about 1 month ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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516s hey Chad hey everyone and welcome to yet
519s another gameplay live stream and today
521s we have Nixa or Jeremy here from the
524s creative Services team hey dude how are
526s you today I'm good thank you for having
529s me nice to have you back and for the
531s very first time we have hunter or you
534s guys may know him as home real here with
537s us playing uh as a black coat so how are
540s you home hello I I probably should have
543s been a black coat in the lobby but it's
545s fine oh true but yeah it's going to be a
548s lot of fun uh to have you guys here uh
552s actually we've meant to have Gustavo or
554s alas here but his electricity went out
556s so thank you Nixa Jeremy for joining us
560s and helping out and uh we GNA have a
562s bunch of giveaways today chat uh which
564s will be actually handled by home real so
568s uh we're going to choose some keywords
569s as you usual and get you guys some new
572s DLCs uh so it is worth to stay here and
576s play but yeah let's dive into it and
578s before we get going we do have the brand
581s new hermit stick to show off so I think
584s all of us took it shout out to hermit uh
586s check him out on Twitch he's one of our
588s KN of the hunter partners and yeah we do
592s have the hermit stick now so time to
596s Bonk yeah I feel like I'm GNA get bonked
599s more than doing thek let's try so full
603s confession I did not bring the hermit
605s stick but I will oh support you all the
609s way I'm here for the challenges to help
613s the team you'll be the emotional
615s support yeah y'all go Bonk you hang back
620s and watch Ben me Bonk people in I forgot
623s to take a stamp shot so that's already a
625s good
627s start starting off strong yeah
630s uh and yeah uh obviously the event is
632s still on for a while chat I I think like
635s I I don't even know but like it's like
637s 40 days or so still I can check after
640s the game uh but yeah you have a lot of
642s time to finish it still and uh I think
646s uh maybe home is the furthest into the
650s event from our team right now uh what
654s what level were you at I think 23 but I
658s feel like I'm behind everyone I don't
659s know I'm 25 so oh n okay so you can show
664s us the new Hunter next game then yeah
667s yeah mister I don't play that much all
669s right
670s 25 listen I have failes to help me do my
673s challenges otherwise I will probably
674s still be ranked one it's I I don't do
677s anything wait here is the Herman stick
680s let me show it off quick here you go B A
683s gift oh thank you wait you're actually
686s carrying okay I see no
688s B
690s nxa show show me the stick in the third
692s person
695s please oh wait I lost the chunk you see
700s it BS really
701s [Laughter]
707s good home real is joining the game he's
710s here with us actually so if you have any
712s questions to him uh he said he would be
714s happy to answer anything anything at all
717s he said yeah yeah life's question yeah
720s you need dating advice I got you hell
723s yeah I'll hit you up after the stream
727s then I'm not available n I'm sorry Sor I
731s let you
739s down that ches if you got it uh so I
745s need poison damage to Hell hun and uh
748s all right the rest is just long and the
750s C
751s rival got
756s you we uh we also need to grab that clue
759s in this compound I'm looking for a med
762s kit
766s but uh and uh we going to have the first
769s giveaway after starting after this game
772s uh you will be able to join then and
774s then yeah we're going to give away as
776s much as we can during the stream that's
778s pretty far actually yeah that's that's
780s kind of far away BR the
783s [Music]
786s hi well
789s anyway they work
793s nice uh is that all the poison you
795s needed I got four uh yeah that's done
798s thank you nice all right now we got to
800s burn them for for
803s n just four four four fire damage four
808s doggies
810s I love the noise that they make when
811s they die because of burning someone as
813s what's your favorite pack so far
816s guys H I feel like I've been using
819s Berserker the most just because the
822s world spawn melee weapons aren't
825s as I don't know
828s punful I don't know if it's my favorite
830s it just feels like a easy
833s necessity yeah how about you
836s next what do you run uh uh well
840s the the two times I've played apart from
842s today I either die before I can pledge
845s or I forget to pledge so I don't
849s know wow it's been a rough couple of
853s weeks call it blank or ma like
857s uh has to be
861s Ma I do like that you pick them up uh
866s right when you pledge like you don't
867s have to oh oh no
870s it's
874s not I'm shot sir okay tagged her she's
878s bleeding nice oh they have bleed
880s too that's
883s fun nope that's a
886s shotgun one dead nice should we push
890s that yeah hit that
892s here
897s C I think they ra
900s oh did they there's one
907s here oh my
909s God oh my God
913s tagged
915s no oh I tagged her I killed one oh we
919s all died I didn't do anything oh we
922s died all right welcome to hunt warm up
926s game look I got a kill guys what I
929s didn't mean like yeah look told has been
932s a rough couple of weeks I'm not out of
934s it yet hopefully it'll get better but
937s did I do a team kill there like I don't
940s know what happened I threw a big
941s dynamite and I just no no I got stuck
944s between two of them
947s to but on the on the on the on the
950s positive side of things uh we can start
952s the first
953s giveaway so yeah what is the keyword
958s there is it still the same um you know
962s what let me change it to one of our
966s new weapons the marathon so use word
972s Marathon yeah so everyone in twitch chat
974s write Marathon into the chat and you'll
977s be entered into the giveaway that we
980s will give away shortly and it's
982s for what what should it be for it could
984s be any of the DS's but I guess uh let's
988s go for the latest phone
990s so uh the son of gunpowder you can see
992s it here uh it has The Conspirator uh a
996s martini a scotfield and a Vitality shot
999s so really cool and I think uh the guys
1002s were running uh The Conspirator last
1004s game as well so you actually got a
1006s chance to see it uh so yeah just write
1009s marathon in the chat and you'll be
1011s entered into it uh and let me get the
1015s challenges oh we dealt a bunch of damage
1018s actually all right
1023s uh let me take a marathon just for the
1026s sake of
1033s it that was a quick game though I feel
1036s like yeah we planed that we just wanted
1038s to get to the giveaway so yeah we just
1042s wanted to make sure that we can start it
1043s as soon as
1048s possible
1057s uh yeah everyone just typing Mar what n
1060s is playing
1061s hunt without you
1064s oh come on N yeah well look every time I
1069s ask him he's not available so it's not
1071s my
1072s fault also I never ask him
1078s so
1082s all right when should we pull
1087s it oh we should uh we should wait until
1089s the end of the game and then pull a
1091s bunch okay sounds good yeah just because
1095s then you know you don't have to Al up
1096s during the game and we can pull like
1097s five for the first
1099s one uh yeah our track record so far is
1103s pretty short game so people won't have
1105s to wait I mean if it's a short game we
1107s can play it too you know uh and home is
1110s it actually your first time in the
1111s public since joining kch someone as um I
1116s don't think so I was in C stream I want
1119s to say the first day of the event
1122s but maybe wider public
1126s sure nice but you know here's a chance
1131s to ask him
1132s anything I've been playing a lot with
1134s him uh internally so we are not best
1138s buddies and we are the same height as I
1140s just learned
1141s so yeah yeah apparently very short
1145s everywhere else in the world I guess
1147s yeah we're about 6 ft or 182 or so cenm
1151s tall and um nxa is a giant so that is
1154s like prob short for I'm average
1158s height average yeah sure average giant
1161s height
1164s yeah I'm I'm a small
1168s King Violet is really small
1171s yes so I would really like to have some
1173s pictures with her actually oh SP let's
1182s go it's a Statesman that's one of
1185s them T in the
1195s building
1198s o
1200s watch out for the barrel someone has
1202s poison ammo oh he's in the corner
1205s between the building and The Silo
1209s dead another one oh okay didn't know she
1214s saw me he she has pish shots be
1222s careful
1225s nice me head
1227s please oh home carry yes thank
1233s God guys if you die right now we play
1235s one more game before
1237s the what was was it the same person with
1240s the poison as
1243s well um I don't
1246s know
1250s uh you have necro you can necro me if
1253s you
1254s want guess I'm kind of good here I like
1258s this point
1262s thank
1266s you somewhere under that Mark maybe
1270s behind a tree I'm on a necro I guess
1274s yeah I'm
1278s ready all
1285s right right right at the tree
1290s sorry it's a bit far
1298s here oh it's another
1302s team there's one behind the by the
1305s building is this the same team or just
1308s their third like
1311s no okay I guess I got the rest unless he
1315s ran really
1317s fast uh we could I'm going burn this one
1319s over
1327s here he has bigger gun than me though oh
1331s no yeah there's definitely two one's
1333s closer to the white building in the
1334s bushes somewh Statesman and then one
1337s tier three
1339s lady that's that nice imagine being
1342s young and seeing
1343s anything
1348s uh
1354s how far was it from you one over o yeah
1358s that's a statement
1361s there it was uh 17 M from me but the the
1364s tier three is like further away in the
1366s bushes past the the low
1372s road tagged
1375s her oh I got shot in the back you tra
1380s me oh yeah there's people
1390s behind oh
1393s Seri I never really use this gun before
1396s to be
1398s honest oh no I don't think this is good
1401s for
1402s me you're fine you're so
1407s good
1413s oh betray very
1416s good that was stressful
1420s wow but I did get the strong
1425s start I had fun Jeremy is behind some of
1428s the trailers which one have you worked
1431s on last
1432s Jeremy the uh desolation wake
1436s teaser there you go and I edited the
1440s battle pass
1442s trailer actually the trailers you know
1445s that you guys are like every time it's
1447s like the best trailer and then it's oh
1449s this is even better this is even better
1450s how how can you even keep that
1454s up it's pure unadulterated skill from
1457s the team it's
1460s true you guys are
1466s amazing yeah the last trailer was super
1468s cool as well for the new DLC for
1472s sure okay we did put down Duo and then
1475s new team showed up was that a three then
1478s the last team yep h i see Good
1484s Times
1487s okay should we go ahead and pull for
1489s Marathon yeah while we're getting ready
1491s you can uh you can pull
1494s some all right uh so the whoever is uh
1499s selected make sure you type something in
1500s the chat or you we will have to roll uh
1503s and you will get your case after the
1504s stream is over in a DM on Twitch so
1507s first of all make sure to come to Twitch
1509s and uh yeah make sure to write something
1510s in chat if you are
1512s selected all right pull in the first one
1523s now uh samis SL if I read it correctly
1529s yeah okay so
1532s that's how many we doing for this
1535s one uh do we have zamis l in the
1541s chat uh uh uh oh my God it's too many
1547s names yeah if Z SL if you're around
1550s please uh oh my God I can't read it
1557s uh
1560s put on your glasses
1563s B uh oh yeah they're there okay uh so
1567s the first winner is zis we will DM you
1569s after the stream and with the new uh key
1572s for the new DLC uh and uh yeah we can
1575s pull another
1577s one all right another
1586s rule sua subka 1
1590s through3 please say something in the
1596s chat so I'm going to make a load out
1599s real quick while we wait and the subai
1600s is there as well so yeah you can ready
1602s up
1603s uh you have won a key too congrats subka
1608s again we'll message you after the stream
1610s but uh rest assured you did win a new
1613s DLC uh and as soon as home is ready uh
1619s while we're loading we can pull a few
1620s more yeah
1623s okay all right pull in the next
1631s one I want to keep these names in order
1633s all right pull the next
1637s one dark UL l y I don't know dark Uli to
1643s maybe
1644s dark uh if you are here please uh type
1647s something in the chat oh they are as
1649s well awesome so let's let's pull the
1656s next I feel like Gus is faster than me
1659s all right pull the next
1663s one beer be sized B that's a good name
1667s be sized
1670s be that's a big b that is very big
1677s b
1680s are you here bare sized
1687s B
1703s uh uh pickle uh if you face cheaters
1707s just make sure to report them uh that's
1708s the best you can do you can do that in
1710s game or best thing to do is on our
1712s customer support side send as much
1715s evidence as you can video is usually the
1717s best uh and yeah if you have steam
1720s profiles and such just send it to our
1721s customer support and they will look into
1723s it uh and I I don't think bear
1727s uh showed up
1729s right I haven't seen it so maybe there's
1732s roll that and
1734s then sadly all right sorry bear B I'm
1739s I'm going reroll
1740s it we haven't had a spawn fight in a
1743s while in you're right all right rolling
1747s now
1752s uh Loki
1755s vanan you have won the roll so if you're
1758s here Loki vanan please uh say something
1760s in the
1767s chat
1772s come on
1782s guys and maybe they are not here either
1784s I have a
1787s feeling that's right should try one
1790s more yeah that's R roll I guess
1794s sadly okay another roll go in now
1803s choker the CL I love that
1806s name they must be here come on you're
1809s done
1812s L waiting until I get shot in spawn and
1815s if you are not lucky you know you can
1816s still win there's going to be more
1820s giveaways so don't you
1823s worry maybe the Joker is not here
1827s either
1830s the Batman took him God damn
1834s it sad times all
1839s around it is
1843s sad all right I'll try one
1845s more well no joker
1848s yeah uh let's
1852s roll Joker Is
1856s Dead full metal f
1863s this so are you here flu
1878s metal guys if no one is showing up poor
1881s home is still on
1887s spawn
1894s I'm trying uh all right I guess uh we
1899s must roll
1901s again let's drag
1903s it let's try before we move on to the
1907s next one Mr soup Mr
1917s soup
1923s wow oh Mr soup is there thank you
1926s awesome thank you Mr soup awesome thank
1929s you for being there Mr
1933s soup uh got those names they'll get a
1936s message after the stream is that right
1938s yes uh awesome and then uh yeah we're
1941s going to have a new keyword after this
1943s game for you chat
1945s so we should probably wait for home or
1948s let meet that fork or something like
1950s that ketchup all right yeah soup is the
1952s hero we need
1957s fine what kind of
1960s soup pumpkin
1962s soup spicy chicken soup M thiss
1968s good yeah only took after banishment
1971s well look it was a quick punishment to
1974s be
1977s fair
1982s Nia would never run in and die instantly
1984s what do you mean in he is our
1987s carry oh you you like a little gold
1989s register
1991s oh let's
1993s go thank you for the
1996s money uh see I told you it was at
2007s Fork
2010s all
2011s righty what is my challenges okay I have
2013s to kill emulators with choke clouds now
2016s so I can all
2018s right to do that you still need to burn
2021s Dogs
2023s N say what do you still need a burn
2027s dogs yeah yeah we've just been dying
2029s before we found dogs so hot dogs that's
2032s that's still
2033s thing yeah we haven't even been able to
2036s like get any traits or like go to the
2039s pledge
2043s station but now we are here there's your
2046s chance right now and there's an emulator
2047s right here please choke it uh
2053s Peacekeeper thank
2061s you what's everyone's prestige
2065s level uh 18 I think or or somewhere in
2069s that ballpark I've been stuck on 16 for
2072s the last 3 years oh wow m is 53 so I'm
2077s the big boy I guess it's like our age
2079s I'm the oldest
2083s too n is like
2086s 18 check out yeah
2097s yep
2098s oh you have a
2100s sticky thank
2103s you uh yes if uh uh the giveaways work
2107s for console users as well we'll message
2109s you on uh on Twitch and you just have to
2112s tell us what platform you want the key
2118s on what is your presti chat by the way
2121s everyone writing your prestige
2125s number sorry I I'm getting chased around
2132s wor 100 0
2135s 228 oh I died oops I was looking at
2139s chat
2141s uh 97
2145s 24 okay what what killed
2149s you scr you guys have a lot of prestige
2152s yeah yeah I was just reading chat on
2154s just that killed
2157s me
2159s I I can't say too much cuz we got team
2161s wiped by Scrappy yesterday oh really and
2164s we got team wiped by the assass almost
2167s yesterday as well so yeah there's bullet
2169s grubber Underneath
2174s Him 400 900 hours and zero Prestige well
2178s for the first year I didn't Prestige at
2180s all either so I got
2183s it but I feel like now that you unlock
2186s all the base weapons rank fun it's makes
2189s sense to prestige and I'm going to
2190s prestige on this stream probably
2193s so oh is it better now with the having
2197s all the base weapons unlock yeah I think
2199s so because you can just take like uh
2201s Sparks you like of whatever you want
2204s kind of on rank
2206s one so that's nice you just have to
2208s unlock the
2211s variants I only play crosswell
2216s so the other team didn't pick up the
2220s Bounty only crossbows which which do you
2223s like the explosive or short bolts
2226s or what is it I only use normal ammo I
2229s don't use any custom ammo oh really I'm
2232s a simple man oh you should play with a
2235s new hunter that looks like a vampire
2238s hunter you mean a hex Breer
2242s yes it's really
2244s cool uh prestige rewards uh V men
2247s mention that before that VR looking into
2250s changing how the presti work work but he
2253s haven't had any update uh on that yet
2256s but it is in the works so uh please keep
2259s an eye out and we will let you
2267s know money is not not an issue I mean
2271s okay when I started this game today I
2273s had 30000 but I did sell a bunch of
2276s weapons yeah $300 H yes I also set the
2281s rough for game night okay oh my
2285s God we're all struggling it's all
2295s right uh no uh it would not make sense
2298s to not press I would actually like uh of
2300s course like all if we ever change
2302s something on it uh it it would go
2305s retrospectively so uh actually make to
2311s prestige you know that would be silly if
2314s Prestige well then uh you don't have to
2317s it's just some you know some extra
2320s things whatever floats your
2324s boat I think if I was able to play way
2327s more i' probably prge again but with how
2330s I actually
2331s play point it take me like two months to
2334s get through one prestig you just seeing
2337s the number number go up is too
2340s addictive big number good you know I
2344s only see my numbers go down all over the
2349s place there's no way to reset uh when
2352s you're prestige your 100 unless maybe if
2354s you message customer support they could
2356s remove everything from your account like
2358s that
2359s but uh like there's not like a in game
2363s way and then you would lose like
2366s everything we clear
2369s let's go up uh to the other bounties
2371s yeah I mean they're leaving so there's
2374s no way we're making it oh are
2377s they well I mean we can still go that
2379s way or something
2383s yeah true Cas
2392s cash uh when are we adding more maps uh
2395s so as we mentioned before a new map uh
2398s with the next gen uh update or current
2400s gen update let's call it is in the works
2402s uh we'll share more information as soon
2404s as we are closer to it but uh rest
2407s assured we are working on it it's a big
2410s big undertaking but uh both the new map
2412s and new update will be
2417s coming we still clear on this
2422s side that's sad I'll pass it on Big O
2426s mree
2429s but we could do the challenges uh for
2432s nxa at least and myself if you see an
2435s ulator oh yeah
2439s dogs what the dog
2442s doing yes in Hunt always give everything
2445s retroactively so you would not lose out
2446s on anything ever like
2456s that
2466s we currently don't uh allow transfers
2469s between PC and consoles and I don't
2471s think that's something that's currently
2472s planned but you know you never know so
2475s uh just keep an eye out about
2483s that yes please any like specific
2486s questions about the engine update I
2488s really cannot say right now so uh just
2491s wait and uh there will be a lot more
2493s information for you to uh soon to learn
2496s about so just keep an eye out on our
2498s socials which you can follow us on like
2500s Facebook oh yeah there is thank you just
2502s choke it please uh yeah Facebook hdown
2506s uh Twitter at hdown you can even do on
2508s Tik Tok at hun Showdown official and
2510s Instagram on the game or if you are from
2514s Russia or uh China or Brazil we do have
2517s a Brazilian on Twitter we do have a VK
2519s page as well as a Billy Billy page so we
2521s can get informed
2529s everywhere here's a body two bodies
2532s actually
2535s oo let's loot them if you can or are
2537s they burnt
2539s or nope nope I'm
2544s looting Violet is on vacation so V sure
2549s best of
2554s times speaking of HBO have you seen the
2557s the show Tokyo
2560s Vice I I have not seen it but I heard
2563s it's really good actually yeah so far
2565s really
2567s good Vice yeah yeah I guess it's a Max
2571s show whatever that new combination is
2574s but yeah I've been watching the shun so
2578s uh oh yeah I've heard that's good too so
2583s good uh more Partners skins they cannot
2586s comment on that just yet either but you
2588s know keep an eye out we just have the
2590s new hermit stick uh today so get that on
2593s and check out hermit this Val bch there
2596s are giveaways we're going to launch a
2597s new giveaway right after this game so we
2599s are about to extract so it's going to be
2603s really soon
2606s though
2608s how can you get the hermit stick it's in
2610s the in- game store now so you can just
2611s uh buy it for some blood bones I believe
2613s it's 700 blood bones if I'm not
2622s mistaken would be cool if there were
2624s some uh dogs
2626s around there's no dogs what are dogs
2628s doing
2630s this what the dog what dog
2634s to get up that dog you I actually have
2637s no idea what that's from I've heard so
2639s many people say it I I've never seen the
2641s source of I don't think I've seen the
2643s source either but I just use it because
2645s it's funny like what the dog what the
2649s dog you have never seen it is where a
2650s guy hands out gum and then there's a dog
2653s paw that comes in and then he goes what
2654s the dog doing really never seen
2658s that I think I think the original was a
2661s Vine H also it's an old one it's an
2664s ancient
2666s meme but old so you know it's I thought
2669s you were 18 it
2672s works 18 is really old okay
2677s is can you pat the dog okay you cannot
2680s Pat the dog but you can Pat the stalker
2682s Beetle now
2684s so yeah that's cute good
2687s animation you can pet it before you pop
2696s it
2700s you inspecting that
2701s Lantern yeah looking at the flame it's
2711s pretty why do you have a Brazilian
2713s separate account on TW on Twitter or X
2715s it's because it's in a different
2716s language uh so you know it would be kind
2719s of weird to post in Portuguese on the
2721s main
2726s Channel
2729s and uh home let's let's choose a new
2733s keyword ni actually you choose a new
2735s keyword for our next giveaway oh no no
2737s no you said home rules here for the
2739s giveaways fine do desolation but you can
2742s choose the keyword you know just
2744s desolate desolation I'm I'm very
2746s original and very artistic and creative
2750s um so can we set it to
2753s Desolation
2755s okay all right so so as soon as it's
2758s done desolation will be the keyword
2769s chat and I'm going to have
2771s Prestige
2773s wait uh uh uh
2782s yes hell yeah all
2786s right I'm gonna be the hex breaker
2797s now oh I'll be two seconds no is oh what
2801s have I
2805s done is it all set up
2808s uh yeah yeah yeah so desolation uh make
2812s sure to type it in chat on Twitch uh and
2814s you'll be entered into our next giveaway
2817s we'll give it away after a few games
2820s depending on how it goes uh I won't save
2822s one this time
2823s because yeah please don't make me stand
2826s in
2828s spawn no no
2832s no all
2837s right oh actually let
2840s me
2846s quickly
2848s all
2850s right so my challenges are cver rival
2854s which I don't
2858s have uh long ammo so yeah
2862s whatever take a rival for
2865s you thank
2873s you so much desolation in
2876s ch
2882s do I play solo I usually play only trios
2885s actually solo is just too stressful for
2888s me honestly I I'm very bad at handing
2891s like that kind of pressure uh even a
2893s quick player it just freaks me out my
2896s hand shaking you know but in trios I'm
2898s having like a great
2901s time home do you are you a solo player I
2904s feel like you may be
2906s actually uh used to be like 50/50 but
2908s now it's I don't
2910s know not not as
2913s often why
2915s not um I don't know I usually try to
2920s group up do challenges
2922s together keep it a social
2927s game well and we know Nixon is a team so
2930s you know oh cap though I used to play
2934s solo like ages
2936s ago
2937s Short
2940s Cat what it's dark and she's black and
2943s grumpy she actually like meow that was
2947s perfect she loves
2949s yelling
2954s a that's so
2956s cute kitty I'm
2966s working
2969s we love the kitty so what's the name
2972s nxa Lena
2977s Lena so good to hear home voice home's
2980s voice yes I agree he has the nicest
2982s voice right so oh yeah it's very
2987s soothing we need like a home ASMR
2992s Channel I'll read the lore yes please
3002s have you thought about a trade where you
3003s eat bullets to heal I don't think that's
3006s how it works
3009s usually so I don't think we have thought
3012s about that yet but you know if you have
3014s any ideas such as that one we always
3016s have the Discord with a feedback Channel
3018s where you can leave great
3020s ideas
3022s uh and theity can actually like look at
3025s it as well so perfect
3029s we haven't had a spawn fight in a while
3032s we just had two games
3036s ago is this your way to like summon
3041s enemies yeah it never works
3045s so do you still need a
3048s dogos uh yeah with fire damage all right
3052s there weren't any dogs
3053s [Music]
3056s anymore
3059s there a bunch of ulators if
3062s any and home what are your challenges we
3064s haven't been helping
3068s you I got kill some hell hounds and
3070s water Devils nothing very
3074s interesting okay I mean I do have a
3077s Sparks what shotgun damage which will
3080s help with the Rival oh that's why you f
3083s i see you have
3085s in well you know
3089s it's it's okay two
3090s birds yeah there many shotgun
3097s options why not go knuckle knife okay I
3100s I have always played with a knife and
3101s knuckle duster separately and I cannot
3103s change it anymore it just
3105s burnt burnt into my loadouts do you guys
3109s actually use knuckle knives no uh no I
3113s use the normal
3115s knife oh you don't have a you use a
3117s knife over the knuckle
3122s dusters uh I don't know if I had to take
3124s one I would rather take the KN dusters
3127s actually I burned a dog for you I hope
3130s you still need
3133s it potato bag
3137s here did you say potato bag potato sadal
3141s bag oh uh oh oh okay
3146s yep
3147s I would love a potato bag right now yeah
3151s hook me with some french fries in game
3153s thank you
3158s pot full box
3162s here well we didn't pick up the
3166s c classic get to
3170s talking me head on
3175s there
3180s oh it's not even here
3188s okay you can customize whatever key you
3191s want for each slot but you cannot
3193s specify an item for given
3196s key do you have any weird key binds uh I
3200s have Vault on
3201s C uh I have dark side on F and uh equip
3206s on E
3209s same I have my medkit on Mouse wheel I
3213s Unbound the uh ping and that's on left
3215s Al now it
3218s helps I feel like I would just take my
3220s Med kit out mid fights with the I just
3224s feel like you never really need to
3225s urgently ping anything so it's like I'd
3228s rather have that for something high
3229s priority you seted by all his ping
3233s everything shooting over here in this
3235s field
3238s yeah wasn't that an ENT pink yeah uh no
3244s I mean if it was 5 Seconds delayed would
3246s you
3247s notice yes cuz I'd probably be
3250s dead N I would have been already over
3253s there not KN there was gun alive it's
3256s all good oh Lantern ground I need
3260s that
3265s nice uh we don't have information on
3268s Twitch conon just
3271s yet but I'll definitely be there either
3274s way I think
3277s so n are you going it's in your home
3280s country yeah of course I'm going NX is
3282s going to be there I'm buy all the food
3286s oh yeah
3289s stuff forward to
3293s it did do love nxa he's always so
3296s positive and
3300s happy I
3302s am truly a Shining Light brightest light
3306s in your
3308s life uh you have to be watching Matthew
3310s we have to be watching on Twitch to be
3312s able to enter the
3314s giveaway so please come over to Twitch
3316s and write desolation into the chat to be
3319s able to
3325s enter
3331s oh don't start me Inon cuz it's I'm I'm
3335s about to start
3337s yawning don't
3339s yell yelling
3342s yawning
3343s potato potato
3346s yawning are you sleepy I'm I'm a sleepy
3349s boy actually I don't know no every time
3352s I stream it's after work and then during
3354s the stream I always get like you know
3356s these these yawn spells so I just yawn
3358s for like half an hour straight oh people
3361s here yeah there's people here and
3362s they're
3375s fighting I think I trade
3379s it I can see on the damage thing I did
3383s trade yeah yeah I traed okay you're up
3387s through a hive bomb don't go
3395s in is it your
3400s uhoh no that's
3406s her how is she alive one like on my is
3410s that a guy I was traed with her
3414s oh I got you rival
3417s thank you I was blinded kind of so could
3420s really see
3424s much good job though okay is that all uh
3428s I kind of zoned out from the poison so I
3431s I didn't know what there's only two dead
3434s so I don't know let me find out I'm
3438s going to take a shotgun for
3440s now it's actually it's stuck so let me
3442s keep
3444s the I don't see anybody El
3449s don't this body and this body I only see
3452s the
3456s two let me know if you see a med kit oh
3459s here okay oh here's a body do we do we
3462s do
3463s this oh no did he heard
3467s himself don't know what happened he must
3469s have slipped on the glass on the
3475s floor all right I'm save a loot for dark
3478s site yeah the resil uh res is very fast
3483s your death packs
3490s too puppies around I need puppies fire
3496s damage it's perfect for me because you
3498s know I I can
3500s like if I'm alone like too stressful but
3504s I'm a good
3505s Razer
3511s should we move move towards them or just
3513s fit it out and N I think they're coming
3516s this way
3523s probably where are they hiding all the
3525s hell
3527s hounds what are the dogs saying
3530s man is there an uppercut what the do
3534s okay it's already better than mine
3542s so oh Soul Reaver that's a game I really
3545s used to
3547s love
3552s yeah then I was
3559s little in front
3565s please
3569s all right I'm to
3571s juice all right we are clear yeah we can
3575s go next uh to the other team I suppose
3582s sure all right I'll come back there's no
3584s dogs
3587s anywhere why are you doing this to me B
3590s I'm
3592s sorry I'm not like a dog
3595s expert
3598s I have cats man I don't know what to
3600s tell
3601s you but I wouldn't burn the cats
3606s though let the dogs burn hot
3611s dogs I'm going hit this ammo box real
3625s quick
3633s fight us home real look like a bandit
3635s that's not a bandit that that's just a
3638s black coat it's a
3642s reveal he was the black
3653s coat all right we going out to the C
3656s where the Bounty is or what we done yeah
3660s we're just trying to get some ammo but I
3661s can uh I'm going to F this count and no
3665s one around
3676s still feel like there's a lot of hives
3678s but no dogos right
3682s now why is there so many
3685s hives
3691s [Applause]
3694s I don't have a reason
3697s one what you have to one all right one
3701s on your left and then two on your right
3702s so careful one's actually in sweet Bel
3705s it looks
3706s like the other one's at the base of the
3709s tower I have a shotgun
3712s now oh
3714s okay the extra Tower I
3717s see someone's in there though we should
3719s push them on
3721s right probably oh
3726s yeah did I already get shot at yeah he's
3729s on the balcony
3741s here oh wait what oh they are they are
3745s all here now so
3748s they move very
3766s quickly home real identity is the black
3769s cod you know
3770s it the coolest hunter
3773s ever
3775s oh
3778s just the on the back side of the
3780s building is one of them on the level
3782s with us
3794s too how they
3796s alive one's on the ramp into this
3799s building oh one's below
3805s us
3808s nice
3813s nice oh thanks sir one was right in the
3818s corner
3820s here oh I'm
3825s dead I'm so dead
3834s help he has a CR be
3837s careful okay B
3848s crossbow
3850s nice
3853s no wait let me get the ace
3856s okay don't you out shotgun me damn
3861s it you got the you got
3864s aoop whoop
3866s nice well
3868s done basically the best
3872s around good dance for nxa good job
3875s n yeah that was good
3879s yay look at the boy good
3882s job and we're good on Dark
3890s Side Oh The Rain
3895s forgot it's been a while since I killed
3897s some
3899s people I had a I had two kills at first
3903s not a greatest but at least something
3905s you had more kills in 10 seconds than me
3907s the whole day
3909s so can't with these
3914s chickens uh we can just extract now I
3920s guess I don't have to punch out the
3922s window but it feels
3925s good just like in real life you know you
3929s angry punch them in your own this rain
3932s is so loud yeah
3941s bigger potato bag
3944s here potato bag
3955s potato
3966s don't worry there's not a not a lot of
3968s people we kill as St so not a lot of
3970s people realizing
3973s that Al I feel like home real does kill
3976s okay actually ni is popping up you guys
3978s are doing great I feel like NX has got
3981s the carry this St where am I going don't
3984s say that cuz now he just going to go
3985s down here I've had my two seconds of of
3988s good
3990s plays don't put that kind of pressure on
3992s me I fold easily look you already had
3995s your moments now so I'm so proud of you
3999s so no worries
4001s anymore yeah you peed so it's only down
4004s from
4008s the Story of My
4015s Life you team got raged by Violet Violet
4018s is really good so I'm not
4021s surprised yeah she
4031s is and the chat like if you haven't
4033s entered the giveaway yet now it's like a
4035s perfect time to write desolation into
4037s the twitch chat because home will be
4039s pulling a lot of winners uh in a few
4041s second
4044s so d do you like the katana I love the
4047s katana it's really cool with the
4050s martialist but my problem is I'm really
4053s bad at close range so here's a trait uh
4057s yeah
4059s spith I'm going to get my spes
4065s package we didn't even go to the cash
4068s dude oh my way oh my God we can go next
4072s game like right there are you done with
4074s the dogs
4077s there is no
4079s dogs supposed to no
4097s dogs there's actually no dogs I I don't
4099s think I've seen one since the first
4103s game yeah I don't think I'm doing that
4105s today
4109s yeah it is just a gameplay stream but we
4110s can give some
4112s General Life updates especially home R
4115s wants to talk about his personal life a
4116s lot so you know still waiting on those
4122s questions I'm a big deck hand enjoyer
4125s Marsh deck hand with
4128s crossbow it's my [ __ ] no dogs but hounds
4134s true
4137s there's also no
4145s hounds a nothing but a
4147s hound all the time why is everyone
4150s saying desolation because we that's the
4151s keyword for our giveaway so
4154s uh in like one second we can start
4158s pulling some winners
4160s so maybe we should go and do one let's
4162s do it all right rolling now
4170s just Odin I think yeah just
4174s Odin just underscore Odin are oh they're
4178s there they wrote desolation in the chat
4180s so that that's good enough for me so
4181s congrats odan
4185s uh let's do the next one
4187s then all right see if you can do quick
4193s now keep this
4197s all right rolling
4203s now was Rogue valerant I think yeah yeah
4206s that seems
4214s right are you in the chat Rogue valerin
4218s oh they there
4224s nice
4227s all right next one let's
4232s go uh Mugu
4235s inha I think I like I wasn't even going
4238s to try yeah Mugu inha if you're here
4241s please write something in the
4254s chat I do not see it
4258s yet but meanwhile I'm trying to get my
4262s trats same
4269s [Music]
4271s uh I don't think more seconds could
4274s someone maybe tag M GHA because uh maybe
4279s their name is pronounced in a completely
4280s different
4283s way it would be
4294s nice thank you for the tag
4303s Andy thank you
4307s everyone I'm going get traits and I'm
4309s going reroll if they I back yeah fair
4313s enough oh no they're there there there
4317s the tagging helped congrats thank you
4319s for everyone that tagged
4324s uh all right should we do yeah let's do
4327s one more and then get a new keyword
4331s sure
4334s and new winner
4339s picked
4341s uh here
4344s osare you're the next winner here us
4348s sare uh if you're here please give us a
4354s sign where's the music oh you
4366s go I need poison
4370s AML yes we will contact all winners
4373s after the stream on Twitch
4376s and here ask fair you are the next
4390s winner by the way chat the new uh Port
4393s St for Bandung with the event is out now
4396s on all streaming platforms to make sure
4397s to check it out as well as the all uh
4400s the two albums that have been released
4402s already they are awesome make sure to
4404s add it to your playlist listen to it a
4407s bunch I really like this one same
4412s they're all great this one Banger and I
4414s feel like they have to
4416s roll all right one more
4421s roll it is on Spotify on all
4428s platforms so uh wait it was was it
4432s soan so an so
4436s if you're here uh please give us a
4444s sign maybe it's soani soy it's either
4448s soy Ani or soy
4450s Ani wait did I just say the same thing
4453s two times you said the
4455s same so Yanni or so so y so okay I
4464s can't
4466s Welcome to The Struggle
4471s Bus look birds are
4473s hard are you really a streamer if you
4475s don't mess up people's names see
4479s exactly are you really the streamer if
4481s you are not muted for the whole
4483s [Laughter]
4491s stream while when home is back we have
4493s to roll I have a feeling
4500s so believed in
4504s you you were supposed to be the chosen
4507s one all right one more reroll yes
4510s please let's do
4512s it
4516s uh Aries carries is the next feral Aries
4522s carries are you here with us go Aries
4527s Aries
4538s Aries no I don't play guitar unlimited I
4541s I have it there cuz it looks
4544s cool I was going to learn how to play
4547s guitar but I never
4553s did wow you're so un lucky home with the
4557s Lost Spinners
4558s always yeah it's all right uh I'm going
4562s to do one more yes and we'll see how it
4566s goes we haven't had a spawn fight in a
4570s while protect
4572s me dep Dev is the next name that one dep
4577s Dev feel like dep stuff's going to be
4580s there I feel it
4584s yeah and
4587s there uh congrats we going to contact
4590s you after the stream and maybe let's
4591s start quickly a new keyword before
4595s uh okay how about the word yeah you
4599s choose uh Mo all lowercase Mo m a
4604s k you see a lantern okay let me know
4608s please cuz I see
4610s H you see the dog uh there there there
4613s there I can't think there
4616s okay all right I'm on the way did you
4617s just shoot at it yeah accidentally I was
4620s like trying to hit my
4623s thing uh yeah so to enter the giveaway
4627s please like makeo M A KO o in the chat
4630s that's the name of one of the new
4631s weapons actually
4633s so is it only one dog puppy it's only
4637s one
4638s [Music]
4640s dog but it's calling for his buddies at
4642s least would you say that's a lonely
4645s house
4646s good
4650s one there's that Classic Home Ru humor
4654s yeah the people miss it I tell
4663s myself
4668s M when are you going to write some
4670s narrative stories for hunt with filled
4672s with uh puns uh why I have my fan
4676s fiction it's very detailed
4680s uhoh what are who are the main
4682s characters in your fan
4683s fiction um self insert for all the
4686s characters really I'm Romancing myself
4688s most of the
4690s time
4695s niceul
4699s Soph that's some new lore I think about
4703s that yeah yeah uh I think
4710s so guys read the lore is kind of cool
4714s and yeah make sure to check it out you
4716s can actually the event has a bunch of
4718s cool stuff in it so uh you can access
4720s the lower pages in the event progression
4722s so make sure to listen to
4724s those I am going to listen to them oh
4727s players right
4730s here what the players doing they're
4733s trying to kill us man oh wa I don't have
4736s my region
4738s shot they're coming for me were they
4741s inside the compound already or uh they
4743s were and then they ran outside the
4747s wall that's not very nice one might be
4749s on the roof up
4753s there one over there oh yeah there there
4755s is one on the roof not anymore careful
4758s on your left the roof fun is De thank
4760s you
4764s nice appreciate that he tried to kill me
4767s not very
4773s nice
4775s where where was that
4777s [Applause]
4780s oh a on the
4783s roof thingy what is
4787s it it's a oh right
4791s here right next to her she just went
4794s outside the wall
4795s she's taged and
4797s bleeding she's dead
4801s nice that three please yeah
4807s nice okay the next game we go with the
4809s son of gunpowder DLC yes
4812s sure your request to be
4818s done good job team speak speaking need
4821s to warm up oh it's a lonely H yeah you
4826s go it was not so lonely
4830s though do upper
4833s car
4836s disappointed someone's keyboard is loud
4838s I think a home's keyboard is a bit loud
4841s oh sorry is that
4844s me but you know gives the gamer
4847s Vibes yeah mean uh play through
4851s different
4852s software oh like some gating
4856s yeah I don't know how it works on
4859s this yeah I don't
4864s know home is
4869s secret I to get that
4874s cash yeah I'm going to take
4877s it should
4879s I do it hell yeah
4884s aing
4896s that's actually I'm not 100% sure if you
4898s die and took the sil cash do you lose
4900s it like the money you have I I suppose
4903s you have to extract for it yeah yeah
4904s have to extract
4914s keep someone asked about your YouTube
4916s channel home I don't know if you want to
4918s talk about that but uh what what's your
4920s plan for what was the question like just
4922s what's uh what's your plans for your
4923s YouTube channel now that you
4926s work um I really don't know the plan I
4930s intended to make videos sooner than I
4932s have
4934s but I have been
4936s busy
4938s uh personal and just like working at
4941s krych so there's like recordings and
4946s half starts on videos but
4950s nothing nothing in like the next week or
4952s two I don't think but but the plan is to
4955s make at least one video during 116
4959s so so something is coming soon then
4962s basically yeah nice things
4973s space
4981s there's two Med kits uh down
4984s here cool see it are they fighting
4988s someone else when we walked
4990s up I don't think so I mean there's only
4994s the Bounty team and this team
4997s right I'm good G thanks for
5003s asking oh [ __ ] I'm dead where was that
5007s from they at the cash
5010s oh and there's hounds there avenge me
5014s please I can actro you can Avenge the
5017s hounds are fighting the
5019s man that attack
5024s you
5033s dogs
5041s what oh
5046s no I was about to say what is n doing I
5049s just
5051s died it was a spark sniper so be
5055s careful
