over 2 years ago - Cry_Ari - Direct link

As we progress through the development of the game, we will be performing a number of testing phases aimed at testing/refining the content and updates we want to bring to Hunt: Showdown in the future. This means that prior to us releasing new content (either hotfixes, content patches, or performance updates) we will run a test phase to verify that this update will have the intended results.

Through each of these phases, we will create a specific sub-forum dedicated to that phase (like this sub forum for example) where you can provide us with your feedback and bug reports from your time in-game. We would ask that if you create topics in this section, please ensure it is ONLY about the current test phase. If you wish to discuss future improvements, or ideas relating to possible content then we would ask that you stick with the standard Hunt forums here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/594650/discussions/8/

Some tips on providing feedback:
· If you are giving details of performance increases, for example, make sure to include references such as details from your resource manager (CPU, memory, and GPU usage) and try to give a comparison between the test server and the main game.

· If you encounter a bug, make sure to note exactly on the map where it occurred and try to include any video or screenshots to assist with any investigations that may be required. The more detail we have the easier it will be to investigate and resolve the matter

· Keep it constructive. The purpose of the test server and the forums is to gather feedback. It is not a place to come if you want to troll, flame/bait, attack or insult other members of the community. As always the Steam discussion rules apply. Those that cannot follow these rules will be removed from the test server forums and you will no longer be able to provide feedback through this channel. (we don't want this so please stick to the rules)

Any discussions that do not keep within these guidelines will be closed without warning.

For any technical support-related queries please contact our support team @ https://www.huntshowdown.com/ > Button in the bottom right > "Please Log In for Support"

As always, we would like to thank you all for your participation in our test server. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

~The Hunt Team

Patch Notes: