about 1 year ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
2s how could you let me
7s know
9s [Music]
17s [Music]
23s [Music]
35s foreign
38s [Music]
79s like it's closing your time
84s do you want one last dream
87s [Music]
89s let me hurt tonight
95s [Music]
111s till it's over
117s [Music]
120s foreign
121s [Music]
132s [Music]
146s [Applause]
147s [Music]
155s foreign
156s [Music]
180s [Music]
191s come on over babe
199s I came back for one last call
206s you stood
208s laughing watched me fall always
213s [Music]
224s Devil's in me
227s [Music]
236s llow tree
239s you will always come to me
246s [Music]
249s the memories
253s [Music]
263s night calling with a tree
270s watching
272s empty wait and see
278s memories
280s [Music]
330s devils in the water
334s reflecting the light the devil is called
342s to see
344s cause the devil's on fire
348s the devil's in me
355s [Music]
366s foreign
367s [Music]
401s and there's nothing left to hide
426s [Music]
433s [Music]
435s foreign
440s [Music]
447s [Music]
454s [Music]
466s foreign
468s [Music]
480s [Music]
493s [Music]
503s [Music]
509s [Music]
512s thank you
533s foreign
541s [Music]
551s [Music]
574s foreign
604s foreign
617s [Music]
632s [Applause]
637s foreign
665s foreign
684s [Music]
694s [Music]
695s foreign
698s [Music]
722s [Music]
730s foreign
749s [Music]
766s foreign
767s [Music]
785s [Music]
791s home
794s [Music]
797s Darkness
803s Darkness
806s Darkness
808s [Music]
821s [Music]
824s foreign
829s [Music]
842s [Music]
864s care
866s [Music]
868s home
876s and I believe we are life hello
879s everybody and welcome to the stream
881s today
882s um good morning good afternoon good
883s evening depending on where you are in
884s the world right now uh we want to
886s welcome you to the first ever uh hunt
889s showdown game show called Bounty bash uh
892s where uh 16 of our partners are going to
894s compete against each other for prizes
895s for you guys for the community
898s um so thank you for joining us today as
900s you uh should all be aware by now today
902s marks the fifth anniversary of hunt
904s Showdown or the release of hunt Showdown
906s it's a absolutely incredible Milestone
908s so before we get started obviously I
910s want to give a huge huge shout out to
912s everyone here in hunting on the hunt
914s team and inquiry Tech you guys have done
915s an amazing job for the last five years
917s it's been a pleasure to work with you
918s all so yeah
921s here we are five years so to celebrate
925s we've decided that we wanted to give a
926s little bit a little bit of something
927s back to the community and we want to use
929s our partners to do that
930s um so today we as as we have said we're
933s going to be doing a game show a bit of a
935s different format for things we do on
936s stream
937s um but we'll give it a shot and see how
939s it works out uh the aim of the game is
941s Partners answer questions if they get
943s answered the answer is correct then they
945s win a prize at the end of the round if
947s they don't the end of two rounds they
949s get kicked out and we move on to the
951s next the final round which is a PVP
952s round between two of the partners so
954s I'll run down through everything uh in a
957s little bit uh go through all of the
958s rules and everything but first things
959s first allow us to introduce our first
962s contestants for the day
965s foreign
971s hey folks and there we have it there's
972s our contestants today and one of the
974s name tags is completely wrong because
975s that's not Dominic
978s um
980s but anyway so with us today we have
982s three of the most famous Sharpshooters
984s in Hunt Showdown and bombas
991s so today with us we've got Archie uh
993s we've got vombus we've got gunsmack and
995s we've got fail spawner and uh sorry
998s folks we're probably going to have some
1000s technical difficulties as we run through
1001s this please bear with us it is all a bit
1003s of fun really you know not to be taken
1005s too seriously because that is the main
1007s aim of today is just have a bit of fun
1008s give away some prizes and make sure
1011s everyone walks away happy so guys
1013s welcome thanks for joining us today how
1015s are you guys all doing Archie how's
1016s things
1019s and you are muted muted uh the scare man
1022s oh okay sorry about that not too bad
1025s you're looking pretty sharp please don't
1026s interrupt me God Smack because you know
1028s it's not your turn mate cheers thank you
1030s you got it well next up then we will
1033s actually go gunsmack how are you doing
1034s today buddy doing well doing well
1037s excited I am I'm actually a little bit
1039s nervous here but yes well yeah I don't
1041s know if I'll be able to answer these
1042s questions well we'll see we'll see how
1044s it goes anyway uh some of them I think
1046s you might have some good luck with
1048s um we'll have to wait and see how it
1050s goes but either way you know no matter
1052s what happens if guys are still gonna
1053s walk away with prizes to give away to
1055s your community at the end of the day
1056s Farmers how are you doing mate glad
1058s you're glad you could join us today that
1059s epic I'm happy to be here thank you
1062s thank you I don't think it would be a
1063s decent game show without that epic
1064s mustache on the first uh of course so
1068s I'm really happy looking forward to win
1069s that tractor that we spoke about I'll
1071s give it away to my community together
1072s with the fuel supplies for the rest of
1075s the year for another five years it's
1077s gonna be a lovely apparently it's
1078s somewhere along the way we got sponsored
1080s by John Deere that no we didn't okay I
1082s know just to clarify for everybody no we
1084s didn't and fail spawner finally thank
1086s you very much and a fails bonder you're
1087s actually we're we're kind of a fill-in
1089s for us today
1091s um as somebody wasn't able to join so
1092s thank you very much for very last minute
1094s Edition I'm glad to have you with us how
1096s are you doing today buddy pretty good
1098s thanks for having me I'm uh you know I'm
1100s a little nervous because I don't know
1101s much about hunt I just like to shoot
1103s people in the fist so well that's one of
1105s the points of this oh this game show
1107s today you know we're we are all aware of
1108s how good you guys are and and what crack
1111s shot skills you all have in the game but
1113s I think this time we want to test out
1115s your knowledge a little bit more so I'm
1117s gonna quickly run down exactly what's
1119s going to happen today so um as you're
1121s aware we have two game shows uh through
1123s across today one that was supposed to
1126s start a little while ago this one and
1127s then we'll have one little later on
1128s that's going to be hosted by benza with
1130s four other people the way the games are
1132s going to work is there are the two games
1135s four people per game and uh four rounds
1138s per game as well
1140s first round is a general knowledge
1143s question general knowledge round where
1145s we're just going to be asking General
1146s gaming questions with a couple of hunt
1148s ones mixed in here or there
1150s um just to test everyone's general
1152s knowledge each question is going to be
1154s worth 10 points we'll be keeping track
1155s and showing the scoreboard at regular
1157s intervals during the round second round
1159s is going to be a quick fire round where
1160s we're going to have you guys play one of
1162s the trials that is going to be selected
1164s by the community for one minute and
1166s during this one minute you have to
1167s actively play the trial while we bombard
1169s you with a bunch of questions again 10
1171s points per round for that one after the
1174s end of the second round the two people
1175s with the lowest scores will be removed
1177s from the game you will be given a
1179s consolation prize don't worry and then
1181s we move on to the final round between
1183s the partners
1184s Archie is the knowledge good to know
1187s how we move on to the final round which
1188s is the head-to-head between the last two
1190s partners they will then um answer 12
1192s multiple choice questions all focused on
1195s hunt and the winner at the end of those
1197s three rounds will be the person with the
1198s most points and they will go on to our
1201s boss battle at the end of the day or at
1203s the end of the show and our boss battle
1204s will be a head-to-head versus one of the
1206s development team
1207s so
1209s that's the quick rundown
1211s uh you guys yeah I see you guys have
1213s your your pens your paper your
1214s whiteboard as felspawner has a
1217s whiteboard which is awesome
1218s so uh yeah I think
1222s without further ado
1224s maybe we should start on the first round
1228s so everybody get
1231s get your pen get your papers ready we've
1233s got uh also before we go ahead I
1234s actually just want to give a shout out
1235s to our support guys here we've got
1236s Christoph on audio Jeremy is producing
1239s and uh Roman is going to be our score
1242s keeper
1243s yes lovely cheer so
1246s um and also one sorry one last thing as
1248s we're going through the game as well I'm
1250s going to be randomly throwing out
1251s keywords that are moderators and violet
1253s and Ari the community managers in the
1255s chat will be using as uh keywords for
1258s giveaways so when I say it
1260s you basically spam it in the chat and
1263s maybe have a chance of winning one of
1264s the latest DLCs
1266s Okay so
1269s let's get into it
1271s first question everybody
1273s what is the name of Blizzard's MOBA
1277s what what is the name of the MOBA made
1281s by blizzard
1292s all right before you show it put it down
1294s put it down Archie
1297s so I just give away my answer man let's
1299s hope the others actually had it already
1301s so all right so I'll ask you one by one
1304s actually we already know your answers
1306s just showed up what is it
1310s here's the storm from Archie bombers
1313s what did you get oh
1317s Heroes okay yeah I see Heroes oh oh yeah
1320s okay good one mate yeah yeah
1323s oh okay I don't know I don't know if we
1326s can we can go full points there uh
1328s gunsmack fail spawner show your answers
1330s please ah trolled I trolled I trolled
1333s wow okay so she gets ten points and Phil
1336s spawner gets 10 points I'm sorry vambers
1338s you didn't finish it off so
1340s that one gunsmack you're such a troll
1345s but it's okay we love you so it's fine
1348s okay so next question then
1352s what was the ID original name of the
1355s Nintendo Entertainment System console so
1358s to clarify yes I know I thought I knew
1360s this was going to be a hard one for you
1361s guys so to clarify the Nez had a
1364s different name in Japan before it was
1366s released over here what was the name
1371s and I see absolutely nobody writing
1373s anything down
1375s can you repeat the question yeah can I
1377s repeat the question what could you
1379s repeat that question repeat what was the
1381s original name
1382s of the NES console the Nintendo
1384s Entertainment System the very first
1386s Nintendo
1388s what was the original name of it
1398s I'm a PC Gamer I don't know this
1402s I'm only 13 years old here man I wasn't
1404s even born group without electricity look
1406s just just to say just putting it out
1408s there right I didn't come up with all
1410s these questions okay so ah so I I can
1413s look at some of them but not all of them
1414s also one more thing one more thing guys
1416s yeah uh I see everyone's chat spamming
1419s the right answer
1421s please
1422s don't don't use the chat we're last not
1425s yes please actually thank you actually
1426s for pointing that we would ask you not
1428s to use your chats for as much of this as
1430s possible please
1432s um
1435s but yeah so anyway I'm guessing does
1437s anybody have an answer they want to show
1439s if you do
1440s I just wrote the shorts I don't even
1443s know how it's spelled I don't even know
1444s how it spells yeah is it called Atari
1447s what is it called
1451s I'm guessing you have nothing fail
1452s spawner
1454s yeah I have nothing all right well look
1455s guys I apologize for the difficulty of
1457s that one not taking the blame for it the
1459s console was originally called the
1461s famicom which stands for the family
1463s computer
1466s so yeah
1468s but anyway so oh God man some people
1471s really whoever came up with these
1473s questions really did you guys dirty in
1474s the first round I'm not gonna lie so
1476s next question
1479s where do Assassin's Creed II and
1482s Assassin's Creed II Brotherhood take
1484s place what country
1495s foreign
1506s do you guys have your answers down
1508s yeah I can't see gunsmack on the screen
1511s anymore has he fallen off I'm ready I'm
1512s ready I'm ready okay are you ready so
1515s guys hold up your answers for me all at
1516s once
1520s okay so we have actually with Italy
1523s vombus with Italy gunsmack with Greece
1526s and Rome which are technically two
1527s different countries but okay
1529s um in two different countries and uh
1531s Spain all right well folks the correct
1533s answer is Italy
1535s so
1537s honey
1539s the exact ones so well done you guys
1542s just just just to let you know like I
1545s can't smack uh Iceman said a one country
1553s I don't think I heard that part
1555s all right so we'll move on to the next
1557s one
1558s uh just so that my producer knows I've
1561s skipped two questions because they're
1562s too difficult to ask in a row just to
1565s clarify so the next one
1568s whoops
1570s which Legend of Zelda title was the
1573s first to transition the game into 3D
1580s so the first we have the actual do we
1583s need the title or let me just write the
1585s number
1587s it didn't have a number so I have no
1590s idea of the game what if it did did it
1593s I'm not aware of it I'm just confused
1595s I'm just confusing everybody else
1597s because I'm confused like I've got my
1599s producer and all the guys shaking their
1601s heads now that it was there's no numbers
1602s so it is a it is a specifically a name
1608s I don't know anything so
1610s no idea can't smack anything no I'm
1613s ready I'm ready okay do it if you have
1616s answers show them please
1618s absolutely no one has an answer okay
1624s there it is Ocarina of Time and that is
1627s the correct answer so gunsmack the only
1629s one to get that answer correctly this
1631s time around
1632s and yes guns actually do keep freezing
1634s occasionally
1635s I don't know why that's happening it's
1637s not I'm not freezing on my end at all I
1639s don't know yeah you're not on Discord
1641s down there you're not but on the screen
1642s that's okay that's fine look we'll move
1645s on to the next one anyway this one
1646s should be easy if if you guys if none of
1648s you if any of you get this wrong I'm
1650s going to be very very disappointed in
1651s all of you okay so everyone disappoint
1653s you Rick
1655s what does the go stand for in CS go
1665s [Music]
1668s I'm ready
1676s if I get this wrong I'm just gonna leave
1678s you're not allowed to you have to stay
1681s until until you either get kicked out or
1683s until you win so
1686s okay everybody ready
1688s yep show your answers please
1692s and Global Offensive is the correct
1695s answer yes everybody gets
1697s a point against 10 points for that wow
1700s okay we're looking at a bit of a close
1702s one here at the moment Archie with 30
1704s points vombus with 20 gunsmack with 30
1706s and Phil spawner with 20. so it's
1709s actually not doing too badly guys I
1712s guess relatively speaking
1714s so
1715s I'm gonna back go back to a uh a
1718s slightly harder question I'm almost
1720s certain again gunsmack you're too young
1721s for this so you're not gonna um you're
1723s probably not gonna probably so what was
1726s the first ever video game console
1728s oh my God
1730s Nokia okay
1741s let me know when you're ready folks if
1743s you have an answer
1747s I'm sorry I feel really bad for these
1749s questions
1750s um
1751s my previous answer basically
1762s and Sega 64.
1766s I'm ready okay are we all ready so
1768s everyone please show your answers
1772s the one you said earlier Nez Atari Nez
1775s or N64
1777s I'm afraid to say and well no I'm not
1780s really you're all wrong um the answer is
1782s amazing Odyssey
1784s um yes I know the Odyssey was the name
1786s of the console the very very first
1788s console um came out long before uh the
1792s um the Sega and the Nez and everything
1793s like that so but anyway
1796s we shall Move Along
1798s I hope you guys are
1801s Resident Evil fans
1804s so never played one
1806s then you're just gonna have to make a
1808s lucky guess with this next question so
1810s what platform did Resident Evil 4
1813s originally release on
1819s bye
1828s so to repeat again what platform did
1830s Resident Evil 4 originally release on
1833s platform or console
1836s platform as a console
1838s oh okay it's okay Archie okay when you
1843s guys have your answers let me know
1845s yep okay so show your answers please
1851s so fail spawner says PS3
1854s gunsmic says PS2 actually says game
1857s queues and vomber says PlayStation
1861s wow okay Archie we didn't that's the
1863s correct answer with the GameCube oh
1866s my God
1872s it was the original for for uh the
1875s original that was a guess
1877s GG it still worked but anyway we'll
1881s we'll go with uh another rezzy question
1884s for the next one what is the collectible
1886s in Resident Evil 7.
