5 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s [Music]
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320s [Music]
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407s [Music]
416s m
438s c channel now so hey everyone uh Welcome
442s to our gameplay stream we are back with
444s vgo from Alienware and we are ready to
447s play some hunts together during The
448s Scorch Earth event for hunt Showdown
451s 1896 hey Chad hey everyone and hey V how
454s are you today man I am fabulous and I'm
457s excited to be here with all of you again
460s I love this game I love you and I love
462s Gustavo so hey it's a great time it's a
465s Monday and I get to play with friends
468s people see me or am I just voice from
471s Beyond we can see you hey Gustavo oh
474s hello hello everybody uh and I love your
478s energy V I'm we are so ready now we
480s trained for yeah four weeks as I said
482s and finally we're going to win some
484s games I feel like today I feel it in the
486s air so let's do it let's do it uh hey
490s everyone in chat it's good to see you
491s hey everyone that was at Gamescom as
493s well it was good meeting you all and we
495s had a wonderful time and a shout out to
497s rapt toot who did amazing hunt cosplays
500s at Gamescom oh yeah oh hold on a second
504s so they're saying that they can't hear
506s you now be oh what is going on today oh
510s my God uh on our end I think they can I
514s hope I can hear you I can hear you just
516s fine I can hear you too all right all
519s right well let's um man this is this is
522s just one of those things all right copy
525s browser Source let's try this
528s again okay on our our side it's all good
530s all good all right so it's obviously
533s it's
535s me can I hear it's not you it's me me
538s meanwhile V is trying to fix the audio
540s issues uh at Gamescom we had a port
543s sulur band concert last Friday uh and
547s they played four new songs so whoever
549s was there I hope you guys enjoyed it was
552s amazing and that also means that the new
555s songs are coming very soon so keep an
557s eye out on socials even today there
560s maybe something to check out really yeah
562s maybe yeah so you know I'm a fan I know
568s that's what I that's why I'm saying
570s uh that was a lot of cool stuff
572s happening and and I felt so bad that you
574s were not there I was actually thinking
575s about you because I knew that you would
577s have love that live show it was the
579s first on like big stage performance of
581s the band it was freaking
583s amazing oh that's great uh chat uh did
587s anything change when it came to the
589s audio on my
595s end all of them muted of course go V go
599s go
602s oh vgo well at least I hear the
604s important person you know
607s so all right well you know what I don't
610s really don't want to hold up people uh
611s folks I apologize that we can't hear uh
614s you know Ben here uh but uh you know
617s what I'll keep everyone entertained on
620s the Alienware side end as I always do
622s let's go ahead and jump into the game
623s because I I I want to get into the hunt
626s yeah and for Archer that is confused
628s about the sound uh yes uh we are also
630s streaming on the Alienware channel so
632s check out Alienware at at Alienware on
635s Twitch it's very simple uh and there you
637s will be seeing vgo's perspective as well
640s so uh so that's why there's a bit of
643s confusion about audio but yeah here you
645s guys can hear us so that's awesome uh
648s and yeah you just have to ready up uh
649s first maybe get some
651s guns and then oh yeah
655s no uh should do my load out yes and do
659s you know what we also have today Bens we
664s have giveaways oh that's right so here
668s on the krych stream we are going to be
669s doing some DLC giveaways so Gustavo will
672s be managing that so make sure to stick
675s around and uh it will be some keyers
677s that you will have to write in and just
679s listen to Gustavo because he's going to
681s be the master of giveaways
682s today yes uh we're going to be giving
685s away a few keys for our newest DLC DLC
689s uh the uh from the Wilds ooh yeah do you
694s have that one Vio no
698s oh fix that yes please let me fix that
703s right now arms for
706s [Laughter]
708s the somehow alas got handsome I mean he
712s has always been beautiful what do you
714s mean I got what they said you are really
716s handsome now yeah now oh okay thank
720s you thank you very much that's what
723s happens when you start giving away stuff
725s you become more
729s handsome all right let me ready it up
731s I'm good uh back to lobby and
737s ready and meanwhile oh yes we are ready
740s uh meanwhile whoever is asking about UI
742s and some other issues we actually have a
744s big Reddit post made by David that
747s actually like addresses most of the
749s issues and what we are going to do about
751s them so please make sure to check that
753s out uh it talks about how we are going
755s to be working on the UI and how we are
757s fixing the AMD issues and other crashes
760s Etc so please just give that a read and
762s that will be your most updated best
764s source right now regarding the
767s issues maybe we can even get a link for
771s that let me
777s try sorry uh
780s link to what uh to David's announcement
782s on
783s redit oh
787s right I didn't have it ready but I'll
789s try to find
792s it where is if if uh mod by any chance
797s have has the link maybe that's a bit
798s easier than doing the
800s stream I found it you found it please
803s post and you can pin it as well please
811s yeah sorry Chad on our end uh I don't
814s know why the audio but I really don't
815s want to hold up like we have multiple
817s streams going at the same time so I
818s don't want to hold up everybody because
820s of my technical
823s issues oh sorry that was
826s me my mouse works good well now
829s everybody knows where you
834s are where are the other Maps uh as we
837s mentioned earlier until this event he
840s will only have this map but the other
841s maps are being revered for the new
843s engine so they will look prettier and
846s there's going to be small changes other
849s than that to the maps as well so they
851s will come back they just need some
854s work so when do when you mentioned that
857s there's going to be some changes uh in
858s some updates being released soon uh to
861s address some of the bugs uh and also
862s some changes to the uh to the maps when
865s do you expect that yeah uh we are
868s working uh we already uh I think
870s released a small hot fix uh okay uh when
873s was that Gustavo last week I think last
876s week yeah and we we are working on
878s bigger ones but uh it's hard to give a
881s date as soon as we have the exact info
883s we will be posting on socials about our
884s down time and then right uh uh everyone
888s will know exactly we're trying to give
889s at least 24 hours heads up to everyone
892s so okay so when you know the date you'll
894s give like around you're going to try to
895s give about a 24 hours heads up uh okay
898s awesome and you know what and when it's
900s ready right yeah
903s exactly oh behind
906s you yeah I didn't take a stamina shot
909s this game that was
912s mistake I am still oh uh meanwhile I see
915s that Gustavo managed to pin the uh the
919s Reddit post so please everyone just
920s check that out and I think it should
922s answer most of your questions as you've
924s been
926s asking oh the poor cow okay I'm back
931s wait for
932s me all right we didn't do much so far so
935s don't
941s worry actually I wouldn't mind if you
943s guys kill one or two
945s teams uh I mean this is a oh I hear the
949s uh someone is fighting the hellborn I
951s think yeah yeah yeah I heard that I mean
954s Gustavo I thought you were the one
955s carrying
957s us true who told you that
962s everyone people people people say
966s that b is the best
971s hunter I'm just I'm just his
975s wingman I'm just the
977s spotter you're just the wingman I don't
980s know
982s and he kills
984s everybody I just spot them so I actually
988s wanted to try the centered Crosshair
990s live on stream so uh this is a new thing
993s that we have in the options again I'll
995s show it to everyone on the game under
996s the game menu you can use the old lower
998s crossair or the centered I I have only
1001s played a bit with center but I'm really
1003s bad with it so I'll do it live
1006s now so I can say that it's not my fault
1009s when we
1012s lose gusta are you using centered or uh
1016s lower no I'm using lower I am I I can't
1021s I can't do this I
1023s can't
1025s learn how to aim at people all over
1029s again yeah I feel like I'll be aiming at
1031s the sky as well I can already feel it
1034s but cuz I'm so used to like correcting
