5 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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613s hey everyone hey chat and welcome to
615s another gameplay stream with the lovely
617s Rick hey Rick how are you today I'm good
620s lovely is not often a word associated
622s with me but thank you very much I
623s appreciate it nonetheless to the public
625s you're lovely you
626s know that's true and also we have Ari
630s here again hey Ari how are you hi yeah
632s I'm doing great and I got lots of DLCs
635s to give away for today's stream so I
637s hope everybody in chat is very excited
640s uh no keywords or instructions quite yet
643s but just bear with us we will have those
645s instructions coming very soon on how you
647s can win some DLCs yeah why we were
649s waiting Ari was getting ready to do all
651s the giveaways so we'll have a bunch of
652s for you today and we'll also have a
654s secret giveaway that we'll tell you
656s about in a few minutes as well yeah
660s and how are you chat uh uh you you guys
663s know the uh tide of corruption ended uh
666s last week uh and uh I'm sad yeah I'm sad
671s I was enjoying it I'm sad when I didn't
673s get the charm at the end so oh you
675s didn't I I managed you no I did get all
677s the way to the end but I just didn't get
679s enough points for the charm
682s so yeah I managed to get it on the last
684s gameplay stream we did actually so that
686s was really really fun uh and now we play
689s it without any events or anything like
691s that going on in game but we do have the
693s hunt Showdown video words uh going on
697s right now and you can still vote for
698s your favorite entries as well yes yes
701s it's actually something really important
703s we wanted to talk about because uh I
705s believe the plan is we're it's going to
707s be happening the awards are going to be
708s happening very very soon um U myself and
711s B will be hosting uh again and um yeah
714s we've had some really amazing entries
716s this year and we really want everyone to
717s check out these incredible incredible
720s videos so uh make sure you uh head over
722s to the Hun Showdown website hunt
724s showdown. comom video awards I think it
726s is Spence is it could get yeah I'll
730s actually it finish in the chat as well
735s so it is ham.com uhv video awards uh and
739s then you'll arrive to this beautiful
741s site uh and then you will see how to
743s vote uh and all the categories starting
745s with action thriller uh trailer
748s freestyle uh and uh you have to vote on
751s each category uh and then you can vote
754s for the Community Choice Award which is
756s the final final award from the winners
758s of each
760s category uh so please please make sure
762s to go there uh and check out these
764s videos because they are actually all of
766s them uh that were selected as a nominee
768s they are all like amazing amazing so
771s please watch all of those uh and also
774s shout out to all the creators that uh
775s made these as well as everyone that
777s entered the whole competition because it
779s it was so much fun to just look through
782s all the entries that arrived and there
784s were so many good ones so it was really
786s hard for us to choose uh four in each
788s category this year yeah definitely and I
791s mean we had a like an independent panel
793s of Judges inside in uh work sorting it
795s out for us and going through and picking
797s what we felt were some of the best of
800s the best and it was really really really
802s tough getting through with the ones that
803s were there because there was so many
804s good ones so yeah make sure you go check
806s them out like have a watch of them on
808s the side while you're watching us do
809s random crappy stuff and and get killed a
812s lot in Hunt um because that's what we do
814s when we play together um and uh yeah um
819s like we said we'll do a bit of a secret
821s giveaway along with it a little bit
823s later on
824s so um B AR one of you are we going to
828s stick up a um a goal today for the
831s points again for maybe uh we once again
834s try the all naked run for what was it I
837s think we did 50k points last time chat
840s destroyed the destroy by the second
843s round well look just just to be on the
845s safe side because we think I have a
846s funny feeling so many people have spent
848s all their points then you know they
849s might not might not get it as quick this
851s time
853s so we R you could do that that would be
856s amazing or one of the mods because I
858s cannot right now but we should
859s definitely do
861s it I'm
864s not and as remember as well we've got
866s the one like if you want to um choose
869s uh a load out for one of us um you can
872s do so with the
874s 5,000 um points in the event and the
877s points thingy I I'm sorry words Beyond
879s me it's been a long
881s day it it has been a long day for us uh
884s especially in the EU it's like after
885s work now so yes some some bonus style 7
890s 700 p.m. and snowy which is awesome true
894s actually the weather in German is a
896s minus and a lot of snow lately which is
899s yeah today in particular we had a nice
901s downfall it was fun it was fun watching
903s my cats out and it wondering what the
904s hell was going on I think my cat's never
907s seen snow before actually
910s so uh Aran you can ready up we can also
913s go first yeah let me see I think uh I
917s have just a few upgrade points to spend
920s on this
921s Hunter while lar is kind of sorting some
923s stuff there um I just I saw some
925s questions earlier on about twitch drops
927s and uh previous that we've had um at
930s some point things will come back um we
933s haven't said when yet um but there
935s should be an opportunity to be able to
936s get uh the previous twist drops again in
938s the future we have done so in in the
940s past um so give it some time be a bit
942s patient and um yeah I'm sure you'll have
944s an opportunity for them again so just
946s keep an eye out if you're not following
948s our social media channels be sure to do
950s so because it is the best place possible
952s to be able to stay notified of any
954s things like twitch drops for example or
956s events or absolutely anything that we do
959s because that is always one of the first
961s places that we post it so if you're not
964s following us head on over to Twitter on
965s to Facebook on to Instagram Tik Tok
967s YouTube all of the places um and search
971s for hunt Showdown and you'll find us
974s and and as Rick mentioned that uh that
977s you can learn about events uh we did
979s have some teasers going up already for
981s what to come very soon so if you haven't
983s followed us make sure to follow now and
985s check those ones out yeah there's going
987s to be some more teases coming up so
989s definitely keep an eyee out and for
991s anyone wondering why I just looked over
993s here my cat has decided to join us for
996s this stream in the
998s Box hi which Kitty is it there she is
1001s this is serenity serenity the cat
1003s immunity
1006s manager
1011s so she was even looking into the camera
1014s perfect
1015s yeah yeah she does that whenever I point
1018s the camera at it she's like what what
1019s what's pointing at me I need to check
1021s this my cats never do it's so hard to
1023s take pictures of them cuz they look away
1025s so so he loves the camera but Zora is
1028s actually camera shy um the moment you
1029s put a camera in her face she's like no
1031s not
1036s interested oh was over
1038s here
1040s yep that was oh
1043s crap how do the DLC giveaways work so uh
1047s during the stream we will tell you that
1049s you have to write into the chat and uh
1052s if you write it incorrectly then you
1053s will be entered into the giveaway and
1055s are will uh select the winners it a
1058s randomizer
1059s later Bena is correct you do have to be
1062s on our twitch page twitch.tv/ krych to
1065s enter the keyword giveaway you also need
1067s to give us a follow and you have to be
1070s around when we're pulling winners so
1072s make sure you don't just enter and le as
1074s you'll have to be in chat to claim your
1076s prize I did just create
1079s a new CH Community challenge uh for
1083s everybody to start working on I thought
1085s we did a naked Run next last time so
1087s this time uh I have a smaller goal of
1091s 35,000 points for us to do the only bow
1094s and crossbow run and crossbow okay
1098s sufficiently challenging enough but you
1101s know the goal's a little bit less than a
1103s naked R cuz we'll have at least some
1106s sort of weapons but if we can actually
1108s get any kills those we see sounds like a
1111s plan to me it should be an interesting
1114s one I hope I have the no crosbow I have
1117s for sure um 20K yeah your 30k was a bit
1122s too generous it seems as they' already
1124s hit
1125s 22k so 50k took them like you know
1131s one this took them 2 minutes not even we
1134s haven't even hit a minute since you put
1135s it up there seriously yeah but we'll
1139s have BS and crossbows you know I wanted
1141s to be a little nice I thought maybe they
1143s used their points last time I was wrong
1145s they have so many points and uh we are
1148s so lucky to have uh viewers that have
1150s accured a nice stack of points
1155s 33k oh my God that's very cuz crap
1160s 35,000 but it's already 35k how much
1162s less than well now it is yes yes they
1166s completed the completed yeah using is
1169s was messing up a bit I think because he
1170s sounded like a bat to me as well but now
1172s it's sorry sorry yeah it's
1176s good yeah now they know we replaced r
1178s with an mhm I'm honestly I'm honestly
1182s thinking that seeing seeing as though
1184s we've blown that one already out of the
1187s water that we're going to have to do
1189s another uh vote on something else maybe
1191s like a an ax only um thing or bomb Lance
1196s run or something like that m I have a
1199s good one too we'll maybe throw it up
1202s right before the end of the stream see
1203s if we can get a big goal met right at
1206s the end all right okay okay the one I
1209s have in mind though I have to stick
1210s around now for chat for that chat so I'm
1213s killing this I think the one I have in
1214s mind is even worse than the naked one as
1216s far as
1217s viability so we'll see I think chat will
1220s like it but um I think it will be quite
1223s difficult for
1225s us I think the boss may be at l b thank
1228s you everybody for donating your points
1230s we will do a crossbow and bow only run
1233s right after this match um I'm going to
1236s take the bow cuz I think it'll be more
1238s challenging myself but up to you guys I
1241s thought it was a I thought it was a bow
1242s and a crossbow we had to do the two so
1244s it's bow for your main and a crossbow
1245s for your second that was my
1247s interpretation maybe we have to ask chat
1249s chat did is that how you interpreted it
1251s as well that it's your main weapon and
1254s crossbow we come out with if we come out
1257s with upgrade points right cuz need
1258s Quarter Master for
1260s that wa no no the hand
1263s crossbow oh wow the hand crossbow okay
1267s yeah that was that was my understanding
1269s right no I mean to be fair I don't even
1272s know if I have the bow unlocked so I'll
1274s just take whatever I have already but uh
1276s so maybe okay maybe we do it that the
1278s bow or the crossbow is interchangeable
1280s but the secondary still has to be a hand
1282s crossbow how's that sounds sure
1286s sure can't wait hello
1290s I love the hand
1292s cross what's the word there's no keyword
1294s giveaway quite yet um as we have a
1297s little bit of downtime I'm going to go
1299s over our secret giveaway though if you
1301s guys want a extra chance to win some
1304s DLCs that will pull some winter 4 after
1307s today's stream but we'll only talk about
1309s the secret giveaway at the start at and
1311s end of today's stream so um good that
1314s you guys are in chat if you do happen to
1317s miss out don't hear we talk talk about
1318s it one more time at the end of today's
1320s stream and uh anyone who enters will get
1323s another chance to win some more
1326s DLC is 255 so back the way we can
1330s awesome 255 oh this like big pitching
1334s and the boss is at catfish I I didn't
1336s see that we had all three kills so I
1338s turned back yeah uh exclamation point
1341s giveaways does not do anything um if we
1344s need to I'll have to disable that um
1348s yeah like no no sorry guys it do it it
1351s doesn't do anything so don't don't do
1353s the exclamation
1355s point does not do anything okay no no
1360s doing it
1361s no stop if we have a mod can you add a
1365s add that to the not permitted
1370s list sorry I had to I had to it was too
1377s funny you
1379s that till the end of the stream see that
1382s somebody actually typed out word for
1383s word exclamation mark
1386s giveaway no guys don't like yeah hey
1390s Bots
1398s stop I'm scared you guys are always
1401s behind me minor spite is fun don't worry
1405s some of you I know are doing this for a
1406s laugh but I do appreciate it um kind of
1408s just playing into it a little bit more
1409s by telling it to stop
1412s so don't make Mr Iceman angry see look M