1889s [Music]
1892s seriously blame the other community
1893s managers for these questions guys okay
1896s can't we have some hand questions yeah
1898s like I was actually
1900s it's funny four questions after this are
1904s all Hunt related okay because it's a
1908s five years of Hunter not Resident Evil I
1910s know but the first two rounds we had to
1911s fill it out you know do you know how
1912s hard it is to come up with several
1914s hundred questions for a game show I
1916s guess I guess
1919s okay I have no idea fair enough
1923s anybody anybody got an answer
1925s here we go skull I don't know so
1933s [Laughter]
1935s um no okay so the answer to that is
1937s bobble heads
1938s amazing so okay now we'll move on to
1943s the hunt questions
1944s there is at least four of them
1948s so first things first
1951s what is the condition of the last entry
1954s in the Meatheads chapter of the book of
1957s monsters so what is the requirement to
1960s unlock the final chapter in the book of
1962s monsters
1963s kind of nerd reads lore
1965s surprised requirement
1967s yeah I think I got this chapter what do
1970s you have to do basically
1971s [Music]
1975s I think I got this
1978s I'm ready okay
1985s I've got this as well
1988s he doesn't got it he doesn't got it he
1990s doesn't got it so let me know when
1992s you're all ready everybody ready yet and
1994s show me your answers
1997s get six what's that to get six stars
2000s okay fair enough melee kills on me they
2003s killed me kill Meatheads and oh okay so
2005s the unlock is specifically
2007s 50 melee kills on Meatheads
2011s yeah so they didn't get it right don't
2013s give them points so come on nah that's
2016s all right
2017s technically needs to be melee kills so
2020s but kills give you XP
2031s will be fair whoever said kill Meatheads
2033s we'll give that the point so who was it
2035s who has fail spawners
2038s okay we'll give you guys the points for
2040s it anyway as you got the closest damn
2044s so next one
2047s what are the dimensions of the hunt
2049s Showdown Maps
2050s and you can either answer it in meters
2052s or whatever
2054s as long as it's like our system
2068s okay fail spawner is ready
2070s gun smacks ready wait wait wait wait
2071s wait wait
2077s I don't know
2078s I'm gonna guess okay okay you should
2080s know because you hug the edge of the map
2081s when you're sniping I'm just gonna true
2083s you should know that how far you're
2085s sniping from the edge of the map do you
2087s remember the times uh I slapped you
2089s around in the same compound four times
2090s very close range before that or very
2093s close range
2098s close right
2100s okay oh you can slapped as well let's
2102s not let's not talk about that gun smack
2104s all right listen gave your answers
2107s please guys
2109s picture
2120s that's Daisy
2125s I was thinking about Daisy man
2129s all right so guys so
2132s the next one should be uh relatively
2135s easy one for you so what is the name of
2138s Hunt's very own band
2154s I don't actually know this man
2157s okay new GameCube though your new
2160s GameCube but yet you don't know the band
2161s from hunt Okay interesting anyway folks
2165s show your answers
2167s Port sulfur band is the correct answer
2169s so that's 10 points for gunsmack 10
2171s points for fail spawner and 10 points
2173s for bombers Smackdown right band
2176s it's fine
2179s he got the most of it so okay
2184s and
2186s yeah we'll go with this as the last
2188s question I know it's one shorter than I
2190s want it but it's okay so this one's
2192s gonna be a tough one
2195s ah
2196s where did Mr Shari turn Mary ochenkov
2201s into an abomination
2203s for a reminder Mary was ochenkov was the
2206s hunter during the devil's moon event
2208s it was the the middle Hunter you could
2210s unlock
2211s where repeat again where I'll even make
2214s a narrow down a bit where in dasalt did
2217s Mr Sherry
2219s turn Mary ochenkov into an abomination
2223s like what compound yeah
2227s foreign
2244s let me know if you guys have an answer
2245s written down
2247s oh I got it
2248s randomly kissed
2253s I'm ready
2256s fail you ready
2258s no not yet not yet not yet not yet don't
2261s let fail spawner see he's still writing
2270s I don't know I'm ready show your answers
2272s so everyone
2274s so we've got
2277s Seven Sisters from Archie King Snake
2279s mines from bombas Kinks make mines from
2281s gunsmack and pearl Plantation so vombus
2284s and gunsmack get the points on that one
2285s as the correct answer is the king snake
2287s mind so was that all right no what are
2290s you gonna say I said was that in like a
2292s trailer or something it was
2294s um actually it was one of the lower
2295s things and uh during
2298s um uh just before I believe it was
2299s around the time that we opened up uh the
2301s king snake mine a little bit in the game
2303s there was also a lore piece that came
2304s out with it uh around the same time so
2307s that is the end of round one uh so well
2312s done guys I I want to apologize for yes
2314s Round of Applause
2316s thank you thank you for actually being
2319s able to answer some of those questions
2320s so fair play to you all
2322s um so yeah with that then
2324s um we're gonna show up the scoreboard so
2326s if you would Martin Jeremy
2330s foreign
2350s [Music]
2368s foreign
2372s I'll take the headset I'll just give him
2374s this one I'm wearing they can have this
2375s one
2376s it's kind of tearing
2380s dude that's good hell yeah
2388s [Music]
2391s nice
2392s [Music]
2400s [Music]
2411s by the way you're muted apparently
2414s uh on this scene you're muted I don't
2416s know why apparently you're muted no I
2418s hit him but we can hear him
2420s okay okay yeah
2424s apparently everyone is spamming me
2427s then I guess I'm gonna have to speak it
2428s all over again so it's fine that's okay
2431s did I also ask before
2433s um I'm yeah I'm back oh the prizes will
2435s be distributed like I'm assuming you
2436s guys are going to ship them obviously
2437s the companies are the companies
2439s themselves so basically what exactly
2441s what's going to happen is is we will at
2443s the end of the show at the end of all
2444s the game shows we will tell you exactly
2445s everything that you've ended up winning
2447s you guys will then do the giveaways in
2449s whatever form you like on your streams
2451s through your socials or anything like
2452s that you then let us know who are the
2454s winners are and we will contact the
2456s sponsors to fulfill um perfect the the
2459s orders so perfect so just in case uh the
2462s guys didn't hear me because I'm pretty
2464s certain I was muted during this screen
2466s um the last time so as you can see
2467s gunsmack won the LA the rounds the prize
2470s gunsmack won for his Kim to give away to
2472s his community there's two included on
2473s this and it is the um cloud hyperx cloud
2477s wireless headset and a Cooler Master
2479s mm710 Mouse so very well done uh for you
2483s gunsmack um it's gonna be awesome thank
2484s you are going to be really really happy
2486s about it
2487s um as I was saying we like as you've
2489s seen from the prizes we have a couple
2491s the sponsors with us today and you may
2493s see from our social posts as well hyperx
2495s Cooler Master and HP are looking after
2498s us with this game show so big shout out
2499s to them and we have a couple of uh words
2502s from our sponsors so
2504s um if we can we're going to switch to
2505s one of their little ads now
2510s [Music]
2522s [Applause]
2525s and a big thank you to Cooler Master as
2528s we saw gunsmack has already won uh one
2530s of the mice that um they provided for us
2532s to give away
2533s um and there's plenty more where that
2535s came from so
2537s guys how are you feeling so far
2539s apart from good I know the questions
2541s being too difficult still nervous
2544s nervous well if it makes you feel any
2546s better I'm also still nervous as well so
2548s you know
2549s um so yeah so I guess uh with that I you
2553s know I think the next thing for us to do
2554s is just uh move on to the next round so
2557s round two is going to be a little bit
2559s different from round one
2560s I'm actually hoping this is going to be
2562s quite entertaining we shall see how it
2564s goes
2565s so aren't we out like isn't two people
2568s now or no not yet that's the end of this
2569s route
2570s at the end of round two once we've all
2572s finished
2573s um then two of you will be out so still
2577s gotta listen to her chick
2580s stop now no no more no more okay stop
2584s the kid is there look at this yes I know
2586s that's why I'm saying no more okay you
2588s guys be nice to Archie all right
2591s so with that guys this is always the
2594s best people who they hate bro it's fine
2595s we're gonna move on to the second round
2597s anyway okay so
2600s and the second round is going to be our
2602s quick fire round so with this uh we are
2605s going to
2607s uh did I I thought yes we're gonna put
2609s put a vote in the chat
2612s hopefully somebody is around uh to be
2614s able to look after that so round two is
2617s going to work like this it's a quick
2618s fire round you guys the guys are gonna
2620s um play a trial that is going to be
2622s selected by the community we've got two
2623s put in the chat in the vote chat so
2625s we're gonna get that sorted in a second
2628s um while we do that then we're going to
2630s switch over to each of you going through
2632s we have got a set of questions for each
2633s of you and a minute timer uh while
2635s you're playing through the trial the
2637s whole point is you need to actively play
2639s as if you were trying to complete the
2640s trial
2641s while answering the questions that I am
2644s asking you
2645s so
2648s um how are we looking on the vote
2661s so
2664s fair enough so okay apparently we didn't
2667s set up the vote properly so
2671s okay well actually what we'll do for now
2673s we can just kind of see so um we'll just
2676s put it to the chat for the for the
2677s crytek chat here and even for the guys
2679s chat at home just Spam either timed or
2682s sniper whichever you'd like to see
2685s and we'll get the guys to keep an eye
2686s and we'll see which one gets banned the
2688s most and that's the one we're gonna go
2689s with
2690s so chat go nuts timed or sniper
2699s so
2701s [Music]
2707s [Music]
2711s how are we looking
2714s sniper okay so according to the chat for
2716s our producer sniper is the one in the
2718s lead in our chat at the moment
2720s yep by a long shot okay yeah okay so the
2724s one we're gonna pick is called cut
2726s firewood which I believe is the second
2729s trial uh on Stillwater
2733s so
2735s first up I think we'll go we'll fail
2737s just cut his camera so first up we'll go
2739s with um Archie
2741s so if you want to bring up the game find
2744s the cut firewood trial
2751s they don't have names so you have to
2754s click on go click on the second one and
2755s then click on the actual oh I see it on
2757s the right side right Reynard
2759s it's rainard it's raining yeah
2762s Reynard yep Reynard
2775s bear with us a moment
2778s yes please if you wouldn't mind screen
2780s sharing and Discord that'd be great
2785s uh mine's not working I'm gonna have to
2787s just quickly restart can someone go
2790s before me
2792s um I guess we can switch to somebody
2794s else
2795s talk to the producers if they're okay
2797s with it yeah okay we'll go with we'll
2799s we'll go with gunsmack then if you're
2800s ready
2801s uh I'm ready yes
2815s yeah I'm ready
2819s to screen yeah
2822s one second note we are trying to get it
2824s sorted
2835s [Music]
2838s while we do that I will take a moment to
2841s have a quick drink can you not show that
2843s stuff on screen
2845s that's not did you try did you try gamer
2847s Subs
2850s I've tried a bunch of different ones
2851s actually
2852s drops
2859s I'm just saying you know
2861s free shipping tomorrow yeah
2863s free shipping tomorrow
2865s huge answer huge answer this guy
2869s [Music]
2877s I think I fixed it you see it now yeah
2879s well we're starting to see it now anyway
2885s I'm gonna press play when when we're
2887s ready to go sure thing I'll let you know
2888s so
2889s I'll give you the go ahead when I get to
2891s go ahead
2901s but yeah so
2903s um just to again just to throw out a you
2905s know a reminder to this year week is the
2907s fifth anniversary
2908s um the game show is not the only thing
2910s that we're doing this week one of the
2911s other things we will have from Tomorrow
2912s onwards is going to be our fifth
2915s anniversary twitch drop campaign really
2917s excited about this so we've got some
2919s great great rewards available for you um
2921s over the course of the next week so make
2923s sure you check it out make sure you
2924s check out our socials and for your
2926s streamers we'll be throwing up the
2927s required tags in to the official Discord
2930s a little bit later today and apparently
2932s we're good to go on this so gunsmack
2937s here we go here we go so basically I'm
2940s going to ask you questions as as you're
2942s playing we have a minute timer should be
2944s on the screen
2946s no
2948s no okay there's no timer on the screen
2949s but we'll get uh so the producers to
2951s keep an eye and uh the sound guy will
2954s play the
2956s um
2956s end of round sound
2960s just for a test
2962s we'll play that when your time is okay
2964s okay I'm ready all right so
2967s um
2968s do I get to see what they're doing
2973s there we go
2975s okay here we go okay cool
2978s and your time starts
2980s now finish the sentence you live to Die
2984s Another Day correct
2988s what is the name of the antagonist in
2990s Legend of Zelda series the bad guy
2993s Gannon Gannon correct
2996s name one medium pistol in Hunt
3000s scottfield Swift correct
3003s on what system could you play The Legend
3006s of Zelda Link's Awakening
3009s GameCube incorrect sorry it was the Game
3012s Boy
3013s so next one what is the size of the
3016s magazine for the LaBelle 1886.
3019s 10 correct
3022s what color
3024s was the B button on the N64 controller
3028s key button uh yellow
3030s incorrect it was Green no what is the
3033s agent number given to the main character
3035s in Hitman
3038s I have no idea agent 47.
3041s and that is your time up
3043s damn that's pretty good man that's
3046s pretty good so uh you can stop now
3048s um you have uh successfully completed
3051s your part of the quickfire round
3053s although I know how bad how hyper you
3055s get when you get to start popping off
3057s dude I'm missing everything I can't hit
3059s anything
3061s that was that was great that was pretty
3064s good man
3066s that was really good fair play tier for
3068s for keeping up and going with it so but
3070s yeah that's absolutely perfect guns when
3072s you can actually uh stop now and you can
3074s stop sharing your screen I can still
3076s hear you shooting so it's like yeah
3082s there we go
3084s extract
3086s awesome so
3089s actually have you sorted your stuff out
3092s I think so yeah
3104s so when you're ready share your screen
3106s with us
3108s foreign
3118s destroyed that [ __ ] he definitely got it
3135s okay actually where are your stats for
3137s trials
3140s he didn't fire
3145s foreign
3148s okay so as we get set up so same same
3151s thing again Archie you want you to play
3152s through just like gunsmack did well or
3154s you know try to actually shoot things
3157s um and then hey man
3159s and then uh we will ask you questions uh
3162s as we go
3164s oh this is actually
3166s I'm so nervous good luck good luck good
3168s luck man you got it that's fine please
3170s you're not shaking man I'm so freaking
3173s scared oh my God am I gonna like go up
3176s to the top or it's gonna tell it you
3179s have to start trial there so oh is it
3181s that one is it yeah yeah it's this one
3182s this is it of course I mean of course
3184s it's that one
3186s I have I know these things get ready
3190s and it's it started okay yeah yeah okay
3194s so in what game did Mario first appear
3199s uh no idea pass okay what is the who is
3203s the arch nemesis of Mario
3206s [Music]
3207s um
3208s Luigi
3210s incorrect it's Bowser
3213s what company developed and released
3215s Pac-Man
3218s uh pass
3220s uh it's uh Namco uh so uh what site in
3224s the game offers the longest Zoom
3229s repeat what site in Hunt Showdown offers
3232s the longest Zoom no idea
3235s no idea it's the sniper scope the one
3237s you're currently using
3240s what is what does the AHA stand for
3245s no idea
3246s the American Hunters Association
3252s next to you there and I believe that is
3254s the minute so
3257s I failed from the looks of it
3262s I believe video man I I believe to do
3266s Archie I believed it at least for the
3269s sniper scope zoomed I mean
3272s I didn't even I didn't even requests
3276s it's Spyglass spyglass spy glasses
3285s okay and next up then I think we'll move
3289s on to Farmers
3292s I believe
3293s oh let's see I don't believe in myself
3296s you can do better than that man I got
3299s zero questions right
3305s um
3307s so whenever you're ready from the share
3308s your screen
3310s yeah I'm trying to find it he doesn't
3312s let me hunt I guess this will work
3314s does this work
3315s does that work
3317s yes it does
3320s [Applause]
3324s [Music]
3328s top one on the right
3330s [Music]
3331s yeah
3332s I don't see the map it's the second one
3336s yeah
3339s and then click no then click that yes
3342s there we go here we go yeah guys I
3345s finished this like three years ago and
3346s so yes I should be playing it every week
3349s to refresh yourself almost
3351s we need new trials
3353s we do indeed hopefully one day we will
3364s I don't know about you guys but it's
3365s really nice having Port sulfur band in
3366s the background
3369s oh yeah
3369s [Music]
3372s actually you can't well
3374s that's all that really matters I guess
3376s yeah that's what matters it's very it's
3378s keeping me peaceful with your mental
3379s [ __ ] oh
3382s you heard me
3387s [Music]
3389s I'm okay so press F to start the trial
3400s and we're off what year did the
3402s PlayStation 5 release
3406s uh 2020 correct what is the name of
3409s Mario's brother
3410s uh Luigi Luigi incorrect these questions
3415s are so easy in the Street Fighter um in
3418s this ah
3419s thrown me off Archie in the Street
3421s Fighter game which of the characters was
3422s assumed right sumo wrestler
3424s sumo wrestler uh I don't know I forgot
3428s Tim's name I played him though it was E
3430s Honda
3431s yeah what year did the first live event
3434s in Hunt take place
3438s is it 2020 is 2021 can we pick one 2021
3443s that's incorrect it was 20 20.
3446s in which game can you find Raccoon City
3450s Raccoon City
3454s very familiar but I don't know it's
3456s Resident Evil yeah and what is the
3458s nationality of Lara Croft
3460s [Music]
3462s Serbian uh incorrect she is British so
3467s the word so they weren't as easy Archie
3469s see by the way I didn't mean to I didn't
3471s mean to say I thought it was muted but
3475s then again then again then again right
3478s the easiest one about the sniper okay
3481s you had some some really easy ones as
3483s well right right so it is it is so you
3487s did that I couldn't sit there almost
3489s almost
3494s amazing anyway we're going to switch
3496s over to the last uh last person which is
3499s fail spawner
3501s [Music]
3514s thanks for making us dizzy before we uh
3517s get into it uh there really appreciate
3519s it I'm ready whenever so press F to
3522s start
3526s if anyone's curious why I'm just looking
3527s down here all my questions are here so
3531s and we begin what kind of sport is
3533s played on the Gran Turismo video game
3535s series
3536s no clue racing
3539s what console came first the N64 the Sega
3541s Saturn or the PlayStation
3543s in 64. incorrect it's a Sega Saturn uh
3548s what DLC currently offers an evolving
3551s Hunter
3552s uh the cert no it's the uh perk the dawn
3555s one yes correct corrector is correct
3559s um what is the name of the hero in The
3560s Legend of Zelda
3562s uh link correct
3565s how many zones were there in the
3567s original Sonic the Hedgehog video game
3569s uh 12. incorrect it was seven
3573s What Mortal Kombat character has the
3575s power to control lightning
3577s uh is it radon or something like that
3580s that is correct yes yeah which fighting
3583s game was released first Street Fighter
3585s or Tekken
3587s uh Tekken
3589s correct oh no incorrect sorry it was
3591s Street Fighter and that is the last
3593s question sorry about that I was wrong
3595s there well done that was good yeah that
3598s was good I've never played Sonic I love
3600s how confidently you said 12 there I
3603s thought he had it yeah I I thought I was
3605s like wait how the hell does he know that
3607s yeah
3608s you did quite well in that um oh
3612s oh and it looks like do we have
3615s do we have a tie
3617s or we have a clear winner anyway or we
3620s have a tie between two others so we're
3622s just gonna get the scoreboard ready I
3624s don't want to give it away uh too soon
3625s so I have to say guys this uh Swan a lot
3628s closer than I expected you guys did
3629s pretty pretty well uh especially in the
3631s quickfire round
3633s um
3634s so yeah
3637s oh Archie could you please stop sharing
3639s your screen please
3641s oh oh
3644s sorry about that boys
3649s so and while we wait uh Pro tipped
3651s anybody out there that decides they want
3652s to do a game show as well make sure you
3654s don't do it live
3657s yeah game shows that are freaking
3660s amazing please honestly I have to say
3662s I'm having a lot of fun with this I hope
3663s you guys are too awesome and we have the
3666s scoreboards up there so after the first
3668s two rounds we have a very very clear
3670s winner with gunsmack with 110.
3677s thank you guys thank you second and
3680s third place go to failspawner and vombus
3682s and then last place is Archie now as we
3686s are at the end of round two we need to
3688s let go the two with the lowest points
3691s but we can't do that because two of you
3693s are matching so we're going to have to
3696s go to one of our tiebreaker questions
3699s uh give me one second here now I really
3702s hope
3702s that I can find a decent one for you
3710s [Applause]
3712s Okay so
3715s you guys get your piece of paper ready
3717s for me again if you don't mind just uh
3719s for this tiebreaker question Archie uh
3721s or Archie you're you're good you don't
3723s have to answer this this is just between
3724s vombus and fail spawner
3727s so folks
3732s sure we'll just play the noise why not
3736s when getting a random buff from the mug
3739s Magpie trait how long does that buff
3742s last
3746s thank you
3747s they answered very quick this makes me
3750s think this is going to be uh another
3751s close one and we may end up using all of
3753s our tiebreaker questions awesome so guys
3756s give me your answer what do you say
3761s oh oh
3763s no shot we have one with two minutes and
3766s one with two minutes 30 and the correct
3768s answer is two minutes and 30. that means
3785s on top
3787s so guys um just to like sorry I need to
3791s get back to my spot so I can tell you
3792s exactly what's going on So Gone smack uh
3795s you won the round which means that you
3796s get to investigate another clue
3801s and investigating that clue reveals a
3804s Cooler Master mm710 mouse with an MP 750
3808s large RGB mouse mat
3812s oh and on top of that you were gonna get
3815s some fifth anniversary hunt merchandise
3817s as well to give away to your community
3819s so that's really awesome really awesome
3822s stuff again and then that's that's the
3824s second mouse that you get to give away
3825s and one of them you get to do a mouse
3826s map with as well that's amazing but for
3829s Archie and vombus we want to thank you
3831s guys very very much for joining us today
3832s it was great having you on you know the
3835s uh bombers I'm I'm surprised man I'm
3837s very surprised I thought you guys were
3840s gonna keep me going for a few more
3841s questions but I was confident about two
3843s minutes yeah well I was counted about
3845s 12. 12.
