it yeah and then report back
4747s and give us you give us your opinion
4749s give us your thoughts and share your
4752s feedback so that we can react on it
4753s because that's what we want to do
4755s exactly because we still have our lunch
4758s plans 27th of August so we still have
4761s some time as you can tell we have almost
4762s a month to gather all your feedback and
4765s you know make some additional changes
4766s and also something I want to share with
4769s you guys because someone named katashi
4773s has already been working on her first
4775s female hunter cosplay and it looks
4777s really really awesome so she will share
4780s it on her channels I don't have them
4782s right here but if you just check her out
4784s give a shout out because it looks really
4786s really cool it's definitely given you
4789s know I really actually want to do it if
4790s people want to cosplay one day I'm not I
4793s mean I do to cosplay ones but it's so
4795s much money and so much time space for it
4798s it would be cool if we could do like it
4800s we just make Dennis a hunter I got the
4807s face that butcher you mean all right
4814s [Laughter]
4823s have fun play break the server's make
4828s sure we find all the box so we can
4830s squash them out and improve keep in mind
4833s though this is the first step on test
4834s server which means there will be certain
4836s things which are rough we have a big
4837s change log ideally maybe while
4838s downloading cetera are we through
4840s changelog will be linked in in like the
4843s steam release etc read through the stuff
4845s make sure you understand what is there
4847s what will come later
4849s what were there are still issues with et
4850s cetera yeah and yeah enjoy yourselves
4853s let us know and definitely like go to
4856s the discord go to steam differently
4859s discord discord is very place like this
4861s go play
4863s [Laughter]
4877s [Music]
4888s [Music]
4895s [Music]
4906s [Music]