over 1 year ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
6s um
18s um
46s [Music]
54s hmm
56s [Music]
62s [Music]
72s you
79s [Music]
90s hmm
94s [Music]
106s [Music]
114s um
122s [Music]
129s [Music]
135s [Music]
136s good
138s [Music]
154s [Music]
174s [Music]
183s [Music]
201s [Music]
206s um
220s [Music]
220s [Applause]
226s hmm
235s [Music]
254s um
263s [Music]
278s hmm
282s um
295s [Music]
302s eating
307s [Music]
310s um
315s [Music]
323s [Music]
329s [Music]
335s [Music]
354s [Music]
375s [Music]
383s [Music]
401s [Music]
407s um
418s [Music]
423s um
427s [Music]
451s hmm
455s [Music]
463s [Music]
467s hmm
470s [Music]
479s um
483s [Music]
490s [Music]
495s [Music]
507s um
511s [Music]
524s so
529s [Music]
536s so
537s [Music]
555s [Music]
568s so
575s [Music]
584s [Music]
600s [Music]
606s um
616s [Music]
626s [Music]
634s hmm
637s [Music]
654s [Music]
662s [Music]
678s hmm
682s [Music]
688s [Music]
690s hmm
694s [Music]
706s [Music]
721s with
728s [Music]
735s hey everyone i hate chat i hope you guys
738s are all doing good today we have a
740s special gameplay live stream uh with the
742s serpent moon event but we have ncxt or
745s mike from nzxt joining us he is also
747s streaming on the nzxt channel so he is
749s currently muted uh because he's also
752s doing his intro but he will be back with
753s us in a second and obviously we have
756s here ari as well our u.s community
758s manager hey ari
760s hey bensy how are you doing i'm good
762s thank you and uh
764s we're gonna be giving away a lot of
765s calls to the latest dlcs for you guys
768s and to the us is that can give you extra
770s event points so it is gonna be a fun
772s little stream and uh yeah this is i
775s think the first time when uh we are
777s playing with someone outside of crytek
778s as well
779s so yeah it will be exciting
782s yeah and uh okay just uh to mention uh
785s we have to play in uh
788s us regions you guys can see the region
790s this time actually
791s so i will have hyping and but for the
794s guys it's better because ari and the
795s mike are both from the us
798s so uh
800s so yeah so so don't blame me uh
802s basically what i'm trying to say
805s uh
806s and uh
808s yeah um
810s uh we wanted to mention obviously the
814s latest uh event that's outside of the
817s serpent moon event the hunt showdown
818s video contest
820s so uh i don't know guys if you've seen
822s this but we started a big big video
824s contest with a lot of sponsors one of
827s them being ncxt and uh we have a lot of
830s cool stuff to give away for it
832s uh and that is also why we are doing the
833s stream so you can ask questions from the
835s ncxt guys this time and maybe we will
837s have some other streams with some other
839s partners as well and uh yeah make sure
841s to read our blog regarding this because
843s you can enter your videos into multiple
845s categories and there's a bunch of cool
847s rewards you can win uh like a custom pc
850s from nzxt that by the way looks super
852s sick so
854s it's a serpent moon theme so there's
857s nice
858s snakes all over it which is
860s very awesome i think that'd be the first
861s time i actually have my pc up on my desk
864s because it would look better than
865s anything else i have
866s yeah i don't know if you guys seen it uh
868s when mike is back uh here with us uh
872s he can tell us more about it but damn it
874s looks sick
876s and it's also a pretty powerful system
878s so uh
880s it's gonna be really nice to get it and
882s of course if you have any questions from
883s us or any questions from mike i guess
887s are you here with us mike oh yes i am i
890s am here oh hey there so yeah we just
893s introduced you as well as the contest a
895s bit uh
896s and that people can win this super cool
898s hunt theme than zxt pc
901s so
903s yeah and uh yeah as we mentioned also uh
906s make sure to check out uh nzxt's twitch
908s channel as well which is just twitch.tv
910s nzxt where uh you can see mike's
914s perspective and uh
916s how he carries us
919s oh i'm not i'm not gonna be doing any
920s carrying out this is i'm not gonna do
922s the carrying
924s technically you were the highest mmr of
926s all of us so
928s yeah yeah
929s i just got lucky that's how it works
932s no if we believe in you we believe in
934s you uh
936s yeah and uh yeah they couldn't hear you
938s but it was because he was muted so now
940s you can actually hear him
941s sorry i was talking to my chat sorry
944s and also uh now your chat can also hear
946s us i guess so if uh anyone from there
949s has any questions to the hunt team or us
952s we are very very happy to answer that as
954s well
960s ari people are saying they love your
962s artwork on your desk with the skull
964s thank you so much this is what i'm going
966s to be in about 10 minutes is a dead
968s skull
970s and my teammate i'm just giving them
972s motivation so they know what to look for
974s to come res me because i'll be dead sure
977s gotcha i'll make sure to bring necro
978s don't worry about it
981s yeah it's the most important perk when
982s playing with me
984s someone actually asked the what is nzxt
986s uh sorry if uh yeah sorry for no one
989s else did before can you tell us what
990s nzxt is maybe we might
993s yeah so nxt is a pc gaming company we
996s originally started out as oh i am dumb i
999s forgot to put weapons
1001s i saw that and i just thought it was
1003s like
1004s you know like
1008s we'll get you something
1009s i think this happened the last stream as
1011s well with someone
1013s yeah i think leo very happy
1015s i had my devil's advocate that was
1016s locked and loaded but i was like oh the
1018s douche skids i'll let me do that
1020s this is it uh the the check that's a
1023s quick
1025s so this is how extraction works
1027s if you guys need to leave the game
1029s uh but ncc basically is a pc gaming
1031s company we uh originally started out
1033s with just cases uh but eventually we
1035s started to make like power supplies
1037s coolers are one of our most popular is
1039s the kraken cooler if you guys ever seen
1041s like the thing with like the the gif on
1043s it or gif on it that's what we do
1046s and eventually we make custom pcs for
1047s people and then uh yeah and we just have
1050s a good time yeah actually i've i've been
1053s wanting that cooler for a long time it's
1056s super cool
1057s literally super cool so uh yeah
1062s i i uh my first ever pc that i got i was
1066s on ncxd pre-built actually
1068s but then i uh decided to build my own pc
1071s later on
1072s wow
1073s i highly recommend people to build if
1076s you can build a pc build it uh but if
1079s you can't no worries um you know some
1082s people don't have the time or
1083s the the knowledge to do it and that's
1085s okay now it does a-okay okay now let me
1088s actually put on an actual class
1091s we technically won the first game uh
1093s let's just say that
1094s hey we take that we take that
1097s okay now i actually have a class
1100s perfect
1101s now the preset loadouts come in handy
1104s yeah
1108s was so excited when preset loadouts came
1110s into the game because he was hoping that
1112s finally i would be quick during the in
1114s between queue time um i'm still very
1117s slow because now instead of having to
1119s pick from you know 10 guns i have to
1120s pick from 10 different loadouts so and
1123s each loadout is way more complex so it
1125s just made everything slower
1129s yeah uh
1132s some people asked what is our star level
1134s and if you're all six stars i can say
1136s that none of our are six stars so
1139s but none of us are three stars either
1142s yeah i don't think i've ever been i
1144s don't think i've ever been a six star i
1145s think i've only been five and that's it
1147s yeah i can't break three
1149s up of course sorry yeah sure uh i i
1152s think i've been six star for like two
1154s games in my life
1156s when you have like a very good winning
1157s streak and then you uh
1159s get there but then very very quickly you
1162s go back to five
1172s we have a shaquille oatmeal just
1173s followed me so what a
1175s 10 out of 10 name it's perfect
1179s he's my favorite dj
1182s oh i forgot he's a dj
1184s he he dj he used to dj on the side i
1187s think he like almost primarily djs now
1190s that's like his main gig like if he dj
1193s shack shaq does everything to ben he's
1196s in every ad
1198s every tv show
1200s why shouldn't he be he shack true
1206s by the way you're doing all that oh
1208s sorry go ahead no no no just uh since
1210s you uh cited a loadout very quickly i
1212s wanted to ask what's your favorite uh
1214s loadouts or weapons
1216s oh man okay so
1219s for those that don't know the weapons in
1220s this game aren't like call of duty where
1222s it's like automatic reload and automatic
1224s firing like there's a whole bunch of
1226s different things
1227s um so my favorite one if i if i want to
1230s try hard a little bit i like the sparks
1232s because it does a lot of damage uh it's
1235s a one shot basically it's a one shot you
1237s have to reload it after it's super super
1239s it hits hard if you hit
1241s um but if you miss good luck
1243s um so sparks probably and then
1246s i was when kane first came out which is
1249s one of my favorite skins i was a huge
1252s bow person bow and dooley's
1254s that was like my loadout wow
1257s oh the chat will love you with the cane
1259s huh
1261s julie know i know i get it i get it it
1264s was scummy to use i get it i didn't do i
1268s didn't want to use kade as like
1271s to get the advantage i thought it was
1273s just because he was a half naked caveman
1276s dude
1277s like that that was just fun like that
1279s was fun to do i hundred percent agree
1281s with you to be honest i i actually still
1283s use cain a lot
1284s but uh i was scared to use him when
1286s people were angry during that time you
1288s know
1289s yeah i remember us using him right when
1290s he came out quite a bit and then people
1292s got upset and we were like okay
1294s we don't use game anymore until we can
1296s fix this
1297s oh uh by the way if you are not really
1299s quiet in this game if that's okay with
1301s you but if you want to be sneaky we can
1303s also do that but yeah
1305s usually we just run run and gun
1315s oh i have a next run to those shots if
1317s anyone needs it
1321s okay
1322s hit me up hit me up okay okay
1325s oh yeah that's the good stuff oh it's
1327s actually the thing myself for some
1328s reason
1330s i tried it i don't know
1339s a lot of people are saying they also
1341s love kane with a bow and axe actually
1343s because it's a lot of fun
1344s it's a caveman
1346s yeah
1347s it's just i just like playing playing
1349s bunga man that's that that's just one of
1350s my favorite things to play as
1352s well
1354s yeah
1356s so what are your favorite legendaries
1357s then if like you know that cane is your
1359s favorite then but
1361s anything else you like
1363s uh like legendary skins legendary all
1366s right let's do skins uh hunters first
1368s and then
1370s yeah
1371s let's see my favorite
1374s obviously it's uh
1375s obviously it's kane but um i really like
1378s devil's advocate
1380s and
1381s i wish i was here during
1383s uh phantom
1385s oh that was me sorry i was too lazy to
1387s get a snake basket so i just
1389s shot it through a wall
1392s but uh basically my favorite yeah it's
1394s probably probably devil's advocate or
1396s wow
1401s phantom i wish i got phantom but i was
1403s unavailable sadly to
1405s get that
1407s uh yeah what about you guys
1409s i think devil's advocate maybe one of my
1412s favorite as well and then the black hole
1414s for some reason ever since uh
1417s like that's like an og skin
1420s uh
1421s yeah and then i really one of my
1423s favorite like older skins is the rat i
1426s always used to pick her
1427s and then oh
1429s with the newer stuff
1430s um
1432s i really like uh witch hunter
1435s from the they came from salem
1438s and uh not cheaper
1441s good choices although the rat is a very
1444s rare pick i feel like
1446s yeah she doesn't get a lot of love she's
1448s she's a little basic but
1450s i just like that she's
1452s you know
1453s clean looking
1455s all one
1456s one color style
1458s that's great
1463s and what about you chad write your
1465s favorite skins as well
1469s someone said uh
1471s carcass gun runner
1472s wow yeah he's pretty legit
1476s a lot of fellas yeah yeah yeah
1482s oh i did like lonely hell a lot oh
1485s people here and the boss
1498s they may be inside already it's white
1500s now so they're outside the car
1503s they're probably on the opposite side
1505s yeah there may be more
1513s uh tagged okay
1516s two
1521s tag none
1522s they're healing uh i'm gonna
1524s silence i think further up
1532s tag to fleece she's up on the balcony
1540s oh there's one guy right underneath one
1542s is inside the post office and one to the
1544s right of the i think that's all three
1546s yep
1548s they missed the burn on you at least
1552s uh one right next to my
1567s oh i got taken out though
1570s by
1570s the second one on the bottom
1576s elise is there oh good try
1579s oh
1581s [Applause]
1588s they might be going for the rest the guy
1590s at the bottom they're probably earlier
1592s can i rush you on the roof you think
1594s yeah i got pretty good cover there's
1596s some sandbags there if you come up to me
1598s the only person who might be able to see
1600s you is police
1603s be careful of these guys right here
1609s oh my god this is
1611s risky oh he's here
1614s damn oh no
1616s no
1617s oh no
1619s okay i couldn't do anything there
1622s damn
1623s [Music]
1624s hey that's just how hunt be baby that's
1626s just how i'll be
1633s oh cam please but sorry for that uh i'll
1635s change it next game thank you for
1637s writing it then whenever you have like
1638s two to three people in one
1640s it becomes absolute chaos and it just
1643s becomes the most fun thing of all time
1646s yeah to be honest i love like these long
1648s drawn out fights when there's a lot of
1649s people around it's uh
1652s like you don't even know which is which
1654s team and just everyone is shooting
1656s everyone that's like
1657s super fun
1663s and uh maybe we could do a first
1665s giveaway as well on our channel at least
1668s ari
1672s of course of course
1685s [Music]
1688s uh no the uh facecams are not supposed
1691s to cover it it's my fault sorry for that
1693s uh i will fix that
1697s uh the ncxt guy is the mike from mcxt uh
1702s uh what do you do at nzxtmi
1705s uh so i do social media i'm a social
1708s media manager for nzxt so if you see
1711s anything from
1712s you know the tick tocks twitter
1714s instagram i'm usually one kinda handy
1716s that there's also ivan who also helps
1718s out with that
1719s uh
1720s i also do uh i also host the podcast we
1723s usually host a weekly podcast every
1725s thursday
1726s um so if you guys ever want to ask us
1728s questions or you have any burning
1729s questions you can just come in to chat
1730s ask it and we usually grab any chat
1732s questions
1733s so basically you are me but forensics
1737s yeah yeah exactly you like the same
1739s weapons the same hunters uh and uh yeah
1743s you do my job as well so that's
1745s pretty funny
1748s and we also have an ivan actually so
1751s just to yeah
1754s all right guys if you want to enter into
1756s our first giveaway we're going to do a
1758s giveaway for reap what you sow and this
1761s is going to be for any platform so
1762s that's console or steam you'll need to
1765s be on our twitch chat at twitch.tv
1768s crytek uh if you happen to be watching
1770s on youtube steam or facebook you will
1773s have to pop into twitch chat uh the bot
1775s just works through the twitch chat and
1777s on certain platforms like youtube we
1779s can't even private message you once you
1781s won so twitch is just the easiest sorry
1784s to make you
1785s leave where you might be watching but
1787s you'll still be able to see us on twitch
1790s if you want to enter make sure you're
1791s followed to our twitch page and then the
1794s keyword that you'll need to type in chat
1795s is nzxt
1797s to celebrate mike joining us today
1800s hey
1801s if you type that in chat you'll be
1802s entered into when a
1804s reap what you sow dlc on any platform
1807s you want we'll pull winners probably at
1809s the end of this match once you type the
1811s nzxt in chat once you're good to go you
1814s don't need to type it again
1816s but
1818s besides that
1819s good luck to everybody who enters
1822s good keyword very good
1824s gotta celebrate mike i gotta get him
1827s real motivated so he carries us good
1829s that uh that first game was a little
1831s well technically second game was a
1833s little rough because i was just running
1834s and i just died like i had no i know i
1837s didn't even get the fight yet so we'll
1838s uh hopefully be able to
1840s show off a little bit more
1842s yeah like you know hopefully there's
1844s nothing you could have done with that to
1845s be honest so
1846s i hate that when that happens like you
1848s know you just die you don't even see the
1850s enemies yet and yeah
1852s so
1853s we're still believing
1855s for the next game
1857s i think you guys both took sparks so i
1859s took incendiary winfield i'm gonna try
1861s to burn him a little bit and then you
1862s guys come and finish them off with the
1864s 149 damage i did not need to start that
1867s that's a morning shot that's something
1875s also if you type nzxt in chat more than
1877s once it doesn't increase your chances as
1879s long as you entered once then the bot
1880s knows you're entered for the giveaway
1882s and you have the same chance as
1883s everybody else to win
1885s you will need to be in chat when we pull
1887s the winners if you're not in chat to
1889s respond when we call you as the winner
1891s we will re-roll i am sorry but
1894s it helps prevent people who enter and
1896s then just leave
1898s uh why would you leave though you get to
1900s see this awesome all right some people
1901s ask if it matters if it's uh
1903s lowercase
1905s nope it does not matter oh my gosh
1910s yeah we got burned a bit
1912s i just lost the bar
1914s oh my
1917s does that entrance to no
1919s did you lose a little or half big bar
1921s little bar okay
1923s we'll just kill we'll just kill the boss
1924s real quick easy let's go yeah
1927s uh no uh caps do not matter at all
1934s so mike how long have you been playing
1935s contour
1937s oh yeah actually i'm actually asking
1939s this question so actually uh can answer
1941s this for both streams uh so i've been
1943s playing for a while one of my friends uh
1946s jeff
1948s he basically got me into hunt because he
1952s he was like hey everyone should get this
1953s game and i mean you know
1955s maybe um and then after a while i played
1958s it for like a couple days and i kind of
1960s just fell in love with the game um so
1962s i've been playing for maybe
1966s i didn't know
1969s like maybe
1970s seven eight months maybe huh i think
1974s when i i think you mentioned you have
1975s like a thousand hours already so that's
1978s very impressive
1981s i have around 300 hours in the game so i
1984s have uh i i i play it around a lot i've
1987s i've been experiencing a couple things i
1989s think my first event real event was
1993s the scrappy event
1996s oh okay so you started completed though
1998s okay then you started like basically a
2001s year ago or so i think
2003s maybe like around a year ago i didn't
2004s get to finish the event because i
2006s started later so maybe like a little
2007s less than a year yeah for about a year
2009s awesome and you have 300 hours or that's
2011s still a lot
2019s yeah my uh my friend has a thousand
2021s hours because he was at emt during the
2023s time so he had so much like he had so
2025s much um
2027s down time so he basically was just like
2029s i'm just gonna keep playing hunt and
2030s then he became addicted to it
2033s we love to hear it shots over there
2036s yeah let's try to
2038s oh the r is missing a chunk but let's
2039s try to fight them oh and i have a
2042s uh antidote shot again ari
2044s but i if i so wait how do i actually
2047s give it to you
2048s same oh another person
2050s yeah you gotta make sure it's actually
2051s like pointing at me thank you
2066s all right catfish or healing waters
2068s which one which one you guys want to go
2069s to
2070s we heard shots of a healing water let's
2072s go yeah i also like eating water more
2074s then
2075s catfish too bad
2077s i don't mind new catfish
2079s yeah i mean it's uh better but
2081s you know it's full of water and like so
2082s many like it's very vertical
2084s oh okay well
2087s let's go fight let's go fight i'm not
2088s worried about the missing chunk
2092s uh ping is real yeah so my thing is a
2094s bit higher because we are playing uh in
2097s us servers for
2099s the other two guys i'm the only one in
2101s europe so it made more sense
2108s any plans to leave the event night time
2110s after the event is over we haven't
2112s announced anything officially but we
2114s know the community has requested it so
2116s we're looking into it
2117s if that's a possibility
2122s we have someone who said they started a
2124s week ago wow congratulations welcome to
2126s the bayou
2127s hopefully you can learn something from
2129s us like most likely what not to do but
2141s is the game pvp or pv or both it is both
2144s so
2145s as you can see there's like a lot of ai
2147s around us and boss monsters as well
2149s which the game revolves around but also
2151s other players you have to fight for it
2158s all right now it's time
2161s hopefully i can at least get a shot off
2163s this time
2167s it's a bit hard to push this compound to
2169s be honest but
2170s it is
2171s oh of course
2173s i can't i think i can rescue here
2175s actually
2178s oh never mind i was up on the balcony i
2180s think i'm trying to get a point of view
2186s i'm almost that too
2189s okay
2192s tagged one on the balcony
2196s up there
2198s there there's one guy in the bottom
2199s right here
2202s actually there's two up here on the
2203s balcony right now
2207s it's very dark
2209s i can't see
2212s what is in this building one's in this
2215s back white shack
2217s should i come off to you
2219s sure you can
2221s it's cozy up here
2223s yeah that was a bit ironic he said maybe
2225s i could get a shut up and instantly died
2227s after yeah it's been a little rough for
2229s me
2230s i'm not gonna lie it's been a little
2231s rough for me but
2233s we're still having fun
2235s we're still good
2236s yeah the guy on the right uh white house
2239s is still peeking
2243s here's someone closer
2246s in there in there through that crack
2257s is still in the white house
2259s i think uh he was peeking from the right
2261s side of it
2266s i'll try to cover you down there and
2268s maybe you can rest yeah
2274s to the right i thought i had blocked it
2275s off with that log no further yeah there
2277s you go
2279s try to get it
2283s i'm sorry oh
2285s good shot you might be able to go for a
2287s resnow with that uh that's right i'd
2290s have to heal too
2293s no balcony guys moving
2297s i think i have to rotate actually
2301s is not that can't even see me
2305s there's two up there
2310s oh
2325s what is going on my heel was like as
2327s soon as i got hit like
2331s oh my god
2335s good try good try okay my heart rate
2338s went up from that actually
2341s very stressful my heart rate
2343s went up too yeah i definitely fired i i
2346s definitely was a part of all this so far
2349s look we are just warming up it's uh the
2351s beginning yeah it's just warm up yeah
2353s it's a warm-up that's how it works right
2361s oh i love the daughter decay that looks
2364s such a fun that's such a cool skin yeah
2367s and her lore is like really creepy as
2369s well
2370s i believe she uses people as fertilizer
2373s oh for plants
2380s first runs doesn't count exactly yes
2384s it's just uh we're testing
2385s the ping and stuff like that mike is the
2387s rock right now i am i'm holding i'm
2389s anchoring everyone you know i am i am
2392s the foundation i'm the base
2397s uh someone said mike is uh carrying per
2399s usual yes
2400s yeah he gives us the emotional support
2403s yeah get again the uh get into getting
2405s my backpack y'all carry
2407s maybe i'll achieve and the only times i
2410s fired a shot is when i missed clicked
2414s all right we can go ahead and pull the
2416s winner for the nzxt giveaway
2419s this is for a reap what you sow on
2421s whichever platform you pick so xbox
2423s playstation or steam
2425s uh our first winner is
2429s woo moog if you're in chat let us know
2433s we'll also need to know which platform
2435s you play on steam or console and then if
2437s you're on console we have to know xbox
2440s playstation and then what region you're
2441s located in
2443s [Music]
2451s uh and if you didn't win we'll still
2453s have a lot of giveaways going on today
2455s so
2456s of course we're gonna i'm gonna pull a
2457s few more to just for this one so don't
2459s leave yet
2460s uh
2461s they are in chat but we still need some
2463s more information from you so i'm gonna
2465s send you a whisper and then we will
2467s continue going
2481s our next winner after that is going to
2483s be
2484s twist 88.