1038s I'm too old for that it's been a same
1041s you're too old to change is that what
1043s you're saying Gustavo exactly
1050s and uh V are you using
1054s oh I had a bit of a lag okay no one yeah
1057s so did I okay I thought it's because I'm
1059s on us
1064s servers give it a few hours okay I'll
1066s Trust You Bush
1072s fer so it's interesting that the folks
1074s on my end can't hear you so I'm trying
1076s to sort of like fill in the gaps when
1078s I'm responding to you so if I sound
1081s repetitive everybody I
1083s apologize yes exactly well I mean little
1087s bit that's actually such an interesting
1089s issue to have that we are suddenly muted
1091s somehow I know since you can clearly
1094s hear us uh oh yeah
1099s yeah yep I can clearly hear
1102s you uh again who whoever is asking about
1106s issues like uh the uh the crashes doing
1108s banishing and AMD cards uh we have a
1111s pinned announcement from Reddit and
1113s that's the latest update so please read
1114s that it's a longer post but you can find
1117s a lot of information in there and we
1119s will have some cool giveaways
1127s yes oh yeah the bus is here
1135s perfect yeah I just killed the entire
1137s cast of The Walking Dead
1140s that's
1144s good you guys want to K Spider yeah you
1148s do it you have a spear right B I do it
1151s yeah yeah I don't I don't even have a
1153s stamina sh oh you bought to
1158s then oh
1162s hello are you my friend apparently you
1165s are where are you where'd you
1167s go ah
1171s yes eat it oh
1175s reload
1187s ah completely forgot my uh consumables
1190s that I'm used to
1210s ah oh oops oh I just oh
1215s hello oh did the spider take your
1218s spear uh no I threw it at the
1223s ceiling oh the hbor B is pretty close to
1226s us by the way
1230s just over the
1232s mountain oh you son of a
1244s gun ouch oh I'm sorry I love the audio
1247s on my
1249s headset so what headset are you using
1251s again just for 72 Al alien we 720h thank
1256s you for
1257s that all right killed it we're good
1259s perfect uh start banishing yeah yeah all
1270s right is that you yeah that's me I don't
1273s know why
1276s but
1278s woohoo but the the is a great headset
1282s sorry about
1284s that yeah know the 720h is a great great
1287s headset like I said a million times I've
1289s been using it for a year it is the most
1291s comfortable headset I have ever used it
1293s does not put pressure around my ear so I
1295s don't know how many of you go through
1296s that but yeah I can wear this for hours
1298s and hours and not even
1303s know
1305s what right over there I just started
1308s bleeding out of
1310s nowhere did I'm I'm sorry Gus did you
1312s see uh some
1314s FKS yeah right over there all right
1317s gotcha
1319s I seen one
1320s here yeah that's the hell bomb Bounty by
1323s the way hee like climbing
1328s here you got a climber yeah there oh oh
1333s I got
1335s shot oh I got sniped yeah from a
1337s distance Nice Shot wow all right let's
1341s spectate oh I don't
1343s have uh I
1348s can can I do this or do they head shot
1350s me
1351s Gustavo I think you can do this are you
1357s sure oh they are here
1368s oh so pistol asked what is my monitor I
1371s am currently using the 32in qdo lid uh
1376s it's 4k monitor it is uh also 240 HZ so
1381s yes I am that's exactly what I'm using
1383s right now
1385s pistol you're gaming with the setup oh
1389s my God
1391s where I don't know I
1394s just oh I see him he's on the right oh
1398s yeah it was really
1400s dark he's right beside you basically be
1404s careful oh gosh all right let's see if
1408s Gustavo saves us
1409s when is the hot fix we working on a hot
1411s fix as soon as it ready of
1418s course oh God they are throwing
1420s concertinas
1423s everywhere they're not messing around
1447s there he is oh
1449s no same dude that got me yeah he was
1453s really good you know we are playing with
1456s Gustavo so we're is the best of the best
1459s n that's not true yeah that's true I
1462s mean Gustavo you're the one that's like
1463s getting all these amazing players
1465s against us now I'm so sorry about that
1468s [Laughter]
1474s oh well then pistol we do have a 27inch
1476s actually dual res monitor that just got
1479s announced you should check it out uh it
1482s is uh basically is Du it's uh it's dual
1487s red so you know you pick your refresh
1490s rates again I can only say that we are
1493s already there has already been a hot fix
1494s and we are working on the next one but I
1497s can only give you guys when we know for
1500s sure so please just uh be patient and
1503s check out our social media channels for
1505s all the information uh of course we
1507s cannot just release it when it's not
1508s ready
1512s so yeah my my game
1517s crashed all right back to the
1521s lobby skip all
1525s right confirm all right
1529s so should I invite you guys or what I
1531s can invite again that's not a problem oh
1533s you can invite all right cool will have
1534s to invite me back
1544s yeah also I wanted to mention uh that we
1546s do have a uh a survey going on right now
1549s for everyone so uh I see a lot of
1551s questions and suggestions so make sure
1554s to fill that survey out because uh that
1556s is right now the best way to leave your
1558s feedback regard a lot of things so uh
1560s just go to our social channels and I
1562s think it was posted like a few days ago
1563s only so check it out and uh answer all
1567s the questions please it's really
1570s important yeah it helps us a lot yeah so
1574s uh can you let me go ahead and let the
1576s folks over in the Alienware Channel know
1578s what where can they leave the survey or
1579s where where do they get the survey uh
1581s let me quickly find that uh yeah it's
1586s all it's on Twitter and all social media
1588s for hunt Showdown Twitter social media
1591s you know leave the survey let them know
1593s your game let folks uh let the folks
1595s over at Hunt Showdown let know uh your
1598s your gameplay experience if you're
1599s experiencing any kind of bugs they want
1601s to know folks I can tell you firsthand
1604s experience these people uh are just so
1607s passionate about their community and the
1609s game and they want to actually you know
1612s they listen to you and they want to work
1613s on whatever it is that you have concerns
1615s about
1623s uh should I can can I post a link in the
1626s alien chat you think you should be able
1630s to do it done just I'm going to send the
1633s link to the survey if that's
1637s okay you got timed out hold on let me
1640s untime you out buddy no problem then you
1642s can also just well I'm being a bad
1645s [Laughter]
1647s boy untime out and let me give you
1650s access to the
1653s links well while you do that all right
1655s go ahead start thank you so much yeah
1658s there you go giveaway sessions what do
1660s you
1661s think yeah let's do a giveaway on our
1663s Channel
1664s then yep well we usually uh we pick up a
1668s keyword uh vigle would you like to
1670s select a cool one for
1675s us I'm sorry select a what what do you
1677s want me to do would you like to pick up
1679s a a cool keyword for our first
1683s giveaway uh pick one yeah
1686s [Laughter]
1688s sure so
1692s what what will will
1694s be a cool keyword so you wait you want
1698s me to just tell you okay any word the AL
1701s the Alienware Pro Series keyboard it is
1704s legitimately
1706s amazing no it's it must be one
1709s word oh can type in the
1712s chat participate on the oh well then Pro
1717s p r o Pro okay that that's a good
1720s one I don't know how to follow
1724s instructions okay Pro is the keyword
1727s guys just go crazy just type Pro so you
1732s can have a chance to win one of our new
1736s DLCs from the
1740s wild nice lot of PRS in the
1743s chat literally yeah someone redeemed the
1747s load out for me so I'm I'm switching to
1749s the oh my
1752s God
1761s yes okay
1772s yeah you guys you you just need to type
1791s once yeah thec work on consoles as well
1795s you you can select
1799s yeah so uh I as I was mentioning folks
1802s yes I'm with Alienware yes I am a shill
1805s but legitimately this the uh Alienware
1808s Pro Series keyboard look up the reviews
1810s on it it is an absolutely stunning
1813s amazing keyboard and uh my my son is
1816s very much into uh like Rhythm type games
1819s and uh he swears by it uh he he loves
1823s the clicky clack of it
1841s I am using the pro series
1845s keyboard and the pro series
1848s [Laughter]
1853s Mouse okay
1860s I can't hear
1862s the all right let's go what happened
1866s can't hear the game no I can't hear it
1869s now okay I fixed
1876s it so they chose me a load out which was
1879s uh bomb blance and crossbow
1883s so uh it's going to be