3847s was very very confident in that
3850s um so for you guys so uh you guys
3853s unfortunately you were going to be out
3855s for the rest of the game but
3857s but you do not go home empty-handed or
3861s you do not go away with your
3863s empty-handed for your community both of
3865s you are going to get a pack made up of a
3869s cloud wireless headset from hyperx oh a
3873s hyperx pulse fire Dart Mouse
3877s some hot Showdown merch and a big game
3881s and DLC bundle to give away to your
3884s community members so amazing guys thank
3887s you very much it's been awesome uh it
3890s was absolutely awesome having you with
3891s us we did such a great job uh really
3894s appreciate your time and um yeah we're
3896s gonna
3897s well we're gonna get set up for round
3900s three
3900s um
3901s I think in the meantime can we uh do
3903s something with
3905s an ad from one of our sponsors and uh
3908s maybe even two ads just
3910s to give them all a bit of air time so um
3912s before we jump over I actually fail if
3915s you are it is wait sorry no Archie
3917s vombus if you guys wouldn't mind just uh
3919s stay in the chat but mute the Discord
3922s um just so that nobody else can hear us
3924s um but obviously wait wait so wait we
3926s lost you lost
3929s ah man
3933s he even fell down and tied perfectly
3936s with the noise
3938s but yes Archie I'm very sorry mate you
3940s did lose but we really appreciate you
3942s guys uh dropping in and helping us out
3944s with this so uh gunsmack and fail we're
3947s going to be uh heading on to round three
3948s with you guys in a few moments and this
3951s is going to be the PVP Head to Head
3953s between the two of you uh but for now
3955s we're gonna just jump across to one or
3956s two adverts
3962s make yourself look incredible and even
3964s earn free rewards just for playing video
3966s games with the power of omen gaming Hub
3969s head on over to omen.com right now and
3971s download Omen gaming Hub today
3974s [Music]
3987s thank you
3992s right so that was it that was the first
3994s two rounds and a big thank you from
3995s codermaster there for the ad as well
3998s um guys we are going to take like a five
4000s minute break because we need to get
4001s everything set up for the next round
4003s um so uh yeah stick with us and uh we'll
4006s be back in five to ten
4009s foreign
4013s [Music]
4035s it ain't nobody
4038s [Music]
4048s foreign
4053s [Music]
4081s it ain't no good till it's overpaid
4088s [Music]
4103s [Music]
4116s foreign
4117s [Music]
4149s [Music]
4159s [Music]
4165s [Music]
4173s [Music]
4185s [Music]
4187s foreign
4187s [Music]
4217s foreign
4219s [Music]
4252s hitting over babe
4258s come on over babe
4264s [Music]
4266s I came back for one last call
4273s you stood laughing watched me fall
4279s always
4281s [Music]
4291s devils in me
4294s [Music]
4306s you will
4309s always come to me
4314s [Music]
4317s the memories
4319s [Music]
4328s midnight
4334s [Music]
4345s memories
4350s [Music]
4397s devils in the water
4401s reflecting the light the devil is called
4407s [Music]
4411s cause the devil's on fire
4415s the devil's in me
4423s [Music]
4434s foreign
4434s [Music]
4454s [Music]
4464s [Music]
4469s and there's nothing left to hide
4501s [Music]
4504s foreign
4523s [Music]
4529s [Music]
4536s foreign
4542s [Applause]
4548s [Music]
4557s [Music]
4570s [Music]
4580s thank you
4581s [Music]
4587s [Music]
4597s [Music]
4600s foreign
4606s [Applause]
4608s [Music]
4618s [Music]
4641s foreign
4671s foreign
4685s [Music]
4704s foreign
4718s [Music]
4732s foreign
4735s [Music]
4751s [Music]
4774s foreign
4775s [Music]
4789s [Music]
4806s foreign
4817s [Music]
4836s Darkness
4842s [Music]
4845s Darkness
4846s Darkness
4852s Carry Me Home
4861s [Music]
4864s Darkness
4870s the darkness
4874s Darkness
4881s [Applause]
4892s [Music]
4904s two old hands two one
4910s [Music]
4911s in the dark
4920s am I on ah okay I am on sorry my screen
4924s took a little bit to update so what is
4926s up everybody we are back again uh for
4928s the first uh the final two rounds of the
4931s first game of the bounty Bash
4933s uh so so far it's been great so far it's
4936s great to see everybody in chat hanging
4937s out I hope you're all having a very very
4938s good time once again we're here
4940s celebrating our fifth anniversary and
4942s giving our partners a chance to win
4944s prizes to give back to their communities
4946s and to the HUD Community as a whole so
4948s we've already been through two rounds if
4950s you've been here you you know the
4951s outcome already if you haven't
4953s after the first two rounds gunsmack and
4956s fail spawner are the ones who uh pass
4958s through and Archie and vombus
4960s unfortunately were kicked out of the uh
4963s after the end of the second round
4965s um just uh to go back as a quick
4967s reminder the prizes that have been won
4969s so uh gunsmack as you have won two
4972s rounds today absolutely on fire so far
4975s the first prize you won was the hyperx
4977s Cloud Core wireless headset and a Cooler
4980s Master mm 710 Mouse
4983s and then the second one that you won was
4985s another uh
4987s um uh mm 710 Mouse from Cooler Master
4989s and an mp750l RGB mouse mat and some
4994s hunt merch and for vombus and Archie
4996s even though you guys didn't get uh
4998s through to this far the prizes you got
5000s you get a prize pack to be able to give
5001s away to your community which is going to
5003s consist of a hyperx hyperx Cloud Core
5006s wireless headset a hyperx pulse fire
5008s Dart Mouse some hunt merch the merch by
5011s the way for anyone wondering is
5013s specifically the fifth anniversary
5014s shirts that we have and some DLC packs
5017s as well to give away to your community
5019s so
5020s with that then we are going to move on
5022s to the third round with our final two
5025s contestants against gunsmack and fail
5027s spawner so in this round there's going
5029s to be 12 questions in total but they're
5032s all going to be Hunt related every one
5034s of them there is no random other
5036s questions thrown in as filler or
5038s anything like that now we get down to
5040s the the hardcore stuff of testing your
5043s knowledge of hunt Showdown so should be
5046s interesting to see how you both do as I
5048s said we're going to ask 12 questions
5049s each is going to have three multiple
5052s choice answers I've also realized I'm
5054s like way too close and don't fit in the
5056s screen
5057s um so uh yeah
5061s um and then basically the rule the the
5063s rules are really you just you know when
5065s you're ready you hold up either a b and
5067s c as your response uh the questions for
5071s this round are 20 points
5073s per question I'm sorry we're just going
5074s to adjust the camera ever so slightly
5076s because apparently I'm too tall for it
5078s now
5080s you're fine
5083s there we go that should be a bit better
5085s I will take a little bit of a step back
5087s as well so yeah so uh 12 questions all
5090s multiple choice
5091s um and I think we should just uh should
5093s just jump straight into it
5097s so the first question I think we're
5099s actually going to be able to bring these
5100s up on screen as well for everybody at
5102s home so at what bloodline rank does
5106s death become permanent for a new player
5109s and your options are a rank 11 B Rank 10
5112s or C rank 15. it's okay fails Bonner if
5116s you've already written down exactly
5117s which one it is it's totally fine yeah I
5119s wrote it down first let's scroll it down
5120s all right guys show your answers please
5123s rank 11 and B from fail spawner the
5127s correct answer is a rank 11. so that is
5130s 20 points two gunsmack
5133s been a while since I've been level 10.
5136s me too bro it's excellent three years
5138s Okay so
5141s next question
5142s what does the rare golden cash register
5146s give you
5148s and the answers are a hot dollars B
5152s bloodline XP or C blood bonds
5156s let me know when you guys have the
5157s answer
5159s three two three two one and show on
5161s screen C blood bonds C blood bonds is
5164s the correct answer that is 20 points for
5165s both awesome
5169s we're just gonna do the cheering after
5171s everyone that gets right now because why
5173s not it's fun
5174s um Okay so
5177s next question
5180s when was The Early Access release of
5182s hunt
5184s your options are a February 2019
5189s B November 2018
5191s or C February 2018.
5202s okay so Phil has an answer I'm ready God
5204s has an answer so guys show us your
5206s answers please
5208s February 19 and see so the correct
5211s answer is
5213s C so Phil spawner gets the points on
5216s that one
5218s good job good job it was a 50 50. I'm
5220s gonna be honest I didn't play uh in
5222s February I started in March you started
5224s yeah excuse his excuses gone to my
5226s excuses I want to know man yeah all
5229s right well that's three questions down
5231s and well you know it's pretty close
5232s already
5234s um so I think yeah at least two
5235s questions a piece right or something
5236s like that um
5239s so next question
5242s which of the following grunts was
5244s introduced with the dasal map
5247s was it a the lantern grunt B the minor
5251s grunt or C the doctor grunt
5258s so gun has his answer ready and Phil has
5260s his answer already guys show me your
5261s answers
5263s B and B and that is the correct answer
5265s for both of you well done
5272s so we move on to the next question
5277s which of these does not currently cost
5280s one trait point in the game
5283s is it a poacher B assailant or C Magpie
5288s so to clarify which one of them doesn't
5291s which one of them currently does not
5293s cost one train point
5300s okay Phil has an answer I think gun has
5303s an answer please show me your answers
5304s guys
5306s b b and the correct answer is B well
5309s done both of you damn okay
5312s it seems we made the first two rounds
5314s the really hard questions and yeah some
5316s of the easy ones coming in here but
5317s hopefully they're gonna be a little bit
5319s harder as we go on
5321s next question then
5324s which weapon has a legendary named the
5328s winter Rose
5329s is it a the Winfield Centennial
5333s B
5335s wait what
5337s I'm on the wrong wait am I no I'm I'm on
5340s the wrong question my apologies a Mosin
5342s Nagant B the Romero 77 or C the verily
5345s 71 carbiner
5348s say gun has his answer
5349s and fail has his answer guys show me
5351s what you've got
5353s C and C and that is the correct answer
5355s for both of you
5357s dab
5358s this is getting through why not end this
5361s might not end we're gonna have a a close
5363s one here I think guys so
5365s let's move on to the next one and uh at
5367s this one I'm not gonna lie I personally
5369s love this question because if you've
5371s never read the descriptions of the guns
5373s you're not going to get this one maybe
5374s or you might get it I'm guessing so oh
5378s no sorry that's the next one I'm looking
5379s at the wrong bloody questions again
5381s which pistol does not have a carbine
5384s variant
5386s is it a
5388s the lamat Mark II B the Caldwell
5391s conversion or C then a Gantt officer
5398s [Music]
5400s okay we both have your answers so let's
5403s see what you got
5404s fail goes with B
5406s and uh gunsmack goes with B and B is the
5409s correct answer well done both of you
5414s so so the next one is the one I said was
5417s was cool I like it anyway so
5422s I think we're up to uh question seven
5424s now or something like that but anyway
5425s which rifle has the ability to put down
5429s a bison across a prairie
5432s is it a
5434s the Winfield Centennial
5436s B the Nitro Express or C the Sparks LL
5440s or lrr
5443s hmm oh it's question eight actually
5447s clarification purposes
5449s okay you both have answers so show me
5451s what you got
5453s B and C the answer is C fail spawner
5457s congratulations
5458s unlucky gunsmack I understand why you're
5461s wearing the major Express though I
5463s understand I knew it I knew the answer I
5465s just guessed wrong okay well flow
5467s Hunters men
5468s anyway on to the next one so we got a
5471s bit of a bit of a lore question here for
5473s you guys so which legendary Hunter
5475s brought the Revenant back from death
5478s was it a
5480s the bone doctor
5482s B the weird sister or C the night
5485s acolyte
5488s so Gunn has an answer already he was
5490s quick Off the Mark he didn't even need
5491s the the the choices
5496s okay you both have the answers gun you
5498s better have this one right now man I am
5500s 99 on this all right so show me your
5503s answers
5505s a bone doctor is correct well done to
5507s both of you
5511s this may be this may be one of the
5514s closest games I did not expect it to be
5516s this close I need to also make sure I'm
5518s standing in the middle of you too I keep
5519s drifting off towards gunsmack I just
5521s want to give you a hug
5523s so next question
5526s is that the next question yes it is the
5528s next question so what is the fastest
5531s fire rate long ammo rifle in the game
5535s God I hope the answers here are correct
5537s a the berthier B the spin Springfield
5541s Crag or C the Mosin Nagant
5547s okay so you both have your answers eager
5549s to share Bring It On
5551s B and B well done both of you that is
5555s correct
5558s the aftermath wasn't on there okay good
5561s one good one yeah yeah I was I'm not
5563s gonna lie it was a good question it even
5564s caught me for a second so so we have two
5567s questions left for this round
5570s and we'll see how many points you have
5572s and at that point then we'll uh actually
5573s see which one of you goes on to the
5576s final to take on the boss in the boss
5577s battle
5578s so
5580s which one of the following is not one of
5583s the four stages of the Viper
5586s is it a fury
5588s B onset or C Frenzy
5594s which one of these is not one of the
5597s four stages of the Viper
5599s a fury B onset or C Frenzy
5615s no looking at chat now folks all right
5617s I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready you guys
5618s are ready okay show me your answer
5622s B is not the correct answer the correct
5626s answer is C
5627s oh okay
5630s now the final question we'll have to see
5633s if we need a tiebreaker after this but
5634s this is the last question of the round
5636s which update introduced custom ammo
5641s was it update 1.5 update 1.6 or update
5645s 1.9
5649s fail has an answer
5651s that was quick off the gun there Phil
5653s how confident are you
5655s uh 75 75 okay
5658s I'm ready going ready all right so folks
5661s show me your answers
5664s b and a the correct answer is
5667s correctly let's go
5672s oh my God brings us to the end of round
5675s three depending on the scores so the
5678s guys are just going to calculate up the
5680s scores I have to say guys I'm very very
5682s impressed the hunt knowledge Top Notch
5685s funny a couple of questions you guys
5686s didn't get there so I think that I'll be
5688s honest with you I think that round is
5689s probably easier on you guys than the
5691s other two
5692s absolutely I agree I'm surprised there
5694s wasn't any like what is the muzzle
5696s velocity of new Army with FMJ oh this
5699s would have been hard yeah those would
5700s have been hard those probably would have
5701s been too hard to be honest with you yeah
5703s so
5704s so yeah so we just have the guys working
5706s up the total points they're gonna take
5707s another couple of minutes but uh you
5709s know I have to say guys it's really fun
5710s um having you all on regardless of who
5712s wins or loses it goes on to the next
5714s round you guys have done a fantastic job
5716s today so we really really appreciate it
5718s um that was pretty fun you're right okay
5720s and apparently we are ready no we're not
5722s sorry
5723s it was two seconds
5726s apparently you guys answered too many
5727s questions correctly it's getting hard to
5729s count it up
5739s so do we have a clear winner
5742s oh my producers are nodding that we have
5745s a clear winner from the two
5747s be interesting to see
5755s foreign
5764s ER to 260. guys seriously that was such
5768s a close game fail spawner
5769s congratulations man look you've done
5771s fantastic today thank you so much again
5773s for stepping in last minute we really
5775s you helped us out so much and uh for
5777s your troubles as well did you for your
5780s troubles as well you also get a similar
5784s pack to what um Archie and vombo's get
5788s so you get a Cloud Core wireless headset
5791s from hyperx a pulsefire dart Mouse from
5794s hyperx some hunt merch and a big ass DLC
5798s pack coming your way so fail great job
5801s thank you very much dude really really
5802s appreciate it do us a favor just stick
5804s on the call and mute yourself there and
5806s and everything I think you can even turn
5807s off the camera it's not necessary and uh
5810s but stick around and come back to us
5811s with the other guys at the end so yeah
5814s so
5815s with that gunsmack you won a third round
5818s dude you're on fire dude
5820s I can't believe it on fire and you've
5824s got a your third price the the third
5826s prize you get today is actually very
5828s similar to what we've just given fail
5830s spawner you also get another hyperx
5832s Cloud Core wireless headset and another
5836s pulse fire Dart Mouse and some merch so
5841s man you're on a roll there you go your
5843s community are gonna be very very happy
5844s with you you're gonna have lots of stuff
5846s to give away
5847s I'm excited and Hyper action Cooler
5850s Master thank you guys for yes for a big
5852s shout out yeah for that so what we're
5855s going to do is uh we're just searching
5856s uh just trying to get set up for the
5858s final round which is going to be against
5859s one of the developers um this is going
5861s to be our boss battle
5863s um so it's going to be interesting we'll
5865s have to see what happens here could be
5867s fun
5868s um this is gonna be good yeah it I'm I'm
5870s looking forward to it I'm looking
5871s forward to it anyway so uh but we're
5873s gonna take a few minutes and maybe uh
5875s run a break an ad break if we can or
5877s while we sort out uh who it is needs to
5881s be
5882s set up we're trying to get your camera
5883s in screen so
5885s huh
5887s [Applause]
5890s okay so apparently I just need to talk
5892s for a while anyway so
5894s um but yeah so uh guys as we've said as
5897s well so this game show is going to be
5898s running for the next three days uh we've
5900s got another game show later on tonight
5901s and benza is going to be your host uh
5904s for the evening
5905s um and again we'll have our wonderful
5908s production team of Jeremy Kristoff and
5910s Roman helping us out in the evening as
5911s well we'll be back then again tomorrow I
5914s will be doing the first game again at 4
5915s 30 p.m CET and bench will be doing the
5918s second game at 7 pm CET as well
5922s the winners then of each of those games
5924s is going to go forward onto the final on
5927s Friday
5928s final is going to begin at 5 30 PM
5930s exactly the same format except it will
5932s just be one game made up of the four
5933s finalists and it will that that day will
5936s contain some of our biggest prizes
5938s including a brand new Omen PC
5942s so uh from HP so yeah this is going to
5944s be amazing and just another reminder as
5946s well don't forget the twitch drop starts
5948s tomorrow 3 P.M UTC on the 23rd and runs
5951s until the 2nd I hope that's exactly a
5953s week uh the second of March until 3 P.M
5956s UTC it's going to be a great drop for
5958s you this year we've got an awesome new
5960s hunter called kill buyer great new
5962s weapon two new weapon charms including
5964s the exclusive for our partners which is
5966s Hera's gift the other term which is
5968s gatorite
5969s uh brand new mozen obrez called the
5971s fifth tail and then two previous Awards
5973s the Marquee and the Alley Cat uh Yes
5976s actually I got that right from the the
5978s previous Lulu drops so really excited
5980s for the drops tomorrow also on top of
5982s that we've done an extra bit um so for
5984s your watch time every two hours you will
5986s unlock what's known as an anniversary
5988s supply Crate what this does is this will
5990s grant you some random instances of some
5992s non-linear legendary in-game items so
5995s gives you a couple of loadouts to play
5996s with and mess around with while you're
5998s waiting for the drops to come through on
5999s your account so
6002s I believe I believe we already know so
6004s uh gunsmack can we bring just me and
6007s gunsmack back for a second or yeah yeah
6015s gunsmack welcome back man welcome back
6017s so we're gonna move on to actually
6019s before we move on to the fourth round we
6021s probably should should do another ad
6022s break if you wouldn't mind for our
6024s sponsors
6025s [Music]
6041s [Applause]
6043s and a big thank you again to Cooler
6046s Master for sorting us out with a bunch
6048s of peripherals and stuff for this game
6049s show really really appreciate it same to
6051s hyperx and same to HP as well okay so
6055s we're on to the final round the boss
