almost 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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224s you
239s so far and audios definitely yeah one of
242s the biggest things calm comments and a
246s lot I was it complicated okay but that's
250s why we're gonna talk about it and we
251s have three gentlemen in the couch if you
253s guys could introduce yourself real quick
254s let's start the ends hi guys and I'm Flo
261s facin I'm audio director on hunt and I'm
264s Lucas and I'm jr. audio designer okay
268s and what are in short a little bit what
270s we're gonna talk about today we've got
273s to start like talking a little bit about
275s the concept of what we thought in the
276s beginning of hunt about the audio scheme
280s then Jonah's gonna show a little bit
282s about the actual design how we how we
285s actually do a sound and then I think we
287s pretty much take it from there for
289s questions exactly and maybe we serve a
291s really excited announcement at the end
293s but uh we'll keep that till the end yes
296s if to watch all of it so yeah let's get
299s started with a presentation together for
302s us where we'll just go through so let's
304s just go to the first slide yes please
306s so so for hunt in the beginning we we of
310s course had a so called high level
312s concept you you can read a little bit
313s the text there it's it's of course a bit
315s market English so of course we we trying
318s to you know make people understand what
320s we're doing without playing a sound yet
321s but the overall goal was to really have
325s audio as a center part of the whole hunt
328s experience and that it's really likely
331s that you need it there you have a
332s tactical advantage and that everything
334s in the world emits audio so everything
336s we hear is actually coming from
338s something or someone has created that
341s sound in the world it's not like fake
343s audio that you hear some arbitrary
345s things and it's actually not really
347s there so you can go to the next and
352s that's basically how we are we think
353s about that every sound has kind of three
356s components which altogether creates the
358s audio experience because in an ideal
360s world you just sit there
362s you just consume the audio and you don't
364s even you don't even notice that it's
366s there and just perfectly fitting because
368s then we did a very good job so we have
370s three things which is feedback immersion
372s motion feedback just means you know all
375s the time
376s what is talking to you what is that
377s sound you know is it that door opening
379s is it a - aggro is it gunshot we have
384s immersion which is like of course it has
385s to be in the Victorian era at a late
387s 1880s so it's the 18th century it has to
390s fit to the world of fund and of course
392s if you want to have it emotionally
394s touching so everything is a little bit
396s larger than life a little bit over
398s designed so the gun is extra powerful
400s and the hive is extra aggros everything
403s is like a little bit on you know push to
405s 11 so we create emotional reactions with
409s you guys and which hopefully arranges
411s through all the emotions people can have
414s exactly and then next slide same goes
420s for the style we thought in the
422s beginning a little bit like okay where
424s do we where's our sound sources like
426s where do we want to go in our library or
428s what what is what is important for us
431s and obviously this is where the larger
433s the life idea came so we want to do more
435s Hollywood blockbuster sounding game it
439s has to be this nice ass that's a nice
442s sound we make the whole audio for the
445s next game will be based on that one
446s don't really do whatever I would be we
449s should just put this sound somewhere in
451s the game just like for a nuance or
454s something that just comes looming at
461s yeah we should we should pitch that to
463s design this is the sound make a monster
465s out of that yeah I will be okay yeah we
470s wanted to describe the world and so if
472s you go to the next slide I think it gets
474s more clear so we draw basically from
477s three sources we have the decay moment
479s which is all the rotten all the stinky
481s all the swamp elements where it's like
484s okay things things got clearly wrong
486s here you know then we have the realism
489s part which is obviously you know every
491s garden everything is like really it's a
493s Winchester it's you know draws from the
495s real world also the day I cast in the
498s end as well has some real elements to
500s that but it's then twisted and then we
502s have the supernatural which stands for
504s let's say dark sides
506s everything which is you know the
507s banishing and around yeah it rounded
510s let's say mystical part of the game
511s there now I'm curious because I mean I'm
513s just gonna ask some questions in between
515s for example with sounds of like the guns
518s do we record the sounds of guns like off
520s the actual guns are like how did you
522s guys get all the sounds of those well if
525s we if we would record all of the sounds
526s then obviously we would spend a lot of
528s time outside and also cost a lot of
530s money yeah but actually if you record a
533s real gun and just put that one asset
535s into a game then it's not going to sound
537s like it's not going to give you that
539s real punch like if you hit something
541s it's not going to feel great so what we
544s do is we use assets from libraries that
547s are just yeah I'd say industry standard
550s and we take those assets see what works
553s we lay at them a lot so we use not just
556s one conscient income shot or what we
558s don't use the whole part of a gunshot
560s not only a transient so the first impact
563s of a gunshot and then we use something
564s from a different gunshot and lay at that
567s hole and pitch it i've known so it
569s sounds good in the end also you know we
573s make the guns sound larger than life for
577s example in some guns they might be not
580s only gun recordings in a much explosion
582s or like i think to get some texture
587s nitro or something have some explosions
590s because they're so loud at this part I'm
592s pretty sure the nice shot by itself is
599s already a lot of layers and depending on
604s the gunman there might be gunshots
605s explosions animal crowds to make it
608s sound really beacon dangerous and then
610s we export this into ice and there are
613s many different assets as well so
615s depending if you should indoor or
616s outdoor over distance or we play
618s different some files
620s okay so if we later wise maybe it sounds
624s good I guess that was it
627s I guess yeah that's that's pretty minute
628s from that side yeah so we can go to the
629s next slide so the first one we begged on
632s was the feedback so as I've already
633s mentioned like the you know the what is
635s it where is it what state is it was like
637s something we
639s we were challenged to get answered
641s pretty much all the time in the game so
643s regardless you know where you walk
644s around you want to always know what's
646s happening yeah there's an armored okay
648s on the right it's not a crow or like oh
650s the birds flew off or someone must have
653s to strip them and then work pretty well
655s so if you go to the next there's a good
657s example so that is that's the
660s first-person version I hope you can hear
662s the sound yeah that's the first-person
664s version of someone running through the
667s level and I just let you listen to them
676s it's me playing so it's a bit noobish
698s so and on the next slide we're gonna see
701s the very same scene from someone
703s standing on top of the church just
705s listening how did he get up well that's
718s the advantage of a developer you can you
721s have the f3 button makes you fly so yeah
746s I think well you all know the game so
747s that is pretty much you know the same
749s perspective like everything you hear is
751s actually has actually happened or
753s someone emitted that sound so yeah I
757s cast as something we wanna I mean to
760s jump on the new set first when we decide
764s the first part of the odd-even hunt and
766s the first ambience it the sound you hear
769s all the time we had a lot of random
771s elements happening but they were
774s actually not coming from the game world
776s itself but they were like random sounds
778s and rice and over time we started to