5059s yeah you can necro and B can necro me
5063s the necro train
5071s seems cruel but I don't I don't know the
5075s other option feel free to re neck crew
5077s me I don't mind let's try
5089s it if I can get close
5092s enough there's a bush I guess oh yes
5099s son it's a black ho oh my
5103s gosh now that is not very nice at
5108s all he just came here
5123s to
5128s got to kill my spirit animal we did uh
5130s trap home reel in our base month so but
5134s that's is the usual you know yeah they
5136s don't let me
5140s out the only reason I got out is
5144s because put in there it's probably a
5146s solo though so
5150s careful you think so yeah yeah
5156s I'm going to say
5161s yes I don't know where I killed
5170s him a mystery all right I'm going to go
5173s for the
5176s rest this is our
5178s downfall
5180s probably I accept the
5183s consequences leave us alone I don't I'm
5186s scared I'm scared too us uh you you see
5189s if you can find the dude and then I'll
5192s get okay I like
5195s it you need some time to get
5203s me is the black coat who killed you
5206s Nix or is it somebody else I didn't
5209s check I was forget to
5212s check but it was a a Sparks as well to
5215s kill me so what
5218s sniper okay I found the body I don't
5220s know I only heard the sound
5222s oh good thing you
5225s ch
5227s right I know what I'm
5229s doing I still all right don't walk
5233s forward okay no walking forward I'm
5235s going backwards instantly
5238s wait oh there's a beetle over there by
5241s the compound there's a tree behind me
5243s okay thank you you find the body yet
5247s yeah right here okay let me see if I can
5249s get my health back here gunshot from the
5252s crack why are they shooting at me stop
5254s shooting at there bir as well and a
5255s beetle
5259s stop I want of my H bar back dude oh
5262s that works okay oh no bro a new sparks
5267s also
5269s Sparks bro I at least H niaw it's uh I
5273s did something oh my GOI stop shooting me
5276s dude please I don't like it when you
5278s shoot
5281s me oh nice nice all right Vil's not us
5288s okay what over
5290s here Mi the next me I want get
5294s back poison
5298s please Nice Shot
5301s nice tagged
5303s again
5311s nice my God it's risky stop
5319s it
5321s nice thank you run
5324s away all
5326s right thank you good teamwork can you
5330s also use a
5331s heal or is it just F oh my God you got
5335s to be kidding me
5336s dude there's a there's a bro with a my
5341s God bro on the other side of the
5343s trucks all right let me reset
5348s please okay oh pens just kill him yeah
5352s yeah I'm about like uh the the BR was
5355s like across the tracks but across the
5357s water so those was pretty far away I
5359s don't know if they're part of that team
5360s the Bounty team or not the black Hut is
5362s still here trying for the black Hut
5366s okay one's at the cash right
5372s now oh they burn next
5375s to oh my
5381s God it's a rough one they have better
5386s eyes steel
5393s eyes
5398s where is the
5403s one okay the one is at the red house I
5406s seen that
5408s one you got this home yeah show us how
5412s you get all those video
5418s clips straight to YouTube right in the
5423s face that's a highlight save that
5429s one let's do a quick giveaway now and
5432s then let's after that let's do the last
5443s keyword yeah everyone Mak in the chat
5447s quickly it's your last chance for that I
5450s did kill four people good the job you
5454s guys
5456s guys ah and I got an event unlock as
5458s well
5459s awesome I got one dog kill though so I
5462s just need two
5464s more we going to get those dogs by the
5466s end of the
5467s day I
5470s hope someone asked us to play The
5474s Conspirator
5476s war that
5479s [Music]
5482s go okay doing uh
5485s give away hell
5490s yeah give everyone a couple more seconds
5493s to
5495s try and I'mma roll
5500s it Travis
5503s ion yeah Travis ion
5506s 84 are you here with us Trav Vision yeah
5510s I see him right there that is
5513s awesome so
5517s fast Bel love
5521s them okay next
5527s roll
5529s algae congrats
5535s ALG please write something in the chat
5538s oh they're there as well perfect
5541s great congrats congrats
5548s all right do another
5554s one you want to try that one Ben RAR
5558s l r RAR L I would
5561s say
5565s uh oh and they're there okay great
5570s congrats I hope I didn't completely kill
5572s your name but sure
5575s stream is uh till 8 yes so we play one
5578s or two more games depending how quickly
5580s we win all right
5583s um I need a
5587s hunter I I need to respect that's
5590s reminded
5596s me and I'm going to take
5600s necro
5603s perfect
5605s and then while we load up we can pull
5606s one more winner and then have a new
5609s keyword for the
5618s end
5620s okay uh I'm going roll
5624s it gaming in 1982 and this is the best
5627s game ever we are so happy to hear that
5628s thank you so
5630s much
5632s uh a
5635s kosi uh you're the next winner asahiko
5640s kosi please write something in the
5644s chat was a hard one and they are there
5646s congrats congrats nice nice s smooth
5651s again we'll contact everyone after the
5653s stream is over after 8 smooth giveaway
5655s yeah finally
5657s and yeah after you finalize that home
5660s please select the last key but make it
5663s funny
5667s what should the last word
5673s be how
5674s about we go
5678s with potato in honor of my
5684s aim potato is the L
5686s keyword oh wait oh we are on us
5691s okay maybe that's why I played like
5695s no
5699s uhhuh that's why EU before I don't think
5702s so it must have been always
5704s us yeah
5709s okay you're gaslighting me we've been on
5711s us all
5713s night I'm not gaslighting today
5716s yesterday was gaslighting
5718s day gas lighting
5721s Tuesday gas light gate keep
5733s potato oh tomorrow's dinner talk Hell
5736s Yeah tomorrow's
5739s one dinner
5743s talk okay order we can order dinner cop
5746s from the office and they always uh add
5749s like this really nice warm bread and
5751s it's fantastic it's what I look forward
5753s to every
5755s week at least you live for something you
5757s know for the Kebab yeah yeah my life was
5761s sad before I went to Germany and
5763s discover dinner
5765s St I really want to try a kebab Pizza
5769s Swedish Kebab Pizza I heard that it's
5772s really good that's what I really
5774s want any swets in the
5777s chat how is the Kebab Pizza send me one
5782s please uh oh I need to choke choke
5786s choke no please oh my
5794s God I heard
5796s you but I know you did I I chose to
5799s ignore it I guess you did I didn't
5802s realize what you said until I I already
5805s bashed his head I'm sorry I was really
5806s happy using my hermit sck mhm I see how
5809s it is and everyone say is ke Pizza is
5813s amazing
5816s Kebab pizza sounds epic yeah it looks so
5818s good I'm going to move to speed and just
5820s for the Kebab
5825s Pizza just make about pizza yourself
5827s here I cannot Pizza M because apparently
5830s it's about the secret
5835s [Music]
5838s sauce
5840s toxic sauce really be it is very special
5845s wait we forgot the clue we are clueless
5855s Gamers see I know the secret Kebab
5859s sauce but I also heard you guys put
5861s banana on pizzas so I'm not sure about
5863s that
5866s one I finished your your choke bombing
5870s Expedition for you thank you but I still
5872s need one more which could have been
5874s finished by
5877s now look I've been searching for hell
5880s hounds the whole
5883s day look is it my fault or your fault
5886s yeah it's your game it's your game oh
5890s here's my emulator
5895s no no
5898s okay I thought you going to ruin it for
5902s me oh
5906s CH I need to kill me
5909s heads cocktail
5911s S I can help with
5914s that
5917s I but it's funny because like first game
5919s uh homo's like okay he's going to help
5922s me with the hell hunt he did since then
5924s there's no hell hunt for you so I love
5926s that there's a dead Che yeah I love that
5929s for me too
5931s yeah where are you for the that she
5934s he abandoned us church he actually wants
5937s to win the game n not like
5941s you I
5951s me someone just wrote potato question
5953s mark in
5955s chat uh I don't need anyone me heads
5958s actually I'm done
5960s nice thank you I just need to banish
5963s your B
5965s again
5966s um yeah somewhere somewhere under that
5971s Mark it's it's
5973s imperative is was it in the house no no
5976s it's like yeah oh I
5982s see it's shiny red how can you miss it
5986s it's
5988s pretty they're
5990s pretty what's everyone's favorite way to
5993s prepare a
5995s potato mashed uh my favorite way is
5998s letting someone else do
6000s it you're so
6004s lazy but but I probably have to go with
6006s mashed potato as
6008s well nothing beats from a bag or like
6012s the powder you just add milk to or
6014s actual masing your own potatoes talk
6016s about potatoes
6018s here you know cooking n not like chips
6022s sounds like a lot of work
6025s okay maybe it's controversial opinion
6027s but I don't really like fries I had too
6029s much at it's too
6031s oily I feel like there's so much
6034s variability with fries sometimes they're
6036s good sometimes they're not well even if
6038s it's good I like I had so much and it's
6040s always like you know deep fried stuff is
6043s unless it's a donut I don't really much
6046s anymore deep Pride stuff is always deep
6049s Pride yeah that's deep there a problem
6052s man
6056s where am I from I'm from
6059s Hungary and we are hungry so we know
6064s about actually I'm hungry
6068s now oh
6071s okay they shoo yeah they almost shot me
6074s in there they almost shot me I think
6077s they the
6080s cash s the keys are loud I tried to move
6083s my
6085s keyboard
6087s oh should be great
6090s tagged we have a thing or anything I'm
6094s I'm trying okay
6098s here she vog down uh into the
6103s water I don't see
6105s anything my VAR cry that's my
6110s fck dud I liked it it was more like uh
6115s you know like getting a big spooked
6117s by long right next to my head oh I see
6121s you he's crouching in there and I missed
6125s from where over the
6130s pink o you
6134s exp yeah I can't see this
6142s guy
6148s I don't know why but the brother Martini
6150s dead ey with explosive
6153s ammo for the
6158s meme
6161s oh they're really far there oh yeah one
6165s where the one that was there did he also
6167s run away oh I see him
6171s there oh you have a scope so you
6179s go here like a death or a hit or
6182s something yeah shoot of the k run away
6185s that
6187s way they're they're running into Ash
6190s Creek okay I need some ammo uh
6200s here still here yeah she
6211s dead something exploded
6217s there she's dead in the road under the
6220s railroad yeah I saw the teammate is
6223s still
6224s here yeah somebody took a
6229s shot
6231s uhoh smart oh no I'm good
6238s here's some big Dynamite stick
6246s open
6247s ooh can we burn
6250s her go for
6252s it I don't have uh
6258s anything I got a
6260s fla I got flare almost in
6264s okay you're so
6266s brave
6269s okay they shoot
6271s in and now they're
6276s concerting you you're calling me
6281s toxic and of course black uh black coat
6284s is working for
6286s us what do you
6291s think where's the p coming from I could
6296s sound like
6309s inside see oh behind us behind us on the
6317s bridge I killed him damn it I shouldn't
6319s have jumped he's dead he's hurt oh nice
6321s oh he a
6325s just
6328s face up in the window of the compound
6331s top window usual
6336s spot this one yeah that's the other side
6340s nice shot by the
6342s way
6345s yeah ey from
6347s afar oh oh might be on fire I attacked
6351s him or the emulator
6357s what is
6371s them how do you join the
6374s giveaway you just have to write potato
6376s in the
6382s chat
6385s can you blow up these window covers
6393s N I do have some extra nades
6397s now thank you
6402s sir but I'm not tall
6407s enough enough to ride to throw it in the
6411s not strong enough
6413s ah he's
6415s strong taged him he close the
6426s window I got players behind
6428s me I
6432s think did you trade that was a crossbow
6436s yeah I didn't know she was like right
6438s outside that
6439s door R next daughter with a crossbow
6441s shot bolt somebody
6451s CL very nice might be more I'm not
6462s sure
6468s nope
6471s uh hey what's up cus
6477s no more ammo for me
6482s huh do we have necro I do have necro
6485s yeah you do yeah I do necro but like
6489s things are exploding
6490s man don't worry about it just don't
6492s stand in the
6495s explosion try not to see now they're
6498s burning me I
6502s heard
6505s oh my God come on dud come on dud what
6508s is
6509s the are you kidding me okay I'm done
6512s what are you what are you
6516s doing what am I supposed to do there oh
6519s my God I was bleeding I was poisoned
6522s like you know like you fold Under
6525s Pressure oh my god look
6531s my I just didn't know what have necro
6534s are you safe necro uh he isn't he's in
6538s Poison oh all right am I you can do it
6540s anyway like doesn't matter I don't know
6542s how long the poison stays from the the
6543s barrel the
6546s thingy oh but I don't think I was in the
6548s barrel I was just poison from the O Nice
6552s Shot I just NE just to be safe and maybe
6555s if I die I just
6557s die or maybe I'm in the cloud but yeah
6560s it doesn't matter you might have died
6562s just before yeah I think you are just ch
6565s throw a choke in there I
6569s guess it's too late now say sorry it's
6573s too late and it's all over
6579s now I didn't do the V cry that was a
6584s problem unless I thought I had
6591s that oh o a that was wrong a lot of
6594s bullets yeah that was uh rough good try
6598s good
6604s try well look good fight though we can't
6607s be all you
6610s know we're you here for
6612s giveaways hell yeah now we're just going
6614s to end the stream with a bunch of them
6615s so let's do that that's the best part so
6619s fried potato in the chat and we'll try
6621s to give away like 10 keys now to end of
6630s day all right let's pull some names oh
6633s yeah let's do
6636s it the Jinky the juny 91 if I read that
6640s correctly right y was moving very
6643s quickly we had death cheat oh we didn't
6645s even
6648s die come on
6652s now
6661s I don't think I've seen janky yet but
6664s there was a lot of
6665s names no so far no
6674s reply come on
6677s janky oh they're there there you go
6682s congrats
6684s yeah it's for the new DLC the son of
6687s gunpowder okay next
6693s roll Samuel Stone
6698s 96 let's go congrats congrats please
6701s write something in the
6712s chat
6713s Samuel Stone 96 we know you're there
6716s somewhere come
6718s on I'm not wearing a cowboy hat
6721s Inon I can't pull that
6730s off I guess we have to do this quickly
6733s let's
6735s roll
6737s okay here 10 giveaway so we cannot wait
6740s that long here Raymond gamton
6750s rayon gaming toon are you
6753s here and they're there congrats congrats
6757s we reach out to you after the
6759s stream all right next
6771s roll
6775s pan
6780s Joe I'm I missed the
6784s name panj Joe
6797s 223 and stop being nice to me I got
6801s shy
6808s pjo where are
6815s you might be time to roll this think we
6817s have to roll all
6821s right the
6829s piccolo this an instrument from and they
6832s are there no Piccolo's here
6838s nice how many has that been
6841s home uh
6843s total no like the last three four like
6848s since um I think three all right then
6851s you still have few to go I guess uh
6854s let's go all right next
6859s roll
6861s bengol
6863s big
6866s 968 it's a hard
6872s name they are there there you go
6875s congrats
6878s cool so six more all
6884s right
6886s spanie spandy let's
6891s go
6901s nice all right there there congrats
6903s congrats
6904s Pandi another
6910s one Satori
6913s maybe yeah I think you're right maybe
6917s soori yeah that sounds right
6921s s and there are there congrats
6925s great all right next
6928s one jie
6931s show check SE show rapid fire yeah
6934s exactly that's how it should
6938s be they're there too congrats let go
6943s nice okay I think we have three more
6946s three more chat come on or maybe yeah
6949s okay let's do
6950s it all right I pachy
6954s pine aache
6961s pine nice they
6963s there okay congratulations next one is
6969s going
6970s to the peach
6974s tree the peach tree or the next
6981s one
6991s M man we cannot play against each other
6993s right now but maybe in the future stream
6994s we could do that
6997s although you know we got
7000s killed we should invite fa yeah yeah
7007s hly I don't think the peach tree is here
7011s all right next roll then that's Ry
7014s [Music]
7018s roll uh D Day David day or David
7027s D David
7030s D nice they they are they're there there
7033s you go and is that the last one or is
7036s it um I think we're doing one more okay
7039s the last one Chad then let's go very
7041s last one let's do it
7046s Get Carter gaming Get Carter gaming
7051s [Music]
7056s congrats and they're there there there
7058s they are let's
7060s go
7065s smooth all right I think that was all
7067s the giveaways thank you again home for
7069s helping us out with that uh yeah
7073s you were really uh good and really
7075s helpful and yeah nxa and both of you
7077s thank you for joining uh today and it
7079s was a lot of fun playing with you guys
7081s lot of fun sorry about the keys next
7085s time you know it was because we were on
7087s us servers that's why we've lost those
7090s games yeah expect to carry next time H
7093s we need a story arc and uh something
7097s exactly and we'll be back next week uh I
7100s I believe in Violet and some more
7102s gameplay place so see everyone there uh
7106s and in the meantime we wish you all a
7107s good night and enjoy the event guys so
7110s bye-bye have a great evening take care
7113s byebye
7119s byebye soow we go and slow We
7127s rise hold the course the storm the end
7133s duck the boat B the
7139s sails waves are strong clouds
7147s rolling steady on load your gun steady
7154s on and will
7161s come
7163s the sky is red I see the
7168s face of the one will take my
7174s place I say a prayer and close my
7180s eyes my name is true the blad
7189s flies steady on load your gun steady on
7197s and will come steady
7201s on load your gun steady on and will
7209s come steady on load your gun steady
7216s on and will come steady
7221s on so
7223s your steady
7226s on and will
7231s [Music]
7234s come the seeds we s the fruit we
7241s re TI of death
7246s is a No Grave can hold me down
7254s on foot in h on sa
7260s [Music]
7263s ground steady
7265s all and will come steady
7270s on and will come oh steady
7275s on and we come more steady
7281s on
7284s steady
7285s on and we come steady
7290s on and will come oh steady
7295s on and will come oh steady
7301s on and we'll
7305s [Music]
7311s come
7313s [Music]
7321s [Music]
7326s the t is told my fate is
7332s r and die we it
7337s start
7341s again
7365s e
about 1 month ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
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420s [Applause]
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628s m m
632s m
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658s m
661s [Music]
675s hello everyone hey chat and welcome to
677s yet another uh gameplay live stream for
680s the desolations vake event and today I
682s have a special guest fence here from the
685s life design team hi fence how are you
688s hey everyone hi thanks I'm doing fine
690s glad to be here thanks for the
691s invitation how are you doing yeah I'm
694s good and I'm happy to be playing with a
695s fellow Hungarian the Hungarian team
698s assembled uh hungry hungarians hungry
701s hungry for some vins today yeah yeah and
705s we do have our DLC giveaway moner here
708s who is Gustavo hey Gustavo how are you
711s guess who's back guess who's back guess
714s I'm doing great what about you uh I'm
717s good thank you yeah last week you were
718s not here because you had some
719s electricity issues I think so VI Jeremy
723s problems uh and yeah we are going to be
726s giving away a bunch of DLCs today as
729s well and I believe it's going to be the
730s sun of gunpowder our newest latest
733s greatest DLC so uh make sure to uh stick
737s around because we are going to be giving
739s away many during the stream and a lot at
741s the very end so uh uh so yeah stay
745s around and Gustavo will explain how to
747s enter but in the meantime I we just
749s going to be playing some games and
750s chilling and talking to you guys so it's
752s going to be a lot of fun I'm already
755s readed up as well yeah and it's picking
758s about DLCs uh we're going to be giving
760s away
762s this handsome guy that we are using
765s right now the son of a g DLC son of
769s gunpowder H yeah The Conspirator is the
772s hunter I believe we are part of a big
775s conspiracy all of us backpacking the
777s same Hunter here oh yeah or is it the
781s same guy you know
783s it oh never know
786s uh oh yeah VI is back she's uh back from
790s vacation I think today or yesterday was
792s her first day back uh but she was still
794s a bit tired so I was like of course I
796s can uh uh help out uh but maybe she's
799s going to be here in the chat or
800s something so uh uh she's definitely
803s around and she's going to be back next
805s week uh I think
808s so she's rested and
812s well uh how to win Gustav how can they
815s enter theway when it
817s happens okay uh after this first match
820s or during this first match maybe uh
822s we're going to come up with a keyword
825s and all you have to do is type this
827s keyword in the chat and wait for us to
831s die in the match so it can pick up some
834s winners that's pretty easy also for
838s those watching on YouTube or Facebook or
840s steam even make sure to come over to
842s Twitch for the giveaways you can watch
844s anywhere but for the giveaways you have
846s to be on Twitch otherwise we are not
847s able to DM you
850s uh uh Hey from kazakstan hey uh and uh
855s also
857s one we are going to give away the keys
859s after the stream uh and you have to
862s reply in chat when you are selected as a
863s winner so make sure that you're here
865s because if you're not answering for a
867s while then we going to roll the key
870s oh my God fence is is a black
873s coat
875s what oh your camera you turn into the
879s black C uh wait let me let let me turn
883s you back to a person quickly that's
886s that's uh I mean I like the black code
889s but maybe uh conspiracy conspiracy
893s approve now it's both you and home home
896s real okay you you're a person again
899s sorry for death
903s oh does everyone get a key uh so how if
906s you win you do get a key of course yeah
910s and the and the giveaway is for all
913s platforms I don't know if you already
915s mentioned that but Playstation Xbox you
920s choose yeah we we going to DM you when
922s you win after the stream and then you
924s can tell us what platform you would like
926s it on
928s basically
931s go on poison right oh I need to kill
934s armored with poison emulators with
936s dusters and there is an armor inside I
940s can hear him okay I'm I'm going in then
942s I'm going to go for
947s theow oh here is
950s one that yeah I can hear him
958s here
961s oh I need hell hounds with
964s poison oh oh but the Armor's already
967s done thank you that was really you
970s already did three okay that was a quick
971s banish
976s yeah do you guys want to go to the
978s sealed Cas by the way we could last time
981s we checked it out we all died I
983s think was uh yeah of course let's do
988s it yeah I mean maybe we have a extra
990s Bounty sitting there
993s true if we need some uh pledge marks
998s actually could you explain how it works
1001s fance maybe I mean how you get pledge
1004s marks uh how you get PL marks and and
1007s what you can do at the SE
1009s cash yeah yes so there are certain
1012s activities every match that you can do
1014s only once and for doing so you get one
1018s play
1021s so I think for oh more Hells that's a
1025s lot oh it's over so I think we have a
1029s ceiling of 30 event points uh I'm going
1032s to be corrected
1033s already here we get 30 event points uh
1037s as a team or as a solo and then we get
1039s one pledge Mark each then we can do our
1042s first someone picked up the extra Bounty
1045s oh oh yeah right true DN and we can and
1049s we can K them oh
1052s yeah Gustavo can kill them it's it's our
1055s warm up round as well so M yeah and
1059s remember I need 13 games to warm up
1065s so I'm never warmed up
1068s anymore I need 13 days to warm
1070s up so person is still in the middle by
1073s the
1077s way ah in a
1080s tower yeah they are going inside the
1082s tower
1093s okay tged
1100s one yeah
1103s think first game server we hope
1108s so yeah he's really
1114s sneaky I can barely see their heads by
1116s the way same I don't really see her oh
1120s there's other people that way too be
1122s careful yeah
1133s yeah I'm I'm going to try to go move
1136s back because I don't want to get
1138s sandwich
1139s H uh we don't have a code yet we going
1142s to uh tell you the first keyword after
1144s this game for our warm-up
1147s game they're moving to the southeast
1154s no and the bage is almost done oh
1161s okay I'm coming back to
1163s you Retreats a
1168s bit oh I'm so going to kill this
1172s guy I'm going to try to rotate from this
1176s Southeast okay maybe you as
1182s well don't actually see
1190s him this guy is lucky cuz I don't have
1192s anything to wall bang
1198s him
1200s I don't really see him where like I see
1201s the muzzle flashes but I don't see the
1203s person oh how I see and I'm maybe dying
1210s here
1214s uhoh
1218s okay I live I'm getting closer to the
1221s tower okay let me wait for my
1225s regen okay I'm going to open uh an ammo
1228s box here
1230s FR is
1233s far yeah don't worry I'm going to wait
1235s for you a
1236s bit they're still in the tow you two you
1239s two really like long distances but I've
1241s already wasted all my ammo almost I
1243s don't well you could technically go from
1246s behind yeah yeah he there is one uh down
1251s the the tower under the
1255s tower I don't have doom doom unlock yet
1257s s it's my mission a challenger to like
1260s use them them but Dynamite I don't have
1263s it
1267s yet Gustavo what do we do we should like
1270s try to regroup with f save him yeah I'm
1272s going to regroup with him coming with
1277s you this Springfield uh skin is called
1282s carag yeah I got sniped I got
1286s flanked I have not crew
1296s scope was it fit scope
1298s sorry uh what gun killed
1301s you
1304s parent sorry uh what gun killed you
1309s oh you can see it
1311s now
1313s yeah upper true oh this is the one
1318s person
1319s like this is the person we' seen at the
1322s oh I think it was a
1324s Duo oh this is the only one I've seen at
1329s this okay uh Gustavo means these
1348s so
1354s uh uh we said in the previous gaml
1356s stream that uh The Next Gen update on
1360s engine is still a work in progress and
1362s we will have more updates for you
1365s later oh my
1377s God
1386s [Music]
1389s well first game first game nice
1392s try first game good morning yeah uh but
1397s let's see if it was a
1399s solo uh we don't have a specific dates
1402s yet as soon as uh we do we will let you
1404s know but again it's it's a big
1406s undertaking and we're still working on
1408s it
1412s oh Violet is in the chat yeah Violet can
1414s help answer as well so that's
1426s perfect this was a
1431s trio warm up did we warm up though
1434s that's the question I don't think
1436s so no I mean they use used incendiary
1439s ammo
1440s so that's true I got pretty warmed up
1444s that's
1446s true I wish I had custom ammo unlocked
1449s but not
1450s yet uh and we can start the
1454s first uh yeah I still need doom doom and
1458s Springfield oh
1461s Springfield
1463s yes
1467s okay Springfield it
1473s is let me just equip my Hunter and then
1477s we can start our first round of
1481s giveaways sounds good
1485s uh do I
1488s have I
1492s don't
1494s Fanning yeah I don't have custom
1497s unlocked but I have the loveely team is
1499s to help me out because uh as you may
1501s know all the challenge progress is
1502s shared between the team so yeah so can
1506s you just please repeat it I am ready uh
1510s Springfield and the doomdoom ammo doom
1515s doom let me see what kind of weapons we
1519s have with doom doom here cwell new
1524s Army okay so uh let's start our
1527s giveaways uh and what do you think our
1530s first keyword is doom doom doom doom so
1534s the first keyword for the giveaway is
1535s doom
1537s doom d
1539s d go nuts
1543s chat just like that
1546s perfect
1549s yeah me actually do something
1554s quickly sorry
1556s sorry okay uh
1559s I have to fix something in my
1561s [Music]
1562s audio does it matter if
1567s you sorry it cuts out for a sec okay h
1572s no it doesn't matter
1581s no okay I'm ready it up so we can go
1584s sorry for the audio cut out I just had
1585s to lower higher my buffer rate because I
1588s had a person again you're not black cat
1592s anymore a person
1595s again was I not cannot hear you
1598s B oh Chad can hear oh yeah you
1603s muted I don't know if you're muted just
1605s for us or for the
1610s entire stream stream am i m i I don't
1613s think I'm muted can you hear b b can you
1617s guys hear B
1621s oh uh I just uh realized that I am
1625s saying Ben's name wrong my entire
1630s life okay they can hear me uh I think we
1633s are muted can hear you okay I'll try to
1636s fix it uh I I don't know
1640s why and I will also try to fix may we
1643s are muted and
1646s he no we are not muted
1649s okay you should be better
1650s [Laughter]
1655s now something happened with the doom
1660s doom oh yeah ah some that we are low
1663s okay it should be good now can you hear
1665s me yeah we can hear you okay there you
1668s go sorry for
1671s that uh because I changed the setting
1673s and windows obviously decided to change
1675s all my audio settings everywhere
1677s instantly so that's why
1679s because why not yeah you know if you
1682s change something it just resets the
1683s default for some reason and it's I have
1685s like 18 audio devices so it just changed
1689s uh
1690s everything only only 18 well you know my
1694s mixer has like four at five different
1697s and then I have another audio interface
1700s and then there's mvia driver there's the
1702s windows ones there's like uh voice
1704s meters it's a lot it's going to be one
1707s one of those topics we just recently
1709s discussed who has more windows in their
1712s apartment and I only have one B has like
1715s four five yeah Chad how many windows do
1718s you have in your apartment not counting
1719s your operating
1724s system because I had like a lot of
1726s Windows they only have one window each I
1729s have like eight or n one window
1733s six I have couple tiny windows but I I
1738s don't I don't think they count 13
1740s Windows that's a lot of
1742s Windows wow you're leaving a mansion
1744s yeah see everyone has more than you guys
1747s I
1748s swear
1751s damn they should upgrade my studio
1754s should I let you out of from my basement
1756s or is my window still
1759s okay a half half a window
1767s uhoh okay F only has one window but
1770s that's his whole
1772s apartment yes it's a really big window
1782s yeah let's go forth
1784s maybe sounds
1786s good yeah I'm having a lag Spike so
1789s don't
1791s yeah us right now I much so now I can
1795s blame the Ping for
1797s dying
1805s you have 18 Windows that's
1809s uh it's really a mention 17 okay
1816s guys Germany we don't have enough
1818s windows I guess we don't like
1823s nature what is their nature in the city
1827s man what is happening with my
1829s ping you should actually have better
1831s ping than us right
1834s now why because we are us
1837s accidentally oh that's
1840s why cuz I set up my VPN to fun oh now we
1845s are playing in
1846s US sorry yeah that's
1851s why uh to be fair I have Windows but I
1854s do close the window binds on every
1856s window so it's is dark
1861s here which is the game that's how you
1864s should yeah Gustavo is in Brazil so he's
1868s far from us yeah so I I'm using a
1874s VPN you think I'm going to I'm going to
1878s collect the clue here quickly all right
1880s that's what I said
1882s before getting a head
1887s shot
1890s someone asked about system specs and I I
1892s believe he already said it in the last
1894s uh video with David that uh the low
1897s specs will be increased so if you
1900s rewatch that video you can find an
1901s answer to that
1908s yeah okay I'm going to go to prison now
1911s it was in
1914s September I wrong but it was in 20 three
1919s so uh yeah just check out the H Channel
1923s by the way which you can subscribe to
1926s and uh then you can catch all that
1928s videos like
1940s that here where's oh
1944s there
1946s oh it's stamina
1950s stamina
1953s stamina I have an emulator on me but I
1955s don't have
1956s [Music]
1960s stamina yeah we're coming with
1962s Gustavo that's okay it's okay I got
1968s it uh I'm using the highest
1975s settings to make it nice and pretty you
1977s know
1979s what is a live designer uh
1984s fence just finished my armor first I was
1987s so loud
1989s um life design I would say is an
1993s offshoot of game
1995s design but not necessarily about game
1998s play it's more about player acquisition
2001s engagement
2003s retention so systems or features that
2007s give you gos like an event or a battle
2012s pass but uh also you know that uh
2015s hopefully uh makes the game a little bit
2019s more complex and
2022s enjoyable like a layer of complexity on
2025s top of
2026s it oh yeah so we work hand in hand with
2030s the other designer very important job
2033s yeah can you say maybe some examples on
2035s things you've worked on so people know
2039s uh events battle passes the the rules
2044s basically but we also had uh challenges
2047s quest lines and maybe the continuation
2050s or
2051s the or the new iterations of these maybe
2054s something that we we haven't even seen
2056s in another game you
2059s know yeah thank you that's awesome
2062s sounds complicated though
2066s yeah I believe you also have fit switch
2068s drops and stuff like that too oh my God
2073s yeah he scared
2078s me roo roo is fine she's uh she's there
2082s you can find her she's there but it's on
2085s single some single uh boss missions
2089s only yeah and only with low visibility
2093s uh
2095s maps and don't forget that
2098s you know it's compared to a regular uh
2101s boss Target V Target is different so you
2104s don't see her on the left side unless
2106s you find the
2109s trace uh here's another light
2120s foot oh oh uh-oh I didn't help what have
2124s you
2126s done yeah I'm got
2129s that no now I'm going to
2131s lose bro I lost two bars you made me
2135s lose a
2136s bar sorry un forgivable but we have a
2140s Vincent here so we can get it back quick
2142s but let's do the boss
2146s then I can
2148s even kill the Zombies with this at least
2152s oh Chad by the way I I I use my duster
2155s so I I can complete the challenge okay
2159s I knew he's going to burn me but I
2160s wanted to finish my challenge I was
2163s greedy
2174s uh if you see an axe or something like
2177s that it would be
2183s nice yeah hunt gave me the challenges
2186s but I took away my he bar oh it's red
2188s oh no it
2191s is I missing two bars I'm missing one
2195s I'm going to come inside see like I
2197s prefer small bars but like in these
2199s cases it's not the
2205s best okay fence please clean up the
2207s enemy players
2211s quick why is everyone ding doomdoom in
2214s the chat it is because that's our
2215s current keyword for a giveaway if you
2218s type it in you can enter as well to win
2220s uh the brand new
2222s DLC I don't like this window here by the
2225s way I remove
2230s this can you help me here uh killing
2234s Vincent uh oh I hear they are burning us
2238s the enemy team is here maybe we should
2240s try that first who is I'm pretty sure
2242s there's a few six stars in the death
2244s team
2246s easily oh
2249s they on the North
2252s side okay and I instantly died okay my
2256s CH shot of course I see them from this
2258s angle Nice Shot I tagged
2261s one yeah
2263s she fishing spear you have a a Lance
2267s veiling Lance is that not good
2276s enough
2279s o wait are we all
2281s there yeah we are all there to be fair I
2284s died because of the Lost
2286s barly yeah me too cuz I have 300
2290s ping oh yeah sorry I I will take off uh
2294s I'll change up the servers
2298s uh but are I think we can do the first
2301s giveaway because of this at least yeah
2303s we die on purpose so you guys could have
2306s your giveaways
2309s it was on purpose yeah exactly the bomb
2312s BL is a modified veiling gun I believe
2315s uh so you do have
2321s that yeah once second upper cut see I
2323s need to unlock the upper cut it's my
2324s favorite weapon uh
2327s so uh I need to get it yeah let me fix
2330s the
2332s servers
2334s okay there you
2336s go okay what Hunter do I play Oh I let's
2340s play the Statesman again which is uh an
2342s event hunter that you can unlock at the
2345s 25th uh level of the battle pass so uh
2350s mhm the free progression so let's do
2353s that make sure oh no I think he's I
2355s think he's uh if you buy the battle pass
2358s oh he oh yeah you got done but uh but uh
2362s you have the centipede at the very end
2364s yeah yeah sorry so the centipede is the
2365s free progression and I always mix that
2367s up yes
2369s uh you already finish it by the way no
2371s I'm exactly at 20 I'm almost 26 in the
2374s event so I'm I judging by by the fact
2377s that we're doing your challenges
2380s now well I I'm happy to help with
2382s challenges too it just just we should
2385s try to mix and match on who can help
2387s with what so just let me know what you
2388s need and I'll try to do it now I also
2391s have doom doom for myself so and
2394s finally you need I think we got the
2398s out of the
2401s way I I don't actually have every
2403s legendary I miss I missed the event F
2406s still obviously
2408s [Music]
2410s and and the the dark tribute F the union
2413s suit Hunters the new one the new one
2417s yeah okay let's start pull pulling some
2420s winners shall we yes let's do
2424s so let's do it so our first round of
2429s giveaways starts now and we are looking
2434s for slim jim guy
2439s 5628 congrats slim jimy slim
2442s jim slim jim
2447s guy oh slim jim is
2451s here congrats my friend next
2455s winner roll it d Ted Ted's snow
2460s congratulations
2463s t uh and again V message the winners
2466s after the stream so don't worry we we'll
2469s note down your name and uh expect a
2471s twitch
2475s DM that is no where are
2479s you just say something in the
2483s chat if you're on YouTube or steam come
2487s to twitch say something sadly it's not
2489s marry slow it's study snow but close
2495s enough uh I have a 490 and the
2500s 3900k
2503s daddy 5 seconds for
2505s Teddy I'm sorry Mary it was very
2508s close but it seems like Teddy is not
2511s here
2512s though yeah we rolling Teddy sorry
2515s rolling up not arum
2524s congratulations the new winner is
2527s narum
2530s narum and they're there hello Nar is
2534s here
2535s nice another
2537s winner Monier
2540s shakal did you like my French
2543s [Music]
2546s accent
2557s where are
2562s you uhoh you scared him away oh my
2572s God no oh
2576s Sal Monier is here
2581s congratulations congrats and I I guess
2583s again yeah do one more and then we can
2585s give them a new
2587s keybord okay roll it I am gamer Elite o
2593s oh
2596s oh gamer Elite where are
2601s you they're
2603s there they're there oh congratulations
2606s congrats
2608s must
2610s be let's do one more one more okay one
2614s more my God help me out here
2623s hne there you go
2626s sne
2630s congratulations oik is here they're
2633s there congratulations sorry for
2635s butchering your nickname by the way
2640s is ail like congratulations
2643s snail I have no
2650s idea and let's do a new uh keyword
2653s quickly a new giveaway okay do you have
2656s a a a cool uh
2660s keyword uh yes I do have a key let's
2664s do
2666s uh
2668s um I don't know uh uh uh uh uh
2674s laundry laundry yeah because it's like
2677s because it's on my screen right now you
2679s have to do you have to do the laundry no
2681s it says laundry and sun right on the
2683s screen here on this uh Harvester machine
2687s uh in dant trench so so it's
2692s laundry okay so laundry is the new
2696s keyword go
2721s [Music]
2759s I don't like this compound
2762s Rudy I do like this compound I mean
2766s defending maybe V day is laundry day in
2769s the biou okay I didn't even know that
2771s but it's Now
2773s official
2776s confirmed see that's why I don't like
2778s this scared me actually scared me uh I
2782s don't know 65
2785s M but look at yeah I think scope I think
2789s I I it's not scope it's that's oh I see
2792s the guy I see the guy no that's not the
2794s one that killed me
2795s actually nice I killed him that's I
2798s think you can rest him yeah yeah I'm
2801s going in I think a F's killed
2803s me yeah kill me I mean Gustavo is still
2807s shooting at some yeah there's
2809s she yeah I'm rising
2811s you yeah she's inside the the check yeah
2814s tower Tower there Tower well I'm trying
2817s to heal I killed the sheriff Harding I
2820s think M Tower there or
2824s Shaq I'm still getting shot at from
2826s somewhere else yeah yeah up
2829s here no no from the left as well there's
2832s two yeah yeah yeah maybe the maybe
2836s behind
2840s there okay she still is still here up
2844s there y oh my God can you kill the The
2847s Hive oh my God don't see from
2853s here where's the hive yeah two
2856s hungarians it's a rare site isn't it
2859s welcome to all the
2860s [Music]
2861s hungarians I thought I would bring
2863s parents
2865s on so we can have for form a Hungarian
2868s team although I think we are the only
2870s hungarians working on Hunt right
2872s now she's
2875s tagged yeah is she yeah she she went
2879s yeah she is still
2883s there going to change to my other
2888s shorty yeah oh she jumped down I think
2892s yeah did she yeah no yeah someone no
2895s that's a different one oh maybe the
2896s states man uh Sheriff sorry got the rest
2899s oh my God I'm getting shot from behind
2901s I'm dead I'm
2904s dead no you're good oo yeah I think I'm
2907s getting shot from there oh
2912s yeah oh the sheriff got you as well H
2914s the sheriff got red yeah I mean no that
2917s was a that was a
2919s cane we had like two three at least
2922s three teams
2924s here no I think maybe the Kane is the
2926s third of the first team possibly or Solo
2930s or
2933s solo attx collector Hunter I'm in the
2937s state man could be a tax
2945s collector oh my God yeah man you kind of
2948s doomed there you should probably
2951s move kind of Doom
2954s doomed doom doom oh that's good I
2958s like sorry we we are
2966s deconcentrating
2972s actually France is one of the uh guys in
2975s the hunt team that do a lot of puns so
2977s he's one of the PNY guys like
2979s Denis oh
2991s really oh my God I'm dead
2996s everywhere
3000s uh if you win the key of course you can
3002s give it to anyone oh let's watch what
3004s happens first o dance
3013s Gustavo oh Jesus think we have three
3016s four people shooting at Gustavo from all
3018s sides no oh oh he
3021s was good good good move three teams sh
3025s shooting at me good dance good dance
3028s moves but uh so I was saying that if you
3030s win a DLC you are free to give away the
3031s key to anyone because you actually get a
3033s code that anyone can use uh and you
3036s asked if you can talk to us well you can
3038s talk to us here in the chat right now
3040s right now so just ask anything and we'll
3042s try to
3043s answer but yeah Gustav is a Dancer so
3047s yeah I'm from Brazil you have to do some
3049s laundry after all the sweing
3054s there can do some salsa
3060s wait what are Brazilian dances
3063s Gustavo uh SBA
3066s sambba yeah think it's the the main one
3071s I don't think that's
3072s Brazilian that I think Roomba I have no
3076s idea Colombian maybe I don't know I mean
3079s if you if you if you tell us it is we
3081s will believe you Gustavo
3083s yeah no no no no no
3086s no you could just claim all the dances
3089s for your country right now yeah probably
3091s Cuban that's right War
3095s break okay I need I need a
3099s bow oh
3102s no it's going to be
3107s great oh the bow you need bow oh my
3110s god really hell yeah okay let's what
3115s kind of Hunter would go well role
3118s play uh the that
3125s R yeah where is he where is
3132s he I don't I don't need any more doom
3135s doom in the chat we can still use some