6056s battle are you ready gun smack uh I'm
6059s not ready for this you're not ready for
6061s this so what has happened so far is you
6063s have uncovered three Clues throughout
6065s your day by completing each round and
6068s these three Clues now lead you to the
6070s boss but you have a choice which boss do
6073s you want to face will you be taking on
6075s the butcher the spider or the Assassin
6078s assassin going for the Assassin oh very
6081s good choice very good choice well let us
6084s introduce today's assassin if he is
6086s ready and in chat with his camera on yes
6089s today's assassin is we don't have a drum
6092s roll do we no damn it should have gotten
6095s a drum roll
6096s ER
6098s no it feels fine not fail spawner
6100s there's cranberry look at this guy okay
6103s cranberry from Discord or as some of you
6107s might know him Dominic zingler our
6109s senior audio or yeah senior audio
6111s designer I believe is the the title now
6114s welcome Thomas hello we really
6116s appreciate you taking time out of your
6118s day to uh try and beat gunsmack in a in
6121s a a battle of wits and stuff like that
6124s so
6125s um both of you know the drill anyway we
6127s have uh explained as explained it all um
6130s but there is one thing that we need to
6132s do first and that is we're going to give
6135s you a little bit something extra for
6137s your final round gunsmack now you might
6138s not need it but we're going to give it a
6141s shot anyway
6142s we're going to give you the option to
6143s gain some lifelines and these lifelines
6146s are going to be the ability to ask the
6147s twitch chat and answer to a question oh
6150s okay so just to give a bit extra because
6153s you know you're up against the dev and
6154s you know yeah we're hoping Dominic is
6156s gonna do us proud and beat you
6159s um but yeah so we're gonna so to do that
6161s we're gonna get you to share your screen
6163s again because we're going to jump in for
6165s a trial but first in the chat I believe
6167s Violet and Ari should have this ready
6169s for us
6170s [Applause]
6174s I hope they're listening the vote should
6177s be for wave or sniper those are the two
6181s options for trials that we're going to
6183s do wave wave wave
6185s I think gunsmack wants wave but we shall
6188s see
6189s so while we're discussing while we have
6191s that vote if the vote has come up in the
6193s chat
6196s and I I have already told Harry and
6197s violet that they need to do it or one of
6199s them I think Ari should be setting it up
6200s now yep wave is winning so far okay fair
6204s enough this should be an easy enough one
6205s but basically so what's going to happen
6207s here gun you're going to play the trial
6208s through fully okay
6210s if you complete it for the hard setting
6213s you will get four lifelines there'll be
6216s four opportunities to pose a question to
6218s the audience and when we do I will give
6221s one correct answer one wrong answer and
6223s they will need to pick it from there
6225s if you do not complete the hard one and
6227s only get medium you'll get three
6228s lifelines and if you only completed
6230s uneasy you will get two
6234s so it's very very straightforward but
6236s we're just trying to get uh so could you
6238s share your screen please yes
6245s foreign
6247s so
6249s how's the how's the vote coming along
6255s it's up and down up and down so
6262s so I think we've left it forward that
6264s whatever happens I can just lose dude
6269s I'm nervous cranberry I'm nervous so
6275s um
6277s I can't unfortunately I cannot see the
6279s chat right now so we're going to put a
6280s stop to the vote voting is over and wave
6283s wins okay so the one we're going to do
6286s is instill water and it's called
6287s Fisherman's tail
6291s I believe oh this one here we go so the
6296s hard requirement is avoid fire damage
6298s the medium requirement I think was like
6300s 15 headshots or something like that I
6302s don't know I can't remember but anyway
6304s either way we're just gonna let you play
6305s through it we're gonna try and you know
6307s give some commentary and maybe make fun
6309s of you for missing shots and stuff like
6311s that
6312s um
6313s but yeah so it was changed wasn't it say
6315s again I think you got updated this one
6317s was updated I don't think I've played
6319s the updated version of it possibly
6321s so
6325s camera Framing and stuff
6326s [Music]
6329s so whenever you're ready three armored
6331s it's killing Ben is six Armored Kill 15
6333s grounds with fire and avoid fire damage
6335s Okay cool so okay
6339s I'm ready
6340s good luck dude
6348s so avoiding fire damage is going to be
6350s the main one now from what I remember
6352s from this trial is barrels all over the
6354s place uh Bunches of different AI that
6357s are going to end up setting things on
6358s fire but you know gunsmack's going to
6360s blow them up first off anyway so
6362s interesting tactic interesting
6368s so be interesting to see Chad what do
6370s you think gunsmack is going to end up
6372s doing in this do you think he's going to
6373s get hard medium or easy spam it in the
6375s chat and whichever one actually ends up
6378s being the right answer will use
6381s that word hard medium or easy as the
6383s word for the giveaway so not yet we'll
6386s let you know
6388s our gunsmack flying through this
6390s so he's already
6392s killed one of 15 grunts
6395s kill and banish six armor so is up to
6397s one just hitting the second one down for
6399s two nice running around with the bomb
6401s Lance so we're about to hit the easy
6403s Mark two out of three
6408s got one more armor to banish
6415s of course it wouldn't be Gunsmoke if he
6417s wasn't running around switching weapons
6418s constantly
6422s I have no idea if you can hear me at all
6424s now he's probably just ignoring me
6425s because it's probably better for him to
6427s be honest with you so but he has
6429s completed easy so that is at least two
6431s lifelines going into the final round
6434s so there'll be two options to ask the
6435s chat if he needs it although with the
6438s way he's going today I'm wondering if
6439s he's actually going to need the
6440s lifelines at all
6445s interesting tactic there get up on top
6447s of the roof straight down on top of the
6450s armor to banish or up to four of six
6452s armored and five of the 15 guns and so
6454s far he's managed to avoid all fire
6456s damage
6458s really excellent workout I've gone to
6460s map so
6461s [Music]
6464s random things are just gonna die while
6466s he's running around here Fire Bomb over
6469s so you know this is where I I'd end up
6471s making the mistake and I'd throw the
6472s fire bomb at the one near me and end up
6474s on fire
6476s it's a close one
6479s so we're up to 8 or 15 grunts
6481s killed with fire and five of the six
6483s armors banished
6488s this looks like it's going to be the
6489s sixth the sixth
6492s foreign
6494s there we go so we need six more grunts
6497s with fire
6499s and two and a half minutes left
6503s pretty certain he's gonna get this
6504s unheard you know
6507s there's gunsmack after all
6510s you should totally shoot one of the arms
6511s off of that guy and and have the the
6514s fire burning
6517s there's 12 of 15 so three more grunts
6520s with fire 13 of 15.
6523s quick
6524s ly
6530s and hopefully no one heard our audio guy
6532s dying in the background
6537s yes exactly like that no coughing fits
6540s on the stream please
6545s oh shooting that Barrel so close 15 or
6549s 15 there we go and he ah GG
6553s congratulations gone smack
6556s thank you thank you thank you you can
6558s stop sharing your screen
6562s yeah go back to like
6570s So Gone smack absolutely on fire today
6574s dude winning three rounds mastering the
6577s trial we should have picked a harder one
6578s for you man dude that trial used to be
6580s way harder it had it had dogs and you're
6582s slow in the water and you couldn't bleed
6584s it used to be way harder I suppose we
6585s did change copper like a bit yeah you
6587s know but all right so um look that's
6589s absolutely great work so look you have
6591s four lifelines um so if at any point in
6594s time you want to use one of them just
6597s let me know and we will put it to the
6599s chat I will give the chat or I will give
6601s Ari who is listening I will give him one
6603s correct answer or the one correct answer
6605s and one incorrect answer and I will be
6607s up to the chat then to decide and then
6609s you can decide whether or not you want
6611s to trust the chat so it's the it's the
6613s crytek twitch chat correct yes
6615s specifically I'll put the votes in ours
6617s so if when when a vote option comes make
6620s sure the guys in your chat also have a
6623s um the crytek one open so that they can
6625s quickly jump in and vote okay
6628s so Dominic are you ready do you have
6630s your your A B's and C's ready for us to
6632s show off
6633s Excellence okay
6635s so again we're going to go uh 12
6638s questions and depending on if we need to
6640s there'll be a tiebreaker at the end uh
6644s we'll have to see it should be very very
6645s interesting let's see how it goes
6647s um but with that I just think we get
6649s underway and we will start
6652s if we can with our first question
6654s so
6655s how many compounds are on each map
6659s is it a 60
6661s B 12 or c 20.
6665s when you're ready let me know
6669s I made it hello I'm ready you ready
6671s Dominic you ready same okay please show
6673s me your answers
6675s a16 and b12 oh uh yeah
6687s as soon as you hold it up I was like ah
6690s damn I know I said give the partners a
6692s chance
6695s okay I knew that yeah yeah that was I
6698s was giving away points here yeah and
6701s just to clarify as well there's no it's
6703s not going to be based on points this
6705s round it's basically the winner is
6706s whoever gets the most correct questions
6707s right at the end of the round
6711s so something's after happening now we're
6714s back there we go
6716s so next question
6719s what will instantly kill an emulator
6722s while also causing them to burst into
6724s flames
6725s is it a a poison bum
6728s B poison arrow on the bow
6730s or C poison hand crossbow Bolt
6741s a tough one I got it okay gunsmack you
6746s got it I'm ready I'm ready okay and show
6748s me your answers please
6750s BB and that is correct B is the correct
6753s answer awesome you had me worried there
6756s for a minute Dominic when you went back
6758s oh no but no awesome thanks to the
6762s consistent game design beautiful
6765s yep so very logical yes very much so but
6768s anyway let's move on to the next
6769s question question three
6772s Luna wolf and direwolf were pre-pledged
6775s to what pact in Devil's Moon
6779s was it a infernal B grounded or C lunar
6786s let me know when you're ready
6788s I'm ready ready okay show me your
6790s answers guys
6792s be grounded for John smack and see and
6795s the correct answer is
6800s unlucky Dominic unlucky do you know it's
6803s still it was on vacation for that time
6804s okay
6806s I get a vacation
6808s nice nice all right so so let's move on
6812s to the next one
6814s how many Soul Survivors can you keep at
6817s one time
6819s stick the and the answers then option A
6823s is four option b is three option C is
6827s five
6832s no cheating and check on smack I'm not
6834s I'm not I'm not I'm not I pressed Square
6838s I think I need to chat you need to
6840s change
6841s it you got it
6845s I'm ready okay
6847s so I hope so show me your answers
6851s oh no A4 and C the correct answer is
6855s four yes gunsmack gets it again
6858s I'm lucky Dominic
6860s it's all good
6861s to be fair don't be so good please
6864s obvious of questions anyway we needed to
6866s try and catch the devs out as well you
6868s know so
6869s um anyway ask me anything about audio I
6872s know it yeah
6873s I know one audio question that's it
6875s there might actually oh no there's no
6877s audio question in this one I'm sorry
6879s it's a good thing actually you know so
6881s anyway next question
6883s at what bloodline rank does tier three
6887s start
6889s is it a rank 66
6893s the answers come up on screen thank you
6895s a rank 66 b rank 60 or C rank 67.
6904s and if you have your answers show me I'm
6906s ready
6909s C is correct for both of you awesome
6914s very well done
6917s um
6918s so next question getting a maybe a
6921s little bit harder on this one so
6924s what prerequisites are required to
6927s unlock the big Dynamite bundle
6931s is it a earn 1000 XP with explosives is
6935s it b or in 500 XP with explosives or C
6939s reach bloodline rank 74.
6947s I'm ready yeah me too okay guys show me
6951s your answers
6952s a and a oh
6955s actually no you're both wrong guys just
6959s played the wrong noise
6960s wow yes the correct answer is earn 500
6964s XP with explosives so ah from the normal
6968s dynamite oh okay yes
6971s weapons so wait what was the question
6974s well I was thinking the big one yeah the
6977s big one is earned 500 yeah
6992s and still so far gunsmack has not had to
6996s use any of his lifelines which is I
6998s should have used it there I mean yeah
6999s you could have actually so anyway let us
7002s move on to the next question this might
7004s be a tough one actually uh which weapon
7006s does not benefit from the trait bullet
7009s grubber
7010s is it a
7013s the Winfield slate B the wind field
7016s Terminus or C the specter And to clarify
7019s which weapon does not benefit
7022s from the trade Bullock rubber
7025s do you have your answers I'm ready
7028s I hope so yes okay show me your answers
7030s folks
7032s a the Slate for gunsmack and B the
7035s Terminus for Dominic and gunsmack gets
7037s the correct answer it is a
7043s can I turn off my camera
7046s I mean look to be fair it's actually not
7048s that bad the main thing we want is for
7050s them to win the prizes anyway so you
7052s know it's kind of just working out
7053s really so
7055s um okay I'm I'm very nervous that's the
7058s main I get it completely no this is to
7061s anybody watching this whole thing has
7063s been incredibly nerve-wracking even for
7065s me
7066s but seems like it's going well we hope
7068s you guys are enjoying it so far anyway
7069s so I think we'll move on to the next
7072s question because we only have like three
7073s or four left or something like that I'm
7076s not 100 sure so next one
7080s how many masteries does each monster
7082s have in the book of monsters I am not
7085s pronouncing that thing
7087s is it a two
7091s B three
7093s or C five
7094s [Music]
7102s come on use your Lifeline you have a
7104s Lifeline to you and I can you know what
7106s I'm gonna use Lifeline because I thought
7107s it was four okay I'm gonna use Lifeline
7109s okay so we're going to
7112s wait hang on sorry can we go back can
7114s you go back to the question for a second
7115s Jeremy so how many masteries does each
7118s Place yeah yeah so yeah so sorry I've
7121s been uh sorry let me clarify again the
7123s question is how many masteries does each
7125s base variant have in the Libra de Armand
7129s Paris so
7132s two three or five so for the chat we're
7134s gonna have to put a vote in the chat if
7136s Arya is ready
7138s there are options are
7141s A or B
7144s so we'll get that into the tree okay
7148s wait my options are airb yes well the
7151s options for chat for the vote because
7152s you obviously you've used one of your
7153s lifelines so we're just waiting for Ari
7155s to set up
7157s let me know when the chat kicks in with
7158s the vote guys
7160s it's on okay
7161s so the answers are the options are a two
7164s or B3 how many masteries does each base
7167s variant have in the Libra whatever the
7170s thing is
7172s um
7175s I think I think I'm ready you think
7177s you're ready I think I'm ready how are
7179s we looking on the chat vote
7181s all the way B okay fair enough
7185s um I believe I think I believe the
7186s Chatter's here okay so you're picking
7188s you're going with the chat
7190s yep going for B Dominic we go for B team
7193s and the correct answer is
7195s hey oh [ __ ]
7198s no I can't be real thank you chat I
7202s really hope that's real I really hope
7204s that's right because there's something
7205s I'm doubting it now I'm saying as of the
7207s whole chat went nuts with it so
7209s [Laughter]
7212s [Music]
7215s that's amazing but yeah so apparently
7218s it's two but
7220s the question you'd read afterwards is a
7223s different one that was on the screen
7224s right yeah probably and I think that
7226s might have been a little bit of a
7227s mistake there so it's fine look it is it
7229s is what it is you both got it wrong it
7230s is what it is it is what it is
7232s so anyway so we will move on to the next
7236s question I believe this is the 10th
7239s question in total
7243s no okay or something nine yeah nine okay
7246s yes yeah it is nine
7247s this is gonna be a tough one so what
7250s name is engraved on the legendary Sparks
7252s lrr the Reckoning
7255s is it a Anna
7257s B Beth or C Nobel
7260s [Music]
7266s you still have three more lifelines
7269s as well I I don't I don't even think the
7270s chat knows this
7276s they could do that I'm hoping that we're
7279s not going to give them enough time to do
7280s that so okay okay Lifeline Lifeline you
7283s want to use your Lifeline okay so Ari
7286s your options for the chat vote are
7290s A and B Anna and Beth so stick them into
7294s the vote and let chat go nuts
7299s I think I know what DLC bundle that's
7301s from hmm
7303s I hope because if not my answer is wrong
7309s yeah I think we're thinking the same DLC
7311s has the vote gone in chat yeah I love
7313s that skin
7315s oh apparently it's very very equal on
7317s the vote for this is going to be a close
7318s one gun I don't I don't know it could be
7322s both of those
7324s easily be both of those 62 are going for
7328s a so far okay so we'll give them another
7330s 15 seconds
7332s I'm not going to count 15 seconds
7336s it is it is the skin with the last
7338s bullet in right for those that know the
7340s screen okay good so good I'm getting
7343s nods around from the projector
7344s production team so I'm gonna go with yes
7346s thank you okay so we'll leave it at that
7349s for the vote
7350s what have the chat picked
7354s a went for 61 so gunsmack what do you
7356s think a or b i I already wrote down my
7359s answer hey
7361s and a as well
7364s great for both of you that is the
7365s correct answer
7368s good one good one yeah I know for a fact
7370s I would not have gotten that one right
7372s because even when I read the question I
7374s was like what the [ __ ] so it's
7377s anyway awesome so you're getting a
7380s couple at least Tom so it's good yeah
7382s I'm doing all right man I don't know I
7384s mean if we would have more like 30 more
7386s questions I might probably very very
7388s easily yeah you know I can add like one
7390s or two more on but yeah but anyway we'll
7393s move on to the next question so and uh
7396s this might actually hopefully be a bit
7398s of an easy one
7399s you've all heard the full name of the
7401s Caldwell packs but what does the word
7403s Pax mean in Latin
7406s is it a war B friend or C piece
7414s my na geography is gonna let me down
7416s here well I mean it's Latin so it's not
7418s got nothing to do with geography
7421s yes yes I mean it's uh it's the language
7424s they speak in Paris they speak in Roman
7427s Greece yes yes exactly
7429s you should know this yeah
7432s because you said Roman Reigns earlier
7434s anyway dude by the way we checked Italy
7436s was not a thing in the the era we
7439s checked during the break then you can
7441s blame the other community managers
7442s because they're the ones that wrote it
7443s all right we checked okay okay sorry I'm
7445s ready hanging you guys out to dry but
7447s I'm not taking the blame for that
7449s um anyway so do you guys have your
7451s answers yes please share them on screen
7454s B for gunsmack and C for Dominic the
7457s correct answer is C Pax means peace in
7460s Latin I have no idea I'm lucky gunsmack
7465s so we are on the penultimate question
7468s the second to last question
7469s [Music]
7471s what event came with the release of
7474s dasal
7475s was it a as the crow flies B light the
7480s Shadow or C traitor's Moon
7484s very quick to put up his answers there
7486s gotten actually you know not far behind
7488s all right so give me your answers guys
7490s B and B is correct for both of you like
7494s the shadow was when the soul released
7498s as awesome
7499s so we're moving on to our last question
7502s the final final question and I don't
7503s think we're going to have a tiebreaker
7505s after this no offense Dominic so that's
7508s fun the final question what was the
7512s original occupation
7514s of the Phantom
7517s was it a a Thief b a lawyer or C A
7522s Tailor
7524s not like me
7525s not that kind of Taylor thank you that
7529s was terrible but thank you
7530s content creator I'm ready you're ready
7533s okay no he was not a content creator
7536s that's not an option Dominic
7538s all right folks for that I got a
7539s question who was the original what was
7541s the original occupation of the Phantom a