781s remove all of them and have every sound
783s you hear in the game actually come from
786s something in the game so what that means
789s is every AI can be actually heard quite
792s far so if you have a high standing 100
795s meters away you will still hear her
797s scream and yeah uh brings me to the AI
802s cast so basically every AI and hunt has
806s three stages for audio idle away I'm
811s combat when it's idling it hasn't seen
813s the player for example the crumbs are
817s just breathing and I'm really quiet the
820s hive might be
821s walking around make her gagging noises
823s and sometimes she makes the loud scream
826s you hear over the distance and what that
828s helps you is you can actually navigate
830s through the map by just listening
832s because you ran through the world and
834s here all left to survive I might win
836s right
837s I go left and actually challenge her and
841s if the AI it shams too if they I cease
846s to play a chance to aware and then you
849s know or it noticed that a player is
852s around somewhere but it isn't running
854s towards you yet and as soon as it's on
856s combat it's basically attacking you and
858s you're in the fight and it was actually
860s quite challenging and we spend a lot of
862s time to get these three states really
866s separated so that you can really hear
869s okay that's Ahmad who is aware that Zama
872s was idle and now he's in combat so that
875s was quite a big task but I think it
877s turned out actually really nicely and
879s it's cool to hear people say yeah if we
882s watch streams and we hear people
884s actually walking through the game well
886s just because they hear something I
889s always get scared when I hear like the
892s meathead somewhere did a butchers world
895s like something like that butcher is here
897s oh wait no yeah butcher steps is faster
901s because it's running yeah but they'd
903s work really well also with the with the
905s transition there's also a fairness thing
906s to the player so of course and every a i
909s will first like admit a sound and then
911s attack right so you have this like oh so
914s even if you run backwards you you would
916s have this one second to react then a
918s grunt omits first like hey I've seen you
920s and then he comes towards you that's
921s also fair I guess mm-hmm right and of
925s course pain and death there's something
926s just a game meet so everything you know
928s if you take a few deal damage etc that
930s of course is to be covered I am one more
932s thing that that's also actually quite
934s important as every AI and hunt is
937s designed to sound quite different from
940s each other because you know it's quite
943s easy to make ten monsters and have them
944s sound all the same yeah but to have like
947s a really iconic sound for each creature
949s that you hear and then you know oh
951s that's too high that's the
952s that was actually also quite a task
955s until we had like sounds without a lot
958s of muted and the leader sounds a lot of
961s you say which one did the longest maybe
967s a Christian was not here today he did
969s the crumbs and I think the crumbs took a
971s long time yeah because they were one of
974s the first a iesson I made and I think
979s first we had to grunts made mostly with
981s human voices and later we decided to
987s teach up animal sounds and fight animal
990s sounds that sound like human voices wind
992s up pitched up so you might show what
995s Adam will sound like humans but pitched
996s up maybe you'll find the tiger and if
1001s you play Douglas fast it will sound like
1003s you like and that makes them sound
1007s interesting because they sound like
1009s humans but they actually are animals I
1012s mean I'm sure there's some humans that
1014s act like animals too then also we had a
1018s grand army planned because we knew there
1020s were variations in the beginning we had
1021s a lot more different grunts in the same
1024s leek and then in the end they just got
1025s more chopped together so we use the best
1027s of all the different variations we had
1030s to create the the one grunt set we have
1032s right now and obviously the female ones
1034s are more similar but they just you know
1037s overall pitched up into the to represent
1040s the more female boys region I guess it
1043s shows very well at the same thing we did
1045s to the hunter voices that we have a
1048s different sounding set for the female
1050s ones in the male ones but they still are
1052s supposed to well communicate exactly the
1054s same thing yeah sorta same like that
1059s balls in search like that oh yeah okay I
1063s think we can go dudes next I think I
1066s think it's just another example of life
1067s escalation so we can just listen to in
1069s there you can clearly tell how she egg
1071s rose and the egg rolls as well
1073s I don't think all good she's just
1082s hanging in there no yeah no you bet it
1090s takes it run for all right well same
1125s same applies to the sound traps I think
1127s you're all aware of well the what was it
1129s the loudest stick in the world in
1134s fairness we tuned it down and not doing
1136s the final mix now so we know it just
1137s says like okay is it maybe a little bit
1139s over the top if you'd like you know I
1140s have a whole tree lock being broken just
1143s yes stepping on it well it is a crunchy
1145s boy but they pretty much work the same
1149s way so the alarm cages that if you go
1151s for that's an example of the docks I
1153s think you're all experienced it just
1155s play that one and it's pretty clear that
1158s you have different stages there as well
1159s and they escalate clearly that you
1161s understand okay I'm you know now the
1162s idling is to get close sake starting to
1165s get aggro and then you still have the
1167s chance to back off but if you can
1168s consistently go forward or disturb them
1170s further they go aggro
1200s right I remember the docks taking quite
1202s some time as well - oh yeah I can
1205s imagine else we compared to that how
1207s haunts is very different because they're
1208s both there was a problem because we had
1210s hellhounds and dogs and it was like you
1213s have to make a difference between those
1214s two clearly then you don't get mistaken
1217s or you know control the wrong conclusion
1219s and also they always sounded still too
1223s happy in alive
1233s that's your example but the guns here
1236s the gun stuff we already talked about it
1240s well I talked about it too good but
1242s layer design is basically what I
1244s mentioned that each sound it's not only
1246s one shot it's many different sounds
1248s layered on top of each other that then
1250s get went down to 1 SOT again and then we
1253s have variations as they come close is
1255s the campus and it's become indoors thick
1257s and Ottawa I mean you guys will notice
1260s when you shoot out over you will have
1261s this nice long tail and that's actually
1264s been a category of a different tale set
1268s with a sign and when you go indoor
1270s you'll have another reverb and exterior
1272s tail fades so it's a lot of switching
1276s and modulating of sounds that a gun
1280s always sounds like the right environment
1282s and of course the importance was ready
1285s to to group things together so of course
1288s people with more hours in to hunt
1290s probably notice every gun and the 3d
1292s preview thing we added to the menu now
1294s of course let you experience that by
1296s scrolling away and listening to the guns
1297s and various distances but the goal was
1300s always to say okay at least the
1302s categories like rifle shotgun pistol
1304s equipment tools we want to at least even
1307s over distance make clear that was a
1308s rifle that was a shotgun because
1310s is all information you want to draw from
1312s your opponent's right you want to know
1313s like oh I heard a nitro I think that's a
1315s Winchester so you want to have an idea
1317s about the equipment they're using and of
1318s course that I think that worked pretty
1321s well so you can you can distinct that
1323s quite well I think the next two videos
1325s one is about you approaching a compound
1328s of two people fighting and then the
1330s second example is about the indoor and
1332s outdoor stuff mm-hmm
1333s anything to add here yeah one thing
1335s we're coming to large tales I mean if
1338s you shoot some guns the tails actually
1340s quiet long and they last for quite some
1342s time but we did it on purpose because
