over 2 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so hey everyone and we have a very
2s special video for you today where we
4s actually received this box from mr
7s cherry i think actually
9s it seems like it came from youtube so
11s let's open it up together and see what's
13s in the box what's in the box
17s i can open it up because this seems very
19s complicated and i'll probably ruin the
20s bubble
22s yes
24s okay so let's take the first look
26s we have a special letter
29s so i'll just uh
30s if you want to pause it and read it you
32s can do so this is just basically youtube
34s saying thank you from susan herself who
36s is the ceo of youtube so thank you susan
38s i'm glad you are also supporting han
40s shodhan and krytak and
44s the
46s rarest or the rarest
48s silver play button for hans showdown
50s presented by youtube for 100 000
52s subscribers it's really pretty actually
54s the hunt youtube channel has reached
56s hundreds of thousand subscribers but
58s also our twitter channel reached hundred
60s thousand as well our tick tock channel
62s just passed twenty thousand so make sure
64s to follow us on tick tock because we
65s have some awesome content coming up
67s there too we also have almost 200 000 on
71s facebook so we would appreciate if you
73s followed us there and also all on our
74s local channels and everywhere else but
77s we are mostly very thankful for the
79s youtube channel and the hundred thousand
81s followers and also we want to shout out
83s our awesome creative services team again
85s who is helping us here today the audi
87s team as well we couldn't have done it
89s without them all the amazing trailers
91s all the cinematics that we've been
92s having over the years it's just really
94s amazing and we will also have a lot more
96s streams and videos for you in the making
98s so let's put this awesome award into our
100s other awards which are all for their cry
103s attack games that includes crisis ryzen
105s from our vr games and obviously han
108s showdown now so
110s it will be here forever
114s hopefully in the next years maybe we can
116s get to 1 million subscribers 10 million
118s or 100 million you know and then we can
120s have a diamond one and a red one and a
122s gold one as well and this whole place
124s will be covered in youtube awards but
125s again thank you guys thank you for being
127s with the hunt team thank you for
128s following our game and we are looking
130s forward to the new content and looking
132s forward to seeing you in the bayou so
134s bye hunters and happy