almost 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

319s I love aloe and have a good day everyone
326s we are back with another broadcaster and
329s developer showdown this time it's the
332s u.s. first US Edition Joyce I guess we
335s won a half more in the future with more
337s people as well and for today we have
340s four wonderful five wonderful
341s broadcasters and four wonderful
343s developers
344s yes USA so for today we have Nino we
350s have gun smack we have mr. spawn we have
353s so Hankey and the feel spawner a K who
356s is probably gonna murder us all okay I'm
359s definitely gonna beat him with my bomb
361s lands but yeah for our developers we
364s have a few of our developers as well we
367s have from last time we have lunatic okay
370s Vollmar where's the senior curry we have
373s I'm just have to get all the days
374s because they're hard names okay
376s Aleksei who is our senior server
378s programmer now we have our Oh who's
380s their QA tester and we have vladimir who
383s is our dev ops engineer maybe you guys
385s can explain a little bit more what that
386s entails obviously more people are known
388s with what QA is but what is a DevOps
391s engineer what is a senior server
392s programmer yeah go ahead take it away I
412s don't know yes say it again I was
425s waiting yeah yeah what's what's the
426s title I'll take a guess okay the title
429s is DevOps engineer and we have well this
433s first you can do that one and it's uh
434s this this might be cheating cuz I'm a
436s software developer in real life okay go
440s on
440s mmm-hmm so I mean I can I could I could
443s talk about that now go go ahead and talk
445s about that role there I actually I
448s actually do DevOps in my in my career
451s that's one of my biggest role so they
453s come for they work at I'll see you work
454s for us okay yeah no DevOps in general a
458s lot of people it's one it's very
460s up-and-coming career path so if
462s anybody's ever looking at getting into
463s the software world DevOps is huge yeah
467s its development operations getting code
469s out to you guys in the gaming world it's
472s getting how do you get code out to the
474s server how do you ensure its tested
476s automated testing manual testing
479s deploying out to lower environments
481s production environments all that kind of
483s stuff pretty fancy stuff okay anyways
487s let's go to the broadcasters because we
490s have a few of our beloved broadcasters
492s let's start off with gunsmith girls make
494s where can we find you you know what
497s prestige level are you at cetera cetera
499s so I preach 15 if you guys are gonna
508s boost the ranks until yesterday so I
509s held off on course teaching again but
511s what was your other question sorry I
513s just like where can we find you you know
516s our you know slash gun smack
519s slash guns fat okay uh
524s anything else i got is a private
527s snapchat yeah
529s you just have to tier three sub actually
531s Tier three occludes check them out I've
535s got some sexy photos
537s you got snapchat don't tell us more
541s about that snapchat and about yourself
543s mrs. Bowen
545s well the snapchats great to your three
548s sub guns back no for me IRL I already
552s explained I am a software dev and
554s started streaming about a year ago as a
556s hobby started taking it to business
558s route in January seen some insane girls
560s and it's it's been awesome
563s wait wait wait wait do you know what I
565s understood I thought you said I saw some
568s insane girls that's why you get it
574s I saw some insane girl most of it what
578s did she actually say oh okay my absolute
589s favorite thing about streaming is the
590s community it's amazing being part of a
592s an awesome community building a good
593s community and hanging out with awesome
596s people every day I'm like trying to
601s secretly do something on the disc just
604s for that enemies awesome so I'm glad you
608s got insane girls because you know it's
610s all about them girls and what about and
612s I'm glad you hadn't seen girls yeah
614s exactly and the growth obviously the
617s growth is important also I love her I
619s see it just never stops and you know
622s what about you my name is Nino and hun
627s has been pretty much the only game I've
629s streamed for like the past year you'll
633s find me streaming in the afternoons and
636s yeah I'm really excited what else what
644s else yeah married guy with two cats I
647s love cats and yeah how many how many two
650s cats what animates pepper and pumpkin I
656s have also two cats they can be friends
658s that's that's pretty much it
661s awesome okay and so Hankey you're the
663s only one that's the we've run that at a
666s bunch at streams with Facebook yeah
668s how's that Facebook live you know it's
672s an interesting platform to stream on at
674s first of all I just want to say I just
676s want to say this you know that I love
679s you guys because I don't I haven't woken
681s up I don't think before 8:00 a.m. for
684s anything in like the last year of my
686s life
689s dedication yeah yeah no we're holding
692s off on that for that specific reason and
695s you know I ever
697s okay but I turned into an early bird
700s after having a child I I don't think
702s I'll ever be early bird I just like wake
704s up around like four even though I was
706s whine about it like a doll writing it's
709s like not my I said you're not an early
711s bird but you wake up at four no no no
713s like I wake up at four pm like mentally
716s but you know I get out of bed at eight
718s so it's like I have to get out but I'm
720s not awake for the next few hours yeah
722s puffs you didn't exist I don't know what
724s I would do in my life I'd be much less
727s successful for sure yeah but anyway III
732s think a lot of even though I tweet about
734s this game and talk about this game and
737s stream this game constantly I feel like
739s a lot of people in the hunt communities
741s like don't know me so hi I'm Sookie you
746s can find me at slash think
749s your slash telling to you
751s right now
753s and those are the places that I do
756s content this is just one of those games
759s so I just always fall in love with with
761s devs and with games that try and do
764s something different and this game stuck
765s out to me right away like from the first
767s trailer ever saw so I've always just
769s wanted to like support it and blow it up
772s and make it good and so I'm hoping that
773s the game you know it's already got like
777s a pretty thriving huge community and I
779s hope it just grows and grows thank you
781s wait wait - wait - that's so sweet
784s and then last but not least a feel
787s spawner I don't even know if you need an
790s introduction cuz you're on everyone's
791s death screen by default but tell
795s something about yourself what we don't
796s know yet or maybe we do but does it
798s matter
799s uh well I started playing this game when
802s it released and I've been playing since
803s and I've basically made it out of a
806s career with streaming and you know I'm
809s trash at this game so pretty bad
815s he's like he's like average but it'll be
820s awesome
821s I do think it's time we just start with
824s some quick play just to get going
826s because we got to see you know I'm gonna
828s see how good we are actually are so
831s everyone can queue up for quick lay make
833s sure you are on you as Easter if you
835s haven't done that already the time will
837s just run out it's like we're searching
838s for a match and it just runs out at a
840s time so we all have enough time to join
841s in and then we're good to go
845s where would I check what server I'm on
848s if you go to the selection of the
852s missions you you all might have like
870s gotten up closer to this time I've been
873s up since 4:00 I had my 4:00 a.m. workout
875s for a.m. workout why on this whole like
889s I have any thing Derek you for quicker
893s yeah okay okay nice if people pay
897s attention to what I say right let's go
906s good luck everyone
908s yes we're playing it's not I mean yes
912s it's only it's just game play like it's
914s not develop relation we have one again
916s next week Thursday but it is a
918s broadcaster and developer showdown so we
921s have developers playing and we have our
923s beloved US broadcast is playing and
925s we're gonna see who is the best out of
928s the two which I think still oh this is
931s about being the best like no one ever
933s thanks so are we keeping comms open are
937s we I'm mute myself when we play I'll
940s give you an exact play-by-play of
942s everything you can still shit talk about
944s it
945s if you want you know put a little cheeky
948s you know a cheeky shout-out to someone
951s or you know as possible all right I'm
957s gonna
958s I guess I'll deafening here and then
960s I'll just avoid okay let's see that's
966s good luck good luck good luck good
971s ghs okay let's see how this goes okay I
979s think I selected range okay got a
982s silence that's good actually doesn't
984s make as much noise to start off with let
987s me know if the volume of the game is
988s like too quiet or good
994s then we will go I do think I turned up
999s volume it's a little bit that's fine
1015s okay
1029s I already here an emulator which doesn't
1041s make me very happy I have some shots on
1049s my right
1063s maybe it's better if I sneak I just
1065s really don't want to trigger trigger the
1071s emulator
1073s and I should be fine I do hear some
1086s silent shots in the distance
1093s no okay all's well in the world oh hey
1102s do you want to treat your new gun for a
1103s new guns at least I have double or
1109s double wields very simpie see in this
1117s game okay yes I'll go fer
1131s spine Horace oh I think there was
1146s another person right I heard shooting
1148s yeah break no no Scott Darden okay let
1179s you kill me
1180s let me see cuz we had a lot of people
1182s super close okay so fill our oh okay so
1190s so hanky was here who's the one with the
1196s electric lunatic fell crime so hankies
1204s here fighting someone I'm not sure who
1205s he's fighting Oh is a kids bomb
1208s my brain is not I was like already that
1213s would be insane luck but I was too busy
1218s panicking I'm like especially when he
1220s came here at the corner but I just get
1222s like a jump okay so so hanky he has one
1231s right now let me see how many more we
1232s have so we have business pot has two but
1235s he's nowhere near we have knee now
1238s there's also one rift Godsmack with two
1243s just picked up
1245s we have I wish okay so this is Alexei I
1252s think a little bit confused as with Isis
1255s they use of her name's Annie our line
1260s yeah we're gonna play some bounty later
1262s on it's not possible to make escape
1268s rooms up here only after doing no we
1270s don't have it done that on purpose
1272s because some people want to already
1273s extract without and we went to first
1276s boat or like how give them the option
1278s electric doesn't have any wellspring
1281s taken right now or I mean reps close in
1284s same for lunatic
1287s I don't here's one fail only one as well
1291s so at the moment most people will have
1294s like night or one but we have a lot of
1296s deaf still life oh so Hank he's fighting
1299s with someone I think this was the person
1303s who killed me as well he's strung in a
1306s flash
1307s flashes himself as well he's running
1310s down lightly shooting come on you had
1315s the opera hand he's gonna have to reload
1318s soon as well he's not gonna pick up Oh
1321s two shots please for the love thank you
1331s I think is gonna go around potentially