1345s every gun you shoot somewhere on the map
1347s you hear about a whole map and we wanted
1350s to communicate to the players that if
1352s they shoot they make a lot of noise and
1354s everybody you will so there's a
1358s consequence well unless crossbows and
1361s silencers of those are made especially
1366s it just hit the next one I think it
1368s shows a good example of approaching as
1374s you can see these recordings who had
1376s done a little bit some time last year as
1379s we did some presentations no don't give
1382s me way just make this especially partner
1388s [Applause]
1404s yeah and the next one is about this is
1406s indoor and outdoor differences i-i'm
1439s urgent so there was the second part of
1441s our little triangle there and it was
1444s just as I said transporting you in the
1446s world it has to be well the late 18th
1448s century Victorian era so yeah we want to
1453s be correct and that goes to the region
1455s region because the swamp of Louisiana
1456s has some interesting
1458s well special elements and the ambience
1460s etc I wanted to - of course yeah make
1464s real as well and of course we wanted to
1467s a little bit have you know support the
1469s narrative because of course something
1471s terrible happened so what you know
1472s what's going on why all these zombies
1474s come from where are those but what is
1476s the armor it so what does the butcher
1478s being original so we wanted to support
1481s that pillar a bit without well without
1483s actually telling a story and let's say
1485s the narration saying like Oh once upon a
1487s time so we we were trying to do that a
1490s bit so if you hit the video maybe maybe
1492s that is explains it better so if you
1496s just sit still then you you hear the
1498s surroundings and all fields natural but
1500s of course it's broken up by those weird
1503s animals and yeah so it almost sounds
1509s like you want to you know take your
1510s vacation there but like a very cheap
1516s hotel you booked it's like one just an
1520s episode just like our TV programs like
1523s AHA vacation of Hell or so and so what
1527s do you see here is like debug mode on so
1529s it's just showing again the sounds and
1533s where they all come from in a you know
1534s around you so it's all again proof set
1537s it's all built from individual sources
1539s what you hear all right and the emotion
1544s part is as I said it's like really we
1547s wanna you know well keep keep you on the
1550s toes you know be be excited when you say
1554s soon as we hit the mission you kind of
1555s you kind of you know totally hyped and
1557s focused and well we basically trying to
1562s do have like this high contrast so it's
1563s like you know the beautiful environment
1565s and the and the weird Apple open it
1568s abominations and and creatures and of
1571s course we also playing with some psycho
1572s acoustic elements as well like for
1574s example the rumble which now has caused
1576s some trouble because some people never
1578s heard it before it's massively lowered
1581s now so it's really in the subconscious
1583s level I don't think you will notice it
1586s and until you have a very good headphone
1588s and very carefully listened to nothing
1591s else is happening but yeah we're playing
1593s with those elements as well to just give
1595s you a little bit that shiver down your
1597s spine and and yeah you can keep you on
1599s your toes it's like it has to be an
1601s exciting match and and you yeah you
1605s don't want to feel safe right it's
1606s always like maybe there's something
1608s around the corner but I mean even those
1610s sounds are coming from the world itself
1612s so yes the the rumble the compound
1614s Rumble you only have four especially
1616s four points of interest I think if the
1618s clue and the compound is taking the
1620s rumble also is there a rule to it the
1624s rumble is fading it's getting quite any
1627s way over time so the idea for the rumble
1629s was you enter the compound and you will
1631s have to slow rambling
1632s to create some tension and if you are in
1634s it for a while it will get finalized but
1637s yes from feedback from the server we
1640s adjusted it accordingly yeah and also
1642s the play style you know like we we had
1644s we didn't anticipate that players are
1646s like so so much pushing so you go in and
1648s out of a compound much faster than we
1651s originally thought of and therefore we
1653s we accepted that okay but we thought it
1655s would bring to the game might be really
1657s in the way and that's why we lowered it
1659s now to to I think to a level where it's
1661s it's yet super unconscious like it will
1666s give you bad dreams but nothing else but
1669s it's actually good to mention because
1670s you guys say you take feedback obviously
1672s because for a lot of things changes that
1675s we have in the game which seems maybe
1677s more obvious like weapon changers itself
1680s we do change a lot based on community
1682s feedback for the audio sure I mean in
1684s the past we have changed things to are
1687s the sound for like when we would throw
1690s like explosives or footsteps there are
1695s definitely things that you usually like
1696s addressed I've done spaced on the
1701s community feedback maybe you can tell a
1703s little bit about that I know free hat
1704s that didn't precision it is it is coming
1707s later anyway so but I can already I
1710s wanna say like I said I have a reminder
1711s which is a weekly one where just go
1713s through steam discord read it so I just
1717s you know we all browse constantly like
1719s the forums and check for feedback and
1722s sometimes there's you know pellets
1724s things on it or things where we say
1725s actually to consider sometimes there's
1728s really good ideas out there where it's
1730s like I would love to do that but was the
1732s best one yeah it was I think was like so
1735s based on time of day and the temperature
1737s shouldn't then sound travel differently
1740s anywhere like mmm now would be really
1743s really cool but it just means you we
1745s have a mix per time of day you have
1747s different behavior of the sound maybe
1749s for a future project it is it is getting
1751s super complicated very quickly and I
1754s don't think you gonna most people don't
1756s gonna realize it anyway so nice idea
1759s maybe
1761s right so if you just say go to the next
1763s one and I think this one gets more clear
1765s so that the emotion part we really
1766s achieve to the very high dynamic mix
1768s that's also one thing we really started
1771s in from the beginning we said we want to
1773s really have a high dynamic mix so like
1775s if the gun goes off BAM it's real loud
1777s so once you hear that you you know that
1781s so the importance is that you have to
1783s understand how loud you are and how far
1785s your sounds travel so dynamic mix was
1787s one idea to do that so those things I
1789s actually loud and quiet stuff stays
1791s quiet
1792s the motivational menu music so yeah some
1795s people I know that streamers for example
1798s always have music muted too bad I'm
1806s setting furnace away cuz I think this is
1808s just gonna get worse and worse than that
1810s one point it's gonna explode and a half
1811s three meter but it will be good sound if
1816s it explodes on the menu music is
1820s something we really love to do kinda you
1822s know why the game has no music right so
1824s while you in the mission there's nothing
1826s and once you come back to the to the
1828s menu we thought okay we have to add more
1829s songs and different stuff so you feel a
1831s little bit like yeah now get a little
1832s you know it's like a take a break we
1835s fill and then kind of relax and then go
1839s into the next mission and those musical
1841s elements that's the rumbles over that's
1843s the subconscious ideas that we use
1845s psycho acoustic elements - we have to -
1848s you know trigger an emotion and then the
1851s whole dark world is pretty much only
1853s that so as you noticed like in the dark
1855s side the mix changes everything is like
1857s in a yeah it's like in a horror movie in
1859s it's like in a dream yeah everything's a
1862s creeper and you you know this other
1864s world yes that's what we try in with
1866s that I'm you're technically in a sense
1868s also in another world in beingness you
1871s see in the ethereal plane yeah yes just
1875s an icon please oh yeah that's that's