1885s interesting so you're going to be in
1887s charge of killing the Assassin I'll be
1890s charging literally
1893s yes oh oh someone already kill it
1896s someone is already
1911s fighting what as well use my
1915s regen already W build sadly we are
1919s really high ELO for my level so I don't
1922s know if it's the best but at least I can
1923s just run at
1925s people uh and sorry vgo can they hear us
1928s yet on there or not uh I don't think
1930s they can hear now okay okay that's fine
1933s at least the giveaway is not the problem
1937s yeah
1938s yeah oh
1943s the oh it's interesting uh Alias uh I
1948s think uh you have the audio
1952s the the environmental audio on like I
1954s can hear you in game oh really yeah what
1959s about now oh I can I can hear you in
1961s game I mean I can see you in game but my
1963s output is at different this second can I
1965s hear
1965s you yeah I see your microphone showing
1968s up uh when you're near
1971s me what about
1973s now uh fix it no well testing no okay
1978s yeah yeah it stopped you're good oh
1985s okay what is up with today all kinds of
1988s technical issues
1999s [Music]
2012s uh yeah we are working on fixing all the
2013s issues chat uh if you want to report
2016s something the best way is to report it
2017s on our Discord please people there yeah
2020s people very close yeah okay don't forget
2023s that I have a over
2025s there okay so we
2029s got he
2031s sneak East Side
2042s did you say they're on the east
2045s side east side oh no no
2047s no they're very close to
2050s [Music]
2052s me hey oh I'm going to die I'm so going
2056s to die I'm almost with you oh oh you
2060s killed one they died look at you Mr
2064s fancy
2068s oh oh okay there are two teams oh I see
2072s them they are really far I cannot help
2075s there sir yeah one team uh Northeast and
2078s another team
2082s Southeast two different
2084s teams
2086s okay any spoilers regarding the update
2088s to the new maps I cannot give spoilers
2091s but I can tell you that they will look
2092s much
2093s better just imagine the quality of this
2096s map on the old Maps
2098s oh really cuz this map
2102s is I love this map it is it is amazing
2107s to be honest so uh they have they have
2111s do dum be
2113s careful
2121s okay let's
2125s see I'm very scared with this load out
2127s like
2131s don't be scared you'll be fine you'll be
2133s fine and of course just keep in mind I'm
2136s a very positive person so it's always
2137s going to be fine I am literally the dog
2139s in the fire in the house on
2141s fire that's also me so oh
2151s boy is there another
2154s one oh yeah there's another one coming
2159s oh my God you guys
2162s good yeah uh yeah I can I think I can
2165s hear someone's game through the chat I
2168s mean
2169s the like tiny bit I can hear the game
2171s through the microphone but it's fine
2174s yeah lunatic yeah we had some technical
2176s issues I understand you can't hear them
2178s um but I didn't want to take away from
2180s the game
2185s play they might have already ared the
2187s guy that I killed where did you kill the
2189s guy we should have
2191s burned uh somewhere over
2198s here although I didn't hear anyone like
2200s coming behind
2206s us let's see if that that guy is still
2210s dead yep
2221s all right oh there it
2227s is this thing is so
2234s intense okay oh someone's shotting at me
2237s someone shot at me here around
2240s here oh they're cooking yeah the guy
2243s might be oh no alive
2246s already o
2251s oh God Dam yeah does one has a dooom the
2253s other has
2255s a uh
2263s slugs all
2266s right oh okay I'm
2269s healing I
2273s hear okay oh yep I see him oh darn it
2276s move move we go
2283s a oh we got all Spector slugged
2289s oh you guys heard nothing he didn't say
2292s anything came from the tree yeah that
2295s was just a
2300s wind yeah that is the guy that I killed
2303s what was the
2306s name I think I'm going to do a quick
2319s report oh I can't
2321s see yeah yeah yeah oh we are okay my bad
2325s okay I think that's for him I bet he
2328s said oh you guys are so good you guys
2331s are so
2335s good it was a pleasure sure it doesn't
2338s show the names at least
2343s so it's
2346s fine you reatch the V it's it's all
2350s good
2352s yeah by the way reporting does uh does
2355s do something uh it's just like uh you
2357s know like when you report someone in
2359s game uh if there's multiple reports the
2362s account basically gets flaged right away
2364s so there that it gets viewed into 100%
2371s and if it's like a one of like a very
2373s bad one I would recommend the two
2374s contact support that's usually the best
2381s option all right modify Hunter the
2383s giveaway is still going on so you can
2384s still enter if you haven't selected the
2386s fers yet yeah just type bro in the
2394s chat you guys have until I A with my
2413s hunter I always forget it's not
2415s Windfield but
2419s infantry all right let's go
2423s ready let's see if we can get a win
2426s here it would be time for
2437s real all right I'm ready all
2442s right just changing
2445s my health bars configuration
2458s all right let's pull some winners shall
2462s we yeah so we are selecting the first
2464s winners let's go yes for all of you that
2468s typed Pro in the
2470s chat
2473s um where is nightbot okay so our first
2478s winner
2481s is oh that's a that's a tough one M
2486s madii Madi b m
2491s BC yeah that's that's a hard one m a
2494s hard
2495s one congratulations just type something
2497s in the
2500s chat
2502s mad something like that
2506s yes oh m is
2512s here and sorry for butchering your
2514s nickname
2518s don't worry I feel I I I butcher names
2520s all the
2522s time next
2524s winner l n
2529s vnr
2531s congratulations just say
2534s [Music]
2536s something yeah that's you
2539s congratulations woo another one
2543s congratulations winners sorry 143
2555s you can check your MMR after uh each
2557s game
2560s yeah this chat is way better than
2564s YouTube oh yeah for people people that
2567s is that are watching us on YouTube just
2570s uh com to Twitch so you can participate
2573s on giveaways unfortunately we cannot do
2575s that on YouTube because is our bot has
2580s no jurisdiction on YouTube
2584s channels someone said that was a long
2587s survey uh yeah I know we know it's a
2589s long survey but it's very important uh
2591s that you guys answer it it really helps
2593s us and we'll really use data from that
2597s so please please I know it may be hard
2599s but please do it if you
2601s can no guid the giveaways uh the
2604s giveaway is for all platforms
2609s okay burden is not here I'm
2611s rolling next
2613s winner five
2616s ice I hear thumping yep uh that's the
2619s butcher so I'm going to look for a
2623s hammer boom boom five ice
2626s congratulations say something five I is
2629s here
2631s nice
2633s unas another
2636s winner that do
2638s that
2642s congratulations my charger being picture
2646s by the way of
2654s course I'm so unlucky not a single
2656s weapon
2658s here we're looking for that D deck in
2661s the
2663s chat that
2665s rhyme well I lost my spear oh well well
2668s the spear would be so good right now
2671s actually I lost it oh
2676s no oh I
2678s think oh God I'm set with Gunslinger
2680s that's was oh that's what throwing me
2683s off I see now I I have to change it hey
2688s uh CK is is asking me what graphics card
2691s am I using I am pushing the 4080 super
2693s right
2696s now oh boss is here so I can do
2701s unas last
2703s winner
2706s kto congratulations hey
2710s skatch hello
2714s pgy oh there you go by I brought
2717s [Laughter]
2719s someone oh there's people now we're
2722s getting shot oh Lord okay now I can
2724s control my game though oh Jesus I didn't
2726s know what's wrong
2728s but I wasn't Gunslinger it's
2730s really I I get I get it but it was so
2735s weird yeah we getting shot are you
2737s throwing yeah
2748s okay this is not the best part I thought
2751s it would be a no I'm like up on the top
2755s but I cannot see too much
2759s hey skto is here
2764s congratulations uh the current giveaway
2765s is for the from the Wilds DLC and I
2768s think we'll have more wild from the
2770s Wilds so we'll have we'll have more
2779s oh yes I am wreck oh they
2788s I don't like being here right
2792s now I tagged a plig doctor outside very
2796s close the problem is I'm getting changed
2799s by the busher
2800s meanwhile and this is also pushing the
2802s new cryotech engine so like basically
2805s there's a run
2806s crisis yeah I'll come
2809s out does he throw hun Showdown 1896 do a
2813s run hunt Showdown yes
2817s where where where
2820s outside
2821s Jesus like the whole map is chasing me
2824s right
2827s now than