2486s if you're in chat let us know
2491s okay we we are going to win this game i
2493s can tell we got yeah i'm feeling it i
2496s feel like yeah same
2498s i will fire one shot at someone
2500s afterwards i don't even need to hit him
2502s i just need to at least attempt
2504s to attempt to hit or maybe kill a grunt
2506s first uh you know to break the curse
2511s yeah
2512s [Laughter]
2514s this is the round yes this is this is
2516s indeed the round this is it this is this
2518s is what it says
2529s mmm
2541s you didn't kill the ground
2545s i was like debating it but i'm like no i
2548s know my first shot my first shot will be
2550s towards an actual enemy mark my word
2553s i will i will do it
2555s let's go one more winner it looks like a
2557s third winner is ricky three if you're in
2559s chat let us know
2561s oh the boss is here so uh
2565s let me try to get the clue first quickly
2569s in case it's a event
2573s oh no sorry
2575s let's talk a shot in my
2577s is bag
2579s let's just say it wasn't an event clue
2580s so it doesn't matter
2591s mike i'm going to set some traps so just
2593s keep an eye on the barrels around the
2595s complex make sure to run into them don't
2597s worry
2598s you know like when i play with ari i die
2600s more to his traps than two players
2616s [Music]
2619s careful
2632s [Applause]
2646s [Music]
2649s and i've walked into my own trap
2663s yeah mike is sometimes on mute when he's
2665s talking to his uh ancient stream as well
2668s yeah sorry i'm just uh answering some
2670s questions back this question could be
2671s for both of us
2675s run um a different hunt themed case non
2678s giveaway they'd buy one outright that
2680s would be pretty cool like a simple
2682s limited edition one i think we would be
2684s down for them
2685s oh sorry
2687s that would be awesome
2694s oh all right does anyone want to kill it
2696s for xp
2697s uh i'm
2699s fine i mean i'm like i could kill it
2701s actually
2702s yeah go for it because i'm like a rank
2704s 50 or something
2705s i saw you shoot that atlanta
2708s oh it's running
2711s the boss died
2719s now you can look at the face
2721s on this side
2726s very pretty
2728s oh so pretty
2737s so
2746s uh i i don't think i ever saw the plague
2749s doctor will be available
2751s uh we said uh billy story will
2754s definitely be available again
2756s but as for like other events
2759s skins they may be available at one point
2762s but we haven't announced anything
2764s officially yet
2774s and i heard some shots by the way but
2775s they were still far off like blossom
2777s station
2785s oh you know i gotta i gotta get you guys
2787s in contact with this guy named mr
2789s matthew he does amazing custom like pcs
2792s he did one for assassin's creed one he
2794s did a neon genesis one uh and he just
2797s said like halloween is soon i should
2798s maybe do a hunting pc build
2801s that would be amazing definitely love
2803s that
2804s yeah uh
2806s getting contact on the we can talk about
2808s it but
2809s that sounds super cool so
2813s uh someone has a question from mike uh
2815s do we have any news from nzxt some new
2818s gear question mark
2820s some new gear
2821s um let's see
2823s [Music]
2824s we just released
2826s a bunch of new stuff honestly like a lot
2829s like before we were just case cut we
2831s were just a case company and that was it
2833s but now we are doing like everything we
2835s have
2836s uh mice we have mics this mic right here
2840s the capsule
2841s uh keyboards we just released uh
2845s monitors recently uh there is the canvas
2848s monitors super cool super awesome uh
2852s i think they're 1440p they're both 440p
2854s 1080p and they're both 165 hertz
2857s oh but tons of tons of new stuff tons of
2860s new i can't you know spoil too many
2862s things but we do have more things coming
2864s along the way so keep an eye out for uh
2867s i gotta look into those monitors they
2869s sound good oh people
2873s also your microphone sounds really
2875s squishy
2878s i will be able to find something
2880s oh one time
2886s so yeah your microphone actually sounds
2887s really crisp so
2889s thank you yeah
2892s oh
2893s yeah
2894s attack the guy outside
2896s two times though
2898s the last one has a crossbow or huh
2901s is he still out there yeah
2904s no no he's close he's close he's by the
2905s fence oh yeah i saw him he just backed
2908s up
2912s attacked him through the wall
2915s i'm out of ammo
2920s nice
2922s oh that thing is done
2925s let's go we said it would be the game
2927s that we win uh i showed a looting
2929s mechanic too so if you can lose hunter
2931s you can get something else but there's
2933s the event going on do you guys actually
2934s want to explain the uh serpent moon
2936s event real quick
2937s sure sure go for it pence
2940s okay so uh during this event uh it's all
2943s about snakes so we do have snake baskets
2946s lying around the map
2947s that you can look for lose for event
2949s points as well as for uh snakes that you
2951s can carry around
2952s and you actually have to burn them at
2954s this altar which are all only at the
2956s boss compounds like this one
2958s uh to get the event points out of those
2960s i can actually show it to you
2966s but there's a catch uh if there's like
2968s hunters that already carry
2970s these snakes and you kill them you can
2972s actually loot these off of them as well
2974s and that way you can take away their
2975s snakes and burn those as well and
2978s obviously you can get points by killing
2979s bosses
2981s looting players the event clues and
2983s stuff like that so
2985s if you're familiar with the usual
2986s hunting events it's similar to that but
2988s with some extra twist on top of it as
2989s well
2991s i
2992s think that explained it pretty well and
2994s uh
2996s yeah and
2997s things to note as well is that we have a
2999s completely new progression system and a
3001s battle pass as well
3003s so we have the most rewards ever
3006s available during this event that
3008s includes our first evolving hunter
3011s the viper and they have four stages
3015s and uh yeah they are really cool so
3021s i thought that you guys were the
3022s explanation oh over it's uh
3024s i it may be very confusing because
3026s there's a lot of stuff going on but
3028s i it's a little longer
3030s super moon's our biggest event we've
3032s done to date so
3034s a lot yeah i was i was thoroughly
3035s surprised how big you guys were going
3037s for this like i didn't realize like how
3039s much you guys were putting into this
3040s because i was up during there for the
3042s scrap week one and then the hive one i
3044s think
3045s uh
3045s and then you guys are like oh yeah we're
3047s gonna do this as well
3048s crazy absolutely insane
3051s yeah thank you like there was a lot of
3053s work put into this and uh
3055s you know we had like events in the past
3057s but they were very similar so we really
3059s tried to like uh change up the formula a
3062s bit and i i feel like these uh snake
3064s tokens and burning them at the bus
3066s compounds is
3067s really cool addition because it like
3069s actually creates more pvp as well
3071s and people actually going for the bosses
3073s more too so
3074s i actually really enjoy how it plays out
3079s we're going for the second bounty oh
3081s yeah yeah wow let's do it we're all
3083s healthy
3088s and i fired a shot actually so we're
3089s good
3090s i thought you killed one
3092s no i shot at one
3095s next time at least got shots off though
3097s so that's all that matters it's a good
3099s start you know uh
3102s next time next game you're gonna wipe
3103s two themes on
3105s what happens it's i'm very inconsistent
3108s i either do horribly for like an hour
3111s but then there are times where it's
3113s literally i'm like killing like six
3114s seven people and wiping out the server
3116s there's no between like i don't just do
3118s like one or two kills it's like
3119s everyone or no one and that's it
3123s yeah we had one person say do we think
3126s um
3127s or what do we think the percentage of
3129s people who have been able to complete
3130s the event is going to be we don't have a
3132s number on that but i think we hope that
3134s everybody would have the opportunity in
3136s time to complete the event you still
3138s have over a month to finish so
3140s i think you could even knock it out in
3141s that one month time if you have enough
3144s time to play but a lot of people in chat
3147s also mentioned that they've been playing
3148s and are at like rank 12 13 that kind of
3151s stuff i think they'll make it so
3153s best of luck to everybody we really hope
3155s you don't all be able to finish the
3156s event and get all the rewards you can
3159s because uh you know we don't put time
3161s into making cool stuff like viper just
3163s so nobody can get it
3165s and there was a question to mike
3167s actually
3169s uh someone said good to know that nzxt
3171s is growing
3173s uh is there ever gonna be a
3174s collaboration with hunt for a miles or
3176s anything like that
3178s per peripherals yeah that'd be kind of
3180s cool uh i'd be pretty sick if we could
3182s do like a mice one like an nzxt lift
3185s n60 hunt lift mice that would be pretty
3188s sick
3190s why it's not there let's just let's just
3191s go all
3193s all peripherals everything
3195s full unfilled
3197s like we will get the desk the pc
3201s the monitors the mouse out why stop
3204s there we can just go all or we can go
3205s all through
3206s uh i love that answer let's please let's
3208s do that
3210s yeah i'll be sick i would love a full
3212s full hunt uh
3215s like set up so sick if that happens i'm
3217s changing all my peripherals
3224s no people around by the way here's the
3226s clue if any if either you guys want to
3227s take it i used one second so i
3230s i could take it
3240s hey all right so man we
3242s may be working on something for us i'll
3243s make sure to get you guys in contact
3245s with them
3247s so maybe uh whipping something up
3249s that would be awesome okay
3252s let's fight this team
3254s oh they're gonna we're gonna take them
3256s out they ain't got the chance
3258s and while we get to the boss company i
3260s just want to mention again that we do
3262s have the hunt uh showdown video awards
3264s going on
3265s which is sponsored by ncxt as well as
3268s some other companies
3270s and
3271s that that's where you can win the
3273s custom
3274s hunting pc from nzxt and the pc looks
3278s absolutely crazy amazing
3281s uh
3282s and also it's a really good build as
3283s well so
3286s uh yeah that's really cool and the nzxt
3288s category is i believe the community
3290s choice
3292s so that will be the nominees from each
3294s other
3295s category against each other and the
3298s community will be able to vote for their
3301s favorite out of everyone and uh that
3303s person
3304s will win the pc
3309s we have someone sally i wanted to steal
3310s the pc but they was like no we have to
3314s but i i offered i could take off their
3317s hands
3318s but no
3319s we got to do things legally
3321s like you could have taken it we could
3323s have split custody you would get it for
3325s like a third of the year i would get it
3326s for a third we just keep shipping it
3328s around we just ship it back and forth
3330s i'm okay with that i'll be down i'll be
3332s deaf i get it for uh i'll get it for the
3333s first you know four months and in the
3335s next four months they're done i like it
3338s all right so um if you guys have the pc
3340s go ahead and just steal that or how
3342s about i just quit crytek for like a
3344s month uh create an awesome video win the
3346s contest and then join again
3349s wow
3351s that's that's some commitment
3356s okay they're all in the house oh i'm way
3358s in open why am i just running uh the big
3360s barn with the boss yep okay
3362s [Music]
3365s well someone said they just sent them my
3367s videos and they will win it for me that
3368s that sounds good too
3372s oh
3373s i'm burning i'm almost done
3388s nice i'm gonna try to get an angle on
3389s that top of the roof person
3395s i lost the trunk fire
3399s tag the months
3401s okay
3403s i'll lay them on fire
3406s is he inside or behind the building
3408s inside inside the barn or maybe resting
3410s his friend
3414s i think the guy dropped red red barn
3416s here
3417s and then inside here
3423s okay both of tomorrow
3427s like a dangerous game right now
3433s the guy is still at the top of this uh
3435s closest barn top right i burned the door
3438s though so you shouldn't be able to get
3439s out too easily
3448s hmm
3465s huh
3470s [Music]
3480s oh there's a tiny well thank you
3485s no
3486s the barn guy got me with incendiary with
3488s a headshot
3490s he's got to be running low on ammo
3492s though yeah he was up there
3496s he can't get out that door to the roof
3497s though so how is he
3500s uh
3501s he was killed
3506s i gotta get a headshot on
3509s are he's uh throwing a choke on the fire
3511s yep
3514s you could rotate to me through that back
3517s ladder but he might be coming out now i
3519s think he just came out
3520s yep
3521s all right
3522s good tag he's one shot
3525s oh nice gray combo
3528s all right the only thing you got to
3529s watch coming up that back ladder is that
3531s uh main topic
3535s i still hear people on the right side of
3536s the compound
3537s yep
3538s so maybe safe
3540s crash crash catch
3543s you see see him right there
3550s oh
3551s try the body bar
3555s [Music]
3570s on the left on the left back up
3573s tagged once
3581s you have a uh does anyone have fire
3583s no on i just used mine i think there's a
3585s lantern right there actually i'll grab
3586s that okay
3588s right back loot that guy if you want i
3590s threw a high bomb in
3596s oh yeah we have dark side by the way i
3598s forgot
3599s everyone is down
3602s that's nice
3605s still one left alright
3607s yeah
3609s you have one on the middle of the
3612s compound somewhere
3614s yeah yeah over there back back
3621s you can pick up the bond here
3624s okay oh yeah
3626s he's still
3627s inside we can try to push him even his
3630s stream he doesn't want it i'll rush it i
3631s think he might have a shotgun that's the
3632s only thing i'm worried about
3638s um
3640s i'm gonna try to find
3643s if he's still in that middle i'm gonna
3644s try to find a uh
3646s yeah i'm gonna lantern his friend at the
3647s front oh i got it i got it
3650s okay
3651s bruce is right
3652s he's still uh on the second floor
3655s middle
3657s okay
3666s his friends are gonna go down pretty
3667s heavy which is good
3674s read some nice team play with the double
3675s tags that was great
3686s uh people asking about fish drops uh
3688s as we mentioned already we will have
3690s fish drops this year still
3692s but we haven't said anything for sure
3694s yet oh okay uh coming in but i didn't
3697s kill i
3699s yeah yeah
3700s he's right here right in front of me
3704s he does so much [ __ ] again
3706s tagged once tagged once
3707s oh
3709s shoot kevin will kill him
3711s he's reloading
3713s oh nice guys
3716s okay nice sorry nicely
3719s nice flesh as well
3722s i don't see anyone around
3731s double bounties two teams vibe perfect
3738s oh and we even have an extraction right
3740s next to us
3741s wow lined up perfectly
3745s well played mike arie perfect no good
3748s job to you yeah good job good job
3751s [Applause]
3753s now my heart rate's feeling it
3756s someone uh asked you mike if uh
3758s one day maybe
3760s you guys will make custom laptops as
3762s well as a company or not
3764s laptops maybe that's a that's a maybe
3767s we've definitely considered it back then
3769s uh but the only issue is that right now
3771s since the you know the chipset is kind
3772s of
3773s the you know the entire world with chips
3775s and everything still a little
3777s a little shaky we're on defense about it
3779s but it's not out of the realm but keep
3781s an eye out hopefully it will make
3782s something sick because that'll be cool i
3784s have an sdxc laptop because i use like a
3785s mac but that's pretty cool oh you're
3787s using mac wow
3789s yeah because i i've always had a mac
3792s laptop but i've always had a actual like
3794s windows pc
3797s yeah so i have like both sides i just i
3800s think because of college i just kind of
3801s got used to mac laptops more than like
3803s dell or
3804s windows laptops
3806s do you get confused by the right click
3808s when you switch in between
3810s yes definitely definitely definitely i
3812s get confused that's the only thing that
3814s i just can't handle on max it's like
3816s i'll go to right click something and
3818s look at the mouse and there's only one
3819s button and my brain can't comprehend
3821s what's going on
3822s oh six hunters killed nicely done
3824s everyone
3825s yeah well played
3829s oh and i can even offer some blood to mr
3831s sherry
3832s oh yay
3833s oh black eagle95 asks will you guys ever
3836s reward prestige 100s for the brutal
3838s journey
3840s we are currently looking into reworking
3843s the prestige system
3844s that we haven't announced any further
3846s details if prestige 100 will get more
3848s rewards or what will change
3851s but one of our goals is to look at that
3853s whole system in total from prestige 1
3856s all the way to 100 and rework it so
3859s it will be more worth it
3864s and actually you do get like a really
3866s cool skin at prestige 100
3868s so yep this centurion or something right
3871s i i don't know the name because it will
3873s take me years to get there but
3877s but it's a very rare skin and
3881s it's very nice like very clean
3884s and at prestige 50 you get the 50
3886s laurels
3888s uh which is the winfield skin the 100th
3890s one is a museum skin right
3892s yep yeah
3894s uh did any of you guys grab a vulture
3896s before i pick it up i did not i did not
3900s okay
3901s i should
3921s someone else if we ever gonna add new
3923s game modes
3924s uh this is something we are looking into
3926s but uh we cannot say anything just yet
3931s there's one game mode bence really wants
3933s and he keeps mentioning every time we
3934s play something similar and i won't spoil
3938s nothing but it would be very cool if it
3940s ever made it to hunt
3941s yes
3951s uh is all the coming events going to be
3953s as long as the current one uh we also
3955s haven't announced anything about
3957s upcoming events yet but uh you know uh
3960s obviously we'll look at the data and
3962s everything regarding this event how it
3963s went and
3966s like improve it based on that so uh
3969s i think people really like that it's
3970s longer and they have a longer time so
3972s it's a good possibility
3977s we need a shooting range for warm-ups
3980s ooh
3981s like maybe like a pre-game
3984s like you just practice your shots that'd
3986s be kind of cool a shooting range is
3987s actually also something we are have been
3990s thinking about adding for a while uh
3993s and we even have some prototypes already
3995s but uh
