@virtuallydisney Hi!
You're right. This is not an official profile of ours.
We recommend you NOT to click on those links and report this page, if possible.
We already have done our part and now we can only wait for its removal.
You still have some until the #TraitorsMoon event finishes.
In the meantime, check out our newest merch design 'From the Earth'! Links down below. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQd-rpaWYAgqGjS.jpg
As the sick and dark grew worse in Lawson, people became more desperate to leave.
Rumor has it last train from Lawson took the lives of 10 people: 3 trampled in the rush to get on, 5 crushed under locomotion and 2 suffocated in the packed cars. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQexFkwWUAcNeRv.jpg