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Today we would like to share some insights into Bounty Clash and our future plans around the game mode. We launched Bounty Clash with the intention of providing a smaller scale, faster paced experience to those looking for a change of pace from Bounty Hunt. Initially the launch was experimental, with minimal content, but it was a huge hit with players around the world.
Ever since, we have been closely monitoring your feedback and available data to make improvements to the mode. With Bounty Clash quickly becoming a fan-favorite, here’s a little more detail on where the mode currently stands, and where we'd like to take it going forward:
Current Status and Issues:
Bounty Clash is doing well, and support for it will continue into 2025.
Around a third of active players are playing it on any given day, which is a very healthy number for a secondary game mode.
Overall, player feedback has been exceedingly positive, but there are still some shortfalls around rewards, compounds, and more that we’re looking to address to make Bounty Clash even stronger.
On launch, the mode offered too few rewards for extracting with the Bounty Token. We've since taken steps to remedy this, by granting bonuses to solo and duo players for extraction as well as a flat Bounty Bonus to the token itself.
We have noted a positive impact since improving the offering and have been satisfied with the effects of these changes so far. As always, we are continuing to monitor your feedback and game analytics data to tweak Bounty rewards if necessary.
Compound Variety
Bounty Clash only offers a limited number of compounds to play on, which can get repetitive—especially for those who play a lot of Clash.
We are focusing on adding compounds that offer the best experience for the mode's balance and requirements. We're keenly aware of this issue and will continue adding more compounds to the Bounty Clash pool regularly, as well as curating the existing list of compounds based on your feedback.
MMR and Stat Separation
We're aware of the issues and frustrations that arise from Bounty Clash's stats and MMR being shared with Bounty Hunt, and are working on solutions for both. We will share more on this when we can.
Upcoming changes
In addition to working on the above topics, we'll also be making some balance changes to Bounty Clash in the near future:
- The maximum number of teams in Bounty Clash will be reduced from 5 to 4.
- The maximum number of players in Bounty Clash will be reduced from 12 to 9.
We are experimenting with slightly reducing the chaos factor of Clash by reducing the number of players in one lobby. With this change, we hope to promote more thoughtful gameplay and improve the experience for smaller team sizes.
Interesting Fact
A bonus factoid for you all: If you’ve ever wondered what the top-used weapons are in Bounty Clash to inform your future loadouts, we’ve gathered the top 10 for you below!
- Scottfield
- Romero 77
- Nagant M1895
- Conversion Pistol
- Frontier 73C
- Bow
- Centennial
- 1865 Carbine
- Springfield 1866
- Sparks LRR
As ever, your thoughts and feedback will be key in driving the direction of mode—please share it with us!