3996s we cannot save any field
3998s uh actually make it to the game if it
3999s makes it
4001s uh but currently you don't mind me
4002s asking yeah okay no no i just wanted to
4004s say that that we have the training mode
4006s where you can uh
4008s mess around with any loadouts or any
4010s weapons and you can't lose anything
4012s already
4014s so i have a question would this be like
4016s one of those things where as you're
4017s loading into a game you can play like
4020s you can practice or is there is it more
4022s going to be like it's just gonna be a
4023s game mode before you go into a natural
4025s match
4026s uh
4027s like it's uh it was like very early
4029s stages when i personally lost sight so i
4033s i cannot like comment on it really
4035s because i don't even know
4038s and it may completely change
4040s if it actually makes it you know so
4042s but yeah that would be also cool but i
4045s think hunt requires a lot of resources
4047s when it's loading into a game
4049s so i would think it would probably be
4051s like a separate tab or something like
4053s that
4053s [Music]
4055s makes sense yeah
4057s how long i have a question for you both
4059s of you how long were you
4060s both in um how long have you both been
4063s working at uh hunt showdown or crytek
4067s uh benz has been here since hunt showed
4070s on pretty much like the day early access
4072s went up right wow yeah i started uh my
4075s first day was uh on the launch day
4077s basically
4078s uh wow and then i've been working for
4080s crytek for two years but uh part of the
4082s community since even before bence um i
4086s was one of our discord moderators for a
4088s really long time
4090s yeah
4091s so i think it's been just about five
4093s years for both of us now we're getting
4095s close to it
4096s well done so i uh a question from chat
4099s sb3 underscore com asks what were some
4101s of the biggest hurdles face in early
4103s development so i guess ben's may know a
4105s little bit more
4107s well early on uh i don't know if a lot
4109s of people play but we have a lot of
4111s balancing issues like
4113s for example uh
4115s uh hunters have a tier system tier one
4117s two three which depends on your rank so
4120s you can recruit like tier three hunters
4122s when you are like rank 67 or something
4126s but
4127s only tier three hunters uh or maybe two
4130s as well i can't even remember came with
4132s full health so tier one hunters had like
4134s a hundred health only so they got one
4136s shot by a lot of things
4139s yeah that was
4140s uh we also had uh you could when
4143s quartermaster originally came to the
4144s game uh it let you put on two large
4147s weapons so you could go around with full
4149s mosin full romero and just have no
4152s no downsides
4154s correct
4157s that one was pretty rough
4159s that's what that sounds really fun but
4161s two oh my lord also we didn't have a
4164s dark side to boost so like a big problem
4166s was people actually camping in the bus
4168s layers or around the bustlers so people
4170s didn't actually go for the buses and
4171s that's when the dark side boost was
4173s added so you can see the people around
4175s the compound
4176s yeah i feel back in those days it was
4179s more likely you'd get people camping at
4181s like extracts and stuff we also don't
4183s have the the extract sound
4185s so people would just sit right on top of
4187s the extract waiting oh and it is high
4189s there until
4191s someone said no whispers either yeah you
4193s couldn't like
4194s uh if you press the dark side you
4196s couldn't see if there's other people
4197s around the boss or anything like that
4199s back in the day so
4202s a bit less information but it made the
4204s game
4206s not as fun as it is now because
4208s really everyone was just camping
4209s somewhere way more than they do now and
4211s the extract camping and stuff like that
4213s was a thing so mm-hmm
4218s i honestly those are changes like
4219s because i joined
4221s when those changes actually were
4222s implemented and they actually like were
4224s going so i wouldn't even thought about
4226s how crazy that would have been
4228s yeah yeah uh
4230s also like uh you know now the clues go
4232s like red and angry even people around
4234s that was not a thing so people even
4236s climb camp cruise so they were just like
4238s crashing next to their clue and waiting
4239s for you to go there and just kill you
4241s instantly
4243s uh yeah because you didn't know if
4245s there's anyone around so uh
4248s yeah
4249s it was like wow very different think
4251s about that
4254s uh the boss is here by the way
4257s cool if you found a melee weapon i just
4258s took a stamp shot
4261s we have a event clue right here before
4263s we go into the boss there i just have to
4266s regain some stamina because there's some
4268s emulator watching it
4276s [Laughter]
4284s oh
4285s [Applause]
4286s [Music]
4288s uh someone asked is there plans for old
4290s event legendaries to make a return
4295s that's sorry with the traps
4297s i watched that in a
4312s right
4319s i heard crows i don't know if because
4320s you guys are
4322s oh it's probably about being myself
4334s about prior event legendaries uh
4337s they may return in similar events uh in
4340s the future but nothing is set in stone
4342s the only old quote-unquote event
4344s legendary that is for sure making a
4345s return at this point is billy story who
4347s will be available at some point in 2022.
4353s how
4355s exciting it's very soon
4361s this is why we had to kick you out for a
4363s stream for a few weeks
4365s he just comes on he gives everybody
4367s exactly what they want all the
4369s leaks can you blame it though everyone
4371s wants it though
4373s he's just he loves the community
4376s and don't tell uh
4378s danny
4381s oh i found a medieval phone if you're
4382s citizen oh ultimate somewhere
4386s i don't know i just got shot at
4391s it's red as well be careful
4393s oh no oh no and it's an automatic yeah
4401s it was from the south side
4423s i'm scared oh got one over here
4429s try not to get too close
4432s he was over here i shot him with a spark
4433s so he's healing he's got poison on him
4435s too oh nice nice
4441s is that us right oh yeah it's me
4444s i'm gonna try to rotate to the tower see
4446s if i can get a little bit longer range
4447s yeah i'll hold down this position
4452s but they're they're probably coming from
4453s the south south west
4461s i see him he's uh down there
4465s yep see him as well he's going left he's
4467s going left he's heading southeast
4471s there's a uh
4473s i think it's a billy i can't right uh
4475s it's a guy with a
4476s shield on this thing
4479s there's a red shirt as well here
4483s sorry there
4490s oh that guy moved at the last second
4496s oh
4498s yeah
4499s they rotate it to the other side
4511s i'm scared
4520s there above
4530s i'm coming
4539s i will see
4541s he was up top on the balcony and one was
4543s down low red shirt was in that area
4547s by that metal door
4549s after was up top it was a ronin
4554s i tagged them both but
4560s oh my god
4567s that's brutal
4575s shot
4577s nice shot
4601s yeah i didn't have enough ammo oh thank
4603s you
4605s oh that auto was really scary
4613s do you think the aftermath will get a
4614s nerf anytime soon or do you guys think
4616s it's as fine as it is
4619s i think it's fine personally like uh
4622s it's very hard to control it um it's not
4624s good at long range at all uh and it's
4626s very expensive and you also have to
4628s unlock it through the uh progression
4630s like the last progression of the mosin
4632s as well so
4634s personally i think it's pretty fair
4639s yeah same i think it has some some real
4641s downsides especially range like if you
4643s just stay out of
4644s you know 30 meters or so the recoil is
4647s so hard to control that
4649s you're just burning through ammo trying
4651s to hit anybody
4655s do i do it to him
4656s do i bring in the crown
4660s oh
4661s the crown crown and king
4671s i want to start showing off some more
4672s weapons
4680s okay i can also bring a shotgun maybe
4687s i got in the mood for aftermath because
4689s they said that actually
4692s can you tell us what is the new shotgun
4693s in this uh update or event
4697s the new one the legendary uh not the
4700s like uh there's a new variant of one
4702s guns
4703s that you can only get through the event
4706s oh dang is uh the romero
4709s alamo right correct yes
4712s brand new sorry
4714s brand new to this event you can earn it
4716s through the progression
4719s we also have a legendary version called
4720s the colburn
4723s that you can get as well that has a cool
4724s snake right on its
4726s butt
4727s and it's like the romero but it has a
4730s magazine that you cycle through by
4733s loading and unloading the weapon
4736s if you want go check out our youtube
4738s page bence did a great video with the of
4741s the event with many of our developers
4744s and uh one of our design teams goes into
4747s a little bit more detail about how the
4749s reload on the alamo works
4752s and uh i caught ariel guard a bit i love
4755s it
4756s usually he does that to me
4759s he usually does that to me so
4761s that's fair
4763s oh i there's a summon for me to kill
4765s someone with a quad derringer
4768s that sounds very difficult
4770s what's the new pistol that's come with
4772s this event
4773s the sparks pistol
4775s uh it's uh basically uh sparks but
4779s smaller and it hits like a truck still
4783s but very hard to control and obviously
4785s only one bullet
4786s so
4788s how much damage does it do at optimal
4789s range
4791s 149 to the body
4793s wow
4796s the pocket sparks what do you guys
4798s thought when i saw the trailer for the
4800s sparks pistol i legit was just going huh
4806s it's yeah pretty crazy okay i actually
4808s have to switch up my shotgun because
4810s i apparently have to kill people with
4812s incendiary ammo
4814s that's uh are you familiar with the
4816s summons mike
4819s or uh i'm not actually oh so if you go
4822s to uh progress tab the second tab is
4825s summons so you can complete like uh
4827s quests and unlock stuff
4830s i did not even know about this whoa okay
4834s i see
4835s boss layers free rewards sitting there
4838s for you
4840s oh
4841s interesting oh and he could choose it oh
4843s interesting
4846s andro did you mean by yeah you can
4848s choose uh two or if you buy the third f3
4851s and uh
4852s yeah you get rewards for it and if you
4854s uh get enough stars from them like they
4856s have like a difficult rating
4858s uh
4859s you have always a week to complete the
4862s like 30 stars i think and then you get
4864s some blood bones as a report
4866s yeah yeah hey
4868s uh you can also redo the same summon
4870s over and over again for uh to earn
4873s weekly progression but each time you
4875s complete each new summon you get a
4878s unique reward for each different one
4881s and if you do buy that third summon slot
4883s it stays unlocked forever it's not like
4885s you have to rebuy every week
4888s yeah um
4890s it looks like people want lots more
4891s nzxt's in chat so i think they want
4893s another giveaway what do you think vince
4895s yes let's do it
4897s uh because ben's asked me that trivia
4899s question that
4901s we're gonna go for alamo in chat
4903s a-l-a-m-o
4905s if you want to enter our next giveaway
4907s uh this one will do a uh they came from
4910s salem dlc on any platform you'd like uh
4913s we're doing the reap what you sow and
4915s they came from salem both of them give
4917s you a event booster during serpent moon
4920s get a free 10 extra event points when
4922s you're using any of those legendary
4924s hunters
4925s if you want to enter the giveaway type
4927s alamo in our twitch chat at twitch.tv
4930s crytek once you type it once you're
4932s entered into the giveaway until we pull
4934s the winners you will have to stick
4935s around when the winners are pulled and
4937s we'll probably ask you which platform
4939s you play on because we have different
4940s codes for playstation xbox and even
4943s different regions
4946s uh bentz
4948s do you know what the
4949s legendary number sparks
4952s snake shots next shot
4954s dang it
4957s ari always asked me about ash and amber
4959s that's like the kid dlc so i think i've
4961s been asking him about that for like two
4963s years it was only a few months ago that
4965s he's like really been on it
4968s uh
4971s do you guys also run a giveaway at the
4973s ncxd channel because
4975s yes we are it's it is uh if you guys
4978s want to go over to the ncxt uh twitch
4981s page if you do exclamation point hunt
4982s giveaway or type in nzxt dot co slash
4986s hunt giveaway uh we actually have a
4988s gleam going on for
4990s five codes of each of the dlcs uh so if
4994s you guys want to go ahead and do that go
4995s ahead you could also follow
4998s all the crytek and hunt showdowns
5000s uh
5001s profiles along with ours at nzxt and you
5004s guys can hopefully win and we also have
5006s a secret code at the end of the stream
5008s that i will release i'll give you 500
5010s extra entries
5012s because all the other ones give around
5013s 10. so if you guys stick around i can go
5015s ahead and give you the code as well wow
5018s another way to get a they came from
5020s salem dlc is on any of the hunt social
5023s media that you can find below our crytek
5025s twitch
5026s we are running a giveaway just started
5029s yesterday that should go for about a
5030s week where all you need to do is uh like
5034s or retweet the post on whichever
5036s platform it's on and tag a friend and
5038s then you'll get a chance to win a code
5041s for whatever platform you want
5044s lots of different ways to earn yourself
5046s some free dlcs today
5048s oh uh someone actually asked in chat
5050s what is in the dlc if you guys know
5052s uh for they came from salem so you get
5055s the witch hunter legendary which bence
5057s is using right now
5058s um
5060s but you can't really i guess you can see
5061s just the hand point of view
5067s what other legendaries does she come
5068s with she comes with a rifle i believe
5071s let me pull it up
5073s uh yeah the berthier deadeye called
5076s witch trial
5078s she also comes with a officer nagant a
5081s sister's keeper and then she comes with
5084s uh one of my favorite med kits the
5086s rooted apothecary
5091s yeah usually uh the newest dlcs come
5094s with uh one hunter
5097s three weapons on consumer bills and then
5099s one two
5101s so you can always uh get those four
5109s and yeah if you have everything already
5110s uh you can obviously just uh give the
5112s code away to a friend as well
5115s yes exactly
5116s if you don't have anyone in mind uh we
5118s can always reroll winners at least for
5121s the crytek giveaways
5123s so just everyone should get this game
5125s because this is the best game of all
5126s time so everyone's talking about this
5128s game
5129s oh thank you that's high praise
5133s i i religiously
5135s played this game
5137s gosh for how how long it's ridiculous
5139s how long i played this game um
5145s there's some snakes thanks to the stuff
5147s yeah i'm trying to collect them
5149s where you are i saw you trying to get
5151s out of the building
5153s you're not done with the event are you
5155s bets no no no i'm at like
5157s level 14 or something like that we don't
5160s need six
5162s i'll make sure not to run into the
5164s compound again
5166s before you guys get the clue it's okay
5171s we're getting a lot of followers right
5172s now jesus
5174s probably for the uh nzxt giveaway huh
5178s easy way to get more entries
5180s yes follow hunt showdown
5182s on
5183s all the socials you can guys go check on
5185s the gleam all their socials are also
5187s there as well so follow them they got
5189s poop ducks right here uh they got some
5191s crazy stuff coming in so just keep an
5193s eye out for that
5194s and also we posted ncst's channel in our
5196s chat as well but on twitch you can find
5198s them at visual tv slash nzxt very easy
5202s and uh you can check out the gleam
5203s gigabyte mike mentioned and obviously
5205s give them a follow
5207s on all their channels actually
5213s so uh i think he mentioned you guys on
5215s tiktaka's well now right
5218s yes yes we actually are on tick tock i
5220s actually when the main one that handles
5222s all tick tock so if you guys ever want
5224s to see my cringy videos you're more
5226s welcome to follow it
5228s but it's cringy i get it i understand so
5232s if you guys don't want to see it i
5234s understandable
5235s after this game i'm gonna go and check
5237s it out as well
5240s it's so cringy
5241s it's doing well i will admit that it's
5243s doing really well i actually just
5245s literally like two days ago just uh
5247s got the most viewed video that we made
5249s on tick tock wow
5252s so that's really cool but it's so it's
5255s if you guys see my cringy skits please
5258s i i know it pays me to make it it's very
5261s painful even more painful for you to
5263s watch
5264s i get it i get it i get it y'all
5267s somebody's already taken this clue so
5269s maybe we had a team that went healing
5271s water and then came here
5273s so i think maybe
5275s yeah i think we'll be behind find a team
5278s right now you guys want to
5279s if you guys want to take the short do
5281s you guys just want to cut straight
5282s across or do you guys want to take it a
5283s little bit go all the way right oh
5284s there's fire there i can oh yeah wow
5289s oh
5290s i think let's just go i don't think
5292s they'll be expecting us as long as we
5293s don't do any crows or anything okay okay
5296s easier said than that but
5300s oh
5301s on our side bence is mostly in charge of
5303s our tick-tock to who's the one who said
5305s we should start posting on there and
5307s we've gotten some really good feedback
5309s uh we post some cinematic stuff on there
5312s a lot
5313s yeah as i said mikey's just because
5315s those cinematics are amazing
5318s we have a creative services team and
5319s they are freaking amazing yeah it's so
5322s cool
5323s what was your question no no i just
5325s wanted to say that you really are my uh
5327s equivalent and uh yes actually if we do
5330s the exact same stuff it's uh it's cool
5336s you just tell me that you love anime as
5338s well and then
5339s uh
5340s you can be best friend
5345s what about goku
5347s big fan
5350s i'm sadly not a big blind movie fan he's
5353s not even ben
5355s sadly i know i'm sorry philosophy i know
5358s no it's still good i love all anime
5360s basically so sandra's here
5363s oh that's actually pretty nice
5367s ah damn the hive
5369s okay lady someone just said we uh became
5372s best friend and then we just broke up
5373s right
5377s ben's has mentioned that's a make or
5378s break for him
5380s gosh
5381s the goku love wow there's so many
5386s yeah the enemy team is like pretty close
5387s now two teams i think
5390s yeah sounds like they're fighting we
5391s should try to get across this