2829s you you're
2832s welcome Hey bananas oh another
2840s nice okay I'm coming all right where's
2844s the third uh I have no idea
2849s is this still red no it's white it's
2851s white maybe it's a
2854s du oh hold on I got poisoned so the me
2857s was chasing me I was poisoned from hive
2861s then I got shot so it
2864s was yeah that completes our first round
2868s of giveaways uh more just goodbye wait
2874s for us to kill some Gamers there's one
2876s where's the other
2879s uh look at this corn so
2881s crispy one is right here yeah I found
2884s that one and another one is right
2891s there oh
2895s cuar uh yeah we we heard the hot scaling
2898s issues as well uh I'm not sure it's not
2902s like our top priority right now but uh
2904s we hope to bring it
2906s back first
2908s issues oh buter is
2911s mad try to help guys we're going to do
2914s more
2915s giveaways in between
2922s [Music]
2925s matches of course you just go right up
2927s to him and like smack him in the face
2928s good
2930s job you could smack him with the uh
2933s spear it's really really good oh you
2936s lost it I lost
2938s it oh look at my
2940s shadow yeah
2944s D lost your head didn't
2947s you rest still
2950s white still yeah good job yeah yeah yeah
2955s I usually throw choke bombs against the
2957s busher so he doesn't set you on fire I
2959s also like that oh but he he become uh
2963s more aggressive if you yeah if you did
2966s that
2969s hios Parks is
2971s needed H I don't know about that I
2975s really like the high Val INF actually I
2976s do agree with that you
2979s agree yeah we need high veloc oh no not
2982s high velocity but uh spitter yeah the
2985s freezing uh issue when you open the map
2987s during Bish is uh very
2989s known so that's being looked into
2993s 100% uh we cannot give a date again
2996s anyone
2998s yeah as soon as
2999s possible yeah basically but you'll try
3001s to give a 24-hour notice beforehand
3004s right definitely yeah so please again
3007s check the socials can do yeah sry B no
3011s no I just wanted to say that check our
3012s socials to make sure you don't miss the
3014s announcement about the downtime for a
3016s fix yeah about this uh ma bug one thing
3020s that you can do can ramed the situation
3022s is that you can just change your map
3025s input uh you can change it from uh too
3029s to hold it helped me cuz since I did
3033s that change uh I didn't get any crash so
3038s it worked for before that you crash
3040s fight often
3041s right
3045s yeah it did work for
3050s me aiming is so weird with the centered
3054s Crosshair I just aim over everything I
3057s feel
3058s like I have to
3061s down it may not fix the problem uh but
3064s it will reduce
3068s the the amount of times that it it
3074s happened oh people oh people
3079s okay I just heard a an
3085s ulator we have a good I couldn't hear
3091s anything hey Mars Mars yes I am of
3093s course I'm having fun I love it hey are
3096s the drops still enabled I actually
3097s didn't check no the drops ended last
3100s Thursday I think ended okay
3115s yeah can you in insect stuff how do you
3118s mean inspect like if you guys mean the
3119s 3D viewer is still in the game uh you
3122s just have to go to the uh weapon step
3126s then when you hover over a weapon there
3127s will be a button click to look at 3 view
3130s 3D
3133s view have you seen anyone or was that a
3136s false
3137s alarm no I just heard an emulator
3139s outside
3141s okay he's usually right so yeah
3146s yeah in Gustavo We Trust
3149s yes don't do that l b plus triangle
3153s there I don't recommend that oh there's
3155s a whole team uh vest
3159s okay can you ping it yeah I mean one one
3163s one is in in this building and the rest
3165s are behind all right got it let me cover
3168s this
3173s entrance think we may be able to push
3175s this one
3178s yeah the two are behind so we could just
3180s to push this
3184s guy he's like in the corner right here
3190s okay oh the teammates are
3192s coming oh oh oh
3201s yeah oh boy
3207s careful they have I'm good
3210s dress can rest him yeah I'm good dress
3213s I'm working on
3215s it they're pushing in now that was a
3218s good shot
3219s J
3223s resing all right you're up oh I may die
3227s instantly I live thank
3234s you come on come on darling
3239s man they are just throwing it in there
3242s oh I'm down I got hit by a grenade stick
3246s okay or
3249s Dynamite all right
3251s spectate yeah they all pushed inside
3253s basically when they killed me I
3256s think they were throwing a lot of
3258s grenades or
3262s Dynamite there's one here ooh ooh he the
3267s okay they don't really
3274s miss well it's up to you
3277s Gustavo like always D the six star yeah
3280s the six stars are not really my just got
3283s killed by
3294s everyone oh you tra
3297s did you trade same dude oh it was a
3300s dynamite yeah oh I heard two that
3304s sounds wamp
3312s wamp well nice
3316s try uh V oner tickets they just usually
3319s need a few days there's a lot of tickets
3322s right now te
3330s what is the percentage of six stars I I
3332s cannot give you a percentage but you
3333s know it's
3334s like obviously pretty
3343s low all right let me do my load
3353s out yeah but we have Gustavo who is the
3356s the highest start of all
3358s time Prestige 100 of all
3363s time PR 100 who isn't Prestige 100
3369s uh yeah who
3373s isn't you're halfway there offway
3381s yeah chat what is your prestige put it
3384s in the chat I'm curious oo
3387s what is your prestige
3391s questions hundred 100 okay everyone is
3393s 100 you're
3396s right told
3402s you
3403s ready I wish I could get your audio to
3406s work I don't understand I'm pulling from
3407s The
3410s Source man 1001 that's the goth
3418s you know I would love to be able to
3421s prestige
3423s again yeah
3428s yeah and why is
3431s that he enjoy
3435s suffering cuz I don't prge in a while
3437s like I'm B 100 for like 3 years maybe
3445s but I'm impressed by chat they are like
3446s super high Prestige I I miss uh getting
3452s skins and prestiging oh uh yes we are
3456s working on the AMD Shadow fix again
3458s please check out the Reddit link that is
3460s pinned in the
3465s chat presti there there's people that
3467s presti zero for years I was not
3470s prestiging for the first two or three
3471s years either so uh which was a mistake
3475s actually now
3477s looking back but uh since the I
3481s prestige raise 2,000 oh
3486s God did it get unpinned gust did it get
3490s unpinned uh I don't think so let me
3492s check one
3495s second we
3502s shouldn't it Do's nothing pin they
3505s said maybe you pinned it for like a
3508s amount of time yeah I I did but I I
3511s pinned for 120
3514s Minutes time goes quick when you're
3516s having fun let me do that
3522s again oh something yeah no sorry I
3526s noticed something like games uh you find
3530s games faster than before the update was
3532s there something changed in the back end
3534s to do that or is it just a function of
3536s like this is you know the new updates
3537s everyone playing well we did some
3539s matchmaking changes uh before the update
3543s even hit and uh also there's a lot of
3545s players right now you know so right uh
3548s but it never really takes a long time to
3550s find matches to be honest uh
3552s anymore like even before the update I
3555s think it was pretty
3556s healthy no no it wasn't it it it wasn't
3559s bad but I just noticed it's it's it just
3561s seems faster at least that's what it
3563s feels like yeah
3567s okay it's been
3572s back the iname chat box is very unclear
3577s maybe you have the opacity set to very
3579s low and it's a bit transparent that's
3581s the only thing I could imagine or your
3582s resolution is not correct or something
3584s like that cuz that shouldn't really
3587s change next round of giveaways oh let's
3590s do it let's do it you going to do the
3592s next round of giveaways all right yeah
3594s and now the keyword is
3599s Prestige
3603s nice see if I was in your chat and I was
3605s entering I would probably miss spell
3608s [Laughter]
3610s prestige
3612s Prestige it's a hard word actually
3615s presti
3623s Prestige I'm actually surprised that so
3625s many hundred in the chat I really have
3628s to catch up I feel
3637s like Gustav you have to coach me we
3640s should do like a coaching stream where
3642s teach me how to
3645s play I can do that that would be fun I
3648s don't promise that it's going to be a I
3650s don't think it's a good idea but we can
3652s try
3656s oh someone is not
3660s here oh and uh meanwhile I see that the
3664s it is pinned right now the Reddit post
3666s everyone oh I'm not here for some reason
3669s oh you're not here yeah I'm here is with
3671s me okay yes I am
3674s hello
