over 4 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
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271s [Music]
281s [Music]
297s [Music]
309s [Music]
312s oh no we're talking
320s hello happy hatchday everyone today we
324s are officially live I was like real life
328s are we talking real life life where your
332s life life so yeah thank you everyone for
335s tuning in today we have a very excited
338s stream plaid we're gonna do some
340s giveaways we're gonna give away three
342s hunty shirts because I know you guys
344s have been asking for those yeah exactly
347s oh wait no this blues - in the washing
351s machine shame of all the days we're
356s gonna also give three game keys and
358s we're also gonna give away 3 DLC packs
360s so yeah we have florian which is our
364s audio guy we got dennis is your game
366s designer and yeah a little bit where
368s we're gonna talk about we're gonna see
370s today you were yeah so basically uh talk
374s about what what does one Oh me actually
376s was part of the deal is heritage
378s and then also I think we're gonna dive
380s deep little bit into the history of
382s things that we've totally nostalgic and
386s tears will be flowing weird by the way
394s but I have a cold so it's a bit straight
397s but what is also really cool is today I
401s mean what did we only do we put online
403s today Florian you probably know both and
407s all that yes we hit the release button
409s on the soundtrack so it's available I
411s think on all major platforms out there
413s from Spotify iTunes YouTube Google what
416s do you say YouTube Google Play I think
419s yum backs Fedora Napster Napster Spotify
425s obviously so you should definitely check
426s it out cuz it's really really awesome
428s and it contains five songs yeah the
432s people if you carefully listen to our
434s teasers and trailers might have heard
436s the instrumental version that's also
437s what we have currently parts in the menu
439s if you hang out there for longer and
441s have music turned on so it's five songs
442s plus the original humming theme as you
445s as you all love and know it so that is
447s part of the content I'm getting even
448s more songs in the future
451s well maybe because I didn't rate where I
454s saw people I hope we have a pretty quite
456s of audio team and some pretty awesome
458s vocals so you never know I did really
460s like the new the poison poison poison
462s curse poison curse
464s yeah I heard there was a very very
466s favorite for people because they
467s obviously never heard it exact we had
470s some on line in between the little bits
472s or some people yeah caught up on some on
473s the test server but yeah that's it's one
475s of our stories you can tell they don't
477s I also heard people that asked where
479s their violin one where was which one is
481s that again wasn't that the the when they
483s come with the violin part so we had in
488s the trailer yes yes yes I don't recall
491s the name I think we changed it recently
492s I have to look it up myself but it's
495s part of the package so okay what's your
497s quiet ed welcome yeah that's what it
499s will coming exactly oh so I want to say
503s something but I already forgot oh yeah
506s no oh yes I remember
509s I'm sorry so for the giveaways the way
512s we're gonna do it I just want to already
513s explain it for everyone because we're
516s obviously streaming on a variety of
518s platforms and we don't want to you know
520s not give anyone a chance to participate
522s for the giveaways what you can do is we
524s have a Google Form which you can fill in
527s which will be a it will ask you which
530s platform you're watching so it gave me
531s like Twitter YouTube steam wherever and
533s then the user name or the name that you
535s use on that platform where you're
536s watching so if you win we're gonna draw
539s names at the end so ever it can only
541s participate once and can only win one
542s thing is that it's at most fair and then
546s we will draw at the end of the stream
549s and then we would like reach out to
550s everyone so definitely keep watch so you
553s can reach out to everyone and make sure
555s that people get the prizes and yeah so
558s that hopefully will be the best solution
560s for everyone
561s justic sorted exactly at first it was
564s like complicate really
566s spots or just switch but I don't want to
568s you know make a youtube I ins or mixer
570s eyes or a Facebook audios not be able to
572s participate so we do everyone everybody
575s can exactly so yeah I think we should
579s just take a look at the launch trailer
580s because I see that it's already ready we
583s got a new launch trailer for 1.0 and
585s let's just have a look check it out
592s [Music]
600s Oh do you guys take the show
612s I hear gunshots Oh Jonah didn't those of
616s the two now I just must be in here for
619s you cover me covering covering okay
639s don't you
642s come he would step out there's like a
644s team of three inside every one of the
646s exit student the - there's no I think
651s the shards got him gonna
656s oh you think go away back away back away
669s nicely you go ahead I love this one
685s there is
690s dude I'm running away
693s driving north on cloning now
700s keeping an eye out okay I see that there
703s been itching on there let's go I get you
707s balancing this get out of here oh let me
709s show them someone else sighs I see them
710s through the wall okay please dead
713s Western exit the I see them on the pier
715s is it him there making work work
719s right in the back
724s - each other
737s achieved with CryEngine yeah so yeah
746s that was the new launch trailer awesome
749s I love it I think it's really good I
752s mean obviously I did not miss that shot
755s really right video doesn't sound like me
764s does it like a different voice it was
766s amazing I was definitely not on there -
768s no no wait a minute
772s but yeah anyways so the new launch
774s trailer out what else is new it is so we
777s have an addition to the 1.0 package so
780s if we've talked about like quite in
782s detail we also now have a new launch DLC
785s that comes right at the same time
786s exactly so it's called the legends of
789s the Bayou and it's separately personal
792s so people can just buy the DLC and has a
795s couple of really cool additions in there
797s I may be kind of watched the trailer
798s before I think waiters are kind of cool
801s let's just show another one dudes a DLC
811s you secretly so mad learn to survive
818s keep that gonna get your gun get your
834s knife face your pants mean fight get
840s your get your nation we're fine
845s [Music]
850s achieved with CryEngine already started
860s yeah so the legends of the value to new
865s skins that of the witch doctor the
868s doctor and the crazy sister weird sister
872s weird sister knows enough pretty awesome
874s skins
876s I'm doing great
878s the the weird doctor the bone sister
882s doctor sister and shake it up yeah
886s exactly
887s I'm just giving inspiration upcoming EFT
890s of these two new legendary hunters yes
892s exactly and then you also have two
894s weapons so one is the Copperhead which
898s is basically a mag and eighty ninety
900s five or love the coloring and like the
904s brass copper stuff is really cool and
906s then we have the blood oath which is
908s like basically also a new legendary
910s knife which has like some some
912s engravings and stuff really nice that
914s yeah yeah those four things then you get
916s like fashion our blood ones on top it's
917s all part of this initial DLC which i
919s think is pretty awesome as a folks
927s promise again because you know you wanna
929s say you get oh I have to sneeze that
930s never happens
933s really sometimes it's like close but
936s it's not there
938s so yes the how much does the deal seek
941s us the DNC's I think not
943s yeah dollar status and then solve in the
946s other currency exactly like just just
948s check the steam store fronts and you
950s will see it under the game looks at only
952s where you find you'll see it yeah and an
954s option if you want if you interested we
955s would like we appreciate that obviously
957s go and buy it because that's actually
959s pretty awesome thing it is a good
961s because like you get skins to skins
963s which would probably be around 700
965s boyens 500 x 2 up ones a new weapon skin
968s and another well knife skin so that's a
971s lot
974s and obviously they also got added for
976s the community breast community gold you
979s guys made the packs skin that the been
981s guard yes that was added today as well
984s so yeah what do we have on your schedule
989s I see a lot of salt the skins are all
991s right so yeah let's look back either a
995s whole story
997s I think miss basically has been a half
999s years now yeah
1000s February February 2018 so it's been
1003s pretty awesome right I would say it's
1006s been yes roller coaster
1008s any at all aspects product mostly in
1011s Frankfurt we've been working on the
1013s crisis games before and like we had
1016s Ryse son of Rome and for us like there
1019s was a completely new thing like going
1021s going like close to the community with
1023s the whole early access model it was
1024s something we haven't done before and I
1026s think we don't regret that at all it's
1028s pretty awesome writer yeah yeah exactly
1030s because like we've been working very
1031s closely with the community we are we
1034s were able to implement a lot of
1036s community features which we're also
1038s gonna come back to at some point cuz
1040s we're gonna go through some of the
1042s highlights a bit of like you know what
1044s the road for what we know was and to
1048s start that off let's watch at a video
1050s that we have been live streaming
1054s oh no wait let's start we'll talk a
1055s little bit about e3 so like eat yeah
1057s doesn't 70 before the journey you've no
1060s officially begun a journey again
1062s with our big reveal around the spring of
1067s 2017
1069s so like half a year a year before
1071s release and just go for it
1074s it's like so close but I can't leave
1078s it's like my eyes are teary and I'm just
1084s dying just like new messages yeah like
1086s this is basic just pure entertainment
1088s right now so you're just part of it so
1090s good
1091s now basically that was III 2017 when we
1095s when we kind of like came up with a game
1097s and revealed it to everybody like in
1099s fall short like the first recording with
1101s the back then my like the footage we
1105s recorded with teacher was it on there I
1114s think actually back from from from from
1118s III at that time we made this and then
1121s whatever there was a new one then this
1122s was a new one but I think we had added
1124s images as well yeah that was really
1126s really cool so we had yeah we had to
1128s like the presence there at e3 2017 and
1131s just went on the show basically does
1133s that showing people like in small little
1135s move we had they're like what what's
1137s what we have in stores like was press
1138s etcetera and I was actually pretty
1140s amazing because like I think it was on
1142s the second day like I think PC came up
1143s with the first thing I said I hate you
1145s guys here is a nomination and it was
1148s pretty good for you guys yeah we got a
1150s lot of prices said that III like 33 305
1154s so it was like my bellowing it was
1157s really really was like the people in
1159s Frankfurt I mean obviously like
1160s Frankfurt in Germany right and we have
1163s like the state's Los Angeles where were
1165s the e3 was hosted bit of a time
1168s difference there so it's like people
1169s kind of like waking up in the morning
1171s over here getting the news about hey we
1173s were like nominated for for best of show
1175s and I'm already in team got super
1176s excited so I think it also gave us a lot
1178s of momentum back at that time like like
1180s so like yeah we really got something
1181s strong here let's just like get our
1183s people yeah yeah awesome so yeah we we
1188s showed it at e3 lots of people excited
1190s obviously it can be different gossip
1192s that we had before
1194s more folks also online and playing with
1196s other people and let's take a look at
1200s when we actually went to early access
1203s when we posted this it was still the old
1206s office 22nd of September at February Wow
1211s 2018 and we have a video of that that
1216s Sam's gonna show us the whole team was
1218s was there this time doesn't want to work
1220s as white would it hello we are live with
1225s just be just a lot of people and we
1235s closed the or a closed out for this
1237s morning but today right now we have
1240s something special for y'all we're
1242s enjoying some beers and some pizza and
1244s we're gonna go push a certain button so
1248s I hope you guys are ready because we
1252s have this big green button here and it
1255s says release is early access so we're
1260s all about to watch as like is going to
1263s press this button oh it's not like
1271s doesn't matter let's go we're doing it
1278s live
1282s [Laughter]
1294s [Applause]
1329s [Applause]
1339s [Applause]
1359s yeah I was at least one centimeter
1362s shorter but at least it was a solid 156
1366s centimeters and not 157 I remember when
1370s we're all like clapping to make the
1372s internet go faster and it's like yeah
1373s that's good so why are we saying no
1380s grunts it's so long ago here so first
1383s call oh wow
1384s to first also let everyone know
1386s obviously we have been working on BC for
1389s a very long time and today was the
1396s plaque police say also for Xbox and as
1399s some of you might know we had to delay
1401s Xbox by a little bit obviously it's not
1403s gonna be long hopefully you know we're
1405s working really really hard on it but we