5393s gap
5394s while they're distracted
5400s no dogs
5406s oh benz do you remember early on and
5408s hunt where these uh slotted fences you
5411s could jump through them at the right
5413s angle oh yeah
5416s i missed that but it was also so janky
5424s is it a person in the is that a person
5427s or
5428s whatever that's right both me and
5432s mike i think have close range
5435s uh i haven't been back to uh i'm back to
5437s i'm trying out the birthday
5439s oh this gun forever
5441s okay i'm just vulnerable
5448s one person and right side
5453s i'm gonna do a loop around oh but
5454s someone flashed inside too yeah someone
5456s threw a flash
5458s oh is there multiple multiple teams here
5459s i think then yeah
5467s tagged one in here nice they have a
5469s shotgun so don't push
5471s got it
5473s oh they ran uh behind the barn
5477s to the left yeah one's running north
5486s daddy you guys one was running this way
5499s oh my gosh
5502s you okay where are you oh
5504s he ran to the barn
5508s oh someone shot at me from behind i
5510s think
5511s i got shot from here
5523s oh my god oh my god there's a loot
5526s station right behind us oh you're oh
5529s he's just like a concert in a bomb but
5543s they're both tagged
5545s one was left side back to the concertina
5549s it was causative poison and uh something
5551s else too they just like they quadruple
5554s trapped it
5555s i think you're good
5557s thank you tagged again why you sure back
5558s here but i have to reload oh oh
5561s closely
5562s oh how did i miss that he's right here
5564s hits
5565s nice nicer he went to the locks
5575s i didn't expect her to be there
5582s i'm gonna back up to the resupply and
5584s reload
5586s there's still a guy on the left oh
5588s that's two two there
5591s tag one on fire
5592s uh in the back
5595s attacked another
5597s nice you're doing great you're doing
5598s great bench she run behind as well
5602s yep red barn red barn
5604s still there
5612s defense can you give me a ping on the
5613s ones in the right oh they were right
5614s behind the barn
5617s between the bus
5619s and like the entrance and yeah
5627s window
5633s money's on the far left
5639s they went up top they went up top
5649s [Music]
5653s they're watching from the top side of
5655s that barn
5659s oh i didn't see him
5662s yeah i could they're peeking
5663s i think he was maybe
5667s down the roof
5680s ah
5692s good luck ari
5694s oh gosh yeah they're all they're all
5696s playing their range and i got the demo
5697s octo
5711s she shot me with a silence officer in a
5714s as i hit her with the opto
5716s good try nice shout out
5719s actually nice try
5722s i'm so sorry
5728s all right uh let's go ahead and pull our
5730s winners for that alamo giveaway for they
5733s came from salem on whatever platform you
5735s want
5736s first winner we're looking for is astro
5738s underscore luck if you're in chat let us
5740s know
5744s if you didn't enter the giveaway you can
5746s go ahead still enter right now um you
5748s just need to type alamo in chat
5751s and you'll be entered to win a they came
5753s from salem dlc on any platform
5759s i'm gonna do a shotgun run now for you
5769s our first winner was in chat i just sent
5771s you a whisper so check that out we'll
5773s need a little bit more info from you
5775s um and then we'll go ahead and pull
5777s another winner
5794s someone wants to know ori's gpu and
5796s graphics settings
5799s oh gosh
5800s i have a 3080 ti for my gpu
5805s and my graphics settings um i have to
5808s check right now
5812s uh
5813s object quality texture quality both on
5816s high and then lighting shadow effect
5819s and particles are all at low
5822s so i want stuff to look good but i don't
5824s want any extra
5826s i do the same exactly
5828s yeah
5835s [Music]
5840s i'm taking shotgun as well benci
5843s nice nice nice
5845s our next winner is
5848s perilta e
5850s peralta e maybe
5852s uh they just typed alimon chat so i
5854s think they're still around
5855s now we're going to shoot you a whisper
5857s just to get a little bit more info for
5858s you for that
5860s and then we will pull another winner
5866s next one is main cz if you're in chat
5870s let us know
5873s [Music]
5880s big mac in the chat says that uh this
5882s he's been playing this game for about
5884s three years now and a lot has changed
5887s um
5889s do you guys do you guys feel like hunt's
5891s becoming a little bit
5893s kind of crazy with everything going on
5894s with all these events all these new
5896s legendaries and how many people are
5897s playing it especially like some top
5899s youtubers are playing it i know like
5901s stonewall was playing it for a while
5904s um
5905s i think jacksepticeye played for a
5906s little bit too we've had some doctor
5908s disrespect streams lately that have been
5910s really fun to watch thank you i didn't
5912s know jacksepticeye played but that would
5914s be cool but yeah recently uh we actually
5916s broke like the most concurrent players
5918s with this event so
5920s uh
5921s yeah so
5922s i i think it's a really good time to get
5924s into hunt
5927s a lot of things going on uh constantly
5929s like uh changes coming to the game new
5931s weapons and stuff like that so
5933s uh definitely like since three years ago
5936s it was uh
5938s it was a bit undercooked but now i feel
5940s like it's really at a point where
5942s uh it's like really satisfying and uh
5946s even the foundation of the game is just
5947s much more stable now because you know we
5949s had like a lot of server issues uh even
5952s the d-sync issue is just much much
5954s better enough than ever before so
5957s uh yeah
5959s i agree i remember i remember when it
5960s first began it was a little rough for
5962s d-sync like i remember i jumped down and
5963s i shot back up i was like wait a minute
5965s but i really haven't had that many
5967s issues with that now it's pretty
5969s impressive how fast how fast you guys
5971s are also at because i know like some
5973s games it'll take you months before you
5976s even hear anything at all
5977s um and you guys are pretty quick with
5979s what you guys do so well done on that oh
5981s thanks so much
5983s um
5984s one thing that really impresses me from
5987s the start of hunt is how big our arsenal
5989s has gotten
5990s as far as weapons and stuff like it
5992s started pretty decent um but everything
5996s we've added it doesn't even feel the
5998s same anymore like you have so many
5999s options
6000s so many different types of ammunition
6002s the custom ammo was the one that really
6004s like
6005s i think opened up a ton of possibilities
6007s of different stuff you can do
6010s yeah and uh like i think they fixed like
6012s 300 bugs in the last update so we
6015s actually like been focusing more on like
6018s bug fixes and stability as well this
6020s year a lot so
6021s yeah i think it's like
6024s a much better experience not for
6026s everyone
6027s but it's still a very hard game to get
6029s into because uh you know there's a lot
6031s of complicated systems the gameplay
6034s stuff feels
6035s i would say like very unique compared to
6037s other shooters
6039s and people can be really good so it
6042s takes some time
6043s to understand everything
6045s but when when you do it just clicks and
6048s you can't stop playing i think so
6052s yeah
6053s i agree there's a little bit of a steep
6055s learning curve just trying to understand
6056s the game but dang once you're in you're
6058s in like you legit can't put this down
6060s because you can always improve no matter
6063s what
6065s yeah there's always so much you can do
6067s yeah so i guess hunt is like a game
6069s where your shot really matters and uh
6072s being tactical as well so it's like you
6074s know like a lot of other shooters are
6076s like very quick and more like uh
6078s like depend on your reflexes and how you
6081s can how quickly you can react to
6083s things but in hand it's more about
6086s where you position
6087s uh if you hit that one shot on enemies
6089s and
6090s i personally really really love that
6093s yeah yeah
6097s let's go i also like how the how wide
6099s the weapons are so you can start like
6100s shotguns if you want to go close range
6102s and aggressive or you can be like
6103s further back and change up that's what i
6105s love yeah
6107s and because they're uh
6108s all the rifles and stuff for the most
6110s part are quite slow to
6112s get the next bullet in the chamber and
6114s stuff there's a real downside at close
6116s range if you pull you know if you have a
6117s motion or something
6120s whereas sometimes in games the
6122s you know main rifles and submachine guns
6124s can all kind of feel the same
6127s uh i went ahead and pulled another
6129s winner for the alamo giveaway we're
6131s looking for beeps bps if you're in chat
6134s you have a they came from salem dlc for
6137s you
6141s some snakes on the right
6143s yeah i just got spooked by a snake while
6145s you were talking
6146s he started his thing next to me
6155s uh beeps keep an eye out on your whisper
6157s i need a little bit more info from you
6158s but then we can get you that dlc
6164s oh
6183s uh big mac asked so one question i do
6185s have there uh your guys's new cinematic
6188s for the detective skin shows them dual
6189s wielding by aiming each gun separately
6192s are there any plans incorporating that
6194s into the game
6196s i
6197s don't remember the cinematic but uh
6200s i don't think that's something we're
6201s currently planning to do i think if you
6204s have a dual wield it will make sense to
6206s make it so that you're only dual
6208s wielding you're not getting like aim
6209s down sight accuracy with it yeah exactly
6212s like it uh we even had the problem with
6214s dual building uh that it was a bit too
6216s accurate even how it was so it was
6219s actually nerves uh not so long ago
6222s uh
6223s but yeah if you could aim separately
6225s that would be
6226s i would say
6228s a bit overpowered
6229s so i don't think this is
6232s something that's planned
6234s the cinematic team takes
6236s some freedoms uh when they're making the
6238s trailers and stuff to make them look
6240s very good but oh
6242s i i think it was in the last cinematic
6245s when the sheriff had dual build and he
6247s aimed separately in the cinematic
6249s version not like in gameplay right yeah
6251s yeah oh okay okay
6253s yeah it's just a shot of him
6255s he's like down uh
6257s down to sao
6258s looking down and lowered this allen
6262s yeah i was uh thinking like a full
6263s gameplay footage or something like that
6265s but yeah yeah oh no no no you know
6267s cinematic is a bit different because uh
6270s our team can actually read the
6271s characters a bit differently and use
6273s motion capture uh like bodysuits to
6277s record like human completely human
6279s movements as well that's why
6281s uh they look like so smooth and cool so
6284s uh another reason that is something that
6286s i love you guys cinematics is so well
6288s done i'm like this is a this is like
6290s just so good all the music too is so
6292s good
6293s oh the music man oh my god
6296s so good did you know that i'm playing in
6298s one of the songs yeah he's part of the
6301s band like to tell it to everyone really
6303s yeah
6304s i play the drums in um
6306s [Music]
6307s it's dark in new orleans uh which is the
6309s only song that has like real drums in it
6312s which one is that one again
6314s uh
6316s i'll try to look it up after this and
6317s i'll see if i can
6319s uh let the people listen cause like
6321s honestly guys if you guys want like a
6323s banger soundtrack to listen to
6325s the hunt showdown like
6327s playlist is so
6337s so i don't know if you knew about the uh
6340s someone's been here
6341s oh no
6342s there's a trap here oh gosh
6345s all right keep an eye out for the rest
6346s of the compound
6347s yeah so i don't know if you knew uh mike
6349s but all the music is actually made by
6351s devs in the team so
6354s uh for example the lead singer is our
6356s nerd uh i think uh lead narrative
6358s designer now
6360s uh
6361s and obviously there's people from the
6363s audio team but there's the teams from
6365s narrative and other departments as well
6366s so it's a completely uh
6369s dev band basically
6371s wow that's incredible do you guys
6374s or do you guys ever get overwhelmed or
6376s anything with having to do that and also
6378s do like do the actual music and stuff or
6380s is it like kind of fun to do it uh i
6382s mean when i was asked to do the drums it
6384s was super fun
6385s to me personally so
6388s like you don't have to do it if you
6389s don't want to but i feel like everyone
6391s that wants to participate is very happy
6393s to do it because it's uh so cool to be
6395s part of the
6396s of the music of like something like you
6398s know like it's actually a real band now
6400s and uh there's two albums released
6403s uh so really that's so sick yeah you can
6406s find them on spotify itunes google music
6409s i think all
6412s yeah so yeah it's a really fun and a
6415s cool little like easter egg um like
6417s extra info
6418s that is all by
6420s people from the team
6422s yeah we're gonna need a stream of you
6424s just playing the drums the entire time
6426s just one hour just playing it
6429s i i used to do that on my own twitch now
6431s but uh you know
6433s since then twitch is like very angry
6434s about copyrighted stuff so right
6438s like everything i just muted after and
6440s removed sadly
6443s pence is a traditionally trained drummer
6446s though he did a lot of it in his early
6448s years
6449s true
6450s yeah i've been drumming for like 16
6452s years now i think
6453s 16 years wow what made you want to get
6456s into it or maybe even longer uh
6459s okay it's a bit funny like i uh you know
6461s like i was like six or seven years old
6463s and i was really jealous of one of my
6466s classmates that was really good at like
6469s rhythms and like playing music
6471s so i went to the same drum teacher as he
6473s did and
6474s started drumming
6477s yeah basically
6479s and also like my parents always wanted
6481s to me to play some instrument like piano
6483s or guitar so i chose the loudest one and
6486s the most annoying one
6488s yeah
6489s i just imagine them holding like a
6491s violin to you and you smash it on the
6493s ground you're like no
6495s no i the drums are calling to me
6498s okay violin can be pretty annoying too
6501s you
6502s gotta say if somebody is still learning
6506s but yeah the drums were the best for the
6508s whole neighborhood um
6515s let's get this
6520s we actually have some pretty good
6521s questions
6522s that ask after we kill these guys and
6525s win
6527s oh i'm scared
6528s and to watch out for traps because uh
6531s they've been trapping everything so just
6533s keep an eye out for barrels we got some
6535s chains right in front of us
6537s there's a concert in a bomb on the floor
6540s i exploded there
6547s nice
6554s want not a roof somewhere that's me i'm
6556s gonna burn i'm gonna burn his friend uh
6558s two two on the east side on the roof
6564s oh uh
6565s snake man's going
6568s back inside oh no
6575s one's over here
6577s find the uh crate
6580s oh gonna hit me
6583s oh damn
6584s oh ben's from where
6586s uh i got naded and then i tried to heal
6588s uh behind
6589s oh he's on your left
6594s beautiful that's the guy that killed me
6595s so you can arrest me one left one one
6597s was over here the last one was probably
6598s over here was that the snake man yeah
6600s alligator man okay oh no no the
6604s reptilian is
6605s killed
6606s up here hurt hurt
6622s good flash
6628s oh my god anyone around we're good we're
6631s good we're good oh we're beautiful
6633s i couldn't see it
6635s oh my god
6638s oh my god yeah because uh i was trying
6640s to flat because i thought he was still
6641s up so i threw the thing and he ran down
6644s and hit my flash so i go oh we were just
6647s blow flying swinging wildly
6650s nice
6651s i did something guys i did it
6653s no are you very great
6655s you did great
6658s i did nothing on the other hand i just
6660s died
6664s is the other team coming this way oh the
6666s other team is coming so
6667s oh there's so close
6669s um let's see uh
6671s yeah do you guys want to fight it uh
6673s sure you guys are [ __ ] guns
6676s did you did you lose a smaller big one
6678s ah
6679s small well
6681s nothing you guys what do you guys wanna
6682s do i i i always prefer fighting so i
6684s don't mind dying that much okay so let's
6686s do it
6687s oh there's another death team inside so
6689s that's the last thing too yeah there's
6691s extra dead bodies so i'm gonna grab a
6692s rifle or something
6694s yeah i may do that too
6697s this
6697s it's a what's the culvert that's the
6700s legendary romero
6703s oh gotcha gotcha
6705s that was the one i dropped
6707s i'm actually not going to loot these
6708s guys i'm going to save uh the seconds
6710s for mid fight
6714s oh
6716s so a pressure okay
6718s see where they are now
6720s yeah you guys have dark side
6722s i don't know if they're in right they're
6724s just barely in range i think i'm not
6726s gonna scan yet but they're coming
6727s southeast corner
6729s uh from arden
6733s we don't have a great angle over that
6735s from the compound i don't think
6738s i'm shy i should have picked up that
6740s sniper there's a wind field downstairs
6743s all right
6745s okay that's fine i'll stick with i'll
6747s stick with this i have an uppercut so i
6748s can uh i can still have these pulpers
6749s then
6750s nice
6752s they are in like this area right
6755s okay so they're in the compound now
6758s okay i'm gonna oh they're like right by
6761s okay
6764s yep three of them all coming from the
6766s south
6767s uh they're all kind of
6769s just a little bit spread out i see one
6773s they're all i see all three actually oh
6779s here's another viewing field if you want
6780s by the way i found one
6785s and the compounder right at that
6787s building thing
6789s it's proven explosive
6794s yeah yeah so two that way
6796s and then one over there
6798s oh they're right here behind the
6801s chicken
6803s tagged one at that uh
6805s southeast thing
6815s what is very close i heard that fig
6817s right next to me
6819s lonely hell on the other side of this
6821s fence he's throwing to you
6823s you're out of range you're at a range
6824s where he's back here
6836s get one here he's all this guy's alone
6838s right now if we want to try to kill him
6839s yeah let's push
6846s no way i attacked him
6849s always died betrayed him
6851s okay uh can you come get the rest
6854s yes i can
6856s oh
6859s get it
6869s right now
6886s oh
6896s nice
6899s bullets
6917s there's one on our bodies too
6921s oh that was a good shot
6925s on the roof by our bodies
6939s so
6987s any terribles
6989s do not
7014s uh
7017s outside
7031s uh
7045s okay you're good
7047s he may push you actually
7050s nice
7052s beautiful
7054s that's the clutch let's