7543s the thief be the lawyer C the tailor
7546s your answers please
7548s see Taylor recta okay and B oh I have to
7553s say Dominic gets the right answer with B
7556s yes a lawyer oh Rock to the lawyer
7560s now at least
7562s that was absolutely fantastic thank you
7565s very much so that was the last question
7567s of the round
7569s and I have to say we have a very very
7571s clear winner with eight questions right
7573s compared to five gunsmack wins the day
7577s congratulations thank you
7582s Dominic we want to thank you very much
7584s for taking some time to join us on the
7586s game show today I know it was only for a
7588s quick 10 or 15 minutes but we hope you
7589s had fun I really really appreciate you
7591s uh you're helping out it's always great
7593s to have you on stream again it's been a
7594s while since we've had you on so I think
7595s we need to sort that out again for
7597s another Dev stream in the future
7599s with that we're gonna let you go you can
7601s you can uh you could do whatever and
7603s stay there I can't even remember how
7605s we're going to finish this off but
7606s gunsmack you have beaten the boss
7609s congratulations and that means you get
7612s the final prize for the day and the
7615s final prize for today is a hyperx
7617s quadcast microphone
7620s so that's very nice yep so very good
7623s you've had a you've had an incredible
7625s day man absolutely incredible day so
7626s what you the you get the hyperx quadcast
7629s mic you've got two nm170 mice an RGB
7633s Mouse smash for those mice uh a hyperx
7636s cloud
7638s um
7639s Cloud wireless headset and a pulse fire
7643s Dart hyperx mouth no sorry Cloud Core
7647s wireless headset and an mm7 110 Mouse
7649s from Cooler Master so
7652s and that is it for game one gunsmack you
7654s are the winner of today I mean you won
7656s after round three so you're already the
7658s winner we just wanted to give you the
7659s extra bonus so you have more stuff to
7660s give away to your community a bunch of
7662s prizes you've won today but you sir get
7665s to come back on Friday for the grand
7667s finale of The Bounty bash so that will
7671s start at 5 30 p.m CET on the Friday
7675s I'm sorry my my production team are
7677s looking at me funny as if I've done
7678s something wrong okay I'm all good fair
7681s enough
7682s so yes so you we will have you back
7684s again on Friday and you will be
7686s competing against the winners from uh
7688s later on show and the two tomorrow uh
7691s for the in the final for the biggest
7693s prizes we have which is like a 25-inch
7695s monitor a brand new gaming PC keyboard
7698s mice and a bunch of other things as well
7699s to go along with it so
7702s Dominic wants I'm looking forward to it
7703s looking forward to having you back dude
7705s you did really well and I'd say the
7706s others are gonna have uh their score
7708s their their work cut out for them when
7710s they come up against you in the end of
7711s the week Dominic once again thank you
7713s very much we really appreciate you being
7715s here again huge shout out to our
7717s sponsors Cooler Master hyperx and HP
7719s couldn't have done this without you guys
7721s really really appreciate it probably
7723s gonna throw in one more ad before we
7725s finish up but once we do oh no we don't
7726s have okay apparently we don't have any
7728s more ads to throw in on this one so
7729s that's totally fine but look we're going
7731s to finish it up at that we will be back
7733s again we're supposed to be back at 7pm
7735s but that's in 15 minutes so we're gonna
7738s give it at least about a half an hour 45
7740s minutes so we'll come back around 7 30
7742s p.m with the the next four contestants
7745s to the next four are going to be Draft
7747s Punk home reel uh Roxy surf chick and
7750s morph I believe
7752s I hope I've gotten that right so be
7754s awesome and uh Benta will be taking over
7756s from me for the next game as well so
7758s with that gunsmack thank you very much
7760s well done again Dominic thank you again
7762s thank you thank you Chad thank you for
7764s sticking with us we will be back in
7765s about 30 40 minutes don't go anywhere
7767s we'll catch you later thanks very much
7774s [Music]
7789s way they've seen
7792s all my ships
7795s [Music]
7822s you through
7825s how could you
7828s [Music]
7831s let me
7834s [Music]
7841s know
7853s until it's overpaid
7863s foreign
7863s [Music]
7907s looks like it's closing your time to
7913s do one last dream
7918s tonight
7920s [Music]
7934s [Music]
7945s [Music]
7948s foreign
7948s [Music]
7973s [Applause]
7975s [Music]
7982s foreign
7985s [Music]
8019s come on over babe
8026s I came back for one last call
8033s you stood laughing
8037s watched me fall
8041s always
8043s [Music]
8048s in me
8054s [Music]
8059s when might call him with no tree
8067s you will always come to me
8075s [Music]
8077s the memories
8080s [Music]
8090s midnight
8092s calling with a tree
8096s [Music]
8098s watching
8100s empty wait and see
8103s [Music]
8105s memory
8108s [Music]
8120s don't we think
8121s [Music]
8123s your clothes in the dark
8128s [Music]
8130s but I've heard it before
8134s [Music]
8157s devils in the water
8161s reflecting the light the devil is
8168s [Music]
8173s on fire
8176s the devil's in me
8183s [Music]
8192s thank you
8196s foreign
8201s [Music]
8226s [Music]
8229s and there's nothing left to hide
8261s [Music]
8263s foreign
8284s [Music]
8290s [Music]
8294s foreign
8296s [Music]
8303s [Applause]
8308s [Music]
8317s [Music]
8331s [Music]
8340s foreign
8342s [Music]
8347s [Music]
8358s [Music]
8361s foreign
8368s [Music]
8379s [Music]
8393s foreign
8439s foreign
8445s [Music]
8454s [Music]
8460s ah
8478s [Music]
8496s [Music]
8498s foreign
8500s [Music]
8512s [Music]
8523s foreign
8525s [Music]
8550s [Music]
8558s foreign
8566s [Music]
8577s [Music]
8593s foreign
8596s [Music]
8602s [Music]
8613s [Music]
8622s [Music]
8625s Darkness
8630s Darkness
8635s Darkness
8637s Darkness
8641s [Applause]
8652s [Music]
8657s the day I fall
8661s [Music]
8664s into all times
8670s [Music]
8676s [Music]
8685s foreign
8697s [Music]
8709s [Music]
8718s in the Dark Island
8734s of Darkness
8742s [Music]
8746s oh
8751s me
8753s home
8757s [Music]
8773s [Music]
8777s for migration back again
8784s there is blood caused through my veins
8789s face your glass your voice in Praise
8797s [Music]
8804s your voice in Praise
8810s [Music]
8815s past its prime
8818s has to Ash
8826s [Music]
8831s y
8837s [Music]
8844s and see
8846s and see
8850s praise your voice and praise
8855s and see
8858s and see
8861s raise your voice and please
8866s [Music]
8873s your voice in Praise
8884s [Music]
8888s dry and brittle gone to see
8894s when I die my cradle be just Raise Your
8901s Glass sing Glory
8909s [Music]
8919s [Music]
8926s foreign
8928s [Music]
8934s [Music]
8948s [Music]
8959s [Music]
8961s thank you
8963s foreign
8966s [Music]
8992s [Music]
9000s they'll take me to The Gallows
9004s all my years for what I've done
9008s been down here too long
9013s [Music]
9030s behind
9038s [Music]
9040s when they walk you to The Gallows
9046s [Music]
9054s head with me
9060s [Music]
9070s in the mind
9073s [Music]
9085s [Music]
9088s he says he found the answer
9092s way down in King Snake Man you stayed
9097s down there too long you'll be the rabbit
9107s and I called
9111s I'm gonna bring my sins to Jesus
9117s [Music]
9140s foreign
9149s [Music]
9172s for a woman like me
9190s to get this seat
9194s on a train
9203s back to shine
9208s just like
9215s [Music]
9218s his word
9220s for a woman like me
9230s [Music]
9251s take that train
9264s s
9286s foreign
9323s transform
9325s had to be steady
9329s [Music]
9334s [Music]
9341s [Music]
9350s three years
9389s [Music]
9405s foreign
9414s [Music]
9426s [Music]
9437s foreign
9448s [Music]
9458s [Music]
9474s [Music]
9478s oh doctor doctor the nights I could like
9485s [Music]
9495s [Music]
9510s [Music]
9514s upside down
9515s [Music]
9524s up in the mountains I feel its eyes the
9530s dark is
9535s [Music]
9556s dark my days
9564s you walk together in this very name
9569s I hear you come in time to show ahead
9578s [Music]
9594s how could you say her name
9599s how could you kiss her lips
9605s how could you say those words
9609s waves
9612s on my ships
9615s [Music]
9642s with through
9645s how could you
9648s [Music]
9651s let me
9654s [Music]
9656s know before
9659s [Music]
9683s foreign
9686s [Music]
9699s [Music]
9727s it's like it's closing your time to
9733s do one last dream
9738s tonight
9740s [Music]
9754s [Music]
9759s till it's overflame
9765s [Music]
9771s foreign
9772s [Music]
9793s [Applause]
9795s [Music]
9801s thank you
9802s [Music]
9832s babe
9839s come on over babe
9846s I came back for one last call
9853s you stood laughing
9857s watched me fall
9861s always
9863s [Music]
9869s in me
9874s [Music]
9879s when might call him with no tree
9887s you will always come to me memories
9895s [Music]
9909s midnight
9914s [Music]
9925s memories
9928s [Music]
9950s but I've heard it before
9954s [Music]
9977s devils in the water
9981s reflected
9988s [Music]
9992s cause the devil's on fire
9996s the devil's in me
10004s all right
10010s [Music]
10016s foreign
10021s [Music]
10045s [Music]
10049s and there's nothing left to hide
10081s [Music]
10085s foreign
10104s [Music]
10110s [Music]
10114s foreign
10116s [Music]
10123s [Applause]
10128s [Music]
10137s [Music]
10151s [Music]
10160s foreign
10162s [Music]
10167s [Music]
10178s [Music]
10188s foreign
10199s [Music]
10222s foreign
10265s foreign
10274s [Music]
10293s thank you
10298s [Music]
10316s [Music]
10332s [Music]
10337s foreign
10341s [Music]
10368s foreign
10384s [Music]
10395s [Music]
10400s foreign
10402s [Music]
10414s [Music]
10420s [Music]
10431s [Music]
10436s Carry Me Home
10440s [Music]
10446s Darkness
10449s the darkness
10452s Darkness
10459s [Applause]
10468s foreign
10470s [Music]
10482s [Music]
10488s [Music]
10494s [Music]
10503s [Music]
10511s Carry Me Home
10515s [Music]
10521s we are joined this day
10527s [Music]
10535s in the Dark Island
10543s Darkness
10560s [Music]
10569s me
10571s home
10575s [Music]
10590s River Rising summer rain
10596s for migration back again
10602s there is blood caused through my veins
10608s Praise Your Glass your voice in Praise
10615s [Music]
10622s your voice and praise
10628s [Music]
10635s [Applause]
10636s has to Ash
10642s Raise Your Glass your voice in time and
10648s sing
10650s and sing
10653s and sing
10656s raise your voice and praise and sing
10661s and see
10664s [Music]
10668s praise your voice and praise
10672s [Music]
10679s raise your voice and praise
10684s [Music]
10691s your voice in Praise
10702s [Music]
10712s when I die my cradle being just Raise
10718s Your Glass sing Glory
10727s [Music]
10737s [Music]
10747s foreign
10752s [Music]
10766s [Music]
10777s [Music]
10781s foreign
10784s [Music]
10810s [Music]
10818s they'll take me to The Gallows all my
10823s years for what I've done
10826s been down here too long to
10832s love
10833s [Music]
10836s them
10842s [Music]
10852s foreign
10856s [Music]
10878s [Music]
10885s tell me was a rabbit
10888s [Music]
10903s [Music]
10906s he says he found the answer
10910s way down in King Snake Man you stay down
10915s there too long you'll be the rabbit
10929s I'm gonna bring my sins to Jesus
10935s [Music]
10959s foreign
10967s [Music]
10991s told a woman like me
11018s discount
11020s thank you
11033s [Music]
11048s [Music]
11069s that dream
11081s s
11099s or is it a dream
11107s there ain't no
11110s other than
11117s expect to shine
11141s transform
11143s had to be steady
11152s [Music]
11159s [Music]
11180s myself
11182s and we
11207s live
11215s [Music]
11223s foreign
11232s [Music]
11244s [Music]
11250s land I hear you come in time to show my
11254s head
11259s kill my hand
11266s I'll let the Shadows
11271s fly
11276s [Music]
11292s [Music]
11296s oh doctor doctor the nights I could like
11301s pull down your veggies
11313s [Music]
11328s [Music]
11347s the dark is
11353s [Music]
11357s always
11358s [Music]
11382s [Music]
11394s foreign
11396s [Music]
11412s how could you say her name
11418s how could you kiss her lips
11423s how could you say those words
11427s [Music]
11450s it ain't nobody
11456s [Music]
11468s how could you let me
11472s [Music]
11479s know
11492s until it's over
11501s [Music]
11522s now I'm just
11526s [Music]
11545s like it's closing your time to
11551s last dream
11555s let me be hurt tonight
11563s [Music]
11572s [Music]
11583s [Music]
11586s foreign
11586s [Music]
11611s [Applause]
11613s [Music]
11620s foreign
11621s [Music]
11657s come on over babe
11665s I came back for one last call
11671s you stood laughing watched me fall
11679s always
11681s [Music]
11687s in me
11692s [Music]
11697s we might call him with no tree
11705s you will always come to me
11713s [Music]
11715s the memories
11718s [Music]
11728s midnight
11730s calling with a tree
11734s [Music]
11736s watching
11738s empty wait and see
11741s [Music]
11743s memory
11746s [Music]
11768s but I've heard it before
11786s my partners from Night of the Hunter and
11789s they are competing for prizes that they
11791s will be giving away to their communities
11793s so it's really fun and in addition to
11795s that tomorrow we will have fish drops
11797s available to all of you and we do have
11800s some exclusive partner drops as well and
11802s just to start off this show
11805s unfortunately Roxy surf chick had some
11807s microphone issues so she won't be
11809s participating in the competition so it's
11811s gonna be between the three guys and no
11814s one can come last this time around so
11816s that's really nice but uh to be nice and
11819s fair obviously Roxy's Community is still
11822s getting a cool little reward which is
11824s the Cloud Core wireless headset the
11827s postfire dark Mouse as well as some
11829s anniversary merch and DLCs that she can
11832s give away to a community sorry Roxy that
11834s you had the issues but uh hope you still
11836s like the little Rewards and yeah let's
11839s introduce our contestant this time
11841s around
11847s hey guys uh so we have RAF Bank how are
11850s you doing
11852s what's up guys are you excited he also
11854s has a little helper a little dog he
11855s showed me earlier so uh it's technically
11857s two of them against the other so I still
11859s have four people
11861s uh also we have morph in the bottom
11863s right corner here more thyroid beautiful
11865s Sota by the way
11866s thank you very much good to see you good
11868s to be here looking forward to it it's
11869s gonna be a lot of fun I can't wait to
11871s find out who wins because there's a lot
11873s of uh hard question in the beginning but
11875s then there's a lot of hunt questions so
11877s it's gonna be a good mix
11879s and of course we have home reel here who
11882s is a mysterious person so we won't see
11884s his actual face but we can hear his
11886s beautiful voice and uh he will
11888s communicate with us to unnotepad to
11890s answer all the questions
11893s beautiful how are you doing home
11896s I'm good how are you I'm good and
11898s congrats uh for becoming a partner just
11901s a few days ago actually so welcome to
11903s the team
11905s all right but uh I guess that's it for
11907s the introduction and uh we will start
11910s off with the first round where we have a
11912s bunch of questions for you guys and you
11915s will have to answer on a sheet of paper
11917s so I hope more fun Draft Punk you guys
11920s have like a paper around that you can
11921s write on oh perfect I'm ready perfect
11924s and uh yeah home will reveal his
11926s questions on the little notepad at the
11928s end at the same time this questions can
11930s be really rough so I didn't know a lot
11932s of them but if you guys are already
11934s let's let's dive into it and let's start
11936s with the first question
11940s so the first question what is the
11943s best-selling handheld gaming system to
11946s date
11948s for Draft Punk again what is the
11949s best-selling gaming system that you can
11951s hold in your hands to this day
11955s and please no cheating with your chats
11960s stupid so it's not a problem they would
11963s give you the wrong answers anyway
11967s and just let me know when you guys are
11968s already and then we can ready to go
11971s ready uh home ready yeah okay then Show
11974s the answers guys
11978s PlayStation 2 is not handheld but uh by
11980s the way it would be very good I wasn't
11982s paying attention to the question I've
11983s already got it wrong
11985s is very close as
11989s it's got it right it was the Nintendo DS
11991s so uh uh you work all on the right track
11994s but
11996s so no more
11998s guys come on those questions it was it
12001s was a hard one but the second one what
12003s problem that plagues up to 40 percent of
12006s virtual reality users so what what is
12009s the biggest issue with virtual reality
12011s that makes people feel a certain way
12013s sometimes
12017s [Music]
12019s got it ready
12021s I guess I'm ready
12024s I'm not sure about the world itself but
12027s I'll check okay okay that's fine I don't
12029s know all of you review it please
12032s furniture
12034s Furniture that's a that's a funny ass uh
12038s fuzzy I think uh we can accept fuzzy as
12040s an answer because you probably mean
12044s ah motion sickness is the correct answer
12046s but uh yeah the screen door effect is
12050s what you mean is also a big problem
12051s actually with VR but uh it doesn't make
12053s people feel bad so I think Draft Punk is
12055s I will get the point for that uh oh yeah
12058s just that's what you meant exactly that
12060s worked yeah yeah I know uh for you we
12063s accept some uh extra answers because if
12066s you guys don't know actually Draft Punk
12067s is a bigger Russian streamer so uh
12069s always let's help him out a bit with
12071s English questions especially if we're
12073s this hard so uh you got the point and uh
12076s let's move on to question three which is
12078s really hard and I wouldn't know the
12079s answer to uh what is the name of the
12082s siren character in the original
12084s Borderlands game
12089s so again what is the name of the siren
12091s character in the original Borderlands
12093s game
12101s everyone is uh writing carefully uh the
12105s draft Factor did a headshave no I I have
12108s not played this game
12111s same
12112s but I have a name I know it but I I
12115s guess it's just not there I remember it
12119s yeah I wouldn't have known the answer so
12121s uh
12122s maybe the more you will get the point
12124s then he has some extra knowledge so are
12127s you guys ready home definitely yeah yeah
12129s ready okay then reveal your answers
12131s please
12132s Dave uh Valkyrie I don't feel like play
12136s hunt is fair and uh Xenia the correct
12139s answer is Lilith so uh
12143s I already thought it was Dave
12145s Dave is a good answer always so a clever
12149s one but no worries we still have a bunch
12151s of questions and since no one got a
12152s point uh everyone has a chance and also
12155s in the first round no one will be out so
12157s you still have a Fighting Chance in
12159s round two as well but to the next
12160s question which is what is the name of
12162s the company that created the popular
12164s video game series Call of Duty
12168s so the name of the company that created
12170s the popular game Call of Duty
12177s oh wait not not the publisher like
12181s well the company that created the game
12185s oh this is a trick question
12193s right
12196s consoles I mean I I don't know if the
12199s First Call of Duty was in console wait
12203s but yeah the producers don't know
12212s if it's very hard I can maybe help a bit
12215s it's two words
12217s I got it
12218s good easy
12221s Little Dave it's not Dave this time oh
12223s damn
12226s [Music]
12228s uh are you guys ready
12231s I hope so okay then uh show your answers
12238s uh infinitive word is the correct answer
12240s so uh I think more fun uh Homer you
12243s gotta try it and uh draft bike doesn't
12245s get a point this time
12247s but I I think that also ties up the game
12249s so everyone has uh won the correct
12251s answer so far so it's uh getting very
12254s close uh next question which move type
12257s is super effective against normal type
12259s Pokemon
12262s so which type of move is super effective
12264s against normal type Pokemon
12272s and don't worry we will get into the
12273s hunt question soon as well
12278s no clue yeah
12281s I do play a lot of Pokemon myfestyle so
12283s I actually knew the answer to this one
12290s ready with the answers guys ready yeah
12293s ready all right show me
12295s attack nipple twist uh and uh
12301s pounds or
12303s okay but they're correct yeah the
12306s correct answer is fighting type so
12309s can we give house points to the attack
12311s type no no half points so then we won't
12313s accept the answer sorry home it was
12315s close enough
12316s but I'm in the nipple twist also is good
12320s for a point but uh
12321s yeah everyone agrees but not this time
12324s so uh next question in the original
12326s Legends of Zelda game Vive was the
12329s maximum amount of rupees set to 255.