3676s hello howy how you doing nice pants
3680s doing great what about you fellow I'm
3685s well I'm in firing your pants cuz I need
3688s a new
3694s pair they are specially
3697s designed are they
3701s Gucci Gucci proud SP sort
3706s of the whole server was waiting for me
3708s I'm sorry I don't think I I don't know
3711s if I can say that
3720s neon skin for the B trap I don't know
3722s about
3726s that uh so what MMR are we oh Gustav is
3730s like six so we are like four I think so
3734s we're get having a rough
3741s time latency yeah I have high latency
3744s because uh my friend are from Miami
3748s Vio hi and Gustav is from Brazil
3753s SOI Europe so it's a bit rough you
3762s know I wish I was in Miami
3766s actually I I wish you were Miami too I
3768s have a feeling that you'd be fun to
3769s party with hell yeah
3776s I have family like around Miami so you
3778s know next time I go oh my goodness you
3781s have to hit me up yes take you to the
3785s Keys let's
3796s go see what we can do is I'll take the
3799s TransAm out right the 2002 fir Hawk
3802s TransAm take the t-tops off and then
3805s we'll go down to the
3807s keys that sounds really
3809s fun I I like I always wanted to go to
3813s the keys but never because I've been to
3815s Miami multiple times
3817s right we end up going to Orlando
3820s or I know all the good
3822s spots oh but what happened Gustavo I
3827s don't know someone just came back for
3828s the clue because we just
3834s cage I go down
3839s oh
3842s here have you guys been to games I was
3845s at Gamescom yeah exactly I was at
3848s Gamescom for 3 days and I meet a lot of
3851s you so it was amazing again like whoever
3853s was at gamescon and said hi Thank You
3855s You' been all awesome and so nice so uh
3859s it's lovely to meet
3864s bro Gustavo how long is that trip from
3867s Brazil to
3870s Germany I have no clue you have no idea
3875s you didn't even entertain the idea of
3877s going to
3878s Gamescom s hours maybe I don't
3883s know I I would love to build Gamescom
3887s but yeah maybe next time Gamescom is in
3890s con so indeed on on the first day of
3892s Gamescom a lot of DBS were there so you
3895s if you were confused by seeing a lot of
3897s hunch on 1896 t-shirts that's because a
3900s lot of people from our team were there
3901s so oh people on
3903s me this is not gamees
3906s come okay coming back okay are they
3910s shooting P yeah
3914s yeah I'm almost dead uh-oh uh-oh
3919s okay please don't
3921s die oh I whoa holy smokes out of nowhere
3931s where I see oh my
3933s God
3935s how oh that happened to you
3937s [Laughter]
3940s too
3942s no oh my
3944s God yo missed we got I'm stupid we got
3949s owned I I I think I've been head shot
3952s every single time instantly so today
3955s yeah
3958s H hey Bane you like your 5 your 510h
3962s well thank you so much for sharing
3964s that I'm I'm using the
3968s 720 all right well we are
3973s dead Gustav was still there you know oh
3976s he is
3979s oh oh he is of course he is he's our man
3997s I do have the appropriate hunot I'm sure
3999s for
4003s all sadly I'm getting head shot not the
4006s enemy that's the
4012s problem and they're burning your corpse
4015s yeah
4017s go
4020s Gustavo now my bro is
4029s burning train conductor skin I cannot
4033s spoil any skins yet but you know you
4035s have to keep an eye
4038s out o
4061s I'm like holding my breath
4067s here Gustavo is the
4070s goat he definitely is
4074s yeah ooh
4076s oh I shouldn't have said nothing jinxed
4080s I did I jinxed you oh it's that same
4082s dude that like oh Trash Talk GPT oh
4086s we're getting destroyed by an
4091s AI yeah that's that same dude that like
4094s destroyed us a couple rounds back well
4097s played
4098s Gustavo thank you thank you yes I I
4103s tried my best it wasn't enough
4117s so the matchmaking changes didn't really
4119s like if you got higher or lower Stars it
4121s doesn't affect uh like you're the same
4124s player but the brackets were moved a bit
4125s so the more you play it will be again
4127s more accurate uh but it can happen that
4130s you became suddenly a six-star or went
4132s down a few stars but don't worry it
4135s obviously like your skill didn't change
4138s so it's just a bit different now but
4140s just play play more games and uh the
4142s more accurate it will
4155s become just have tell me a load out for
4157s I don't die
4159s instantly
4161s uh carbine and
4164s rival uh do you mean the new
4167s carbine no the old
4171s one
4172s the lamot or officer no officer officer
4177s officer carbine and calledo
4180s rival so if you have uh Quarter Master
4184s of course if you don't have Quarter
4185s Master then carbine and
4188s limat
4190s okay all the cool guys are using it
4196s I think I fixed the audio issue chat did
4198s you hear them
4204s chat I'm waiting to see if someone
4207s responds in the chat and the just
4210s testing the audio if it
4212s works
4214s yes okay Gustavo I believe in
4218s you took your load
4220s out carbine and
4222s limat I'm going to use the same one MMR
4226s is only based on PVP rating so it is a
4230s KD rating depends on who you kill and
4232s who you die
4238s too so obviously if he kill someone with
4240s a higher uh matchmaking rating than
4243s yours then you gain more and if some of
4245s it all over kills you then you lose more
4248s basically yes they can hear you woohoo
4251s oh let's go hello everybody it works
4255s like chest are yes similar or ELO
4258s systems work similarly yeah so it
4260s totally was me so I instead of using the
4263s default audio I was having all the audio
4265s go to my headset because I'm a Noob
4267s apparently oh so even though I've been
4271s doing this for
4271s [Laughter]
4274s years okay next round of
4282s giveaways everyone that typed prestige
4285s in the chat
4287s yeah so anyone watching from anywhere on
4289s YouTube or elsewhere go to the twitch
4291s chat and write Prestige
4293s before P the winners you can still
4296s enter 5
4298s Seconds let's
4300s go I think they can enter value or
4303s pulling the winners too actually yeah
4305s they can yeah so we are looking for our
4308s first winner which
4311s is
4313s Accord congratulations no Eli it's not
4317s in this chat that you have to sorry
4319s we're not doing giveaways on our Channel
4324s anymore now that we have the audio
4326s working people are getting
4328s confused I'm sorry Accord
4332s congratulations aard is here next
4336s winner Ike 2 12
4341s congratulations just say something in
4343s the chat so we can confirm that you are
4346s still with
4349s us yeah sorry folks one person
4351s complained in Europe and we can no
4352s longer do giveaways because of it oh boy
4356s that's so unlucky I know I
4360s know it's all the words you're thinking
4363s that I can't say yeah I just replac them
4365s with
4366s [Laughter]
4372s unlucky is here
4374s congratulations I know winner we're
4377s looking
4380s for m m
4383s mid
4387s M
4391s congratulations what's
4397s that what are you shooting
4400s yet I think uh the
4404s me man what in the
4408s you I mean I'm not shooting
4411s oh
4413s [Laughter]
4422s what out a St
4426s shot okay nothing Happ so the me had
4429s one
4432s yes it's de though so ah such a Nob
4441s V oh G mute me Daniel oh je here what
4446s did I win you just won
4448s a of our DLC from the
4453s Wilds uh remember guys we are sending
4456s the the keys after the stream
4459s okay I have all your names here you're
4462s going to receive a whisper on your
4464s Twitch DM so keep an eye on it you're
4468s talking in game you are talking in game
4471s again yes you
4474s are
4476s winner
4479s cyanite
4481s congratulations hello you're the voice
4482s in my head would you like to would you
4484s like to win some DLCs
4490s too yeah it's probably because he
4492s stepped out or he just wants to know let
4496s the whole mountains whole Colorado know
4499s hello sir hello would you like to win
4503s some D yeah uh you have something on
4505s your face
4507s sir oh oh I'm sorry could you please
4510s take it off yes
4513s okay oh thank you vgo is getting the
4516s hunt take experience I am
4519s too Nappa Nappa 4358
4526s congratulations just say something in
4527s the
4528s chat
4530s something something yeah you don't have
4533s to reenter after every VN or
4535s no
4538s no uh so where are we going Ben oh he's
4543s already far away look at this water
4548s though am I in real life right
4550s [Laughter]
4552s now is this the real life
4556s this is just a
4562s fantasy come on you know the rule the
4564s moment someone starts singing Bohemia
4565s Rap City everyone has to join in I think
4568s the whole chat joined in
4572s already escape from
4576s reality you miss C your