1407s just didn't feel that it was up to par
1409s yet and we want to make sure that the
1411s experience on Xbox it's gonna be the
1412s same as on PC so that's why we decided
1415s to leave it so I know that a lot of
1418s people are very anxious and waiting to
1420s play the Xbox version but it is still
1423s coming it's coming very soon very soon
1425s but we're just you know finishing a
1427s little touches and then it will be ready
1430s for everyone so we hope you already get
1432s a taste of what this is and then I mean
1437s to be fair I mean we've had some some
1440s hiccups also when we went to the early
1442s exit with respect then
1445s Murphy's Law made the server issues that
1447s they were really painting us in the
1449s beginning it's that we're really not
1450s expecting to be hitting us that it's a
1452s beer and we had to work while the Lots
1454s in the first couple weeks after the
1456s early access release to make sure that
1458s this is kind of getting under control we
1460s don't have to restart the servers like
1461s three times a day or two times a day
1462s so there's always bit of a hiccup in
1465s there and unfortunately this time around
1467s it's it's kinda hitting a little bit the
1469s Xbox release but bear with us we got the
1472s last time we get there this time as well
1474s and it will be out very soon yeah
1476s exactly I also see some questions from
1479s YouTube I went to buy a hot tea shirt or
1481s can i buy the hard merch
1482s definitely participated in giveaway so
1483s you can win one but we are also getting
1485s the score up very soon also this week I
1489s believe if I'm not lying but then you
1491s can also buy your own t-shirt but you
1493s know why not be able to win it first
1495s before you buy one worried by two I mean
1497s by a couple new ones is like a year old
1499s not exactly also different colors yeah
1502s oh no no this is not for me I keep my
1504s black one I do
1506s again I'm like dark but yeah in the past
1513s year we had a lot of fan art so we just
1517s want to take a look a little bit about
1518s that to give you know obviously what the
1521s community has made for us yeah there is
1524s so much fan art we could sit here until
1527s next year but for our HUD classic
1531s release now but we have added I have
1535s picked up cherry-pick so pictures real
1537s quick and I also wanted to give shout
1539s out to a lot of people that have posted
1543s art that have gotten actual hunt a2
1546s because there's been quite a few guys so
1548s yeah I just scroll a little bit through
1550s the images someone who got had two on
1552s his fingers the hunt Cross says this one
1555s is really cool we got like the crow
1557s crosses unfortunately all the images are
1560s not like super big but I personally like
1563s that and this one is my favorite he got
1566s the hunter tier three to two that one of
1569s them had and I think it's super super
1572s awesome amazing it looks so good
1575s like it is so well done I I still think
1578s I mean I never gotten a tattoo but the
1581s tattoos that we have especially like for
1583s example the traits that inna makes I
1585s think would be really cool to have a
1587s sensor but yeah so um bunch of tattoos
1592s this one was made by Shannon
1594s from the belt which was really really
1597s awesome a butcher statue which looks I
1601s mean it looks freaking amazing
1603s I I would definitely want to have one of
1605s those and then also want a spider and
1607s the assassin and then all the other ones
1610s as well at it let me see next one then a
1615s tiny version of that yes so he made two
1618s two UH two pieces he had a tiny bus a
1621s bus pushed him a tiny version of the of
1624s the water devil and then he also made a
1627s really cool compound if you go to the
1629s next image in miniature I don't know
1633s which one it exactly is but I say a
1634s veneer I don't know if you recognize
1637s that do we recognize it's come fried
1638s entus I mean it's it's been used in a
1640s couple of exactly that's very familiar
1643s with but it's really cool like I love
1645s how small it is but then still still
1647s wears detailing it's really really
1649s awesome someone who made the call well
1653s in wood and then we have another shot of
1657s the version there and then also adults
1660s I'm not sure if that's maybe the same
1662s person but I assume it was I think so
1665s cuz they're both made with wood and it
1668s looks great
1669s so I think so I was going to share your
1674s link again because I know a lot of
1676s people if you want to participate so
1679s then we also had because I think that's
1681s the thing I tried to add like a little
1683s bit of what everyone mates like a lot of
1684s people actually make the weapons this
1687s one is the hatchet of the mirror hatchet
1689s and then another shot where it's like
1691s open it's like insane how good people
1694s can make those things like how are
1696s people so talented why am I not so
1700s talented as a question they're like
1702s super good I actually forgot to add the
1707s version that whenever developers Victor
1711s he made the level yeah it's super cool
1716s like if you search a hunt Lego I'm sure
1719s you can find it I totally wish that they
1721s added it but
1722s I only thought about later I was like oh
1723s so what'd you do they
1725s but ya hummed leggo also really cool
1728s that this one was really cool a fan off
1732s grandpa Berg this is actually graduate
1734s as a hunter it looks like him absolutely
1735s it really looks like him so grad work is
1737s a twitch streamer that plays a lot of
1739s hot so what if his fans made him into a
1742s action figure
1744s like Hello that's super cool I mean I
1749s actually expected someone at least to
1751s make you an action figure
1752s oh the Dennis Hunter like right stream
1756s like right Brook miniature thanks you
1759s pretty awesome it doesn't really fit the
1761s beard that he has his stuff yeah no I
1764s mean he looks too hot yeah he just
1768s really looked the part and then we have
1771s oh yes so these I really like is by a
1774s Japanese he also does like some manga
1778s and stuff and he makes these really cute
1781s core to drugs that are actually
1783s explaining the game so here they explain
1785s like sounds very important like you know
1786s gunshots you have you know monsters or
1788s like the rattling of the chains the
1790s crows I mean it's your department
1792s alright for example you locate the boss
1795s you tried about it but bosses I love
1798s always like and then he runs away and
1800s then the last one explains the dark side
1803s so you like the seeds of dark side and
1805s the other guys like spawn again I think
1807s they're really great like I really love
1809s these guys let me see and then the next
1813s one okay this is really cool concept art
1815s which I have an acid as a feature maybe
1819s maybe in the future one day you know
1821s something to do with crocodiles or
1822s alligators because I feel this tip cups
1825s keeps going back because if you check
1826s the next one also is a skin the side the
1830s next picture yeah a skin design from the
1833s same artist which has like crocodile
1835s like I'm a through really badass not
1838s gonna lie it looks really cool
1840s buy you wish exactly yeah the extremely
1843s pasta exactly was the guy who made the
1847s little chippy characters which are
1849s really cool then this is made by
1853s his name was Judd but his full name is
1855s like Jonathan or Johanna it's like
1857s they're at the bottom right who made a
1861s environment in CryEngine based off or
1864s game which if you look at this could
1866s have well fitted in in one of her maps
1868s which was really really cool as well you
1871s made like a little village and you can
1872s see like the moon from the saloon I'm
1875s left really cool as well a really cool
1880s illustration I mean there's so many
1881s different types of fan art that people
1883s make which is just insane like the
1886s amount of creativity that people can
1888s make into all kinds of different things
1891s it's just really really cool fandom is
1893s awesome yeah exactly
1895s you guys are so good a cosplay obviously
1900s because we also had people cosplaying
1901s the hunters here we have two cosplayers
1904s playing I think it's like a tier two
1906s hundred Tier three if I'm not mistaken
1908s because he has the white shirt a little
1911s bit but he looks already a bit more
1912s fancy and then the other one with the
1915s long coats and then the next one is Kira
1919s who made this feeble hunter which is
1922s absolutely amazing I'm very excited I
1924s heard she's gonna take it to twitch gone
1926s so I better take some pictures there I
1929s believe she's also gonna wear there so
1931s I'm very excited and this one was really
1933s cool so with the with the the clue
1936s really awesome awesome cause cosplay I
1940s love like I don't know if anyone has
1942s seen the images for me also shared it
1944s and they have a shoe that has the
1946s provers like she bought real letter and
1948s then like weathered it and added like
1951s yeah it's insane like she literally is
1953s like I went to a hunter and I got like
1955s fresh leather like damn that's that's
1958s some Hobbit like dedication so yeah we
1964s also had some community stuff so this
1966s was last year gates gone we just had
1969s games gone where we had the booth but
1971s last year games gone we had our first
1973s community event where we had a lot of
1975s German hunters and some broadcasters
1978s come sometime desk where there as well
1979s exactly we had some food we had some
1981s drinks
1983s and it was just a really fun night like
1985s a holding with fuels and obviously a
1988s nice group picture would everyone it's a
1991s bit blurry I know but it was the best
1993s one we had but it was a great success it
1994s was really awesome meeting everyone and
1996s then on the next picture I think it is
1998s us I'd twitch gone last year in the
2001s first switch when us some really really
2005s awesome where we also had the booth
2006s we've met so many people I wanted to get
2010s the guys to get stock for more than a
2011s second I'm sorry okay I will say nothing
2015s no more no no it's okay our time will
2018s come enjoy the moment gonna recite all
2027s 30 pages of the pitch so yeah that too
2044s good it's you
2045s so we've won a few prizes at the German
2048s dev days which ones were German
2051s developer Awards yes yes that was
2053s December last year so end of 18 and we I
2057s think was category was best sound best
2059s graphics and best early access yeah but
2063s they were the three we could pick up and
2064s we were very exciting because nobody
2066s thought we would win you know the
2071s anxiety that's audio yeah but well we
2074s know it's kind of good but winning it is
2076s something effort because the competitor
2078s humming Asian I mean if one early access
2082s game that's actually quite a bit of a
2084s achievements
2085s I usually usually you don't really have
2087s that so much in early access it takes
2088s our words an audio I mean cuckoo well
2092s there's all right man well
2094s you you know you were going to take that
2096s one you already had it in the pocket in
2099s the back so yeah what else did we have
2104s oh yeah we had our moderators that have
2108s been supporting us through long long
2110s time some of us have been with us with
2112s the early closed alpha days some of
2115s those but nearer some of them also went
2117s games come with us
2118s sorry twitch car with us and it was
2121s really awesome to have them in the
2122s office I have in the next f'hace yeah
2125s he's always looking very happy so we I
2128s didn't add the video that was
2130s photoshopped but where everyone had
2132s makes us face but yeah these are
2134s moderate sarfaraaz you have to mention
2137s that yeah I've already a very been - out
2140s of my head these other guys would help
2144s with discord some of them helping and
2146s Steve's and I'm helping I'm reddit all
2148s kinds of places if wasn't for them it
2151s would have been really hard to you know
2152s do anything cuz I mean there's so many
2155s of you guys and so few of us so yeah
2159s they've been really awesome and it was
2161s great to meet them a person and to have
2162s them here in the office and yeah I think
2165s we still have one picture I we were
2167s having a good time exactly we were
2169s having drinks also with coolguy which is
2171s a German community manager and also BT
2173s smiling they're like oh boy yes and yeah
2177s it was like really really fun to like
2178s have them as I said we had some good
2181s times she also went to twitchcon EU I
2183s don't have any person act which one of
2184s you I should have added them from the
2186s community meet up there because we also
2187s had a really awesome to meet up there me
2190s good boy and we met a lot of the German
2195s also content creators and also like
2197s people like Archie some of European ones
2199s exactly all EP ones that have been
2201s playing hard for so long which is really
2203s cool and it's really awesome just any
2206s chance to just meet some of the people
2207s with the chat already in the States with
2209s a few of them right like reps from the
2215s local resident once there's a Qui show
2216s there was really nice just having them
2218s at our little hangout there afterwards
2220s yeah a little bar we had but here now
2222s with the European ones or was that it
2223s was felt like but no the family is
2225s trying to get completely
2229s but ya know like for us like having the
2232s ability to go to events and then meet
2234s people that have been playing and
2235s supporting her game and streaming our
2237s game yeah it's really awesome like it's
