Transcript (by Youtube)

4s Hello, I'm Dennis Schwartz, design director for Hunt: Showdown.
6s Today we are going to talk about our design goals
8s for some of the subtle and substantial
10s game mechanics changing with our August launch.
12s We will be touching on trait changes, reducing stalemates as well as changes
16s to our gunplay formula.
21s Let us start easy.
22s We are bringing back witness
23s as a regular trait for everyone to equip, and a menu for five upgrade points.
27s Witness allows you to see nearby dead hunters and recently deceased
30s monsters in Dark Side.
31s We are reorganizing the existing trait categories
34s for a more interesting mix of traits and how players can acquire them.
37s No longer are there only regular and burn traits instead.
40s Some traits will get the burn or scarce, attributes or both.
48s Scarce traits can only be
49s found in the world and cannot be equipped from the menu with upgrade points.
53s Shadow and the returning Shadow Leap are both examples of scarce
56s traits that are not burn traits
57s remain on your hunter until you defeated or failed to extract safely.
61s Shadow leap has been adjusted to no longer work for leaping intermediates as a balancing note.
65s Most of our existing burn traits are now both burn and scarce traits,
69s keeping them consistent with how they work.
71s So far, rare to find and short
72s lived being consumed after a fulfilled and special purpose.
75s However, we have adjusted some of the stack sizes.
78s For example, you can now only keep
79s a single instance of death cheat on your hunter at a time.
82s While remedy, Relentless and Rampage can still be held up to three times each.
90s This leads us to
91s our first newly modified trait necromancer.
94s Necromancer is now a single use burn trait with a stack size of one,
98s which costs four upgrade points.
100s It also no longer drains your health when attempting to revive a downed teammate.
104s What does this mean for solo hunters?
106s Solo hunters using necromancer receive a single restoration of all their health
109s chunks as they get back up, but they can only attempt to get up
112s a single time as necromancers now burned on use to cooldown for self
116s revive has been reduced slightly as a balancing step.
123s Over the last year, we have introduced more ways
125s for players to get back into the fight after being downed.
127s These changes have had a positive impact overall, but have also introduced
131s many points of frustration and contributed to stalemate situations.
134s Having reflected on your feedback and the available data.
137s We're making adjustments to burning and revive mechanics to reduce stalemates
140s and bring more decisive closure to player versus player fights.
143s The previously mentioned adjustments to necromancer
145s sit at the heart
146s of this change in direction, and are complemented
148s by a much faster burn rate to fully burn out the downed Hunter.
151s We appreciate and want to emphasize the play
153s and counterplay of burning and choke effects.
156s We now have choke bombs, beetles and bolts available for players for tactical use,
160s but we are limiting the duration of choke allowance to half the previous duration.
164s This is a deliberate change to reduce the two minutes of
166s just waiting out the choke load before making the next counter move in the fight.
169s We are aware of the controversy surrounding everything to do
172s with reviving, restoring, burning, choking, and generally
175s stalling out the player versus player fights.
177s Our core philosophy here is to provide mechanics for capitalizing
180s on the advantage of taking down 1 or 2 members of an opposing team,
184s but still have room for clutch counter play and tactics to get your own team
187s back in the fight without dragging out into overly long waiting games.
192s As always, we ask you to keep an open mind to the changes and look forward
195s to seeing how loadouts, tactics, and fight times play out in live environment,
200s as well as survey opinions collected as we go forward.
206s Moving onto gameplay topics, we are happy to announce that the center
209s crosshair will be available as the default setting for new players.
213s A lower crosshair option
214s remains available for players who prefer or more accustomed to that position.
217s The lack of a center crosshair has long been cited as a barrier to entry
221s for players transitioning from other first person shooters into hunt.
224s And with the August launch, will now be available for them to consider
227s trying hand again, as well as to more effectively on board players.
230s Joining us for the first time.
234s We are
235s applying a subtle drop to projectiles at longer distances based on ammo types
239s and weapon characteristics, such as action type and barrel lengths.
242s At extreme ranges, players will now require a bit
244s more skill, judgment, and timing to land those perfect shots.
248s While it becomes
248s harder to hit the target range, we are also ensuring that any headshot
252s will always be lethal at every range, making those kills even more rewarding.
257s This notable change greatly mixes up weapon balance and the established meta,
261s and we cannot be more excited for you to try all this out yourselves in August.
264s While we expect speculation, opinions run rampant with this news can be assured.
269s Sentiments, data and surveys will always be the key
272s measures we'll look at when considering the best course of action.
276s We will be back soon with more topics around our big August launch.
279s Follow our social channels for new videos and updates.
282s See you soon!