1416s mot gets
1418s it you don't like when someone got there
1421s for
1422s us okay we have we're going to have to
1424s just wipe everybody at this compound now
1426s okay yeah sure sure har has to carry us
1430s like we always do no I'm starting the
1432s giveaways I ain't got time to
1436s carry it's more War up game anyway so is
1440s it really a game it's only a game if you
1444s win it's yeah it's only a game if we win
1446s everything else is a warm-up
1451s yeah getting freaked out by behind me
1454s here oh you taking shots at someone I
1457s just shot out the window so I can see if
1459s anyone is in there oh they know where we
1461s are
1462s now I'm in there I think they already
1465s knew we scared like every single
1467s burden it's a fair fair assessment
1471s yeah I'm pushing a bit
1475s [Applause]
1483s okay oh placed a trap outside this door
1487s here okay I I'll walk it into it in a
1491s second
1495s yeah that's why I placed it there like
1506s yeah get I'm just trying you know you
1509s never
1517s know can you open that
1521s think hit did you see some oh you
1525s did oh [ __ ] oh
1532s that was so close I didn't get a hit on
1535s him though at
1539s least oh that's an explosive
1542s crossbow a bomb LS bom
1550s LS oh someone kill Ro
1553s ni the Beast found
1557s him
1568s guys I'm going to explode I tried to get
1571s to a good spot oh whoa somebody killed
1573s me from
1575s outside 37 M away so there's another
1578s team on the other other side of the
1581s compound like which
1583s way uh I couldn't tell you where my dead
1586s body is sorry um
1589s yeah I don't know which one I was up on
1590s the roof so about
1593s Northwest North actually sorry yeah
1595s that's me over there so North it was
1597s third party
1602s down oh yeah they okay they're on the
1604s other side they have necro or anything
1606s no I was just going to say do any of you
1607s have necromanor sadly not it's a new
1614s Hunter I'm so
1617s scared
1626s uh someone in chat oh God get him B I
1629s think that's the guy that killed
1631s me it's
1635s scarecrow look like a Reaper to me oh
1637s they're burning
1639s me thought it was a husband so we so
1642s seen three different hunters
1643s and I think we just all agree we saw or
1646s we're all just blind I mean to be fair
1648s we're all wearing glasses so we can't be
1650s very FY right now so it's
1655s hard wait did you get bomb blance or I
1658s did get bomb Lance yeah I hit him with
1661s the Romero but he got the stick on there
1664s two of them are using bomb
1665s lances I think I'm going to burn out at
1668s some point yeah I think I can only if I
1671s ever get there I can only get you up for
1672s the
1677s bounty
1679s gy jab I'm glad you're joining the
1694s stream while watching today's stream if
1697s you haven't yet please give us a follow
1699s we are so close to 100,000 we would love
1702s to get
1703s that great try B yeah I didn't hit the
1707s single shot but
1712s great hey everyone uh there's no
1715s exclamation point DLC giveaway command
1718s um I don't want to have to keep adding
1720s different stuff to the block terms so we
1722s may just start timing out people who are
1723s just randomly typing commands to keep
1726s chat kind of
1730s simple we have the other cat Community
1733s manager has decided to join us with Sora
1735s but you can only kind of see the tail
1739s let me see thank you Violet I appreciate
1742s your
1745s help if I have the
1748s B oh I do okay I'm just going with the B
1751s then and mini crossbow like R said
1755s y so I have
1758s um adorable cash being
1764s adorable all right uh as we get started
1767s for our our bow and crossbow run however
1771s we are looking to take that um for me
1774s I'm going big crossbow big bow cuz I got
1777s a hunter that I could buy some Quarter
1779s Master on um we are going to go over
1781s today's secret giveaway so we talked
1783s about it at the beginning of the stream
1785s we have the hunt Showdown video awards
1787s going on in the background right now we
1789s are doing the closing ceremony very soon
1792s and the voting page is up and we really
1794s want to hear from you guys of who you're
1795s voting for The Hunt Showdown video
1797s wordss so today's secret giveaway is
1799s tied in to that hunt Showdown video
1801s awards post on Twitter um the
1804s instructions are head over to Twitter
1806s scroll down just a little bit and find
1808s our post mentioning the hunt Showdown
1809s video awards go to the video awards page
1813s vote for whoever you like your favorite
1815s um out of all of the contestants and
1818s then comment below on the Twitter post
1820s letting us know that you went and voted
1822s for the hunt Showdown video awards if
1824s you have already voted for the hunt
1826s Showdown Video Awards then just go give
1828s a like to that post and comment let us
1830s know you've already voted if you haven't
1831s yet please get to that page and vote um
1834s after today's stream I will go through
1836s everybody who commented on that Twitter
1838s post and let us know they already voted
1840s and who they voted for um and we will
1843s pick some winners out of those and uh
1845s send them some private messages with
1846s some DLC um if you don't have Twitter
1850s unfortunately this one is just on
1851s Twitter we try to spread them out across
1853s different social media so maybe next
1855s time the secret giveaway will be on one
1857s that you have have um you can also make
1859s an account real quick just for a chance
1861s to win um even if you don't have Twitter
1863s can't enter the secret giveaway we
1865s really want you guys to head over and
1867s vote for your favorite video for the
1868s hunt Showdown video awards all the
1870s entries were amazing this year um we'd
1872s love to pick a community favorite and a
1875s winner for each category and the more
1876s votes we get um the better we can make
1879s the uh closing ceremony so hope to see
1882s all of your votes come in and can't wait
1884s to hear which you voted for is that the
1888s only giveaway no that's just the secret
1890s giveaway that runs in the background of
1891s the stream um we will also have keyword
1894s giveaways um where we give you a word in
1897s the Stream you type that in chat and
1899s then you have a chance to win uh a bunch
1901s of giveaway DLCs that we'll pull winners
1904s for um the secret giveaway I don't
1907s announce what DLC we do most of the time
1909s just because I haven't decided quite yet
1911s um so it will be a secret DLC that you
1913s have a chance to win from voting and
1916s letting us know on that Twitter page
1918s uh when does voting end B do you have
1920s the date and time for voting we haven't
1922s announced it yet I believe but uh
1925s there's going to be a so compos uh with
1927s the date and uh yeah and uh you will
1930s know them when we'll do the okay
1933s actually I think we announced that you
1934s can vote until the 5th of December but
1937s not exact time and uh that we going to
1940s announce the winners on a stream on the
1942s sixth vidrick and myself uh so it's
1944s going to we going to be offens again and
1946s hand out some WS uh so it's going to be
1949s very
1951s fun uh secret giveaway equals secret DLC
1955s ominous um well we always do follow
1959s through with those secret giveaways we
1960s even post once they've been completed
1962s and hopefully get um responses from the
1964s winners if they'd like to comment and
1966s let everybody know that they've won we
1967s never force it on anybody and we also
1970s don't um release the names just because
1971s we don't want people you know reaching
1973s out to them asking to try to
1975s win uh why and myself are in very much
1978s holiday colors the greiz that I'm not
1983s sure what you're talking about black is
1984s the most holiday of colors for huncho MH
1988s r with the black and then the red and
1990s green
1992s Perfect all right let's get this uh
1995s challenge run
1997s going we got Bena ooh poison hand
2000s crossbow Rick also taking custom ammo I
2004s didn't take any custom ammo so I think I
2006s did I messed up oh no I just I I I just
2011s I like having poison with the
2014s crossbow uh we don't have an exact end
2016s date on when the voting ends the closing
2018s ceremony will be I believe planned for
2021s December 6th currently um if you want to
2024s enter the secret giveaway though which
2026s uh message is currently pinned on the
2028s twitch Channel you do have to go and
2030s vote within the next hour and like and
2033s comment and let us know on that Twitter
2034s post that you have gone and voted and
2036s who you voted for
2038s um so if you don't do it within the next
2040s hour of course you can still vote for
2042s them before the closing ceremony and
2044s before the voting closes but you won't
2046s ENT be entered into that secret giveaway
2048s cuz I'll have to pull winners at some
2050s point and it'll be about an hour after
2055s stream now a cat and now my cat is here
2059s too for anyone yeah for anyone wondering
2061s my cat is fine she is now sitting on my
2063s lap again uh
2066s here so but uh yeah she slipped off the
2069s back but she's
2072s fine same we both have a cat on our left
2074s that's the most cry Tech thing ever I
2077s have no cat
2078s on so um Cobra yeah it says it ends in
2081s the 5th but we we haven't said exactly
2083s when yet so keep an eye on social again
2085s for new post about it uh
2090s tomorrow so our loadouts are almost
2092s sneaky except for Rick's one set of
2095s explosive bolts yep
2098s pass that we're going to be so silent
2100s this entire
2103s match by the way I'm really bad with the
2105s CR I mean the B just saying I need more
2108s practice with it I think when it was the
2110s event weapon I I got like almost good
2113s with it and then the event ended and I
2116s stopped using it so I'm going to go for
2118s the Roa clue while you go for the okay
2121s noral stuff I like that there two
2123s matches in a row with Roa I like that um
2127s I would love to hear from today's chat
2129s do you guys have any um suggestions on
2133s different challenge runs we could do for
2135s big Community Point redemptions so I
2138s already have one in mind for the end of
2140s today's stream that we can probably do
2142s um but would love to hear from y'all if
2144s you have any other
2150s ideas we have naked run yeah we did that
2152s last stream if you missed that it went
2154s super successfully we killed the entire
2157s map match you know definitely won out
2161s $800,000 hunt dollars I think is how
2163s many um we came out with 800 100 um in
2168s one match yeah one it was just it was
2171s just so good that we immediately bypast
2173s like for me 8 95 levels of prestige y
2178s yep double daringer coming from ISO our
2182s moderator okay I'm glad he wants to see
2184s us in pain just like everybody else um
2188s star shell plus flare gun I don't even
2189s know how you kill anyone with star shell
2191s plus flare gun which a lot of fun and
2194s effort to be honest yeah only chaos
2197s balls chaos balls please
2202s Showmanship you have to take your killed
2204s enemies load
2206s out little I me you have to do that
2209s every single time you kill someone then
2210s but and how does that work between the
2212s three of us unless we like kill a team
2215s of three each time so yeah
2224s the boys's kind of fun actually never
2226s realized it's really fun
2230s for you're like leg running
2242s around all right penny shot D Romo hand
2247s and penny
2248s shot uh all Sparks pistols wow okay that
2253s that I like that's a pirate L someone
2256s asking are we having fun playing hunt
2258s that yes of course we are every day how
2261s could we not I mean
2264s seriously I don't know I know this is
2266s our job and everything like that but no
2268s we genuinely do love this game and we
2270s love playing this game we have so much
2272s fun with
2275s it yeah I think like hun is always like
2278s every game is so different and it never
2279s gets boring someone hear a shotgun or
2282s yeah it was like Fort or something like
2286s that o free resilience back here whoever
2290s the I think it's Rick who is near me
2292s towards the back okay I will yeah give
2295s me a sec I'm coming back just might as
2298s well but I have
2302s a are you going to move for me so I can
2304s see my screen
2306s please
2311s the fog is kind of good with the bow I
2312s feel like we can be like sneaky
2315s Hunters need to move I already have the
2317s trait resilience but thank you though AR
2320s okay sorry no it's fine I didn't even
2322s know
2323s so um just as a heads up we will
2327s probably be removing that pin message
2329s about the secret giveaway in just a
2331s second when we get the keyword giveaway
2333s started so if you have not yet please
2335s head over to that Twitter post give us a
2337s quick vote for the hunt Showdown Video
2339s Awards and let us know so you have taken
2342s care of that
2343s angry because we won't talk about the
2345s secret giveaway until the end of today's
2347s stream so um take care of it now so you
2350s don't have to worry about it
2352s later okay so far