2239s really nice to see them in person you
2242s know you always see them behind a camera
2243s but then meeting them person is always
2245s really great so that's been a great
2247s experience I don't know how many
2249s pictures if this was I think this is the
2251s last picture yeah that I want to show
2254s one more thing which is really cool that
2256s I saw the other day someone made a 8-bit
2260s version of the humming theme and I
2264s thought it would be fun to mention that
2266s because I thought it was really cool I
2267s and I still think it's really cool it's
2271s exciting it's a classic yeah so let's
2275s just take a look at that one and then
2277s we'll go into the next up again
2283s [Music]
2295s [Music]
2332s you
2355s hateful square baby
2357s yeah welcome back so that was a lot of
2360s the stuff that we had from 11 of the
2363s year from the community side we're not
2369s so I i'ma just hand this one over no to
2372s the guys where they could talk a little
2375s bit more about the game side of things
2376s what we have been doing in the past yeah
2379s yeah I mean it's been said earlier yeah
2383s so like since February last year and
2386s been a wild ride I would say it's
2389s definitely been a lot of ups a couple
2391s downs but I would say definitely ups are
2393s on the up side haha so how did it all
2398s start floor made to be basically at our
2400s launch we mentioned if I could hear well
2401s we came out who had a bit of a server
2403s issue so like the the start was I would
2405s say was like our our brightest moments
2408s but I think we can recover like within a
2410s few weeks and had the service under
2411s control and from there on we could
2413s actually focus on the on the experience
2415s and oh it focus on the community right
2418s because of course with early exit also
2420s started that you know just things hit us
2423s like okay a lot of feedback from all
2424s different channels and it obviously was
2426s where you guys came in to really manage
2428s that well we got a lot of feet general
2430s that into the team so yeah we had our
2432s roadmap of what we still wanted to
2434s achieve in early access on plus there
2436s was the community coming in and yeah and
2438s that was like wow okay cool so some
2440s things really work some things didn't
2442s especially the first couple of updates I
2444s mean they were mostly reactive right was
2446s mostly us trying to try to react on on
2449s what the hell is going on this day about
2452s like me it's basically completely new
2454s meta experience like so so we've done
2457s our play testing we've done our closed
2459s alpha events so we had a bit of an idea
2461s of what the game is like how it works
2463s and like the nuts and bolts of it but
2465s obviously having this exposed to like a
2467s large audience then means like you have
2469s to challenge everything because people
2471s my plate is in a completely different
2472s way than you originally anticipated I
2474s mean I still remember the old quater
2476s master having to long long for example
2479s for example and people run around with
2480s an aftermath and then after mark
2486s so so I think what we've been mostly
2489s been doing this is in the first couple
2490s months at least like when we had the
2493s road map do a lot of smaller but faster
2497s turnaround some comes to update so we
2498s had we had like I think we started with
2500s 1 and 1 5 and 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 so there
2503s were all that very much smaller
2504s incremental updates that focus on
2507s specific parts and I'm the bigger things
2509s we did was obviously like reacting to
2512s the initial meta of Kathy there was
2515s quite a bit of thing back there right
2516s like people were just like standing
2517s there with their rifles shotguns etc
2519s wait for the boss fight to be over and
2521s the moment these guys have with happy
2522s faces came walking about well that's
2525s when they got a shotgun in the face now
2526s darkside boost was an important step for
2528s us to kind of keep the flow of the game
2530s active because it ran it down too much
2532s into this ok whatever has the longest
2534s like dexterity like we could ever hold
2536s out a long list and wait for it we'll
2538s get the kill shot and that's really not
2541s what we envisioned with the game that we
2542s wanted to have a have it more rolling we
2544s wanted to have a flow where people just
2546s move to the post also feel good about
2548s moving out trying to bring it home and
2550s not have the dominant strategy be ok I'm
2553s gonna take it from someone with like
2554s else who did the actual work so that was
2557s I think one of the biggest challenges in
2558s the first couple updates kind of like
2559s narrowing that down and I think with
2561s outside boost and the tuning went around
2563s that the test server was also thing also
2564s our first we like test server experience
2567s we do lots of iterations I think it was
2569s like a two-week span roughly where we
2571s can have brought additional versions of
2572s that set who's on the test server yeah
2574s yeah oh and the level changes as well
2577s and the language say ok they have too
2578s much funneled everybody has to go
2580s through that to gate yeah just easy
2581s omissions or options in the compound
2583s which I think made it yeah at least for
2585s me made a major I mean level designers
2587s have to have been iterating on on the
2589s terrain formula a lot together with the
2591s level artists so like okay how can we
2593s how come we have this cool loss and look
2595s here but how can we also make the
2597s gameplay flow so people don't sit in
2599s this particular bush because everybody
2600s walks past that negative last by chemcam
2602s right like so make sure that people have
2604s a chance to use it tactically but don't
2607s get too abusive with it and I think I
2609s think that was something that of the
2611s first couple updates we kind of saw kind
2613s of clicked a little bit and become
2614s better and also lots of lessons were
2616s learned obviously then for later on loss
2617s and outer the second map
2619s towards the end of the year I still
2621s think it's funny whenever you say loss
2622s and Delta I'm gonna dope their song yeah
2629s Delta yeah so the exactly though we had
2634s the dark side boost obviously you had a
2636s lot of new weapons added in the game I
2638s mean what are what are your favourite
2640s weapons you've the favorite weapons now
2642s or back down
2643s well back that like backwards I had a
2645s soul mate which ones like your favorite
2647s in the first year so so I would say like
2649s I've always been like a total sucker for
2651s the specter shotgun like just what I
2654s love about it is it's not not just the
2656s power level it has like being a
2657s pump-action obviously and you don't need
2659s to reload between trip but just the fact
2660s that it was just it was I think the
2662s first pump-action shotgun ever invented
2664s and therefore it has like this is really
2666s unrefined mechanics and actually
2669s reloading it means that you need to do a
2670s lot of awkward motions on that weapon do
2673s not lose around etc which always say a
2675s modern shotgun doesn't have any mod have
2676s solved these design challenges but back
2678s then it was new but having to deal with
2680s that in a way that the kid gives it as
2682s advantage but you need to know how to
2683s handle and when to reload when to expect
2685s the clunkiness to care like being as
2686s advantage that's that's something I
2688s agree click with me I really like that
2690s well same with a doll show right like
2691s you know when you reload is single
2693s bullets in the whole clip the last two
2696s rounds off not again just moving he acts
2699s like I mean it's cool The Spectre he has
2701s been the weapon that made me play
2702s shotguns because I would never play
2704s shotgun Simon purely play rifles and
2706s then I I noticed that I was the kind of
2709s person that runs to danger and then I
2713s thought hmm I rifles not really suited
2716s for that so then I started with the
2718s specter bayonet and then I just played
2721s Specter beta in until we had the bomb
2722s Lance like just always the specter beta
2724s that was like my main weapon and it was
2727s it was great cuz like I was really bad
2729s at like the single shotgun
2730s I just think of barrel shotguns cause
2733s like if I miss it's just like okay after
2735s reload this is never gonna work and I'm
2737s dead yeah but with the spec you just
2739s keep gold you have a couple tries have a
2741s couple tries to fill but I always have
2744s success inspector I really do this day
2746s as well usually when I haven't have a
2748s hunter with quartermaster I very often
2750s just bring you expect a compact long
2753s said with a sniper or a rifle or
2755s whatever so that you you always have
2756s this chance unlikely partners or
2758s partners now say like hey let's just
2759s charge in thanks I don't have to say
2761s okay I'm going to stay back with a
2762s sniper rifle actually I can also
2763s participate in the charge I can react to
2765s that that's usually pretty awesome
2767s exactly yeah and then we obviously had
2770s the water doubt without at it first new
2773s AI off the launcher water it was not
2775s longer safe I don't I think the water
2779s devil to me is still the most annoying
2780s one because it's like you're in the
2782s water you're like hey I don't want to be
2784s here you could just hear it commies just
2788s a couple definitely sees loneliness
2792s forms he just seeks friends and you're
2794s just running away from me other people
2796s pay for it that they get their feet like
2798s just for free its massage I think first
2802s it was was a pretty interesting change
2804s because I mean it was designed to be an
2806s obstacle right it was trying to be
2808s something that kind of blocks your path
2809s and challenges you should not just go
2811s through where you always want to go to
2813s cut across the water there but actually
2814s consider maybe going over the piers and
2816s it also has an heavy influence on the
2818s level design like holiday but I used
2820s water now also as a potential like soft
2823s blocker for players to funnel them and
2825s direct them different way so they can I
2827s have to break up a little bit to
2828s repetitiveness course yeah son of a
2830s sudden that your favorite path just
2831s wasn't possible rather than always under
2833s the bridge actually have to go across
2834s the bridge now exactly yeah and
2836s obviously the sound to me is what makes
2839s you water Devils the most annoying part
2841s because there's screeching like yeah I
2844s just really not a fan of it well it
2848s makes me feel in a right way of course
2851s but I think it's a fair deal we did
2854s there because you can clearly hear them
2856s now right so they have a good cadence of
2857s like okay water is not safe against
2860s water's safe so it's not like then you
2862s just you know because we had that in the
2863s beginning where you kind of entered
2864s water and said like oh oh there he comes
2867s I don't get that I mean so but we solved
2869s this by you know having a little more
2871s read
2872s exactly like the the iterative process
2874s of thing that something which has been
2875s key to how we approach things it's like
2877s we take this feature we roll it out
2879s initially on the test server we get some
2881s feedback there bring it into the first
2883s release version have it on the live
2884s service exposed to even more feedback
2886s and then over the course of the early
2888s X's face like we've come back to many of
2890s the features we've developed like in the
2891s beginning or were part of already
2893s initial release of kind of revisit them
2894s be that the bosses be that some of the
2896s AI be that some of the weapon balance in
2898s the movement etc we kind of had a chance
2900s to kind of challenge everything and
2901s bring it into a better version of itself
2904s over the course of that process oh and
2906s also like if you have it on the live
2908s server of course there are lot more
2909s rounds being played so you have those
2912s let's say edge case moments of oh now I
2914s was in that corner and around me only
2916s water Devils so it was like a basic
2919s couldn't move yeah it's like okay maybe
2920s that we have to solve this but we never
2922s had it in-house
2923s because we never had those rare cases
2924s something we had to learn with the test
2926s server as well like initially we thought
2928s okay well yeah and you know what we just
2929s put them a test server and there would
2930s be representative of a slice of the
2933s community and it will work exactly that
2936s life Severson but we also had to learn
2937s that obviously there is a specific type
2940s of player from our community even goes
2941s to the test servers usually like
2943s dedicated people like the veterans the
2945s people are really on they won't try they
2946s want to give money back they want to try
2947s the actors out so very often also in the
2950s beginning with the first updates we
2951s found out that we still have to go back
2952s afterwards so these features because
2954s obviously not everybody might be as
2956s skilled as some of the veterans are then
2958s maybe certain features are actually too
2959s tough like we've seen it I think one of
2961s the latest examples was the emulator
2962s which which kind of felt good on the
2964s test server right of course obviously
2966s the veterans then you very quickly how
2967s to deal with them but then move your new
2969s layers like they didn't know what to do
2971s is they've no life I think most people
2973s died still due to emulator I have a