3137s doom doom but I personally don't
3139s need uh I'm going to take this
3142s oras go with this Legacy gator boy
3146s here
3148s he was a gator
3151s boy
3153s [Laughter]
3158s boy she wasn't good enough
3162s for that's a good one who who's going to
3164s make the
3166s Gat laundry laundry
3172s Caro okay hunting boy how did I never
3174s think of the gator boy that that would
3176s be a b
3179s he was a Gator Boys I mean I mean I mean
3181s I mean they were they were always always
3183s the Gator Boys for me coming out uh I
3186s think last year spring around this time
3188s no yeah true one one after another
3192s so I need a
3198s PO got some Special ammo cost to ler
3202s between reptilian and Lulu good idea
3204s although I think Lulu uh love
3209s Sophia yeah Lulu yeah so that's not good
3212s we need a a different
3215s one and I would assume that uh uh Sophia
3219s loves her back right I mean I mean
3222s there's some low entri we can we we can
3224s we can read up the lore in in between
3226s here in desolations the vake event but
3231s yeah I don't think we can actually read
3232s that on T I'm not sure because it's a
3235s bit uh brutal
3238s I'm pretty sure they okay I don't want
3239s to spoil it but they they like yeah they
3242s do something brutal think I think I
3243s think I saw I think I saw a Reddit post
3246s just the other day where someone
3248s prompted how brutal that was actually it
3250s is like they are canonic clear couple
3253s yes
3254s exactly yep uh should we pull some
3259s winners hell yeah for the laundry
3261s giveaway of course all right for all of
3265s you for all of you that did the
3269s laundry uh our first
3273s winner
3275s is Master Chief EU congratulations
3280s Master
3281s Chief uh we do read Reddit we read all
3284s socials we read Discord we read a lot of
3287s things uh but you know you guys are
3289s mostly nice and friendly
3292s mostly
3294s mostly uh sorry Chief where are you
3298s master chief sry I saw someone asked a
3300s question from me but it went away too
3302s quickly I couldn't read the whole
3305s thing I'm sorry is
3310s hell yeah the laundry
3313s started and master chief is not here so
3317s rrolling looking for nen
3323s nen uh Okay Legendary fa at least is is
3327s a request that we heard
3331s so we don't have any info to share but
3333s uh yeah we are aware of that
3335s request Nan is
3338s here
3340s congrats oh wait Master Chief wasn't
3344s here okay next
3348s winner lion l
3351s qxc l qxc yeah l qxc
3358s congratulations and lion is here that's
3362s fast I like that next
3365s winner FS
3368s effects
3374s congratulations FX is
3378s here congrats to all the
3381s winners next one yeah congrats
3385s Dema
3388s [Music]
3394s deoa the meoa is
3399s here and last
3403s one M ma oh my God Maha Rose Mah
3411s Rose I think it's Maha
3415s Rose
3417s yeah it's here M Rose is here
3421s congratulations congrats to all of
3426s you where are you guys I love the fake
3429s giveaway winner
3430s CH huh someone like copied the message
3433s with his own
3435s name it's great uh we going select a new
3439s keyword after this
3441s match
3443s yeah which you know won't be too long
3445s for us so
3447s it
3449s will what's going to be the next keyword
3451s bener for us to win grocery well if you
3455s can find it in game sure you know like
3457s laundry was a good one because it was on
3459s the screen okay the next keyword is uh
3464s the next word b encounter in the world
3468s okay in the map all
3474s right if I see one I'll tell I'll let
3476s you know and you can then we can start
3478s it right away I guess
3484s yeah but only in game uh words not like
3487s on only in game yeah yeah do we want to
3491s check out otherwise the keyword will be
3494s cat
3498s cat there's a beetle oh we should get a
3500s beetle so I can give it a little
3504s pet for the chat there you go
3507s oh we got who is here this time oh it's
3509s a Chile hey
3522s Chile are we going for the wait why is
3525s everyone the was there cat there was no
3527s cat on the stream chat yeah okay the
3529s first the F the first keyword is
3532s actually
3534s healing healing okay
3538s let me set this
3540s up let me find a a safe place to crouch
3545s okay Chad you you cannot type it yet
3547s because it's not set up yet give Gustav
3548s a
3550s sec now there's healing cat in the
3555s chat healing
3557s healing oh my god oh wait players here
3561s oh wait wait wait wait wait someone
3563s that's key word healing
3565s yeah just ran by they just ran by yeah
3569s yeah I accidentally
3570s released yeah do you know which
3572s direction yeah uh I cannot ping right up
3576s but they are right
3578s here in front of me 285 the exit from
3583s 285 got it basically the meat head was
3586s chasing them mhm here that's me okay
3591s that's
3592s me
3595s yeah
3599s I'm going to pop my region
3601s shot
3603s oh oh I tagged someone wa was that you
3607s yeah with the explosive or you taged the
3609s Lees the explosive oh okay they ran
3614s away oh no they are I he fo steps I hear
3617s footsteps
3619s yeah yeah they right outside grapping
3622s that Arrow okay I can send chili
3624s out to out for us gu last pet chil I'm
3632s sorry I traded of
3636s course where where is this there's
3638s another one there's another
3640s one oh damn that was just uh
3646s oh ooh
3650s okay yeah yeah yeah got him good there's
3656s another one
3718s oh yeah
3720s again did she
3723s going wait a sec upstairs upstairs I'm
3726s going to take out my weapon actually no
3729s no she's still in the door she's dead
3731s she's oh nice I just can't hit with the
3733s bow I was trying for my quest but is
3736s what it
3736s is yeah I mean we've got one kill with
3739s the bow that's for sure yeah that's true
3742s think maybe that's enough full HP yeah
3747s true let me grab the the packed leave
3751s one of them for me to loot oh yeah right
3753s right right oh two actually actually
3757s three yeah we all three cuz I need all
3760s bars
3763s back yeah I could use like an event
3765s trade actually to get a bar back too
3768s yeah we could we could go to a supply
3769s point to the north maybe there's a lot
3771s of shots
3773s there I am going to activate the
3775s restoration there
3778s I I'm so sad had to die like
3784s this is that how you call your stalker
3786s Beetle yeah it was chilly because it was
3788s the red one you
3790s know ah chil and Greg is the uh normal
3795s one red red hot beet chili or something
3798s like that
3801s yeah Red Hot Chili
3805s beetle
3811s I do need
3818s healing okay there's a supply Point here
3822s oh thank you so much there
3826s nice that
3827s was so
3830s good oh and we have a bounty token here
3833s but I cannot take it getting shot up
3837s yeah yeah I've got two yeah think I'm
3840s getting shot out from uh the
3842s compound already I think it was
3845s collateral oh was
3848s it I think so they I mean their team is
3850s there right oh yes US mean like okay
3853s yeah they're fighting at lck B
3862s okay uh and also like uh chat like we
3865s it's a bit hard to answer when we are in
3867s a game obviously especially when we are
3868s fighting but we try uh so just uh give
3873s us some
3875s time what was
3878s that
3880s Bounty and the oh you pick up the bount
3883s oh okay yeah oh I see them tagged oh I
3888s did that I Tagg him I tagged maybe
3891s attacked her with OAS is she not die if
3892s you attacked her too I thought I
3896s I don't think he
3902s died don't I got the Bounty but it might
3905s have bugged
3916s out sorry
3919s dog okay are we going to try to fight
3922s them here
3923s or oh yeah they're already
3927s here right outside how many is it two
3930s teams or I see one person
3934s here at the big
3938s tree ouchie
3943s ouchie okay I'm I'm going to give up on
3945s the bow I
3947s think I got a kill with it that's the
3951s best I K do oh there's a guy oh there's
3954s a guy right in front of me oh my God
3957s up yeah I'm coming
3970s up okay I'm here with you guys
3974s now oh do you still have an ammo box by
3976s the way I do do you need it I could use
3980s it oh there's a here you need a special
3985s uh no I'm good
3990s now okay let's go oh oh the white check
3994s oh I killed him nice oh you did nice
3999s there's another one here yeah can you
4002s it's a gator boy I think he's running to
4004s the left now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
4007s I'm poison so I could see his uh his
4009s feet there well let's just get a bit
4015s closer
4017s yeah in the window actually so they are
4019s already
4034s inside that's
4045s you
4046s I'm
4047s healing it's a lot of TS did you get him
4051s B yeah I think I heard him was that
4055s uh there's a second one inside there
4058s please thank you she killed it for
4063s me I think I think they they Mook the
4066s zombie for you oh it's an easy easy
4069s mistake to
4071s do that's what not going on the sun do
4075s okay going to burn him I have a
4084s ble oh last bullet oh and another team
4088s killed me that was the other
4090s team God damn it the Bounty
4094s team oh they're coming for
4101s you
4104s oh oh oh take
4110s that oh face he's
4115s bleeding Gustavo dancing
4118s again oh
4123s nice one
4132s more it's the last
4135s chance
4136s oh
4138s [Music]
4140s my that was cool
4143s though
4145s yeah I got killed from all the way from
4148s the compound
4150s window yeah yeah head shot
4154s even3
4156s M I like how they they get overconfident
4160s and try to rush Gustavo but Gustavo
4162s knows how to dance you know
4165s around never bring a bomb Lance to a
4168s Knife Fight to a frag frag B
4175s fight oh I wish you got the kill with a
4177s throwing axe though that would have been
4179s cool oh God that was so we have eight
4182s kills though that's not
4185s bad oh did we
4187s yeah four four or five of that was
4190s Gustavo no I think I got some
4193s kills I got three
4197s I got uh I got three one I got
4202s three yeah I got four but I get your
4205s hunting bow oh I traded with the first
4207s one well yeah I did a lot of progression
4210s in this
4211s one I need melee damage and Springfield
4214s still I'm reshuffling the melee though
4216s oh no because Gustavo melee damage no we
4219s we we have the same one yeah I killed
4220s one with a knife okay be everyone going
4223s Mele then
4224s no you need Millie
4227s yeah okay I'm going to go Securo style
4231s did you play Securo uh I'm uh pretty far
4235s in
4236s secur okay so you're you old F in the
4240s fire in like the dream
4244s okay so people might recognize this load
4254s out
4263s uh it's
4265s ising ising's load
4269s out okay wait I need
4274s a oh how is the charm look on on oh H oh
4279s sorry my game all topped for a sec oh I
4282s need
4284s the Kat
4287s martialist I just quickly go and do a
4290s bio break but I'm going to hit ready
4294s okay I'm going to be here in a
4298s sec okay I'm ready and we can start
4301s pulling some
4304s winners okay everyone that typed healing
4307s in the
4309s chat uh we are looking
4313s for foxr X2
4317s 9 that's a good
4324s nickname oh wait oh I already oh damn I
4329s forgot no no not yet okay we have to
4331s wait for uh pents I under sorry my bad
4338s okay so we have plenty of time for
4341s giveaways oh my all tapped Fox is here
4349s congrats next
4351s winner is Sakari ex Sakari Sakari that
4357s sound someone that could go with
4359s katana yeah
4363s yeah
4366s exactly I'm actually going to Japan this
4369s year some very exciting really wow it's
4372s a
4373s whole different dimension
4376s yeah i' I've always wanted to go there
4378s so I'm super
4381s excited oh sakar is not here okay 5
4385s seconds for
4387s sakati what are the uh sorry f i unre
4390s you uh
4394s accidentally okay no rolling it's my bad
4399s sorry greed
4402s 1517
4404s congratulations
4410s greedy greed actually did I say greedy
4414s no it's
4415s greed greed is here congrats greed
4421s congrats another
4423s winner kevas the
4427s giant looks like a it sounds like a a
4431s Dark Souls
4433s boss Sakira boss there you go
4436s the
4438s giant let's go
4441s kevas another
4444s winner true rev true
4449s Reverb congratulations
4459s congrats where are you true
4463s RB there there conrat oh
4468s nice last one for this
4471s round the winner
4474s is Shem fin
4480s Shemin chimpin chin think KN is a bit
4484s too dark say your name okay
4487s chimpin say chimpin three times very
4491s quick
4493s B what was it again sorry CH chin ch ch
4500s ch chin is not here I can't
4504s believe 5 seconds for Chim
4511s Chim no shamen okay
4514s rrolling rock
4517s cazelle
4519s congratulations I'm not aware of that
4521s quick play or ass Survivor bug but uh
4524s could you report it on Discord please is
4526s but it may be already known if it is a
4530s bug rockaz is here nice
4537s congrats pick down aperture for a
4547s night is that your
4549s challenge that was bring a aperture for
4553s a night map to a night map
4557s CH is just bring a aure in
4564s general okay let's use all the
4566s shots
4570s and did you get CAU in that Barrel
4572s explosion by the way uh I almost did but
4576s we are going to send the keys after the
4578s stream
4579s guys just keep an eye on your Twitch
4584s DMs wasaki what does the
4601s say haki there you
4608s go yeah the give away is for the son of
4611s gunpowder
4614s correct
4617s it was a corner compound yeah are we
4619s going for that or for the spider I mean
4622s we are not too far
4624s actually yeah yeah we could go north
4626s yeah let's go
4628s there I want to use my
4637s bunkai I wish I had the trade though the
4641s martialist I sold everything I had to
4645s pick up that oh I sold everything for
4647s quarter
4656s masterer say we can actually say that
4658s now
4659s surprisingly wait
4662s what someone brote is that a real word
4664s yeah that's a real world but we could
4666s actually say it see no it's not you're
4669s making that up no did you did you
4670s practice that what does that
4673s mean I don't know
4676s what does that mean it's Hungarian don't
4678s worry about it it's a you summon a demon
4680s in your bedroom if you say it three
4682s times so just so that's going to be our
4685s next
4686s keyword sure I don't I don't even know
4689s how to translate that just so many
4691s layers of complexity to it look I'm not
4694s talking in Hungary I'm just reading out
4695s chat messages you
4702s know
4704s Jesus
4707s yeah please keep the chat in English so
4708s everyone can contribute yeah I'm just
4712s kidding that's not going to be our next
4715s key it was just joking chat no stop stop
4719s what have you
4721s [Laughter]
4725s done B what have you done I
4730s just mag and
4733s SE I'm not even trying
4742s is that going to be the name of the next
4744s uh legendary weapon or
4747s something next legendary Hunter no one's
4749s going to be able to say
4753s it the Hungarian
4762s Hunter okay as an alas B
4765s [Laughter]
4771s please stop stop sping it's not it's not
4774s the keyword please yeah it's not the
4777s keyword but you should use that as your
4779s nickname for the next uh live
4783s stream as a sorry as a nickname did I
4786s say
4787s keyword please stop saying keyword
4790s [Laughter]
4794s G ready to go in I'm here in the door
4798s okay I'm here in my Katana and the bus
4800s is right here so we could just wa wait
4802s here we can run in when they pick up
4805s okay okay I'm with you if you run if you
4808s run all at the same time oh I think I
4809s see
4810s them yeah oh no that's a that's that's a
4813s CL that's a clock there's a bounty
4815s there's a bounty right in right in front
4817s of us oh yeah they're traps okay look if
4820s there's a trap I'm going to walk over it
4821s so you guys
4823s can so we all get boxed in
4825s hey just open the door and
4828s see no no now they he can now be running
4832s they can hear
4834s us okay
4836s bunai no one on the
4840s left where are they wait no one
4843s here wait what well we prepared so well
4845s for this and no one
4847s here that was a
4851s little th actually no one here but is it
4854s clear yeah clear it is
4856s clear uh yeah pick it up so we can go to
4859s second bus I guess
4861s okay wow I was so ready I was so ready
4866s for that
4872s play Imagine going to the second target
4874s like this and no one's
4878s there I mean the ghost of the
4883s bio if someone kill killing the targets
4885s and leaving them there for us maybe it's
4888s like a nice viewer you know they saw
4890s that I have only like so they let me
4893s take the
4896s Bounty no it doesn't work if we did not
4898s kill the boss
4901s no for the um what is it called
4905s um when you kill banish and extract uh
4909s Clean Sweep Clean Sweep yeah sweep that
4912s doesn't
4914s count
4920s also I will
4922s need to kill cages thing uh I don't
4926s maybe maybe scam when we get to the
4928s middle of the
4936s map yeah they they may be doing the
4938s banish challenge that's
4944s possible
4948s should I scan
4949s maybe okay yeah I'm scanning just
4952s because of the yeah no one at the uh
4955s seal
4956s cash but I don't have any skills pledge
4971s marks okay where you called it oh yeah
4974s it's
5035s Eastern side it was more the long long
5038s yeah no no they are 7 75 90 East going
5043s east oh my God yeah I see one guy there
5046s can see from
5047s the we still have melee don't forget
5050s that I tagged
5052s one and I got a grunt on
5057s me tag one
5063s okay yeah that corner is really dark
5065s wait let there there is one very far
5068s away 75 yeah yeah
5072s 75 very far
5074s away that f i see a gr going there check
5079s things
5086s out he at 75 like like
5091s there yeah they are to my right now here
5099s okay so they're going uh
5103s towards
5104s mhm yeah there's one right on my ping
5108s yeah a
5110s sheriff oh I
5113s see I can't hear from you it's so dark
5116s though I have to preparing
5119s for melee melee
5124s domage dad oh nice it was it there it
5129s was very dark I could barely see had
5133s yeah both together right there mhm okay
5136s I'm running with my sword to be honest
5137s with you oh yeah I see one there oh I a
5141s good idea by
5143s the by the Rocks one be behind that rock
5148s mhm okay I see him I see him
5153s there tacked one oh my God a I got one
5160s with my sword nice nice nice nice okay I
5163s got the melee challenge I
5165s think yeah I'm trying to get a clear
5168s shot here Bai yeah let's
5172s go
5174s okay coming up coming up from the other
5180s side where are
5183s they so there's only one left probably
5186s yeah yeah I'm reloading yeah there he is
5190s there he
5194s is yeah he's down he's down
5199s here a no good
5207s job because of Shogun I get work in
5210s Shogun it's a really good series
5212s actually I really like it oh I'm waiting
5214s for for all episodes to come out guys
5217s watch for the so I can watch
5221s everything uh where are they they still
5223s sitting still there yeah yeah yeah and I
5227s got my health chunks back it's perfect
5229s let me loot some for uh dark
5233s side yeah there's one
5239s here there's one here
5243s mhm thank you
5247s oh I even got my Med kit back
5254s perfect V done team by the way okay I
5256s think I'm going to open my uh ammo
5260s box I think I'm done with the spring
5264s challenge yeah I could use some long
5266s ammo here
5267s ammo thank
5273s you I can check in a sec if they
5280s moved I have two seconds now yeah they
5283s are still there right no they're still
5284s there in the building
5286s yeah but it doesn't mean they don't have
5289s a third one outside maybe I I I'm going
5292s to
5293s use I see them inside both yeah yeah one
5298s window there yeah yeah
5302s yeah yeah check the windows yeah one
5306s that guy is still there oo okay that's
5309s second sh
5318s Miss free Med kit for me
5322s no no no yeah one one is still the
5330s it now he tacked
5333s me ooh oh my God I think I
5337s traded
5338s I can not hear are you a good I did not
5341s no I think I am yeah I do not
5346s trade can you can you go rest him B I'm
5350s try yeah I'm rible are they
5354s here oh he killed me from the window oh
5358s now he is
5359s close oh my God oh my God I'm coming
5364s that trap there out of all places
5369s really yeah this so Random like why so
5372s is it just me and me and Bankai
5375s now yeah
5377s yeah was it not the bed thing I'm
5379s confused or is it because so why did
5383s they have a trap in the next
5385s building I can't believe
5393s it
5402s think I see
5403s you yeah yeah yeah I can hear
5408s them or not close it off that's trap
5414s right
5423s yeah
5426s but it was a nice Bankai Bankai
5429s scenario he could hear them but you know
5434s it's it's was too much too much
5438s sandwich we did Kill the team though so
5441s it was good
5450s yeah so did we finish your challenge now
5452s Benso uh I think so because I'm getting
5454s a lot of
5455s rewards uh I want rewards I did not
5459s finish the Springfield are you kidding
5462s me still like like 50 damage life man
5467s okay we we finished the the Millie one
5470s and we did not finish the Springfield
5472s I'm reshuffling as
5474s well okay I need Hans with fire
5479s damage and any custom
5481s ammo let's pack poison I've got a poison
5485s ammo and S okay I'm going to bring the
5488s ha breaker now we the
5491s Springfield uh
5492s [Music]
5497s and
5500s officer I I do feel an officer game
5503s right
5506s now I love okay
5511s uh we did it well with the Mele actually
5514s I didn't think we could do it
5518s so yeah I think we just surprised them
5520s very well
5524s any any custom right yeah any custom two
5529s Hunters
5530s mhm actually I should probably take
5532s custom well I don't have
5538s any okay it's not good I cannot take the
5542s officer okay
5545s all right I'm wait what is what is the
5548s new
5548s keywording the new keyword uh the new
5552s keyword because I think everyone thinks
5554s it's Violet for some reason oh it's
5557s Violet it can be Violet
5560s okay so the next keyword Violet doesn't
5564s want so don't make it
5566s violet Violet doesn't want okay so the
5569s next keyword is
5573s Bankai
5576s and was the was the uh Western what the
5580s Western version of
5582s bunai has to be one right what's the
5585s Western like like
5587s when do their you know and then they
5591s don't say Bankai they
5593s say I I don't know I don't know we let
5599s think oh
5603s yeah
5606s what do
5607s say after they like kill
5611s someone have eyes partner
5615s partner my
5619s law get
5621s [Laughter]
5625s good get good
5633s partner
5636s oh maybe we find
5640s ro oh yeah we have roel maybe oh I'm not
5644s sure maybe
5646s yeah just remember someone said that
5649s they haven't seen Roo in a while you can
5651s fight
5658s her oh
5660s really you cared me surprised me yeah
5665s and I even missed the head shot s
5671s disappointed but no one took the CL
5673s actually
5674s saw actually I saw a Fluff post on
5676s Reddit the other day it was
5679s uh you know like picture and uh read
5682s something like moment before you want to
5684s head shot a hive it starts doing a dance
5687s like a ballerina true which is which is
5690s so true so true so many times I miss a
5693s head shot on her is very
5696s true well as soon as it shoots she like
5699s rotates her head to the other side so
5701s you always miss I did that so many
5705s times I think I've heard a an armored
5709s dying mm I might be
5713s crazy we don't have region Rock but we
5716s do have a ping limits I think it's 250
5719s if I'm not
5723s mistaken no it might be
5740s crazy all right uh oh yeah Roo maybe
5745s there's no rer in this game so I haven't
5748s seen the trace
5753s yet so what okay so it's 35 we probably
5756s play this and one more game mhm okay uh
5759s there's money here oh it's a bit too far
5763s money money money I'm not greedy enough
5765s for
5766s that is it a golden cash register oh
5770s wait I'm turning back is that you the
5772s crws uh no it wasn't me it wasn't
5777s us are you serious yeah there was we
5781s didn't scare the crws I think no oh so
5785s someone is behind you really I didn't if
5788s it wasn't you there is people coming
5790s from
5792s uh uh
5794s scoper that cannot be
5797s right must have been
5805s though I did not even notice the uh
5808s Birds to be HG so yeah I heard
5813s cwls
5815s oh you know it is what it is if they are
5818s behind us let them be they are behind us
5820s then we'll just go forward right P yeah
5823s I'm just pressing W and hope for the
5829s best hoping for the best but expecting
5832s the worst did I set of the birds maybe
5834s CH I don't
5836s know maybe Gustavo
5838s did no I didn't I've heard from the
5843s distance
5844s I mean maybe we are going to meet up
5846s with them around here kch there's a lot
5848s of anime friends in
5850s KC but I'm more of a onepiece fan
5859s myself if you if you guys ever seen
5862s Violet uh do the gameplay stream she
5864s even has some anime background I believe
5866s yeah some
5873s Kuroko how did you guys get into krych
5875s that's actually a good question fence
5876s how did you get into kch I don't even
5878s know
5879s that
5881s o well uh I was working on mobile and
5885s browser games and uh I played with hunt
5888s and I enjoyed it so much uh that I was
5892s you know looking at the website do they
5894s have open positions and when I saw that
5896s yes they yes krych did I was like yeah
5900s that's apply and that's how I got to
5902s krych nice
5904s how about
5906s you uh me uh I was I was pretty I was
5910s fresh after uni I had some job
5912s experience with some stuff but I was
5914s really looking for a job in Germany at
5915s that time it was 6 years ago exactly
5918s basically and uh yeah kch had like an
5922s opening that was very fitting for me it
5924s was basically an entry level social
5926s media position but uh they were about to
5929s launch hunt in like two weeks or
5931s something so it lined like perfectly
5934s with me applying it uh and they not
5937s finding anyone it for months uh and then
5940s yeah I had my interviews and everything
5942s in person and uh I got hired and my
5944s first day was on the launch of hunt so
5946s it was a fun first day in the gaming
5948s industry yeah
5950s wow what about you uh
5954s Gustavo I I worked in the gaming
5957s industry
5959s yeah Oh I thought that's a ground to be
5961s honest I saw Gustavo
5964s I thought it was a grunt so I was so
5967s stupid who's a grunt tacked one the
5970s black he was
5973s bleeding as she went around here are
5976s they sneaking behind us all game
5978s probably yeah I told you I've heard
5980s CR you were right you were
5985s right yeah I see
5989s one oh oh oh T gusta will tell his story
5994s after the fight I think it's a black
5996s coat and
5999s the what was that um or Oriental female
6004s Hunter uh uh North Star no oh there's
6007s North Star there's North Star yeah and
6011s uh oh wait wait wait oh I'm so dead oh
6016s yeah I see a head there yeah black coat
6021s here hey black coat here has
6024s spanning attacked him once or twice but
6027s he's still alive yeah 500 hours is the
6029s tutorial oh yeah Devil's Advocate come
6033s to me come to me oh yeah he also yeah I
6037s got block by defense
6046s yeah uh yeah a position I applied to you
6049s know it required like social media
6050s experience which I had a lot and more
6053s like Community related
6054s experiences which I could do but
6056s obviously if you apply as a Dev or
6057s something then I think you maybe need
6059s more like uh Dev experience nice try
6064s Gustavo but how did you get in Gustavo I
6066s don't think told us yeah I worked in the
6069s gaming industry uh before uh with
6072s customer support and translation and
6076s localization and I started playing hunt
6079s on day one and I fell in love with the
6081s game and then I became a moderator I
6086s helped on the official Discord as a
6090s moderator and then this opportunity came
6093s up cuz our last Brazilian Community
6097s manager left and you guys already knew
6102s me I believe from the Discord yes and
6105s here I am and you were also streaming
6107s hunt so uh yeah I stream hunt now and
6110s then and you were one of the presti Hun
6112s people as well
6115s so yeah I am one of the prestige
6118s one there's not too many you know
6121s so really I mean yeah what do you think
6125s it's probably like I I don't know like I
6129s say the number but like imagine
6131s percentage is like the top top top top
6134s top that's good to know of
6139s course you pre reached Prestige 100
6142s yesterday congrats
6144s I think vet also reached Prestige 100
6148s not so long ago if I'm not mistaken I
6151s still need the
6152s Springfield and I got the same challenge
6154s I rerolled
6157s back wait which one was it uh hand
6160s crossbow but I'm just going to play a
6161s load out because it's going to be our
6162s last game so I'm just going to play like
6164s uh something I actually usually would
6167s play for the last one yeah let's do this
6170s I'm taking a Sparks I missed it today
6173s mhm and
6175s uh yeah let's do
6179s this
6181s Sparks okay so we are playing H Showdown
6185s 1.0 I don't have an upper cut but
6188s yes I'm going to play H show down 1.0
6191s fun fact in one like okay 1.0 okay but
6194s in Early Access like pre-alpha you could
6197s uh take too long uh like large weapons
6202s if you had the Quarter Master
6206s another fun fact like the the tier one
6208s hunters came with less
6210s Health
6212s mhm double Auto yeah you could do that
6215s it wasn't fall damage remember that
6217s there was no fall damage no iner weapon
6221s no scope weapons no inertia no Dark Side
6223s boost even
6227s uh so you know it's it's been a
6232s while also the two and traps were like
6235s so limited like there it was so yeah
6238s there's so much
6240s different there was no scope weapons
6244s no no
6246s scope there was also no custom ammo of
6248s course uh no
6251s trios okay let's pull some winners and
6254s then start our last giveaway yeah pull
6256s the winners and then uh a new keyword
6258s for the lost
6259s one
6261s yep okay the winner the buai winner
6265s first buai winner is
6269s Kor congratulations
6271s Kor
6275s congrats well K is here yes
6280s nice next winner not
6284s Ronald not Ronald
6288s SB so if you're
6291s Ronald it's not you
6295s not
6301s Ronald ah okay it's
6309s Bloom not
6311s Ronald is not here apparently 5 Seconds
6315s not
6319s Ronald so it will literally be not ronal
6323s it's no it it it will not anymore yeah
6328s not not ronal not
6331s okay Hyperion
6337s confus Hyperion je congratulations you
6342s are not Ronald but you
6345s won she's not notd not not R yeah or
6349s yeah they are andion is
6352s here if I was not followed I would be
6359s here B
6362s 9791
6364s congratulations you are the next
6370s winner actually not Ronald is there
6374s now oh my
6376s God congratulations Bono sorry not
6380s Ronald are you sure it's not not Ronald
6382s though I I don't know it could be Ronald
6384s or not Ronald or not notal I don't know
6387s anymore I don't know anything
6389s anymore next
6391s winner legit X
6395s Legend
6401s congratulations legit X
6412s Legend come on guys guys come on Legit
6415s I'm still at the spawn point so I might
6418s die or my team might
6421s die 5
6428s Seconds last
6431s winner I thought you see an I think
6435s it's l
6442s Lon come on
6446s L let's go towards Pelicans so Gustavo
6449s can mhm catch up earlier or even someone
6452s sister that's probably the
6457s best okay coming back to Lon is not here
6462s oh I heard a
6464s horse are you I'm coming towards you but
6467s prison oh how you have like insane
6471s hearing
6472s actually oh oh and there's people uh
6474s killing the bus already here at seven
6477s sister and L's not here I'm
6480s rolling I'm mro congratulations I'm
6483s doing 10 things at the same time don't
6485s worry I got you and you have not mulas
6489s person it's the last game we have to
6491s take it seriously so just just just we
6493s we
6494s wa mhm okay M what is the name amas
6499s sakro you talked in game now they
6502s know oh my God
6504s maybe he's in game maybe he's the same
6510s match oh amak is not here so I'm
6515s rolling no they him
6519s eater Jon
6523s eater sorry for a second I I heard bacon
6527s eater that's
6529s me but I cannot any
6532s here shoot I'm so
6534s sorry
6538s oh
6539s okay next keyword B someone died the
6543s compound oh we should push and last
6545s keyword should
6546s be uh
6549s Vincent Vincent mhm Vincent is the next
6554s I'm losing my
6558s English they are Vincent is the next
6562s keyword
6566s did you kill anyone no no
6570s someone go Tower here with the Sparks
6573s but they didn't
6575s die oh I love
6584s Sparks hey remember uh there were people
6588s at prison so careful watch out watch
6592s your six
6597s don't like
6598s this
6605s mhm can't see much through the ice
6607s balloon yeah it's
6618s difficult but we know one of oh but they
6620s banag off so it doesn't even matter
6625s M someone popped an alter there
6630s maybe yeah I think they're all upstairs
6643s mhm are you in the
6645s tower yeah
6648s oh you're real
6650s sneaky mhm yeah actually Vincent is the
6653s name of the Assassin or yeah warning
6657s shot oh that scared me man oh my
6662s God warn me before you do warning
6666s shot I'm going to I'm going to uh take a
6670s warning warning shot oh yeah
6673s please warning warning
6676s shot that's some money for me
6679s here consumable okay I'm leaving the to
6683s there one and at the window which window
6688s I taged him which window he's going to
6690s die in three 2 one he won't tell me
6694s maybe
6696s not he won't tell you he won't but now I
6700s seen where he shot so here here I tagged
6703s him here but he's not there anymore yeah
6706s so it was downstairs oh yeah he's there
6708s and he's still
6711s there yeah
6716s if you P him I can just shoot through
6717s the wall from
6719s here oh I tagged
6722s him
6724s here
6727s okay maybe I only have 13 shots
6730s different
6735s angle you are my
6742s angle
6747s well I've got your back covered B thank
6754s you I don't like this mhm I'm tired of
6761s shooting your armor get fired that's how
6763s that's how we ended the stream let let's
6768s just you're playing the pacifist uh
6771s play and so they left the map and never
6774s looked
6775s back never looked
6782s blank now we have to win this you're L
6786s shooting the wall aren't you yeah I
6788s tagged him here
6793s mhm how many how much ammo do you have
6795s to do this lot I can do this all
6802s day
6806s but they can see us right
6808s now mhm I fear the other teams will show
6811s up behind
6820s us all right what's what's the plan here
6823s cuz they are I'm going to thr in a
6825s dynamite I think they are all
6828s upstairs okay nice y went in no so not
6834s this side at
6835s least we could rotate a bit and see the
6838s other
6842s windows a Player
6845s No this side is
6849s clear I hear them there's one up here
6852s yeah yeah
6855s yeah shooting through the wall a
6862s bit
6873s yeah don't get too close they might have
6875s shotguns and Stu shot probably and traps
6879s don't forget about the traps and traps
6881s yeah random
6884s traps strategically set
6888s up in some random places oh I can
6894s we could try to go through this
6896s something
6898s yeah I think I heard footsteps East
6902s yeah
6912s okay all right I feel like we need to be
6915s the initiating team here M I don't think
6919s they will well it's a it's a hard task
6922s to initiate [ __ ] here I know I have
6925s another Liquid Fire Bomb I could Jo in
6928s randomly can you open the window
6931s there
6934s nice this one
6939s yeah well we could always run in here I
6942s guess
6943s but but I feel like we do need Gustavo
6948s otherwise you want me to go there all of
6950s us oh but now we have now we will be
6953s choked I don't he but I don't even hear
6956s them
6958s like yeah yeah W banged W bangs oh you
6962s didn't even fall
6967s down it was a c the
6970s Rival
6973s yeah now I'm really scared to go there
6975s and res you do you have
6978s necro uh I don't
6981s have
6983s that was naughty
6985s there I mean he he used the dark side
6989s boost for just split split second yeah I
6991s mean he know I was
6996s there so that's the right side of the of
6999s the top but you know if they are here
7000s they can kill me
7004s too
7010s oh they are choking well
7014s I need some elevation
7018s here wait
7020s oh they you just go back first back
7023s first instantly back first back first
7025s back first back first oh my
7027s God okay okay this is not
7035s good okay Gustav do some magic here
7038s please oh yeah wasn't in the window py
7042s no I I'm oh now yeah yeah yeah yeah he
7044s was there he was there but it's so foggy
7047s it's
7048s uh
7050s heart are they picking yeah sometimes
7054s but you know it's like choke plus
7058s fog I'm running low on bullets do you
7060s have ammo
7061s box uh yeah I set one down over there
7067s burn behind the the pile can you uh look
7071s at the window please because I need to
7075s choke okay thanks I can even I can't
7079s even see the window this to be
7084s honest where did you set it up I I'm
7087s going to try to get it behind behind the
7089s hay pile the big
7092s one
7095s yeah oh okay thank
7101s you
7108s okay what is
7110s the can do can can we throw a choke at
7113s the wall there and try to rest
7115s again can you hold the window I don't
7117s think that's a good idea oh look
7123s choke wait oh I hit
7127s them you're in a location where I can't
7129s TR
7131s mhm
7135s damn oh my God this is going to take
7139s ages is this a window yeah that that's
7142s the window man oh yeah that's the
7145s window that's the window uh look I think
7149s we running
7152s my sorry oh my God what is happening
7155s sorry sorry my cat did some magic uh
7159s yeah I think we should just run in and
7161s uh try to die where are they
7164s I think they are like holding their
7165s corpse the behind the
7168s wall
7170s oh that was a nice shot yeah I attacked
7173s her
7175s but I wonder why why she didn't die
7179s though it was not a head shot that was
7182s the problem you
7187s know is the oh this is the scrap big we
7190s won't find any go in the main door man
7194s like it's enough enough is
7199s enough I just we the Sparks did one more
7202s damage you know what I
7204s mean gust come if we go in together we
7207s cannot die right I am like there's no
7209s way they can kill two
7212s people they have a shotgun my friend and
7215s the
7217s patience hey what is that you no it's
7221s another team I suppose let's say 33 so
7224s let's play with them down the hill
7227s b
7230s yeah let's play with the other
7232s team okay this door didn't open uh
7239s yeah is that how you calm down horses B
7243s yes
7248s sh no idea where they
7251s at all right I not seeing them right
7255s now point where I think below you yeah
7260s yeah to the
7269s right horses are just like C come here
7272s come
7276s here uh what do I use here just going to
7279s do
7281s this someone just said that you're The
7284s Horse Whisperer B I
7287s am thank you for recognizing my
7295s abilities that's my side
7301s hustle there they are slightly to the
7305s right did
7310s man tagged can push
7314s now
7317s no I killed one yeah that's the one I
7319s tagged I think and where was the
7322s other I killed one here oh okay the
7325s other might be the other
7327s here as we say we push
7330s her I mean I say we push
7333s her be careful
7336s Barrel she might be here
7341s somewhere
7343s oh yeah oh some they rest her nice I
7348s killed him again oh I need to I
7351s [Music]
7353s heals
7355s damn that was too damn yeah there's one
7359s right there I got like
7363s uh what do you call this like
7367s uh punch like aim punch there you go
7373s words are hard I can only speak the
7375s language of
7388s horse good St you who the hell R this
7391s this guy oh my God they burned me with
7394s the
7394s shotgun okay
7398s yeah how did you get
7401s there
7403s clutch clutch
7414s clutch where did my oh my God where are
7417s my just pushing
7431s you
7438s oh my God how do you survive all of this
7443s I have no idea it's a special
7446s talent so we have a horse whisper and
7449s the dance Master here yeah true so what
7454s Gustavo say how do you
7457s dance teach us your
7459s moves I think God protects the the ones
7463s with pure
7464s heart okay but if you die then that
7466s means you don't have a pure
7469s heart well he protected me a lot today
7474s right you know you can still extract and
7476s leave us here no we are dead
7483s never three BL three head shots
7486s exactly one doesn't even have to be head
7488s shot because bus because the person has
7490s been down like two times
7493s oh you burned out Bens I did I was
7495s already burned out before the stream to
7497s [Laughter]
7503s be so time to recruit a new character
7506s then
7509s yeah where are
7513s they let's look at the map maybe quickly
7516s they went back to I mean the bounties
7517s and the
7520s compound yeah they are not the Bounty
7522s team
7527s mhm let me fix the
7530s S
7537s okay now now they are fighting the
7539s Bounty team I think
7542s yeah okay now you can R did you also
7544s burn out uh F uh no I think I you're
7549s good yeah but I'm I'm next to the
7551s compound I'm or I'm in the
7557s compound I'm going for Bounty do you
7561s have a peacekeeper roof
7565s roof oh that felt like a shot damn it
7571s yeah damn okay I have two
7576s bullets oh someone died
7580s here something died
7585s here sh don't face the blitz of the
7588s dogs no no no no no no
7595s no okay oh okay what was that that's the
7600s Ping because he's from Brazil you know
7603s ah yeah that's totally the the Ping for
7605s me it looked like a boomerang throwing X
7608s you know no like you know the spectator
7611s mode is not accurate and
7613s okay okay and the
7615s pink give one blood and a
7621s dream he's bleeding he's poison he's out
7623s of
7624s stamina
7629s oh you're going to bleed out no I don't
7632s I don't have anything to throw at
7638s them Jesus you really do have the moves
7641s though like
7643s yeah you should just play full skills
7645s but I have the
7649s moves Jesus wow we need a hunter that's
7653s like a Brazilian dancer for you yeah
7659s please GG's GG's okay so make that
7662s happen F we can do the last big giveaway
7665s we already a bit over time
7667s so last big giveaway okay starting now
7670s oh wait a second let me mute with my
7674s game I believe Mr Sherry is
7679s dead Mr Cherry what he's dead dead uh
7685s he's he's dead I don't think you know oh
7689s well even if he's dead you know
7691s why why because he could not
7695s dance true true
7700s yeah okay last round of giveaways for
7704s those who typed Vincent in the chat we
7707s are looking
7709s for
7711s ZX
7713s ZX congrats congrats ZX they're GNA give
7717s a bunch of keys out now at the end
7720s so yep if you if you are just joining
7723s now make sure to type Vincent in the
7725s chat and join the last big
7728s giveaway zun next come
7731s on
7734s no ZX okay we rolling in three
7740s two one
7743s rrolling k mik one
7752s congratulations okay
7759s mik okay mik is here
7764s congratulations next
7767s one
7769s oh Z
7772s zimas zimas
7776s 2704 or
7782s 2704
7790s zenas nice
7793s another
7794s winner Haas
7799s Havas
7802s you congrats probably very good after
7804s the
7808s win how us say something
7816s [Music]
7817s please oh my God I'm going to don't make
7821s me roll it
7825s I'm going to reload it in three two damn
7830s one oh sorry
7833s howas de
7836s deadi de
7839s deti
7843s congratulations hello Des is here
7847s congrats next
7848s winner
7849s n Nar TV
7856s come
7860s on now I'm curious if there's a
7866s channel oh there might
7869s be congratulations
7872s nor next
7875s winner vu's
7878s Prime that sounds like
7880s a planet on Mass
7884s Effect verus
7889s Prime we have to take the Normandy to
7891s vero's prime
7899s prime Veris is here
7903s congrats next
7907s winner Mr Lopez
7910s Brazil
7914s congratulations Mr
7920s Lopez please be
7924s here Mr Lopez is here
7929s congratulations let's do a few more how
7931s many more cuz I can do it all day yeah
7934s that's cool that's
7937s cooles tacos you do a few more and I set
7939s up a raid quickly how many is a few
7944s more let's do five more and I'm I'm
7947s going to set up r five
7948s more all right come on Mo mes
7956s Tacos No M
7959s stacos rrolling three
7963s two one sorry
7967s mes
7969s sat congratulations
7979s sat sat is here
7984s nice
7989s AAR speaking of tacos speaking of tacos
7995s time it's dinner time it's 400 p.m.
8000s here
8003s next winner garata
8011s D
8015s Gata garata is here I don't know why the
8019s bot didn't catch your message but I saw
8025s it okay two more congratulations Gata
8030s all right B more B more
8035s bismore three times
8039s bismore bismore is here and the bot
8042s start stopped working
8045s uhoh uh and last winner
8050s is
8052s pre
8054s pree appreciate
8056s you appreciate
8060s you it's a cool name
8063s appreciate is
8066s here congratulations to all the winners
8070s you all want a copy of our DLC uh son of
8074s gunpowder and we are going to send them
8077s to you uh in a bit uh through the twitch
8082s DMS okay yes and with that back to you B
8086s yeah we are at the end of the stream and
8088s we are going to be raing fish as well so
8090s thank you all for joining us uh we had a
8093s good time thank you friends Gustavo it
8095s was it was a fun night uh yeah yeah
8098s let's repeat this hell yeah let's do it
8100s uh and please give our love to as well
8103s yeah let's do it uh it it was a really
8105s good Trio the Hungarian gang I loved it
8107s so uh uh thank you have a good night and
8111s see you all at fish's stream uh give our
8114s love to her uh she's one of our partners
8116s very lovely player and really good much
8118s better than us at the game okay maybe
8119s not Gustavo but uh
8122s she much better okay she is she so see
8125s you guys there and have a good uh night
8128s everyone byebye byebye bye see
8134s you so we go and slow We
8142s rise hold the course the storm the eye
8148s dark the b b the
8154s S waves are strong
24 days ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
11s and
13s [Music]
23s thirst just be
29s late
38s [Music]
45s you but if
48s it's there's
53s noakes I the car and look your
59s way queen of
62s [Music]
68s space
70s fold
71s your
74s hand will
81s [Music]
83s turn this in won't
89s fade
91s always starts this
94s way the
99s [Music]
105s first
107s [Music]
111s blatter
116s stage
118s every must
120s this
123s way the fin
129s the night follows
142s [Music]
149s day
152s [Music]
153s [Applause]
175s now
177s you know you like
180s [Music]
184s game BL in your
187s head a bir of
194s PR is the price
198s you ech
204s refra
206s [Music]
209s and
223s [Music]
231s [Music]
236s T quiet t
247s [Music]
256s and you'll just be
265s late
267s you
269s say
271s [Music]
274s time
275s [Music]
279s or but if
282s it's there's
286s [Music]
293s noakes queen of
299s space
301s [Music]
303s F
305s [Music]
314s [Music]
319s your
324s fade starts this
327s way the first
332s [Music]
340s [Music]
342s Blood spattered on the
353s St This
356s Way the final the how of
362s pain night follows
373s [Applause]
376s [Music]
386s [Music]
386s [Applause]
389s day
408s now
411s you know you like the
418s game BL in your
421s a bird of
427s pra is the price you'll
431s P Echo
439s [Music]
449s refra
456s [Music]
464s [Music]
471s quiet
477s place and thirst
480s have
482s [Music]
484s their so why don't you sit down
489s anday you just be
499s late
506s you time
508s or
510s [Music]
513s but if
515s it's there's
520s noes I the look
526s your queen of
534s space
536s f
538s your hand
548s [Music]
549s hello everybody and how are you doing on
552s this fine Wednesday I'm back it's Violet
556s I'm back from
557s Guess holiday yay I took a little
561s holiday finally it's been a it's been a
563s while since I went anywhere you know
566s just checks checks notes 9 months I
569s think since I went on my previous
571s holiday so took took a little two week
574s Break um it was great I actually was
577s back last week but I had only just
580s gotten back and the time difference I
583s actually went to Europe the time
584s difference really got me so I asked Ben
586s to fill in for me one more time
588s thankfully he did um but I'm back and we
591s got Gustav I I got Gustavo with me yeah
594s I am back too yeah and then so we had um
598s Justin uh narrative designer with us but
603s Justin is unfortunately feeling I'm like
605s not in my box very good sorry got to
608s like Crouch uh Justin is unfortunately
610s not feeling well um unexpectedly so we
613s are in a space that Justin can jump in
617s um if he starts feeling better however
620s don't expect Justin um cuz he's he's not
624s feeling too well hopefully he's feeling
627s well enough to join in but maybe not who
631s knows so um we we may or may not have
636s Justin the one and only narrative
638s designer who knows we'll find out as we
642s go and uh I am ready with new challenge
645s day new challenge day everybody so check
648s out your challenges so since I was gone
651s I'm a little behind but I'm on rank 18 I
655s was able to finish up my uh challenges
659s from last week as well and so I'm ready
663s yeah I still did not finish the event as
666s well well I'm I'm obviously not done but
669s I'm catching up I'm catching up
672s 36 I know I think I think most people
675s are ahead of me right now but that's
676s fine I'm going to wear my two we
679s vacation with pride what kind of
681s controller so I'm not using a controller
683s technically I'm going to spill my coffee
686s I'm using an azeron okay hang on hang on
688s coffee's got to go down coffee's got to
691s go
694s down I use I use this
698s azeron he I I've got wires crossing here
702s this is a t a great
704s time so this is what I use on my left
708s hand on my right hand i'm I use a mouse
710s like a normal person but that's what I
713s use on my left yeah that that that's
716s crazy I don't think the robot hand play
719s with why all my keybinds look funny just
721s don't even worry about just don't even
723s worry about all my keybinds you know
724s what they're all funky they're all funky
730s funky yeah I really love it how many
733s buttons uh I have the compact so like
736s the regular one has more buttons but
739s mine has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
743s 14 15 16 17 18
747s 19 and then this one can also go like
749s being pushed directions so 23 plus the
754s uh joystick 23 plus
758s joystick
760s yeah okay so now we've let a little
763s people fill in great time to answer the
769s question that everyone's asking and then
771s when somebody else comes in and asks you
773s guys get to tell them the answer the
776s response time on the azeron is great
778s it's completely like a normal keyboard
780s okay anyway so just like
783s before the last stream that we were in
787s the last stream I was in and the last
789s stream Ben was in the answer on the
792s engine integration and the new map is
794s the same which is we don't have any
796s details to share until at minimum
800s desolation's wake is
802s over is it okay to drink we working on
805s it
806s no there are no announced twitch Dr
810s s nope but we have some giveaways today
815s we do have you stay with us if you hang
817s out with us we're going to do some
819s giveaways during the live stream so true
822s so stay with us bring back seven sites
825s seven sights is one of my favorite skins
828s honestly seven sights is it the is it
831s the Sparks it's a Sparks sniper from the
832s twitch drops with Lulu um we're going to
835s give away son of gunpowder
838s again yeah son of a g son of a
843s G oh did the narrative designer have tap
846s water um I don't know tap water is
848s pretty normal here in the US to drink
851s where is B I assume at his home I did
854s have a meeting with him earlier as did
855s Gustavo and he sounded completely normal
858s and not in a basement hiding anywhere so
862s you know don't worry about him the new
864s drilling skin is
867s so so good I love it let's talk about it
871s I don't know if we're going to be cut
872s off cuz we're in Q oh my God I can't
875s type while I have my coffee cup death's
878s Levy 3D view it's so good came out
883s today it came out today this is a new
886s partner skin for games with death uh you
889s can find him at games with death uh on
892s Twitch he is one of our longtime
895s partners and this skin
898s is is it's so good it just came out this
902s morning and fun fact me and death last
906s night were messaging uh on Discord like
910s ah and that's that's what we did all
913s night uh it is 700 blood bonds I
918s think I have it so I can Gustavo can you
922s look because you don't have I don't have
925s it I think it's 700 um let me see I
930s think you're
931s correct 700 someone says yes yep 700 aha
936s donk donk donk I love my little Library
939s brain
941s great yeah I really really like death
944s are you using one of this I'm going to
946s usey yeah yeah okay so here's the deal
950s you're going to drop
952s it I don't have it but I can't get it
955s again yeah you can get it again no I
958s can't I don't have the
960s one oh okay I need to use the drilling
963s Hatchet so that I can unlock the
966s drilling
967s Hatchet are there any other partners
969s that have a skin yes so there are
971s actually oh God I used to have the
973s number but now we're adding more so
976s there were seven I think and then we
978s added the hermit stick and death Levy so
980s that should make nine there should be
983s nine partner skins in the game right now
985s I think yeah um we don't have any
988s partner legendary
990s Hunters um we do
994s have we do have some skins that have
997s been suggested by uh Partners or
1000s community members so like there's some
1003s links there but there are no like
1006s partner legendary Hunters um the krych
1009s official art team designs the partner
1012s skins however the partners do give their
1016s input they give a theme uh um and like
1020s they get to pick the skin like the gun
1022s that it goes on and things like that so
1025s it's a it's a collaboration with our art
1028s team and the partner
1030s themselves I don't think there is a
1033s list anywhere I mean I have one but I
1036s don't think there's like a a public you
1040s could go look yeah hi
1042s fish M look at this guy look at
1045s him M it is so good yes the bomb Lance
1050s dragon breath should have been that bug
1052s should have already been fixed in
1057s 116 um our CCH partners are uh ooh
1062s something oh I don't have a pledge Mark
1063s so why go up there are we playing
1065s against trios or or
1067s duels that's a great question I think
1069s we're in Duos question mark we're going
1072s to find out yeah I think we're in Duos
1076s but I'm not
1078s sure
1080s whoopsies I forgot to look I played in
1082s Duos last though so that means I should
1084s be in Duos okayy there's a meat man on
1087s the I need to kill this armored with
1089s poison I'm
1091s stupid I
1094s mean um so so can we gra the clue y we
1097s don't have any news about possible
1100s future partner
1102s skins um but there are you know there
1107s are some
1108s more
1112s H
1114s horse yes in Duos oh thank
1118s God uh should we go to
1120s prison yeah sure okay I need to kill
1123s armor have poison yeah Calamity has the
1127s [ __ ] moon and Del has the Lord's pray
1132s uppercut uh although Delany is no longer
1135s a partner because he works here yeah uh
1138s he's now a krych employee oh there's a
1140s trade over here yeah Nino has the to and
1143s Claw um gef oh
1147s zist zist is Mike's psych yeah psych
1152s ghost has the gas arm which is a
1156s label mhm um grien bird has aul
1161s Precision DOL
1163s Precision
1164s [Music]
1168s um
1170s wow that's hard there's
1173s one there's a
1177s Nitro there's a Nitro yeah there's a
1180s Nitro that was forced so hinky who is no
1182s longer a partner but he was when hunt
1185s very first
1187s started oh is that you oh that's me
1191s scared the crap out of me I'm like we're
1194s being
1195s shot not yet not
1198s yet
1200s yeah so there's quite a few but not like
1205s tons you
1211s know yes Sigman has Wolf's mouth Yes the
1214s aat mhm thank you yeah yeah I have a I
1217s have a list on my I have an Excel sheet
1221s with you know stuff that helps I things
1225s I need to remember for the partners and
1228s that's aesome another
1229s another meatman on a clue get him get
1232s him youav be my meatman
1235s extraordinaire meatman Hunter oh my
1238s God I already used two of my medkits
1242s just picking up the
1244s clues there's free Med kits
1247s around I've been hit by the meat man
1252s run I don't think he can come in here I
1255s think we're totally
1257s fine um V white is not a I always say V
1262s in my head because he does the double v
1264s thing and I think it's cute um Whitey is
1267s not a CCH partner but I do I do love me
1271s some whing that was you again that's you
1274s are just terrifying me
1279s constantly we're just running around
1281s stop can on upper M oh oh we can get the
1284s other clue I forgot even look make it
1286s happen
1288s Dennis
1289s didn't even
1291s look I have a friend that does oh God no
1294s poison you I have a friend that does
1297s esdf on like every game
1303s ever so I'm sure he'll be jazzed to know
1307s he's not the only one in the
1310s world since we have redneck dad and
1313s daughter could you guys add the redneck
1315s mother I don't want mother I want
1318s grandmother that's what I want I want a
1321s second
1322s grandma that's what I
1326s want you can play as a the redneck the
1330s entire redneck family exactly and then
1332s you'll have multiple
1334s um like Generations three generations
1338s okay we got a Sparks pistol up here ammo
1342s no cash wow a frag hang on I'll take
1346s I'll take the frag redneck Grandma
1348s exactly no bone Mason is a grandma she's
1351s not the
1354s grandma you know what I
1356s mean all right oh
1358s Stanley yeah here we
1366s go yes we have a lot of uh updates
1370s already planned for the legendary
1373s H uh
1377s tab
1381s don't you
1382s worry does this game have a demo or
1384s trial uh I don't think we have a
1388s demo no my personal recommendation would
1391s be to always just uh use your steam
1394s 2hour fund I I put a timer on my phone
1396s when I buy a new
1399s game try it
1401s out that's what I do but I doubt you
1404s will refound it I mean I is so good I
1408s didn't
1411s no uh twitch drops
1413s today
1419s no I wanted the AI to like come to me
1421s but he
1428s didn't okay the
1430s lantern three health kit my
1435s favorite my
1437s favorite I'm telling you I want red a
1440s grandma that's what I'm
1442s saying uh we don't have public light or
1445s public custom lobbies on our public road
1448s map but it is something that we're
1450s interested in and you know maybe
1453s someday the twitch drops typically have
1455s a seasonal Cadence uh in the past we've
1458s done them two is times per year but you
1462s know who
1463s knows we just ran twitch drops in
1467s February
1471s last
1476s time I keep thinking we're about to be
1478s jumped I'm
1480s like I'm eyes going crazy over
1485s here I am eyes going crazy it's too
1490s quiet I don't like this I know I'm I'm
1494s like
1495s H I am so I'm so paranoid right now
1499s for sure oh we don't have a giveaway
1503s keyword yet no yet sure we will make one
1506s after this match where's their extract
1509s oh they don't have one oh they're all
1511s down south all the extracts are down
1516s south hello
1522s dog right is everybody they cannot get
1526s out super
1527s easily
1530s nobody even picked up the extra like
1532s cash Bounty either so I'm
1538s very a little confused it looks like
1540s they're on the other side of the
1547s building
1549s honestly I I'm someone's going to peck
1551s on that window on three oh my God I move
1555s and then they move over here of course
1557s one
1559s waiting for a death
1562s on can you hit out this
1565s window uh let me see somebody's there
1567s never mind they shot they shot at you
1571s yeah I mean they missed
1579s but are they going to come back
1587s or
1598s well I whiffed what's up with B uh he
1601s just did a stream last week for like
1605s three weeks in a row actually he ran the
1607s streams while I was gone yeah where
1611s where did you come from Lady some grunt
1613s just attacked me
1617s and
1621s still in there I'm going to open an ammo
1624s box here
1631s okay they look like they're in the back
1635s like over there think someone is
1637s flanking me someone
1639s is walking on
1643s mud oh it's not the Bounty team might be
1647s crazy but
1649s I don't think you're crazy I bet they
1652s see uh they don't want to peek cuz they
1653s see more than one
1656s team I'm going to go around this
1659s way let's
1662s go I'm leaving like the extract side
1665s which is a little sad
1668s but now let them
1671s run so we can chase them
1675s yeah that would be
1677s easier
1689s let them burn the Bounty and then
1691s run with all dark site is that your shot
1696s yeah they are running they are running
1700s oh well I tagged one
1707s here
1709s corner is he back inside oh on the
1714s window let me close the
1722s window I need to kill this armor hang
1725s on got
1729s him uh I used to prestige a lot during
1732s the events but now um I don't Prestige
1736s anymore cuz I'm at 100
1751s ah I'm not very good at the drilling
1753s that's why I don't have it unlocked
1756s yet got another tag but
1763s window come on give me another
1766s chance come on window guy
1771s just need one more chance come
1774s on
1794s peak come back he's still
1797s there
1811s someday I'll get a head shot I don't
1814s know when that's going to be but it'll
1815s be
1818s someday but it won't be
1827s soon
1833s just come back
1834s sir we can go for
1838s the the central clue the central uh yeah
1843s Bounty I want to fight these guys I just
1846s want them to like I mean I've only
1848s tagged that guy I haven't gotten a head
1849s shot or
1851s anything maybe they will chase us if we
1855s pick up the other
1856s Bounty Maybe there is a visual bug yes
1860s with
1862s the um
1865s Whatchamacallit it should say
1868s 1,000 not
1878s 3,000 I mean I guess I have a drilling
1881s like I
1883s could oh I have a
1887s bid
1894s a regular
1897s one I kind of think the regular ones are
1900s the
1906s [Music]
1910s best and drilling has a shotgun and a
1913s hatchet I'm just
1916s saying I'm going to Beetle them
1921s [Music]
1924s okay I want to go in with the beetle you
1928s still need the
1930s armored yeah there's one
1935s inside so far from you but I'm
1947s coming
1948s go
1956s Steve okay back up
1963s top all right what do your Steve eyes
1967s see oh there's one in this
1973s window
1977s oh
1980s that you're
1984s Beetle his buring his burning and
1986s bleeding wow that still hit me I thought
1988s he threw it past me like way past me but
1990s I guess
1993s not I uh I miscalculated where he threw
1996s that well I know the new drilling
1999s Hatchet skin is so
2001s good I love it oh I can't see
2006s anything they're just inside
2014s I love dauntless I just didn't have it
2015s on this
2016s guy there is not a keyword
2024s yet ooh nice
2027s shot that was a good
2030s shot I am still on
2035s fire oh you're still burning yeah you
2039s inside they they closed the door
2051s yeah Jesus nice try nice
2056s try oh I was just like waiting for them
2058s and I got really
2060s bored so you know yeah I
2064s understand that's me I get
2067s bored
2072s no I think the keyword should be uh
2076s death death that's a good one okay yeah
2079s for our for our good friend games with
2082s death Windfield poison
2086s ammo
2088s um we'll get a new
2091s [Music]
2094s person and then I will use
2100s the drilling I guess to try and unlock
2102s the drilling it oh yes I got the hand
2109s Cannon which means I can bring uh oh
2113s bring one for me I still only got the
2116s hand
2117s Cannon oh you need to Hatchet okay yeah
2121s yes I
2123s do okay the first keyword is death go NS
2131s chat death please thank
2136s you oh you're not in my Lobby
2139s anymore wait what yeah I'm
2143s not I don't see you invite me again you
2147s don't see me I'm Green Oh all I just
2150s sent you a new
2157s invite
2164s [Music]
2172s lot of death in the chat lot of death in
2175s the
2177s chat okay so we got
2181s conspirator again going to
2184s go oh we're not in the legendary silly
2192s me let's go
2195s with clean
2198s carbine do you need anything
2200s specific uh I need a head shot with a
2202s pistol and regular
2206s Winnie damage I have a regular Winnie in
2208s addition to my
2210s uh drilling hand Cannon pistol pistol
2215s pistol I am a big fan go with the
2219s lat the giveaway is for uh son of
2223s gunpowder son of gunpowder which my
2226s brain was just
2229s like what's that DLC I almost said The
2232s Conspirator but that's the hunter yeah
2234s not it's the hunter yeah not the
2242s DLC thank you
2245s ham you get a prize and you get a prize
2249s yeah this is my large
2255s mug this is my phone for
2257s reference I'm really small so you know
2261s like my face as a reference doesn't help
2264s so I going to use my phone for a
2266s reference for how large my cup is very
2269s large oh I got it no cuz I am watching
2272s with the delay
2273s delay I was like your phone is your mug
2277s is your phone
2278s what no I just use
2281s it what platform is the giveaway all
2285s platforms all
2287s platforms all
2289s platforms what's a hunt mechanic you
2291s wish someone had told you early
2295s on
2297s h a hunt
2300s mechanic I think so this doesn't apply
2303s anymore but I was really confused about
2308s resupplying ammo on different guns for
2311s like a year yeah and that doesn't apply
2315s anymore because it's different
2317s now but if somebody had told me why
2320s early on a label and a Mosen got
2323s different like grab Backs from the ammo
2326s box that would have been really
2328s helpful
2331s yeah I don't I'm not I'm not sure about
2333s the mechanics but uh in the beginning I
2337s did not know that we could kill the
2339s armored with the simple knife yeah I I
2344s did know that so I just run away every
2347s time I
2349s yeah it took me a while to to figure
2353s that out that's pretty
2355s funny look we spawned at like almost the
2358s exact same loc oh no this is the exact
2360s same location okay well I'm going to the
2362s tower then cuz it's way closer remember
2364s when we could select where we wanted to
2367s PA no that was before my time uh both of
2372s us Prestige to 100
2376s ourselves that's not me that's not
2379s me what was your question people people
2383s people people yeah I'm just
2388s bad but I was watching the stream no I'm
2391s just
2393s bad oh I'm on the open I'm in a really
2397s bad position
2398s position oh someone is shooting at
2402s me oh I didn't know you could go up
2406s there oh my goodness Levering she just
2409s lever me down yeah from so far away uh I
2412s didn't know you could go along that rock
2414s up there I don't ever go back there or
2416s fight right
2417s there that was I was like oh my
2420s goodness oh that was fast
2426s mhm sorry I I was watching the stream
2430s and I did not realize that there is a
2432s delay so I was waiting for the game to
2436s watching the stream oh my god do we have
2438s Justin oh Justin is here oh my God
2442s timing we just died
2445s immediately we died on Pur we did that
2446s on purpose it was for
2448s Justin okay hang on I have to fix our
2453s cameras Oh My Goodness let's go
2459s hey look Justin looks perfect and then
2461s uh we have to
2464s adjust sorry about that yeah I got uh I
2467s don't know someone mentioned drinking
2469s pool water earlier that's what it felt
2471s like happen to what happened I just
2476s decided to go drink the I go down far
2478s enough apartments pool water
2482s here have a head don't
2486s worry
2488s oh my
2490s God save us from
2494s Duos I'll
2496s try okay now I fix
2499s Gustavo fix me please can you fix
2503s me I'm working on
2509s it doing it
2512s live we're watching the bacon oh
2514s gustavo's too
2516s tall
2519s I am not but thank
2522s you well you were out of your box you
2525s left the
2526s Box oh my God never leave the box box is
2530s there for a
2532s reason can't get Justin in on this
2534s screen as
2537s well and fix Gustavo on this
2540s [Music]
2545s screen yeah maybe I should turn off my
2547s my animated background that seems
2552s distracting uh yeah I can see our
2554s cameras while playing so that definitely
2556s may be
2557s distracting yeah uh change video
2561s background
2562s let's here we go t doing it
2568s live hey Gustavo CH it to someon am I
2572s fixed Bill hater with a bomb Lance that
2575s seems appropriate yeah that that seems
2578s more appropriate for sure
2582s yeah
2584s Gustavo perfect oh my God we're all in
2587s backgrounds and
2589s boxes we did
2591s it okay yeah I was definitely dying on
2594s purpose simply to get Justin in here you
2597s can't convince me that that's not
2601s true and now I can pull the chat back
2604s down to see it again I don't want this
2607s DOL get out of here get out DOL uh
2613s Retreat okay while you fix me no no
2617s you're fix I think we can I'm fixed okay
2620s but I think we can pull some winners I
2622s definitely agree with that I still have
2624s to make my hunter because I was I was
2626s fixing everyone's box oh and we don't
2629s even have Justin in the lobby what are
2630s we
2631s doing now okay here we go while we wait
2634s let's P some winners those who type it
2637s death in the
2638s chat uh the first winner of our giveaway
2641s remember it's a giveaway for the son of
2643s the gun
2645s pounder the first winner
2649s is Father
2652s Maring
2654s six get in here
2657s congratulations get in here okay I would
2661s like uh the fact that Justin's here and
2663s his only Prestige one is further proof
2666s that not all krych employees are
2668s Prestige
2670s 100 no I'm definitely I don't see that
2673s happening in the immediate future at all
2677s uh father is here
2680s congratulations next winner we are
2683s looking for night
2687s Mario night Mario night Mario uh another
2691s fun fact about 3D viewer in case you
2693s didn't know you can practice learning
2695s the gun sounds here you can shoot weapon
2698s and then and then you can scroll
2702s out to hear it I bet a lot of people
2705s don't know that I know the distance what
2708s teaching I see I'm teaching people look
2710s this is 100 me no idea that's what it
2713s sounds like at 100 meters and you can
2715s scroll out to 200 meters to three that's
2719s night Mario is here oh that's incredible
2722s I had no clue look at that that's 400 m
2725s you can scroll all the way out to 900
2728s and then I think you can go to the edge
2729s of the map
2731s yeah this would be like a great krych
2734s Pop Quiz type thing where I make people
2738s identify guns from different distan you
2740s can do it with like any gun too it
2742s doesn't have to be you know whatever you
2745s can just be like oh NE
2749s officer oh let and no matter what weapon
2752s you're using uh it can be heard across
2755s the
2756s map those are called Global sounds fun
2760s fact okay next
2763s winner uh isn't that so cool
2766s broi broccoli broccoli I hope it's
2769s broccoli oh they're here either
2772s way
2776s congratulations another
2778s one m majara I don't think
2783s you uh wayfinder I don't think you can
2787s can hear the bow from basically anywhere
2790s yeah the bow yeah the bow you can't
2792s let's try though somebody asked the
2794s silencer weapons you
2796s cannot but the the fact is you can hear
2799s a daringer from I think 500 M I was
2804s going to say 3 400 m at least uh it's a
2808s lot let's go s to it oh it's so Poppy I
2812s think the new Army also has a really
2814s similar
2816s sound
2819s come on Ma you say something in the chat
2823s I think it's 500 I'm going to four right
2826s now hang
2827s on no I can't hear it at
2830s 400 ah barely at 400 450 I can't hear it
2836s 350
2838s definitely yeah it's a l not
2842s here
2845s rrolling 200 this it or clear for
2851s sure yeah in the in the in the thick of
2854s it I don't think I would hear it at 400
2856s for
2857s sure for sure for
2861s sure but 200 night is here that's pretty
2865s clear
2866s congratulations 100 very clear Nitro is
2870s like
2872s loud last winner for this round
2876s is
2878s on
2880s Ono
2882s Ono sorry
2885s forame so loud first 400 here it is oh
2890s yeah I mean Ono is
2899s here okay uh congratulations to all the
2902s winners uh remember we are going to send
2905s the keys after the stream okay you're
2909s going to receive a whisper on your
2912s Twitch ti
2915s so keep your eyes on your Whispers on
2919s Twitch Sparks is like one of my favorite
2921s sounds in the game
2924s yeah my favorite sound is it cuz it's so
2928s rewarding to kill someone with a Romero
2932s the sound is it's it's like
2935s you're most satisfying part of the
2938s Romero which you don't get on the 3D
2940s view is the you've killed someone and
2945s you do that immediate reload and like
2947s break it open and then like snap it back
2949s oh right after it killed that is
2953s stylish that's like the best one for
2956s sure for sure the marathon also sounds
2959s really nice except I don't remember the
2960s marathon's like skins off the top of my
2962s head but it should be right here yes
2965s okay
2966s good
2968s why you you don't like the Romero
2971s failes why is that that's not surprising
2975s I feel like we just talked about this I
2977s just saw failes in person in case
2979s anybody's wondering um
2983s [Music]
2984s so honestly audio design in this game is
2987s just like top top tier I played um so in
2993s the summer of 2020 is when I first tried
2997s a bunch of FPS for the first time
2999s valerent came out summer of 2020 and I
3001s tried it for like five hours you know me
3004s uh we tried my friend group tried
3006s Rainbow Six Siege and I just could never
3009s tell what the audio and then we all
3011s tried hunt and now like most of us still
3013s play hunt um and it's just so much
3018s better yeah Hunt killed all all their
3021s FPS for me it didn't kill them it just
3024s the audio for me works so much better
3027s in Hunt there are times I do actually
3030s now play valerent a little bit uh like
3032s you know years later came back around
3034s and uh liked valerent but the sound
3039s sometimes I'll still be like was that on
3041s my left or on my right like I'm not sure
3043s yeah I can tell I feel so spoiled by
3046s hunt audio for sure it it's great for
3048s when you're like bringing in friends to
3050s it for the first time too cuz they'll
3052s you know hear something be like what is
3054s that you can lie to them be like you
3055s know tell them whatever they want be
3056s like go go over there look at it and
3058s then you just see him freak out and get
3060s them all
3061s anxious that's how I onboard people is I
3064s make them freak out at every tiny little
3066s sound in the game because there's it's
3067s so it's everywhere it's great and then
3069s I'll like just start shooting and watch
3071s him Panic it's I had like a friend that
3074s had played hunt that was like our you
3077s know our our uh hunt master sensei when
3081s we first started and he he'd be playing
3083s with us and this is way back 2020
3087s uh he would be like that was a Sparks in
3092s Salter's pork and I'd be like yeah I'd
3095s be like
3097s brother what the [ __ ] are you talking
3100s about
3102s what and then I'd be like uh sir I am in
3106s ardan Parish and lost and he'd be like I
3110s heard another
3111s shot that was definitely a label a got
3114s her Dock and I'd be like
3118s what there's a spk at he's a second
3122s floor shooting South with I
3125s know I'd pull up the map and be like
3128s which one's got her docks
3131s huh it was so great that's incredible I
3134s have like the mental capacity of the
3136s redneck when I play I feel like I'm just
3139s like what's directly in front of me is
3142s about all I can you're just having a
3144s good time hand most of the time oh yeah
3149s okay I got to kill an emulator with my
3152s knuckle knife and maybe somebody will
3155s get a head shot with a pistol somebody
3158s not me I do not have a pistol like you
3160s guys don't even have a pistol damn
3162s it I have tried darkov [ __ ] I can't I
3166s can't tell if my enemy is in front of me
3168s is behind me
3170s is I just can't
3172s tell I have not played tarov it's a
3175s little too
3177s realistic for me yeah yeah it's too much
3181s it's too much going on a hunt is for me
3184s like The Sweet Spot of stuff going on
3186s you know the tarov is a little too much
3188s for me yeah I know they aim for realism
3192s but it's too much but I know how a lot
3195s of people you know play both or I mean
3198s hunt and something else I'm I'm a multi
3201s gamer myself play you know a bunch of
3204s games
3205s so
3207s I'm not I'm not a believer in uh you can
3210s only play one game you
3212s know what I had no
3215s idea everybody you know is allowed to
3218s have multiple interests I'm a I'm a hunt
3220s player I have over 2,000 hours in Hunt
3223s but I'm also a bg3 player you know what
3226s I
3227s mean I know what you mean yeah I just
3229s love video games
3232s y'all let's be real you know uh um two
3238s oh my what happened okay I thought I was
3240s going to get stabbed by a butcher
3242s Cleaver hunt Hunter before hunt I I came
3247s from MMO okay so I played a lot of MMO
3251s RPGs so the game of my life before hunt
3256s the game that I played for 10 years 12
3260s years you need them was a game called I
3263s am I don't know if anyone knows I am
3267s and I discovered after I started playing
3270s hunt that ion is made with is achieved
3276s with cry angine as well oh my goodness
3278s look at that so oh check it out the
3281s games of My Life both games are all
3283s Cryin are all cry
3286s engine and now I work for crytech so
3289s that's that's Desy out I played Kingdom
3292s Come Deliverance having absolutely no
3295s idea it was on cry engine
3297s until like way after I beat it and I was
3301s like oh we have I own players in the
3304s chat I loved Kingdom Come
3307s Deliverance uh I hope they make another
3309s one and if they do it'll also probably
3312s be on cry engine and I'm that's my horse
3317s disre I ran away from I don't play
3320s anymore uh
3322s n Kish
3325s Kish Kish
3328s but I played for 10 years and I I was
3331s pretty good at it
3334s yeah you're just like pretty good at
3337s games nah saying I am
3340s not I was I was you guys get the
3344s cash up there oh no cash
3347s cash money money money
3352s money I'm getting old and I I can't
3355s learn new games uh I'm struggling with
3357s that I cannot learn how to play new
3361s games so I stay with the old ones like
3363s hun
3366s and a little bit of OverWatch and that's
3370s it oh don't say that you can still learn
3373s new games come
3375s on I get it though it could be tough
3377s sometimes to like well learning one is
3380s one thing but then also like really
3381s getting into a new game unless it really
3384s grabs you off the bat can uh
3388s take a while I think it's not that I
3390s can't learn new game but I it's more
3393s like I don't have the patience anymore
3395s or the energy you know yeah mhm I SP
3400s pretty much all my free time gaming
3402s honestly uh
3407s so yeah I mean I'm not always playing a
3409s new game right like bunch of new games
3412s have come out recently and I'm still
3414s stuck on hun with P3 right now
3418s hun does not allow me to try new games
3423s yeah uh you can check any of our uh open
3427s rolls at cry.com
3429s career no s on career cc.com career I
3434s have no idea if there are 3D animator
3438s positions open but there might be who
3440s knows right always apply if it's there
3443s or if there's an open uh sometimes
3446s you'll see like options just do
3450s sometimes no never going to hurt can't
3455s hurt you never
3461s know luckily like all my friends are
3464s also Gamers so when I say free time I
3466s mean anytime I'm not working uh although
3469s both Justin and Gustavo can attest to
3472s the fact that I'm a
3473s workaholic
3475s sorry yeah
3477s a little bit it's
3480s it's it's amazing how you can be in so
3486s many different times so many different
3489s places at the same time you
3492s know it's I
3494s problem and it's called being
3497s obsessed well and you do it like you
3499s know when we've been playing in play
3501s tests and stuff you do a really good job
3503s of like analyzing stuff on the fight too
3505s and writing up
3507s feed I do think I'm good at that yeah
3510s I've been playing with Justin and our uh
3512s our other cooworker Amy a lot in our
3514s play tests and I'll be like did this
3515s happen to you writing up a
3519s report yeah Violet is knows everything
3523s that is happening
3524s on 10
3527s channels I
3529s like encyclopedia and I know at least
3532s Amy uses me for my encyclopedic brain
3538s he also has a
3540s drilling oh it's actually a it's someone
3543s with a Drilling and it's uh a Reaper so
3546s it might be death
3548s himself death himself oh my god look
3550s here's Amy oh oh uh no new keyword yet
3553s do you know where that came from no I
3556s thought was over on the
3557s oh my most played game is probably
3562s hunt I do have over 2K hours
3565s oh cup of bounty hey oh hang on hang on
3571s oh [ __ ] death uhoh death oh
3575s it's I love you get wall [ __ ]
3580s he I tried I tried to tell death that it
3584s was me do you want me
3587s to I don't have voice on I don't know if
3590s he does I think I do I
3592s can't
3594s hey don't kill it please Mr de Mr de we
3599s love you we love you Mr de it's kch it's
3604s oh oh he's here where is he
3610s [Applause]
3611s down I'm coming in don't kill me I can't
3614s hear you oh there he he is I can only
3619s type hey we found are the
3623s odds oh my God
3627s happy death
3629s day oh yeah Violet is using
3632s one uh I'm using no I'm using a fossil
3635s tooth to unlock it oh she is not using
3638s one never mind I'm unlocking
3641s it oh we got can I kill you and stole
3644s your your weapon oh my goodness Ste your
3647s weapon you can't just ask someone to
3649s kill
3651s them oh my goodness so was that people
3655s down south or
3657s oh I'm hear a lot
3659s of so many
3663s footsteps so what are you going to do I
3666s don't know oh pass me
3670s okay is there another team around yep
3673s yeah it's team around okay yeah let's
3676s get them they're on the other
3679s end I don't know who to
3682s shoot this thing is so
3684s confusing where are they where are are
3686s they that that's our buddy that's our
3687s buddy on the bridge oh my god oh okay
3691s okay we have a buddy on our
3693s side I I have no
3695s idea who to
3697s shoot two people shooting
3701s us that hit I was going to laugh
3705s honestly
3707s go uh-oh I think there's someone else
3709s behind us yep someone else oh I hope not
3713s I hear someone on the
3715s roof on the roof on the roof I think
3718s it's it's dting it oh someone died oh
3722s did I kill who was
3724s it who died that's our friend on the
3727s right I'm
3730s confused oh I just killed is death up
3733s there with y'all no yeah death is was is
3736s with me he's the reaper okay yeah I
3738s killed someone else oh
3740s sorry there's another Reaper that I just
3743s took out I got
3745s scared oh someone died here yeah I think
3749s there's one I feel like I should be
3753s punished okay I don't see anyone yeah
3758s Fus yeah she she's
3761s muted cuz we are we are we are
3767s streaming yeah we are we are
3771s streaming oh sorry I picked up your
3774s Bounty o good shot
3777s I didn't think she'd be right
3779s there V just died oh I do want this
3783s skin nice oh look another Reaper than Mr
3786s death Violet was anyone up there with
3789s you that we should died so we we we need
3791s to had a friend like a tier three skin
3795s he was more to my right like more on the
3798s iron work side the felis was out towards
3801s Fort let's
3805s go I can't hear you okay there we go I'm
3808s ready to chat with uh chat now cuz I'm
3812s dead yeah as long as you're teaming up
3814s okay I sound crazy but I talking to
3816s death you know I don't if you guys are
3819s watching my uh naturally Point that's
3822s that's totally fine as long as you're
3824s using ingame
3827s communication uh with each
3831s other should be fine one on the roof one
3834s on the roof
3839s no this is fine we're not that's that's
3840s our friend that's our friend oh oh okay
3842s okay okay get up get
3844s up that specific Hunter
3848s theying I'm up our our team is uh on
3852s your
3854s left here yeah no no my team is
3858s outside uh on the roof is that my team
3861s is with me
3865s here damn that door's always lock oh my
3868s God I'm so confused death picked up
3870s another Bounty death got a bounty very
3872s good lady got a bounty
3877s whoa it's clear did we cleared it yeah
3880s we're good we're good we're good yeah
3881s yeah
3884s yeah nice nice she's alive I am I'm
3889s running around
3891s inside V say are you the the rat the
3896s drown yes I'm drowned rat yep I I just
3899s want to Lo this Violet who's Violet I'm
3902s just a guy how can you I'm just a guy
3905s I'm not like a that's Violet Violet is
3908s the tier
3920s two happy death day happy death
3924s day look what I got look what I
3932s got I got
3934s one go team I'm so proud of
3941s us um let's ah yeah this is right yeah
3945s it's it
3946s happened let's leave let's leave death
3949s his
3951s Bounty it's death day after all you know
3954s just saying it is true
3957s oh yeah she was playing that gun but she
3960s uh she doesn't have the drilling Hatchet
3963s unlocked yet
3967s so we are trying to unlock
3970s it I don't know let me ask
3973s her uh he's asking if you want uh
3977s drilling Hatchet I mean
3981s sure
3983s yep yeah she she does want one of them
3987s oh I think he can he can drop it for you
3990s in one of the bodies inside oh that was
3992s yeah there's a p that's less fun but all
3995s right that that
3996s works it's less fun
3999s yeah it
4007s works that's so confused man cuz I'm
4010s talking to her and and talk to him
4012s talking to you and uh you know she can't
4015s hear
4016s us
4019s and all right let's get out of here wolf
4022s set the
4025s pictures yeah I'm I'm I'm crazy I'm just
4028s talking to myself here we know we know
4031s you're just
4033s crazy gg gg thank you Mr
4038s death all right I I was going to joke
4040s and hit him with the hat you
4043s too that's that's not what I should be
4045s doing doing it'll just kill
4047s him I did watch DEATH get his uh first
4052s hatchet kill with the hatchet
4056s part uh earlier uh before
4062s stream that was very funny was so
4065s confused that I started speaking
4067s Portuguese did you notice that no I
4069s didn't notice that
4071s there my brain was melting here a damn
4079s um where is the port silver band um most
4082s of them live in Germany but not all of
4088s them I was hoping there would be a cash
4090s register at that Supply point but there
4092s was not what a fun happen stance to meet
4096s death on his death day and I saw I saw a
4099s Reaper shoot at me with a Drilling and I
4101s was like is that
4103s death and then they picked up the Bounty
4105s and I was like oh my my God it's
4108s death
4111s [Applause]
4112s oh yeah that was a great translator yeah
4116s that that was hard for
4122s me goodbye
4131s goodbye no I was trying to say bye lady
4135s in clth I love you
4137s too damn it I was not fast
4142s enough he said bye death I love you but
4144s I didn't say I love you to cloth and
4146s lady I'm a
4149s fool I'm a Fool
4154s wow well we got out with one
4158s Bounty nobody I would rather run into on
4162s the death day so true so
4169s true all righty uh if you have won a DLC
4173s key from us you will receive it after
4176s the stream we are still in
4179s fact yep I haven't seen Ari in a while
4182s how is he doing um I am not 100% sure
4185s because I uh only talked to him before
4189s my trip so it's been a little like what
4192s 3 weeks for me as well um but well the
4196s last time I talked to
4200s him he was in the chat last
4204s uh and I missed him yep you missed
4211s him of course I did just my
4214s luck okay well I don't need oh I don't
4216s want slugs I got a death leite Levi Levy
4221s Le how do I pronounce Levy okay
4224s Levy that's Le it's like a
4228s fee it's like a toll that you
4231s pay oh okay okay yeah yeah that makes
4234s sense yeah when you die right mhm
4239s exactly I got it uh two points there's
4243s bullwark I was like where's my bullwark
4245s all right I still have my Stam shot so I
4248s think I'm good to go he didn't put any
4251s weird stuff on it no okay good we're
4252s good I had to
4254s check
4256s I still have
4259s these as my uh Whatchamacallit okay
4263s hopefully we don't get in the same match
4265s again though cuz I do want to you know
4268s kill him kill some people no Special
4272s ammo for me ever unless I have to okay
4275s so we can come up with another keyword
4278s Amy says don't forget your Katana Justin
4281s I'm going to highlight I never forget my
4284s Katana not even the play tests Justin
4287s doesn't forget his Katana no it's always
4290s Justin is playing the bunkai load out oh
4294s absolutely full getsuga 10 showan over
4298s here um so is it time for a new keyword
4301s because I want to pick Levy yeah it is
4304s yeah that was Levy what I'm about to say
4308s the next key word is Levy Levy l v y
4314s short and sweet
4316s why that's what I said
4321s right pretty sure I said it right now
4323s I'm like concerned but it's
4327s fine all right now we get to like just
4329s wait a second and like let that run
4332s through chat shout out to the person
4334s instead of writing Levy wrote skibby
4336s toilet shout out to that guy honestly
4340s yeah we could be good friends you're
4342s having a good day and I'm not sure if
4345s that's a skib toilet reference or an NL
4347s reference really honestly but I'm going
4350s to pretend it's an NL reference and give
4352s you a plus two plus
4357s two that was
4359s fun all right this is for any platform