2362s oh see somebody asked where I'm from yes
2365s I am from the the good old Emerald
2375s okay someone just choked
2377s here someone just sent a choke or what
2380s is yeah
2382s yeah someone just choked on this side
2384s yeah there's aows behind 15 nope no we
2388s got to probably focus on that that was
2392s another te behind you yeah
2395s yeah
2398s oh yeah okay coming from Northwest
2402s 330 there the team inside as well
2404s Norwest you said yeah I'll try to get a
2407s ping on him oh yeah I see I
2411s see ooh you almost got them R I think
2414s very
2417s close yeah I got
2420s double got a hit good hit good hit he
2423s must be very
2425s low
2436s be careful because there's a team also
2438s inside
2442s yeah oh they're fighting each other
2445s nice
2447s dang thought I was sneaky but he knew
2450s exactly where I
2451s was who was shooting you uh was a poison
2456s right
2463s yeah poison Sparks R sh I
2480s think have you got a triple kill with
2485s you
2489s ah crap where did that come from I can't
2491s see
2492s anybody I could see them at all that's
2494s righty good try good
2505s try we're just warming up chat it's it's
2507s okay
2509s uh we'll get
2515s good
2519s let me see do I
2521s have no okay and now we can take
2525s anything again
2529s right think
2534s so um so someone asking about the the
2537s official rules on Soul Survivor and
2539s justes like does your rank depend on the
2541s weapons and no um it doesn't it's
2542s actually completely random there is a
2544s set uh set specific amount of we that we
2547s have set into pools um so when you pick
2549s a hunter you are just given a random one
2551s out of that pool so doesn't matter what
2553s level you are everyone goes into Soul
2555s Survivor uh with the same
2562s options so okay Serenity you now you
2565s have to move warm-ups until we win one
2567s yes yes yes warm ups until we win one
2570s that's the
2574s rule I'm not sure about yall I mean
2577s started hunt six years ago I think I'm
2578s still warming up oh yeah same still
2582s still not ready for a real game of f
2594s Showdown we are always working to combat
2597s um cheaters um the thing is though is
2599s that it you know it's an inevitable
2601s thing of it that they have to be
2602s reported reporting actually helps us um
2605s even if you are getting a getting tired
2607s of doing so um it's still worth
2610s resending them on because uh any little
2612s bit of extra help really goes a long way
2615s to making sure that we can do our best
2617s to combat them um as best as possible
2619s you know so I get it but at the same
2623s time keep reporting it's always good it
2626s always helps helps us to identify and
2629s continue and improving our tracking
2632s methods yeah and the best is to obvious
2635s report in game but if you have like a
2637s video or a capture of it and send it to
2639s us that's even better uh to the support
2641s team that's probably the best way but
2643s yeah just keep
2644s reporting and you can do so through the
2646s hunt Showdown website so it's hunt
2647s Showdown do.com and just look at the
2649s look at the bottom right hand corner
2650s you'll see a chat box you click on the
2652s chat box then you can send a video to
2654s our customer support team you might not
2656s be able to send it in the initial uh
2658s message so fill it out like you would a
2660s normal uh support ticket but once you
2663s have it sent then you can reply to the
2664s message again with a link to any video
2667s um that you may have or a clip or
2668s something like that and then it will um
2672s yeah they'll the the support team will
2673s be able to see it that way how do people
2676s have no name at the team detail screen
2678s so in the recent update it was
2679s automatically hidden if in the settings
2681s so you can unhide it in the settings but
2683s it also won't show you players that you
2685s didn't encounter during the game so
2687s those will be always unknown uh but if
2689s you did encounter them when it just says
2691s hidden then you can actually unhide that
2693s uh within the
2695s settings
2697s uh someone asking what I'm drinking I
2699s just pouring some black tea nothing too
2701s fancy over here um we will kick off our
2704s first keyword giveaway
2707s though and to start us off I think we're
2710s going to give away some bark bone and
2712s blood and the keyw is hunt Showdown
2716s video awards I mean it's all big and
2719s long um if you want a chance to win a
2721s bark bone and blood DLC for any platform
2724s please go ahead and type hunt show video
2726s words all in one word caps don't matter
2729s in our twitch chat um if you have not
2731s yet please go vote for your favorite
2733s hunt Showdown video Award nominee all of
2736s them put in a ton of hard work and would
2738s love to see as many votes come across to
2740s support them as we can um you only need
2743s to type hun Showdown video awards into
2745s chat once to enter but you do have to be
2747s around in chat to claim your priz once
2749s we pull some winners after this
2754s match that's a lot of hunch on video I
2756s have to kill emulators with choke wait
2758s wait wait
2760s wait turn it back into the choke yeah
2763s I'm just going to send a screenshot of
2765s this to our brand manager who has been
2768s working on the hunot on video awards and
2769s be like look everybody loves the Hun on
2771s video awards the chat can't stop talking
2774s about
2775s it everyone loves the hunot on video
2778s awards they're awesome
2780s F we make sure to check out the
2784s nominees on the website because they are
2786s actually really amazing so it's really
2797s Weir
2799s video coming at
2801s you I have goh okay I didn't
2807s know yeah and again it's going to be a
2809s lot of fun to present the words with
2811s Rick again this year uh it's the
2814s highlight of the year when we fancy for
2818s re up in fancy partial suits yeah and
2820s give away nice prizes to people who
2822s created awesome videos yeah it's fun I
2824s have to
2826s admit all right I have a pinned message
2829s going over the keyword giveaway
2831s instructions in case you missed it when
2832s we talked about it that pin message can
2834s be found on Twitch right above the chat
2837s and it also has a link to the Hun on
2839s video Awards voting page if you have not
2841s gone and given a vote to your favorite
2843s video um only a few days left before the
2845s closing ceremony so please go vote
2848s sooner rather than later and if you do
2850s happen to go vote then you can maybe
2852s enter into the secret giveaway which we
2854s will talk about a bit more at the end of
2855s today's stream if you missed it is
2858s someone if the giveaway is only for PC
2860s or is it for everyone it's for everyone
2863s this is bark bone and blood for any
2864s platform at least any platform that has
2867s hunt on it
2872s mhm I think I heard people this way by
2874s the way so oh here's a the emulator for
2877s you thank you I have seen a few
2880s questions regarding the quote unquote
2882s next event um so so far we have not
2884s talked about what the next event quite
2887s is going to be we have some teasers out
2889s um but as far as dates or anything like
2891s that nothing quite yet if you want to
2893s stay up to date with all that
2895s information though please head over to
2897s our social media and give us a follow at
2899s Twitter Instagram Facebook Tik Tok
2902s Discord I mean basically anywhere that
2904s you think you could find us you can find
2906s us and we will um be releasing more
2909s teasers and trailers and stuff as the
2911s event comes closer and as we can share
2912s more with
2914s you I heard shots I I think it was a
2918s horse Seven
2921s Sisters what do you guys think I thought
2924s it was like towards weeping Stone but we
2926s have to go back to Shipyard anyway so
2928s yeah let's just head to down to
2931s Darren small reminder for the keyword
2934s giveaway no need to type in the keyword
2935s more than than once once you type it in
2937s once you are good to go and enter to win
2941s um typing it in more just kind of spams
2943s the chat but it does not give you an
2945s increased chance when everybody has the
2947s same chance see it decreases your
2950s chances uh if that was a setting we can
2953s turn it on that if you do type it in
2955s more than once that it disqualifies you
2958s but that seems uh pretty brutal um so
2962s we've only done that I think once or
2964s twice when when chat was getting real
2966s out of hand but not so
2979s yeah I always play with highest Graphics
2982s to be honest uh it doesn't suck it's so
2984s beautiful I love it choppy asking a
2988s great question how I started at krych I
2990s actually was a volunteer Discord
2992s moderator the first one that Rick and DS
2996s Community manager brought on board to
2998s help get the hunt Showdown Discord
3000s started 6 years ago um and uh from there
3005s I remember it like it was yesterday well
3008s kind of my memory is not that good
3010s but uh yeah from there helped get our
3013s Discord started and and it's in such an
3015s amazing place today and um eventually
3019s found my way on the team after a few
3021s years
3022s so an amazing story of a hunt fan turned
3025s into to develop her but it's it's
3028s honestly a story we are hearing uh it's
3031s less and less now so many hunt fans are
3033s are trying to get onto the team and
3035s happen to be have Game Dev experience or
3038s getting into the industry even some
3040s content creators that we have shots from
3042s 3 brought on to our team lately so um if
3045s you're a hunt fan like it's a great
3049s great oops oops oops oops
3051s oops uh actually like Jeremy from the Cs
3055s team
3056s started working at KC after entering
3058s into the H on video awards I'm winning
3060s it
3063s so also a Discord moderator turned hun
3067s Dev
3070s yep and also uh recently uh Delaney has
3075s become a QA yeah we have uh home real
3078s join home is working with us now
3080s marketing
3083s team or fa fa yeah was a Community
3086s member as well I remember meeting him at
3088s one of our community meetups in 2018
3092s Gamescom yeah one of the first times we
3094s met and then like a year later or
3098s something he was with us yeah yeah and
3101s now he's like game designer this so yeah
3104s he started in QA and then moved on to
3106s he's a game designer now which is really
3107s awesome working with um Dennis and and
3109s that team which is pretty cool so you
3113s know opportunities come I mean for me I
3115s started out on customer support and now
3117s I'm managing a Communications team so
3120s you
3120s know this ducks are they your ducks or
3124s somebody else's Ducks I think my ducks
3126s my duck I rotated to the other side
3129s because I hear a lot of shots coming our
3130s way there's a party going on I'm going
3132s to send out my fire friend okay I'll
3135s send out my fire friend too chat we need
3138s two names for me and B's fire
3144s Buddies what I think they're fighting
3148s over by prison they're over by prison
3152s yeah oh we have a Joe mama Rodrigo
3156s Rodrigo I like
3157s that anden it's a spicy name I like it
3162s Rodrigo all right you can have Rodrigo
3164s I'll take chunkers Rodrigo andrio and
3167s chunkers okay Rodrigo chunkers
3169s away on our mission to go
3173s explode I don't see him quite yet
3176s do not see anyone yeah they're
3181s in Pay work please
3184s yeah oh I heard
3186s someone yeah I'm hearing them I'm not
3188s see oh there we go they're on the
3190s balcony on uh the south side of prison
3193s oh W so we could leave the Bounty or I
3196s mean they'll just take each other out
3204s soers I'll stay in watch the prison team
3206s um to see who comes out
3209s Victorious one right there that doesn't
3212s really help yall but no I can't see it
3215s from
3216s here um yeah if you want to look at any
3219s of the open krych job post it's kry.com
3222s career I can get a link for y'all in
3224s chat too I didn't want to go
3229s down thought the elevator was going to
3231s take me
3233s up I like an imp pepper as well because
3236s it's a Red Hot Chili
3239s Pepper um let me know if you guys hear
3242s anything at the compound and I'll uh
3244s I'll leave chunkers I can see someone
3246s should I take a partt shot for the F
3248s yes yeah yeah where at where did you I
3250s got a hit give me a
3253s p oh they are just St at prison was it
3255s this guy at yeah this guy do yeah this
3258s guying around no this gu here yeah yeah
3260s yeah he's scared he left I'll have to uh
3262s leave for a few minutes guys so yeah
3265s yeah no worries yeah thank you I just
3267s have a call from the West I have to kick
3268s see you in just a bit B uh someone
3271s asking any chance to add Javin to kill
3273s me already no we have not announced any
3277s plans to add javelins at this point but
3279s the gameplay live streams are not really
3281s where we go over new stuff and we just
3283s kind of cover what's been out there I
3285s think they killed chunkers oh did you
3287s hit me am I getting no who am I hitting
3290s oh is it you I'm hitting oh sorry that
3292s me you you knocked me out of junkers oh
3295s oh sorry