2975s feeling it's still like with the knife
2978s and then like go do this I've seen it
2981s happen so many times during games cause
2982s walk is like they were playing on the
2984s Xbox so we even
2985s mention it before they started playing
2987s like listen and make sure if you see you
2989s know the guy I'm fired don't stab him or
2991s don't you know shoot him because it'll
2993s explode yeah have fun playing this game
2994s but please don't do anything but it's a
3003s light I was like I thought I was like
3007s yeah oh yeah time for day but yes I
3015s still think it's one of the coolest
3017s looking ones
3017s definitely I still think Fogg would be
3020s my second favorite at nighttime I still
3023s think goal is my favorite that night
3025s time yeah actually I prefer neutral
3027s really I don't like no joke cause it
3030s reminds me of a day that's where it's
3032s gonna rain
3033s and I don't like rain maybe maybe I do
3037s like rain then yeah I guess it's like
3039s that I know this is the type of weather
3041s we get in the Netherlands that I always
3044s disliked but it's always Korea outside
3045s I'm just like yeah I already have like
3048s is a perfect day to play home it's
3050s golden it's like you you're like golden
3053s that's like the end of the night of a
3054s warm summer night where it's perfect
3057s temperature outside and you just you
3059s know just gonna go for a hunt first you
3061s relax in your porch I just envisioned it
3065s they obviously it's really cool but like
3067s yeah nice data daylight for me is just
3069s to to if you go fuck for me I like that
3074s more cuz that's like complete all-out
3075s like I like I like the option gives you
3079s for playing like you can you can when
3081s you have a firefight right at fuck I
3083s find it much easier to just like blend
3085s in back into the form say maybe find
3087s like a different angle flank around just
3089s like use use your concealment as an
3092s advantage in order to kind of like do it
3093s and run
3094s yeah which obviously if you're a daytime
3096s you can be much more exposed so if you
3098s know you to cross get a cross like you
3099s know the the the fields northwest of
3101s Stillwater right I mean you know okay
3103s he's probably gonna have like three
3104s shots at me until I finish the trailer
3106s right which usually is enough to bring
3108s me down but with a fox setting I can
3111s kind of like move around like it's kind
3112s of the rolling hill stuff is really nice
3114s with it so the particles as well
3116s just looks really cool that's fine well
3119s for me for me night is still pretty cool
3121s I think even after that we made the
3123s changes to make it a bit brighter to
3125s begin with yeah yeah that helped a lot
3127s for me especially at home I don't know
3129s why
3129s oh my it was really dark like really
3132s dark like um but but then you have to
3134s listen out even more what's happening
3136s around you any of the nice thunder
3137s feature right so you can basically well
3140s yeah your approach gets cluttered by the
3141s Thunder so you can time it like flash
3143s the mic wait wait wait boom and then you
3146s can you can do something there so that
3147s was a there was a nice people loved that
3149s too
3150s I recently added playing with a buddy
3152s and we'll see a couple I always you know
3153s I would sprint when there's something
3154s else that's wrong you make you move
3156s right that's actually fires the show
3161s what I found interesting there was like
3163s the nighttime that's been one of the
3166s good examples for how it evolved over
3168s the course but I think back from yeah
3170s some of the streamers for example said
3171s like it's really not so good for stream
3173s is that what's doing into early access
3175s or early access release so doing across
3178s offer me and getting this iterative
3182s process again of adjusting etc means on
3185s one hand you might improve that one
3186s feature but if you're not careful
3187s other features might suffer in this case
3189s like the poor flashlights kinda suffered
3191s a little bit and we I think we haven't
3194s really found hundred percent like its
3196s place its place yeah is still active
3198s there look at the guy slash live right
3200s there so when you want to shoot first
3201s because he deafening yeah
3205s so this is for example something which
3208s so I would see as a challenge ahead of
3209s us as well right like a like go back and
3212s see you like what equipments
3214s do two feature changes new features
3216s being added either became redundant or
3218s just like didn't really have a spot
3220s anymore and we've experimented with the
3222s flashlights like to give it a bit of a
3223s blinding thing but even that the moment
3225s was still systemically limited by our
3227s light me or my team said we haven't
3230s again so it works at nighttime that
3233s least there's some blinding effect but
3234s is completely useless obviously our
3236s daytime and so like going back to some
3238s of these things including the other
3239s flashlights or the electric lamp
3241s bringing them into something where they
3243s can be useful that's obviously ahead of
3245s us so at the moment it's a nice thing
3247s and I think the biggest use for itself
3249s is if you get poisoned at night that
3251s actually helps quite a lot you can see
3253s through the poison effect much better
3254s but it's very situational obviously
3256s people find out icons for the slots that
3258s might be much more meaningful in a
3260s moment exactly but yeah we also had a
3263s bunch of treats obviously new equipment
3265s equipment new hunter variations yeah
3269s more more styles for your hunters but
3272s also something that has been really
3274s important for us in the first year
3276s performance yes probably I think the
3279s most important I think we had like three
3280s major updates yeah that focused on
3282s performance in the first year like there
3284s was one I think was 1.5 I think yeah
3286s first one so I gave us an issue of who's
3287s there the map us the new map and some
3290s improvements oh thank you it's a good
3292s thing of having an in-house engine also
3294s like we do have some of the experts by
3296s the way and they're able for us so we
3298s can actually work on some of these
3300s improves P that rendering be that
3301s lightning just making sure that the
3302s threads are optimized like make sure the
3304s technical side is ready to support us in
3307s whatever we need to do in earnest that's
3308s been very very beneficial for us for
3310s this project our having and having the
3312s focus on the optimization and professed
3314s right because whenever he adds something
3316s to do to the game it always means well
3317s yeah you add something so it can affect
3320s other things you might not have
3321s anticipated and certainly control off
3323s the budget so yeah okay let me make more
3325s like a freeze and then let's really look
3328s at the frames and performance and how
3330s GPU CPU operate together and that was it
3333s I think a big learning curve as well you
3335s know that we spend more time on this
3337s optimization and performance to begin
3338s with again the tester rolls and
3340s intestine as well right to to balance
3342s that out but I think it was I know that
3344s you guys always came back like saying
3346s yeah it runs much better and obviously
3347s there's something want to come to you
3348s yeah hmm also like I mean just mention
3352s the image of points that can you trades
3354s new hunter variations a bit weapon
3356s variations or you need new weapons
3357s performance updates bug fixes balance in
3359s this kind of a combo boom like the
3362s formula for how we approach the updates
3364s from this come on right like all of the
3366s updates that came after like an interval
3369s usually a month or maybe sometimes two
3370s spaced out they usually had a
3372s combination of all of
3373s so we're trying to attack multiple
3374s fronts get like some improvements out
3376s get some new features out and then very
3378s often just having that one unique
3380s feature linked to it as well like Peter
3382s the new map for example or a quick play
3384s yeah yeah so the new map it's also
3387s definitely something that was probably
3389s one of the biggest things off last year
3391s absolutely oh we showed it at twitchcon
3393s where we had her booth last year in
3395s acetyls yeah yes and yeah the new map
3400s was possibly accepted
3406s I think people have been knowing for a
3408s new mayor to get their hands on it I'm
3415s like I'm also like having a lot of
3416s issues breathe you should just sneeze
3418s maybe in that I do have I swear like if
3423s I look at you it's really because the
3425s light is there I do feel the need to
3426s sneeze it well thank you that's but yeah
3434s so we added the new map there we already
3436s had people broadcasting a new map
3438s explosively footage come before people
3440s could play it and so yeah I know I look
3443s at the life does do different every time
3445s I look up it doesn't want to do it I
3447s look at the life this is what we accused
3450s a flashlight for I get it yes this is
3452s what we're gonna you didn't get my
3453s kidding yeah you wanna sneeze the
3455s flashlights at me did you make other
3458s hunters sneeze but yeah a new map really
3464s well-received and then obviously we did
3467s a bunch of changes still to the old map
3469s and the new map because obviously we're
3472s we bring out a map we still have a major
3475s amount of level changes where we know
3477s it's like oh this entrance is not being
3479s used or here we could have multiple like
3481s oh that's another ring as well cuz it's
3484s it's kind of almost natural that you
3486s want to do it as detailed as possible
3487s and then you might get a little lost in
3490s that process and so a lot of things are
3491s kind of oh wait a minute now you cannot
3493s see that we need to have different
3494s angles for what all these are one spot
3496s and the in walks spend with a new
3498s updated heath bound tells you no one is
3499s going
3501s he actually showed on stream at some
3503s point as well one of the few developer
3505s live streams where you can see where
3506s people died and we know exactly like
3508s this better than the team that did a
3509s really great home yeah yeah absolutely
3511s really helpful but yeah a new map what
3516s else we had a Halloween event
3518s oh yeah quickly not to of course we had
3521s quick play which it was a bid for thing
3524s up at 3 was the what's the new math math
3526s and then yeah update for in November I
3529s think yes quickly yes yeah quickly we
3532s now so there's a solely that originally
3534s in September yeah testing to test it out
3538s and yeah cool play has stick around
3540s still one of the most more popular
3543s obviously features Syria yeah and yeah
3547s quick way I mean that has evolved quite
3550s a lot as well yes important part for us
3553s was so quickly also to give people so
3556s first off I mean that's maybe went back
3557s yeah but I talked about the solo only
3559s event so I mean it was the first event
3560s we did but and with this custom only
3564s solos allowed roll set for the basic
3567s bounty on mod and maybe we we learned a
3569s lot from that one and one of the biggest
3571s takeaways was that if players are alone
3574s they were less likely to commit they're
3576s less likely to risk something because
3577s there isn't really the partner can help
3578s them back up on their feet
3580s solo players they play differently no
3583s not only when they also faced against
3584s teams are normal mode but even if
3586s there's only solos around we found out
3588s that they are much more defensive much
3589s more careful and if you have an
3591s objective where one gaiden has to go and
3593s fight the boss which alone is much
3594s tougher obviously because no one can
3596s cover your back or you can't bring the
3597s boss down much faster
3598s it turns exactly that probably and
3600s originally happen again before that's a
3602s boost in to a much much bigger issue
3604s because even with dark said boost people
3606s so don't see the value in going in and
3607s risking it because most of the time they
3609s will not succeed so clever to fight in
3611s the end of the day you just make a lot
3612s of noise and then exactly a nap so so an
3615s for behind it let's learn from that was
3617s that a solo mode would need to be
3619s different it need have its own stick in
3621s there have its own rule set that kind of
3624s help us to to design around these
3626s behaviors we've noticed and observed and
3629s so that that's why I can pick very
3631s quickly then
3632s was turning into this more objective
3635s driven mode where was about survival was
3637s more like The Last Man Standing
3639s and also from the rewards point of view
3641s giving you different strategies on how
3643s you can compete where you can just go
3645s into from a little bit of money because
3646s even if you only have like the worlds
3648s frame for like a little while you will
3650s still get the money out and there's no
3652s risk since you didn't invest a hunter so
3654s it's it's basically just okay let's see
3656s how far this goes this time and just
3657s have them have some fun playing and
3659s maybe you would maybe not but there's
3660s some take away or you can kind of try to
3663s play it safe still it because your
3665s priority might be you want to save that
3666s happen you want to be the last guy to
3667s survive Iran because that then gives you
3669s that hunter that you've just gonna
3671s unlock ready for the other mode so then
3673s you had like a synergy so people we've
3675s seen I don't like actually with some of