4362s you get to tell us what platform you are
4365s on and then um well I say us Gustavo and
4368s then Gustavo will get the key for you
4372s I'll make that happen
4374s yeah oh
4377s I have contacts with Mr Xbox and Mr
4380s PlayStation don't
4382s worry yeah they're on every te I ever
4385s had my Mr John krych Mr Mark PlayStation
4389s and Mr Jeremy
4392s Xbox my favorite tweets are the ones
4394s that say like John krych please give me
4398s this or that I think those are so funny
4401s I don't something about Mr John krych
4403s makes get you know gets me in the
4404s cockles of my heart and makes me chuckle
4408s that's deep in case you're wondering
4410s it's deep in
4415s there yeah I know a guy that knows a guy
4418s you know yeah yeah yeah yeah
4420s yeah exactly Phish
4429s exactly I was wondering why my coffee
4431s was so weird and I just found out it's p
4435s cuz all of the creamer was in the
4442s bottom woo oh it is dark and spooky up
4446s in here
4448s okay it's been a while since I played
4451s Ash BL for the last time oh yeah got to
4454s say probably my personal favorite cuz
4456s it's very
4459s moody very moody yeah don't make my
4463s coffee with pool water you got it
4466s 100% the key
4469s better the key the
4474s gatekeeper an
4476s emulator that remind me oh my God
4480s there's people here oh cool cool cool
4482s cool
4485s cool uh-oh I'm poisoned I'm
4488s sorry I also can't see a
4492s thing oh man I just got
4496s really sorry I'm not helpful I cannot
4498s see them yeah I couldn't either I saw
4501s that
4515s guy nothing to see here folks just they
4519s won't expect this right of course not i'
4523s I've like gone around them we got
4527s this do I have a
4533s Acro you do have an
4536s Arro
4542s damn nothing to see
4554s here
4558s I are they just letting me do this I'm
4562s confused I don't understand maybe they
4565s really didn't think there was a third
4567s just like that was a Duo they didn't see
4569s me run across and like kill an
4575s emulator well okay
4580s then glad I didn't take my shot
4584s then
4587s who was or is up
4589s here little worried
4592s though that's weird they just
4597s left did they loot you at all I don't I
4601s think maybe
4603s one
4605s yeah they've
4614s disappeared
4617s they got both Clues and
4620s skatt oh my
4622s goodness
4625s holy they went South come on away from
4630s that red Barrel lady maybe it's a Duo
4633s and they thought they were playing
4635s against Duos and oh man I've done that
4637s before
4641s honestly I heard Birds set off somewhere
4643s where is that or is that just
4646s uh it was uh lock b they money here they
4650s got both Clues so they shouldn't have
4652s gone to
4654s lock there's no reason to go to lock how
4656s about
4659s that maybe they're just agents of chaos
4662s I mean somebody said maybe they're
4664s creatures of the ash balloon and when
4666s the heavy balloon went away they
4667s disappeared and you know what okay I
4670s think that's the most reasonable
4671s explanation I've heard so far yeah how
4673s did they know that that's what we uh
4675s pitched for ash Bloom and no one's
4677s caught on yet really invisible Ash Bloom
4681s creatures oh you guys going
4683s crory that's where the blue told me to
4687s go oh the sealed cash is over there too
4691s oh yeah maybe they went for the
4695s SE I bet they did
4699s actually
4701s no someone said deaths on our map again
4705s oh we're going to kill death with his
4706s own
4710s weapon
4711s cash that's even the point even the
4714s point of coming up
4720s here I mean if they're not going to give
4722s me a cash register I just don't see the
4727s point O is always around yeah that's
4734s true
4736s I should just get on the bridge I was
4738s about to be like I don't need the
4741s bridge
4749s mistake death is a bird flying so true
4752s I'm going to tell Nikki you said
4755s that that was like a reference basically
4758s just for Justin or a sentence just for
4764s Justin
4767s someone has already gotten this clue too
4769s you know what maybe these are just the
4770s fastest people
4772s alive and they
4778s put speed run by you yeah they were like
4781s violet thinks she's fast nah [ __ ] it's
4786s me the fastest person maybe that's it
4790s that's got to be it you know yeah they
4793s got a boss uh banish challenge and
4795s they're just like running as fast as
4796s they possibly
4798s can yeah I heard something from Healing
4801s Waters or maybe the sealed cash over
4804s there little pop I had a couple good
4808s fights right around here the other
4814s day oh let's go to the seal cach so I
4817s can get my bar back okay I just heard a
4820s shot like still water as if someone went
4823s to the sealed cach and then
4825s oh no that was catfish explosion yeah I
4828s just need my
4834s restoration oh Justin need oh I see
4836s people restoration too okay they're
4838s crossing the I'm not I'm not fighting
4840s they don't see me
4841s okay I'm just heading into healing I
4844s have time to go there yeah yeah yeah
4846s yeah
4850s okay skirting around these birds since
4852s there are people kind of close by
4855s yeah I think they're fighting at
4863s catfish
4864s there is either a bounty there
4870s or uh root Jaws on this
4873s map yeah but I haven't seen anyw yeah I
4876s haven't seen any traces so there might
4879s be a bounty there if you want to pick it
4880s up oh yeah sure
4884s always
4886s do bird goofing so true getting goofy
4889s with it getting
4897s goofy just doing a little check no B Raa
4901s is still no Bounty so must be raja's
4904s here right yeah think so somewhere uh
4908s she's definitely not removed I have
4910s fought R jaaw during the event yeah she
4914s is to
4915s girl she's just on a less
4919s uh Whatchamacallit
4922s percent less of
4925s her around right now I thought you got
4927s it already yeah me
4931s too and oh yeah I forgot uh yeah I did
4935s it because I wasn't paying attention
4938s oh I was
4943s like I was like man this didn't that
4945s already
4946s happen so confused all right it sounds
4949s like a
4950s winner
4955s happened
4959s oo oh oh TI I can't oh she was way
4965s closer to me than I thought
4967s like way closer in those bushes
4972s yeah I thought they were going to be
4974s like yeah Bounty oh I see one
4978s there okay
4980s uh I'm
4982s looking Millie killed me oh that's who
4984s killed me
4986s Millie oh po my
4989s back badly
4994s Moses go back to the barn how does the
4997s purchasable feathers off a chicken I am
4999s unsure what the question is um there is
5003s sometimes a uh Bounty at the Seal of
5006s cash that's her Gustavo you see her like
5008s right there I have necro do you want it
5012s oh no they're shooting at me I I'll I'll
5016s distract
5017s [Applause]
5021s left there's one guy here be careful
5025s okay oh oh no that was shot I saw him
5028s and he saw
5030s me I think you can Crouch and get
5032s Gustavo he's like by this little Bank
5035s yeah I think I've actually if you throw
5037s if you throw
5039s a
5041s it as long as anyone runs up and Pops me
5044s in the
5046s head come back to life cash and more
5050s just have
5051s to oh he's right in front of me oh
5058s shoot you know what this is a job for
5062s the katana come on oh so
5067s close so close oh I forgot to reup on my
5071s stamina shots that was a bummer that's
5074s all right I just thought they were
5076s fighting which they were and then I just
5078s like ran up and I'm like looking at the
5080s boss layer and someone like very close
5082s to me shoots at me and I'm like what
5083s where did you come
5085s from my brain wasn't ready I was not
5089s ready for that Millie
5092s Moses he I don't need use my level 50
5097s guy oh I need Quarter Master but I can
5101s actually get it on this cheaper
5105s guy don't want any of this oh I lost
5108s death's weapon oh me too ah rest in
5112s peace we'll get it back we'll get it
5118s back I passed drilling Katana oh I don't
5122s have I knew I was going to buy it but I
5125s don't have it yet you silly
5127s goober you silly goober o not pitcher
5131s Quarter Master that was a close
5139s one who needs to do their challenges
5142s when you can Instead try and unlock the
5144s drilling
5151s Hatchet every time they change the
5153s position of the consumable
5155s my small brain gets
5159s confused I'm like nothing is where I
5161s expect it to
5163s be got to I'm going to use the restroom
5166s so I'm going to leave you guys on this
5168s lovely uh event screen and you know what
5171s let's let's stay here debates end cuz
5175s it's
5177s pretty okay I'm just
5180s uh equipping my Hunter and then we're
5183s going to pull some more
5185s winners yeeha uh what should I play I'm
5188s going to
5189s play
5192s Deo or moo moo moo I believe
5197s yeah moo and a Bor s
5206s silencer all right let's P some winners
5209s shall
5211s we for those who typed Levy in the
5215s chat uh we are looking for
5221s skex SK skex you just want a DLC just
5225s say something in the
5226s [Music]
5229s chat skex is here
5234s congratulations next
5236s winner fast fast fast fast
5240s sets Parable sets
5243s parable
5250s congratulations
5251s remember to uh just keep an eye on your
5255s Twitch Whispers cuz we are going to
5258s contact you as soon as this live stream
5261s ends and sets is here
5264s congratulations another
5267s winner uh oh that that's a hard one a AZ
5273s azri
5275s three
5281s congrats oh azri is
5285s here nice nice nice nice another
5290s winner West D oh my God that's a long
5295s name yeah West
5298s dnit
5301s 42 dnit 42 hey there they are cuz I bet
5307s there was
5308s 41 we dnit on Twitch already right yeah
5314s exactly
5317s congratulations uh last winner for this
5321s round pop P buddy pop P
5328s buddy
5331s congratulations all great names by the
5334s way yeahh mhm pop is here nice
5339s nice we are having good luck today our
5344s winners everyone is here thank you thank
5347s you for sticking around it makes it so
5348s much easier for us yeah thanks for not
5352s make me
5356s roll the
5361s giveaways I think it's time for us to
5366s win
5368s it's definitely
5373s possible would like this Hive to like
5375s move her
5377s head or not it's fine I think Salter
5381s isfe oh there's a second
5383s one I'm getting XP you
5389s [Music]
5392s know grab ammo
5395s again exactly moon beam we are going to
5399s whisper you after the stream with your
5402s key don't
5405s worry yes yes yes yes actually do I want
5409s this
5410s instead do you want this instead no yeah
5413s I was thinking about
5415s it going to switch guns it's a cash
5419s register over
5421s here everyone is here SM I used to be
5425s really into Smash Bros during like the
5427s melee era but I wasn't a big fan
5430s personally of Smash on the
5435s Wii um you know and then I just kind of
5440s never got back into it with Smash 4
5445s or uh
5453s ultimate
5457s I'll go this way for this
5462s clue I want my beloved conduit but I
5465s just we're not winning so I'm not
5466s getting points to spend and I'm using
5469s points this is about to change using
5473s points on Quarter Master when we get new
5477s [Applause]
5479s Hunters I would love a hunt Showdown art
5483s book for sure
5485s I think that would be
5490s awesome oh that you
5494s okay oh people people coming from
5497s ardan okay let's see
5505s if they are here
5509s somewhere oh
5513s yep
5515s oh they're
5516s running which
5523s way here yeah there's a
5528s phantom all right tagged them oh my God
5531s someone tagged me
5534s Phantom uh I'm
5536s healing
5541s okay I've been
5543s tagged
5552s take there's one
5558s here please start
5569s regening he's still
5573s here
5582s ooo so many
5584s shots are they pushing
5590s yeah up uh no we cannot give any
5594s information on Crisis 4 and uh I'm going
5597s to say probably in all likelihood in all
5600s likelihood never saying ever but in all
5602s likelihood we don't ever give crisis
5606s information on a hun I'm going to go
5608s back inside in all
5609s likelihood uh additionally I don't work
5612s on crisis at all and neither does Justin
5615s um we are
5618s hunt uh people Gustavo I think
5624s mostly hunt as well since it's not out
5626s definitely not poing my head up right
5628s there um we do know about the church
5631s bells but that is uh not currently
5635s let me
5637s go you know what back this way there
5641s are body there's still one way out there
5644s and then two by my body yeah I'm going
5647s to see if I can get DLC you join the
5649s giveaways
5652s when what do I do I am the community
5655s manager of live operations uh on sweet
5659s not sweet bell not sweet bell uh on uh
5663s still water
5665s [Music]
5667s the bells don't where
5670s is oh he didn't
5674s die okay I trade I the other one
5678s operations
5681s so failed Katana kill again
5685s damn I think you got to go for the the
5687s wide swing there Justin instead of the
5690s yeah the Poke but I don't know I
5693s actually should have smacked the number
5694s to bring it up instead of scrolling to
5697s it I said we don't have a date for them
5701s it is known um that basically every
5704s known issue is like that yeah there are
5706s paintings in some
5708s devs as
5710s well oh there's a secret one that I'm
5713s not sure anyone knows about there's lots
5716s of uh I think Whatchamacallit now that
5720s like nobody knows every once in a while
5723s level design tells me there's like some
5725s things no one has found cuz they they
5728s still put in stuff you know every once
5730s in a while they'll put in
5734s new new Easter egg new e think Easter
5737s egg's the word I was looking for but
5738s Easter egg and we just had
5741s Easter true I
5746s forgot um but we did you are so
5749s correct okay eventually I will unlock
5752s the drilling Hatchet it'll just take me
5753s about 10 years
5758s uh the fence gates was
5761s not exactly
5765s unintended is my understanding or it was
5768s originally unintended and then uh we
5772s liked it something like that the hunt
5775s team also make the crisis games krych
5777s made the crisis
5780s games slightly slightly different
5783s statement
5788s slightly different
5789s statement definitely no paintings of me
5793s on any of the
5796s maps all right any fun keyword for our
5800s next round where am
5805s I
5808s um okay oh hives with fire damage hives
5811s with fire
5812s damage um I actually already think of
5815s the regular bounty hunt as a battle
5819s royale what's the difference that means
5821s some of us work on crisis and some of us
5824s work on Hunt and there is not a 100%
5830s overlap did someone say ham for a key
5834s word ham ham I mean that's pretty goofy
5838s I Would S I will take ham H ham I feel
5843s like we should go along our theme and do
5846s like Reaper Reaper probably better okay
5850s that's a good one sorry am uh sorry
5853s Gustavo is our
5855s Brazilian Community manager but he nice
5859s to meet you Portuguese I do speak
5862s Portuguese a little bit better than
5865s English just a little bit I don't know
5867s your English is like pretty good repper
5870s yeah go nuts chat type rer so I did see
5874s somebody had a question about um like
5877s how long do you guys foree hunt being
5880s supported um so last year was our fifth
5883s anniversary uh and we put out this fifth
5886s anniversary video uh yours truly was
5888s also in it um but in that video David
5893s our general manager of our franchise
5895s does talk about how you know we want to
5897s be making a 10-year anniversary video uh
5901s and you know maybe even more so we don't
5904s have any plans to stop hunt Showdown
5908s anytime soon um and we're happy to have
5911s you all along for the ride you know with
5915s us yeah we are
5918s unstoppable yeah maybe Gustavo will get
5921s to be in the 10y year anniversary video
5924s yeah I hope
5926s so although we filmed that actually I
5929s think prior to you joining like by what
5932s a couple weeks
5934s well no you joined in what I don't
5936s remember March or April so was the road
5939s map yeah I I was here yeah yeah so that
5942s would have been even before cuz we
5943s actually filmed it like way before it
5947s came out and it came out in February I
5949s think we filmed it in early
5951s January actually so that they could like
5953s edit and um so fun fact they told us not
5958s to wear black shirts for the
5960s video uh fifth anniversary video and a
5963s bunch of us were all like I have a
5965s question about that I have a question uh
5967s what if we don't own anything other than
5969s a black
5971s shirt and it was just like the most like
5975s pritech uh employees or all Goth moment
5978s I've had since working here when like a
5980s bunch of people were like uh the editor
5983s for the video was like uh let me know if
5985s you have any questions and a bunch of us
5987s were like I have a question uh I have a
5990s question oh it was so funny yeah
5994s actually I think if I'm not wrong I'm
5997s not sure but I think that yesterday or
6001s tomorrow or today I don't know is my CH
6006s anniversary oh I remember I started on
6010s the first days of April last year we had
6013s mine while I was gone said I really
6017s don't remember I definitely did not wear
6019s a dress in the video because I haven't
6022s worn a dress to anything outside of a
6024s fancy employee
6026s for years I have never worn a dress and
6030s then sat at my desk that's never
6032s happened literally
6034s ever thank you thank you I'm not a dress
6037s kind of person I'm I'm more of like a a
6040s a pants kind of person you know what I
6042s mean yeah me
6044s too I'm not a dress think I own a
6048s skirt I definitely own dresses but I
6051s don't think I own a
6052s skirt
6056s yeah it's been a year for for Gustavo
6059s and then I had my 2-year anniversary
6061s while I was
6063s gone yeah well uh I've been around
6067s for three or four years cuz I was a
6070s Discord mod so yeah that's true that's
6073s why you feel like that I I need Justin
6076s to kill the boss with his Katana because
6078s me and my heavy knife are not
6081s itar come here Big Bird no I forgot to
6084s change my bars we don't need to point it
6087s out I had a red shirt on I still have
6092s [Music]
6092s [Applause]
6094s [Music]
6095s that I wored on a gameplay stream
6098s somewhat recently same
6104s shirt I would love to celebrate our work
6107s anniversaries together me and Gustavo
6109s but unfortunately we live uh many hours
6113s playing right
6114s [Music]
6115s [Applause]
6117s [Music]
6121s away where I live in North America and
6123s Gustavo lives in South America and we
6125s are uhoh we are quite American America
6129s team yeah and oh people people people
6131s people Justin is also on the America's
6133s team where are the people oh I see them
6135s yep I am oh no closer than that sorry I
6139s was
6142s healing
6146s ah great way to way to barbwire the
6150s entrance
6151s dude here thanks
6153s Scrappy Scrappy what a jerk they're over
6158s here going get
6160s shot very
6164s possible oh
6172s dear
6176s [Music]
6186s uhoh i d that one the
6190s antip oh centipede K one
6197s CTI finally killed somebody I'm
6202s pushing
6208s oh really oh you got a
6211s hide I tagged
6213s her
6228s centipede ooo I missed she's closer to
6232s you Gustavo
6234s no no they are under the the white
6237s check yeah with the choke CL they got
6241s him up I'm reloading okay I missed don't
6243s see yet
6246s miss we both bad oh my goodness we're
6249s both
6251s bad oh me and that centipede just have a
6253s whiff off there for a second I've tagged
6255s them
6256s both there is a giveaway uh running it's
6260s Reaper Reaper Reaper Reaper is the
6264s um
6265s keyw they're both closer to me a whiff
6268s off yep that's what I call
6276s it I downed the state States oh
6282s [ __ ] but he's been picked up that wasn't
6285s clear when I was uh uh-oh I'm on fire oh
6290s people behind us with a
6291s do uh-oh
6294s I tagged
6295s one oh another
6299s team
6300s oh HP in the dream oh oh wow I just got
6322s lit
6328s I killed the statement no I didn't ah I
6331s was like oh I hope
6334s so what is the record for quickest boss
6336s kill vanish I have no
6339s idea we have not announced another we
6343s have not announced another
6345s um boss oh I do have a hunt logo on my
6349s arm was about to say I think you do can
6353s you show I do have yeah yeah there we go
6355s I couldn't see you but now I
6358s can yeah nicely done I have uh necro on
6362s my
6364s leg but it's on my leg you can't see it
6368s at least not from here oh that's why I
6372s didn't kill him he got his bar
6375s back oh from looting me yeah or for
6379s killing you
6382s mhm
6384s I was like guys his Barb the boss wasn't
6386s banished yeah yeah B
6389s show I didn't kill any hives with
6393s fire which version of necro I don't know
6396s what that means why is everyone saying
6399s Reaper Violet it's the
6402s keyword it's the keyword for our
6405s giveaway
6408s yay oh do you mean like the version
6410s that's
6412s like in a match versus out of the match
6416s or like the full I guess the full trade
6418s art or like the mini little guy I have
6420s the full trade art not the mini guy I it
6423s took me way too long to understand that
6425s question
6427s sorry yeah I have the big I have the big
6435s art okay we can pull some winners and
6438s then this whole thing come up with a new
6441s keyword for our last
6444s round
6446s so the first winner of the third round
6450s sorry if it wasn't on my leg I have it
6453s on social media you can definitely look
6455s on social
6459s media um the person who does all the
6461s trait art is Ena Ena cous at krych sorry
6465s go
6466s ahead Sheldon
6469s Looper okay then first winner is mg o
6475s DP I don't know what that
6477s means but
6481s congratulations and mg is here
6486s nice next
6488s winner lump
6492s Moon congratulations lump
6502s Moon
6507s oh we might have
6509s a a good question for Justin in the
6514s chat oh okay yes from the story Point
6518s can you tell us what
6520s countries states have the Demonic
6522s infestation we know Louisiana Quebec
6525s because of the mountains back uh the
6527s mounties backstory yeah are you able to
6528s give us any other
6530s locations um no
6534s okay right um I
6537s mean if you go and read through uh some
6539s of the other other Lord story well it's
6542s some of it's kind of um a lot of
6544s characters have come
6546s from uh particularly last year right we
6548s had a lot of international Hunters so um
6552s if you read through some of their
6553s backstories there are uh myths Legends
6556s and things uh but I wouldn't put a map
6559s and be like specifically there's the you
6562s know Louisiana incident type outbreak
6564s here or there but there there's
6565s definitely weird things going on in
6567s corners of the world for sure um if you
6570s really want to dive more than that yeah
6571s I mean all the international Hunters
6573s have uh leaned pretty hard into that and
6577s um there's also uh some mentions of like
6580s a New York type uh branch of the AHA
6584s back in the day uh there's some stuff in
6587s that area of the the country but other
6590s than that uh there will probably be you
6593s know more information as the things come
6595s out about the uh new map in the
6599s future there is an interesting lur piece
6602s uh I'm going to recommend you guys to
6604s read is the skin
6608s Flint there is a whole blog entry in our
6611s website it's very
6616s interesting um we have not announced a
6618s new boss uh yet or you know who knows
6623s and the TV show is not happening um
6627s David has said that the company that was
6631s intending uh never moved into the
6633s production phase and
6635s therefore the uh rights have lapsed o I
6638s need this lady with
6640s fire turn
6643s her one thing I wanted that wasn't me
6647s yeah one thing I wanted to ask Justin
6649s and I forgot until someone else did
6651s thank you um is
6654s that um you know we've we've had Justin
6658s on before and talked about event texts
6661s but what else you know does like a
6663s narrative designer do for our folks at
6666s home and now we have a whole narrative
6669s to team um so if you can be their their
6672s little spokesperson for a
6674s second yeah so and just uh give give
6677s everybody at home a little more I guess
6680s insight into you know what does a Nar
6683s designer
6685s do so there's a fair amount that the uh
6689s term encompasses and it can depend on
6691s like what studio you're at but here I
6693s mean if there's anywhere I mean clearly
6695s there's story writing but anywhere text
6698s touches the game and there is a lot of
6700s it um in all among all the venuses
6704s ingame stuff I mean we have to tweak and
6707s a home that pretty much every update um
6710s and it's a uh substantial attack I mean
6713s in a lot of ways depending on the update
6716s I mean it can just be as almost as equal
6718s to if not more than the actual writing
6722s that goes into the game story-wise too
6726s um on top of that uh working with vo and
6730s giving input
6732s on uh Whatchamacallit weapons items gear
6736s all that kind of stuff uh a lot of kind
6739s of fact checking checking for text bugs
6742s and other kind of functionality issues
6744s in the menu uh especially as terms
6747s change and things get tweaked yeah it's
6755s so sorry Amy and I have a lot of
6758s conversations about terms for sure yeah
6763s oh oh
6768s Beetle I thought an armored was coming
6771s in then they splattered me there's one
6773s over here but there's one
6775s closer yeah there is one very close and
6778s another one across the river uh you got
6779s an armored coming behind you
6784s yeah fortunately I sure do on
6788s me okay cool I just stopped my bleeding
6792s I'm getting push push push
6794s push yeah I hear wait let him come out I
6798s can't oh
6801s shoot I'm like poon and
6804s everything
6806s uhoh love poison knife that'd be
6811s fun that's the first app I've seen in
6813s months
6817s honestly oh
6820s shoot I got lit on
6823s fire wow St with a no
6827s idea can you shoot the dog gaug for
6831s me
6835s oh man ah good try good
6840s try good try all right uh it's been
6843s about two hours what what if we get what
6846s if we get one more in there CU that one
6848s that one didn't count that was yeah yeah
6851s yeah that that one doesn't
6854s count I don't I don't want that one to
6856s be the last
6857s one yeah I fell wrong I'm being like
6860s attacked by AI over here and then
6865s I knew I heard that armored earlier and
6868s I was like where is he and then I turned
6869s around and kept fighting and then I was
6871s like he'll appear eventually I guess and
6872s then there he there he came at the worst
6875s opportune the worst opportune moment of
6881s course did I finish my challenge oh I
6884s did
6889s finally okay time to bring the big guns
6893s oh
6894s yeah yeah what are the big
6896s guns you see oh okay I'll
6902s see uh I'm also bringing a bigger gun
6906s because um my challenges told me
6909s to always listen to your challenges
6912s always listen to your
6914s challenges I'm going to bring me in AIC
6919s kit
6921s and
6926s [Music]
6929s C this head shots get fire damage okay
6932s so I think we can stay with the same
6934s keyword right
6937s or yeah that one was like no same
6941s keyword guys you have one more
6944s opportunity that one was too
6949s fast too fast too fast let's see I
6952s Witcher where do you draw inspiration
6955s for stories the Dead Space devs had to
6958s watch very morbid footage well I
6960s definitely don't just watch weird real
6963s life footage of stuff um good know good
6967s yeah um I think a lot of it just comes
6970s from especially coming into hunt later
6972s in development I mean there's something
6974s to be said for just kind of wandering
6977s around in the marsh and taking
6978s inspiration from what's already been in
6980s there is a big thing um the more
6983s personal stories and
6985s stuff um are kind of character based in
6988s a lot of ways like we have awesome
6990s character art and so it's just there's
6992s not really any magic to it I mean you
6995s just kind of take it in and then you
6997s kind stare at the wall until usually for
7000s me a little idea or image or scene comes
7002s in my head and you just put it out there
7004s and work from there um we also have a
7007s lot of horror lovers within the hunt
7010s team yeah
7014s which doesn't hurt you know what was the
7016s last uh kind of [ __ ] up narrative
7019s legendary Haunter that you worked
7024s on
7026s um you you besides the ones that are
7029s currently out yes of course yeah no
7033s spoilers no
7035s spoilers
7037s um I think it might have
7040s been one of the drowned I know the last
7044s the last DLC I did was uh Captain lefit
7048s which I I really like because he was in
7050s the story earlier but yeah I think since
7053s I'm not sure that I did any
7056s for desolations waight cuz I was doing
7059s um other event story stuff so we had our
7063s under other wonderful designer Fergus
7065s tackling a lot of that and um I think
7068s Amy actually wrote Millies if I'm not
7070s mistaken yeah Co cool
7073s I know that one cuz I was touting that
7076s everyone should buy Millie on the first
7077s day of the event yeah I personally very
7081s excited
7083s for
7085s uhoh come here yeah someone someone
7089s asked what's your the favorite character
7092s you
7094s wrote favorite character I wrote like
7096s for playable let's yeah let's keep it
7099s that playable yeah yeah so
7104s I mean the story of The Beekeeper is
7106s like uh fascinating I won't go into
7109s total detail but being able to write her
7111s story for desolation was really fun for
7114s me and then like
7118s um Hunter wise I really liked Captain
7120s lefit too cuz I did some research and
7123s tied in some stuff from places where
7125s I've lived and Sh way that was cool
7129s so that was fun there's a lot of like if
7131s you do historic research in this time
7133s period all kinds of wild stuff is
7136s happening around the uh country the
7139s 1800s so much of it horrifying strangely
7142s enough very
7144s true very very
7154s true things that you think that oh
7157s that's that's just a game that's just
7158s the the lore no it happened for real
7163s yeah I think games are also like a
7165s really cool way to like get interested
7168s in uh like other time periods and other
7171s places I mean one of the reasons I love
7173s travel so much is because of video games
7177s when I was younger you know when I was
7179s younger you know I'm playing Assassin's
7181s Creed and I'm like I don't know anything
7183s about these places and you
7186s know made me interested in like
7188s traveling and getting out in the world
7191s and like visiting
7195s other
7196s places yeah I just actually came back um
7200s on vacation from Florida and went kaying
7203s through mangroves with little baby Racha
7206s and stuff and uh you did something that
7209s I think is so scary I would never do
7212s that I would never go through the
7215s alligator water M oh it's very fun the
7219s guy did a pretty good job of getting uh
7222s in the way of any alligator we found so
7224s that it would attack him but they were
7226s pretty docile none of them were like rot
7228s jaw
7232s sized which is good cuz if there is one
7234s I would have tried to wrestle I would
7236s have tried to wrestle
7238s that tried to do belly
7241s rubs cuz I think that's probably the
7245s biggest danger to Justin is that Justin
7247s goes oh belly rubs
7250s rcha exactly
7254s I think I heard Birds to the yeah that
7257s was oh
7261s not I you and I'm crazy a
7267s horse uh I definitely triggered birds
7270s and a horse they could okay me if
7273s they're coming from behind oh yeah that
7275s that's me hi triggered the same
7278s horse yeah they had two there's a sneaky
7281s little black stallion and just taking a
7283s nap on the
7285s ground there was
7289s a cash register in there oh was that you
7294s oh that is a big
7296s shootout there's one Northwest and I
7299s heard a
7301s shot South as
7305s well another question about
7306s environmental storytelling yes uh very
7310s cool and a lot of that is is clearly
7313s implemented by the uh level design team
7317s um and we do have talks with
7322s them shout out to our level design team
7325s they are
7327s excellent always get their patch notes
7329s in on time I love them so much o patch
7334s notes I'm over here like M yes they get
7338s their patch notes in on
7340s time we love thatch notes I
7347s do oh I whiffed
7352s I in
7355s leaving oh behind us oh from behind us
7358s oh my God we are in the middle
7362s of uh I think yeah I don't know
7364s somewhere back
7366s here there's one guy over here and I
7369s killed someone over there oh it's cuz
7370s we're at the sealed cash uh yeah it
7374s is but look how
7377s fun action
7379s action I just wish I could see them I
7382s don't know why I like TV show that was
7385s like actually not
7386s works I don't remember what TV show it
7393s was oh never mind I I
7397s ooh got more shots over there oh I see
7400s them do you
7403s okay I've got a crown and king so I'm
7405s going to need to be this is a master
7408s clue not a cash unfortunately
7414s or close
7417s enough
7419s where I tagged her where where oh shoot
7423s I can't
7424s see oh boy I missed cuz I'm bad dang I
7428s missed too shoot they're up on that rock
7430s yeah I see that now
7438s cross got one nice there's another one
7442s reptilian has a crossbow I think I
7444s killed two or
7448s one you know I definitely killed one at
7450s minimum
7454s ah nice you K me yep oh get him nice he
7460s died to the bleed oh got him
7462s oh my god oh
7467s no so close ouch shot bolt that one was
7472s fun though that was fun yeah that was a
7476s decent one yeah see we got action in
7480s that one that was see I'm I'm always a
7481s fan of action did we ended up in the uh
7484s middle there mhm and it's still going on
7489s mhm course that's the cash that's a cash
7494s for you I thought there'd be a bounty
7496s and there was no Bounty and I was
7498s sad okay I'm wondering if I did kill
7501s that lady twice or if I just killed her
7503s a single
7504s time hey shot I must have killed her
7507s twice that must be all three okay I was
7511s just curious all right well let's get uh
7515s more giveaways and then yep and then we
7519s can um eat lunch cuz I'm
7522s something yeah forgot to eat and I just
7526s it's like only Now noon but I've been up
7528s since 5:30 so I'm starving as well I
7531s totally forgot that uh Germany moved to
7535s the saving time oh
7537s yeah Gustavo thought our uh stream was
7540s at a different time but because of the
7542s time change we got we got a little
7544s confused thank you jermany yeah thank
7546s you uh Europe for moving to central
7549s European
7551s summertime all right next winner for our
7555s last round of giveaways here we go get
7559s ready we are looking
7561s for the great
7564s exium
7566s wow the great
7569s Exum
7573s congratulations type something so we
7574s know you're
7576s here yep please plus plus plus plus
7582s I'll ask for everybody in the chat to go
7585s to nightbot and ask them for a night
7589s mode that'd be nice it's called nightbot
7591s you'd think you know nightbot would you
7594s have be
7595s there yeah I feel like everyone hates
7598s the time change uh everywhere I've never
7602s met someone who's like yeah time change
7604s it's
7606s awesome actually fun fact there are more
7608s car accidents uh around the time change
7611s than like any other
7612s you know normal time period it's like
7614s really bad oh that's weird it's almost
7617s like people get up and are really tired
7619s and confused and then drive to their
7622s work great Exum is not here
7625s unfortunately we are rrolling and the
7628s next winner is I Jenner congratulations
7632s I Jenner say which DLC this is for the
7636s son of the gum
7641s powder
7642s I Jenner I Jenner
7647s plus Jenner Jenner Jenner
7650s Jenner 5 seconds for I
7655s Jenner 3 2 one no Jenner rolling
7662s again teacake time
7665s oh lunch
7668s time
7669s T chicky nuggies
7672s yes
7675s no I'm a teake time teake time I'm more
7680s of chicky strip kind of person you know
7684s ah very good point yeah I would prefer
7686s the strip over the Nugget any day for
7689s sure yeah next
7690s winner CLA
7694s how
7697s sure
7699s CL say something please CL
7704s how hey there they are
7707s congratulations pull
7710s another another
7711s one wait yeah another
7715s one krabbies
7718s krabbies
7719s congrats uh and while we're waiting for
7721s krabbies to appear um while I was in
7725s Spain we did cross the threshold of
7730s 200,000 people in in our
7733s Discord oh yeah so oh krabbies is here
7736s yay uh so I will be doing a huge
7741s giveaway on Discord if you're not
7744s already in the Discord join it now uh
7747s and I'm going to be doing a really big
7749s giveaway this weekend um so it'll
7752s probably start tomorrow or Friday and go
7754s over the weekend um and there will be
7757s lots of keys and therefore lots of
7760s winners um um so do that and let's
7766s celebrate uh
7768s 200,000 in the
7770s hunt, people uh if one of the mods could
7775s link the
7777s Discord oh yes please please please
7780s please please please and
7783s then thank you thank you thank you
7786s ham next winner next winner wire down
7790s wire down
7792s I like when they're words that I can say
7794s you know I don't have to like struggle
7797s over
7797s them those are my favorite hey wire
7800s Downs here all right Let's do let's do
7803s one more unas cuz I'm really really
7806s hungry Justin like the winner of our
7810s giveaways
7813s is word word yeah thank you
7819s nxa congratulations hello Mr n
7824s attack we H you
7827s where hey here perfect where te is here
7831s Tada congratulations to all the winners
7835s remember uh you're going to receive a
7838s whisper after the stream with your code
7842s and the code is for any platform yes and
7846s also remember there has been a lot of
7849s fishing going on we've seen s on our
7852s Discord we are hearing Partners talk
7854s about problems on their Discord if
7856s someone reaches out to you with links
7859s that you don't know are coming question
7862s them before you click on them do not
7864s give anyone your personal information
7866s like your you know government ID or
7869s social security number or whatever it's
7870s called in your country don't give every
7872s anyone your credit card information
7874s people from krych will only approach you
7877s from official krych Source uh and
7880s they'll only ask you things like what
7882s region you're in not even the country
7884s not even your town just your region just
7887s your platform we're never going to ask
7889s you for personal information so be
7891s careful out there add two Factor
7893s authentication to all your accounts uh
7896s change your passwords make sure they're
7897s complex we are seeing a lot of fishing
7901s right now going on on Discord on social
7904s media on Twitter blah blah blah so be
7907s careful out there protect your stuff
7910s real advice for your life
7913s uh you know yeah always use tofa if you
7916s can use a password manager and yes let's
7920s raid a partner who is on oh death
7924s obvious hello duh of course obviously
7928s we're going to raid death today um and
7931s yes uh just be careful out there don't
7934s click on things you don't know and let's
7935s go say hi to death and say happy death
7939s day and yeah
7942s thanks for the matches guys thanks for
7944s the games thanks for being here we had a
7945s great
7947s yeah you're word you know I had a great
7950s time getting my head shot SE I think I
7952s died from head shot every time except
7954s for when I was lit on fire you're way I
7957s like it that's why you're feeling way
7959s better now right oh yeah I'm definitely
7961s and yeah we did get a Morgan or a Morgan
7964s I'm looking at death chat in Morgan here
7966s a Justin and so very
7970s exciting
7972s yeah bother me
7974s online at moth food at at scratchy
7978s bananas scratchy bananas on Twitter on
7982s Twitter and bother Gustavo at
7985s Alias yeah and you can I guess bother me
7988s as well uh at black hair eyes we all
7992s stream every now and then
7997s yeah all right push us through Gustavo
8001s oh and see you guys next time I'm like
8006s go almost forgot bye y'all have a good
8009s one all right see you guys later join
8011s the raid to death bye join the raid to
8014s death man is out of cont that come out
8017s wrong all right
8020s [Music]
8028s [Music]
8030s bye
8034s quiet
8039s taste
17 days ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
10s iset and
12s thirst
13s [Music]
24s both just be
29s late
38s [Music]
45s you but if
48s it's there's no
53s Stakes I the look
59s your the queen of
68s space
70s f
72s your
75s hand
81s [Music]
84s will this in won't
89s fade story always starts this
94s way the first
99s [Music]
105s place
107s [Music]
109s blood
118s spatter must
121s this
123s way the fin
129s the night follows
139s [Applause]
143s [Music]
149s day
153s [Music]
175s now
177s you know you like the
184s game BL
187s your a bird of
194s PR is the price
198s you ech
204s refra
206s [Music]
209s and
223s [Music]
232s T
237s is quiet place
247s [Music]
257s you'll just be
266s late
267s you
269s say
272s [Music]
279s time but if
282s it's there's
286s [Music]
293s noakes queen of
299s space
301s [Music]
303s F
305s [Music]
314s [Music]
319s your
324s F always starts this
328s way the
333s [Music]
338s Place
340s [Music]
343s Blood spattered on the
354s St
357s Way the
359s final h of
362s pain night follows
386s [Music]
389s day
408s now
411s you know you like the
418s game BL in
422s a bird of
427s PR is the price
432s you'll ech
439s [Music]
449s ref
456s [Music]
465s [Music]
470s is quiet
477s T and thirst both have
482s [Music]
484s their so why don't you
492s sit
503s late hello we're here and we did I okay
507s I figured out the twitch guest star
508s again I know Ben did it but you know I
512s had to figure it out too it's fine we
514s did it and we're here and there's 27
516s days left in the event and it's
518s Wednesday you know what Wednesday
520s means new challenge day you got your new
524s challenges ready to
526s go so true hey everyone Wednesday means
530s giveaways as
532s well means yeah
535s giveaways anytime
538s anytime doesn't Happ to be are when we
542s stream I'm great actually it's a it's a
546s it's it's it's sunny now in Germany
548s getting really hot here which is pretty
550s bad at night but during the day it's
552s nice uh so you know it lifts up your
554s mood a bit from the sad Venture
556s depression time I forget that you guys
558s just like don't always have air
561s conditioning like in the United States
563s like every building has air conditioning
565s everywhere I've ever lived I don't have
567s it yeah it's like a there's so hot in so
571s many places that I've lived that you
575s know yeah so in Germany that's not a
577s thing at all basically anywhere so uh
580s yeah we don't have any like air
581s conditioning so that's not the greatest
583s but we also don't have buildings that
585s are like that old at least not in the
588s places that I I live in the building
591s very old like I don't know 60 years
594s maybe oh yeah I'm by Old I mean like
597s hundreds plural Plus okay yeah well we
600s don't have that European buildings can
603s get insanely old you know what I
606s mean yeah I know what but you know even
609s in new buildings it's not oh see I
611s already up so my my challes Spectre not
615s too old and it still doesn't have air
617s conditioning and I even asked the
618s landlord if I could install it and they
619s just said no so I mean it's pretty
622s common right to get the um to get like
625s window
627s units I do have that but that's very
629s annoying and very loud and very
631s inefficient oh I think the history of
633s old buildings in Europe is awesome jappy
637s totally agreed I think it's actually
638s something that's like sad that we don't
641s have I mean here uh you know in the
643s Frankfurt area there was not many
645s building left in the 40s so yeah
647s basically everything is new freshly
649s built yeah uh I totally agree with panda
652s B you need to cosplay hex Breer 100%
656s best idea I've ever heard Panda top tier
660s you know what I will I'll do it I'll do
662s it I would like to get more into cosplay
665s actually so after I'm done with toi I'll
668s do Hax Breer um great question for
671s Gustavo what DLC is being given away
674s today oh uh we are been giving away our
679s son of a g DLC which every time you say
682s that it makes me laugh gun powder why
684s does it make me laugh every time it's so
688s silly it's just son of a g i remember
692s that son of a g The
694s Conspirator is that right conspirator uh
697s it gives you 10% of event points as
702s well true true true true true true true
706s true do we have any like fun themes to
711s do for giveaways today like
714s naming and naming oh yeah like last week
718s we did um
720s you know like death
722s Levy themed what what should we theme
727s our giveaways around
730s today okay maybe we should theme our
733s giveaways around Ben because everybody
735s is talking about how much they love Ben
737s yeah I love everyone thank you no no no
740s you shouldn't do the giveaways around me
742s [Music]
745s though I'm not interesting enough for
747s that you
748s know so come on give everybody's like we
751s love Ben for real I'm just
753s saying I'm just saying give me a cool
756s keyword let's live it to the chat to
759s decide I I liked the hex Breer somebody
761s was talking about hex Breer we asked Ben
764s to do Hex Breer let's go let's go hex
767s Breer that's a
770s goodoo hex Breer it is I like you got
774s like really close to your camera for a
776s second and me and Vin were like back in
778s the frame and you were like really
780s really close for a
782s second me it looked
784s funny I can like see it now I I have a
787s new OBS setup and it's making it way
790s better I'm loving my new OBS setup and I
792s can actually like see us now and the
795s game and chat and
800s I've a dinner with me as a giveaway only
803s if you pay
805s don't uh I like those rules that that's
808s totally fair
810s um we have not said anything about a new
813s mode sorry hex Breer go ahead hex
817s breaker is the new
819s keyword my B I accidentally spoke over
823s uh Gustavo there but somebody asked if
825s we uh were considering a new mode um we
829s have not said anything about a new
832s mode um I'm also gonna reiterate for
836s anyone who wasn't here last week or the
837s week before or the week before that
839s that's asking about the engine
840s integration we do not have anything to
842s share and probably won't until after
846s this event ends which is on May
849s 8th which is a
853s Wednesday I like that me and Ben are
854s over here you know by hard
857s that's
860s yeah yeah I mean it's almost like live
862s Ops is in my job
865s title wow right she is everywhere Miss
870s I think even if I tattooed the dates on
871s me I wouldn't know it you
873s know it's too hard to
877s remember I got that new uh that new
880s tattoo sitting position right
884s now cuz it's on my a new yeah so I'm
887s like I can't sit in the way I normally
890s sit it is
893s indeed right next to my hunt
897s tattoo they're Buddies they are buddies
900s buddies why does CCH love Wednesday um
904s I'm not really sure what that means the
907s Wednesday is just like a pretty common
908s day for game
910s updates um it's midweek you know you
914s have a chance to like do some things
917s during the week before it goes out and
919s then you have a chance to you know be in
922s office and watch
924s it I will I will ensure that if Ben does
929s this cosplay it gets it gets posted on
932s social media for sure I will ensure this
935s oh my God that's a lot of pressure now I
937s have to make it good yeah s you scared
940s me I was like what was this oh I need to
944s kill hives with fire
947s damn oh actually yeah my challenges is I
950s just have to kill armor and Hell hun
951s Speed without anything so that's easy oh
953s well that's good I'm just running all
955s the way to Ash
958s Creek
960s just going
962s to I armor and a pistol
967s grunt pistol pistol gr okay that comes
970s naturally the pistol gr one yeah I don't
972s think you can really I hope so force
975s that
980s one Fallout TV show I'm excited actually
984s me too
985s Fallout yeah came out I don't know what
987s to expect cuz I did not play
990s Fallout oh you never played Fallout any
993s of them never played Fallout I was going
995s to play the which one is that that one
998s that did not uh oh
1001s 17 76 yeah I was going to play that one
1005s but nah the reveals and everything made
1010s me uh I've never played
1015s 76 yeah I only played three and
1018s four played New Vegas and4 um what did
1022s you need the armors with
1024s anything anything
1028s anything
1031s check did you guys finish the event no
1034s no no no no no no I'm at like 26 or
1039s something I'm going to blow up this Hive
1042s don't don't no
1044s touchy
1046s thiso what did what on my screen you got
1050s in front of
1050s [Laughter]
1054s me my bad it's okay I didn't blow her up
1059s so I ensured it worked all according
1061s trying to
1064s help no release
1067s date on the ooh last one engine
1072s integration or the new
1075s MEAP thank
1078s you
1082s uh I don't think uh we have
1085s any announced plans for a like random
1089s charm option but that could definitely
1090s be
1097s cool I hope The Inferno comes back it is
1100s also my favorite I think it just has
1103s like the best yeah inferno is my
1104s favorite the dark best atmosphere
1107s Pacific no I want daytime
1110s Inferno I like daytime Inferno something
1113s about it just like I don't know buy you
1117s on fire but it's still a daytime
1121s map that's at this point I actually
1123s really enjoy the current like nice
1125s daytime without anything special oh
1127s someone's been here
1129s already oh
1131s true I only took one
1136s hit H inter something sadly there's no
1140s cross cross progression between PC and
1143s consoles so completely
1149s separ there it is yeah you guys are
1151s watching um Violet's perspective you
1154s canot always the person on the side yeah
1158s and it's for your benefit mine would be
1160s just uh me dying yeah you are watching
1162s the last one of us yeah no that's
1166s probably I don't
1168s know
1169s I I don't think it's me we are offering
1172s you the best we
1174s have yes oh yeah somebody said something
1179s about uh during the eclipse this week
1181s somebody was like what what about an
1182s eclipse map and I was like
1185s oh a map that you can only play every
1188s once every hundred
1189s years no just like the idea of it
1192s getting like dark like something going
1193s in front of the sun you know and getting
1195s darker and then lighter
1196s again or something Dynamic like the
1199s yeah
1201s exactly I just think that would be super
1203s cool oh shots people are having fun but
1207s it's not Even's over
1210s there I have a shotgun and an upper map
1213s in case you're
1215s wondering and an idea I have Vines do I
1219s have an idea is that on the list I think
1222s you
1224s have you should oh
1228s darn
1231s uh we don't have any announced plans for
1234s a I see something over there oh yeah
1236s definitely
1238s people that was terrible shot we don't
1240s have any announc plans for a death
1245s replay it's two teams here at least yeah
1248s for sure I've been shot
1250s at
1252s oh I hit him with an upper M nice shot
1258s oh
1263s this new setup makes it harder to talk
1265s to chat while I'm
1269s dead damn oh my God oh my God oh my God
1273s oh my God oh my
1274s God we where is the your
1278s guy I'm coming to help you it's better
1280s focus on the
1282s thing can you guys hear me there's a guy
1284s over here under the
1285s bridge oh he can let's go okay uh no we
1290s don't have any new announced quest
1299s lines where still under the uh on the M
1302s like here I think they might actually be
1304s able to get
1306s me might be a lot of lot of
1309s effort uh we don't have any date on a
1311s road map video I don't see
1314s him nice shot good
1316s one I'm bleeding oh
1319s yes it is a very large
1325s mug I need to tell them that they might
1327s be able to get me hang
1329s on you guys might be able res me yeah
1333s yeah but there was another team here we
1336s have an Arro uh we have not announced
1339s any new bosses it's a new
1342s Hunter let save is this a first part
1344s event out of three um no David has
1347s stated this is an epilog yeah but I
1349s think she's a safe to our last
1354s event I definitely hear running yep they
1358s can't hear me hang on oh she's burning
1361s I'm on
1365s fire oh
1368s [ __ ] this is a lot of work to um like go
1372s back and forth but it's
1374s fun is the new map and engine
1376s integration going to happen yes behind
1378s us oh oh my come come come come come
1380s inside oh
1382s yeah it is a very large mug and a very
1385s small it is it is that's my favorite
1395s upper okay you're not is this the new
1397s map no this is
1400s Dell oh no don't do that I wanted to go
1404s outside
1406s oh they're being really funny it is
1409s oh onad nice shot let's go uh we posted
1414s the new recommended well the new minimum
1416s specs I don't think recommended just new
1418s minimum and that was on one you're in
1422s the September room somebody shooting at
1423s me and I don't know where oh thanks
1426s dazor uh I do not have a recent console
1431s of any
1432s kind unfortunately ooh
1437s ooh I'm poison and there's a meat
1442s head o b they're going to probably gr
1444s the guy as
1448s well still alive he's still Al he's
1450s still
1453s alive um I won't give any hints how
1456s about
1460s that oh my god um you do not have to
1464s select a secondary server if you do not
1467s want just you guys know trying to keep
1469s up with you but you're running around
1472s yeah let rotate fun
1478s fact yeah I don't see the Dead Guy
1479s anymore you can only have one if you
1483s want no hints from me Island no hints
1486s from
1488s me um we actually do have people on our
1491s team that play console but I don't have
1493s a console
1496s unfortunately uh darn the
1501s minimum oh hang on I got to unmute
1503s myself to
1504s them okay I found a way to talk to chat
1508s while uh dead in the new setup so
1513s success
1515s nice um yeah the new minimum
1517s specifications are in
1519s the uh
1521s Whatchamacallit road map video from
1524s September last September
1527s 2023
1530s warm yeah warm-up game for sure for sure
1532s for
1534s sure yeah remember I I need 13
1539s games same warm up but I did kill
1541s someone so um I have a hotkey on Discord
1544s for muting and unmuting we're not using
1546s Discord which is why this is a like I
1549s said a new
1552s setup yeah I do have a hotkey on Discord
1555s it's what I've been using for the last
1557s like four years um and surprise new
1561s setup today how do I how do I do
1565s it I still I'm still figuring it out as
1568s we
1569s go
1574s um we're going to be a little we're
1576s little
1577s crazy be a little crazy I like
1582s crazy here we go this is what I
1587s want
1589s I really should have looked at my
1590s challenges before I started equipping
1592s things but I'm 90% sure I did not well
1595s I'm 100% sure I didn't kill anyone
1600s with my Spectre so I know that one's
1603s still on
1605s there um September 2023 has already
1609s happened uh D haret so the minimum specs
1614s have already been armored with fire uh
1616s they've already been put out
1621s okay let's pull some winners shall
1624s we always
1626s yes all right so this is the first round
1630s of giveaways remember we are giving away
1634s The
1635s Conspirator the son of the gunpowder DLC
1639s and we are looking for our first winner
1642s which
1645s is Philippe Vas
1649s woohoo congrat congrats while we wait
1652s for fipe I'm going to answer someone's
1655s question that I've held in my mind for
1657s too long uh yes the port sufur band is
1660s an in in studio band everybody who is in
1664s the port silver band works on Hunt
1666s another question that I've been holding
1668s in my mind is can I use hunt art for a
1670s tattoo yes uh I like I have one so hop
1675s on the hunt tattoo train I have the
1678s necro trait art I have a trait that
1682s doesn't do anything for me right now how
1684s great um but yeah I have a necro trait
1686s art on my leg so you know join
1693s me okay Philipe is not here
1696s unfortunately fipe
1699s roll next winner please
1704s tpoon teaspoon
1706s CS hey teon is here nice congratulations
1712s to our first
1714s winner second
1716s winner there's already a trait
1719s cult oh that that's a hard one
1723s is help me out here is Tick Tick is Tick
1728s four I don't know I tried
1731s maybe istic
1734s four congratulations just say something
1737s in the chat
1740s please pleas are you a bg3
1742s player
1745s istic hey there they
1748s are istic is here congratulations why
1751s did you ask if he's or she is a b CU
1757s istic is like a non- Yankee in their
1760s language oh okay they say it a bunch in
1764s the
1765s game etic four next
1771s winner
1772s latico Lao 227
1777s oopsies um some of the Skins will come
1780s back someone asked and then uh some of
1783s them
1785s won't so we know that play doctor is not
1789s coming
1791s back
1792s no but other people who
1797s knows other people who knows yeah my cat
1799s is very active and he doesn't
1802s sorry needs other
1805s cattle oh my God I I
1808s brought the wrong Springfield no than
1812s one of you is getting punched yeah I
1814s thought you were going to save me and
1815s then you just ran
1817s away no no yeah my cat took over so I
1820s had to put him on my other chair so
1823s sorry classic L not
1826s here rolling
1829s next winner is
1831s W yeah
1837s War congratulations War uh I don't think
1840s we have a statement about trador
1844s Moon either
1848s way I wish I had on uh Crisis 4 I wish I
1854s knew
1855s anything but Al last ction uh and
1859s there's no
1861s others I'm
1867s glader
1869s yeah theer is here uh there cannot be
1874s three sources of a bounty token on one
1879s uh Mission so if there's two bosses
1884s there can't be rot jaw if there's rot
1886s jaw there can't be
1888s a bounty at the sealed cash
1894s Etc last winner of this first
1898s round is Ashley on top oh good we can
1903s call up uh call up somebody internally
1906s and tell them tell them they're on top
1910s Hell Yeah Ashley on
1914s top no cash I don't think we'll ever get
1917s the Clean Sweep
1919s oh don't say that it's it's always done
1923s before we get
1926s there oh we have another
1929s bus I don't know why I just looked in
1931s real life I just tried to turn around
1932s and look at you guys and in real life I
1934s just turned my head like a c they just
1937s shot I have to remember not to do that
1940s apparently Ashley is not on top so we
1943s are
1944s rrolling they're shooting a
1947s bunch
1950s denono congratulations
1954s denono congratulations my
1958s friend they are they're a daringer
1963s player lovely
1966s pop where are you
1971s Dono Dar means confidence
1974s so I'm so
1976s sorry a then L is
1980s here
1983s congrats he this building's
1986s clear I think I'm on medium
1989s Graphics that's our first
1992s round Ben start thinking on our next
1998s keyword
2001s okay oh let's do that uh so the next
2004s keyword is going to be the next word
2008s that Violet sees in in the map oh in
2012s game okay it's right here in game what's
2015s the word that's not a word c a r t GS
2020s what C I think it's cages cdes right
2024s yeah but cartridges it's start yeah I'm
2028s like that's not a regular word
2030s oh what where were you we are we're over
2034s here looking at words there's a guy
2036s inside yeah it's the boss oh my
2041s godav was like running around I did not
2044s notice I was just running running
2047s around oh my God I did not notice that
2051s that was the
2053s boss oh Gustavo cracking me up
2059s Jesus cly walking in an Tima mhm cuz I
2063s am not good at
2065s multitasking oops wrong one
2070s but now I'm really scared to go in there
2072s do you think I could win with my uh
2073s Spectre compact Dennis says it's good I
2077s don't really believe Dennis but Dennis
2079s says it's good believe
2083s Dennis oh I saw saw him for a
2088s second ah if only it didn't suck with
2090s this gun V didn't I tried to choke you
2093s but apparently that didn't work somehow
2095s no choke ended up over there
2098s but they are coughing but okay
2102s that
2104s yeah o look a
2108s tree whisper Smith the next keyword is
2111s CES but as the as people are typing at
2115s the
2117s moment not cartridges but c a r
2122s TGs cuz people are already typ weird way
2126s to type it got it yeah
2131s there some movement in there
2139s yeah I'm scared B yeah it's the
2142s abbreviation PR scar I don't know what
2145s oh you're going
2148s in I got one nice oh you killed
2152s one no not like this I can me if you
2155s have I cannot save you okay I into a TR
2159s that's all
2179s way the light is really in my
2187s eyes
2189s all right both of us heal fair fair
2193s fair you can shoot the barel so you can
2197s set his friend fire yeah but then I
2198s can't get over there
2217s either
2220s do you do you like the upper M La
2223s no no I
2233s don't um I don't have necro right no why
2236s would
2241s I I don't have any fire
2246s either I thought he was going to going
2248s to rush me stop to my
2253s reload
2276s woo
2295s wish I did have Whatchamacallit is it
2301s a I only seen one in the dark side but
2304s yeah yeah it's hard to tell I'm just uh
2306s I'm worried if I get
2309s B well I'm kind of laying in like Fenty
2313s traps so I don't know if you
2314s [Music]
2316s can like yeah it was a poison double
2320s concertina there is another
2323s guy far
2325s away I don't think this works I don't
2327s think that gets you I don't think that
2330s worked oh yeah there are
2335s interesting oh you're like inside side
2338s too that's usually
2351s unfortunate yeah
2361s yeah well
2366s B
2382s uhoh okay Dangerous Game you were
2385s playing yes it is oh what that was good
2390s I didn't think about the red
2392s Barrel oh it put just a barrel okay oh
2395s yeah it was a
2396s barrel I knew there was a yellow barel
2398s but I didn't think about the uh red
2400s Barrel was my fault cuz I did not notice
2405s that we were at the boss
2407s [Laughter]
2410s compound yeah I tagged him a bunch I
2412s just uh
2414s couldn't couldn't do
2419s uh couldn't land a head shot I'm not
2421s very comfortable with that gun honestly
2423s which is why I'm trying to use
2426s it cuz I'm not comt able with
2433s it no uh hunt drops
2439s announced and we are in fact still
2442s working on the engine
2444s integration
2448s yes um we're going to bring another gun
2450s I'm not super comfortable with that's
2452s right it's the lamat carbine
2455s Marksman m
2462s spicy let me by the right Springfield
2465s this time I don't know what my
2467s challenges oh man I only did 40 43
2471s damage
2475s rough where are we we're on working on
2478s 28 so we're a little over
2485s halfway um so we never actually said it
2488s would happen in April necessarily just
2490s no sooner than April
2494s 26th no
2498s spoilers no spoilers yeah uh I don't
2501s play on a controller I just play on a
2504s left hand thing that isn't a
2507s keyboard cyborg
2510s hand yes new map win soon
2516s TM
2518s steam points uh not that I know it is
2521s new map
2527s yes okay second round are you guys ready
2531s second round let's
2534s go first winner of our second round
2540s is musle
2544s we congrats mus conratulations
2551s and they have a cool picture of is that
2554s they're
2555s there you're there
2559s congratulations next
2562s winner
2564s I are
2567s Denton I are Denton oh they are a
2571s regular they're there
2574s sure congratulations Denton
2578s GG's next
2582s one Ln V
2587s NR
2594s congratulations they're here they're
2600s there fourth
2603s winner Island
2606s door
2609s for some reason everyone who has like
2611s dark uh blue names like really Blends
2615s into the restream background and it's
2617s like really hard for me to see uh we do
2620s not have a date for duo with plus
2624s frando we need a night mode for poor
2627s Gustavo I don't know and I can confirm
2630s Gustavo is very beautiful we need a
2632s night mode yeah please
2635s nightbot my camera was messed up and
2637s none of you guys told me I am just I am
2641s last winner of this
2643s round we are looking for Emmanuel n
2648s fixed congratulations
2651s Manuel no plans for a flashlight
2657s buff oh a manual is here
2663s nice remember guys we are going to Ser
2667s after this stream okay just keep an eye
2669s on your Twitch Whispers after the
2679s stream by the way I have to kill Hive
2682s with fire so if you don't have fire
2684s ammo have to burn them
2689s somehow oh it's insan
2691s OU did one of you shoot me no no the
2695s meatman looked like he was trying to get
2697s you you got shot yeah maybe it was just
2699s ping yeah yeah it felt like I got shot
2701s because it was later than the me
2704s but I think I have the highest P so no
2708s not
2711s 2026 my
2712s God
2715s no that's very far away that's insanely
2718s far away people people at M battery
2723s ooh I'm interested oh there
2726s are new word Clen okay hello fellow
2730s tenno hello
2737s hello are they fighting or just blowing
2740s stuff up they're just blowing everything
2742s up ooh I killed him was it a player or a
2746s gun God was a player I saw the you're
2751s insane blood
2754s yeah I didn't I'm I'm like lost in the
2757s sauce over
2759s here uh we do not have any road map
2761s video currently
2765s announced the poison bug is a pretty old
2768s one um honestly it has popped up and
2770s disappeared and popped up and
2772s disappeared multiple times throughout
2774s the last 5
2776s years it's a sticky one unfortunately
2779s ooh
2780s hello
2782s ouch where are
2785s they uh I'm not sure
2788s at the door at the door tag on the roof
2791s yeah on the roof
2801s now I would love to move oh I'm
2806s deing I got
2810s caught oh nice kill I did you kill
2814s anyone definitely the lady died you have
2816s one died got the going toy on the roof
2820s they're going to rest going the guy on
2821s the roof is still alive yeah I can't do
2824s anything he was also
2828s tagged just going to run over
2836s here a you're kidding meof Ro I have
2839s bigger problems
2842s unfortunately first one must have been
2844s an arm shot another team came up behind
2846s me I was trying to get the roof guys
2850s yep I can mute
2855s now I he players inside
2858s here I know dodging in real
2862s life for real it's so so on the
2867s stairs oh and killed me the one on the
2870s stairs that another with a crossbow kill
2871s me why can't I there we
2876s go
2879s it's a very large cup you're completely
2883s correct uh we do not have anything to
2886s share
2887s on changing the Ping limit or region
2894s lock okay I have to switch from my
2896s coffee to my not
2899s coffee uh you got killed by the same oh
2902s I got to change my the other
2906s building
2907s yeah I got a I got run up on from
2910s another team in the
2912s back yeah R but I killed someone again
2916s yeah yeah I was trying to like go to be
2920s able to see the roof from the other side
2922s and then of course the other the other
2924s team I am tiny but the mug is also huge
2927s like to be clear it's not just that I'm
2931s small like this this is a very large
2936s mug
2938s it is quite
2947s large people asking how tall are you I'm
2951s 5
2952s foot or
2955s 154 oh you are tiny okay
2959s centimet you really have to meet in real
2962s life once
2964s finally because then everyone would
2966s think I'm tall finally mhm
2969s mhm rid of this garbage yeah every
2972s everyone think you were small cuz people
2975s saw you besid Rick yeah which is just an
2980s unfair it is very unfair isn't
2988s it it's just it's just not a fair
2991s comparison you know I know but that
2994s means you next week would be funny
2999s thank you me next to Rick is very
3002s comical he spent a lot of twitchcon
3004s making fun of
3007s me for the first like
3009s day I am exactly six feet food I don't
3014s know 183 cm
3016s that's uh and I think Rick is like 195
3019s or something so yeah no he's not as tall
3023s as vomo vomo is a little taller and
3026s V so tall okay then Rick is like 190 I
3029s guess
3032s yeah Nix is very tall too I think he's a
3036s few centimeters taller than n Weck
3037s actually too is Nixa taller than
3041s vus no I think vomo is to tell us cuz I
3045s know vus is
3048s 195 it's hard to tell because they are
3051s all tall to me you know so uh but vomo
3054s seemed very
3055s tall I know he 195 because I when I went
3060s to Europe uh 2 years ago we were at the
3063s pool and it was in ctime and I was
3067s like all right I know vomo is 195 cm and
3071s he's 65 so I used the pool centimeters
3074s to like and vu's height to translate
3076s into inches or feet of the pool
3080s height now vus is a giant he's R tall
3084s he's also insanely
3089s like if you actually get him to flex
3091s he's in it's his bicep is like the size
3095s of my
3096s head it's
3101s crazy check him PC but like in real life
3105s Nerf
3106s him someone Nerf vbus please
3110s mhm okay so the next keyword is
3113s centimeter then I mean all of me is
3118s small
3121s but uh he is very
3128s large and he's a gentleman so true okay
3131s go
3134s crazy centimeter
3137s [Music]
3139s centimeter oh uh Spanish
3144s swordsman from The Princess Bride right
3148s Inigo Montoya he's not French oh yeah
3151s Inigo
3153s Montoya my name is in Montoya that's
3156s such a good movie my
3158s father prepared to
3160s die um someone asked a very valid
3164s question did you spell centimeter with
3167s an e r at the end or r e e r e r at the
3170s end m e p e
3172s r there you go people people people yeah
3175s I heard a hive they going to cross
3178s they're going to cross in three two one
3181s oh got a
3183s tag got a tag with a gun I don't like
3186s you know that almost makes me feel good
3187s I'm just
3188s saying did they go back to the left or
3191s one went left one crossed oh tag yeah
3194s with the Sparks far
3198s back I love getting tag already inside
3201s the compound yep but I have to burn This
3203s Ti I'm
3204s sorry the way you
3207s in between
3209s us bags here oh I'm so bad where bag
3215s again oh nice one nice nice nice you you
3217s you killed
3221s him I don't like this gun um I'm just
3224s not very familiar with it let's let's be
3227s honest I'm more of a full-sized rifle
3230s kind of person there's definitely one
3233s inside want to burn this guy one is in
3235s this building here
3239s [Music]
3240s yeah for sure I just unclosed the
3244s door please
3246s hush no idea where the third guy
3249s is one's in
3251s here there yeah
3254s or someone has a hive
3257s one riding my face the boss is here
3263s too they're in the boss layer
3268s both no oh my
3271s God hate when that
3273s happens there's a trait which I really
3276s want to
3280s get I can hear them they're right in
3283s here it sounds
3286s like silent
3288s killer yeah one is still there did you
3291s burn the one we should probably push
3292s that one
3294s in tag tag tag
3297s he's one second Flor he's one Health
3301s [Applause]
3306s yeah we could just push this guy as a
3308s three
3309s probably yeah let's go the is
3313s coming from oh my God yeah the other
3317s downstairs
3318s beding
3321s okay she's throwing
3324s grenade oh I hit me Jesus
3327s just got her nice nice should all be
3333s dead ooo job yeah the bus is white and
3337s that was well good
3340s job let me L that
3342s guy here but I has to stop bleeding
3345s makes sense right because I to
3348s stop you don't need to make sense of my
3350s keybinds it's okay IIT how do you go
3353s backwards then um I move my thumb
3357s backwards oh it's just like a joystick
3359s thing
3361s yeah I see oh maybe we can get my clean
3365s sweep oh yeah yeah a we don't have
3370s extraction that's fine killed one
3374s team okay what could go wrong
3378s the am I stuck or the boss is stuck I
3381s don't know I cannot
3382s tell I think the bus is
3385s stuck oh no wonder she was able to run
3387s around in here without like any problems
3391s then this butcher is like mooning it's
3399s great oh he sure is ain't
3406s he oh oh no no I I thought that might
3410s fix him but no oh and he doesn't even
3411s attack so we can just so we just blast
3414s him I never seen this happen before
3417s actually me
3420s either oh but it turns uh oh it's El no
3433s nope oh oh unstuck
3441s unstuck oh that was unexpected I know I
3445s was just like oh just I'll just get my
3447s stamina
3450s back never
3454s [Applause]
3455s [Music]
3468s mind I feel like the bush has an her or
3472s something
3475s weird I feel like most likely to have a
3478s problem in my experience is the spider
3481s maybe that's just me maybe I just have
3483s like really bad luck I think the spider
3487s has the most complicated uh yeah I mean
3490s she like goes up on the walls and stuff
3495s soly I think I should like
3497s Tech why is the busher the simplest
3502s one turn lamps off
3505s always
3508s meat man's getting angry that I'm
3509s running
3511s around I don't think T is going to call
3513s me
3518s here we're safe for
3530s now he
3532s [Music]
3535s live
3541s we're still Al oh I forgot three shots
3544s not four three shots not four go the
3548s buter keeps setting me on
3557s fire bro how much damage did the thing
3560s do to you clearly
3564s none goodness gracious
3567s oh wasn't paying
3572s attention he hit
3575s me yeah clearly he was still like all HP
3580s I thought he would have gotten like I
3582s don't know
3584s half I don't have compact
3588s [Applause]
3589s ammo definitely thought he would have
3591s taken uh taken more ah they are
3594s extracting that's good we need the clean
3597s I'm getting my clean we're going to get
3598s yeah we're going to get your
3601s clean your Clean Sweep is all the way
3605s guaranteed my
3609s brain why does the Spectre eject a
3612s bullet uh cuz that's how it works look
3616s is this some famous
3620s chicken
3622s oh that is a tomble question right there
3628s might be a famous chicken what did you
3630s even back
3633s then is it
3637s KFC good
3641s question o box oh I don't need my
3644s stamina
3646s shot was going to use my Stam shot and I
3648s was like
3650s n oh who is beetling oh my God someone's
3654s here team there's people oh
3658s no I like how Ben goes oh
3661s no I really wanted that clean sweep you
3664s know we're going to still get it all
3668s right right come
3671s on but they are good players they use
3674s Beetle I think they are Southwest yeah I
3677s attacked
3680s someone but I'm good rest I
3684s think ooo
3696s kind of good R can you jump in front of
3700s me okay
3711s I someone's kind of close to the
3715s door
3718s I
3724s like not close
3735s [Applause]
3744s enough one of them is yep
3752s yep on the roof bag on the
3756s roof I'm
3758s [Music]
3760s coming he's over
3768s here he's
3775s reloading
3787s he just hopped off the
3790s roof oh no he
3792s didn't no I still hear it no he
3796s did on the back side yeah they're on my
3799s side
3805s yeah
3810s nice
3811s ni oh bomb LS Nice Shot I tried to click
3816s but I was too
3817s slow oh
3821s balls
3823s no yeah got the
3829s r
3832s really oh dead so
3838s close I was like I don't know about
3846s that you see him NOP he tried to open
3850s the the door
3853s but oh I'm just going to let they sure
3857s are jumping in front of each other a
3859s lot um so we've said this before uh and
3863s we'll you know we'll say it again David
3865s has said it I know I've said it but
3867s every game every multiplayer online game
3869s does have cheaters we're not refusing to
3872s acknowledge them we ban them all the
3874s time if you want
3876s to send any uh in-game reports if you
3880s want to send reports to our customer
3882s support real human beings will look at
3885s those
3887s reports
3888s F no take action when
3894s necessary all the time every
3899s day yeah I don't have slugs I'm not a
3901s slug I'm not a slug
3906s user new map when is it coming out no
3908s date no
3912s date when will home real get a Creator
3914s skin um well home real is a
3918s employee now where so to your right yeah
3924s right there my guess is is that he
3928s won't but I can't be
3931s sure if your steam profile or their
3934s steam profile is hidden just use your
3936s own steam ID and time stamp the match
3939s very very important timestamp the match
3942s with a time zone time zone very very
3946s important um so that they can use your
3949s time zone and their time zone uh match
3953s those
3955s up
3957s he's also technically a Creator yeah but
3959s he's a
3960s employee so he is not a hunt partner
3965s anymore because he's an employee same
3967s with
3970s Delaney they are no longer hunt Partners
3973s they are only uh employees
3985s now
3986s is one one
3990s Health he back
3993s ins how did it Miss man what yes Delany
3997s uh is in QA now oh he's bom me come go
4001s that scared the [ __ ] out of me he's
4002s resing right now how about psycho Ghost
4004s Psycho ghost has a skin I missed like
4006s from one
4008s cm psycho ghost has the Zorn gu
4012s bom
4015s yeah
4017s nice try God damn it nice try nice try
4019s nice try I don't know how I missed from
4022s like
4024s millimeters I would love to visit the
4027s Frankfurt office for
4032s sure excuse
4035s me no the engine integration is not
4039s complete no clean speed for me yeah a
4042s list of Creator skins uh not a public
4045s one I I have a list to remember them
4050s all I want a beetle skin for sure and I
4053s want them to have a little Top Hat
4056s that's what I
4060s want getting a lot of
4065s rewards I mean I'm happy that I'm
4067s getting a lot of rewards but I do wish I
4070s could skip them
4071s faster oh do damage with windfields
4075s that's like my
4078s damn out of the
4081s way I can't think give
4083s that the
4086s crack so
4088s close so close to the clean
4092s seep that too
4097s yeah love me my
4103s Windfield uh BD is prestige 50 for on
4106s this
4113s account all right let's pull some
4118s winners this is the third round yeah the
4121s third round mhm all
4125s right okay looking for I'm run to the
4128s restroom miwa
4132s here me were here let's see if you're
4135s here they are
4137s here I hope you're
4140s here they are GG's
4144s congratulations nice BBA Fett pick is
4147s this BBA Fett I think it
4149s is congratulations next
4152s winner
4154s bullets
4157s bullets are you
4160s there
4164s bullets
4167s yeah that's you congratulations my
4170s friend next
4172s winner Mr Jack
4180s 2621 Mr
4188s Jack oh and there there let's go Mr Jack
4192s this a good good good
4194s round
4196s another one is cragly
4200s cat scraggly
4210s cat
4212s cly they're there too nice oh that one
4218s was
4219s fast last winner of this
4221s round did I WR up oh yeah next
4227s winner links just
4233s links just links just
4243s links they're there there they are nice
4247s this is a great round great
4251s [Applause]
4254s round okay we are come with another
4257s keyword at the end of
4259s this match
4262s what stay with
4264s us let's use that as the keyword
4267s Undertaker
4269s Undertaker sorry let's use Undertaker
4274s yeah okay oh because of the okay
4277s Undertaker it's on the building but it's
4279s the
4282s wrestling it's a wrestling fighter hell
4286s yeah the coolest
4288s one The
4290s Undertaker I like Ray
4293s Mysterio we also have a hunter that's an
4295s Undertaker kind to
4298s right yeah the worm bite worm bite
4303s yeah
4310s yep I'm going take
4314s that
4333s okay now we have to get the clean SC cuz
4335s I also have another Quest or challenge
4337s to banish your boss yeah he's just he's
4340s an allrounder you
4342s know our boy worm bite he was more than
4345s a grave dier than an Undertaker what is
4348s the difference
4350s Violet an Undertaker is like an actual
4354s mortician okay it's just a [ __ ]
4356s Shadow right here holy oh
4361s holy and what's a grave digger is not
4364s the same thing English grav Digger is
4367s like a thief like someone who digs up
4371s people's Graves okay and um like steals
4375s things from
4378s them all
4382s right see you learn things here grave
4385s robber Grave Digger those are very the
4388s same thing at least where I am
4393s from yeah we wouldn't say Gravedigger
4395s where I'm from to
4399s be we would say Grave Digger instead of
4402s grave robber but that's that's just
4404s where I'm someone that that do that for
4407s living and a grave digger is an all
4410s law you know I'm sure there's all sorts
4414s of
4416s uh that is what we would say you just
4419s let me tell
4420s you I that's just what we would say
4424s Where I'm
4426s From words have a lot of uh different
4429s meaning in different places that's one
4432s if you just learned something I think
4435s maybe the under Akers also made the
4436s graves but I'm not
4438s sure I yeah I would think of a
4441s Undertaker as like a more
4445s around where are you from but I'm pretty
4446s sure they also
4450s suck I think they notar the corpses and
4453s uh education it's just like people do
4456s have different words for different
4457s things and that's fine like I don't know
4461s it's not that big of a
4464s deal I mean yes in general we do have
4466s bad education I don't
4472s disagree
4475s bad oh I was thinking about that
4479s song I would like a free bad
4484s reputation no no free health
4488s kit the
4494s runways
4501s kind of don't even really
4503s like being this
4505s close wait where did they
4507s go consideration to the mar yeah I
4510s thought there was people here what does
4513s that mean yeah they are at
4516s um uh whipping Stone
4520s maybe
4524s perhaps there's a free cash register
4527s here once we get a oh I saw
4529s them free cash register supplies
4536s cash oh we have Shadow I for
4542s Gore oh they're shooting at me they
4546s are what oh no two two two teams here oh
4553s my
4554s God oh they right behind you
4558s yeah oh I'm dead oh there's people here
4562s team another team behind me I think
4566s there's maybe a third team too yeah
4568s goody we just uh you know that's our
4574s luck we came too close to the seal cash
4578s that's that's what I said earlier I was
4580s like I don't even want to be by the
4581s sealed
4584s cash
4586s yeah we got surrounded
4590s again oh we are so split
4594s up well I'm trying to maybe get Gustavo
4597s up somehow but it's kind of a suicide
4600s mission
4601s yeah en was over here there's an entire
4606s server on your
4609s body but they're kind of fighting each
4611s other right now where did these people
4614s go
4615s I definitely saw someone over here
4618s oh thought I saw someone through the
4620s trees over there but maybe
4626s not trying to get to
4632s Gustavo yeah right in front of you yeah
4634s yeah I hear them I
4636s just okay okay I'm I'm coming I'm pretty
4643s interesting I don't
4646s see
4648s good
4654s same I am stuck on
4665s something I almost made it around the
4667s corner but
4668s didn't this should a good
4674s job
4679s oh there's multiple here oh yeah oh yeah
4683s at least
4684s three ready oh from yeah they were in a
4689s really like spread out but there a guy I
4692s killed I think got up
4695s already every time I looked at one
4697s another one shot me so they were I
4699s thought I was like kind of safe behind
4700s that rock but
4704s positioning
4707s GG they just had good uh positions
4710s around us uh we not planned uh or
4713s announced I guess any changes to the
4722s marathon yeah I think the being at the
4724s sealed cash so early feels like really
4732s risky at least I really don't like thec
4735s Al
4736s cash it's like surrounded by water which
4738s is
4741s tough give me a borim
4751s silencer oh my God this person came with
4754s a free stamina
4756s shot what have I done to deserve this
4758s like blessing in my
4763s life what should I play
4766s nothing is working out today
4768s so
4770s yeah hun take it today yeah you
4779s know I do be like that sometimes it's a
4782s hunt take it for us but it's a hunt give
4785s it for the chat so so true let's give
4789s away some
4791s dlc's okay uh this is the fourth
4795s round of giveaways and the first winner
4799s is simple civilian
4802s TV perfect and while we wait I will
4805s answer someone's question that is
4808s no for the engine
4810s integration you are
4814s welcome simple civilian
4817s TV last week chat did like a really good
4820s job of answering for me when new people
4822s would come in and ask um chat I'm going
4824s to need you to step up again this week
4826s no I'm just kidding I don't care I'll
4828s say
4831s it okay no simp again re
4834s rolling next winner I want Thea to
4840s Shanks I want health bars in my loadouts
4843s for sure for sure for
4849s sure two Shanks Papa two Shanks are you
4854s there
4860s 5
4861s Seconds
4863s uh come on we were doing so good earlier
4867s it's okay we're on the best map now
4870s rrolling Wilk oh they were definitely
4874s here wil 20
4877s 2122 um I do not think we have ever said
4880s anything about removing KDA oh there's
4884s WL
4885s well
4887s congratulations another
4890s winner Rexy
4892s 881 I like lawon the best my favorite
4896s map really I like Ste water the most
4901s still water is two of my favorites uh
4903s for me it's like
4905s Lawson Gap Still Water Gap
4911s Dell I'm okay with all three of them but
4914s the old one is
4915s I like all three yeah it's not to say
4918s that any of them are bad that's that's
4920s definitely not the
4923s case actually anyone has fire for the
4926s scared me oh there's a
4930s barrel Mar is here
4933s congrats there's water
4936s Devils we are looking now for readed
4942s Arrow read Arrow how do you claim prize
4945s you wait for a whisper from the krych
4948s Twitch
4949s account after the stream
4957s yes Reed is here
4960s nice last
4964s winner corod this corod this 5 7
4973s 571 Cor join the giveaway you just type
4976s in the oh look there they are uh you
4978s just type in the keyword which I'm 90%
4981s sure you already did Tad daddy
4983s Tim and uh yeah that was it and car this
4989s is here nice and typing it more than
4992s once does not
4996s help just just the one
4999s time that
5001s you yeah yeah it was
5005s if it's not me I forgot to remove my the
5009s big
5010s bar oh someone just shoot a
5013s barrel I did not okay okay I was
5020s like I had to shoot again
5023s sorry I just need to fire
5025s Hive oh yeah fire Hive I forgot single
5029s one oh is that
5033s dogs do need dogs I do thought I heard a
5036s howl but I must have heard of armored
5038s instead oh no I heard a dog that's
5040s definitely a
5042s dog oh I heard a
5046s dog I'm going no I don't like the big in
5049s front if I can avoid it I don't want a
5051s big
5053s anymore I need two smalls at the end the
5057s rest doesn't matter to me there's a Doug
5059s here got him I'm all done I'm four for
5064s four now
5068s I'm going to pick up the
5072s clue oh there's a ble over
5086s here yeah if you're dying a lot like me
5088s you just run small bars I just like
5091s small bars cuz oh someone picked up the
5094s seal catch there's another Hive right
5097s here and I have fire
5101s nice see in hell yeah I'm done with the
5104s H oh someone shot at me silencer unless
5107s okay okay I missed yeah I didn't know
5109s you were going to run up to the
5114s grunt so then I missed
5117s them all right so they got an extra
5120s Bounty okay I
5123s register ooh
5126s okay they are
5129s on
5136s yep yeah instead of shooting
5139s away yeah I mean I I
5142s did we want to go down
5145s there yeah yeah let's go yeah yeah yeah
5148s yeah I think it's a steal cash team
5150s versus another team another one yeah
5152s yeah you're right I did I did shoot in s
5155s this
5155s Direction I mean I shot right by
5160s him I for a silencer so I couldn't tell
5163s if it was you or they're fighting
5165s someone inside sweet
5170s Bel was indeed
5172s me you got a yeah emulator hello there
5180s sir yeah they are in
5183s sweet someone's inside the boss
5187s building the bounty's over there
5193s though this is another two teams
5196s fighting could be the server here again
5200s yeah the Bounty is running away yeah
5203s it's oh they like I see them here far at
5206s the tower at the Sniper
5213s Tower
5222s yeah I mean I'm chasing the Bounty I'm
5223s these guys can yeah stay here for all
5226s they want I see them they crossed the
5231s yeah into the
5233s [Applause]
5236s forest scale board oh the Bonny team
5239s killed
5240s me from the building o nice shot
5245s or high match I couldn't even see that
5248s person that's the one that killed me ni
5251s shot
5255s gustavoo that wasn't even the person I
5257s was shooting at was that one that kill
5258s you
5260s yeah all
5262s right maybe you're safe there was two to
5264s the right as
5266s well a scaled Ward and a like Statesman
5270s or something also check the oh he rest
5273s yep damn it
5277s you
5279s know oh
5294s well okay muted so I can talk to you
5298s guys uh no keyword right
5303s now
5307s no I'm doing my challenges I do not want
5309s a themed to load out
5317s run damn it maybe I shots around you in
5322s midle my challes if I could hit anyone
5325s unless you have
5327s necro I don't have the theme is do my
5330s challenges so I got killed from that
5332s window that you're looking at up there
5335s that that one yeah that
5339s one oh my God I'm not going to I was
5342s trying to join you guys because I went
5344s to the other team first three bomb
5347s lances and three hand crossbows sounds
5350s miserable
5353s honestly I think that guy is a
5357s solo I don't
5360s know but you're cracked anyway so you
5363s got this
5365s CED that was
5369s funny that was good
5371s too um I don't think I even have the uh
5377s Dragon
5378s Bolt right now
5383s unlocked six hand crossbows oh my God
5386s that's too many back for the dance man I
5388s love it that's too
5393s many
5395s I'm not I'm not a hand crft though lover
5398s [Applause]
5400s honestly that's it's not really my
5408s gy oh no somebody more
5411s left got to unmute nice try nice
5416s try 93 in Tron you can do it you're
5419s getting there for sure Gustav is a dance
5423s God yeah I am Brazilian you need to make
5426s a tiktok where you make dances do all
5429s the H dances
5434s like that was good I know how to
5439s dance that's that's good I definitely
5443s don't not not a
5447s dancer I'm from
5450s Hungary yeah he wasn't
5453s solo
5457s the free
5463s person I've never heard that joke
5468s before yeah shout out to all the
5475s hungarians I like the person in chat who
5477s said yes I too am
5480s hungry aren't we all uh yes yes we are
5485s I'm
5490s starving F water Devils that one's
5500s easy today is food order day anyway
5503s because it's a football game so I have
5505s to or soccer however you want to call it
5507s so you there's no such thing as
5510s soccer yeah I would say football but you
5513s know for for for for the Americans
5517s people that kind in feat and stuff yeah
5521s exactly okay the next keyword is
5524s football
5526s then or soccer which one do you prefer
5530s it has to be football oh yeah the the
5533s keyword can only be one thing