7057s go gg oh my heart
7060s my heart
7061s that was beautiful
7064s oh my god my heart is kicked
7066s right now
7069s that was pretty nice
7076s oh my god
7080s he just ascended this game you killed
7082s half of the man myself
7085s 300 hours this game and i proved myself
7087s right there you really did yeah
7089s that was awesome to watch
7092s culture if you guys want to loot them
7094s all oh my lord he's here oh like they
7097s also had a lot of snake tokens
7099s i
7100s [Music]
7106s my heart rate i could feel my heart rate
7108s of my throat
7110s was that that last one oh my god
7113s yeah i i wanted to say that he was
7114s already down once so you can just hit
7116s him when he dies but didn't want to like
7118s uh
7119s mess up the flow yeah
7122s what's the lebeau
7124s i'm gonna take that
7126s i need to like i need like a 10 hour nap
7128s right now after that i felt like i just
7130s did the hardest work that i've done ever
7133s you just aged like 10 years in the five
7135s minutes oh my god i think i think i grew
7138s like a little extra i think i'd grow an
7140s extra a couple gray hairs right there
7145s my gg's that was uh really nice oh good
7147s job thank you
7152s thank you chad thank you
7154s great play from 100 with 1k hours oh
7155s thank you thank you
7157s oh
7159s yeah you played that perfectly i think
7160s that was amazing
7164s do you see that chat i actually did
7166s something i didn't just die
7167s with no shots i did something
7173s i feel like that has to be a tweet uh
7175s the highlights wheel of death
7177s oh that's definitely good
7179s 100
7180s this is the peak of my career it's all
7190s thank you
7192s you just made the enemy team all the
7194s time
7195s how are you guys how are you guys doing
7197s everyone was like super intense oh my
7199s god and now everyone is saying like mike
7201s clutch is good
7205s you say dumb hands must be shaking
7208s i i don't i don't i don't i don't think
7209s i can toss this moment i think it's just
7211s it's just downhill i peaked my i think i
7213s peaked in front of the crytek audience
7215s as well so
7218s yeah
7219s oh my gosh
7225s i'm running around
7228s oh you're good you're good we we pretty
7229s much
7233s okay i'm not gonna do black eagles like
7234s put on crowded big slugs and i'm like no
7237s i already feel i really feel dirty using
7239s the crown of the king in general
7240s so like i feel like it's a um
7244s yeah i thought i thought it was just a
7246s little too i i think crying king slugs
7248s would be a little too much
7251s yeah that's true like i i like you know
7253s the normal crowning king i sometimes
7255s feel like you have to hit people so many
7257s times for them to die
7258s yeah yeah at least those shots come out
7260s quick
7266s agree
7267s these are those that's i think that is
7269s what the definition of hunt is you'll
7271s have like the moments where it's slow
7273s and use methodical but when you have the
7275s pulse of 200 hands are shaking
7277s adrenaline's going like that's when you
7279s start to really feel it
7283s yeah i mean after if someone like makes
7285s a play like this it becomes your
7287s favorite game right away
7290s that was so cool
7292s you can't you can't write these stories
7294s and people are saying you won't because
7295s you have an answer extra pc so
7298s yeah that's very true
7301s oh my webcam just got screwed up
7307s oh because i already
7309s disappeared uh oh
7311s all right
7314s yeah our cameras are broken sorry chad
7316s because ary is
7318s all good i can at least put mine on real
7320s quick
7323s oh i can't really fix mine until arie's
7326s back but it should fix itself
7332s hello can you guys i'm so sweating
7334s yellow
7335s i don't know what happened my discord
7337s just freaked out but
7341s uh
7342s yeah we can hear you now if you start
7343s your camera again it would be
7346s oh yes yes sorry because now it's like
7348s broken
7353s how's that
7354s fixed thank you
7356s where are you
7357s mike the new u.s commission yeah because
7359s so when i already left your name moved
7361s to
7362s the u.s committee manager
7371s [Music]
7376s all right as as the new uh as a new
7379s manager everyone here gets the game for
7381s free oh
7383s brave all dlc
7385s every gay everything from here on out is
7388s free
7389s wow
7390s he's a man of the people
7402s [Laughter]
7410s i will liberate hunt i'll give it back
7412s to the people
7414s how am i supposed to compete with this
7422s i think i just got to keep i think i
7423s just got to keep playing with this i
7425s actually i'm just i'm just doing it so i
7426s guess it goes keep going yeah yeah
7429s it's uh worked out for you so
7433s uh for our next keyword if you want to
7436s enter our next giveaway the key word is
7437s mike clutch
7443s i'll take it i'll take it
7447s and mike do you have a preferred dlc
7450s i'll see if we can do that one
7452s ooh
7453s uh i really like the salem one i really
7455s they came from salem all right we'll do
7458s one more they came from salem you have
7459s another chance to win a
7462s salem dlc on any platform you want
7465s thanks to mike this one's all friend
7475s but i was beautiful man again
7477s thank you good
7480s just let him run right into that and
7482s then finish it off with a clean head
7484s shot
7485s oh
7486s i didn't think i hit that shot i was
7487s just like i was like okay let me just
7489s see if i fire and i just killed him like
7491s oh okay
7493s i think the guy also baited himself a
7495s bit with the flesh bomb because he hit
7496s you so he got the hit marker and he
7498s started coming towards you start running
7500s yeah
7501s i was really debating like when i got
7503s flashed i was like oh i could play off
7504s that i'm like flashed and just like
7506s start running in like circles
7508s thinking about like should i
7510s eat that i'm like i don't know if that's
7511s dumb right
7513s it worked out at the end
7515s i think that viper really messed up
7517s coming into your crown in king range
7519s like playing wide on the roof and stuff
7521s and then he was like i better get really
7523s close to the shotgun guy that's good
7524s very confused about that i was like they
7526s i was at the disadvantage because i only
7528s had an uppercut that was it but then
7530s they decided to push into the actual car
7531s i guess they tried going for the res
7533s yeah i thought i got impatient
7539s that's what happens
7541s oh
7542s i'm still i'm still sliding guys you
7543s know i'm gonna have to take this off
7548s oh
7558s we came out of there with a lot of event
7560s points too
7561s yeah
7564s i got close to 400 with the bruce i
7565s think
7567s wow
7573s have you unlocked the level of one
7574s hunter yet car you must be really close
7576s now if you haven't oh the what hacker
7580s viper yes so uh i think i'm close to
7582s viper yeah right now definitely i should
7584s be
7586s i'll take a look at how far i am but i
7588s will want to make sure to let people uh
7590s see some of the cool uh oh i forgot a
7593s serpent um see some of the cool
7596s like skins and everything by the way
7597s everyone
7598s if you guys have a chance take a look at
7600s the dlc because honestly the dlc in this
7603s game it it
7604s it's probably one of the coolest things
7606s like these skins
7608s um from and they don't just like change
7610s up it's not just like a simple weapon
7611s skin like these things is like
7614s it's like they have like a bunch of
7616s different things on top of it like my
7617s favorite is the uppercut the lord's
7619s prayer you can see like all the designs
7621s on it there's what's the um what's the
7623s one with the poker chip on the uppercut
7625s snake eyes especially guys that one's
7628s also one of my favorites too oh yeah
7631s because the thing is it's not just like
7633s oh let's just change the gun to purple
7635s right they like add in all these like
7637s different things and also
7638s the people here uh um
7642s legendary hunters oh yeah
7646s [Applause]
7655s oh i thought players were on you
7657s actually no no i was like i was like oh
7659s i'm broke
7660s yeah same
7662s sorry sorry where are you
7665s i was like he's surprisingly calm for
7667s being at like two hp
7672s yeah i'm pretty proud of it for for how
7674s we do dlc of it not affecting gameplay
7677s and uh you know pretty much all of our
7680s dlcs are a pretty big change on the
7682s original
7684s i mean they are like all custom crafted
7686s basically uh especially the legendary
7689s hunters take like a long time to make
7691s because they are super detailed so
7694s and obviously all the weapons are very
7695s detailed in hunt as well
7698s uh free bullet grabber right here
7701s i don't
7705s i know like i have two uppercuts right
7707s now so
7708s wait are they dual uppercut oh no no i
7710s actually have a sparks pistol uppercast
7712s sorry
7712s oh okay got oh sparks i ain't meant to
7715s go double uppercut but i think i messed
7717s up so
7718s i just i just know this is so good
7720s yeah like can you still do the quick
7722s draw yeah on the with the two uppercuts
7723s yes
7724s that's that's why i love it
7726s yeah
7727s that's basically the only
7728s loadout you can do it fin
7731s yeah i know i know there's like
7732s technically better
7734s guns than like the uppercut but i don't
7735s know the feel and the power of an
7737s uppercut i don't know it just feels so
7739s good
7739s the same
7741s so you you're like a sparks uppercut guy
7743s like me is
7745s yeah
7746s like i know there's like better
7748s optimized guns like i know uh made a
7751s video about like um the caldwell
7753s conversion pistol with fmj
7756s is basically just a cheaper uppercut and
7760s i get it
7761s and it's cheaper
7762s but i just love the feel of it yeah it
7764s feels different shot and run yeah yeah
7768s i'd like to take a shot and run and like
7770s move somewhere so i think that's why i
7771s like the uppercut more with the color
7773s conversion i'm like well i can't shoot
7775s but
7777s yeah i feel like
7779s when i play with the conver normal
7780s conversion it's uh feels too light
7783s it's hard to explain but i feel like
7784s you're holding something light and when
7786s you have the uppercut it you can feel
7787s the punch and how the gun kicks back and
7790s i'm so used to that that everything else
7791s feels a bit odd
7793s yeah the conversion isn't isn't clunky
7796s enough yeah
7799s i don't know why i like the clunkiness
7801s right
7802s yeah especially if you get used to it
7804s feels good yeah
7805s in our testing that was the best that
7807s was the number one feedback we got on
7809s the romero alamo was that people said it
7812s was clunky and they liked it i like that
7815s that this reload mechanic felt like it
7817s was kind of homemade you know it didn't
7820s feel like it was
7821s fully manufactured
7823s like right
7825s it was kind of
7826s you guys usually have a say in like
7828s would they make any introduce new
7830s weapons you guys usually have a say in
7831s it
7832s like if you liked it or not or what you
7834s should like any design changes
7836s we could give our feedback as players
7838s but um our main job especially the
7840s community manager side is we're kind of
7842s speaking for the community
7844s so
7846s we do we've had play tests and stuff
7848s which has been really helpful
7850s and we'll help kind of coordinate those
7852s and kind of group all the feedback
7854s together and give it um but the game
7857s designers as well are in those feedback
7859s sessions and can ask questions and
7861s uh you know get the weapons the best
7864s place they can but we always have the uh
7866s then the public test sessions where
7867s we'll take feedback and adjust stuff as
7869s needed too
7870s oh
7872s okay oh
7873s great
7874s shot once
7878s in the top of here
7881s hold down there i have that
7884s another at that door one's right here to
7885s the right you gotta heal i gotta heal
7889s nice nice nice where's the last one
7891s one's upstairs i think
7905s oh i see him
7909s he's coming towards you mike
7917s nice
7920s great job he took out all three
7923s again oh let's go
7926s it's the crowded king
7928s uh extra ammo yeah we had some good
7930s synergy on one two because i take them
7932s with the sparks pistol and you
7934s instantly kill them with the uh
7937s yeah your shotgun their crown and king
7939s that was good oh our synergies are all
7942s we're
7943s oh yeah we're going at it 100
7948s i guess i got to make a hunt montage
7949s after this i guess
7951s gotta make everyone's clips of everyone
7952s killing stuff i'll check your guys's
7954s stream i'll get the uh
7956s i'll get your guys clip we'll do a
7957s little hunt montage for today i like
7959s video weddings so like that's my that's
7960s my type of stuff
7962s nice
7965s by the way to your question uh which are
7967s uh answered basically so uh
7970s for weapon yeah here's your lord sprayer
7971s by the way
7974s but i take it if you don't mind so i
7976s cannot double up card so yeah so for new
7977s weapons and weapon balancing we are yeah
7980s we are more involved in the balancing
7981s side of those to like help out and give
7983s feedback but for like features and
7986s bosses and bigger stuff is this red
7989s uh
7992s sorry
7993s no i don't know oh
7995s it looked right for a second sorry go
7996s ahead oh that was the emulator i guess
7997s uh oh yeah
8000s yeah so for bigger features the
8002s community team is super involved in
8004s everything even the planning part
8006s uh
8008s so yeah so actually we are very very
8010s involved in how the game is being
8012s shipped and through us the whole
8014s community is so
8015s uh that's also i think something very
8017s cool with hunt uh
8020s it grew a lot in earlier
8022s exactly like a lot of stuff is because
8024s of the community and how the game
8026s shaped its form is was because of the
8028s community's involvement
8031s yeah you guys have actually one of the
8032s most like
8034s outspoken but also one of the most like
8036s healthiest like communities i've ever
8038s seen uh i see you guys at the reddits
8040s forums all the time and it's my favorite
8042s thing because they add cowboy hats to
8043s everyone
8045s it's my favorite red at all times every
8047s single person has a cowboy hat no matter
8049s what
8049s of course
8050s we just did a post on uh what's this
8054s here
8055s what was it yesterday where we did them
8057s it was like you guys explaining hunt yes
8063s so funny
8064s i chose the white house right
8068s i made some different drafts and i
8070s always make them like
8072s very
8073s not great like i want them to feel
8075s rushed and
8076s you know i don't want to spend a lot of
8078s time on them i don't ask our graphic
8079s designers for any help
8080s but who wanted ben's i tried a few
8082s different hats i wanted to see which one
8084s he liked better
8091s so am i kathy's meow again
8094s [Music]
8098s still clear i think i'm going to take a
8100s little break and go trap a little bit of
8102s the compound
8103s i'll make sure to run into them again oh
8105s yeah that's the number one
8110s [Music]
8120s sacrifice any snakes you've gone oh
8123s oh this isn't good
8126s we're still white
8129s oh i actually have a sticky so i believe
8131s i can actually
8133s catch it yeah i didn't realize i had one
8139s okay it's the kids
8155s the other bounty grabbed it
8157s and uh there hasn't been much shooting
8159s since so i think
8161s they might come straight towards us
8163s okay let me put the snakes in the oven
8165s quickly
8166s yeah both of them are up here watch for
8168s traps though
8169s there should be one right to your right
8170s as you get up there
8176s [Music]
8185s uh next gen update so we uh already said
8189s that this is something we are working on
8191s and it will come but we don't have a
8193s date for it just yet because it requires
8196s a lot of work especially from the engine
8198s side
8199s uh to integrate all the features that
8201s are needed for connection updates so
8203s we cannot give you like a that but it is
8207s being very known
8218s uh what about dialysis uh
8222s that is also tied to the very
8225s same or very similar thing so
8228s they may come around the same time if we
8230s get it
8238s because these things all depend on the
8239s engine integration and stuff like that
8241s which is not so easy to do uh but when
8244s it's done uh
8246s all that cool stuff can come at the same
8248s time or close to each other
8258s uh nigerian update doesn't mean it's
8260s gonna be a new game uh if as far as i'm
8262s aware
8263s but again more info than we're closer to
8280s someone asked if we would do a contest
8282s for either a new boss or a legendary
8285s hunter we have done a art contest for
8288s legendary hunters in the past
8290s in
8290s collaboration with a 3d
8293s part software thing we don't have any
8295s planned right now but we do have the
8297s hunt
8299s video awards going on that you could
8301s enter if you like the creative space
8304s and other heart or other art type
8307s contests may come up in the future too
8308s we always like featuring our
8311s fan art that we get we do at least one
8314s post a week featuring something that we
8315s found that some amazing creator has made
8318s somewhere on reddit instagram that kind
8321s of stuff
8322s exactly yeah the video contest i think
8324s is our biggest contest we've ever had
8326s actually
8327s at least the biggest rewards for sure
8331s including the amazing ncxd pc so
8336s by the way if you guys haven't seen the
8338s pc
8339s uh check out our recent posts because it
8341s actually looks
8342s crazy good it's so beautiful yeah
8345s clearly it's i love
8348s i always like when you use a color that
8351s not many other people you use you know
8353s like a lot of people do like white
8355s black and that's it maybe a little bit
8358s of red but like when you have a little
8359s bit of green in there it just down a lot
8361s just makes you it just feels so good
8364s it feels so unique as well i feel like
8365s it's
8366s just
8367s so so cool
8371s and also it's a beast of a pc anyway so
8375s even if you don't care about aesthetics
8376s it's
8378s well you should care about it because
8379s it's hunt and it's cool yeah it's true
8383s there's an easy snake oven right here
8388s people are actually asking if you are
8389s using an answer pc or if you aren't
8393s because they want to use the clutch pc
8396s that's why you see i am using an iem
8400s auri killed me it's okay
8403s it wasn't me this time guys it wasn't me
8405s this time
8407s it's not the only one
8410s i'm not the only one guys i'm used to
8412s this at this
8415s point i'll heal you i'm healing you i'm
8417s healing you okay but yes i do have a 60
8419s pc i uh uh i got it when i was intern
8422s here at 2019 and i've it's still going
8424s strong 2070 and an i7 9700k oh wow nice
8435s i knew that i would die
8437s for me please
8439s oh yeah