3676s the streamers also like in the beginning
3678s of the streams or what you do before
3680s they started streaming everybody getting
3682s a couple of quick leaders and then I
3683s could kind of play with those when when
3685s when when the teammates were all it's a
3688s perfect way to get like better weapons
3690s from the start right if you get out with
3692s a quickly hunter and you can already you
3694s know you can have her already enough
3695s much exactly what's rare but you can you
3698s can have it this is a super interesting
3701s point we can maybe touch upon you like
3702s so the fact that if I have completed
3705s tutorial and I can now start at rank of
3707s one I can technically find an endgame
3710s weapon right away
3711s exactly okay I can I can just play
3713s quickly we just talked about and if I
3715s win that round of quick play obviously
3716s it's you know based matchmaking
3717s which means I will be match made also
3719s with new players for the most part what
3721s so I have a fair chance of actually
3722s winning that one yeah so I can I can
3725s take that hunter out and if I'm lucky
3726s maybe I find enough to Matt it's not
3728s right with some recommit or endgame
3729s weapon and if I stick with that until
3732s the end that's that's what a guy will
3733s have alternatively I can just like go
3735s into a bounty hunt and I can can be
3738s lucky to maybe have a pvp fights with
3740s some players and kill them get their
3741s weapons or if I'm more to scavenge a
3744s person I can also just sit back see some
3746s other guys Duke it out my name we won't
3747s actually go and just see what it was I
3749s left behind right exactly so there's
3751s always a chance besides like damage and
3753s the new challenge communication with
3755s each other or that to still get
3756s basically a cool endgame weapon
3760s at first grade yes exactly and with over
3763s the flat weapon balance that we have an
3764s again to begin with like I mean even a
3766s basic weapon you start with has a fair
3768s chance against some of the myths to
3770s infinity there's always that spike but
3772s like there's always a cost to it like so
3775s very powerful might be very easy to
3777s handle but then it might have just like
3778s some some economic issues because you
3780s might not find emulation so quickly for
3782s anybody the crossbows for example like
3784s they you need to like to expose and the
3786s shuttle you only have to limit it down
3787s before them but they're very powerful so
3789s people they'll prefer the regular
3791s crossbows over those just because of how
3792s they balance and this goes across the
3793s entire arsenal yeah exactly
3796s so yeah quick play we had that event
3798s then we had Halloween where we have the
3803s Halloween butcher where he had a pumpkin
3805s forehead which I still think is really
3807s cool it's a sermon weird reason I know
3808s it's adding all these pictures to the
3810s thing and now they're all gone and I'm
3812s kind of set because I can have someone
3813s get hurt and then obviously we had
3815s Christmas where we had the hunt jingle
3818s bells
3821s and despite up with the songs exactly
3823s just spider with the socks we had grunts
3825s elfs we had a lot of things like spiders
3828s house
3829s I really would I mean like what's next
3832s events coming up we think Halloween
3833s again other we don't show pretty mixed
3834s we gotta see if we can deck out
3836s Halloween a bit more I don't want to see
3839s a return of the pumpkin butcher I mean
3841s the pumpkin butcher for sure but like
3842s maybe we can add something else I don't
3844s know we should think about candy candy
3846s yes so basically I mean and that was
3850s almost the first year done right I mean
3852s so yeah customers unfortunately we
3854s didn't we didn't end that year on such a
3856s high note
3856s yeah of course again unfortunately we
3858s had some server issues of some stuff we
3860s deployed
3861s yeah it's obviously all the thought of
3862s the Christmas content that we definitely
3864s wanted to get out it's nothing to do
3865s with us maybe just missing a few bucks
3867s it was completely that no unfortunately
3869s that can I give us a bit of a dent
3871s because we wanted to end this on high
3874s but with the server issues and the
3875s Christmas break you said throw some of
3876s the issues just couldn't be resolved
3878s until early to nineteen so like only
3881s only like in the last week of December
3883s first week January we'll be able to
3884s really things back on but was the focus
3888s on the on exactly that problem for
3890s really a while saying okay let's freeze
3892s let's first get that all the way that
3894s before we you know there was a wake-up
3895s call for us was a big wake-up call
3897s especially since we had complains about
3899s some of the performance improvements
3901s that we've been working on over the year
3902s having either been lost men et cetera
3905s like there was like this omnipresence
3907s problem of stuttering that people like a
3909s lot of people who actually suffering
3910s from micro status like my smile stoppage
3912s which was really I was to figure out
3916s like I mean again only because of the
3919s proximity to the community only because
3920s you guys actually gave us the log files
3922s and I came back to us with all that
3924s we're already yeah I already got it down
3927s and finally actually nobody looks like I
3930s was like a lot of people but it was so
3932s hard to find and I mean they have been
3935s given up so many logs and like it still
3937s was ever sound like we have a folder
3938s locks collected there they are and then
3940s every was like working really hard in
3942s life like that's been the main focus
3943s version we've had like a tests over on
3945s the tester reception almost where we
3950s wouldn't be having a specific build with
3952s edition telemetry everybody issues like
3955s please go to this specific server so we
3957s can try it out yeah yeah it was painful
3959s but also I think it was very positive in
3962s the end because we were able to find the
3964s issues and resolve them yeah and again
3966s without community support I think we
3968s would have started not so yeah and then
3972s we survived that managed to fix most of
3974s all those issues that we had and then I
3976s actually went up it up what do we have I
3979s mean I'm already like yeah and next year
3984s yes more performance that was a
3987s performance performance performance is
3989s says here performance
3992s so for for January that was like updated
3995s 4.2 yeah so four came out in the end of
3997s last year yeah exactly
3999s that was what we introduced quick play
4001s and then we had four one right before
4002s Christmas and for two was the first one
4004s where we could do some immediate fixes
4006s and get some of the things back on track
4008s yeah five or six well four point two
4012s five and six had old odd yes yeah I mean
4015s specifically for two and five they were
4017s elected two big ones where we kind of
4019s had like some quick low-hanging fruits
4021s things we could fix in immediately and
4022s then the bigger changes that together
4024s with the engine guys we have a chance to
4026s kind of like work on and improve so that
4029s with five oh we actually had a pretty
4030s strong like Porsche on performance yeah
4033s I think a lot of them appreciate it but
4035s not only that because yeah update five
4037s was also a milena right the emulator and
4041s then obviously update 6 we had the
4043s assassin the butcher polish pokémons
4045s damn it that is so good yeah it's Cairo
4048s yes it was basically where we will be
4051s gained momentum right like so sort of
4052s the first year or at least until the end
4054s of the end of 2018 yeah there was more
4057s where we were kind of occupied with with
4059s ourselves a little bit like this was
4061s like trying to clean house make sure we
4063s kind of get the infrastructure ready
4064s obviously is an early access game of all
4066s the features are there from the gap goes
4067s it's catching up it's it's like Mitch
4069s makes
4070s matchmaking came in it always
4071s matchmaking for example systems under
4076s the hood you not really you cannot
4078s really see but it's a lot of work to get
4080s them deployed and actually so that was
4082s it was like we're pro 18 was was that
4084s part it was more the cleaning house part
4086s and I think we we can neglect itself to
4089s commit your requests during that time
4091s just because we had so many things on
4092s our must fix list then we couldn't
4094s really do so many of things we would
4095s like to have edit as well this time
4097s already that's also one of the reasons
4099s why focusing we talked a little bit
4100s longer to actually get them the first
4101s first new AI out after the water devil
4103s would years later or work on the new
4105s boss
4106s 10 for update six but with 2019 we
4109s actually started to pick up this
4111s momentum we actually started to getting
4112s you could also see the reception of the
4113s game picked up the the numbers can I
4115s kind of went up a little bit so the
4116s committee was growing and people were
4118s happy with the content we've given them
4119s and specifically update five and six and
4122s out horse one I think people mentioned a
4124s couple of times that go all these guys
4125s are on fire stuff like yeah really went
4129s fast I get buried to the beginning like
4132s yeah it's what's there like February
4133s March May we had like massive updates I
4137s mean those live streams took forever I
4140s still remember that
4142s lots of preparations but yeah we got so
4145s much new stuff then and also just so
4147s many fixes so many performers updates in
4149s that time that it was yeah it was insane
4152s it was interesting like I think like
4154s during the like the second quarter of to
4157s 19 we also saw some of the biggest
4159s streamers that have been playing the
4160s game initially Nexus come back and just
4163s having a look as well like even then
4165s before before the big push to 100 they
4168s already have act is feeling of like oh
4169s something really change you like this
4171s it's a different experience this
4172s additional things they make sense it's
4174s coming together it has come a long way
4176s since the initial release and I think
4179s that's also been like kind of motivating
4181s Aspinall that are you in the turnarounds
4183s get fastest yeah right so we could react
4185s faster to the community feedback because
4187s now you know the house was clean we knew
4189s where everything is and say hey that's
4190s this that's that let's think about that
4191s and yet I think that it's really helped
4194s yeah and I see in a channel that we have
4196s a lot of so many like content creators
4199s I've been playing a game that has been
4200s inspiring people to check it out and try
4202s it out definitely it's been really
4204s awesome especially lately I mean a lot
4207s of the big guys that were playing the
4208s game it's really cool to see people also
4210s just in general like reinvent or re you
4213s know experience the game because there
4215s were a lot of people that have played
4216s the game back in a day and I'm now
4218s playing it again and they're like it's a
4221s whole new experience that they're like
4222s just get sucked in which is really great
4224s but then obviously we also had the no
4229s camera are we still audible I think well
4237s let's see if we can fix the camera have
4242s you tried turning it off and on again I
4248s love that it's like the first fix like
4250s okay I can't hear anything okay well
4259s that's
4260s you were about to announce yeah what was
4263s the next
4268s three two one well then we can go over
4275s the etcetera quick so there was there
4277s was great to finally have a third pass
4278s edit to the mix because they all awesome
4281s to fight that the two but the third one
4283s really gave this like you really don't
4285s know what's gonna happen the mission
4286s because now you have like you know
4287s either along two bosses possible three
4289s available which always means to get two
4291s or one out of them
4292s totally cool so and I think that I love
4295s the assassin because it was this kind of
4296s sneaky sneaky yeah different style you
4300s know yeah you cannot go in with brute
4302s force
4308s congratulations we get from the core
4313s yeah so that was awesome to finally get
4315s it out and yeah because they've had a
4317s lot of iterations on that guy and we
4318s really went for some back and to make
4320s him this Len Crawley sneaky guy and you
4323s know give him all the features he has
4324s and yeah make him fun to to fight a play
4326s we also had finally had like all three
4328s damage types covered right like a fire
4329s and poison before not bleeding so I was
4337s taking the weapons oh yeah and I mean
4340s the challenge that we faced also that we
4343s were faced with was basically how we can
4346s normalize the bosses right next so they
4348s were with this part in the butcher we
4350s had like an a year experience of kind of
4351s tuning them making sure that neither
4353s felt so more close by there was always
4355s like domain strategies for each of them
4356s but with the assassin it became much
4359s harder for us to actually normalize so
4361s that's one thing we also did together
4363s with the assassin release was to do a
4365s pass on the butcher already so we had
4367s back the frenzy mode and they're so kind
4368s of chases after you exactly which 10
4371s with 100 is also now coming to the
4372s spider yeah and like I think that can I
4376s helped us this process to to kind of
4377s expose these three very vastly different