1336s flashes it's part of itself it's lagging
1340s no let me do in the studio motive I feel
1344s this better sometimes is there no it's
1349s still like the whole stream is so like
1355s me why last time this happened to
1359s forever is it better now okay
1391s yeah it's a street it's just a game no
1395s but I didn't see mymy thing moving
1397s either my webcam when I was doing that
1400s it's just me no that's the whole game
1403s yeah yeah I just change I don't know
1406s it's really weird cuz this happens
1407s randomly steam work make the dream work
1415s yeah yeah I don't know why that's
1417s happening it's weird because the
1419s settings aren't quite low as well it's
1425s twitch noon okay so so Hankey hasn't
1430s found the other guy yet let's just move
1432s on a little bit you still have zero so I
1435s don't know if some people's tactic is to
1436s just not take any any of the riffs you
1442s would say that someone is getting closer
1443s if God's mic has three Nino only has one
1447s missus spawn also three so gun smack or
1450s a Nino or gossiping or mrs. Potter
1452s probably give me one of the first to get
1454s it
1457s so far we have so quite a lot of people
1460s live actually I'm just quickly meet this
1465s we have one two three four five six
1471s seven eight nine oh so seven I think
1480s it's about pol hunters and a lot of
1483s quick play games yeah we have at the
1486s moment seven in life I think they're
1489s corrected
1490s consequently oh so mrs. Fong is getting
1492s close he's making a lot of noise he's
1498s staking out the armor to take it out -
1502s I'm right with the fire and he activates
1504s Wellspring so mrs. fawn is currently the
1506s one with the wellspring running through
1510s to fire bravely enough
1520s hello let's see is the stream micro glue
1523s 8c for you guys are I'm not sure
1527s ah nice Fennessy hey Dida moss I'm good
1534s are you oh I just realized I've been
1535s ignoring the the other chance I'm sorry
1539s I was like trying to figure that stuff
1541s I'm sorry hello guys on mixer you see
1543s some people Chad from mixer I don't see
1545s the YouTube chat right now let me see if
1547s I can figure that out I'm not ignoring
1550s you I'm just blind hmm see the weird
1555s thing is success that the keyframe
1557s interval is like set to 1 2 but it's set
1560s on one or like one but it's set to two
1562s for me so I think it just bugs out
1564s sometimes restream bad I see
1579s let me see if I can get my
1585s reconnect so YouTube has been really
1590s annoying to by constantly on to connect
1592s to gonna do just want to see both Jess a
1595s guy can finally see all you guys chats
1597s I'm sorry if I miss any of your comments
1600s sorry sorry YouTube sorry mixer well
1604s hello there how's it going
1607s mmm I say hello to you Johnny hello
1620s hello hello Johnny it's the scouts
1626s random is always rejected Romero ah
1630s makes certain youtubers deserve it
1642s how's the streaming going today it's
1645s been going well so far miss a spot to do
1648s well he's taking leads over the Internet
1659s at the moment we're not adding another
1661s boss in the near future because
1663s obviously we just had the assassin and
1665s the boss takes quite a lot of time to
1667s work so but we have a lot of other cool
1669s stuff coming from but it's not like to
1672s shoot someone that's running through the
1673s water okay continue on with your day I
1676s also think it wasn't polite that they
1678s just killed me in general so you know
1680s it's next week the next destory uh next
1684s week is indeed the next Efrem now we're
1686s going to talk about the new UI is the
1688s only thing I can say so far but it's
1691s gonna be good
1694s hey give me a what's up its next sir see
1698s ya next week
1699s exactly in a week we'll be sitting here
1701s talking about the new stuff a map also
1706s takes quite some time to make but yeah
1712s we have the assassin finest team
1714s he got added with 6.0 currently running
1716s 6.2 second you guys almost perfect hope
1724s no big changes the scene no we're not
1729s talking about horror mode that's not
1730s planned for 1.0 yet so like all the
1732s strange up until 1.0 will be focused on
1734s one point note although we might have
1736s some streams we're still having an
1738s allure stream planned well mean we have
1740s to replant it because we had that still
1742s promise from last time we still have a
1747s audios true potentially coming up any
1751s Xbox news is coming out of game preview
1753s I mean all the updates are coming to
1755s Xbox are a PC are also coming to Xbox
1758s like what you see is not just for PC
1760s it's for all so the assassins still
1763s coming with obviously also all the other
1764s stuff like it see March oh god smacked
1767s it over the the the wellspring so it
1775s means mister spawn is down so let me see
1777s we have RL still live Nino still life
1779s and guns maxilla so three people live
1782s iris quite far away I don't know how far
1786s I think he's also quite some distance so
1788s three people left alive and gun smack is
1791s the one with the wellspring and he's
1792s hiding a little bit seems since he's
1795s hiding lambda we have already done a
1803s bunch of improvements proof months
1805s especially at the last two patches and
1807s there's obviously a thorn of bucks fixes
1808s with this update as well he is very
1813s close indeed
1820s yeah Oh popped up and shot it doesn't
1826s the upper hand for being up compared to
1829s the other guy not sure who that is I
1831s think it's our alia no Nino it's also
1835s very close I'll get it together I think
1839s Arlen you know we're gonna maybe
1840s encounter each other's first yes as you
1842s can see Nino Cesaro
1844s they're both shooting at each other Nino
1847s is obviously focused more on the
1848s wellspring than B okay so gun smack
1852s still fighting Oh
1854s Nino nice nice knife he takes the
1858s wellspring and he's outside and he has
1860s the advantage because he can get away in
1862s that time yes he killed the last hunter
1866s and Nino is the first winner you know
1876s that was that was very nice like very
1879s nice and I guess or a bunch of shimmer I
1882s feel so left out because I heard just
1885s massive gun fights up north and I'm
1887s running around the south and that by
1889s myself
1893s no it wasn't I thought it was real it
1898s was who did i flash and then like
1900s somehow you ran perfectly down the steps
1903s I was planning on melee I think that was
1905s what shit I think that was let chick who
1907s got flashed by you and then run down the
1909s stairs and then you guys didn't find
1912s each other anymore for a while I believe
1914s because you guys went your own yeah I
1916s got spewed sprays he had a shotgun so
1918s yeah he killed me the first he was the
1920s one that killed me
1922s who had the automatic right at the start
1924s no but it was a kids bomb I got baited
1928s by that I was like already but then I
1930s got killed but a shoddy I was like out
1932s of nowhere
1933s I was very disorientated I am baited -
1936s then I was like damn big gunfight girls
1938s yep exactly who tell the Muslim not me I
1944s so was lunatic who was coming over from
1948s like lock bay that shot me in the back
1949s while I was fighting let shake me that
1954s would make sense why you do you're
1955s crossing the waters
1956s yeah yeah that's very not working I
1962s don't know anyway anyway let's just do
1965s another one because I I died too quickly
1967s and it made me sad so you can queue up
1970s for another one and hopefully I will not
1971s die okay I have to match now I got
1974s coffee
1974s you got coffee was a nice follow but the
1981s packs
1982s yeah that pack shot was nutty men so I'm
1985s sitting there telling my stream right
1986s I'm sitting here is like okay guys
1988s hopefully you know some good gunfights
1990s here whatever there's gonna smack pixel
1992s peeking yeah
1993s landing crazy packed shots geez man yeah
1997s I thought you were gonna I mean at first
1999s I think nobody was very close but
2001s eventually they all came in and it was
2003s actually interesting to see because I
2005s first saw that aural and you know we're
2007s gonna fight each other and then you know
2009s maybe one of them you know died there
2011s but you know actually just went for the
2015s the tap which was really good just taken
2019s as movie bad side what sorry was that it
2024s locked play or near the end Navy and the
2026s end the end where you cuz like you and
2028s are over both there when gun smack was
2031s up after he took it and none of you like
2035s I don't know well I mean you saw the
2036s other guy first but then I thought you
2038s were gonna engage with him but it said
2040s it seemed that you just kept looking for
2042s gun smack when he had the wellspring
2044s mmm-hmm and then
2048s yeah that was really good
2051s where were you thank you I think on the
2055s road out of the gate outside yeah good
2059s shit alright I'll be afk just for the
2062s short time but I'll be back
2064s did you already break you up though yeah
2066s I'm cute oh boy we queuing up now yeah
2068s yeah oh that's what we're waiting on
2070s oh that's it I know now listen this is
2075s very out of my time zone yeah yeah well
2080s I'll wake up soon and most of us are all
2082s late-night players yeah yeah that's why
2085s I mean I would love to do it I wouldn't
2088s mind doing it late but unfortunately
2089s like none of our developers everything
2091s like up late so it would be really hard
2092s for us to do it there no that's fine I'm
2096s sorry
2097s I'll be an early bird for a day it's all
2099s good it's good for your health and stuff
2101s or something like that no it's terrible
2104s things what you can do stuff after we're
2108s done you know you can go about your day
2111s do fun things I don't know what do
2114s people do during games I don't know I
2117s don't know you're talking about yeah I
2118s play more games outside what is this
2121s white one what is this outside your
2123s chocolate right it sounds scary
2127s vitamin E all right good luck have fun
2130s wait till I get out of the water next
2132s time good luck that bond don't kill me
2134s just take this guy down
2139s good luck happen okay let's see let's
2143s see if we can do right
2157s okay let's see let's see let's see I'm a
2165s mute it no I'm not okay now I am okay so
2168s you started with a crossbow wish me well
2171s wish me well get this sportsmanship out
2177s ere being nice to each other well that's
2181s disgusting
2182s I don't want to deal with you where did
2194s you go where did you go where did you go
2197s go go
2198s I really don't want to deal with the
2205s emulator where's the shit doc no right
2207s ever it's a friendly No
2218s No do you stop it
2226s oh my god know what back this one can't
2239s see it on streem it really didn't want
2243s me to have that prick in health junk
2246s evil evil evil he really did oh my god I
2273s didn't even see it I didn't even look at
2276s the clue I was so focused on stupid
2279s crying I didn't for a second saw it was
2283s right
2285s Wow Wow sucks to be me so bad I yeah I'm
2299s surprised you guys even solid like I was
2301s so focused on the stupid thing yeah a
2305s fast dog I was like struggling with the
2308s stupid mm-hmm if that gun didn't burn me
2312s you know I could have had it I could
2314s have had it you you know as if I was
2317s listening to the clue
2319s oh is that those strange thing well
2325s luckily he got a dull SH let's see what
2330s the rest is up to so we have so Hankey