8440s so you'll have all the clutches and then
8441s it's gonna be me trying to trap yeah
8445s that's the beginning
8447s of the beginning
8448s so i got a show like
8450s i'm not the only one screwing up
8452s not having weapons dying twice without
8455s firing a shot
8456s so like at least i have something to
8458s prove
8461s uh izzy and chat wrote ari 500
8466s 59 378 bent's zero
8472s very true
8477s this happened so many times now i'm not
8479s even surprised anymore
8481s free bloodlust here if you like it
8484s i think i already have i'm too lazy
8490s [Applause]
8495s this ramp is so much better than what
8498s cyprus used to be getting up from the
8500s side was so bad before yeah and there's
8503s a lot of cover here with the walls too
8517s uh yeah nixon i will never learn from
8519s dying to arya's barrows
8522s you know especially when like you're
8523s reading chat and walking around after
8526s you thought like everyone else is dead
8527s on the map
8529s it's a bit
8530s difficult
8532s i've had to happen before i thought like
8533s we killed everyone on the map we all
8535s walked away and then there's one guy
8537s camping near the extract killed every
8539s single one of us
8540s i've never felt so devastated in my
8542s entire life
8545s yeah
8546s like seven people eight people were like
8548s oh yeah that's it like we were all
8549s counting we're like yeah i think that's
8551s like eight people probably they probably
8552s they probably didn't count for one now
8554s the one solo that decided to queue up in
8556s trios killed all three of us it took me
8558s oh
8559s that must have been really satisfying
8561s for the solo player
8563s oh that's so clear probably that's a
8564s highlight reel yeah
8567s i'm glad to be a part of it in the other
8568s way
8569s i went ahead and uh pulled our first
8572s winner for the mike clutch giveaway how
8574s that is for a they came from salem on
8576s any platform you want our first winner
8578s is sign sire tony if you're in chat let
8580s us know
8584s uh are you guys back in the lobby
8586s yes
8587s yes i might need to do a quick
8590s restart of the game
8592s uh sign sire is in chat keep an eye out
8595s for a whisper i need to get a little bit
8596s more information from you but
8598s congratulations on winning
8602s you know i should keep this in
8607s oh my game's being a little weird oh
8608s there i go
8614s our next winner is
8616s uh second underscore
8618s squence uh looks like they just typed in
8621s chat so they are around keep an eye out
8623s on your twitch whispers
8640s next one is the great exedium if you're
8644s in chat let us know
8648s meanwhile i invited you again or i don't
8650s know oh thank you so much
8658s someone said they got a full team kill
8659s with one grenade once that's uh
8663s wow all the dead sounds at the same time
8665s must have been fun
8683s the crazy clutch moments are great it is
8685s what you remember when you whenever you
8687s think of hunt yeah i think mike will uh
8690s always remember that one
8709s uh an option to center crosser i don't
8711s think this is currently planned
8719s oh
8720s yes i agree sorry i had my mic beated
8722s but yes i agree
8726s the times that you remember from this
8728s game are when you go through like you
8731s you have those funny moments or the
8733s moments where like your heart's racing
8735s the heart rate's in your throat your
8737s hands are you know like the heads are
8739s shaking you're like oh god it gets god
8741s gets killed and when you do it and all
8743s the like all the dream just wears off
8746s those are the days where you just go you
8747s know what i'm gonna remember this and i
8749s always keep like funny hunt clips from
8751s like when i do something fun or i
8754s do some awesome clip it's always good to
8756s look back on it going yeah that yeah i i
8759s do use the nvidia highlights uh feature
8761s a lot where you can like just easily
8763s clip anything
8765s i i use it all the time same
8768s i have like so many like clips of like
8770s just the good kills or like funny deaths
8772s and stuff like that
8778s after the logic actually has a really
8779s good question for well not question but
8781s um he absence logic is afraid to play
8784s the game i'm not as good at pvp as i
8786s used to be honestly you don't need to be
8789s like
8790s like a cod or an apex player you know
8793s like you have to have like insane
8794s reactions or anything like that this
8796s game is really about being smart
8799s and doing things correctly that's that's
8802s basically how you're supposed to do it
8803s is
8804s you know there's a lot of run and gun
8806s games out there but for those that don't
8808s have never played this game or aren't
8810s are on defense about it play it you will
8813s realize that you don't need to beat the
8815s best shot in the world because really
8816s all it takes is just one good shot and
8818s you win when you win the duel
8820s yeah exactly i was never like really
8822s good at like uh twitch shooters that
8824s like require like crazy reaction times
8827s and just like
8828s yeah just crazy movement but like hunty
8830s actually clicked with me as well it's
8832s like my first
8833s real pvp shooter that i really got into
8835s as well because
8837s you can be a bit slower but think about
8838s what you're doing and just hit that one
8840s shot and
8842s still be good at the game and also even
8844s if you're not that good at that part of
8846s the game you still have so many tools to
8848s play around with like you can just be
8850s very sneaky i use trays that make you
8852s like almost silent use silence weapons
8854s and just confuse your enemies uh put up
8857s traps stuff like that uh decoys so
8861s i i think it's actually like
8863s really good for those people as well
8864s that are a bit more scared about pvp and
8867s uh playing multiplayer games because you
8869s can slowly get into it and get much
8871s better at hunt even if you don't have
8873s the best shot or you don't have the best
8875s reaction time
8877s greed agreed that that is something so
8879s keep it at keep that in mind absence
8881s like
8882s this is a fun game this is not a game
8884s where
8884s there's
8886s like you're gonna get absolutely punched
8887s in the beginning like just play smart
8889s and learn the game and once you learn it
8892s you're you're in like
8893s you'll start to do some crazy stuff like
8895s when i talk about getting flashed um and
8898s pretending to be flash so you can bait
8900s them in like as a new player i wouldn't
8902s understand it but after playing for 300
8904s plus hours those are like the little
8906s tips and tricks you rage you get later
8908s down the road that you're like oh i
8909s remember that
8911s yeah that was actually like i was really
8913s thinking of that oh like yo you actually
8915s baited him in that was cool
8919s you'll always see us go or you'll
8921s normally see us go for like double
8922s bounty and always push fights and stuff
8924s when you're learning hunt has the great
8926s aspect of you know if you get one bounty
8928s and you're done you don't feel confident
8930s or you don't have as much health you can
8932s just leave like nothing's forcing you to
8934s stay in the match you can take your
8935s rewards
8936s extract go get a new hunter maybe get
8938s some more health chunks back so you can
8940s go back and feeling confident again
8943s very true very true lots of spaghetti oh
8956s someone else what in-ear monitors i'm
8958s using and i'm gonna answer it just
8959s because i got it today
8961s so exciting yeah uh so they are called
8964s moon drop blessing too it's a i know
8967s it's a very anime name but they sound
8970s great actually and
8972s i can hear everything in hand so
8974s i i tend to recommend them
8980s i've been expecting you to tell us where
8982s gunshots are coming from from like
8984s 300 meters away though
8986s okay now that you have those i need you
8988s to hear the footsteps in like the next
8990s three you know three places okay i heard
8993s some crows
8997s heard crows down at slaughterhouse
8999s uh no like actually i really heard kudos
9002s like chapel
9003s [Applause]
9004s yeah that definitely people had shipped
9006s but now i see the crows too in the sky
9008s let's get it see he heard it before we
9011s even saw it that's how good these
9013s headsets are
9015s oh yeah there it is
9017s looks like they maybe he's like a sticky
9019s bomb maybe yeah
9021s one's ncxt making in-ear monitors
9025s making what kind of monitors in your
9027s uh like headphones that pence is wearing
9029s oh oh
9031s baby well we had so we have monitors we
9034s originally had um a headset also that
9037s we're gonna that we were gonna release
9038s but uh we ran to a lot of complications
9040s with it was like supply chain stuff so
9042s we had to put that in the back burner
9043s exactly
9044s traps
9051s all right let's get it
9054s dang i wish i actually kept the uh
9058s clip the truck
9060s we can't go down the new uh yeah
9063s oh yeah i forgot about this
9066s oh again heard crosstalk yeah
9069s where where
9070s is it
9072s i think it was vast yeah yeah yeah yeah
9075s yeah
9077s so
9078s so we gotta walk into here and i left
9080s him coming yeah i don't think he's gonna
9082s try
9083s i think we should just wait
9085s yeah we'll wait we'll be patient we'll
9086s just stick to the outskirts right now
9091s i don't know which uh tea we want to
9092s fight first
9093s i think there's a trap over here and the
9096s meat had triggered it
9098s oh
9098s that makes sense i just heard a twig
9100s next to me but it was probably a ground
9103s yeah i heard that too
9112s must have been the grounds right
9115s i don't know i'm not seeing any grunts
9119s uh that's scary
9125s my grandson just disappeared
9127s i'm so scared i don't know where anyone
9129s is i'm so scared
9133s that speak was pretty close uh there's
9135s one ground there
9137s okay so that's hard
9139s yeah
9140s yeah the fire
9142s yeah i'm gonna take my region shot now
9148s something okay are they setting
9149s everything on fire right now or what is
9151s going on
9153s but there's a horse here
9156s oh i think i saw someone move there oh
9158s someone died
9166s here's someone in here
9168s i don't know if you went downstairs or
9169s not
9175s [Music]
9185s oh i heard someone take damage
9189s oh there's so much noise going on right
9191s now
9199s i think the other team just got in
9203s uh
9204s i killed the horse it was too much
9213s i think white chapel is clear right now
9215s they just picked up the bounty
9217s they know where i am
9223s i don't think we want to get pinched i
9224s think we got to pull out of here yeah
9226s let's boil them
9227s this was very close
9229s i think let's try to rotate either left
9231s or right and get behind these guys
9239s right
9247s bounty
9260s i haven't seen a player that's what
9262s me down there i know one person died
9267s yeah and i heard like multiple different
9268s guns and stuff but
9271s oh no is that us or no no that wasn't
9274s eight out of me not me okay i don't know
9276s i was back partners for traps
9279s i i trapped that just so they couldn't
9281s try to get out of that back entrance
9283s oh god something's like right here
9285s coming to you
9286s coming oh
9288s oh they died yeah nice yeah specter
9292s his teammates i think are coming up
9294s though
9296s we're scared of the other oh there's
9297s another player
9300s oh [ __ ] there's the same
9305s we should burn
9306s yep
9307s uh i don't have anything i have a burn i
9309s have a brain
9314s oh oh inside inside wait
9336s and yeah a lot of things depend on
9338s sounding hunt
9340s so
9341s even if i don't see people it's funny
9343s because we can tell that oh this many
9344s people here
9346s discounts
9348s so i think that also differentiate it
9350s from some other games because
9352s great sound is so important in this game
9355s i'm i went downstairs by the way just
9358s oh bouncy
9361s uh the bounty is is on the west side
9363s holding those mausoleums i'm scared
9366s alone yeah you know i'm gonna pick up
9367s the guy specter and then i can maybe
9369s he's bearing he's bernie
9371s we're good
9377s i bet okay are we are we going this way
9380s or to the little yeah
9384s there's this little hole
9388s oh that just brings you up there okay
9391s let's go that way
9400s those spooky
9403s there's only two of them
9407s where are they
9409s oh they're running they're running oh
9412s oh they just love their teammates
9414s yeah they're running
9416s they're whips oh they are actually okay
9423s they just left the guy behind him
9425s leaving they're straight leaving
9430s these guys i'm lost
9433s i'm gonna watch out for that they're not
9435s too far we can still probably catch up
9437s taking my stem shot
9440s i think he takes a pot shots out of him
9447s no the third guy did in dc because he
9449s was shooting at him
9452s they're afraid they're afraid of our
9454s power
9457s they're up there at alice let me go this
9459s way
9461s i want to stick to the trees at least we
9462s have traits from the last game so maybe
9464s we can actually
9474s yeah they heard mike was clutching so
9476s they saw them
9483s okay what bounties are
9486s oh they're going like uh
9488s north fish
9490s okay so they're going darrow okay so
9492s they're trying to get the allen's thing
9496s okay
9507s hey everyone is afraid of mike
9511s i don't have the shotgun right now so
9513s i'm a little less i'm a little less
9514s scary
9517s still very scary oh we can see that
9530s on the other bounce team is next
9539s a lot of dogs on the street
9551s they're to the west yep yeah they're
9554s going to
9555s sun and fish
9557s to extract i think
9563s [Applause]
9564s the other new display i think we catch
9566s up to them
9567s i really hope so
9570s i think so or even has a stamina shot
9573s oh sure unless they have like everything
9575s as well
9580s now looks like we're catching up to one
9581s of them
9586s oh they are pretty far though
9590s yeah
9591s we are catching up to them though we are
9593s catching up on them
9595s come on let's get it let's get this
9596s let's get this bounty we have 30 seconds
9599s before they expect to so but we have to
9601s push the extract basically yeah we will
9605s i'll i'll do my best
9608s we should see one
9611s yeah
9613s they should be low on their site too i
9616s think so we should be a little bit more
9618s of an even playing field
9619s there's just two of them right uh yeah i
9622s think so
9623s unless that was like a second team
9625s random solo yeah
9628s because we heard them fighting so it
9629s could have been but
9631s oh maybe
9632s oh that could be it okay so expect three
9635s though they are at the extract right now
9637s i think uh we're not gonna catch it
9643s that's the other team right
9660s if they did a choke to the extracts i
9662s think
9664s maybe but
9667s god damn
9669s nice right guys
9671s we tried we were yeah
9673s we're itching to fight
9682s nice
9683s [Applause]
9688s oh you killed we killed we killed one
9690s person two two
9694s it was all birth
9697s oh we got really unfortunate i uh i
9699s guess we should have checked the map to
9700s be honest
9702s yeah i mean expecting them to fight
9703s because i was expecting them to that
9705s that was like the trio right so i was
9707s like oh we need to burn the body we'll
9709s keep an eye out for him they're gonna
9710s try to get his friend and they're like
9713s yeah i didn't even think of them leaving
9715s to be honest so
9716s i think if you didn't say it i would
9718s have been crouching around in
9720s uh in the basement for five more minutes
9722s on your purpose yeah
9731s okay let's do one more giveaway
9734s i am uh the key word is cowards yes
9739s if you want
9741s a prescient night giveaway for any
9743s platform go ahead and type cowards yes
9747s thank you
9749s auto mod is going crazy
9759s okay it should be okay now i think
9764s otherwise i hated it
9771s i think we're gonna play a few more
9773s games so that person we killed was
9775s actually part of a sing the other team
9778s i think the team that came in from that
9780s west maybe rotated around to the back
9782s without us knowing we got one person out
9784s of the team
9785s and then
9787s i think that opened up the bounty to
9788s just leave
9790s right
9791s that guy we killed still had a team
9792s behind us
9794s but i guess they got too distracted with
9796s getting their their teammate back up
9800s damn so we could have at least fought
9801s that team i think we could have if we
9803s knew
9807s ready up ari
9813s cowards first
9818s yeah we did kill single moms that was
9820s the name
9828s oh poor guy
9838s if you want to enter into this giveaway
9840s and you're watching on youtube steam or
9844s facebook you'll just need to jump over
9845s to our twitch chat at twitch.tv crytek
9848s the bot runs through twitch chat um
9850s their backend api lets it possible and
9852s we can actually whisper people on twitch
9854s chat so we can get you guys your prizes
9856s we're sorry to make you not be able to
9858s do it on your current platform but
9860s quick jump over to twitch and you'll be
9862s able to enter once you type cowards and
9864s chat once you're good to go we'll pull
9866s the winners probably after this match
9868s and you're playing for a prescient night
9871s uh dlc for whichever platform you're on
9878s yes if they get their messages like
9881s checked by mods
9882s it was because the automotive blocked
9884s the word covers but already
9887s i fixed it uh you you shouldn't get in
9890s any trouble for typing the word that i
9891s told you to type so you should be okay
9898s any update plans for proximity chat for
9900s consoles
9902s is that another thing on consoles i'm
9904s pretty sure it is
9907s right ahri uh
9909s i would think it is i thought it was
9911s um i haven't heard any differently but
9914s i can't say it's been a topic that's
9916s ever been brought to my attention at
9918s least in the recent time so
9926s will there be an option to invite
9927s friends from other platforms uh
9930s maybe that also is something that we
9932s really want but actually that takes like
9934s a lot of resources to build a whole new
9936s friend system in game
9938s so
9939s uh
9940s we would like to add that but
9942s i cannot
9944s say
9945s like definitely that it's gonna come or
9947s at least not
9949s in the like short term
9951s yeah
9952s unfortunately we get away with having
9954s getting to use the friend system on
9957s steam playstation and xbox
9959s making a whole new back end system would
9961s be
9962s an undertaking
9969s uh someone else is legally coming back
9971s no uh plans right now have been
9973s announced that she is coming back but we
9975s also haven't said that she's for sure
9977s not coming back
9978s so
9979s you'll just have to keep an eye out
9980s right now the best thing you can look
9982s forward to is billy story coming back in
9984s 2022.
