over 1 year ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s let's tie this together with the feature
2s of Stuffy mentioned already so when is
6s it coming so we are going to have a new
9s twitch drop uh starting with the 12th of
11s October and going until the 20th and
14s this is uh going to be a really
16s interesting twitch drop uh in the
19s regards that
21s you will not only gain very cool uh
24s legendary Hunter and items from watching
28s uh streamers or uh hunt Showdown twitch
31s category streams but you will also gain
35s basically one of the quest lines out of
38s the two that we planned to release with
39s 1.10
41s so basically I would like to stress out
43s that the this quest line that will come
47s with the twitch drops is Twitch drops
50s exclusive uh you have to watch uh I
53s think 60 Minutes only and you you can do
55s it during the whole remainder of the
57s twist drops campaign right so you don't
59s have to you don't have to be pressed uh
61s claiming it on day one although I'm
64s fairly confident that players are going
66s to do that you know I claim it whenever
69s you want and then you can basically
71s Advance with the questline on your own
73s pace and you will be owning it for good
75s alright we forgot to mention that you
77s will be able to link your accounts at
79s the hunt Showdown website that slash
81s three drops this is not currently
83s working yet but please follow us uh
85s social media and obviously with a nice
86s event you can do the new linking process
89s but the link will stay the same so you
91s can already save it and bookmark it uh
93s and yeah as far as mentioned uh you will
96s get a legendary rewards like in previous
100s special button X inclusive questline as
102s well where you can even earn more
104s rewards and let's look at those here all
108s right so you you you yeah
110s some someone's coming back to the game
114s um I I think I think it has been an
117s ongoing feedback from the community side
119s that they are missing a bit story so we
123s have decided to basically
125s give give another opportunity for
128s players to claim this legendary Hunter
130s and as you can see and we have already
132s spoiled it on the add previous
134s screenshots right so this ability story
137s is going to be a main reward for this
139s twitch drops campaign exclusive
141s questline
142s so once you once you watch the TDC and
146s you claim the questline you can have the
149s questline for good you can happy the
151s story at your own pace basically
154s and yeah we can also see that there's
156s another stage as well with another
157s reward but uh yes I don't know what's
159s that yet yeah
161s yeah well what could what could be
163s better in this case than be this story I
165s would ask you know I don't think there's
167s anything I think it's the best
170s but yeah we also have like another image
173s on all the rewards uh as you already
176s mentioned the if players watch uh since
179s the first day for 60 minutes you will be
182s able to unlock this exclusive questline
183s within the game which will lead you to
186s unlocking Billy story and actually other
188s cool rewards as well and we do have
191s regular drops on the other days where
193s you can unlock these three rewards that
196s you see in the image including a new
198s legendary Hunter as well uh and that
200s feature drops are actually available to
202s every streamer but the hand crossbow
205s will be a partner exclusive everything
207s else will be for everyone
210s yeah I would also like to stress out
212s that uh I think correct me if I'm wrong
214s benza but this is our very first
216s legendary Poison bomb uh uh variant now
220s I think so indeed yes yeah it's really
223s cool too yeah yeah so so it's always
226s good when consumables get a little bit
228s of loving right yeah definitely and the
230s hunter is super cool too so you can
232s actually get to
234s the twitch drops which is amazing
238s and we know that a lot of new uh older
240s players actually that already had Billy
242s they were like oh we're not getting any
243s hunter this time but you actually do so
245s uh just tune in again from uh between
248s the 12th and 20th of October