1879s just an example of again like the mix I
1880s think you all know the game but I think
1882s you're here pretty well like how quiet
1884s the game actually is and then once it
1886s escalates and you know things happening
1888s then it can get quite loud and exciting
1893s I think
1895s overwhelming maybe not because that's
1897s what but that's what most of my game at
1899s least is like sneaking around and
1900s listening if I hear two hunters I turn
1903s around and run because it's usually
1906s Dennis with a nitro
1940s right and Lassen at least yeah community
1943s feedback what is that like yeah that
1944s that's the three key I don't know what
1947s the believability is a word actually but
1949s I don't know the idea was step so there
1952s are three things we are really mostly
1954s interested in it's like the credibility
1956s that goes on the feedback level like
1958s that's what we anticipated like okay can
1961s you really tell that the grunt is an
1962s aggro mode in in the house of the right
1965s that is readability if you say yeah we
1967s we can hear that and we've done a good
1969s job then consistency means like oh that
1974s gun over distance sounds way louder than
1976s the other gun over distance then it's
1978s maybe something we've missed or
1980s overheard and like Oh true yeah that is
1982s you know same rifle class over distance
1984s should kind of be in the same league
1986s that's that's all this mixing
1988s consistency that things obviously
1990s behave as they supposed to right it's
1992s like for example we had I think we spies
1995s like the bullets flying around was like
1998s very very far audible was that laser
2000s bullets or something yeah almost yeah
2003s and then like for example if you smashed
2007s the window that felt like not being
2009s audible for too long right so it's like
2012s after 30 meters it was like I can't hear
2014s it anymore so we we really went in and
2015s adjusted those metrics to to match
2019s expectation and to fit and believability
2022s is everything with the with the
2024s immersion part as well and it's like
2026s okay this is this world it is hun
2027s showdown it is this this world we wanna
2030s yeah we want to get get to you and of
2033s course making sound as hunt showed up I
2035s think a good example for the
2037s believability would be if you drop an
2039s excellent hammer before the last update
2041s oh yeah and it sounded like it like a
2044s car dropping to the floor from 20 meters
2046s and now we actually changed assets yes
2050s is something that just fits the whole
2052s item right and the good thing is that
2054s that will go on so of course we
2056s we listen to you to what you're saying
2058s and and also play the game ourselves so
2060s we might come across things were like oh
2062s that has to be adjusted but yeah and
2065s it's I think we've got about 20,000
2067s sounds in the game I guess and that is
2069s grouped into various you know containers
2072s and it's super technical but very
2074s interesting
2074s so obviously it's just a lot of stuff we
2076s have to take care of or yeah and have to
2078s maintain so stay with us and be patient
2084s and yes deaths
2086s male death sounds gonna stay but we
2088s already adjusted them for the next
2090s update so they less call me : yeah
2094s alright I think that's pretty much it I
2097s think the next three slides are
2098s advertisement oh yeah
2100s so forum please voice your opinion or
2103s you know chime in to one of the threats
2104s if you if you have a comment and I mean
2107s obviously it could be read it can be
2109s steam it can be discord it can be any of
2111s our feedback
2113s channels or even social media it's all
2116s it's all wherever you prefer mmm got
2119s everything so yes you can follow us here
2122s well we can go to to be right back
2125s screen for a little bit yes because we
2127s have to jump over Jonas has to prepare
2130s yes - perfect okay see you guys with a
2133s little bit
2136s a'right
2144s [Music]
2163s [Music]
2170s [Music]
2178s [Music]
2190s thanks what is the other one that all
2193s the other ones long no you guys can hear
2195s it
2198s [Music]
2205s [Music]
2212s we chopped off okay all right we're back
2216s and what we have here is actually our
2221s audio middleware it's called wires and
2223s that's the place where after we have to
2226s sign to sounds
2227s everything is implemented so everything
2229s in the game lives around here so if you
2233s look here we have all the characters
2235s then if I just open one character you
2238s see it is quiet it actually take some
2242s time to open because of all the data so
2248s that that's just sound you see now for
2251s the grunt so all the stuff it's it's
2256s everything here it's a single sound that
2259s was designed for the grant that gets put
2261s in the game and that you hear afterwards
2264s so you can see it's a lot of audio
2267s designed just for one single AI because
2273s why
2274s for example in the grunt way I'm general
2276s for every material making yeah it's one
2286s we have how many materials do we have in
2289s the game it's a quote audio 30 2013
2292s materials in every every material then
2297s has variations for the steps you see and
2299s that's like for every character so you
2301s have special steps for the hunters for
2304s ya for first player first person to a
2307s person you have them for the crumbs for
2309s the hellhounds for the meat and omelets
2311s and and they all have to sound different
2312s because I mean obviously meat it is a
2315s lot heavier than a grunt
2317s so you just yeah you have to make them
2320s sound as if they're that have you and
2323s maybe another interesting thing to show
2325s you because we talked about it before
2328s the rival so dead stuff you see here is
2332s actually the setup for the player
2335s shooting sound let's see if you can hear
2337s the fire
2338s yeah yeah it should play nice view so
2344s let's quickly see if your exterior now
2348s we should and quality is a different
2357s asset so for example back here we are
2360s having the tail and you hear it's
2364s basically the environmental tail of the
2367s sound we have to treat the transience of
2370s the gun and if everything plays combined
2375s all these different assets you will have
2377s to actual shot can we show the distance
2380s to the enemy player yeah so if we are in
2389s third person and we shoot the gun so
2393s that's if the player shoots directly
2395s next to you basically 9 meters and
2401s that's how it sounds when it's far away
2404s and you see here here we actually have
2409s the distance right now it's 150 meters
2411s and basically what we do we go through
2414s each distance and make sure that will
2416s sound sound sounds good
2418s in that case and yes super yeah I think
2422s I saw a question earlier on somebody
2424s asking if the audio is actually delayed
2426s on distance like I mean you have gunshot
2430s on 300 meters it should be delayed like
2433s one second and we actually do that with
2436s the same attenuations um not by a
2440s realistic time I think but we actually
2442s delay them by a few milliseconds so that
2446s you have to sound the actual sound of
2448s the gunshot and you have the slap X
2450s coming from the side so it really sounds
2452s like the gunshot that's coming from the
2453s front or from the side and then you
2455s Echo's around you know see one question
2460s how does the audio positioning stuff
2462s work basically the audio in the game
2465s emits from a point and we have the
2468s distance from this point to you the
2470s listener or the player and basically
2472s that's the distance that we can simulate
2474s here and so if you shoot 500 meters away
2478s you will have this if you get closer you
2482s get this so we set up everything and
2485s wise and decide the weapon so it sounds
2488s good in every distance and then the game
2490s basically communicates us where the
2492s sound is happening and I mean that's the
2495s distance part and for the positional
2497s part we have a special plugin that's
2499s called cry spatial which actually takes
2502s the in-game position and maps that to a
2506s circle around you and we use the as mood
2508s for that so it's just a 360 degrees
2511s around you um and if we go into one of
2515s the audio assets you might see that they
2518s are actually if we if we see the asset
2520s yeah so you see there are 1 channel