3298s whoops here I no uh oh the bounty's uh
3301s bount's up let's grab it I forgot sorry
3304s I was I was thought you were bensa cuz
3307s no problem um someone asking about a
3309s different region Locker pin cap we
3311s haven't announced anything about that at
3313s this time see no one near us anyway yep
3316s same
3318s well I think
3321s my my idea would just be to hold the
3323s boss compound um until B comes back
3338s so we will uh try to answer as many
3341s questions as we can as we wait for bensa
3343s to return um and we do still have that
3346s keyword giveaway going on in the
3348s background but like I said if you
3349s already typed hun Showdown video awards
3351s once and you are followed onto twitch
3354s you are good to go just wait until we
3355s pull some winners and uh hopefully
3357s you'll be around to claim your prize in
3361s chat uh someone asking about some
3363s servers in a region that we don't
3365s currently have them um basically we will
3369s add server regions based off of player
3371s population and server availability in
3374s those regions so it's kind of a
3376s combination of both um feel free to
3379s request any additional servers for
3380s wherever you might live but um it's a
3383s little bit um
3386s a combination of factors that would
3387s result in us getting new
3391s servers when will the spider get pajamas
3394s for the holidays um we'll see we'll see
3396s if if the spider gets some some cozy
3399s socks this
3402s winter why is no one pushing
3405s us I think they're too preoccupied with
3408s uh with prison honestly oh yeah there's
3411s just saw another explosion going off up
3413s there uh bza has returned to playing
3416s Bens can you hear
3418s us I don't think B can hear us that's
3422s all right that's all right probably not
3424s yeah so we'll just have to follow his
3426s lead so just follow the the single
3430s do uh scrap beak Santa skin oh I wish
3434s scrap be would make an amazing
3444s Santa
3462s I think they're too scared uh maybe we
3464s could lead
3465s bensa if he can see my ping maybe we we
3468s I think he's ready let's move let's move
3470s let's go west okay you you good to go
3473s Rick yeah yeah I'm fine I thought we
3475s were just going to take on people want
3477s to shoot things I thought so too I
3479s wouldn't want to push without B here but
3481s I think maybe we had to extract and at
3484s least uh get closer to
3489s leaving I'm going to do a quick scan oh
3492s we do have one person 285
3499s nice I'm doing a lot of Pinks to
3502s communicate to to B to B yeah
3506s okay they are far to
3508s 85 so they're actually in Forth bden
3529s yeah oh yeah it's is it must be a solo
3532s is it I think so I don't want to chase
3534s him down without being being able to
3535s talk to B oh up there up
3539s top I got a hit on him at
3554s least could you imagine a I'm going for
3557s your hunter dressed like the spider
3559s somebody just said it in chat we're
3560s going to have one that's dressed like a
3561s spider you never know I mean but
3565s he's pushed back he's pushed back he's
3567s at this column
3573s now that's a lot of concer
3578s te I think uh B got a
3583s hit he
3585s ran over this
3591s way he's still in this pillar right now
3593s based off of dark site
3617s [Applause]
3619s you ping where you guys are shooting at
3620s so I can't see up here further back
3623s around the wall
3628s oh we've got two other people
3629s now one and two one inside the compound
3632s one at two 345 a bit further
3639s back
3641s ow oh they just got taken out by the
3644s team that's in this there's a guy
3645s chasing after me how okay I'm pulling
3651s back you don't need to take this right
3653s here but hopefully can help protect
3657s RI tag twice in
3666s here V is
3671s down one's burning right in here Rick I
3674s got to reload a
3683s bit
3685s is she still in that
3697s area oh what a shot well done well done
3701s let's try to rotate to
3706s bensa some else died a lot of teams yeah
3710s I have no
3712s more I have no seconds either
3716s where did bensa go he's in the compound
3720s yeah he's
3739s deep oh I'm so vulnerable right
3743s now
3746s think they may be still in this
3759s area sorry chat this is intense sorry
3762s yeah intense I'm going up top a
3768s sec very quiet very
3773s quickly
3777s where did I kill that guy I need the T I
3779s need the seconds
3784s back huh okay not in this area there
3788s should have been at least one dead body
3791s yeah I found
3792s it watch I think the first yep the first
3796s person we were chasing was a solo
3798s they've left now they're to the West uh
3801s I think the other team killed them
3802s didn't know it was a solo and then okay
3805s I saw
3806s nobody somewhere to our West yeah
3809s there's nobody around from my side
3811s anyway
3813s so you scanned yeah I scanned but I've
3816s lost the the second already but I was
3818s too far away from you guys to see was
3819s there anybody outside oh you're good
3821s you're good uh do you know where that
3822s body was was it in the little in between
3824s area oh I see um it's
3828s uh no hang
3832s on yeah it's a it's just just it's
3835s between here nice nice going to see if
3838s we can get some seconds back yeah so I
3841s think that solo resed behind them and uh
3845s then shot them in the back and Rick took
3848s out the one in the
3863s front I guess we can oh no I I see shots
3866s over
3867s here yeah this solo is uh definitely
3870s playing
3883s carefully
3886s ouch that
3891s hurt I think me and B are ready to to
3893s try to push him
3905s trying to see where he is and I
3909s can't right here oh he's
3913s there yeah I'm going to need help
3915s getting B back up
3923s y
3926s oh oh oh where are you come
3937s on I just
3941s I'm right here
3943s Rick tag
3946s once yeah I'm not seeing him from up
3950s here dead nice watching the body I'll
3954s grab I'll grab
3956s B yeah yeah
3960s yeah I'll watch the body you can uh
3963s maybe grab a lantern this is uh
3965s definitely the same leaned in because
3967s it's hard for me to see the screen and
3969s also yeah if I do that then it's too
3970s dark um it's it's hard for me to see the
3973s screen and I also have a cat taking up
3975s half of my
3975s chair so I got pushed out um while
3979s Midstream by one of the cats and they're
3981s now behind me resting aren't you
3985s uh can you guys grab a fire from the
3988s compound uh yeah one yeah feel free to
3993s loot her weapons uh rolled down the hill
3996s a little bit it's all fine um fire
4000s compound yes one
4003s second uh we will pull some winners for
4005s that uh bark bone and blood DLC giveaway
4008s right after this match and the keyword
4010s was hunt Showdown Video
4013s Awards
4016s if you have not entered quite
4019s yet why is there never a lantern around
4021s when I need
4037s it no I have no Lantern I can't find
4041s one B we need fire
4046s uh let's just go for the
4047s extract we can't let the solo live we
4051s don't know this solo will chase
4053s us uh someone's asking hang oh hang on
4056s I've got a way around it one sec I have
4058s concertina traps oh yeah yeah yeah load
4062s him
4066s up there we go now we can
4073s go
4089s [Music]
4094s don't believe fire burns down Hunters do
4098s it chaos Beetle that would be
4101s hilarious that would be absolutely
4103s hilarious just chaos beetle with a steak
4105s a chaos bomb or with just a beetle with
4107s a chaos bomb stuck at the back of it on
4110s a fuse I think people have already
4113s tried similar
4120s tactics Thank you benser new boss that
4124s was that was me uh spamming benser so
4127s he'd catch up they just tried to us did
4129s you get a hit
4131s marker no I'm trying to shoot
4133s B
4136s why is he running away oh no the solo no
4139s I'm the I'm the one who's running away
4140s oh you're the one running away oh the
4142s solo resed Oh [ __ ] okay but they did get
4145s taken out by the concertina good oh did
4147s they yeah I I just wanted to double
4149s check the uh the alert trip mine went
4151s off to let me know um so you guys are
4154s currently watching B just for awareness
4157s B is the one being Spectators oh that
4159s was a shot was past yeah that was me I
4162s shooting at B all right okay
4165s um someone's asking about how do they
4167s know if they've won the DLC so if it's
4169s the secret giveaway we'll send you a
4171s message on whatever platform it is um in
4173s this case it's Twitter um and then for
4175s the keyword giveaway we will W whisper
4180s you um yep Viet asking or answering some
4184s good questions about plague doctor um
4186s not currently planned to ever make a
4188s return in his original tapate to the
4190s Bayou um and he also was not a Halloween
4193s uh legendary he came from the event
4196s as which was the launch of
4204s Scrat great job GG
4223s mhm
4232s where is B at um he had to take a call
4235s so he had to to jump off the mic and um
4238s video real quick but we did get his
4240s participation in the fights and stuff so
4243s um you have been watching Ben's
4248s screen dang level
4253s 25
4255s would love to see a crow
4257s Beetle that does seems like two things
4261s yeah I don't know I need to know this
4263s now you brought it up how does a crow
4264s Beetle work please enlighten us I live I
4267s love the idea of
4283s it
4293s a beetle that explodes into crows
4295s obviously okay I didn't think you could
4298s fit that many crows inside of a beetle
4300s but um someone's asking what kind of
4302s bosses will we add in the future um we
4305s have not said what the next boss um
4308s might or might not be so um when that
4311s gets closer we will you know let you
4314s guys know what we
4316s can um as of that we're going to start
4320s mhm you can queue up I you can ready up
4323s whenever you're ready I'll be back in
4324s literally just two seconds cool I'm
4326s going to start pulling some winners for
4327s the uh keyword giveaway if you haven't
4330s yet head over to twitch.tv/ cryc give us
4333s a follow and type hunt Showdown video
4335s awards all as one word in chat for your
4338s chance to win a bark bone and blood DLC
4341s for any platform if you have already
4344s typed um hunot on video words you are
4346s good to go no need to type it again uh
4349s as we pull winners you can still enter
4350s to win if you do happen to be pulled as
4352s a winner you will need to claim your
4354s prize by typing something in chat so our
4356s first winner is djn XX if you're in chat
4360s give us a message let us know you are
4362s still watching and we will get you that
4364s DLC um we're pulling more than one
4366s winner and we'll have more than one
4368s keyword giveaway so uh don't fret if you
4371s don't happen to win um right away or if
4373s you don't have happen to win this
4374s keyword you might still have a chance to
4376s win after and then even if you don't win
4378s any of the keyword giveaways today we
4380s have the secret giveaway going on
4382s outside of today's stream that we will
4384s let you guys know more about at the end
4386s of the stream and uh that can be another
4388s chance to win still looking for djun XX
4392s if you're in chat please give us a
4402s message
4412s djxx is in chat congratulations keeping
4415s eye on your Twitch
4422s Whispers next up we're looking for so
4424s hush if you're in cheat give us a
4432s message
4447s so hush is also with us
4450s congratulations after so hush we're
4452s looking for blaira if you're in chat
4455s please give us a message sorry I said
4458s the end of that
4460s weirdly um for any of our winners you
4462s should have a wh for waiting from the
4464s krych page you might not actually get
4467s your prize until the end of the stream
4468s it just depends on how busy we are uh
4471s blara is in chat
4475s congratulations after them we're looking
4477s for Frisk all one word if you're in chat
4479s give us a
4484s message still pulling winers so uh don't
4488s lose Faith right
4490s away grab this this
4494s that and
4521s that uh hello sorry there is that back
4526s yeah sorry everyone I had a very
4528s important call from my V regarding my
4531s cat uh this was the only time they could
4533s call me but my cat is doing okay so it
4535s was all good news so yeah sorry it took
4537s so
4538s long our next winner up is King Orin if
4541s you're in chat give us a
4543s message I'm glad to see your cats okay
4546s thanks for the help in the last fight so
4547s you got taken out Pence yeah no wor you
4550s know I was playing without audio while
4552s on the phone with the do so uh did I
4555s kill someone or I hate someone so many
4557s times I so surprised I didn't I'm not
4560s sure King Orin is with us
4566s congratulations uh after King Orin we're
4568s looking for upside down head if you're
4570s in chat let's see if we can get a few
4572s more winners before this next match
4575s starts it was a weird fight so we were
4577s chasing that solo um or kind of chasing
4580s they were in front of us and then
4584s right when we took out the solo another
4586s team came and started firing at us and I
4588s think you got killed by the second team
4590s but the second team didn't know the
4592s first one was a solo so I think the solo