2333s has a machete yeah I think he might have
2335s sided Malin nice picking up it is it I'm
2340s not sure if he picked it up so he gets
2341s his first one we have mr. spawn who has
2343s still zero
2344s I think he is just I think you might be
2348s getting a coffee I'm not sure Nino I got
2352s one gun smack got one let Jake got one
2355s lunatic got one and he said of supply
2358s points get some Mosin of Oban show woman
2365s she also won phil has 3 ok so I'm very
2371s serious I think he's gonna get the first
2372s for sure the first one
2381s he's putting his kid down ACK okay use
2386s the ears as much as her eyes I'm I was
2388s too focused on the hive like for a
2390s second I would not my brain is not made
2393s for this see this is the thing that
2394s women just don't hear stuff like that
2397s this is a fact maybe that's why you know
2401s just saying alright nice I got the
2404s dusters as well and he's gonna get the
2406s Wellspring I was in the field that
2411s wasn't very open okay with a silence
2416s walk across Rover to silence so Phil
2419s spawner with the wellspring no no I mean
2428s like women apparently get more like they
2431s hear things like babies whereas men here
2433s like people that break in for example
2436s more likely like they wake up for that
2438s it's I haven't made that up it's just
2440s saw this so I think you know it like
2442s hunting fighting it's more of like a
2444s something that they hear as much you
2447s know how I just can't hear no no no no
2448s that's not true
2452s it is a baby
2460s it's coming to the end of the year make
2462s baby clothes yeah I don't know I don't
2464s think that works so me either you never
2467s know right at the moment we do not have
2470s any plans for crocodile men here cars
2476s women here babies I need every for a car
2478s over baby baby yeah I think it's from
2484s and sake I mean like that's just what I
2486s read they can also be false but I read
2488s an article once and that's what it said
2490s I just remembered that would be better
2493s it's like no ah fell spawner getting
2497s frisky shit it's got to be that son and
2503s it's too early fail I don't wake up at
2508s this time I don't play like this but I
2510s have no choice it's all good you have a
2512s shotgun and I'm ready how do you know
2515s there's so many people right tomahawk I
2519s could try to hit you with a hammer
2520s pretty cool that make for a nice
2522s highlight you may I try to get a
2525s Derringer kill last game oh I'm the
2533s community manager Alex on there
2542s academic question the next SRAM is about
2545s the UI the new UI they're coming up
2551s let's see what we have yeah you can
2562s listen what they hear it's like if you
2563s inspect someone you can hear what they
2565s what they say you want to see some
2568s action I mean at the moment I'm just
2570s waiting where they are is so missus
2571s mines still there yeah me no let's see
2576s if they see bill oh I do see a shot gun
2581s smack let chick lunatic I think they're
2587s close close to each other maybe see
2592s bubonic
2593s well i mean phil is where it's at right
2596s now I can't help it they're just they're
2598s just waiting business I'm on I'm doing
2600s the same thing that you killed by do
2603s interests as Harding what are you on
2608s that sounds like I wish I could like see
2616s them more at once like just have like
2618s multiple people in the springhouse oh
2622s yeah
2624s it's funny cuz I keep thinking that
2626s they're very close to each other but I
2628s can't hear them or see them near each
2629s other
2630s oh it's a gun
2638s if you have questions please get in
2640s contact with us for with a customer
2643s support and hunter and
2647s I feel like every time I want to get
2653s some action they're not going for it
2655s guns trying to get it from a distance
2657s I'm very curious to if gun and you know
2659s are either on truce or they just haven't
2662s seen each other because they have been
2663s talking about them other plans for
2669s similar expect it doesn't react
2670s inspecting friend plane but can't swap
2672s to other people no we don't want people
2674s to be able to inspect other people at
2676s all times because then you can give them
2683s an unfair advantage right oh nice get
2696s shot
2696s okay so we have gun fail you know that
2703s are all there mr. Stein so piggies baby
2706s wait but that's the thing we don't have
2712s a pro prospective mode like that that
2715s we'd have to make that okay so fail kill
2718s the hunter I think he killed Nino I know
2720s I didn't oh mrs. bond is back coming in
2724s right now a long way to go so Hank he is
2727s also a little bit away surprise uh you
2731s know just killed someone with the saber
2734s yeah private lobbies are so glad that
2736s bought it last true it's for fast one
2738s window people trying to come in my barn
2740s and I don't appreciate that make it then
2745s yeah again you can make a frozen if you
2747s can just make it right now right instead
2748s of like all the other things to have to
2750s date someone else
2755s I think that was the one who killed in
2757s the guns Bank is there anything new and
2763s the sir was not yet when we were ready
2765s would put pumping on the server and we
2766s will let you know yeah usually check
2771s okay so guns Frank was the one that got
2773s killed but you know we do not have
2779s plants that kill come right now
2783s legendary weapons how they will work or
2785s do old I mean they will just work the
2786s same ad I don't know I don't know yet I
2788s can't give any DS isn't that exactly
2792s so just they're just waiting it out
2798s they're just waiting it out
2802s okay so missus spawn still on its way
2806s it's a hinky down this way so the only I
2810s filled Nino missus finance a hanky let's
2814s see missus pond is just running her in
2818s her ending
2821s come on Nino get up there or fail go
2825s down because Phil's just hiding down up
2828s there and
2837s let's see let's see
2839s I think it's time mm-hmm
2843s almost it's time we in this oh he's
2851s running over but Nina's not going for it
2854s I let me show you made a decision
2856s what oh he's actually fighting with
2863s someone I do hope that that makes Nino
2865s come out at least I think that I think
2869s that's mr. spawn or so Hank knows thank
2871s you
2872s so Hank he's shooting Belle oh and he
2875s takes a wellspring nice takes it from
2879s fails fire so it means Nino it's close
2886s Nino is closed
2888s yeah you can message us but obviously we
2891s have a lot of people still lined up and
2894s we always go for the first ones that are
2896s you know that have been with us so long
2897s it's like some of these broadcasts I've
2899s been playing on for ages so but
2902s definitely gonna just read us okay so
2905s miss bond is so proud so Hank is just
2908s waiting looking to see where Nina is
2911s I mean I'm not sure if he knows when you
2914s know Nina was in the game let's say if
2917s he sees them
2924s yeah we're still working on the controls
2927s for excellence it's something that we
2928s have oh and he gets gap by the trap
2935s that's one thing we run for to feature
2937s but we don't have at the moment ready
2939s we don't have it a brandy really still
2945s waiting I mean 39 seconds let's see mr.
2948s spawn is also still in this way will he
2952s be there no there's no plan for quick
2960s play do is we don't have any plans
2962s tonight
2964s I'm very curious
2966s mrs. spawn going in let me see some
2969s hankies think it's burned he's keeping
2970s an eye out on the staircase yeah that
2979s would be custom lobbies being game
2984s Oh miss my runs shoots oh they're ah yes
2995s and he killed the Hydra and he wins so
2998s hey kid and I thought he said like I'm
3008s the worst of everyone but see you won
3011s see who won nice job nice you know that
3018s was like kind of giving it to me just
3020s running around on the roof I don't know
3023s the thing is Nino should have just gone
3026s for film cuz like Nina was just standing
3028s there down you know he was he was not
3030s coming up I thought you were gonna go at
3033s some point but it was the shotgun you
3043s were downstairs because I like I kept
3047s hearing the dogs barking and then I
3048s thought I heard like a door creak I just
3051s rushed right in I wasn't downstairs a
3053s little time I just frustrating I thought
3055s was the last one there because I I
3056s didn't come back into like 90 points
3059s left in the game came I had to put my
3066s son down for his nap yeah I was like and
3068s he's back yeah but I was trying to go up
3073s and try to land the the conversion kill
3075s the conversion I still killed well what
3078s do you I hate you with the Mosin first
3081s for the conversion I do appreciate that
3084s you went in unlike Nina who was just
3086s sitting there and waiting I'm just
3087s saying last person because I came so
3093s late
3093s and then I saw the nade in the other
3095s room I'm like why did he throw a nade in
3097s that other room that makes no sense my
3101s chats like that was me knows Nate that's
3102s like what
3104s yeah I mean I'm a scared boy with the
3107s Sabre I do want to do who's just tagging
3111s me repeatedly with that Mosin at karmic
3114s that's awesome
3116s yeah I like all I had was a Caldwell and
3121s a machete and I just kept getting hit by
3122s a Mosin from really far away and I was
3124s oh my god so I finally like ran back to
3127s the wagon you got the Mosin from after I
3129s had had enough of that
3130s yeah leftover carabiner I mean I I was
3135s mess from the beginning I was sad like I
3137s was with my crossbow and then I was
3139s trying to get this one stupid sell me on
3141s because I missed one hit I he was
3143s burning my health trunk down and
3144s eventually IRA comes to bide around the
3146s corner with the soldier and directly
3148s shoots me and it's like I was so focused
3150s on the high if I didn't even know the
3151s clue was red ever I was like it's red
3153s I'm like the hive I was too distracted
3158s but yeah let's uh let's do another one I
3161s really I really want to like you know
3163s live a bit longer I it's not happy with
3166s how long that took for me I mean how
3168s short that took for me it was too short
3170s slowly yeah I'll forgive that yes we're
3175s gonna do another Thank You Anne after
3177s that we're gonna do some bounty hunt and
3179s then at least you know I can get carried
3182s so it's fine
3188s hailer right what's up light thank you
3192s to our I'm trying and Thank You Johnny
3194s I'm gonna do my best
3196s I don't know what though is died to what
3204s some reason the barrel blew up as well
3206s at the same time oh that's funny I don't
3210s think I've seen that you will get a kill
3213s I mean I'm just waiting for volunteers
3214s really cuz I know then you know I can I
3217s can rock my bomblets it's gonna be fine
3227s the bom bom lance is so fun i love the
3231s bomb lance like Oh last time I was so
3233s satisfied it just it just feels so good
3236s but you know he landed a head right
3238s lunatic oh you can hear me you know what
3241s you know it's funny is I've actually
3242s killed more people from the bomb part of
3245s the bomb Lance than the Lance part of
3247s the bomb Lance I always go for the stick
3250s versus the melee cuz the stick is so
3252s much more so yeah exactly
3253s it's just like that sound like you know
3256s you know it's like it's gonna go it's
3258s not about hitting them and I'm knowing
3260s that you hit the wait two seconds before
3262s it explode you know you're gonna die my