2522s files but if you play them you have
2524s actually two channels that are playing
2525s so the files themself or the the whole
2530s sound if you play it is just a mono
2533s sound that wouldn't even sound like it's
2535s coming for somewhere and after it goes
2537s through that plugin um there's a stereo
2539s sound coming out and plugin just does
2541s all the stuff with how should it sound
2543s on the left ear I'll turn off the right
2545s ear it's a behind you in front of you
2547s like all that stuff and one other thing
2551s we can show you you know in wires we
2554s have to design sound so we have these
2558s assets but what is also interesting is
2561s how do we actually make these assets and
2564s I have like a video capture here from
2567s the spider
2570s so this is for example to scream and
2574s that's in the Nuendo session with all
2576s the sounds I think yes will expand at
2578s you and this is the screen power using
2582s lots of different layers from from
2586s creatures from enemies to create the
2590s final audio game yes
2594s so I think what has despite its its
2597s Peaks
2597s it's the stamina which was like an older
2600s version of the spider which are you
2603s pitched just appears a donkey I think
2605s there's some metal squeaking undershirts
2611s everything everything together gives
2615s gives the spider sound you know what's
2620s also interesting so that that's also
2631s Tiger to me but here we have a really
2634s good for the clicking it makes so I mean
2643s you all know despite our faint clicking
2644s sounds when it's when it's just this
2646s weird clicking noises and and sounds we
2651s use to make these I actually quite
2653s interesting and you can see yeah one one
2656s sound is actually a lawn sprinkler it's
2659s like to think that's yeah what's more
2663s putting water on the grass I know you
2665s have in your car it makes there we have
2671s a thumb screw which actually sounds
2673s quite quite famous yeah and we have some
2679s strong man that's actually the main
2681s sound and it's like do this clicking and
2685s that's actually crickets
2687s it's like insect insect recordings of
2691s crickets and I think I pitched them up
2693s and what you later time a bit and then
2696s you get this
2698s yeah you get this the sound and if if if
2703s give it place in the actual compound if
2705s we were you know - spiders hiding around
2707s behind the corner and you hear to click
2710s with with the reverb of the actual
2713s environmentalism it's pretty spooky and
2716s the funny thing to you is it sounds like
2718s it sounds like the spider but it's
2720s actually crickets in a low on screen
2722s closer yeah it's basically the same but
2729s I think that's the most it's the most
2732s iconic sleeping sound and it's basically
2735s the same as its Mont Winkler and here we
2738s have the crickets we have chopped up and
2744s I mean like this we basically assign
2746s every sound so all the things you hear
2749s in the game may be sources you wouldn't
2753s think of but in the end they they sound
2755s like a spider or a high F or M word it's
2762s insane if you think about how do you
2764s even come up to use a sprinkler it's a
2769s lot of experimenting so we have we have
2772s a big sound library we have a lot of
2773s recordings we make ourselves and then
2777s you just go through and then you listen
2779s to stuff and here oh maybe this could be
2782s a clicking sound
2783s another example is the high of call the
2787s distant one she makes this actually
2788s firework yeah Christian Schuster like
2792s them it's like you know yes it's when a
2798s rocket launches but it's it's pitched up
2801s and down so it actually sounds like like
2804s a voice modulating around mm-hmm yes
2807s would put a lot of lot of funny sounds
2809s there are times where you for example
2814s walk outside and you hear sound a you
2816s think hey something like that could be
2819s helpful for or is it just mainly from
2821s the library just stick free
2824s you always lie if you do this for a
2827s while you will always hear stuff so you
2829s hear this thing and then you think oh
2832s maybe just could be used for something
2834s else for example in the office upstairs
2837s we had was really wiki's over the couch
2840s and it's it kind of made some really
2843s interesting interesting clicking noises
2845s so we did a recording session with wood
2847s we haven't put it in the game yet but it
2850s might end up the clues for example in
2863s quick play they have the whispery
2866s background and that's just there
2868s especially me whispering in a microphone
2870s for like 20 minutes
2881s I think we could go to the questions
2882s okay then we'll be right back again
2898s [Music]
2917s [Music]
2924s [Music]
2932s [Music]
2952s [Music]
2960s [Music]
2966s you
2966s [Music]
2976s No
2978s Oh
2985s there you go yep did you do it for the
2987s couch one yeah number four only because
2990s yeah oh okay we are back and we have
2994s some questions so I already saw two
2996s questions that I popped up where you
2999s guys for showing some stuff up so I
3000s thought uh we can perhaps you know
3003s Anthony's do you recommend the stereo
3006s setup or surround oh I put it on the
3008s right because it's easy to reach kiss
3009s close if I put it back afterwards bi do
3014s you recommend the series setup first
3015s around set ups so let's let's start
3018s there so basically the game has been
3020s mixed in 7.1 so what someone was saying
3023s seven one is poop really and something
3025s wrong with your setup because we mix it
3028s in seven one it is working fine even
3030s with this H dot EF Christ facial plugin
3032s that adapts to whatever setting you have
3034s what we do recommend though is like
3037s don't touch your additional
3039s spatialization stuff like windows has a
3042s spatial sounds thing now some headphones
3045s come with this you know make seven one
3047s out of stereo this is all
3049s post-processing you can compare that
3051s with I don't know like a gamma tool
3053s which suddenly brightens your screen
3055s alright turning a video from like low
3058s quality right exactly that's just an
3060s overlay being processed on top because
3062s what our plugin does it takes the
3063s position from the game so between you
3066s and the position of the sound and uses
3068s that information from the game already
3070s to mimic how we how we hear instead
3073s right now how the human ear functions so
3076s if you're on top process like something
3078s in the post-processing on it it might
3080s sound a bit weird and I think that won't
3083s work anymore well go Graham I how it
3084s falls flat so so we that's why we say in
3087s the beginning and this is disclaimer
3088s best plate in stereo with a headphone
3092s because this is where it works best in
3094s our opinion because then cry spatial
3097s also uses all the filtering to make the
3100s sound different base with its front back
3103s left right and it's for the photo 7.1
3106s headset so yes you might um because if
3109s you if you use that virtual surround
3110s sound and but what your headset does or
3114s what Windows sound or Toby's surround
3117s what all these virtualizes do is
3119s basically they try to to tell the game
3123s or tell the application that you use
3124s that you actually have a 7.1 set up and
3127s if the game then sends like seven
3131s separate channels then your
3133s virtualization software can again
3135s simulate this binaural audio and it will
3139s do the same that cry specialist doing at
3141s the moment but if you try to do that on
3143s top of cry special then it basically
3145s destroys all the filtering this cry
3147s special did and you can't really tell
3149s where anything is coming from so if you
3150s have headphones which we highly
3152s recommend then just set them to stereo
3155s just use them just just use normal
3157s stereo headphones and you will probably
3159s have the best outcome and if you have a
3161s 5.1 or 7.1 set up then sure cry special
3164s can do that too actually you won't have
3167s be no realization because you don't have
3169s two channels anymore but the audio will
3172s just be mapped to the channels around
3173s you so yeah well you can you can use
3177s that with other programs all this
3178s visualization virtualization but hunt
3182s already has its own speaking of can tell
3185s where things are coming from my server
3186s up at one time I was playing and I
