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I just wanted to share how happy I am with this update. I usually play with a friend 2-3 nights a week for a couple of hours and maybe a solo game once in a while since I'm not a big fan of the mode, it drains my bank really fast. When the test servers came back online and I heard the new map was available for testing so I thought I'd give it a try by myself for a little bit, just to check it out. Not sure how long ago that was, a few good hours and I've been playing non-stop since and I plan to keep going a bit more. I first tested a bunch of different weapons and just ran around the map which was pretty good, but being solo I dropped under $1000 pretty fast. THAT's when first picked up a FREE Hunter and I've just been having so much fun trying to kill people and see what's the best loot that I can get out with. I have to say I'm really happy with everything that was added and I've really enjoyed playing the game. I think this "FREE HUNTER" mechanic is the perfect way to have veteran players play around with the lesser weapons so congrats for having such an awesome idea. I know feedback's supposed to be about the bugs and such that you encounter, but I haven't really noticed much, my FPS is pretty smooth and I'm having a blast. Thanks for all the hard work!

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over 6 years ago - /u/Crytek-Barney - Direct link