3264s favorite part once you tick them and you
3267s you have that little bit of time you
3269s have that time to say goodbye yeah I
3272s know it's I love that weapon and so I
3275s mean it's such a cool weapon in general
3276s like the looks of it is just cool and
3278s it's just really good cuz you you know
3280s Kimberly everything really easy like
3281s mostly ice just down like one or two
3284s drops so losin that cute huh
3288s Oh who's not cute reviewing for another
3291s quick blame me no I actually can't good
3302s luck have fun
3302s who is this playing right now you mean
3304s who's playing for me I'm generally doing
3306s and that we have our streamers we have
3309s guns thank mrs. spawn we have me now so
3312s hanky and fail spawner and we have four
3314s over other developers
3317s don't know about spacing and you
3320s impregnate once and he runs to his
3323s friend the satisfaction that is a good
3325s feeling
3326s hey excess it's up so currently it's me
3333s on this one that you guys are watching
3335s so hopefully this thing full focus I'm
3338s gonna I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it
3340s I'm just not good with crossbows it's I
3343s don't like weapons well even though
3345s technically the bomb lenses like that as
3347s well but at least you can just run it
3348s and leave all things go to hell that
3352s when you shoot once you have to wait
3355s until you can shoot another time
3357s hey shredder chicken yes I'm gonna try
3363s hard I'm probably gonna die just for
3365s aspect that's fine I'm trying hard to
3367s not die fast people kind actually report
3370s bugs in the game Ernie good luck okay
3373s that's at least better they sound good
3375s fun good luck you'll need it damn joking
3387s okay I'm gonna go for this one we
3388s actually already added a new bus pretty
3390s recently there takes my hoe 6.0
3395s hey quiet pounds of goin water water I
3402s hate water what is this wow it doesn't
3414s matter does it now gunshots in the
3424s distance but I'm just gonna ignore it
3426s and go for the go for the rifts I see
3434s someone there
3474s come on
3483s you know if they're gonna come to me yes
3489s they are
3489s oh I had one I swear to God I swear to
3509s God why did this happen to me every time
3511s I'm pretty sure I shot him and it was
3515s just one second too late I'm just sad
3526s last time this happened the same way I
3529s was even at the same location I was
3532s finding Turgut and he was so large dying
3535s and now the same thing every time every
3543s time your shotguns gosh darn it but like
3550s yeah it happened last time exact same
3551s spot well I mean I know I should have
3556s probably not jumped in but I mean I
3559s thought he was potentially going my way
3561s like the other way I didn't expect them
3563s to be that close I thought maybe I can
3565s surprise him but obviously I already
3567s shot him so it's not really a surprise
3568s if he already knew where I was but yeah
3576s I thought it would be better but oh well
3580s I'll write again as well last time as
3582s well the same person
3585s let chick is a lifestyle bent Excel life
3588s Oh Phil he is gonna think it was rings
3591s very soon again mr. sprong with one gun
3595s smack with two Nino with one I'm pretty
3598s much dealing with that again classes
3600s how's this happened to be honest I think
3603s he's already dead two for me and two
3605s Hankey but my oh wait
3610s all of them the three three famous the
3615s last one is coming up close okay he's
3618s gonna activate the bull ring yes he does
3622s I did her shots but they're still quite
3626s far mrs. bond fighting someone I'm not
3629s sure who we kill but he killed someone
3634s gun smack having fun with some hives oh
3639s you know close
3641s I think No
3648s yeah the 27th of August is when we do
3651s the 1.0 release oh yes he shot the hive
3657s I'm not sure if he saw him because he
3660s shot the - turned around
3662s yes making noise oh oh yeah he I don't
3665s think he has any idea that Nino said oh
3668s no he does he did get him in a good shot
3671s Oh
3672s Nino super-low I lucky you didn't take
3675s damage from the fall damage gun smack is
3680s also very low both are healing is he
3684s gonna run after at least he has a
3687s vitality shot well a small one but it's
3691s if I tell it to shot
3693s Nino has only one laugh but he's running
3695s around I keep doing the opposite way
3701s reloading I think he's going no way I
3706s think there's another person or I maybe
3710s imaginations but I had that heard like
3712s footsteps down low God's mad going for a
3717s toilet break you know just waiting down
3722s is it gonna pick up the carbine
3729s say Oh God lucky find two health packs
3735s grants mic is also still waiting for
3738s Annie now okay let's see what the rest
3739s is in the meantime we have our oh he's
3742s getting close to fail we have lunatic
3745s who is also slowly getting close fails
3750s just waiting downstairs
3752s mister spawn also quite a distance and
3755s it's not gonna get filled this way gun
3758s smack and Nino are still trying to find
3760s and locate each other although Nino
3767s seems to run out of anything he's just
3768s know he is still on the lookout guns
3773s matkiding they're both out of sight from
3777s each other but not much is happening I
3780s do think that they want to fight it out
3781s before they go to fail oh you know take
3786s a shots missing shots left
3789s oh no that's a hit Casa matches are
3798s still planned for post 1.0 they're on
3801s the roadmap so hat shot misses spawn
3809s taking oh I think he's fighting with
3813s lunatic no that's so filth
3816s he's the one who's fighting with Phil
3818s right now bill is getting hit but I
3826s don't think he's gonna get it I do think
3828s that fills in a very very fortunate spot
3833s mrs. spawn has a sniper so he can easily
3837s take this long distant shots
3841s Oh shots coming from left I think that
3847s might be lunatic but then who was he
3850s fighting
3851s so if three people have we have lunatic
3852s left and fail oh the crows is definitely
3857s giving away his position and if it isn't
3861s the AC that is oh yeah and Phil kills
3867s mr. spawn so it is a lunatic oh they are
3871s seeing each other but lunatic it's
3874s shooting with as dole SH but so far no
3877s luck
3877s I mean Phil has the upper hand being up
3887s in the tower and a hive is following
3893s let's see Phil he's he's hiding come on
3896s Phil yeah a leader took a dino neighs
3902s come on failed go out go do something
3906s never been a fan of people who just sit
3909s in a corner how dare you
3917s how dare you get out
3923s I mean just sitting in is Oh Bell is
3931s hitting low
3933s come on lunatic I believe Bell is on the
3944s low half HP left lunatic is gonna come
3948s up all right he's gonna wait to come up
3954s shooting through the bottom didn't
3960s hidden though Phil's getting some extra
3961s ammo
3962s high doesn't need actually I'm ice Ville
3967s at least they're both on full health but
3970s lunatic has only two bullets left so he
3972s has to find more ammunition who that
3977s high
3978s is also very good to giving away oh yes
3980s one shot no zero shot he has two dollars
3983s that double doubles action and he's
3986s getting poisoned that doesn't really
3988s bode well no not yet that's not in yet
3994s you can't do that yet you can do that in
3996s the next patch walkway no you can kick
3999s them and they will go away okay let's
4002s see
4010s okay so Phil always make it outside he's
4013s just gonna go for an adventure looting
4015s some extra weapons different weapons
4021s next bet a little bit take right lunatic
4027s and it's still finding ammunition mainly
4031s cuz he doesn't have a lot but the fail
4034s spawner went outside so he their dere
4036s difference foreshadowing yeah okay so
4040s I'm healing but no ammo do hope you find
4045s some ammo very soon because I definitely
4050s think you you some oh there was an Iowa
4052s back upstairs where Phil was earlier so
4054s he should be able to safely get that now
4056s if he is but okay bill you know he's
4062s speaking out as well you got close tense
4067s match guys box right around 100 at least
4074s has enough ammo he's going back up again
4079s Oh lunatic is closing in and he has to
4084s shot oh nice one
4091s Oh Annie kill them fails forgotten yo
4100s that was all right hi jinkx do you man I
4103s was like this doles precision guys got
4105s it that sparks sniper get I saw that bro
4115s you shot but it didn't go off
4118s yes I sure I had you lined up perfectly
4121s fail and that didn't go off it's all
4126s good yo your lrr your your lrr at the
4129s start of the game was silent to me which
4132s one were you either crossbow
4134s I was the hand crossbow guy that yeah
4136s that ran into you I got killed by oh
4139s good your lrr sniper like you hit me and
4144s I thought I got hit from someone like
4146s really far away or something because
4148s there was like no sound yeah I hit I
4151s thought fail the other day and my Mo's
4153s and wasn't making shot sounds no I just
4156s I thought I could go in a one-on-one
4158s fistfight or well gunfight on close
4161s range with a shotgun when I had a Mosin
4164s but yeah was not the strongest who was
4167s at Devon ranch that set off the trap oh
4171s yeah I put those traps down at the start
4173s I know I saw them and I was like oh I
4176s knowed it like I never noticed traps and
4178s I noticed those was like sweet so I
4180s jumped over him got the clue he I heard
4183s somebody set one of them off I'm like
4185s yay I know someone's there yeah I'm
4189s forgetting who it was I'm not sure who
4192s was I felt bad cuz it was actually funny
4196s I had them lined up before I killed him
4198s with the first headshot but when I was
4200s moving over I guess panning over to land
4202s the shot I panned over to a grunt and
4204s just drilled a grunt yeah the the snipe
4207s under the fence though it was pretty
4208s sick I was watching that
4210s okay so we're gonna do a bounty on now
4215s and you can already start recruiting her
4217s hunters I don't know if everyone was
4219s able to make friends with everyone in
4221s time or that we figured that out
4223s yeah does everyone have have a partner
4227s in they added each other okay then what
4230s we're gonna do is we're gonna each go do
4231s different room just choose a risk
4232s different voice chat room like discuss
4234s which one you want and we'll just go
4237s together and then we'll see who is gonna
4241s do best in some duels all right okay
4246s let's pick seven okay 15 it is 69 okay
4255s I'm gonna play with some hanky there we
4258s go hello
4259s okay whoa okay right we're bomb we're
4262s Lancer we're Lancer boys yeah
4264s oh wait I have to tell two people that
4266s that were actually that I'll make sure
4268s wait wait let me let me okay
4270s okay so the idea is by the way I'll jump
4273s by for everyone so we can queue one time
4275s so you guys go find a place and then
4278s I'll make sure that we all click you and
4280s the good time I'll make sure it's gonna
4282s be fine it's gonna be fine uh let me see
4286s okay I'll let you guys know we're we're
4287s good to go again and then we'll go in
4290s all right okay I'll come by later and
4294s when everyone is ready and then woke you
4296s up at the same time uh my teammate needs
4299s a mini uh let me just do that for you
4302s because yeah I just can't
4305s hmm how do I easily move this guy when
4309s it's there oh you can right-click them
4312s into Channel or something yeah okay here
4314s we go