9986s so are there some people that just
9988s joined the stream now and they're like
9989s wait why is everyone spamming cupboards
9991s in the chat
9993s [Laughter]
9996s they really they really don't like you
9998s guys
10000s you know what that they're calling you
10001s cowards because you won't really
10003s re-release blue that's why wow
10007s we're being called off wow but you know
10009s maybe once
10011s billy story is coming back so you know
10013s you never know
10017s what is your guys's favorite uh
10019s legendary skin that you guys like
10021s uh for hunters
10023s or uh hunters and weapons too yes i know
10026s some are bolted too so yeah as i said
10028s black coat is maybe my favorite hunter
10031s but i also like like the lonely house
10033s reptilian
10035s uh the
10037s devil's advocate it's really cool like i
10040s like the edgy skins basically you know
10042s yeah i like headsman too other than that
10045s giving up yeah
10047s the halloween skin
10049s for weapons the
10051s midnight howl the new wolf themed
10053s uppercut that we released oh
10056s yeah that one is my new favorite
10057s uppercut
10060s and then other stuff i'm using the
10063s reaper's hand which is the sickle heavy
10065s knife
10066s i didn't get a chat i really liked how
10068s it looked but heavy knives were pretty
10069s bad but we just buffed them
10072s um like two patches ago and i've been
10074s just jamming heavy knife since then
10076s again gotten to use reaper's hand
10078s i really for knives i really like the
10080s pain
10081s or uh i think it's called pain like the
10084s one with the monroe uh the little glass
10087s shark but i also love the new broken
10089s bottle one which i i don't know the name
10091s of that but
10092s this trap with the spirited yeah oh yeah
10095s exactly i don't remember what the name
10097s of the bottle is though
10099s yeah but that one is really cool and for
10101s alpercate i like the
10104s kala see the moon or whatever it's
10106s called uh chemistry man chemist oh that
10108s one's that one's one that was a
10110s beautiful one yeah that's my favorite
10112s but i never know how to sing
10117s actually like
10119s i also like one of the new winter skins
10121s it looks really good in
10123s game i think it's called the red martian
10125s or something like that
10127s yeah though oh i know what you're
10128s talking about
10129s that came with uh spirited this way
10131s exactly yeah in the bundle
10142s then there's the spirit of fuel fire
10145s bomb
10146s that's super cool
10148s uh
10149s i love the new uh trap
10151s point with the event because it's green
10155s so bands can see a flash of green before
10157s he dies yeah it's just like harry potter
10160s from harry potter yeah exactly
10162s oh wow oh my gosh
10192s armored
10201s i just got shot from southeast i think
10203s they're in the building second there's
10204s one here definitely
10206s oh how did i miss
10209s rotating around here
10212s he's throwing a height
10215s he was second floor in this red building
10226s he's down here somewhere
10232s his friends are coming
10235s by the white building
10247s you see them
10248s yep one is over here by white building
10255s i think they're getting shot from the
10256s other direction is this something new
10269s there's people on the right side too
10271s hit here oh yeah that's what killed me
10274s okay i'm gonna try to rotate around
10277s oh it's a
10278s level three or level four viper
10282s yeah i saw that guy too so you must have
10284s dropped down and rotated your back up
10287s nice rows
10288s yeah they are all here three of them are
10290s two of them
10296s they are uh
10297s around the building now
10302s is the trick shooter and
10304s the viper
10319s that's my shot you gotta rotate
10323s jeez
10324s i died from 74 meters
10329s i shot
10340s oh they rotated like completely around
10346s or is it two
10347s teams uh someone's asking about previous
10350s event skins coming back and if they
10352s would show up in the black market we've
10354s mentioned that we didn't want the point
10355s of the black market to be a place for
10358s old legendaries to turn but they might
10360s return back to the game in some form
10362s normally during a similar event
10364s nothing's been announced except for
10366s billy story right now who is making a
10368s turn
10371s by the way it was two teams so
10373s yeah
10375s dang
10377s we got like actually like uh
10379s squished
10380s sandwiched
10382s sandwich sandwich yeah sorry for my
10385s double use i can't say the boogie
10394s all right uh well let's go ahead and
10396s roll some winners for that coward
10398s giveaway yeah uh first winner is tlc
10402s creations gaming if you're in chat let
10404s us know
10413s i'm almost finishing level 15 of the
10415s event now i think
10417s one or two more games
10419s and uh nice
10421s yeah maybe we play those one two games
10423s anyway and then i think we
10425s are done unless
10427s yeah
10428s unless that's too like uh if you have
10430s the time michael of course yeah yeah of
10432s course okay
10433s [Music]
10435s oh and you do have the
10437s the viper now nice
10439s yes i do i'm gonna actually i'm gonna
10441s play him right now because uh
10444s this one i'm actually really excited oh
10445s you know what it's this guy's
10446s ambidextrous we'll wear out the bow
10450s let's go also follow the bow real quick
10453s i've been saving david of weatherington
10455s for a while but
10457s um
10461s [Laughter]
10467s is it like
10468s just completely random or
10471s like is it like
10473s every person will have a certain name
10475s with them like if it's like a like a
10477s white shirt woman would it be this name
10480s or is it just like anyone could get any
10481s sort of name
10483s i think it's only different between
10485s female and male hunters to be honest and
10487s uh but with higher tiers i think you're
10489s more likely to get like
10491s extra like cool names like like babyface
10493s for example but uh yeah
10497s but uh yeah i think they are basically
10499s random to be honest
10501s wait okay that's why i was curious
10503s because i've had some weird names
10508s what
10508s did i just do to double take it go okay
10511s okay
10512s uh our next winner is jen jonak if
10515s you're in chat please let us know you're
10516s still around
10520s uh yeah there's a
10521s bull bug in the menus like uh the hunter
10524s holds ball very weirdly so
10526s yeah you know what you're talking about
10528s it's just a visual bug though it doesn't
10530s affect anything luckily
10545s it's your month of year i i don't
10548s know what you exactly mean by the
10550s proximity chat question to be honest
10553s i tried to answer it earlier but uh
10555s i think it's working
10557s as intended
10564s we'll give jen jones just about
10567s 30 more seconds to type if not we're
10569s gonna reroll that one
10573s someone on youtube asked if he also
10574s streaming on twitch yes
10576s and you can only participate in the
10578s giveaways on twitch because we are not
10580s able to dm you on youtube so
10582s if if you're watching on youtube or
10584s facebook or even steam make sure to
10587s go over twitch
10589s to both ncx and crytek to get into cool
10592s giveaways
10607s been a while since i've used the bow
10609s can't wait
10610s i'm really bad with the ball i
10612s it's this was this was like when uh what
10615s event was it was it halloween event uh
10617s it
10618s was the
10619s home that the boat came out it was like
10622s the shadow yeah i liked the show oh yeah
10624s that's what it was that when the bow
10626s came out i was like a hundred percent
10629s like for it
10631s tried it out didn't understand it i
10632s hated it and then like i played it with
10635s um
10636s i forgot what i did but i think i
10638s started i just started like forcing
10640s myself to use it for the event and then
10642s eventually i just got to the point where
10643s i loved the bleeding anime the bleeding
10645s on it and it was
10647s after that it was just i was sold
10649s yeah
10651s you can feel like like the last video
10652s traits where you can like
10654s marry people
10664s those are my go-to's right yeah
10668s we re-rolled that winner the next one is
10670s max spade7 we haven't heard from him yet
10672s in chat but if you are in chat let us
10674s know you got a prescient night key if
10676s you want it
10686s also the question was if we can add the
10688s toggle to uh tiger between team and
10690s proximity chat
10692s uh i don't think that's some
10694s thing we want to do
10697s because uh like
10699s in-game proximity chat comes with the
10700s risk of everyone being able to hear you
10703s and that's just intended
10707s there are different options right
10709s through xbox that they have the xbox
10711s live chat yeah
10713s but that's not the in the game right
10715s okay yeah yeah
10717s that's like external yeah that's like
10718s using this card right now so
10727s but i didn't know you are not able to
10729s use the in-game chat file if you're
10731s using the team chat as well
10733s uh
10735s that may be because your like device is
10737s being used by the other one already and
10739s on console is like
10741s you can't just switch between devices
10742s like on pc
10757s let's roll at least one more winner our
10759s next one is gustav underscore pk if
10761s you're in chat let us know
10775s yeah yeah
10786s oh
10788s oh there's two clues here actually
10791s [Applause]
10793s oh yeah
10799s one of the compounds had two crews if
10801s you got them right at the same time even
10804s if you would have been
10805s cut out from them you could still redeem
10807s both
10809s which was
10815s [Applause]
10817s yeah i did that all the time
10830s i heard some shots like pretty close
10834s maybe a livestock or something
10837s do you have one go
10838s [Applause]
10840s i think we're heading to alice right now
10843s okay
10852s sounds like the stream looks really nice
10853s on what settings i use uh first of all
10856s i'm using two pieces and a capture card
10858s which
10859s adds a lot to the quality
10862s oh you have two pc setup dang yeah
10866s pence is professional
10869s i'm like
10870s like the kind of person that has to have
10872s like the best quality or like
10875s i just like watch videos all day and
10877s want to improve it
10878s and it's it's not good enough then i
10880s feel bad and i just have to buy like
10882s stuff to improve it i don't know his oh
10885s i got shot from the back
10887s yeah northwest ammo
10889s breed springfield
10893s let's get this
10895s i'm human
10898s oh did you see them south southwest ish
10901s there too
10906s that was really close right here right
10907s here
10909s yeah i mean i heard but i can see
10913s himalayas being so loud
10915s they backed up to the forest
10917s oh no
10919s oh there's
10921s multiple things
10927s oh he has a shotgun be careful like a
10928s terminus or something uh one has a
10930s martini one has a
10932s lady springfield
10934s oh slugs wherever i see
10938s yes to the left he's into all woods now
10941s let's see
10943s oh
10946s no ron
10948s hunter please i'm getting pushed by
10949s three shotguns
10954s okay
10956s good shot
10958s oh my god
10962s damn
10964s that was no way to survive i think
10975s that was very scary actually i was
10978s terrified
10979s all i heard around me was just footsteps
10982s and i'm like oh no
10984s no
10991s see maybe if i had the crown and king
10993s there
10994s okay that was the only thing
10999s with the witch hunter
11000s we'll go we'll rock with her
11004s vapor david died now i saved him for so
11007s long
11008s rest in peace
11020s oh let me just
11022s scribe
11039s okay i'm thinking i'm gonna fill them
11043s yay
11045s [Music]
11047s okay
11053s when is the next fish drops event uh we
11055s haven't announced the date yet but it is
11057s coming this year
11072s oh so someone asked if uh if you stream
11075s as well mike because you have a cool
11076s setup with the green screen
11079s oh i used to i used to stream for fun
11082s like beginning of quarantine because
11084s like you know everyone was stuck inside
11086s so i was like you know i'll play i'll
11087s stream a little bit but no i don't
11089s actually stream like on my off time uh
11091s but you will be seeing me more on the
11093s actual nzxt one because any time i'm in
11095s a game i'm just gonna go onto the ncxt
11097s account so if you want to see me
11099s hopefully
11100s if you like me maybe a little bit you
11102s can find me on the nzxt twitch account
11106s and guys yeah go over to the ncaa twitch
11108s account and you can also get some cool
11110s skins and see mike uh more often so it's
11114s a win win so
11115s uh highly recommend
11117s they ask a good question are there
11119s career options at crytek for people of
11121s other countries like south america for
11123s example yeah starting
11125s i think march of this year we opened up
11128s a global work from home option for a
11131s majority of our positions which means
11133s that um as long as you could do the work
11135s from your computer remotely you could be
11138s hired by crytek and you could work from
11140s you know just down the street of
11142s frankfurt of our main office or you
11144s could be across the country like me and
11146s a lot of the other employees
11149s if you go to crytek.com career we have
11152s all of our job opportunities there
11154s most of them should have that global
11156s work from home option some stuff that
11159s involves working on anything on our
11160s servers and stuff you do need to be in
11163s person for
11164s some of the jobs in istanbul i believe
11167s but most of the stuff you should be okay
11169s as long as you have
11170s a computer you think you could do the
11172s work from where you're at
11175s yeah and actually that leads me to the
11177s question like mike how did you get to
11178s ncxt
11181s uh i was so i had a little bit of social
11183s media background in general my first
11185s internship not at ncxt but before that i
11187s was a a social media intern a marketing
11190s intern and i
11191s found the next year in my junior year
11194s 2019 uh that's nzxt which is a company
11197s that i had like a case from before uh
11200s was looking for a social media intern
11201s and then i go oh let me go ahead and
11204s apply and then i basically did uh the
11207s whole interview process with everything
11208s and now i'm in the gaming industry and
11211s you don't have to have like a big gaming
11213s background either like you don't have to
11214s be like a professional gamer or anything
11216s like that actually one of the interns
11218s never even played video games uh she
11220s like played like very like casual like
11222s the escapes kind of thing um
11224s but you don't really need a big
11226s background in gaming as long as you're a
11228s likable person the skills can come
11229s coming after
11231s that's really cool actually so you also
11233s got to ncx like i did to crytek uh i
11236s basically also had like a social media
11238s background i applied and i got the drew
11240s back very very quickly actually
11242s but it was like
11252s i can hear some steps but i think it's a
11254s grunt
11262s oh my god
11264s scared me
11266s nothing on the northwest side over here
11268s yet so they might be coming from the
11270s east northeast
11274s yeah i hear footsteps over here
11278s ready to sneaky sneaks real quick
11295s the clue is no longer red they've backed
11297s up
11298s interesting
11307s it's right again jumping they are
11309s throwing something
11310s oh i seen one here
11316s yeah they're literally right here
11319s oh this
11321s is
11326s it's a hi everyone
11328s there's me oh okay
11331s oh on the roof
11336s yeah redneck on the roof
11352s was on the roof
11355s you can still hear the footsteps on the
11357s roof
11360s oh wow he heard me and shot me through
11363s the wall oh my god
11365s wow nice
11367s to get the nerf gun rotating to you
11372s guys down here
11375s get them puppies
11382s that's a shotgun
11390s [Music]
11393s he's back here
11395s the doors
11400s here's a shotgun though right yep
11405s [Music]
11414s you seen the barn on the side
11418s or
11421s oh right in front of me
11422s oh my god
11432s what
11433s i tried
11435s he just uh fanning chain pistol after
11437s his uh shotgun was out i tagged him once
11439s it's so dark i could like he was right
11441s in front of me i couldn't see him from
11442s the muzzle yeah i had such a hard time
11444s seeing him
11447s [Music]
11460s [Music]
11467s fighting
11470s oh my god the dogs
11472s yeah
11477s [Music]
11483s you see them on there if you see them
11500s oh my god that was a nice shot
11504s it was nasty
11506s nice did i hit the dog
11516s oh he died oh oh nice
11518s that's still one more right
11520s the dogs ate him
11522s we've never seen the third we've never
11524s seen this everyone in both chats give
11526s them some give them some clutch vibes i
11527s think maybe they are dead
11531s i have to deal with the dogs though
11535s maybe they're not dead
11537s i don't see this guy though
11543s he triggered uh
11552s i think it's two of them again
11558s he ranked the bell interesting
11570s oh you guys are all dead there
11579s they just burned me don't worry about
11580s that
11586s don't worry about my bike
11590s i can't see this guy ever
11593s yeah he's using stage 2 viper
11602s damn
11621s foreign
11624s oh my god he's right in front of me okay
11626s oh that's right i could not see him
11628s until he shot
11630s it's so hard
11631s and we feel terminus
11633s yeah he he's shot so many times but it
11636s was so hard to uh see him i don't know
11639s yeah yeah that compound was dark
11642s yeah i guess like you know there's this
11644s green hue to the
11647s this nighttime and he has like the green
11649s outfit then it's a bit hard to see him
11662s that was sick moves though killed those
11665s two guys
11667s oh that one kill was nice yeah
11669s it's just everything is a bit delayed as
11670s well you know i didn't
11672s didn't even know i killed him until like
11673s two seconds later
11675s that is something that everyone has to
11676s know like we are uh
11679s we we are handicapped so we're actually
11681s even better than now so
11684s okay let's play a good game as the last
11686s game man let's do that let's get it
11690s players let's do let's do the witch
11692s hunter
11694s should i put in the eu region
11697s whatever you want gary
11699s i know i think that'll be too rough for
11701s for mike yeah
11703s i think so
11704s yeah we are at different uh regions
11706s everyone so ping's a little interesting
11708s situation but we're making work
11713s or is someone else used to play as
11714s lonely how
11716s oh okay
11718s i play the only out or death yeah
11722s oh yeah
11724s there you go i got it
11728s let's see what we do
11733s any chance to get a german rifle added
11735s to the game we usually add the weapons
11737s that were used at that time
11739s but uh if it was then there's a chance
11741s that it will be added at some point we
11743s are always at the moment i don't know
11744s you guys did through the time period
11746s that's pretty cool oh yeah
11750s obviously there are some guns that are
11751s like kind of made up
11753s or
11754s or based on real weapons but different
11756s but yeah definitely
11758s there's also
11760s uh some that are like just slightly
11762s ahead of when the the time periods i
11764s think by you know i think i've seen as
11767s little as people saying oh that didn't
11768s come out until three years after
11770s but
11771s you know this is a little bit different
11772s you know i give you give it a little bit
11774s of a maybe it's a prototype
11777s yeah exactly that's what i wanted to say
11779s i think like in some cases like for
11781s example dolce
11782s uh which is based on a real gun uh it's
11786s the prototype version in hunt not the
11788s actual version which was one year before
11790s the actual release
11792s [Music]
11809s [Music]
11811s gunlor okay i i don't know that much
11813s about guns honestly but uh you know
11815s there's a lot of people at kayak like
11817s dennis himself who
11818s loves guns and could tell you
11821s very long stories about hunt weapons and
11823s how they are being made and stuff like
11824s that
11826s someone asked about our partner program
11828s and if it's going to open back up so it
11830s is still currently
11832s open but we've moved to an in by only uh
11836s like outline instead of having the
11838s applications the applications were just
11840s much
11842s too flooded most of the time and
11843s unfortunately people even who didn't
11846s meet the requirements we were looking
11847s for were still putting it in and we
11849s still wanted to give you know everybody
11851s the time but because of that it just
11853s took way too long to go through so right
11856s now we're just invite only we have added
11858s some new partners recently and some more
11859s might be coming later
11862s but i don't think we have plans to move
11863s it back open to open application
11866s but i can say that the whole partner
11868s program is being reversed so we'll have
11870s a different model soon
11874s so around that time when we'll announce
11875s uh that like with all the details
11879s uh there may be other ways to get in
11881s there as well
11882s cool but we haven't really announced the
11885s details about it and it says still
11887s being worked on as of now so
11890s yeah
11898s oh damn i've never seen this ground dyed
11900s with like a
11902s knife in his heart
11906s yeah like a chef knife or something
11909s yeah
11909s he bled oh it's even like a butcher
11912s knife
11913s poor guy
11916s a lot of blood
11917s that's a lot of blood
11919s [Music]
11924s all right bring it on dogs
11932s i will never get used to the dog's lunch
11935s oh yeah my least favorite uh
11937s kiwi enemy
11939s oh yeah they always dodge your first
11941s attack and then
11942s you get confused and panic and then you
11943s die to them yes i keep breaking my
11945s ankles they're like oh my oh
11948s they're like okay he won't lunge and he
11950s lunges
11952s and then sometimes they have the metal
11953s musk you know and then it is even harder
11955s [Music]
11957s what the dogs with hats how dare they
11961s that's the thing that was like whenever
11962s i uh when i was using the bow a lot i
11964s was like oh let me just use the bow and
11966s you know
11967s but then if i hit the metal thing i just
11968s hear like the metal bounce and i get so
11971s sad
11972s like i don't go like oh no it's more
11973s okay
11975s you have to use the nitro in the dogs
11977s and don't they
11978s die
11980s yeah
11982s cave in that metal helmet
11992s in that uh tweet we did about explaining
11994s hunt the girl explaining that
11996s everybody's favorite part was that last
11998s line about the dogs not
12012s no one liked it sorry
12017s do you want to get it here uh
12019s i'm gonna go check if the thing's out of
12020s that clue
12021s just to see oh then i want to go in here
12024s almost message them
12027s i already did twice at that point you're
12029s good
12032s now let's see
12034s um
12036s no
12037s and
12039s let me check the other one you know it's
12041s okay for you to mess up but uh
12044s you know we work on the game so it's uh
12048s you're good to go
12049s okay cool you can see we can still take
12051s it
12052s for money
12061s oh thank you boy
12073s someone says them later on to be
12075s something creepy yeah i want them to