4579s eyes look up to the sky and
4584s see we
4586s rolling I'm
4590s just I need no sympathy
4594s congratulations I'm L aiming overheads
4597s with the S CR Easy Come Easy Go little
4601s high little
4604s low that that's for the
4607s aiming yeah I'm definitely a little
4612s high I mean I'm aiming a little high uh
4618s corre it's it's not what I meant I'm
4626s sorry who won last what do you mean who
4629s won the giveaway oh looking for okay
4633s malet is here congratulations last one
4636s last winner for this round I can't
4641s believe can't believe I accident said
4643s that
4645s that is
4646s unable
4648s Dilo
4650s congratulations you just won
4653s again I was talking about my aim chat
4656s you guys know I was just
4660s mentioning did he poop though oh did oh
4664s he did we got a burn tra
4667s Relentless
4669s okay 5 seconds
4672s for I'm I'm going to roll it
4679s five
4682s four
4685s three two just say something
4690s one be talking in game so much better
4700s rolling we went from not hearing
4702s anything to like hearing him three times
4704s over yeah exactly
4707s she oh my
4709s God you on fire put it
4714s out oh God oh God no on fire you're
4718s still on
4719s fire why why is everybody on fire man is
4723s on
4728s fire okay King Orin just I think hun
4732s Showdown has turned into a comedy what
4735s is happening yeah sorry chat we a bit
4737s disoriented
4741s congratulations okay now we are 100%
4745s focused on a match I'm going to a split
4748s River split River okay State River split
4753s River split River oh yeah I heard a shot
4759s o I've never been in this
4761s cave are you guys shooting right now or
4764s nope no
4766s we are inside the
4769s mine you could be shooting guys we are
4771s sending the keys after the stream don't
4774s worry the clue is already taken
4778s to oh it is in the mine let's
4783s go la PL
4794s [Music]
4799s oh
4800s uhoh someone's a
4803s banishing are we going for the other one
4805s oh they banished the other one yeah
4807s let's go for the other one oh let let's
4810s just check
4812s if if there's somebody
4815s here if not we can go for the other
4822s Bounty yeah there there's people here oh
4826s okay
4840s oh oh there is
4861s yeah I got to clear those out I think my
4863s spear
4864s oh that will be
4869s me up there all
4878s right up in the Upper Floor
4883s or yeah
4886s here okay
4895s okay he's not going to peek
4899s again he almost died
4910s twice I can't imagine he's alone no it
4914s might be a he's not
4921s [Music]
4924s there's so many like little
4927s peos oh they just open the
4941s window I'm still aiming a little high
4947s yes toid I am focused because this is
4950s hunt
4952s Showdown uh no I don't hear you at least
4954s that enemy said something but I I
4956s couldn't hear
4961s it okay so down there there okay there
4965s was definitely
4969s one sh picture
4976s wow I hear a dynamite yeah I threw that
4979s oh
4990s okay well there's uh dead players
4993s here a dead player yeah not even one two
4997s two
4999s okay oh and Moses picked up the Bounty
5002s oh but that's the other bus that's the
5004s other bus
5005s all oh I was that you oh yeah I killed
5019s one I traded with one
5023s okay oh no another killed me but I
5026s killed the
5028s other there was two on
5032s me oh they rest
5036s all right
5038s oh got
5040s him did he like oh there's still another
5044s one alive I thought damn it the last one
5049s oh I actually didn't trade that was two
5051s people I killed the other and
5056s uh I thought that was the last one oh
5060s see if you listen to me just kidding
5063s it's so good yeah so I killed this guy
5066s and then the other guy killed
5068s me fish killed me and I killed yeah I
5072s killed one you yeah yeah but I killed
5074s one and there was and yeah yeah yeah but
5076s I was saying that I killed one but the
5078s other killed me you know yeah I there no
5081s there was there was three there was one
5083s that we took down there was there was
5085s one that two of us took down and then
5087s there was a third one
5090s yes oh
5092s yeah and I had The High Ground and
5094s everything thing Obi-Wan lied to
5102s me he actually he lied to a lot of
5105s people me I never lie obiwan Obi-Wan
5109s obiwan what is
5113s lying okay okay are we getting
5116s philosophical now like explain lying is
5119s it really truly a lie are we really here
5130s I think currently you can make up a game
5133s with people with higher ping but it will
5134s fail the matchmaking I I believe Gustavo
5138s am I
5139s wrong sorry say that again if you link
5142s up with people like that are
5144s far uh you can create a lobby but it
5147s won't start the
5149s game feel like fail yeah you
5152s can yes you can select
5155s the the the region but I think you
5158s cannot log into the actually you cannot
5161s log into the game yeah I I believe the
5164s region
5169s yeah I actually like the officer
5173s carbine was it was a good car but I
5175s think I need high value with it what do
5178s you think about
5180s that um yeah you can use high velocity
5184s yeah but uh you we were at close range
5188s so it wouldn't make yeah but like in the
5191s beginning we're shooting like far and I
5192s feel like been really good
5199s there but I mean in that situation you
5201s wouldn't make much of a
5209s difference
5212s okay let's go then
5218s tra hi seu did I say it right seu hi all
5221s I've been seeing a lot about this game
5223s late lately I need to get it white ninja
5225s I agree you do need to get it you did
5228s need to get it yeah everyone needs to
5230s get it everybody it's actually really
5234s great on consoles now I think so if for
5236s console players as well I haven't even
5237s tried it I haven't even tried it on
5239s Console oh it's really it's such a big
5242s difference compared to and I think this
5243s is like the only real good or like maybe
5246s the only bigger extraction shooter on
5248s consoles so if someone is really into
5251s extraction Shooters uh and plays on
5253s Console I think this is a really good
5255s chance to get into one
5257s now one of us one of us one of
5264s us yeah everyone confirming it's so much
5267s better on Console yeah like compared old
5269s version it's a very big change
5275s good luck for the stream let me know if
5277s Bey is ining you what the what the heck
5281s is inting me think thing is when you die
5288s intentionally dying intentionally to
5291s make it harder for you basically oh yes
5294s I'm I'm I'm doing this on purpose guys
5297s oh now it I didn't die because the
5299s players are better than me I did it on
5301s purpose yeah well there we go
5306s okay would you like to to pick up uh
5309s keyword this time V me yeah uh keyword
5316s okay the new keyword is
5318s 1896 in
5320s numbers it's not a key word but key
5323s number I guess you should have said you
5325s should have said you should you should
5327s have spelled it out you should be like
5328s everyone spell out
5330s [Laughter]
5333s 1896 I could is probably key number is
5338s 1896 go crazy in the chat and people
5341s from YouTube come to Twitch the key
5344s number that's a new word I think we just
5346s invented
5348s oh what's oh
5350s uh my load out is a bit
5354s uh I don't know what
5357s happened what which one is you the wolf
5360s or the I I don't know what happened
5365s you're using the small the baby
5368s Sparks yes okay that means we're going
5371s to
5373s win I I I don't know what happened I'm I
5376s thought I selected the things but oh so
5380s white Ninja's asking soy is there cross
5383s progression since you were talking about
5385s console uh there's no cross progression
5387s between PC and consoles but like uh or
5390s the other consoles but if you own the
5392s game on ps4 then everything carries over
5394s to PS5 and same on
5396s Xbox but you cannot but you cannot
5399s switch between uh
5402s platforms pant sour welcome to the chat
5404s always good to see
5406s you okay Gustavo so I don't have any
5409s tools or consumables by the
5411s way what I don't know how this happened
5415s but are you that but if you find some uh
5419s boxes I would be happy to take those
5427s I have a question why do you always burn
5428s the zombie dogs cuz they
5431s loud and they don't bark if you kill
5433s them you know and they like hot dogs
5437s because I don't want to be
5439s annoyed well also like other players may
5442s hear
5443s you no actually they are not zombie dogs
5446s they are just dogs the zombie dogs are
5448s the why did you tell me
5451s that why did you tell me that poor puppy
5457s dog Gustavo do you have extra heals by
5459s any
5460s chance because I need like if you have a
5464s region sh or something that would be
