13 days ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s Hi, I'm
4s David Fifield, the general manager for the Hunt franchise.
7s Today we're going to run you through some highlights of our new user
10s interface.
15s Overall,
15s we are always striving to improve based on community sentiment,
18s survey results, engagement data, and our own long hours of play.
22s To put it plainly, our old system grew in incremental steps out of short-
26s term necessity and rapid update, repair, and repeat cycles.
29s Over time, it's become less intuitive and more complicated and overwhelming
33s for new players to engage and learn.
35s Redundant pages and scattered frameworks
37s changing from one screen to the next have been showing their age for a while.
40s The need to streamline that process into something
43s that feels easier and more natural to navigate was important to us.
50s We are committed to creating an experience that is accessible
53s and more intuitive for all our players across PC and console platforms.
57s Since Hunt: Showdown was originally designed for and launched on PC,
61s there have been clear challenges in place from the beginning for console players.
64s Addressing these issues has been the biggest goal overall.
67s Another important point was to remove or pause features that have not added
71s enough value to make room for reworks and new functionality.
74s Crafting a scalable UI framework that facilitates growth
77s with consistent control and navigation has been central to the rework.
85s To better service the console player base,
87s we prioritize the minimalist approach.
89s Key screens are built on
90s proven and tested patterns from other cross-platform apps and products.
94s This new version offers
95s a more consistent navigation experience and better information architecture.
100s Overall, the most important change has been the removal of the console cursor.
104s Directional pad navigation replaces the stick-driven cursor of the old UI.
108s You are now able to navigate the entirety of all available options with the up,
112s down, left, and right buttons or directional keys.
115s We've also added an actions menu tray, so controller players have access
120s to shortcuts and actions more readily without a need to point and click.
123s PC players can use directional keys, shortcuts, or just use the cursor
127s and mouse click to access whatever components they want.
130s Additionally, we're refining the visual presentation
133s to better showcase hunters' gear and stats.
136s Everything is better tied together and more consistent for
139s a less confusing experience.
144s As mentioned before, part of the process of this
146s rebuild was to identify which features should be removed
150s not just from the interface, but from the product altogether.
153s The first to discuss is Questlines, which have already been paused
156s since the spring of last year.
158s While promising at first, they were too expensive to maintain
161s and trailed off into dormancy in favor of events and battle passes.
164s Experiments are being considered
166s for smaller challenges and chase items that run in parallel or between events,
170s but we will not be returning to the old Questlines layout or systems.
175s The second is the entire Library tab, which includes
178s the monster and weapon books along with mastery tracking systems.
181s We are working on replacement systems for progress
183s tracking or rewards related to weapons and monsters,
186s but those will not be online for the August launch.
190s The next feature being
191s removed from both the UI and the entire product is Trials Mode.
195s Over the years,
196s Trials Mode has seen very low engagement rates and has even been tracked in data
200s as a contributing factor for players quitting the game completely.
203s The bespoke rewards for cosmetics and blood bonds that exist in Trials
206s Mode are being reassigned to other progression-based challenges,
210s such as prestige or other challenges yet to be revealed.
214s And last on the cut list is the Black Market feature.
217s While the Black Market provided some interesting alternatives
220s to acquire deeply discounted cosmetics, it has been found to be
223s too confusing and more of a bother than a quality feature.
226s In its place,
227s we will simply put more items on discount through the Direct Store page,
230s which can be more easily found by filtering for discounts
233s without the added gate of a sequential list.
240s Now let's dive into some of the new features that you can look forward to.
243s To start, we've simplified hunter recruitment
245s and roster management based on volumes of player feedback.
249s The recruitment process itself is being more unified, with a clear choice
253s to either recruit
254s a free hunter with a single trait and some basic contraband weapons,
257s or pay 100 Hunt Dollars to hire a more veteran hunter with three traits
261s and no weapons.
262s A host of hunter skins previously recruited at tier 2 or 3,
266s and many new and reworked versions, are now being given bespoke names
270s and will function in the same way current Legendary Hunters do.
273s These newly named and updated hunters can be unlocked for recruitment via
277s Bloodline and Prestige rewards, specific challenges, and Blood Bond purchase.
281s Once unlocked, they can be hired and rehired for Hunt Dollars
284s with the same systems in place for the current Legendary Hunters,
288s which are being reclassified as just hunters
290s with varying degrees of rarity and visual complexity.
294s The new UI features both a simple carousel and grid view, which allows for 39
299s hunters to be shown at the same time, as well as scrolling for larger rosters.
303s The traits menu has been improved by allowing more traits to be visible
307s in a grid view.
308s With all trait icons now consistently displayed with the option of favoriting
312s your preferred traits, some new mechanics and a glossary are being developed
316s to better explain classification of traits such as burn traits and scarce traits.
321s Dennis will be back in another video with more details on these
324s in the coming weeks.
325s As mentioned earlier,
326s the long-requested filter for favoriting is being carried across more menus.
330s This greatly speeds up finding and selecting
332s your favorite hunters, traits, gear, and loadouts quickly.
336s Our new store will make
337s browsing for new cosmetics smoother, with neatly contained sections and filters
341s so that you can find what you're looking for more quickly.
349s For added
349s convenience, our new actions menu flyout provides quick access
353s to critical features for both PC and console players.
357s It reduces the number of clicks and button pushes
359s needed to get where you're wanting to go, or take actions on selected items.
363s Great care has been taken to enhance the visual design, highlighting
366s the game's art and reducing overall UI complexity.
375s And lastly, for today, we've implemented a new health bar respec.
379s Since we removed any Blood Bond task to respec the health bar,
382s as the feature has been used exponentially more often, the clear pain point
386s of having to confirm each bar as you respec them has been corrected.
390s The further common request of being able to just pre-configure them
393s for all recruited hunters is not yet available,
395s but is being considered for the future.
400s We can't wait
400s for you all to experience the new UI for yourselves.
403s We sincerely hope it is a substantial improvement,
406s especially for our console players who've long endured
408s the awkwardness of driving a cursor with a gamepad controller.
412s We've got plenty more new information to share in the coming weeks,
415s so keep an eye out for more video and social channel updates.