12334s yeah
12335s it's why was it why yeah there was a
12339s reason why it had to be set to 255
12342s actually
12342s [Music]
12345s sorry guys
12347s it's it's a very hard question actually
12354s here you go uh
12358s I have no question but I can yeah should
12361s I repeat the question for you no I just
12364s I don't know there's nothing about Zelda
12366s oh
12368s technically if you I I cannot say that
12370s you wouldn't actually have to know Zelda
12372s for to answer the question but it's more
12374s about the number
12376s 250. can you repeat that yeah so in the
12378s original Legend of Zelda Game Y was the
12380s maximum amount of rupees set to 255.
12386s [Music]
12388s but it's a very hard answer so if it's
12391s not obvious then I don't think
12397s I don't know all right Thunder
12400s ready all right then uh show the answers
12402s everyone
12405s cream questions
12407s memory they're all actually pretty close
12410s but it's the restraints of the uh
12413s capacity restraints of integer values in
12416s 8-bit systems so so uh
12421s it's a memory or a bit issues yeah so I
12424s think Draft Punk is right uh I don't
12426s know if can we accept memory if you
12428s accept memory as well amazing thank you
12431s oh
12434s foreign
12436s I'm surprised you guys got it right so
12438s congrats
12439s that was very hard and uh draft pack
12441s eight bits this time education helps me
12443s yeah that was very nice I maybe I have
12445s you a bit not things that are related
12447s didn't I
12449s alright next action uh what period was L
12453s A Noir the game modeled after
12457s so which period of time was Ali Noir the
12461s game modeled after
12465s [Music]
12467s and obviously La stands for Los Angeles
12469s if that helps foreign
12474s [Music]
12478s oh
12485s um
12493s I didn't play again
12497s I believe there's one more question
12498s that's not Hunt related and then it's uh
12501s then you can shine although you need to
12503s pay 8-bit answer which was very
12505s difficult so are you guys ready to
12507s reveal I think so
12509s [Music]
12512s okay then uh let's do it show the
12514s answers now
12515s [Music]
12518s 90s 50s and uh
12521s 42.50 so it plays in the 40s so I think
12525s uh Draft Punk got to try it 40 to 50. so
12528s you guys are close enough but truck fun
12530s nice nice I I did even not play the game
12534s a good cast
12535s perfect I just seen the picture of the
12539s game I mean the title yeah yeah yeah I
12543s mean it's actually a pretty good game so
12544s I can recommend it but to the next
12547s question which is the last not Hunt
12549s related one
12550s so who was a valorant agent 20.
12556s again who was valorent agent 20.
12568s this is closer to the shooter genre so I
12572s I hope someone knows
12577s do you have the answers yet
12579s yep yep home yeah yeah all right then
12583s let's reveal it
12586s Dave was actually pretty close this time
12589s but now uh Rick Iceman that's also not
12592s correct and subscribe to home real uh I
12596s don't think that's the answer but uh yes
12597s definitely subscribe to all of these
12599s guys actually uh home real on YouTube
12601s more fun and draft camp on Twitch and
12603s YouTube as well I think so make sure to
12605s follow all these amazing creators but no
12607s one gets a point this time uh and let's
12609s go into the hunt questions which I hope
12611s uh what was the answer uh fade sorry
12614s fade was the answer
12622s I don't think so sorry
12627s uh you tried yeah but yeah to the hunt
12630s questions so this is gonna be very easy
12632s for some of you at least what is the
12634s main vulnerability of the armored
12637s so what is the armored weak against
12639s basically
12642s [Music]
12647s my colleagues nodding so they know the
12648s answer it's good
12653s do you have the answers yet
12655s wait yeah then okay yeah sure okay then
12659s I'll reveal it please
12662s okay I
12666s okay so our answer was fire but I I like
12669s he's not technically weak against poison
12670s it just works against him
12673s so fire is the correct answer
12675s not piercing damage fun
12678s not piercing damage
12682s you still need few hits oh so we should
12686s do we not accept the two answers
12688s okay so uh sadly the jury here said we
12692s can't answer two answers either just
12694s fire is the right answer so actually no
12696s one gets a point and piercing I mean
12699s that that is actually true you were
12700s thinking of the heavy knife right or
12702s just a knife heavy knife hits yeah so
12704s generally it takes pissing damage right
12705s right right right yeah that's true but
12707s uh he's actually fire So my answer is
12711s not is not true because there was two
12713s yeah because the technique there's only
12715s one and you said two take away a point
12717s from him as well talking back I mean you
12720s guys are actually pretty tight still so
12722s I wouldn't worry too much uh but to the
12725s next question which trade increases the
12728s throwing range for all items using the
12730s aim helper in Hunt
12731s so which trade increasings your troving
12734s range for all items using the aim helper
12737s in Hunt
12738s [Music]
12741s my image is mirrored or it's fine for
12743s you to read my mind uh words can you
12747s show oh I may not show it yet I will
12748s tell you but I could read it so I think
12749s it's fine
12751s we just have to lean in a bit to see the
12752s screen I mean my camera is mirrored for
12755s you or not uh well it's hard for me to
12758s tell but it's good it's good it's good
12760s it's good okay okay
12762s so are you guys all ready yeah yeah so
12766s please reveal the answers
12768s picture picture all correct
12771s nice finally around that everyone got
12773s right perfect
12777s so yeah I'm looking at this course I
12779s think Draft Punk is leading by a tiny
12781s bit but you guys are very close to him
12783s so uh Nova is just yet uh but to the
12786s next question which asks which weapon
12789s attachment has significant additional
12791s blunt damage so weapon attachment that
12794s has significant significant additional
12796s blunt damage compared to the base
12798s variant of it
12805s and we can actually accept two answers
12807s for this
12809s either or both
12811s ready home is ready
12814s [Music]
12818s I'm not sure but I think I'm ready
12822s okay morph
12824s almost hang on
12828s sorry thinking you're just asking what
12830s the variant would be called uh yes okay
12835s and there's two correct answers but one
12837s is acceptable
12839s oh
12840s we're talking about blunt damage not
12842s damage you're correct plant damage and
12844s weapon variant
12848s so one of them this is a confusing
12850s question and we all know the answer but
12852s we're just trying to write what we're
12853s supposed to put on the actual piece of
12855s paper
12856s well I I can maybe help to uh I don't
12860s know should I help okay there was a new
12862s variant like this in the latest event
12870s I'm ready all right then uh show the
12872s answers please already
12875s foam yeah
12877s [Music]
12880s so okay the correct answer is since it's
12882s a weapon attachment
12884s so it's only the maze or trauma
12887s uh so trauma is acceptable and The more
12889s I've had the trauma as well right if I
12892s said correctly so we accept that I had
12894s nice and brawler
12908s but uh
12911s is uh oh no
12915s oh it's not it's not an attachment so
12918s it's apparently on the stove yeah it's
12921s fine
12923s he's satisfying I will divide by the
12926s game no we uh we accepted it because uh
12929s I mean it but the question is not
12930s obvious so it's and it's a good answer
12932s so I would accept it okay the next one
12934s is a Law related question so if you guys
12937s are familiar with the lore of the events
12939s it will help a lot but who did the moon
12941s pick as a champion at the beginning of
12943s the Moon Trilogy so uh you can say the
12946s in-game name or a character name from
12948s the lore
12950s who did the moon pick as a champion
12953s in the moon Trilogy of events and hunt
12961s ready
12964s [Music]
12968s this is gonna be Dave again more from
12970s your
12975s s
12978s I'm ready all right then uh please I
12980s think so please reveal your answers then
12983s Kevin is indeed correct not Dave uh
12986s technically you're not throwing but so
12988s it's not the right one point that's the
12990s point uh
12997s actually actually in the infernal
12999s faction so the Moon is related to the
13002s lunar faction so yes
13004s so it was Kevin Linus AKA The first
13007s saint that you could actually earn as a
13008s legendary Hunter at the very end of uh
13011s the last event that was Moon
13013s so uh only uh home gets a point
13017s and the game is getting very close uh
13020s Draft Punk is leading by one point or
13022s like 10 points technically and the morph
13024s and home reel are tied so very very
13026s tight right now
13027s and this is the last question in round
13029s one so
13031s which weapon skin do you get upon
13033s reaching prestige 5.
13038s which weapon skin do you unlock or get
13040s when you reach prestige 5.
13043s [Applause]
13047s we can also if you don't know the exact
13050s name we can actually come to
13052s [Music]
13064s foreign
13076s except the name or the weapon and if the
13079s name is wrong and you have the weapon
13080s that's fine I embed on the names
13082s legendary
13084s so are you guys all ready
13086s yeah okay
13088s then please show your answers
13090s uh yes so oh you know the name
13094s uh yes so all uh
13098s white striped Sparks white stripe Sparks
13100s that's correct Louisiana lose from is
13102s the actual name of the spark so extra
13103s points for home real no extra points
13105s sadly but uh everyone gets the point so
13107s congrats guys
13108s and uh yeah so we could do a small ad
13112s break because we came to the end of the
13114s first round and then show the scores and
13115s let's talk about who's leading
13118s [Music]
13134s [Applause]
13136s all right uh so we are just waiting for
13139s a few minutes until oh the scores are on
13141s the screen
13142s these are okay they are oh I've seen the
13145s preview yet so uh we are still waiting
13147s for our mathematicians here in the
13148s office to calculate uh the numbers and
13151s uh put them on a scoreboard but again it
13153s is uh very very close and uh whoever the
13156s winner is for the first round will take
13159s home A Cloud Core wireless headset and
13161s an mm 710 Mouse and uh no one will
13165s actually fall out this round yet so the
13167s winner just gets an extra reward for
13169s their communities but the points won't
13170s reset in this round so you guys will be
13172s taking your points over to the next
13174s round which will be our quick fire round
13176s so please make sure your game is uh the
13180s meantime because you will have to share
13181s your gameplay as well as a bit while we
13184s are on and let me know when
13187s okay so we can all see the scores now uh
13191s so Draft Punk is in the lead with 60
13193s points congrats yeah thank you thank you
13198s and uh tight second is morph and home
13202s Rios with 50 points so there's only one
13205s uh one answer difference between all of
13208s you so that's super super close so uh
13212s yeah let's let's let's get into round
13215s two slowly and again guys uh get your
13218s games ready and we will be actually
13220s starting with home real in this one so
13224s uh home real if you could uh slowly
13227s share your uh gameplay to us on uh
13230s Discord
13233s and good luck home
13237s right yeah uh in the meantime while we
13240s are figuring out the Discord call and
13241s your gameplay we will have a vote on
13244s Discord uh between sniper and uh time
13248s trial so please uh their moderators put
13251s on a vote on our Discord uh where you
13255s can all vote which kind of trial the
13257s players have to play in so either a
13259s sniper or a time trial and and just so
13263s the rules are clear each of them will
13265s have one minute and in that one minute
13268s they will have to play the tiles and we
13271s will be asking questions in a rapid
13273s succession and uh obviously if they can
13276s answer correctly while playing the game
13277s they get points if they don't then
13279s unfortunately not but uh this is a very
13282s fun and quick run so
13285s are we ready
13288s how is the boat looking
13291s my game is pulled up yeah I see the game
13294s now perfect
13295s so uh please go to Stillwater Bayou in
13297s the meantime and then uh if you see
13299s which trial you have to pay it's almost
13302s tied okay then let's leave them a few
13304s minutes
13306s okay while we are waiting for that to
13308s see which trial we are doing uh we
13311s actually gonna do a small giveaway on
13313s Twitter for all chat so if you have
13315s Twitter in any of the chats uh Tech hunt
13317s Showdown and uh hashtag Bounty bash and
13320s ask your favorite quiz question make any
13323s questions and we will pull some random
13325s winners during the week and may even
13327s feature your questions in the next days
13328s so again Tech hunt Showdown uh hashtag
13332s Bunty bash and write a question there
13333s and we'll put some winners for the brand
13335s new comedian DLC and
13338s [Music]
13345s I think that's gonna be the very first
13348s in our list actually uh
13352s which one is that not the sniper one uh
13354s do we know the name
13357s yes
13359s so the first wave trial please uh on the
13361s list home if you could select it
13364s should say the type on the screen bottom
13367s left corner but I can't see it because
13375s yeah and the meantime if the others are
13379s also like preparing for the sun please
13380s also get that ready slowly so we can we
13383s won't have to wait too much different
13384s rounds so again I will be asking you
13386s questions when you start a trial and you
13388s will have one minute to do the trial and
13391s obviously you won't have to finish it
13392s but at least try and answer any of the
13395s questions I'm asking and they will be
13397s pretty quick and can be very random so I
13399s hope you're ready for it
13400s and yeah whenever your system loads and
13403s you tell me you're ready we can start
13405s and uh
13407s I hope you can hear the sound effects
13409s because you will oh you can then I'll
13411s tell you when uh the one minute timer is
13413s over so as soon as you start uh start
13415s asking the questions
13418s all right I'm gonna start and now let me
13421s check the rules real quick right all
13424s right
13424s let's go okay as soon as I see the game
13429s right what type of animal is Yoshi
13433s uh dinosaur correct who is the
13435s protagonist in Legends of Zelda
13437s link correct what is the best-selling
13440s video game console of all time
13442s we
13443s incorrect is the PlayStation 2. uh what
13446s is the evolved uh what is the evolution
13448s of Pikachu
13450s uh
13452s I have no idea uh the correct answer is
13454s Raichu who is Mario's love interest
13458s each correct Princess Peach which
13461s American football coach has the popular
13463s video game named after him named after
13465s him Madden uh what is his first name
13468s uh
13470s John correct John Madden do you accept
13473s that uh what video game franchise does
13476s Rooster Teeth use for their shows Red
13478s versus Blue Halo dancer is correct uh
13481s Halo how old was esketchum at the start
13484s of his journey
13485s how old is what Ash at the start of
13488s Pokemon
13489s uh 13. it was 10. how does the method
13492s find its prey
13493s uh causing Legions
13496s do we accept the last answer it was over
13498s time
13500s two seconds
13502s okay we accept it uh so we will be
13504s lenient with the others too but the
13505s answer is correct leeches or poison
13506s sites so congrats you you did really
13509s good you destroyed that uh you did too
13511s well yeah I don't think we should give
13513s him that last one well maybe you guys
13515s will do really well
13519s because it takes time to ask the
13521s questions too so if it's like two
13523s seconds I'll accept it but I think he
13525s only got two wrong
13527s so congrats that was very impressive
13531s thanks and uh yeah congrats uh so we can
13534s move on to the second one who would be
13537s morph actually so if you have the game
13538s ready morph
13541s yeah and please uh yeah
13548s right uh let me know when
13552s [Music]
13553s okay so yeah uh so obviously we prepared
13557s a lot of questions for Roxy as well but
13559s again she's not there but uh to her
13561s lovely Community uh again uh you guys
13563s still win a little prize and she will
13565s give it away on her channel so make sure
13567s to follow her as well and we are sorry
13569s about the technical issues uh but uh
13571s it's it's a better
13572s you guys uh to uh which one am I going
13576s into sorry uh so you have to go into the
13578s Stillwater buy one
13580s and uh there's Copper Lake uh wave
13583s challenge
13587s I can't really see the mouse okay can
13589s you guys know which one
13590s it's like
13592s the top right uh
13597s is that it just play do I have to click
13598s another these two
13600s in the middle
13601s which one is it the one of his owner or
13603s the top right
13605s oh
13608s sorry I was yeah so it should be say a
13611s home maybe you could say which one it
13612s was in the list so we can make sure that
13614s it's the same
13615s uh yeah that looks like the one I did
13617s okay so that's the second from the top
13619s is that correct
13620s the the top right corner top right
13623s corner okay yeah that's fun cool and
13625s it's the compost thing not the zero
13626s three oh that's the zero for three thing
13629s the compass is zero three the zero three
13631s exactly
13633s so you can start Play because you will
13634s have a loading screen anyway until then
13636s and then you will have to start a trial
13638s in game to actually start it
13643s cool
13645s all right and I'll also have some fun
13647s questions for you so I hope you're ready
13649s for your Pokemon knowledge and all that
13652s stuff because I know everything about
13655s Pokemon that I've got small things right
13656s yeah they've got nice balls they are the
13659s little pads that you can keep in a bowl
13661s for some reason and uh yeah I don't know
13663s why we would do that but they are very
13665s cute and fun so uh whenever you're ready
13667s we will uh start as well so it's up to
13669s you when you start a trial we'll start
13671s the questions as soon as the black
13672s screen fades
13676s all right for me it's kind of Frozen
13678s right now
13680s oh they say that the stream from your
13683s site is a very
13684s uh
13686s yeah like if you see like a frozen
13688s screen basically so it's hard to
13690s how about now
13692s is it better now
13694s no
13697s oh it's working on Discord for me he
13700s says it on Discord it's fine
13704s if you look in the box you can uh can we
13706s close it or not around and open it again
13707s yeah for for right now we only see a
13709s frozen screen basically so
13715s [Music]
13720s it's loading let's hope it actually does
13722s [Music]
13724s and what I mean by Draft Punk uh you
13726s could also like set up the game in the
13727s background so we won't have to wait so
13729s much so it will be the top right of the
13732s Stillwater bio trials uh which is in uh
13736s Scupper Lake
13738s yeah I'm ready oh awesome
13741s now we just have to wait for the stream
13742s to show
13746s okay uh our uh lovely Jeremy or Indigo
13749s attack is [ __ ] right now
13753s yeah I'm not sure about the issue is
13755s maybe it's the one it's an iron
13760s so uh what we're gonna do is uh it seems
13763s to be a problem with full screening it
13764s so we are going to be cropping it and
13766s zooming it so the quality may not be the
13768s best but it should be visible yeah we
13770s can see it now okay you can click on
13771s play again now we see it it's just uh
13776s camera's size but okay let's go fine
13783s uh Jeremy am I supposed to sleep now or
13785s because I see myself
13788s okay