5466s amazing yeah I have Hills but you have
5469s region not yeah I I have a regen I can
5473s if it's a big can you just give it
5474s because I don't have any heals or
5476s anything yeah just stay close okay
5488s I really aim too high it's
5490s insane chat how many games did it take
5493s you to change from lower Crosser to
5498s centered and and uh which one is better
5501s you think one game oh God I'm way too
5507s old I've been playing for and a half
5510s hours now and it feels here where's the
5512s V where's I'm right
5515s here here whated come here come here
5517s okay I'm coming all right look at the
5521s dogs and you change it to Center oh no
5524s put them out of their misery they are
5526s very skinny aren't they yes put them out
5528s of the poor puppies boom bye no poor
5534s puppies they're just
5537s dogs
5541s here yeah V are playing on us servers
5543s that's why my pink is a bit higher oh we
5547s could eat
5549s something oh we could have just fed the
5551s dogs like like can Den is the Menace eat
5553s some
5558s beans that's a very old movie reference
5561s I know I I remember Dennis the Menace I
5564s used to like love that when I was
5566s younger oh yeah yeah and the bad guy
5570s made him eat beans I remember
5578s so to you said you have a code but it's
5580s invalid now what is it like an old code
5581s for the game or
5585s something if it's an unactivated console
5588s code this could uh expire but not on PC
5592s we did not announce the winner for the
5596s 1896 giveaway
5602s yet we're going to do that after that
5605s match so stay with us
5608s yes and actually after this match I must
5611s say my
5613s farewells so we have to make this count
5616s yeah yes okay
5625s yep okay then we have to do the last
5628s giveaways as
5629s well oh yeah that will be the last one
5631s then okay
5646s oh my God are you me I really have to
5650s like shoot things or my aim doesn't cuz
5652s I aim like at least a few centimeters
5654s higher than where I want to aim this
5656s blue is already taken get down to inject
5662s me you wanted now I mean is it the big
5667s one is the big one yes yeah yeah then
5670s sure come here come here
5675s here under the bridge you're doing
5679s Dr the good
5685s stuff don't try this at home kids yeah
5689s nope first one is free
5695s oh you just took it to another level BR
5696s yeah I just R chat you
5701s know oh R she under the bridge
5706s downtown oh
5708s yeah now we we've gone from Bohemian rap
5711s City to Red Hot Chili Peppers hell
5715s yeah peeping vgo
5723s exactly you also happen to have a
5725s stamina shot
5729s sir more a stamina shot what you do
5733s would you like one yeah please come here
5736s come here come here come here come
5740s here thank
5744s you oh anything else would you like
5747s antidot sh anything else
5756s I feel so much energy after this
5770s one
5772s perfect but to be fair I cannot hear
5774s heal any other way so I need something
5777s that's true yeah oh let me pick up the
5780s fact oh where is it oh I need that
5783s there's probably like some
5788s [Music]
5801s consumables ah and I got a chos oh no
5805s it's a stick actually perfect so I don't
5809s need sh food because I cannot
5811s heal I don't have any Mele Bur is like
5814s good so I live on
5820s TR go for the W yeah
5832s Peacekeeper I'm a sheriff now oh sorry
5835s about that
5845s o
5848s Mexico what about Mexico blco Spirit
5853s oh
5858s 1864
5860s Blanco is it Blanco like Real Madrid
5865s like is that tequila like Blancos are
5869s Real Madrid right the VES maybe R oh R
5873s White
5874s R white from
5877s yeah
5881s [Music]
5884s caanka as a good Cuban vgo might know
5889s this
5890s stuff yeah I don't know anything about
5892s ROM
5897s so oh I
5904s like KU Li Kua lib yes I
5920s do we Hunter we are here
5929s now did someone kill a ground in front
5932s of us
5934s no the ground kill kill itself oh step
5937s on the
5942s fire oh my God people are
5954s dying so nervous outside or inside so
5962s inside oh
5967s dead out the
5984s window okay this one is done
5989s nice there might be only one left
5996s I don't think he K I think they
5999s rested yeah they definitely rested
6001s because the bount is gone
6005s oh all right let's see what I can
6009s pull we should burn this
6012s one window window window
6026s I definitely hear someone's game through
6028s the chat
6029s though it's very
6031s quiet uh Gustavo I think there's two
6033s zombies coming your way oh yeah
6038s yeah oh
6045s God woho you you thought you got me mm-
6049s nope nope nope nope nope nope nope heal
6052s up
6058s all
6062s right do we have any Burns
6067s anyone so we could burn the third one
6070s here no I don't have y
6089s is this the scrap pick okay the Assassin
6094s all
6100s right wait the other Bounty is here as
6102s well
6103s careful oh they
6111s are all right let me try this
6118s this this team uh this team is going to
6121s wait for us to getting sh
6134s up oh I hear him near me oh yeah that's
6137s the other team
6139s arriving they're pushing forward he said
6142s oh god oh oh I knew that was going to
6152s happen no
6160s sir no I'm good oh I'm running low on
6163s ammo though do you have an ammo
6167s box I do
6169s have oh
6173s I'm want help oh they're far away behind
6176s that
6177s rock the other
6185s team oh is they still shooting at
6192s me where are you I'm uh at this thingy
6197s I'm I'm coming I'm coming to you come
6200s here oh someone died
6204s thank
6205s you oh I'm down got me damn they gave me
6208s so much ammo actually
6211s great there's another team uh Southwest
6214s B there behind their Rock okay my uh
6217s region is like running out
6219s slowly so I won't be able to hear no
6224s more oh see o
6236s okay they're burning my body all
6238s right that's all right I'm I'm too far
6241s from you
6243s guys yeah you were right in the right B
6247s yeah they they cornered me it was I
6249s think both teams cornered me or they
6250s were just one really good team that was
6253s coordinated cornering me someone shot at
6257s me but I I I couldn't see him
6269s let's go around let's try to go around
6272s them all
6276s right oh I'm getting shot at still oh
6280s god oh from
6284s there that guy is so far away from his
6286s team oh my God he's
6291s good oh my God how wow how did you get
6297s hit bro this game
6300s cheats they're just really good yeah
6303s they are they're really good oh
6307s ooh oh there's another one I killed one
6312s good job the other was tagged
6316s yeah I'm
6322s pushing oh oh I don't think my tag did
6324s much from this
6327s far do you have a med
6330s kit I do have a med
6332s kit missing a small chunk you need to
6335s heal come here come here come
6341s here yeah give him that good stuff thank
6346s you ah now I'm good thank you thank you
6350s sorry I'm using all your disables
6354s oh there he is oh oh damn it I
6362s missed careful with the sniper
6366s guy is he good with the
6368s knife I don't even have a
6373s knife that's not a knife knif
6384s yeah that's where I fell down or I got
6387s shot down
6394s yeah what do we do oh there's a bounty
6396s on the floor y there is a
6404s bounty do you want to grab
6408s that there's two bounties on the floor
6411s two B two at least yeah but there's
6413s still one guy you you know they're you
6416s know they're keeping an eye on it
6418s they've got to
6425s be ooh look at you oh too late oh
6430s there's one right in front of us okay
6433s tag that he's that oh nice over there
6437s another one yeah that's the last one
6439s only one
6440s left all right it's the the other you
6444s can take the other
6447s bunny he's close he's
6449s close oh my God watch out oh [ __ ] oh
6454s [ __ ] there was a shotgun
6459s here
6461s oh there he is shotgun there oh boy
6465s there oh nice you got him
6468s wow wow
6471s nice oh this is the same
6474s okay v b wow
6478s wow and I'm being revived yeah yeah
6482s everyone else is dead so perfect V did
6486s last game oh that was a CR this is what
6490s I was looking
6491s for oh wow easy peasy yes and there's a
6497s bounty right there and there you got it
6499s oh
6500s see he was a sniper
6504s we will do the giveaway after uh this
6507s game
6513s nice there's so many that players wow
6517s there's four right
6525s here wow yeah it was two teams and I
6529s guess they took they took it they took
6530s care of each
6532s other yeah we did kill a few as well oh
6535s no you no you did absolutely
6541s 100% very well done
6552s team oh no
6554s hellor that's a shame oh no it's double
6556s bount and we have everything so it's
6557s going to be a grand slum yeah the
6562s gaunlet running to
6565s gaet all
6568s right I think the game becomes really
6571s fun when you start winning fights you