3188s usually have earbuds and had them
3190s reversed
3196s nothing there I'm hear them the other
3198s side I swear yeah did you record any
3206s sound or audio and by narrowness it made
3208s proneural through the plugin oh it's all
3210s it's all the all the least so all the
3212s plugins doing all that so the sounds are
3215s mostly mono so just one channel and then
3217s they gain getting mapped in the world
3219s and then spread accordingly yeah yeah I
3221s guess it wouldn't wouldn't really make
3222s sense to record anything in binaural I
3224s mean for movies for example it makes it
3227s a lot of sense because you can exactly
3229s control how the viewer or how the
3231s listener is actually or what he is
3233s listening to because in a movie you see
3235s a car coming from the right side going
3236s to the left side if you record that and
3237s binaural then it's perfect and you have
3240s exactly the sound for the picture you
3242s see but in the game we can't record
3244s binaural sound
3246s for each position that for example a
3248s grunt or footstep can have in the space
3250s that would be like 360 assets basically
3255s means how to sound is filtered based on
3258s the position of your head right and you
3261s as the player you move the head of your
3262s character all the time so we can't
3264s predict the sign sounds for that so this
3267s has to happen in real time in real time
3269s so that that's why it's actually plugin
3272s I saw one more person asking about 71 so
3277s if it works on same ones because and yes
3280s with 1.0 to update we mixed it on a 7.1
3284s setup so it definitely works on 7.1 you
3287s just have to make sure that if you have
3289s a 7.1 system your windows output is set
3293s to 7.1 and if you have just checked and
3296s you can check in the windows
3297s configuration mr. White's out and then
3301s you start hunt it will play awesome
3307s I also saw someone asked will there be
3309s new sounds or changes coming womp I know
3311s I mean if you play them des you probably
3313s would have heard already quite some new
3315s sounds and quite some changes I mean
3318s obviously we have some hunters which is
3320s already a lot of new sounds
3322s but yeah the whole mix like so when we
3327s were mixing me basically touching while
3329s we saw it in the in the wise project we
3331s basically went really through all the
3332s sounds and touching everything again
3334s making sure the metrics are fine that
3336s the your things are audible long enough
3338s then that yeah that caused some changes
3341s like for example the footsteps where all
3342s what worked a bit too you know to find a
3345s better middle ground between audibility
3347s if you sprint and then sneaking is even
3350s further quiet so it's more of a
3352s trade-off either I'm fast but then I'm
3354s loud versus I'm very well yeah very
3357s quiet but of course very slow I think
3360s that worked well we did a ton of
3362s adjustments on a super minor level like
3365s a DB up here and 2d beats down and it's
3367s yeah I don't even know how many changes
3370s they are looks a lot lots of bug fixes
3372s as well and bug fixes always there's
3374s always new stuff coming in also from
3376s life and
3377s we basically get on when we fix as much
3379s as possible yes I also see someone
3382s asking do you guys also work on the
3384s music well that's we can already say
3391s like yeah on the test you can already
3393s hear let's say the instrumental versions
3395s already in the menu we wanted to spice
3397s up the motivational part in the menu to
3400s have more variation in there so there is
3402s more instrumental music in there and
3405s then as someone writes music OST please
3408s yes it's on the way
3409s yeah we'll be available with Willie with
3412s the release so we are putting some
3414s response on a variety platforms I think
3418s and I can already say it's like I think
3420s Spotify the usual one biggest 150
3430s placards yeah so the music is finally
3433s coming I notice has been asked probably
3435s for the longest time I think I see audio
3438s like but where can I find some surprises
3456s who might have watched all deaf streams
3458s and all the little details about the
3460s teasers and everything you might have
3462s heard some parts of it but obviously not
3465s not in full song length so then they
3468s have to ask how was the humming theme
3470s who was involved in like how did that
3473s came to mind everybody was involved so
3476s that the originally the idea came came
3478s back from a weekend like okay we need to
3481s do the was the steam early access
3483s trailer I think and it was like okay we
3486s got three days or so - yeah for some
3488s things I was like and then it was it was
3492s just an idea to say you know iconic
3494s videogame music always grounded in in
3499s things you can easily hum so all the
3501s 8-bit tunes is something you can you
3503s know that's why it sticks in your head
3504s because it's like a very simple melody
3506s you can actually have them so we brought
3508s it to the next level thing like hey why
3510s not humming in the first place
3511s and then the idea it created a picture
3514s because we are thinking like yeah that's
3515s just the hunters you know in the evening
3517s they been hunting the all day now they
3520s just sit at the campfire neighbors are
3522s and then and then you've got it got out
3525s of control because it went super fast
3526s that we all you know we've kept our
3528s video guys and said okay we need to stop
3530s the clap so we all stomped clapped and
3532s then everybody was in front of the mic
3534s doing home mmm in various versions and
3537s tones and then Jonas did a great job on
3539s mixing that all together in this like
3541s epic humming nests it is right now and
3544s we had a lot of fun it's out of tune
3563s yeah we were actually quite surprised
3567s and happy to see that people liked it so
3569s much and in some way based on coming
3585s because it's it's set a mood for
3588s everything and I think some sounds
3591s needed you to storm or humming in some
3594s other form that was fun
3601s I'm curious that reoccurs is it harder
3604s to make songs or is it hard to make the
3606s audio for the for example for monsters
3608s or hunters and well I guess it depends
3618s well I would say both has has the
3621s channel it's both us challenging in a
3623s different way in a different way because
3624s making a sound will Creek you know that
3627s some sort of grunt sound you just go on
3628s a mic and like this and it's like okay
3631s there you go you have your you have your
3632s grunt sound but maybe that's not very
3634s interesting or not very iconic and then
3636s you start playing around with and the
3638s same thing with music of course we can
3639s sit down and just - Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim
3641s - look
3643s Wow but I don't know whether it's music
3644s you get excited about so and then it's
3647s really this this this well working with
3649s it and then playing it for tobacco yes I
3652s think one thing that actually sometimes
3655s if if you are not that way of it
3657s what makes monster sounds and games
3661s really difficult to not only have to
3664s decide upon stuff so it sounds unique
3665s and dangerous but you then also have to
3668s make it work in the game yeah you know
3671s for example the assassin is like this
3673s Nikki pile of box but you have to hear
3675s him a hundred meters pirate for game
3677s play music oh yeah oh I just have a
3682s grunt sound good in 50 meters but also
3684s good when he's screaming right at your
3686s face actually what what I think players
3689s or what what you take for granted when
3691s you play it because you just don't think
3692s about it actually takes a lot of time to
3696s get right after you have all the design
3698s done it's a lot of iteration and coming
3701s for some bang saying okay well and or
3703s for example and similar with a few
3705s sounds for example it's it's also a
3707s tricky one because that sound react like
3710s that's very quiet sound it's like you
3713s don't hear that very far but of course
3715s from a game of a nice home game the
3718s reason everybody says like I want to
3719s hear 200 meters if someone Prime's it's
3721s like rightly so but it's very tough to
3723s find the sweet spot there between well
3726s yeah between feedback and and the
3728s emergent right okay so one thing that's