4314s hello I put you into channels just so
4316s you know I'll let you I'll come by when
4319s you guys all ready I'll come by when you
4320s guys are ready I'm just gonna I'm just
4322s gonna get ready myself I do instead of
4325s this let's do the concertina trip line I
4327s don't know if you've been talking to me
4329s the whole time but I was like not there
4330s no no I'm just talking to my chat oh
4334s okay
4336s okay um sorry what I'm Lance and what
4341s else
4342s okay so I'm taking the born hand and a
4344s bomb Lance all right that's my game so
4348s I'm just gonna mimic you then are we
4351s gonna do this same bill yeah I will I
4355s would trust us to go well all Dirk Ron
4358s filled her kronfeld is ready to go okay
4361s let me see mine is Oscar wonderly window
4366s Bob let me see hey guys this is Makwana
4372s she's one of the community people were
4375s at a cry talk right sick working on hunt
4378s yeah
4379s hello chat you also have a good one said
4383s I am NOT German I am Dutch all right
4390s ready - I'm ready Lance okay I'm gonna
4392s just go by and see how far they are and
4395s just ask should I just queue up yeah no
4401s no what yeah you can queue up and then
4402s oh wait we gotta add each other anyways
4404s yeah I got you inviting you okay okay
4411s now let me see okay Vlad and I are ready
4415s okay that's good you guys are else
4418s already did you send an invite I see I
4422s see I see okay
4425s sassing one okay let me just go buy the
4429s other ones no hi guys are you guys ready
4433s yep should we queue up yeah queue up
4435s okay sounds good hi
4437s you guys can queue up we already oh I'm
4442s sorry I'm sorry
4443s every time we knew when to queue okay no
4446s that's fine then I'm trying to find
4448s River and I'll find everyone I've ever
4451s fellas you guys can queue up
4457s I don't see Phil anymore wait am i
4461s talking yes I'm talking right yeah you
4463s guys can hear me okay we can queue up I
4465s don't know if I said oh we already
4467s cutable
4467s yeah I'm waiting for me get ready Oh
4469s ready ready yeah okay where is fails
4472s Chet I don't see him anymore where we
4479s spawning ah let's just go left it's fine
4482s where is Phil's Chet I don't see him
4485s anymore I don't know my secret weapon I
4489s need to Davis
4490s oh you're called together okay yeah we
4492s have an extra special secret secret
4494s weapon right now exactly we're about to
4496s get carried by what by you by me you
4501s promised you said I'm gonna carry you at
4503s the bomb lens no I thought I said you're
4505s gonna carry me because obvious are you
4507s you said I'm gonna carry I'm gonna bomb
4510s Lance carry those were your exact words
4512s okay okay you guys stop with the shoes
4516s bags please I don't even know what that
4518s means
4522s hold up two pistols at one time we are
4525s still getting dueling yes
4526s that's planned I don't even know where
4531s people are spamming Chuy what is a Shoei
4534s do you know what a schooi is is that
4537s some american slang I don't know
4545s thankee are you ignoring me sorry sorry
4548s sorry what do you say listen do you know
4552s what a schooi is a schooi uh yeah I
4555s don't know either but someone is very
4557s convinced about the schooi and i don't
4559s know what it is and i like it's kind of
4562s like calling a pig like schooi know what
4565s calling a pig you're like have you ever
4569s heard him go like suey
4571s no it's maybe it's an American thing
4575s what listen I don't know yeah but you
4579s call a pig no no no I like like that's
4582s how they called a pig over but what kind
4585s of page it's like a farmer thing just
4587s like a pig pig okay and then when you
4589s see a pig you'll say sure and then they
4593s come with that knife in him yeah it's
4596s like a call for a pig I think I don't
4598s know maybe I'm making that up that's the
4600s first I ever did oh all right Whittle I
4605s say we charge in Lance's blazing it yep
4607s I agree okay okay glad we're on the same
4610s page we're gonna make a good team
4612s there's no red deer contacts but yeah
4617s you guys get explained yeah what's a
4622s schooi yeah what is a schooi don't
4625s explain if it is offensive just say it's
4626s offensive and don't say anything else
4629s yes the resets will everything will be
4632s reset except for a procedure also I will
4635s do my best to mute myself
4638s respond yeah remember water yeah this
4643s weakness shoe is an Australian strength
4649s from a shoe but I don't have a shooter
4651s drink rum okay I do some shots okay
4659s let's be quiet I'm a little bit behind
4661s you so careful okay no I think that
4679s we're narrative they're probably near
4680s that clue stupid alarm I think where
4689s this oh my god I see them running very
4692s for our distance they're like what
4694s number 180 going towards South East okay
4701s no I just chase summer do you want to
4703s get the glue let's just change them I
4705s mean why not right
4706s okay I'm going from the other direction
4711s shit that was a miss sorry I'm like a
4717s little ahead of you here yeah no I'm uh
4728s I'm getting good he's inside the house
4730s though still yeah I know Oh God
4737s no no no no I was like that I was
4745s fighting them on the stun the thing I
4748s don't know what it's called like a
4749s windmill mill a mill like tower and
4752s there were people and I don't know if I
4754s got shot for second I thought I got shot
4756s by eight one and then I tried to believe
4759s one guy but then I got shot in the back
4762s but there's quite some people there adds
4764s definitely it definitely happened it's
4767s popping you know oh yeah you guys got to
4775s a guy who shoots okay please calm down
4777s yeah we mix a chat I do there's not I
4783s can't always read stuff but like when
4785s it's the only thing is everything is
4787s together and all the chats are together
4788s so like it goes scrolls by because like
4791s more people talk on the other channels
4792s than they do a mixer so I can't always
4795s read it because it will be gone but I am
4798s Here I am reading it I just don't read
4800s it all the time I can't read you know
4804s time it's awfully quiet now yeah
4810s so who is playing with our other
4813s remember but yeah uh every time I miss
4815s so close so close
4819s vertical chat like shroud I can't do
4822s that like have to read multiple people's
4824s like next to each other it's just not I
4827s can't do this not nothing easy for me I
4829s don't think this bomb lens carries
4831s working out so far hey hey hey gotta
4835s believe pray just focus on getting me
4839s back maybe yeah maybe just get me back
4846s know who killed you he's try hards who
4850s killed you again are are upper cut it
4854s damn it
4858s yeah they they knew they knew where I
4860s was the whole time yeah I mean I I got
4865s really Shmack I thought you were closer
4867s that was my mistake I I thought oh just
4870s run in because why not you um when you
4873s told me they are really far 180 like I
4875s didn't think there was a second team so
4876s I was yeah trying to get my eyes on them
4878s yeah this is it I think the one person
4880s that I saw first was the one that went
4883s from 180 like further southeast but then
4887s the then the other were definitely right
4891s you were definitely right cuz I like I
4893s heard him running he got like attacked
4895s by a dog or something way ahead
4897s but then this these guys were still
4899s hanging out over here yeah and mm-hmm
4902s the audio said sneezes all the ones who
4908s what am I saying
4908s so the because I saw another guy but a
4914s pretty sure they were team members cuz
4915s like the other guy just came on and it
4917s was like later and then there were more
4921s people and I think they came from your
4923s direction I'm not sure at least that
4924s direction cuz I don't I didn't see him -
4926s I'm from behind but I was like yeah cuz
4931s two guys in front of me a grad some dogs
4932s I heard one guy get hit by it yeah
4934s that must be there was a success I don't
4937s know pres Mila yes we just had an update
4942s today by the way cocktails we had poison
4944s and silence yeah
4946s silent update today and obviously
4948s everything that's coming to PC is also
4951s coming to Xbox so like all the streams
4953s are for everyone yeah but yeah that was
4956s really unfortunate goddamnit I just want
4958s to say look at these loadouts okay yeah
4960s we got you got labelled the friggin
4965s ultra-precision yeah god lrrr uppercut
4974s yeah I mean I like having fun and then
4977s last last event people didn't like
4979s having fun cuz they brought aftermaths
4982s ridiculous yeah ridiculous how dare they
4986s also bomb Lance is way more effective on
4990s on the first mammal yeah I mean I should
4994s have hit at least one of them because it
4996s was like I had two really obvious really
4999s really obvious ooh and electric is down
5001s really on the boss really obvious okay I
5008s think I got shot in the head and then
5010s two barrels exploded on him
5012s that's correct right sure yep
5024s guys just please stop spamming all the
5026s the shoes I would really appreciate it
5030s good you guys are all friends and it's
5033s great but please just stop spamming the
5035s shoes or just spamming he saw you he saw
5041s him through the window right there he
5042s didn't see I were you inspecting cuz I'm
5045s just like somebody else a now okay let's
5049s see yeah he could see him through the
5051s window for a second but he didn't shoot
5055s or did he he just didn't notice okay
5058s it's kind of dark it is dark indeed
5074s so well let me see Nino shoot it if
5078s we're shooting at someone and someone's
5080s shooting at him from really far away
5081s water
5082s I wonder who let me see it think there
5085s might lunatic yeah
5090s no lunatic is when mister spawn so
5094s they're both from a distance you know
5099s you know brought the shotty I respect it
5101s yeah yeah I'm surprised I mean a lot of
5104s most of the people here play like
5106s long-range weapons ya know it's like the
5111s the the typical build I see amongst like
5114s really skilled players is like Mosin and
5118s or the sparks I saw yeah
5127s well we have the ability to switch boss
5130s boss who went to fight without the bonus
5132s at the moment not because I would like
5135s to fight the server's too much
5139s unfortunately
5142s okay so Nino is just waiting
5144s who is Nino teamed up with I don't
5147s remember also why is there only one
5150s token picked up yeah that I don't
5152s understand either that's why I was
5153s curious so Nino is playing with electric
5158s electric is dead
5159s that's why his team members Ben is dead
5162s ah but I wonder if he if they spurn down
5165s or if we can still get him oh his team
5171s member is also quite lone man you know
5175s has to haul up I'm Seldon ooh almost
5177s dead oh and he does put a fire and he is
5187s down like yeah fill spider and oboe von
5193s Schuch
5193s picking up the bounty boy he's just
5196s gonna pick up the last in line yeah then
5198s I wonder why he didn't he didn't get it
5202s he's gonna he's gonna clean up yes it
5207s went out by the trap was that make
5216s things a little easier
5217s yeah I mean he already lost the hell if
5220s it sucks cuz he doesn't get the bandage
5221s anymore either but bill doesn't see
5224s anyone close I want to respond and you
5226s think they're just waiting from quite a
5228s distance I thought they were close oh oh
5231s that's lunatic already then oh you saw
5233s on yeah okay at least they both had the