4380s bosses go for it yeah they like talking
4382s about how much for how much for the
4384s paper I've bent forty dollars
4386s I don't think you want this unless you
4389s fellas really wanna get sitting up now
4397s so yeah I mean again the boss is
4399s normalizing that was a big part and yeah
4402s but that basically was 6.0 there was one
4405s other very big thing that was kind of
4408s like looming there and we were working
4409s towards for the summer and that was
4412s console game preview there exactly so
4417s that was that was a really really big
4419s step for us because obviously like
4420s bringing this game to console is just
4423s like on a complete different level and
4424s then just making like a small update
4427s here and there like that there was there
4428s was work that we've been doing for the
4430s last I think it was nine or ten months
4432s for people like the support of the team
4435s has been exclusively working on that
4436s yeah helping him find it the good thing
4438s is also though that any sort of
4440s improvements we've made for the Express
4441s also have a chance to can it be fed back
4443s into a PC so there was some rice nice
4446s like synergy coming from that so any
4447s optimizations kind of also usable for
4450s just update 596 but just like the amount
4454s of work that had to go into it obviously
4455s was was just a bit of non taking for us
4458s and then exactly I mean we mentioned
4459s before we kind of picked up the pace
4461s with up at five and six so the momentum
4462s was getting and alongside we also what I
4465s kept that the drive towards the Xbox
4469s release that was really really really
4471s hard work there but I think it paid out
4473s actually I feel working really hard at
4475s the office that's it yeah I mean game
4478s preview output a pretty good success
4480s because what is it given us as the
4483s feedback of a completely different
4485s demographic um is different audience
4486s right it's very different and while we
4489s haven't been able to do many updates on
4491s the in preview because certification
4493s process it takes a bit longer what we
4496s actually learn from it as vastly like so
4499s so we have so many so much feedback so
4501s many details we go back which all
4502s basically fed into 1.0 so the will of a
4506s different experience while the PC guys
4508s they had like now 1/2 years to Catholics
4510s incremental smaller steps towards 1.0
4513s but obviously on game preview it's gonna
4515s be in bigger steps but not fear lessons
4519s I would say during that time so again
4522s the apology from our side that it takes
4524s a little bit longer to actually get Xbox
4526s one point out for everybody be assured
4530s it's gonna be worthwhile because it has
4532s all these cool improvements and I mean
4534s we already played a little bit of the
4536s Xbox one Play Doh experience it already
4540s yeah people really liked it as well like
4542s I think I'm sure maybe some of the
4543s people are actually in source all
4547s especially those people who have played
4549s or are playing actively at the moments
4551s the the game preview version on Xbox
4554s they might have noticed on games come
4556s already like how different the controls
4558s feel right like the acceleration the
4561s gunslinger is super nice yes that is
4564s addition also you have awesome feature
4565s that again it's an optional feature so
4567s you can play the way they want but in
4569s general like how the controls are
4571s working like so the acceleration the
4573s aim-assist or events that wasn't that
4574s way I can scale you can customize these
4576s things so I think we've doubled or
4579s tripled almost amount of settings you
4581s have on Xbox in order to kind of
4582s customize things in detail so that's a
4584s big step forward that the game feels
4586s much more responsive but also can be
4588s tailored much more to your own
4589s controller needs I think people won't be
4593s once they get their hands on that they
4594s will be appreciating that one this is
4596s also where I think the new menu we've
4598s had and there's been some controversy
4600s about that but I think what we've seen
4604s so far is basically the PC crowds being
4606s primarily commenting on the menu because
4608s no one yet had a chance to use it but we
4610s always have to understand that obviously
4611s this is a compromise like it's a menu
4613s that has to ideally work for both walls
4615s and we don't want to make one better and
4617s sacrifice of the other so and we
4618s continue improving on the UI there will
4620s be additional changes even post one
4621s point more to it no I've done a few we
4623s don't want to do too right because
4626s that's more work that we need exactly
4628s that would be definitely interesting cos
4630s like obviously you know we've been
4632s looking at what happened until release
4634s which is today I just also want to talk
4637s a little bit Bob post 1.0 because a lot
4641s of you might think you know we're done
4643s we're really
4644s girl huh boy dose the beginning but this
4646s is just a sorry
4648s so obviously you just mentioned UI has
4651s been something that the community has
4652s been talking a lot about yeah and this
4655s also still something that we're actively
4656s taking a look on for post 1.0 together
4660s with obviously not a bunch of other
4662s stuff i mean so when people have a look
4665s at the at the many of the moments from a
4667s pc crowd i mean we have great a pretty
4668s pretty slim menu it was a very basic
4671s menu but the problem is at one point
4673s during the development you have to make
4675s a decision whether you wanna try to work
4678s all of the new features into this
4679s framework keep in mind they add a lot of
4682s new UI we initially have we built that
4684s for the early access release right so it
4686s was never meant to be the final one was
4688s something it allowed us to go into early
4690s access and have people enjoy it and in
4692s the beginning is when early access when
4694s even the the old menu was new for people
4696s many of them were also struggling
4698s neither feedback if you look back at
4700s some of the feedback we got back then it
4701s was very similar to actually feedback we
4702s see today where people were just having
4704s a hard time because it wasn't as
4705s intuitive he said hurry because we're
4706s also learning what the best interface
4708s could be and with a change to two 1.0
4713s and then also having to service a
4714s console version alongside the compromise
4717s for us was mostly built around how can
4720s we make it usable and accessible on both
4722s these platforms and if you use the
4724s controller to actually navigate the top
4725s menus with the shoulder buttons and
4727s triggers respectively like you can get
4729s around the menu very very quickly if you
4731s take a look at the game preview version
4733s it is status that is currently is
4734s allowed on xbox we use the old menu and
4739s we use it with an analogue cursor and
4740s yeah it is painfully slow to use that so
4744s finding these compromises and making
4747s sure we can we can make everybody enjoy
4749s the game that has been that has been a
4751s very very big focus but that being said
4752s this is not meant to be as an excuse
4754s we're still looking into it there were
4756s some usability issues certain things we
4758s just couldn't finish in time if you want
4760s to deliver and we'll kind of like make
4761s sure that also on PC step-by-step it
4763s gets more more improvements and it's
4766s basically tailored to the needs of the
4767s players as they use it exactly so like
4769s no we're not saying just to get used to
4772s it we're still altering things I were
4774s trying to get the best experience for
4775s both what we do
4776s so and I think that's maybe the the
4778s request to our community is like also
4781s look beyond the horizon a little bit
4783s like experience and and try out some of
4785s these new features that we thought to
4786s the UI because if you use favorites for
4789s example if you use the filters I mean on
4792s PC you also even have a search function
4793s you can just type in like that yeah well
4795s you get the dogs listed directly if you
4798s use these additional features and don't
4799s just like click around with a menu on
4801s user scroll you can also actually save a
4802s lot of time as well it's something that
4804s you need to kind of challenge yourself a
4805s little bit where the habits that you
4806s have navigating the menu but it also
4808s helps that does mean it's a perfect
4809s solution but it's a good compromise also
4811s that if people use these features they
4813s can kinda get into happens where it
4815s becomes a lot more usable for them
4816s already
4817s exactly but yeah just I wanted to go
4820s back a little bit like the bigger things
4822s of update 1.0 because we are now life
4826s with what we know we just talked about
4827s DVI then but what other things do we
4830s have in 1.0 week we we have legendary
4834s content I think as a break exactly yeah
4836s legendary content so we got some really
4838s awesome skins as you saw earlier the
4841s bone doctor the weird sister I said it
4844s right this time
4844s right yeah did yeah this is the doctor
4848s assisted doctor yeah deducted system
4851s like a lot of ways to look really cool I
4855s mean obviously to look really cool as a
4857s female hunter for me personally I also
4860s like that so I can also you know have my
4863s own I think I think the thing visually
4865s like 41.0 I mean just the amount of
4867s additional content if you just if you
4869s just take a look at all of the weapon
4870s skins all the legendary weapons I mean
4871s yes what's like 35-ish I think alone
4874s will release over the recent 136 the
4877s banker that you guys unlocked with the
4878s Community Challenge yeah
4880s then we have like we had like those
4882s seven hunters unique I'm going to be
4886s looking easily at almost like 50 unique
4889s legendary things I mean each of them
4891s being hand crafted also made and still
4894s being able to be played by the nice I
4895s mean it's not a short your function I
4898s would say yeah exactly and then
4900s obviously I mean this
4903s has been the biggest feature requested
4905s since the beginning of hunt we still use
4908s the old feedback for teams of three
4911s teams of three
4912s I don't so map increase of like more
4914s plays in the map obviously some people
4915s would have loved to seem 20,000 people
4917s map but we have increased both the
4919s player max players per match as well as
4923s season and I feel I hear this actually a
4925s lot is that a lot of people really like
4927s the add addition of like 12 players
4929s because it's always just a little bit
4931s more you know one more one more teammate
4933s on the Raider that Bobby sneaking up or
4935s ambushed you exactly I mean three tours
4937s has been a success for us so we were
4939s hoping that people really appreciate the
4941s feature and I think they're embracing it
4942s the good thing is it's not forced on
4944s people to throw so you could just untape
4946s the box and give me labels if you really
4948s don't like trios or you don't have that
4949s many friends sorry
4950s then you can play the way you want to
4952s however what what you can do is if you
4960s want it you can use the trio feature and
4962s I think what we have seen a lot of
4963s people who actually would have liked to
4965s play the game but they really want to
4967s play with not just that one friend but
4968s maybe there's more people to have a
4970s chance to come back and actually really
4972s enjoy and so for us
4975s trios are teams of three it has been a
4977s pretty big success and we always on
4979s answer like in the stream when we talked
4980s about the future initially that post 1.0
4983s we also want to have two random tracks
4984s cons so at the moment it's an
4986s invite-only thing just to see test
4987s awards ability for the future goes but
4989s for for the next update we definitely
4992s would like to have the random teams of
4993s three in there so which kinda expands it
4995s even further
4995s exactly and yes twelve players and
4997s almost all so quickly so more people and
5001s I think it's really a good like balance
5003s just like obviously our Maps are not
5005s that big but we also don't want them to
5007s be overcrowded because you have the AI
5009s which is also a feature for you know
5011s everything that it's important to your
5013s game so yeah like that with all that
5016s together I mean what people have to see
5019s also is like with with 1.0 or the road
5021s that we take we talk to Waldo we kind of
5024s made the game also ready as a service
5025s right like so so we were we were getting
5028s ready not only to deliver on our
5029s promises from early access like we
5031s clearly said in the beginning we don't
5032s want to do any monetization during the
5034s access right now if we fulfill that
5035s promise
5036s but also obviously we also want to make
5038s sure that there is a service we can
5040s continue to give support and we actually
5042s have new coal content for the people to
5043s explore so that's why the whole idea of
5045s the premium currency the Blood Bones
5047s came to be so people have a chance to
5049s kind of like play to unlock which is I
5051s think very very important why because
5052s it's not just a premium currency and
5054s then it's not happening late and if you
5055s don't pay you will never get this quartz
5057s insulation you can't replace yeah just
5059s prestige or you can play and you will
5061s actually get all of that content for
5063s free for just experiencing the game
5065s engaging with the game and the same