5536s so don't don't distract the Americans
5541s right oh yeah how are you spelling it
5543s the next key word is
5548s football double
5550s o yeah double o yeah okay double o dou l
5556s very important yes food
5560s ball this is another word that a lot of
5563s people uh spell
5568s differently we say
5571s Foy or
5573s football
5575s that's kind of fun
5581s yeah and we actually say America footy
5585s so American football basically for your
5587s football oh yeah I mean that makes sense
5590s yeah I like calling American football
5592s hand
5593s egg hand egg that's
5595s true funny I don't know that's it I'll
5599s be right back one
5603s second
5607s love thees yeah true that's like ball
5609s kicking
5612s basically which also makes sense yeah
5624s yeah fball isn't it in
5628s German which is obviously just
5633s football
5635s someone said leather egg so
5641s true water dou kill water
5648s dou yeah actually that but they do kick
5651s the I wouldn't even call it the ball
5653s really the American football ball I mean
5656s they very rarely
5658s kick it does happen it's a ball
5662s yes okay because cuz it's not
5665s round I feel like a ball has to be round
5668s we had this conversation before right I
5670s feel like we did have
5672s this very important for a ball to be
5676s round yeah I feel like
5683s said I do feel like Gustavo was very
5689s adamant yeah I don't know I feel like
5692s 116th is even too high to say well they
5696s just kick it after every touchdown once
5699s right and they Swit
5702s sides
5711s exactly I would love to be like a just a
5714s kicker player like a special one you
5715s know that they just change in special te
5717s cuz then you yeah now you don't have to
5719s do much just come in sometimes kick the
5721s ball us go back yeah every
5725s yeah very rarely get
5728s tackled yes yeah sounds like a good
5734s job there's this like really funny clip
5737s of a kicker being tackled uh like and
5740s you're not really supposed to do that uh
5742s after the kick and
5744s so the guy that tackled him like knew he
5747s was going to do it too late and so he
5750s just kind of like wrapped him in a hug
5752s and they both went down to try and like
5753s prevent V any you know injury yeah it
5757s was just really funny uh of a clip just
5760s like the way he was like we're going
5762s down together
5769s bud are important of course they are but
5772s I would still have to do that you know
5774s just come on come in every few games
5776s once kick a ball kick a ball yeah done
5779s yeah fashionably a ball according tole
5783s kick something
5785s something yeah yeah Gustavo is still not
5788s sure about this
5789s whole football is a ball American
5792s football oh they sick they
5797s C it's all I want in
5805s life I'll take that
5807s too we can all take
5809s it yeah which is the best part
5817s uh the Contraband bug is
5826s known I am still very
5829s wary of the point over
5834s here what are my CH oh I just have to
5837s kill hives okay that's easy oh good I
5839s just killed two hives oh thank
5843s you but I still do need the Clean Sweep
5846s really
5847s badly I mean we can avoid the point and
5849s just try and like kill the boss we're
5851s going to get it now I'm going to get it
5854s okay let's let's get it you
5863s know will a way to sell Contraband ever
5865s be nothing we've ever seen over
5870s here
5872s I sadly like playing games is just a
5875s very small part of my
5877s job agreed yeah yeah I wish we got to do
5880s this all day every day
5885s [Applause]
5887s yes it's
5890s red who's
5901s red they must be on the other side of
5906s prison ooh ouch I was going to say or to
5909s our
5912s right ground
5914s floor I have no
5916s [Music]
5918s idea I don't really know where I got
5920s shot from just from like5 or something
5924s to the right o yep right here on
5928s me coming
5930s up got one
5932s nice
5935s he's in here tagged oh he just ran out
5938s again oh my God there's a guy inside oh
5943s I tagged that one too he's he was in the
5945s door just
5948s running did you kill this one yeah I
5951s killed a yeah I killed one there
5955s okay oh he just said Gustav on fire
5958s that's fine upstairs
5960s tagged he's
5962s here I said his behind us it's a whole
5967s cash
5969s yeah I think we're okay for now from the
5972s cash cuz they're going to fight each
5974s other have to save
5976s Gustavo where's the one you killed in
5979s here it was right between the Gap there
5983s he's closer to me
5985s now okay I'll try to get to
5989s Gustavo here he
5992s is
5998s you're up
6002s buddy oh I lost a big
6007s bar nice I got him was that the last one
6011s oh the clu yeah okay so the one went out
6014s to Res okay I
6016s see good job that should be
6021s it yep no I don't I don't want your gun
6024s I just want to loot
6026s you oh but there's a bunch of
6030s teams oh if I can loot I can heal I I
6035s took two loots but that's it I can heal
6038s you Gustav if I can
6040s take I got my bar back oh
6047s okay there's ammo
6050s here that your upper M here and SL all
6058s right
6064s next oh the boss is also at Sweet Bel
6067s not just the
6070s cash
6081s interesting see you coughing behind me
6084s yeah oh I just at first I was like
6086s someone coughing in front of me and I
6087s was like no no no it's you I just heard
6090s a
6102s shot it's the
6105s Boer I think that that's the last team
6109s just killing an
6112s armored
6115s no clean speep
6117s though
6119s no I'm headed back to this uh Supply
6123s point just to
6125s get Whatchamacallit Special
6132s ammo I killed one oh you killed us yeah
6137s nice right here in this c yeah yeah I
6139s was looking at a crack too I just got
6141s surprised that she just died
6145s I'm
6150s coming do you play the game to check if
6152s the game is working properly uh us right
6155s now no we're just playing for fun they
6157s ran to this
6160s building it's just a second too
6163s late I throw a CH here they killed a
6166s dead body or or they killed someone
6168s earlier and stole the
6172s weapons
6176s she's back in this
6179s building there's the chaos behind
6182s us
6190s okay in the main building right
6193s yeah red uh o but they just Clos the
6196s door
6200s downstairs one was
6202s here
6206s did they get that person up probably
6210s yeah probably it it was a tier one red
6214s shirt oh then yes already I think here's
6217s a Dead hunter in
6219s here yeah there's definitely dead
6222s hunters
6224s around oh
6232s okay
6237s I hear them in there it feels like
6238s they're in the bottom
6240s part they're all inside
6246s mhm they definitely stole the gun of
6248s somebody that they killed oh look
6250s another dead
6251s person isn't even the person I
6259s metant dead
6262s nice oh they closed the gates they can R
6265s let's
6266s go O Okay that was the WR oh was it
6271s not I missed I had slugs I picked up a
6275s gun off a dead body this is why we don't
6277s use
6280s slugs yeah they're they're definitely
6283s resing
6286s nice
6289s care pick me
6292s up
6294s before you
6295s go or below
6316s you oh damn it I knew she was going to
6319s get me with the this why buck shot is so
6321s much better nice love BL
6330s shot you can get me again I'm not
6336s afraid he's resing right
6352s now
6360s there's ammo
6380s here how do you get lean and shredded
6382s before summer
6386s calor oh you left I thought you were uh
6389s watching the door for
6392s me I misunderstood that you uh that you
6395s left I opened the door so we could go
6400s in yeah to enter the giveaway all you
6402s have to do is type the keybord that's
6404s currently in and uh Gustavo selects
6406s random winner or like with the B select
6408s the winners
6412s so
6417s my drink's
6424s empty still a good match six kills yeah
6428s y not that bad I got my Windfield
6439s damage where do I put the keyword in
6442s just to Twitch chat that's it medium
6444s ammo oh now I have clean
6446s sweep oh oh my God now we have we have
6450s to focus up Focus
6452s up get that clean sweep for the last
6456s game clean sweep
6462s in
6472s okay
6474s sorry I can't make you win because
6475s you're
6477s Hungarian if
6487s only yeah I still need to use these okay
6489s I have to remember that I'm using a
6491s swift is my
6493s problem actually you know what we want
6495s this
6497s back oh sticky
6502s bomb this is the
6507s one my cat is just hungry uh so I'll
6510s have to feed him after we finish that's
6513s fine always he comes into my face and
6516s yeah tells me to that feed
6522s me all
6524s right time for some giveaways while we
6528s wait for the next match I put my shots
6531s in the last slot so can scroll up a
6534s single time and get to it really
6538s easily all right we are
6541s looking for where is the giveaway oh
6545s here who uses the scroll wheel we're
6548s looking for happy jack happy
6554s jack happy jack 3 4 five as opposed to 3
6560s 4
6561s 1 yeah
6572s Jack
6575s congratulations next
6577s one cookie Master
6580s oh a lot of numbers a lot of
6589s numbers come on cookie
6592s master
6600s master master
6602s master master
6606s that okay Master is not here fish
6610s monster
6613s reloading galagar or G
6617s galagar yeah
6622s congratulations
6624s gagar please appear and say hi so we
6628s know that you are here please hey there
6630s they
6631s are nice
6635s congrats next one vintage vintage
6641s 1985 is that what we're calling vintage
6643s now cuz that's that just makes me
6647s sad vintage is
6649s here
6651s nice another winner
6658s Nash
6665s Nash that sounds like if you're getting
6667s Nando's door
6669s de I have never had Nando in my life oh
6672s my God I love n no idea what you guys
6674s talking about thought that was a British
6677s thing not American uh it
6680s is oh okay oh okay I fell
6685s there actually are a few uh nandos in
6688s the US but not anywhere near me
6693s unfortunately well you guys have all the
6695s cool places so you can look yeah you say
6698s that and all of us just think you're
6701s insane really like American fast food is
6704s amazing yeah you raided so many places
6707s like
6708s terrible Nando
6711s is you know need the the you rated Wendy
6716s highly oh my God V is
6719s insane like a nine out of 10 honestly oh
6723s absolutely disgusting Mi
6725s suum say something
6728s please little crazy over
6732s here I wish we had und these over here
6734s honestly I would give it to you I don't
6737s really ever want to go to Wendy's again
6739s see I'm telling you
6742s intron
6745s truly Vince is crazy all right we
6747s rolling you guys just don't know what's
6749s good oh
6751s [ __ ] there's no Wendy's in Hungary it's
6754s an American thing it's I don't think
6755s it's anywhere else honestly it's not
6758s it's not good we had Wendy's didn't you
6762s uh rate Burg higher than
6765s McDonald's McDonald's is like the wor
6767s McDonald's is like three out of 10
6768s honestly two out of 10 Burger King is
6772s actually the worst food like ever and I
6774s can't
6775s believe mag Burger King is way better
6778s than mag I would rather I would rather
6780s starve then go to a Burger
6782s King I think Burger King is a it's a
6784s king come on it's better Burger King has
6788s a better sandwich but McDonald's has a
6791s better price Burger King has a better
6794s nothing although I mean I'm not saying I
6797s really like am jazzed about going to
6798s McDonald's either I mean I haven't been
6800s to McDonald's in years if I am going to
6803s get fast food any fast food of any kind
6807s it's Taco
6808s Bell Okay taco we don't have that eater
6811s see that's the problem 100% Taco Bell is
6816s the only I want probably the best
6819s Chipotle is not fast food in the same
6821s way it's on a different tier no we have
6825s is that you
6827s nope uh there's like a there's like a
6830s tier that we call fast casual
6834s which is like Chipotle
6839s Subway if it doesn't have a drivethru
6842s it's not it's not true fast food in my
6846s opinion okay okay as this one is
6850s probably our last
6853s match our last keyword is going to be
6858s F I know everyone is hungry everyone is
6861s very this to everyone loves garbage that
6864s I love not every Subway has a drive-thru
6867s but I have seen a Subway with a
6869s drivethru and I'm still going to call it
6870s fast
6873s casual he there's definitely another
6875s team
6880s somewhere yeah they are at hadit yeah I
6884s don't know if we want to go up there or
6885s not we
6887s can we can why not I'm not against it by
6890s the way like the same fast food places
6892s in America are very different than in
6893s Europe oh yeah for example KFC was
6896s really bad in the US but it's really
6898s good here so I was like it's and
6901s different the menus even so yeah I saw
6904s them actually let's go for
6906s the yeah I was going to say let's go for
6908s the taged one cleep but never
6912s mind yeah we don't have Culver's where I
6914s live now and we didn't have it where I
6916s lived oops wrong
6919s button uh where I grew up but we did
6922s have it where I okay someone way to the
6925s left cool cool cool they're super spread
6927s out I guess to the left to the left cuz
6930s there were other people to the
6932s right that's who killed me
6936s Sparks oh god there more than
6939s one this is why this is why I didn't
6942s want to go up
6948s here damn
6951s it fast food is the key word for the
6953s giveaway uh I don't know what Panda
6955s Kitchen is I've only ever had Panda
6956s Express oh
6959s do bag the Witch Hunter on fire the
6962s Witch Hunter is who I was trying to
6964s catch up to behind us too of course cool
6967s cool
6968s cool we should have just gone to the
6971s boss like originally I was planning
6977s on care explosive explosive crossbow
6985s I just want to like put the choke there
6991s but gu they going let me you went to a
6994s place called Del Taco and got a burger
6996s and BR that just is
6999s wild tag tag her there's a team coming
7002s right here oh another one oh okay I'm
7006s in Sonic is good but it's a drink place
7009s for me that I also get mozzarella sticks
7011s I don't want food
7013s like food food from
7017s McDonald's you know what I mean or
7019s McDonald's Sonic
7028s sorry Arby's slow tier in my
7040s opinion yeah I like Sonic but again it's
7042s a drink and a mozzarella stick place for
7045s me oh no nice nice nice got I'm still on
7049s fire we don't have White Castle here but
7051s i' I've had
7054s it but we don't have it where I
7057s live come
7059s on okay I cannot
7062s aim okay died I'm safe oh someone died
7068s yeah they don't have Zach PC here either
7071s where I live
7073s oh I'm running the wrong way I got no
7076s food um I am also mut guy
7079s here ni
7081s dad hang on ammo
7086s here forgot I was on me
7090s nice uh I have
7100s one oh [ __ ]
7107s two there I need ammo hey I have one bar
7111s have
7113s me thank you they're pushing from the
7131s left yeah I saw them over there they
7134s moved
7136s though oh cool they see
7140s me here
7144s taged two of them here yep I tag both of
7148s them with
7154s choke oh
7161s hey
7163s they
7164s coffin oh my God that was just a bad
7170s shot they're way
7172s back now they ran away they're both
7177s there up
7181s there they're
7190s beling on the left here
7198s I was wondering if that was a person
7200s reloading
7202s again in these bushes invting the
7207s poison one over here come on he's
7210s pushing you I
7214s think somewhere
7218s here I'm there on your
7221s ping he's be a wall
7231s here TS way out here way
7236s out
7239s comparatively oh okay
7248s y need ammo oh my God he tagging me
7253s I'm
7254s healing I didn't throw it quite far
7258s enough
7266s damn to my right
7269s OU I thought he was right there in
7271s front had no idea there was two of them
7274s so there was yeah
7277s two I have no ammo I had no myself to
7281s clutch that honestly
7287s am oh not that
7293s one oh regular ammo Gustavo
7300s has not regular
7303s special that's the word how do they
7307s still have healing man they've been
7308s tagged like so many times
7311s honestly
7317s this
7322s one oh wow yeah Gustavo is like really
7325s out of ammo there's out of ammo and then
7328s there's like whatever
7335s Gustavo
7336s Ooh So
7338s [Music]
7341s Close
7342s oh I
7343s traded nice oops nice
7348s try nice
7352s try that was a crazy fight
7355s yeah good attempt if I had more bars but
7359s I didn't want to like run to a pledge in
7362s the middle of it cuz we weren't like
7364s really close to one but oh
7367s well that was a fun fight I think we got
7370s a bunch of kills actually I got a a
7372s bunch of tags but that was about
7377s it I don't think I actually did
7382s anything but I did get tags finished uh
7386s Centennial damage
7388s so
7393s nice all right that's a good way to go
7396s so wrap up our giveaway and then um go
7399s eat some lunch cuz I'm star
7403s yes get some Burger King you
7407s know McDonald disgusting to be fair like
7412s where I live there's not even any fast
7413s food places
7415s sadly uh I don't really Last Round Guys
7418s by any fast food
7420s places not like really really round and
7423s the first winner
7425s is is mini
7428s kale kale that's some food I don't want
7431s k
7436s congrats finally my time has come says
7441s yes
7443s congratulations next one every
7446s everybody's got a win sometimes you
7448s know why
7451s raqqa why
7454s raqqa why why
7457s Raa I'm probably going to eat a turkey
7460s and pepper jack cheese sandwich is what
7462s I'm going to eat after this
7464s stream that sounds good why Roa is here
7468s let's go why
7471s roqa next
7473s one
7476s majara congratulations it ons
7479s Spanish and then it would be Mahar Mahar
7482s exactly
7485s Mahar
7489s congratulations next winner
7494s sinon almea another Spanish
7499s is
7502s name I like they said Spanish
7507s is there they are we're doing it San
7513s congratulations last one last winner of
7515s our giveaways
7519s is AUM
7523s I will take some bologa thank you I will
7526s also say that the flare pistol and the
7529s fuses burning corpses is
7533s staying David has already said that they
7536s are David has been very adamant actually
7539s that he will he will go to the mat on
7541s that one he loves it and you
7545s know it's definitely speeding up fights
7547s I think in my
7550s experience yeah you're right so I think
7553s it's I think it's uh doing kind of the
7557s intended yes that's it for our giveaways
7561s today guys congratulations to all the
7563s wiers you're going to rece a whisper in
7567s a few uh just after the stream and so
7571s keep an eye on your Twitch whisper yes
7575s and as always lots of scams going around
7579s do not give anyone your personal info or
7582s click on any links no that you aren't
7585s expecting or you don't know what they
7587s are um let us also start up a raid shall
7593s we and also another reminder that your
7596s new challenges came out this
7599s morning yay new
7601s challenges and
7604s yay also make sure to check it's the
7606s actual krych account messaging you just
7609s go to Prof make sure it's twitch.tv/
7612s prch nothing
7614s else who is online who is
7618s streaming
7620s uh seeing Hornet Cur Average Joe is
7624s streaming oh yeah yeah yeah let's do it
7628s let's do
7629s it perfect there actually a bunch of
7631s Partners online right
7633s now there sure are and you've got 27
7637s days left in the event and 12 hours and
7641s 52
7643s minutes yeah let's send our audience to
7646s Average Joe I'm ready when you are all
7651s right go
7653s team thanks for being here and hope to
7656s see you guys soon uh we'll I'm sure be
7659s doing another stream before the event
7662s ends and yeah just fun times thanks for
7666s joining us thanks for joining the
7668s giveaways and I think you have like an
7671s hour for some Discord giveaways and 24
7675s hours for another Discord giveaway um so
7679s if you are in the Discord uh make sure
7682s you're in those giveaways so yay Discord
7685s giveaways as well
7687s yep all right bye everybody good night
7690s everyone byebye bye guys have a good day
7693s [Music]
7700s bye
7705s is

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
10s iset and
12s thirst
13s [Music]
24s both just be late
38s [Music]
45s you but if
48s it's there's
53s noakes I the and look your way
60s the queen of
68s space
70s f
72s your
75s hand
81s [Music]
84s will this in won't fade
90s story always starts this
94s way the first
99s [Music]
105s place
107s [Music]
109s blood
111s spatter
118s St must
121s this
123s way the fin
129s the night follows day
140s [Applause]
153s [Music]
153s [Applause]
175s now
177s you know you like the
185s game
187s your a bird of
194s PR is the price
198s you echame
206s [Music]
223s [Music]
232s tast
237s is quiet tast
247s [Music]
256s sit you'll just be
266s late
267s you say
272s [Music]
274s time
275s [Music]
279s or but if
282s it's there's
287s noakes
293s I queen of space
302s [Music]
303s F
305s [Music]
315s [Music]
319s your
324s F always starts this
328s way the old
333s [Music]
338s place
340s [Music]
343s Blood spattered on the
353s St This
357s Way the final
360s hell of
362s pain night follows day
373s [Applause]
376s [Music]
386s [Music]
408s now
411s you know you like the
418s game BL
422s a bird of
427s PR is the price
432s you'll ech ref
439s [Music]
456s [Music]
465s [Music]
471s quiet
476s t h and thirst
480s both have
482s [Music]
484s their so why don't you sit down
489s and
491s you'll be
499s late
506s you time or
510s [Music]
513s but if
515s it's there
520s noes
523s I
526s your queen of
535s [Music]
537s space your
539s [Music]
549s hello and welcome here we are uh on a
554s Thursday I almost said Wednesday sorry
556s wow uh on a Thursday um we are
561s 19 days from ending desolations wake
565s very exciting and we have a special
569s guest here with us today that's right
571s fabbian RoR also known as Fab Fab to uh
575s you know anybody on Discord our official
578s Discord and we actually have a small
580s announcement for Fab Fab see there's
583s actually a mistake on the stream and it
585s says right here Junior game designer
588s it's actually a mistake cross the junior
590s out put a big X over it no longer a
593s Junior game designer welcome Fab Fab
597s regular game designer that's right much
601s thanks
601s congratulations nice to be here and
604s hopefully have some very good rounds yes
607s hopefully have some very good rounds it
609s is also new
611s challenges uh new challenges if you
613s haven't played since
615s yesterday yes new challenges my coffee
618s too much oops I'm already I am already
622s ready me too uh I'm bringing some poison
627s so you know I got help you out thank
631s you I'm sorry
633s beer I like you I just don't like the
635s drink beer sorry I know I've really
638s crushed your
639s spirit and also like all of my European
642s colleagues at the same
645s time here is like such a big deal and
647s today we maybe we have maybe
652s the one of the best hanun Showdown
655s players at krych with us top five
659s definitely
660s yeah yeah I remember the very first time
663s Fab killed me in a internal testing
666s environment this was like way way back
670s two years ago uh I said oh darn you
673s killed me and he was like you were on
674s the roof too long and I was like that's
676s how I play bud I'm not getting off the
681s roof expectation today an interal blade
685s do everyone kills everyone at one day
688s yeah but then always fun when we message
691s each other yeah I like when we message
694s each other what was that like two weeks
695s ago I was like how did the dogs not go
698s after you and you were like I had Shadow
700s and I was
702s like
704s no I got swarmed by the dogs that were
707s way closer to Fab than me way closer oh
710s my God there's a
713s mistake like my camera is like ever so
716s slightly too large for my frame
720s I refuse okay I fixed it we're
724s good let's
726s go okay and I've already seen several
729s questions about it during our little
731s intro but yes uh to follow up on what
734s one of the mods has already put in chat
736s um we're not going to have anything to
738s say about the engine integration slmap 4
742s until after desolations
748s wait fation
750s desolation wake wow sorry early in the
752s morning still for me uh is going on
755s until May 8th as well as a
758s reminder what's that yes but stay with
761s us cuz there will be a lot of giveaways
763s as
765s well giveaways uh we do you know we do
768s have fab here so we can also ask him
771s some amount of
773s questionsly uh Fab can't give us all the
775s answers sadly
778s but you know
781s you know he might he know he knows
784s things he might he might be able to give
786s us some some fun non-spoiler
789s tidbits yeah
793s sure anything that's allowed to say I
795s can say y I got the
798s clue I already took the box too and I
800s still looked at the
802s box I just
804s St yep whoops is there a certain time
808s the giveaway happened uh we're going to
811s come up with a keyword after this match
814s after this match what about
818s it so stay with us yeah we need like a
821s theme what should our theme be today oh
824s oh our theme should be Fab's promotion
826s so the first keyword should definitely
827s be
828s promoted promoted yeah all
833s right let me set the bot one second B
837s how many years have you been at Christ
839s now cuz I feel like it's a lot years
842s yeah a
844s lot yeah I started s QA and no game
850s designer it started actually out of
853s passion like I started
855s studying yeah I mean I I started playing
858s when in 2018 when it released when hunt
861s released in Early Access I started to
865s study and like half a year later I was
870s at Gamescom and got the chance to be at
873s the meet up there in
875s 2018 I think it was first yeah yeah and
881s I learned some people and yeah got told
884s I should have try and apply it just a
886s right te as I did and then in 2019 in in
891s April I started
894s here and then quite ay yeah years later
900s I mean other than the school part and
902s the Meetup part I mean honestly I think
904s very very similar for Gustavo and I I
907s mean I definitely was a player prior uh
910s and then Gustavo was a player and then
912s one of our moderators on the official
915s Discord first actually
917s yes so all three of us definitely
921s started as like
923s players uh prior to you know krych which
928s is in my opinion you know the best it's
931s a yeah we really really like hunt yeah
937s like you know all of us like obviously
939s really care and it's just really
942s nice okay the bot is ready what are we
945s pinging so the first keyword is promoted
951s I see them so just go crazy
956s guys he took an unexpected lift
961s I guess I'll
963s just come down here and kill these
974s dogs now we have to let that go by in
976s the chat for a
979s second oh my God
981s where you are much further
987s back yeah
992s just going to do a quick heal the dogs
994s got me a little
1006s bit who's the other
1010s person I'm just whipping it's a warm up
1013s game it's a warm up
1015s game there's someone else shooting as
1017s well further away yeah one is at Moses
1020s and one is at
1023s person I can't see the person at
1030s Moses over here now I didn't think that
1033s she was that close to be honest I
1035s thought they were at
1038s pron the person I originally shot at was
1041s not this close for
1043s sure someone else is pushing up on our
1046s right as well
1050s is that two teams it might be free
1054s health it might
1056s [Music]
1063s be don't worry about me one guy is below
1067s at the
1072s elevator why is everyone saying promoted
1074s because this is our first keyword
1077s PlayStation furball
1081s for our giveaway these trees we're going
1084s to be giving away uh our
1088s DLC of the gounder
1093s left oh I can so much easier
1099s now gustavo's already
1106s dead what if we already have the new DLC
1108s then you can get give it to a
1111s friend I found
1115s well yeah that's
1124s fine chat taking over we don't have
1128s friends oh they ConEd me as
1131s well that is
1136s all you can't change the language good
1142s question it
1144s didn't I'm still on
1148s fire you can make friends in chat you
1150s can make friends in our official
1152s [Music]
1154s Discord you can convince your friends to
1156s play hunt because
1160s uh because you gave them free stuff
1162s that's what I'm trying to say still
1164s muted good for
1167s me oh it's not delayed because we've
1170s never given a date so can't really be
1172s delayed from nothing but we will give
1174s more information about the engine
1176s integration and map four after this
1180s event yeah exactly get your friends to
1181s play via emotional
1184s blackmail or make friends in the bio oh
1187s yeah I'm dead dead oh
1190s true Sao sells His Highest KDA among the
1193s CMS uh I don't remember what it is at
1195s last I recall but I I could be
1198s completely wrong I honestly I'm not sure
1200s Sao and I had very very similar like
1203s almost the exact same KD k
1210s sorry did you TR no I hit her I don't
1213s think so
1216s yeah I had no idea that she was that
1222s close thank you care be um someone did
1224s say earlier and just as a reminder if
1226s you've already put the keyword in a a
1228s single time
1229s you don't have to do it more than that
1231s one time
1233s is all all that matters there's no
1237s uh like
1239s bonus um we are promoting or promoted
1242s already actually
1244s Fab no more no more Junior game designer
1248s uh no now regular I'm too old for junor
1254s yeah but I didn't have time to swap it
1256s to
1257s saying uh like getting getting rid of
1259s the junior so here we
1262s are so here we are oh I definitely
1265s didn't do any
1267s damage you did not
1271s me yeah did I was like wait hang on I
1274s didn't hit
1276s anybody I instead had a whiff
1279s warmup yeah I didn't have the
1281s opportunity to fight back
1285s so going to put poison on for fun so for
1289s my
1289s challenge y you still need poison
1293s right yes I
1297s do right I'm going to bring this
1299s dynamite stick I already
1308s have oh I love the love for Care Bear
1310s and Chad as well another reminder we've
1312s got 19 days still left on the event
1319s I'm really catching up 37
1322s now yeah it's more than enough for you
1325s guys to finish the event I almost just
1328s choked on my coffee it's
1332s fine how much by you can a hunter hunt
1335s if a hunter could hunt um well in my
1338s case I'm going to say over 2,000 hours
1340s and I think Gustavo over 6,000 hours and
1342s Fab oh I'm G to take a wild stab hang on
1345s I'm not going to look at steam or
1346s anything I'm gonna take a wild stab here
1349s 8K 8K hours no no I'm below
1353s Gustavo Dam Oh I thought that you would
1357s thought that you would you know one up
1359s Gustavo there no actually not if we
1362s would take all the hours I have in my
1364s work account as well then then yes no
1366s those don't count those don't
1370s count I'm not counting work hours I'm
1372s only counting live uh live server hours
1378s then I'm at
1380s 4K me too you're between us I miss dark
1384s Inferno I want the stalker beetles to
1386s receive skins I liked that comment and
1389s somebody said a little cowboy hat and
1390s I'm like yes little cowboy hat
1395s 100% okay we can start our first round
1398s of giveaways what do you think oh my
1400s goodness already let's do it yeah let's
1404s do it so first round here we go let's go
1409s we're looking for first
1411s winner Riders
1415s of of
1419s the Riders of the hel hel heli I don't
1424s know Riders of Rohan but not please
1428s speak now or forever hold your PE Riders
1431s please say something in the chat oh
1433s Riders this here there they are
1436s congratulations next one fast fast fast
1439s fast adri
1442s ragens adri
1445s Ragin it's not showing me the
1448s name that's
1452s sad I don't get to I to have
1456s fun with the pronunciation part I
1459s mean
1463s Radiance please we want to give you the
1466s free things
1469s go on
1473s adre uh l1r King I can tell you that a
1478s new engine is not being developed a an
1481s engine
1482s integration uh is happening and is in
1485s the
1486s works yes
1489s yep yes I am Brazilian
1497s Philip okay I'm rrolling cuz ad is not
1502s here uh lo lo
1506s Source local sourced butter butter yeah
1511s all right then
1514s congratulations thank you for telling us
1517s about where you get your butter yes
1521s oh locally is
1524s here
1525s congratulations
1527s winner Marvel
1531s [Applause]
1535s moth everything is better with butter oh
1539s there's people saying that my mic is
1541s very
1544s loud really I mean I don't know you
1547s sound nice to me oh marous moth is here
1549s though fix
1551s it sounding good to
1554s me that's not us that's people
1559s I smell
1560s blood is it better let me know if it's
1564s better yeah I mean now to me you're a
1566s little quiet but all right I'll
1570s live it's better oh thank
1574s you is that Fab Fab that is the one and
1576s only yeah and Marvel's MO is here
1582s congratulations indeed
1589s all
1590s right I can't see
1594s nothing now I am
1604s quiet definitely somebody in the back
1606s with a
1609s horse one he just got
1613s hit I heard that that was
1616s Advocate coming I'm coming on Gator
1627s just don't kill everybody let me kill
1629s one of
1633s them oh she got stabbed before my eyes
1637s taged Lulu nice Lulu's were same spot
1642s what I I I
1644s just I just died and I have no idea
1649s where this guy shot me from
1659s here okay
1661s let's pull
1663s up from behind
1668s Southeast exagon
1671s TV congratulations
1679s I don't love that people are going to
1680s come up behind
1683s me did he just get up
1685s here he just got
1688s necro honestly I loved that for
1693s you I think I am rable a there's a
1696s different team on you oh okay I hit the
1700s gate
1701s though I got killed by
1708s traed
1719s traed I didn't change my
1721s bars lost a big
1728s bar nice okay last team is Southwest the
1733s field
1737s somewhere next winner our last winner of
1740s this first round
1742s is server is here
1745s hat POS hat sure congratulations Posh
1750s hat
1756s open how much damage do you need with
1759s the Craig uh I'm sure we got it
1762s already Okay then I switch back remember
1766s guys we are going to send the keys after
1768s this okay keep an eye on your
1775s Whispers I don't see
1786s anything okay maybe he killed me from
1791s there that
1794s window there was a branch over there
1797s window is open over there that was not
1801s me again I didn't have a chance fight
1804s back I could Neo you at
1814s least we get over here which skin was
1819s it uh I got killed by a
1822s Moro Sparks
1826s Moro yeah I don't think I have seen him
1829s either could be a
1833s solo okay he got uh he is not using his
1836s Sparks anymore because he picked up
1840s myel there you
1843s go it's the uh son gunpowder
1848s DLC oh it's
1850s red behind me
1854s here it's a good is there yep give me my
1861s retaliation it went un I want
1867s myal still a frunt over
1882s there he's in the like page to the right
1886s at the wall
1888s I tag
1899s him
1909s thanks brother I cannot
1912s see
1916s somewhere up where I can't see nothing
1919s and building up I'm carrying
1921s always uh I don't think he's I don't
1924s think he's on anybody's team I think
1926s he's a solo outside to
1929s you I don't think burning would have
1930s helped only with this guy specifically
1933s you
1939s know I'm
1942s ready he ch
1950s my um we never made a sixth anniversary
1953s screen that's
1960s all there enough I tag
1964s tag I
1966s Wht please
1969s [Applause]
1977s [Music]
1988s definitely over
1990s there SC a
1997s hive Tagg
1998s him good shot honestly he standing
2001s completely still
2004s Ted
2006s nice watch solo most lucky yep I'm I
2010s definitely
2014s [Music]
2021s thinko the boss already
2028s banished that
2031s feels
2034s brightening you know what you want the
2037s martini Henry
2039s you guys have
2041s fire I have a
2043s fire okay I have FES as
2057s well yeah does anybody want to go uh
2061s check for the
2062s restoration yeah we can go there
2070s you stay here and I can we can go to the
2090s restoration I would I would
2094s like I actually can see the Facebook
2096s comments there's just very very little
2098s of them comparatively which means they
2100s get drowned out by uh most
2104s ofia yeah no wild cards for 116 it was
2109s noted in the patch
2123s notes
2125s to no I I guess I could have a
2128s marshmallow on the end of my repost here
2132s be
2141s nice yeah I would love to see dark and
2144s Burno
2145s again I voted for it last uh thing thing
2150s yeah it's still my
2153s favorite I like regular Inferno better
2156s but that wasn't an option in the
2159s voting
2163s so I take the bount to you take the
2166s restoration I did like I can pick up the
2169s the
2174s Bounty
2177s oh feel so much better
2184s now I will meet you guys at Blanc
2189s I have two single shot weapons
2190s definitely not a
2192s problem no info on uh the engine
2197s integration and and the new map
2200s until after desolation's
2203s wake oh I forgot to pick up my centenal
2211s back yeah s of relief right there
2214s getting my bars back I lost a big bar at
2215s the beginning though mistake
2221s oh
2226s well should have fixed my bars but I
2233s didn't oh yeah what I wanted to say was
2242s uh there incendiary ammo here got it uh
2246s no drops what I want to to say was
2249s really
2250s important like terminology here is that
2253s like new
2254s engine not it that ain't the terminology
2257s we're going engine
2261s integration but no we don't have any uh
2264s no news to share until after I don't
2268s want to fight this
2270s any hun will be still achieved with C
2274s hunt will still be achieved with cry
2276s engine so true
2281s [Applause]
2295s here it
2297s l there still could be people here oh I
2300s need a cash for my Challenge and I was
2304s going to say don't we all need the cash
2306s register
2309s Prestige
2311s 100 can't just uh prever you
2317s want guess I could have used my poison
2319s but that's a lot where is the cash
2322s har that lost in this
2325s little
2327s oh oh oh I guess you have a token
2330s Gustavo right I do have a token so you
2333s can check to see if there's people here
2335s for us yeah yep
2346s like I thought I heard a step over
2350s there no
2353s what oh
2356s okay I get shot blame
2362s Gustavo outs
2369s you guys are going to be the death of me
2372s bloodline XP and the
2374s Beet
2377s bloodline that is some amount of
2381s money I love
2392s that okay normally normally I would
2397s honestly not even read this out because
2399s it's so ridiculous but you know what
2401s this is this has to be shared is it true
2403s you guys weakened the anti-che so people
2406s could buy new copies of the game when
2408s they get banned absolutely not
2411s absolutely
2413s not absolutely that's that's kind of
2417s funny I'm sorry I'm going to call that
2419s one out as a little crazy I'm going to
2421s call that one out as a little crazy come
2422s on
2425s now we always love hunt doll ha always
2431s always if you think that you have run
2433s into a cheater as always please just
2436s submit any evidence that you have to
2440s customer support ingame uh the in-game
2443s reporting as well all of the
2446s ingame uh recording goes to the same
2449s place with customer support so they read
2452s those reports they will look at them a
2455s real human is going to look at your
2457s report
2458s either way if you're don't have any
2461s Clips or video or photos or anything
2464s just use the in-game report if you do
2468s have that use the online on our website
2471s hunt showdown. comom
2474s site so that you can add any like extra
2477s stuff you want to add feel free to type
2480s up a paragraph someone's going to read
2482s it they will help they will look
2493s it actually wasn't a solo must have been
2496s a third of someone in a compound I
2498s thought I saw six bodies but I may have
2500s been five I honestly wasn't like
2502s actually count
2504s counting I wish next match I could
2508s really play the game second
2512s time you sure did get down like
2515s immediately so true
2519s come on let me
2521s play what are your next challenges one
2523s for you I Reed up and then didn't give
2526s myself traits so give me
2531s seconds all right now I'm good what
2534s challenges do you need Windfield and
2536s poison ammo so I put poison ammo on my
2539s Windfield my challenge is not to
2542s die that's a challenge I can't help you
2545s there if I complete that one
2550s yeah let's start another let's start
2552s another giveaway yeah uh what is your
2555s next
2556s challenge Windfield and poison ammo what
2561s are the regular Windfield or the
2563s C regular okay almost brought the scene
2568s I can play my skin then I did that
2570s earlier I brought a regular and somebody
2571s needed C and I was just
2575s like damn I killed like four people and
2578s I was just like I have not helped you at
2580s all have I and he was like
2584s [Music]
2585s no I'm good currently grab a resilience
2588s just
2589s in always grab resilience one of my
2592s favorite traits uh currently not a way
2594s to get
2596s past uh event skins usually over
2600s Halloween and uh winter holiday time um
2605s we
2605s do like rerun quote unquote for skins
2609s from past Halloweens and winter holiday
2612s times that's not a guarantee but in the
2614s past we've done
2615s them maybe we will uh do it again is it
2619s Ben's hair on self-de screen um
2624s no right guys have any poy word for our
2628s next round well I mean the theme of the
2631s day is Fab so I feel like Fab should get
2635s to choose
2637s the next
2640s keyword um can we go with January
2644s because that that got promoted in oh
2647s January I love it January
2652s then January is Max keyword guys so go
2658s crazy and just type it once remember
2661s someone I okay I saw this before the
2663s January
2665s spam um other than this you're going to
2668s have to wait and like hold on to it but
2670s before the January spam I saw someone
2672s asking about like a code of conduct
2674s violation by a krych partner if you have
2679s proof proof is the key word here uh of a
2684s code of con a partner violating the code
2686s of conduct either of hunt or just their
2689s partner code of conduct which I guess
2691s you don't have but I do uh please send
2694s that to me
2695s personally on Discord
2698s my DMs are open you do not need to
2700s friend request me please send me any
2704s code of conduct violations to me
2707s personally uh on the
2711s Discord what's this giveaway for uh also
2714s son of gunpowder yes correct son of a g
2717s yeah yep every
2720s time it's a good one oh I didn't even
2723s change
2724s our thing
2730s I know I I didn't change our
2737s scene no hints no hints no
2741s hints no
2750s hints can my hint be
2753s like fun good mhm
2758s is that is that
2760s helpful oh I've set up they already saw
2766s us one is below the
2770s bridge one is behind the hill
2775s here high on
2777s [Applause]
2781s Hill already close to you I think oh
2784s he's poison the weer is
2786s poison oh CTI oh my God to my
2791s right your right is dead one is here
2794s there's a corvid off to the right
2801s Mosen that almost everyone is writing
2803s with a capital J oh
2806s true
2809s which violation um so if you have prch
2813s partner or prch partner or um
2817s uh the Creator PR my head is too big
2819s today guys Showdown Creator program send
2822s that to me if you have like not a
2825s streamer of any kind I you have to send
2828s that to customer support okay think of
2830s it like this I'm muted they can't hear
2832s me ramble it's totally fine uh think of
2835s it like this I I
2837s am doing things with the Creator program
2841s and the partners that are to do with
2844s their like stream and things
2849s customer support is doing things over
2851s here with in-game accounts so even if a
2854s krych partner does something bad let's
2856s just pretend for a moment they do
2859s something bad I can't do anything about
2861s their in-game account that's over
2864s here I can only do things about the fact
2867s that they're a crytech partner you know
2868s what I mean like this is my world and
2870s then this is customer Supports
2874s world is it hard to become a hunt
2876s partner
2878s ah we trade
2879s it nice nice try nice
2882s try as a game
2885s designer yes can you make my hat a
2888s little bit smaller just yeah just all of
2890s us just that this live M it's a bit too
2895s late I I would need a few hours of work
2897s for that
2901s okay I just thought we had all three
2903s pinched and then I got killed by
2905s somebody off to the side
2908s is happening
2912s today I'm just going to say I worked out
2915s like really hard at the gym this morning
2917s and that's you know that's really
2919s struggling on the aim arm I'm just
2922s saying
2923s like like obviously it's not my fault
2926s like come on although we might have
2929s actually finished yeah we finished that
2930s challenge cuz we did get a lot of tags
2931s in and kills so now we need or both both
2935s the poison and the
2938s nice uh Romero and
2945s pistols I've scrolled too far for
2951s the and there's no skins on
2955s my my weapons let's fix that real
2960s quick say there's no skins and then I
2963s just take one with no skin it's not my
2964s fault this one is a Contraband okay
2967s Contraband on like skins on my
2969s Contraband when just
2972s saying well if you loot them as skins
2975s then you get Contraband skins I just
2978s want my Contraband guns to look pretty I
2980s mean how much how much is that to
2982s ask you can discard it and buy a new one
2985s no I want it I want the free one
2999s yeah free is better care bear gets it