5237s bone team
5241s see let's see let's see think missus
5250s fondest ruined I know it's gonna take
5254s throwing in some hell fire gotta get
5256s over the wall yeah Oh fell got shot I
5267s think it was mrs. fun yet
5272s yes bomb a spot is in the open quite a
5275s lot yeah he would cuz he just hit him
5284s dying sure to trap it a life event
5287s that's for sure right yeah of course hmm
5290s oh what a shot dude oh my god
5297s this is so very thick shot was insane
5302s almost down I mean I don't think he's
5306s he's gonna live like oh is he dad yeah
5310s lunatic oh kilobytes bail then I just
5312s missed that goddamn it so dirt they're
5316s the winners I wonder if they know if
5318s they're the last ones I mean I assume so
5320s right yeah I would guess they're aware
5324s dad they had the site bonus for a while
5327s too yeah yeah they probably know
5339s yeah their breakfast don't buy no ice
5342s upwards of course okay I think they're
5351s gonna read I hope I wonder if they're
5352s far from the extraction I'm not sure but
5354s I wallbang ton nice nice nice nice out
5361s let me just get some water yeah and it
5370s doesn't have a lot of like extra ammo a
5372s little so you have to be a bit more
5376s risky all right now I think a lot of
5379s people in our situation okay I think a
5382s lot of people would give up on the bomb
5383s lens but but we are not those people
5386s exactly the bomb lens is where it's not
5389s I'm just saying like I don't care it is
5392s my weapon we're gonna kill a team with
5395s the bomb Lance and it's all going to
5396s have been worth it
5397s nice okay let's go to the events Jeff
5404s first leg back so we can talk there and
5406s then we'll go back again I'll just try
5411s drag those people in a low hello hello
5420s hello hello I'm just dragging feet lead
5424s I don't know is it is it gonna be an
5426s option to spectate bounty hunt after
5429s your whole team is dead so at the moment
5431s we don't have it like it specifically on
5434s for here so people can do it cuz
5436s otherwise you could get an unfair
5437s advantage obviously yeah but if your
5440s whole team is dead right then I mean if
5443s the whole team yeah but Jeff yeah but I
5446s think at the moment no I think it's only
5448s when people opt in or something I'm not
5451s sure but yeah at the moment no every
5456s chance it's up and thank you snow okay
5459s um I didn't know where God I mean Phil
5462s and the other ones are still in the
5463s other chat but yeah GG to them
5467s Ottawa's you guys were so like at least
5469s mr. Spock
5470s you relieved but so much I was getting
5472s nervous I saw you like running married
5474s like now but I feel like that okay I
5479s would say okay the ideas I think we
5481s should do one we're gonna do one with
5485s the just whatever you want to play and
5488s then I think we should do a Derringer
5489s like a meme you know we're gonna do a
5492s mean one
5493s okay but let's first get you know just
5496s pick whatever you want no idea where
5504s they went back to is this for
5506s celebration yeah yeah we're playing on
5509s us East it's because most of these are
5511s all from the US they're offering us so
5516s we're playing on yeah see now I can
5518s blame my ping I'm sorry guys it's just
5520s doing back cuz of the pink that was the
5522s King's with Spain guys can't help but
5524s you know what could I say
5527s space 15 okay done smack Gigi's really
5532s rat you were so I could not find you you
5537s were moving so much
5538s I did not expect there you mean if I get
5543s a gaming chair for the stream this year
5545s is like the best charity Herman Miller
5548s it's like expensive cheering you and Mac
5551s just came out of nowhere
5552s can't we heard everyone we actually
5555s weren't even close we heard everyone
5556s shooting and we were like well that's
5558s we're going this just like catch people
5560s mid-fight who was the people that I was
5562s fighting in the on the tower cuz like
5564s ask me gosh yes there was another team
5569s further yeah there were two themes we
5572s only saw them and then all of a sudden
5573s we were like getting a shot from inside
5574s yeah hello yeah we spawned down at Wolf
5578s and push that iron GG by the way I feel
5581s good job yeah but so the idea is okay
5584s we're gonna do one Brown normal where
5586s you can play whatever and then we run
5588s around where we do like derringer and
5590s then the silent pistol or something okay
5592s sounds good okay so like after his match
5594s everyone just get ready he will queue up
5595s and then after so and we do just queue
5598s up already because I think we're both
5600s already gonna be cute
5601s sit down anyways and then oh you guys
5605s already cute my god okay I'm not that
5606s fast I may invite it already you're not
5609s yet I just sent you an invite yeah okay
5612s for some reason my health was gone okay
5614s okay panic panic okay yeah they're
5621s really good like the Herman Miller
5623s chairs are the bomb
5624s they are probably way more comfy than
5626s any of the gamer chairs that I had in
5628s the past so I was just throwing up
5631s desperate bomb land shots from long
5632s range while I was getting Moses in the
5634s face okay I thought it would be a good
5636s idea to do from a bigger distance but I
5638s was like that's never gonna work you
5642s gotta you gotta throw the Hail Mary Hail
5643s Mary's out there cuz it's legendary if
5645s you actually hit it yeah I had a bee
5648s lady at like almost 50 meters nice also
5652s we probably should go to different you
5655s know different chats cuz we're getting
5657s into 15 dad picked me good 15 I'm here
5662s I'm here I'm here I'm here
5664s okay mom landslide bomb land squat we
5668s got this I brought add ultra precision
5669s this time so I can actually fight if
5672s they're from really far away
5673s I got a musket yeah Jade Hill Mary's I
5677s gotta do Hail Marys okay I also I have
5685s the guy that has like the ghillie suit
5687s looking thing some I'm super nice yeah I
5690s think I have a good one as well no of
5693s course I'm not barefoot I have my shoes
5695s on I have her PC right here what also
5704s one of my chat says there should be
5705s sites in this game sites like you mean
5708s like a Reaper scythe Oh sighs oh that
5711s would be really cool I mean that could
5713s be like huh if flu nez gonna ask you
5716s again I'm gonna be upset
5718s but I don't think so you don't be
5721s interesting is if like you could pick up
5726s certain boss weapons like I'll be like
5728s you know it like the butcher has like a
5731s melee weapon and if there was a boss in
5733s the future that had a site like after
5735s you killed it you could like to pick up
5736s his site uh-huh
5738s I mean I'll be all down for side sites
5742s are cool man again okay wait did you
5747s pick the other where are you it just it
5751s just didn't
5751s I just didn't load in no yeah it sent me
5756s to the menu I know I know my partner
5765s what do we do I don't know what happened
5768s it just like the game loaded and
5770s everything and then it just sent me out
5771s to the menu no it's fine anyway so lo
5777s this I mean I'll probably die in the
5781s next five second anyway so but they're
5784s gonna have to like pull up this dream
5786s I'm sorry that's okay it's fine I will
5791s die in your honor I mean kill everyone
5796s by myself nobody will know that I'm here
5799s that's a lot of hill Mary's don't have
5802s to do if this match for sure
5807s alright guys we're gonna pull up the
5810s stream so we didn't watch okay hi this
5822s is I'm gonna focus I'm gonna focus all
5825s right I'm gonna enter deaf in myself so
5828s there's not a weird echo yeah no it's
5829s fine good luck thank you I'll be
5834s thinking of you when I die all right I
5849s think I was good okay I was going wrong
5869s I don't like this I feel like I have to
5908s be really careful eyebrows oh but oh
5917s yeah I mean it sounds fine now you got a
5921s you got a look you got to represent you
5925s got to go in guns blazing bomb Lance is
5928s blazing yeah but you got to understand
5930s guns blazing doesn't work when you're
5932s alone against Teebs
5938s it's scary okay
5941s I'm scared I'm scared to die okay so I
5948s already took this closely I probably
5949s messed up why I hurt this protis like a
5954s while back and shots on the left so I'm
5956s just saying that there are people here
5967s do I go to the people or do I go to the
5971s fuck it gunshots it is
5997s okay
6020s other day
6023s you're definitely finding dogs
6062s Oh God okay
6083s Oh God somebody do you mean there's
6099s someone on that okay
6132s may be too late to say - they come in
6135s peace
6167s mistakes oh well maybe I'll just shirk
6169s that I'm so down I thought it would go
6171s ahead no come on come on come on come on
6190s come on come on come on
6204s some shit going on
6267s where they like I hear them running but
6271s I don't know where fuck the stupid AC is
6272s not helping
6317s fuck oh good
6321s Devin I didn't see him now I didn't see
6328s him god damn it
6331s oh it was it was a valiant effort I
6339s trust like yelling in my I was like
6342s reload you're born hi reload you're born
6343s here - had him if you had reloaded no I
6346s reload I reloaded my board I'm I did but
6349s you mean the first right no no I
6350s reloaded after that but shit I pretty
6354s sure thought that I had maybe that last
6356s one the last but I didn't know it was
6359s like I was trying to here for everything
6361s else
6362s oh I see me go shot like Frick I was
6375s I was so close I just didn't know
6378s everything I'm at the first fight he
6380s would add him like all right oh you know
6387s oh it killed that one too nice it's a
6389s fail nobody has been fighting the boss
6390s and I thought people oh my god I wasn't
6393s even like one of lessons I wish I knew
6395s how much damage I did to anyone if I did
6398s even any damage because like I did shoot
6399s one guy once for sure
6402s outside the when before like after
6405s before I reloaded the dole SH and my
6407s thing but let me see that sucks yeah
6422s that sucked okay so I think they're all
6427s just looking on so it's just feeling you
6429s know left alive I love to do shots okay
6432s do you know where shot I'm curious
6453s hey Greg Mary butts up uh note so we're
6460s using a test server right now but cause
6462s some games are still planned for a post
6464s 1.0 so we we house a call we we simulate
6474s a custom Lobby currently it's not real
6491s I'm doing good I just suck
6494s I just got messed up I just I'm Carrie
6501s okay Nino is gonna kill the assassin oh
6504s wait this Phil are no they should be
6507s like wait it's Phil dead I might not on
6510s the game i man okay so kill whoa did I
6514s miss a kill Phil oh my god not a murder
6525s jumped his death ah gosh darn it yeah
6528s headshot oh I missed that oh man
6534s yeah I was the only one and he went
6536s right okay so time for Amy run let's go
6541s back oh wait it was not even I like oh I
6544s like oh you like we behind it I was just
6547s talking to way so yeah yeah I don't know
6551s it just like booted me out to the main
6553s screen once it loaded you rip sauce yeah
6558s I saw Mac though she tried to bomb lands
6560s fail she almost got him but got a mean
6562s punch I was close I was close I'm so
6568s scared of me Liz
6570s it's like my one weakness hey I was one
6575s team Jala my partner was from there what
6586s we're doing are we doing a job yes we're
6591s gonna do derringer run and I would say
6592s what is silenced pistol as well yeah so