3729s really real on the other hand you want
3731s to of course hear that sound and because
3734s it's so important for gameplay reasons
3735s that you hear that someone Prime's
3736s something so yeah it's a sometimes I'd
3740s rather have I don't know not a few sound
3741s but something like a big mechanical
3742s machine like that would that would help
3746s a lot on that but yeah but that's okay
3749s that's fine and sour challenges on our
3751s daily basis it's and what was for you
3753s guys individually the most fun thing you
3755s worked on for the game so far could be
3758s anything convinced song could be a sound
3760s to be I mean if I start i iive honestiy
3765s have two things first was the spider
3766s because I just had so much fun
3768s it was the first boss I made and then I
3771s still remember when we released in the
3775s early access on Steam we had a launch
3777s party where we watch people playing on
3779s the monitor and was so funny to see
3781s people freaked out
3785s I think the spire cells is still the
3786s scariest boss for most people because
3788s it's so fast and scare isn't like a lot
3790s of people have arachnophobia sills so
3792s yeah and the other part for me really is
3796s the whole dark side stuff because I have
3798s a lot of fun - silently small magical or
3801s mysterious sounds and yeah all the clues
3804s and sound here when you go into oxide
3807s and try to find one was a lot of fun I
3812s think for me really the most fun was was
3816s indeed like you know the humming semen
3817s or the whole musical part because it was
3819s really born out of this like necessity
3821s in this very short amount of time and
3823s then suddenly it was like yeah Nicolette
3826s sing like oh yeah I can write some more
3828s lyrics and then suddenly we had a second
3830s song and a third song and it just
3832s started to fall then was like oh yeah
3835s sure yeah and then like Jonah's like AI
3837s can add some piano here that Dominic
3839s came in like oh yeah I bring my drum so
3841s it just it just was just record
3843s everything
3848s well that Kings are there yeah and of
3854s course then having and then senior
3855s colleagues sitting there like I don't
3858s know a particle artist and then once in
3862s a while he's just like no kind of oh I
3865s think we did something cool there
3867s because he doesn't even realize that yes
3868s yeah humming whistling the Lissie I
3871s think a humming theme turned out really
3872s well like I mean consider how fast you
3874s guys did it but I still see that so many
3877s times gone by like people are just
3879s talking about it or like humming it like
3881s unknowingly just never leaves yeah
3884s really fun and for you well actually I
3890s think the concertina pump when you throw
3893s that in primate that's one of my
3894s favorite sounds because not before it
3897s explodes you have that
3898s when I'm you have the explosion and
3900s those really really mechanical sounds
3903s very similar sound is the sticky bump
3906s when you take it out and your whole set
3908s again you have all these little spikes
3909s that just fold out and that sounds very
3912s satisfying but also what actually
3915s chattiest working on the whole HRT our
3917s staff developing the whole technology
3921s behind that that was financial yeah
3925s translational like a like a youth okay
3928s let's see what other questions do you
3931s guys have on audio let me see sound I
3938s mean I see the concertina sounds great
3943s let me see please get the questions out
3947s here later so we can read it can we get
3948s the audio indicator for full running
3950s stamina back like was there nice breath
3953s you know you're back to full running
3956s stomach isolate did you remove the sound
3959s there too I think we might have turned
3966s it quiet on a string as well who is the
3974s file is and a new song I mean in all
3977s songs me to a combination of stuff so
3980s some things we play ourselves some
3982s things we play MIDI instruments fakie
3992s boy playing the pilot it was a fake
3995s keyboard guys that was a let me see if
4002s we have more audio questions what these
4004s two plugins to use I mean all of them
4009s pretty specific questions but we can
4012s answer it I mean for tech guys who don't
4015s know that you see plugins are plugins
4017s you used in your audio software to
4019s mangle all sounds and I mean we are all
4022s using the memo from sniper sniper
4025s it's a post-production software you can
4028s use out in the video with the spider
4030s where you lay out the sounds
4031s and then I think each of us has some
4034s favorite plugins like reverb or just
4036s washing or mm-hmm stuff we had on top of
4039s it to basically mangle the Salander in a
4041s different direction yeah that's a good
4045s boy yeah if you guys ever thought about
4047s creating refers your audio traps
4049s crackers that go quiet when people are
4050s near but about when no one is there was
4052s also a suggestion that in the steam
4054s forums back then I I kind of liked the
4056s idea that if you know across a field and
4058s everything it was quiet and it just got
4060s too complicated that because it would
4062s mean we have to have all these different
4063s environmental sounds then related to
4067s player distance and as soon as there's a
4069s player and the way we have to turn it
4071s down it's just means we have to change a
4072s lot of things and also design was very
4075s skeptical about that because they were
4077s saying hey wait a minute then suddenly
4079s everybody's just like listening our it's
4081s you know as soon as things get quiet you
4083s know someone is near so it's a little
4086s trade-off and I think just too
4087s complicated to do at the moment okay I
4090s saw also that some people asked which
4093s which I had said you guys use
4097s specifically so you guys can hear or
4099s they could hear it exactly the same you
4101s guys well we saw the thing is like we of
4104s course testing on various headsets and
4105s recently at some 2.95 your butt's to
4109s just test we were usually using audio
4113s specific ones it's called the the by a
4114s dynamic DT 770 it's just very big if
4119s like confident on yeah but it's not a
4121s headset and then but these are also well
4124s they they also exist as a headset but
4125s it's just an example of like it's a 150
4127s euro type that's a headphone which i
4133s think is fair enough
4133s right you might you guys spend a lot of
4135s money on your hardware regarding graphic
4138s card monitors etc etc it's like a
4140s thousand bucks easily and then like oh
4143s yeah but i listened to it with $10
4146s headphones you know that's a bit unfair
4149s I mean what a fancy your ears yeah why
4152s not you know it's it's it's it's at
4154s least you can consider it yeah I mean we
4156s we try to make the sound good as many
4160s different things as possible so we mix
4162s on big speakers we mix on small speakers
4165s when
4165s on more expensive and more crappy
4168s headphones but yeah if if you want to
4171s have a good sound you have to invest a
4173s bit of money like that you can hear all
4175s the frequencies as low in guess each of
4179s each or every fairly decent stereo
4183s headset or stereo headphones or what I
4186s like to use at home is just um in your
4188s monitors like you would you stand on
4189s stage um that works very well let me see
4212s already still I will would there ever be
4213s whistle in the games of sample okay I
4216s don't want to I don't want to over
4217s promise but I haven't have a task in my
4220s huge backlog of things we want to try
4222s out which is like can we experiment with
4225s let's say communicating between hunters
4227s which is maybe the non-verbal one so
4230s that goes like you know or like of
4234s course you know we have female hunters
4239s and male hunters you know and maybe two
4242s male hunters so no it's not seriously
4245s it's like we we have been thinking about
4247s whether that's an option and obviously
4248s it would be super cool to lure enemies
4250s right did you say made me dead without
4252s saying that okay and then you just draw
4256s attention you know can control the eye
4258s but it's again it's more difficult than
4261s just have the sound because you didn't
4262s need the emitter it has to be you know
4264s passed on to all the eye they have to
4266s react to you what happens if you have
4267s multiple hunter teams again it's like
4270s something to investigate but nothing I
4272s would like to promise I mean in general
4275s wheel so I'm working on potentially
4277s having multiple different voices for you
4279s yeah so so why but I heard that you know
4282s the new male ones are being like not
4285s perceived perfect by everyone and and I
4289s can understand well like well it's a I
4290s totally underestimated when making that
4293s call to change it that everybody was so
4295s married to the to the old male one
4298s the reason we changed it originally and
4301s hasn't changed it's like we knew females
4303s were coming they come with a much wider
4305s variety we had to match mail to it
4308s that's where it all came from then we
4311s notice that the death sound was
4313s something everybody was really with
4315s missing so they'd know back in the old
4317s style and but again the reason why we
4320s changed is primarily to offer more sets
4322s moving forward so that means you know we
4325s can play trios now right so you can have
4327s three males per team and at the moment
4329s everybody has the same set so it's like
4331s twin brother like everybody's like sound
4333s exactly the same even though there are
4335s variations so moving forward we won't
4338s have more sets in general and then yes
4342s and then we don't exactly know whether
4343s we go by tier right based on the tier
4346s you get a different set whether it's
4347s just randomly assigned based on
4349s recruiting that's something we have to
4351s figure out but moving forward at least
4353s having three male and three female would
4355s be would be something to aim for first
4358s and then let's see we can take it from
4360s there maybe do even a little contest
4363s where we say best impression can do a
4366s set
4367s [Laughter]
4371s I mean we did we did it early early
4373s early on back today we did a grunt
4375s contest yeah and it was a good that was
4378s a good thing because it it was a lot of
4380s fun too it was really fun I some of the
4384s weirdest weirdest noises I was pretty
4396s surprised okay let's do one or two more
4398s questions and please audio questions
4400s only
4402s are you currently happy with the current
4404s sound levels of footsteps going back
4406s after a break and I found the footsteps
4408s to be rather loud they don't size
4409s naturally where someone actually is
4411s walking or running so in fairness so we
4413s did the mix and we're all sitting there
4415s and then so Dennis came down to the auto
4419s mixing stage and we spend a fair hour I
4421s think to just you know walk forth and
4423s back and and he was pretty happy with we
4426s were pretty happy with and then so far I
4429s think I heard one or two threats I read
4432s where people say hmm it has changed true
4434s it is running is now a little bit
4437s further audible than it was before the
4439s whole steps have been you know
4440s completely re-exported so they new
4442s assets sometimes and also you know a
4444s little different sounding wood etc so
4447s there's maybe some learning curve
4449s in comparison to the existing and but
4452s it's not totally new right and then of
4455s course we do some adjustments like metal
4456s was super loud and other things but too
4458s quiet so there has been a little
4459s adjustments but overall I saw our
4462s quality guys so everybody was playing a
4464s lot in our company as well as on beyond
4466s the test server and I had it yeah so
4471s never say never we might change it if
4472s people complain and say that's not
4474s working out but so far it was pretty
4476s happy and I received rather positive
4478s feedback like people saying like it's
4480s yeah much better now you can you can
4482s clearly pinpoint I was it was it Archy
4485s or some some streamers like he was
4487s shooting two guys should I just
4489s listening to the footsteps through a
4491s wall I was like whoa our binaural really
4494s works in combination with the distance
4495s so I mean the footsteps are really
4498s tricky because any change
4500s players noticed instantly yeah and we
4504s get a lot of we get community reports we
4507s check ourselves and when we change the
4509s footsteps for some it's too quiet
4511s yeah depends if you get killed and you
4515s didn't hear the guy then you might want
4517s them louder you get killed because he
4519s heard you you might want to quite so
4521s it's kind of tricky but we definitely
4522s listen to all feedback and if the
4525s community says it's too loud we will I
4529s mean it's actually hard to just hit that
4532s spot between you don't you don't want
4534s them perfectly realistic don't want them
4536s only to be there for for game design but
4540s you actually want to give people a good
4542s feeling that are listening for that
4544s stuff and you want to also give people a
4547s small disadvantage if they are just loud
4549s and running everywhere so they don't
4551s hear everything and so you have to hit
4553s that spot between the realism and the
4554s readability that's for the game yes it's
4557s supporting the game design and the
4559s choices you know that like yeah faster
4562s loud quiet and sneaky I mean in general
4564s it's always like the difficult thing
4566s finding a balance between the two
4567s because obviously it is still a game and
4569s well obviously they might not sound as
4572s loud in real life
4575s would there be a possibility for a trade
4577s that would reduce but not remove the
4579s sound of walking crouching footsteps on
4581s glass or it's metal roofs roofs and
4584s wooden heartful well I would imagine
4587s this is like something where you wear
4588s your shoes getting I don't know you have
4590s some cloth around your shoes which men
4593s dampen it ooh yes what possible problem
4598s with it is though is it's so all games
4602s do that the silent footstep perk and
4605s it's so powerful that once you have it
4608s you need it it's like because such a big
4611s advantage and I think that's by Dennis
4614s and the designers have said like we
4616s maybe want don't want to go as far
4618s because footsteps and the information
4620s about player position is so important
4622s that once you have that perk everybody
4623s needs it right otherwise you have really
4627s really big disadvantage so I would
4629s probably say no to that
4631s exactly already audio in east accent
4634s hunt maybe hmm
4638s possibly but I'm sure perhaps okay uh
4645s yeah thank you guys so much for
4646s answering all the questions they're
4648s asking questions and explaining a little
4651s bit more about audios if you missed it
4653s the songs are gonna come with full lunch
4656s on the biggest harder than five
4659s streaming platforms in the world only
4661s 105 I know it's a look a little low but
4665s I guess go find one I'm sure you'll be
4668s able to find one yeah exactly and then
4670s you guys can enjoy the music wherever
4673s you are and don't forget with the rumble
4676s now being very quiet you can also crank
4678s up the music slider again otherwise you
4680s won't hear the music which music is glad
4682s listen to the gramophone and play the
4686s gramophone yeah are we gonna get how
4688s often you guys changing music on the
4690s gramophones oh we have we have special
4693s pieces for example for Christmas stuff
4696s like that um
4697s and with the new songs out there we
4699s might you know sneak them into the game
4700s as well well thank you guys so much for
4706s joining us again
4709s and obviously don't forget to give
4710s feedback if you ever have them because
4712s they are reading all your all your
4714s feedback for things to see you they see
4717s and hear you okay so thank you guys have
4721s a good day and we'll see you guys next
4723s time also another news before I forget
4725s next week is Gamescom week and you'll be
4729s able to play hunt on xbox there at the
4731s coffe mania booth and hall 9 will be
4734s there and definitely come by and it is a
4738s new new build so new stuff and the new
4741s stuff is also coming very soon with
4744s update 1.0 coming on live from 27th and
4748s a bit earlier so PC cannot retry or
4751s pre-release candidate on the 19th so
4754s check out the test server yeah because
4757s we have all the good stuff there so we
4760s hope to see some of you next week and
4761s it's gone a demeans
4763s no restraint but yeah come check us out
4766s have a good day cool yeah
4777s [Music]
4788s [Music]