12078s make emily the meat heads
12080s and anytime they get rid of this off you
12082s just have like this giant head charging
12084s after you oh my god no
12087s and they don't even need you don't even
12089s need to poison either no
12091s you just it just works at you there's
12093s some handlers on the trailer
12107s [Music]
12119s we put them on the ceiling of every
12120s building oh my god
12125s a
12128s yeah fun fact that we used to have the
12130s spider at the tutorial box but we had to
12132s change it because uh people were
12133s actually stopped playing the game after
12135s the cereal because they got so scared
12137s really yeah that was so hard to kill no
12139s because it's a big spider and it's too
12140s scary scary yeah
12142s so yeah
12144s so we changed it to the butcher
12147s that is actually uh that i it makes
12150s sense i never thought
12153s [Music]
12156s one of my good friends is also very
12158s afraid of spiders too so when he first
12159s saw the spider he was like oh my god oh
12161s my god oh my god oh my god
12163s it is really creepy to be honest uh if
12166s you're not used it it's just a giant
12167s spider with human limbs like jumping on
12170s you which is
12172s you know
12173s and the sound it makes like little like
12175s like is it oh my god yeah
12179s i'm not afraid of spiders but even bad
12181s i'm like
12186s i think he's cute
12192s i'm also not afraid of spiders so it was
12194s never like a issue for me but
12198s it's still creepy
12200s they are still creepy yeah but they're
12202s they're pretty chill yeah
12204s i like those they don't bite you that's
12206s all i care about you take the bugs
12209s i mean okay if it's a very big spider i
12211s won't touch it but i'm not super scared
12213s of him
12215s there's a butterfly pavilion
12218s semi near my house that we went and saw
12220s and after they had a pet tarantula that
12222s you could hold and choose a very nice
12224s old lady tarantula
12228s it feels really weird in your hand
12230s does it like move around a lot or
12232s no she was pretty chill
12234s yeah
12245s [Music]
12248s nice uh are we staying here going to the
12251s other oh the other one's at plantation
12254s we won't make it but they have no
12255s extract exactly so we could go to the
12258s song
12259s yeah let's go let's do it
12262s okay cool
12269s watch your traps as you leave
12273s better make sure to run into them oh no
12275s bench you missed all the traps i ran
12277s into are all purpose by the way just
12279s saying i i read to every single one on
12281s purpose same i just wanted to create fun
12283s moments uh ferrari yeah yeah yeah
12286s definitely
12287s yeah you guys boosting my ego making me
12289s feel like i'm a good trap
12293s placer already like honestly like
12296s uh what is the ratio of teammates being
12298s killed to your tubs
12300s compared to enemy player
12302s and in all of hunt time
12305s i think it's about
12306s uh 200 teammates
12309s to about five enemies
12314s so not the greatest ratio but there have
12316s been times where like
12317s you got an enemy and it like want us to
12319s fight true you know like that two times
12322s yeah
12324s and i always pointed out to benson like
12325s you see you see your sacrifices are for
12328s something
12330s wow
12332s on our last game play stream i don't
12333s know how the idea got brought up but
12335s people kept recommending clown boss
12337s in hunt and
12339s ever me leo and violet were all not
12342s about it
12344s really it's creepy i like clown no
12347s i do not like to beta style was never
12349s scared of clowns either i don't really
12353s don't really find them scary
12356s don't you think ben's fine screaming
12357s creepy i don't i'm scary if i'm creepy
12359s yeah i guess yeah like no i'm actually
12362s scared of sharks weirdly and
12365s snakes have been
12366s but if i know it's not a spoiler snake
12368s i'm also not too scared of it
12371s but sharks oh my god how about like the
12374s thought of getting constricted by a huge
12376s snake and you just can't even make it
12378s not really no
12379s but uh it just in general like sneaking
12381s a snake randomly in my room or something
12383s to freak me out
12385s but deep water and the sharks so that's
12387s like
12388s super scary
12390s did only one get it
12393s sorry yeah it looks like it's a solo oh
12396s that's really weird
12398s or they are like a fight yeah
12403s okay guess we're gonna i was thinking
12405s like i was like oh maybe they're going
12406s to come down here and they're like no
12407s they're [ __ ] all right let's go
12411s yeah i think they got in the fire most
12412s likely sounds like interesting
12416s all right let's get this guys let's get
12418s this
12429s someone said a rabbit boss that would be
12431s very odd
12433s a big bunny
12435s it cuddles you to death oh
12445s there's more oh my god
12454s did you run into the pack of dogs i did
12456s i pinged
12458s oh guys yes i did the bounty's almost
12460s right in front of us guys right north of
12462s ash
12465s i am so wrong
12468s oh that's the other one right okay
12470s you're right
12479s all right i'm gonna go back for mike
12481s now we're good we're good we're good
12482s we're good
12484s i'll catch up
12486s oh he's around our west or west he's
12488s almost past us
12499s yeah
12501s i should see him oh
12503s they're on that hill
12504s they're looking northwest it's running
12506s up the hill
12513s oh
12514s is that another team behind or
12515s oh
12519s how wow someone died on this side of the
12522s train
12526s no guys
12529s uh you get the snake mouth jeez
12544s there's a snake guy in this uh trees
12547s got it
12550s oh wait
12552s oh it's him yeah
12559s there we
12561s he's a little bit further back right now
12565s he might have dropped down yeah he was
12567s uh or they tried to get the rest
12571s behind the
12573s train he's running oh i see him
12578s right
12580s only
12581s grab the rest i tried to be aggressive i
12583s wanted to clip
12584s there you go for the res
12586s he's like all the way down
12593s yeah
12594s scary his friend's burning so that's
12596s good
12600s i got going for the clip
12609s all right we'll see exactly
12612s fanning so right on mike's body
12615s he's pushed a little bit further east
12617s down though
12620s was that you
12621s nope
12624s oh there you go
12626s [Music]
12628s oh damn
12641s literally could have been a more picture
12643s perfect shot wow
12645s thank you
12647s at least
12648s something
12650s okay so we killed three here
12653s uh they were looking to the northwest i
12656s think there's another team but where is
12657s the bomb thing
12658s right up here yeah you guys get the
12660s mountain oh okay
12664s oh excuse you just played hunt really
12667s okay have you seen your plate hunt yeah
12669s apparently
12670s i don't think i've ever seen them play i
12672s seen him once
12675s that's cool
12678s i gotta go back pearl yeah
12680s okay i'm not as good okay thank you
12685s though okay there no one on our radar
12688s right now but
12689s there's still that extra bounty over
12690s there i mean i think it was maybe a team
12693s very split up uh what we killed
12698s oh but wait uh they took our other
12700s bounty oh they are leaving yeah
12706s webs xqc had 60 kv where's viton nice
12711s wow oh really it's a lot of playing
12712s right now
12713s uh i i
12715s it was in past tense i would think
12719s not anymore but okay we'll definitely
12721s check that out that's i always love
12723s seeing like uh
12725s streamers trying hunt it's like so fun
12729s like recently doc played hunt uh
12731s it was really fun to watch him as well
12733s oh yeah
12734s he's actually pretty dang good at it too
12736s like i was actually thoroughly surprised
12738s for the first time
12739s yeah
12742s he played like uh two times before i
12744s think like a few months ago
12746s but you know he still doesn't understand
12748s everything about the game but uh you
12749s know his aim and like
12751s the sense is like really good
12754s dead hunters over here always so that i
12756s have your empty then
12759s because uh team extracted and other team
12760s dead
12762s yeah yep
12766s if anybody has vulture
12768s i don't
12769s i do not
12771s uh free snake eyes here
12774s uh uppercut
12779s hey bounty
12781s what the heck well we technically won
12783s the game technically yeah yeah oh
12787s gg i mean we did kill banish the first
12790s boss and we are taking the other so
12792s yeah yeah just those guys decided to
12794s swoop in and take it from us
12797s yeah instead of fighting like a real
12799s person exactly right
12803s yeah i always want to go for the fight
12805s so
12806s like the bounty is like a bit secondary
12809s to me
12813s like fights are just so funny hunt they
12815s are never the same and always exciting i
12817s don't know
12818s yeah yeah you never know who's gonna win
12819s either yeah
12822s literally
12823s oh i have to turn into snakes
12828s uh eight people and uh then uh solo
12831s killed all of us
12834s you'll never know
12835s you never know do you guys have any
12837s snakes on you because oh yes yeah i have
12841s a lot of coins yeah i forgot to turn it
12843s in as well so i'm coming back was there
12845s one back there yeah in the in here at
12847s the bottom
12849s exactly yeah
12850s cool
12851s yeah i got 12.
12853s someone asks uh what the schedule for
12856s our in-game events looks like um ben's
12858s it's about every quarter correct
12860s uh
12862s yeah at least until now it was around
12864s that
12865s uh we usually have an event for uh like
12867s the winter time you know halloween
12869s and then uh
12871s yeah two before that usually
12874s so i would say there's a quarterly uh
12876s yeah
12878s but we haven't ever said that that's
12880s exactly what we're sticking to so stuff
12882s might change in the future yeah it's not
12884s a rule by any means but
12887s it kind of makes sense for the game and
12889s how the updates are coming out as well
12891s but you know it will always depend on
12894s like updates and
12896s maybe feature drops because that's kind
12898s of an event as well
12900s and then in-game events
12907s oh my god my cats are really hungry too
12911s oh
12912s how do you catch them uh two
12914s oh yeah
12916s uh bruce uh
12918s yeah bruce was like a
12920s very mistreated
12923s kitten uh and uh
12925s he had these uh yellow eyes and like uh
12928s he had like ear mites so he didn't grow
12930s any hair on his ears so it looked like
12932s bad ears so i just named him bruce uh
12935s but now he's fat and
12937s healthy and
12938s very cute
12940s and the other is called smoky because
12943s he
12944s it looks like a smoke like whitish
12946s grayish color
12948s oh cool yeah
12950s i like how the difference in your cat
12952s names like one's name is super serious
12954s it's bruce and the other ones smoking
12957s but i call him brucey as well you know
12960s can't just call him bruce
12963s mr wayne yeah
12965s exactly
12967s he does eat alone
12977s okay fat and healthy okay like he's not
12979s that fat
12980s he's
12981s he's okay he's slightly overweight
12983s that's him
12985s yeah exactly he's just a thick boy
12990s he's almost a double uh
12992s weight of my other cat so oh wow but
12995s also like he's much bigger in general
12997s like you know like his own bone
12999s structure actually is bigger
13005s five shots
13013s oh
13014s ari okay
13021s you're not hitting any of these really
13024s you hit one shot on me too
13028s okay i have a hundred pink already
13037s i saw this i saw the hesitation right
13038s there
13044s right gigi's though that was uh gg
13050s i feel satisfied because i have two good
13051s shots this game so
13053s that headshot at the end is nasty see
13056s add that to them on time
13058s you know i'll add that to the bottom
13060s yeah thank you i'll make sure to get my
13062s fails
13063s but then i'll be sure to get some good
13065s stuff from both sides too nice
13071s i just learned something new
13074s if you put a choke on top of an alert
13076s trip mine and then run over it it
13078s doesn't actually trigger
13079s oh
13080s like oh i guess i guess that makes sense
13083s it does make sense but i've never seen
13086s it happen you know interesting i don't
13088s think i've ever seen it either oh yeah
13090s wow learning new stuff about hunt like
13092s 1500 hours and
13095s sometimes i still learn stuff about it
13097s even on a daily basis sometimes it's
13099s like oh
13100s i never seen the ladder there oh i never
13102s knew that there was a crack there you
13103s know like that kind of stuff
13105s yeah we have someone choke bombs to
13107s spell poison apparently yeah i knew he
13110s actually had poison on top of him when
13111s he was dead so we had to choke him out
13113s so he wouldn't die right when he got
13114s rest
13116s i would have survived i'm bill divvy
13121s i'm
13122s even saving that highlight for mbt
13123s highlight
13126s club it clip it clip it
13133s and i did unlock chapter 12 in the event
13136s as well perfect make sure you do your uh
13138s dark tribute for the day
13140s yeah get your chance at bad hand
13147s unlucky
13149s never lucky
13154s okay all right we are we still gonna do
13156s one giveaway right now or
13159s it's gonna happen we can't have one set
13160s up but we could do one if you want you
13162s have a good keyword for us
13164s uh we love mike is a good
13167s hero
13169s oh it's all one word we love mike uh
13172s we'll go for the newest dlc reap what
13175s you sow if you want a chance at that
13178s head over to our twitch chat twitch.tv
13180s slash
13181s crytek and type we love mike all one
13183s word
13184s and we will uh pull a winner in just a
13186s little bit so make sure you get those we
13188s love mics and asap oh thank you guys i
13191s also
13192s have a thing as well let me pull it up
13196s yeah we have the nzxt giveaway going on
13198s on the other side
13200s there is also a secret code for those
13202s that have stayed all the way to the end
13204s let me change it too that's a very good
13208s idea actually
13209s take notes
13211s like a lot of people are like yo i
13212s really just want to uh i just i just
13215s want the code i'm like that's why
13217s you're an extra viewer
13219s i've done different stuff we've done a
13221s giveaway once where i told everybody
13222s that if they went and commented on a
13224s tweet you know they all got an extra
13226s chance at winning
13228s was i like the the secret code idea too
13230s yeah all right so i just changed the
13233s cuff because you know what since we're
13234s giving a little love right now we'll
13236s also get some love over there so for
13238s those that don't know if you guys go to
13240s nzxt.com
13242s hunt giveaway uh you guys can join our
13244s gleam giveaway we're giving five codes
13246s for each dlc so 10 codes total um and
13249s for this one there's a secret code on
13251s that gleam for those that stood by and
13253s the code i'm going to put in chats and
13256s i'll also say out loud for those at the
13257s crytek channel it is we love hunt no
13260s spaces in all caps
13264s we'll get you 500 extra entries into the
13267s gleam giveaway for as a thank you for
13270s you guys also watching and also a thank
13271s you to uh bets and ari for playing with
13274s me and allowing me to play with them
13275s which has been super fun
13277s thanks so much for getting early and
13279s joining us
13280s yeah mike actually woke up pretty early
13282s for this
13283s uh r is also early i'm late yeah yeah
13288s all right and i think uh do you guys
13290s have any uh clothes do you guys want to
13292s explain the uh video game awards before
13295s we end it off
13297s you gotta go for events
13298s yeah so we do have the hunt showdown
13300s video what's going on right now which is
13303s our biggest video contest uh to this day
13306s you can find the rules on our website so
13308s honshodam.com in the news section but
13311s also on the front page uh
13313s on how to enter and how to submit your
13316s uh videos we do have uh like i think
13319s four different categories
13321s uh as well as a community choice award
13324s which is sponsored by ncxt where you can
13326s win an amazing custom pc so make sure to
13330s submit your entries uh in any of those
13332s categories you can actually submit up to
13334s 10 videos
13337s so
13338s you still have i think
13340s for three and a half weeks to do it so
13343s summit as many as you want or one really
13345s good to increase your chances at winning
13348s and we will have a voting uh towards the
13350s end and then we'll actually have a real
13353s award ceremony as well uh a live stream
13356s which will be super cool and i'm
13357s actually already excited of doing that
13359s because we've never done something like
13360s that it will be the hunt oscars
13362s basically so uh yeah and then you can uh
13365s win other uh cool rewards sponsored by
13367s other companies like amd
13370s uh alienware gaming msi and again ncxt
13375s so
13376s check it out and there and uh
13378s i hope you win
13380s speaking of just a little bit over three
13382s weeks left you have uh just a month left
13385s in serpent moon
13386s if you haven't jumped on yet you still
13388s have a month to get in and get your
13391s points to get up to all the stages of
13393s viper
13394s if you're already playing still a month
13395s left to keep collecting points so keep
13397s jumping into the bayou grabbing those
13398s snakes and sacrificing them at the altar
13402s um past that let's start pulling some
13404s winners and then we will wrap it up i
13406s think
13408s some first winner is smiggle bushcraft
13410s are you in chat
13417s but meanwhile mike do you have any
13419s questions still or anything you want to
13421s say
13422s yeah any questions we can answer for you
13423s or your audience
13425s um let me see uh you guys actually
13427s answered the partner one i remember so
13429s you guys thank you guys for answering
13431s that
13432s um
13433s i guess the only thing is is there
13435s anything else that you guys can tease to
13439s us because i saw a couple people asking
13441s if there's any fun little teasers you
13442s can at least hit towards our way
13445s i i think the biggest poem
13448s that not everyone knows about yet is
13450s like uh we
13451s do have a new boss in the works as well
13453s as a new map but we really cannot say
13455s anything uh about them yet but uh yeah
13458s they are coming
13460s ooh new boss okay i'm excited about that
13464s uh all my friends that play back home
13466s we're all like oh i hope there's a new
13468s boss like it'll be so cool if we got
13469s like a new thing to face off against so
13471s glad that you guys are working on one
13473s cloud's confirmed
13479s our next winner is cmd wolf if you're in
13482s chat please give us a message and then
13484s we'll get you a code in whispers
13492s i have a question for mike um if there
13494s was one like peripheral or something
13496s that you guys don't make yet but that
13498s you would personally like to see from
13499s nzxc what do you think it would be
13502s ooh a peripheral
13504s jerk peripheral computer part anything
13506s like well any oh computer part
13509s especially i would love nzxt ram
13512s oh that would look so nice like a white
13514s case with our white uh z uh z
13517s motherboards
13518s and then like a white ram
13521s would look
13522s so good
13523s like i i would kill for white rail yeah
13526s that sounds sick to be honest
13532s all right cmd wolfe is in chat i'm gonna
13534s ask you a quick question in whispers and
13536s then get you that code and we will pull
13539s another winner
13541s someone said the new boss will be mike
13543s with the crown and king
13551s lp
13552s that'll be the highlight
13561s too hard to win that way yeah
13564s yeah no one's got notes everyone's going
13566s to go
13567s away from that boss and we're gonna go
13568s back to the other boss
13570s well they're just extracting
13572s we're a first rate boss so uh everyone
13575s has to like work together to beat it
13576s because too strong
13580s we were old one winner but they already
13582s responded so the next one after that is
13584s enufel if you're in chat
13586s i think this will probably be our last
13588s one so we can wrap it up
13606s oh the song that is playing right now on
13609s our end is the one i'm drumming in
13611s actually
13613s yay it plays in the menus as well
13614s sometimes
13616s without the singing part
13620s all right all the giveaways have wrapped
13622s up um everybody who won please check
13624s your twitch whispers we'll get you those
13625s codes
13626s um and then everybody else who is in
13628s chat thanks so much for participating um
13631s and giving so many we love mikes
13634s thank you guys
13635s uh i also want to say thank you guys for
13637s joining us on this awesome this is
13639s literally like i was so nervous for
13641s today because this is like something
13643s i've been looking forward to for so long
13645s that i never thought i would ever chance
13646s literally being able to play one of my
13648s favorite games with two of literally the
13651s people that i communicate the most with
13653s on socials so it was awesome playing
13655s with you guys so thank you guys so much
13657s for even letting me have this
13658s opportunity i think we had a lot of fun
13660s to be honest it was uh really nice so
13663s maybe we can even uh do it once more
13665s during the event if you're up for it so
13668s because we have like a lot of streams
13670s planned in that uh time period so if you
13672s want uh
13673s let's do it
13676s we gotta do a secondary one let's do it
13678s let's run it back i'd be 100 down okay
13680s theo thank you for joining us mike we
13682s needed your carries clearly multiple
13684s times yeah i only carried that one game
13686s that was it i got one game that was it
13688s everything else was you guys no bunch of
13690s team wipes we we saw it we're gonna see
13692s it in the montage later too yeah i'll be
13694s working on that montage throughout all
13696s week
13697s oh yeah
13699s but yeah with that being said mike thank
13701s you so much for joining us uh and
13703s representing ncxt as well thank you for
13705s uh the whole company for like sponsoring
13708s this uh competition it's really cool
13711s and yeah we love interacting with you
13713s guys on socials as well so that's a lot
13715s of fun
13716s and uh yeah chat as well everyone
13717s watching thank you for being here
13719s congrats to all the winners and then uh
13721s see you soon uh back on hunt or in
13723s devstreams and yeah have a good night
13726s everyone bye bye or good morning in your
13728s case
13730s goodbye boyd bye bye
13732s hi
13742s so
13754s try to tears these four years
13759s [Music]
13766s be still my dear don't cry don't cry for
13770s soon you will be
13774s [Music]
13790s be still my dear don't cry don't cry for
13794s soon you will be at her side
13802s death is no man death
13811s [Music]
13815s a bird flying
13818s flying
13824s [Music]
13826s in that one night ten thousand gone i
13830s walked with them we sang this song
13836s be still my dear don't cry don't cry for
13840s soon you will be at her side
13846s dark was
13851s [Music]
13861s would i take him home again
13866s be still my dear don't cry don't cry for
13870s soon you will
13877s [Music]
13878s is
13886s [Music]
13894s [Music]
13906s we think of death unholy
13910s but i will take you home again
13915s [Music]
13925s [Music]
13932s love
13935s [Music]
13936s god
13960s you