5068s thing is like all the content you get is
5070s it's not gameplay changing so it's not
5073s at all pay to win it's just to give your
5074s customization you look different your
5076s legendary skins you let it rip okay they
5078s sound a bit cooler but it's like it
5082s really doesn't change your whole place
5084s time that's just express yourself so two
5087s pillars right that's that it's a
5088s cosmetic pillar on one hand so that's
5090s where the cool skins come in and that's
5091s the convenience side right if you wore
5093s hunter slog you really don't like a
5095s really shameful but again you know
5097s reshuffling how long does it take if I
5100s want to reach stuff like join a game I
5101s immediately you know get the next
5103s extraction three minutes later I'm back
5104s in the men unit can reshuffle again
5110s shuffle because I'm I will just like go
5112s with the basic in there just there come
5114s out yeah but I do I love my three I like
5117s the three health bar guys I really know
5122s them specifically there's three big
5124s healthy and I I do avoid them all the
5126s time you want them because I get down
5127s soft and so I have the more chunks
5129s because it gives you a revived first one
5132s being big because if you get hit it's
5134s the biggest health part that you can
5136s regain the help
5137s isn't everything all small because like
5139s every time you get down in just this one
5141s yeah so it's a big small small big who I
5143s see the pros yeah new tactic watch out
5146s but it's just a good thing right I mean
5148s there is no wrong or right here yeah it
5151s comes down to place that it comes down
5152s to choice and I'm usually so low so for
5154s me makes total sense thing like if you
5157s don't have a partner pick you up
5158s obviously like small chunks are not so
5159s important right so I think the bottom
5163s line here for that purpose is that what
5165s we think is important is that people
5167s understand that they don't need to buy
5169s the curtain
5169s exactly what they can realize is that
5172s there is vino pay2win and again we don't
5175s want pay2win we would be very much
5177s allergic to pay to win ourselves this is
5179s not the type of game you want to make
5180s and I think we have not made that type
5181s of game what we have is convenience so
5184s that means reshuffling or respect a
5186s little bit like if you're not very happy
5187s about this particular trait you can just
5189s have the traits removed but it doesn't
5191s mean you can get like the perfect hunter
5193s now it does no gameplay advantage for
5195s you there it just means you can get to
5196s that cool country built a little bit
5199s faster and normally worth for playing
5200s but so you enter the map you go for a
5202s first run 50 meters so you still get a
5204s head start that we do yeah there is no
5207s pay to win inside the session anything
5208s gives you an advantage no like rebuy of
5210s coins or anything like that that help me
5212s pay to win clearly none of that in the
5214s game it's all cosmetics and convenience
5216s and I think it's very important for us
5217s because that's something we've also have
5219s a very very strong opinion about that we
5221s want that type of experience yeah I mean
5223s we keep taking the feedback as well
5225s because like some people are worried
5227s about the fact that you get one weapon
5229s on luck from legendary whereas if you
5231s play quick play which you do from the
5232s start you could have never had a
5234s legendary weapon you can kill someone
5235s with like a wind field and they have an
5239s afterthought and you pick it up and you
5240s survive and you have the estimate so
5242s it's not like you know pick up the
5245s legendary I mean it was actually pretty
5247s interesting so when we went on on the
5249s test service initially that we got got
5251s everybody for testing purposes like a
5252s certain amount of blood borne so they
5253s could get spent that are gonna see what
5256s is that type of content I like the most
5258s they always also get their prestige
5259s rewards temporarily for the test server
5261s so we saw actually quite a lot of like
5263s legendary weapons being being around but
5266s to be fair I also saw a lot of them like
5268s on bodies and I was I think I think that
5270s way I got like one of each very quickly
5272s just because I was able to hoard them
5274s from the bodies that I found I could go
5275s in with low investment just sneak a
5277s little bit try them on let's get it on
5279s the way like maybe like a recoil or
5280s position or something and then you use
5282s that on the way the thing is like if
5284s someone enters the game already with a
5286s legendary weapon there's not a very
5288s likely chance that they're even gonna
5290s bother looting the other guy so like
5292s checking dead bodies if you see a dead
5295s body on the map when you playing bounty
5297s hunt it's super smart because you can
5299s directly get out get that body maybe
5301s has also legendary for example if he
5303s already went in the same Legendary's
5305s unit or the other guy that shot up an
5307s NFSA the people you know took a gun and
5309s ran for yeah yeah it also I think that
5313s one nice side effect which is that it
5315s makes makes what you already experienced
5318s in the first couple of games exciting
5320s because there's more much more of a
5321s diversity of different weapons around so
5324s if you're if you're stuck with that say
5325s that the Romero or Winfield campus
5328s though and you have to have to kind of
5330s like fight only people with those and
5332s you're only half them like it kind of
5333s gets tell you would need to under all of
5335s the cool weapons already when there's 10
5336s ranks for them to be different and while
5339s we still need a progression and the
5340s progression is important and also even
5342s if you got that one legendary unlock you
5344s only have one version of it until you
5346s actually have ranked up all the way to
5348s get more of them so it said one try you
5349s get but that one try isn't really gonna
5352s make it much time it's because you can
5354s just find the same weapon somewhere else
5355s it's not that you get an infinite amount
5357s of those ready from the get-go one
5359s instance you can play with it and you
5360s can probably lose it the same game if
5362s you're unlock exactly um let me see so
5368s what else do we have
5370s so yeah just in general like community
5373s community community requests it's gone
5376s we have been getting a lot of three
5378s requests and fast we did it on our
5381s website and we have been doing it on our
5382s discord for last month's actually
5385s already so if you guys have ideas post
5387s on this card I know I have to update the
5389s overview from the last month it is a lot
5392s of work to get through it but we're
5394s still doing it and you're also going to
5396s talk with the rest of the team you know
5399s what kind of stuff you know we can add
5402s that Hakeem in your requested and Pitt's
5404s in the game we're all sane or you know
5405s the idea of the game is obviously a lot
5408s of cool things sometimes get suggested
5410s which would be really funny but
5412s sometimes are just not you know the
5414s vision of our game because there are you
5416s know there is always this thing of like
5418s the balance of like finding that you
5420s know we want to make the game that we
5421s envisioned but also incorporate the
5423s community request and then find like the
5425s perfect mil balance and then so even
5428s even if we added we still get feedback
5429s in something
5430s you know my to chef liken the leaders
5431s right but if you take a look at mean
5434s especially is all the stuff we talked
5435s about I mean quite a large amount of the
5437s things that we mentioned as me just
5439s we're commanders requests which are like
5440s swords are not only just like the latest
5442s one with the trio's but other features
5444s alongside behind anymore female hunters
5446s something very early on was matching the
5451s community you mean it was like okay
5453s that's a no brainer which is actually
5455s pretty awesome in the beginning when we
5456s could see that committee request so we
5457s saw like on one end that request list on
5459s the end we saw or internal roadmap
5461s anybody like well that's not too much of
5463s a difference somebody so yeah I mean
5466s okay maybe the community thinks this one
5467s feature is more important than we think
5469s but like over there were lots of things
5471s appearing on both of these lists super
5473s encouraging because it kind of showed us
5474s we were on the right track or reject
5476s some of these don't know exactly and I
5478s mean that's why we're obviously gonna
5480s take a look and then next week we'll
5483s have a stream another stream we're gonna
5485s go more into details of what we have
5486s planned for post 1.0 because obviously
5488s there is stuff coming there too and then
5490s we can give you some more information we
5492s originally had a music saga stream plan
5495s but that got that got sacked for a later
5498s date sorry Laurie I don't know if
5500s location okay so here is also may be a
5506s good point to talk about I mean so we've
5508s had a lot of really really hard work
5510s happening exactly with 1.0 out now I
5514s mean we would do bug-fixing will do do
5517s additional attach support like we can
5518s have move forward like bring them bring
5520s roadmap interview people have continued
5522s to work right but I'm also sure that it
5524s would be a couple of people on team who
5525s might want to take at least a day or two
5526s off and I think it's good for everyone
5530s you know like so you have a really lot
5532s of content you can you can play play
5534s through now and it's good for us as well
5536s because we take a step back and can look
5538s at the whole thing we've done like one
5540s zero is always like this like a little
5541s bit of we've made it you know celebrate
5544s but of course don't kind of you know
5545s rest and yeah become lazy but at least
5548s it gives us like okay where we are right
5550s now this is really good let's think
5551s about what we gonna do next let's listen
5552s again to what you guys want to do what
5554s we want to do and then find a find a
5556s good balance out of that so yeah it
5557s won't stop but it's a good opportunity
5559s for us as well to well to celebrate and
5561s reevaluate that's it
5562s okay mr. Smith just regained some
5564s strength rec for a little bit ready for
5567s the next awesome things well it's like
5568s you know looking at the at the numbers
5570s out there lights like a lot of people
5571s have been you know waiting for that one
5573s zero day to finally you know play it
5576s themselves again after a long time or
5577s pick up again or you buy the game first
5579s time so I was super excited to just play
5581s in the evening at home and just like you
5583s know with my buddies and friends and
5584s tell them and I k10 fighting in there
5586s that's absolutely check it out and then
5587s of course like you know like yeah the
5589s new unlocked system it's like of course
5591s if it's new we have to get used to but
5593s it was like oh okay cool now I have to
5594s use a lot more guns than I didn't have
5597s used before with you I'm gonna
5598s specialize and maybe especially exactly
5600s I'm more than good you know so playing
5601s so obviously silenced guns it's my thing
5603s so I had to you know look at my past so
5606s I was really occupied and also like some
5608s new things I yeah I hadn't been touched
5611s we've touched but all things mean 30
5614s pages of change six oh two one oh three
5617s ranges of changes shout-out to race like
5626s I mean amazing amount of work and yeah
5629s so I I have been at this company now for
5631s a long time on the crisis hello already
5634s and and we've gone through a lot of
5636s different projects and I've seen so much
5640s hash in the last year's like so many
5641s people were doing a lot of hard work and
5643s then just as going this extra mile just
5645s wanna make this game succeed from the
5647s initial 2017 III reveal to all my exes
5651s for the exes face now to push to 100 and
5654s that push will continue and I'm pretty
5656s sure of that there's there's so many
5658s dedicated people who really want to see
5659s this game go really really so because
5664s this is a celebration of give you guys a
5666s last minute or so to fill in the Google
5670s Doc which is a chance to win either a
5673s hot children game key a deal seat pack a
5676s key or a t-shirt t-shirt so definitely
5681s fill it in and then in what is a honcho
5684s dokie it's a game gonna get a key to the
5685s game so a lot of you already have it
5687s obviously right but you guys can give to
5690s friend if they don't play hard
5692s if you don't only get yet this is a good
5694s time and also for the people that you
5697s know don't make shirts or wind chores
5699s right now we're gonna have the Merc shop
5702s opening really soon I think it should be
5704s this week but I will not give the exact
5708s details yet cuz I don't know when and
5710s first we'll have like some of the basic
5712s stuff like some cheer it's another
5713s venture get more and more more and more
5714s more for later times because we have
5717s some really cool merch bud
5719s so yeah the next stream will be probably
5724s me and Dennis and maybe potentially
5725s someone else which will be next weekend
5728s and we're gonna talk a little bit about
5730s what you know what's going after the
5733s road map will be updated as well then to
5735s reflect that we're gonna take a look at
5737s the community features that have been
5739s requested and yeah in general I think