6574s know no you imagine that yeah because
6577s and know someone as how long does it
6579s take until it like it's really fun
6582s because you know in the beginning you're
6583s very new and everything is confusing
6585s it's a difficult big learning curve but
6587s F and I think maybe even if you don't
6589s win fights the adrenaline rush you get
6592s like shaky hands and stuff like that I
6594s used to get it in the beginning from
6596s hunt no no other game does that to me I
6600s I am sure a lot of people in the chat
6601s can agree like when you have a good
6603s fight and your hands are shaking and
6604s even if you lose it's like
6606s crazy oh I love it yes absolutely
6623s yeah I think the fights because the
6625s game's never like the game never gets
6627s boring because it's always
6628s different like oh no yeah I boring heck
6632s no
6645s yeah well one stars are really like new
6647s players that don't really have an MMR
6649s yet actually so that's like the rookie
6652s Zone
6654s yeah I mean I think now you are not
6657s one probably two or three am I yeah am I
6661s so usually when the new players leave
6663s the MMR like after rank 11 you are not
6666s fer
6678s anymore uh some I'm I would say I'm a
6681s Hungarian representative of CCH there's
6684s now three hungarians working on a game
6687s but I'm the only one in community team
6689s so for
6694s sure so shout out to all the
6697s hungarians
6699s see St all
6706s the
6708s yeah GG's what a win GG y'all are
6712s amazing
6714s and I have consumables
6717s now oh you finally have consumables yeah
6720s I just had to come in without anything
6721s to win that's that's exactly oh my you
6726s got you got my my stamina shot you got
6728s my reain shot you got my kit you got my
6731s ammo
6738s box okay last round of giveaways
6741s guys uh for everyone that typed 1896 in
6746s the chat
6747s GG we are looking
6751s for
6753s noo noo
6757s congratulations say something in the
6759s chat pant sour I can't do the giveaways
6761s in this chat they're in their stream
6763s they're not in the alien if you would
6765s like to end the the alien stream we can
6767s let you do that first I think uh
6770s maybe just so it's not confusing
6774s here yeah next
6777s one just let the V go end first and then
6781s yeah yeah okay yeah I'll go ahead and uh
6785s just go ahead I'll wait just Louch pad
6788s you want just say something in the chat
6790s please do the
6793s honors all right let me go ahead and go
6795s to the out of game screen folks hold on
6799s here
6805s all right oh and then all the camera is
6807s all messed up of
6808s course I swear you think I was a
6810s complete Noob at this all right folks
6812s thank you so much for joining us
6814s everyone over in the hunt Showdown
6815s stream thank you so much for having me
6817s as a guest I sincerely appreciate it
6818s love you all you have a great Community
6820s I can't wait to play with you guys again
6821s in the future um and also see you all at
6824s events I mean every time I see uh the
6826s great hunt Showdown community at events
6828s you all are just phenomenal so thank you
6830s so much for letting me part of your
6832s stream and folks over at the Alienware
6834s stream thank you again for joining me on
6836s a Monday remember every Monday V goes
6838s live at noon Eastern remember to join
6841s Alienware arena.com to earn those ARP
6843s points just by watching our streams you
6844s can turn in those ARP points for great
6847s games and swag and even Dell reward gift
6850s cards so again thank you all have a
6854s fabulous day BD Gustavo I am totally
6857s going to miss you this is our last one
6858s of the month uh I always have a great
6860s fun with all of you um but yeah we'll
6863s stay in touch and uh yeah hook up
6866s somewhere along the line and if you're
6868s ever in Miami come say hi thank you so
6871s much and
6874s byebye all right live long and prosper
6877s take care
6880s bye
6882s bye-bye and on the Hun show down side we
6884s will be finishing the giveaways now so
6886s hope no one left uh again make sure to
6889s follow alien on Twitch it's very simple
6891s just alien uh vgo streams every week
6895s right some some different yes every
6896s Monday so every Monday at noon perfect
6899s so say hi to vgo uh he's the best so I
6903s hope we can play more again sometime I
6905s know I know we have
6907s to yes
6913s please K now you can finish the giveaway
6916s sorry oh okay all right so uh continuing
6921s our giveaways uh let's see let's pick up
6924s another
6926s winner another winner we're looking for
6930s Marky
6931s Mark
6935s I oh
6938s no they left G
6942s Star they left left G G Star so they are
6945s gone oh no Figo what have you done
6950s well uh gusta okay now we since you're
6954s gone uh I think I have to do the
6956s giveaways
6957s now
6960s uh so uh you have to roll and I'll I'll
6963s say the the winners okay uh I'm sorry
6967s they left a guest star so that means
6969s that our room is like broken so it's I'm
6970s only alone I'm I'm
6973s sorry so so Gustavo like uh maybe jump
6976s on the Discord C with me shark so I can
6980s at least talk to you
6985s let me call
6988s him wellow
6990s that's no Panic mod no Panic no they
6992s just left the uh the twitch call so
6996s hello over hello can you hear me B we
6999s can hear him but he cannot hear me hello
7003s uh uh one second B yes yes yes can you
7006s hear me oh yes I can hear you okay so uh
7011s no stopped the guest St so so it broke
7013s our
7014s chat oh my God yeah so people couldn't
7018s hear me right no yeah no everyone left
7020s like I'm I'm only there and uh
7023s yeah okay but can can they hear me now
7026s yeah they can hear you but I'm going to
7027s do it like this because it's awkward
7029s otherwise
7033s so so I'm just a voice right now right
7036s you're a voice but still finish the
7037s giveaways please okay uh so the last
7042s winner was Marky Mark I hope he's still
7046s there and now we are looking for opal
7055s 0x hello oppal just say something oh
7059s Oppo is here congratulations congrats
7062s congrats and Marky Mark was there too
7065s yeah Marky Mark was there yeah I can see
7067s sketch
7069s there uh okay last winner
7073s the last winner of this live stream
7077s is
7081s maled congrats M bad last
7089s winner one more do we have one
7093s more do you want one more well they
7096s really wanted one more so yeah and mad
7099s already want so uh we can they can get
7102s one and then one more okay one more
7106s we're looking
7108s for oh this is
7116s hard
7120s congratulations 10 seconds for qu
7127s unle congrats Kong make sure you're here
7130s and uh Gustavo we can give m about a
7132s different key because they won two times
7134s today which is
7135s crazy so you won two times what you mean
7139s yeah they actually won two times today
7140s mad so we give two different
7145s yeah oh right oh my God that's a lucky
7149s guy I don't think that ever happened
7150s before actually so that's
7152s crazy
7156s Jesus okay you got two keys
7161s congratulations so CLE not here I'm
7164s going to roll yes let's re
7169s roll the S Fox The Sly
7179s Fox oh it's his first time and he won
7183s twice see you should visit the cite
7186s extremes more often
7189s Wow Come on life Foxy
7193s live foxy say
7198s something yeah opal I see your message
7201s the krych page will message you after
7203s the stream yes just keep an eye on your
7206s Twitch DMS we're going to send the keys
7210s there so don't worry we have all your
7212s names
7213s here the SL Fox is not replying though
7217s okay let's roll then sad sad rolling
7222s looking for our last
7226s winner El
7229s BRBO El BRBO El
7235s congratulations come on El
7239s BRBO so you are continue streaming yeah
7245s that's
7246s good so now I'll play with some randoms
7249s I think
7253s Brad bull where are
7256s you oh my God no one wants that
7263s lesy rrolling again next
7268s winner start
7280s select the last key doesn't want to to
7282s be picked it seems like
7284s yes oh start select is here
7290s nice okay congratulations to all
7294s the that ends our giveaways for today V
7300s yes and that with the voice of Gustavo
7302s congrats everyone we'll be back uh soon
7305s with another gameplay stream and more
7307s giveaways we'll be doing a lot more
7309s streams now so make sure to tune in and
7312s uh watch us and chat with us and we'll
7314s keep you updated and yeah you know they
7316s give out a lot of DLCs so uh
7320s Y and with that I think we can end for
7322s today thank you Gustavo it was a lot of
7324s fun as always and again shout out to
7326s alien bear and
7330s V yeah see you
7333s guys in the next gameplay live stream
7337s okay bye-bye everyone