4594s resed behind them and and killed them
4596s from the back um Rick did get a really
4599s nice shot to to secure one of the kills
4601s which was great and
4603s then ended up taking out that solo at
4606s the
4606s end yeah I I hit some shots but I
4609s obviously I couldn't tell if it was like
4611s head shots or not but I hit like four
4613s shots on one person with the V so I was
4614s like oh they must be that
4617s but yeah and then I died to a barrel I
4619s think oh no uh yeah upside down head is
4624s with us congratulations next up G 415 if
4628s you're in check give us a
4630s message and someone else what's my
4632s favorite aspect of hunt uh that we'll
4635s never die so first of all I think Hunt
4637s is like a very unique game and setting
4639s and art style which I really really love
4641s but the thing that keeps me coming back
4644s and never getting bored is just there's
4645s like infinite options and every game is
4647s completely different like not there's
4649s not a single fight that's the same like
4652s it's really really never gets boring and
4655s yeah there's just so many places to hide
4657s so many places to move the AI is always
4659s there so many weapons and choices and
4661s the variation between teams of like two
4663s solos and traits and all that is just
4666s like like literally infinite
4668s possibilities that could happen and it
4670s literally never gets boring that way and
4671s you always learn always get better every
4674s time so that's why I don't I think it
4676s could be
4678s always G was with us in chat
4680s congratulations our next one we're up is
4682s crackshot C if you're in chat give us a
4687s message we'll see uh can get a few
4694s more um I was laughing because I uh
4697s we're doing a lot of giveaways we
4698s haven't started
4702s yet someone laughing at me you didn't
4705s like my no no no I was uh there's a
4707s little small Gap in the fence and I
4709s decided to just put myself in the middle
4710s of the Gap when Rick was trying to get
4712s through and then he just had to kind of
4714s awkwardly look at me that moment from
4717s like like a like those comedy shows two
4719s people trying to walk into the room at
4721s the same
4723s time crackshot is here congratulations
4726s let's see if we can get a few more
4727s before the action gets too I heard by
4730s way next to us
4732s uh where
4734s uh I think it was uh like somewhere
4738s here next up Rico
4741s Diaz there's no um the clues are all
4744s like the opposite direction so
4747s true I was just going towards the shots
4749s as always tunnel vision I mean usually
4752s yeah usually the shots are where the
4753s clues are and this time that's not the
4755s case
4757s so oh you know they could have Clues
4759s there they just don't know yet
4762s well
4764s I say we just run for the butcher yeah
4766s yeah no definitely I'm I'm already
4767s turned
4768s around Rico Diaz is here
4773s congratulations do I like how difficult
4776s Hunt
4776s is well you know it is it is a big
4779s learning curve I feel like uh but I
4782s think that's part of the fun like you
4784s know like getting a head shot in Hunt
4785s like Rick did last game apparently it's
4787s just the most satisfying thing ever so
4790s so Lawson's closer
4795s L and ass is po
4797s physic which you think we have a better
4799s chance of attacking
4802s uh okay how minutes closer might as well
4805s uh vonck is in chat I think that will be
4808s our last winner for right now just for
4810s that keyword giveaway we'll have a new
4813s keyword for y'all coming in just a
4815s second if you happen to be one of our
4817s winners please keep an eye out for a
4819s twitch whisper from the crytech channel
4822s um you should have a few questions in
4825s there to answer and then I will get you
4826s your prize probably after today's stream
4829s uh I appreciate your patience has uh got
4832s to do gameplay and giveaways at the same
4835s time uh he has to carry us and give you
4838s free Stu I don't someone said we had
4841s lots of winners more than last week's
4842s stream I don't think we've had more than
4844s last week's stream but the faster uh
4847s claiming of the prizes does let us give
4849s out more codes because it's mostly a
4851s time thing and less of a a code
4853s restriction
4856s thing if hunt could be more
4859s difficult what would it be for you oh
4862s damn that's a hard
4865s question I think uh I would personally
4868s take out the power of some of the melees
4871s I think uh it's really easy to dispatch
4874s a lot of the AI with just a knife or a
4877s knuckle knife I think if you just had to
4879s use like guns for all the AI would just
4883s be like out of bullets all the time I
4887s think it would just be a terrible change
4889s as far as gam playay goes but I think it
4891s would be funny going into a team fight
4893s with like four bullets left and then
4895s both teams running out of bullets and
4897s just kind of running at each other with
4899s fists someone said weapon jamming would
4902s probably be cool I mean it would be cool
4904s but would also be horrible thing to have
4906s to deal with I think weapon jamming and
4909s it would definitely make things harder
4911s at least first thought was because I
4914s love the souls games so maybe the boss
4916s fights could be like really really
4917s really difficult uh but that would be
4921s kind of insane in hun because they are
4923s already hard as they are so yeah but
4926s that's what came to my mind making sure
4928s this enemy team knows we're coming yeah
4931s good I think very early on we actually
4933s had a Dev stream where we talked about
4935s weapon jamming and the possibility for
4938s limb damage like getting shot in the arm
4941s and no longer being able to use that arm
4943s or getting shot in the leg and uh you
4945s know you can't walk as well and uh at
4948s the time basically what it was was even
4950s though they're very cool and in-depth
4952s mechanics it just adds for unfun
4954s gameplay you know like no one
4958s wants I opened the door to peek and I
4961s died so yeah I'm going to send a a
4964s beetle down that way see if I can get
4966s some info on them maybe burn a bar if I
4969s can I have oh now I have rro but I I
4973s think you're going to die if I ne you
4974s right they have traps at the
4977s door I burn the one right at the door so
4980s he's going to be backing up we might be
4982s able to get Rick here oh I thought they
4984s trapped Rick no no no they trapped the
4986s door and I fired the guy at the door and
4990s it happened to trigger the traps Rick
4991s are you ready to get up yep yep well
4993s he's already up no I'm not no I
4997s am nice nice teamwork good uh good
5000s necro hopefully gu in there had a tiny
5004s earlier I would
5006s have not used it because I had to
5013s heal uh the hunt Showdown video words
5017s keyword giveaway has wrapped up for now
5019s we'll have a new keyword for yall in
5022s just a
5024s bit watch for traps watch for
5031s traps
5037s so the other team is uh leaving the
5039s other bunny team yep
5043s yep they're running around second floor
5046s up near me I I have a blocked off door
5049s so they'll have to come out um Violet if
5052s you're still in chat can you quickly
5053s block the the term hunt Showdown video
5056s awards until uh one here chat
5060s understands it's not the keyword one two
5062s oh building in that
5065s Tower I am the cannon fter
5069s apparently not that one the one above
5073s you
5075s that they're bleeding I'm going to go
5078s for Rick's
5079s res they're going for the rest sorry
5082s Rick it's fine can I a
5089s no Rick's back up watch
5095s good B so they have a gap right on this
5099s uh yeah I T in there thank you I didn't
5102s know
5104s nice I learned about it when uh when
5107s Rick got
5108s taken that's a cheeky spot uh someone's
5112s on the metal in
5114s between yeah they they've been running
5116s up and down just I don't have an angle
5118s for
5119s it one that nice nice
5125s take the two I got killed again they're
5128s watching that door I'm at if that
5133s helps I'm just I'm just a distraction in
5136s finding the do you want to get up again
5137s or you want to S down I see
5140s them see there he is you can I'm going
5143s to go in as if
5145s you oh there's traps I didn't
5149s know well now you can res me oops I
5152s don't have Necromancer to no no but I I
5154s have a trap on my body as
5159s well one nice oh now you have dark
5163s side so I think it there's one
5168s left what the hell oh no another team
5171s another team yeah brilliant third party
5175s like that that was
5179s fantastic oh you just going to face them
5181s all three or
5183s I'll take him on you lived
5190s no no fear only Glory no okay I am
5194s scared of
5195s that yeah I love how everything just
5197s exploded around
5208s us no he can't hit me are do you have
5211s like any
5213s explosives I have fire oh nope I got
5216s this tree behind me you guys can't hit
5218s me got this this is insane full
5222s confidence if if I'm confident I can't
5223s get hit they can't hit
5229s me oh there's so much yellow or
5239s orange
5241s nice
5245s please please please more reload more
5247s reload this is intense everyone let's
5249s believe in Ari he's got this R versus
5251s eight
5253s players going to one team left
5256s oh she's dead come on she's going to
5258s bleed out
5261s o unlucky it's a they got a good head
5265s shot 50 m with the MOs as them running
5268s was a great shot with them that was nice
5271s do we want to put up another um
5273s Community vote for uh a points vote for
5276s a run do you have one in mind I could I
5279s could try to get one set up I had one in
5281s mind but I was saving it till till like
5283s maybe our last match well okay well I
5286s mean see this the thing if we set it up
5288s now we'll get it for the last
5291s match okay okay what I'm thinking you
5294s know I'll launch it as we go into this
5295s match yes once we load into this match
5298s launcher and then we
5299s can we can go that way
5303s all melee run from
5306s somebody AR Ari apparently has a a a bad
5310s one or a tough one
5316s so I have I have one that I think is
5320s basically impossible and then I have one
5322s that I think is fun and thematic and we
5324s could maybe do something with so maybe
5327s maybe I'll put them both up with the
5330s very damning one being much more
5333s expensive and see which one chat donates
5336s for and we'll go with whichever one
5338s finishes first but um I'll launch them
5340s as we go into this match I think I think
5342s we need a new
5344s keyword um let's do one for cold blooded
5348s but for the keyword Rick bensa do you
5351s guys have a keyword for chap blooded
5354s DLC
5358s scarecrow I was thinking pumpkin so what
5360s I was closing off
5363s if you guys want a chance to win a
5365s coldblooded DLC any platform head over
5367s to twitch.tv/ cryc give us a follow and
5370s type Scarecrow in chat after you've
5372s typed the keyword you do need to stick
5374s around until the prizes are pulled to
5376s see if you happen to win um Good Luck to
5379s all of our winners I'll have a pin to
5381s post up with more instructions if you
5383s need
5391s it
5399s okay I am
5402s ready as am
5406s I I'm I'm seconds away from being ready
5409s I'm sorry no fine do you guys have any
5411s challenges you need help with by the way
5413s I mind them no yeah just I'm just
5417s messing around with my ones so it's no
5419s big deal Sparks damage but I think your
5425s okay sorry to be eating on stream but
5429s it's been a long day so it's been a long
5431s day very
5435s hungry as a little reminder as we have a
5438s million scarecrows in chat if you guys
5440s have not yet please head over to the
5441s hunt Showdown Video Awards voting page
5443s it is live right now the closing
5445s ceremony is about 2 days away if you
5448s have not yet please go ahead look
5449s through those videos and vote for your
5451s favorite i r
5455s um weat a
5458s cat we have some huge prizes for the
5460s different category winners and also a
5462s Community Choice prize for the overall
5464s winner um from our amazing Partners um
5468s so if you have a moment all the videos
5470s are pretty short I think maximum of 4
5472s minutes so it won't take too long to get
5474s through all the videos and they're all
5475s hosted on that voting page you can go
5477s through them real quick pick your
5478s favorite um and uh then join us for the
5481s closing ceremony in a few days join
5483s bensa and Rick actually for the closing
5485s ceremony as uh they'll be there
5487s announcing the winners oh yeah can't fit
5491s yep Ben you know I've realized something
5494s all these years we work together
5495s somebody in chat pointed out all these
5497s years we work together man we've never
5499s once had a jam true we should yeah you
5503s guys should have a Space
5505s Jam I wouldn't go that first
5508s but Chad can you see the too dark
5516s I think you would be a good basketball
5517s player I used to play
5521s actually there you go I played a lot in
5524s high
5525s school I'm not sure tall for it so B is
5529s so small though I don't think uh he'd be