13789s awesome
13793s good luck mate good luck so yeah again
13795s home got two wrong and uh Bunch right I
13798s don't know exactly how many but answered
13800s a lot of questions correctly so you'll
13802s have have a big Challenger against you
13804s so as soon as you start it now I see it
13806s actually so we'll also start the
13808s questions uh Vander Gets Ready starts on
13811s screen
13813s [Music]
13816s what type of Pokemon is Pikachu
13822s a yellow one the correct answer is
13824s electric type Sonic was what kind of
13826s animal
13827s a hedgehog correct can you name Sonic's
13830s sidekick
13831s Tails correct what is the best-selling
13833s handheld gaming system we should know
13836s the answer
13838s I was playing at a switch
13840s no it's a Nintendo DS what atari's first
13843s arcade game that they launched with
13846s game no idea punk what does MMO stand
13850s for
13853s as if
13854s multiplayer online thing correct what is
13857s the name of Riot's famous MOBA
13862s League of Legends correct uh what is the
13866s award-winning TV show based on League of
13867s Legends
13869s Arcane correct Arcane what is the most
13872s coveted prize in the dark tribute
13875s in Hunt
13877s yeah
13880s Dave uh timer is over and the answer was
13883s bad hand so close enough I think you
13885s also did really well actually
13888s that's wrong or three so uh it's gonna
13891s be very close so congrats okay thank you
13894s thank you
13896s I mean the other question I wouldn't
13897s have known either but the Nintendo one
13899s you should have known because we asked
13900s the question I know I got it right on my
13902s end so I completely forgot what the
13904s actual answer was uh
13907s see you have to pay attention that was a
13909s tricky one
13911s but uh thank you and I had a scoreboard
13913s as I can see it because I can't see the
13914s actual scores it's still very super
13916s close so uh we have to see who is
13918s actually
13919s winning uh and Draft Punk are you ready
13922s meanwhile
13924s yeah
13926s uh some more you can stop sharing your
13928s screen if you haven't already and yep
13931s cool
13936s all right and I can actually see it's
13938s perfect
13941s foreign
13949s do not mess this up no pressure no
13952s pressure no pressure at all no pressure
13953s but don't mess it up but it's counting
13955s on you no pressure no pressure
13958s I mean
13960s it's a bit hard
13963s ER can I just keep them
13965s remember how rubbish EU was with bombus
13968s and Archie they were terrible so just
13970s don't let us down okay don't
13972s mess this up
13976s uh are we ready for more and Jim yeah so
13979s we are ready so as soon as you started
13980s and I see the get ready I'll start
13982s asking the questions
13983s [Music]
13984s I'm ready okay then just uh hit start uh
13987s click Start and uh as soon as I see the
13990s get ready screen
13996s pillar game series made by Sid Meyer
13998s that spans across six parts
14001s civilization correct what does DOTA
14004s stand for
14006s thumb
14008s sorry what does DOTA stand for repeat
14010s DotA d-o-t-a
14013s I know DOTA but I I didn't hear what is
14016s the what does it stand for
14017s like the name
14020s okay let's go to Nexus defense offense
14021s of the Asians okay you know it actually
14023s we said it at the same time so you get a
14024s point but is there a Grand Theft Auto
14026s what is Grand Theft Auto 5 Satin
14029s what city what city
14032s um
14033s [Music]
14035s uh Los Santos what is the name of the
14037s protagonist read that Redemption too
14040s uh plus Arthur Morgan what is the name
14043s of the famous detective agency decided
14045s in the read and read that Redemption 2
14048s game
14049s plus Pinkerton
14052s uh which region does geralt come from in
14054s The Witcher series
14057s um correct
14060s uh yeah the time is over sadly uh
14065s oh you didn't like uh the Red Dot
14067s questions on DOTA yeah and then he told
14071s him about eight thousand dollars
14075s the question itself we are still
14078s accepted the dot answer because you said
14079s it like basically at the same time as me
14081s but you didn't know about that it's it's
14083s a it's a Cowboy game it's very nice I
14086s know about this game but I did not play
14088s it they were difficult questions they
14089s were the hardest for all three of us
14091s those
14092s yeah maybe could be I mean depends on
14095s what your family are with but uh yeah
14098s they that we come to the end of this
14100s round and our mathematicians are already
14102s calculating the scores uh so we'll see
14105s who is actually uh the first second and
14109s last place and the the winner of this
14112s round will get an mm 710 mouse and a WR
14116s 531 restressed a large one and some
14120s awesome merch as well and obviously they
14123s can give away this to their communities
14125s on their streams so make sure to follow
14127s all these streamers actually because
14128s everyone will be taking home something
14130s to give away to their communities later
14132s on after the Bounty bash is over and no
14134s one is leaving empty-handed uh but I see
14137s this question everyone yeah Jeremy
14141s okay so the scores are on screen and oh
14145s no graft Punk uh from first yeah yes oh
14150s it's the pressure it's my fault so close
14152s it's 1945 that's totally fine
14156s uh uh morph got second with hundred
14159s points and uh it goes to the third round
14162s and the home Reel with 110 points taking
14164s the lead with those awesome quick fire
14166s answers
14168s I'm pretty sure I've got more points
14169s than the bombers too right
14172s and uh yeah draft Bank can you see the
14174s dog before uh you suddenly have to leave
14177s this round because uh yeah of course
14178s because he is really really cute and uh
14183s uh draft prank will be taking home uh
14186s Cloud Corvallis has such a boost fire
14189s dark Mouse as well as some anniversary
14190s merch and DLC keys for the latest
14192s sandyasi for his community so Nova is
14195s defined fun and there's the awesome
14197s little cute puppy hey so cute is
14200s adorable thanks guys thanks guys yeah
14202s thank you good luck uh thank you and
14205s again uh congrats on taking home the
14207s prices and you did amazing in the first
14209s round so uh thanks let's say look it is
14213s the language barriers were a bit it's uh
14215s even though it's a bit hard for so many
14217s English words this exam for me so yeah
14219s fine but you did great and thank you
14221s again and uh with that we will be going
14224s on a small uh break so our producers
14228s have a little time to set up the scenes
14230s with two people uh and we will be back
14233s with the third round of Bunty bash after
14235s that
14236s [Applause]
14239s foreign
14243s [Music]
14277s foreign
14283s [Music]
14310s it ain't no
14314s [Music]
14323s till it's overpaid
14332s [Music]
14345s foreign
14348s [Music]
14378s [Music]
14389s [Music]
14403s [Music]
14408s till it's over
14414s [Music]
14438s foreign
14439s [Music]
14442s [Applause]
14444s [Music]
14472s foreign
14476s [Music]
14488s [Music]
14521s in me
14523s [Music]
14559s Midnight Memories
14563s [Music]
14618s the devil's in the circle
14622s the devil's in the night
14626s the devil's in the water
14633s the devil is calling
14637s [Music]
14641s cause the devil's on fire
14652s [Music]
14660s thank you
14664s [Music]
14670s I guess now we draw the
14676s line
14678s like the match
14683s [Music]
14690s one more time
14694s there's nothing left to lose
14717s thank you
14730s [Music]
14748s foreign
14753s [Music]
14759s [Music]
14765s [Music]
14772s [Applause]
14777s foreign
14786s [Music]
14800s [Music]
14811s [Music]
14812s foreign
14816s [Music]
14827s [Music]
14835s [Applause]
14837s [Music]
14847s foreign
14848s [Music]
14874s foreign
14914s foreign
14947s thank you
14947s [Music]
14965s [Music]
14981s [Music]
14987s foreign
14990s [Music]
15008s foreign
15010s [Music]
15019s [Music]
15035s [Music]
15042s foreign
15046s [Music]
15065s [Music]
15071s Darkness Darkness
15077s Darkness
15081s Carry Me Home
15086s very me
15091s [Music]
15094s Darkness
15099s Darkness
15103s Darkness
15110s [Applause]
15119s [Music]
15139s [Music]
15141s in the dark houses
15145s [Music]
15153s [Music]
15161s Carry Me Home
15166s [Music]
15172s we are joined this day
15176s [Music]
15194s in the dark
15198s [Music]
15203s Darkness
15211s [Music]
15220s and me
15222s home
15226s [Music]
15242s River Rising summer rain
15247s for migration back again
15253s there is blood caused through my veins
15258s Praise Your Glass your voice in Praise
15263s [Applause]
15266s [Music]
15269s and sing
15273s raise your voice and praise
15277s [Music]
15290s hey everyone and welcome back to the
15293s Bounty bash we will start with round
15295s three but first we want to play a solo
15297s small sponsored video as well as a
15299s little video from the devs after that
15301s where they answered some questions as
15302s well you already answered in the Stream
15304s and you may see some of your favorite
15305s stuff so let's see the at first and then
15307s the small video
15309s [Music]
15321s all right
15324s so
15326s decoys uh fuses
15330s um like I played for 1300 hours like and
15334s I and I'd like just don't remember the
15336s name like for real uh the uh chaos bomb
15339s here of course chaos bomb the maximum
15341s amount of Tier 1 is 100 he has been
15345s preaching at um Healing Waters which is
15348s on Still Water band on each map There
15350s are 16 compounds
15352s uh it's uh Vincent
15357s [Applause]
15360s all right that was a small little video
15362s from with the devs answering some of the
15364s questions hopefully getting them right
15366s and uh thank you again for Cooler Master
15368s for sponsoring us uh and we definitely
15371s are going to be jumping into the third
15373s round with the two winners morph and
15375s home real uh to fight it out this is the
15378s last real round so one of you will be
15381s ending the competition here but the loss
15383s will go over to our bountified bonus run
15386s where they will be facing the Assassin
15388s the spider or the butcher who is a
15390s mystery Dove but in round three We'll be
15392s asking questions and you will have
15394s multiple choice answers so please get
15396s your papers ready again and you can
15398s either write ABC or the actual answer on
15400s the paper and uh are you guys ready for
15403s it
15404s awesome all right so now let's dive into
15407s it and let's start with the first
15409s question which you can also read on the
15411s screen this time around so which
15413s attachment adds a custom cutting X to
15415s your weapon and the possible answers are
15421s a the repos uh B the mace or C the
15425s hatchet so which attachments are the
15427s custom cutting acts to your weapon
15431s ready ready ready then to show your
15434s answers please
15435s c c and let's see the correct answer it
15438s is indeed C so both of them get a point
15440s on mathematicians in the background
15442s adding the points perfect
15445s uh the next question that how much is
15448s the large health bar worth
15452s and the answers are a a hundred B 25 or
15456s C 50. so how much is the large health
15459s bar working hunt
15462s ready ready
15463s so let's see the answers
15467s so I'm holding the right one yes CC and
15470s that is indeed the correct answer so
15471s again both of them take a point home
15476s see you again
15478s next question on which map can you find
15481s a mystery mysterious silver Obelisk or
15484s monolith however you want to call it it
15486s is an Easter egg in the game and the
15488s answers are a loss on Delta be the Sal
15491s or C Still Water by you
15494s ready
15495s ready uh show the answers please
15498s BB and that's the correct answer again
15501s both of them got the point congrats
15504s the next question
15507s which action does Lightfoot not offer a
15510s benefit to so which one does it not
15511s offer a benefit to
15514s jumping a uh climbing ladders b or
15517s switching weapons C
15520s so which one it does not affect
15524s ready ready then let's see the answers
15529s you see again both of them got it
15531s correct congrats
15534s it's making me look good keep them
15536s coming like this
15537s these are the very hand questions so you
15539s guys just play a lot of hunt I guess
15542s but that actually is actually a bit
15544s harder I think if you didn't pay
15545s attention to the earlier days of fun so
15547s what color were the Special ammo boxes
15550s before they received an update in update
15552s 1.5
15554s in the correct answer I'm in the
15555s possible answers are a green uh B purple
15559s or C Orange
15562s ready
15564s ready ready then let's see the answers
15568s BB both of them are correct congrats
15571s again wow
15573s uh this is I'm getting hot over here
15577s this is uh I was close to that one yeah
15579s it's crazy
15581s uh next question uh which country
15584s produces the
15586s semi-automatic pistol bornheim number
15589s three or Mark III uh
15593s the possible answers are a France B
15595s offendent or C Germany so again which
15599s country produces the semi-automatic
15600s pistol bornheim number three
15603s hmm
15605s I'm happy just with the way it sounds
15607s when you say it I don't know the answer
15609s but the way you say it the born home or
15612s yeah my weird Hungarian pronunciation I
15615s apologize for them
15619s so do you guys have the answers
15621s I'm ready I guess then uh let's let's
15623s see
15625s see see indeed that's correct the German
15627s yeah it's just the way it sounds
15630s bonheimer that's true yeah that's true
15633s maybe I should have said it the last
15635s German because I'm really good at German
15637s uh next question what is the real name
15640s of the black coat so a lower question
15642s the real name of the legendary Hunter
15644s black coat
15646s the answers are a William Durant B Bill
15650s Harris or C Torrance Brines
15654s this is a harder one I think
15657s yeah
15660s let me know when you guys have an answer
15663s I don't know this one but I got it in a
15665s guess
15667s all right then uh let's see the guesses
15672s C and A and the correct answer is
15675s oh nice
15678s so morph nice
15680s I think you guys are I just shouldn't
15683s pulled the cards in which everyone came
15684s out was the answer so I'd take no credit
15686s for that but you didn't get it right so
15689s I mean you had a 33.3 percent chance so
15692s uh
15693s uh next one which uh was not one of the
15697s three packs from Devil's Moon live event
15698s so which one was not uh
15702s from the live event and uh the possible
15705s answers are a granted
15707s be Inferno or C lunar
15713s this is a tricky question guys
15717s ready yeah I think I'm ready all right
15720s let's see the answers
15723s and the correct answer is B indeed
15725s Because the actual answer is infernal so
15728s it's not Inferno because that was the
15730s time uh the Wild Card condition that we
15732s had during that was cheeky yeah that was
15735s a hard one I had to read the question
15737s twice to see like is it like wrong
15739s answers or I had to read the answers
15741s three times I was looking for a spelling
15742s error or something
15744s I don't think you were right so again
15745s both of you got the point so next
15748s question
15749s which Devil's Moon pact offered the
15751s first ever self-revive in the bayou
15755s a lunar B infernal C grounded and just
15760s to clarify this was possible with the
15762s Necromancer trait when you had this
15764s packed
15765s ready
15767s let's see the answers C
15771s home oh sorry yep
15775s we believe you okay it was a c uh indeed
15778s the correct answer so the ground that
15779s faction could uh do this with the
15782s Necromancer trade when you play it solo
15785s uh oh my God you guys are killing it
15788s it's crazy uh next question which tool
15791s consumable does not fall under the
15793s deception category so it does not fall
15796s under the deception category
15798s a uh the poison strip mine
15801s B decoy fuses or C chaos bomb
15808s so again Digital customer does not fall
15810s under the deception category ready as
15813s well okay let's see the answers then
15816s hey hey again both of them correct oh my
15819s God this this is gonna be like extremely
15822s close uh
15824s we will have to do a lot of maths after
15825s this one but we still have some
15827s questions so uh which of these long ammo
15830s rifles has the slowest bullet velocity
15832s uh a
15834s Martini Henry
15837s B spark silencer or C Springfield Craig
15843s so again which one has the slowest pull
15845s that velocity out of the tree
15847s ready
15850s ready morph
15852s um oh you go I die yeah
15856s okay then let's see let's see
15859s b b and again both of you are correct
15863s then silenced I didn't I didn't know
15865s it's the silence and panics exactly
15867s clever because that was the that was a
15869s trick in there so you got it right
15873s uh so the next question is which
15875s legendary Hunter was the reward for the
15877s bull path in the lighter shadow of event
15879s we had two pets and for the bullpet this
15881s was the legendary Hunter that was
15883s rewarded and there are possible answers
15885s are the third son a
15887s be the Exile and see the way finder
15893s um
15895s I don't know
15897s it's a hard one this is we're shuffling
15899s again I think
15902s this time so
15906s um
15907s [Music]
15909s let me know when you guys are ready
15911s right I'm ready
15912s shuffle all right okay let's hope the
15916s shuffle work and home uh let's see the
15918s answers b c and the correct answer is B
15921s actually so the exile
15923s [Applause]
15925s oh God
15927s [Applause]
15929s all right uh so this is actually the end
15931s of our main question so we have to see
15933s the points and uh yeah we have to
15936s calculate it because you guys got a lot
15937s correct so let's see who is in the lead
15941s right now
15943s uh and whoever is in the lead will win
15945s unless it's a tie because then we will
15947s go to a tiebreaker uh but yeah I think
15950s it's Italian right uh
15953s I don't know because the first two runs
15955s points still can't so
15957s it's gonna be very close yeah
15962s but you guys I I gotta give it to you
15964s I'm very impressed with both of you it's
15966s uh it was some really deep hunt
15969s questions and you guys killed it so or
15971s the congrats
15973s good job more some good shuffling yeah
15975s thank you thank you I I think because I
15978s was shuffling
15980s I think it's it's better you win
15982s 10 points difference
15984s oh so someone won't be with 10 points
15988s actually so
15990s they are doing a double check just to
15992s make sure but it seems like one of you
15994s won't be the 10 points uh
15996s and uh yeah the points are in the 300s
15999s so it was indeed very very close uh are
16004s those the correct numbers
16007s yes okay
16008s then we will see it on screen and
16013s so yeah it is on screen and more five
16015s songs
16018s with 3 30 very close he definitely
16022s deserved it I was guessing on some of
16023s those so that's fair that was close I
16026s guess too this was our closest round so
16029s far between any of the contestants so
16032s congrats to both of you this was like
16034s insane and I mean if the second Shuffle
16036s would have worked or whatever no I kind
16038s of also blamed Dave uh Dave's a piece of
16040s [ __ ] and let me down on multiple times
16042s that's true it never worked uh next time
16045s next the next game show we do we'll add
16047s an answer for Dave just for you thank
16048s you thank you I would only be fair yeah
16050s well done yeah well done mate congrats
16052s congrats and uh uh it's not the end
16055s morph because you are still taking home
16057s or to your audience a Cloud Core
16059s wireless headset and a boost fire Dart
16061s Mouse and an anniversary merch pack as
16063s well some DLCs so uh you will be able to
16066s give that to your lovely community and
16068s again congrats for beating everyone so
16070s far and getting so close to making