3001s thank
3003s you understand nothing in the world is
3004s for
3005s free okay I remembered oh my God I
3008s remembered the topic I wanted to bring
3010s up prior to stream and if you are on the
3012s hunt Showdown Discord this one's for you
3016s and I hope you tuned in for exactly this
3019s purpose and if not the whoever you are
3022s on the Discord I am disappointed in you
3025s all right I've already pitched the
3027s question to Fab so that he's had time to
3029s ruminate on this question uh over the
3032s last checks notes one
3035s hour and the question for everyone else
3038s is can you parenthesis Fab speak to the
3044s niche of different guns and what that
3046s means versus like you know some guns
3050s don't have so much of a n Niche and how
3053s that also works with Special ammo of
3056s course as usual whatever you're allowed
3058s to
3059s say yeah give us the
3062s Deets like every weapon is has some
3066s uniqueness to it like if we have the new
3067s Army that where you can have six shots
3070s compact ammo double action where you
3072s have this faster reload when you empty
3074s it or same with the scotfield or medium
3076s ammo if you empty it and have a quick
3078s reload like every weapon has some
3081s uniqueness to it that makes it just
3083s stand out in some way from a different
3086s weapon and whatever you your needs are
3088s basically you have the advantage on that
3091s weapon you can choose what weapon
3094s basically fits a game gam play the best
3097s and I mean same with custom ammo on them
3099s like on every weapon custom ammo behaves
3102s differently because every weapon has
3103s different statistics and just Mass
3106s velocity for high velocity is always
3109s different so and some you have a bigger
3111s advantage while the weapon itself has a
3114s stronger disadvantage for example or
3117s with the for example best example I
3118s would say is the sentennial with dumdum
3121s like if you compare as Springfield with
3124s dumdum to the sentennial with d Doom you
3126s get in my opinion more value out of the
3128s Centennial with Dum doome because it's
3130s already at the edge of this 20 125 HP so
3133s with the bleeding on top you can even
3135s down
3137s Hunter again if with the bleeding when
3141s when you and you have more shots on it
3143s while with a Springfield you only have
3144s this one shot with d doome and if you
3146s miss
3147s then you need to reload and it takes
3149s time so like there's always this niche
3151s of a weapon and the custom ammo behaves
3155s differently and makes it better or maybe
3158s also in some cases with penetration
3160s worse so you might not want to take a
3164s full metal jacket on a specific weapon
3168s or also a good example is bornheim with
3171s because of the fast rate of fire the
3174s reload you drain your ammo so
3177s you need to be prepared for that to
3180s either get in some way ammo back easily
3183s with ammo boxes or you take bullet grber
3186s to not lose that much
3188s ammo so you need to work in some way or
3191s you take basic ammo where you find much
3193s more ammo crates and get the ammo back
3195s easier so yeah that's always this
3198s balance between all the weapons between
3200s the custom
3202s ammos with disadvantages and advantages
3205s to them
3212s oh that's was really Tech it was really
3216s in depth I liked it there's no cash
3220s register in here I'm
3227s sad yeah we're going to pull the winners
3230s for the second round after this match
3232s okay detailed exactly just stay with us
3237s just let
3238s me get headshotted one more
3241s time um someone just ask if it isn't
3244s then unfair that the Centennial is
3246s better in every way I mean that a price
3248s then comes in in place like the
3250s Springfield is cheap so you can have a
3254s cheap one shot rifle basically or you
3258s pay more with D do on top where you pay
3260s more so it's also adding up costs much
3264s easier so yeah uh expensive weapon
3267s should ideally always also be in some
3270s way better than a cheap
3273s weapon I also think there's a lot to be
3276s said about how every gun or weapon feels
3279s and like how different that is like I
3282s don't know you could look at the stats
3283s and be like the martini Henry is like
3285s basically better than the Sparks because
3287s is that like extra like you know 10
3291s damage really going to help you that
3293s much when the martini Henry still Downs
3295s someone after a small bar loss you know
3298s what I mean but like I and the martini
3300s has a shorter reload but I personally
3303s just like how the Sparks feels in my
3305s hands like a lot more than the martini
3309s Henry there's just there's just a lot of
3311s uh
3314s nebulous kind of like yeah that just
3316s like feels better to me and I like it
3319s more going for
3321s it and I mean someone just mentioned
3324s that price doesn't matter it's the still
3327s matters like we have data on money how
3330s many how much money people have in
3331s average in median and so so we can see
3335s if some changes for example to money or
3338s so
3339s are not doing anything or are too strong
3342s even giving too much money so we see
3344s that in our data and while there are
3347s people I also have a lot of money for
3350s some people it still matters Fab also
3352s has a lot of
3354s money so just saying money does doesn't
3357s matter might be true for you but it's
3359s not true for
3360s everyone I mean there are also Prestige
3363s 100 people that it's not it's not only
3366s Prestige 100 people that have infinite
3368s money and it's also not only people
3371s Prestige 100 that have like no money you
3374s know but I I know people that are high
3377s Prestige and are both ends of on both
3379s ends of the spectrum MoneyWise and I
3381s know people who are you know lower
3383s Prestige that are also on both of the
3388s money
3394s Spectrum the hunt doll
3397s hairs we have all the data on all the
3400s decisions are made uh based
3405s on Dat data that we have so it's not
3408s arbitrary
3409s and so it's not all decisions are made
3413s on data um to be clear it's we are using
3416s data to confirm decisions making and to
3419s see if there's maybe something we don't
3421s think about and we need to look at for
3424s example if there's a weapon that's just
3426s too strong then we and we wouldn't see
3429s that from feedback or anything then we
3431s would see it in data but it's not always
3433s just looking at data it's not always not
3436s looking at data it's a mix of
3439s everything very good uh way to put that
3442s yep definitely fighting over there
3448s and then there's also like some people
3451s you know really prefer long ammo some
3453s people really
3454s prefer compact medium whatever or some
3457s people just like Special ammo on all
3458s their guns like I don't know I am a huge
3462s Windfield lover anyone that's watched me
3465s play a lot knows that's my favorite
3467s weapon it's compact ammo I don't ever
3470s bring custom ammo it's just what I
3472s like yeah I'm not a fan my challenges of
3475s course
3479s got do a big go ahead I'm sorry I keep
3482s cutting you
3484s off no no worries I I was just saying
3488s that I'm like you I'm not
3489s a I don't bring custom ammo very often
3493s to the matches only when I have to do
3495s the challenge
3498s it I more like a haunt
3502s 1.0 kind of player you know
3508s largely same except not 1.0 cuz I didn't
3510s start at
3514s 1.0 I knew I heard somebody I just
3517s didn't know where they
3518s were I also like the Sparks
3521s aesthetically that's who killed
3524s me good I killed your
3532s killer can i r you yeah I'm pretty sure
3535s she's the only person I even saw well I
3537s I didn't even see her let's be clear
3541s let um do we have something to burn I'm
3543s not sure if she's a solo yeah I do he
3546s has a load out of a
3555s solo someone else died in the meantime
3557s as
3559s well there's a meat man
3562s here he's in my way
3569s hello Mr
3572s shotgun I too have a
3581s shot okay that
3591s apparently dogs are going to come after
3593s me and it's going to be
3595s terrible uh there is an auto run yes in
3599s the
3601s settings hear someone coughing in the
3606s back where from the
3609s cracks oh he was outside left
3613s okay
3615s oh you traed I think I did and that was
3619s really really late but I did
3622s trade window that on the ground on my
3625s screen
3629s window is
3631s open I guess if you mean who's hosting
3633s that would be me it's my screen that
3635s you're
3637s watching I like that he R fire really
3640s helpful
3664s tag tag I'm dead
3668s close oh my
3670s God
3673s nice a nice hit that man had a katana
3677s and you just killed him with a heavy
3679s knife oh
3681s amazing don't bring a katana to a KNE
3685s fight well actually you should bring a
3687s katana to an iight I was like holding my
3690s breath with Fab like like stopping the
3692s bleeding and then as soon as he died and
3694s we swapped over like I couldn't even let
3697s go of the breath I was just like oh
3700s no I could have killed that first guy if
3704s I if I had a ug
3720s get my point all right what do we got oh
3722s so close on the Romero we got to do it
3725s again uh we did finish the pistol damage
3728s though go
3732s us he has a birdie and I'm just I'm just
3735s not
3736s here okay Romero and pistols right uh
3740s Romero and melee damage melee damage
3745s yeah
3748s I'm not sure it's not a good combination
3750s yeah it's not a good combination at
3752s all it's fine we'll do that one
3756s later uh I want the upper M I've swirled
3759s past
3763s it
3767s fail no how dare
3770s I goodbye
3774s Steve but I want vitality
3776s sorry
3777s [Music]
3780s Steve I mean I could bring a Romero
3782s Talon do I have a free one no I don't
3784s even I don't even have a Romero Talon
3785s what are you talking about how how dare
3788s you you jait me come
3791s on come on what are my like other ones
3795s great
3796s [Music]
3800s Spurs all right um shall we pull some
3804s winners yes
3807s oh let's go second round is this the
3809s second round no the third round second
3811s third third thir third third round is it
3814s third the second I think it's the second
3816s the first one was promot promoted you're
3819s right you're right no you're totally
3821s right second round here we go first
3824s winner
3826s is
3828s Corgan Corgan n
3833s n congratulations
3837s let us give you free stuff and as a
3839s reminder if you win you will receive a
3842s DM on Twitch from the krych channel
3845s after the stream after the stream
3847s because we're all here doing that uh
3851s well all you know we're here doing that
3854s and uh so yes after the stream you will
3856s receive a DM and it'll be about your
3860s platform and possibly region but nothing
3864s else no links to click on no link no
3868s personal information required do not
3871s give those things out to anyone prch
3873s will never ask you for your per personal
3876s information please do not be debated
3880s into getting hacked only thing that we
3882s are going to ask you is what platform
3886s guys on and then regen if you're a
3889s PlayStation person and then region yeah
3891s you're a console player so caran is not
3893s here only card number and code no
3897s please next winner then
3900s rolling the
3903s menu
3907s manual yep like sorry for butchering
3913s your console is hunt on Xbox and
3919s Playstation no switch Gamers
3922s yet Ark that be hilarious I honestly
3926s couldn't even
3927s imagine this I'd be like this I'd be
3929s like I would have it like up to my face
3931s I'd be
3932s like okay there are a group of people
3935s out there that play hunt on the steam
3937s deck and
3942s I you I applaud them for their effort or
3947s you if you're in chat
3950s because I I just don't I don't
3953s understand I don't understand you're you
3956s got to be up here like this like really
3959s up in your face I just I don't get it
3961s but you know what I applaud you if
3964s that's one of
3966s you's you have to have Discord linked to
3970s what so no I guess oh the manual is here
3975s oh congratulations I almost re rolled
3979s your right oh pH probably not by choice
3983s I don't know a steam deck's pretty
3985s expensive the reason I don't have a
3987s steam deck is because it's expensive and
3989s I want one want one so bad I want one
3994s but I it's like
3996s $500 like that's
4000s insane doia KS is the next
4004s winner
4006s congratulations hello friend let us give
4008s you free stuff please appear in
4011s chat oh they're here whoa fast I'm just
4015s going to fall down oh no next winner I
4018s didn't redo my bars I'm a Fool
4022s Nomad
4025s zero
4027s congratulations such a fool I'm getting
4029s the clue for money cuz I need the
4033s money pretty big bars get refurbish
4036s steam decks for a steel all right that's
4038s good to know
4039s but I'm so wary about refurbished
4044s stuff Nomad just just say something in
4046s the chat please don't make me roll it I
4050s would love a
4054s he I know people keep like suggesting it
4057s but don't you worry I've I've already
4060s I've already suggested it internally
4062s multiple times don't you
4065s worry
4067s covered I've got you
4070s covered uh yeah we got giveaways going
4073s okay no mad is not here let's roll it
4077s playing hunt oh God 15 talking about
4081s hunt you know all
4083s 02 1 Z 41 is the next winner oh
4092s why can't hear
4096s anything got punched by a
4099s grunt why is everyone typing January
4101s it's the keyword
4104s 2141 are you
4111s all right
4113s rolling next
4115s winner
4119s [Applause]
4123s jerard
4126s what he dropped a
4130s trait iron
4132s eye gizard is to here you need us all to
4137s get the
4138s trait yeah so a minute sure you uh last
4143s winner last winner
4146s is
4148s z
4150s CH
4153s cha
4156s [Applause]
4162s me on this oh it's IU I'm sorry so it's
4168s ZX I me act yeah sorry about that
4172s congratulation my code didn't work I DM
4175s you and no
4177s reply did you win last time is that what
4181s you're saying no I didn't respect my
4183s health and I'm already sad about
4188s it I don't have to remind me I'm
4192s sad one of you didn't go get a trait
4197s oh I didn't get the trade where is it
4199s it's just under here outside the metal
4204s gate blooded it's on the
4208s okay it's
4214s outside um there are unfortunately a lot
4217s of capes that go
4222s through there's a notice
4232s don't have a date on the next update at
4234s all how many type of
4237s update eight no
4243s dates someone asked why are we typing
4245s January it's the key word and if you're
4247s wondering why we picked that as the key
4248s word um that is the month that faab got
4252s promoted yep to Reg ker game
4257s designer yeah actually you guys don't
4259s need to type January anymore cuz that
4261s round is already over but we're going to
4265s come up with a new keyword as soon as
4267s this match ends soon as we win this
4271s match cuz we're going to win right yeah
4274s yeah yeah we're going to win obviously
4276s oh people South yep
4280s South yep I always let the uh
4286s the Mr
4287s Cherry go up want to do all of them at
4290s once I don't want to
4292s do how can you find the account we don't
4295s find the account we give you a
4298s code and that's
4302s it yes I know that it needs to be
4305s changed uh I didn't have time to change
4311s it no new quest lines announced
4324s and they're just they're just right
4341s there oh there are two teams there
4348s I saw a cowl and a t one white
4353s Shir o I have way way too
4359s much I just LED like crazy
4368s ining did you kill one uh no they killed
4371s one so there's one here at the gate and
4373s one a little bit closer Oo we got two
4376s over here I don't know about all this
4378s this is this
4381s spicy
4385s nice
4393s aim I'm not an upper mag gamer there's
4396s one behind us two over here three over
4398s here
4400s actually you going to pick the Bounty
4403s I'm just doing a bad job honestly
4406s oh he's here with me oh I'm
4410s dead there we go I got to
4414s tag I can maybe do
4416s this no no I
4421s can't
4429s Jesus there one on me there's another
4433s one by you B
4441s oh he's way over here
4444s now oh just run away yeah
4449s I
4452s currently it's still
4454s here what the going
4457s [Applause]
4465s oh my God I'm dead oh dude this Hive oh
4469s jeez this
4471s Hive there also someone close to the
4474s there they shot killed they didn't they
4477s killed a different
4485s Hive there's someone here close oh wow
4488s yeah really close have 75 hp
4504s wow that
4510s didn't good
4512s one like to
4515s move I'm running out of ammo one is
4519s below me yeah right below you
4533s next to a red Barrel which I really
4534s don't
4535s want other
4537s team oh no same same first team that was
4540s out
4544s there I's definitely one of my least
4546s favorite uh AI for sure and
4551s dogs oh that was late
4555s right around the
4560s corner
4561s oh oh sorry I didn't hear
4565s him an
4574s an I thought I opened this already you
4577s guys say something about Nvidia element
4579s inspector or he Big File uh yes those
4582s are our exploits
4585s exploits are also bannable
4597s [Music]
4605s offensive but we' have not announced any
4608s new
4612s bosses my favorite long ammo rifles are
4614s the most and the crack and the Sparks
4617s cuz they
4621s feel good to
4624s me the new map will come out at the same
4627s time as the engine integration which we
4629s do not have a date for I don't like any
4631s of these
4632s Hunters big bar up front I don't think
4634s so do we still need RTO nope we need
4640s Springfields regular Springfields now oh
4644s and what else
4646s uh melee damage
4651s melee
4654s um I need a borim silencer still in the
4662s Mastery we actually used to publish
4665s statistics
4666s for fans um but no one like cared about
4672s them uh so it was actually a lot of work
4674s for us
4677s and uh it did
4681s not make anyone feel
4684s better that was actually quite a while
4686s ago
4688s though way back I'm going to
4691s try you have an estimated month no dates
4694s can't get me respect my bars thank you
4696s hang on give me one second oh my God
4699s thank you whoever you are I did it
4705s thank you thank
4710s you um so you won't get uh as the crow
4716s flies back
4718s again
4720s and uh we I don't think have said for
4723s light the
4724s shadow but Halloween and winter holiday
4728s generally speaking have come back in the
4732s past there are giveaways why don't we
4735s start a new one right now
4737s yes going to oh now I need to think
4740s about it word again
4743s yep yep you do what about uh
4748s design yeah let's go design let's go
4752s design
4754s okay
4756s Park so all right go for
4763s next and now we've just got a wall of
4768s the word
4770s design can't see anything else
4772s everything else is flying by too fast so
4775s give it give it a second I I wish I
4778s could have read that question I'd have
4780s no idea what it
4781s said you're just going to have to give
4783s it an an unfortunate second here you
4787s just have to type it once
4792s yep somebody else said something don't
4798s know excellent reminder though you only
4801s have to type it once please
4804s uh don't you
4807s know just type it a bunch unless you
4810s want to make it hard for anyone
4812s to read the questions I guess if that's
4816s your
4817s aim if that's your aim then I I guess I
4820s can't stop you
4828s bab while we're waiting for the wall of
4830s text to
4831s end what is your favorite post or maybe
4835s not favorite what is your post workout
4838s routine post workout routine um wow
4843s usually that's my fellow gym buddy you
4846s know usually just go home and go into
4849s the bathtub I love going into bathtubs
4852s like I I'm not a fan of showering so I
4854s just lie in a bath for like an hour or
4856s so that's fair and and wellness a little
4861s bit no no like food or drink that you're
4865s like
4867s uh you know my go-to post
4871s gym no not really I mean I have my three
4874s protein shakes I take a day I'm sorry
4877s three
4880s yes why how many are you
4883s taking one
4886s one one I mean if you get to your
4889s protein that
4891s way uh yeah I am cuz I I pretty much eat
4895s like the rest of my food you know
4897s usually has protein in it yeah like if I
4900s eat a sandwich like I always have cheese
4903s and then you know meat on
4906s it that kind of thing I tend to eat a
4909s lot of cheese which has protein that
4911s helps you know yeah yeah that's a
4914s problem my have a lot of things I don't
4916s eat or can't eat because of allergies
4918s cheese is one of them I can't eat like
4921s um nuts or so because they are also like
4924s they they have good um fats so and I'm
4928s allergic to not so I can't eat those I
4930s can't eat fish it's very limited to
4933s basically just meat for
4935s me that is very limiting though I okay I
4938s you know what I understand your three
4940s protein shakes a day
4942s better I do
4950s we do not have a
4953s uh thought I saw something but I'm now
4956s unsure do not have a date for the next
4973s EP no plans to uh bring back chosing
4978s your own contract time of day but you
4980s know Never Say
4984s Never I love me a chicken Caesar wrap
4988s chicken Caesar sandwich chicken Caesar
4990s wrap chicken Caesar salad give it to me
4993s give it to
4994s me I want it I love chicken
4999s caesar too much something something I
5001s love is uh Germany Schnitzer
5005s like that's that's my
5008s goto what's that I'm going the wrong way
5010s um schitz is basically um like a like
5015s meat and you have um how is it called
5018s panade around
5020s it like breading breading yeah yeah
5028s yeah that doesn't work I just tried to
5031s punch the door that I know hasn't worked
5033s very like
5035s several
5040s months I think that's fixed in uh next
5043s big
5044s update so then you can punch the doors
5047s again punch the doors again I actually
5050s never really used to do it and then
5052s everybody started talking about it and
5053s then like that like incepted it into my
5058s brain and now I like now I do it and it
5061s doesn't work and I I never used to do it
5063s before
5065s why why
5066s now I
5068s don't very
5073s silly excuse me sir that was four
5075s attacks you're supposed to be
5079s dead yes you have to take the big ones
5081s away and then buy the small
5091s ones oh is that you the silence yeah
5094s yeah yeah behind
5096s you I have a silent boring
5106s hand I'm just getting XP with it while
5109s we get to the compound you
5113s know I have been killed by the smashed
5115s Open Door true true facts it happens
5132s I Haven some explosions in
5140s there don't like I
5148s am um no no plans to put in a daily
5152s report for the day like
5155s good team figured when they had a giant
5159s fire explosion behind us as well let's
5162s turn around on those guys
5168s though yeah I see them one over those
5172s here
5180s one I don't have range for that fight
5188s it's not my day let me tell
5190s you still going to blame it on the
5192s workout even though that's probably like
5195s 5% of it oo much
5200s closer I can't see them they can't see
5202s me right that's how that
5204s works
5208s do oh my God hello sir right in front of
5211s me I Ted him literally right here
5219s here I'm still
5225s healing I'm
5228s now oh I'm
5236s bad terrible right
5240s now fully accept my fate thank you I
5242s killed one nice
5245s kill the
5248s Ripper white was around
5252s here still
5256s is thank you for waiting until I looked
5258s at you woman really helpful
5268s actually pushing
5271s pushing
5273s nice happy to have died for the cause of
5277s my challenges I am happy to die for
5282s that wait was it was it I've only ever
5287s seen those
5288s two need the
5291s loot oh on the window careful I don't
5294s know I just don't
5296s where I killed him up
5303s here region is just uh not something I
5306s normally
5310s run they revived
5323s already I killed a warm bite and I saw a
5327s tier two green punch female there is a
5331s tier one inside as well on the window
5334s left
5342s side there
5356s window she tagged
5358s me I have played with regen before and I
5361s don't agree that regen is better than
5362s big shots
5365s I'm too aggressive for Regen to be like
5368s that exciting for me ammo here I just
5370s like to run at
5373s people I would like the
5389s ammo gu
5396s they're more on the side of the building
5402s now come on I only have a Springfield
5404s and I'm really bad at shooting today PE
5407s me
5411s again one is running left side of
5416s time oh he's
5421s outside tagged again at least I'm
5423s getting sprinkled
5427s show me how to play Nitro I don't think
5428s I could do that today I'm not I'm not
5431s doing a good
5436s job that's okay
5439s sometimes sometimes just not your day on
5445s one oh my where are you you are you are
5450s in there aren't
5452s you a
5460s can't believe they didn't take
5463s that hun give it hun
5470s taketh
5472s boy we going in I'm
5479s in for please not right now
5484s [Applause]
5485s I think they're all UPS
5493s there oh my God bro
5504s really I'm not amused with myself or the
5507s AI
5516s yeah they're all
5526s upstairs
5538s going I'm heing ooh crossbow
5543s nice take one no date on the engine
5548s integration AI really does Hate Me
5554s Today the more you tell yourself it's
5557s not your day the more the little things
5560s like accept you you know that's all
5566s [Music]
5570s right nice the bleeding one crossbow was
5573s so good there
5580s yep please something
5595s time um the new minimum requirements
5597s post engine integration for PC have
5599s already been posted they are listed in
5603s our
5604s uh road map September 2023
5610s video so please look there um they're on
5615s the screen long enough that you can
5616s definitely like pause it take a
5618s screenshot that kind of thing they're on
5620s the screen for a good amount of time oh
5622s my God Springfield damage 371 out of
5627s 375 I see you laughing Fab it's all your
5630s fault how could you I switched to the
5633s Centennial I could have yeah finished it
5635s for you I don't care it's fine I'm just
5639s complaining cuz it's
5642s fun um I'm going to be a weirdo take the
5645s Upp haven't finished it in the book of
5647s weapons if that tells you um how I'm not
5650s great at the epat and
5652s so got to got to do it what's the
5655s challenge that new for the melee
5659s damage the one that's new yeah I mean
5662s melee damage should be finished so you
5664s should have gotten a new one now oh okay
5667s incendiary okay
5673s right maybe doing that with what I got
5676s you guys do that I've got a Springfield
5678s I only need four damage right it's
5679s totally fine totally fine oh re somebody
5683s told me to look at my bars no no we're
5685s good we're good this
5690s time uh no date on the engine
5694s integration did Fab already do an
5696s introduction we did do an introduction
5697s at the very beginning in which we also
5700s talked about how there's no Junior in
5702s his title now
5704s yay we
5706s celebrated and all the keywords today
5708s have revolved around
5711s Fab I think smaller bars are
5714s better me
5721s too I like to be able to uh get down and
5725s back
5728s up clearly since they were all inside
5732s and I just was like can we just storm
5734s the building now I'm
5737s bored I don't have a very long
5740s attention when it comes to uh sitting
5742s and waiting I don't have patience that's
5744s what I don't have I have a long
5746s attention span if I I have an insanely
5749s long attention span if it's something
5750s I'm interested in
5755s right hopefully the engine integration
5757s fixes all the bugs oh hang on we got to
5759s address this that's just impossible in
5762s any game ever there will always be bugs
5765s and that's okay we still love all the
5768s games that we love even though there are
5770s bugs I just want to hi friends oh so we
5775s get to make fun of you I get to make fun
5777s of you
5781s friends it's all your fault how could
5784s you do this to
5786s me how could you do this to me is it
5789s possible the engine integration will
5790s bring new bugs always every update of
5794s every game ever of every game
5797s ever probably introduces a small amount
5800s of bugs that's just that's just game
5802s design that's just gaming and we still
5806s love our games that's just a general
5808s piece of knowledge that's that's just
5811s how it goes but we still love games we
5813s still love our our favorite games and
5815s you know sometimes our our medium
5820s gam okay now I'm sorry Gustavo winners
5823s winners winners winners all right so our
5827s third round starts now and are looking
5830s for our first winner
5833s is
5836s Vivi
5841s congratulations B
5846s I'm
5849s waiting that's true it's all software
5851s you're right so true
5855s intron good thing to point
5858s out V hey they're here let's go right
5864s next
5865s winner combat
5868s wizard that is a good
5871s name that's a good name
5880s com hey they're here
5883s too paent
5886s next I'm watching oh my
5892s on congratulations my
5898s friend Elma get in here
5904s come on where are
5905s you I was in dark oh there he is hello y
5912s congratulations next
5915s one Napal
5920s Harry I'm just not I'm going to leave
5923s that one the way that Gustavo said
5925s it did I say it
5929s wrong yeah in English it's a long a
5932s first naay Palm yeah okay na Palm Harry
5945s Harry we are waiting on your presence
5951s har Harry
5954s har remember Home Alone
5960s har no I'm a millennial so say I'm a
5964s Millen I think Potter just
5970s saying who here REM remember the wet
5974s bandits from Home Alone the wet Bandits
5979s is that the name in English I think it
5981s is I don't I don't know their names I
5983s just know that they're the Home Alone
5986s villains is that oh you see yes the wet
5989s Bandits yeah I don't know their names I
5992s just uh
5994s I just know their
5999s faces Harry and Marv exactly they have
6002s more names than the second one sticky
6006s Bandits oh yeah because you guys know
6009s the names of the band okay you guys are
6011s past me I recently watched uh home alone
6015s in New York and the reason why they
6018s called sticky Bandit is because he's got
6021s something sticky on his hands and then
6023s touch to something and it sticks to it
6025s right yeah so he he decides they're now
6028s called the sticky
6031s Bandits and they are the what bandes
6034s because they leave the sink
6037s open it will flood the entire
6042s house so har is not here okay har is not
6045s here we're rolling blue man more about
6051s 669 oops that was a Oh that was you
6054s pinging I was I thought I pinged on
6055s accident and I was like that was
6061s nothing what's that I like the Ducks cuz
6064s they're
6068s cute and I like
6070s ducks blue man where are you baby ducks
6089s are
6090s so I also don't know what happened in my
6093s brain but I swear as I ran by I heard
6095s killjoy turret from valerin in my left
6098s ear and I about just had a heart attack
6101s right
6102s now what is the goal of the giveaways
6106s goal is to give you guys free
6108s stuff yeah who who doesn't want free
6110s stuff like what do you mean yeah that's
6112s the goal
6115s happiness guys
6123s I if I go to a stream I want to do
6130s stuff that was my favorite question of
6132s the day can they all be like
6137s that it's white
6145s it's son of the gun son son of gunpow
6150s no explosive books in here oh my
6155s God okay blue man is not here we are
6158s rolling again next winner is happiness I
6161s heard that Mech
6168s Mark is it gross mark
6173s it's
6174s uh it's like always sunny where I
6181s live yeah coffee the only reason I don't
6184s want cats in Hunt is because cats are my
6186s favorite and if I have to hurt a little
6188s kitty I will
6192s cry like
6202s actually okay Mark is not here we
6204s rolling again
6207s please the stone man I want to give you
6210s free
6215s Stone okay now we all have fired ammo
6218s and it's
6219s raining I don't have fire ammo I don't
6222s have fire ammo no I don't have
6228s Springfield bro bats would
6231s beepy don't men us here
6235s that ends our on the hunt Showdown prr
6238s what does that mean what is a hunt
6239s Showdown
6240s program maybe the series oh like the TV
6245s show uh we have already stated that the
6248s TV show is no longer
6260s nothing there needs to be a snake boss
6263s thoughts
6264s that feels like it would be annoying to
6265s kill just like the
6267s spider so for me personally I'm going to
6270s put a that for me personally I'm going
6272s to put a pass on that one
6285s dog I like I like my boss's easy to kill
6288s like the assassin
6302s you mean to fall off the
6307s box that was a good
6311s shot I'm probably a sa
6314s [Music]
6316s yeah 87 M with no scope oh my I
6321s God good shot
6324s I was moving
6329s too oh my God they already already
6334s inside faster than I could look
6337s [Music]
6338s up thank you you don't have the damage
6341s now yep well I was more than four for
6345s sure yeah scared me too where I didn't
6347s expect them to be right there might even
6349s be a separate team
6351s honestly cuz that was pretty fast oh
6354s that guy didn't
6363s die fire
6368s damage oh I hit him
6377s with I mean I was dead Jack
6382s though hard hard to
6385s know how people are CCH working at the
6388s moment for at hunt for developing Etc
6391s I'm a little confused by the question
6394s but there are I don't know couple
6399s hundred people in Prim Time
6402s total including like all teams like HR
6406s and finance and all that stuff
6420s I got to look at my challenges
6424s NY it's the N me time oh I just like got
6428s rid of an army cuz it was on my hunter
6431s new Army
6435s yep and what was the other incendiary
6440s still what's your favorite part of your
6442s position at CCH writing patch
6445s notes next Gustavo I nominate you what's
6448s your favorite part of your position like
6451s CCH
6456s specifically knowing thing before
6462s any all right bab's turn yeah I am
6465s actually looking at all the dates right
6468s in front of me that was just
6472s mean I I can't believe you just did that
6474s to
6475s somebody I love creating new weapons
6478s like making new variants completely new
6481s weapons it's it's awesome to get new
6483s stuff
6485s in I did know that if I link my krych
6488s account I'll get $500 hunt dollars but
6490s I've actually done it four years
6492s ago and it's a visual bug that won't go
6495s away even if I press it it's very sad
6499s known but also extremely low priority
6502s because
6505s it's just
6517s visual R big your last prch stream no we
6524s have lots of
6527s streams getting reminded by Violet to
6529s wrap up patch notes
6531s [Laughter]
6533s so true so true friends is on the team
6537s that I annoy so is Fab actually I go I
6541s go patch notes excuse me put them in
6547s please right you have any cool keyword
6551s for our last
6554s round let's take Junior because it's too
6557s much in my the
6559s frame oh Junior yeah we're going to take
6562s it from the frame frame and throw it
6565s somewhere else exactly
6568s Junior come on Junior last keyword go I
6573s don't know if anybody noticed but in the
6576s last patch notes there were like five
6579s pretty funny
6580s jokes so jot that
6585s down look for those next time
6603s nobody can even like respond to my
6606s hilarious statement because if anyone
6608s did I can't see it it just flies by I
6611s made my statement at the completely
6612s wrong time for wanting a response to my
6617s jokes I know that the partner Morgan uh
6621s prch partner um
6624s she actually messaged me and she was
6627s like these are the best patch notes that
6628s have come out uh in several months
6630s because of the jokes and I was like yes
6633s I did
6637s it so I know I got at least one
6640s person you know hyped up on my joke my
6649s jokes someone was before the spam had
6652s been asking what what weapon I would
6654s want to see in Hunt and I think what
6658s would be nice at this point like I
6660s wanted since a long time something like
6661s a pump action
6664s um projectile gun like not a marathon is
6668s and now I want something where you can
6671s switch ammo types like not only where
6674s you can switch from the drilling from
6675s medium to shotgun but something where
6677s you can switch from I don't know compact
6679s to long for example or compact to medium
6682s something like that
6684s I think compact long ammo would be like
6687s me personally that's for me like give
6690s me give me that that's what I
6694s want yeah I I've seen a video some while
6698s ago where I've seen like a shotgun where
6701s you could put an an attachment inside
6704s the barrel and then you could load it
6706s with DOT 22 um rounds like dot 22 is
6710s very small so but that brought the idea
6714s to me that yeah that that's something
6716s that could be possible like modify
6719s Romero to use signal projectiles maybe
6721s in some way that would be so make that
6725s happen yeah make that happen please I
6727s will try my best I want you to make
6730s happen a suggestion that is currently in
6733s chat but that we've definitely talked
6734s about on streams before which is uh like
6739s an arc damage consumable or something Oh
6743s Yeah from from Roa you mean the an AR
6747s damage RP mine yeah yeah yeah makes a
6751s little like shock cloud or something I
6752s don't
6753s know we were already when we were
6756s working on watch show we already
6758s brainstormed about about other things
6762s what we could do with it and yeah custom
6765s Amo with Arc for example or like a AR
6767s bomb similar to the poison bomb all
6770s stuff that could be interesting mhm
6773s would love to see a flamethrower as
6775s well I still want a shotgun that shoots
6779s bees I don't even use custom ammo I just
6781s think it would be so funny to be like oh
6784s my God they just shot a bunch of bees
6787s out at me how could they cash
6792s [Music]
6792s [Applause]
6797s register give
6799s me I just I just think that would be the
6801s funniest thing that could Poss possibly
6803s happen yeah a hive bomb but a shotgun
6806s shell you stuck all these little bees in
6808s like a glass shotgun shell and then
6811s exploded at it or shot it out at
6814s somebody yes the engine integration is
6817s still in the
6818s works saddle
6820s bag meadd bag oh yeah flame arrows is
6824s something that come up very
6828s often yeah yeah it was also discuss
6831s discuss andly flame Arrow
6833s I don't care about that one I'm not a
6834s bow user me
6838s personally we have it on our radar and
6841s at one point we might be at a point
6843s where we can try give it a
6849s try yeah I want B ammo that's right you
6851s heard
6852s me B
6859s ammo I'm still in the stage of looking
6861s for
6864s whatchacallit
6868s blueprints blueprints just so you know
6872s I'm still in that early Prestige
6875s 100 stage I just reloaded for no reason
6878s I don't have bullet
6881s rubber haven't used the blueprint since
6883s years yeah what the
6888s blueprint I'm sorry this is something
6891s you're too pres 100 understand
6894s [Applause]
6900s want to go to this
6903s cart honestly I don't I don't think that
6906s the uh Pump Action Gun needs a flam fire
6910s per I don't feel like that's
6912s necessary that's just me
6915s though yeah the problem there is
6918s balancing like it will be hard to like
6920s we have fling on the cinos so there's an
6923s argument to have also slam fire on like
6926s pump action but it's it will be hard to
6929s balance
6930s it but yeah with also the marathon which
6933s would be able to use that it could be
6935s interesting to yeah
6938s investigate a trade for
6942s that oh we haven't said anything is that
6945s you yeah no was me okay still working on
6949s getting the lock b we haven't said
6951s anything about uh reworking The Flash
6953s bombb but you know after pretty much
6956s like all big changes like that you know
6959s it's something that's still being
6960s watched and
6978s monitored flash bomb Arrow oh my God I
6982s might cry
6983s [Applause]
6985s oh that would be
6991s terrible um there's actually been a lot
6994s of like far back getting ways added to
6998s uh
6999s base what I'm going to call it base
7002s H uh like Rampage and remedy are now
7006s firm traits that you can find out in the
7009s world of course didn't used to be the
7011s case
7016s holding something building right Hunter
7018s XP on the
7025s wall never said anything about any
7027s licensed IP but you know never say never
7029s of course oh look a
7033s trait oh it's resilience I already have
7035s it got so excited for something I
7038s already have
7052s oh the other boss already vanished in
7059s healing I was not paying
7062s attention let's go put or look for a
7066s cash register
7078s everything that's part of the events
7080s will be after desolation weight is
7084s over um but of course that doesn't mean
7087s things can't come back like the uh seal
7094s cash oh to pick enough cash
7108s what's
7115s that bab's not giggling so uh does that
7118s mean it was a
7120s bad it was South someone yeah someone
7124s the healing team prob up
7127s there I do not have the guns for this I
7130s saw a Kane and a Lulu
7136s resilience right
7143s here that is really hurting my leg oh
7147s another team
7149s I barely see
7151s them I don't have great guns for this
7154s kind of fight I have a boram silencer
7156s and du
7158s naries just throw that out there
7163s one is crossing the
7183s bridge they on our side
7186s now I see
7189s Lulu one here
7207s he's closer to me here anymore but
7209s apparently she sees
7219s me Kulu nice
7223s I tagged the guy with the AO he's so
7226s close to me
7227s though he's reloading now was my time to
7230s break for
7236s it he's like right
7248s here who's up
7263s over
7265s there the other Bounty team is at the
7267s sealed cash
7271s currently oh
7273s good they're over by the big
7276s tree down here below
7280s me two at least
7283s going up the elevator one guy has a
7288s yep come
7290s outside careful the
7295s window they our
7302s Bounty up
7305s window
7308s you one at the metal guage
7314s there's ammo
7320s here to my
7325s wow another
7328s team there are no new announced quest
7331s lines that's the other
7339s team unlucky
7343s kill me oh you're dead oh you're not
7357s dead thought he was dead for
7360s sure
7364s holy fight fight each other
7395s can do
7396s it can do
7399s it for sure
7407s ooh Speed
7409s Loader I can't even see him oh no see
7414s this is what I'm saying having a big
7416s shot here is way
7419s better the Bounty team got me get away
7423s there
7425s yeah just got shot in the back while I
7427s was still looking at the uh one team
7430s yeah all right
7432s well that's all we have time for so
7435s thanks for playing Fab and Gustavo
7438s thanks for joining let's wrap up our uh
7441s giveaway winners and then yep eat some
7444s lunch I'm
7446s hungry or
7449s dinner yeah our dinner clb
7453s Cade okay so true this is our oh wait
7457s let me mute my
7460s game you don't just like listen to it go
7463s in the
7464s background yeah I can't still listen to
7468s it um all right last round of
7472s giveaways first winner we're looking
7476s for
7478s pineapple wife pineapple wife pineapple
7482s wife congratulations pineapple
7492s hey there they are
7498s nice lot of place
7503s 033 congratulations
7506s L uh We've not announced any licensed IP
7511s skins Laura plays is here too
7515s Laura next
7519s one hyper Hyperion Jew good yeah good
7525s luck I don't know Hyperion
7528s Hyperion
7539s congratulations
7542s here next ah
7545s nice blood bath
7550s J yeah J
7556s hey blood bath is here let's go blood
7559s bath okay last
7562s winner we are looking
7565s for Seer
7569s Tera Seer Tera we're on a roll do not
7572s make us roll five for five would be a
7575s great way to end it come
7580s oner come on
7587s on
7589s perer 5 seconds for
7592s Seer 4 3 oh the
7597s streak one how dare you R rolling
7602s really the
7605s busher the
7608s busher my French is terrible
7615s hey they're here
7617s congratulations
7619s nice that's so folks for all for today
7624s keep your eyes on your Twitch Whispers
7627s okay we're going to send you the key off
7630s give
7631s us uh yeah let us eat some yeah grab
7636s something but we you will receive your
7640s key don't worry uh and should we send a
7643s raid to Mr Mike should we should we feel
7648s like it's been a while since we went to
7649s see Mike psycho
7651s Ghost Psycho ghost indeed yeah no
7657s giveaways right now on Discord but there
7659s will be more in the future so definitely
7662s join the official
7664s Discord um yeah you get announcements
7668s you can see me pop up in chat randomly
7670s and answer random qu questions what
7672s should the winners do now wait for
7676s DM yeah you receive a DM from our
7679s official cry Tech
7684s yeah okay thank you guys for the games
7687s I'm sorry I didn't do anything
7690s use uh I blame fat for making my head
7693s bigger I'm still GNA blame the
7696s workout still going to blame the workout
7698s I'm not kidding today my workout was so
7700s hard that one of my best friends on
7702s almost threw up so I'm just saying like
7704s it was actually a good one I'm just
7707s saying uh someone asked if Rocko uh will
7710s be a CCH partner in the future he
7712s already is yeah already is all right you
7716s got us set up we all set ra is ready all
7719s right y then uh let's all say goodbye
7723s bye everyone goodbye bye thanks for
7725s being here Fab thanks once again for
7727s joining usav thank you as well and we'll
7731s see you guys
7733s next time you know who
7736s knows
7740s [Music]
7749s bye is