5531s very good at basketball I've seen
5533s pictures of him with Rick and uh
5537s Jeremy yeah I'm tiny apparently okay but
5540s AR you're coming to visit me so we have
5541s to take a picture together and we'll see
5544s I'm so much
5546s smaller uh will there any someone asked
5549s will there be any new monsters in the
5550s close future we have not announced any
5553s new AI in the close future um if you
5555s want to see what we're working on right
5557s now we have a road map video we put out
5559s about two months ago that goes over all
5561s the big stuff um for 2024 our big goals
5564s we're looking to meet is the new map
5567s coming out at sometime and the engine
5569s integration to get us caught up with the
5572s current version of uh cry engine which
5574s will open up a bunch of cool
5576s possibilities afterwards
5580s mhm well boss is
5582s here hey yo
5584s TR do you have a sticky again or I do oh
5588s nice okay I'm trapping y'all hear me I
5591s heard
5592s you please don't trap there I was about
5595s to walk
5596s out you go around go around it's such a
5600s good trap though people any in the port
5602s s band I believe Rick sang in one of the
5605s background vocals in the Port
5607s Port Dr
5610s maybe yeah and I did drums I play the
5613s drums in two of the songs I did the
5615s birthday um humming theme ah there you
5618s go
5619s okay in the birthday huming team
5622s so uh someone asking when will this
5625s keyword giveaway end it will basically
5626s end at the end of this match so no no
5628s hard end time just whenever this match
5631s uh comes there's a
5633s vulture H vulture tra here so we can all
5636s loot if someone else I mean we can
5638s already all
5639s loot it's a good trade to have someone
5642s asks if the hunt Showdown will become
5644s heavier on performance with the new
5646s engine I'm not sure what heavier on
5648s performance means um there will be some
5650s performance changes and the minimum
5652s specs are going up as far as what you
5655s need to run hunt um it's still within I
5658s think a lot of people's build oh you
5660s both died I didn't oh no I didn't step
5663s in the Trap yeah you didn't buter that
5666s was not me and then you were on fire and
5669s not me me the buter already assumed it
5672s for
5673s me the butcher ended up swinging through
5677s the Gap in the wall and the fire went
5680s out and hit everything and I oh we can
5684s he you see the butcher half dead yeah
5687s the butcher's head is he's outside the
5691s and he BW
5693s so
5695s bad cuz I kept I kept ducking out of
5697s this and at one point half of his arm
5700s came out and I'm and yeah classic
5712s butcher well that was
5715s interesting uh some you got your back so
5718s good I did yeah yeah know it's fine uh
5721s someone is asking about more specifics
5723s about like what's coming with the uh
5725s engine integration as far as any
5728s additional benefits that come when the
5730s engine integration has been completed um
5733s we have not announced that yet so we'll
5734s have more information as it's closer
5737s yeah we know everyone is really really
5738s eager to get as much information as they
5740s possibly can but honestly you just have
5743s to be a little bit more patient with us
5744s and we will definitely get that info to
5746s you all when the time is
5749s right yeah uh chat's right he wanted
5751s rcks had so much he ended up losing his
5753s own Dam right he was he was trying to
5756s squeeze out of the boss compound right
5758s there just to get
5761s R uh hi Mr
5765s spooky what's the cat's name this cat is
5767s called Bruce after bman my name's
5772s Bruce exactly fish are our friends not
5775s food that also applies to a cat
5779s so it's actually because when I got him
5782s he was very like he was very small still
5783s and mistreated and he had mites in his
5786s ears so he had no hair on his ears and
5787s he had this long bat ears and he was
5789s this black fur with the big eyes so he
5792s looked like a bat so I was like oh he's
5794s Batman so he's
5795s Bruce yeah my nickname every now and
5799s again gets
5801s called uh that's German for
5805s uh someone asked when winners will get
5807s their prizes it will probably be after
5809s today's stream but as long as you got an
5811s initial message from the CCH Channel
5813s asking about your um information of of
5817s where you play hunt then you are good to
5819s go you will get that price you just got
5820s to be a little patient with
5822s me I don't see any people V uh he was
5826s like moving to the right here there's a
5828s VI shirt did he seem
5832s nice
5833s yeah okay leave
5837s him he was a nice guy but you know I
5840s took a shot of him and now he's gone
5843s oh scared
5845s me someone asking about some advice with
5848s the officer carbine um I think the only
5852s little piece of advice I can think about
5854s is just you don't need to max out the
5855s fire rate of it um if you give the gun a
5858s little bit of time to recover in between
5860s shots instead of just clicking as fast
5862s as possible no okay so one was uh right
5867s next to us and one on the
5870s roof
5874s I'm good at finding
5878s people it's the second double tub today
5881s that got
5884s well
5886s yo two coming in I'm going I decid to
5891s come back around
5896s them okay my play plan was because I
5899s knew that the guy is coming from the
5900s side so I tried to
5902s in there before they come in there but
5905s they were already in I
5906s guess so I dead you're on your own AR or
5911s is dead bad as well
5917s yeah I found the enemies it was up to
5920s you
5922s guys they were ready for that
5925s fight so do we uh did you put up the the
5928s vote the I I haven't yet
5936s ah nice cup of
5947s tea H let's Thea uh don't buy your
5953s Hunters quite yet okay so we're going to
5956s wait for that I see really you think
5959s it's going to let it happen that quick
5960s this time I mean it last time it
5962s happened like in two minutes I'm putting
5965s the the big goal is very high because I
5968s what's very high now because 150,000 oh
5972s that's a bit much man we don't they got
5973s 35 in a
5975s minute and that's when we had 500 L
5979s viewers do 75 all right let's just see
5982s let's just try 75 K okay just to see
5984s well one of them one of them's at like
5986s 60 the the easier one is at 60 and the
5989s Very I'm doing two and they get to
5991s decide which one they want to put it to
5993s so either they vote for the easier one
5995s which is less points or they try to get
5997s to the higher one but that one is like
5999s basically
6000s impossible Fair also chat we are close
6003s to 100,000 followers actually we are
6006s like 220 off I feel like that yeah
6011s seriously if if anyone in chat is
6013s watching right now if you have not
6015s followed get us to that 100K we are so
6018s close we have been streaming on this
6021s channel for the better part of 6 years
6022s if not longer but us guys here the three
6025s of us we've been streaming on this
6026s channel um six years and to hit 100K
6031s would be uh just another one of the one
6034s another one another amazing thing for us
6036s to say we've done you know um so anybody
6039s if you're not following please hit that
6041s follow
6042s button you know it I think it's only
6046s showing because I have both of them
6047s started but it's only showing one right
6049s now it's only showing one
6052s 58,000 ra to 30,000 oh my God so the two
6055s challenges were to go over the easy one
6058s at 69,000 points which was still pretty
6061s high was pirate challenge U we get to
6064s use saber and a single Sparks pistol as
6067s our weapons for the the match but
6070s because we're Pirates if we kill an
6071s enemy Hunter we can steal their booty so
6074s you can change your weapons for what
6076s whoever you independently kill right but
6079s you couldn't go I can't go steal Rick
6081s booty you know that would be un pirate
6083s like but I can steal if I get the kill
6086s the really hard one thieves the hard one
6089s that's not showing up right now that I
6091s put at 150 was the only Tomahawk
6094s challenge that we can only deal damage
6096s to enemy Hunters with the tomahawk trait
6099s so even we have to go find a heavy melee
6102s in the map and then we have to throw
6104s them at the enemies we can't even charge
6106s them how about you do that if you reach
6108s 100K that might be tough with hang on
6110s how feel
6112s you you just have to Respec the Hunter
6114s and uh and get rid of some stuff to get
6116s the Tom Hawk okay I can put Tom Hawk on
6117s it it's one yeah that's a good so the
6119s community has completely destroyed the
6121s pirate one so we are doing the pirate
6123s match and if we have time after and they
6125s get to 150,000 we'll try the tomahawk I
6128s guess yeah but how about how about it's
6130s not about a challenge how about we do
6131s the if they reach 100,000
6134s followers okay that would be let's I
6137s can't see where we're at we are at 9,7
6141s 81 so it's it's not that that far
6147s off and you know like if they want to
6148s see that then uh they follow
6152s 9800 I can't see the exact number
6155s so 200 away and you guys can can get us
6159s to uh 100,000 even if we don't meet the
6162s the channel donation points rewards
6165s we'll do it yeah sounds good is it one
6169s Sparks pistol or two one one okay okay
6173s so okay what are we doing um what what
6175s yeah challenge so you have a Calvary
6178s saber and a single Sparks pistol okay um
6183s oh I need to go more thematic Hunter
6185s though I need to I got to be you got oh
6187s yeah I do
6188s to Gar I think works well let's do the
6191s pirate team if we can yeah I'm going to
6194s go okay hang on do you want deck hand I
6196s know you like deck hand I I'm okay with
6198s the captain as well can I be the captain
6201s yeah thank
6203s you I think Billy story is pretty
6205s piratey as well I don't have
6208s it h do you have gar from the event I do
6211s have I do have gar give me a second how
6213s about ack I think the trick shooter is
6215s the next pirate one trick
6219s yeah or we also have the mate the uh the
6223s first yeah first M first mate give us
6225s two seconds let me go
6227s through it's okay I'm picking my
6229s favorite Sparks piss my favorite saber
6233s this guy has poison Sense on him so I'm
6235s loading up my Sparks pistol with poison
6238s this going to be a fun one we can still
6239s bring tools I think so and consumables
6242s yeah okay
6249s good I will go with the H the Wayward
6253s Helmsman nice nice yes yes so Cavalry
6259s sa Sparks pistol yeah um wait I think
6265s can I oh can I doal wield Sparks pistols
6268s I think it's a single one I think for
6271s for us if we came out of it and did
6273s another one then I think we' you know
6274s upgrade to double Sparks pistol I don't
6276s even think you want double spark pistol
6278s but all right okay so and then what what
6281s what do we use for uh whatever you want
6284s for for tools and stuff yeah okay I'm
6287s bringing dusters cuz um I did run this
6289s in the past once and forgot to bring
6290s dust dusters and had basically no way to
6293s kill an
6294s ulator okay fair
6300s enough I'm going to bring
6302s something Beetle I want a
6305s beetle y Beetle beetles is a beetle yeah
6308s bring a fire
6310s Beetle something to uh increase your
6312s range a little bit I think is a good
6314s idea I'm going to bring a fire Beetle to
6316s uh weaken them a little bit before we
6318s charge no Beetle for me only time
6322s all right so we still have the tomahawk
6324s challenge this one is proving a little
6325s bit more difficult as far as challeng or
6328s of the everyone wasted their points on
6331s and on the pirate Challenge and I don't
6334s think it's showing yet on the the the
6337s main screen okay okay let me Mark this
6339s as
6341s complete um and do you want to do the
6343s giveaway winners as well for the r
6346s scarecrow uh we'll start pulling some
6348s giveaway winners trespass wolf is our
6350s first giveaway winner if you're in chat
6353s give us a
6354s message uh the only Tomahawk challenge
6356s is up now and uh we'll see another way
6359s to for us to do that one too is if um we
6363s get up to 100,000 followers on Twitch
6366s which we are so freaking close to if you
6368s guys have not followed yet and you're
6369s watching I mean you get a chance to win
6370s giveaways we do the gameplay streams on
6373s here we do the hunt Showdown video words
6376s it's it's a great stream if you like
6377s hunt Showdown and you like CCH so why
6379s not I'm trying to find counter but I can
6382s somebody made a good point we need to
6383s bring a daringer and we need to bring a
6385s spy glass if we want to Pirate properly
6388s I almost forgot spy glass yes yes yes um
6390s I did bring a daringer but I did not
6392s bring spy glass okay thank you chat
6396s almost
6398s forgot I only have the penny shot but I
6400s think that's fine
6402s right yeah yeah I think yeah Penny shs
6405s yeah same thing um no well it's not the
6409s same thing but you know what I mean I'm
6411s going after trespass we're looking for