6599s the head pressed pistol and then
6603s derringer I'd be there we going double
6606s suppressed yeah yeah that's fine
6612s I'll allow it
6615s I'm gonna bring hey that's actually what
6621s I did so much I was like do I have a
6622s hunter with Fanning did I literally just
6624s like today
6627s hmm so what is melee allowed or is it
6632s specifically no I think we should have a
6634s lot male aim so I'm gonna bring in like
6638s a I mean a bomb is melee I don't think
6643s we should bring dynamite oh okay so corn
6649s yeah the clash mentioned be also fine I
6652s think we should be able to have
6654s explosive are like a concertina as long
6657s as we don't take like we got silence
6664s yeah silencer quad first date school
6667s obviously and I think I'm a a weapon so
6669s knife or dusters is fine no like lethal
6673s needs right yeah I think well I would
6675s say you can take lethal nice cuz you
6677s still have to hit them right so in the
6679s gun silencer the only weapon weight of
6684s the derringer
6688s Wow
6690s no yeah we may got a roll I think I
6692s think there's our first nothing the rule
6694s should be when you're fighting players
6696s you have to go for the derringer first
6698s okay yeah but if you play AI or whatever
6701s I think you should be fine with ammo box
6703s refill the derringer no no I'm only play
6706s Lutz good you should be able get out of
6712s special I'm a little bit yeah that'll be
6715s cool yeah you want my true bullets
6719s inside the derringer I we can have done
6726s mole derringer with four shots okay I
6735s mean can you have multiple derringers is
6738s that allowed
6739s oh well hopefully I load in this time
6743s I'm like paranoid about it now yeah I
6744s was gonna restart my client real quick
6746s okay yes
6748s alright guys let's see how this goes see
6754s how this goes so I'm taking I shouldn't
6757s say that right now but yeah okay I just
6774s like throwing out mean game the ideas
6777s that we could do yeah I heard they saw
6779s some wood on the roof at Fort do only
6781s melee like head-to-head duels of melee
6783s yeah I really hope we can get the custom
6785s lobbying like as soon as we can cuz I
6788s it's so fun because people oh wait I was
6791s talking to you guys but not really
6792s talking to you guys cuz I was muted the
6793s whole day I was saying words I was
6800s saying like yeah it would be cool when
6802s we get the costume oh because I think
6803s it'll be good for like special
6805s tournaments and stuff and people doing
6806s specific rules
6808s yeah yeah just Abul rule sets them yeah
6811s like you can bring certain weapons and
6813s stuff ya know because I'd be great
6815s really cool I like it
6819s spyglass only game one day yeah tell
6822s they were despite a glass or we're so
6825s you can do like fight no unfortunately
6829s it's just your fists but it counts as a
6831s spyglass skill if you get someone yeah I
6833s think it does son date if you have
6835s tomahawk she'd be able to throw the
6837s spyglass yeah that's what I was thinking
6840s I feel like with tomahawk you should be
6842s able to throw anything in your hand
6844s other than like a gun that'd be kinda
6847s hard with healing where you have to
6848s right-click but other stuff yeah
6854s what if with like the vitality shot you
6856s have to do the right cliff plus shift
6859s you like pull it up already doesn't like
6865s what's that door ready or no by the way
6868s I'm not sure we're thinking I are queued
6872s up right now oh okay then we queue up to
6874s it or the way you would do with the
6876s vitality shot is you can throw it after
6878s you've used it so it's like the vitality
6881s part of its
6882s silence the web are you inviting me way
6884s to damage sticks out of them like the
6891s arrows do from the cross yeah yeah just
6894s have a needle like sticking in there are
6896s my god
6897s mmm you did it doesn't hear me to get my
6902s invite I did okay throw duster no but a
6907s real spy gloss okay pray pray that you
6912s do I restarted my clients oh yeah should
6916s be good it helps oh that's good good at
6918s the idea with the spyglass to have that
6921s do what you do pings with yeah that
6923s could be actually that's cool that would
6925s be cool I'm also excited for detector
6927s abuses for by the way it's gonna be good
6929s excited for what exactly pin system
6931s where we can finally like talk with
6933s people without talking to be fast right
6936s every so often I could play my mic is
6938s not working I'm like hey there's someone
6941s there okay let's go to a room 15 right
6945s Oh
6948s 45 I think I moved oh there we go I
6950s thought I moved to someone random people
6952s but no I'm here I'm here - are you
6957s loading in I'm currently loading in okay
6960s but this happened last time and then it
6961s just after the main menu don't jinx it
6963s it will be fine we will be fine a little
6966s scared cuz my little wheel stopped
6967s spinning
6968s mine too so okay we both have us non
6973s spinning wheel let me see
6979s do you okay I am exciting okay
6987s wheels spinning again feel better about
6989s that yeah mine too okay all right I
6995s think I'm in this one yes we're good
7004s okay let's see let's see let's see
7012s all right okay I did think did you take
7014s like a like I'm because I did wrought
7017s dusters okay
7018s I took this oh you have to sell if it's
7022s okay I'll grab one science pizza and a
7024s machete and then obviously duster is for
7027s the the house it called
7035s dee dee dee dee dee dee dee ablator
7041s yeah I really wish this stupid AC could
7047s be fixed
7047s the sound is make me lose my mind it
7051s happened so the AC just every once in a
7054s while just does just to do that that it
7057s is like that and then it's just really
7062s well and you can hear it on stream and
7065s it makes me sad
7068s what need that heavily compressed
7070s microphone yeah
7073s that's the main reason that I got
7075s compression for my microphone is my ace
7077s you would pick on comedy yeah but like
7079s they see it's not that's fine but like
7080s the dad the the ticking is just really
7083s loud it's like no joke it's extremely
7086s loud we head over to karmic yeah sounds
7090s good I'm actually curious how much bang
7101s a half
7101s let me quickly turn it on okay wait I
7108s want to see my where is it again I'm
7117s very curious okay so if eighty ping a
7120s hundred thing okay yeah I know I'm
7125s actually like probably it feels to me
7127s like I'm around like 140 150 night oh
7130s wow I really I'm surprised that it's so
7132s much more from like the each side okay
7137s Oh
7149s I love this thing actually really like
7158s this pistol this is it yeah it used to
7161s be way stronger in the past but I mean
7163s otherwise it would be kind of crazy
7164s obviously oh yeah yeah yeah I see let's
7169s move in and stare and your time oh I
7180s hope they're not fighting me yet now I
7183s need to read for you for it
7185s oh I just say it sneaky bastard yeah did
7189s you lose the help no it's so close but
7192s it didn't
7193s there isn't happy be slight in-game Yuri
7195s you can already change your fov left or
7199s right all right yeah right here in here
7202s he just went in like the ha I see I
7205s thought I did see maybe I'm not seeing
7215s hey hey whoa whoa
7218s well I'm getting flash I'm safe close to
7220s the wall I'm just running I'm just
7221s around again just I hit my guy twice
7226s he's up on the banister oh my god
7229s flushed again okay fine no mrs. fan get
7241s him revenge
7244s Renee ders fuck was stupid double flash
7255s I should have just used my god damnit I
7261s was the guy up top twice yeah did he
7265s jump down then I suppose so right uh he
7269s like I think he like ran around he
7270s didn't like jump off the roof ring
7272s the stupid double uh gosh darn it
7276s I didn't sir patina I thought about
7281s their own mind but I didn't want to
7282s blind you again should I
7288s you were already blind anyway I probably
7289s should have just thrown it yeah I just
7291s didn't know I thought it was like you
7295s know I don't know what I was thinking -
7297s very so yeah I know we have an F of E
7300s slider we got a wonderful F of B slider
7304s it's getting max F of E if you'd like
7310s irenna circles to confuse my bro dude
7312s why I mean I was running but firmly I
7314s was being shot as well
7316s yeah yeah I'm excited for one point no I
7319s it's gonna be good my my birthday is a
7324s few days after it releases ah so 229 so
7328s you are are you still lying none I'm not
7331s sure am I still what a lion a lion a
7335s lion
7336s Oh like your sign yeah and I think I'm a
7340s Virgo whatever that is yeah you're a
7343s virgin yeah well how I only know that my
7347s dad was born in August so he was always
7350s a Leo all that on stream cheese right on
7354s my street of the company stream I mean
7358s it's just a sign it's golf for us I
7360s think it's called that Lake and Dutch
7363s it's even called virgin as well I mean
7365s it's just the name oh yeah
7369s Scott Matt
7372s I didn't make that up I'm sorry like the
7375s save would cancer it's not the disease
7377s it's the the crab I don't know why
7380s that's called like that can't have me no
7382s wait let me look this up i argus can't
7390s get up okay yeah it's gonna be busy
7396s downpour it will to be a barrage by
7399s completing the book of monsters before a
7401s reset I know we don't have a reward for
7404s completing a book of monsters but you
7407s gotta get to read all the lore before
7409s everyone else that's a reward
7425s mmm says depending which system of
7428s astrology you subscribe to and may be
7431s called virgos or vergons or Byrd going
7434s for Goins it's spelled like VI RG o ans
7439s okay yes you could pronounce that as
7441s virgins
7443s yeah I don't know I know it's like
7446s literate translated Dutch it's like
7447s virgin I'm thinking of what does scans
7449s resign then I think it's like okay no
7453s I'm not sure but actually the stream
7458s isn't 360 we're streaming instead 720 on
7461s 60fps got an OP it in the right bottom
7465s corner free screen to unload bullets
7476s yeah crap but I don't know we don't say
7478s crab in our country it's like something
7481s I think it's like lobster actually okay
7486s let me see so mrs. Ron I'm sorry I was
7488s getting very heavily distracted so we
7490s have failed so they already killed the
7492s bounty but nobody's picking up and fill
7494s someone to kill this we have ro alive so
7498s he's with Phil so cry and lunatic there
7501s would like to get her miss a spot
7503s yeah so we have three teams of life
7507s right now 9 a crab yeah it is but for us
7510s I think we call a Dutch we called a
7512s lobster I don't know why I think maybe
7515s I'm wrong I don't remember exactly
7516s anymore haven't spoken my language in a
7518s while I'm surprised nobody picks it up
7523s pick that thing up
7530s hey wait
7532s yeah no nobody picks up the token but oh
7535s oh they've come with women for blind
7537s mrs. fawn some nice aiming but Oh mrs.
7546s spot is getting flashed no I want to
7549s know actually why didn't he go he
7553s flashed me in the bush wait oh wait I
7561s cuz I lost connection to this session do
7563s you see that oh no for me it's so active
7567s weird
7568s everyone's like frozen no now I'm seeing
7573s Phil gun are oh they're they're fighting
7576s currently mrs. thought oh I see that
7579s he's shooting what is silenced pistols
7581s that's cheating
7585s well I mean if he doesn't have anything
7587s else but still technically cheating mrs.