16072s yourself very much yeah thank you so
16074s much
16077s so please just stay in the call if
16080s possible so uh the scenes don't get
16082s messed up and uh we will have to uh wait
16085s a bit but until then I think I can
16087s already talk to home
16088s uh because uh you're getting to the last
16091s round and in this round since you have
16093s all the three Clues collected one from
16095s the three challenges you will have to
16097s face a boss and uh you will have to
16100s decide who that boss is so please make a
16103s choice between the Assassin the butcher
16105s or the spider
16108s all my homies love butcher so let's go
16111s butcher all right the Butcher and I
16113s think today's butcher
16115s will be none other
16117s than Fabian Richter a game designer
16121s working at home he used to be a senior
16123s QA tester before he switched to game
16125s design he's also a streamer and some of
16128s you may know him as a moderator uh
16130s called Fab Fab on their crytek channels
16132s from long time ago so fat Pap is
16134s actually an insanely good hunt player
16136s with a lot of knowledge so homie will
16138s have a very very hard time against him I
16140s think so this is a question
16144s uh yeah he uh if Chad doesn't know Fab
16148s is uh our go-to guy every single time
16150s when we have some Hunt related questions
16152s or any issues we are like hey uh Fab
16154s could you tell us yesterday he is like
16156s an encyclopedia fund and always knows
16159s the answer so uh welcome Fab and uh it's
16163s gonna be a lot of fun
16165s uh but before we will actually dive into
16167s this round uh we will have to take a
16169s small outbreak as well uh when it's
16172s ready but it's not ready yet so uh yes
16175s and uh we will also have another trial
16178s for you home Rio uh where if you can
16181s complete the easy medium or hard
16183s challenges you can gain lifelines and
16186s these lifelines will help you to ask the
16189s cry attack chat uh where they will have
16191s two options to vote for an answer and
16193s basically help you out what they think
16196s the correct answer would be so this
16198s trial will be very important but to
16201s figure out which trial you have to play
16203s uh let's put up a little uh poll on our
16207s Twitter so moderators if you create a
16209s poll uh between uh the time challenges
16213s or or like the wave challenges or the
16216s sniper challenges and uh whichever you
16219s want at home will have to play that to
16220s the end actually so the whole Challenge
16223s and see how he does
16225s uh go ahead and switch my stream to hunt
16229s yes please in the background you can
16231s already do that and
16235s yeah and so we have the ad ready and
16238s until that's happening please let's
16239s enjoy this ad from our sponsor
16244s [Music]
16256s [Applause]
16260s awesome so uh hyperx again thank you for
16263s sponsoring this uh awesome panty
16265s bashivan and again guys we'll be back
16267s tomorrow as well and on Friday for the
16269s finals which home reel will be part of
16271s now that he made it to the last round
16273s because he is already a winner and this
16275s is just a bonus round where we have has
16276s to be the boss the butcher or Fab this
16279s time uh which again is gonna be a lot of
16281s fun uh are you ready with your screen
16284s yet
16285s is it showing up
16288s it's going to be sniper sorry sniper map
16291s sniper oh so uh the poll is over and we
16295s learned that the actual challenge will
16296s be the sniper Challenge so uh that's
16300s gonna be a very fun to watch because uh
16302s depending on how you do you will have
16304s the lifelines and everyone will be
16305s judging you at the same time so that's
16307s gonna be great
16308s is that if we cannot see your screen yet
16311s just your webcam oh
16315s all right let me try
16318s yeah we are stealing your your profile
16320s picture right right
16322s yeah like they're not you know the fake
16324s profession
16329s that worked did it work no you may have
16332s to restart the
16333s sharing I think all right yeah let me
16335s stop streaming
16341s yes and the name of the tile is actually
16344s from whom
16346s you can find that one it's a sniper tire
16348s that's I think that should be the one
16350s uh you can see the name on the bottom
16353s left if you like scroll through it
16356s all right
16358s cut it uh and
16362s okay now I can also see it okay so you
16365s can start whenever you're ready uh but
16367s since it's like not timed or anything
16369s and I won't be asking questions I'll be
16371s just commentating what is happening and
16373s again if you can complete the easy trial
16376s you will get two lifelines the medium
16378s for one extra and the heart for the one
16379s extra so you can get up to four
16381s lifelines to help you beat Fab Fab which
16385s you will probably need so I I would not
16387s go light on this trial that is
16389s absolutely true all right all right uh
16392s let's go I guess I'm ready yeah let's go
16394s let's go
16396s so uh as I see it you have to headshot a
16399s lot
16404s so yeah let's go so you have to hatch
16406s out eight enemies within two minutes to
16407s get the easy one uh hashtag 15 enemies
16411s to get the medium and 25 to get the hard
16415s one so that's hard to do but you are
16417s going very quickly already three down
16419s that Hive is done as well don't forget
16422s to reload when you're out of your Mosin
16424s uh that one is missed five very quickly
16427s you still have one and a half minutes
16428s though let's go
16431s puff that perfect
16434s see
16435s so homero doesn't just make great videos
16437s but apparently he's a great sniper and
16438s he completed the easy trial already so
16441s uh he does have two lifelines ready and
16443s he is not stopping here uh you guys went
16446s easy on him with the challenges I feel
16447s like he is crushing this
16451s perfect there's another one
16453s oh missed 11 12.
16458s 13. he's lucky all the grounds are
16460s spawning him for him but uh he's very
16463s close to the medium one and still only
16465s 10 11 maybe for the Hard One to complete
16467s okay how hands are hard to headshots but
16470s luckily they don't have any masks on
16471s this time uh uh that means that is no
16475s issues okay okay it's gonna be very
16477s close he still has to win right seven
16479s shots uh in 40 seconds and that means
16483s that you still have to reload at least
16484s once
16486s oh it's going very quickly 21.
16490s 72
16492s 3 and now the reload okay
16496s only two more shots in 20 seconds I
16498s think he's got it guys I think he's got
16499s it
16500s yeah wow
16503s perfect I would say that was a really
16505s really good performance from you again
16507s not just in the questions but in the
16508s game itself so congrats home and you
16511s have four lifelines to use uh in the
16514s fight again
16516s so again anytime you are not sure about
16518s an answer uh feel free to tell me that
16521s you want to use a lifeline and we will
16523s be using the crytek chat uh with all the
16525s people so make sure to send anyone over
16527s as well and they will help you out or
16529s maybe deceive you you never know who
16531s they are Hunters after all but uh yes uh
16534s Feb are you ready as well hey yeah I am
16537s but I'm also very excited yeah I don't
16540s be nervous here you got this although
16542s I'm only looking at the first question
16544s and this I actually had to look up
16546s before the the games because it was
16549s hidden in one of the books in the game
16551s so it's gonna be interesting uh
16554s Jeremy are you ready to start yes the
16557s first question which is Van verse darker
16559s beetles discovered
16562s is it true yeah
16565s uh oh I yeah yeah I can still hear no
16569s but
16570s oh okay we're back
16573s yes and the profession is there too so
16576s again van verse talker Beatles
16578s discovered and the answers are a late
16581s 19th century B late 18th century and see
16585s early 19th century
16588s it's very very hard so you would have to
16591s know the lore very deeply to know this I
16593s feel like
16594s I need hazmat
16597s oh yeah true
16600s I I have a solution okay that's right
16603s Feb is ready home
16605s yeah I have a guess okay let's see those
16608s answers
16610s C and A and the correct answer is a late
16613s 19th century Fab he just cannot miss
16615s guys he just cannot miss oh actually
16618s that one I wasn't sure like it was a
16621s little bit of a guess I mean yeah that
16623s was crazy so yeah and again uh the the
16627s score is going from zero so we will be
16630s whoever gets something right will get
16632s some point and obviously zero when you
16634s get something wrong so it will be an
16637s interesting challenge but let's move on
16638s to the second question
16641s which is which of these weapons or
16643s variants was not new with Devil's Moon
16648s a Sparks pistol
16650s B Springfield Craig or C Centennial
16653s trauma
16655s ready ready very quick answers uh let's
16658s see
16659s a and a and that's correct the Sparks
16662s pistol was indeed from the previous
16664s event the serpent Moon so it was a bit
16666s tricky but we cannot deceive these two
16670s so each get a point a third question how
16672s many Hunters can you choose from in
16674s quick play
16677s and the options are A4 B5 or c 3.
16684s ready
16685s so quick uh ready cold all right let's
16689s see the answers
16691s B and C and the correct answer is B five
16695s so definitely knew that one
16698s because you laugh quick play yeah right
16701s yeah yeah
16703s so uh Fab is in the lead so whom you uh
16706s have to catch up uh to to beat this boss
16709s because this butcher is like very strong
16711s I know it but the next question is how
16714s many legendary rewards were offered with
16716s the billion the stalker beater questline
16720s crash answer a
16723s 9 B 7 or C five
16728s and use the lifeline you can indeed
16731s so uh homie wants to use the lifeline so
16734s moderators please set up a poll with one
16737s of the correct answers and one of the
16738s wrong ones and let's hop home out uh
16741s with the answers
16744s and you have the twitch chat open
16745s because I don't
16747s uh I will tell you the what they voted
16750s for uh for you so you don't have to have
16751s the movement is the pull-up maybe it's
16754s not up yet so we have to wait a bit and
16756s Fab is also calculating inside I think
16758s so yeah I picked the solution I'm not
16762s sure if it's right
16766s but uh today and after
16770s they they should have it
16771s yeah
16774s yeah the pull is up so we're just
16775s waiting a minute and uh just let me know
16778s uh when we have a result from the poll
16782s is it one-sided or
16786s yeah so it's pretty much sizing so what
16788s is Chad saying
16793s for now Chad is saying B
16797s all right that was my gut so I'm gonna
16799s say b as well hey can you see it and uh
16804s Fab is apparently better than a chat and
16806s home real together because the correct
16808s answer is hey
16810s I'm sorry uh that's all good chat you
16815s let let him down because Pap takes a
16817s point again
16818s oh wow
16820s uh see I knew that you would be better
16822s than a thousand five hundred people in
16823s the room alone so uh wow you go a bit
16827s easier on cool home uh next question
16830s what is the very last unlock in the
16832s bloodline progression
16835s a Dodge B Nitro or C crown and King
16842s okay I'm ready
16843s all right uh
16845s uh I guess I'm ready
16847s let's see those answers then
16852s knows it I'm guessing both of them
16861s because this was Fab's first wrong
16863s answer and you could have uh yeah
16868s so it is a Nitro Express rifle I think
16870s the Deutsche is around the 60s uh
16873s so and I don't know about the chronic
16875s kick because I don't really play this
16877s [ __ ] but next question uh what does the
16880s number on the back of the bornheim
16881s number three represents
16883s is it a random number
16886s uh is it a weapon version or amount of
16890s bullets see
16893s I I guess I'm ready I'm ready as well
16897s all right there's mine
16901s and the correct answer is actually the
16903s amount of bullets
16905s so the correct answer is a and uh that
16908s means that let's see
16909s correct answers C sorry so that means uh
16913s homie gets a point right
16917s yes uh and if that doesn't get a point
16920s surprisingly
16922s okay
16923s getting closer on the board and there's
16926s still a few questions so you can
16927s actually steal a win home so you cannot
16930s miss really though so
16932s it's gonna be very tight so next
16934s question how much total XP do you have
16937s to acquire to receive the third reward
16938s from the dark tribute
16942s so how much total exp do you have to
16944s acquire to receive the third reward from
16946s the dark tribute feature and the answers
16948s are a 5000 B 7000 or c9000.
16956s um
16959s all right ready okay let's see the
16962s answers
16964s the correct answer is actually
16967s be 7000. so five gots it again correct
16971s is that good
16974s he loves the dark tribute I think
16977s I still don't have it it's the last the
16980s last legendary I need uh shout out to
16983s David our general manager manager who
16985s just got the best hand as well so I also
16987s don't have him yet so God damn it uh so
16991s that is another point to fafab uh and
16994s next question what update brought dasal
16997s to the game
16999s is it a update 1.4 B update 1.5 or C
17005s update 1.6
17008s run the cell yes the cell and which
17011s update
17013s okay I guess I am ready as well let's
17018s see those answers
17021s FAFSA B and home set C and the correct
17024s answer is C 1.6 so actually
17028s again the one point close at home really
17030s are getting there uh good job congrats
17033s as there's still three more questions
17037s so I think you can actually still win or
17040s tight if you get it all right and Fab
17042s cats it all wrong which would be
17044s interesting but the next question is uh
17048s vodkan without Special ammo has the
17050s slowest bullet velocity
17054s hey Caldwell 92 new Army
17057s B that early silencer or C Winfield
17061s silencer
17064s so which can without any specials
17067s and they are already so let's see those
17069s answers
17071s c c both of you said Winfield silencer
17074s but the correct answer is actually the
17076s new Army
17079s which is actually slower than the poison
17081s Nagant pistol so
17084s very slow
17087s uh we still have a few questions so
17089s let's go to the next one if that is a no
17093s man and no raid then what is it it's a
17096s poor software band reference so if that
17098s is no man and no raid
17100s then what it is and uh a snake uh b a
17104s lion or c a bird
17107s ready ready
17109s let's see those answers
17111s CC and the correct answer is indeed C so
17114s that is a bird flying as we all know so
17117s that is indeed the correct answer and
17119s thank you for knowing the amazing Circle
17121s dance songs
17122s uh and we still have two more questions
17125s so the next one is what was the name of
17127s the Krishna Story featuring Timothy
17129s Stone AKA The Skin Flint so the name of
17132s the story uh answer a oh is a gust of
17137s Goddard
17138s B is no fat tail and uh C's account
17143s received so three guests of Goddard
17145s piece no fault tail or C accounts
17148s received
17150s I want to use a Lifeline for this one
17152s alright so uh moderators whom would like
17156s to use a Lifeline I see Fab is also
17158s thinking meanwhile uh so please
17160s moderators put one good and one wrong
17163s answer against each other and let chat
17165s design decide between a b or c so uh let
17169s that will happen and just to uh tell the
17172s chat again the question was what was the
17175s name of the Christmas Story featuring
17176s Timothy Stone AKA The Skin Flint which
17180s was the legendary Hunter you could get
17181s during that event and the three options
17183s were a three guests of Goddard B
17186s snowfall tail and C accounts received
17191s uh do we have a poet yet in the chat
17193s yeah yes and uh
17199s okay okay so is that the final QA
17205s so so a is winning is what I'm hearing
17208s Okay so
17211s 70 a I think we can close it at that
17214s chat voted a so Chad thinks uh the
17217s correct answer is three gas of coder now
17219s home real they let you down once and uh
17221s deceives you so it's your choice will
17224s you believe chat or but if I get to know
17226s the two answers that were voted on uh
17229s can uh yeah but for the two answers that
17231s were voting
17232s so the two answers were a three guests
17235s of Goddard or C accounts received
17238s and the chapters is the a all right I
17241s got my answer all right
17244s so the fact do you have the answer
17246s already as well yes let's see the
17248s answers now
17249s I'm going with C okay so home real
17252s didn't believe in the chat but Fab did
17254s and uh the actual answer is indeed C so
17257s chat light again
17259s never trust stretches
17263s so and chat come on guys what is this do
17266s you guys want homie to lose
17271s this is the last question oh yeah so uh
17275s we have the last question guys and uh I
17279s think it's very close looking at the
17280s board
17282s okay it's
17286s oh it's a one point difference actually
17288s so it will all come down to this I guess
17290s and if it's a tie then we need to do a
17292s tiebreaker so let's see the question is
17294s already on the screen so which of this
17296s Hunter does not run a black market store
17299s a
17302s black coat uh B Knight Accolade or C
17306s bone doctor so which one of these does
17308s not run a black market store
17311s I have my answer
17313s that was very quick not yet okay Fab is
17317s still thinking homie has an answer
17319s and um yeah
17322s I have an answer okay uh let's see the
17325s answer is done both of you
17328s so both of you said see um
17330s that is the correct answer
17334s um since that was the last question uh
17337s uh if I see it correctly Fab actually
17339s wins this round so the position of all
17343s the halters are dead
17345s uh GG Feb and the Congress hungry you
17348s were very close but but as an extra
17351s surprise uh since you made it this far
17354s we would still like you to keep the
17356s rewards uh for this run so you still
17359s take a
17360s ck530 version 2 keyboard to your
17363s community as well as a large wrist rest
17365s and an MP 750 XL RGB mouse pad and a
17370s mm710 mouse so you get a lot of stuff
17373s still even though but he's a generous
17376s boss
17377s but congrats
17379s thank you you threw a sticky at me and I
17382s died to it explosions
17385s yeah so you still had staff revive with
17388s necro but so you managed to still kill
17390s fam uh but again congrats home and Fab
17394s uh congrats very very very very nice I I
17398s I knew I knew he would make us proud uh
17402s but I think with that we arrived to the
17403s end of this uh day of the game show so
17406s the first day of Bunty bash is over
17408s thank you again for everyone
17409s participating and congrats to home real
17412s and gunsmack that will make it to the
17414s finals that will happen at Friday at 5
17417s 30. and thanks again to our sponsor uh
17421s so uh hyperx and Cooler Master uh you
17424s guys the grace and happy HP as well
17427s thank you for all the awesome rewards
17429s and giving out all these to the lovely
17431s streamers and content creators and
17433s YouTubers so thank you again uh goodbye
17437s everyone see you tomorrow at 4 30 p.m
17440s where we will be back uh the same format
17443s again with a lot of awesome content
17445s creators and if you check on social
17446s media you should be able to see who is
17448s uh fighting at which times so tomorrow
17451s at 4 30 PM CET and at 7 pm City at night
17456s we'll have another two rounds to find
17458s the last two winners and with that thank
17460s you everyone thank you for tuning in
17462s today and see you tomorrow when Rick and
17465s I will be back with some more fun bye
17467s bye thanks everyone