6415s kyrias if you're in chat give us a
6425s message oh at some point went back up to
6427s three stars oh you did after the nice
6430s head shot nice possibly yeah it was just
6432s that one head shot brought me back up to
6434s three
6439s stars broken bot ble
6443s KN yeah that does work I'm bringing the
6446s dusters but I wanted to bring dusters as
6449s well but I'm looking if there's like a
6451s piratey duster yeah I was I have the the
6454s the knuckle knife and I think one of
6456s them actually came with someone didn't
6462s it you Tres see my knowledge maybe I
6465s thought somebody I thought somebody had
6467s a one of the DLCs or one of the hunters
6470s had
6471s a Knuck on knife to
6474s her uh I don't know I'm keeping I'm I'm
6477s keeping the knuckle knife looking for
6479s Kyrie if you're in
6485s chat actually like I think the Trident
6487s teeth uh legendary gun as Sparks is also
6491s from the deck hand so yeah I mean are
6494s some good uh like pirate other themed
6496s guns you know um like the Polar Star the
6501s neant uh precision and and some other
6503s ones but you can't beat the single shot
6506s pistol you know
6511s true uh just waiting on Rick whenever he
6514s is ready um we are GNA reol that code
6517s looking for madow 7z if you're in cheat
6520s give us a message you have won a cold
6522s blooded DLC apparently Ben's cam is
6525s slightly higher than our
6527s two oh is it oh I did that on purpose
6530s because the hunters are like for the my
6533s hunter is a bit higher than yours ah
6536s okay but the size is the same it's just
6538s a bit higher yeah yeah what's the
6541s follower account looking Ben well I'm
6543s not sure if it's uh you know I don't
6547s think it's a live properly updated on
6549s the panel so I'm I was trying to find
6550s like an online live counter
6555s but but yeah I maybe if Ari has art ft
6558s open that would be the easiest I I
6561s looked on there still showing at 99.8 so
6564s I'm sure the dashboard that you have
6566s access to sees it
6568s better yeah the Creator dashboard yeah
6571s you know just uh I'm now logged in with
6573s my account here so I can join the call
6576s thing okay okay yeah makes sense yeah
6578s never mind we'll figure it
6581s out it shows me like here it shows
6584s 9971 but uh I don't know if that's the
6587s live
6588s one but anyway 200 more people come on
6591s now so looking for madow 7z for a winner
6595s of that cold blooded you're not ready up
6598s by the way yeah that's intentional
6600s because still doing the giveaways I'll
6602s still do them as we're loading up okay
6605s just I see it there somebody's asked the
6606s same question a couple of times and I
6608s just want to answer it so they they can
6609s stop repeating the question the a kill
6612s cam is not something that is currently
6613s on um the plan that would be an entirely
6616s new system that would need to be
6617s developed from scratch um so right now
6620s the reason resources are going towards
6622s other things like the next The Next Gen
6624s update or whatever what whatever it's
6626s been called the Gen n update that's it
6629s um plus uh a bunch of other things that
6631s uh David spoke about in the road map so
6634s um the main that's one of the main
6635s reasons that it's not something that's
6637s been done the amount of work that would
6638s be involved in creating something like
6639s that would be quite astronomical at the
6641s moment and it would take away from a lot
6644s and I mean a lot of other stuff that is
6647s currently the priority
6649s so can you two not fight
6652s please not not b and AR I'm talking to
6655s my two cats who are chair now I now so
6658s people may have noticed I have been
6659s moving in my chair ever so slightly and
6661s that is because my cats are slowly
6663s forcing me off of the
6666s chair so to to give you a quick
6670s look there's two of them here you can
6672s only see one there's the there's there's
6676s the other one there's one and then this
6679s one so
6682s yeah I am now
6684s sitting on oneir of my chair you know
6687s what this reminded me of freak that we
6689s do have this
6691s plates which you can still get on
6693s displate.com in the hand Showdown
6696s section and here's one from TI of
6698s corruption and Rick has the five of
6700s nightmares five of nightmares for our
6701s fifth anniversary yes so um and I just
6705s got a link in our twitch chat if you
6709s happen to want to pick up up your own
6711s displate they are available
6714s now uh we are looking for Mr
6717s Frankenstein we have to be all speaking
6719s like Pirates now that we are in a pirate
6722s load out I believe we
6724s harties somebody said it in chat so
6726s that's that's all I'm doing I'm not
6727s doing anything more after
6729s that y I'll just occasionally keep
6732s saying y every now and again using my
6735s spy glass I'm going to find the enemies
6739s y
6741s uh Mr Frankenstein is here
6750s congratulations pirate voice is
6753s AC next up we're looking for General
6756s Havoc I was trying to find where I can
6759s see the uh the current follower and it
6761s was not a great spot in the Creator side
6765s of it so it's probably in some menu that
6769s not I think if you go to the like the
6771s Creator
6772s dashboard and I'm I'm there the part
6775s where it's like the live um part it
6777s should be up in the top there should be
6779s like a bunch of stats and stuff like
6781s that someone recognized the song I said
6785s nice yeah Creator dashboard stream
6788s manager and then up at the top yeah
6790s showing us at follow 8 900
6794s 98,000 wait no
6798s 99,8 4 so we
6800s under is okay
6808s yes General Havoc is here
6813s congratulations General Havoc I like
6816s that cuz is just double play on work
6819s next up slow smes
6825s check got GG I think he's with us vo
6829s give me your booty when we Face other
6831s people I'm going to do it I have it
6833s muted just in case uh so yeah I see I
6837s can get away with it so yeah I don't
6839s have it muted so I'll do it next up
6842s magic 76 if you're in chat give us a
6848s message so chat we're currently at under
6851s 200 followers away from doing the only
6854s Tomahawk challenge run or uh
6858s another oh well that was quick
6862s 70,000 uh Channel points either one
6865s magic 76 is here
6867s congratulations you know to incentivize
6870s it you know like when we reach 100K you
6873s could take a screenshot and share it and
6874s show people in the chat they could say
6876s Hi and then you know like everyone does
6880s like say hi to chat and then uh they
6882s could be on the hunt uh story with the
6885s 100K goodness yeah maybe we'll do a
6888s quick little screen recording if we hit
6890s get 100K on yeah just so just so they uh
6892s you know it's a good
6894s incentive um our next winner up is KOB
6898s Kai if you're in chat give us a
6904s message forai
6910s oh like I'm always running ahead of you
6912s guys although I do have a stamina you
6914s are I and I just took my now you are all
6919s the time
6921s so M you'll be running a lot faster than
6924s the rest of
6926s us uh the DLC currently being given away
6928s is the cold blooded DLC um for any
6932s platform you know what Rick you have a
6933s really good pirate voice actually not
6935s going to
6936s lie like you have the nice Rusty PIR
6940s voice is
6942s good I not me here practicing this for
6945s years or anything never
6949s mhm
6950s I I used to always try to imitate
6952s Barbosa from
6954s um uh Pirates of the Caribbean
6959s so last call for cobri Kai before we'll
6964s roll that winner was the person you guys
6967s that was me yeah
6975s okay I finally have my chair back oh my
6978s God team so
6984s uncomfortable all right we need to get
6986s in close so we can say y mes we've come
6988s for your
6992s booty I'm just following what chat is
6995s instructing us with the the pirate
6996s challenge so Allen fish is a is a little
7000s bit of a brutal one cuz of all the water
7002s it's kind of hard to get close I even
7004s when we do water is good for us right
7006s they're
7007s pirate water is good for us yeah if I
7010s coordinated this I would have had gator
7013s legs crap I don't know what my push to
7015s talk is hang on I need to set my push to
7018s talk our next winner up we're looking
7020s for OG rookie if you're in ch I'm
7022s probably going to get killed
7024s here just tell them you're setting your
7026s push to talk push to talk
7031s yeah y m group of pirates have come for
7035s your
7038s booty
7041s [Laughter]
7048s I don't think my push to talk is working
7050s if I'm honest with you I don't think my
7052s mic is set correctly you know he
7055s you
7057s huh at least be heard
7061s it output no input device
7067s output we got to get some we got to kill
7069s him so we can steal their
7072s weapons oh the kick on the spk
7077s pist I can't find the
7081s microphone bud when the engine is going
7084s to hit he's
7085s tagged nice
7091s nice J we've come for your
7096s booty one dead up
7098s top nice nice I have no idea if it's
7101s working yeah yeah I could see you
7103s speaking
7104s game there's a beetle is that your
7106s Beetle that's yeah I'm going to fire I'm
7108s pushing I'm pushing up
7111s here dang they just they shot me oh he
7117s just closed
7118s the they're watching those windows
7121s careful if you try to enter from there
7123s yeah he closed the window on
7128s me oh sorry
7132s they have shot guns as well
7134s right
7139s yeah hang on is there a ladder
7141s underneath here I
7145s can
7152s no oh I hear other people out
7155s here that's not good all right let's
7157s hold this sou I guess they're shooting
7160s at me why why at least I think so
7165s anyway it could be the ground on the
7167s other side D there walking
7172s around I don't even I I'm not sure where
7175s I was getting shot from they have a
7176s silenced uh wiy I think based off of the
7182s D I'm trying to see if I can find a slot
7185s in the window or something to get
7187s through into here
7191s I can't I feel like we just have to run
7193s in with maybe on the east side here on
7198s the
7199s ground oh
7201s yeah OG rookie last call until we I
7205s him well
7216s done I'm using the Spy GL
7220s J you have to use it to spot D do you
7223s know how to zoom in with it yeah when I
7225s first learned that I was like oh my God
7227s this is
7228s insan all right rrolling from OG rookie
7231s looking for guppy
7236s 33
7239s ow I died is that a trap oh they have
7243s traps on the doors as well I got I got
7246s hit with a shotgun and I'm burning now
7248s so what do you throw a choke B me I did
7251s not top of the stairs based off the
7253s limitations with her oh
7258s [ __ ] how long that might take a while
7260s there b yeah it's blunt there's no other
7263s way
7266s in
7268s okay how are they hitting me up top what
7272s nice nice you're bleeding my buddy yeah
7275s yeah yeah just don't let him get that
7278s rest oh they burned the entrance oh my
7281s God
7285s they to run over and get me uh I don't
7289s have any
7290s chokes me neither but I will stair I
7294s think they concentrated you too based
7295s off the Trap yeah they threw a
7299s con can I can no come on you need to
7304s move come on come on move
7310s [Music]
7314s move do this
7319s again stop
7325s stop
7330s nice thank you for putting
7333s this did you just take out the trio
7336s there's two there's two two
7342s yeah now yes
7344s b b the
7347s carry wow yo let's get a clip of that I
7352s mean I'm the pirate right so I have to
7354s yeah okay Rick you know the downside
7357s though none of this booty is ours this
7360s is all Ben's boot
7364s yeah okay we're clear is in chat
7367s congratulations so do we run south or do
7369s we run across the other
7373s side we have no chance to get your um
7377s bars back no vent or anything healing
7379s water is heading to the east I'm kind of
7383s up to us I think they're run to Scupper
7385s on the North side is probably a little
7387s quicker cuz there's not as much
7389s wet
7391s um
7393s okay what you on top
7398s of
7399s like bunk
7401s beds good job Captain gun thank you
7404s thank you there are some guns up here I
7407s saw the little thing B can I'm going to
7410s keep what we well we can't take I'm
7412s thinking we just run south just straight
7415s along the road sure oh cash
7419s register V did you get some good weapons
7421s there well I I kept my Sparks pistol
7424s because I like it anyway and just Pi
7427s uport no we're um someone I yeah but
7430s guys you can't you yourselves won't be
7432s able to post links in the chat we'll do
7433s it in a few minutes we'll post the Hun
7435s shown video awards um link and post for
7438s the secret
7441s giveaway there is your link for the Hun
7444s down voting page and then uh if you want
7446s an extra chance to win some dlc's we'll
7449s also tell you about the secret giveaway
7451s which is extra way to win let's see
7454s maybe we can get a few more of the uh
7457s scarecrow giveaway we're looking for
7459s King hybrid if you're in chat give us a
7461s message ow I don't have that much health
7464s don't shoot me I actually didn't aim at
7466s you I just yeah a me I was nowhere near