5744s you're ready for everything that you
5747s guys have been doing like you guys have
5749s with us some for a very long time so
5751s from the early clothes outfit days when
5753s we I still remember all were on disc
5755s work and like everyone was screaming and
5758s they were like 70 or 80 people just in
5760s one voice Channel and it was mad but it
5763s was really fun and I think it's a really
5766s great thing so I also want to answer a
5767s little bit of questions
5768s I already saw one person asked what if
5770s you know weapon of the DLC files in the
5772s floor key you would that yes yes yes yes
5774s so you can pick up everything you'd find
5776s on the ground and then follows the rules
5779s of contraband right which is you can
5781s only have one version of it in your
5784s arsenal or each of your hunters would
5785s technically also carry one version but
5788s it is available there's there's there's
5790s nothing as a strategy where you will
5792s just pick up a split the DLC weapon no
5794s one else can pick it and therefore they
5795s can't benefit from you getting down like
5797s that's not gonna happen like everything
5798s you pick up is there for everybody else
5802s to pick up as well yeah so will the
5805s soundtrack be Amazon music I'm not sure
5807s if that gets offered through the the
5810s list is very long it is a lot of things
5812s but I can't recall whether Emma
5814s we posted the list so just follow the
5817s social media yeah because there's some
5821s others I would not obviously no but I
5825s mean Spotify is free yes well there are
5829s quite some there's so many sir we named
5831s it poet sulfa bench so if you just yeah
5832s well that you get the document to the
5838s left and then yeah and then the jet um
5841s yes well like that yes let me see
5846s so like weapons way that's also
5848s something that we see a lot being
5849s mentioned in the in the community right
5852s now I mean obviously the same with
5853s everything we just you know so we did we
5856s did a lot of rebalancing right I mean so
5858s so one of the bigger changes we've done
5859s is the project out speeds and with
5862s weapon balance is always a given take
5863s somehow and we felt that it's more
5865s important for people to have an easier
5867s time actually aligning with the target
5868s and then calculating with left like
5871s leading the target et cetera the
5872s velocity I mean it's old western guns
5874s they've mostly black powder or gunpowder
5876s slow slow pressure built up lower
5878s velocities and we want to make sure that
5880s this is also part of the experience not
5881s like a super high supersonic like
5884s Kalashnikov rounds or whatever that's
5886s not the type of game we're making but
5888s obviously it's a give and take as I
5890s mentioned and this way we felt was
5892s already very excessive in some ways we
5895s felt it was a bit too harsh and added to
5898s this whole problem of like being able to
5900s score reliable hits because keep in mind
5901s you also have like the latency the ping
5904s of the players to the service all of
5905s that stuff in there even with the
5906s systems we built like favoring the
5908s shooter you still have issues where it
5910s just felt like too many things stacked
5912s on top and even with the changes we've
5914s been doing like scaling down some word
5916s we are still I would say having more
5918s sway than most other games out there by
5920s far yeah so so I think we're in a good
5923s spot and together with these other
5924s changes you should not look at the sway
5926s or the motor speeds or the other changes
5928s in isolation look at them and how they
5930s form a bigger picture together and how
5932s they affect the balance of the weapons
5933s and keep in mind that we are not a game
5935s that has 30 round assault rifles all the
5937s time we just spray and pray and and if
5940s the first it doesn't hit then it's gonna
5942s be the second or third shot we have
5944s single-shot weapons we have Wesson guns
5945s with clunky
5946s reference but by design it's less what
5948s was there at that time there was every
5950s bullet counts every bullet counts and I
5952s think that the changes we've been doing
5954s how we compose it is for the better for
5956s the game yeah I see that someone has at
5960s it if there were gonna be adjustments to
5962s make a legendary hundreds more cool more
5964s than just looking cool well the thing is
5966s if we were to do more with that it would
5968s not be if it would make them better than
5971s other choices it would be a pain win
5972s which is obviously something we don't
5974s want to have but there was one thing
5975s that you you have talked about maybe you
5978s know potential different voices but I
5980s mean that's also something that we might
5982s have for other hundreds so yeah maybe
5986s Sam cannot really do the winners for
5989s just copy over the list and then do the
5993s winners and see if we can pick some
5995s people so we can already you know get in
5996s contact with people will it be shared
5999s progress between PC and consoles no
6002s they're on two separate rounds and
6004s elements and we want to make sure that
6006s people can progress with platforms yeah
6010s let's see when will the train be up and
6015s running I think that they're I mean like
6018s the the Norse and daughter expressed ah
6019s yeah yeah I was I was not sure if they
6023s meant the hype train or something I mean
6025s I don't think anything will get like
6027s like a working steam engine of some sort
6029s there anytime soon however if you if I
6032s walk along some of the railroad tracks
6033s they don't seem to be so like nicely
6035s maintained so I would even be scared to
6037s write that trying to be fair every would
6039s be accessible so let's fix that stuff
6041s first before we can think about writing
6043s some trains does Stanislav crisis love
6048s is perfect in discord
6049s wants that I heard my name you do yeah
6051s they said if you like crisis cuz your
6053s profile picture was in discord yes work
6056s done I mean I worked on all three crisis
6058s titles and I still think crisis was an
6060s amazing animals okay so he's gonna give
6062s away two keys first maybe you can say
6065s the winner or like the well I wouldn't
6068s but yeah well yeah because we have to
6070s figure out where you have to reach out
6073s let me see yeah at the moment we do not
6080s have any plans for PvE mode but we have
6083s a lot of other stuff cool plans let me
6088s see
6090s hi China will come to ps4 at the end of
6093s the year so that is also coming I saw so
6097s people saying no it's never gonna come
6098s I'd just be as well like of course it is
6100s cuz we got said what time does the
6103s optical life I mean it's already live
6105s right now that's already rough you would
6109s probably expect like usual steam kind of
6112s like promotion stuff
6113s I think they usually have it at 7:00
6115s like usually like the free weekends and
6117s all this up is like seven European Time
6119s Plex and repin second time yeah so
6121s that's like in next 15 minutes that's
6124s usually when they can update things so I
6126s expect that very likely we'll see yeah
6128s that's uh kicking off there as well yes
6129s exactly
6131s let me see yeah whatever I mean we can't
6138s say anything yet what is coming for
6140s after because we do want to keep that
6141s for a little boy no for next dream the
6143s post won't put our stream but we'll
6147s definitely let you guys know so I mean
6148s there's quite a lot right now let's
6150s enjoy that for a moment yeah doing so
6156s fast like I'm try to read it but it's a
6158s bit hard let me see looks like people
6164s are really appreciating the DLC there's
6167s lots of comments of what their way yes
6168s than the bone doctor exactly I don't
6170s mean I already seen so many people that
6171s said they have virtue of it because they
6173s want supporters which is super awesome
6176s and I know that Sam is currently writing
6179s down already the winners for the people
6181s that have been participating it for the
6184s prizes so let me just get over the first
6189s witness for the game keys so they win a
6192s steam honcho donkey if they already have
6194s to game that can gives it to a friend or
6196s family member
6197s your neighbor or if you don't have any
6200s friends maybe just strange on the street
6202s like that create a second account and
6204s buy a second machine and oh wait so the
6209s winners afford the game key for honcho
6212s down we have three winners we have
6213s tweedle derp on YouTube
6216s we have no Alex on Twitch and we have
6220s angel loose or angel use 54 on Twitch
6225s questions yeah so we'll be reaching out
6229s I'm still having to figure out how we do
6231s that a Twitter YouTube because like
6233s obviously make sure you have your
6235s Twitter DM possible or Twitter twitch
6238s whispers sorry
6240s we can message you there so you can find
6242s you and then for the DLC winners we have
6245s serious 64 on YouTube we have a
6250s underscore punk on Twitch and Ottilia
6253s look like oh let go let go also YouTube
6258s for DLC so you guys want a DLC pack and
6261s then for the t-shirts we got Nicolas
6265s Urbanek on Facebook we got hot at Iowa
6269s on Twitch and we got one more person
6274s [Music]
6280s William Lee's on YouTube so a fortune Oh
6283s makes it real I think we literally have
6285s everyone at a pool and I do admit that
6287s mixer is a less big platform so there
6291s are more people in the other channels
6292s that are fitted but meals are always the
6295s same chest exactly everyone had the same
6297s chance at least we had came up with a
6300s way that everyone could participate and
6302s unfortunately obviously we couldn't you
6304s know we might give up more in the future
6306s right yeah you know we did still
6313s obviously want to have away the ever
6314s could you know participate so this was
6316s the way okay do you know how many people
6318s participated total I'm fetchers 840
6322s people so I mean I probably wouldn't
6325s have won either cuz I have bad luck so
6327s it just is just luck address yeah so I
6332s see is there anywhere else we can get a
6334s shirt so this week if I'm not mistaken
6336s we should have or merger up and they
6339s should be able to just buy your shirt
6341s yourself and we'll be adding more and
6343s more stuff because at the moment we have
6345s we have one shirt like a few basic stuff
6349s and then we're gonna have more cool
6351s stuff like mugs it's basic but it's also
6353s pretty awesome I'm just saying it's like
6355s it's an essential basics you know like
6358s H&M has their basics line cuz there it's
6361s like the the basis that the foundation
6364s you have to have this before you do so
6368s the foundation of other stores only we
6371s had 17 participates in total mix you so
6374s out of the 817 people participate or
6376s makes us like yeah it is definitely a
6378s lot harder but then I get ever had these
6379s same fighter jets but yeah once again
6383s we'll be reaching out to all those
6385s people I hope it's not too complicated
6388s if you are that person so I will name
6391s you guys once more just so you guys have
6393s an idea or maybe maybe if
6397s Sam could children names with what they
6400s are in which channel on the stream so
6403s they can quickly see the nays if you are
6406s that person and we haven't reached out
6408s to you today make sure that you send us
6411s a message on on discord or something
6416s this word is the best place or social
6417s media so we can try to reach out to you
6419s as soon as possible and make sure that
6422s it goes to the winners and if the women
6424s are still responding like 24 hours we'll
6426s pick new winners and we'll let you guys
6427s know that on I gotta win make sure
6434s they'll be reach out to them there so
6436s those are winners make sure you check if
6438s one of that is you so we make sure that
6441s we are not in misses up and yeah thank
6446s you guys so much once again you guys
6447s have been really really awesome I know
6450s the cattle win but in my heart you're
6454s all winners
6457s but yeah obviously lots of new stuff
6460s coming in the future but for now we hope
6463s you really enjoyed the warm point over
6465s content
6466s our team has put a lot of hard work in
6468s there and I know Xbox is also very eager
6471s to try and it's coming very soon very
6473s job and then we'll also obviously talk
6476s more with you guys but the content will
6477s be same as this as our one point over PC
6481s so yeah definitely definitely give it a
6484s go and we hope you guys enjoy it so
6487s absolutely see you guys on the servers
6488s exactly
6490s good hunting thank you have a great day
6493s and make sure to join our discord
6495s discord GG / hunt showdown where you can
6497s find orange latest news I could talk
6499s with the community they could find new
6500s friends cuz you know Dennis your friends
6503s oh lucky Emily designers always great
6505s yeah if you just message him but I think
6507s message even is offered it he offers a
6510s private message service if you have any
6513s questions I mean any of us are superb
6515s response exactly yeah we have to give
6517s ideas if you have feedback just want to
6520s tell us how awesome the stream was go
6521s for it appreciate it
6523s so yeah thank you once again and
6525s yeah we'll see you in the future very
6527s soon ish as well for a sob screen where
6530s we go into sucks and make sure to
6531s remember the songs are on the major
6532s streaming platforms check it out
6534s have a good day and we'll see you guys
6536s next time bye Joe yeah no we're not mute
6543s it no is it
6546s [Music]
6557s [Music]
6564s [Music]
6576s [Music]