7592s Fong caught cheating on stream confirms
7598s sales using a axe right now I mean that
7602s should be allowed cuz it's like picked
7604s up as well
7606s Godsmack is punching a armored at least
7611s I got disconnected after I was argued
7613s good yeah so we it's actually funny like
7616s we call the lobster and even though for
7619s America it's a crap that's really weird
7622s actually I mean we have a difference
7626s between cropping and lobster in Dutch
7628s but I'm not sick yeah yeah it doesn't
7633s have boots but still then you should
7635s fist fight right we can't have them
7636s cheat well we did say we said you could
7640s use sound Steph geez oh oh yeah that's
7642s true okay
7643s I thought yes derringer first okay gun
7646s smack is also out
7651s you're truly true thank you mm yeah but
7664s you can't restock a derringer with an
7666s ammo box we can already go back to top
7670s stop Chad if we won by the way if more
7674s people are doing that later is it over
7676s well no their play where we can just sit
7678s there waiting okay so at the moment it's
7686s just two teams left
7688s so we've missed a spawn and our Oh Oh
7690s heading Oh mrs. Brown is heading to ice
7693s you had gun smacked twice in a row oh
7696s that's like Oh Gus legs down let me see
7699s we're doing a meme meme meme game like
7702s derringer and our science pistol only
7711s imagine quiet but it doesn't
7718s Oh Aros fighting Oh down bills just
7722s running her out and like down oh you
7724s finally picked up the body
7725s mrs. Fogg got our oh he's getting up his
7729s friends I think right yeah bales down a
7735s spot what was why doesn't he get his
7738s teammate up I don't know if he'd ever
7741s invited them anymore
7742s yeah she'll like what's up yeah the fov
7749s slider is Neal
7756s yip-yip-yip yeah we wanted to have one
7762s one more one more
7764s GG's it so weird like I don't know why
7767s they didn't get each other up but I
7768s thought you guys were teamed up but no
7771s silence right that that that it's like
7777s I'm doing good too thanks for asking Oh
7780s mrs. spawn almost dead almost dead but
7791s he has a you know this issue
7793s okay he's shooting with the silenced
7798s which specific issues are you having I'm
7802s not sure which one we have but
7804s definitely get in contact if you have
7806s any issue on the Xbox let's see let's
7813s see
7815s today the Xbox got another contact back
7819s today actually poison and silenced today
7825s today today what looks weird some his
7831s bills just waiting in this little hot
7841s did you make sure you contacted us at
7843s and children a Caillou could have come
7845s because they should get back to you and
7854s fell oh he's actually on the move now
7857s okay
7858s Oh got it once from the hotel so okay
7870s that I don't know I haven't heard
7872s anything about that in general it
7875s suspect they mode not for not for
7877s regular games because it would give an
7880s unfair advantage that's why we don't
7886s want to do because people get cheat with
7887s this obviously that's why we have it
7889s pretty Bend only it's like a server side
7891s setting
7910s come on come on guys let's go okay I
7914s said was inspired I'm running out and
7921s out yes that is corrective it will
7929s indeed Oh
7935s through but missed it's missus spawn
7939s gonna take him out okay feel good huh
7949s feeling at ease
7956s yeah the dome I kill would be really
7958s good but yeah come on run to each other
7969s come on come on come on Oh a flash oh
7984s yeah
7985s and Phil ended it that's it he's getting
7991s his teammate up GG's gggg jeez I wonder
8005s if they're just gonna extract or what
8007s they're gonna do but that was it
8014s they were the ones I couldn't hear you I
8024s was trying to ask if I can leap bodies
8027s to get derringer shot either yeah I mean
8030s of course you were able to why wouldn't
8032s you right probably wrong a test server
8041s for me behind me and I turned around on
8051s you and I was like failed don't do it I
8055s mean it would have been perfect if it's
8058s hit I went the tomahawk that would be
8061s because I won it from that range with an
8064s axe yeah yeah geez guys so that means
8072s how many times I mean we haven't had it
8075s yeah when we fought a karmic he just to
8077s be flashed Michael honest like three
8079s times or something yeah lunatic I was
8085s about to throw a flashy you guys but
8087s there was no way to flash you without
8089s also flashing her I was so sad cuz I was
8094s trying to get away but I just couldn't
8097s yeah that was unfortunate yeah I feel
8099s bad yeah you should feel bad that's
8101s right you should squeeze things in
8105s quickly oh sorry go ahead
8106s mmm-hmm I just saying her screen was
8108s probably white for the entire fight yes
8110s Sarah use flash in quick play a few time
8115s I don't like to use it in real games I
8117s just feel so like so mean doing it I
8119s never use flash actually but I use
8122s flashes only when I'm running like melee
8125s combat axe or something mm-hmm
8128s I'll surprise fails survive the three
8131s body shots with the suppress that
8133s battery yeah that was super blows I've
8136s done it yeah but so tried we had only
8140s only broadcast is winning this time and
8143s not a single time to developers so good
8145s job guys
8147s at the moment they all wanted an Batman
8149s I mean it's the first time that it's
8152s just been one to like a frizz upend
8154s where we only had organized are we gonna
8157s do a USA chant is that it you say Chad
8160s no no no no I don't think we should I
8163s don't think you know I mean it's
8167s probably the big advantage let's be real
8169s you know yeah I'm on the west coast
8171s distance it's about 100 ping it's Joe
8175s your opinion from where you're at fail
8177s yeah I don't know what like since free
8179s weekend I get like a hundred thing on
8180s East Coast man same here
8183s well I don't know what mine was but it
8185s felt like 150 mine was 102
8189s yeah that was too bad I think all of us
8192s were around a hundred yeah exactly yeah
8195s I mean I don't I mean I don't I don't
8197s know if I notice it cuz I don't really
8198s notice that I noticed that I think
8200s because you don't think about it and
8203s also I wouldn't even remember how much
8204s like the label but I mean the other
8207s times I they play I only have two ping
8208s so there is definitely some difference I
8211s definitely think it impacted my bomb
8214s ladsous bond line shot it's not gonna
8217s live yeah the bomb Lance's we shot at
8219s you guys totally would have hit with
8220s yeah yeah did he really die I didn't see
8232s most of the diet your also died before
8234s against the the trap right the air
8238s traffic huh Oh fail I knew when you're
8241s in the Porta Potty - I couldn't talk to
8242s you in game I guess I was like fail are
8244s you hiding in the Porta Potty I can't
8247s shoot through board with the Daren or
8248s the suppressed so I knew I yeah because
8254s I looked at the lightning strike right
8255s over the top of that porta potti no like
8257s in there by the leeches going pretty
8264s yeah I think I learned something new
8265s today I watched someone mail a what the
8268s with the hive yep no no okay so that
8271s gets rid of it I saw lunatic to that but
8273s that's only in one point no and I was
8275s like wait that's feature it's not so
8277s okay it is something that's gonna come
8280s from 1.0 where you can like mail a
8282s beehive and they will go away like this
8284s worm go away like if they chased you
8287s yeah like away from that gray area yeah
8289s sure that's so cool yep it's coming 1.0
8292s and I think I think it was just
8295s automatisms
8296s cuz obviously they already play with the
8297s 1.0 build so I'm glad it hasn't been
8300s there the whole time because I would
8301s have felt like an idiot it's like I
8302s could have done been doing this you know
8304s I mean I there's always a sinks where
8307s it's like oh why did I not know this
8309s before it should have been obvious but
8312s ya know lots of cool stuff it's actually
8314s like the more I think about it like
8316s already considering how many streams we
8318s did and like there's still more streams
8320s left we still got a lot of stuff that's
8323s crazy there's so many things like I even
8325s forget about some things myself it's
8327s like when I were talking about getting a
8329s piece I said oh yeah I forgot about that
8331s already
8332s but it's so helpful and then the new UI
8334s is gonna be really cool we're gonna get
8336s a lots of other stuff it's gonna be
8339s really really good
8340s but yeah GG is most matches one still by
8345s fail but we still had a pretty good
8347s balance with the quick play we had a
8349s wind Benigno and sohinki
8351s I think was Nina sinking on two times
8354s spill I'm not sure to murmur quickly
8356s help me one who won yes he did we do the
8363s second one yeah it was first we'll need
8366s two three I thought we did for maybe a
8368s membrane doesn't remember anything in
8370s that derringer was so much fun yeah I
8373s really wished I didn't get flashed
8375s wasn't just saying yeah that should be
8377s like a
8378s you know be funny is if there were like
8380s special rotating contracts that we're
8382s all like ridiculous game modes yeah that
8384s would be name I mean that's something we
8386s should get been wrecked something I
8388s would definitely keep because like I
8389s think having those events where it's
8391s like melee only or something else that
8394s it would be cool to you know get some
8396s start there hear me out there's one
8399s contract and every player in the game
8401s spawns as a butcher or a spider oh god
8405s everyone even but anyways thank you guys
8413s so much for joining it was a good good
8416s events you guys have been thanks for
8419s having me you can ask yeah yeah thank
8420s you thank you it was a ton of fun it was
8423s a pleasure and you guys are all insane
8426s by the way it's like watching the way
8428s that you like quickscope is yeah this
8430s one quick lightning flick see guys - I
8432s can't do that any time
8434s I just prestiged in a practice 13,000
8448s series that's all I got 600 K that was a
8451s good day but anyways uh I want to close
8456s up by doing another shout out run uh so
8459s Godsmack thank you so much where can we
8460s find you when do stream so I normally
8465s stream afternoon EU morning at any time
8467s okay um switch to ZB / guns back with
8471s double okay mister spawn so I stream
8479s Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
8482s Saturday's usually from around 2:00 or
8485s 3:00 p.m. us mountain time to around
8487s 6:00 or later depends on how that I
8489s don't want to stay up and yeah that was
8492s a ton of fun this is a blast awesome I'm
8495s glad you guys liked it you know where
8497s could we find you uh twitch TV for slash
8501s you know and usually guys stream in the
8502s the afternoons us time and I think
8505s that's late night you yeah I would love
8508s to do a us like a us better us time
8511s obviously it's a lot harder as he said
8512s to get deficit that time yeah thanks for
8515s this this was really fun I really
8516s appreciate the opportunity yay play with
8520s you guys so thank you so hey where can
8522s we find you I'm always streaming at
8525s slash I think he I usually
8528s stream in the evening call it average
8530s like 6 p.m. Pacific time and I usually
8533s go till morning you time yeah I always
8537s end up seeing like Benson my chat saying
8539s good morning yeah yeah yeah wakes up
8541s earlier than I do in general and the
8544s Phil spawner where could we find you I
8547s mean y'all can find me on Twitch yeah
8549s yeah I know my stream from 10 p.m. to 6
8552s a.m. Central time so I'm up all night
8555s long usually I get a lot of morning
8557s people from the Eze yep if you had did
8560s the internet work again cuz I know you
8562s were struggling with some internet
8563s issues
8565s no no well I mean it kept up the whole
8569s time now so that's good but thank you
8572s guys so much and thank you also to her
8574s developers for joining and thank you
8575s guys for the chat for watching we hope
8577s you guys have fun
8578s and we'll see you guys next week for
8581s another developer live stream where we
8582s talk about new stuff coming to one but
8584s know like our UI so yeah I hope you guys
8589s have a good night and thank you for
8591s joining have a good day
8601s Oh