7470s anything else so yeah I was trying to
7472s shoot an emulator from very far not this
7474s one another
7476s one uh I'm sorry H you yeah
7484s ouch oh the other Bounty extracted yeah
7487s yeah I guess wait I thought they had
7490s left
7491s already
7492s uh-oh oh goodness thank
7496s you I actually thought the other Bounty
7498s had left already I was trying to I
7500s wasn't trying to shoot you I just missed
7502s yeah free incendiary ammo if you want
7506s it still looking for King
7511s hybrid let's see how the follower count
7514s is going to we're at
7517s 838 we mhm 150ish
7522s away you happen to be watching he help
7525s us get to that
7536s goal finally a good game for
7540s me mighty mighty too good to shoot B
7543s tell you oh thank you shoot
7546s it I think Rick wants that uppercut okay
7550s oops hey I I didn't mean to do that
7552s either actually oh my God I didn't mean
7555s to do that either uhhuh pirate fight I
7559s had you guys saw that he literally just
7560s walked up to me and punched me in the
7562s face right yeah I tried to hit I heal
7564s but you know he just hit you
7569s instead King
7572s hybrid it canot be a mutiny I I just won
7575s the game for them you know um they
7578s canel a Discord moderator regarding a
7581s ban um if you did happen to get banned
7583s from the Discord server there should be
7585s an appeal link that you can uh send um
7589s that came from the bot that sent the
7592s band here you can use that
7604s here all right looking for toenail
7606s Central ew what a
7611s name W weird name I'm so mad about
7619s it oh no donil Central is
7623s here
7625s congrats not not so much congrats for
7627s the weird name but congrats for getting
7629s the
7635s DLC say you nail
7638s it
7647s no after the must not be named our next
7652s winner is aore burn if you're in chat
7655s give us a
7664s message toe nailed
7667s it no
7677s brilliant uh someone asking
7680s only they said managers but I'm guessing
7682s they mean Community managers play at cry
7685s why on developers play we do have
7686s developers well yeah go for yeah
7689s developers do play but at the moment
7691s there's a lot going on in the
7692s development side so they don't have the
7694s time to be able to join us at the moment
7697s I'm I mean I'm sure some of them
7699s probably have the time but this is a bit
7701s of a last minute thing that we just
7703s decided to do because we wanted to push
7705s the video awards and make sure that we
7707s got a lot of people um you know in and
7709s voting and everything on like that we
7711s are going to most likely in the New Year
7714s we're going to take a bit of a different
7715s twist with our gameplay streams and
7717s we're actually going to try and uh try
7719s and get more of the devs on with us and
7721s invite a few more of the team to come
7723s and so you can meet them and chat with
7725s them and maybe ask them questions about
7726s the department they work in the stuff
7728s they work on and hunt and everything
7729s like that so it's we we do
7733s um you know we do have them on uh Dennis
7736s David and a few others have joined our
7737s gameplay streams uh Fabian Nix atch but
7740s everyone's very busy at the moment we're
7742s coming close to the end of the year we
7743s have a lot going
7745s on yeah so they will don't worry the
7749s devs will join us but uh just right now
7751s we thought we give it just we don't
7753s often just do me and bensa on a on a
7756s gameplay stream so we thought we might
7758s as well jump on just before the hunot on
7759s video awards so you can see it twice in
7761s one week because you know once is not
7763s enough to see the two of this of course
7765s yeah so chat probably getting tired of
7768s seeing
7768s me never never but actually bonus for
7772s chat they get to see us wearing suits in
7773s a couple of days so true yes some would
7776s you say B is the best player in I would
7778s say so yeah
7780s no I I love B but yeah the the QA guys
7785s some game designs the QA guys the game
7788s design guys Tom tomble the level
7790s designer I mean he's he's probably up
7792s there you know we got Dennis Fabian a
7795s couple of the QA guys as well are just
7796s absolutely nuts
7798s so the team I would even yeah Delan is
7802s on the team I wouldn't even put no
7803s offense B I wouldn't even put B in the
7805s top 10 inside and let alone top 20
7808s because there's a lot in there that are
7810s that will surpass Us by a long shot you
7812s know especially me so do we have time
7816s for one more game see if chat can uh
7818s reach their two goals or I don't think
7821s they're going to reach the goal um
7823s because 115k of 150 and also it is
7826s getting late so I think we should direct
7829s to the secret giveaway and leave it at
7832s that for the night all
7837s right yeah are you could do some more
7839s giveaways at least and then yeah
7843s oh well I I probably wouldn't want to
7846s start one now if we want to get get the
7849s secret giveaway and stuff going just cuz
7850s it takes a while to do all the keywords
7853s and then pull winners so yeah no we'll
7855s do the just do for the go for the secret
7857s giveaway and we'll give away a few extra
7859s through the secret giveaway um this time
7864s sure sure um if you guys have not yet
7868s please uh give us a quick follow you'll
7871s need to
7872s enter um and the secet giveaway so
7876s outside of today's stream if you did not
7878s happened to win one of the keyword
7881s giveaways we had going on we also have
7883s the secret giveaway going on outside of
7886s today's stream um but we only talk about
7888s it during the gameplay stream so you
7889s have a really good chance to enter if
7891s you follow all the instructions
7893s basically today's instructions are head
7895s to Twitter look at our most recent hunt
7898s Showdown video award post that went up
7900s just a little bit ago um make sure that
7902s you go to that hunt Showdown video award
7904s page and vote for your favorite video um
7907s and after youve voted come come back to
7909s Twitter give that post a like and a
7911s comment with who you voted for for the
7913s Hun out on video awards we're going to
7915s go through all those comments everybody
7916s who went and voted and we will send out
7918s a bunch of dlc's to um not everybody who
7923s who entered but a good portion of them
7925s um I think somewhere about like you know
7928s depending on how many entries we have it
7930s could be upwards of like 20% of the
7932s people who enter actually end up winning
7934s so um please head over there the the
7936s comment about the secret giveaway is
7938s right now in the twitch chat um remember
7941s got to head over to hunt showdown. c/v
7943s video awards give a vote for those go
7946s back to the Twitter give a like and
7948s comment let us know that you voted and
7949s tell us who you voted for and then uh
7952s keep an eye out on your twit or your
7954s Twitter messages so where where we will
7956s reach out to you um where are the
7959s winners announced for the secret
7961s giveaway all the winners are contacted
7963s through Twitter messages so private
7965s means we will then post on that um
7968s thread and just say hey all the winners
7970s have been contacted please check your
7973s messages and then if you happen to win
7975s that secret giveaway you can always
7976s claim that you've won the secret
7978s giveaway as a response but we never make
7980s the winners claim it um so yeah that's
7983s how you'll know if you happen to win the
7985s secret giveaway just keep an eye on your
7986s Twitter messages if you want a gaml um
7990s keyword giveaway then you should have a
7993s whisper waiting for you on Twitch from
7995s the cry check Channel asking for some
7997s information and will get your prizes
7999s right after today's stream um and I just
8002s see that one or two people kind of going
8004s that they they me they replied to the
8006s Tweet already if you didn't put in who
8009s you voted for reply to your other tweet
8011s and say who you voted for because that's
8012s the one that's going to get you counted
8014s in it all right so basically we just
8016s want to hear we want to hear what your
8017s thoughts on the video we want to know
8019s who you voted for um so that's and
8022s that's how you get in with a chance for
8024s uh this
8025s giveaway yep yep uh and then hunt
8028s Showdown video words less than two days
8030s left to vote um Rick and B will be back
8034s on our crytech Twitch in just a little
8036s bit to do the closing ceremony announce
8038s the winners for the four different
8040s categories and the community winner for
8043s all of them get some of those big prizes
8045s out there um the submissions this year
8048s were amazing getting to look through all
8050s those nominees um and if you haven't yet
8053s please check out those videos they are a
8054s great time if you like hunt Showdown
8056s you're going to like these videos the
8058s community put in so much amazing work
8061s getting them out to y'all and we can't
8062s wait to do the closing ceremony and
8063s announce who's won yeah I wanted to say
8066s that everyone that contri contributed to
8068s the community goal here on Twitch uh for
8071s the next one they are not lost so uh
8073s probably on the next stream uh they will
8075s be finished and then uh the ultimook
8078s loadout can happen next time what a
8080s great way to start the next stream hey
8082s by the way you don't get to bring any
8084s load out you have to back and buy
8087s Tomahawk and you know the rules are the
8089s rules so it is what it is rules are the
8094s rules um that is it from the uh giveaway
8098s side the the secet giveaway is ongoing
8100s you have about an hour until I will pull
8102s some winners for everybody who went and
8105s voted and let let us know who they voted
8107s for um but if you do not get within that
8110s hour you still have some time afterwards
8112s just to vote for your favorite videos
8114s during the hunt Showdown video awards um
8116s and closing ceremony plan for the 6th of
8120s December our follower count
8123s is at
8125s 860 we are 141 away right now so so
8130s close so close Hope by the video Wars uh
8134s we going to have the 100K celebration as
8136s well yes yeah amazing yeah we could have
8138s it both don't worry so Violet has said
8140s we can't put the tomahawk Challenge on
8142s her so we have to make sure that we're
8143s here for the next one for when people
8146s hit the redeems so um
8148s yeah I think that's it um should we
8150s should we bring everybody over to
8152s another uh of our of our hunt streamers
8154s maybe one of our partners I think yeah I
8157s think let's 's get some partner
8159s love sounds good to
8161s me I can pull up see who we have playing
8165s some hunt show uh I will message you Ari
8169s on
8175s Discord I think that might be a nice one
8178s to go
8183s to let me double check on our
8189s side yeah yeah we can do them yeah wrap
8194s us up
8196s mck yeah thank you very much everyone
8198s for joining us really appreciate you
8200s having us here uh for the last two hours
8202s it's been a lot of fun um having some
8203s crazy times in the bou with uh AR and
8207s benser here and of of course Bruce
8208s waving at everybody plus my two cat
8211s imunity managers who one is loafing here
8214s and the other is in the Box um thank you
8216s very much everyone for joining us today
8218s it has been absolutely amazing to um
8220s play and entertain you guys we hope
8221s you've enjoyed and had some good luck
8223s with the uh the giveaways make sure to
8225s check out the secret giveaway um shout
8228s out to all the mods and to Violet and
8231s everyone for helping out in the chat
8232s today we really really appreciate and
8234s love all the uh help that you give us um
8237s and yeah that's it we'll see you again
8239s on Wednesday with me and B bensa dressed
8242s up in nice shiny suits and uh that's it
8244s take care have a great one everyone
8246s thank you everyone have a good evening
8247s bye-bye
8267s bye
8304s [Music]
8308s slow we go and slowly
8314s rise hold the course the storm the eye
8321s dark the boat B the
8327s sails waves are strong clouds
8334s rolling steady on load your gun steady
8342s on and will
8349s come the sky is red I see the
8355s face of the world
8358s will take my
8362s place I say a prayer and close my
8367s eyes my a is true the Bullhead
8376s FES steady on load your G steady on and
8385s will come steady steady on load your gun
8392s steady
8393s on and will
8396s come steady on load your gun steady
8403s on and will come steady
8408s on load your G steady
8413s up and will
8416s come
8419s [Music]
8422s the seeds we sow the fruit we
8428s re TI of death
8433s is a No Grave can hold me
8440s down on foot in h on Sac
8446s ground
8448s [Music]
8451s steady
8453s all and will come steady
8458s on and will come oh steady
8463s on and we'll come more steady
8470s on steady
8473s on and we come steady on
8479s and will come oh steady
8483s on and will come oh steady
8489s on and we'll
8492s [Music]
8502s [Music]
8506s come
8509s [Music]
8514s the tail is to my fate is
8519s r and die I we it
8524s start
8532s again