over 1 year ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s welcome back Hunters to the last part of
5s our developer deep dive video into
7s Devil's moon today we'll be talking
8s about progression please check out our
10s previous videos where we talked about
12s the gameplay changes as well as the
14s highlights of the event please make sure
16s to follow us on all the social media
17s channels and subscribe to our YouTube
19s channel to get all the latest updates
21s regarding hunt and today I'm joined by
24s Anton who will drive us to all the
27s progression changes in this event hey
29s Anton how are you today I'm doing good
30s and you I'm good too and I'm very
32s excited to talk about all the
33s progression changes now so let's dive
35s into it three main reasons why we
37s decided to implement a new system the
39s first thing is that when we released
42s summons it was you know like something
44s new for us so we were experimenting with
46s this a little bit but then we found out
49s that this system had some very
53s significant issues I would say players
56s had to pick up all of this summons
58s before they go to the mission that was
60s you know very time consuming assuming
62s the second thing or when we released
63s questline system it actually received a
66s very positive feedback and we also
68s noticed some significant changes in meta
70s people started to use different types of
72s weapons and the third reason was that
75s our previous event the serpent moon
77s event some people considered that orbit
79s too grindy and we had to find a way how
82s to keep people entertained for a long
86s period of time but not make the event
89s too grindy because it was you know
91s somewhat exhausting to earn that many of
94s event points basically we combined all
96s of these three issues together and we
98s implemented a new challenges system it
100s is somewhat similar to summons and the
103s quest lines that we had in the past
105s however we added a few improvements in
107s there to make the gameplay process a bit
110s more smooth easier for our players so
114s they don't have to like constantly
115s switch between different tasks since
117s players don't have to pick up the
120s specific one they can just go to the
122s mission and complete all of them after
124s you complete the challenge you can get
126s one or two Stars based on the difficulty
129s of the challenge could you tell us what
131s kind of challenges they can expect like
132s what different kinds of challenges we
134s are going to have four different pools
137s with tasks like innie or PVP so they can
140s be like something to explore or some
143s skill based tasks like make a hedgehog
145s for example so players are used to
146s collecting stars with completing summons
148s or a quest now challenges could you tell
151s us how the progression exactly works and
153s how does it tie into the event
154s progression as well these Stars they are
157s going to the special progression and
159s there are some specific Milestones on
162s this progression and when you reach the
164s certain Milestone you can get a reward
167s the main thing for these challenge
169s system our players can actually earn
171s quite a lot of event points what happens
174s when they complete all those challenges
175s or when do these reshuffle or change
177s these challenges are reshuffled and the
181s whole progress is reset so you can
183s repeat that action the next week to earn
186s even more event points however for the
188s rewards progression within this
190s Challenger system there is a limit you
193s can earn up to 30 stars during the week
196s what kind of battle passes can players
198s expect this time around three different
200s types which is combined into the one
203s progression 50 levels the battle pass
205s will include even more legendary rewards
207s as well as more weapon charms and one
210s unique legendary skin the battle pass
213s will also unlock a special milestone for
217s the challenge within the Challenger
219s system you will have additional
221s Milestone which will give you even more
223s event points it's better to purchase the
225s battle pass within the very first week
227s because by doing this you can earn this
230s additional event points from this
231s special Milestone beside that the battle
234s pass will also give you the access to
236s the exclusive serpent Moon weapon charm
239s which is related to our previous event
242s also we have a premium battle pass the
245s premium battle pass works very similar
247s to The Standard one but it also gives
251s you additional 10 levels for your
253s progression with a quite significant
255s discount so the new battle pass sounds
257s really great and especially that we have
259s so many rewards this time please watch
261s our gameplay changes video where we went
263s into detail about the three new weapon
265s variants the one new weapon the crack
267s rifle as well as all the new custom ammo
269s let's say for the bomb guns the steel
271s ball is super cool but there's even more
273s so please check that video out to learn
275s about all that but could you tell us
277s about a bit more about the legendary
278s side of rewards what are those there are
281s two unique legendary Hunters which are
284s connected to the story nine new
287s legendary skins for uh different weapons
290s and tools and consumables as well last
292s but not least we are going to have six
295s new weapon charms so you already talked
297s about a few ways higher players can earn
299s extra event points or complete the event
301s quicker but could you tell us a bit more
303s about the boosters or what options there
305s are for players this time around you can
307s visit the event store and purchase one
309s or ten levels however we have quite a
313s lot of different stuff that will help
315s you to speed up your process just by
318s playing the game if you purchase the
320s battle pass then you can have the
322s additional milestone for the progression
324s that will give you additional 900 event
326s points just by earning three stars with
330s the challenges the second thing is this
333s time we're going to have our usual
335s contracts but since we implemented this
338s new Challenger system and you can earn a
340s lot of event points from there but you
342s also can earn these event points from
344s the core gameplay the distribution
346s between these two sources is uh you know
350s quite changed and because of that we
352s decided to drastically reduce the price
354s for our contracts it will give you the
357s same amount of boost 50 as always but
360s this time they're going going to cost
362s way less so in some of our previous
364s events we had some legendary Hunters
366s which if players played with they could
367s earn some extra event points do we have
369s something like that this time as well so
371s for this event not only we have these
373s pre-plaged Hunters that are attached to
375s some specific acts but we also have
378s classic legendary Hunters that can also
381s speed up your progression in the event
383s is there any
384s boost progression or anything similar to
387s that
387s uh there actually is one additional way
391s that I don't really want to spoil it
393s right now but we are going to present
396s something available for all our players
399s all together so pay attention for our
403s social medias uh yeah check them and you
406s will find out last but not least there
408s is one additional thing that
410s unfortunately won't boost your
412s progression but you can earn some blood
414s Bones from there when our players uh
416s complete the event purchase the event
418s related DLC and purchase the legendary
421s bornheim from the even store they can
424s get some platforms back as the
427s additional reward for this event so
428s while you were talking about the Ardent
430s prize you mentioned that there's a
431s legendary to be bought in the event
433s store so what else can people get in the
436s store this time first of all uh yeah
438s this legendary funeral George bernheim
441s then three event exclusive weapon charms
444s in addition we also are going to have
447s out some holiday stuff from our previous
450s events so thank you Anton for telling us
453s about all that stuff and please make
455s sure to check out the event store as
456s well as Anto mentioned but with that
458s being said we arrived to the end of our
459s progression video so thank you Anton for
462s walking us through all the cool stuff in
464s this event thank you Benz make sure to
466s follow us on social media as well as to
468s subscribe to our YouTube channel if you
470s haven't already because we ask like
471s every video so please do it this is the
473s last video of the year so we wish you
475s all a very happy New Year and happy
477s holidays and see you in 2023 but in the
481s meantime Hunters see you all in the bio
484s happy holidays bye